Motivational And Inspirational Quotes

180 Instagram Bio Quotes & Ideas You Can Copy And Paste

Ananya Bhatt

  • May 12, 2024
  • Inspirational Quotes

Looking for unique and interesting Instagram Bio ideas to make your Insta profile more appealing? We have rounded up the perfect collection of Instagram Bio quotes, Bio ideas, sayings, captions, and status (with images and pictures) to create an impact!

An Instagram bio is a small summary, found underneath your username, about yourself or your business.

Here are a few Instagram bio quotes and Instagram bio ideas that will surely create a great first impression and help you increase your followers.

Also See: One Word Captions For Insta (IG)

A lot of people ask What is a good bio for Instagram? or What do I put in my bio?

The best Instagram bios tend to have a self-description. Things to consider adding: your job title(s), some claims to fame, things you love, and what makes you stand out.

These are stylish, cool, savage, funny, and creative to make your Insta profile more attractive and get many followers.

Top 10 Instagram Bio Quotes That Are Epic

  • “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – Madelyn Teppner
  • “Believe you can and you are halfway there.” – T. Roosevelt
  • “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” – Maya Angelou
  • “A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” – Coco Chanel
  • “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou
  • “ You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S Lewis
  • “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe
  • “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” – Bernard M. Baruch
  • “Just because you fail once, does not mean that you’re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself because if you don’t, then who will?” – Marilyn Monroe

Cool Instagram Bio Quotes For Your Profile

  • “Be true to yourself.” – Unknown
  • “She created a life she loved.” – Unknown
  • “Living my life on my own terms.” – Unknown
  • “I shut my eyes in order to see.” – Paul Gauguin
  • “Caution: I’m so HOT it could burn.” – Unknown
  • “Be strong” I whisper to my Wifi signal.” – Unknown
  • “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” – Dalai Lama
  • “Just be yourself, there is no one better.” – Taylor Swift
  • “You can have results or excuses, not both.” – Unknown
  • “Never dull your shine for somebody else.” – Tyra Banks
  • “Create with the heart; build with the mind.” – Criss Jami
  • “Everything is so beautiful and so short.” – Marina Keegan
  • “There is intelligence when you are not afraid.” – Bruce Lee
  • “Here comes the sun, and I say… It’s all right.” – The Beatles
  • “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” – Pablo Picasso
  • “What others think of me is none of my business.” – Unknown
  • “The best people want to work the big challenges.” – Larry Page
  • “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” – William Ward
  • “The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin
  • “Don’t compromise yourself – you’re all you have.” – John Grisham
  • “I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” – Vincent van Gogh
  • “Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.” – Unknown
  • “Curiosity will conquer fear more than bravery will.” – James Stephenson
  • “Life is too short to spend time complaining instead of winning.” – Unknown
  • “I feel there is nothing more artistic than loving people.” – Vincent Van Gogh
  • “One of the only ways to get out a tight box is to invent your way out.” – Jeff Bezos
  • “He who would be a man must therefore be a nonconformist.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are.” – Lady Gaga
  • “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.” – Roy T. Bennett

Creative Quotes For Instagram Bio

  • “Feeling good living better.” – Drake
  • “We might be hollow but we’re brave.” – Lorde
  • “Didn’t they tell you I was a savage?” – Rihanna
  • “You become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly.” – Unknown
  • “Wear your confidence like a crown.” – Vicki Corona
  • “If you give, you begin to live.” – Dave Matthews Band
  • “I’m permanent. You can’t erase me.” – Shawn Mendes
  • “Lightning strikes every time she moves.” – Calvin Harris
  • “Outlining my findings, using life as a stencil.” – Kero One
  • “Hope is the dream of the waking man.” – French Proverb
  • “All the lights are sparking for you, it seems.” – Lana Del Rey
  • “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle
  • “It only takes one person to change your life, you.” – Unknown
  • “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.” – Wilson
  • “He turns not back who is bound to a star.” – Leonardo Da Vinci
  • “If you would create something, you must be something.” – Goethe
  • “You are so much sunshine in every square inch.” – Walt Whitman
  • “If I fail, if I succeed, at least I’ll live as I believe.” – Whitney Houston
  • “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” – Paul Valery
  • “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi
  • “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
  • “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese Proverb
  • “Shine on, diamond, don’t make me wait another day.” – My My My! by Troye Sivan
  • “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney
  • “If the world was blind how many people would you impress?” – Boonaa Mohammed
  • “Advantages never comes free. You have to create it the way you want it!” – Ashish Patel
  • “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.” – Aldous Huxley
  • “We press into the unknown rather than the known. This makes life lovely and lively.” – Julia Cameron
  • “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault

Short Instagram Bio Quotes And Status

  • “It is what it is.” – Theyeyodiaries
  • “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Time makes you bolder.” – Fleetwood Mac
  • “If you can be anything, be real.” – Nikki Rowe
  • “Live for yourself and don’t ever stop.” – John Tew
  • “Constant dripping hollows out a stone.” – Lucretius
  • “Life is a long lesson in humility.” – James M. Barrie
  • “Life is trying things to see if they work.” – Ray Bradbury
  • “We aren’t ever getting older.” – Chainsmokers, “Closer”
  • “Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.” – Drake
  • “For hope is but the dream of those that wake.” – Matthew Prior
  • “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills
  • “Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.” – Winston Churchill
  • “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” – John Lennon
  • “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” – Dalai Lama
  • “Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.” – Unknown
  • “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish.” – Jessica N. S. Yourko
  • “I believe that life is a prize, but to live doesn’t mean that you’re alive.” – Nicki Minaj
  • “Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third.” – Marge Piercy
  • “Wake up to realities! Real-life is all about real things!” – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
  • “Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” – W. Clement Stone
  • “It’s okay to love something a little too much, as long as it’s real to you.” – Gerard Way
  • “I live for the nights that I can’t remember, with the people that I won’t forget.” – Drake
  • “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost
  • “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.” – William B. Sprague
  • “Sometimes you don’t realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Unknown
  • “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least do something remarkable?” – John Green
  • “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” – Marcus Aurelius
  • “Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.” – Marilyn Monroe

Instagram Bio Quotes To Boost Your Profile

  • “I don’t repeat.” – Clayton Snyder
  • “I failed my way to success.” – Thomas Edison
  • “Dream big and dare to fail.” – Norman Vaughan
  • “Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso
  • “Good things happen to those who hustle.” – Anaïs Nin
  • “Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social.” – Jay Baer
  • “I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.” – Estee Lauder
  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  • “Real is better, the truth is better. Painful but better.” – Cath Crowley
  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
  • “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” – Robert H. Schiuller
  • “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
  • “If I’m gonna tell a real story, I’m gonna start with my name.” – Kendrick Lamar
  • “Never apologize for what you feel. It’s like saying sorry for being real.” – Lil Wayne
  • “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand
  • “Imagine your life is perfect in every respect; what would it look like?” – Brian Tracy
  • “You will remain where you are…, until you change your mindset.” – A. Steve-Ifeoluwa
  • “So much possibility lives within the beauty of your authenticity. Be real.” – Scott Stabile
  • “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” – Colin R. Davis
  • “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” – Margaret Mead
  • “The rest of the world was in black and white, but we were in screaming color.” – Taylor Swift
  • “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama
  • “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” – Mark Twain
  • “How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone?” – Coco Chanel
  • “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “If I’m honest, I have to tell you that I still read fairy-tales and I like them, best of all.” – Audrey Hepburn
  • “This may be the night that my dreams might let me know… All the stars are closer.” – Kendrick Lamar & SZA
  • “I would rather wear honest tears than the most beautiful and elaborately faked smile.” – Tyler Knott Gregson
  • “You know it’s real when reality becomes a dream, the dream becomes real, and real feels unreal” – Evy Michaels
  • “Feeling like a boss, and staring at the stars, it doesn’t matter the cost, ’cause everybody wants to be famous.” – Superorganism

Instagram Bio Quotes And Ideas

  • “Whatever you do, do it well.” – Walt Disney
  • “I’m a boss and I shine like gloss.” – Doja Cat
  • “Born to express, not to impress.” – Unknown
  • “Reality is wrong, dreams are for real.” – Tupac

instagram bio quotes

  • “An unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates
  • “Change the world by being yourself.” – Amy Poehler
  • “Love for all, hatred for none.” – Khalifatul Masih III
  • “No one has ever become poor by giving.” – Anne Frank
  • “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi
  • “A happy soul is the best shield for a cruel world.” – Atticus
  • “Never regret anything that made you smile.” – Mark Twain
  • “I embrace mistakes, they make you who you are.” – Beyoncé
  • “And all may do what has by man been done.” – Edward Young
  • “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci
  • “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth
  • “Oh, the things you can find, if you don’t stay behind.” – Dr. Seuss
  • “Determine your priorities and focus on them.” – Eileen McDargh
  • “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.” – Kurt Cobain
  • “Only a real man has the right to stand at the pinnacle.” – James Clavell
  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Every day might not be a good day but there is good in every day.” – Unknown
  • “I’m not perfect but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection.” – Unknown
  • “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.” – Andre Gide
  • “The strongest force in the universe is a human being living consistently with his identity.” – Tony Robbins
  • “Entertainment is temporary happiness, but the real happiness is permanent entertainment.” – Amit Kalantri
  • “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” – Judy Garland
  • “Being yourself is all it takes. If you want to impress someone don’t be someone else just be yourself.” – Selena Gomez
  • “Once your intentions are real and wise, helpful and positive, keep going forward. Never ever give up!” – Israelmore Ayivor

Best Instagram Bio to Get Followers

  • Follow me to greatness.
  • Follow me and I’ll follow back.
  • Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.
  • Follow my awessssome story.
  • Click the follow button to be part of my [adjective] journey.
  • Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.
  • I’m on my journey. Join me by following along.

instagram bio ideas

  • Pls, follow us on Instagram.
  • My story will inspire you, so be sure to hit that follow button.
  • Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life.
  • Follow along to witness history in the making.

Great Instagram Bios You Can Copy And Paste

  • ??Falling for you ??
  • ☕Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed ☕
  • Having the time of my life ⏰?
  • Looking at the world through ?colored glasses.
  • I’m sweet like honey ?
  • Don’t study me. You won’t graduate ?

funny instagram bios

  • Please cancel my subscription to your issues.
  • Status Update: Currently hungry ??????

cute bios for instagram

Funny Instagram Bio Ideas

If you are humorous and love to joke around and throw puns then give a glimpse of your personality with these funny Instagram bio quotes and ideas.

In your Instagram bio, you can include a short description, contact information, emojis, and more, provided you keep it under 150 characters. Try it out with some laughter lines!

  • I apologize for anything I post while hungry
  • Be strong,” I whisper to my WiFi signal.
  • Humble, with just a hint of Kanye
  • Chocolate never asks me any questions, chocolate understands me.
  • Recovering from donuts addiction.
  • A preview of my life. This is not the whole movie. P.S.: if you wanna get behind the scenes just head to my stories.
  • Words cannot express my love and passion for Fridays. The photos might help.
  • One day, I hope to become a grown-up.
  • Used to think I was a tad indecisive, but now I’m not quite sure
  • Life is short so I’m smiling while I’ve still got all my teeth
  • My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner topped with a chocolate dessert
  • Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream

Fitness Bio for Instagram

  • Workout enthusiast and personal trainer.
  • Helping you build healthier habits.
  • When you feel like giving up, keep going.
  • You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.
  • Strength comes from doing things you thought you couldn’t.
  • Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
  • Today doesn’t need your excuses. Make it happen.
  • The worst workout is the one you didn’t bother to do.
  • Hustle for more muscle.
  • Train insane or remain the same.

Best Instagram Bio Ideas For Girls

Girls are always looking for creative, cute, and sassy bios for the Instagram profiles. These amazing bio ideas are sarcastic, savage, cool, and full of attitude to tell the world a little bit about yourself!

Also See: Attitude Savage Quotes

Even if you have a private Instagram account, these bios are great to rock your Insta world.

  • Just like my eyeliner, I always wing it.
  • My standards are high… just like my heels.
  • I love rumors. I always find out amazing things about myself I never knew.
  • Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.
  • Real queens fix each other’s crowns.
  • I’m a woman with ambition and a heart of gold.
  • There is a princess inside all of us.
  • I shine from within so no one can dim my light.
  • I take a lot of selfies for my future biographer.
  • Smart. Strong. Silly. Straight up class act.
  • A girl doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her.
  • Sand in my toes and saltwater in my curls.
  • Haters are my greatest motivators.
  • Leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go ?
  • A smiling girl is the CEO of her own world.
  • Happiness never goes out of style.
  • I’m not perfect, but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection.
  • A woman has as many lives as her shoes.
  • Maybe she’s born with it.
  • Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.

Stylish Instagram Bio Ideas for Boys

  • Living life on my own terms.
  • I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in rawest form.
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
  • Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
  • I might not be where I want to be yet, but I get closer everyday.
  • I got to where I am today by being me.
  • I was born to do exactly what I’m doing today.
  • Don’t like me? Don’t care.
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine.
  • One day, I hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth.

Whether you are a popular Instagram influencer, personality, or a celebrity you can chose the perfect short Instagram Bios and create a killer impression for your followers.

Eight ways of making your Instagram bio attractive and draw attention;

  • Add a tagline.
  • Use emoji creatively.
  • Be minimalistic.
  • List your interests.
  • Link the other social media accounts your business has.
  • Use branded hashtag.
  • Add line breaks to your Instagram bio.
  • Include an appealing call to action.

How do You Put a Link in Your Instagram Bio?

To add a link to your Instagram bio, follow these steps:

  • Go to your profile and select the “Edit Profile” button
  • Add the URL in the “Website” field
  • Save the changes
  • Test the website link in your profile

How to Add Instagram Link-in-Bio

So, you probably already know how to add your website link to your Instagram bio. But what about when you want to add multiple links?

A super amazing website that’ll help you do this is Linktree . All you need to do is log into your link tree account, add the links to your website and other social media profiles, and share your unique link on your Instagram profile.

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151 Instagram Quotes for Literally Any Occasion

Trying to find the perfect Instagram quote for your post, Reel or bio? We’ve got 150+ options to suit any occasion.

cover image

Table of Contents

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a creative rut when thinking of quotes for Instagram? Fear not!

We’ve put together a giant list of Instagram quotes perfect for any situation that requires a witty, endearing, or super-sassy saying to make your post stand out.

Whether it’s 2 AM, the morning after that wild Friday night, or just Monday motivation, we’ve got you covered with some classic (and original) Insta-worthy quips!

Bonus: 14 Time-Saving Hacks for Instagram Power Users . Get the list of secret shortcuts Hootsuite’s own social media team uses to create thumb-stopping content.

151 Instagram quotes for any type of post

Below, we cover a mix of famous quotes and original quotes you can shamelessly copy, paste, and pass off as your own. Here are 151 Instagram quotes perfect for literally any occasion.

Quotes for Instagram bio

Your bio should tell the world who you are, so don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. It can be as sassy or serious as you want people to take you.

If you want to keep it bare bones, just list your name and what you do. Or throw in an emoji that sums you up.

  • Here for the dog pics
  • I’m not really here
  • Just here for the validation
  • Follow for bad decisions and poor impulse control
  • Food-photo expert
  • Writer, dog-walker, maker of fried rice
  • Writer by day, zombie slayer by night
  • Looking for entertainment until I’m cryogenically frozen
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” – Jennifer Dukes Lee
  • “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen

quotes for biography on instagram

Create. Schedule. Publish. Engage. Measure. Win.

Cute quotes for Instagram

These cute quotes for Instagram are perfect when you want to post a pic of yourself and that special someone!

  • You’re the peanut butter to my jelly
  • I’m a sucker for you
  • If you were a triangle, you’d be acute one
  • I’m a little bit obsessed with you
  • You make it feel like we’re doing life on easy mode
  • “She acts like summer and walks like rain.” – Train, Drops of Jupiter
  • “Some people are worth melting for.” – Olaf, Frozen
  • “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lorenzo • Baking & Pastry (@stressfree_artistry)

Is there anything cuter than a heart-shaped lollipop?

Good quotes for Instagram

You ever just want a quote that’s just good ? This section is full of good quotes for Instagram!

  • “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
  • I’m not a selfie person, but I am a people person
  • A picture is worth a thousand words
  • Life is too short for bad vibes
  • “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West
  • “Do what you love, and the money will follow.” – Marsha Sinetar
  • The best things in life are free
  • Live, laugh, like my photo
  • “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” – Taylor Swift
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ravi Bishnoi (@bishnoi6476)

Cricket star Ravi Bishnoi has his priorities on lock. Bad vibes? Nowhere to be seen.

Instagram quotes for selfies

Feelin’ yourself? Post that pic, my friend! Get those likes! And pair it with one of these Instagram quotes for selfies:

  • If you didn’t take a selfie, did it even happen?
  • Maybe she’s born with it… Maybe it’s an Instagram filter
  • You’re only as good as your last selfie
  • If you were looking for a sign, here it is
  • But first, let me take a selfie
  • Sending my selfie to NASA because I’m a star
  • Confidence is the best filter
  • I woke up like this (or did I?)
  • “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Eva Mendes (@evamendes)

Because we all wish we could wake up this flawless.

Happy quotes for Instagram

Here are some happy quotes for those days when you’re whistling along to Pharrell’s hit song happy , and want to tell the world about it!

  • “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan
  • “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus
  • “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within.” – Helen Keller
  • “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” – Benjamin Disraeli
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Van Leeuwen Ice Cream (@vanleeuwenicecream)

Happiness absolutely comes from within—especially if we’re talking about the inside of an ice cream carton.

Smile quotes for Instagram

Aren’t smiles contagious? It’s the only thing we’re spreadin’ these days. Here are a few smile quotes for Instagram to turn those frowns upside down!

  • A smile is the best accessory
  • Smiling counts as exercise
  • If you see someone without a smile, give them yours
  • “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller
  • Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.
  • A soul smile is a real smile.
  • A big smile is a happy heart

Baddie quotes for Instagram

Being a baddie is a state of mind. Here are a bunch of baddie quotes for Instagram designed to boost confidence and break hearts.

  • I’m not a snack at all. I’m a whole damn meal.
  • I may be bad, but I feel good
  • You’re welcome, world
  • “… let us be elegant or die.” – Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
  • I’m not a damsel in distress, I’m the dragon.
  • It’s an ode to joy. Joy is me. I’m joy.
  • “When you look this good, you don’t need to know anything.” – Philip J. Fry, Futurama
  • Be savage, not average
  • “Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.” – Holly Black, White Cat
  • “​​Be young, be dope, be proud.” – Lana Del Rey, American
  • “Shoutout to my haters, sorry that you couldn’t phase me.” – Nicki Minaj
  • “Call me cursed or just call me blessed. If you can’t handle my worst you ain’t getting my best.” – Nicki Minaj
  • “I’m an emotional gangster. I cry once every month.” – Cardi B
View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Thug Pug (@itsthethugpug)

An icon, a legend, a baddie forever.

Funny quotes for Instagram

Want to make people laugh? These funny quotes for Instagram range from super-cheesy to made-you-stop-scrolling-to-smirk.

  • The human equivalent of a Sunday morning hangover
  • Coffee, chocolate, me. Some things are just better rich.
  • Unfortunately, my bank account believes we are minimalists.
  • Wine + dinner = winner
  • Zoom culture really puts “dress for the job you want” in perspective. Anyone else change out of sweats recently?
  • Better to say, “oh no” than wonder what if?
  • Just don’t it.
  • “I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later.” – Mitch Hedberg
  • “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” – Jack Handey
  • “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.” – Mark Twain
  • “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” – Michael Scott (Steve Carrell), The Office

Nature quotes for Instagram

Where’s a better place to put your pictures of the real, natural outdoors than on a social media app that exists in the ephemeral world of the internet? Nowhere. That’s where. Here are a bunch of nature quotes for Instagram ripe for the pickin’.

  • The best thing in life are trees
  • The earth laughs in flowers
  • “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness” – John Muir
  • “Not just beautiful, though–the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me.” – Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
  • “The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • Heaven is under our feet
  • Nature walks are cheaper than therapy
  • Go touch grass
  • This is a sign to close Instagram and go outside
  • “I’d like to stay here for a while and go wild” – Maïa Vidal, Our Place
  • “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” – John Muir
  • “Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” – Khalil Gibran
  • “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein
  • “Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “To sit in silence with nature…that is true wisdom.” – Lailah Gifty Akita
  • “The earth has music for those who listen.” – William Shakespeare
  • “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore There is society, where none intrudes By the deep Sea, and music in its roar I love not Man the less, but Nature more” – Lord Byron
View this post on Instagram A post shared by forét ® (@foretstudio)

Outdoor clothing brand forét is all about nature.

Business quotes for the hustlers

Are you a rise-and-grind business babe? You’ll want to stock up on some hustlin’ words of wisdom so you can spend more time making deals and less time writing Instagram quotes.

  • Blood, sweat, and tears: The recipe to success
  • “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle
  • “It’s not about ideas; it’s about making ideas happen.” – Scott Belsky
  • “Success doesn’t just find you; you have to go out and get it.” – Marva Collins
  • “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.” – Jeff Olson
  • “If you don’t value your time, nobody else will.” – Bo Bennett
  • “The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your own terms.” – Chris Brogan
  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney Company
  • “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capote
  • “I haven’t failed; I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work”- Thomas Edison
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done” – Nelson Mandela
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
  • “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  • “You gotta be a beast, that’s the only way they’ll respect you.” – Nicki Minaj

Instagram quotes for expressing gratitude

Bust these gratitude quotes out during your annual Thanksgiving day post, or use them as daily affirmations. Either way, send your thanks out into the universe via Instagram quote.

  • “I am grateful for what I am and have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
  • I am grateful for what I am and have. My gratitude is endless.
  • “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward
  • I am thankful for the good times and the bad times, as they have both made me who I am today.
  • I am grateful for all of the lessons I have learned in life.
  • “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beattie
  • I am thankful for the people who have been there for me when I needed them the most.
  • “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” – Jean Baptiste Massieu
  • “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” – Cicero
  • “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart
  • “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust
  • “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” – A.A. Milne
  • I am grateful for the smiles, the laughter, and all of the happy moments.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oprah (@oprah)

Oprah is basically the queen of all gratitude posts.

Disney quotes for Instagram

Disney quotes can bring the right amount of adorable whimsy to your posts. They’re well-known and, even if they weren’t, they all speak to the human condition.

  • “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” – Snow White
  • “Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” – Lilo & Stitch
  • “If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.” – Cinderella
  • “The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.” – Dumbo
  • “When you wish upon a star, your dreams will come true.” – Pinocchio
  • “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
  • “The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.” – Alice in Wonderland
  • “A dream is a wish your heart makes”- Cinderella
  • “Don’t just fly, soar”- Dumbo
  • “Today is a good day to try”- Mulan
  • “The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible”- Alice in Wonderland
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ashley Masse (@ashley_masse)

A classic Disney reference is never a bad look

Classic movie quotes

Sometimes you need to bring it back to the good oldies with some classic movie quotes. The best thing about these is that they’ve been used so many times; they’re past cliché now. They’re so overdone they’ve become cool again. Kind of like how those 90s neon ski jackets came back into fashion.

  • “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” – The Godfather
  • “You talkin’ to me?” – Taxi Driver
  • “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” – The Wizard of Oz
  • “Here’s Johnny!” – The Shining
  • “May the Force be with you.” – Star Wars
  • “I’ll be back.” – The Terminator
  • “Hasta la vista, baby.” – The Terminator
  • “I am your father.” – Star Wars
  • “You can’t handle the truth!” – A Few Good Men
  • “E.T. phone home.” – E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
  • “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” – The Godfather
  • “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” – Wall Street
  • “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.” – Cool Hand Luke

Tips for selecting the best quote for your Instagram posts

When it comes to choosing the perfect quote for your Instagram posts, there are some simple tips you should follow to make sure you’re making a wise selection.

Work within your space

Remember, less is more. Don’t write a massive, text-filled paragraph. Work within your space and make it easy for your viewers to read your Instagram quote. That being said, longer Instagram captions tend to drive engagement . They say the ideal Instagram post length is 138 to 150 characters.

Experiment with contrast

Intentional discrepancies can make for interesting content. Posting a serious photo? Pair it with a lighthearted quote, or vice versa.

Maybe you’re posting a picture of the girls out in the city; try pairing it with a nature quote. Try your hand at humor through contrast; the unexpected can be funny.

Keep it relevant

This isn’t your Facebook status circa 2008 anymore. You can’t just spout off whatever Green Day lyrics popped into your head or share your feelings with no context. You need to make sure your quotes on Instagram (whether they’re captions, your bio, or posted in a photo) are relevant.

To clarify, relevancy can mean a few different things:

  • Does it relate back to you or your brand clearly?
  • Is it timely for cultural events?
  • Will people understand what you’re referring to?
  • If it’s a caption, does it make sense with your photo?

Use a consistent brand voice

Brand consistency is hugely important in creating a recognizable, reliable presence on social media. When crafting posts with Instagram quotes, a consistent brand voice helps your audience understand who your brand is. Are you a sassy Instagram influencer? Then the Baddie quote section above may be best for you.

Cohesive, identifiable branding allows viewers to become familiar with and trusting of your messages. Quotes crafted with your chosen brand voice will also help draw supporters in and encourage them to engage with your posts. Consistency makes it easy for people to become attached to what you’re saying, in turn leading to a larger fan base and more loyal followers.

Stay up to date with your Instagram trends

As with anything Instagram-related, staying up to date with the latest Instagram trends is going to do good things for your content. Finding quotes that work within the newest Instagram trends is an added bonus.

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Colleen Christison is a freelance copywriter, copy editor, and brand communications specialist. She spent the first six years of her career in award-winning agencies like Major Tom, writing for social media and websites and developing branding campaigns. Following her agency career, Colleen built her own writing practice, working with brands like Mission Hill Winery, The Prevail Project, and AntiSocial Media.

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300+ Instagram bio quotes and captions to rock your feed

Instagram bio quotes feature

Looking to impress and inspire those who end up on your Instagram profile with fancy and cool Instagram statuses? Having good Instagram bio quotes and captions is essential to capture your audience. If they find what they read on your Instagram bio interesting, they will then continue looking at the rest of your feed. If they don’t, they may leave. And if they like the captions you put, they are very likely to start following you. Have you ever read someone’s Instagram status and related? That’s right, we usually like to follow those who think like us and clever Instagram captions are a way to do that.

Attention spans are shorter than ever and the platform is filled with endless amounts of the same type of content, similar filters and even the same framings. Whether you are looking for a cute Instagram bio quote or a clever Instagram status for your photo, I got you covered in this list of 300+ Instagram bio quotes and captions.

Cool Instagram status

Instagram bio quotes and statuses

Instagram offers its user the opportunity to create a profile, also referred to as your Instagram Bio, under which all the photos published are located. There are three types of users on the platform, Personal, Business and more recently, Content Creator accounts.

Regardless of the type of profile you have, all profiles have a profile photo that cannot be enlarged, a name, a username (your Instagram handle which starts with @) a short bio, and a website link (remember the popular “link in bio” comment you read on influencer’s posts?).

Brand profiles have mandatory contact details that may or may not be public, but people can use to call you, and I have got a lot of weird middle-of-the-night calls this way. Content Creator accounts also have contact details (though you can specify an email only) and a label, for example, blogger. You can choose to make your contact details and label private.

Things to consider when deciding your Instagram Bio quote

Instagram bios have a description field which allows for a maximum 150 characters. This may seem like a lot but with an average 5 characters for word, this is only 30 words. Say a bit about yourself and you will quickly eat up your allowance.

What I am trying to say is: be smart when choosing your Instagram status because space is of the essence.

What I am trying to say is: be smart when choosing your Instagram bio quote because space is of the essence.

How to pick the best quote for your Instagram bio

Before we jump right into the depths of the sea of Insta bio quotes, a word of warning.

The best bio quotes for Instagram are those that are representative of you and what you stand for and tell something to the person landing on your Instagram profile bio that makes them want to get to know you better.

While you may be tempted to pick a cute Insta bio quote for your profile, consider your audience and the image you want to portray before you do that. It may sound cute to you and your girlfriends but if your brand is a business hotel, the Instagram bio ideas you choose may be out of place.

A funny Insta bio quote could work for a snarky brand that wants to be slightly edgy, but it would probably be risky for an NGO.

Because not all styles work for everyone, I have decided to split the list of best Instagram bios quotes and captions into several categories so you can go right down to the type of image you want to convey.

Cute and girly quote and bio for Instagram

I had to start with the cute and girly Instagram statuses because if done properly and for the right profile, they can work wonders to put people in the right frame of mind. After all, 68% of Instagram users are female and that is most likely your audience too.

I selected the best girly quotes for your Instagram bio and avoided the ones that are too cheesy. A girly Instagram bio quote can also portray a strong and ambitious woman, so let’s take a look at 36 cute Instagram bio quotes.

1. “I am just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin” – Isn’t that a good start to our list of cute Instagram bio quotes? I knew you would like it

2. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit”

3. “Silence is the most powerful scream”

4. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”

quotes for biography on instagram

5. “Sometimes you don’t realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”

6. “Every time I see you I fall in love all over again”

7. “If life is not smiling at you, give it a good tickling” – One of my favorite lighthearted Instagram bio for girls

8. “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies” – This one is a bit cheesy, but there is a fine line between a cute Instagram status and a sticky one

quotes for biography on instagram

9. “If life gives you lemons, make a margarita”

10. “There are no rainbows without rain, no stars without darkness”

11. “A King only bows down to his Queen”

12.””I have enough shoes”, said no one ever” – I have been known to own 60+ pairs of shoes…maybe this is my perfect Instagram bio quote!

quotes for biography on instagram

13. “I never met a French fry I didn’t like”

14. “Be like a pineapple: stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet in the inside” – One of the top Instagram bio for girls, it talks about self-esteem, strenght and feeling good

15. “Rain is like confetti falling from the sky”

16. “You are enough” – I might have borrowed this great Instagram bio quote from a brand

quotes for biography on instagram

17. “The greater the storm, the brighter the rainbow”

18. “You can’t spell awesome without ME”

19. “I am like a butterfly: pretty to see and hard to catch”

20. “Lift up your head princess or your crown will fall”

quotes for biography on instagram

21. “Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be”

22. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” – Vicki Corona

23. “Be like a diamond, precious & rare, not like a stone found everywhere”

24. “Born free now I am expensive” – A friend of mine once gifted me a cute notebook that had this quote on the cover and I thought it made for a great Instagram status for girls

quotes for biography on instagram

25. “I don’t have time to hate people who hate me because I’m too busy loving people who love me”

26. “Living the life I imagined”

27. “Today’s mood is brought to you by coffee and lipstick”

28. “Behind every girl’s favorite song, is an untold story”

quotes for biography on instagram

29. I’m a girl..Don’t touch my hair, face, phone, or boyfriend

30. “I dress up to stare at my reflection when I walk past store windows”

31. “The hardest thing I ever tried was being normal”

32. “Keep your heels, head & standards high”

quotes for biography on instagram

33. “Chocolate doesn’t ask questions, chocolate understands”

34. “Trust the magic of new beginnings”

35. “I like it when you smile but I love it when I’m the reason”

36. “No rain no flowers”

quotes for biography on instagram

Because one can never have too much optimism and girl power, here are 14 more Instagram bio quotes for girls you can also use on your Instagram captions. I could not stop myself at just 36, could I?

37. “Some girls don’t need make up because they are born to be original”

38. “I know looks are not everything, but I have them just in case” – I say girly Instagram bio quote, but I also say #femalepower

39. “I am made of flaws but stitched up to perfection”

40. “I am half sassy and half glam with a sprinkle of fairy dust” – My friend once got fairy dust as birthday present, I was so jealous! Maybe I should change my Instagram bio quote for this one

41. “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions”

42. “I like my coffee how I like my man: hot and strong”

43. “A smarty pants who knows too much for her own good”

44. “Be the flamingo in a flock of pigeons”

45. “I am sugar and spice and everything nice”, Ashley Jana

46. “Confident is the new Sexy”

47. “Chase my storm”

48. “Addicted to Vitamin-Sea”

49. “A little bit of sun, sand and sea”

50. “I am a cutie with a mission and a hottie with ambition” – Probably a more suitable Instagram bio quote for my profile

51. “Bubbly like Champagne”

52. “Wear your confidence like a crown”

53. “Sleep is like a time machine to breakfast”

54. “You don’t need a King and a castle to be a Princess”

Instagram captions

55. “Always living in the weekend”

56. “I’m everything you want but can’t have” – How sassy and self-confident is this Instagram bio quote?

57. “Let’s get lost together”

58. “These are the days we live for”

59. “Life is like a box of chocolates” – Forrest Gump. A quote that I have always loved ever since I was a kid

60. “Gone wild for a while”

61. “Watching sunsets not Netflix”

62. “Sweeter than honey”

63. “This account is proof that I can take photos”

64. “Life is a like a balloon, if you don’t let go you will never know how far it can rise”

Instagram captions

65. “On a 24h Champagne diet” – Not just an Instagram status for gils, I know lots of men who love champagne too 😉

66. “Chasing waterfalls and wanderlust” – A great Instagram bio quote for the travel lovers

67. “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions”

68. “I don’t need prince charming to have my own happy ending”

69. “I won’t cry for you. My mascara’s too expensive” – grrrrrrl!

Funny Instagram bio quotes

Making people smile will immediately put them in the right mood.

Creating a positive first impression will have a lasting impact, so a funny Instagram quote is usually a good place to start.

But be careful not to confuse humor with rudeness, sarcasm can be quite dangerous here as you never know what state of mind anyone who will be reading your Instagram bio quote is in. To avoid any risks, I have chosen a list of funny Instagram captions that are sure to make everyone smile and are fool-proof.

1. “It may look like I am having deep thoughts but I am actually just thinking about what to eat next”

2. “To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid”

3. “Recovering ice-cream addict”

4. “Life is too short for bad coffee”

quotes for biography on instagram

5. “Monday is so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday”

6. “There, I joined Instagram, now what?”

7. “Under construction, come back soon”

8. “Don’t follow me because I don’t know where I am going” – This Instagram bio quote is dedicated to all those young souls who are yet to know what they want to be when they grow up

quotes for biography on instagram

9. “I always learn from the mistakes of others who take my advice” – I can’t help but laugh at this cheeky funny Instagram status (and know a few friends for whom this would just fit!)

10. “My hobbies include eating and complaining that I’m getting fat”

11. “I’m not short, I’m just more down to earth than other people”

12. “I prefer my puns intended”

quotes for biography on instagram

13. “I wonder what happens when the doctor’s wife eats an apple a day” – Admit it, this IG bio quote made you smile!

14. “It is wine o’clock somewhere!”

15. “This is the account of a caffeine dependent life-form”

16. “Never argue with an idiot they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you through experience”

quotes for biography on instagram

17. “[Insert funny stuff about myself here]”

18. “I only use Instagram to stalk” – At least this one is an honest Instagram bio quote

19. “Your vibe attracts your tribe”

20. “Hey I just met you and this is crazy”

quotes for biography on instagram

21. “Everyday is Friday if you want it to be”

22. “If I was funny, I would have a good Instagram bio quote”

23. “Cucumber is 95% water and 100% not pizza”

24. “This account is me on my worst behavior”

quotes for biography on instagram

Good Instagram bio quotes

Not all Instagram bio quotes and captions need to be about rainbows and butterflies and be coloured in pink, sometimes you just want a good Instagram bio quote to inspire your followers and tell them what you are all about and how you see things.

I find that good Insta quotes are the right mix between inspiration and life philosophy so I have chosen to suggest IG bio quotes that are most optimistic without sounding arrogant.

Let the quotes in the following list inspire your own Instagram bio or feel free to use them as they are if they resonate with you.

1. “I did not wake up today to be mediocre”

2. “Be the light you want to see in the world” – By the way, this is not a quote from Ghandi

3. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”, African proverb

4. “Don’t expect change while thinking the same”

quotes for biography on instagram

5. “Don’t let the colors fade to grey”, from a song by 5 Seconds of Summer

6. “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”, Jeniffer Lee

7. “The most complicated skill is to be simple”, Dejan Stojanovic

8. “A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep”

quotes for biography on instagram

9. “Optimism is contagious” – Did you ever notice this to be the case?

10. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it”

11. “The best things in life are free”

12. “It is better to be a lonely lion that a popular sheep”

quotes for biography on instagram

13. If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up

14. “Hustle + Heart will set you apart”

15. “All your dreams are on the other side of fear”

16. “An optimist sees opportunity in every difficult situation

quotes for biography on instagram

17. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

18. “You totally can”

19. “Daydreamer, night thinker”

20. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”

quotes for biography on instagram

Let’s continue with 13 more creative and illuminating Instagram bio ideas that are sure to capture your visitor’s attention.

21. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”

22. “I’ll never try to fit in. I was born to Stand out”

23. “Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction”

24. “Be the best possible version of yourself”

25. “The three most important words are “Yes, I can””

26. “Be the type of person that you want to meet

27. You may see me struggle, but you’ll never see me quit

28. I turned my Cant’s into Cans & my Dreams into Plans

29. When life gets blurry adjust your focus

IG Quotes

30. “Making mistakes is better than faking perfections”

31. “A mistake which makes you humble is much better than an achievement that makes you arrogant”

32. “Don’t treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are”

33. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

34. “If people are talking behind your back, be happy that you are the one in front”

35. “I look challenges in the eye and wink”

Famous Instagram bio quotes

The most inspirational Instagram quotes come from famous people. While these are not your words, using something someone famous said as an Instagram bio quote is a good way to put yourself in the company of the best.

But what is better is that you take inspiration from these quotes and adapt them so that they are your own Instagram bio quote ideas, changing them to your point of view. But don’t turn them into a bumper sticker and put words in the mouth of someone who never said them.

There are thousands of inspirational quotes so we have selected the most suitable ones for your Instagram bio and photo captions.

1. “Build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theres”, Farrah Gray

2. “We can easily forgive a child who is afriad of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light”, Plato

3. “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong”, Benjamin franklin

4. “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”, John Lennon

IG Quotes

5. “It is never too late to be what you might have been”, George Eliot

6. “They used to shout my name, now they whisper it”, Lorde

7. “It always seems impossible until it’s done”, Nelson Mandela

8. “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced”, Soren Kierkegaard

9. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters”, Audrey Hepburn

10. “(…) Accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”, Elinor Smith

11. “This is a wonderful day, and I have never seen this one before”, Maya Angelou

Best Instagram statuses and quotes

Because we all have stared at the blank “description” field of a photo without knowing what Instagram status to type, I’ve put on a list of the best Instagram captions to inspire you to find your own, or you can simply re-use any of the below.

What is an Instagram caption and a status

While the quote for your Instagram bio goes on your profile, Instagram captions are the text that accompanies each of the photos you post and make a status update.

A caption can include simple text, hashtags and handles used to tag someone else. Remember that captions do not support clickable links, the only link that you can click on Instagram is on your bio.

Instagram allows for 2,200 characters to be written in the caption and up to 30 hashtags. This does not mean you need to use it all, and I certainly have never reached the maximum length allowed, but you could if you would and some bloggers and writers are known to pack an entire article in the caption of an Instagram photo.

Your Instagram caption can also include emojis, and a call to action if that is relevant, like for example “Like this photo if you would like to be here” or “Like this photo if you agree”.

Did you ever wonder how to change the font of an Instagram caption? Like in the example below.


You can do that by using this website . You type your text on the left and the various font options will appear on the right, then simply copy and paste. It works on mobile, obviously, as this is the only way to upload Instagram photos at the moment.

Why Instagram captions are important

A photo’s Instagram caption is very important because it can totally change the meaning of an image and help your audience decide whether they like it or not.

It also serves as a way to convey a message, share a thought or explain an image. If you are sharing a selfie, the caption will tell your followers what you were thinking or feeling at the time. An image says more than a thousand words, but an image without a caption can say even more things and different ones to everyone.

According to Social Media Examiner , good Instagram statuses do engage people more and can also make you rank higher in the Instagram Algorithm because it assumes that your content is more valuable for your followers. Meaning that they are important if you want to engage with your audience and help them identify with you more.

Unspoken Instagram rules

Not matter what you write in your Instagram caption, here are some recommendations and common courtesy rules when you create your Instagram status:

– If you are reposting someone else’s photo, remember to thank them and credit them with a link to their profile by tagging their handle.

– If you grabbed the photo from a website, you must make sure you got the photographer’s permission to use it in order to ensure you do not violate copyright laws. Never post a photo that you did not take without crediting its owner.

– If you are borrowing a quote from someone else, make sure you give them proper credit. Since it is likely the caption belongs to someone from before our time who does not have an Instagram account, you can use their full name, for example, “Sigmund Freud” or “William Shakespeare”.

– If you want to give your Instagram photo extra exposure, these are some of the most popular hashtags of 2019:


The perfect Instagram status

Some Instagrammers like to write funny Instagram captions on their content to give it a more relaxed and positive vibe, others want to inspire others with their content and can spend a really long time thinking about a good Instagram caption that can even change the audience’s mood, bring them joy or make them reflect a little.

Some captions are didactic and will teach your audience something you learned and which is portrayed on the image, or will explain what is not obvious from the photo. This is common from travel photography.

For example, I may post a picture of me in the desert and then explain that this is not just any desert but part of an archeological site, something that may not be obvious from the picture itself.

Instagram 2

Whatever you are trying to achieve with your Instagram status, in my opinion, the perfect one combines a short heading (which shows before the text gets clipped) which captures the audience’s attention, with a longer explanation below where you go deeper into what you meant. Here are some Instagram caption ideas you might find useful and creative.

Good Captions for your next Instagram status

Sometimes you just want a simple but to the point caption that is not corny or funny, just clever and inspirational. So we wanted to start the list with a few good captions to inspire your next Instagram status.

1. “Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.”

2. “Beauty is power, a smile is its sword.”

3. “This picture is my autobiography.”

4. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” – A great caption for an Instagram status that has a photo of people (you?) having fun

5. “Take the risk or lose the chance“

6. “If it were easy, everybody would do it.“

Good IG Caption

7. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not strong enough.”

8. “Weekend, please don’t leave me.”

9. “Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once.”

10. “Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.” – Andy Warhol

11. “All we have is NOW.”

12. “Escape the ordinary” – The perfect holiday Instagram status update

13. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

Good IG Captions

14. “You never fail until you stop trying.”- Albert Einstein

15. “If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney

16. “Wasted time is worse than wasted money.“

17. “I travel because you can always get more money, but you can never get more time.“

18. “Do what scares you.“

19. “Go wild for a while.“

20. “Take only memories, leave only footprints“

21. “Ask yourself what you are doing today that is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow”

Funny Instagram status

According to a study by the University of Florida, people use Instagram simply “to relax or to entertain themselves”.

They want to see beautiful pictures, they want to read funny Instagram status updates and they also want to learn new things, the same way we used to do with radio or TV. Your friend’s funny Instagram update probably put a smile on your face and gave you a positive feeling.

But it can sometimes be really hard to actually make someone laugh just with a funny Instagram status, and without offending anyone in the process, because humor can be a very subjective feeling. So try to be lighthearted, even self-deprecating if that is your style, while also making fun of the simplest most harmless things.

The following list of funny Instagram status ideas should give you that laid back mood you want to project on social media. Because life is sometimes not meant to be that serious.

1. “Procrastination is my best friend.“

2. “I’d rather be at Hogwarts.“

3. “Weekends, are you still there?“

4. “Don’t take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive.”

Funny Instagram Captions

5. “If I don’t post a picture, did it even really happen?” – An Instagram caption for the Millennial, Instagram absorbed crowd

6. “Too much Monday not enough coffee”

7. “Hocus pocus I need coffee to focus” – haha now tell me an Instagram status like this would not make you smile!

8. “Good food, good mood”

Funny IG Captions

9. “Pasta la vista baby”

10. “Bad choices make good stories”

11. “Food before dudes”

12. “Eat, tan, sleep, repeat”

13. “This is my pretty hungry face”

14. *insert funny Instagram caption here*

Funny Caption for IG

15. “You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach”

16. “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it.”

17. “Nothing is really lost until your mom can’t find it”

18. “I think I’m allergic to mornings”

19. “The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest.”

20. “I am not feeling lazy actually, I am just incredibly motivated to do nothing.”

Cool Instagram statuses

Cool Instagram statuses are the type that will make you look clever, so much so that your followers may even want to copy it.

In the case of cool captions, usually shorter is better, sometimes even just a play on words.

But beware when trying to come up with a cool Instagram caption, it can be hard to find the right balance between cool and arrogant and make a bold statement without looking full of one-self. Although if your followers are all your friends, they probably already know you!

A cool Instagram status could be a photo and a caption that have nothing to do with each other. The disconnect can be used to give the photo a different meaning.

These photos are usually of landscapes or of yourself, as if you were thinking about the caption in that very moment captured in the photo.

Cool captions are the hardest to come up with, so here are a few of them to get your started.

1. “Never let anyone treat you like you’re ordinary.“

2. “Start by changing your thoughts, finish by changing your life.”- Paulo Coelho

3. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West

4. “I cannot see heaven being much better than this.“

5. Never put the keys to your happiness in someone else’s pockets.”

6. “Sometimes being an adventurer is even better than being a superhero.”

7. “I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else.”

8. “Go where you feel more alive.”

Cool Instagram Caption

9. “Not all those who wander are lost” – J. R. R. Tolkien

10. “There’s no wifi in the forest but you’ll find a better connection.“

11. “I love places that make you realize how small you really are.“

12. “Life should have more mountains and less stress.”

Instagram bio quotes: Not all those who wander are lost

13. “I’ll be right back, I am just exploring the world.”

14. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”- Fred Devito

15. “Be the reason someone smiles today”

16. “We have nothing to lose and a world to see.”

17. “Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan.”

Instagram bio quotes: I'll be right back, I am just exploring the world

18. “Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else.”

19. “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to live your life”

20. “These are the days we live for.”

21. “People forget years and remember moments.”

22. “When your life is in black and white, make sure you dream in color”

Girly Instagram statuses

As mentioned before, 39% of women in the US (as opposed to 30% of men) use Instagram, posting and engaging on topics such as fashion, make up, beauty and other primarily female-oriented topics which thrive on the platform.

It also means that a lot of the content posted is uploaded by women, targeted at women and with captions that may appear as girl-talk.

Remember what the most popular hashtags were?

Exactly! So as expected, we have a section of Instagram captions for girls too.

You will have seen the heavily edited photos using presets in pastel colors, lots of pink and pretty flowers often accompanied by girly captions. People love them because they always a feel good, comforting undertone, and we all love that romanticism and kindness.

Let’s take a look at a great list of girly statuses for Instagram.

1. “Life’s short, make every hair flip count.”

2. “Be Classy, Sassy and a bit smart Assy.” – An awesome Instagram status 🙂

3. “She acts like the summer and walks like the rain.”

4. This is one of my favorite captions for girls: “She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans.” Although to be fair, it could also apply to men

Girly Instagram Caption

5. “Stressed, depressed but well dressed.”

6. “I could never agree with this Instagram caption but a lot of my friends seem to concur:”It’s better to arrive late than to arrive ugly.” – I am always on time!

7. “She dances to the songs in her head. She speaks with the rhythm of her heart. And loves from the depths of her soul.”, Marilyn Monroe

8. “You were my cup of tea but I drink wine now.” – Take that!

9. “Life isn’t perfect, but your outfit can be.”

10. “It’s better to arrive late than to arrive ugly”, Marilyn Monroe

Instagram bio quotes: Stressed, depressed but well dressed

11. “She says nothing when she wants to say everything.”

12. “I woke up like this.”

15. “They start missing you when they fail to replace you.”

16. “I’m the girl you’ve always wanted.”

17. “Besides chocolate, you’re my favorite.”

Instagram bio quotes: She says nothing when she wants to say everything

18. “Let’s find a beautiful place to get lost.”

19. “Well behaved women seldom make history.”, by feminist Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who better to quote for a girly Instagram caption

20. “Kind people are my kinda people.”

21. “Act like a lady, think like a boss.”

22. “Always fabulous.”

Instagram selfie statuses

What about those selfies you take when you feel pretty or in a good mood and want to remember the moment?

Those deep portrait photos which have a nice background or the light is just picture perfect?

These selfies could use a good caption, that’s why this section is focused on Instagram statuses for selfies or pictures of yourself.

A lot of us are guilty of the selfie craze . We all made fun of a friend of mine who brought hers to a girls vacation but then proceeded to, unashamedly, use it throughout the trip to take pictures of all four of us. Some of us are more obsessed with them than others.

There are more than half a million photos with the hashtag #Selfie on Instagram, and growing, so this is clearly a popular kind of image. But these photos can be the hardest to caption.

Here are some great examples of Instagram statuses for selfies

1. “Perfectly imperfect”

2. “Embrace the glorious mess that you are.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

3. “Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.” – Marilyn Monroe

4. “Behind every successful selfie there are 1000s that didn’t make the cut”

5. “Your potential is endless.”

Selfie Instagram Caption

6. “Smile, it confuses people.”

7. “The best thing I ever did was believe in me.”

8. “Be who you needed when you were younger”

9. “May your day feel as good as taking a perfect selfie on the first try.”

10. “Ready, set, selfie!”

Selfie Instagram Caption

11. “Be yourself. People don’t have to like you, and you don’t have to care.”

12. “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”, Christopher Robin

13. “When your plans get cancelled but your makeup is on point.”

14. “Your life is as good as your mindset.”

Instagram bio quotes: Be yourself. People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care

15. “Believe in your selfie.”

16. “Behind every great selfie there is always a better husband of Instagram.”

17. “Maybe I was born like this, maybe I had to use 2 apps and a filter :)”

18. “Be the best version of you.”

19. “Your best teacher is your last mistake.”

20. “I’ve finally stopped running away from myself. Who else is there better to be?”, Goldie Hawn

Famous Instagram captions

1. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

2. “Nothing lasts forever. So live it up, drink it down, avoid the drama, take chances and never have regrets because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted.”, Marilyn Monroe

3. “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”, Vincent van Gogh’s words of wisdom would make for an amazing Instagram caption

4. “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”, Sir Edmund Hillary

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50 Instagram Bio Ideas That Grab Attention for 2024

Check out 50 Instagram bio ideas that make viewers laugh, reflect, or feel inspired. Learn why creating a standout bio matters and tips to follow.

Describing yourself in your Instagram profile in 150 characters may feel impossible — but having a clever bio is one of the best ways to tell people who you are and what you do.  

Luckily, there’s plenty of inspiration out there for what to put in an Instagram bio and you can easily make any of these ideas your own. Here are 50 Instagram bio ideas to get you started.

What’s an Instagram Bio?

An Instagram bio is a small amount of text — up to 150 characters — that describes your profile and provides details about you or your brand. For example, if you’re running a travel account, your bio might include the flag of the countries you’re visiting and related hashtags like #wanderlust. Additionally, you can show off your humorous side, explain what your account does, or call people to action with a phrase like, “Follow me for more crafting tips.” 

You can find someone’s Instagram bio underneath their profile picture, follower count, and display name but above any included links and their grid.

quotes for biography on instagram

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quotes for biography on instagram

3 Tips for Creating a Good Instagram Bio

Writing an effective Instagram bio is an opportunity to be creative and have a little fun. As you draft ideas, use the following tips to make the best bio possible:

1. Be Yourself

Your Instagram bio should describe you and your content. While there are many excellent formats you could copy and paste into your profile, they may not be authentic to who you are. The goal is to show why your account is unique, so make sure your bio is, too.

Before crafting a bio, try writing down keywords that describe your personality, interests, and content. This narrows down the topics you might want to cover (or avoid). From there, try using Captions’ AI Script feature to brainstorm. This tool generates ideas for you. All you have to do is describe what you want, generate some text, and generate more until you’re satisfied with the results.

Screenshot of the Caption’s AI Script writer writing an Instagram bio

2. Cross-Promote Yourself

You may have other accounts, like a TikTok account, a YouTube channel, or even other Instagram profiles. Let followers know about these spaces by dropping a reference in your bio. It’s the perfect opportunity to cross-promote yourself (which means using one of your online profiles to plug others) to let users know where they can find more of your content. 

If you’re trying to grow your following across different platforms — or even monetize your social media presence — driving traffic to your other social media accounts can help you quickly build a larger audience. Use your bio to tell people where else they can find you on other platforms. 

For other Instagram profiles, you can type @accountname and the handle will be clickable, letting users navigate right to that profile. Then, for other platforms, you can add a clickable link to a website in your Instagram header so people can easily navigate to another account, website, or blog. The link isn’t technically part of your bio or character count, letting you cross-promote without using valuable characters. 

3. Use emojis

Emojis are visually appealing and space-saving — two elements that your Instagram bio needs. An idea that might take several words to describe, like “My dream is to travel the world,” can be summed up with a thought bubble, plane, and globe emoji, like this: 💭✈️🌏. These images elevate the aesthetics of your bio because they break up text and give the space a pop of color while helping you say more with less.

50 of the Best Instagram Bio Examples 

Instagram bios should represent you and your content, but that doesn’t mean you have to come up with a completely new idea. There are plenty of great quotes and well-known one-liners that you can copy and paste into your Instagram bio before adding a personal spin. Here are 50 Instagram bio ideas to use as-is on your profile or modify as you wish.

Funny Instagram Bios

Getting a laugh can show followers your sense of humor. The following funny bios will make a great first impression on page visitors.

  • Living vicariously through myself.
  • Analog at birth, digital by design.
  • When nothing goes right, go left. 
  • Too busy to update this bio.
  • Are we best friends yet?
  • All of my jokes land… somewhere.
  • I need two six-month vacations this year.
  • You had me at ice cream.
  • A balanced diet is a coffee in each hand.
  • Instagram bio currently loading. 
  • Catch flights, not feelings.
  • I wish my wallet came with free refills.
  • If you want tea, follow me.
  • Life isn’t perfect, but your photos can be.

Instagram Bio Quotes

Celebrities and public figures have said insightful things for hundreds of years, so dig into the archives for a motivating quote for your bio. Just remember to credit the author. 

  • “Just be yourself — there is no one better.” – Taylor Swift
  • “The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin
  • “Lose your dreams, and you will lose your mind.” – The Rolling Stones
  • “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – Aristotle
  • “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” – Teddy Roosevelt
  • “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” – Lucille Ball
  • “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi
  • “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Never dull your shine for somebody else.” – Tyra Banks
  • “Never apologize for what you feel. It’s like saying sorry for being real.” – Lil Wayne
  • “You become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’ – Wayne Gretzky” – Michael Scott

Cute Bios for Instagram

Strike the perfect balance between witty and approachable with these cute bio examples.

  • Don’t hide from the magic within.
  • Simplicity is the key to happiness.
  • Turn can'ts into cans and dreams into plans.
  • Having the time of my life.
  • Eat. Sleep. Create.
  • These are the days we live for.
  • Travel far enough, and you’ll meet yourself.
  • Don’t grow up. It’s a trap!
  • Life has no GPS, so I'm making my own path.
  • Just keep swimming.
  • Always practice what you post.

Short Bios for Instagram

Sometimes, a short bio is most impactful. You can tell the world a lot about you in a creative word or brief phrase. Here are a few excellent options. 

  • A human. Being.
  • This is me. 
  • Stay weird. 
  • Wanderlust.
  • Life’s a dream.
  • Making history. 
  • Simple but significant.
  • Unforgettable.

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3 pro instagram bio hacks .

While the words you choose for your bio line make an impact, you can increase their power and their aesthetics with a few pro tips. Here are three Instagram bio hacks to help you stand out:

  • Use special fonts — There are third-party apps that let you change the font of any text and copy and paste it elsewhere. Using a unique font, like bold lettering or cursive, gives your profile a different look from those with the default Instagram typeface, helping you stand out.

Example of special fonts

  • Use an Instagram bio template or generator — If you’re stuck for Inspiration, use a bio generator to help you write a snappy text that meets Instagram’s character restriction. Captions’ AI Script is a great option that can give you dozens of ideas in seconds.   ‍
  • Share your pronouns — Instagram profiles allow you to add your pronouns next to your name without using up your bio’s character count. Once you add them, anyone who starts a conversation with you will know how to address you correctly, helping make Instagram a more inclusive and respectful place.

Screenshot of an Instagram bio with location, link, CTA, and contact buttons features

Need More Inspiration? Captions Can Help

Your bio is one of the first things on your profile, so it should represent you and your account in just a few words. With Captions’ AI Script generator, you can find new ideas quickly. Whether you have writer’s block or just want more options to choose from, let Captions do the brainstorming — and when you find the right idea for your bio, you can tweak it until you find the perfect one for you.

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Best Quotes in Instagram Bio | Catchy Quotes & Captions to Write in Instagram Bio


When you’re on a quest to boost your Instagram traffic and finding yourself at a loss for the right words to craft a compelling bio and quotes, there’s no need to panic. We’ve got you covered with our unique collection of top-notch quotes designed to elevate your Instagram profile to the next level. Your bio and quotes are your digital introduction, the gateway to attracting more followers and engagement.

Our carefully curated selection offers a range of options, from inspirational to witty, cool, and everything in between. These quotes will help you express your individuality, values, and personality, making your profile more relatable and memorable. So, take a deep breath, explore our collection, and get ready to make your Instagram presence shine brighter than ever before.

Best Quotes in Instagram Bio

Explore the best quotes to uplift your Instagram bio with our curated collection of inspiring, witty, and thought-provoking phrases and vampire bio for Instagram . Enhance your online presence and make a lasting impression with the perfect Instagram bio quote.

  • “Living my life, one day at a time. 🌟”
  • “Chasing dreams and catching sunsets. 🌅”
  • “Here to inspire and be inspired. 💫”
  • “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. 🌿”
  • “Inhale confidence, exhale doubt. 💪”
  • “Wanderlust and city dust. 🌍”
  • “Creating my sunshine. ☀️”
  • “Life is a beautiful ride. 🚲”
  • “Making memories all over the world. 🗺️”
  • “Adventure is calling, and I must go. 🌄”
  • “Hustle in silence, let success make the noise. 📈”
  • “Dream big, work hard, stay focused. 🌠”
  • “Turning dreams into plans. 📝”
  • “Living for the moments that take your breath away. 💨”
  • “Taking the road less traveled. 🛤️”
  • “Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. ❤️”
  • “Determined to make a difference. 🌟”
  • “Positivity and kindness are my superpowers. 💪”
  • “Spreading good vibes only. ✌️”
  • “Here for a good time and a long time. ⏳”
  • “Doing more things that make me forget to check my phone. 📵”
  • “Life’s a dance, you learn as you go. 💃”
  • “Living my happily ever after. 👑”
  • “Conquer from within. 🧘‍♂️”
  • “Believe in your #selfie. 📸”
  • “Born to stand out, not fit in. 🌟”
  • “Let your smile change the world. 😁”
  • “Living life on my terms. 🚀”
  • “Seeking the extraordinary in the ordinary. 🌈”
  • “On a journey to find my best self. 🌟”

Unique Quotes in Instagram Bio

Discover a world of uniqueness with our handpicked collection of distinctive quotes for your Instagram bio and basketball bio for Instagram . Set yourself apart, express your individuality, and leave a lasting impression on your audience with these one-of-a-kind phrases.

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Why should I use a quote in my Instagram bio?

Using a quote in your Instagram bio can make your profile more interesting and engaging. It can help convey your personality, interests, or aspirations to your followers and potential new connections.

  • “Embracing my quirks and loving the journey. 🌟”
  • “Dancing to the rhythm of my own heart. 💃🎶”
  • “Chaos and cosmos reside within me. ✨”
  • “A story untold, a path less traveled. 📖🛤️”
  • “I’m the artist of my reality. 🎨”
  • “Living life with a kaleidoscope of dreams. 🌈”
  • “Painting my world with words and colors. 🖌️🌍”
  • “In love with the mysteries of existence. 🌌”
  • “Beneath the surface lies a universe. 🌠”
  • “Sculpting my future from the clay of today. 🏗️”
  • “I am the question to all your answers. ❓”
  • “A symphony of contradictions and symmetries. 🎵”
  • “Chasing constellations in a world of chaos. ✨”
  • “Born to be the exception, not the rule. 🌟”
  • “Whispering secrets to the universe. 🌌🔮”
  • “Here to defy gravity and expectations. 🚀”
  • “The extraordinary is my ordinary. 🌈”
  • “A puzzle with missing pieces, finding my way. 🧩”
  • “In the garden of life, I’m the wildflower. 🌼”
  • “I am the dream and the dreamer. 💭”
  • “Collecting moments, not things. 🕰️”
  • “My soul is made of stardust and wanderlust. ✨🌍”
  • “Living at the intersection of reality and dreams. 🌆”
  • “My heart is a compass, my soul is an adventure. ❤️🌄”
  • “A book with pages yet to be written. 📚🖋️”
  • “Masterpiece in progress. 🎨🚧”
  • “I find magic in the mundane. ✨🍂”
  • “Exploring the fringes of imagination. 🌠”
  • “Life’s an enigma, and I’m the decoder. 🔍”
  • “A symphony of experiences, creating my tune. 🎶”

Creative Quotes in Instagram Bio

Elevate your Instagram profile with creativity and flair using our collection of imaginative quotes for your bio and Instagram bio for football lovers . From artistic inspiration to unique expressions, these quotes will infuse your bio with a touch of originality and set you apart from the crowd.

Creative Quotes in IG Bio

  • “In a world full of colors, I paint my path. 🎨”
  • “Crafting dreams into reality, one idea at a time. ✂️✨”
  • “My life is my canvas, and I’m the artist. 🖌️”
  • “Creativity is my superpower; imagination is my fuel. 💡✨”
  • “Designing a one-of-a-kind life. 📐🌟”
  • “I don’t make art; I am art. 🎭🖼️”
  • “Seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. 🌈”
  • “My mind is a playground of ideas. 🤹‍♂️🧠”
  • “Turning imagination into innovation. 🚀🌠”
  • “Every day is a blank page; I write my story. 📝”
  • “Creating magic out of thin air. 🎩✨”
  • “Life’s a masterpiece, and I’m the artist. 🎭🌆”
  • “Exploring the art of possibility. 🌟🔍”
  • “In a world of copies, be an original. 🌍🔍”
  • “Dancing to the rhythm of my imagination. 💃🎶”
  • “Crafting my path with a unique blend of creativity. 🛤️🌠”
  • “My heart beats to the tune of creativity. 🥁❤️”
  • “Thinking outside the box and coloring outside the lines. 📦🖍️”
  • “My life is a canvas, and I’m the brush. 🎨🌆”
  • “Mixing ideas, colors, and dreams to create my world. 🎨🌌”
  • “Sculpting my dreams into reality, one thought at a time. ✨🏗️”
  • “The world is my inspiration, and I am its creation. 🌎🌟”
  • “Every moment is a chance to create something amazing. 🌈🌟”
  • “Turning chaos into art, one stroke at a time. 🌪️🎨”
  • “In a world of algorithms, be a masterpiece. 📊🖼️”
  • “Creativity is my compass, and I follow it fearlessly. 🧭🎨”
  • “I see art in everything; I create it in myself. 🌟🎨”
  • “Crafting my story with the threads of imagination. 📖✨”
  • “Dreaming in vivid colors and creating in bold strokes. 🌈🎨”
  • “Unleashing my imagination and watching the world transform. 💭🌍”

Cool Quotes in Instagram Bio

Add a dash of coolness to your Instagram bio with our handpicked collection of trendy and stylish quotes. Elevate your online persona, exude confidence, and make a striking statement with these effortlessly cool phrases.

infographics: Tips for Quotes in Instagram Bio

  • “Living life one epic adventure at a time. 🌍🌟”
  • “Too cool for rules. 😎🚫”
  • “Keeping it real in a world full of fakes. 🌟”
  • “Smiling like I just got away with something. 😄😉”
  • “My vibe is a mood. 🌊🔥”
  • “Chillin’ like a villain with a heart of gold. 💛😈”
  • “Raising the coolness quotient, one day at a time. 👑”
  • “Life’s too short to be anything but awesome. 🚀”
  • “Living fast, taking chances, and making memories. 🏁📸”
  • “Cool, calm, and in control. 😌💯”
  • “I’m not weird, I’m limited edition. 🤪🎩”
  • “Being effortlessly cool is my superpower. 💥”
  • “Shades on, world off. 😎🌎”
  • “Rocking my runway every day. 💃🚶‍♂️”
  • “Living the dream and chasing the thrill. 🌟🏃‍♂️”
  • “Making waves, not excuses. 🌊🚫”
  • “Keeping it 100 in a world of trends. 💯🌟”
  • “Sunsets and good vibes. 🌅✌️”
  • “Life’s a party, and I’m the cool host. 🎉🍾”
  • “Taking risks and looking cool while doing it. 🎲😎”
  • “Slaying every day in my unique way. 🔥👑”
  • “Living life with a rebel heart and a carefree spirit. 🏴‍☠️💫”
  • “Cool as ice, sharp as a knife. 🧊🔪”
  • “Fueled by caffeine and cool inventions. ☕😎”
  • “Born to stand out, never to blend in. 🌟🚫”
  • “Creating my sunshine, even on cloudy days. ☀️🌧️”
  • “Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m coffee. ☕🔥”
  • “Life’s a game, and I’m the coolest player. 🎮👾”
  • “Inhale confidence, exhale doubts. 💪😤”
  • “Cool people don’t try to be cool; they just are. 😎🌟”

Cute Quotes in Instagram Bio

Bring a touch of charm and sweetness to your Instagram bio with our adorable collection of cute quotes. Make your profile endearing, spread positivity, and capture hearts with these lovable and delightful phrases.

  • “Cute but psycho. 😇😈”
  • “Spreading smiles one pic at a time. 😁❤️”
  • “Simplicity with a dash of charm. 🌸💫”
  • “Life’s better with a sprinkle of glitter. ✨🌈”
  • “Flirting with happiness every day. 😘🌟”
  • “Sweet as sugar, tough as nails. 🍭💅”
  • “Living the sweet life, one moment at a time. 🍰🎈”
  • “Cuteness level: off the charts. 📈🥰”
  • “All about the little things that make life big. 🌼💕”
  • “Sassy but sweet, just like honey. 🍯👑”
  • “Chasing dreams and catching hearts. 💭❤️”
  • “I put the ‘aww’ in awesome. 😄🌟”
  • “Chasing rainbows and butterflies. 🌈🦋”
  • “Life is a cupcake, with extra frosting. 🧁🎉”
  • “Happiness is homemade. 🏡❤️”
  • “Sunny days and rosy cheeks. 🌞🌷”
  • “Living in a world of cotton candy dreams. 🍬🌟”
  • “Cute as a button and twice as sweet. 🧵🍭”
  • “In a love affair with life. ❤️🌼”
  • “Keeping it cute and classy. 💁‍♀️💫”
  • “Adventure and cuteness: my daily essentials. 🌍🌸”
  • “Floral dresses and fearless dreams. 🌸✨”
  • “Making the world a cuter place, one smile at a time. 😊💖”
  • “Kindness, love, and a sprinkle of magic. ✨💕”
  • “Life is short; buy the cute shoes. 👠👛”
  • “Little moments, big smiles. 😃❤️”
  • “Sweetness is my secret superpower. 🦸‍♀️🍬”
  • “Paws, kisses, and cute little wishes. 🐾💋”
  • “Too cute for this planet. 🌍🌟”
  • “Finding joy in the simplest things. 🌼🥰”

Funny Quotes in Instagram Bio

Inject humor into your Instagram bio with our hilarious and witty collection of funny quotes. Keep your followers entertained, create smiles, and leave a lighthearted impression with these clever and comical phrases.

Funny Quotes in IG Bio

  • “Professional over-thinker and part-time stand-up comedian. 😂🤔”
  • “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. 🍔🍕”
  • “Life’s too short for boring bios. 🤷‍♂️🙃”
  • “I’m not arguing; I’m just explaining why I’m right. 💁‍♂️😆”
  • “Pizza and I are in a committed relationship. 🍕❤️”
  • “I’m not great at advice; can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? 🙃😜”
  • “Spreading laughter, one caption at a time. 😄📸”
  • “I’m not lazy; I’m just in energy-saving mode. 💤♻️”
  • “Life is short; smile while you still have teeth. 😁😬”
  • “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong. 🤭👏”
  • “I’m not a complete idiot; some parts are missing. 🤔🧩”
  • “Eating my way through life one snack at a time. 🍔🍰”
  • “Just winging it, both in life and eyeliner. 🕊️👁️”
  • “Warning: I have a contagious laugh. 😂😷”
  • “I’m not weird; I’m a limited edition. 🤪🎩”
  • “Sarcastic, sassy, and a little smart-assy. 💁‍♀️😉”
  • “Born to nap; forced to work. 😴💼”
  • “Trying to adult, but I can’t find my manual. 📚🔍”
  • “I used to be cool. Then, I got Instagram. 📸😎”
  • “Life is too short for bad vibes and bad hair days. ✌️💇”
  • “I’m not clumsy; the floor just hates me. 🙄🤕”
  • “I’m not a morning person or a night owl. I’m a never owl. 🌙🙅‍♂️”
  • “Coffee and dry humor: my daily essentials. ☕😂”
  • “I’m not lazy; I’m energy-efficient. 💤♻️”
  • “I’m not short; I’m fun-sized. 🙃📏”
  • “I don’t sweat; I sparkle. ✨💦”
  • “Life’s a circus, and I’m the clown. 🎪🤡”
  • “I put the ‘elusive’ in ‘exclusive.’ 🤷‍♀️🕵️‍♀️”
  • “My superpower is making people laugh. What’s yours? 😆💪”
  • “On a mission to find the world’s best dad jokes. 🌍🤣”

Attitude Quotes in Instagram Bio

Define your unique style, exude confidence, and make a statement that leaves an indelible mark in your bio. Unleash the power of attitude and let your profile speak volumes.

  • “I don’t have an attitude; I have standards. 💯”
  • “Too glam to give a damn. 💅😏”
  • “I’m not heartless; I just learned to use my heart less. ❤️🚫”
  • “I’m not a backup plan and not a second choice. 🚫🔄”
  • “In a world full of trends, I set my own rules. 🌍📜”
  • “Be a voice, not an echo. 🗣️👤”
  • “I don’t seek approval; I seek respect. 👑💼”
  • “Slaying my goals, not my vibes. 🔥💪”
  • “I’m not anti-social; I’m selectively social. 😶🙌”
  • “Born to express, not impress. 🎤✨”
  • “My attitude is my unique signature. 🖋️💥”
  • “I’m not here to fit in; I’m here to stand out. 🌟🔍”
  • “Winners focus on winning; losers focus on winners. 🏆🤨”
  • “My vibe attracts my tribe. ✌️🌈”
  • “Life is short; make it memorable. 📷🌟”
  • “I’m not for everyone; I’m for the ones who get me. 👥🤝”
  • “Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. 💃🌹”
  • “Haters are my motivators. 👋😈”
  • “Don’t follow me; I’m lost too. 🚶‍♂️🤷‍♂️”
  • “My silence speaks louder than words. 🤐🔊”
  • “Confidence level: Kanye West. 💁‍♂️👑”
  • “I’m the storm and the calm in the chaos. 🌪️🌞”
  • “I’m not a second option; you either choose me or lose me. 🚫🔀”
  • “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not. 💔💁‍♀️”
  • “Don’t be a copy; be an original. 🚫📝”
  • “I am who I am; your approval isn’t needed. 🤷‍♀️👏”
  • “My life, my rules, my way. 🛤️💥”
  • “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. 💡💪”
  • “I’m not bossy; I have leadership skills. 🙌👑”

Frequently Asked Questions

To make your bio more attractive with quotes, keep it concise and aligned with your personality or interests. Choose a quote that reflects your unique character, values, or passions. Whether it’s a witty one-liner, an inspirational message, or a touch of humor, make sure the quote resonates with you.

Using funny quotes in your bio is a great way to add personality and charm. It can make your profile more relatable and approachable. Ensure the humor aligns with your style and is inoffensive to your intended audience. A well-placed funny quote can help break the ice, create connections, and leave a memorable impression.

Savage quotes can be attention-grabbing and entertaining, but their effectiveness in enhancing your Instagram audience largely depends on your target demographic and brand image. They can attract a specific audience that appreciates edgy humor or bold statements, but they may also alienate others. It’s important to strike a balance and consider the potential consequences of using savage quotes, ensuring they align with your content and values.

Boosting your profile with quotes involves selecting compelling, relatable, and authentic quotes that resonate with your audience. Use quotes that reflect your personality, interests, and values. Consistency is key, so ensure your quotes align with your content and brand image. Engage with your followers through meaningful captions that encourage interaction and conversation. Keep your bio concise and catchy, using a memorable quote that captures your essence.

Instagram bios have character limits, so it’s essential to keep your bold quotes concise and within the allowed character count. While Instagram itself doesn’t provide an option for making text bold in bios, some users employ third-party apps or tricks to achieve this effect.

In the world of Instagram, where every bio is a canvas for self-expression, Quotes in Instagram Bio serve as your distinctive signature. Just as your favorite quotes evoke emotions, provoke thought, or inspire action, our collection encapsulates your digital identity and your passion for sharing meaningful words. It’s an open invitation to explore a world of wisdom, wit, and wonder one caption at a time.

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Meet Mark, the visionary curator behind our eclectic news and entertainment platform. With a passion for delivering a diverse mix of information and engaging content, Mark is dedicated to providing a one-stop destination for audiences seeking news, gossip, and all things in between.

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100 Best Instagram Bio Quotes & Captions

by Sharon E. Moore

Looking for the best and cool quotes and captions for Instagram Bio ? You are at the right place. We have collected the most unique and trendy quotes that will help you post different bios every day. There are a lot of people explaining how to a perfect Instagram Bio must be like. In this post, we have shared some top and most unique Instagram Bio quotes with all our friends to check out and have fun.

Sometimes it is good to have unique Instagram bio quotes to get attention from your audience. Suppose they find sometimes interesting on your Instagram bio, then they may come back looking for more feeds.

Best Instagram Bio Quotes & Captions

Below you can find our most unique collection of cool, amazing, and trendy Instagram bio quotes, sayings, and ideas that will inspire you to create your own Instagram bio.

Instagram Bio Quotes & Captions

  • Making the everyday magical.
  • Creating a life, I love
  • Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.
  • Forgive yes, forget never
  • I am just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin” – Isn’t that a good start to our list of cute Instagram bio quotes? I knew you would like it
  • The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone
  • Loving fiercely. Stopping along the way to take photos.
  • Sassy, classy with a touch of badassy
  • I am the mixture of a Cutie with a mission and Hottie with an ambition.
  • Never forget something that once made you smile
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit
  • Here’s my story for the history books
  • Captivated from life, showing it here
  • .Recovering ice cream addict
  • The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.
  • Fair is where you get cotton candy
  • Silence is the most powerful scream
  • I’m a cupcake in search for her stud muffin
  • Trying to become the best. That is why first I am being the worst
  • Humble with just a hint of Kanye
  • When it rains look for rainbows when it’s dark I look for stars.
  • To travel is to live
  • Be the flamingo in a flock of pigeons
  • Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to unveil my secret bio.
  • Trying to remember who I was before the world told me who to be.
  • Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream
  • In a world of worriers, be a warrior.
  • Insert pretentious stuff about myself here
  • I don’t need prince charming to have my own happy ending
  • Welcome to my world
  • Serving you a feast of vibrant grids.
  • Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things.
  • Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.
  • I’m here to avoid friends on Facebook
  • To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid
  • I practice what I post
  • Being myself – Everyone else is taken.
  • Fair is where you get cotton candy.
  • I shine from within so no one can dim my light.
  • I only use Instagram to stalk
  • Monday is so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday
  • Currently saying yes to new adventures
  • Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  • The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
  • If I was a writer I’d have a better Instagram bio quote.
  • My relationship status? Netflix, Oreos, and sweatpants
  • Under construction, come back soon
  • I believe in making the impossible possible because there’s no fun in giving up
  • I would rather die of passion than of boredom.
  • When nothing goes right…. swipe!
  • I’m actually not funny. I’m just really mean and people think I’m joking.
  • I’m cool, but global warming made me HOT
  • I’m not short, I’m just more down to earth than other people
  • Who runs the world? ME.
  • It wasn’t always easy but it’s worth it.
  • Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.
  • I’m not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them.
  • Just another paper cut survivor
  • I wonder what happens when the doctor’s wife eats an apple a day” – Admit it, this IG bio quote made you smile!
  • I shine from within so no one can dim my light
  • I already want to take a nap tomorrow.
  • Born to express, not impress.
  • Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me
  • It is wine o’clock somewhere!
  • Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
  • In a world full of trends I want to remain a classic.
  • You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
  • Living vicariously through myself
  • Your vibe attracts your tribe
  • Don’t like me? Don’t care.
  • Do justly. Love Mercey. Walk humbly
  • Kilometers are shorter than miles. To save gas I’ll take my next trip in kilometers.
  •  The road to success is always under construction
  • One day, I hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth.
  • Being anything but predictable.
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine.
  • Someday, there’s going to be an updated version of me
  • Hey I just met you and this is crazy
  • I got to where I am today by being me
  • Be strong,” I whisper to my WiFi signal.
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
  • The best of me is yet to come
  • Everyday is Friday if you want it to be
  • I was born to do exactly what I’m doing today
  • The hardest thing I ever tried is being normal.
  • Be all in or get out. There is no in-between.
  • I’m starting to like Instagram, which is weird because I hate pictures
  • This account is me on my worst behavior
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine
  • Sometimes I just want to give it all up and become a handsome billionaire.
  • I might not be where I want to be yet but I get closer every day.
  • Messy bun and having fun
  • If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together
  • Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed
  • I woke up and …posted this.
  • I’m real and I hope some of my followers are too.
  • Haters are my greatest motivators
  • Don’t let the colors fade to grey”, from a song by 5 Seconds of Summer
  • Looking at the world through colored glasses
  • Single and ready to get nervous around anyone I find attractive.

If you are a fan of emojis, make sure you include some of them in your Instagram Bio and make it look more attractive! Here are a few examples, and I am pretty sure you will come up with some more unique and creative Instagram bios with emojis. If you have some good ones, do share it with all of us in the below comments.

quotes for biography on instagram

About Sharon E. Moore

Sharon E. Moore is an inspirational writer and creator of captions for Instagram. She loves to write about motivation, self-improvement, and success. Her goal is to help others achieve their dreams by providing them with the inspiration they need to keep going.

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70 Instagram Bio Quotes for Every Social Media Account ~Vibe~

"Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane."

instagram bio quotes

Instagram bios can sometimes feel like an afterthought. After all, you're way too busy coming up with savage captions for your best friend , couple , and sister snapshots to worry about what your profile says. However, your personality deserves to shine through in every aspect of your social media and that includes channeling your ~vibes~ through short and clever Instagram bio quotes.

Ditch the obligatory alma mater shout-out and emoji pack for a sentence or two that tells the world about you. Instagram shows the bio section of profiles first, meaning you need to give off a good impression right away. Spice up your account with some choice lyrics from Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift or wise words from Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou. Showcase your fave movie and your "Hakuna Matata" vibes with an iconic quote from the Lion King , or proclaim that you're "The king of the world" just like Jack did in Titanic . And dw. These Instagram bio quotes work year-round, meaning you won't have to change it up every spring , summer , fall , and winter (unless you want to, ofc).

Ahead, find the best Instagram bio quotes that will take your 'gram game up a notch and declare to all your friends and fans, "Welcome to my grid."

Song Lyrics

"Darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream." —Taylor Swift, "Blank Space"

“I’m a boss and I shine like gloss.” —Doja Cat, "Boss B*tch"

"I left my head and my heart on the dance floor." —Lady Gaga, "Telephone ft. Beyonce"

"One track mind like a goldfish." —Marina and the Diamonds, "Numb"

"Dress in black, act so heartless." —Kesha, "Rainbow"

"Just follow your arrow wherever it points." —Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"

"Mortal body, timeless souls." —Troye Sivan, "Youth"

"Be young, be dope, be proud." —Lana Del Rey, "American"

"I'm throwin' shade like it's sunny." —Nicki Minaj, "Want Some More"

"I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist." —Sia, "Chandelier"

"Find me where the wild things are." —Alessia Cara, "Wild Thing"

"I swear this life is like the sweetest thing I've ever known." —Drake, "Over"

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." —John Lennon, "Imagine"

"Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane." —Brad Paisley, "Perfect Storm"

"It's always darkest before the dawn." —Florence + The Machine, "Shake It Out"

"Hello, it’s me." —Adele, "Hello"

“Time makes you bolder.” —Fleetwood Mac, “Landslide”

"I don't want to be heard, I want to be listened to." —Twenty One Pilots, "Forest"

"All the lines across my face tell you the story of who I am." —Brandi Carlile, "The Story"

"In the land of Gods and Monsters, I was an angel." —Lana Del Rey, "Gods and Monsters"

"Know yourself, know your worth." —Drake, "0 to 100"

"I'm little, but I'm coming for the crown." —Lorde, "Still Sane"

"Didn't they tell you I was a savage?" —Rihanna, "Needed Me"

“Lightning strikes every time she moves” —Calvin Harris, “This Is What You Came For”

“I’m permanent. You can’t erase me.” —Shawn Mendes, "Aftertaste"

“Feeling good living better.” —Drake, “Over My Dead Body”

“The rest of the world was in black and white, but we were in screaming color.” —Taylor Swift, “Out of the Woods”

"I drop a picture, now these b*tches feel attacked." — Megan Thee Stallion, "Savage"

"No, I’m not a snack at all. Look, baby, I’m the whole damn meal. — Lizzo, "Juice"

"I never trust a narcissist, but they love me." — Taylor Swift, "I Did Something Bad"

"You’re italic, I’m in bold." — Billie Eilish, "Copycat"

"I’m throwin' shade like it’s sunny." — Nicki Minaj, "Want Some More"

"If I was you, I'd wanna be me too." — Meghan Trainor, "Me Too"

Movie Quotes

"To infinity and beyond!" —Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story

"Just keep swimming." —Dory, Finding Nemo

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." —Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller's Day Off

"I'm working on my roar." —Simba, The Lion King

"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world." —John Keating, Dead Poets Society

"Remember who you are." —Mufasa , The Lion King

"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." —Grandmother Willow, Pocohontas

"There's just no telling how far I'll go." —Moana, Moana

"Hakuna Matata." —Timon and Pumbaa, The Lion King

"I'm the king of the world!" —Jack, Titanic

"Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within." —Li Shang, Mulan

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner." —Baby, Dirty Dancing

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." —Clark Gable, Gone With the Wind

"Do you want to build a snowman?" —Anna, Frozen

"How do you like them apples?" —Will Hunting, Good Will Hunting

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." —Forest Gump, Forest Gump

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?" —Ariel, The Little Mermaid

Inspirational Quotes

"Power is not given to you. You have to take it." —Beyoncé

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” —Maya Angelou

"Believe you can and you are halfway there." —Teddy Roosevelt

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ―Bernard M. Baruch

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." —C.S. Lewis

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Don't ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are." —Lady Gaga

“Never dull your shine for somebody else.” —Tyra Banks

"Just be yourself, there is no one better." —Taylor Swift

"I believe that life is a prize, but to live doesn't mean that you're alive." —Nicki Minaj

"I feel there is nothing is more artistic than loving people." —Vincent Van Gogh

"She gets what she wants because she works for it." ―Sophia Amoruso

"I never dreamed about success. I worked for it." —Estée Lauder

“You become what you believe.” —Oprah Winfrey

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” —T.S Eliot

"The unexamined life is not worth living." —Socrates

"I am a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me." ―Maya Angelou

"What makes you different or weird, that’s your strength." —Meryl Streep

“I say what I need to, not a whole lot more.” —Carrie Underwood

“I dwell in possibility.” —Emily Dickinson

Headshot of Carolyn Twersky

Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed. 

Headshot of Abby Dupes

Abby is an editorial assistant at Seventeen, covering pop culture, beauty, life, and health. When she's not busy watching the latest true crime docuseries, you can find her strolling through Sephora, thrifting the perfect dress, or jogging with her pup. 

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20 of the best short bio quotes for your IG profile

  • Best Practices

Writing an Instagram bio requires you to be authentic, creative and original, all within a 150-character limit. No pressure, right? 

Okay, you might feel a little pressure, especially if you’re an aspiring influencer or creating a brand account. But take a deep breath. Writing a striking Insta bio is challenging, but you can look to famous wordsmiths for a helping hand. All it takes is finding a short bio quote that fits the vibe you’re going for. We’re here to help with a list of quotes and some tips for choosing the one that’s right for you.

Choosing the perfect quote for your bio

Choosing someone else’s words can feel almost as stressful as writing your own. Before you start perusing Instagram bio quotes , it’s good to know what you’re looking for. Do you want to be funny or inspiring ? Are you sassy, classy or a bit of both? Here are a few tips for selecting a cool quote that represents you:  

  • Quote someone you admire: You can’t tell your whole story in 150 characters, but sharing the words of a person you admire will tell followers a lot. Choose a quote from a famous visual or performing artist, inspirational athlete or historical figure that shares your values. 
  • Find a unique quote: You might find the perfect quote for your Instagram bio in the list below, but we encourage you to do your own research – especially if you want to use words from someone you truly look up to. If there’s a celebrity, politician or artist you feel represents you well, try scanning their speeches or magazine interviews for the perfect phrase. 
  • Know what mood you’re going for: You probably admire a lot of people, from pop stars to presidents. Narrow down your options by deciding what kind of mood you want your bio to communicate. Are you bold and funny or professional and polished? Determining this will help you choose between a quip from your favorite standup performer or an inspirational adage from an activist. 
  • Explore fonts: Add an extra layer of style to the quote you choose by customizing your bio font . Many third-party apps allow you to plug in text, choose a font, then copy and paste the formatted words into your bio. Remember that how you say something is just as important as what you say.

A close-up shot of a person holding a smartphone using Instagram.

20 quotes for your Instagram bio caption

We’ve selected a list of 20 short Instagram bio ideas that will fit within the character limit and make a meaningful first impression. If you find it hard to choose just one, save some for Instagram captions and Facebook posts. All those selfies deserve a memorable description.

  • “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein
  • “You have every right to a beautiful life.” – Selena Gomez
  • “The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin
  • “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Don’t compromise yourself – you’re all you have.” – John Grisham
  • “Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.” – The Rolling Stones
  • “I feel there is nothing more truly artistic than loving people.” – Vincent Van Gogh
  • “Believe you can, and you are halfway there.” – Teddy Roosevelt
  • “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Never dull your shine for somebody else.” – Tyra Banks
  • “Never apologize for what you feel. It’s like saying sorry for being real.” – Lil Wayne
  • “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “You become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Just be yourself; there is no one better.” – Taylor Swift
  • “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” – The Dalai Lama
  • “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi
  • “I shut my eyes in order to see.” – Paul Gauguin
  • “Change the world by being yourself.” – Amy Poehler
  • “I embrace mistakes; they make you who you are.” – Beyoncé
  • “Reality is wrong; dreams are for real.” – Tupac

Getting your bio right

Once you’ve found the right words, take a few extra steps to make your entire bio shine. Think of it like a social media business card – it’s the first thing prospective followers see when they pull up your Instagram account. Here are a few tips for making the best first impression possible:  

  • Mind the character count: Even if you use a short quote like the ones we’ve listed, remember that you’ll need a few more characters to credit the phrase to the person who said it.
  • Add links: No matter how moving your bio quote is, 150 characters can only do so much. Add a link to redirect followers to your other social profiles and websites. If you want to include multiple links for your blog, TikTok account or podcast, get a Linktree URL , which branches out to several locations. 
  • Include essential info: If you’re using the app to promote your business or professional services, let followers in on important information such as your latest product drop or store opening. Instagram business accounts even allow you to include an address and contact information. Try including a relevant hashtag to help potential followers find your account organically in searches.
  • Use a call-to-action: Ask viewers to hit the follow button or check out the link in your bio to learn more about you. This helps grow your follower count on Instagram and drive traffic to your other profiles and sites.  
  • Add emojis: An emoji can say a lot in just one character, so let these little graphics do some of the talking in your IG bio. Drop a cupcake in at the end of a cute Instagram bio or some flames in a description that’s pure fire. 

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Instagram bio ideas and quotes: the top 80!

  • Por Sophia Silva
  • 06/08/2020 às 12:15 atualizado em (24/09/2020 às 0:49)
  • 8min de leitura

Are you looking for ideas and quotes for your Instagram bio? You’ve come to the right article! We decided to collect for our users the 80 best and most used for you to use in your profile.

We frequently don’t know what exactly to use so as to connect with our target demographic on Insta. The goal with this text is to stop your writer’s block and help you fill out your bio with ease, and help you on getting more popular. Another thing you can do is start using any of the websites to get Instagram followers !

However, you might have ended up here for a myriad of reasons. Maybe you’re after a complete bio to use in your business, or perhaps you want a bio that’s filled with productivity or motivational quotes or even to show off your skills.

To better satisfy all your requests, we’ve split this article into four categories, picking the best quotes for each one.

If you use your Instagram for business, knowing how to make your biography is essential. It will help to ensure your clients connect with you. For that, we’ve picked some of the most used quotes. Whether it is to sell on Instagram, promote your products or services or even if you have your own display on Instagram Shopping, consider leveraging your bio to get more results.

Business instagram bio ideas

Following are some of the quotes you can use when filling yours out:

  • Founded by  @yourpersonalprofile ;
  • Professional contact [email protected] ;
  • x% off in all our  products ! Check out on our website!;
  • Learn more about all our advantages and don’t miss our Instagram live on  day ;
  • Wish to know more about our business? Go to our webpage!;
  • Product . Limited edition! Learn more in our website!/
  • Learn how  to do something on our blog! (link to your guides and tutorials blog);
  • Name of your business. Motto or effect phrase of your business ;
  • Japanese food . Made with care and the best quality ingredients. (Idea for restaurants);
  • Do you wan to be healthier? Check out  our products or workouts . (Idea for fitness e-commerce, gyms, personal trainers);
  • We have the solution you need. Ask us for a quote!;
  • Go to our store!  Physical address and contact number .
  • Turn your home into a personal palace! (Idea for architects, furniture stores);
  • We develop perfect solutions for your business. (Idea for software engineering companies);
  • Do you want to become an expert in  area ? Check out our courses!;
  • Special prices  every day of the week ! Check out our menu (Idea for restaurants);
  • We deliver anywhere in the country. Buy from our  website ;
  • We deliver in  delivery area! Contact info ;
  • Follow our profile in  social networks you use . (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.);
  • Position or participation of  project or company . (E.g. Creator of @apptuts) ;


Quotes that help spread productivity fit in very well with professional, business or even personal profiles. Of course, you can’t talk about productivity via Instagram bio quotes if you yourself aren’t managing your tasks, so you should work on creating and keeping up with your own task lists daily.

If you’re a fan of productivity, check out some that you can use:

  • If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. – Bruce Lee.
  • You may delay, but time will not. – Benjamin Franklin
  • There is no substitute for hard work. – Thomas Edison
  • Action is the foundational key to all success. – Picasso
  • Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work. – Stephen King
  • It not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know. – Tony Robbins
  • Focus on being productive instead of busy. – Tim Ferriss
  • Efficiency is doing better what is already being done. – Peter Drucker
  • Luck is preparation meeting opportunity. – Oprah Winfrey
  • Lost time is never found again. – Benjamin Franklin
  • Opportunities multiply as they are seized. – Sun Tzu
  • Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before. – Franz Kafka
  • Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions. – John Randolph
  • Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made out of. – Benjamin Franklin
  • By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. – Benjamin Franklin
  • Don’t confuse the urgent with the important. – Preston Ni
  • As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand. – Ernest Hemingway
  • Long–range planning works best in the short term. – Doug Evelyn
  • Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill
  • We have a strategic plan. It’s called doing things. – Herb Kelleher

Remember, choose one that really fits in with your followers’ profile. For business profiles, consider your niche before choosing.

Lembre-se, escolha alguma que realmente se encaixe com o perfil de seus seguidores. Para perfis de negócios, considere seu nicho na hora de escolher.

Motivational and impacting quotes

These are some of the most common Instagram bio quotes and ideas. Share with your target demographic ideas that fit in with the way you think. Besides, you should look for references with famous names in your area or that have worked in the same trade. These options can even be a part of your posts should you choose to make images with phrases for Instagram.

Motivational and impacting quotes instagram bio ideas

Check out some Instagram bio quotes and ideas you can use for your business or in your Instagram Stories:

  • The mind is everything. What you think, you become. – Buddha
  • To find yourself, think for yourself. – Socrates
  • Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. – Confucius
  • Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. – John Lennon
  • Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.. – Steve Jobs
  • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. – Mark Twain
  • Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. – John F. Kennedy
  • If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. – Albert Einstein
  • The more we value things, the less we value ourselves. – Bruce Lee
  • Remember that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away! – Vicki Corona
  • The right people ~ the ones who really belong in your life ~ will come to you & stay. – Will Smith
  • Just be yourself, there is no one better. – Taylor Swift
  • Every flight begins with a fall. – George R.R. Martin
  • Not all those who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • To Live is the Rarest Thing in the World. Most People Just Exist. – Oscar Wilde
  • Nothing any good isn’t hard. – Scott Fitzgerald
  • Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. – Nicolau Maquiavel
  • My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do. – Francine Jay
  • The beauty of things must be that they end. – Jack Kerouac

Skills, personal characteristics and achievements

The idea here is to use keywords that describe your profession, occupation, preferences, talents and whatnot. These Instagram bio ideas han help you connect with your target demographic. Remember to also share your achievements and titles, as well as your affiliates, if any. Adjust the phrases so they better fit in with your profile!

Remember that the idea is to use these examples to make your own bio. Everything written in  bold can easily be replaced to fit in with your reality.

Skills, personal characteristics and achievements instagram bio ideas

See down below some great ways to show off your achievements with these Instagram bio ideas:

  • Writer. Movie and coffee lover. Proud owner of two cats;
  • Vegetarian. Artist by trade. Photographer by hobby;
  • Real state agent. Mother to two kids.
  • Soccer player. Love for my team.
  • Musician.  Name of your band . Check out our virtual album.
  • Java developer. Always a nerd. Champion of development event .
  • Project manager.
  • Desenvolvedor  Java . Nerd de plantão. Campeão do  evento de desenvolvimento .
  • Gerente de projetos. SCRUM master.
  • Author of  x book.  Subject teacher.
  • Makeup artist.  Name of your beauty salon .
  • Labor lawyer in  city you live in/state .
  • Founder of  group/company .
  • I make music. Listen to it on my Stories!
  • Professional ballet dancer. Dance instructor.
  • I make sweets and party snacks, do you wanna try them out? Contact us!
  • Event manager at  company , send me a Direct!
  • Professional chef. Owner of restaurant .
  • Theater actor. Watch me on play .
  • Doctor at  hospital/clinic .
  • Firefighter. Marathon runner. Photographer by hobby.
  • Police sergeant in state .
  • Doutor no  hospital / clínica .
  • Sargento da polícia civil no  estado .
  • Bombeiro. Maratonista. Fotógrafo por hobby.

It is worth noting that for any of the Instagram bio ideas you can use different fonts to separate or categorize each line.

Did you enjoy our best Instagram bio ideas?

Leave in the comments if you already knew them all or if we helped you out with creating your own biography. Remember to check out our guide with the most popular Instagram hashtags , the best apps to get Instagram followers , how to save a live video on Instagram , and learn how to use TikTok !

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150+ Best Instagram Bio Ideas for 2024: Level up Your Profile

Instagram bio ideas

Are you looking for ways to level up your Instagram profile? Whether you’re a business owner, influencer, artist, or just someone looking to make their profile stand out, having an eye-catching Instagram bio is key.

We understand that putting together a creative, eye-catching Instagram bio can be daunting, so we have compiled some of the best ideas and tips to help you create a bio that is unique and remarkable. To help you get started, we’ve rounded up the best Instagram bio ideas and tips for 2024. From Instagram bio quotes to cool and cute Instagram bio examples, you’ll find everything you need to create a creative bio that will make your profile shine.

What is an Instagram Bio?

An Instagram bio is a short description of yourself or your business that appears on your profile. It is one of the first things people see when they visit your profile, and it allows you to capture their attention and showcase who you are in just a few sentences. A great bio can be the difference between gaining followers or having them scroll past without interacting with your content.

Best Instagram Bio Ideas

Instagram profile bios

Once you have a good understanding of the fundamentals of crafting a good Instagram bio, explore these creative bio examples that can provide you with inspiration and ideas for making your own IG bio even more unique.

1. Instagram Bio Quotes

  • "To anyone that ever told you you're no good... they're no better." — Hayley Williams
  • "This above all: to thine own self be true." — William Shakespeare
  • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right." — Henry Ford
  • "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." — Steve Jobs
  • "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." — Albert Einstein
  • "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are." — Kurt Cobain
  • "I would rather die of passion than of boredom." — Vincent van Gogh
  • "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." — Oscar Wilde
  • "Where's your will to be weird..." — Jim Morrison

2. Aesthetic Instagram Bio Ideas

  • 🏄‍♂️ Life is a beautiful journey, join me as I travel through it.
  • Capturing beautiful moments one photo at a time.
  • Exploring the world and finding beauty in the little things.
  • Living, laughing, and loving life.
  • Sharing my love of life through photos.
  • Let's take the time to appreciate the beauty around us.
  • Find the beauty in everything.
  • Enjoying the simple things in life. 🌍
  • Life is a canvas, come explore it with me.
  • Let's create something beautiful together. 🔥

3. Instagram Bio Ideas for Girls

  • Without me it would be just "aweso".
  • Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed.
  • It wasn’t always easy but it’s worth it.
  • Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
  • Kiss and make up.
  • By grace through faith – Beautiful
  • VIP Queen👑
  • 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 Unicorn🦄
  • I’m impressing myself.
  • Let them say it and be busy slaying it. 💫

4. Cool Instagram Bios

  • I'm not lazy, just saving energy.
  • Procrastination is my profession. 😎
  • I'm not special, I'm just limited edition.
  • 🤘 Don't be a slave in heaven. Be a king of hell.
  • Here to serve the cat overlords.
  • Lazy is such an ugly word, I prefer to participate selectively.
  • I already want to take a nap tomorrow.
  • 🌈 Follow my crazy life.
  • Always give 100% — unless you’re donating blood.
  • I don’t look like this in real life.

5. Cute Instagram Bios

  • Life happens, but coffee helps.
  • ☀️✨ It's me. I am the moment.
  • Making history.
  • Living life in a cute little bubble ☁️
  • Daydream believer.
  • Part-time sandwich eater.
  • I only leave the house for food.
  • Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.
  • My standards are high… just like my heels. 👑
  • A selfie a day keeps the friends away. 🎀
  • I put the "hot" in "psychotic."

6. Emoji Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Love 💗 and Peace ✌️
  • Obsessed with tacos 🌮
  • Keeping it 💯
  • You know I'm a 🌟
  • ❤️ Lover not a fighter spreading ✌️all over the 🌎
  • 🌹colored glasses
  • 👻𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕋𝕠 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕞 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪👻
  • Catch ✈️ not 😢
  • Welcome to my 👑dom
  • Time to hike⛰️⛰️

7. Funny Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Error 404: Bio unavailable.
  • No, this is Patrick!
  • What should I put here?
  • *Insert clever bio here*
  • Call me, beep me. 🤩
  • My bed, Wi-Fi, Pizza. Awesome!
  • Hey, I found your nose. It was in my business.
  • Professional napper.
  • A good mood is like a balloon. It just takes one prick to ruin it. 🦄
  • I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. I am perfect!

8. Creative Instagram Bios with Stylish Fonts

  • 🖤𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭🖤
  • 𝑀𝓊𝓈𝒾𝒸 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇🎵
  • 🎂_𝑶𝒏 7 𝑨𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒔𝒕
  • 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲📸
  • 🏩 𝕀 Ĺ𝕠𝐕ᗴ мㄚ Ⓘᑎ𝔻𝒾α
  • 👉ℱᗅՏℍⅈ0ᑎᗅℬℒℰ
  • I Aɱ Vҽɾყ Lαȥყ
  • ᴘᴇᴛ 🐶 ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ.. 😍
  • 💓Lðvê💓Mðm💞 ÐåÐ💓
  • ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕪 😎

9. Instagram Bio Copy and Paste

  • Adventure seeker | Wanderlust enthusiast 🌍 | Making memories one click at a time 📸"
  • Coffee lover ☕ | Dog mom 🐶 | Living my best life one day at a time
  • Dreamer | Believer | Achiever 💫 | Making the impossible possible ✨"
  • 🌈 Embracing the colors of life.
  • Foodie at heart 🍔 | Travel addict ✈️ | Exploring the world, one meal at a time
  • Life's a journey, not a destination 🚀 | Chasing dreams and catching flights
  • In love with the simple things | Finding beauty in everyday moments 🌻
  • Music is my escape 🎵 | Dancing through life's ups and downs.
  • 📚 Bookworm | Lover of stories | Creating my own narrative
  • Capturing life's moments, one frame at a time 📷 | Storyteller
  • Living for the moments that take my breath away 💨

10. Creative Bio Examples

  • Creating my own sunshine in a world full of storms.
  • Wanderluster | Roaming the world one city at a time. 🌍✈️"
  • Dreaming in pixels and living in frames. ✨
  • Turning caffeine into content.
  • In a love affair with adventure and words.
  • Living for the moments that take my breath away. 💨
  • Spreading positivity, one post at a time. 🌈
  • Life is short, make every hair flip count. 💁‍♀️💃
  • Scribbling thoughts and chasing dreams.
  • Crafting my own fairy tales, one chapter at a time.

11. Bio Quotes for Instagram

  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
  • Chasing sunsets and dreams 🌅✨
  • Creating my own sunshine on cloudy days ☀️
  • Life's a canvas; make it a masterpiece
  • Wanderlust and city dust
  • Capturing moments, creating memories 📷👣
  • Living life on my terms, unapologetically
  • Turning dreams into reality, one step at a time
  • Adventure is out there; I'm on my way! 🚀
  • Making every second count
  • Finding joy in the little things
  • Life is short, smile while you still have teeth 😁

12. Instagram Bio for Girls

  • Chasing dreams, not boys. 🌟💭
  • Creating my own sunshine on cloudy days. ☀️🌧️
  • Born to sparkle and make the world glitter. ✨💖
  • Turning dreams into plans and plans into reality. 🌟📝
  • Life's too short for boring hair and boring people. 💇‍♀️💁‍♀️
  • Strong, smart, and unapologetically unique. 💪🧠💖
  • Living a life I love, one day at a time. 💖🌈
  • Life's a runway, and I'm strutting my stuff. 💃🌟
  • Making memories and sharing smiles. 😊📸
  • Holding onto my inner child, one adventure at a time. 🎈🎉
  • Fueled by caffeine and a little bit of sass. ☕💁‍♀️

13. Instagram Bio for Boys

  • Living my best life 🚀
  • Adventure seeker
  • Music enthusiast 🎶
  • Sports lover 🏀
  • Dream big, work hard, stay humble
  • Embrace the journey, not just the destination
  • Believe in yourself, and you'll be unstoppable 💪
  • Chasing dreams and catching flights ✈️✨
  • On a mission to make the world a better place 🌍
  • Future [Your Career] in the making 🚀

14. Instagram Profile Bio Ideas

  • Food lover | Aspiring chef | #FoodieAdventures
  • In a relationship with pizza. 🍕
  • Getting lost in the pages of a good book 📚
  • Building a life I love, one post at a time.
  • Adventure is out there! 🌍✈️
  • Just trying to make my dog proud.
  • Slaying my own demons, one stiletto at a time. 👠
  • Living life in full bloom. 🌸

15. Stylish Bio for Instagram

  • Making every pixel count.
  • Life is a canvas, and I'm here to paint it beautifully.
  • Adventuring and documenting along the way.
  • Living for the moments that make the best stories.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. 💫
  • In a world of squares, I'm a work of art. 🖼️
  • Exploring the beauty of life, one photo at a time. 📷
  • Creating a visual diary of my life's adventures.
  • On a journey to capture the extraordinary in the ordinary.
  • Just a [Your Profession/Passion] with a camera and a vision. 📸
  • Wearing my confidence as my best accessory. 💪💎
  • On a mission to make every outfit count.
  • Fashion-forward and fearlessly authentic. 👠🌟

Tips to Create Eye-catching IG Bios

● Use relevant keywords to describe yourself and your content.

● Utilize emojis and other creative characters to draw attention.

● Use fancy fonts or text art to create an aesthetic bio for Instagram .

● Incorporate humor and wit whenever possible.

● Make sure your bio is easy to read and understand.

● Include a call to action for viewers to follow or engage with your page.

● Add links to other social media pages or websites.

● Utilize hashtags to make your content easier to find.

● Keep it concise and to the point.

● Show off your personality and unique traits.

● Update your bio regularly to keep it fresh.

Stand out Your Bio for Instagram with Fotor

Enter text in Fotors cool font generator

Browse, pick, copy, and paste fancy texts from our Instagram font generator for your post, bio, name, and more.

Take your Instagram profile to the next level!

Unique bios and eye-catching Instagram graphics is a great way to keep your profile fresh and looking great.

You can try Fotor’s online font generator  to turn your normal text font into stylish fonts, including cool fonts , glitch fonts , calligraphy fonts , and other trendy fonts.

Those fonts are free, and you just need to copy and paste the converted fonts into your Instagram bio.

This tool is super easy to use, simply type in your text and choose a font style you like, Fotor will generate a variety of different fonts for you to choose from in a few seconds, you can copy and paste these generated fonts directly into your profile bio or name, add some personal touch to your profile to make it stand out.

Fotor's font generator for Instagram bios

Fotor goes above and beyond by not only providing an array of copy and paste fancy fonts that you can effortlessly add into your Instagram bio, but also by offering an impressive assortment of editable Instagram post and story templates crafted by seasoned designers.

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With these templates at your disposal, you have the power to seamlessly add text and images, tweak fonts, colors, backgrounds, and even transparency levels to your heart's content. The customization possibilities are endless, enabling you to create truly one-of-a-kind Instagram content that is guaranteed to captivate and enthrall your audience, ultimately attracting more followers to your profile.

What Makes a Good Instagram Bio?

An Instagram bio is the first thing potential followers will see when they land on your page. It's an important part of setting the tone for your profile and making sure that it reflects you, your brand, and what you have to offer. There are several key elements to consider to make sure you’re making a great first impression.

1. Show People Who You Are

A good bio for Instagram should be concise but descriptive, providing visitors with an idea of who you are and what they can expect from following your account. Use keywords that accurately describe yourself or your business to help people quickly find you in searches.

2. Use Fancy Fonts

You can make your Instagram bio stand out by using unique fonts. Fotor's font generator provides a wide range of Instagram fancy fonts , from bold fonts to cursive fonts , that you can use to customize your bio.

3. Include Some Emojis

You should also take advantage of the character limit in order to create intrigue and draw people in by adding some personality. Include emojis or other symbols that best represent your style or brand – this can add extra flair without taking up valuable characters!

4. Add a CTA

An effective bio for Instagram will also incorporate visuals, such as a profile photo or logo. This helps visitors identify who you are immediately — plus it looks aesthetically pleasing and professional! A “call-to-action” (CTA) at the end of your bio is another great way to get more engagement from followers; ask them to “click the link in our bio” for more information about something related to what you do.

5. Creative Writing

Write an Instagram biography that stands out from the rest by using creative writing to captivate and draw attention. Make sure to craft an exceptional bio that allows your followers to get to know you better and sets you apart from the crowd.

This blog post offers 80+ best Instagram bio ideas and tips to create an eye-catching profile. We hope these ideas will inspire you and aid you in constructing a captivating bio to gain more followers. Now, unleash your creativity and create a unique bio to express your personality!

quotes for biography on instagram


434+ Thought-Provoking Quotes for Your Instagram Bio

Find inspiring quotes to use in your Instagram bio. Motivational, funny, and thought-provoking quotes to help you stand out on Instagram.

Are you looking for an inspiring quote to use in your Instagram bio? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ve collected the best motivational, funny, and thought-provoking quotes to help make your Instagram profile stand out. Read on to find the perfect caption for your Instagram bio!

10 Thought-Provoking Quotes to Inspire Your Instagram Bio

Unlock your inner potential with these thought-provoking quotes for your instagram bio, the power of thought-provoking quotes to elevate your instagram bio, thought-provoking quotes to help you create a stand-out instagram bio, make your instagram bio shine with these thought-provoking quotes, be inspired by these thought-provoking quotes for your instagram bio, discover the power of thought-provoking quotes for your instagram bio, create an impactful instagram bio with these thought-provoking quotes, thought-provoking quotes to make your instagram bio shine, bring your instagram bio to life with these thought-provoking quotes.

quotes for biography on instagram

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain
The only way to do great work is to love what you do
The best way to predict the future is to create it
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday

The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams
Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams
The only person who can limit your success is you
You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

The only person who can limit your potential is you
Your potential is only limited by your imagination
You are capable of more than you know
The only limits in life are the ones you set for yourself

Great things never come from comfort zones

The only way to discover your limits is to push yourself to them
The only way to unlock your potential is to challenge yourself
Your potential is only limited by what you think is possible
The only way to unlock your potential is to believe in yourself

Be brave enough to unlock your potential

The key to unlocking your potential is to never give up
The only thing standing in the way of your potential is you
Unlock your potential and you will open the door to success

You have the power to unlock your potential

The only way to unlock your potential is to take action
Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to greatness
You have the ability to unlock your potential

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to your dreams

Unlock your potential and watch the possibilities unfold
The only way to unlock your potential is to be willing to try
Believe in yourself and you can unlock your potential

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to a better future

You have the power to make your dreams come true
The only way to unlock your potential is to never give up on yourself
Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to a brighter tomorrow

Your potential is only limited by your willingness to take risks

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to your destiny
You have the power to unlock your potential and make your dreams a reality
The only way to unlock your potential is to take the first step

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to a world of possibilities

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to success
You have the power to unlock your potential and create your own destiny

The only way to unlock your potential is to keep pushing forward

You have the ability to unlock your potential and achieve your goals
The only way to unlock your potential is to never give up

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to a better life

Your potential is only limited by the strength of your will
Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to your future
You have the power to unlock your potential and make your dreams come true

The only way to unlock your potential is to keep going

Unlock your potential and you will unlock the door to a brighter future
Your potential is only limited by your courage to take action

quotes for biography on instagram

The power of thought is the only real power there is
Our thoughts create our reality
The mind is the most powerful tool we have
The power of thought is the key to success

Your thoughts create your world

The power of thought is the beginning of all creation
Thoughts are the building blocks of our lives
Our thoughts are the architects of our destiny
Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny

Your thoughts are like the seeds that will grow into your future

The power of thought is the key to unlocking your potential
The power of thought is the most powerful force in the universe
Your thoughts have the power to shape your life

Your thoughts are the foundation of your life

The power of thought is the power to create your own reality
Your thoughts have the power to manifest your dreams
Your thoughts are the architects of your future

Your thoughts are the seeds of your destiny

Your thoughts are the key to unlocking your potential
The power of thought is the power to transform your life
Your thoughts are the building blocks of your future

Your thoughts are the fuel that drives your life

Your thoughts are the key to unlocking your inner power
The power of thought is the power to manifest your goals
Your thoughts are the architects of your success

Your thoughts are the building blocks of your success

The power of thought is the power to create your own future
Your thoughts have the power to shape your destiny
Your thoughts are the fuel that drives your success

The power of thought is the key to unlocking your greatness

Your thoughts are the foundation of your success
Your thoughts are the key to unlocking your dreams
The power of thought is the power to manifest your vision

Your thoughts are the architects of your greatness

Your thoughts are the building blocks of your greatness
The power of thought is the power to create your own destiny
Your thoughts have the power to shape your future

Your thoughts are the fuel that drives your greatness

Your thoughts are the key to unlocking your vision
The power of thought is the key to unlocking your dreams
Your thoughts are the foundation of your greatness

Your thoughts are the key to unlocking your potential

The power of thought is the power to manifest your success
Your thoughts are the architects of your vision
Your thoughts are the building blocks of your vision

The power of thought is the power to create your own success

Your thoughts have the power to shape your success
Your thoughts are the fuel that drives your vision

quotes for biography on instagram

The biggest risk is not taking any risk
The only way to do great work is to do what you love

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today
You must be the change you wish to see in the world
If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now

The only journey is the one within

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any
If you can dream it, you can do it

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible
The only way to do great work is to believe that what you do makes a difference
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible

The only way to make a difference is to take action
The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible

The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work

The only way to make a difference is to start with yourself
The only way to make your dreams come true is to wake up and do something about it

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

The only way to achieve greatness is to be willing to be misunderstood
The only way to make a change is to start with yourself

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

The only way to make a difference is to be the difference
The only way to make a lasting impact is to think beyond yourself

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

The only way to make a difference is to be willing to take risks
The only way to make a difference is to be the best version of yourself

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

The only way to make a difference is to be brave enough to stand up for what you believe in
The only way to make a difference is to be the one who stands out

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

The only way to make a difference is to never give up on your dreams

quotes for biography on instagram

Life is a journey, not a destination.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Life is about making an impact, not making an income.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.

You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday.

If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to fail.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up and work hard for them.

Life is about taking risks and not being afraid to fail.

The only way to be successful is to be willing to fail.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to never stop believing in them.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Life is about making mistakes and learning from them.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to start living the life of your dreams.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Life is not about waiting for the perfect moment, it’s about making the moment perfect.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to never give up.

Life is too short to be anything but happy.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to focus on the present and make it count.

Life is about making the most of every moment.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to never give up on them.

Life is about taking chances and making mistakes.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to never stop believing in yourself.

Life is not about waiting for things to happen, it's about making them happen.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to take action and make them a reality.

quotes for biography on instagram

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.

If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
It is never too late to be what you might have been.

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters.

The best revenge is massive success.

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

If you want to be happy, be.
Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

Dream big and dare to fail.

The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.

The power of thought is greater than any other force in the universe
A single thought can change your life
The power of positive thinking can never be underestimated
The most powerful weapon in the world is the power of thought

The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles

Your thoughts shape your reality
It’s not what you say, but how you think that matters
Your thoughts are the foundation for your reality

Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny

Your thoughts create your life
The power of thought is the greatest power in the universe

The power of thought is the most powerful tool you have

Your thoughts determine your success or failure
You are the creator of your own reality
Your thoughts create your world

Your thoughts are the building blocks of your life

Your thoughts create your destiny
The power of thought can open doors that no other power can

Your thoughts are the foundation of your life

Your thoughts shape your destiny
The power of thought can move mountains
Your thoughts create your future

Your thoughts are the architects of your success

Your thoughts can create miracles
The power of thought can change your life

Your thoughts are the key to your success

Your thoughts are the building blocks of your success
The power of thought is the greatest power in the world

The power of thought can open doors that no other power can open

Your thoughts create your reality

The power of thought is the most powerful tool you possess

Your thoughts are the foundation of your destiny
The power of thought can move mountains of doubt and fear

Your thoughts are the building blocks of your destiny

Your thoughts can create miracles of success
The power of thought can change your life for the better

Your thoughts are the key to your dreams

Your thoughts are the foundation of your dreams
Your thoughts are the building blocks of your dreams

quotes for biography on instagram

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
A positive attitude can really make dreams come true.
Don’t be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not strong enough.
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

It’s not about having the best of everything, but making the best of everything you have.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job
The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success

The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

Life is a journey, not a destination
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see
Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself
The best things in life are free

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all
The most important thing is to enjoy your life — to be happy — it’s all that matters

The secret of getting ahead is getting started

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things

Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday

Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be

Life is a journey, not a destination

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough

The most important thing is to enjoy your life — to be happy — it's all that matters

The secret of getting ahead is getting started

Life is an adventure, dare it

Life is a challenge, meet it
Life is a game, play it
Life is a promise, fulfill it

Life is too precious, do not destroy it

Life is a song, sing it
Life is a struggle, accept it
Life is a tragedy, confront it

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it

Life is a beauty, admire it
Life is a mystery, unfold it
Life is a puzzle, solve it

Life is a goal, achieve it

Life is a gift, cherish it
Life is an ocean, explore it
Life is art, enjoy it

Life is a struggle, accept it

Life is a dream, realize it
Life is a sacrifice, offer it
Life is love, enjoy it

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These Are The Best Quotes To Put In Your Instagram

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Instagram Bio Ideas

200+ Instagram Bio Ideas You Can Copy and Paste (2024)

An Instagram bio is all about making a strong first impression. 

Most people decide whether to follow (or ignore) an account based on your bio.

If your Instagram bio is enticing, someone might decide to engage with your content or follow your account. If it isn’t, you might lose their interest. 

In this article, we’ll look at some cool Instagram bio ideas that you can literally copy and paste into your profile. You’ll also learn how an Instagram bio works, how to write one, and some cool Instagram bio tricks.

What is an Instagram bio?

An Instagram bio is the small area under your username, where you can share some details about yourself or your brand. Your Instagram bio can include a brief self- or brand description, contact information, emojis, branded hashtag, and more. 

Here’s an example of one of the best bios on Instagram, by Sabrina Phillip . 

Instagram bio example

Sabrina’s Instagram bio is powerful. The first line tells you what she does: “I help women make millions online.” 

The second line highlights her roles: “speaker, podcaster, multiple-7-figure CEO.” 

The third line adds a personal touch: “dog mom to @thescottishdoodles.” 

The fourth line talks about her additional interest: “travel writer @sabrinainscotland.” 

And the last line is her CTA, directing you to her webpage at . 

She also includes emojis to make the text more eye-catching. 

If you’re looking for Instagram bio ideas that balance professional accomplishments with personal interests, Sabrina’s profile is a great example.

What makes a good Instagram bio?

You can write your Instagram bio any way you want. However, it’s best to apply tried-and-tested Instagram bio tips:

1. Describe your personal brand

The best Instagram bios tend to have a self-description. Things to consider adding: your job title(s), the company you own or work for, some claims to fame, things you love, and what makes you stand out.

Queen Latifah’s Instagram bio does a great job of describing her personal brand. In the first line of her bio she writes, “Actor/Rapper/Singer/Producer.” When people visit her fan page, they’ll learn that she’s not just an actor and may check out her other gigs to learn more about her. 

Instagram personal brand

Plus, that little blue verification mark appears on her page, so people instantly recognize her account's authenticity when they visit. A key takeaway from her profile is that you can hook people even with a short Instagram bio.

2. Highlight your interests

To make a good first impression, you need to connect with your audience. 

How can you do that? By sharing your interests. 

For example, Paola Antonini’s Instagram bio shares a subtle hint about who she is and what her Instagram account is all about. For her interests, she shares, “Lifestyle | Travel | Gratitude.” 

quotes for biography on instagram

When you see the word “gratitude” thrown in there, you get a little intrigued. And after scrolling through some pictures, you immediately see that she has a prosthetic leg. 

Many of her Instagram posts include pictures of her living life, traveling, and having fun, which makes her interesting. Her 2.6 million followers likely agree. 

The best bio will always be the one that’s easy to read and highlights your key passions.

3. Share your contact information 

If you’re the owner of a fan page or business, or you’re a public figure, your Instagram bio should include your contact information. 

Most people write something like, “For business enquiries, email [email protected] .” You can also direct people to your DM for sending messages. 

The app company A Color Story includes its email address in its Instagram bio for easy communication. This simplifies the way followers and potential collaborators can get in touch with the business.

quotes for biography on instagram

4. Add a call to action

Whether you’re a business owner or an influencer , having a call to action in your Instagram bio is a must. 

Remember: You’ve got one link that you can include for users to click on. So throw in a request to “Sign up for my course,” “Check out my latest blog post,” or “Shop the hottest fashion products now.” 

Tony Robbins’ Instagram bio example includes the CTA “⬇️ Podcast.” The arrow emoji points down to the link to get some extra attention.

quotes for biography on instagram

200+ best Instagram bio ideas for standing out

Cool Instagram bios

  • The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone
  • Here’s my story for the history books
  • I’m a cupcake in search of her stud muffin
  • In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself
  • Success is in my veins
  • Yup, I’m just another Instagram influencer
  • Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to unveil my secret bio.
  • No, this isn’t a dream. This is my reality.
  • What should I put here?
  • Welcome to my world

Good Instagram bio

  • Simplicity is the key to happiness
  • If I was a writer, I’d have a better Instagram bio quote
  • You can’t become the best without first being the worst
  • In a world of worriers, be the warrior
  • It won’t be easy, but always try to do what’s right
  • She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans
  • Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram
  • A day in the life of me: Eat avocado toast, post Instagram videos , read Instagram comments
  • It’s my time to step into the spotlight. I’ve earned it.
  • I practice what I post

Creative Instagram bio ideas

  • Dreams 👉 Goals
  • If “love is in the air,” why is the air so polluted?
  • It took me __ years to look like this
  • Currently saying yes to new adventures
  • I’m hurt, but I still smile. That’s my life.
  • Midnight snacker 🌝
  • Everyone else was taken, so this is me
  • Recovering cake addict 🎂
  • I make money in my sleep 🛌
  • People call me Sara, but you can call me tonight 😉

Instagram bios emoji

  • Welcome to my 👑dom
  • 👇 Check out my latest blog post 👇
  • 🐦: (twitter handle) 👻: (snapchat handle) 🎥: (youtube handle)
  • Traveler ✈️ Book Lover 📖 Obsessed with tacos 🌮
  • We love all animals 🐶 and donate a percentage of sales to marine life 🐠
  • Cancer survivor 🎗️
  • Personal Trainer 💪 Dancer 💃 Meditator 🧘
  • Currently hanging out in 🇵🇹
  • ❤️ Lover, not a fighter, spreading ✌️all over the 🌎
  • Entrepreneur ➕ Globetrotter ➕ Motivational Speaker

quotes for biography on instagram

Best Instagram bio to get followers

  • Follow Me To Greatness
  • Follow me and I’ll follow back
  • Thank you, come again 
  • Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.
  • Follow my [adjective] story
  • Click the follow button to be part of my [adjective] journey
  • Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.
  • I’m on my journey. Join me by following along.
  • Follow me then follow the link below!
  • Pls follow us on Instagram
  • My story will inspire you, so be sure to hit that follow button
  • Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life
  • Follow along to witness history in the making

Great Instagram bios

  • 🍂🍃Falling for you 🍂🍃
  • ☕Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed ☕
  • Having the time of my life ⏰🎉
  • Looking at the world through 🌹colored glasses
  • I’m sweet like honey 🍯
  • 🌟Sending my selfies to NASA because I’m a star 🌟
  • Please cancel my subscription to your issues
  • Status Update: Currently hungry 🍔🍟🌭🌮🥗🍪
  • Kanye attitude with Drake feelings 😭
  • Don’t study me. You won’t graduate 🎓

Instagram bio example

Instagram bio puns

  • They call me Febreze because I’m so fresh
  • Don’t kale my vibe
  • Follow my Instagram or I’m nacho friend anymore
  • I believe in bee-ing myself
  • My Instagram account is very a-peel-ing
  • Seas the day
  • I like to stop and smell the ros é
  • I’m pawsome and currently having a purrfect day
  • Spending my days in a well so I can say they’ve been well spent
  • Artists never retire, they withdraw instead
  • I’ve been told “You are what you eat.” Guess I ate a sexy beast this morning.
  • My name ain’t Mary, but I’m still poppin’

Simple Instagram bio ideas

  • I’m the exception
  • Simple but significant
  • Doing better
  • Rollin’ with the homies
  • Livin’ a little
  • Pretty & Profitable
  • Life is beautiful
  • Glitter is the only option
  • Anything but predictable
  • I see beauty in everything
  • Goal: bigger smile

Funny Instagram bio ideas

  • I apologize for anything I post while hungry
  • Humble, with just a hint of Kanye
  • I’d rather steal your dessert than your boyfriend
  • Sassy, classy, with a touch of badassy
  • One day, I hope to become a grown up
  • Used to think I was a tad indecisive, but now I’m not quite sure
  • Life is short so I’m smiling while I’ve still got all my teeth
  • My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner topped with a chocolate dessert
  • Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream
  • The bags under my eyes are Chanel
  • Instagram bio currently loading
  • I’m actually not funny. I’m just really mean, but people always think I’m joking.
  • I’m a social media guru. No, really, I am.

Cute Instagram bio ideas

  • So many of my smiles are because of you
  • All your dreams can come true, and I’ll make sure of it
  • Live in the sunshine where you belong
  • My life is better than my daydreams
  • Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go
  • I love my followers more than life itself
  • Don’t regret the opportunities you were too afraid to take
  • Sometimes we could always use a little magic—don’t hide the magic within you
  • Every day might not be a good day but there is good in every day
  • So grateful to be sharing my world with you

Instagram bio ideas for boys

  • Living life on my own terms
  • I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in rawest form.
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
  • Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
  • I might not be where I want to be yet, but I get closer everyday
  • One day, I hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth.
  • I got to where I am today by being me
  • I was born to do exactly what I’m doing today
  • Don’t like me? Don’t care.
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine

Instagram bios for girls

  • Not like the rest of them
  • One of a kind
  • The best things in life are really expensive. You can have me for $7 billion 😉
  • Aloha 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴
  • Hi. Hello. Hola. Ola. Bonjour. Ciao. Guten Tag. Namaste. Salaam.
  • Life’s short, eat the cake 🍰
  • Adding a little sparkle to your day ✨
  • I regret nothing you see in this feed
  • My greatest fear isn’t starting. My greatest fear is not making it to the top.

Business bio ideas for Instagram

  • I believe in helping people
  • Putting customers first since (founding year)
  • Official home of (brand name) on Instagram
  • Share your photos with us using #(brand name)
  • 🌎 Free international shipping
  • Contact us: [email protected]
  • Click the link below to shop our Instagram
  • Great selection of [type of products] merch
  • Check out our bestsellers below

Bio captions

  • Enjoying every second of my life, follow along and see for yourself
  • When the pain passes, you eventually see how much good came out of a bad situation
  • Love 💗 and Peace ✌️
  • Mentally on the beach 🏖️
  • If you want the tea, follow me ☕
  • Dreaming bigger than my imagination can handle
  • Starting over
  • Just going with the flow 🌊
  • I’m sparkling like my water ✨
  • I don’t come with instructions, but my captions are the next best thing 📚

Myself quotes for Instagram bio

  • I’m as rare as the Reckon Expert outfit skin in Fortnite
  • I’m a limited edition, there’s only one me
  • Less talking, more action. Take a look at my pictures if you don’t believe me.
  • I am worthy of the greatness I hold
  • It’s not your job to like me, it’s mine
  • I’m awesome (don’t worry I think you are too)
  • I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be the best
  • Born to shine bright
  • Always be yourself because an original is always more valuable than a copy

Funny instagram bios for millennials

  • Even if you had instructions, you still couldn’t handle me
  • Be young. Be dope. Run the show.
  • I’ll remember and recover but that doesn’t mean I’ll forgive and forget
  • I’d rather make mistakes than fake perfection
  • I don’t wipe tears, I wipe the people who created them
  • I’m like coffee: dark, bitter, and too hot for you
  • In a world of average, I’m savage
  • It’s hard to find someone who’s smart, funny, adorable, and a total badass. My only advice for you is, don’t forget to follow me.
  • Too glam to give a damn
  • My Instagram is proof that I’m always creating a better version of myself

Instagram bio quotes

  • Don’t care what you say about me, I like the way I am
  • Love without limits
  • I’m suffering from an extreme case of not being a Kardashian
  • Together we could be unstoppable
  • I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous
  • Tell me not to do something and I’ll do it twice and take pictures
  • All I do is win, win, win. No matter what.
  • In a world where you can have everything, be a giver first
  • You become what you believe, so believe in yourself
  • In a world of darkness, look up at the stars

quotes for biography on instagram

Instagram bio quotes short

  • Welcome to my Instagram
  • Check out the link below
  • This is my life
  • I got nothing
  • Screw perfect
  • Happy thoughts
  • Just smiles 🙂
  • Meet (name)
  • This is my bio

Instagram bio text

  • Single. Determined. Living life.
  • Creating sunshine in the world
  • I wonder how many calories my exes burned jumping to conclusions
  • Always better together xoxo
  • You’ll never shine if all you do is throw shade
  • Just a little bit imperfect
  • Real queens fix each other’s crowns
  • Today’s the kind of day I live for
  • No one’s life is as perfect as their Instagram feed
  • I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going

Inspirational Instagram bio ideas

  • Every day I create a life I love
  • When the world is dark, look up to the stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
  • Trying to watch more sunsets than Netflix
  • I’m ready—let’s do this
  • Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons
  • Making mistakes is better than faking perfection
  • Sprinkling a bit of magic
  • Sharing my happy thoughts
  • Capture every moment
  • I’m the rainbow 🌈 on the rainy day 🌧️

Fitness bio ideas for Instagram

  • Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  • When you feel like giving up, keep going
  • You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do
  • Strength comes from doing things you thought you couldn’t
  • Do something today that your future self will thank you for
  • Today doesn’t need your excuses. Make it happen.
  • The worst workout is the one you didn’t bother to do
  • Hustle for more muscle
  • Train insane or remain the same
  • Helping you build healthier habits

Instagram bio for fashion

  • I dress as if I’m about to see my arch nemesis
  • My clothes might not change the world, but I sure will
  • I’ll make you stop and stare
  • My clothes highlight my colorful life
  • I may be a fashionista but I’m not all about labels
  • Shopping is my therapy—hey, it’s cheaper 😉
  • “I need new clothes.” —Me, every damn day
  • My ex doesn’t go with my outfit
  • Money can’t be the root of evil since shopping brings people so much happiness
  • Women can look beautiful in any outfit, but the right outfit can make women become powerful

Creative instagram bios for models

  • Shh… I’m a Victoria’s Secret model. It’s such a big secret, not even Victoria knows.
  • Full-time Instagram model—DM for business enquiries
  • I’m not just a girl with a phone, I’m a model
  • The prettiest smiles hide the biggest secrets
  • I wear confidence on my sleeve
  • The most important part of a camera is the person in front of it
  • I take a lot of selfies for my future biographer
  • Life is short, make every selfie count
  • #Beyourselfie
  • I don’t use filters for my photos—all real girl over here 🙂

Travel Instagram bio ideas

  • I might not know who I am, but I know where I want to be. Right here in paradise.
  • My best stories are found within the pages of my passport
  • I haven’t been there yet, but it’s on my list
  • ⚫wanderlust ⚫a strong desire to travel
  • Join me on my next adventure!
  • Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer
  • All I need is Vitamin Sea 🌊
  • I like taking the scenic route
  • Take advantage of every opportunity you get because some things only happen once in a lifetime
  • Fill your life with experiences so you always have a great story to tell

Instagram bio examples

  • It’s better to be a lonely lion than a popular sheep
  • Wake. Play. Slay.
  • Creating the life of my dreams one day at a time
  • I’ve scrolled millions of miles with my thumbs
  • Life isn’t perfect, but your photos can be
  • C’est la vie
  • I strive to impress myself
  • See the good in the world
  • Single and living my best life
  • I may be a handful but, hey, you’ve got two hands!

Instagram bio generator

Instagram bio generator, your generated bio:.

You can also try an Instagram bio generator for some fresh ideas. This online tool asks for a few details and whips up the perfect line for your Instagram profile. It’s powered by ChatGPT, but remember, it’s not perfect. To hit the mark, fill in all the fields with as much info as you can. This helps you brainstorm for your final version.

Just a heads up: Sometimes, the tool might spit out stuff that’s off the mark or even a bit dodgy. Whatever it comes up with, using it is all on you, including making sure everything is legal and doesn’t step on anyone’s toes.

5 Instagram bio tricks to try

Want to learn a few tricks to make your Instagram bio pop? Here are four of the most popular ones:

1. Change the font in your Instagram bio

Using a tool like LingoJam , you can easily copy and paste different Instagram bio fonts for your profile. All you need to do is type in the words you’d like in a different font, like your name. 

Then, scroll through fonts until you see one you like. Copy and paste it right into your Instagram bio.

2. Add symbols to make it more noticeable

Using a website like CoolSymbol , you can copy and paste symbols and fancy text. 

You’ll find lots of cool symbols like stars, copyright, arrows, currency, brackets, hearts, zodiac signs, and more. As soon as you click one of the symbols, it immediately gets copied. Then you can head on over to Instagram to post it in your bio.

3. Create a link in bio to improve visibility

You probably already know how to add your website link in your Instagram bio. But what about when you want to add multiple links? 

A cool little website that will help you do this is Linkpop . All you need to do is log into your Shopify account, add the links you want to the landing page, and share your unique link on your Instagram profile.

When all that’s done, your Instagram bio link ends up directing your visitors to a page with multiple links.

To add a link to your Instagram bio, follow these steps:

  • Go to your profile and select the Edit Profile button
  • Add the URL in the Website field
  • Save the changes
  • Test the website link in your profile

4. Add line breaks to your Instagram bio

Using the free tool by Apps4Life , you can add line breaks for your Instagram bio (or Instagram captions ) and click the Convert button to add it to your clipboard. 

Then, you can head to your Instagram app and paste the text directly into your bio. This saves you the hassle of manually creating space you need within the Instagram app .

5. Add your location if it makes sense

You can add a location to your Instagram bio if you are listed as a public figure or business. If you are, follow these easy steps:

  • Go to your profile and select the Edit Profile button.
  • Under Public Business Information, select Contact Options. 
  • Choose Business Address and fill in the fields.
  • Save the changes.
  • Test the address in your bio to ensure it links to the right place.

Drive more engagement with a killer Instagram bio

The best Instagram bios can help elevate your Instagram account, along with your personal and professional goals. 

Whether your goal is to grow your followers or make more sales , you can add calls to action to your bio to get people to do specific things when they visit your profile. 

But don’t neglect the opportunity to share more about yourself and your brand. One of the most important things is to be memorable and engaging—so don’t be afraid to get a little fun and quirky.

quotes for biography on instagram

220+ Instagram Bio Ideas + How to Write the Perfect Bio [INFOGRAPHIC]

Kristen dahlin.

  • September 16, 2023

Table of Contents

Screenshot Tailwind's Instagram bio on a blue background.

Feeling stuck on how to write an Instagram bio? It happens to the best of us. After all, those 150 characters can make or break the growth of your audience! 

Your Instagram bio is the first thing people notice when they go to your profile (and we assume there is no need to re-introduce the critical importance of the first impression ). It’s also where you introduce your brand to potential customers, create personal connections, and (hopefully) drive a considerable amount of traffic to your business.

Whew! That’s a lot of pressure for a few lines of text! But don’t worry, we’re here to help you assemble the perfect Instagram bio for your brand.

In this post, we’ll look at how to:

  • Write a creative bio on Instagram
  • Describe what your business does
  • Give customers a reason to follow, like, share — and convert!

We will also look at our favorite secret weapon and how it can make your profile pop!

Screenshot of an Instagram quiz that will assign you the perfect instagram bio.

What is an Instagram Bio?

Your Instagram bio is the section on your profile page where you include a brief description about yourself, your business, your brand, and/or the purpose of your Instagram account. Your bio is found beneath your Instagram profile name.

Your Instagram bio helps people engage with your profile, and within your Instagram bio there are countless ways to get creative.

Here’s what a bio should include:

  • a short description 
  • contact information
  • a website URL

One thing is for certain: for the  best Instagram profile  possible, you’ll need to keep your bio short and sweet in order to stay under the bio’s 150-character limit. 

But don’t worry — Instagram bios aren’t set in stone. If you like some of our Instagram bio ideas, you can tweak your bio!

You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Will Rogers

Our Formula: How to Write an Instagram Bio in 6 Steps

An Instagram bio is what people see first when they visit your page, so it needs to stand out!

You have just seconds to leave a great impression and convince someone to follow you.

Check out the six steps from our  Instagram bio tips  for making a great first impression!

How to Make an Instagram Bio: The Tailwind Edition

An infographic detailing the six essential steps to optimizing your instagram bio.

Think of your Instagram bio as a short and sweet cover letter. 

Here are our best ideas to make your Instagram bio a killer success:

1. Add keywords and descriptive words to your profile name

You know how the saying goes. What’s in a name? 

The opportunity to brand your Instagram bio even more, that’s what!

Technically, you have two names on Instagram that hang  above your Instagram bio . One is your Instagram handle, which you choose when you sign up for Instagram and have to change in your Settings. The other is your Instagram profile name!

Check out where the two appear on travel blogger Helen Sula’s Instagram page below, where “heleneinbetween” is the handle. 

Your profile name shows up in bold right above your Instagram bio, just like a little heading. If you wanted to, you could just put your company or brand name in this line. However, you might be missing out on a few extra opportunities to brand your profile and attract more followers if you stop there!

Screenshot of Instagram bio for Helene Sula, Travel and Lifestyle blogger.

You have 30 available characters in this line (including emojis!), and it’s a great place to describe what you do, who you are, or what you’re all about. Including relevant keywords and descriptive words in your Instagram bio makes it so much easier for your audience to find you. For example, if you’re a hairstylist, adding your profession — “hairstylist” — and the city you’re located in your profile name makes it super easy for people looking for a hairstylist in your city to find your Instagram account.

2. Use your bio to quickly convey what followers can expect from your page and what’s in it for them

Did we mention that your Instagram bio has a character limit? Don’t waste this valuable real estate on unnecessary details. For example, there’s no need to restate your name here; instead, focus on providing any details that you didn’t get across in your profile picture and name line!

The Instagram bio is the perfect place to highlight significant details about who you are, what you do, and how you use your Instagram profile in an attention-grabbing way. Your bio is usually the last thing people read before making a decision to follow you OR click on the link in your bio! 

Here are a few Instagram bio ideas to get users interested in your profile:

  • Your job title and/or the company you work for, if not mentioned in your profile name
  • Any awards or things you’re “known for” 
  • Hobbies or your brand’s core services/specialties
  • Contact information (if relevant)
  • How often you provide new content to give your followers an idea of when to tune in
  • What type of content your followers can expect from your Instagram account
  • A CTA in your bio (keep reading to learn about adding multiple links from your bio)

To make the most out of your bio space, be sure to  use different words (not the same ones as in your name line) to further describe your brand focus or blog content .

After you focus on the message you want to convey with your Instagram bio, you’ll want to format it for easy readability and understanding. After all, you have just a few seconds to get the attention of a new follower or customer! 

See our creative Instagram bio ideas and formatting tips below.

Should you use hashtags in your Instagram bio?

We get this question a lot. Using a hashtag in your Instagram bio depends on what you want to portray within the summary of what your Instagram profile is about. You can add hashtags and mentions to your Instagram bio to create a clickable hyperlink.

However, hashtags in your Instagram bio don’t guarantee that your profile will automatically appear in that search stream. If you include a hashtag in your Instagram bio, users will be able to click on that hashtag and see all of the posts using that hashtag — not just yours.

If you’ve created a hashtag specifically for your community or business, it’s a great idea to include it in your Instagram bio so your Instagram followers (and profile visitors) can see it — and it’s also a great spot to collect user-generated content! 

Adding a user mention works the same way in your Instagram bio (by creating a clickable hyperlink) and is a great way to introduce the face or faces behind your brand. Linking your personal Instagram handle idea is a great Instagram bio idea — it’s a little clue for curious browsers!

3. Use line breaks and emojis to make your bio look neat and easy to read!

Nothing turns off readers faster than a thick wall of text. A block of words might just make your followers’ eyes (and brains!) tired before they even begin. Good Instagram bios include line breaks and slashes.

Lettering artist Dawn Nicole does this really well in her Instagram bio:

Screenshot of Dawn Nicole's Instagram bio. Handle @bydawnnicole.

When you type your Instagram bio, make sure to remove any spaces before and after each sentence that you want to put a line break around. Then hit return. (If you’re on an Apple device, tap the number button in the lower-left corner of your keyboard to find your return button!) This will move the next sentence down to its own line. 

You can create full line breaks in between each sentence by adding emojis, slashes or periods.

For a more creative bio, try switching out some words and phrases with relevant emojis to spark visual interest and create a refreshing reset for your viewer’s eyes!

4. Include a strong call-to-action (CTA) to send your followers somewhere to learn even more about you!

The next element of a perfectly branded Instagram bio is an important one! It’s the next step your followers or visitors should take to learn even more about your product, blog, or brand. 

Most often, this would be going to your website or another location to view more of your content. That’s why it’s so handy to include a link in your bio by adding a relevant URL.

Here’s how to add a link to your Instagram bio:

Step 1: Log in to Instagram

Step 2: Click on your profile photo in the bottom right corner (this brings you to your profile)

Step 3: Press  Edit Profile

Step 4: In the space next to  Website,  enter your URL

Step 5: Hit  Done

5. Use a “link in bio” tool to showcase more than one link for ultimate traffic conversion

While you can put a link in your bio directly to your website URL, this isn’t always the best idea, especially if you want to direct followers to a certain page or promotion. Instead, many Instagram users choose a “link in bio” tool that acts as a landing page for multiple links, including links shared with each post!

Tailwind’s FREE  tool does just that! In a matter of moments you can create a clean, branded link in your bio (it looks like this: so that your followers enjoy a branded experience from start to finish.

When choosing a “link in bio” tool, it’s important to choose one that doesn’t create a distracting, lengthy link in your bio. Even better, a “link in bio” tool that allows you to create your own custom URL can keep your Instagram bio effortlessly branded!

Take a peek at below! tool displayed on a mobile phone with product pullouts

Elevate your bio game with, and watch your Instagram presence soar.  Get started  now!

With, you can also upload a mix of static link buttons and clickable feed images to optimize the posts, links, and offers you’ll always want to send your followers to. Some creative bio ideas to try in your are: links to newsletters, email lists, guides, links to special offers, blog posts or other places to connect with you like TikTok or Pinterest.

PRO TIP When you use with Tailwind for Instagram, your linked feed images will update in real-time on your landing page — even when you auto post !

No more having to go into another app to separately add in a link and coordinate the time it goes live with the time your post does —Tailwind does it for you automatically when you  schedule your Instagram post !

Plus, is easy to brand, which makes it easier to design a creative Instagram bio that reflects well on your brand.

6. Customize your link in bio landing page to reflect your branding by Tailwind is completely brandable, which is a feature either unavailable on most links in bio tools, or only available through a paid subscription!

With you can customize:

  • Your page title, so you can brand the headline that appears next to your profile photo
  • Your button colors to perfectly match your brand colors
  • The CTA buttons that appear under each of your Instagram feed posts so your audience knows what to do next with uniquely-you instructions
  • Your static link headers, including with emojis!

Image of Chloe Alysse's home screen displayed on mobile phone.

Plus, allows you to see analytics in real-time, including total visits to your landing page, total link clicks, and the click-through rate of your content!

Using this information, you’re able to figure out if your Instagram bio is clear enough to lead followers to your link in bio tool or if you should adjust your CTAs! 

These analytics also help you determine if your buttons are interesting and engaging enough to earn clicks or if you should change your approach to get the most traffic possible. allows you to meet your brand goals when it comes to your Instagram presence. Using it will transform your good Instagram bio into a great one. And, it’s free.

7. Regularly update your bio to keep it fresh

Whether it’s a change in your professional life, a new milestone, or a shift in your personal brand, your bio should reflect the most current aspects of who you are and what you do.

  • For businesses, updating your bio to highlight ongoing promotions, recent blog posts, or upcoming events keeps your audience informed and engaged.
  • For individual users, showcasing recent achievements, current interests, or new ventures adds a dynamic and authentic touch to your profile.

Consider setting a reminder to review and refresh your bio every few months. This not only ensures that your bio remains relevant but also allows you to experiment with different keywords, hashtags, and calls to action to see what resonates most with your audience.

Keeping your bio fresh and up-to-date is a simple yet effective way to communicate your evolving story to your Instagram community.

8. Analyze competitors’ Instagram bios

Look at accounts that successfully engage their target audience and note common elements. Are they using specific keywords, emojis, or calls to action?

How do they structure their information? Is it direct and to the point, or more narrative and personal? Pay attention to how they integrate their brand voice and personality into their bio.

This analysis can inspire you to refine your own bio. However, it’s important to maintain your authenticity. Rather than copying, use these insights to enhance your bio in a way that remains true to your brand or personal identity.

9. Use your bio to showcase your identity

Your Instagram bio is prime real estate for showcasing your personal brand or business identity. In just a few words, you need to convey who you are, what you offer, and what makes you unique.

For personal brands, this might mean highlighting your skills, passions, or life philosophy. For businesses, it’s about summarizing your products or services and your unique selling proposition.

Be clear, concise, and compelling; remember, you only have 150 characters to make an impact. Use language that resonates with your target audience and reflects your brand voice.

Consistency is key. Ensure your bio aligns with the tone and style of your posts. Including relevant keywords and hashtags can also improve discoverability.

Instagram Bio Examples: 220+ of the Best Instagram Bio Ideas You Can Copy + Paste

Now that you have an idea of what goes into crafting the best bio for Instagram, it’s time to write a clever bio of your own!

Here are some Instagram bio examples to get you started. You can use these bios for inspiration, or simply copy and paste them! We don’t mind.

Quick Links:

Good instagram bios, funny instagram bios, cute instagram bios, cool instagram bios, best instagram bios with emojis, business instagram bios, instagram bio quotes, instagram bio ideas for girls, mom instagram bio ideas, fashion instagram bios, instagram bio ideas for guys, entrepreneur instagram bios, clever instagram bios, dope instagram bios, unique instagram bios, aesthetic instagram bios, professional instagram bios, classy instagram bios, simple bios for instagram.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Creating a life I love
  • Simplicity is the key to happiness
  • In a world of worriers, be a warrior
  • Captivated from life, showing it here
  • We have tomorrows for a reason
  • I practice what I post
  • She turned her can’t into cans and her dreams into plans
  • Creating my own sunshine
  • Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better with a change.
  • You is kind, you is smart, you is important
  • Sassy, classy with a touch of badassy
  • Recovering ice cream addict
  • Humble with just a hint of Kanye
  • Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream
  • Words cannot express my passion and love for Fridays
  • Chocolate never asks me any questions, chocolate understands me.
  • Kanye attitude with Drake feelings.
  • Sometimes I just want to give it all up and become a handsome billionaire.
  • Gifted napper, talker, and ice cream eater.
  • I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head, I’m quite busy.
  • My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner, topped with a chocolate dessert.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things.
  • Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go
  • Trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
  • Fabulous ends in “us” coincidence? I think not.
  • Sometimes we could always use a little magic – don’t hide the magic within you.
  • Always aiming to be a rainbow at the end of a thunderstorm.
  • Fair is where you get cotton candy.
  • Just keep swimming.
  • Sharing my happy thoughts.
  • You keep me safe. I’ll keep you wild.
  • Being myself – Everyone else is taken.
  • Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  • I’m a cupcake in search for her stud muffin
  • Do you know what I like about people? Their dogs.
  • The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone.
  • The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
  • No, this isn’t a dream. This is my reality.
  • I already want to take a nap tomorrow.
  • If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
  • When nothing goes right…. swipe!
  • ​Lifting spirits and lowering footprints.♻️

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.
  • (the city you live in or are visiting)
  • Enjoying life’s party
  • Check out the latest deals
  • Awarded most likely to succeed in 8th grade
  • Parent to (dog’s name)
  • (Selfie Queen)
  • (Put where you’re traveling to next)
  • (Zodiac sign)
  • (Add emojis of your favorite things)

quotes for biography on instagram

  • A creative message describing your unique selling point.
  • Check out our best sellers below.
  • Official home of (brand name) on Instagram.
  • Click the link below to shop on our Instagram.
  • Free international shipping.
  • Share your photos with us using # (branded hashtag).
  • Your brand slogan.
  • Contact us: (email address).
  • We see your purchases! Tag us @(yourInstagramname), #(your hashtag)
  • Simplicity is the key to happiness.
  • In a world of darkness, look up at the stars
  • All I do is win, win, win. No matter what.
  • To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.
  • I would rather die of passion than of boredom.
  • In a world where you can have everything. Be a giver first.
  • Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.
  • Together we could be unstoppable
  • Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are
  • Creativity solves everything.
  • Create beautiful moments and make your space a masterpiece. 

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.
  • Sand in my toes and saltwater in my curls.
  • My standards are high… just like my heels.
  • I’m a woman with ambition and a heart of gold
  • Sometimes depressed, stressed…, but still well dressed.
  • I shine from within so no one can dim my light
  • Happiness never goes out of style
  • Smart. Strong. Silly. Straight up class act.
  • Who runs the world? ME.
  • Always give 100% — unless you’re donating blood.
  • Created with you and all the girls in mind🕊

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Mother of dragons, among other things.
  • I don’t regret being a working mother when I can show others that I can fulfill my dreams, and so does my children.
  • I cannot settle for just anything. My kids are watching!
  • Mama to (insert kids names)
  • No influence is as powerful as a mother.
  • I have the best job in the world, I’m a mom.
  • Nurturing, supporting, and helping my children grow.
  • Who runs the world? Moms.
  • Being a mom doesn’t mean you’re superwoman. It just means you’re more powerful than you ever thought possible.
  • Probably drinking coffee because I’m a mom.
  • Inspiring people to cook, eat & live well.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • How you can live the high life if you don’t wear high heels.
  • Fashion is about comfort and feeling good.
  • Happiness looks beautiful on you.
  • Style shows your attitude.
  • We can feel and see everything in clothes.
  • We can express our feelings through our clothes.
  • Never over or under dressed, just dressed.
  • We all have style; we only have to find it.
  • Style is nothing but what we choose.
  • Dress-up is still my favorite past time.
  • Born to express, not impress.
  • I got here by being me, so I’ll continue being me.
  • You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
  • Kilometers are shorter than miles. To save gas I’ll take my next trip in kilometers.
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine.
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
  • I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in the rawest form.
  • Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
  • Be all in or get out. There is no in-between.
  • I might not be where I want to be yet but I get closer every day.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.
  • If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
  • The road to success is always under construction.
  • The happiest people make the best out of anything.
  • A goal is a dream with a deadline.
  • Not stopping until I achieve my dreams.
  • My goal is to not only live, but to grow.
  • Love what you do.
  • What is the point of life without passion?
  • Whatever you do, just make a difference.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • I’m real and I hope some of my followers are too.
  • If “love is in the air” why is the air so polluted?
  • Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.
  • Catch flights not feelings.
  • Midnight snacker
  • I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why.
  • Currently saying yes to new adventures
  • Everyone else was taken so this is me
  • I’m cool, but global warming made me HOT
  • People call me Sara but you can call me tonight
  • Simply look at me. God is amazingly creative.
  • Stress does not go with my outfit!
  • I speak fluent sarcasm!
  • Don’t dm. Telepathy only!
  • Lazy is such an ugly word, I prefer SELECTIVE PARTICIPATION!
  • Remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.
  • Life on earth is expensive, but it includes a free trip around the sun.
  • I’m not actually online, it’s just an optical illusion.
  • Work hard for 5 days to enjoy the 2 days to the fullest.
  • I hope Karma slaps you in the face right before I do!

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Falling for you
  • Looking at the world through colored glasses.
  • Please cancel my subscription to your issues
  • Status Update: Currently hungry.
  • Don’t study me. You won’t graduate
  • A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those?
  • To a great mind. Nothing is little.
  • Who needs friends? My PC is user friendly.
  • Beware of geeks bearing formulas.
  • Weird is a side-effect of awesome.
  • Work out, but make it cute✨
  • Kind words cost nothing.
  • Look in the mirror and see your competitor.
  • Simple hug and cure big issues of life.
  • Sometimes, the fear of losing someone is making us losing them
  • Sorry for taking the same boring face every day.
  • You have ruined the melody of my favorite song.
  • I am the hero of this story, do not save me.
  • Stay busy, they do not deserve you.
  • Firstly, try to learn to make yourself happy.
  • I am getting a chance to tell my feelings to you.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Press that follow button to know my story.
  • Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.
  • Turn that blue follow button to white.
  • Follow me and I’ll follow back.
  • Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life
  • Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.
  • Follow me then follow the link below!
  • My story will inspire you so be sure to hit that follow button.
  • I’m on my journey. Join me by following along.
  • You see, everyone has a story but mine is a mystery. Follow me.
  • Not everyone has to like me, Not everyone has taste.
  • People will stare; I make it worth their while.
  • In a world of average, I’m savage.
  • Even if you had instructions, you still couldn’t handle me
  • Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.
  • You can’t make everybody happy, you aren’t a jar of Nutella.
  • Don’t be afraid to be the full package.
  • At the end of the day, life should certainly ask us whether we want to save the changes or not.
  • I am fire and ice. People fear my cold and crave my warmth.
  • Better an oops than considering a what if.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Welcome to my world.
  • This is me.
  • Just smiles
  • I got nothing.
  • Meet (name).
  • So far, so good.
  • Thanks for checking in!
  • Happy stalking!
  • Happy thoughts

Using to make the most out of your Instagram bio

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Your followers can click on the branded link in your bio to see all the products, posts and content linked to your Instagram posts.

Of all the things to put in your bio, a powerful “link in bio” tool like is a must!

Besides being able to add multiple links, allows you to track how many people click the links. That way you can analyze what your followers are drawn to most, and leverage it!

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Curious? Get a  free trial of Tailwind for Instagram  no credit card required!

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Picture of Kristen Dahlin

Europe Travel Blog

Funny Quotes for Instagram Bio to ROCK your Insta World

quotes for biography on instagram

Looking for cool quotes for Instagram Bio? Here we collected more than 321 quotes to help you stand from the rest of the Insta-crowd. There are many people explaining how should be the perfect Instagram Bio.

It should be short, it should be appealing, you should sell something…

Don’t get crazy about that!

You should enjoy your time in the platform, so if you just wanna add a silly sentence, or simply add a quote you like, go for it!

We collected also +100 Instagram quotes for friends here .

We even found more and summed up the best Instagram captions here .

There are no strict rules for the Insta-game, it is always evolving. Start posting, and use quotes and daily life photos if it’s your world. You should just play, cause we are here a short time. It’s better to have fun!

As we collected many quotes, here you have an index for you to skip to a certain idea you are looking for.

You can also check out these amazing articles and find more interesting quotes you can put on your Instagram or WhatsApp.

  • Best travel songs for 2024
  • Cool quotes for WhatsApp
  • More cool travel quotes of all time

If you simply want inspirational quotes for your bio on Instagram, keep scrolling.

Quotes for your Instagram bio

Your Instagram bio is like your presentation to other people. Imagine you introduce yourself, that is what you should say in the bio, but in a short way, as it is limited to 150 characters. Therefore, you should go direct to the point.

It is good if you include some information about you or your business. In case you have a business, creating an Instagram bio is much simpler. Explain briefly what the business is about. The bio will help the consumer to know what you do and what they can expect in your Instagram profile. It would be perfect if you add a link to your shop/ website, so the people can go directly there.

The Instagram bio can be funny, creative, inspirational… whatever you want! It can also include:

  • contact information
  • a website URL

We collected here lot of examples to help you out in case you are having doubts about what to write in your bio. Because not all the people who are in the Instagram platform are business, even though sometimes might look like it is because you receive many ads.

Maybe you just have your Instagram to connect with your friends and want to be original with your Instagram bio. If that is the case, stay here, we have so many cool ideas for you:

  • Instagram bio examples
  • Cool ideas for your bio
  • Funny Instagram bio ideas
  • Travel quotes to use on your bio
  • Bio quotes for girls
  • Girly Quotes for Instagram bio
  • Short Instagram bio
  • Cute Instagram bios with emojis
  • Swag bio for Instagram
  • Bio for Instagram for boy attitude
  • Motivational Instagram bio quotes

1. Instagram Bio Examples

If you want a good example of a cool Instagram bio, just have a look at the accounts you like to follow and try to figure out what captivated your attention.

Read: Instagram quotes for your Bio

Is there something in common? Do you find something inspirational?

Until you find your perfect quote for your bio on Instagram, here you have some cool IG bios you can use:

  • Making every day magical.
  • Loving fiercely. Stopping along the way to take photos.
  • Captivated from life, showing it here.
  • Trying to become the best. That is why first I am being the worst.
  • Creating a life I love.
  • Trying to remember who I was before the world told me who to be.

Trying to remember happy quote

  • Girl with a strong desire to travel the world and explore new places.
  • We have tomorrows for a reason.
  • Serving you a feast of vibrant grids.
  • Just making sure to love life.
  • When it rains look for rainbows when it’s dark I look for stars.
  • I don’t want to forget something that once made us smile.

I don't want to forget something that made us smile

  • I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
  • You is kind, you is smart, you is important.
  • Die having memories don’t die with just dreams.
  • Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.
  • Stay humble. Be kind. Work hard.
Being the first rate version of myself is better than being a second rate version of somebody else.
  • Throwing kindness around like confetti.
  • Don’t ever be afraid to shine.
  • Creating my own sunshine.
  • Going where I feel most alive.
  • Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by a change.
  • Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.

Find more inspiring travel quotes for friends here.

2. Cool Instagram Bio Ideas

Want to keep it cool? We all want to be cool! In your Instagram Bio, you should show your coolness (aka. your uniqueness) but we all know, sometimes we are too shy to show our real ones. Until you find your voice and comfort in showing your character and personality, you can choose among these bio ideas below:

I would rather die of passion than of boredom.

  • When daydreams become reality.
  • Perseverance pays… a lot!
  • If I was a writer I’d have a better Instagram bio quote.
  • The best of me is yet to come.
  • It wasn’t always easy but it’s worth it.
  • Gifted napper, talker, and ice cream eater.
  • Do you know what I like about people? Their dogs.
  • First I drink the coffee. Then I do things.
  • I already want to take a nap tomorrow.
  • Good times and tan lines.

Good times and tan lines

  • My mission in life is not merely to survive but thrive.
  • Everything has beauty but not everyone can see.
  • Remember to always be yourself.
  • Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.
  • If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
  • The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
  • Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
  • We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself

3. Slay quotes for Instagram Bio

Use humor to stand out in your Instagram account. Did you know that people who use humor tend to be seem more approachable? The more approachable you seem in your IG, the more people will answer and connect with you. Therefore, you will get more successful. Don’t trust my words?

Have a good laugh at these funny Instagram bios and spread the laughter in your feed:

  • “Be strong,” I whisper to my WiFi signal.
  • Chocolate never asks me any questions, chocolate understands me.
  • Recovering from donuts addiction.
  • A preview of my life. This is not the whole movie. P.S.: if you wanna get behind the scenes just head to my stories.
  • Words cannot express my love and passion for Fridays. The photos might help.
  • The hardest thing I ever tried is being normal.
  • I’m starting to like Instagram, which is weird because I hate pictures.
  • I woke up and… posted this.
  • Sometimes I just want to give it all up and become a handsome billionaire.
  • Here to serve… The cat overlord.
  • I’m actually not funny. I’m just really mean and people think I’m joking.
  • Life is short… smile while you still have teeth.
  • I’m not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them.
  • A caffeine dependent life form.

A caffeine dependent life form

  • I always prefer my puns to be intended.
  • Life is too short to wear boring undies.
  • Being a fruit loop in a bowl of cheerios.
  • We’re all just molecules.
Be a pineapple: Stand up straight, wear a crown and always be sweet on the inside.
  • Single and ready to get nervous around anyone I find attractive.
  • Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance?
  • My relationship status? Netflix, Oreos, and sweatpants.
  • I hope one day I will love something the way women in commercials love yogurt.
  • I still don’t understand Instagram, but here I am anyway.
  • We are born naked, hungry and wet. Then things just get worse.
  • One of the few people on Instagram who doesn’t claim to be a social media guru.
  • My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Interested in more laughs? Here’s another good one for more funny travel quotes .

My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner

4. Travel Bio Quotes

This section is for all the wanderlust out there. Social media travelers are becoming important pieces for many brands. You might be willing to become a travel influencer or you might just enjoy traveling and want to show your interest in your profile. Help yourself with these amazing travel bio quotes to inspire you.

  • Don’t listen to what they say, go see.
  • Chasing destinations around the globe.
  • Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.
  • To truly live is the greatest adventure there is.
  • Catching flights, not feelings.
  • Escaping the ordinary.
  • Continuously traveling with my mind. My body sometimes joins.
  • Those who do not travel only read one page.
  • Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.
  • Is The journey (and the memories), not the arrival, what matters.
  • Travel far enough you meet yourself.
  • You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a plane ticket, and that’s kind of the same thing.
  • All you need to know is that it’s possible.
  • Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
  • Jobs fill your pocket but adventures fill your soul.
  • If you think adventures are dangerous, try routine: it’s lethal.
  • In love with cities I’ve never been to. Wanna discover them with me?
  • Take only memories, leave only footprints.
  • Never. Stop. Exploring.

Want even more? Read our 603 best travel quotes of all time (easy copy-and-paste).

Never Stop Exploring

5. Girl bio for Instagram

Here you have some Instagram bio ideas for girls and Instagram bio quotes for girls. Remember you can find more ideas adding the hasthag #insta bio girls and #ig bios for girls on your IG search button.

  • Sand in my toes and saltwater in my curls.
  • Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.
  • Believing in making the impossible possible.
  • I’m not perfect but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection, right?
  • Leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go (Yes I do carry glitter in my pockets).
  • Smart. Strong. Silly.
  • Strong women rule the world.
  • I am cool but global warming made me hot.
  • Authentic Insta Bio Girl.
  • I’m a woman with ambition and a heart of gold.
  • Always wearing my invisible crown.
  • I feel like making my dreams come true.
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
  • Sometimes depressed, stressed…, but still well dressed.
  • So many books, so little time.
  • To infinity and beyond.
  • The bags under my eyes are Gucci.
  • Always give 100% — unless you’re donating blood.
  • Who runs the world? Repeat loud in front of a mirror: ME!
  • Happiness is always trendy.
  • I shine from within so no one can dim my light.
  • We are born to be real, not perfect.

Born to be Real

5. Bio for Instagram for Girls

Who runs the world? And yes, Beyonce answered it well, “Girls!” Rock your Instagram bio with this cool quotes, girl!

  • Doing all things with kindness
  • Single, focused, blessed. Living life.
  • My standards are high. Just like my heels
  • A messy bun and having fun
  • Voice of the wild within every woman
  • I am a girl. I don’t smoke, drink or party every weekend. And I don’t sleep around or start drama to get attention. Yes, we do still exist!
  • Who cares, I am awesome.
  • Being worn a girl is the worst and the best that happened to me.
  • A great girl is classy, not trashy.
  • Who runs the world? GIRLS.
  • Don’t tell her how to dress, tell him not to rape.
  • Sassy, classy, and bad-assy.
  • Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.
  • Leave a little sparkle everywhere you go.
  • Girls don’t wait for the prince anymore. They just pack and travel the world.

Girls travel the world quote

7. Instagram bio quotes short

Keeping it short? Check out these interesting short bios.

  • Simplicity is the key to happiness.
  • The best ist yet to come.
  • Slowing Down.
  • 9-GRID Storyteller.
  • Spreading Smiles.
  • Creativity solves everything.
  • To travel is to live.
  • This seat is taken.
  • World’s most annoying couple.
  • I don’t make mistakes, I date them.
  • “99% coffee”.
  • Nothing but blue skies.
  • Go wild for a while.
  • Optimism is contagious.
  • Making history, I mean… Insta stories…
  • Nobody is perfect.
  • Stay classy.
  • Namast’ay (in bed).
  • There is beauty in simplicity.
  • As free as the ocean.
  • Just keep moving.
  • I woke up like this.
  • A camera in hand.
  • Instagram nerd.
  • Your vibe attracts your tribe.

Motivation quote - tribe

8. Instagram Bios with Emojis

Here you have some cute quotes for Instagram bios. Emojis do add the final touch to that cuteness that many people are looking for, right?

Tip: to add these cute quotes to your Instagram feed, the best way is to copy and paste them from here directly.

  • L💖VE is in the air
  • Just click follow button 😉
  • L❤️ ver not a fighter spreading ✌️ all over the 🌎
  • Laugh while you have teeth 😀
  • Welcome to my d👑m
  • Currently hanging out in 🇵🇹 (+ flag country)
  • I love all animals 🐶
  • Survivor 🎗️
  • Traveller ✈️ Book Lover 📖
  • Obsessed with tacos 🌮
  • Saving trees by not doing my homework ✏️📚📖
  • Sleep 💤 and get relax. Great Ideas will come 💭
  • Never Hear Bad 🙉, Never Look Bad 🙊, Never Talk Badly 🙊
  • 👇 Check out my photos 👇

Want to add some jokes and puns to your bio? Check out these best short and funny jokes

9. Swag bio for Instagram

Put on your glasses and slay your Instagram bio with these cool swag quotes.

  • Living my dreams.
  • WiFi + food + my bed = PERFECTION.
  • Don’t like me? Don’t care.
  • Bad decisions make for the best stories.
  • Kind of a good samaritan, terrible athlete, but extremely blessed in the napping skills department.
  • All you hipsters need to stop wearing Nirvana shirts if you don’t even listen to them.
  • Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.
  • Don’t follow me because I don’t even know where I’m going.
  • I smile because I have no idea what is going on anymore.
  • Naturally and artificially flavored.
  • God gave me a lot of hair, but not a lot of height.
  • Acting like summer & walking like rain.
  • A Nomad in search of the perfect burger.
  • Never forget, the world is yours. Terms and conditions may apply.
I wanna be different just like everyone else.
  • I can resist everything except temptation.
  • My blood is made of coffee.
  • Maybe I’m born with it.
  • It’s not a phase, it’s who I am.
  • You can’t make everybody happy, you aren’t a jar of Nutella.
  • My only real long term goal is to end up on Ellen’s show.
  • Give me the chocolate and nobody will get hurt.
  • The future is shaped by your dreams. Stop wasting time and go to sleep!
  • This is my simple Coffee dependent life.
  • I need 6 months of vacation twice a year.

Funny quotes - vacation quote

  • All my life I thought the air was free until I bought a bag of chips.
  • Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles.
  • If you fall, worry not. The floor will be there.
  • I followed my heart, it led me to the fridge.
  • I don’t look like this in real life.
  • Taking naps is so childish, I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses.
  • It’s never too late to be who you might have been.
  • Savage attitude but a golden heart.
  • Make peace with your broken pieces.
  • Why blend in when you born to stand out.
I’m jealous of my parents, I’ll never be able to have a kid as cool as theirs.
  • I have to be funny because being hot just isn’t an option for me at this point.
  • God bless this hot mess!
  • Where the heck am I? How did I get here?
  • Hi, my hobbies include breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • I was not born for mediocre.
  • Just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin.
  • Insert pretentious stuff about myself here.
  • Living vicariously through myself.
  • You’re just jealous cuz I got swag.
  • Good girl with a good playlist.
  • Don’t try to change me.
  • Stay a mystery, it attracts more curious people.
  • Forgive? Yes. Forget? Never.
  • I get it from my mama.
  • Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me.
  • A coconut a day keeps the doctor away.

Motivation quote - coconuts

10. Bio for Instagram for Boy Attitude

And of course, a section for Insta bio for boy, too. Kill it, boys!

  • Risk-taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter.
  • Living my life on my own terms.
  • I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head, I’m quite busy.
  • Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
  • I was born to… do exactly what I’m doing today.
  • I might not be where I want to be yet but I get closer every day.
  • One day, I hope to be a happy old man telling wild stories from my Instagram grid.
  • I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in the rawest form.
  • Born to express, not impress.
  • You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
  • I got here by being me, so I’ll continue being me.
  • Be all in or get out. There is no in-between.
  • Kilometers are shorter than miles. To save gas I’ll take my next trip in kilometers.

Roadtrip quote and travel quotes

11. Motivation quotes for Instagram bios

Looking for more of an inspirational bio? Keep scrolling and find out more.

  • Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve, it’s leadership.
  • Attitudes are contagious. Make your worth catching.
  • One bad chapter does not mean the story is over.
  • Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.
  • Change your life today.
  • Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  • Every day is a second chance.
  • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
  • Happiness is not by chance but by choice.
  • Keep your face to the sunshine and you won’t see a shadow.
  • A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.
  • How we live our life is far more important than how we say we live our life.
  • Knowledge is like underwear, important to have, but not necessary to show off.
  • Attitudes are contagious.
  • By all means: Do it!

By all means: DO IT!

  • Wherever life plants you bloom with grace.
  • I don’t need any part-time people in my life.
  • Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.
  • Life goes on.
  • Only I can change my life. Only you can change yours.
  • Fair is where you get cotton candy.
  • If you dare you will win.
  • Smile big. Laugh Often. Never take life for granted.
  • The road to success is always under construction.
  • Find comfort in the chaos.
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!”
  • I’d rather be someone’s Sunday morning than their Saturday night.
  • This above all, to thine own self, be true.
  • Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
  • There’s no fun in giving up.
  • No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
  • Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
  • You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
  • With confidence, you have won before you have started.
  • Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined.
  • If you look at what you already have in life, you’ll always have more.
  • You are enough just as you are.
  • Always aiming to be a rainbow at the end of a thunderstorm.
  • You must do the things you think you cannot do.
  • Pursue your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life.
  • Don’t quit your daydream.
  • Life is short. Do stuff that matters.

Life is short, do stuff that matters

Extra: Bio quotes for your Instagram in Spanish

I know, I know… Spanish sounds good and fun. There are many Spanish quotes that you can use for your Bio while traveling. Need some ideas? Here you have:

  • No te preocupes = Don’t worry
  • Solo se vive una vez = #YOLO, you only live once
  • Vive hoy. Ayer y mañana no existen = Enjoy life today. Yesterday & Tomorrow is gone
  • Amo la fiesta = I love to party
  • Vive la vida loca = Go wild
  • Feliz como una perdiz = happy as a partridge
  • Vive tus sueños = Live your dreams
  • Lo mejor está por venir = The best is yet to come
  • Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito = Step by step, softly softly

You can have plenty of Instagram Bio quotes in Spanish here .

What is the best bio for Instagram?

Now you have plenty of ideas that are good quotes for Instagram bio.

What are good quotes for Instagram bio? All those quotes that you like to share with your friends/followers, and Insta-family and tribe. Now I just wanted to clarify some doubts about it I collected all the questions I haver received so you can have straightforward answers.

What are some funny quotes to post as your Instagram bio?

Here you have more funny Instagram captions .

What are some good ideas for bios on Instagram?

It should be short, it should be appealing and memorable. You should sell something like an idea, a lifestyle, a reason why they should follow you... In this list you find anything from being professional, unique, funny, serious, silly. You have to see what fits best your Instagram profile.  You can always use inspirational quotes for Instagram Bio.

Check out more of the best adventure quotes in this link. And maybe find something you like for your bio.

Is there a way to see changes in an Instagram bio?

Yes, you can always see your own changes. Yet, you cannot see the changes in an instagram bio other users did. There is no history of bio or profile, unfortunately. You could take screenshots every now and then. This way you can compare.

How do I edit my Instagram bio?

Simply press "Edit Profile" on your Instagram and you will be able to fill up your Bio.

How do I bold my Instagram bio?

The easiest way is to use a note text editor. Just write it on the text editor and paste it on your bio.

What does bio mean on Instagram?

The bio is the text that appears on your profile.

How do I add a location on my Instagram bio website?

The is no concrete place to add a location when you edit your profile. Yet, you can add it as a text on your Bio. Many bloggers and influencer add their location in Instagram Bio with a location-icon and then the name of the place, for example 📍 Mexico

When Instagram says link in bio where is that?

Many people say link in bio in their posts. They mean the website link that appears on their profile. If you want to edit it and add a website, just click on the edit profile.

Summary of Bio quotes Instagram

So have you decided already what are your favorite quotes for Snapchat Instagram and WhatsApp bio?

You should have plenty of ideas for a cool Instagram bio right now. Go set up your Instagram account and let the fun begin!

If you still need some funny Instagram quotes, well, here you have more:

  • funny Instagram captions
  • cool Instagram captions to copy-paste
  • inspirational quotes for Instagram bio
  • songs about traveling and adventure

Do you have a fun or cool Insta bio and you want to share it with us? Just write it on our comments!

Happy Instagramming!

Quotes for your Instagram Bio

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So cool i even want to take all 😥

Instagram Bio is a very important thing to attract users. Here are lots of Instagram quotes that make your Instagram profile attractive and help to make your profile rocking worldwide.

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quotes for biography on instagram

28 Quotes About Life For Your Instagram Bio That 20-Somethings Will Really Appreciate

When it comes to life, I'm not an expert. Sure, I have a fairly good grip on my relationships and friendships, and can quote reruns of New Girl like it's my full-time job. I know how to perfectly brew a cup of vanilla tea, and have a consistent Instagram feed. (That's sort of a victory, right?) But, I also know that there is still a lot for me to experience, learn, and love. There are beautiful places I've never been to, and curveballs I've yet to face. In the meantime, though, I'm just going to gather some quotes for your Instagram bio about life for all the 20-somethings out there. Thank me later!

Now, let's consider this decade of our lives to be the best one yet. Let's call it a club, that has meetings with only the best snacks. (Homemade chocolate chip cookies, popcorn, and chicken nuggets with a variety of dipping sauces included, of course!) That way, we approach every day with a positive mindset and the unwavering belief that we can, and will , change the world.

This club will remind us that, even on our tough days, three things are happening: First off, we're not alone. Second, we're doing our very best, and that deserves a round of applause. *Cue the claps.* And third, we always have a million reasons to love our lives.

Truth is, you don't have to be an expert at life to see that. You just need to realize that there's a lot to appreciate and be grateful for at all times. The coffee stains lead to new outfits, and the breakups make room for greater love stories. The endings lead to new beginnings, and there's likely another episode of your favorite show on Netflix after this one rolls the credits.

Simply make this realization by scrolling through these 28 quotes about life, and then putting one in your Instagram bio. It'll change your perspective on where you're at right now, and where you're going. It might just inspire your followers, too.

quotes for biography on instagram

1. "Be different, babe."

2. "I think you should just go for it."

3. "She was just another girl. Playing hopscotch with the stars." — Atticus

4. "There's no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this."

5. "What would Beyoncé do?"

6. "An optimist is the most radical things you can be."

7. "Good vibes found here."

8. "I don't know everything, but I know enough."

9. "Living life is a style that few choose to wear."

10. "Your breakthrough is coming."

11. "Let the ocean worry about being blue." — Alabama Shakes, "Hang Loose"

12. "The world looks beautiful on you."

quotes for biography on instagram

13. "If you were looking for a sign, here's one."

14. "Love the life you live." — Bob Marley

15. "Just hanging, how about you?"

16. "Say yikes and move on."

17. "You can find me where the music meets the ocean." — Zac Brown Band, "Jump Right In"

18. "Up in the clouds, on my way to unknown things."

19. "Live by the sun, love by the moon."

20. "Everything comes to you at the right time."

21. "Keep going, you're getting there."

22. "Doing this sweet thing called life."

23. "The universe needs you and your vibes."

24. "Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud." — Maya Angelou

quotes for biography on instagram

25. "Wherever you are, be all there." — Jim Elliot

26. "You have to find that place that brings out the human in you. The soul in you. The love in you." — r.m. Drake

27. "Love her, but leave her wild." — Atticus

28. "I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." — Arthur Rubinstein

Do yourself a favor, and choose to enjoy this decade and being 20-something. Appreciate every experience, lesson, and love story — and use those moments to write your own quotes about life.

quotes for biography on instagram


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150+ Instagram Quotes for Every Moment: Inspire, Motivate, and Connect

Afirah shaikh.

  • February 26, 2024
  • Blog , Instagram Marketing , Social

150+ Instagram Quotes for Any Occasion

With a flood of emotions and thoughts running wild in your mind, do you ever feel the need to pour those feelings on your Instagram? I bet you do!

There’s nothing quite as disheartening as the struggle to find that ideal quote that captures every nuance of your thoughts. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with a list of Instagram quotes. And once you’ve crafted the perfect post to share with your fellow Instagrammers, scheduling it with an Instagram scheduler is a breeze.

Luckily, this list provides every quote you’ll ever need, whether you’re seeking Monday motivation, sharing a 3 AM self-reflection moment, or aiming to inspire others. These Instagram quotes are versatile, serving as both standalone posts and captivating captions for your Instagram content.

Instagram Quotes for an Impressive Bio

Your Instagram bio serves as your initial introduction, and it leaves a first impression on your followers. While you might not fully subscribe to the notion that “first impressions are the last impression,” it’s undeniable that they hold weight. In social media, captivating your audience’s interest from the get-go is crucial for gaining followers.

Using Instagram quotes in your bio is a fantastic way to craft an engaging introduction. Consider infusing humor and relatability to resonate with your audience. Alternatively, share something about yourself or your business that provides insight into who you are. We’ve compiled a few examples to inspire you—feel free to borrow them!

  • Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan
  • In a world full of dog people and cat people, I’m proud of both
  • Chasing the moon
  • On a never-ending journey!
  • Wandering where the Wi-Fi is weak
  • Self-Proclaimed Food Expert!
  • Living my best life
  • Just here for validation
  • You don’t know me, but you would love to!
  • Follow for bad decisions and poor impulse control!
  • Love all things sports
  • Jamming to music
  • Drenched in Dior

A snapshot of Instagram

Impress Your Audience With Cool Instagram Quotes!

Social champ provides complimentary ai tools for crafting captivating captions and hashtags tailored for instagram. take advantage of this innovative technology today, instagram quote for a cute post.

We all love to see a bit of cuteness on our Instagram feeds, don’t we?

Whether it’s a video of a cat purring in the owner’s lap, a baby trying to make adorable sounds, or a selfie that you think shows off your cute side, nothing compliments these posts better than short Instagram captions. Some Instagram quotes will make your already cute posts even more adorable.

  • Hella heart eyes for you
  • A little contour and confidence
  • You’re my sunshine
  • I’m a sucker for you
  • You’re the peanut butter to my jelly
  • I’m a little obsessed with you
  • Sweeter than a cupcake
  • Do you believe in magic?
  • This friendship is furrr real
  • Cats are my favorite people
  • Who let the dogs out?
  • Embracing my inner Disney princess
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by 𝒮𝒶𝒷𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓃𝒶𝒽 ℐ𝓁𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓃𝒶 ℳ𝒶𝓈𝓊𝒹𝒾🧿🎀 (@sabreenahmasudi)

Instagram Quotes for Selfies

What’s stopping you from posting that selfie on Instagram? If it’s finding the best captions for Instagram, the problem is solved. Pick one of the following captions and put out your selfies to bless your followers’ Instagram feeds.

  • Maybe it’s an Instagram filter; maybe she’s born with it
  • Get out there and live a little
  • Sharing the vibe
  • Confidence is the best filter
  • Sassy yet classy
  • Smile a little more
  • Mentally, at the beach
  • I woke up like this
  • Less perfection, more authenticity
  • Another fine day ruined by responsibilities
  • Be yourself, there’s no one better
  • Why chase you when I’m the catch
  • Keep your heels, head, and standards high
  • Lit from within
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Arianny Celeste UFC Mama (@ariannyceleste)

Happy Quotes for Instagram

Instagram is used to share your happy moments with others, and before this platform became such a big hit for marketing, it was just a platform filled with people sharing their memories with their loved ones. Despite being one of the most prominent social media platforms for marketing, Instagram is still used for celebrations, so if you also have a happy post in mind, these short Instagram captions can help you.

  • It’s always the little things that create happiness
  • There’s no way to happiness— happiness is the way!
  • Being happy starts with you, how you think, and how you live!
  • Not mad, just joyful
  • Do or Donut
  • Sorry, even the latest update of my life does not feature an unhappy button.
  • Smiles are free, but they are worth a lot.
  • Happy people are the most good-looking
  • Happiness isn’t out there; it’s in you!
  • Laugh while you still have teeth
  • Be your own reason for happiness
  • Just a happy, simple human
  • Floating on cloud nine
  • Laughing for the rest of my life
  • Don’t believe in a happy ending; believe in a happy now!
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Laura Wi (@lauraaa_wi)

Romantic Instagram Quotes

Who isn’t a sucker for romantic quotes?

We want the kind of love we see on Instagram, and if you are one of the blessed people who have it, you gotta show off on Instagram with these romantic captions.

  • Two peas in a pod
  • Together is my favorite place to be
  • I think I’m nuts for you. Either that, or I’m just plain nuts
  • Hold my hand, and I’ll go anywhere you want
  • My favorite love story is ours
  • Every day I’m with you, I love you more!
  • The good things in life are better with you
  • So many of my smiles begin with you
  • Love is the flower; you need to let it grow— John Lennon
  • If I had a flower whenever I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. — Alfred Tennyson
  • Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you. — Loretta Young
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by The Good Quote (@thegoodquote)

Funny Instagram Quotes

You would like some laughs, and these quotes for Instagram are a perfect source. Your audiences will also enjoy it more if you add a touch of fun to your Instagram posts, so bring that sense of humor to the picture.

  • If I were funny, I would have a good Instagram caption.
  • Sure, I do marathons. On Netflix!
  • The bags under my eyes are Gucci.
  • I call this hairstyle “I tried.”
  • I know that looks aren’t everything, but I have them just in case
  • They call it a ‘selfie’ because ‘narcissistic’ is too hard to spell.
  • Can Bob the Builder fix my bad attitude?
  • Do I run? Yes, out of time, patience, and money.
  • Don’t look for a man; look for a margarita and a tan.
  • The Instagram caption is currently loading
  • Just dropped my new single! It’s me, I’m single.
  • There may be no excuse for laziness, but I’m looking.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by I’m Being Sarcastic | MEMES & COMEDY (@imbeingsarcastic)
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Motivational Quotes for Instagram

When life throws us curveballs, it’s easy to feel knocked down. But you know what helps? Coming across a motivational quote online that speaks to our hearts and reminds us that we’re not alone in our struggles. Your audience might also be going through tough times, seeking reassurance that things will eventually work out. So, here are some Instagram quotes to remind us that we can overcome whatever life throws our way.

  • Are you getting closer to what you want to be tomorrow? Keep up until you do.
  • Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.
  • Enough chatter; let’s get to work!
  • Define yourself. Other people’s definitions of you are trivial.
  • Follow your dreams; they know the way.
  • Grow through what you go through.
  • One day or day one? You decide.
  • Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.
  • Remember why you started.
  • Push yourself to be better every day.
  • There’s no better time than now.
  • You do not find a happy life; you make it.
  • Take the risk or lose the chance.

Sad Instagram Quotes

When you are sad, Instagram quotes for boys and girls work as a warm hug. Reading that perfect sad quote can mend your heart so you don’t feel alone anymore. Here are some quotes that will make you feel understood and heard.

  • Lost but never giving up.
  • Feeling everything, saying nothing.
  • Words fail to express this ache.
  • When words fail, let tears speak.
  • Finding solace in the company of my thoughts.
  • Heart full of pain, eyes full of tears.
  • My life is a constant struggle between holding it together and falling apart.
  • It’s okay to be sad as long as you remember being loved.
  • Rainy days make the flowers grow.
  • Hold on; the pain ends eventually.
  • A broken heart still beats with love.
  • When you’re happy, you enjoy the music, but when you’re sad, you understand the lyrics— Frank Ocean
  • I didn’t want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that’s sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare, you’re so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare— Ned Vizzini

Business Quotes for Instagram

The business world is cruel, and you need strength to put up a good fight. Attitude captions for Instagram are the perfect match for your business-related posts. They boost your confidence and make a stronger impression on your audience, so pick your favorites!

  • Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do— Jeff Olson
  • Small business, big heart.
  • Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it’s the courage to continue that count.
  • Collaboration is the key to success.
  • If you don’t value your time, nobody else will— Bo Bennett
  • I haven’t failed; I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work— Thomas Edison
  • The only way to do great work is to love what you do— Steve Jobs
  • There’s no substitute for hard work and determination.
  • The best ideas come to life in a room full of great minds.
  • Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way— Vera Wang
  • You don’t have to be pushed if you are working on something you care about. The vision pulls you— Steve Jobs
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Business Quotes (@businessquotes)

Movie/TV Series Quotes

Movies have a unique way of teaching valuable lessons, often through unforgettable dialogues that resonate deeply. Think about your favorite movie or series—chances are, at least one line has stayed with you long after the credits rolled. Here are some Instagram quotes pulled straight from iconic movie moments. Read them, and see if you can guess which movies they’re from!

  • Just keep swimming.
  • Hakuna Matata!
  • To infinity and beyond!
  • I’m not crazy. My mother had me tested.
  • I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.
  • To me, you are perfect.
  • You have bewitched me, body and soul.
  • Some people are worth melting for.
  • Sometimes, it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine.
  • With great power comes great responsibility.
  • Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.
  • We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Movie Quotes (@moviequotes)

Song Quotes

There’s nothing better to fall in love with, other than music. Songs that make us feel like we are having movie-like love, songs that make us feel alive, songs that break our hearts with their heart-wrenching lyrics, all of them have something unique, and whatever your taste in music may be, you will surely like this list of Instagram captions taken from songs!

  • It’s a beautiful day to save lives— ‘How to Save a Life’ by The Fray
  • I’m gonna stand by you even if we’re breaking down— ‘Stand by You’ by Rachel Platten
  • Cause you’re a sky full of stars; I’m gonna give you my heart— ‘A Sky Full of Stars’ by Coldplay
  • In the next one, will you find me?— ‘We’re In Love’ by Boygenius
  • I once believed love would be black and white, but it’s golden— ‘Daylight’ by Taylor Swift
  • I just want to dance the night away — ‘Blame It on the Boogie’ by The Jacksons, Destiny
  • If you dance, I’ll dance — ‘Say Yes To Heaven’ by Lana Del Rey
  • Vintage tee, brand new phone — ‘Cardigan’ by Taylor Swift
  • The night is still young, and so are we ― ‘The Night Is Still Young’ by Nicki Minaj
  • I’m every woman, it’s all in me — ‘I’m Every Woman’ by Chaka Khan
  • We never go out of style— ‘Style’ by Taylor Swift
  • I still remember 3rd of December — ‘Heather’ by Conan Gray
  • Smooth like butter — ‘Butter’ by BTS
  • I hope your jacket smells like me — ‘Smells like me’ by Charlie Puth
  • I can’t lose when I’m with you — ‘Snooze’ by SZA
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Taylor Swift Song Lyrics (@taylorswift13.lyrics)

Good Instagram Quotes

All Instagram quotes can’t be categorized because you might find some good self-captions for Instagram that are hard to put in a category. The following captions fall into this “simply good” category, so read them!

  • You will never regret being kind.
  • What’s a queen without her king? Historically speaking, more powerful.
  • Ultimately, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s life in your years.
  • I’m not a selfie person, but I am a people person
  • The best things in life are free
  • Live, laugh, like my photo
  • A picture is worth a thousand words
  • I’m not high maintenance; you’re just low-effort
  • Look for the magic in every moment
  • Vodka may not be the answer, but it’s worth a shot
  • If I were rich, I’d pull a Netflix and spend $100 million on my Friends
  • Sometimes relationships end so love stories can begin
  • A good friend might know your wild stories, but your best friend was right there with you
  • Don’t trust everything you see; even salt can look like sugar
  • When I started counting my blessings, I realized I had everything I could ever need
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Tips for Selecting the Best Quotes for Instagram

Choosing the perfect Instagram caption for your post shouldn’t be hard, but we often spend hours thinking of something to write. Here are some tips to speed up this process so you can write the coolest Instagram quotes on your posts.

Work Within the Space

Be open to experiment, use a consistent tone, keep it relevant.

Relevancy is important!

Stay Up-To-Date With Trends

In conclusion.

Selecting the perfect Instagram caption shouldn’t feel daunting, especially when you have Social Champ’s AI tools at your disposal. With these tools, crafting engaging captions becomes as effortless as strolling through the park. Whether you choose from the Instagram quotes suggested in this guide or feel inspired to create something entirely original, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Plus, don’t forget to explore our free Instagram hashtag generator , which ensures you include all the relevant hashtags in your posts. We aim to see your Instagram captions shine bright, ensuring you never go out of style!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is a good quote on insta, 2. what is the best caption, 3. what is a unique caption, 4. what are small captions, resources for you.

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100+ quotes for Instagram bio

Content Marketer and Writer

Instagram bio quotes for everyone

Quotes by famous people, girly quotes for instagram bio, instagram bio quotes for boys, song quotes for ig bio, short quotes for bio on instagram, funny quotes for instagram bio, sarcastic insta quotes for bio, inspirational quotes for instagram bio, quotes to get followers on instagram, make use of the link in your instagram bio, what a perfect instagram bio should be like, let’s recap.

An Instagram bio presents you to other users. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right words for the introduction. Especially when you are limited to 150 characters like in the Instagram bio. But the quotes we give can do this perfectly. We also give some tips for your bio below.

We compiled more than 100 hundred quotes and divided them into thematic groups. Choose anyone, edit it if you want, and add to your Instagram profile bio. 

quotes for biography on instagram

  • "I would rather die of passion than of boredom." — Vincent van Gogh
  • "This above all: to thine own self be true." — William Shakespeare
  • "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." — Albert Einstein
  • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are." — Kurt Cobain
  • "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right." — Henry Ford
  • "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." — Oscar Wilde
  • "Where's your will to be weird..." — Jim Morrison
  • "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." — Steve Jobs
  • "To anyone that ever told you you're no good... they're no better." — Hayley Williams

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Who runs the world? Me.
  • Old but gold.
  • One kiss is all it takes.
  • Shine bright like a diamond.
  • Love belongs to the Universe.
  • Without me it would be just "aweso".
  • Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed.
  • Kiss and make up.
  • Be hard, but stay soft.
  • Oops!... I did it again! 
  • Less drama!
  • Wonder woman.
  • Love is easy but the queen is busy.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • My life, my rules.
  • Living my best life.
  • I'm not lazy, just saving energy.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Motivation for Monday? I'm motivated 7 days a week.
  • I'm better in life than on Instagram.
  • Don't be ordinary, be wild.
  • What should I put here?
  • Be a warrior, not a worrier.
  • Procrastination is my profession.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead." — Adele
  • "The world moves on, another day, another drama." — Taylor Swift
  • "All the things that you have lost Will find their way to you." — Imagine Dragons
  • "Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me." — Smash Mouth
  • "Summertime Sadness." — Lana Del Ray
  • "Let it be, let it be…" — Paul McCartney
  • "You have every right to a beautiful life." — Selena Gomez
  • "I see it. I like it. I want it. I got it." — Ariana Grande
  • "I mean, who wants to look simple when you can look stunning?" — Nicki Minaj
  • "Lose your dream, you lose your mind." — The Rolling Stones

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Worship cats here.
  • Go wild for a while.
  • All we have is now.
  • Seize the day.
  • One of a kind.
  • Movie is over.
  • Imperfection is my Perfection.
  • C’est la vie.
  • Certified Pizza eater.
  • Smarter than Google.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • I’m a visual content guru. No, really, I am.
  • The bags under my eyes are Chanel.
  • Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.
  • … is taping.
  • Okay, I signed up for Instagram. Happy now?
  • Sarcasm connoisseur.
  • My bed, Wi-Fi, Pizza. Awesome!
  • Gifted napper.
  • Fly high as the sky.
  • I’m not a book to write my description there.
  • I’m cool, but global warming makes me hot.
  • In constant need of hugs and love.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • I apologize in advance.
  • Be my guest and go away!
  • Better an Oops, than a What if.
  • Dress how you want to be ADDRESSED.
  • If I was you, I'd wanna be me, too.
  • Excuse me, which level of hell is this?
  • Hey, I found your nose. It was in my business.
  • I heard you’re a player. Nice to meet you. I’m the coach.
  • Bed is my favorite hello and the hardest goodbye.
  • I’m not anti-social. I’m just not user-friendly.
  • Thank you, next.
  • There is no competition because nobody can be me.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Stay original and let the world copy you. 
  • If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself.
  • Watch more sunsets and sunrises than Netflix.
  • Less talking, more action.
  • In the room full of art, I will stare at you.
  • Great things never come from a comfort zone.
  • Life is more than one big to-do list.
  • Follow your gut feeling.
  • Shine your light.
  • If you can dream about it, you can do it.

quotes for biography on instagram

  • Read my posts to plunge into social media marketing.
  • Follow my gripping story.
  • Welcome to a rodeo!
  • Adding a little miracle to your day.
  • Keeping it real since [your year of birth].
  • Let’s see where it goes.
  • Follow me, and I will follow you.
  • Welcome home.
  • Come on, Barbie, let's go party.

In addition to a cool quote, you also need a link in your Instagram bio. It can be a useful tool for growing your following and monetizing your account. It should lead to your Taplink page to make the maximum use. This is the page where you can gather all your links:

  • social profile links . Direct users to subscribe to all your social profiles and grow your following on social media as a whole.
  • donation links . Direct users to your profiles on donation platforms or give a PayPal link and collect tips.
  • contact buttons . Add messaging app and call buttons, or an opt-in form to let brands request paid posts and collaborations.
  • affiliate links . Give users links to the items they may want and get a small commission from their purchases.

Use templates to create your page in a matter of minutes. Here you can read detailed instructions. Try these templates for example:

quotes for biography on instagram

A perfect bio is custom first of all. Create a custom quote for your Instagram bio.   It can be your favorite phrase, or your life motto, or a phrase people associate with you, etc. Here are more tips:

  • Think about what is something that makes you special and different from others. There should be some reason for people to follow you. For example, you are a novice marketer. To draw the audience's attention, tell you send a one-month free ready-made content plan for following you.
  • Do not choose too abstruse and long quotes with a bulk of terms for your Instagram bio. It is unlikely that someone will read this. Even if they do read it, not everyone will even understand the meaning of the terms. For example, you need a tattoo bio for your Instagam profile , make it short like "Ink it on, stand out strong".
  • The Instagram bio should correspond to the subject of your account. For example, you run a fashion profile. So, don't write that you like animals and traveling. It is better to add a quote like "Fashion is not about utility. An accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity" from the famous Meryl Streep movie "The Devil Wears Prada".
  • Reach your target Instagram audience through the quote in your bio. Your goal isn't just to gain followers, but to attract those users who will be interested in your account. For example, you can write "Isn’t it scary that doctors call what they do "practice"?", if you are a doctor and  run your own blog .

quotes for biography on instagram

In this article, we suggested you more than a hundred quotes that you can add to your bio on Instagram. Use phrases from songs or movies, quotes by famous people, come up with your own ideas, or choose any phrase from our list. Remember that the bio has to suit the style of your Instagram profile.

Add more to your bio using a link in bio page created on Taplink. It will help to show your unique personality and creativity. Add pictures, videos, music, WhatsApp , Discord links to your Instagram  link in bio page, and many other things. Choose a color palette or set your own design.

You may want to read a similar article about  ideas of questions for Instagram Stories .

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quotes for biography on instagram

  • Email Email
  • Notícias Notícias
  • Mensagens Mensagens
  • Destaques Destaques
  • horóscopo horóscopo
  • Entretenimento Entretenimento
  • Esporte Esporte
  • Carros Carros
  • Busca Busca
  • Autoatendimento Autoatendimento
  • Versos de Música Versos de Música
  • Legendas Legendas
  • Citações Citações
  • Poemas e Poesias Poemas e Poesias
  • Cinema Cinema
  • Concursos Concursos
  • Educação Educação
  • Famosos Famosos
  • Games Games
  • Horóscopo Horóscopo
  • Música Música
  • Séries Séries
  • Teatro Teatro
  • Televisão Televisão
  • Tempo Tempo

Mensagens e Frases

Bio instagram prontas: 70 frases para usar e arrasar.

Do BOL, em São Paulo

19/09/2024 11h32

A bio do Instagram é o seu cartão de visita digital, a primeira impressão que você deixa para os visitantes do seu perfil. Em um espaço limitado, é essencial comunicar quem você é, o que faz e o que os seguidores podem esperar ao acompanhar suas postagens. Seja você um influenciador, um empreendedor ou alguém que busca mostrar sua personalidade, uma bio bem elaborada pode ser o diferencial entre ser notado ou passar despercebido.

Para ajudar a transformar seu perfil em um verdadeiro destaque, reunimos 70 frases prontas para sua bio do Instagram. Essas sugestões vão desde declarações inspiradoras até frases engraçadas e criativas, oferecendo uma variedade de opções para expressar seu estilo e atrair novos seguidores de forma impactante.

  • "Transformando sonhos em realidade, um dia de cada vez."
  • "Apaixonado por viagens e experiências únicas."
  • "Criador de memórias e colecionador de sorrisos."
  • "Vivendo intensamente e amando profundamente."
  • "Empreendedor, criador e amante da vida."
  • "Cada dia é uma nova chance de brilhar."
  • "Compartilhando minha jornada com um toque de magia."
  • "Desenvolvendo sonhos e celebrando conquistas."
  • "A vida é uma aventura; estou aqui para aproveitá-la."
  • "Explorando o mundo com um coração aberto e uma mente curiosa."
  • "Apaixonado por moda, viagens e boas histórias."
  • "Criando, inspirando e vivendo com propósito."
  • "Capturando a essência da vida, um clique de cada vez."
  • "A vida é feita de momentos; estou aqui para aproveitar cada um."
  • "Seguindo meus sonhos e aproveitando cada oportunidade."
  • "Amante da natureza, das pessoas e dos pequenos detalhes."
  • "Transformando ideias em ação e sonhos em realidade."
  • "Vivendo com autenticidade e espalhando alegria."
  • "Empoderado pela criatividade e guiado pela paixão."
  • "Descobrindo o extraordinário no cotidiano."
  • "Buscando sempre o melhor em cada situação e em cada pessoa."
  • "Desenvolvendo memórias e colecionando experiências inesquecíveis."
  • "Cada dia é uma nova página na minha história."
  • "A vida é uma arte e eu sou o artista."
  • "Capturando momentos e criando histórias."
  • "Entusiasta da vida e amante da aventura."
  • "Explorando novas possibilidades e celebrando a jornada."
  • "Apaixonado por viagens, gastronomia e boas conversas."
  • "A verdadeira elegância está na simplicidade e na atitude."
  • "Criando memórias e vivendo intensamente."
  • "Seguindo meu próprio caminho e inspirando outros a fazer o mesmo."
  • "Cada detalhe conta; estou aqui para destacar o melhor."
  • "Amando a vida e todos os pequenos momentos que a tornam especial."
  • "Criador de experiências e contador de histórias."
  • "A vida é uma coleção de momentos; estou aqui para aproveitá-los ao máximo."
  • "Inspirado por sonhos grandes e guiado pela paixão."
  • "Transformando cada dia em uma nova oportunidade para crescer."
  • "Vivendo com propósito e celebrando cada conquista."
  • "Explorando o mundo e compartilhando a beleza da vida."
  • "Cada momento é uma chance para brilhar e fazer a diferença."
  • "Desenvolvendo ideias, criando memórias e vivendo intensamente."
  • "A vida é uma jornada e eu estou aqui para aproveitar cada passo."
  • "Apaixonado pela beleza do mundo e pela vida em constante movimento."
  • "Seguindo meu coração e vivendo com autenticidade."
  • "Transformando desafios em oportunidades e sonhos em conquistas."
  • "A vida é feita de histórias e eu estou aqui para contar as minhas."
  • "Vivendo com alegria, paixão e um toque de criatividade."
  • "Criando momentos inesquecíveis e compartilhando com o mundo."
  • "Empreendedor criativo em busca de novas aventuras."
  • "Cada dia é uma nova chance para ser feliz e inspirar outros."
  • "Apaixonado pela vida e pelos pequenos detalhes que a tornam especial."
  • "A vida é uma arte e estou aqui para pintá-la com vivacidade."
  • "Transformando experiências em histórias e sorrisos."
  • "Vivendo com paixão e compartilhando o melhor da vida."
  • "Capturando a magia do cotidiano e criando memórias."
  • "A vida é uma aventura e estou aqui para aproveitar cada etapa."
  • "Desenvolvendo sonhos e criando histórias inspiradoras."
  • "Cada dia é uma nova chance de fazer a diferença."
  • "Explorando o mundo e encontrando beleza em cada momento."
  • "Transformando ideias em realidade e sonhos em conquistas."
  • "Cada momento é uma nova oportunidade para crescer e aprender."
  • "Apaixonado por descobertas e pela beleza da vida."
  • "Seguindo meus sonhos e celebrando cada conquista."
  • "A vida é uma coleção de momentos e eu estou aqui para aproveitá-los."
  • "Criando memórias e compartilhando a beleza do cotidiano."
  • "Vivendo com propósito e inspirando outros a fazer o mesmo."
  • "Cada detalhe conta; estou aqui para destacar a essência da vida."


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  6. 250+ Best Instagram Bio Ideas 2024 (Short, Cute, Funny)

    That being said, short quotes can be just as effective. Here are some popular ones: Instagram Bio Short Quotes. Canva/Parade. 1. Be true to yourself. 2. Life can be tough— coffee helps. 3.

  7. Best Quotes in Instagram Bio

    Bring a touch of charm and sweetness to your Instagram bio with our adorable collection of cute quotes. Make your profile endearing, spread positivity, and capture hearts with these lovable and delightful phrases. "Cute but psycho. "Spreading smiles one pic at a time. "Simplicity with a dash of charm.

  8. 100 Best Instagram Bio Quotes & Captions

    Silence is the most powerful scream. I'm a cupcake in search for her stud muffin. Trying to become the best. That is why first I am being the worst. Humble with just a hint of Kanye. When it rains look for rainbows when it's dark I look for stars. To travel is to live. Be the flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

  9. 70 Instagram Bio Quotes for Every Social Media Account ~Vibe~

    Giphy. "Darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream." —Taylor Swift, "Blank Space". "I'm a boss and I shine like gloss." —Doja Cat, "Boss B*tch". "I left my head and my heart on the ...

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  11. Instagram bio ideas and quotes: the top 80!

    Check out some Instagram bio quotes and ideas you can use for your business or in your Instagram Stories: The mind is everything. What you think, you become. - Buddha. To find yourself, think for yourself. - Socrates. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. - Confucius.

  12. 150+ Best Instagram Bio Ideas for 2024: Level up Your Profile

    2. Aesthetic Instagram Bio Ideas. 🏄‍♂️ Life is a beautiful journey, join me as I travel through it. Capturing beautiful moments one photo at a time. Exploring the world and finding beauty in the little things. Living, laughing, and loving life. Sharing my love of life through photos.

  13. 434+ Thought-Provoking Quotes for Your Instagram Bio

    The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. Copy Quote. Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams. Copy Quote. The only person who can limit your success is you. Copy Quote. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. Copy Quote.

  14. Instagram Bio Quotes For A Cute & Clever Profile 2020

    Instagram Bio Quotes For The Creative. 1. "You can't use up creativity, the more you use the more you have." — Maya Angelou. 2. "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the ...

  15. The Best Bio Quotes for Instagram That You Can Copy & Quote

    Mark Twain. "Oh, the things you can find, if you don't stay behind.". Dr. Seuss. "To live will be an awfully big adventure.". Peter Pan. "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.". Mark Twain. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.". Eleanor Roosevelt.

  16. 200+ Instagram Bio Ideas You Can Copy and Paste (2024)

    All you need to do is type in the words you'd like in a different font, like your name. Then, scroll through fonts until you see one you like. Copy and paste it right into your Instagram bio. 2. Add symbols to make it more noticeable. Using a website like CoolSymbol, you can copy and paste symbols and fancy text.

  17. 220+ Instagram Bio Ideas + How to Write the Perfect Bio [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Instagram Bio Quotes. Simplicity is the key to happiness. In a world of darkness, look up at the stars; All I do is win, win, win. No matter what. To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. I would rather die of passion than of boredom. In a world where you can have everything. Be a giver first.

  18. Best Instagram Bio Quotes for your profile (You can COPY-PASTE)

    Instagram Bio for Fashion. These quotes are very used in the Instagram bio for Models, but also in many other accounts. If you are a fashion lover, these quotes might be your match. Building a timeless chic foundation. In a world full of trends, I want to remain classic. Fashion fades, style is eternal. Self confidence is the best outfit. Rock ...

  19. 219 UNIQUE Quotes for Instagram Bio 2024 ( to STAND OUT)

    Here you have some Instagram bio ideas for girls and Instagram bio quotes for girls. Remember you can find more ideas adding the hasthag #insta bio girls and #ig bios for girls on your IG search button. Sand in my toes and saltwater in my curls. Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.

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    27. "Love her, but leave her wild." — Atticus. 28. "I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." — Arthur Rubinstein. Do yourself a favor, and choose to enjoy this decade and ...

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    Using Instagram quotes in your bio is a fantastic way to craft an engaging introduction. Consider infusing humor and relatability to resonate with your audience. Alternatively, share something about yourself or your business that provides insight into who you are. We've compiled a few examples to inspire you—feel free to borrow them!

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    An Instagram bio presents you to other users. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right words for the introduction. Especially when you are limited to 150 characters like in the Instagram bio. But the quotes we give can do this perfectly. We also give some tips for your bio below.

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    A bio do Instagram é o seu cartão de visita digital, a primeira impressão que você deixa para os visitantes do seu perfil. Em um espaço limitado, é essencial comunicar quem você é, o que faz e o que os seguidores podem esperar ao acompanhar suas postagens. Seja você um influenciador, um empreendedor ou alguém que busca mostrar sua ...

  24. 600 Kata-Kata Bagus untuk Bio IG Singkat dan Unik

    Di Instagram (IG), bio merupakan bagian penting untuk mendeskripsikan pemilik akun. Menggunakan kata-kata bagus untuk bio IG dapat membuat akun menjadi lebih menonjol dan menarik perhatian. Dikutip dari buku Kiat-Kiat Menambah Followers Instagram dengan Cepat oleh Murni Kapita Sari (2022:3), bio IG ...