Air Force Permanent Change of Station Assignment Policies

Air Force PCS Moves (Stateside / Overseas)

Rob Edgcumbe / Getty Images

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Rod Powers was a retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service.

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In October 2018, the Air Force announced restrictions on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) assignments, to be effective immediately.

In an effort to save PCS dollars and to stabilize and better develop the force, new policies have been developed regarding PCS moves that will keep most Air Force personnel in one location for a longer period. This limitation can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.

For the Air Force, these dollars saved can be used to recapitalize equipment, airplanes, and facilities. For Airmen, this means your families can stay in the same house for a little longer, your children can finish another year at the same school, or your spouse can continue to work at their civilian job. On the other hand, if you really want to move from a base you dislike, you will now have to wait longer in many cases.

Increases CONUS PCS Time

The first PCS policy change increases the time-on-station requirement needed before one can PCS from one continental United States (CONUS) assignment to another. In the past, you needed to remain at a stateside base for three years before you could PCS to another stateside base. Now, you will need to remain on base for four years before you can get a new assignment to another stateside base.

All enlisted Airmen are affected by this change, as are officers in support, judge advocate, chaplain, and medical career fields. Also, most officers in rated staff positions are affected. Lieutenants , however, will need only three years on base in order to do a CONUS to CONUS move.

Stateside to Overseas PCS

This change in policy does not affect the time on station needed to move from a stateside base to an overseas base. That time requirement is 12 months for first-term airmen and 24 months for all others.

Marriage and PCS Changes

Airmen who get married to another Airman often seek out duty locations where they can do their Air Force job alongside their spouses— called Join Spouse. The Air Force works with these couples to help them find assignments that allow them to stay together.

However, another change to PCS policy increases the time married couples will need to serve on-station before the Air Force will pay for a move to a Join Spous e assignment location.

Under the new PCS policy, Airmen must have 24 months on-station before they can apply for a government-paid Join Spouse PCS. This doesn't mean it’s not possible to move sooner if manning permits. However, it means the Air Force won't pay for the move before two years.

If a suitable assignment is available before the 24 month period, and an Airman chooses to, they may pay their own way to move. This change affects both officers and enlisted.

Adjusting Manning Percentages

Another set of changes to Air Force policy is more indirect, but they still affect PCS moves in the service. These changes involve adjusting manning percentages at both overseas and stateside bases.

At a base in the United States, for instance, manning for an AFSC (job) must now be less than 85% before the Air Force will send more Airmen there. So if Base X has authorizations for 100 aircraft maintainers, it is okay for them to have only 85 maintainers assigned. Should they fall lower than 85% manning, another maintainer could PCS in—but not until then.

Similar changes will happen overseas. Because the manning numbers have been changed both overseas and stateside, the Air Force will have to fill fewer vacancies, and that means fewer PCS moves.

Assignment Availability Code 50 Tours

Finally, the Air Force has extended by 12 months the tours of Airmen in jobs coded as Assignment Availability Code 50 (AAC 50). Airmen affected by this change are now serving in special jobs where the Air Force initially set an absolute limit on how long they could serve. Those limits have now been increased by 12 months. If you don’t know if this change affects you, check with your supervisor to determine if you are coded as AAC 50.

Programs and Helpful Links

In the Air Force, the Assignment Distribution System distributes personnel from command to command throughout the individual's career. Personnel distribution to specific units is done jointly adhering to the policies contained in AFI 36-2110,  Assignments .

When you graduate from basic military training (BMT) and Technical Training (TTGs) the base requests are considered, but the needs of the Air Force will always win—sometimes they match. You can receive an assignment within the Continental United States (CONUS) as well as overseas, specialities distributed equally among the commands.

There are many programs designed to assist with the Air Force personnel needs such as:

  • Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program (VSBAP)
  • Base of Preference(BOP)
  • Join Spouse

General information can be found within those sites. More specific information on each can be obtained at your local military personnel office. 

Airmen may access their permanent change of station (PCS) through the virtual MPF (vMPF). Log into the Air Force's Personnel Center secure website, click vMPF, click the Out Processing link (under Most Popular Applications), and access the "view orders" link (under the Pages menu).

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13S Assignments

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assignment availability code 50 (conus maximum stabilized tour)

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assignment availability code 50 (conus maximum stabilized tour)

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The post I did about the 13S/1C6X1 career field along with the link included to the reddit post by SilentD provides some great information about the overview of our career field.  The purpose of this post is to further explain some of the more in depth processes, vision, and intent regarding our assignments.

Breadth vs. Depth

As of the writing of this post, AFSPC leadership’s intent for a 13S’s career is to have two Operational Tours or ‘Ops Tours’ under our belt before we move on to do bigger and better things.  This discussion is often closely related to the breadth vs. depth discussion, which in short is whether or not it is better to have breadth of experience (i.e., one tour at every different type of space assignment) or depth of experience (i.e., extensive experience in one or maybe two assignments within similar fields.)  In other words is it better to have experience in all shreds of space (spacelift, satellite command and control, or Missile Warning) or extensive experience in just Missile Warning?  Personally, I think two assignments is the sweet spot of ideal experience so I agree with AFSPC’s current direction on this.  The two ops tour policy is not a hard requirement, it is more of a general goal AFPC uses as they walk us through our career paths.  For example as a brand new 2d Lt I will almost certainly do two ops tours, but a Capt who cross-flowed into 13S from 62XX will probably only do one because he or she is 4-5 years further down their career.

AFPC Assignment Availability Code

In order for AFPC to maintain control of our tours and tour length, they use Assignment Availability Codes IAW AFI 36-2110.  The below memorandum signed January 15, 2015 dictates that with a few exceptions 13S tour length is 36 or 48 months depending on the unit.  The time doesn’t start until you are combat mission ready/mission ready (CMR/MR) so it can be up to one year until your time on station actually starts.  For example here is how my timeline played out.  I was extremely fortunate so consider my case the best-case scenario:

  • Graduated OTS
  • +2 months – casual status
  • +3 months – Undergraduate Space Training (UST) at Vandenberg AFB, CA
  • +3 months – Mission Qualification Training (MQT) at my first base
  • TOTAL:  10 months after graduating OTS, finally on console doing the job

I was in training for 10 months so my 36/48 month tour didn’t start until 10 months (CMR date) after I graduated OTS.  Some of my peers were in training for even up to 18 months so that was a significant part of their career spent in limbo.  I consider 18 months the worst-case scenario.

AFPC controls these tours by Assignment Availability Codes which are outlined in AFI 36-2110.  AAC codes may sound familiar because if you were active duty when you applied for OTS you had to have an AAC 05.  Here is the definition for AAC 55:

AAC 55:  CONUS Minimum Stabilized Tour, Applies to Officers, Tours controlled by HQ USAF and HQ AFPC, Deferment Period or Effective Date:  Date assigned plus number of years authorized.  (In our case, the number of years authorized is either 36 or 48 months.)

The memo also mentions Code 56, but this doesn’t make sense to me because the AFI states it applies to enlisted.  Regardless, the process and basic premise should be the same.

assignment availability code 50 (conus maximum stabilized tour)

Stabilized Tour Guide

The AFI also references something called the Stabilized Tour Guide, but the link they provide does not work.  This guide can be found on MyPers by searching “Stabilized Tour Guide.”  While it doesn’t specifically spell out the details for 13S’s, it does provide some additional information regarding the differences between minimum and maximum stabilized tours.  It is worth a glance but not crucial.

Click here for the link to MyPers (Air Force personnel access only)

To re-iterate, yes, this does indeed mean that you could be at your first base 4-5 years.  If you are only planning to do four years then punch, knowing this could be a critical point in your decision-making process.  Additionally, this can be HUGE if you are a 63XX officer doing an OPEX tour in a 13S billet.  I should mention that there are indeed short tours out there which are 12-18 months so this can significantly change your timeline.

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assignment availability code 50 (conus maximum stabilized tour)

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Hey man, thanks for doing this blog. I have a question, I am in the beginning stages of applying and I was wondering if I could pick your brain about the Air Force lifestyle? My wife is on the fence about me joining and my only experience was the army national guard and 1 deployment, so it is not a good barometer of the AD lifestyle.

Either way, I appreciate these updates.

Of course, that would also help me out with similar themed posts. Air Force is light years different than army so please do pick my brain. Either post here or email me at

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assignment code 50

assignment code 50

Enlisted Assignment SWAP program, Space Force policy for Inter-service transfers who remain in-place upon transfer, changes to eligibility requirements of the Court-Ordered Child Custody Program (CCCP), option for Guardians to request to opt-in to Guardian Assignment Timelines

As 4literranger485 mentions, its a mandatory mover code. Basically the very next assignment cycle, you should have orders. There are several reasons for code 50s. Some special duty assignments have used them for personnel issues (somehow a shitbag slides into the assignment--code 50 takes care of it). However special duty assignments are using ...

These numbers are increasing with a new Air Force policy update: Assignment Availability Code 50. This update guarantees Airmen at Malmstrom receive a new assignment after completion of a controlled tour. Before, Airmen could remain at Malmstrom for more than a decade, according to Air Force Personnel Center. Because of Code 50, the section saw ...

EQUAL Plus / Code 50 Assignment Question. I asked my assignments section this question, who forwarded me to call the AFPC help desk. AFPC told me to ask assignments. So I'm stuck in one of those things so I figured I'd ask here... Right now I'm finishing up a Code 50 controlled tour assignment. It ends on 1 Dec 19.

And code 50 includes time on station. Stabilized Tour Assignment. A stabilized tour assignment and the accompanying deferment begin on the date an Airman is assigned to the unit or function authorized a stabilized tour. You should have a look at the handout you were supposed to but probably weren't given.

Assignment Availability Code 50 Tours . Finally, the Air Force has extended by 12 months the tours of Airmen in jobs coded as Assignment Availability Code 50 (AAC 50). Airmen affected by this change are now serving in special jobs where the Air Force initially set an absolute limit on how long they could serve. Those limits have now been ...

Before, Airmen could remain at Malmstrom for more than a decade, according to Air Force Personnel Center. Because of Code 50, the section saw a surge of assignment notifications compared to last ...

Assignment Availability Code (AAC) 50 is used to regulate FM tours of duty. AFI 36-2110, Assignments, contains detailed information about the use of AACs. A code 50 will be applied to newly assigned FMs to ensure personnel do not spend more than five years in the facility manager special duty. The FM tour of duty is four years. ...

SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Assignment policies governing military training leaders, instructors and recruiters recently reverted back to assignment availability code 50, which provides a definite four-year maximum time on station. Linda Howard, 82nd Training Wing chief of personnel relocations, said in the former AAC 43, base of preferences were not approved if the installation had 85 ...

The new guidelines include changes to assignment availability Code 50 maximum stabilized, In an effort to meet budget mandates, Air Force leaders have directed several assignment related initiatives to reduce the permanent change of station budget deficit. The new guidelines include.

Processing Codes for which an Airman must complete actions after selection of assignment. SPECAT, DSD and EQUAL-Plus positions does not provide the unit with assignment authority or direct it to be manned at 100%. AFPC is the only authorized assignment authority for SMSgt and below IAW DAFI 36-2110. 5.2.

Outbound Assignments tackle Code 50 . The month of June marks the beginning of summer, but it also marks permanent change of station season for Airmen due to move. Tell us your story! To request coverage of events, or recommend highlighting Airmen and their accomplishments, ...

dual military co-parents may request assignment consideration in their own right when eligible; however, they both must be PCS eligible and have join spouse intent code "A" or "B." (T-1). If only one Airman is submitting then manning must support a join spouse assignment in order for the assignment to be approved. (T-1).

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- In an effort to meet budget mandates, Air Force leaders have directed several assignment related initiatives to reduce the permanent change of station budget deficit. The new guidelines include changes to assignment availability Code 50 maximum stabilized tours, the standard time on station for certain members transferring between stateside bases and ...

updates to Assignment Availability Codes and Assignment Limitation Codes reducing the use of acronyms, limiting the scope of this publication to the Department of the Air Force guidance, and lowering compliance tiers where possible. A margin bar (|) indicates newly revised material.

If you talk to your functional or your senior enlisted advisor they can sometimes adjust your code status/end date if need be. I got lucky and got OS coming from a Mando mover slot. I have received a Code 50 and I am a CONUS mandatory mover. My Code 50 expires on Dec 2022. My date of availability is Jan 2022, and I'm trying to….

The Assignment Management System (AMS) is a web application that houses multiple applications in support of officer assignments, enlisted assignments, commander responsibilities, and individual Air Force members. Users have access to a portion of their own personnel data and the ability to use manning tools, volunteer for available assignments, and review career field information using AMS.

SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Assignment policies governing military training leaders, instructors and recruiters have recently reverted back to assignment availability code 50. AAC 50 provides a definite four-year maximum time on station. Linda Howard, chief of personnel relocations, said base of preferences were not approved if the installation had 85 percent or more manpower in the ...

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like AAC- Assignment Availability Code, ALC, DAS+12 mos and more. ... AAC Code 50 and 4 year. What is the AAC and max tour an MTL can serve? Max AAC. Defers an Amn a maximum amount of time at a duty/locations to keep Amn performing SDA out of PAFSC; Amn must PCS on expiration. ...

assignment tables which document the Secretary of Defense's direction to the Services for the assignment of forces. 1.4.2. Designates the Joint Staff as the Global Conventional Joint Force Coordinator to execute all conventional force sourcing and coordination actions IAW Global Force Management Implementation Guidance. 1.4.3.

CCD) CONSIDERATIO. PROGRAM (Add) A35.1. General Guidance. Assignment authorities will attempt to facilitate the assignment or deferment of Airmen with a court-ordered child custody decree t. the g. ographic location of the children. (T-2). The geographic location is the region that allows an Airman to co-pare.

5.3. MTF Action for return to duty with an Assignment Limitation Code..... 39 5.4. ARC service members are placed on ALC or DAV Code-42 by the appropriate ARC SG's office. ..... 40 Chapter 6—MEB QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (QAP) 41 6.1.

N ewly minted vice presidential candidate Tim Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that made his state a sanctuary for child sex-changes, promoting tourism for such radical medical interventions in ...

You have an Assignment Availability Code against you which may prevent you from receiving an assignment before 30 Jan 24. Promotion Eligibility Status is ineligible because of the referral EPR you received. ... And throwing a $50 fire extinguisher in the grass with no further altercations before or after the incident is not one of them. People ...

4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before ...


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    assignment availability code 50 (conus maximum stabilized tour)


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  1. PDF Special Duty Assignment Category (SPECAT) Guide

    Assignment Availability Code (AAC) and Assignment Limitation Code (ALC): Airmen who have an AAC or ALC may apply depending on the AAC or ALC restrictions in DAFI 36-2110, paragraphs 6.11 and 6.12 and Tables 3.1 and 3.2. Airmen currently serving a maximum or minimum stabilized tour may apply if the expiration of the AAC is equal to the RNLTD or ...

  2. Can anyone familiar with Assignment Availability Codes explain Code 50

    Can anyone familiar with Assignment Availability Codes explain Code 50 for me? Share Add a Comment. Sort by: ... I'm code 50, have been fighting that battle for about a year now. ... C50 is "CONUS Maximum Stabilized Tours," and I have a C55 ("CONUS Minimum Stabilized Tours") which does the exact opposite.

  3. Code 50 (Mandatory Move) Question. : r/AirForce

    You can move before you code 50 but it takes CFM approval which means everyone as to approve it before it get to the CFM. Bops are 9-12 months before code 50 expiration, and some else said only for 4-yr folks. Source sq Superintendent of a unit that is nothing but code 50 positions. Not true about only a conus move.

  4. Code 50 Explanation? : r/AirForce

    If you talk to your functional or your senior enlisted advisor they can sometimes adjust your code status/end date if need be. I got lucky and got OS coming from a Mando mover slot. I have received a Code 50 and I am a CONUS mandatory mover. My Code 50 expires on Dec 2022. My date of availability is Jan 2022, and I'm trying to….

  5. Air Force Permanent Change of Station Assignment Policies

    Assignment Availability Code 50 Tours . Finally, the Air Force has extended by 12 months the tours of Airmen in jobs coded as Assignment Availability Code 50 (AAC 50). Airmen affected by this change are now serving in special jobs where the Air Force initially set an absolute limit on how long they could serve.

  6. PDF Department of The Air Force Washington Dc

    OS to CONUS CCCD: There is no time-on-station minimum to apply for in-place deferment. Exception: If currently serving on a maximum stabilized tour of at least 4 years, can apply no earlier than 12 months (36 months time-on-station) and no later than 9 months (39 months time-on-station) before completing the stabilized tour.

  7. PDF Developmental Special Duty (DSD) Program

    that coincides with the applicable DSD Assignment Cycle to ensure completion of the CONUS stabilized tour. Airmen who have not completed their stabilized tour may still be nominated and if selected, AFPC/DP2OSS will process the AAC waiver to AFPC/DP3AM. 8.1.5. Assignment Availability Code (AAC) and Assignment Limitation Code (ALC): May be

  8. Air Force officials announce new PCS guidelines

    RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- In an effort to meet budget mandates, Air Force leaders have directed several assignment related initiatives to reduce the permanent change of station budget deficit. The new guidelines include changes to assignment availability Code 50 maximum stabilized tours, the standard time on station for certain members transferring between stateside bases and ...

  9. AF institutes new PCS guidelines

    RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- In an effort to meet budget mandates, Air Force leaders have directed several assignment related initiatives to reduce the permanent change of station budget deficit. The new guidelines include changes to assignment availability Code 50 maximum stabilized tours, the standard time on station for certain members transferring between stateside bases and officers ...

  10. PDF TIG Brief

    Stabilize Tour Guide is a document maintained by the Air Force Personnel Center, Assignments Procedure and Policy Branch. It identifies organizations authorized to use tour deferment Assignment Availability Codes. A stabilized tour is an authorized period of time by which Airmen must remain assigned to a particular unit to support unique missions.

  11. PDF By Order of The Commander Air Force Global Strike Command ...

    1.2.2. Assignment Availability Code (AAC) 50 is used to regulate FM tours of duty. AFI 36-2110, Assignments, contains detailed information about the use of AACs. A code 50 will be applied to newly assigned FMs to ensure personnel do not spend more than five years in the facility manager special duty.

  12. Assignment

    Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program. This program is designed to offer Airmen the option to volunteer for certain Continental United States (CONUS) bases that have had a historically high turnover rate. The benefit for the volunteer is a stabilized tour of either four or five years depending on the location.

  13. PDF By Order of The Department of The Air Force Secretary of The Air ...

    Enlisted Assignment SWAP program, Space Force policy for Inter-service transfers who remain in-place upon transfer, changes to eligibility requirements of the Court-Ordered Child Custody Program (CCCP), option for Guardians to request to opt-in to Guardian Assignment Timelines

  14. New special-duty assignment process under way

    Published April 8, 2004. RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Enlisted assignments division officials at the Air Force Personnel Center here unveiled a new assignment process to account for many special-duty jobs now being coded as maximum tour assignments in the continental United States. The new process, starting in mid-April, is called ...

  15. Functional & Code50's advice : r/AirForce

    Example: the duty may be outside the mainstream of an Airman's primary career field and prolonged assignment is undesirable or is a CMSgt assigned to CONUS MAJCOM headquarters and staff elements are authorized three year maximum stabilized tour (assignment availability code 50). So unless your current assignment falls into the category above ...

  16. Outbound Assignments tackle Code 50

    These numbers are increasing with a new Air Force policy update: Assignment Availability Code 50. This update guarantees Airmen at Malmstrom receive a new assignment after completion of a controlled tour. Before, Airmen could remain at Malmstrom for more than a decade, according to Air Force Personnel Center. Because of Code 50, the section saw ...

  17. 13S Assignments

    In order for AFPC to maintain control of our tours and tour length, they use Assignment Availability Codes IAW AFI 36-2110. The below memorandum signed January 15, 2015 dictates that with a few exceptions 13S tour length is 36 or 48 months depending on the unit. The time doesn't start until you are combat mission ready/mission ready (CMR/MR ...

  18. Assignment Availability Codes Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Operation Bootstrap, Article 15, Control Roster and more.

  19. Question about assignment codes and retirement. : r/AirForce

    I'm assuming you PCS'd from OS to CONUS based on the 12 month ADSC. The confusing part is why you got placed on a Code 44 for 3 year stabilized tour. The AFI makes mention of the Stabilized Tour Guide listing orgs that are authorized for that code, but FSS may have more luck obtaining that guide.

  20. assignment code 50

    The new guidelines include changes to assignment availability Code 50 maximum stabilized tours, the standard time on station for certain members transferring between stateside bases and ..... updates to Assignment Availability Codes and Assignment Limitation Codes reducing the use of acronyms, limiting the scope of this publication to the ...

  21. CONUS mandatory mover question : r/AirForce

    AFI 36-2110 Table 2.1 lists all Assignment Availability Codes (AAC). I think I got code 40 wrong, but code 50 is a maximum stabilized CONUS tour, aka a 4 year controlled tour. E.g.; I am on a 4-year tour right now and will be a mandatory mover when the 4 years are done.

  22. PCS changes coming : r/AirForce

    a. tos for enlisted to include chief master sergeants will increase to 60 months for conus to conus moves. stabilized tour program. a. airmen assigned to a conus maximum stabilized tour, assignment availability code (aac) 50, will have their stabilized tours extended by 12 months from the expiration of their current aac 50.