
Top 169+ AP Seminar Research Topics – Full Guide!

The AP Seminar course gives high school students an exciting chance to do their research and analysis. However, picking a really interesting research topic that matches your curiosity can initially feel overwhelming. 

This list provides many different AP Seminar research topic ideas across multiple subjects, from social studies and language arts to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). 

Whether you’re interested in looking at complex societal issues, discovering new scientific findings, or learning about cultural topics, you’ll find plenty of thought-provoking ideas here to spark your interest and creativity. 

Use these research topics to start an academic journey exploring areas you’re truly passionate about. This can lead to meaningful projects that could potentially create positive change. 

Get inspired by these carefully selected topics and unlock new ways to grow your intellect, sharpen your critical thinking abilities, and pursue impactful academic work.

Recommended Readings: “ 105+ Most Amazing Physical Therapy Research Topics – Full Guide! “.

Understanding AP Seminar Research Topics

Table of Contents

In high school, students are exposed to the exciting world of research and scholarly study through an AP Seminar class. The primary focus of this course is enabling the students to explore complex real-life issues deeply by scrutinizing evidence, conducting extensive research, and generating arguments based on evidence.

What are some of the research topics in the AP Seminar?

The topics covered in the AP Seminar are not just projects or assignments; they are intellectual explorations that test students’ mettle through various subjects. These themes act as the foundation for students to sharpen their research skills, understand different sources, and form solid arguments that make sense.

Picking Research Topics

Choosing a research topic for AP Seminar should be well thought out as it lays the foundation for an immersive and fulfilling educational experience. When selecting a topic, consider:

Your interests: Choose topics that genuinely fascinate and inspire passion in you. This intrinsic motivation will give you the impetus to delve deeper into the issue.

Complexity: Good topics should be complex enough to stimulate critical thinking, analysis, and multiple perspectives.

Real-world relevance: Such topics are usually more appealing because they focus on society’s present problems or ongoing arguments to which one can contribute meaningfully.

Credible sources: Ensure that reliable sources, such as scholarly articles, primary sources, expert opinions, etc, support your research.

Connecting subjects: Issues that involve two or more subjects or take an interdisciplinary approach tend to yield broader and deeper insights.

By carefully considering these points, you can select AP Seminar research topics that meet the course requirements, ignite your enthusiasm, encourage analytical thinking, and develop valuable research skills for future academic and professional interests.

Why Is It Important To Choose the Right AP Seminar Research Topic? 

Choosing the right research topic for your AP Seminar project is crucial. Your selected topic will shape the direction of your academic exploration, impacting the depth of analysis, breadth of research, and overall quality. An apt topic can ignite your curiosity, sustain motivation, and yield a compelling final product.

The appropriate topic is a gateway, opening avenues for interdisciplinary connections and enriching your understanding of complex issues. It challenges you to embrace diverse perspectives and fosters critical thinking.

Conversely, a poorly chosen topic hinders engagement, leads to superficial analysis, and diminishes the learning experience, resulting in an uninspired project.

Hence, carefully evaluating potential topics is paramount. It’s an opportunity to align your academic pursuits with your interests and goals. Ultimately, the right topic transforms your AP Seminar journey into scholarly growth and self-discovery.

Top Most Amazing 169+ AP Seminar Research Topics

The top 169+ AP seminar research topics list is provided according to different categories and properties; please look. 

Social Sciences

  • How social media affects political talk.
  • Why do men and women get paid differently?
  • How rich and poor differences affect society.
  • How education helps fight being poor.
  • Taking things from other cultures today.
  • What do rules for letting people into a country mean?
  • How people see mental health.
  • How phones change how close people are.
  • Keeping guns away from bad people.
  • What do governments do about climate change?

Science and Technology

  • Is making people different okay?
  • How robots take people’s jobs.
  • Making power without hurting Earth.
  • Keeping secrets safe on computers.
  • Being good when changing living things.
  • Big math on computers.
  • Going to space and why it’s good.
  • Using tech to help sick people.
  • How robots take over jobs.
  • Making things right for nature and people.

History and Politics

  • What happened when people took over other countries?
  • How women helped make big changes in the past.
  • What happened when America and Russia were mad?
  • Taking from people who lived here first.
  • Fighting for human rights over time.
  • Getting people to think about what you want.
  • Making Earth better back then.
  • Getting countries to work together.
  • Who has the power in the world?
  • How what you believe makes you vote.

Ethics and Philosophy

  • Is it okay to make robots that think?
  • What’s right and wrong when making choices?
  • Make things in science and do not hurt people.
  • Is it okay to make more of someone?
  • When it’s okay to kill someone.
  • Keeping nature safe for people.
  • Treating animals okay.
  • New things in science and what’s okay.
  • When is it all right for the government to say no?
  • Believing in something and what’s right.

Literature and Arts

  • Books that make people want to change.
  • How different are people in books and on TV?
  • What art says about what people think.
  • How books help people know who they are.
  • Not letting people see some things in books and movies.
  • Talking about feeling bad in songs and paintings.
  • Music and what people think is cool.
  • How movies change how people think.
  • Talking to people online in different ways.
  • Telling stories to teach what’s right.

Economics and Business

  • Why is stuff from all over everywhere?
  • Big companies and what they should do.
  • How small businesses help places grow.
  • How poor and rich people hurt money growing.
  • Robots are taking jobs from people.
  • Being good to Earth and still making money.
  • What the government should do about money.
  • How hurting Earth hurts money.
  • Jobs that come and go when people want.
  • Why people buy things.

Environmental Science

  • Cutting down too many trees and causing animals to go away.
  • Making food hurts Earth more.
  • Making things that don’t go away.
  • Saving animals and plants that are dying.
  • Big cities and what happens to nature there.
  • Not enough water and what to do.
  • Using tech to keep Earth safe.
  • Weather is changing, and what’s happening to people?
  • Why Earth needs lots of different plants and animals.
  • Take tests and see what they say about you.
  • Making sure everyone learns.
  • Learning online and in class.
  • Money for schools and how it’s not fair.
  • Learning in different good ways.
  • Having teachers that look like you and how you learn.
  • Being mean at school and what to do.
  • Using art to be good at making things.
  • Learning on the computer.
  • The future of learning on computers.

Health and Wellness

  • How where you live changes if you’re sick.
  • How people feel and what happened when they were young.
  • Going to the doctor and getting better.
  • Stopping sickness before it starts.
  • Doing things for your health because of what you believe.
  • Making people buy things because they see them.
  • Getting shots and being healthy.
  • Taking too much of something that hurts you.
  • Getting help when you live far from the city.
  • Teaching people how to be healthy.

Sociology and Cultural Studies

  • Doing what’s okay because everyone else is.
  • TV and movies show what people think.
  • People are different and not getting along.
  • What’s cool in songs and movies?
  • People are asking for things to be fair.
  • Words people use to say things about who you are.
  • Feeling bad about how you look because of the internet.
  • Being part of one group and not another.
  • Learning at school about what you look like.
  • Fixing bad things, people say about different groups.

Law and Criminal Justice

  • Lots of people are in jail, and what that means.
  • Keeping people safe and being fair to everyone.
  • Saying sorry and being friends again.
  • Making people good again and not being mean.
  • When kids do something wrong, how do you help them?
  • Hurting computers and what to do about it.
  • Drugs and what people think about them.
  • People are in jail because of their skin color.
  • Money is in prisons, and what’s wrong with that?
  • Using computers to find out who did something wrong.
  • Why do people act the way they do because of when they were young?
  • Why do you act how you do because of your parents?
  • Feeling bad because of what you see online.
  • Helping people feel better without medicine.
  • Doing something even when it might hurt you.
  • Feeling bad because something bad happened to you.
  • Being different because of where you come from.
  • Making people feel good and not bad.
  • How families make people feel.
  • When people say mean things about feeling bad.

Global Issues

  • Big groups are trying to make peace.
  • People are not being treated right, and how people help them.
  • Being different and why that’s good.
  • People are moving and needing help.
  • Being friends with other countries.
  • Assisting people even when they’re far away.
  • Making sure everyone is healthy everywhere.
  • Sending things to other places and what that does.
  • Talking to people online and how to be friends.
  • Making sure everyone has enough to live.

Technology and Privacy

  • Watching people and keeping secrets.
  • What’s okay and not okay with robots’ thinking?
  • Being safe online and not telling everyone what you do.
  • Keeping what’s yours secret on computers.
  • Finding out secrets about people and what that does.
  • Being private online and not letting everyone see what you do.
  • What’s okay and not okay when using computers?
  • Making sure computers do good things.
  • Being safe online with friends from other places.
  • What’s next with keeping things private online?

Media and Communication

  • Saying things that are true and not being mean.
  • Being tricked online and what that does to what you think.
  • Saying what you want and not hurting anyone.
  • TV and the radio are saying what people think.
  • Making people buy things and what works.
  • Being nice when telling stories about what happened.
  • Talking about things you care about online.
  • Everyone can say what they think.
  • Computers picking what you see online.
  • Write stories and tell everyone what you think.

Education and Technology

  • Learning on computers and doing better in school.
  • Learning on the computer and not in a class.
  • Learning in ways that are good for just you.
  • Using computers to help everyone learn the same.
  • Knowing how to use computers and the internet.
  • Playing games to learn.
  • Feeling good because of what you see online.
  • Saying what’s okay and not okay when using computers in school.
  • Pretending to be somewhere else when learning.
  • Computers in the future of learning.

Health and Technology

  • Talking to a doctor on the computer.
  • Wearing things that tell you how you’re doing.
  • Computers are learning how to help sick people.
  • Apps on your phone that help you feel better.
  • Big numbers are helping sick people.
  • Learning about yourself from your genes.
  • Robots help take care of sick people.
  • Wearing things to help you not feel pain.
  • Keeping your health things safe online.
  • The future of being healthy with computers.
  • Doing what’s right when using technology for health.

By choosing the research topic we have provided, students can leverage deep knowledge and hands-on experience and give themselves a better chance of getting high grades. 

Amazing Tips For Choosing AP Seminar Research Topics

Selecting the perfect AP Seminar research topic requires careful consideration. Follow these amazing tips to choose a topic that resonates and sets the stage for rewarding academic exploration.

Tip 1: Pursue Your Passions

Align your research with subjects that genuinely excite your intellectual curiosity. Dive into issues or questions you’re passionate about exploring deeply.

Tip 2: Embrace Interconnections Across Disciplines

Search for issues that cross different fields, allowing you to be exposed to different opinions and have a better understanding of complicated problems.

Tip 3: Don’t be afraid of it being not easy

You should try to engage with controversial and nuanced topics that disturb the norms and thus require you to think critically from various perspectives.

Tip 4: Stay Current

Draw inspiration from emerging trends, current events, and pressing global matters ripe for meaningful exploration.

Tip 5: Seek Guidance

Discuss ideas with teachers and peers, tapping into their collective wisdom to uncover compelling research avenues.

With these tips, you’ll identify a captivating topic aligned with your interests and foster personal growth through impactful research.

Closing Up 

As you start your AP Seminar course, remember that your chosen research topic will shape your academic journey. This guide’s 169+ AP Seminar research topics are designed to spark your interest and curiosity. 

From thought-provoking social issues to new scientific discoveries, cultural topics, and ethical questions, these diverse subjects offer many opportunities for deep analysis, connecting different subjects, and making meaningful contributions to ongoing academic discussions.

To sum it all up, the worth of your AP Seminar research is more than just its output but also the transformative process you undergo. This allows you to dispute your suppositions and ideas, examine fresh perspectives, and develop significant research know-how for upcoming use. 

In this line of thought, explore every subject with a mind that is receptive to new ideas, a will to acquire knowledge, and a willingness to carry out comprehensive investigations, and at last, you will comprehend life in general around yourself better, leading to scholarly curiosity. Plunge and go deeply into the study work as the flow of thoughts unfolds along your intellectual voyage.

How many research topics should I consider before choosing one for AP Seminar?

It’s advisable to brainstorm and explore multiple topics before settling on one. Aim for at least three to five potential issues to compare and evaluate.

Can I choose a topic outside my academic interest for AP Seminar?

Absolutely! AP Seminar encourages interdisciplinary exploration, so feel free to choose a topic that intrigues you, even if it’s outside your usual academic focus.

How do I know if my research question is strong enough for AP Seminar?

A strong research question is specific, focused, and open-ended. It should prompt investigation and analysis rather than a simple yes or no answer.

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All Subjects

Individual Research Report

An individual research report is a written document that presents findings from independent research conducted by a student. It typically involves investigating a specific topic, gathering and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on the research.

Related terms

Literature review : A literature review is a critical analysis of existing scholarly works related to the research topic.

Methodology : Methodology refers to the systematic approach or methods used by researchers to collect and analyze data in their study.

Findings : Findings are the results or outcomes obtained from analyzing the collected data in a research study.

" Individual Research Report " appears in:

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Good Research Topics

151+ Good AP Seminar Research Topics For Students

Wanna explore some cool AP Seminar Research topics? If you’re curious about delving into exciting topics that truly interest you, then you’re in for an awesome field! In AP Research, you’re the boss—picking a topic that fires up your passion and diving deep into it.

Think about something that makes you go ‘Wow!’—it could be technology, the environment, health, or even art. Then speculate, dig into it, ask big questions, and find your answers. You’ll be like a detective, gathering info from books, chats, surveys, or experiments to discover the mysteries behind your chosen topic.

The choices are endless! Want to know how social media affects our lives? Or maybe you’re curious about the impact of different foods on our health. How about looking into the future of renewable energy or finding out how music affects our emotions?

What’s super cool? You’re the one steering the ship! You decide what to study and how to study it, and then you get to show off your intellect in a big research paper or presentation. AP Research isn’t just about learning; it’s about being an explorer of ideas and showcasing your talents. So, let’s find some amazing topics here. 

Must Know: What are Good Research Topics for Education

Table of Contents

What Are The Research Topics For The AP Seminar?

The AP research topic ideas for the AP Seminar cover a wide range of subjects that students can explore deeply. These AP seminar topics often included current problems, trends, or areas of interest across various fields like science, social sciences, technology, arts, and more. The main objective is for students to investigate, research, analyze, and present their findings on a topic they are passionate about. 

These AP Research topics can differ from examining the impact of technology on society, exploring environmental sustainability, analyzing historical events, understanding cultural diversity, studying healthcare policies, or even delving into ethical dilemmas in various industries. The key is to choose a topic that excites curiosity and allows for thorough investigation and critical thinking. AP Seminar research topics encourage students to engage in meaningful discussions, conduct research, and develop their skills in analysis, argumentation, and presentation.

How Can I Find AP Seminar Research Ideas?

These Are the following steps to find and choose the best AP seminar research topic ideas. 

How Can I Find AP Seminar Research Ideas

1. Personal Interests

Consider topics related to your hobbies, passions, or things you enjoy. What excites you? Your interests can lead to engaging research topics.

2. Current Events

Keep an eye on the news, magazines, or online articles. Topics related to ongoing events or trends often make compelling research subjects.

3. Brainstorming Sessions

Sit down with a pen and paper, jotting down anything that intrigues you. Ideas might come from everyday observations or things you’ve always wondered about.

4. School Curriculum

Reflect on subjects from your classes that fascinated you. You might explore a topic in-depth that you’ve studied briefly before.

5. Discussions and Debates 

Engage in conversations with friends, teachers, or family. Debating different viewpoints can spark ideas for research.

6. Online Databases 

Browse through academic websites, journals, or databases related to your field of interest. These sources often provide inspiration and potential research areas.

7. Previous Research 

Look at research papers or studies on topics that interest you. Consider areas where you could expand or build upon existing research.

8. Personal Experiences 

Reflect on your own experiences or challenges. Researching something you’ve encountered personally can lead to unique insights and connections.

List of 151+ Good AP Seminar Research Topics For Students 

The following are the best AP seminar research topics for students to gain better skills and knowledge.

Science and Technology AP Seminar Research Topics

  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society
  • Cybersecurity Measures and Their Effectiveness
  • Advancements in Biotechnology: Ethical Considerations
  • Renewable Energy Sources and Their Viability
  • Future of Space Exploration and Colonization
  • Genetics and Human Health: Exploring Gene Therapy
  • Nanotechnology Applications in Medicine
  • Climate Change Solutions and Policies
  • Augmented Reality: Applications and Implications
  • Internet of Things (IoT) in Daily Life

Health and Medicine AP Seminar Research Topics

  • Mental Health Awareness and Stigma Reduction
  • Vaccine Development and Distribution Strategies
  • Obesity and Lifestyle Interventions
  • Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Aging Population: Healthcare Challenges and Innovations
  • Alternative Medicine: Efficacy and Safety
  • Environmental Factors and Public Health
  • Telemedicine: Accessibility and Quality of Care
  • Nutrition and Disease Prevention
  • Healthcare Disparities in Underserved Communities

Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Effects of Social Media on Political Discourse
  • Immigration Policies and Integration Challenges
  • Gender Equality: Progress and Challenges
  • Racial Discrimination in Criminal Justice Systems
  • Globalization and Cultural Identity
  • Influence of Music on Emotions and Behavior
  • Education Reform and Student Achievement
  • Urbanization and Its Impact on Communities
  • Psychological Effects of Stress in Modern Society
  • Historical Preservation and Cultural Heritage

Business and Economics

  • Entrepreneurship: Factors for Success
  • Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Practices
  • Global Economic Trends and Forecasts
  • Cryptocurrency: Opportunities and Risks
  • Labor Market Shifts in the Gig Economy
  • Sustainable Business Practices
  • Consumer Behavior and Advertising Influence
  • Economic Effects of Climate Change Policies
  • International Trade Agreements: Pros and Cons

Good AP Seminar Research Topics In Arts and Culture

  • Influence of Literature on Society
  • Evolution of Film and Its Societal Impact
  • Diversity in Visual Arts: Representation Matters
  • Cultural Appropriation in Fashion and Arts
  • Impact of Technology on Music Production
  • Theatrical Performance and Social Commentary
  • Modern Architecture and Urban Spaces
  • Art as a Tool for Social Change
  • Folklore and Its Relevance in Contemporary Culture
  • Digital Art: Innovation and Accessibility

Environmental Science

  • Biodiversity Conservation Strategies
  • Ocean Acidification and Marine Ecosystems
  • Deforestation: Causes and Solutions
  • Air Quality and Urban Development
  • Effects of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life
  • Wildlife Conservation Efforts and Challenges
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • Water Scarcity: Global Implications
  • Climate Refugees: Impact and Policies
  • Green Technologies for Sustainable Living

Education-Based AP Seminar Research Topics For School Students

  • E-learning Effectiveness in Modern Education
  • Inclusive Education: Challenges and Benefits
  • Standardized Testing: Efficacy and Equity
  • Role of Teachers in Student Development
  • STEM Education: Encouraging Interest
  • Homeschooling: Methods and Outcomes
  • Education Funding and Resource Allocation
  • Technology Integration in Classroom Learning
  • Special Education: Addressing Diverse Needs
  • Early Childhood Education Programs

Good AP Seminar Research Topics For Politics and Government

  • Electoral Systems: Comparing Their Effectiveness
  • Government Surveillance and Privacy Rights
  • Political Polarization in Modern Democracies
  • Human Rights Violations and Global Responses
  • Policy Impacts on Immigration Patterns
  • Public Opinion and Policy Making
  • Political Campaign Strategies and Influence
  • Role of Media in Shaping Political Narratives
  • Diplomacy and International Relations
  • The Influence of Lobbying on Policy Decisions

Psychology and Behavior AP Seminar Research Topics

  • Behavioral Economics: Decision Making
  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Human Behavior in Group Settings
  • Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
  • Psychological Effects of Social Isolation
  • Addiction and Recovery: Understanding Treatments
  • Personality Traits and Career Choices
  • Psychological Factors in Criminal Behavior
  • Motivation and Goal Setting
  • Cross-Cultural Psychology: Understanding Differences

Ethics and Philosophy

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Medical Research
  • Animal Rights and Ethics in Experimentation
  • Environmental Ethics and Sustainability
  • The Ethics of AI and Robotics
  • Bioethics: Cloning and Genetic Manipulation
  • Moral Responsibility in Technology Development
  • Just War Theory: Modern Applications
  • Ethical Implications of Big Data Usage
  • Philosophical Views on the Meaning of Life
  • Rights of Future Generations: Intergenerational Ethics

Best AP Seminar Research Topics For Law and Justice

  • Criminal Justice Reform: Addressing Systemic Issues
  • Cyber Law and Digital Rights
  • Juvenile Justice System: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  • Gun Control Policies and Public Safety
  • Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation
  • Policing Strategies and Community Relations
  • Hate Crime Legislation and Enforcement
  • Immigration Law and Border Security
  • Forensic Science Techniques and Accuracy
  • Courtroom Procedures and Fair Trials

Technology and Society

  • Online Privacy Concerns and Data Protection
  • Ethical Use of Social Media Platforms
  • Digital Divide: Access to Technology
  • Technological Advancements in Healthcare
  • Impact of Video Games on Behavior
  • Automation and Future Job Markets
  • Technology Addiction: Causes and Solutions
  • Digital Literacy: Navigating Information Online
  • AI Ethics in Autonomous Vehicles
  • Virtual Reality Applications in Various Fields

Global Issues AP Seminar Research Topics For Students

  • Refugee Crises: Humanitarian Responses
  • Pandemics and Global Health Preparedness
  • International Aid and Development Effectiveness
  • War Refugees: Resettlement Challenges
  • Human Trafficking: Causes and Solutions
  • Food Security in Developing Nations
  • Global Governance and Diplomacy
  • Water Conflicts and International Relations
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: Impact Analysis
  • Peacebuilding Strategies in Conflict Zones

Media and Communication AP Research Topics

  • Fake News and Its Influence on Public Perception
  • Bias in Media Reporting: Impact on Society
  • Social Media Censorship: Freedom of Speech
  • Role of Journalism in a Democratic Society
  • Advertising Ethics and Manipulation Techniques
  • Media Literacy Education: Importance and Challenges
  • Influence of Public Relations on Corporate Image
  • Evolution of Communication Technologies
  • Podcasting: Its Rise and Impact
  • Investigative Reporting: Methods and Impact

Family and Relationships Ap Seminar Research Topics

  • Changing Dynamics of Modern Families
  • Parenting Styles and Child Development
  • Intergenerational Relationships and Communication
  • Effects of Divorce on Children’s Well-being
  • Sibling Relationships: Impact on Individual Development
  • Long-Term Effects of Adoption on Families
  • Balancing Work and Family Life: Challenges
  • Marriage Traditions and Their Evolution
  • Impact of Technology on Family Interactions
  • Multigenerational Living Arrangements

Sports and Recreation AP Research Topic Ideas

  • Sports Psychology: Mental Preparation and Performance
  • Doping in Sports: Ethical Implications
  • Impact of Sports on Youth Development
  • Gender Equality in Sports: Progress and Challenges
  • Sports Injuries: Prevention and Treatment
  • Evolution of Sporting Events and Fan Engagement
  • eSports: Rise and Influence in the Gaming Industry
  • Adaptive Sports and Inclusivity
  • Sports Sponsorship and Its Impact on Athletes
  • Sports Nutrition: Optimizing Performance

Is AP Research Harder Than AP Seminar?

Here are the major differences between AP Research and AP Seminar:

AspectAP ResearchAP Seminar
PurposeIndependent research projectCollaborative team-based research project
FocusIn-depth research on a chosen topicExploration of interdisciplinary topics
RequirementsIndividual research paper and presentationTeam research report and presentation
StructureIndividual inquiry with mentor guidanceTeam-based inquiry with peer collaboration
EmphasisDepth of research and analysisDeveloping research and analytical skills
IndependenceMore individualized and self-directedEncourages collaboration and teamwork
FlexibilityAllows for more flexibility in topic selectionStructured to explore various disciplines
Skills DevelopedCritical thinking, research, and writing skillsCollaboration, presentation, and research skills
Course DurationUsually follows AP Seminar; spans an academic yearTypically precedes AP Research; spans an academic year
PrerequisiteAP Seminar may be a prerequisite for AP ResearchNo prerequisite; open to students without AP Seminar

Why Did You Decide To Take AP Capstone (Seminar and Research)?

These are the following major reasons why many students opt for the AP Capstone program, including both Seminar and Research:

  • Develop Critical Skills: Students choose AP Capstone to cultivate critical thinking, research, and analytical skills essential for higher education and future careers.
  • Interest in Research: The program allows students to explore diverse topics and conduct in-depth research, fostering their intellectual curiosity and passion for learning.
  • Preparation for College: AP Capstone helps students adapt to college-level coursework, research, and independent study, providing a solid foundation for university studies.
  • Differentiated Learning: It offers a unique educational experience compared to traditional AP courses, focusing on inquiry, collaboration, and the development of research abilities.
  • Stand Out in College Applications: Completing the AP Capstone program demonstrates a student’s commitment to academic rigor and can enhance their college applications.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning: The program encourages students to engage with interdisciplinary topics, connecting different subjects and broadening their perspectives.
  • Future Readiness: It equips students with skills such as critical analysis, effective communication, and problem-solving, preparing them for success in various fields and professions.

Wrap-Up – AP Seminar Research Topics

Choosing your AP Seminar research topics is like setting off on an exciting journey where you’re the explorer. It’s about finding something you love, digging deeper, and discovering new ideas.

Picking a topic you’re crazy about is super important. It’s like choosing your favorite adventure—it keeps you curious and excited about learning. You can explore so much! Think of it as a big world with endless possibilities.

You get to decide what to explore! You’re the boss. It’s all about asking questions, finding cool facts, and putting together your own thoughts.

Remember, you’re not just learning; you’re becoming a detective of ideas. You’ll unlock your own super-smart thoughts and become a real discoverer.

But hey, while it’s a thrilling adventure, it’s also a bit of hard work. You’ll need to do lots of reading, writing, and thinking. But that’s how you become super smart and show the world what you’ve got.

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151+ AP Seminar Research Topics [Updated 2024]

ap seminar research topics

The Advanced Placement (AP) Seminar course is a unique and intellectually stimulating journey that challenges students to explore diverse areas of knowledge and develop critical thinking skills. One of the pivotal aspects of this course is the selection of an appropriate research topic, a decision that shapes the entire research process and presentation. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of choosing AP Seminar research topics, exploring categories, offering examples, and providing guidance on the research process and presentation.

Selecting AP Seminar Research Topics

Table of Contents

Understanding the AP Seminar course is the first step towards choosing a suitable research topic. AP Seminar is designed to foster interdisciplinary thinking, encouraging students to synthesize information from various sources and present their findings coherently. 

To choose a compelling research topic, students should consider their personal interests and passions, as well as current events and issues. It’s essential to explore different areas of study to find a topic that aligns with both the course objectives and the student’s intellectual curiosity.

151+ AP Seminar Research Topics: Category-Wise

  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Influence of Augmented Reality on User Perception.
  • Sociology: Examining the Impact of Social Media on Body Positivity Movements.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Connection Between Mindfulness Practices and Stress Reduction.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of International Aid in Addressing Global Humanitarian Crises.
  • Literature: Exploring the Representation of Identity and Belonging in Immigrant Literature.
  • History: Investigating the Societal Changes Resulting from a Historical Cultural Renaissance.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Human Cloning for Organ Transplants.
  • Biology: Exploring the Interconnectedness of Ecosystems Through Keystone Species.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in the Synthesis of Green Fuels.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Quantum Computing in Cryptography.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of E-waste on Global Environmental Health.
  • Global Health: Investigating the Cultural Factors Affecting Mental Health Stigma in Different Societies.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Biometric Data Usage in Education.
  • Sociology: Exploring the Influence of Social Media on Cultural Perceptions of Beauty.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Impact of Parental Involvement on Child Academic Success.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Shaping Political Campaigns.
  • Literature: Examining the Depiction of Social Inequality in Dystopian Fiction.
  • History: Investigating the Societal Impact of a Historical Pandemic on Healthcare Systems.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Genetic Enhancement for Athletic Performance.
  • Biology: Exploring the Ecological Effects of Urbanization on Bird Migration Patterns.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in the Production of Biodegradable Plastics.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Quantum Sensors in Environmental Monitoring.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of Noise Pollution on Wildlife Behavior.
  • Global Health: Investigating Cultural Practices Affecting Healthcare-seeking Behavior Among Elderly Populations.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement.
  • Sociology: Examining the Impact of Social Media on Political Participation Among Young Adults.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Relationship Between Social Isolation and Mental Health.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Perception of Political Leaders.
  • Literature: Exploring the Representation of Mental Health Challenges in Contemporary Poetry.
  • History: Investigating the Economic Consequences of a Historical Economic Depression.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles.
  • Biology: Exploring the Ecological Importance of Rainforest Biodiversity.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in the Production of Solar Cells.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Quantum Cryptography in Ensuring Data Security.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of Microplastics on Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Global Health: Investigating Cultural Perceptions of Mental Health Medication.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Genetic Testing for Intelligence.
  • Sociology: Exploring the Influence of Social Media on Youth Activism.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Impact of Music on Cognitive Performance.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion on Climate Change.
  • Literature: Examining the Representation of Cultural Identity in Postcolonial Literature.
  • History: Investigating the Social and Cultural Changes During a Historical Industrial Revolution.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Animal Testing in Scientific Research.
  • Biology: Exploring the Ecological Effects of Coral Reef Decline on Marine Ecosystems.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in the Synthesis of Antibiotics.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Quantum Teleportation in Information Transfer.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of Air Quality on Human Respiratory Health.
  • Global Health: Investigating Cultural Beliefs Affecting Maternal Nutrition and Child Development.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Social Media Algorithms in Political Discourse.
  • Sociology: Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Peer Relationships.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Relationship Between Video Games and Aggressive Behavior.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion on Immigration.
  • Literature: Examining the Depiction of Social Justice in Contemporary Fiction.
  • History: Investigating the Societal Impact of a Historical Scientific Discovery.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Biotechnology in Agriculture.
  • Biology: Exploring the Relationship Between Genetics and Athletic Performance.
  • Chemistry: Investigating the Environmental Impact of Pesticide Use in Agriculture.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Quantum Mechanics in Information Technology.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems.
  • Global Health: Investigating the Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Access to Vaccines.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Democracy.
  • Sociology: Exploring the Influence of Social Media on Youth Culture.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Connection Between Nature Exposure and Mental Well-being.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of Political Cartoons in Shaping Public Opinion.
  • Literature: Examining the Depiction of Social Injustice in Contemporary Fiction.
  • History: Investigating the Economic Causes of a Historical Revolution.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Genetic Modification in Agriculture.
  • Biology: Exploring the Ecological Impact of Invasive Species in Ecosystems.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in Alternative Energy Production.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Nanotechnology in Medicine.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of Waste Management Practices on Ecosystem Health.
  • Global Health: Investigating Cultural Beliefs Affecting Health-seeking Behavior.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Biometric Surveillance in Public Spaces.
  • Sociology: Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Cross-cultural Communication.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Relationship Between Technology Use and Stress Levels.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of International Treaties in Addressing Climate Change.
  • Literature: Examining the Representation of Diversity in Contemporary Young Adult Literature.
  • History: Investigating the Cultural and Social Changes Following a Historical War.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Human Genetic Enhancement.
  • Biology: Exploring the Ecological Importance of Wetland Ecosystems.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in the Textile Industry.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Quantum Entanglement in Communication.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of Industrial Agriculture on Soil Health.
  • Global Health: Investigating Cultural Perceptions of Mental Health and Treatment.
  • Technology and Society: Analyzing the Ethical Implications of Autonomous Vehicles.
  • Sociology: Exploring the Influence of Social Media on Political Participation.
  • Psychology: Investigating the Impact of Screen Time on Cognitive Development in Children.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the Role of Grassroots Movements in Political Change.
  • Literature: Examining the Representation of Gender Roles in Classic Literature.
  • History: Investigating the Social and Cultural Changes During a Historical Renaissance.
  • Philosophy: Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Animal Cloning.
  • Biology: Exploring the Ecological Effects of Coral Bleaching on Marine Ecosystems.
  • Chemistry: Investigating Sustainable Practices in the Production of Organic Solvents.
  • Physics: Analyzing the Applications of Superconductivity in Technology.
  • Environmental Studies: Examining the Impact of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Ecosystems.
  • Global Health: Investigating Cultural Practices Affecting Nutrition and Food Security.

Examples of AP Seminar Research Topics

Analyzing the impact of social media on mental health.

This topic allows students to explore the complex relationship between social media use and mental well-being. It involves examining studies, conducting surveys, and analyzing data to understand the psychological effects of social media on individuals.

Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is a rapidly evolving field with ethical implications. Students can investigate the ethical considerations surrounding gene editing, cloning, and the potential societal impacts of advancements in genetic technology.

Investigating the Influence of Historical Events on Contemporary Society

This topic invites students to explore how past events have shaped current societal norms, values, and structures. It involves a historical analysis combined with an examination of present-day implications.

Research Process in AP Seminar Research Topics

The research process in AP Seminar is a multifaceted journey that involves conducting literature reviews, collecting primary data, and analyzing findings. 

Literature reviews provide a foundation for understanding existing research on the chosen topic, while collecting primary data allows students to contribute original insights to the academic conversation. 

The analysis and interpretation of findings are crucial steps that require critical thinking skills and the ability to draw meaningful conclusions from the gathered information.

Presenting AP Seminar Research

The presentation of AP Seminar research is a significant aspect of the course, requiring students to create a compelling thesis presentation. Visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and images, should be utilized effectively to enhance the audience’s understanding of the research. 

Additionally, strong oral communication skills are essential for delivering a clear and engaging presentation. Practice and feedback from teachers and peers can greatly contribute to refining presentation skills.

Challenges and Tips for Success

While the AP Seminar course offers a rewarding experience, students may encounter challenges along the way. Common challenges include managing time effectively, overcoming writer’s block, and navigating the complexities of research methodologies. 

To address these challenges, students can implement time management strategies , seek guidance from teachers and peers, and break down the research process into manageable tasks. 

Additionally, maintaining open communication with teachers and utilizing available resources can contribute to a successful research experience.

In conclusion, selecting AP Seminar research topics is a crucial aspect of the course that requires thoughtful consideration and exploration. By understanding the course objectives, exploring personal interests, and navigating various categories, students can identify compelling research topics that align with the interdisciplinary nature of AP Seminar. 

The research process, from topic development to presentation, offers valuable opportunities for intellectual growth and the development of critical thinking skills. 

As students embark on this journey, they have the chance to contribute meaningfully to academic discourse and cultivate a passion for lifelong learning.

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170 AP Research Topics For Your Paper

170 AP Research Topics

As you may already know, AP Seminar is across multiple disciplines of study. It primarily explores how students can achieve critical thinking abilities through collaboration and thorough academic research. AP Seminar also helps the student understand real-world issues from different lenses.

This way, you get to understand how the world works through multiple perspectives. AP Seminar usually covers team projects, individual papers, oral presentations, and the exam at the end of the course. How do you prepare for your project, paper, or oral presentation without essential AP research paper topics?

It would help if you have AP research topics ideas and perhaps, AP research questions. You need AP seminar topics that help you develop your analytical and creative research and writing skills. You will find them in this content. However, before that, what must be found in a good AP research paper?

Characteristics of a Good AP Research Paper

Writing a good research paper requires analyzing previous academic papers and improving your knowledge about what you want to write. While writing your research paper, take notes of these:

  • A Good Papers Must be Relevant in the Long Term This means you should not write on something that will no longer be relevant in two years. In other words, think about Shakespeare. Or better still, think about writing something that many other writers and researchers will reference. Your logic must have no noticeable unclear gap. Your research must also pass through a thorough assessment process to ascertain that everything in your paper is relevant to the present and the future. If you are writing something about history, you should apply logic and thought to the sources you pick and write about them.
  • Backup Your Research with Valid Sources Every research paper without an external source is poor. Especially when you quote facts, your good sources make your paper appealing and worthy of application or study by different generations. Your paper must include all the facts it needs to pass each point. This is also important because having solid references means that you consulted excellent sources and adopted their information while writing your paper.
  • Have Great Research Questions Research questions sometimes turn your paper around. This is because your AP research questions must be well thought of and dynamic to the issues you’re writing about. When you choose from AP seminar themes available to you or the AP research topic ideas of your choice, asking yourself questions your research will answer makes it easy to focus. Your research questions influence your research, and they make writing easy too.
  • Your Research Must be Specific You can only master how to stay relevant by writing on specific issues. For example, if you want to write about coronavirus, you should not make the mistake of treating a general topic. Instead, narrow it down to your environment or a controversial issue. The Atlantic recently published a long-form essay about a hospital overwhelmed with patients. They eventually had to use their ambulances for some operations. That is an example of a research that treats a specific issue, not a generic one.
  • Your Research Must be Well Structured and Concise This is perhaps the most critical part of your work. If you have an excellent paper, it will only reflect when you have a great structure. As you know, your paper must have an introduction, the main body, and the conclusion.
The introduction is where you discuss the general concepts and the target of your paper. You can also discuss why it is essential to examine the topic; this could be your problem statement. Your main body is where you disassemble and reassemble your facts, make your arguments, and pass your message. Note that you will answer all your research questions in this section, which is why the section is most important while writing a paper. It will help if you back every fact up with solid references. Your conclusion is where you sum everything you’ve raised and discussed. You may attach a quick call to action to the necessary authorities, depending on what you’ve written. However, if you have just sensitized your readers with your project, your conclusion should end with a perfect sentence or paragraphs that stays with your readers.

Now that you know all these, consider these AP seminar research paper topics for your project, paper, or oral presentation. On the other hand, remember you can buy thesis online from our professional helpers team and never worry about your grades.

AP Seminar Themes

AP Seminar themes are the usual subject of discourse that often appear in any AP Seminar. These themes unite all the courses you study during your one year long course. You can consider these AP research topics:

  • The ethics of algorithms on social media
  • Controversial supreme court ruling based on public opinion
  • Environmental injustice and consequences on real estate
  • The challenges of typo errors
  • Overview of genetics
  • The cause of food waste
  • Universal adult suffrage and the fault in the system
  • #MeToo movement and the challenges
  • The issues on wealth inequality
  • Agree or disagree with Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History.”
  • Social class exists in communist societies
  • Communism is the feasible system of the future
  • Art and education
  • Music and education
  • The significance of entertainment in the workplace.

AP Seminar Topics

These are direct AP seminar research topics that you can use for your paper. The best topics are often intriguing enough to impress your teachers for your dissertation or thesis. You can use these to create the perfect paper:

  • Food waste management in Ukraine
  • How the naval power of China is not enough over Taiwan and its allies
  • Low lying islands and global warming
  • The differences in Chinese GDP between 1978 and 2020
  • How global warming affects countries that contribute less to it
  • The rise in the creation of energy-efficient cars
  • Genetically modified plants ruin nature: discuss
  • Pesticides cause more harm than good: discuss
  • Saving money in college is underrated
  • Significance of electric cars to the future
  • A study on three robots and the prospects for the future workplace
  • Gun control is impossible: discuss
  • Intensive farming may not end hunger: discuss
  • Examine the output of three countries and their wealth
  • How much has the world achieved gender equality?
  • Discuss why the demand for tech is a challenging issue
  • Compare and contrast the labor market in the US and Germany
  • Would you say China is the superpower of sustainable batteries
  • Study the rising sectors in the world and their consequences
  • Will petroleum, not batteries, be vital in 2030?
  • Homework is overrated
  • What are the controversies around the statement “I am self-taught.”
  • Significance of noise pollution
  • Quantum entanglement: discuss
  • China and its tech products
  • UK and software growth
  • Is Africa forgotten?
  • Challenges between black Americans and African Americans
  • Aside from COVID-19 and omicron, what are globally threatening issues?
  • Abortion is unethical: discuss.

AP Research Topic Ideas

As a research student, you may also want to consider good ideas to develop for your paper. Your AP research topic ideas must aid your analytical skills. It should also help you create interesting perspectives about issues. You can consider:

  • How the ozone layer protects the planet
  • The best way to address global warming
  • A study of Elon Musk’s education system
  • A study of the Swiss educational system
  • Challenges of education in the UK
  • Challenges on education in the US
  • Study how prison changes people
  • Discuss recent aquatic discoveries
  • How to answer to Brazil’s deforestation
  • The effects of deforestation on global health
  • The rise and evolution of taxes
  • Is the US the world police?
  • Trace world religions: is there a peaceful religion?
  • Discuss how Jews weaponized the Holocaust narrative in Palestine
  • Discuss why some courses are compulsory
  • Examine the problem with obesity
  • Discuss what it means to be in denial
  • Analyze US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • Human right over national security: discuss
  • Is the EU sustainable?
  • Discuss the activities of CNN’s Jeff Zucker
  • Why is history important?
  • Is philosophy a foundational discipline for all disciplines?
  • Examine measures to prevent a WWIII
  • Lessons from the failure of Right 2 Respond in Syria
  • Discuss the challenges of mandatory service
  • Was the Cold War indeed a cold war?
  • What does the world know about Antarctica?
  • Debt diplomacy: discuss
  • An overview of terrorism.

AP World History Research Paper Topics

World history can be broad yet interesting. World history is interesting when you apply rational thought and philosophy into the aspects of the past that matter and those that don’t. These are some good AP world history research paper topics:

  • Effects of the industrial revolution
  • The evolution of German industries
  • The Crusaders are the same as the Jihads: discuss
  • The struggle for democracy
  • French revolution and consequences on Europe
  • The US independence and consequences on Europe
  • The decolonization of Europe led to the colonization of Africa
  • British imperialism and challenges
  • Mongols and relevance in history
  • What are the similarities and differences in the civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
  • Discuss the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire
  • Discuss the evolution of contemporary politics
  • Examine history and religion
  • How Hitler could have won WWII
  • How Asia changed post-WWI
  • The symbols in Ancient Egypt
  • The symbols in Mesopotamia civilization
  • How agricultural revolution affect the world
  • The rise of industries in Japan
  • The growth of armament and present challenges
  • Water challenges in the Middle East
  • The Middle East is a vital region to the globe: discuss
  • Would you say Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was a great leader?
  • Examine the disunity in the Arab League
  • Mortification in Ancient Egypt
  • The Jews and the world
  • The cyclical nature of history
  • Sexual revolution and trends
  • Nudity and its politics
  • Child trafficking in India.

AP US History Research Paper Topics

To engage in more direct research, you may want to integrate your thoughts into interesting AP research topics. These are topics about current and past events in US history:

  • Differences between presidents Trump and Clinton
  • The US and the Great Depression
  • US interference in the Suez Canal crisis
  • US foreign policy to Libya under Gaddafi
  • The US before and after 9/11
  • Religions of the Native Americans
  • The fiction in Salem Witch Trials
  • Women’s role in America’s independence
  • Women’s role in the Renaissance Europe
  • Sexual revolution as feminism
  • Industrial revolution in America
  • The causes of slavery in the Americas
  • America will always fight wars: discuss
  • The reasons why America built up its armies
  • The evolution of labor unions in America
  • An overview of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The US and social media policy
  • US and gender inequality
  • Corruption in the US
  • Gangsterism in the US
  • George Floyd and the consequences of his death
  • The effects of the Mississippi River Flood
  • CIA and the murder of Congolese Patrice Lumumba: justifiable?
  • Ideological challenges in US history
  • Indigenous technology in the American Civil War
  • The effect of Hurricane Katrina
  • An overview of a mass shooting in any location of your choice
  • Environmental crisis in the US
  • Was the Cold War necessary?
  • Criticize the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

AP Capstone Research Topics

AP Capstone involves the assessment and overview of all the courses during your AP Seminar. It examines your knowledge of different theories and how you can apply them. You can choose these topics for your paper:

  • The US and its ethnicities
  • US and religious duplicity
  • Vaccines and their benefits in the US
  • How does the US control the UN
  • Bullying and its impacts
  • How social media affects students
  • Food insecurity and challenges of the contemporary world
  • The future of the automobile
  • The future of automation
  • Does Elon Musk do something similar to Mark Zuckerberg?
  • Extreme sports: what’s the thrill?
  • The history of vaccines
  • Is America truly democratic
  • Discuss the overaction of lawmakers on the Janet Jackson Superbowl performance saga
  • Is the UN a toothless bulldog?

AP Biology Research Topics

Biology is an integral part of the world and a relevant course in your AP Seminar. You can choose to discuss any of the following interesting topics:

  • Critically analyze how the human body works.
  • Discuss the correlation between the way Ancient Egyptians preserved their dead and the way it is done today
  • How has the research and writings of the Romantic Era achieved some changes in the biology of contemporary society?
  • What is the most common thing that weakens the human immune system?
  • The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the vulnerability of the human society
  • The scientists’ struggle in preventing the spread of the virus before, during, and after COVID-19
  • Assess the importance of genetics, if any, in the creation of robots with emotional abilities like humans
  • Assess how stress affects the immune system and how a strenuous activity as sex helps ease stress
  • Speak with any five persons and evaluate why some people have refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Discuss how bacteria affect the body and its consequences
  • Evaluate how animals communicate
  • Trace the evolution and trends in the discovery that the heart controls human life, not the brain
  • A study of how white blood cells work and fight diseases
  • Should DNA tests be made accessible for the public?
  • Cell division and how to teach how it works to pupils
  • Examine the process of photosynthesis on plants
  • The trends and discoveries of cancer treatments
  • Read five pieces of literature on different perspectives on genetics and appraise them.
  • Analyze how the red blood cells convey oxygen
  • Appraise the structure of the human body.

Don’t Want To Write Your Paper Yourself?

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Submit AP Seminar Work in the AP Digital Portfolio

In order to have your performance tasks scored, you’ll need to submit digital files as final to College Board using the AP Digital Portfolio by no later than April 30, 2025, 11:59 p.m. EDT.

You’ll submit your Individual Research Paper (part of Performance Task 1) and your Individual Written Argument (part of Performance Task 2).

Submit Your Work in the AP Digital Portfolio

Instructions, sign in to ap digital portfolio..

Go to the AP Digital Portfolio and sign in using your College Board login information. This is the same login information you use to sign in to My AP.

AP Digital Portfolio

This is the secure web application where you’ll digitally submit work for AP Art and Design, AP Seminar, AP Research, and AP Computer Science Principles. Sign in using the same login information you use for My AP.

Go to your class.

From the dashboard, navigate to your AP Seminar class.

Choose the performance task.

Select the Individual Research Report or Individual Written Argument.

Upload the file.

Click Upload New and select the correct file from your computer.

Do a final review of your work.

Remember: Once you submit your file as final, you won’t be able to make any changes to it unless your teacher sends it back to you.

Submit your work as final.

Click Submit Final and go through the final submission process, which includes attesting to the originality of your work. Check the box to affirm that your work is your own and that you understand AP Capstone policies on plagiarism and related issues.

AP Digital Portfolio: Student User Guide

This guide will help you navigate the AP Digital Portfolio and submit work for AP Art and Design, AP Capstone, AP Computer Science Principles, and AP with WE Service.

AP Seminar Assessment Timeline

See dates, deadlines, and what to do when throughout the year.

AP Digital Portfolio Submission Technical Requirements

Make sure you can submit your work online.

AP Capstone Diploma Program Policies

Understand policies on plagiarism, participation, extended absence, and more for AP Seminar and AP Research students.

Wed, Apr 30, 2025

11:59 PM ET

AP Seminar Performance Tasks Due Date

Submit your AP Seminar performance tasks as final in the AP Digital Portfolio by this date.

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AP Research

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Course Resources

  • AP Research Course and Exam Description
  • AP Research Practice Sessions

Course Description

AP Research, the second course in the AP Capstone experience, allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, issue, or idea of individual interest. Students design, plan, and implement a yearlong investigation to address a research question. Through this inquiry, they further the skills they acquired in the AP Seminar course by learning research methodology, employing ethical research practices, and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Students reflect on their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of their scholarly work through a process and reflection portfolio. The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000–5,000 words and a presentation with an oral defense.

Class Assignment

  • Class 1 - Worksheet
  • Class 1 - Presentation
  • Next: Find Your Topic! >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 18, 2024 9:29 PM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.emory.edu/AP_Research

What is AP Seminar, and what is AP Research?

AP Seminar is a yearlong course in which students investigate real-world issues from multiple perspectives. Students learn to synthesize information from different sources, develop their own perspectives in research-based written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. During the course, students complete a team project and an individual paper and presentation, as well as take a written end-of-course exam. These components contribute to the overall AP Seminar score. Go to the AP Seminar course page .

AP Research lets students deeply explore an academic topic, problem, or issue of interest to them. Students design, plan, and conduct a yearlong research-based investigation to address a research question, documenting their process with a portfolio. The course ends with a 4,000- to 5,000-word academic paper and a presentation with an oral defense which contribute to the overall AP Research course. There is no end-of-course exam. Go to the AP Research course page .


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  1. PDF AP Seminar Performance Task 1

    The report earned a score of 2 points in Row 1 because, while it identifies a topic (data mining, big corporations, and harmful impacts), it shows little evidence of research.

  2. PDF AP Seminar Performance Task 1: Individual Research Report

    General Scoring Notes When applying the rubric for each individual row, you should award the score for that row based solely upon the criteria indicated for that row, according to the preponderance of evidence.

  3. PDF AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and

    Task Overview This packet includes a set of stimulus materials for the AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation.

  4. PDF AP® Seminar Performance Task 1

    Individual Research Report (continued) ... *For the purposes of AP Seminar, "validity" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "the extent to which an argument or claim is logical." ** For the purposes of AP Seminar, "perspective" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "a point of view conveyed through an argument."

  5. PDF AP Seminar Performance Task: Individual Research-Based Essay and

    This packet includes a set of stimulus materials for the AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation. You must identify a research question prompted by analysis of the provided stimulus materials, gather information from a range of additional sources, develop and refine an argument, write and revise your ...

  6. PDF AP Seminar Performance Assessment Task 1

    Component 1 of 2: Individual Research Report (continued) ... *For the purposes of AP Seminar, "validity" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "the extent to which an argument or claim is logical." ** For the purposes of AP Seminar, "perspective" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "a point of view conveyed through an ...

  7. PDF AP Seminar Performance Assessment Task 1

    Research Report (continued) *For the purposes of AP Seminar, "validity" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "the extent to which an argument or claim is logical." ** For the purposes of AP Seminar, "perspective" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "a point of view conveyed through an argument." Additional Scores

  8. PDF AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and

    After analyzing the materials, develop a research question that suits your individual interest based on a thematic connection between at least two of the stimulus materials. Your research question must be rich enough to allow you to engage in meaningful exploration and to write and present a substantive, defensible argument.

  9. AP Seminar Assessment

    The individual research-based essay, the individual written argument, and the end-of-course exam given in May are scored by College Board. These scores also contribute to your final AP score.

  10. PDF 19-20_IRR_Annotated Exemplar_v1

    AP Seminar Individual Research Report (1,200 words / 10% of AP score)

  11. PDF AP Seminar Performance Assessment Task: Individual Research-Based Essay

    This packet includes stimulus materials for the AP Seminar Performance Assessment Task: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation. This essay should be in the form of an argument.

  12. 169+ AP Seminar Research Topics: Ideas for Engaging Projects

    Explore various AP Seminar research topics spanning multiple disciplines. Find creative ideas to fuel your academic curiosity and develop compelling research projects.

  13. Individual Research Report

    An individual research report is a written document that presents findings from independent research conducted by a student. It typically involves investigating a specific topic, gathering and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on the research.

  14. PDF AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and

    This packet includes a set of stimulus materials for the AP Seminar Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation. You must identify a research question prompted by analysis of the provided stimulus materials, gather information from a range of additional sources, develop and refine an argument, write and revise your ...

  15. 151+ Good AP Seminar Research Topics For Students

    The AP research topic ideas for the AP Seminar cover a wide range of subjects that students can explore deeply. These AP seminar topics often included current problems, trends, or areas of interest across various fields like science, social sciences, technology, arts, and more.

  16. PDF AP® Seminar Performance Task 1: Team Project and Presentation

    Individual Research Report (continued) ... *For the purposes of AP Seminar, "validity" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "the extent to which an argument or claim is logical." ** For the purposes of AP Seminar, "perspective" is defined in the glossary of the CED as "a point of view conveyed through an argument."

  17. 151+ AP Seminar Research Topics [Updated 2024]

    Discover 151+ AP Seminar research topics. Explore categories, examples, and tips for a successful research journey in this comprehensive guide.

  18. What are some examples of topics that students might research in AP

    What are some examples of topics that students might research in AP Seminar and AP Research? Here are some topics that students have chosen to investigate in AP Seminar: Effect of texting on grammar skills Food waste solutions Future of the automotive industry Importance of voting age and civic participation of teens Mathematics behind extreme ...

  19. 170 AP Research Topics To Impress Your Teacher

    This way, you get to understand how the world works through multiple perspectives. AP Seminar usually covers team projects, individual papers, oral presentations, and the exam at the end of the course. How do you prepare for your project, paper, or oral presentation without essential AP research paper topics?

  20. Submit AP Seminar Work in the AP Digital Portfolio

    Go to your class. From the dashboard, navigate to your AP Seminar class. Choose the performance task. Select the Individual Research Report or Individual Written Argument. Upload the file. Click Upload New and select the correct file from your computer. Do a final review of your work.

  21. PDF 2021 AP Exam Administration Student Sample Responses

    Investigate a particular approach or range of perspectives on a research topic selected by a student team; Conduct scholarly research relevant to the topic; and Produce an evaluative report on the research conducted, analyzing the reasoning within the sources as well as the relevance and credibility of evidence used in those sources.

  22. Home

    This guide is to assist students enrolled in AP Research classes in Georgia with their research projects. ... the second course in the AP Capstone experience, allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, issue, or idea of individual interest. ... The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000-5,000 words and a ...

  23. What is AP Seminar, and what is AP Research?

    During the course, students complete a team project and an individual paper and presentation, as well as take a written end-of-course exam. These components contribute to the overall AP Seminar score. Go to the AP Seminar course page. AP Research lets students deeply explore an academic topic, problem, or issue of interest to them.