How to Write a Strong Professional Statement

Your Zencare professional statement serves as high-level overview of your practice, covering the clientele you serve, your therapeutic approach and style, and any basic information a client needs to know prior to starting therapy with you. Read on to learn how to make the most of this 3-5 paragraph written introduction.

(Don't want to deal with writing? Not to worry! You can request the Zencare team to write your professional statement .)

Professional Statement Writing Guide Click on any item to jump to that section.

1. basic guidelines.

2. Writing prompts

3. Sample template

4. Excellent examples

5. Reviewing your work

6. Advanced considerations

As you get started, here are some basic guidelines on formatting your professional statement!

  • Length: We suggest writing about 250 words , with a minimum length of 100 words and a maximum length of 300 words. This tends to be a digestible amount of content for therapy seekers, and allows you to communicate just enough key information about your practice without becoming overwhelming.
  • Structure: We recommend writing 3-5 paragraphs , written in the third person , in this rough outline (more detail below!): First paragraph: Describe your specialties and clientele Second paragraph: Describe your treatment approach Third paragraph: Describe your therapeutic style Fourth paragraph: Describe your relevant professional experience and any key logistic information about your practice.
  • Tone: The professional statement is an opportunity for your clients to learn about you both as a professional and a person. Try to use a tone that conveys your expertise and professionalism, and include details that make you personable and relatable.

2. Sample template

Writer's block is real! We completely understand the uncertainty that can come with staring at a blank document. To make things easier for you, here's our " Professional Statement Mad Libs ."

Fill this out to get your professional statement written – and try to add some creative wording to it as well to make it unique to you! More information on each section below.

{Your full name} is a {credential}  in {neighborhood}. They work with {client demographics}. Many of {Your name}’s clients come in when {common challenges, symptoms, development points}. {Your name} is particularly passionate about serving {population}. They also have advanced training in the area of {niche specialty}.
{Your name} is trained in {approach}, which uses {describe how approach works}. In session, {Your name} focuses on {what happens in session with you}. This approach supports clients to {result of treatment}.
{Your name's} style is {describe style}. When a client first comes in, {describe therapeutic environment or how you build the treatment plan}. {Your name} is dedicated to providing a relationship that is {describe relationship}.
{Your name} received their {degrees, universities, study focus}. They gained experience at {fellowship, training institutes, previous employment} which enables them to {significance of experience}. Outside of private practice, they {personal or professional note}.

Download Your Professional Statement Guide

3. writing prompts.

As you're writing your professional statement, here are some prompts to get your creative juices flowing. Think how you'd describe your practice to a friend who wants to refer a colleague to you – how would you share each of these parts of your practice?

(1) First paragraph: Specialties and clientele

In the first paragraph, you want to immediately draw the reader in. Your first few sentences should give prospective clients a sense of "Oh, this therapist could be a great fit for me because they see clients struggling in the areas I need support with!"

The majority of therapy seekers are looking for help with general concerns, so be sure to include and allude to these if you see clients experiencing: anxiety, depression, stress, work and career, life transitions, relationship issues.

Here are some questions to help you think of your unique specialties and any niche clientele you want to market to:

  • Who are the clients you work with most frequently? Who are your ideal clients?
  • What are they struggling with when they enter your office?
  • Why do they come to therapy with you?
  • Are there any populations you are particularly well-positioned to serve?

(2) Second paragraph: Describe your treatment approach

In this paragraph, think of both the specific types of modalities that you are trained in, as well as how that translates to the client's experience. For example, you may be trained in cognitive behavioral therapy – to a client, that could mean understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and learning specific skills to interrupt unhealthy patterns.

Here are some prompts for communicating your treatment approaches:

  • What therapeutic orientations are you most trained in and informed by?
  • What happens in a therapy session with you?
  • What skills or approaches do you use to guide clients in addressing challenges?
  • How are their lives, relationships, self-concept, emotional responses different after treatment?

(3) Third paragraph: Therapeutic style

This paragraph is a great opportunity to describe your therapeutic style – are you more of a listener or active in therapy? Do you provide homework? Set concrete goals and measure progress? Focus on healing through the therapeutic relationship?

Here are some prompts to get you thinking about your therapeutic style:

  • What do your clients most appreciate about you? What words do they use to describe sessions?
  • What kind of relationship or environment do you seek to offer to new clients? What happens in a first session with you?
  • How do you think about progress in therapy?

(4) Fourth paragraph: Professional experience and logistics

In this final paragraph, describe your relevant professional experience and any key logistic information about your practice.

  • Think about the credentials, training, and work experiences you've gained. What trainings or experiences outside of private practice most influence your therapeutic framework?
  • This is a good place to include any logistical information about your practice that can help clients access care. How, when, where do you currently offer sessions? For example: do you offering remote therapy? Do you have an office close to public transit and/or with lots of parking space? Do you have a therapy dog that accompanies sessions?

Here are some examples you can reference as you get started!

Example one

Marian Cooper is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based in Queens, NY, who works with individuals across the lifespan, with a focus on professional women. Many of her clients have found great success in their careers or academically, but struggle to feel connected in their relationships or at peace in their daily lives. Marian is particularly sensitive to clients facing moments of transition, like a move to the city, job loss, or breakup, when the delicate balance can seem to tremble, and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and self-doubt can emerge.
Marian’s approach is rooted in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an evidence-based approach that focuses on helping clients understand how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, so that they can begin to make targeted change. She works to help clients understand their physical response to external stressors, and begin to problem-solve ways to introduce moments of calm, to choose to respond rather than react in the face of change.
Marian is focused on ensuring that her clients see real progress: her style is interactive, non-judgmental, and positions clients as the experts on where they are now, and where they want to go. A trauma-informed therapist, Marian is sensitive to the influence of past experiences on present challenges, and works closely with clients to reframe the narrative of their life in a way that increases self-confidence and compassion.
Marian’s first priority in starting with a new client is ensuring that they feel safe, heard, and like an equal partner in the therapeutic process. As a seasoned telehealth provider, she offers the convenience of remote sessions to help make therapy a core component of your self-care calendar.

Example two

Dr. Melba Nicholson Sullivan is a licensed clinical-community psychologist committed to promoting individual and collective resilience. Her clients are big thinkers, dreamers, and decision makers who sometimes find themselves held back by painful experiences of the past. Dr. Nicholson Sullivan treats old wounds with curiosity, creativity, and compassion, creating an opportunity for clients to move with greater freedom into their bright future.
Many of Dr. Nicholson Sullivan’s clients navigate feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression that have become overwhelming, and impact how they show up at work and in relationships. She works with clients to explore core beliefs about themselves, others, and the systems they exist within, co-creating practical strategies tailored to each client and their life journey.
Dr. Nicholson Sullivan’s therapeutic approach is rooted in mindfulness and human rights. She draws from her training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and executive coaching strategies in order to expand clients’ internal and external resources for healing, rest, and joy.
Dr. Nicholson Sullivan is committed to maintaining a diverse, equitable, and inclusive practice, which serves as a safe harbor for people who identify as LGBTQIA and people of the global majority. In addition to her Midtown office, Dr. Nicholson Sullivan offers the flexibility of remote therapy sessions, and welcomes new clients to her online practice.

Example three

Dr. Todd Kray is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a private practice in Manhattan’s Flatiron District, where he welcomes both individual adults and couples who are seeking to create change in their lives. Many of his clients bring in emotional pain, whether the symptoms of anxiety and depression are taking a daily toll, relationships feel unbalanced and disconnected, or stress and self-criticism are impacting performance at work. Together, he supports clients to pull back the layers of present challenges in order to release painful past experiences and re-engage with their careers, their loved ones, and themselves in more meaningful ways.  
Therapy sessions with Dr. Kray integrate both insight-oriented and skills-based approaches. He gently challenges clients to explore the root cause of their symptoms, gaining new awareness into their emotional and relationship patterns. At the same time, he focuses on practical strategies, with an emphasis on relaxation and meditation practices, to help clients feel better in the here and now.
Having served as a consultant at local hospitals, Dr. Kray is uniquely skilled in working with those experiencing chronic pain, chronic illness, and other serious medical illnesses. He brings a special awareness to the healing power of the mind-body connection, and his office serves as a safe harbor to freely process pain and find relief.
Dr. Kray is committed to maintaining an inclusive practice. With a background in the arts, he is particularly sensitive to the creative process, and welcomes a wide range of creative professionals, freelancers, executives, parents, and young adults to his practice.

5. Reviewing your work!

Once your professional statement is written, here are some things to look out for and avoid :

  • Therapy jargon
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Vagueries, clichés, and anything that is unspecific to your practice
  • Long lists of every diagnosis you would see or training experience that you've had
  • More than one sentence on your speaking, writing, teaching, or other activities outside of private practice
  • Quotes from other people

Get the next email on managing your private practice!

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General vs. specialized practices

There are two ways you might about how your Zencare professional statement is focused:

  • General: For providers who may have specific interests, but are open to seeing clients outside of one demographic or diagnosis. This is the option we recommend for most providers, due to the nature of how therapist directories work: it’s helpful to appeal to the broadest base of potential clients, so that you can capture the attention of a wide pool and tailor your conversations to them as they proceed through the intake process. Read more on the case against specialization . For a more general professional statement, think about the structure of your professional statement as an inverted pyramid : start broad, covering information that will be relevant to most therapy seekers, and becoming increasingly narrow as you read through, highlighting details that speak to your current  and unique interests towards the end of the statement.
  • Specialized : For providers who are experts within a highly specific niche, and only want new referrals for clients within that niche (ie providers who only see couples or only individuals recovering from eating disorders) . Note, choosing this path may mean a below average referral volume , since your profile may not appeal to the majority of therapy-seekers, but also less time fielding inquiries from clients who are not within your scope of practice. In tandem with other marketing strategies (offline networking; a well-rounded online presence), a specialized statement can be a good way to deepen your reach within the niche. In particular, know that through your word-of-mouth efforts, when a new prospective client is given your name, it’s highly likely they’ll still Google your practice to learn more and assess if it’s a fit for them. When they are seeking support for a specialized challenge, it’s helpful for you to be positioned as the clear expert in the field. so f ocus on your niche from the opening sentence , and make sure each paragraph ties back to it. What are the trainings you've taken that make you the expert in this niche? What skills or approaches do you use to address it? What does progress within this area look like?

Reviewing your profile as a whole

Remember that your professional statement is only one piece of a whole puzzle, and should it be considered within the context of the rest of your profile.

In particular, make sure that the areas you focus on in your professional statement are also captured within your Specialties, General expertise, Treatment approaches, and Clientele: these are the sections that determine what filters your practice appears under from the search page.

These sections should also be consistent with what you write in the professional statement to avoid any potential client confusion (for example, if your professional statement reads that you work with "adults of all ages," clientele should probably not include "Children").

Lastly, remember that you don't have to fit everything in your professional statement if it's covered elsewhere on the profile! For example, if a complete list of your previous employment is visible under Work and Education, you only need to mention the most important experiences in your statement.

Still stuck? If you're left starting at a blinking cursor on a blank page, we're here to help. Request the Zencare team to write your professional statement .

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Counselling Personal Statement Examples

Looking for inspiration for your counselling personal statement ? Check out our collection of counselling personal statement examples to get a better idea of what to include and how to structure your statement. 

Counselling Personal Statement

With over 10 years of experience as a counsellor, I believe I am an ideal candidate for a Master’s in Counseling. I am a mature and compassionate counsellor with solid communication skills and a proven track record of helping clients navigate challenges and find resolve.

I want to pursue a Master’s to enhance my knowledge and skills and provide an even higher level of care. The programme will allow me to expand my repertoire of methods and problem-solving skills to better serve clients. The field of counselling is constantly evolving, and continuing education helps ensure I am utilizing the latest research and techniques.

I look forward to exchanging knowledge with peers and conducting research to strengthen my practice.

Through work with adult, elderly and mental health clients, I have developed expertise in areas like risk assessment, treatment planning, and progress reviews. I have a strong foundation as a caring and supportive counsellor and aim to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. I welcome the opportunity to have my skills challenged and strengthened through practical experience in the programme.

I am an enthusiastic, diligent and motivated counsellor dedicated to helping each client achieve success. While the work can be complicated, I have the empathy, active listening skills and adaptability required to understand and convey even complex needs. I tailor my communication to meet the needs of each client and to collaborate with external partners like housing services or emergency responders.

My Muslim and ability to speak Spanish, Hindi and Punjabi allow me to provide culturally sensitive support to clients from various backgrounds. I believe an effective counsellor must commit to constant learning and development. A postgraduate degree in Counseling will provide the knowledge and competence I need to guide clients through difficult situations and choices.

I have a proven track record, relevant experience, and dedication to becoming an even stronger counsellor. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to the opportunity to advance my education through your programme.

Recommended for reading:

  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Master’s
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success

Counselling Personal Statement Example

I have always had the desire to understand human thoughts, feelings and behaviour. I am driven to answer not just why people act in certain ways but also how they can improve their situations and mental well-being. I aspire to become a therapist or counsellor, helping people overcome challenges and live happier lives. I believe an undergraduate degree in psychology or counselling would provide the necessary foundation, which I would then build upon through a Master’s in Counseling and Psychotherapy.

Through volunteering, I have seen both the psychological impacts of disabilities as well as the benefits of therapeutic activities. At a riding centre for disabled children, I witnessed the fear and anxiety experienced by both children and parents in their daily lives. However, I also saw the joy the children felt while doing horsemanship, an activity that allowed them to express themselves as freely as able-bodied children.

During my time shadowing a health visitor, I witnessed firsthand the emotional toll that postnatal depression and societal stigma can take on new mothers. I aim to help people overcome conditions that inhibit well-being and healthy relationships. My experience with equine therapy has helped me strengthen my skills in interpreting behaviour and finding solutions, which would serve me well as a counsellor.

I have studied sociology at the GCSE and A-level, gaining valuable skills in analyzing people and societies. However, this has inspired me to study individuals in more depth through psychology and psychotherapy . My coursework in sociology, English literature and history has also allowed me to strengthen my skills in essay writing, analysis and structuring arguments.

I believe I would excel in this program due to my ability to show both compassion and critical thinking on a subject about which I am passionate. While some may question why anyone would choose a career surrounded by distress, I see it as an opportunity to create positive change where it is needed most. Misery can only be overcome by facing it, and I appreciate the chance to do so as a counsellor.

With my relevant experience, skills and drive to become an effective therapist or counsellor. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to the opportunity to advance my education in psychology and counselling through your program. 

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How to Write a Personal Statement for a Counseling Master’s

Graduate student writing at a desk

Need to write a personal statement for your counseling graduate school application? This guide will help you craft a standout statement by focusing on your unique experiences and aligning them with your program.

Key takeaways

  • A compelling personal statement for a counseling master’s program should narrate personal characteristics, career aspirations, and potential contributions, connecting with the admissions committee beyond academic achievements.
  • The personal statement should follow a clear narrative and provide specific examples from academic, professional and extracurricular experiences to demonstrate your readiness for the program, while demonstrating fit by aligning personal values and goals with the program’s unique offerings.
  • Start early, stay organized, and maintain a professional tone while writing your personal statement; address any weaknesses thoughtfully and avoid common mistakes such as clichés, excessive praise, or misuse of buzzwords.

Understanding the personal statement

The personal statement is your chance to give admissions officers a clear picture of who you are beyond the grades and jobs listed in your transcripts and resume. It’s a narrative essay that details your personality, career aspirations , and potential contributions to the field of mental health counseling. Crafting compelling personal statements is crucial to making a lasting impression on the admissions team. Think of a personal statement as the thing that transforms you from a collection of data points to a memorable portrait for those reviewing your graduate school application.

Key questions to consider before you begin

As you begin the writing process, make some notes of your past experiences. Here are some prompts to help you brainstorm the contents of your essay:

  • What life events made you into the resilient, determined individual you are today?
  • How have experiences in your academic background prepared you for grad school?
  • Have your career goals changed from what they were during your undergraduate education? Why?
  • Has a family member inspired you to take this path, either through their career or personal experiences?
  • Can you pinpoint the spark that ignited your passion for counseling, the moment when you realized that it could be your future career?

As you piece together your narrative, consider how these experiences align with your academic and career goals, as well as the broader impact you envision making through your work.

Essential components of a successful personal statement

Perhaps the most intimidating thing about a graduate school personal statement is knowing that you have a lot to communicate in a relatively short essay. You need to thread your personal background with your aspirations, using examples that encapsulate your commitment, and demonstrating a clear fit for the counseling program you’re aiming to join. But if you make an outline and list all the things you want to mention, you can be sure to properly accentuate your unique strengths and also paint a vivid picture of your potential success.

Crafting a clear narrative

Keep in mind that your narrative is not a full autobiography but a focused reflection of your resilience and empathy and the other corners of your life that have informed your desire to support others as a counselor. Share those poignant moments and insights that underscore your drive and passion for helping other people, and ensure that your narrative communicates not just a series of events, but the values and strengths you bring to the program. Don't forget that the personal essay also provides an opportunity to explain any discrepancies you think might come across in your other application materials such as poor grades or professional experiences in an unrelated field.

Using specific examples

Each assertion about yourself should be backed by solid examples. Specific examples, whether they are from your academic, professional, or recreational experiences, provide the evidence that substantiates your suitability for the graduate program.

Perhaps you’ve delved into personal research on mental health initiatives, or you’ve dedicated time to volunteer work that’s enriched your understanding of community needs. These anecdotes are the good examples that will allow the admissions committee to see beyond your transcripts and test scores, into the heart of your commitment and potential.

Demonstrating program fit

Demonstrating fit with the graduate program requires an understanding of the program’s strengths and a clear articulation of how its offerings align with your career aspirations.

For instance, if you’re drawn to Oklahoma City University’s commitment to social justice within their counseling program , mention how your values and experiences resonate with this ethos. Discussing aspects of a particular program that align with your future plans can distinguish you as a worthwhile applicant, genuinely interested in the unique offerings of the program. Most graduate programs will have full curriculums and faculty listed online. Make note of courses that sound exciting , faculty members who are conducting research projects you're interested in, and program outcome statements that align with your career goals, and find a way to mention them in your statement. By highlighting these specific elements, you show that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the program.

Key tips for writing a personal statement

As you work on your grad school essay, remember these crucial pointers:

Start early and stay organized

Don't underestimate the time it will take you to write your best personal statement. Take the time to brainstorm, self-reflect, and polish your narrative until it shines with clarity and purpose.

Organization is your compass in this process, helping you navigate deadlines, requirements, and revisions with ease. Keep a keen eye on the specifics, such as word counts, spelling of university names, and formatting, ensuring that your personal statement not only meets expectations but exceeds them.

Addressing weaknesses thoughtfully

While your accomplishments will shine in your personal statement, don’t hesitate to acknowledge the challenges that have intermittently clouded them. Addressing weaknesses such as a low GPA or a challenging phase in your academic journey can actually highlight your resilience and capability for growth.

However, tread thoughtfully. Reflect on whether the personal statement is the right place to discuss these issues, and if so, ensure that the narrative emphasizes your positive qualities and the lessons learned, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

Maintaining a professional tone

A personal statement marred by grammatical errors or colloquialisms can weaken the impression you’re trying to make. Be genuine, be yourself, but remember the context. This document is a professional communication with the admissions committee, and as such, it should reflect the seriousness with which you approach this opportunity. While tools like ChatGPT could help you create an outline or can perform a grammar check on your application, avoid using it to actually write. The best personal statements resonate from their authenticity. Additionally, many graduate programs have tools they use to scan for the use of such technology and may count it against you.

Common mistakes to avoid

Beware of starting with clichés or ending with banalities—your opening and closing lines should be as impactful as the core of your statement. Avoid excessive praise of the field, focusing only on academic achievements, and misusing buzzwords. These common missteps can dilute the authenticity of your narrative and leave the admissions committee underwhelmed. Remember, admissions committees are reading hundreds of personal statements, make yours stand out.

Get help writing your personal statement for Oklahoma City University

For those aiming to be part of Oklahoma City University’s online M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, rest assured that guidance is available throughout this process. Admissions outreach advisors are at your disposal, ready to guide you through every step of crafting a personal statement that resonates with the program’s ethos and expectations.

Schedule a call to tap into the wealth of knowledge and support that OCU offers. From writing your personal statement, to putting together your letters of recommendation , to preparing for your interview , their expertise can be the beacon that illuminates your path to a successful graduate school application.

Return to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Complete the form below before proceeding to the application portal.

Oklahoma City University has engaged Everspring , a leading provider of education and technology services, to support select aspects of program delivery.

BrightLink Prep

Sample Counseling Psychology Personal Statement (NYU Steinhardt)

therapist personal statement example

by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to Masters’s program at NYU Steinhardt School in Counseling Psychology. Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in Counseling Psychology should look like.

Sample Personal Statement in Counseling Psychology

Growing up in Poland, I had internalized the stigma attached to Psychology and Psychotherapy. I was famous in my circle of friends as “the understanding one,” but I had developed a bitter taste for formally studying Psychology. Therefore, I opted for a more socially acceptable high school major – Computer Science.

But I wanted to learn about human behavior. Turning my back on the subject of my intellectual curiosity alienated me from myself. As expected, I scored miserably in high school. However, I did not give up just yet and went on to enroll in an IT program at the University of Warsaw.

Despite trying to ignite a passion for the discipline, I was inevitably headed toward disaster. A day before my first-year exams, I stared dispassionately at my book. I felt helpless and broke down into tears. At that moment, I realized I needed help from a mental health professional.

But I didn’t seek help because of two reasons. Firstly, hearing that only the crazy go for psychotherapy all my life, I could not muster the courage to deal with that label. Secondly, I only knew of Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists, and I did not want to be diagnosed or medicated.

Then I mustered the courage to cross the inner hurdles that kept me from studying Psychology. I wanted to gain insights into my emotional imbalances and tried to help myself by learning to help others. After that, I convinced my parents and changed my undergraduate central to Psychology.

This opened new doors that led me to a journey of growth and self-discovery. I met some wonderful people and began excelling in my studies. I was unanimously voted as the class representative in my second semester. Improved psychosocial support and self-efficacy began to work magic on my sense of self-worth.

Experiencing a shift from clutter to clarity, I felt a newfound affiliation with those in need. I heard about  Chayn  Poland through social media and started volunteering for it. While working at  Chayn , I was a part of an online community that created a resource portal to inform and help victims of domestic violence in Poland. It was an excellent opportunity to transmit the knowledge of the psychological aftermath of abuse to those who could benefit from it. I’m channeling the same spirit at my current job at  Social Welfare, Academics, and Training for Poland . Lending my hand in research about the psychological impact of militancy and war on the youth of Ukraine allows me to play my role in helping those in need.

Through my introduction to counseling and the humanistic model in my  Perspectives in Psychology  class, I saw the framework I could use to pursue the field of Psychology. Moreover, I realized that the humanistic school stood for the same values I had innately developed – holism; the importance of an individual’s experience, and the belief that all humans have an actualizing tendency.

Coincidentally, one of my close friends had joined a certificate course in  Humanistic Counseling  at Therapy Mission, Warsaw. I enrolled in the next session to test my interest in the subject. As part of the course, I completed 85 hours of group therapy and an equal number of lectures. I learned basic counseling skills, person-centered therapy, gestalt therapy, and transactional analysis. Being in the group was truly transformational. As group therapy generally does, the group started to represent my unconscious perception of the world for me. Some of my group members represented specific figures from the past who I had unresolved issues with. I had the privilege of working on those issues through hot-seat exercises and psychodrama enactments. Being heard changed my relationship with myself. I learned to nurture myself and develop an inner resource, which would help me cope with future distresses more intelligently. I’m currently enrolled in a diploma in  Integrated Counseling .

Stepping out of my comfort zone gave me the strength to explore further. Hence, last summer, I decided to go to Kenya for an internship through AIESEC at  Living Positive Kenya . Among other experiences, the training allowed me to practice the skills I had acquired at Therapy Mission. I facilitated a psychosocial support group of women who had HIV/AIDS. My primary strategy was to create a safe space for women to express themselves. In that space, a woman could express her thoughts, and the group would provide her unconditional presence. Though the feedback was encouraging, I realized I needed more advanced training to deal with similar issues back home. I based my conclusion on the general resistance with which the idea of therapy is met in Poland.

My strength is that I come from a place where people are skeptical about counseling. However, I understand Poland’s dire need for counseling and have experienced its value first-hand. Therefore, I want to reach out and counsel as many people as possible. Having crawled from a pit of emotional darkness towards light puts me in the position to hold someone’s hand while they do the same. Now, all I need is extra muscle.


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The Counseling Palette

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  • Oct 5, 2021

How to Write Your Psychology Today Profile: Make Your Client The Hero

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Struggling to find the right words for your therapist profile? Use this guide.

Image depicting how to write your Psychology Today Profile. Tips are included in the article.

You have 250 words to prove your worth as a therapist. If you don’t do it right, your entire future as a clinician could be in jeopardy. Go!

That’s quite an exaggeration, but I know plenty of people who feel this way about writing their online therapy profiles. Not to worry—help is here.

Want to skip ahead? Get this free worksheet with prompts and a sample profile, or learn how you can hire me to do it for you.

A Psychology Today profile is used by many therapists to advertise their services. This listing is the largest directory of mental health professionals in the world.

It’s an opportunity to market yourself in a place where people are actively seeking you out. It can also be challenging to compete with a wall of other profiles.

This article covers the basics of writing your profile and includes examples of how you can connect with your ideal clients and start expanding your practice.

Article Highlights

Guiding prompts, sample profile, leverage your listing, get marketing help.

Writing your Psychology today Profile can be tricky. See examples of profile statements and order it done for you.

Part of the struggle is that most therapists weren’t English majors as undergrads. Who knew so much writing would be involved in having a private practice?

With my therapy and journalism background, I help therapists write or edit their profiles while maintaining their own sincerity and personality. Here’s the secret sauce I use to attract attention and get calls.

This method is based on the popular Storybrand marketing strategy by Donald Miller. I particularly like his book Marketing Made Simple. Experts around the world use this process, which I'll touch more on below. I’ve adapted this practice for writing Psychology Today profiles.

To illustrate how I put these together, let’s consider Sally’s case. She’s been trying to write her profile for weeks, but has been putting it off. Finally frustrated enough, she asks for help.

First, here’s a little background about her.

Marketing for private practice can include multiple strategies.

Sally recently completed her licensure and is opening a private practice. Sally has the following qualifications:

Top of her graduate class

Completed two practicums in family counseling and is trained in The Gottman Method

Worked three years at a counseling center with individuals, couples, and families

She has the following interests:

Working with young couples dealing with the growing pains

Helping couples learn to deal with conflict and resentment

Helping families going through grief or trauma

Sally has these motivations:

She enjoys seeing couples make breakthroughs

She particularly likes to work with couples who’ve been together or married five years or less

She likes to provide evidence-based therapies like The Gottman Method

Knowing this information, I would ask Sally the following questions to help her develop her profile. I’ve included her answers as well.

Q . What are the most common problems your clients come in with, or what do you imagine they will be struggling with?

A. They’ve been trying to avoid conflict and fighting in their relationship, but eventually blow up at each other. This has become a pattern. They fear the relationship won’t work anymore.

Q. How do you help with this problem?

A. I teach them about resentment and how to work through conflicts in a healthy way. They will learn how to talk to each other differently. They will learn to enjoy each other again.

Q. How will your client feel, or what will they experience, when your services help them?

A . They will have a closer relationship. They will stop arguing all the time and understand how healthy, successful relationships work.

Q. What is your own clinical personality like? Are you fun and creative, energetic, blunt, etc.?

A. I’m told I have a calming effect. I can stay calm during a very difficult session and provide comfort.

With this targeted information, I can help Sally develop her profile. We need to work the relevant information into a limited space while structuring the content in a way that attracts clients and doesn’t have them moving on to the next profile.

It might seem counterintuitive, but this is not the place to list all of your credentials, degrees, and qualifications. For one thing, the space is too limited for that. And for another, people respond to how you can help them with their problems, and how your service will make them feel.

Instead, paint a picture of your potential customer’s story, before and after they make use of what you offer. Set your client up as the hero of the story, and yourself as the guide.

Set your client up as the hero of the story, and yourself as the guide.

LCSWs and others can list their services in multiple places online.

With this Storybrand process in mind, here’s how I generally structure therapist profiles.

1. First Paragraph: See Your Clients

What are they going through and why? Normalize/validate the experience without minimizing it. Show where they’re starting, and where they’ll go.

2. Second Paragraph: Touch on How You Help

Explain the therapy process very briefly, but still keep it focused on the client experience, not yours. Highlight what they will feel once your services work. Avoid jargon--as much as we might dislike it as clinicians, most people don’t care about terms like “evidence-based,” or “training.”

3. Third Paragraph: Close it Up

Add some of your personality, qualifications (briefly) and include a call to action. (What should they do next?)

So, a final version may sound something like this:

Have you been avoiding fights with your partner? Do you feel like you’re both walking on eggshells, trying not to blow up? This can be very painful, and it’s common for new couples, especially in the first few years. Unfortunately, many people learn to avoid all conflicts in relationships. This can lead to resentment, which can cause more frequent fighting and lead to long-term problems.

I offer an effective therapy called The Gottman Method. It helps couples learn how to have a happier relationship. We’ll work through your patterns, and I’ll help you and your partner learn new ways to communicate with each other. Couples who complete this process often come out seeing each other differently. Not only will you develop communication skills, but you may feel even closer and learn to see each other in a whole new way.

My job is to be the calming center while you and your partner grow together. As a clinical social worker and therapist, I’ve worked with many couples and families struggling with negative patterns, high conflict, and grief. My passion is helping couples and families get to the rewarding parts of being together. Contact me today for a free consultation and we’ll get started on your journey together!

What did you notice about this profile? Does the introduction feel different than this sample below?

I’ve trained for the past three years in The Gottman Method. I’m now a level 2, working toward level 3. I’ve worked with dozens of clients in both inpatient and outpatient settings. I believe in an evidence-based approach that focuses on your strengths …

See the difference? There’s nothing wrong with either profile. In the past, I wrote many of my own bios like this second example. But which would you be more drawn to as a client?

If you’d like some support putting your own profile together, check out this worksheet that will walk you through the process. You can also hire me to write your profile for you , based on your own goals, values, personality, and ideal client.

Hire a professional to write your Psychology Today profile.

On average, someone needs to be exposed to a product or service eight times before they decide to buy. Marketing experts call these exposures “touches.”

Think of the last time you made a big purchase or paid for something like a car or a substantial training course. How many times did you look it up, check out the company, talk to others about it, or hear about it word of mouth?

Now imagine how much exposure someone considering therapy needs to experience before they make a decision, or even contact a therapist.

Your clients are likely to take some time to think about you and what you provide before reaching out, even after they see your profile.

Here are some other touchpoints you can use to enhance the effectiveness of your profile, and to use it to support your other marketing efforts.

1. Therapy Website

Your website can serve multiple purposes. It could simply be a page to refer people to for information, a place for potential clients to reach out to you, a place to send advertising to, or a place to make use of content marketing .

This is when you provide quality information to your audience, typically through regular blogging. This quality information helps you show up more regularly in online searches--this is what they call SEO. Many of my contacts from clients have come from the contact form on my site.

2. Google My Business Listing

Believe it or not, I’ve gotten just as many contacts from new or potential clients through my Google listing as anything else. It’s important not to overlook this tool and make use of it as much as possible.

3. Other Therapists

At some point, most people who stick to private practice end up with a full caseload from time to time. They will be looking for other high-quality therapists to refer to. They may also look for specialists in certain areas, such as those you provide. This can be a major source of client referrals.

4. Related Professionals

Over time, others will likely learn about you from other clients and your mutual colleagues. I recommend building these relationships naturally, through professional Facebook groups, CEU workshops, and other networking events. If you provide excellent service, you may also accomplish this through clients raving about you to their other providers.

5. Word of Mouth

The clients who find the most benefit from your services will likely speak highly of you to their friends, family, and others. There are also “superfans,” who will speak your praises to everyone they can. This is simply a matter of providing great service, mixed with enough time and a bit of luck.

At some point, it becomes cost-efficient to outsource some or all of your marketing work. Writing may not be your thing, or you may be spending time on it that should be devoted to your actual practice. In that case, it may be time to find help.

There are plenty of people who offer writing and blogging services, but they may not have experience or success. Or they may be good at marketing, with little to no understanding of the nuances and ethics related to mental health services.

I’m happy to fill in that gap. I’m a licensed, practicing therapist with a journalism degree. I can help you write your Psychology Today profile, help you get started with SEO, add to your blog content, and more.

Visit here to learn how I can help.

Pick up your DIY PT profile worksheet here.

therapist personal statement example

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How to write your personal statement for graduate school.

Hand writing in journal on a desk

Drafting a personal statement for graduate school can be a challenging prospect for even the most confident writers. Your “why” for pursuing a specific career path or for wanting to attend a specific school might be clear in your mind, but can be harder to put into words. Personal topics are often more challenging to structure and can easily go off the rails, meaning you will miss out on hitting key points that will demonstrate why you are a good fit for a particular program.

To make this process less daunting, let’s break it down into actionable steps that will help you shine.

Follow These 6 Steps to Write Your Personal Statement

As you consider your application to William & Mary’s Online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Counseling program, follow these steps to ensure you hit the mark with your personal statement.

1. Research

Know the ins and outs of the program you are applying to, including the admissions requirements, curriculum and faculty before you start writing. The more you know about the program, the more you can highlight what stands out to you about the program and what seems relevant to your career goals. Note that the faculty members of the William & Mary School Education will be reviewing your application materials. You can get to know the specific faculty members involved with our online program by visiting the M.Ed. in Counseling faculty page .

As you research, you will want to make sure you understand what is being asked of you when it comes to the personal statement. Are there specific prompts you should be answering? Is there a page or world limit you need to be mindful of? Gather this information in the research step. We have outlined the specifics of the personal statement along with the other admission requirements in a useful guide .

It is also important to do your homework about the career you plan to pursue with this degree. What type of counselor do you want to be? Who do you want to work with? You will want to speak about why you want to pursue this career and what you hope to accomplish, and the more you know about your intended career path, the more specific you can be in your writing. Specifics will help your personal statement stand out.

Once you have gathered your external research, it’s time to look inward and reflect. This is the stage where you can put your thoughts on paper without worrying about structure. Review any prompts given and get your ideas around these on paper. Also, think about your career aspirations, past academic, professional and volunteer experience, leadership potential, collaborative skills and propensity to engage in reflective practice.

The guiding questions for your application to the Online M.Ed. in Counseling program are:

  • What has led you to become interested in becoming a _____ ( Clinical Mental Health , School , Military and Veterans ) counselor?
  • Why are you interested in pursuing your counselor education at William & Mary?
  • How will your graduate degree in Counseling at William & Mary help you achieve your career goals?
  • What strengths would you bring to your graduate studies at William & Mary?
  • What do you think would be the greatest challenge(s) for you in your graduate studies at William & Mary? How would you address the challenge(s)?

Based on these prompts, you can see how the research step pays off, as you can address specifics in the program and in your career aspirations. You also have the opportunity to address your strengths here and in turn what you will bring to the program with those strengths.

Now that you have all of your thoughts on paper (or typed up on your computer), it is time to get organized. There are thousands of articles about how to create an outline online, but this does not have to be a big, formal process. The goal here is to get your notes from the research and reflection steps placed in a logical order that will take your reader from the introduction to the conclusion, leaving them convinced that you will be a great fit for the program.

Generally, you will want to hook your reader in the introduction. This is a great place to share a story that relates to your “why” for pursuing counseling and/or the program. Your body paragraphs will continue on what you have set up in the introduction, giving evidence of why the reviewers should admit you to the program. And then finally, you will wrap everything up in your conclusion.

Take your time with the outline to ensure you are hitting the points you want to cover within the ideal page range. For the William & Mary person statement, we are looking for two to three pages.

You may be surprised how fast this step can go if you have given ample attention to the proceeding steps. With your notes and outline in hand, sit down and tie everything together into a cohesive paper. You have already made it through your undergraduate career (or are in the home stretch to graduation). Lean on the skills you have used to write your papers up until now and trust yourself.

Generally, write your personal statement at a time and in an environment that is conducive to getting the words on to the page. Do you write better at night, or are you more of an early bird? Do you need silence when writing, or do you thrive in a busy cafe while listening to your favorite music? Set yourself up for success in the drafting process and know that getting started is often the most challenging part.

Reviewing your draft can be broken down further into two parts: 1. Reviewing for content, and 2. Reviewing for spelling and grammar.

Enlist someone you trust, whether it be a friend, family member, colleague or supervisor, to review the content itself. Do your ideas make sense and flow and in logical order? Can the reader follow your thoughts? Is the takeaway clear? The reviewer can pinpoint areas where you might have missed a key part of the prompt or did not explain yourself very well. If you are struggling with a certain section, talking through it can be a big help.

Once you have the content nailed down, it is time to proofread. You do not want to leave any careless errors on the page. If you do not consider spelling and grammar as strengths, enlist the help of someone you trust to handle this part of the review. It can be the same person who read for the content review, or someone entirely new. Fresh eyes never hurt when it comes to proofreading. When faculty and administrators read a personal statement, they want to see true excitement and a strong level of professionalism without being distracted by errors.

6. Finalize

Charles “Rip” McAdams, professor of Counselor Education at William & Mary, explained what faculty members are looking for when reviewing an applicant’s personal statement: “The goal is to determine if an applicant's decision to pursue graduate education in counseling reflects a realistic understanding of the professional counselor's role, as well as a genuine commitment to engaging in the rigorous academic and clinical preparation that will be required.”

If you feel you have demonstrated this in your statement, it is time to stop writing. You have put in the work, and after one final proof, your personal statement is ready to be sent off with the rest of your application.

Set Yourself Up for a Successful Application Process

As you prepare to apply for William & Mary’s Online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Counseling , know that our admissions outreach advisors are always on standby to answer your questions, clarify admissions requirements and review the list of materials we need from you. We have also compiled a number of resources to set you up for success throughout this process.

Visit the main admissions page to find the requirements. Check out our step-by-step How to Apply guide , which walks you through the process of applying through our online portal. You can also view the admissions timeline to get a better idea of how long the application process may take. Additionally, here is a blog post to help you consider what time of year you might want to start your graduate school journey.

We compiled a helpful list of admissions FAQs to assist in this process, but please reach out if you run into any questions. You can schedule a call with an admissions outreach advisor here .

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10 MSW Personal Statement Examples (with Commentary)

Get inspired by some of the best MSW personal statement examples below.

These personal statement examples are inspired by actual essays from students with whom we’ve collaborated, essays that contributed to their successful admissions. For confidentiality, key details have been altered.

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Table of Contents

Example 1: NYU MSW Personal Statement Sample

Prompt: ‘why i want to be a social worker’ essay.

At the tender age of five, as my family faced the challenges of immigrating to the United States, I quickly became attuned to the complexities surrounding us. This early brush with adversity sparked my quest for understanding, especially in the realm of adolescent experiences. Growing up in a household where my mother tirelessly cared for us, while my father remained emotionally distant, I learned to seek solace in introspection and daydreaming. These experiences laid the foundation for my deep empathy towards others and a commitment to understanding them beyond surface-level perceptions.

My ability to empathize with others, particularly adolescents, has been a guiding force in my life. Working with XXXX as a counselor, I revisited my own teenage years, recognizing the crucial need for guidance during this transformative phase. This realization has fueled my determination to specialize in counseling and therapy for adolescents, a path I am eager to pursue through NYU’s Master of Social Work program. I am convinced that effective counseling during adolescence is pivotal in shaping capable, responsible adults.

My internship at XXXX Health was a turning point. Observing clinical behavioral health therapists and working alongside a psychiatrist specializing in post-incarceration life, I gained profound insights into the long-lasting impact of disrupted adolescent experiences. Hearing the narratives of former inmates underscored the importance of early intervention in defining one’s identity. This experience intensified my desire to work with young individuals struggling to find their place in the world.

Choosing NYU Silver was a natural decision. The school’s esteemed faculty, particularly Dr. Kirk Jae James, resonates with my journey as an immigrant. Dr. James’ dedication to overcoming his challenging past and disproving stereotypes is not just inspiring; it mirrors the resilience and determination I strive to embody. His work with those affected by mass incarceration aligns closely with my aspiration to be a clinical therapist who can bring change to young lives.

New York City, the vibrant and diverse backdrop of NYU Silver, also greatly appeals to me. The city’s rich history of nurturing notable figures like Andy Warhol, Roy Halston, and Jean Basquiat speaks to its capacity to foster self-discovery and belonging. I am excited to immerse myself in this melting pot of cultures and ideas, which will undoubtedly enrich my learning and practice in clinical therapy.

My personal history, particularly my father’s struggle with his traumatic childhood, has taught me that resilience and determination are key to overcoming adversity. His journey, though fraught with challenges, has instilled in me the belief that embracing the unknown and being steadfast in one’s goals can lead to remarkable achievements. Carrying this lesson with me, I step into NYU Silver poised to embark on a journey towards becoming an influential clinical therapist for adolescents.

My path to NYU Silver is more than an academic pursuit; it is a commitment to my dream of guiding adolescents through their most vulnerable years. By combining my personal experiences with the comprehensive training at NYU Silver, I am ready to make a meaningful impact in the field of clinical therapy, helping young individuals navigate their formative years with understanding and resilience.


  • Personal and Cultural Background : Effectively connects early experiences as an immigrant to developing empathy, crucial for social work.
  • Professional Aspirations : Clearly links past experiences with seniors and an internship to a focused interest in clinical therapy for adolescents.
  • Academic Motivation : Draws a parallel between personal experiences and the inspiration found in NYU Silver’s faculty and New York City’s diversity.
  • Resilience and Determination : Reflects on lessons learned from family, particularly the father, instilling a belief in achieving ambitious goals.
  • Career Vision : Articulates a strong desire to impact adolescent lives, demonstrating an understanding of the field’s challenges and opportunities.

Verdict: The personal statement is heartfelt and well-structured, showing a clear link between the candidate’s background, their professional drive, and their chosen academic path. The reflection on personal and family resilience adds depth, positioning the candidate as a motivated individual ready to leverage their experiences for meaningful social work.

Example 2: Columbia MSW Personal Statement Sample

  • Part 1: Reflecting upon your decision and motivation to pursue the MSW, describe how attending CSSW will enable you to meet your goals as a social worker. What are your immediate and long-term social work goals?
  • Part 2: Describe a social problem of significance to you. Please discuss it in regard to societal contributions to the origin of the problem, experiences that have contributed to your identification and understanding of the problem, and possible ways of addressing the problem.
  • Part 3: Choose two attributes and provide examples as to how you exemplify these traits. Choose one attribute you would like to improve. How will attending the MSW program at CSSW help you in doing so?

1. Motivation and Goals for Pursuing MSW:

From a young age, I have been acutely aware of the disparities and injustices in my community. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood in Chicago, I witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of poverty, limited access to quality education, and the cycle of violence. These early observations fueled my passion for social work, specifically my desire to develop community-based programs aimed at youth empowerment and education. My immediate goal is to work in a non-profit organization focused on urban youth development, while my long-term ambition is to establish a foundation dedicated to providing educational resources and mentorship programs for at-risk youth.

Attending the Columbia School of Social Work (CSSW) will provide me with the critical skills, knowledge, and network necessary to achieve these goals. CSSW’s commitment to social justice, its comprehensive curriculum, and the opportunity to learn from esteemed faculty and diverse peers will equip me with a nuanced understanding of social issues and effective intervention strategies.

2. A Significant Social Problem:

The social problem that resonates most with me is the school-to-prison pipeline, an issue rampant in many urban communities, including my own. This problem arises from a combination of societal factors such as underfunded public schools, zero-tolerance policies, and systemic racial discrimination. My understanding of this issue deepened through volunteering at a local youth center, where I encountered numerous teens who had been expelled from school and were at risk of entering the juvenile justice system.

Addressing this problem requires a multi-faceted approach, starting with policy reform to prioritize education and rehabilitation over punishment. Community-based intervention programs focusing on mentorship, counseling, and educational support can play a vital role in diverting at-risk youth from the criminal justice system. At CSSW, I hope to explore these interventions in-depth and develop effective strategies to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline.

3. Personal Attributes and Areas for Improvement:

Empathy : My empathy has been a guiding force in my social work journey. A poignant example was when I volunteered at a local youth center. There, I met a teenager named Marcus who had been expelled from school. By actively listening and engaging with him, I learned about his challenges at home and his struggles with learning disabilities. Understanding his situation, I worked with the youth center staff to develop a personalized educational plan and connect him with a mentor. This experience deepened my ability to empathize with individuals from diverse backgrounds, recognizing the unique challenges they face.

Resilience : My resilience was particularly tested when I spearheaded a community project to revitalize a rundown public park. The project faced numerous setbacks, including funding shortages and bureaucratic hurdles. Despite these challenges, I mobilized the community, organized fundraising events, and negotiated with local officials. The successful completion of the park not only provided a safe space for children but also reinforced my ability to persist in the face of adversity, a crucial trait for a social worker.

Area for Improvement – Policy Advocacy : My experience in grassroots initiatives has been rewarding, but it also highlighted the limitations of addressing social issues without policy change. For instance, while volunteering at the youth center, I realized that individual interventions, though beneficial, could not alone prevent the systemic issue of school expulsions leading to juvenile detentions. This recognition has fueled my desire to improve my skills in policy advocacy, an area where I see great growth potential. CSSW’s program, with its emphasis on policy practice, will be instrumental in helping me acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to advocate effectively for systemic changes.


Attending Columbia School of Social Work will be a pivotal step in my journey to becoming an impactful social worker. I am eager to engage with the CSSW community, learn from diverse experiences, and contribute my perspective towards creating meaningful change. I am committed to using the knowledge and skills gained from CSSW to fight for social justice and empower the youth in communities like mine.

  • Clarity of Motivation : The essay effectively communicates the candidate’s personal experiences and observations of disparities in their community as key motivators for pursuing social work.
  • Goal-Oriented : Clearly outlines immediate and long-term goals, demonstrating a focused vision for a career in social work.
  • Understanding of a Social Issue : The candidate’s insight into the school-to-prison pipeline, informed by volunteer experiences, indicates a deep understanding of this complex social problem.
  • Attributes and Self-Improvement : Demonstrates empathy and resilience through specific examples. Identifies policy advocacy as an area for improvement and connects this to CSSW’s curriculum.
  • Personal and Professional Growth : The candidate’s experiences, challenges faced, and the growth they seek align well with the offerings of the CSSW program.

Verdict: The candidate’s personal statement is compelling and well-crafted. It showcases a strong personal connection to the field, a clear understanding of relevant social issues, and a desire for professional growth that aligns with the CSSW program.

Example 3: UC Berkeley MSW Statement of Purpose Sample

Please address each of the following in your statement:

  • Describe your aptitude, motivation and preparation for graduate study in the field of social welfare; your future career goals in the profession of social work; and achievements that demonstrate your professional promise and leadership potential as a social worker.
  • Describe your academic and professional areas of interest in social work, including your chosen area(s) of specialization.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of contemporary issues and challenges in the professional practice of social work by posing a question or identifying a relevant problem/current issue you would like to explore, and how you might address it from the perspective of a masters’-level social worker.

My journey into the world of social work began with a deeply personal experience – caring for my youngest daughter who faced developmental and language delays. This challenge opened my eyes to the struggles of parents with special needs children and sparked my commitment to helping vulnerable groups. I founded a non-profit organization to support children in rural Russian orphanages, which expanded my drive to assist not only children but also adults suffering from trauma and PTSD. This path has led me to pursue the Master of Social Welfare program at Berkeley, where I aim to deepen my knowledge and skills for effective global impact.

My background is richly diverse. As a mother of four bilingual, multicultural children, I developed a keen interest in early bilingualism. For my thesis at XXXX State Linguistic University, I explored bilingual language development in infants and toddlers, focusing on methods used by parents raising bilingual children. This research, recommended for publication as a guide for multilingual families, heightened my awareness of the challenges immigrant families face globally. It solidified my resolve to find research-based solutions to social issues, a commitment I bring to Berkeley’s rigorous program.

Professionally, I thrived as a XXXX Director for XXXX in Russia, where I honed leadership skills by building a team of passionate educators. A notable achievement was our collaboration with XXXX Department, providing educational programs to young patients. This experience was transformative, broadening my perspective on social change and reinforcing my desire to make a meaningful difference.

As a certified life and leadership coach, I focused on assisting Russian-speaking immigrants and refugee women, many confronting dire challenges like domestic abuse and PTSD. These encounters underscored the need for specialized social welfare skills, steering me towards a Master’s in Social Work. My goal is to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializing in trauma and PTSD, and to contribute on an international scale, possibly with organizations like Doctors Without Borders.

Recognizing the critical role of language in social work, I have been learning Spanish and French to better connect with diverse patient populations. My linguistic background enhances my ability to engage effectively in multicultural settings. To gain practical experience, I completed a 90-hour training at Crisis Support Services of XXXX and began volunteering on their crisis line. This hands-on involvement, particularly during these challenging times, has further motivated me toward my LCSW goal.

UC Berkeley’s MSW program, known for its diverse student body and commitment to public service, is the ideal environment for me to grow. Surrounded by peers and faculty who share a dedication to social justice, I am eager to expand my understanding and prepare for a career dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable individuals, families, and communities.

  • Personal Experience as Motivation : The statement effectively uses the candidate’s personal experience of caring for a child with developmental delays as a catalyst for their interest in social work.
  • Global Perspective : Showcases a strong commitment to international social issues through work with Russian orphanages and immigrant communities.
  • Professional Achievements : Highlights relevant professional experiences, including leadership roles and work with vulnerable populations.
  • Educational Goals and Alignment : Clearly articulates the desire to specialize in trauma and PTSD, aligning with Berkeley’s MSW program’s strengths.
  • Multicultural and Linguistic Skills : Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of cultural competence in social work, supported by multilingual abilities.

Verdict: The candidate presents a compelling mix of personal motivation, professional experience, and academic alignment with the MSW program at UC Berkeley. Their diverse background and specific career goals make them an ideal candidate for the program.

Example 4: Cal State Fullerton MSW Personal Statement Sample

The quality of the writing in the personal statement will be evaluated, as will the applicant’s ability to thoroughly address the questions outlined below:

  • Describe how your personal background and life experiences have influenced your decision to pursue a graduate education in social work. Please include any challenges or hardships you may have overcome on your journey.
  • What are your expectations of graduate education at Cal State Fullerton in terms of your own development? Indicate any problems or limitations that should be taken into account in planning your graduate program.
  • Specify your career objectives as a professional social worker as you now conceive them. Indicate the fields of practice in which you are interested.
  • Describe your experiences with diverse populations and groups, and how those experiences have contributed to your interest in social work. Which population (defined by culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, psychological and/or physical functioning) would you like to serve and why?

While managing an in-school feeding program, I watched a 7-year-old boy take a modest meal at school, and save half for his siblings at home. Another girl expressed joy for the school meals she relied on. These encounters, and others like them, deeply impacted me, highlighting the critical issue of child hunger and food insecurity. My resolve to expand our school feeding program was fueled by these experiences, successfully growing it from 7 to 1,053 schools over five years.

After graduating, I joined the Philippine XXXXX in 2001, managing the Business and Peace Program in the XXXXX Region. Here, I worked with XXXXXX, identifying young Muslims for internships that fostered leadership and peace.

In 2008, I transitioned to the XXXXX Foundation, developing community programs and managing the in-school feeding program, which fed 40,000 children at its peak. These experiences solidified my commitment to child welfare and my belief in the power of social work.

Managing the feeding program, I faced ethical challenges, like discovering fund misappropriation by a local agency officer. I addressed this by establishing direct communication with schools and conducting random checks, ensuring program integrity.

Then in 2013, I took a break to focus on family and moved to XXXXX. Motherhood enriched my perspective, making me more empathetic, resilient, and dedicated to child welfare. Now ready to re-enter the social work field, I seek an MSW degree to update my skills and knowledge.

Post-MSW, I aim to influence policies and contribute to community-based solutions in the Philippines, aspiring to work with large non-profits and eventually with international agencies like UNICEF.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened child poverty in the Philippines, underscoring the urgency of my mission. At CSU Fullerton, I plan to study social work theories, understand child welfare systems, and apply these learnings to the Philippine context.

With a Master of Social Work degree, I am poised to join the effort to advance children’s welfare, equipped to make a significant difference in their lives. The Filipino children cannot wait. They need all the help they can get. And with a Master of Social Work degree from CSU Fullerton, the battle will have been half-won.

  • Personal Narrative as Motivation : The statement effectively uses the applicant’s personal experiences with poverty, domestic violence, and addiction to illustrate a deep-rooted motivation for pursuing social work.
  • Community Involvement and Professional Experience : Highlights significant community engagement and professional achievements, demonstrating a commitment to social justice and positive change.
  • Challenges and Ethical Considerations : Discusses challenges faced during professional work, showing problem-solving skills and ethical awareness.
  • Academic and Career Goals : Clearly articulates how an MSW will enrich the applicant’s knowledge and skills, aiming to influence policies and create community-based solutions.
  • Personal Growth and Family Perspective : Reflects on the lessons learned from being a stay-at-home mother, tying this to a renewed enthusiasm for child welfare work.

Verdict: The statement presents a well-rounded candidate with a compelling personal connection to social work, reinforced by active community involvement, ethical professional practice, and clear career goals. The applicant’s experiences and aspirations align well with the MSW program at CSU Fullerton- making them a strong candidate.

Example 5: Cal State Long Beach MSW Personal Statement Sample

How did you become interested in social work? What motivated you to choose social work as a profession?

My passion for social work and advocacy for equality is rooted in a fundamental belief: no voice should be silenced in the pursuit of a just society. Throughout my life, I’ve witnessed how advocates for equality are often marginalized, their concerns unheard. This fuels my commitment to actively work towards a just world, where standing up for justice is a right for all.

As a child of Mexican immigrants, I experienced the harsh realities of a low-income household. This upbringing ingrained in me deep empathy and an intimate understanding of the struggles faced by underprivileged communities. My parents’ relentless hard work and sacrifices, despite economic hardships, have been a constant source of inspiration. They taught me resilience, compassion, and the importance of community support.

My professional journey in social work began at XXXX Community Development Corporation, where I took a lead role in organizing a landmark meeting with elected officials. We successfully voiced community concerns, addressing critical issues like infrastructure and public safety. This experience honed my skills in advocacy and highlighted the power of active listening and engagement.

Furthering my commitment, I volunteered at XXXX Volunteers in Medicine, assisting in providing healthcare to those unable to afford it. Here, I learned the critical role of accessible healthcare and the importance of educating communities about healthy living. These experiences have solidified my resolve to pursue a career in social work, focusing on advocating for essential services and support for underprivileged communities.

My aspiration to become a licensed clinical social worker, specializing in children’s mental health, aligns perfectly with the academic rigor and diverse environment offered by the Master of Social Work program at CSULB. As an undergraduate at CSULB, I was captivated by the program’s depth and the diverse perspectives it embraced. The experiences shared with students from varied backgrounds deepened my understanding of the multifaceted challenges in our society.

I am fully committed to investing my time and resources in the coursework and fieldwork placements at CSULB. The opportunity to study in a stimulating environment, surrounded by professionals who share my passion, will provide a solid foundation for my career. I bring with me a wealth of practical insights from working with low-income communities, the homeless, the elderly, and drug users. These experiences, I believe, will contribute significantly to our class discussions and align perfectly with CSULB’s mission of supporting vulnerable and oppressed populations.

My journey in social work is a commitment to those who struggle to be heard. At CSULB, I aim to further my skills, knowledge, and understanding, preparing myself to be a force for change and a voice for the voiceless. My goal is to ensure that every child, family, and community I work with gets the opportunity to thrive, just as I strive to make a meaningful impact in the field of social work.

  • Strong Personal Connection : The statement effectively connects the candidate’s personal background as a child of Mexican immigrants to her empathy and understanding of underprivileged communities.
  • Professional Experience : Highlights relevant work in community development and healthcare, which demonstrates practical skills in advocacy and community engagement.
  • Academic and Career Goals : Clearly articulates the ambition to specialize in children’s mental health, aligning with CSULB’s program.
  • Commitment to Social Work Values : Demonstrates a deep commitment to social justice, aligned with the mission of CSULB’s social work program.

Verdict: The personal statement is comprehensive and well-constructed, effectively demonstrating the candidate’s passion, relevant experience, and alignment with CSULB’s Master of Social Work program. The candidate’s background and professional aspirations make them a strong fit for the program.

Example 6: San Jose State University MSW Personal Statement Sample

In the heart of a small migrant community, where the sting of social inequities was a daily reality, my path toward a career in social work began to take shape. My childhood, marked by the challenges of racial discrimination and economic struggle, instilled in me not only resilience but a deep understanding of the complex social fabric that shapes communities. It was these formative experiences, coupled with my time volunteering at a local shelter, that solidified my dedication to advocating for social justice.

Professionally, my experiences have been closely aligned with the values at the core of social work. Serving as a community organizer, I worked alongside local leaders to tackle critical issues like housing affordability and healthcare accessibility, gaining valuable insights into the world of policy advocacy. Another pivotal role was as a counselor for at-risk youth, where I developed a keen understanding of the challenges faced by young people from diverse backgrounds. This role was instrumental in refining my skills in empathy and communication.

Looking ahead, my immediate goal is to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a focus on trauma and PTSD. In the long run, I aspire to establish a non-profit dedicated to providing mental health services to marginalized communities. These ambitions are rooted in a deep-seated commitment to effecting lasting change for those society often overlooks.

San Jose State University’s MSW program, renowned for its emphasis on culturally competent practice, particularly with Latinx and other minority groups, aligns perfectly with both my personal and professional values. The program’s exceptional faculty and comprehensive curriculum stand out as ideal for nurturing my academic and professional growth.

In conclusion, I am confident that my time at San Jose State University will not only refine my existing skills but also expand my perspectives, equipping me to become an effective, empathetic social worker. I am eager to embrace the tools and knowledge that the program offers, to champion social justice and make a tangible difference in the lives of those most in need.

This MSW personal statement sample effectively showcases the candidate’s journey and motivation towards a career in social work. It does well in several key aspects:

  • Personal Experience : The statement begins with a compelling narrative about the candidate’s upbringing in a diverse, challenging environment, effectively linking personal background to their interest in social work.
  • Professional Alignment : The candidate skillfully ties their professional experiences, like community organizing and counseling, to the core values of social work- to demonstrate a clear understanding and commitment to the field.
  • Future Goals & Alignment with the Program : The statement outlines specific short-term and long-term professional goals, aligning them with the strengths of San Jose State University’s MSW program. This demonstrates the candidate’s purposeful choice of program and their understanding of how it will support their career objectives.
  • Flow and Clarity : The essay is well-structured, with each paragraph transitioning smoothly into the next, maintaining a clear and engaging narrative throughout.

Verdict: The statement presents a well-rounded, sincere, and focused candidate with a clear vision for their future in social work. It makes a strong case for their admission.

Example 7: Wayne State University MSW Personal Statement Sample

Your statement must address the following items:

  • The National Association of Social Workers set forth important guiding principles to address social workers’ ethical responsibility to clients, colleagues, employers and employing organizations, the social work profession, and society.
  • Describe how these ethical standards would shape your professional social work practice. How would you reconcile any conflicts between your personal values and the requirements of the profession?
  • Describe why you believe you are a good fit with the mission of the Wayne State University School of Social Work, particularly its urban mission.
  • Social workers are committed to social justice. Please describe your thoughts on a particular social and economic justice issue and how you intend to use your professional social work degree to address these issues.

As an African American with Native American roots, I have firsthand experience with the challenges faced by underserved communities. This background has deeply influenced my desire to pursue social work, driven by a belief in compassion, commitment, and competence. I aim to amplify my impact in this field by enhancing my skills, and I believe the MSW program at Wayne State University is the ideal setting for this growth.

My life in Detroit has exposed me to the myriad challenges of urban environments, from food deserts to unsafe public spaces and high crime rates. The city’s struggle with deindustrialization has led to job losses, property abandonment, and heightened poverty, which I believe positions me uniquely for Wayne’s urban mission. Understanding these issues firsthand, I feel equipped to contribute meaningfully to solutions.

In my current role with a youth assistance program, I work to prevent youths from entering the juvenile system and help rehabilitate those already involved. Our sessions include group counseling, academic enrichment, and life skills training, aimed at early intervention to improve life quality and academic performance.

My practice as a social worker is grounded in the ethical standards set forth by the National Association of Social Workers. I prioritize service above self-interest, as evidenced by my role as a Direct Care Worker for my sister with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I am committed to social justice and understand the importance of dignity and respect for every individual, regardless of their background. My experience with Wayne State University’s XXXXXX program has further reinforced the value of human relationships in social work.

I recognize the potential conflicts between personal values and professional responsibilities. In such cases, I intend to adhere to the profession’s ethical standards, ensuring that my personal beliefs do not hinder my ability to serve clients effectively.

The Wayne State University School of Social Work’s urban mission resonates with my experiences and aspirations. My understanding of Detroit’s unique challenges aligns with the school’s focus on urban social work. I am particularly interested in addressing issues of poverty and economic disparity, leveraging my post-masters degree to initiate impactful programs like fundraisers for low-income students and collaborations with local food banks.

I am aware of the challenges in understanding certain aspects of social work, such as the dynamics of gang involvement. To address this, I plan to engage in continuous learning about various community issues to enhance my ability to serve diverse populations effectively.

My journey has not been without its challenges. While I have been actively involved in addressing the needs of victims of gang violence, I recognize a gap in my understanding of gang culture. To bridge this gap, I am committed to learning more about gang dynamics, history, and the socioeconomic factors that influence gang membership. This knowledge will be crucial in my work with at-risk youth, allowing me to provide more targeted and effective interventions.

Balancing the demands of graduate studies with work, family, and financial responsibilities will be challenging, but my experience in the Wayne State University XXXXX program has equipped me with valuable skills in time management and prioritization. I am prepared to fully commit to the MSW program, confident that it will transform me into an impactful social work professional aligned with Wayne State’s mission.

  • Alignment with University’s Mission : The statement effectively aligns the student’s personal and professional experiences with Wayne State University’s urban mission.
  • Ethical Awareness : Demonstrates a clear understanding of social work ethics and a commitment to upholding these standards in practice.
  • Conflict Resolution : Thoughtfully addresses potential conflicts between personal values and professional responsibilities, indicating maturity and professional readiness.
  • Commitment to Social Justice : Shows a strong dedication to social justice, particularly in addressing economic disparities and poverty.
  • Continuous Learning : Emphasizes a willingness to learn and grow, especially in areas like understanding gang dynamics, which is crucial for effective social work.
  • Personal Experiences : Successfully uses personal experiences to illustrate a deep understanding of the challenges faced by underserved communities.
  • Realistic Approach : Acknowledges and prepares for the challenges of balancing graduate studies with other life responsibilities.

Verdict: The applicant shows a strong alignment with the program’s focus, demonstrates ethical awareness, and possesses a clear commitment to social justice and continuous learning. The statement shows maturity and readiness for the challenges of graduate study in social work.

Example 8: University of Pittsburg MSW Personal Statement Sample

Please describe in your personal statement the following:

  • Influences in your life that led you to select social work as a profession
  • Why you are applying to the University of Pittsburg School of Social Work
  • How an MSW will help you achieve your career goals
  • Your special skills and abilities, your strengths as well as your limitations
  • How your abilities will contribute to your development as a professional social worker
  • Discuss a contemporary issue that is of concern to you

Printed on my grandfather’s funeral brochure was an old Irish proverb: “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” This sentiment has resonated with me deeply, as I have experienced significant loss in my life, from cancer to accidents and suicide. These experiences have not only shaped my understanding of grief but also steered me towards a career in social work, specifically in gerontology and hospice care.

During my final quarter at XXXXXXX State College, I met a hospice social worker whose impact on families dealing with end-of-life situations was profound. Her approach to helping families accept, celebrate life, and find peace in farewells deeply inspired me. It was then that I realized the power of social work in providing comfort and dignity in life’s final stages.

I am applying to the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work because of its strong gerontology program and its commitment to addressing contemporary issues like the impact of COVID-19 on the aging population. The pandemic has starkly highlighted the disparities in our healthcare system, especially concerning end-of-life care. I aim to contribute to this field by developing solutions to these emerging challenges, ensuring dignity and comfort for all in their final moments, regardless of their racial or socioeconomic status.

My work experience in childcare and hospitality has equipped me with patience, empathy, and a strong work ethic, qualities essential for a career in social work. Additionally, my volunteer work with XXXXXXX and the XXXXXXX has given me valuable experience in community service. However, I recognize my tendency to be overly trusting as a limitation. In the field of social work, discernment is crucial, and I am actively working on balancing empathy with professional objectivity.

At the University of Pittsburgh, I am particularly interested in courses like Grief and Loss: Interventions, Implications, and Understanding, and Direct Practice with Older Adults. These courses, coupled with field education in aging, hospice, or hospital settings, will be instrumental in achieving my career goals.

My commitment to serving the Pittsburgh community stems from my deep-rooted connection to the city. Witnessing the impact of the university’s alumni in the field has further motivated me to pursue my MSW here. I am fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead in the field of social work, but I am confident that the guidance and training offered by the University of Pittsburgh will equip me to tackle these challenges effectively.

My personal experiences with loss, combined with my professional aspirations and commitment to social justice, make me a suitable candidate for the MSW program. I am eager to contribute my skills, work ethic, and unique perspectives to the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work and to grow into a compassionate and effective social worker.

  • Connection of Personal Experience to Career Choice : Effectively links personal encounters with loss to a passion for social work, particularly in gerontology and hospice care.
  • Alignment with Program’s Strengths : Clearly identifies why the University of Pittsburgh’s program, with its focus on gerontology, is a strong fit for the candidate’s career goals.
  • Discussion of Contemporary Issues : Addresses the impact of COVID-19 on the aging population, showing awareness of current challenges in social work.
  • Self-awareness and Growth : Acknowledges personal limitations, like being overly trusting, and the intention to work on balancing empathy with professional objectivity.
  • Relevant Skills and Experience : Highlights experiences in childcare, hospitality, and volunteer work, which showcase skills valuable in social work.

Verdict: The statement demonstrates a clear connection between personal experiences and professional aspirations. It aligns effectively with the program’s focus, displays awareness of current social issues, and shows a commitment to personal growth- making the candidate a strong fit for the University of Pittsburgh’s MSW program.

Example 9: Case Western Reserve University MSW Personal Statement Sample

Discuss significant factors influencing your decision to pursue a Master of Science in Social Administration (MSSA).

  • Your essay should include information regarding your interest in the social work profession, your intended concentration/specialization, and career goals.
  • Please reflect on how any past school, community, volunteer, professional work, and leadership experiences will contribute to your success as a graduate student.
  • Describe how you see yourself contributing to the vibrancy of our student body and school community.
  • Describe any strengths or limitations that might influence you being successful in your field placement.
  • Finally, please include why the Mandel School is a good fit for your educational goals.

My decision to pursue a Master of Science in Social Administration (MSSA) at the Mandel School is deeply rooted in personal and professional experiences that have highlighted the profound impact of social work. My journey began with observing the complexities of mental health within my family, which instilled in me a passion for understanding and advocating for mental health care.

Growing up, I watched a beloved family member struggle with mental health challenges. Witnessing their battle and the ripple effect it had on our family stirred in me a resolve to support others facing similar trials. This resolve only deepened with the birth of my daughter, Eve, when I encountered my postpartum mood disorders. Through receiving treatment and support, I was empowered to overcome these challenges, which further fueled my aspiration to assist women grappling with similar issues.

In my professional role as a Health Coach and Personal Trainer, I’ve had the privilege of supporting clients like John and Anna, whose mental well-being was intertwined with their physical health goals. These experiences have honed my ability to listen empathetically and devise holistic approaches to wellness that I believe will be invaluable in my social work practice.

My immediate career goal is to establish a private practice focused on women’s mental health, particularly addressing postpartum mood disorders. I am inspired to create a space where women can seek help without stigma or silence. In the long term, I aspire to influence mental health policy, advocating for accessible care and support systems that recognize and address the silent struggles many women face.

The Mandel School’s commitment to academic excellence and its vibrant student body resonate with my educational and professional ethos. The school’s innovative approach to social work education, particularly in mental health, makes it an exceptional fit for my aspirations. My compassion, coupled with my professional experience and personal journey through mental health challenges, will contribute to the rich tapestry of the Mandel School community.

Ultimately, I envision my time at the Mandel School as a transformative experience that will not only deepen my understanding of social work but also equip me with the skills to make significant contributions to the field. With a community that fosters diversity of thought and experience, I am confident that my educational journey here will prepare me for a fulfilling and impactful career in social work.

  • Personal Connection : The statement effectively establishes a personal connection to social work through the candidate’s family experiences with mental health.
  • Professional Relevance : It highlights relevant work experience that translates well into social work competencies, particularly in understanding clients’ holistic needs.
  • Clear Career Objectives : The candidate articulates well-defined short-term and long-term goals that align with their personal experiences and professional aspirations.
  • School Alignment : There is a strong emphasis on how the Mandel School’s ethos resonates with the candidate’s goals, suggesting a thoughtful choice in their application.
  • Contribution to Community : The statement outlines how the candidate’s unique experiences and compassion will add value to the student body and fieldwork.

Verdict: The candidate’s personal statement is compelling, demonstrating a strong, authentic motivation for pursuing an MSSA and a clear vision for how the Mandel School will help fulfill their career objectives.

Example 10: University of Pittsburg MSW Personal Statement Sample

  • Influences in your life that led you to select social work as a profession.
  • Why you are applying to Pitt’s School of Social Work.
  • How an MSW will help you achieve your career goals.
  • How your abilities will contribute to your development as a professional social worker.
  • discuss a contemporary issue that is of concern to you.

At just seven years old, I witnessed the harsh realities of poverty, domestic violence, and addiction within my family. These experiences instilled in me a passion for social work, especially after seeing how social workers supported our family through my parents’ mental health and addiction challenges. This inspired me to pursue a career in this field to use my background and skills gained from an MSW program to assist individuals and families in their recovery processes.

Growing up, our family was caught up in a custody battle, leading my siblings and me to frequently navigate foster care and courtrooms. My parents’ struggle with addiction was alleviated by the support of social workers and case managers, who provided housing, food assistance, service coordination, and counseling. Tragically, both my parents eventually succumbed to drug overdoses. Though painful, these experiences further reinforced my commitment to social work and helping others facing similar struggles.

In recent years, I have been actively involved in social justice activism. My roles as a community organizer and development director for XXXXX Summer Camp, a non-profit empowering girls and non-binary youth through music and mentorship, highlighted the need for improved mental and behavioral health services. Volunteering as a delivery driver and food packager with XXXXX Aid during the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of community support for those in need.

My experience in event coordination, donor relationship building, and electoral campaign work has enabled me to contribute to meaningful change in my community, such as the successful XXXXX Wage initiative in Oregon, which improved the lives of countless workers. Serving on the XXXXX Democratic Committee for Ward Four, I have amplified community voices and supported candidates who advocate for accessible mental and behavioral health services, safe and affordable housing, and environmental protection.

A contemporary issue that concerns me is the effectiveness of harm reduction techniques in treating mental health and dual-diagnosis clients. I aim to explore how these techniques can be integrated into traditional substance abuse treatment models to better meet the mental health needs of individuals like my parents. Additionally, I am interested in how mental health professionals and addiction treatment providers can collaborate to provide comprehensive care for dual-diagnosis clients.

Obtaining an MSW will empower me to become a skilled, compassionate, and trauma-informed clinician. My goal is to contribute to accessible mental and behavioral health services, particularly for trauma survivors, and advocate for inclusive, culturally responsive, and restorative justice practices.

I am empathetic and easily connect with people, and my resilience in adversity will contribute to my development as a professional social worker. These qualities have supported me in helping my sister Cheyan and in my social justice work.

I chose the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work for its highly-ranked program and specialization in mental health. This program aligns with my goal of employing harm reduction strategies for dual-diagnosis clients. Additionally, its proximity to my family will enable me to support them while pursuing my education.

I am eager to return to the University of Pittsburgh and embark on this transformative journey to become a professional social worker. The MSW program will enable me to make a significant difference in the lives of those who need compassionate and trauma-informed care. I am confident that this program will honor my family’s legacy and empower me to create positive change for countless individuals and families in need.

  • Personal Experience as a Motivation : The applicant compellingly uses their personal history of overcoming poverty, domestic violence, and addiction to demonstrate a deep-rooted motivation for pursuing social work.
  • Community Involvement : The statement highlights significant community engagement and activism, showcasing a commitment to social justice and change.
  • Professional Development : Details about event coordination, campaign involvement, and leadership roles show the applicant’s ability to effect change and work collaboratively.
  • Academic and Career Goals : The applicant clearly articulates their interest in harm reduction techniques and their intent to enhance their skills through the MSW program.
  • Personal Qualities : Empathy and resilience are emphasized as strengths that will aid in their development as a social worker.

Verdict: The statement presents a well-rounded candidate with a powerful personal connection to social work, backed by active community involvement and clear professional goals. Their commitment to addressing complex social issues, coupled with their personal strengths, shines throughout the statement.

Before you go…

You should be inspired enough to craft your authentic MSW personal statement. But you still need experienced eyes to deeply review it for flow, tone, logical structure, and clarity! See how I can help you below…

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Related Articles:

Social Work Personal Statement Guide (w/Examples)

Top 8 Cheapest Online MSW Programs

Best Online MSW Programs in California

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therapist personal statement example

Postgraduate Personal Statement Example: Counselling Psychology

therapist personal statement example

Reading through several examples of personal statements before you write and submit your own version can be exceptionally valuable. 

After all, personal statement examples can teach you how to write and structure your application, and you can quickly learn how to write a personal statement by examining others.

But with so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know if you’re reading a good one?

Postgraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, research skills and ambitions and their suitability for the course. This postgraduate personal statement example for Counselling Psychology clearly illustrates these three critical elements.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you’ll be able to download a pdf of the whole document, to use as inspiration for your own!

therapist personal statement example

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“As a member of “Generation Z”, I am keenly aware of the potential impact of the so-called ‘age of disruption’. Many people say that the job market is going to look significantly different by the time I graduate from university, so I consider it critical to have the ability to respond positively to any form of disruption or challenge I encounter. I intend to position myself in a way that will not only result in a prosperous career but also a career that allows me to give back to society. Consequently, I aim to devote myself to social work and philanthropy. As George Bernard Shaw said: “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live.” The human mind can be enigmatic, unpredictable and vulnerable, but it can also be understood by other human minds intuitively, and one mind can connect with another very naturally. Therefore, I believe that people can connect as a result of spending time working together closely. I want to pursue this goal by using my communications and management abilities from the business sector in my study and practice of Counselling Psychology.”

Commentary and Analysis 

This introduction is complex, confusing and engaging all at once, which is quite an achievement!

On a positive note, the writer has certainly made this introduction personal, and you get the feeling that it genuinely reflects their voice, approach and sense of purpose. That’s an excellent strategy, and an effective way to communicate a message. Readers don’t want to see highly descriptive passages in personal statements, they want to see individuality, engagement and authenticity.

However, the issue I have with this introduction is that it doesn’t get to the point quickly enough. It is very hard to unpick the subject the candidate is applying for, the relevance of the content and the logical progression of thought in this example. It ‘sort of’ all ties up in the last sentence, but by that time, the reader is a bit lost. 

It would be much better to begin with a commitment to the postgraduate topic the writer plans to study and then explain how their worldview has positioned them to take on that study successfully.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

therapist personal statement example

Personal Statement Example: Academic Background

“After finishing high school, I entered a university which allowed me to engage with a wide variety of people from diverse cultural origins, socioeconomic statuses and ethnic backgrounds. In my first year, I frequently conversed with people seated next to me at breakfast, which was the first time I truly understood the gravity of mental health issues. Other students, despite their age, spoke openly and comfortably about their problems as if they were discussing what they had for dinner the night before. This made me think that in high school, people kept their problems to themselves and substituted phrases like “I’ve been pretty busy lately” for their reluctance to discuss their mental health. My interest in psychology and mental health was sparked by hearing about the mental health crises that individuals experience and by supporting those around me to manage the challenges of undergraduate study. Subsequently, I determined to pursue the subject from an academic perspective. 

Commentary and Analysis

Again, this personal statement is rich with individual connections but limited in details. The writer has expressed a personal engagement with the subject, and this is very common (and often essential in some respect) for a subject such as this. However, when focusing on undergraduate study, an admissions reader will expect to see evidence of specific and relevant skills gained, none of which feature here.

The effect is that the writer seems unqualified, academically lacking and to be working from a place of instinct rather than education. That might not be the case, but it is how the reader, who does not know the applicant, might interpret the personal statement.

If you’d like to learn more about how to structure your personal statement or statement of purpose , check out my awesome Personal Statement Template eBook here . It’s full of detailed examples of what to include!

therapist personal statement example

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 1

“I moved in with my roommate, who was also a high school friend, in my third year. Having known her for five years, I was astonished to learn about her troubles when she revealed that she had been managing depression since she was 14. The first time we spoke to one another honestly and in detail, she told me about her parents’ high expectations for her, how she felt like she never fitted in anywhere, and her distrust of relationships. Presented with this information, my mind went blank, so I suggested that she talk to a counsellor. She then shared her challenging experience of seeing a counsellor. Her parents initially refused to pay the exorbitant fees because they saw it as a sign of fragility rather than a health problem. Then the counsellor took notes of her experiences and reported them to her parents. Hearing about someone’s troubles in such depth is a little like getting to know a brand-new person, but in doing so, I began to recognise that counselling and psychology might be future career options for me. I couldn’t help but think that if I were an expert in this field, I could help her with a practical strategy or, at the very least, say something to make her feel better.”

This section is representative of a trap that many applicants fall into. They are so keen to build a justification for their choice of course and to convince the reader of their suitability that it all comes from the heart and not from a factual, strategic perspective.

There are a number of problems with this section. Firstly, it does not focus on the applicant. Instead, we read a narrative about someone else entirely. As a result, we get almost no additional information about the applicant’s suitability for the course. Secondly, there is no reference to specific aspects of the undergraduate degree, research, knowledge or skills that will add value to the application. Thirdly, none of the content connects specifically to the course being applied for. Lastly, and just as importantly, the writer is verging on disclosure of sensitive information, and showing a degree of naivety about the confidential nature of therapeutic counselling. As a result, they may not be portraying themselves as a particularly suitable candidate for this course or career.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

therapist personal statement example

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 2

“During the summer of my third year, I accepted an invitation from a Clinical Psychology professor to participate in his solution-focused brief therapy seminar. He hypothesised that ‘strategy talking’ and ‘future talking’ techniques that centre on an individual’s problem can help refocus their queries and shift their attention away from the problem onto potential solutions. I was playing an observer during the role-playing portion of the seminar when the client and the therapist broke into tears as they discussed how she never felt worthy of her mother’s attention. She was successfully led to open up about her feelings and then encouraged to think about ways to prevent the negative emotions by the graduate student acting as the therapist whose research centred on solution-focused brief therapy. The entire process was highly engrossing, and as I watched, I kept thinking about what I would say or do to help her and with whom I would start this dialogue.”

Commentary and Analysis: 

This is a better paragraph, as it gives tangible evidence of relevant experience and knowledge. Again, it turns into a highly descriptive passage, and the value of one or two sentences is stretched out over a significant proportion of the personal statement.

Whilst the brief academic content is relevant, there is not enough of it. By this point in the application, there should be layers of relevant skills and experience on show, with clear connections to the course the writer is applying for. None of that has been evidenced yet.

Additionally, courses that are related to any form of therapy expect to see examples of wider reading and research, clinical placements and internships, academic skills and industry/sector knowledge. The candidate writing the personal statement has provided almost none of these elements. Consequently, I would imagine that by this stage, an admissions reader would be likely to reject the application due to a lack of academic and experiential depth.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the writer hasn’t got those experiences. It just means they haven’t included them here, and haven’t made clear connections between their skills, ambitions and the course being applied for.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the free version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

therapist personal statement example

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“My experiences with mental health concerns help me to understand and define my personal and professional goals. I want to be helpful to society by providing genuinely positive value in each role I undertake. Studying Counselling Psychology is a way of surviving the age of disruption, establishing lasting connections between myself and others and helping potential clients to gain the techniques needed to achieve clarity of mental and emotional well-being. After experiencing the transfer from one culture to the other, I gained the skills and positivity to help others embrace and overcome difficulties and the emotional maturity and academic skills to undertake this advanced study course. I will endeavour to bring these qualities to this program and look forward to playing an active and positive role as a member of your respected learning community.”

The conclusion, unsurprisingly, continues in the same style. There’s no tangible connection to the course being applied for, no real sense that the writer understands or is prepared to manage the academic and practical demands of this subject, and little sense of personal suitability for the career.

On a positive note, the writer shows passion, genuine humanity, purpose and moral and ethical fortitude. They are conscious of the greater value of therapeutic practice in relation to the demands of the world around them but have not indicated their suitability in any real sense.

If the writer’s academic qualifications are of a high standard (which may be the case), then they might be asked to provide more details, but if this is not the case, it is unlikely that a vague personal statement like this would lead to an offer.

In summary: show tangible knowledge of the subject, relate specific undergraduate skills to the specific course being applied for, and evidence diverse wider reading and research that supports your application. Very little of that is in evidence here.

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

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Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

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Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

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Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

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For Therapists: How to Write a Professional Bio

Red feather quill in ink pot with aqua background

During the process of marketing your practice, you may have discovered that written content is one of the most important elements of connecting with people searching for a mental health professional online. Whether you’re writing a bio for your profile in an online therapist directory or creating an “About Me” page on your professional website, you’ll want to make sure the information you include serves as a solid first impression for people seeking your services.

Below you’ll find tips for writing a good bio as well as a writing exercise to help you complete a first draft if you’re having trouble starting or if writing isn’t your forté. Remember, a good bio can be anywhere from 50 to upwards of 1,000 words, depending on the context. An ideal bio length for many GoodTherapy profiles or professional therapy websites, for example, might be around 500 to 600 words.

You’ll want to be succinct without omitting any important information. It’s always okay to start with a longer draft and then whittle it down into a solid bio.

Technical Aspects of Writing a Good Bio

Before you start the writing process, consider these guidelines. Once you understand the building blocks of a good bio and how to format it appropriately, you’ll be ready to begin.

  • An engaging introduction, or "hook."  The hook of your bio should be no more than two sentences and motivate your audience to keep reading.
  • Grammatically polished. A good bio will be proofread and free of misspellings and other errors. If editing isn’t your strength, reach out to a colleague who can help. Errors will only erode any rapport you’re trying to build with your potential client.
  • Easy on the eyes. Online searchers are not known for their attention spans. Keep your sentences to the point and your paragraphs relatively short. In some cases, a three- or even one-sentence paragraph is standard.
  • A photo. A photograph isn't technically involved in the writing aspect of your professional bio, but a picture is worth one thousand words. Get the most mileage out of those words by following these guidelines for a professional headshot . 
  • A call-to-action (CTA). Increase your chances of connecting with a potential client reading your bio by including a call-to-action, or CTA, at the end. The CTA should invite readers to contact you to learn more about your services or schedule an appointment with you. This is most likely why you’re writing a bio in the first place, so don’t forget to include a strong CTA!

Bio Writing Exercise: Answer These Questions

It’s easy to feel stumped when it comes to writing a bio about yourself from scratch. If you’ve been staring at a blank screen for too long or can’t seem to find the right words, start by writing answers to any or all of the following questions. Then, take your answers and use them to craft a standout bio.

  • How long have you been practicing?
  • What education do you have?
  • What certifications do you have?
  • Do you have any areas of specialization, and what are they?
  • How does your personality influence your approach to therapy?
  • What issues do you have experience treating?
  • Describe issues you work with in therapy and your approach to helping with those issues. (For example, “My approach to treating anxiety is typically x, y, and z.”)
  • What therapeutic methods , approaches, or philosophies do you use/have experience using?
  • Are there any recurring themes or issues you’ve noticed as you treat people in your area of specialization, and how has this insight guided your approach to helping?
  • What do you view as a key component of the therapeutic alliance/relationship ?
  • How do your life philosophy and treatment philosophy overlap?
  • What’s the most profound, insightful, or interesting thing you’ve learned as a mental health professional?
  • Which beliefs play a large role in your life?
  • Which roles do you play in your own life?
  • Why did you choose to become a mental health professional?
  • What do you love most about being a mental health professional?

Use Your Bio to Connect with Your Reader

One final tip for writing good profile content is to address the reader’s needs in the second person (“you” language) versus speaking to the reader about yourself in the first person (“I” language).

For example, instead of writing, “I work with people who often struggle with feelings of anxiety and loneliness ,” you might start out with something like this: “Do you often feel weighed down by feelings of anxiety?” or, “If you find it difficult to make friends and experience loneliness regularly as a result, come talk to me. Together, we will work on strategies that allow you to address the root causes of your difficulties and build meaningful social connections.”

Addressing the reader (and potential client) directly can help them feel a more genuine connection with you from the beginning. Your professional bio is an opportunity to start building rapport early, so take advantage of it.

Writing a professional bio is a truly effective way to get found online , communicate which services you provide, and start building an authentic connection with individuals seeking your services. If you’re a GoodTherapy Member and need additional help crafting your profile text, our team is happy to help! Reach out to our customer support team at 1-888-563-2112 ext. 2 or click here .

If you don’t yet have a professional website, you could be missing referral opportunities. Find out how you can quickly create a beautiful and easy-to-use website for your therapy practice with BrighterVision

Kistler, P. (2018, October 1). 11 tips on how to write a personal biography + examples. Retrieved from

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Glenn Geher Ph.D.

Tips for Writing a Personal Statement

Keep your writing straightforward and honest..

Posted October 16, 2019

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Here are some situations that require writing a personal statement:

  • Applying to college
  • Applying to special camps or programs
  • Applying to graduate school, law school, or medical school
  • Applying to an internship program
  • Applying for a job
  • Applying for a promotion
  • … and more!

Like it or not, you’ll be writing personal statements (sometimes referred to as a "statement of purpose") pretty much throughout your adult life. I bet that some retirement communities may even require personal statements in their application process!

As a college professor for over two decades, I’ve advised and edited hundreds—even thousands—of personal statements for students. I take this work seriously, as I know how these statements have the capacity to make or break an application.

Based on this experience (see my new book Own Your Psychology Major! A Guide to Student Success ), below are some tips for making your personal statement sing, along with some classic no-nos in the process.

Tips for Making Your Personal Statement Sing

First and foremost, realize this: A large but often-unstated purpose of this statement-of-purpose assignment is to allow folks to get a sense of your writing skills. Keep this point in mind the whole while. Here are some other tips:

1. Keep it short! Students often develop this idea that the longer their paper is, the better. As my mom would say, the opposite! All things being equal, you should use as few words as possible in trying to make your point. Think about the points you are trying to make and then make those points.

Efforts to add fluff are always pretty obvious. Further, the people reading your application may have dozens or even hundreds of applications to sift through. Do them a favor by keeping it short!

2. Avoid the big-word trap. Sometimes, students feel a need to use all kinds of fancy, multi-syllabic words in their writing. Try to avoid this trap at all costs! All things being equal, I suggest this approach: Write exactly as you speak (minus slang and, of course, any profanity!).

Sure, you may use some fancy words every now and again in your speech. But speech is all about communication—trying to get someone else to understand something. Writing is no different. Big words used for the sake of using big words are not doing anyone any favors.

3. Follow the guidelines. Whatever the details of the particular application process, know that there are going to be specific guidelines. This all may pertain to word count, specific questions that you are asked to address, etc.

Here is the simplest possible suggestion I can give you: Read those guidelines and follow them 100 percent in every single way. Doing so will make sure that you make it into the pile of applications to be even considered.

4. Proofread your work. Imagine this scenario: You are applying to a job at Southeast State University. After you have submitted the application, you reread your cover letter. Check it out:

“… I am thrilled to be considered for this position at Southeast State University. …. In conclusion, let me say that I am excited about this opportunity at Fresno Institute of Technology. …”

Given that you are applying to multiple positions and/or programs, it is very likely that you are writing statements that are “tailored” for each particular position and program. That is fine and is typical. But the second that you write the name of the incorrect institution in your letter due to a lack of detailed proofreading, you might as well be throwing your application into the recycling bin. Proofread your letter carefully before sending it.

5. Have an “expert” look things over. When I was a senior in college, I recall my advisor, the formidable Dr. Gwen Gustafson of the Psychology Department at UCONN, suggesting that I bring a draft of my personal statement for her to look over before applying to Ph.D. programs. So I did.

I was surprised by how much red ink she put on my paper. But I was also grateful . And I also learned a lot. Every suggestion that she had made sense. And, at the end of the day, I took those suggestions, worked hard, and got into a great Ph.D. program in psychology that shaped the rest of my life in positive ways.

Your professors and mentors have sat on admissions and hiring committees for years. Use their wisdom to your advantage. And pay things forward when you are older and wiser.

Personal Statement No-No’s

1. Don’t overemphasize personal details. A letter that focuses on your own personal traumas and history will only go so far. Sure, it is often the case that someone has a significant personal event or history that is influential in shaping his or her interests. Myself included.

therapist personal statement example

But letters that over-emphasize one’s own adversities lose a bit when it comes to getting members of a committee to see the applicant in a professional setting. Sure, you may have baggage. And it may well ultimately have come to shape you in a positive manner. But unless the guidelines of the letter are asking about that in particular, don’t make that your headline.

2. Remember that you are not texting your friend. Be professional in your statement of purpose. Don’t use emojis. Don’t use acronyms. Use your most professional and respectful writing and communication skills. You can send all kinds of silly texts to the group chat about it after you’ve been accepted...

3. Seem like you care about them. A statement of purpose, or a personal statement, is largely about you. But the last thing you want to come across as is unempathetic and disinterested in the organization and/or program that you are applying to.

If you are applying to the master’s program in mental health counseling at Western State College, learn about who they are. Care about who they are. And include something in your statement which demonstrates that you both know about them and care about who they are.

Bottom Line

Modern professional life these days includes writing personal statements/essays at various junctions. Pretty much forever. Don’t be daunted by this task. You should be proud of who you are and capable of describing yourself, your interests, and your goals in a clear, engaging, and powerful manner.

Write from your heart. Follow the guidelines. And follow the common-sense suggestions here. You’ll go far.

Geher, G. (2019). Own Your Psychology Major! A Guide to Student Success. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Glenn Geher Ph.D.

Glenn Geher, Ph.D. , is professor of psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. He is founding director of the campus’ Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) program.

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Consider These Occupational Therapy Personal Statements

Table of Contents

Personal statements are a standard encounter in professional and student life. They give recruiters a glimpse into our personalities and help them understand our goals. While an  occupational therapist personal statement  might seem like a daunting task, there are tips and examples you can use as a guide. Read til the end to learn more about them.

But first, we need to establish a few fundamentals.

What is an Occupational Therapist?

 An occupational therapist is a healthcare specialist who works with patients of all ages to help them develop, recover and maintain daily living skills. Through creative activities and purposeful engagements, the OT helps people overcome physical or mental limitations in order to lead satisfying and productive lives.

An OT’s clients include any person whose mobility and mental faculties have been impaired by birth defects, accidents, and developmental issues. 

OTs strive to enhance the quality of life for clients across numerous settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, schools, rehabilitation centers, and private practice. 

The Importance of Personal Statements

Personal statements are standard requirements for job applications and special course applications. They are special essays that allow candidates to introduce themselves and highlight the key aspects of their professional and educational background .

Personal statements outline an applicant’s experience, skills, values, and commitments relevant to their intended venture and give a holistic view of their character. They focus on demonstrating an individual’s ability to be a productive member of an organization and show how they are suitable for a role. 

The true value of personal statements lies in their ability to create impressions. They influence a recruiter’s perception of an applicant, allowing candidates to showcase their individuality.

Tips for Writing an Occupational Therapist Personal Statement

persons hand on persons lap

Writing an  occupational therapist personal statement  is a straightforward task that relies heavily on your exposition and word choice. You can simplify your task by following these tips: 

1. Highlight your unique qualifications and experiences relevant to occupational therapy – this could include any related work experience, internships, research, or other special interests. 

2. Utilize storytelling techniques to describe how you became interested in the field of occupational therapy and what drove you to pursue it. 

3. Focus on conveying your passion for helping people with physical disabilities while demonstrating knowledge of evidence-based practices and modalities. 

4. Incorporate specific examples that illustrate your strong communication skills and empathy when working with patients. 

5. Be concise and make sure every sentence contains a vivid image, descriptive word, or phrase that sets it apart from others.

If you need a bit more help applying these tips, check out the examples from our Hey INK tool in the following section.

Occupational Therapist Personal Statement Examples

As a seasoned occupational therapist, I am passionate about empowering my clients to reach their full potential. Through evidence-based practices and experiential interventions, I strive to enhance the lives of individuals in need by providing meaningful and impactful care. 

My collaborative approach helps me foster trusting relationships with clients, enabling them to build confidence and resilience as they navigate life’s challenges. I devise innovative solutions tailored to each individual and combine treatment with entertainment to maximize their effectiveness. 

By leveraging my expertise in neurodiversity, disability studies, and cognitive rehabilitation, I ensure all participants receive holistic treatments and personalized support throughout the journey.

I have been working in occupational therapy for several years and am passionate about helping those in need. During my career, I have had the privilege to shadow some of the top therapists and observe their techniques first-hand. 

This experience gave me a greater appreciation for how important quality care is when it comes to treating patients. Additionally, through college courses and seminars, I learned different ways to apply my knowledge to help people heal. 

I believe that my education, volunteer experiences, and personal dedication make me an ideal candidate for any position related to occupational therapy. It is my great pride to be part of a profession that offers so many rewarding and meaningful benefits. 

I feel fortunate to be part of such a respected and meaningful profession. I am confident that I can bring a lot to the table when it comes to providing high-quality healthcare. My goal is to use my skills and knowledge to offer a level of service that exceeds expectations. Ultimately, I want to continue pursuing my career aspirations in this exciting and ever-changing industry!

I have always enjoyed being able to help others. When I decided on a career path as an Occupational Therapist, it felt like a natural fit. I am committed to providing the best care available to assist patients and their families through the process of reclaiming health and well-being. 

On any given day, I’m looking for ways to read a patient’s progress. I teach them how to use different resources and look at how the family can work together to create contentment in life. 

It is truly rewarding to be able to think back on all the people I’ve been able to assist and complete this journey with. Working as an occupational therapist has been one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever had.

An occupational therapist personal statement is a descriptive essay that shows recruiters and admissions board representatives who you are . They can affect how recruiters perceive you and your suitability for a job or course.

Take the time to practice writing your personal statements, and remember to apply our tips. They can help you crystallize good habits that will serve you in every aspect of writing.

Consider These Occupational Therapy Personal Statements

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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I invite you to fill out my I nterview Form at this link. Even if you have a draft, the information on the interview form is often helpful and serves as the basis for me to make creative improvements to the statement. I spend more time with the statement for my premium service customers at US$299.00 ; this is especially true when it comes to making major contributions to creative ideas. My standard service at US$199.00 is for clients who already have a well-developed draft that they need to have tweaked. My premium service is for those clients who want my ultimate effort and further revision after making changes. 

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  • Sep 13, 2023

Occupational Therapy, OT Personal Statement Examples

Updated: Aug 13


Occupational Therapy (OT) is a vital field that helps individuals regain or develop the skills necessary for daily living. Crafting a compelling personal statement is crucial for aspiring OT professionals aiming to stand out in competitive graduate programs. In this blog post, we'll explore a sample personal statement from a Filipino woman and U.S. Army veteran who is passionate about pursuing a career in Occupational Therapy. We will break down the key elements of her statement and provide insights into what makes it effective.

OT Personal Statement Example: A Filipino U.S. Army Veteran’s Journey to Occupational Therapy

Background and motivation.

I am a Filipino woman, born and raised in the Philippines and now living in Las Vegas. I speak fluent English, Tagalog, and Cebuano. I have lived in the United States since I was eighteen and I will earn my B.S. degree in Kinesiology this coming May 2015. My GPA is 3.2.

Occupational Therapy, OT Personal Statement Editing

Experience and Passion for Occupational Therapy

As a U.S. Army veteran, I have always been inspired by the power of helping others. I have witnessed the transformative effects of occupational therapy firsthand, and I am dedicated to integrating that passion into everything I do. My years of service taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and dedication to helping others. It is an honor to be applying for graduate school in OT and I will be thrilled to be given an opportunity to use my leadership and problem-solving skills at the service of others.

Occupational Therapy, OT Personal Statement Editing

Educational Foundation and Career Aspirations

From the age of sixteen, my ambition has been to become an Occupational Therapist. As a highly motivated individual with a passion for human motion and physical activity, I am eager to embark on the next phase of my education by pursuing a master's in occupational therapy. I have always been fascinated by the ways in which the human body moves and the factors that contribute to its functioning and dysfunction. This interest led me to complete a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology where I gained valuable knowledge and skills that are highly relevant to the master's program in OT. I am excited to continue my academic journey in a field that aligns with my passions and career aspirations.

Relevant Volunteer Experience

My experience of meeting wounded and injured soldiers whilst serving in Iraq increased and re-fired my determination to become an Occupational Therapist and make a direct and profound difference in the lives of my fellow veterans by helping them to achieve as much as they can. I have also volunteered at our local hospital since leaving the Army and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of helping staff and patients.

Occupational Therapy, OT Personal Statement Examples, Editing Service

Personal Qualities and Professional Goals

I am aware that technical knowledge about the human body, and the equipment available to assist patients, is not all that is needed to become an effective Occupational Therapist. Just as important is empathy and an ability to assess and make sense of the patient’s individual personality, characteristics, and attitudes. A good therapist must be able to project an unfailingly positive attitude, encourage the client through personal warmth to tackle achievable challenges and test their boundaries even though they may be fearful or lack confidence. I possess the empathy and caring attitude necessary to succeed with my clients, helping them to achieve maximum independence. Occupational therapy is less a career choice than a vocation for me and I am passionate about the pursuit of this vocation.

Conclusion and Aspirations

If selected for a master's degree program in Occupational Therapy, I hope to develop a focus on the hands and go on to become a certified hand therapist. I am aware that there will be many well-qualified applicants for the MS OT program. However, I possess all the necessary personal qualities combined with a genuine passion for the subject to enable me to excel in the program and make meaningful contributions to class discussions.

Thank you for considering my application.

Analysis of the Personal Statement

Strengths : The applicant effectively ties her personal background, military experience, and educational qualifications to her passion for OT. Her narrative is compelling and well-rounded, with a clear focus on empathy and patient care.

Areas for Improvement : The statement could benefit from more specific examples of challenges she has overcome in her academic or military career, which would further demonstrate her resilience and problem-solving abilities.

In this section, the applicant introduces her background, highlighting her multicultural experience and academic achievements. Her identity as a U.S. Army veteran is also introduced, which sets the stage for her deep-seated motivation to pursue a career in OT.

Here, the applicant shares her direct exposure to occupational therapy during her military service, reinforcing her commitment to the field. This section effectively connects her military experience with her passion for helping others through OT.

The applicant discusses her long-standing interest in OT, supported by her educational background in Kinesiology. This section showcases her preparedness for the next step in her academic and professional journey.

The applicant highlights her volunteer work, demonstrating her hands-on experience in a healthcare setting. This adds credibility to her commitment to the field and her ability to work effectively with patients.

In this section, the applicant emphasizes the importance of empathy and interpersonal skills in OT. She reflects on her ability to connect with patients, which is crucial for success in the field.

The personal statement concludes with the applicant’s specific professional goals and a reaffirmation of her passion and qualifications. She humbly acknowledges the competitive nature of the program while expressing confidence in her ability to contribute meaningfully.

FAQs on Writing OT Personal Statements

What should be included in an OT personal statement?

Background, motivation, relevant experience, personal qualities, and professional goals.

How can I make my personal statement stand out?

Additional Resources and Contact Information

For more personal statement examples and personalized editing services, visit our website or contact us directly. We are here to help you craft a compelling narrative that showcases your strengths and sets you apart from the competition.

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Occupational therapy personal statement example 8.

My own difficult and challenging journey has cultivated a desire to become an Occupational Therapist. As I was preparing to graduate from Murray State University in 2016, I sustained a spinal stroke which was life changing. I could no longer walk or take care of myself. I found through this personal tragedy that my heart’s desire was to help others regain a purposeful and meaningful life after experiencing such a loss, just like my Occupational Therapist did for me.

I have personally encountered what it means to be “the patient,” to place my future in the hands of another person. I know what it is like to become dependent on others and seeing your whole life change. I was truly inspired by the knowledge, care, and determination my O.T. had for my recovery. My aspiration is in being able to give that same encouragement and knowledge to promote recovery in the lives of others. This would not be just an occupation for me, but a passion that produces a rewarding life’s work.

Becoming an Occupational Therapist will take a great deal of hard work and determination. I have exhibited these qualities by completing my B.S. degree in Chemistry while also participating in 3 chemistry publications, being a research chemist, holding a summer intern position at Westlake Chemical, and serving as the Chemistry Department Student President and Secretary at MSU; as well as other numerous academic awards and activities listed on my resume.

My proficiency in mathematical and analytical disciplines will aid in researching innovative topics that would bolster Murray’s efforts to build this new program. Due to my academic capability and the struggle I overcame in my recovery, I am both disciplined and self-motivated to accomplish the challenge that OT school would be. This background experience will serve me to become an accomplished Occupational Therapist.

While academic and personal achievements are important, I feel they are not the most important aspect to becoming a proficient Occupational Therapist. I am a unique candidate because I’ve lived the life of the patient. I have discovered that having empathy for others placed in your care is the foundation of rehabilitation therapies. This, coupled with knowledge and professionalism, as well as being able to educate your patient, are all driving forces toward helping patients.

Building a rapport and earning their trust is also a necessary part of their recovery, as it is essential to gain their cooperation and inspire their motivation to put forth their best effort. I have learned these skills during my care, as well as during my Occupational Therapy observation and volunteer experiences.

It is my desire to attend the Occupational Therapy program at Murray State University and become part of your department’s legacy. I was born and raised in Paducah, Ky. I want to remain in this area and practice within my community. My goals are treating patients, participating in the research and development of treatment techniques, and earning my doctorate in the future.

My life’s story was interrupted briefly with a life-changing experience of disability. Now it is resolved, and through becoming an OT, it can be used in a positive way. I have regained full function because of my skilled and caring Occupational Therapist. Without this experience I would not have known the significance this profession has on the lives of others. This journey of self-discovery has led me to your program and I am excited that I have found my life’s ambition and meaning.

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Personal statement geared toward the prompt of "what experiences have brought you to becoming an occupational therapy, which ones would help you to becoming a good therapist?"

This personal statement is unrated

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Writing a Personal Statement

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Preparing to Write

Brainstorming, don't forget, sample prompts.

A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program. It gives the selection committee the best opportunity to get to know you, how you think and make decisions, ways in which past experiences have been significant or formative, and how you envision your future. Personal statements can be varied in form; some are given a specific prompt, while others are less structured. However, in general a personal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What are your goals?
  • How does this specific program/opportunity help you achieve your goals?
  • What is in the future?

A personal statement is not:

  • A variation of your college admissions essay
  • An academic/research paper
  • A narrative version of your resume
  • A creative writing piece (it can be creative, though)
  • An essay about somebody else

Keep in mind that your statement is only a portion of the application and should be written with this in mind. Your entire application package will include some, possibly all, of the materials listed below. You will want to consider what these pieces of the application communicate about you. Your personal statement should aim to tie everything together and fill in or address any gaps. There will likely be some overlap but be sure not to be too repetitive.

  • Personal Statement(s)
  • Transcripts
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Sample of written work
  • Research proposal

For a quick overview of personal statements, you might begin by watching this "5 Minute Fellowships" video!

If you are writing your first personal statement or working to improve upon an existing personal statement, the video below is a helpful, in-depth resource.

A large portion of your work towards completing a personal statement begins well before your first draft or even an outline. It is incredibly important to be sure you understand all of the rules and regulations around the statement. Things to consider before you begin writing:

  • How many prompts? And what are they? It is important to know the basics so you can get your ideas in order. Some programs will require a general statement of interest and a focused supplementary or secondary statement closely aligned with the institution's goals.
  • Are there formatting guidelines? Single or double spaced, margins, fonts, text sizes, etc. Our general guideline is to keep it simple.
  • How do I submit my statement(s)? If uploading a document we highly suggest using a PDF as it will minimize the chances of accidental changes to formatting. Some programs may event ask you to copy and paste into a text box.
  • When do I have to submit my statement(s)? Most are due at the time of application but some programs, especially medical schools, will ask for secondary statements a few months after you apply. In these instances be sure to complete them within two weeks, any longer is an indication that you aren't that interested in the institution.

Below is a second 5 Minute Fellowships video that can help you get started!

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences and motivations as they relate to the programs to which you are applying. This will offer you a chance to organize your thoughts which will make the writing process much easier. Below are a list of questions to help you get started:

  • What individuals, experiences or events have shaped your interest in this particular field?
  • What has influenced your decision to apply to graduate school?
  • How does this field align with your interests, strengths, and values?
  • What distinguishes you from other applicants?
  • What would you bring to this program/profession?
  • What has prepared you for graduate study in this field? Consider your classes at Wellesley, research and work experience, including internships, summer jobs and volunteer work.
  • Why are you interested in this particular institution or degree program?
  • How is this program distinct from others?
  • What do you hope to gain?
  • What is motivating you to seek an advanced degree now?
  • Where do you see yourself headed and how will this degree program help you get there?

For those applying to Medical School, if you need a committee letter for your application and are using the Medical Professions Advisory Committee you have already done a lot of heavy lifting through the 2017-2018 Applicant Information Form . Even if you aren't using MPAC the applicant information form is a great place to start.

Another great place to start is through talking out your ideas. You have a number of options both on and off campus, such as: Career Education advisors and mentors ( you can set up an appointment here ), major advisor, family, friends. If you are applying to a graduate program it is especially important to talk with a faculty member in the field. Remember to take good notes so you can refer to them later.

When you begin writing keep in mind that your essay is one of many in the application pool. This is not to say you should exaggerate your experiences to “stand out” but that you should focus on clear, concise writing. Also keep in mind that the readers are considering you not just as a potential student but a future colleague. Be sure to show them examples and experiences which demonstrate you are ready to begin their program.

It is important to remember that your personal statement will take time and energy to complete, so plan accordingly. Every application and statement should be seen as different from one another, even if they are all the same type of program. Each institution may teach you the same material but their delivery or focus will be slightly different.

In addition, remember:

  • Be yourself: You aren’t good at being someone else
  • Tragedy is not a requirement, reflection and depth are
  • Research the institution or organization
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread
  • How to have your personal statement reviewed

The prompts below are from actual applications to a several types of programs. As you will notice many of them are VERY general in nature. This is why it is so important to do your research and reflect on your motivations. Although the prompts are similar in nature the resulting statements would be very different depending on the discipline and type of program, as well as your particular background and reasons for wanting to pursue this graduate degree.

  • This statement should illustrate your academic background and experiences and explain why you would excel in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMass Amherst - M.S. in Civil Engineering).
  • Describe your academic and career objectives and how the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies can help you achieve them. Include other considerations that explain why you seek admissions to the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and your interests in the environmental field (Yale - Master of Environmental Management).  
  • Please discuss your academic interests and goals. Include your current professional and research interests, as well as your long-range professional objectives. Please be as specific as possible about how your objectives can be met at Clark and do not exceed 800 words (Clark University - M.A. in International Development and Social Change).
  • Write a 500- to 700-word statement that describes your work or research. Discuss how you came to focus on the medium, body of work, or academic area you wish to pursue at the graduate level. Also discuss future directions or goals for your work, and describe how the Master of Fine Arts in Studio (Printmedia) is particularly suited to your professional goals (School of the Art Institute of Chicago - MFA in Studio, Printmaking).
  • Your statement should explain why you want to study economics at the graduate level. The statement is particularly important if there is something unusual about your background and preparation that you would like us to know about you (University of Texas at Austin - Ph.D in Economics).
  • Your personal goal statement is an important part of the review process for our faculty members as they consider your application. They want to know about your background, work experience, plans for graduate study and professional career, qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the program, and any other relevant information (Indiana University Bloomington - M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education).
  • Your autobiographical essay/personal statement is a narrative that outlines significant experiences in your life, including childhood experiences, study and work, your strengths and aspirations in the field of architecture, and why you want to come to the University of Oregon (University of Oregon - Master of Architecture).
  • Personal history and diversity statement, in which you describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. You may refer to any educational, familial, cultural, economic or social experiences, challenges, community service, outreach activities, residency and citizenship, first-generation college status, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey; how your life experiences contribute to the social, intellectual or cultural diversity within a campus community and your chosen field; or how you might serve educationally underrepresented and underserved segments of society with your graduate education (U.C. Davis - M.A. in Linguistics).
  • A Personal Statement specifying your past experiences, reasons for applying, and your areas of interest. It should explain your intellectual and personal goals, why you are interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary degree rather than a more traditional disciplinary one, and how this degree fits into your intellectual and personal future (Rutgers University - Ph.D in Women’s and Gender Studies).
  • Your application requires a written statement to uploaded into your application and is a critical component of your application for admission. This is your opportunity to tell us what excites you about the field of library and information science, and what problems you want to help solve in this field. Please also tell us how your prior experiences have prepared you for this next step toward your career goals and how this program will help you achieve them (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Master of Science in Library Science).
  • After watching the video, please describe what strengths and preferences as a learner you have that will facilitate your success in this innovative curriculum. What challenges in our curriculum do you anticipate and what strategies might you use to address these challenges? (MGH Institute of Health Professions PT - They recently redesigned their curriculum)
  • Your personal goal statement should briefly describe how you view the future of the field, what your goals are to be part of that future, and what brought you to pursue an advanced education degree in your chosen field. You may include any other information that you feel might be useful. (Northeastern PT)
  • Personal Statement: In 500 words or less, describe a meaningful educational experience that affected your professional goals and growth and explain how it impacted you. The educational experience does not need to be related to this degree. Focus on the educational experience and not why you think you would be a good professional in this field. (Simmons PT)
  • Personal Statement (500 word minimum): State your reasons for seeking admission to this program at this institution. Include your professional goals, why you want to pursue a career in this field and how admission to this program will assist you in accomplishing those goals. (Regis College Nursing)
  • “Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to this type of program.” (AMCAS)
  • Address the following three questions(Though there is no set limit, most statements are 1–2 pages, single-spaced.): What are your reasons for pursuing this degree? Why do you wish to pursue your degree at this institution? How do you intend to leverage your degree in a career of this field? (Boston University MPH)
  • Please submit a personal statement/statement of purpose of no more than 500 words for the department/degree of choice. Professional degree essays require a clear understanding of the _______ field and how you hope to work within the field. Be sure to proofread your personal statement carefully for spelling and grammar. In your statement, be sure to address the following: what interests you in the field of _____ what interests you in a specific degree program and department at this institution and what interests you in a particular certificate (if applicable). Please also describe how you hope to use your ________ training to help you achieve your career goals. (Columbia PhD in Public Health - Epidemiology)
  • Because each Home Program requires significant original research activities in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, we are interested in obtaining as much information as possible about your previous research experiences. Those who already have such experience are in a better position to know whether they are truly interested in performing ______ research as part of a graduate program. Please include specific information about your research experience in your Statement of Purpose. You may also use the Statement to amplify your comments about your choice of Home Program(s), and how your past experiences and current interests are related to your choice. Personal Statements should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). Make sure to set your computer to Western European or other English-language setting. We cannot guarantee the ability to access your statement if it is submitted in other fonts. (Stanford Biosciences PhD)
  • Your statement of purpose should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the Department of ____ at ___ University. It would be helpful to include what you have done to prepare for this degree program. Please describe your research interests, past research experience, future career plans and other details of your background and interests that will allow us to evaluate your ability to thrive in our program. If you have interests that align with a specific faculty member, you may state this in your application. Your statement of purpose should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). (Stanford Bioengineering PhD)
  • Statement of purpose (Up to one page or 1,000 words): Rather than a research proposal, you should provide a statement of purpose. Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at this institution and your relevant experience and education. Please provide an indication of the area of your proposed research and supervisor(s) in your statement. This will be assessed for the coherence of the statement; evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study; the ability to present a reasoned case in English; and commitment to the subject. (Oxford Inorganic Chemistry - DPhil)

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