How to Write a Comparative Analysis Dissertation: Useful Guidelines

comparative analysis phd thesis

Writing a dissertation involves more than just demonstrating your expertise in your chosen field of study. It also requires using important skills, such as analytical thinking. Without it, developing sound theories, introducing arguments, or making conclusions would be impossible. And nowhere is this ability more prominently showcased than in writing comparative analysis dissertations.

Comparative analysis is a helpful method you can use to do research. Remember writing compare-and-contrast essays at school? It’s actually very similar to conducting this type of analysis. But it also has plenty of peculiarities that make it a unique approach. Keep reading to learn more about it!

What Is a Comparative Analysis Dissertation?

Comparative analysis types.

  • Possible Difficulties
  • Elements of Comparative Analysis
  • How to Write a Comparative Analysis Dissertation

Comparative analysis boils down to studying similarities and differences between two or more things, be it theories, texts, processes, personalities, or time periods. This method is especially useful in conducting social sciences , humanities, history, and business research.

Conducting a comparative analysis helps you achieve multiple goals:

  • It allows you to find parallels and dissimilaritie s between your subjects and use them to make broader conclusions.
  • Putting two or more things against each other also helps to see them in a new light and notice the usually neglected aspects.
  • In addition to similarities and differences, conducting a comparative analysis helps to determine causality —that is, the reason why these characteristics exist in the first place.

Depending on your research methods, your comparative analysis dissertation can be of two types:

  • Qualitative comparative analysis revolves around individual examples. It uses words and concepts to describe the subjects of comparison and make conclusions from them. Essentially, it’s about studying a few examples closely to understand their specific details. This method will be especially helpful if you’re writing a comparative case study dissertation.
  • Quantitative comparative dissertations will use numbers and statistics to explain things. It helps make general statements about big sample groups. You will usually need a lot of examples to gather plenty of reliable numerical data for this kind of research.

There are no strict rules regarding these types. You can use the features of both in your comparative dissertation if you want to.

Possible Difficulties of Writing a Comparative Analysis Dissertation

As you can see, comparison is an excellent research method that can be a great help in dissertation writing . But it also has its drawbacks and challenges. It’s essential to be aware of them and do your best to overcome them:

  • Your chosen subjects of comparison may have very little in common . In that case, it might be tricky to come up with at least some similarities.
  • Sometimes, there may not be enough information about the things you want to study. This will seriously limit your choices and may affect the accuracy of your research results. To avoid it, we recommend you choose subjects you’re already familiar with.
  • Choosing a small number of cases or samples will make it much more challenging to generalize your findings . It may also cause you to overlook subtle ways in which the subjects influence each other. That’s why it’s best to choose a moderate number of items from which to draw comparisons, usually between 5 and 40.
  • It’s also essential that your dissertation looks different from a s high school compare-and-contrast essay. Instead, your work should be appropriately structured. Read on to learn how to do it!

Elements of Dissertation Comparative Analysis

Do you want your dissertation comparative analysis to be successful? Then make sure it has the following key elements:

  • Context Your comparative dissertation doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It has historical and theoretical contexts as well as previous research surrounding it. You can cover these aspects in your introduction and literature review .
  • Goals It should be clear to the reader why you want to compare two particular things. That’s why, before you start making your dissertation comparative analysis, you’ll need to explain your goal. For example, the goal of a dissertation in human science can be to describe and classify something.
  • Modes of Comparison This refers to the way you want to conduct your research. There are four modes of comparison to choose from: similarity-focused, difference-focused, genus-species relationship, and refocusing.
Such studies focus on what’s similar and pay little attention to differences.
This type of research uses the opposite approach, highlighting differences.
studies examine how various subjects (“species”) relate to a broader category (“genus”) to which they belong.
Refocusing allows you to better understand one thing by looking at it through the lens of another.
  • Scale This is the degree to which your study will be zooming on the subjects of comparison. It’s similar to looking at maps. There are maps of the entire world, of separate countries, and of smaller locations. The scale of your research refers to how detailed the map is. You will need to use similar scale maps for each subject to conduct a good comparison.
  • Scope This criterion refers to how far removed your subjects are in time and space. Depending on the scope, there are two types of comparisons:
Contextual comparison refers to studying things from the same time and place, for example, two European countries from the medieval period.
comparisons revolve around things from different time periods or places, such as ancient Greek and Chinese religions. This type isn’t necessarily about completely separate things. It just means that they’re not immediately related.
  • Research Question This is the key inquiry that guides your entire study. In a comparative analysis thesis, the research question usually addresses similarities and differences, but it can also focus on other patterns you’ll be exploring. It can belong to one of the following types, depending on the kind of analysis you want to apply:
Your research question can present your findings by describing how things are different or similar.
Alternatively, it can explain how some aspects in one group influence another group.
A question of the third type shows how two or more things are related in different contexts. Essentially, it questions whether the same relationship holds true in various cases.
A comparative explanatory question asks why relationships are different in different groups.

Want to write your research question quickly and easily? Try our thesis statement generator ! It has four modes depending on your type of writing, which helps it produce customized results.

  • Data Analysis Here, you analyze similarities, differences, and relationships you’ve identified between the subjects. Make sure to provide your argumentation and explain where your findings come from.
  • Conclusions This element addresses the research question and answers it. It can also point out the significance of similarities and differences that you’ve found.

How to Write a Comparative Analysis Dissertation

Now that you know what your comparative analysis should include, it’s time to learn how to write it! Follow the steps, and you’ll be sure to succeed:

  • Select the Subjects This is the most critical step on which your entire dissertation will depend. To choose things to compare, try to analyze several important factors, including your potential audience , the overall goal of the study, and your interests. It’s also essential to check whether the things you want to discuss are sufficiently studied. While you research possible topics, you may stumble upon untrustworthy AI-generated content. Unfortunately, it’s getting increasingly difficult to differentiate it from human-made writing. To avoid getting into this trap, consider using an AI detection tool . It provides 100% accurate results and is completely free.
  • Describe Your Chosen Items Before you can start comparing the subjects, it’s necessary to describe them in their social and historical contexts. Without taking a long, hard look at your topic’s background, it would be impossible to determine what you should pay attention to during your research. To describe your subjects properly, you will need to study plenty of sources and convey their content in your dissertation. Want to simplify this task? Check out our excellent free summarizer tool !
  • Juxtapose Now, it’s time to do the comparison by checking how similar and different your subjects are. Some may think focusing on the resemblances is more critical, while others find contrasts more exciting. Both these viewpoints are valid, but the best approach is to find the right balance depending on your study’s goal.
  • Provide Redescription Unlike previous steps, this one is optional. It involves looking at something for the second time after conducting the comparison. The point is that you might learn new things about your subjects during your study. They may even help shed light on each other (it’s called “ reciprocal illumination .”) This knowledge will likely deepen your understanding or even change it altogether. It’s a good idea to point it out in your comparative case study dissertation.
  • Consider Rectification and Theory Formation These two processes are also optional. They involve upgrading your writing and theories after conducting your research. This doesn’t mean changing the topic of you study. Instead, it refers to changing how you think about your subjects. For example, you may gain some new understanding and realize that you weren’t using the right words to properly describe your subjects. That’s when rectification comes into play. Essentially, you revise the language used in your discussion to make it more precise and appropriate. This new perspective may even inspire you to come up with a new theory about your topic! In that case, you may write about it, too. Usually, though, rectification is enough. If you decide to do it, feel free to use our paraphrasing tool to help you find the right words.
  • Edit and Proofread After you’re done writing the bulk of your text, it’s essential to check it and ensure it passes the plagiarism check. After all, even if you haven’t directly copied other people’s texts, there may still be some percentage of accidental plagiarism that can get you in trouble. To ensure that it doesn’t happen, use our free plagiarism detector .

And this is how you write a comparative analysis dissertation! We hope our tips will be helpful to you. Read our next article if you need help with a  literature review in a dissertation . Good luck with your studies!

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  • Comparative Analysis

What It Is and Why It's Useful

Comparative analysis asks writers to make an argument about the relationship between two or more texts. Beyond that, there's a lot of variation, but three overarching kinds of comparative analysis stand out:

  • Coordinate (A ↔ B): In this kind of analysis, two (or more) texts are being read against each other in terms of a shared element, e.g., a memoir and a novel, both by Jesmyn Ward; two sets of data for the same experiment; a few op-ed responses to the same event; two YA books written in Chicago in the 2000s; a film adaption of a play; etc. 
  • Subordinate (A  → B) or (B → A ): Using a theoretical text (as a "lens") to explain a case study or work of art (e.g., how Anthony Jack's The Privileged Poor can help explain divergent experiences among students at elite four-year private colleges who are coming from similar socio-economic backgrounds) or using a work of art or case study (i.e., as a "test" of) a theory's usefulness or limitations (e.g., using coverage of recent incidents of gun violence or legislation un the U.S. to confirm or question the currency of Carol Anderson's The Second ).
  • Hybrid [A  → (B ↔ C)] or [(B ↔ C) → A] , i.e., using coordinate and subordinate analysis together. For example, using Jack to compare or contrast the experiences of students at elite four-year institutions with students at state universities and/or community colleges; or looking at gun culture in other countries and/or other timeframes to contextualize or generalize Anderson's main points about the role of the Second Amendment in U.S. history.

"In the wild," these three kinds of comparative analysis represent increasingly complex—and scholarly—modes of comparison. Students can of course compare two poems in terms of imagery or two data sets in terms of methods, but in each case the analysis will eventually be richer if the students have had a chance to encounter other people's ideas about how imagery or methods work. At that point, we're getting into a hybrid kind of reading (or even into research essays), especially if we start introducing different approaches to imagery or methods that are themselves being compared along with a couple (or few) poems or data sets.

Why It's Useful

In the context of a particular course, each kind of comparative analysis has its place and can be a useful step up from single-source analysis. Intellectually, comparative analysis helps overcome the "n of 1" problem that can face single-source analysis. That is, a writer drawing broad conclusions about the influence of the Iranian New Wave based on one film is relying entirely—and almost certainly too much—on that film to support those findings. In the context of even just one more film, though, the analysis is suddenly more likely to arrive at one of the best features of any comparative approach: both films will be more richly experienced than they would have been in isolation, and the themes or questions in terms of which they're being explored (here the general question of the influence of the Iranian New Wave) will arrive at conclusions that are less at-risk of oversimplification.

For scholars working in comparative fields or through comparative approaches, these features of comparative analysis animate their work. To borrow from a stock example in Western epistemology, our concept of "green" isn't based on a single encounter with something we intuit or are told is "green." Not at all. Our concept of "green" is derived from a complex set of experiences of what others say is green or what's labeled green or what seems to be something that's neither blue nor yellow but kind of both, etc. Comparative analysis essays offer us the chance to engage with that process—even if only enough to help us see where a more in-depth exploration with a higher and/or more diverse "n" might lead—and in that sense, from the standpoint of the subject matter students are exploring through writing as well the complexity of the genre of writing they're using to explore it—comparative analysis forms a bridge of sorts between single-source analysis and research essays.

Typical learning objectives for single-sources essays: formulate analytical questions and an arguable thesis, establish stakes of an argument, summarize sources accurately, choose evidence effectively, analyze evidence effectively, define key terms, organize argument logically, acknowledge and respond to counterargument, cite sources properly, and present ideas in clear prose.

Common types of comparative analysis essays and related types: two works in the same genre, two works from the same period (but in different places or in different cultures), a work adapted into a different genre or medium, two theories treating the same topic; a theory and a case study or other object, etc.

How to Teach It: Framing + Practice

Framing multi-source writing assignments (comparative analysis, research essays, multi-modal projects) is likely to overlap a great deal with "Why It's Useful" (see above), because the range of reasons why we might use these kinds of writing in academic or non-academic settings is itself the reason why they so often appear later in courses. In many courses, they're the best vehicles for exploring the complex questions that arise once we've been introduced to the course's main themes, core content, leading protagonists, and central debates.

For comparative analysis in particular, it's helpful to frame assignment's process and how it will help students successfully navigate the challenges and pitfalls presented by the genre. Ideally, this will mean students have time to identify what each text seems to be doing, take note of apparent points of connection between different texts, and start to imagine how those points of connection (or the absence thereof)

  • complicates or upends their own expectations or assumptions about the texts
  • complicates or refutes the expectations or assumptions about the texts presented by a scholar
  • confirms and/or nuances expectations and assumptions they themselves hold or scholars have presented
  • presents entirely unforeseen ways of understanding the texts

—and all with implications for the texts themselves or for the axes along which the comparative analysis took place. If students know that this is where their ideas will be heading, they'll be ready to develop those ideas and engage with the challenges that comparative analysis presents in terms of structure (See "Tips" and "Common Pitfalls" below for more on these elements of framing).

Like single-source analyses, comparative essays have several moving parts, and giving students practice here means adapting the sample sequence laid out at the " Formative Writing Assignments " page. Three areas that have already been mentioned above are worth noting:

  • Gathering evidence : Depending on what your assignment is asking students to compare (or in terms of what), students will benefit greatly from structured opportunities to create inventories or data sets of the motifs, examples, trajectories, etc., shared (or not shared) by the texts they'll be comparing. See the sample exercises below for a basic example of what this might look like.
  • Why it Matters: Moving beyond "x is like y but also different" or even "x is more like y than we might think at first" is what moves an essay from being "compare/contrast" to being a comparative analysis . It's also a move that can be hard to make and that will often evolve over the course of an assignment. A great way to get feedback from students about where they're at on this front? Ask them to start considering early on why their argument "matters" to different kinds of imagined audiences (while they're just gathering evidence) and again as they develop their thesis and again as they're drafting their essays. ( Cover letters , for example, are a great place to ask writers to imagine how a reader might be affected by reading an their argument.)
  • Structure: Having two texts on stage at the same time can suddenly feel a lot more complicated for any writer who's used to having just one at a time. Giving students a sense of what the most common patterns (AAA / BBB, ABABAB, etc.) are likely to be can help them imagine, even if provisionally, how their argument might unfold over a series of pages. See "Tips" and "Common Pitfalls" below for more information on this front.

Sample Exercises and Links to Other Resources

  • Common Pitfalls
  • Advice on Timing
  • Try to keep students from thinking of a proposed thesis as a commitment. Instead, help them see it as more of a hypothesis that has emerged out of readings and discussion and analytical questions and that they'll now test through an experiment, namely, writing their essay. When students see writing as part of the process of inquiry—rather than just the result—and when that process is committed to acknowledging and adapting itself to evidence, it makes writing assignments more scientific, more ethical, and more authentic. 
  • Have students create an inventory of touch points between the two texts early in the process.
  • Ask students to make the case—early on and at points throughout the process—for the significance of the claim they're making about the relationship between the texts they're comparing.
  • For coordinate kinds of comparative analysis, a common pitfall is tied to thesis and evidence. Basically, it's a thesis that tells the reader that there are "similarities and differences" between two texts, without telling the reader why it matters that these two texts have or don't have these particular features in common. This kind of thesis is stuck at the level of description or positivism, and it's not uncommon when a writer is grappling with the complexity that can in fact accompany the "taking inventory" stage of comparative analysis. The solution is to make the "taking inventory" stage part of the process of the assignment. When this stage comes before students have formulated a thesis, that formulation is then able to emerge out of a comparative data set, rather than the data set emerging in terms of their thesis (which can lead to confirmation bias, or frequency illusion, or—just for the sake of streamlining the process of gathering evidence—cherry picking). 
  • For subordinate kinds of comparative analysis , a common pitfall is tied to how much weight is given to each source. Having students apply a theory (in a "lens" essay) or weigh the pros and cons of a theory against case studies (in a "test a theory") essay can be a great way to help them explore the assumptions, implications, and real-world usefulness of theoretical approaches. The pitfall of these approaches is that they can quickly lead to the same biases we saw here above. Making sure that students know they should engage with counterevidence and counterargument, and that "lens" / "test a theory" approaches often balance each other out in any real-world application of theory is a good way to get out in front of this pitfall.
  • For any kind of comparative analysis, a common pitfall is structure. Every comparative analysis asks writers to move back and forth between texts, and that can pose a number of challenges, including: what pattern the back and forth should follow and how to use transitions and other signposting to make sure readers can follow the overarching argument as the back and forth is taking place. Here's some advice from an experienced writing instructor to students about how to think about these considerations:

a quick note on STRUCTURE

     Most of us have encountered the question of whether to adopt what we might term the “A→A→A→B→B→B” structure or the “A→B→A→B→A→B” structure.  Do we make all of our points about text A before moving on to text B?  Or do we go back and forth between A and B as the essay proceeds?  As always, the answers to our questions about structure depend on our goals in the essay as a whole.  In a “similarities in spite of differences” essay, for instance, readers will need to encounter the differences between A and B before we offer them the similarities (A d →B d →A s →B s ).  If, rather than subordinating differences to similarities you are subordinating text A to text B (using A as a point of comparison that reveals B’s originality, say), you may be well served by the “A→A→A→B→B→B” structure.  

     Ultimately, you need to ask yourself how many “A→B” moves you have in you.  Is each one identical?  If so, you may wish to make the transition from A to B only once (“A→A→A→B→B→B”), because if each “A→B” move is identical, the “A→B→A→B→A→B” structure will appear to involve nothing more than directionless oscillation and repetition.  If each is increasingly complex, however—if each AB pair yields a new and progressively more complex idea about your subject—you may be well served by the “A→B→A→B→A→B” structure, because in this case it will be visible to readers as a progressively developing argument.

As we discussed in "Advice on Timing" at the page on single-source analysis, that timeline itself roughly follows the "Sample Sequence of Formative Assignments for a 'Typical' Essay" outlined under " Formative Writing Assignments, " and it spans about 5–6 steps or 2–4 weeks. 

Comparative analysis assignments have a lot of the same DNA as single-source essays, but they potentially bring more reading into play and ask students to engage in more complicated acts of analysis and synthesis during the drafting stages. With that in mind, closer to 4 weeks is probably a good baseline for many single-source analysis assignments. For sections that meet once per week, the timeline will either probably need to expand—ideally—a little past the 4-week side of things, or some of the steps will need to be combined or done asynchronously.

What It Can Build Up To

Comparative analyses can build up to other kinds of writing in a number of ways. For example:

  • They can build toward other kinds of comparative analysis, e.g., student can be asked to choose an additional source to complicate their conclusions from a previous analysis, or they can be asked to revisit an analysis using a different axis of comparison, such as race instead of class. (These approaches are akin to moving from a coordinate or subordinate analysis to more of a hybrid approach.)
  • They can scaffold up to research essays, which in many instances are an extension of a "hybrid comparative analysis."
  • Like single-source analysis, in a course where students will take a "deep dive" into a source or topic for their capstone, they can allow students to "try on" a theoretical approach or genre or time period to see if it's indeed something they want to research more fully.
  • DIY Guides for Analytical Writing Assignments

For Teaching Fellows & Teaching Assistants

  • Types of Assignments
  • Unpacking the Elements of Writing Prompts
  • Formative Writing Assignments
  • Single-Source Analysis
  • Research Essays
  • Multi-Modal or Creative Projects
  • Giving Feedback to Students

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comparative analysis phd thesis

Comparative Literature Ph.D. Dissertation Guidelines

Guide for Comparative Literature Ph.D. dissertation, defense, and electronic submission.

Overview (Ph.D.)

  • Present completed Title, Scope, and Procedure (TSP) Ph.D. form^  to the faculty advisor and Research Advisory Commitee (RAC) for approval and signatures for submission to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) before beginning the fifth year of full-time enrollment in the Graduate School. 
  • File the Intent to Graduate (ITG) for the Ph.D. 
  • Create an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD).
  • Form a Dissertation Defense Commitee and complete the Dissertation Defense Committee form.
  • Confer with the Dissertation Director about procedures for submission of chapters and revisions during the dissertation writing process.
  • Review the OGS Dissertation and Thesis Template and consult it for answers to all formatting questions.
  • Consult with Dissertation Defense Committee and schedule the oral defense, and complete the Dissertation Defense Notification form.
  • Submit complete dissertation manuscript upon approval by the Dissertation Director to the Dissertation Committee, no less than 4 weeks in advance of the scheduled defense.
  • Pass the oral defense.
  • Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates.
  • Create ProQuest Online Account.
  • Submit the dissertation to the OGS electronically via ProQuest.
  • Forward email from OGS of approval of dissertation to Coordinator along with .pdf of dissertation to order copies from Thesis on Demand.
  • Request Degree Certification (optional).
  • RSVP to Ceremony

Reserve Regalia

The Student is responsible for punctually completing and providing all of the necessary materials(^) for submission to the OGS, and for formatting the dissertation in accordance with its guidelines. 

The Dissertation Director is responsible for assisting The Student in assembling the full five member Dissertation Defense Committee for the defense, for assisting in arranging a defense date and location, as well as submitting all required signed paperwork and forms(^) to the The Coordinator for submission to the OGS via Portal(*), including the Dissertation Defense Committee  and  Examination Approval forms . 

The OGS provides a comprehensive Doctoral Dissertation Guide for all Ph.D. candidates. 

Preliminary Paperwork

  • Title, Scope, and Procedure (TSP)

Intent to Graduate (ITG)

Open researcher and contributor id (orcid), title, scope, and procedure (tsp) ph.d..

Completed by The Student, Submitted by The Coordinator

By the time of completion of the Comprehensive Exams, students should have formulated a dissertation topic and selected a Dissertation Director, as well as two additional readers. The Student submits a  Title, Scope and Procedure Ph.D. form^  (TSP) for approval; this form requires the signatures of the Dissertation Director and two additional readers (collectively known as the Research Advisory Committee or RAC), as well as the Program Director. The RAC normally consists of three tenured or tenur-track Washington University faculty members.

The TSP form includes and initial outline or model to research the dissertation topic, which must be comparative. TSP form outlines the preliminary dissertation title, a brief abstract, and methodology. 

  • "Scope" defines the dissertation limits (what is intended to be covered and not covered), and
  • "Procedure" describes the manner intended to conduct research. 

The Academic and Administrative Coordinator must receive the completed and signed TSP form to submit to the Office of Graduate Studies on behalf of the student.  The TSP form must be completed and submitted to the OGS before beginning the fifth year of full-time enrollment in the Office of Graduate Studies. The TSP may change in the course of research: contact the Academic and Administrative Coordinator with requirements for an amended form if this occurs.

Completed by The Student

The Student must file an Intent to Graduate (ITG) form for the semester in which they intend to graduate. Deadlines for filing the Intent to Graduate form for each semester are listed on the Office of Graduate Studies’s online calendar. Complete this form by logging onto  WebSTAC and clicking on “Intent to Graduate” from the menu . Take note of the diploma pick-up and mailing dates that are included in the form because the diploma will be mailed to the address entered.

If the graduation semester changes, a new form must be filed for the term the Student intends to graduate.

Ph.D. students are encouraged to establish an Open Researcher and contributor ID (ORCiD) , a free, personal digital identifier. Many scholars will want to establish their ORCiD profile and maintain it throughout their careers. For more information, visit

Dissertation Defense

The Student should work with the Dissertation Director to establish an effective and efficient calendar for submission of work, allowing time for revisions. Once the Dissertation Director has approved a chapter, the student should submit it to the other two readers.  The Student is expected to respect the suggestions for revision from all three of their readers for each chapter as they go along. This process ensures that the dissertation is sound from their different perspectives before the Student submits the completed dissertation to the larger Dissertation Committee for the "defense."

Dissertation Defense Committee

Completed by The Student and The Dissertation Director, submitted by The Coordinator to OGS

The Defense Committee consists of at least five members, who normally meet two independent criteria:

  • Four of the five must be tenured or tenure-track Washington University faculty; one of these four may be a member of the Emeritus faculty. The fifth member must have a doctoral degree and an active research program, whether at Washington University, at another university, in government, or in industry.
  • Three of the five must come from the student's degree program; at least one of the five must not.

All Dissertation Committees must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate School or by their designee, regardless of whether they meet the normal criteria. Approval requires completion of the Dissertation Defense Committee form^ . The Coordinator must receive the completed and DGS signed Dissertation Defense Committeee form to submit to OGS on behalf of The Student via Portal.

This form and Defense Committee must be approved by the Graduate School before the scheduling of the dissertation defense can occur; this MUST be completed and approved at least 3 weeks ahead of your desired defense date. 

Dissertation Defense Notification

Completed by The Student, submitted by The Coordinator to OGS

Once the Defense Committee is approved via an email from the OGS, The Coordinator can help The Student in securing a time and location for the defense. After approval of the Defense Committee and at least 15 days before the defense, The Coordinator will submit a Defense Notification* to the OGS via Portal stating the time, date, and location of the defense, as well as attach an updated CV of The Student^. The Student is required to provide the Coordinator with the Dissertation Defense Information   (date and location of defense, title of dissertation) and a copy of the Student CV in a .pdf format for submission.

Distribution of Dissertation

Once the Dissertation Director has approved the content and the style of the entire dissertation, The Student must distribute copies of the full document to all members of the Defense Committee, including external readers, in preparation for the oral defense. The Student should allow a minimum of three (3) weeks for the Defense Committee members to read the thesis. The Student is responsible for giving copies of the dissertation to the Defense Committee. According to the OGS, the Defense Committee members may request rescheduling of the defense if the dissertation is not made available at least 1 week in advance.

While certain critiques and suggestions from the larger Defense Committee during the defense are to be expected, indeed encouraged, The Dissertation Director, by signaling approval of The Student's submission of the dissertation to the Defense Committee, is indicating the support of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) members, i.e., that they stand by the work and are prepared to support its content and form at the defense.

OGS provides a Dissertation and Thesis Template for all Ph.D. candidates.

Defense of Dissertation

Completed by The Student and The Defense Committee, 

From Graduate School Information on Defense of the Dissertation :

"Attendance by a minimum of four members of the Dissertation Defense Committee, including the committee chair and an outside member, is required for the defense to take place. This provision is designed to permit your defense to proceed in case of a situation that unexpectedly prevents one of the five members from attending. Do not plan in advance to have only four members in attendance; if one of those four cannot attend, your defense must be rescheduled. Note that the absence of all outside members or of the committee chair would necessitate rescheduling the defense.

"Members of the Dissertation Defense Committee normally attend in person, but one of the five (or, in case of an emergency, one of the four) members may attend virtually instead.

“Faculty and graduate students who are interested in the subject of the dissertation are normally welcome to attend all or part of the defense but may ask questions only at the discretion of the committee members. Though there is some variation among degree programs, the defense ordinarily focuses on the dissertation itself and its relation to the student’s field of expertise.”

Examination Approval Form

Signed by The Defense Committee, delivered to The Coordinator by The Dissertation Director, submitted by The Coordinator to OGS

The Dissertation Director is responsible for gathering signatures of the committee on the Examination Approval Form ^*. The Coordinator will then submit it on behalf of The Student via Portal.

Preparing for Electronic Submission

Visit the OGS calendar for the Dissertation/Thesis Final Submission deadline. The following items must be completed by this deadline or Graduation and degree dates will need to be delayed. It is encouraged to submit the dissertation before the deadline in the event fomatting changes are needed.

Consult the Comparative Literature subject librarian regarding copyright permissions for any copyrighted work included in the dissertation. 

Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)

Students are encouraged to complete their Survey of Earned Doctorates  prior to the dissertation deadline. Do this as soon as possible so that OGS has a record of its arrival in time for graduation requirements to be met. OGS will be notified automatically once the survey is complete. 

The electronic submission of the dissertation will not be processed or approved until this email arrives to OGS. 

Creating ProQuest Online Account

After successful defense of the dissertation and completion of any committee requested changes, OGS requires that The Student create an online account at ProQuest ( ) to submit the final approved text. ProQuest is this country’s most widely used commercial archiving service for dissertations and theses.

Electronic Submission of Dissertation

Visit the OGS calendar for the Dissertation/Thesis Final Submission deadline. The following items must be completed by this deadline or Graduation and degree dates will need to be delayed. It is encouraged to submit the dissertation before the deadlin in the event fomatting changes are needed.

Checklist for Electronic Submission

The Student must have completed all items below before the electronic submission of the dissertation to ProQuest.


Filed Intent to Graduate for the semester planned to complete degree?
  Does the title page indicate the correct administrative unit?
  Is the committee alphabetized by last name, after chair/co-chair?
  Is The Title in Upper and Lower Case, as in This Quest?
  Does the title page indicate the month and year in which the degree is being conferred?
  If including an abstract page, does it use the required heading found in the Dissertation & Thesis Template?
  Is the front matter numbered correctly, starting with ii?
  Does the page numbering on the Table of Contents correspond to the correct page location?
  Does the Table of Contents include a bibliography/references/works cited?
  Completed the Survey of Earned Doctorates?
  Completed the Post-Graduation Job Survey?
  Has the OGS received the Examination Approval Form?
  Any requisite copyright permission letters?

The OGS is notified when you submit your dissertation to ProQuest. When reviewing submission, they ensure that the Examination Approval Form and Survey of Earned Doctorates have been completed and check the submitted PDF to ensure that all formatting requirements have been followed. The amount of time needed to review the manuscript, and the number and nature of any changes that may be required to make, are generally determined by how carefully the work has been prepared. Do not wait until the deadline day to submit the dissertation! Work must be formatted correctly and approved by the OGS in order for graduation. Once the OGS review is complete, they will send you an email through ProQuest saying one of the following:

  • Submission has no revisions and is being accepted.
  • Submission has no revisions, but there is missing required paperwork.
  • Submission has a few revisions that must be made before accepting.

Ordering Bound Copies and Degree Certification

After the dissertation has been approved by the OGS, The Student should forward The Coordinator the OGS dissertation approval email for ordering of bound copies from Thesis On Demand.

The Student may need to present proof of completion of degree to a prospective employer before receiving a diploma. In that case, only after notification that submission has been approved, The Student may request a Degree Certification on the Graduate School website , on the Forms page.

Commencement and Hooding

Once the dissertation has been approved, The Student should contact The Dissertation Director for confirmation of the Hooding Ceremony for Commencement. Traditionally, The Dissertation Director will be present to present The Student with the Ph.D. hood during the Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony. 

Reservation to Ceremony

Registration for the Commencement ceremony is required and is separate from the ITG and ordering of regalia. Please register by the deadline online via the Wash U Commencement site .

Please note that the deadline and process for ordering regalia will be announced on the Wash U Commencement regalia  site and is taken care of by the Wash U Bookstore and NOT the Comparative Literature program. 

Questions from students may be addressed to the current Comparative Literature Academic and Administrative Coordinator  (aka Graduate Program Assistant, or GPA) or the Comparative Literature program at:  [email protected] .

Department of Comparative Literature

You are here, recent dissertations in comparative literature.

Dissertations in Comparative Literature have taken on vast number of topics and ranged across various languages, literatures, historical periods and theoretical perspectives. The department seeks to help each student craft a unique project and find the resources across the university to support and enrich her chosen field of study. The excellence of student dissertations has been recognized by several prizes, both within Yale and by the American Comparative Literature Association.

2012 – Present

Student Name Dissertation Title Year Advisors
Beretta, Francesca The Motionscape of Greek Tragedy: Greek Drama Through the Prism of Movement 2024

Marta Figlerowicz

Pauline LeVen

Lahiri, Ray The Violence of the Form: Violence and the Political in Greek and Latin Historical Narrative 2024

Moira Fradinger

Christina Kraus

Lee-Lenfield, Spencer This Beauty Born of Parting: Literary Translation Between Korean and English via the Korean Diaspora, 1920–Present 2024 Marta Figlerowicz
Pabon, Maru Agitated Layers of Air: Third-Worldism and the “Voice of the People” Across Palestine, Cuba and Algeria 2024 Robyn Creswell

Stern, Lindsay

Personhood: Literary Visions of a Legal Fiction


Jesus Velasco

Rudiger Campe

Todorovic, Nebojsa Tragedies of Disintegration: Balkanizing Greco-Roman Antiquity 2023

Emily Greenwood Milne

Moira Fradinger

Abazon, Lital Speaking Sovereignty: The Plight of Multilingual Literature in Independent Israel, Morocco, and Algeria 2023

Hannan Hever

Jill Jarvis

Huang, Honglan Reading as Performance: Theatrical Books From Tristram Shandy to Artists’ Books for Children 2023 Katie Trumpener
Peng, Hsin-Yuan Cinematic Meteorology: Aesthetics and Epistemology of Weather Images 2023

Aaron Gerow

John Peters

Sidorenko, Ksenia Modernity’s Others: Marginality, Mass Culture, and the Early Comic Strip in the US 2023

Katie Trumpener

Marta Figlerowicz

Hamilton, Ted Imagining a Crisis: Human-Environmental Relations in North and South American Law and Literature 2022

Michael Warner

Moira Fradinger

Lee, Xavier Nonhistory: Slavery and the Black Historical Imagination 2022 Marta Figlerowicz
Suther, Jensen Spirit Disfigured: The Persistence of Freedom in the Modernist Novel 2022 Martin Hagglund
Baena, Victoria The Novel’s Lost Illusions: Time, Knowledge, and Narrative in the Provinces, 1800-1933 2021

Katie Trumpener

Maurice Samuels

Brunazzo, Alessandro Conjuring People: Pasolini’s Specters and the Global South 2021

Millicent Marcus

Dudley Andrew

Gubbins, Vanessa The Poem and Social Form: Making a People Out of a Poem in Peru and Germany 2021

Moira Fradinger

Paul North

Hirschfeld-Kroen, Leana Rise of the Modern Mediatrix: The Feminization of Media and Mediating Labor, 1865-1945 2021

Katie Trumpener

Charles Musser

Velez Valencia, Camila Craft and Storytelling: Romance and Reality in Joseph Conrad and Gabriel García Márquez 2021

Moira Fradinger

David Bromwich

Sheidaee, Iraj In Between Dār Al-Islām and the ‘Lands of the Christians’: Three Christian Arabic Travel Narratives From the Early Modern/Ottoman Period (Mid-17th-Early18th Centuries)  2021 Creswell, Robyn
Tolstoy, Andrey Where Do We Go When We Go Off-the-Grid? 2021

Francesco Casetti

Charles Musser

Fox, Catherine Christophe’s Ghost: The Making and Unmaking of Tragedy in Post-Revolutionary Haiti 2020

Marta Figlerowicz

Emily Greenwood

Piňos, Václav Haeckel’s Feral Embryo: Animality and Personal Formation in Western Origin Myths from Milton to Golding 2020

Rüdiger Campe

Marta Figlerowicz

Yovel, Noemi Confession and the German and American Novel: Intimate Talk, Violence and Last Confession 2019

Rüdiger Campe

Katie Trumpener

Mathew, Shaj

Wandering Comparisons: Global Genealogies of Flânerie and Modernity 2019

Marta Figlerowicz

Amy Hungerford

Tartici, Ayten

Adagios of Form 2019

Amy Hungerford

Carol Jacobs

Ruth Yeazell

Kivrak, Pelin Imperfect Cosmopolitans: Representations of Responsibility and Hospitality in Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures, Film, and Art 2019

Katerina Clark

Martin Hägglund

Shpolberg, Masha Labor in Late Socialism: the Cinema of Polish Workers’ Unrest 1968-1981 2019

Katie Trumpener

Charles Musser

Powers, Julia Brazil’s Mystical Realists: Hilda Hilst, João Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector in the 1960s 2018

David Quint

K. David Jackson

Eklund, Craig The Imagination in Proust, Joyce, and Beckett 2018 Martin Hägglund
Forsberg, Soren An Alien Point of View: Singular Experience and Literary Form 2018 Amy Hungerford;     Katie Trumpener
Weigel, Moira Animals, Media, and Modernity: Prehistories of the Posthuman 2017

Dudley Andrew;

Katie Trumpener

Carper, David Imagines historiarum: Renaissance Epic and the Development of Historical Thought  2017 David Quint
Fairfax, Daniel Politics, Aesthetics, Ontology: The Theoretical Legacy of Cahiers du cinema (1968-1973)  2017 Dudley Andrew
Li, Yukai Being late and being mistaken in the Homeric tradition 2017 Egbert Bakker;
Moira Fradinger
Nalencz, Leonard The Lives of Astyanax: Romance and Recovery in Ariosto, Spenser, and Milton 2017 David Quint
Chreiteh, Alexandra Fantastice Cohabitations: Magical Realism in Arabic and Hebrew and the Politics of Aesthetics 2016 Robyn Creswell
Harper, Elizabeth The Lost Children of Tragedy from Euripides to Racine 2016 David Quint
Piazza, Sarah Performing the Novel and Reading the Romantic Song: Popular Music and Metafiction in Tres tristes tigres, Sirena Selena vestida de pena, La importancia de llamarse Daniel Santos, Le cahier de romances, and Cien botellas en una pared  2016 David Quint;
Anibal González Pérez
Sinsky, Carolyn The Muse of Influence: Reading Russian Fiction in Britain, 1793 -1941  2016 Katie Trumpener
Sperling, Joshua Realism, Modernism and Commitment in the Work of John Berger: 1952-76  2016 Dudley Andrew
Younger, Neil D’apres le Roman: Cross-Channel Theatrical Adaptations from Richardson to Scott  2016 Thomas Kavanaugh;
Katie Trumpener
Bardi, Ariel Cleansing, Constructing, and Curating the State: India/Pakistan ‘47 and Israel/Palestine ‘48 2015 Hannan Hever
Kelbert, Eugenia Acquiring a Second Language Literature: Patterns in Translingual Writing from Modernism to the Moderns 2015

Vladimir Alexandrov;

Haun Saussy

Pfeifer, Annie To the Collector Belong the Spoils: The Transformation of Modernist Practices of Collecting 2015 Rüdiger Campe;Katie Trumpener
Roszak, Suzanne Triangular Diaspora and Social Resistance in the New American Literature 2015 Wai Chee Dimock;
Katie Trumpener
Dahlberg, Leif “Spacing Law and Politics: The constitution and representation of judicial places and juridicial spaces in law, literature and political philosophy in the works from Greek antiquity to the present” 2014 Carol Jacobs;
Haun Saussy
Weisberg, Margaret “Inventing the Desert and the Jungle: Creating identity through landscape in African and European culture” 2014 Christopher Miller;
Katie Trumpener
Wiedenfeld, Grant “Elastic Esthetics: A Comparative Media Approach to Modernist Literature and Cinema” 2014 Haun Saussy;
Francesco Casetti
Avrekh, Mikhail “Romantic Geographic and the (Re)invention of the Provinces in the Realist Novel” 2013

Katerina Clark

Maurice Samuels

Klemann, Heather “Developing Fictions: Childhood, Children’s Books, and the Novel” 2013 Jill Campbell;
Katie Trumpener
Mcmanus, Ann-Marie “Unfinished Awakenings: Afterlives of the Nahda and Postcolonialism in Arabic Literature 1894–2008” 2013 Haun Saussy;
Edwige Talbayev
Wolff, Spencer “The Darker Sides of Dignity: Freedom of Speech in the Wake of Authoritarian Collapse” 2013 Haun Saussy
Bloch, Elina “ ‘Unconfessed Confessions’: Strategies of (Not) Telling in Nineteenth-Century Narratives” 2012 Margaret Homans;
Katie Trumpener
Devecka, Martin “Athens, Rome, Tenochtitlan: A Historical Sociology of Ruins” 2012 Emily Greenwood
Gal, Noam “Fictional Inhumanities: Wartime Animals and Personification” 2012 Carol Jacobs;
Katie Trumpener
Jackson, Jeanne-Marie “Close to Home: Forms of Isolation in the Postcolonial Province” 2012 Katerina Clark;
Justin Neuman
Odnopozova, Dina “Russian-Argentine Literary Exchanges” 2012 Katerina Clark;
Moira Fradinger
Stevic, Aleksandar “Falling Short: Failure, Passivity, and the Crisis of Self-Fashioning in the European Novel, 1830–1927” 2012 Katie Trumpener;
Maurice Samuels
Student Name Dissertation Title Year Advisors
Cramer, Michael “Blackboard Cinema: Learning from the Pedagogical Art Film” 2011 Dudley Andrew;
John MacKay
Djagalov, Rossen “The People’s Republic of Letters: Twoards a Media History of Twentieth-Century Socialist Internationalism” 2011 Katerina Clark;
Michael Denning
Esposito, Stefan “The Pathological Revolution: Romanticism and Metaphors of Disease” 2011 Paul Fry;
Carol Jacobs
Feldman, Daniel “Unrepeatable: Fiction After Atrocity” 2011

Katie Trumpener

Benjamin Harshav

Jeong, Seung-hoon “Cinematic Interfaces: Retheorizing Apparatus, Image, Subjectivity” 2011 Thomas Elsaesser;
Dudley Andrew
Lienau, Annette “Comparative Literature in the Spirit of Bandung: Script Change, Language Choice, and Ideology in African and Asian Literatures (Senegal & Indonesia)” 2011 Christopher Miller
Coker, William “Romantic Exteriority: The Construction of Literature in Rousseau, Jean Paul, and P.B. Shelley” 2010 Cyrus Hamlin;
Paul Fry
Fan, Victor “Football Meets Opium: A Topological Study of Political Violence, Sovereignty, and Cinema Archaeology Between ‘England’ and ‘China’ ” 2010 Haun Saussy;
Dudley Andrew
Johnson, Rebecca “A History of the Novel in Translation: Cosmopolitan Tales in English and Arabic, 1729–1859” 2010 Katie Trumpener
Parfitt, Alexandra “Immoral Lessons: Education and Novel in Nineteenth-Century France” 2010 Peter Brooks;
Maurice Samuels
Xie, Wei “Female Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera and Cinema” 2010 Dudley Andrew
Flynn, Catherine “Street Things: Transformations of Experience in the Modern City” 2009 Carol Jacobs;
Katie Trumpener
Lovejoy, Alice “The Army and the Avant-Garde: Art Cinema in the Czechoslovak Military, 1951–1971” 2009 Katie Trumpener
Rhoads, Bonita “Frontiers of Privacy: The Domestic Enterprise of Modern Fiction” 2009 Peter Brooks
Rubini, Rocco “Renaissance Humanism and Postmodernity: A Rhetorical History” 2009 David Quint;
Giuseppe Mazzotta
Chaudhuri, Pramit “Themoacy: Ethical Criticism and the Struggle for Authority in Epic and Tragedy” 2008 Susanna Braund;
David Quint
Lisi, Leonardo “Aesthetics of Dependency: Early Modernism and the Struggle against Idealism in Kierkegaard Ibsen, and Henry James” 2008 Paul Fry;
Pericles Lewis
Weiner, Allison “Refusals of Mastery: Ethical Encounters in Henry James and Maurice Blanchot” 2008 Wai Chee Dimock;
Carol Jacobs
Hafiz, Hiba “The Novel and the Ancien Régime: Britain, France, and the Rise of the Novel in the Seventeenth Century” 2007 Peter Brooks;
Katie Trumpener
Illibruck, Helmut “Figurations of Nostalgia: From the Pre-Enlightenment to Romanticism and Beyond” 2007 Paul Fry
Kern, Anne Marie “The Sacred Made Material: Instances of Game and Play in Interwar Europe” 2007 Dudley Andrew
Boes, Tobias “The Syncopated Self: Crises of Historical Experience in the Modernist ” 2006 Carol Jacobs;
Pericles Lewis
Boyer, Patricio “Empire and American Visions of the Humane” 2006 Rolena Adorno;
Roberto Gonález Echevarría
Chang, Eugene “Disaster and Hope: A Study of Walter Benjamin and Maurice Blanchot” 2006 Shoshana Felman
Mannheimer, Katherine “ ‘The Scope in Ev’ry Page’: Eighteenth-Century Satire as a Mode of Vision” 2006 Jill Campbell;
Katie Trumpener
Solovieva, Olga “A Discourse Apart: The Body of Christ and the Practice of Cultural Subversion” 2006 Haun Saussy
van den Berg, Christopher “The Social Aesthetics of Tacitus’ ” 2006 Susanna Braund;
David Quint
Anderson, Jerome B. “New World Romance and Authorship” 2005 Vera Kutzinski;
Roberto Gonález Echevarría
Enjuto Rangel, Cecilia “Cities in Ruins in Modern Poetry” 2005 Roberto Gonález Echevarría
Kliger, Ilya “Truth, Time and the Novel: Verdiction in Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Balzac” 2005 Peter Brooks;
Michael Holquist
Kolb, Martina “Journeys of Desire: Liguria as Literary Landscape in Eugenio Montale, Ezra Pound, and Gottfried Benn” 2005 Harold Bloom;
Peter Brooks
Matz, Aaron “Satire in the Age of Realism, 1860–1910” 2005 Peter Brooks;
Ruth Bernard Yeazell
Student Name Dissertation Title Year Advisors
Barrenechea, Antonio “Telluric Monstrosity in the Americas: The Encyclopedic Taxonomies of Fuentes, Melville, and Pynchon” 2004 Roberto Gonález Echevarría;
Vera Kutzinski
Buchenau, Stefanie “The Art of Invention and the Invention of Art. Logic, Rhetoric, and Aesthetics in the Early German Enlightenment” 2004 A. Wood;
G. Raulet
Friedman, Daniel “Pedagogies of Resistance” 2004 Shoshana Felman
Raff, Sarah “Erotics of Instruction: Jane Austen and the Generalizing Novel” 2004 Peter Brooks
Steiner, Lina “The Poetics of Maturity: Autonomy and Aesthetic Education in Byron, Pushkin, and Stendhal” 2004 Peter Brooks;
Michael Holquist
Chesney, Duncan “Signs of Aristocracy in : Proust and the Salon from Mme de Remouillet to Mme de Guermantes” 2003 Peter Brooks;
Pericles Lewis
Farbman, Herschel “Dreaming, Writing, and Restlessness in Freud, Blanchot, Beckett, and Joyce” 2003 Paul Fry
Fradinger, Moira “Radical Evil: Literary Visions of Political Origins in Sophocles, Sade and Vargas Llosa” 2003 Roberto Gonález Echevarría;
Shoshana Felman
Gsoels-Lorensen, Jutta “Epitaphic Remembrance: Representing a Catastrophic Past in Second Generation Texts” 2003 Vilashini Cooppan;
Benjamin Harshav
Horsman, Yasco “Theatres of Justice: Judging, Staging, and Working Through in Arendt, Brecht and Delbo” 2003 Shoshana Felman
Katsaros, Laure “A Kaleidoscope in the Midst of the Crowds: Poetry and the City in Walt Whitman’s and Charles Baudelaire’s ” 2003 Shoshana Felman
Reichman, Ravit “Taking Care: Injury and Responsibility in Literature and Law” 2003 Peter Brooks;
Shoshana Felman
Sun, Emily “Literature and Impersonality: Keats, Flaubert, and the Crisis of the Author” 2003 Shoshana Felman;
Paul Fry
Katsaros, George “Tragedy, Catharsis, and Reason: An Essay on the Idea of the Tragic” 2002 Shoshana Felman
Mirabile, Michael “From Inscription to Performance: The Rhetoric of Self-Enclosure in the Modern Novel” 2002 Peter Brooks
Alphandary, Idit “The Subject of Autonomy and Fellowship in: Guy de Maupassant, D.W. Winnicott and Joseph Conrad” 2001 Peter Brooks
Bateman, Chimène “Addresses of Desire: Literary Innivation and the Female Destinataire in Medieval and Renaissance Literature” 2001 Edwin Duval
David Quint
Butler, Henry E. “Writing and Vampires in the Works of Lautréamont, Bram Stoker, Daniel Paul Schreber, and Fritz Lang” 2001 Michael Holquist;
David Quint
Duerfahrd, Lance “The Work of Poverty: the Minimum in Samuel Beckett and Alain Resnais” 2001 Shoshana Felman;
Susan Blood
Hunt, Philippe “Spectres du réel: Déliminations du Réalism Magique” 2001 Paolo Valesio
Liu, Haoming “Transformation of Childhood Experience: Rainer Maria Rilke and Fei Ming” 2001 Cyrus Hamlin
Peretz, Eyal “Literature and the Enigma of Power: A Reading of Moby-Dick” 2001 Shoshana Felman
Pickford, Henry “The Sense of Semblance: Modern German and Russian Literature after Adorno” 2001 Karsten Harries;
Winfried Menninghaus;
William M. Todd III
von Zastrow, Claus “The Ground of Our Beseeching: The Guiding Sense of Place in German and English Elegiac Poetry” 2001 Paul Fry;
Cyrus Hamlin;
Winfried Menninghaus
Wilson, Emily “Why Do I Overlive? Greek, Latin and English Tragic Survival” 2001 Victor Bers;
David Quint
Lintz, Edward M. “A Curie for Poetry? Nuclear Disintegration and Gertrude Stein’s Modernist Reception” 2000 Michael Holquist;
Tyrus Miller
Anderson, Matthew D. “Modernity and the Example of Poetry: Readings in Baudelaire, Verlaine and Ashbery” 1999 Geoffrey Hartman
Bernstein, Jonathan “Parataxis in Heraclitus, Höderlin, Mayakovsky” 1999 Benjamin Harshav;
Winfried Menninghaus
Pollard, Tanya L. “Dangerous Remedies: Poison and Theatre in the English Renaissance” 1999 David Quint
Freeland, Natalka “Trash fiction: The Victorian Novel and the Rise of Disposable Culture” 1998 Peter Brooks;
Ruth Bernard Yeazell
Hood, Carra “Reading the News: Activism, Authority, Audience” 1998 Hazel Carby
MacKay, John “Placing the Lyric: An Essay on Poetry and Community 1998 Geoffrey Hartman; Tomas Venclova
Schuller, Mortiz “ ‘Watching the Self’: The Mirror of Self-Knowledge in Ancient Literature” 1998 Heinrich von Staden;
Gordon Williams
Stark, Jared “Beyond Words: Suicide and Modern Narrative” 1998 Cathy Caruth;
Geoffrey Hartman

comparative analysis phd thesis

Recent PhD Dissertations

Postdramatic African Theater and Critique of Representation Oluwakanyinsola Ajayi

Troubling Diaspora: Literature Across the Arabic Atlantic Phoebe Carter

The Contrafacta of Thomas Watson and Simon Goulart: Resignifying the Polyphonic Song in 16th-century England and France Joseph Gauvreau

Of Unsound Mind: Madness and Mental Health in Asian American Literature Carrie Geng

Cultural Capitals: Postwar Yiddish between Warsaw and Buenos Aires Rachelle Grossman

Blindness, Deafness, and Cripping the Grounds of Comparison in Comparative Literature Kathleen Ong

Counter-Republics of Letters: Politics, Publishing, and the Global Novel Elisa Sotgiu

Red Feminism: The Politics and Poetics of Liberation Botagoz Ussen Correlative Object Ontology: Pragmatism and Objects of Literary Interpretation Mehmet Yildiz

‘Through the Looking Glass’: The Narrative Performance of Anarkali Aisha Dad

Indeterminate “Greekness”: A Diasporic and Transnational Poetics Ilana Freedman

Imagined Mothers: The Construction of Italy, Ancient Greece, and Anglo-American Hegemony Francesca Bellei

The Untimely Avant-Garde: Literature, Politics, and Transculturation in the Sinosphere (1909-2020) Fangdai Chen

Recovering the Language of Lament: Modernism, Catastrophe, and Exile Sarah Corrigan

Beyond Diaspora:The Off Home in Jewish Literature from Latin America and Israel Lana Jaffe Neufeld

Artificial Humanities: A Literary Perspective on Creating and Enhancing Humans from Pygmalion to Cyborgs Nina Begus

Music and Exile in Twentieth-Century German, Italian, and Polish Literature Cecily Cai

We Speak Violence: How Narrative Denies the Everyday Rachael Duarte Riascos

Anticlimax: The Multilingual Novel at the Turn of the 21st Century Matylda Figlerowicz

Forgetting to Remember: An Approach to Proust’s Recherche Lara Roizen

The Event of Literature:An Interval in a World of Violence Petra Taylor

The English Baroque:The Logic of Excess in Early Modern Literature Hudson Vincent

Porte Planète; Ville Canale –parisian knobs /visually/ turned to \textual\ currents Emma Zofia Zachurski

‘…not a poet but a poem’: A Lacanian study of the subject of the poem Marina Connelly The Tune That Can No Longer Be Recognized: Late Medieval Chinese Poetry and Its Affective Others Jasmine Hu The Invention of the Art Film: Authorship and French Cultural Policy Joseph Pomp Apocalypticism in the Arabic Novel William Tamplin The Sound of Prose: Rhythm, Translation, Orality Thomas Wisniewski

The New Austerity in Syrian Poetry Daniel Behar

Mourning the Living: Africa and the Elegy on Screen Molly Klaisner

Art Beyond the Norms: Art of the Insane, Art Brut, and the Avant-Garde from Prinzhorn to Dubuffet (1922-1949) Raphael Koenig

Words, Images and the Self: Iconoclasm in Late Medieval English Literature Yun Ni

Europe and the Cultural Politics of Mediterranean Migrations Argyro Nicolaou

Voice of Power, Voice of Terror: Lyric, Violence, and the Greek Revolution Simos Zenios

Every Step a New Movement: Anarchism in the Stalin-Era Literature of the Absurd and its Post-Soviet Adaptations Ania Aizman

Kino-Eye, Kino-Bayonet: Avant-Garde Documentary in Japan, France, and the USSR Julia Alekseyeva

Ambient Meaning: Mood, Vibe, System Peli Grietzer

Year of the Titan: Percy Bysshe Shelley and Ancient Poetry Benjamin Sudarsky

Metropolitan Morning: Loss, Affect, and Metaphysics in Buenos Aires, 1920-1940 Juan Torbidoni

Sophisticated Players: Adults Writing as Children in the Stalin Era and Beyond Luisa Zaitseva

Collecting as Cultural Technique: Materialistic Interventions into History in 20th Century China Guangchen Chen

Pathways of Transculturation: Chinese Cultural Encounters with Russia and Japan (1880-1930) Xiaolu Ma

Beyond the Formal Law: Making Cases in Roman Controversiae and Tang Literary Judgments Tony Qian

Alternative Diplomacies: Writing in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai, Istanbul, and Beyond? Alice Xiang

The Literary Territorialization of Manchuria: Rethinking National and Transnational Literature in East Asia from the Frontier Miya Qiong Xie World Literature and the Chinese Compass, 1942-2012 Yanping Zhang

Anatomy of ‘Decadence’ Henry Bowles

Medicine As Storytelling: Emplotment Strategies in Doctor-Patient Encounters and Beyond (1870-1830) Elena Fratto

Platonic Footnotes: Figures of Asymmetry in Ancient Greek Thought Katie Deutsch

Children’s Literature Grows Up Christina Phillips Mattson

Humor as Epiphanic Awareness and Attempted Self-Transcendence Curtis Shonkwiler

Ethnicity, Ethnogenesis and Ancestry in the Early Iron Age Aegean as Background to and through the Lens of the Iliad Guy Smoot

The Modern Stage of Capitalism: The Drama of Markets and Money (1870-1930) Alisa Sniderman

Repenting Roguery: Penance in the Spanish Picaresque Novel and the Arabic and Hebrew Maqāma Emmanuel Ramírez Nieves

The “Poetics of Diagram” John Kim

Dreaming Empire: European Writers in the Fascist Era Robert Kohen

The Poetics of Love in Prosimetra across the Medieval Mediterranean Isabelle Levy

Renaissance Error: Digression from Ariosto to Milton Luke Taylor

The New Voyager: Theory and Practice of South Asian Literary Modernisms Rita Banerjee

Be an Outlaw, Be a Hero: Cinematic Figures of Urban Banditry and Transgression in Brazil, France, and the Maghreb Maryam Monalisa Gharavi

Bāgh-e Bi-Bargi: Aspects of Time and Presence in the Poetry of Mehdi Akhavān Sāles Marie Huber

Freund-schaft: Capturing Aura in an Unframed Literary Exchange Clara Masnatta

Class, Gender and Indigeneity as Counter-discourses in the African Novel: Achebe, Ngugi, Emecheta, Sow Fall and Ali Fatin Abbas

The Empire of Chance: War, Literature, and the Epistemic Order of Modernity Anders Engberg-Pedersen

Poetics of the unfinished: illuminating Paul Celan’s “Eingedunkelt” Thomas Connolly

Towards a Media History of Writing in Ancient Italy Stephanie Frampton Character Before the Novel: Representing Moral Identity in the Age of Shakespeare Jamey Graham

Transforming Trauma: Memory and Slavery in Black Atlantic Literature since 1830 Raquel Kennon

Renaissance Romance: Rewarding the Boundaries of Fiction Christine S. Lee

Psychomotor Aesthetics: Conceptions of Gesture and Affect in Russian and American Modernity, 1910s-1920s Ana Olenina

Melancholy, Ambivalence, Exhaustion: Responses to National Trauma in the Literature and Film of France and China Erin Schlumpf

The Poetics of Human-Computer Interaction Dennis Tenen

Novelizing the Muslim Wars of Conquest: The Christian Pioneers of the Arabic Historical Novel Luke Leafgren

Secret Lives of the City: Reimagining the Urban Margins in 20th-Century Literature and Theory, from Surrealism to Iain Sinclair Jennifer Hui Bon Hoa

Archaic Greek Memory and Its Role in Homer Anita Nikkanen

Deception Narratives and the (Dis)Pleasure of Being Cheated: The Cases of Gogol, Nabokov, Mamet, and Flannery O’Connor Svetlana Rukhelman

Aesthetic Constructs and the Work of Play in 20th Century Latin American and Russian Literature Natalya Sukhonos

Stone, Steel, Glass: Constructions of Time in European Modernity Christina Svendsen

See here for a full list of dissertations since 1904 .

comparative analysis phd thesis

Founded as a graduate program in 1904 and joining with the undergraduate Literature Concentration in 2007, Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature operates at the crossroads of multilingualism, literary study, and media history.

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Comparative Literature

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Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature is one of the most dynamic and diverse in the country. Its impressive faculty has included such scholars as Harry Levine, Claudio Guillén, and Barbara Johnson. You will study literatures from a wide range of historical periods and cultures while learning to conduct cutting-edge research through an exhilarating scope of methods and approaches.

Your dissertation research is well supported by Harvard’s unparalleled library system, the largest university collection in the world, comprising 70 libraries with combined holdings of over 16 million items.

Recent student dissertations include “Imagined Mothers: The Construction of Italy, Ancient Greece, and Anglo-American Hegemony,” “The Untimely Avant-Garde: Literature, Politics and Transculturation in the Sinosphere (1909-2020),” and “Artificial Humanities: A Literary Perspective on Creating and Enhancing Humans from Pygmalion to Cyborgs.”

In addition to securing faculty positions at academic institutions such as Princeton University, Emory University, and Tufts University, graduates have gone on to careers in contiguous fields including the visual arts, music, anthropology, philosophy, and medicine.  Others have chosen alternative careers in film production, administration, journalism, and law.

 Additional information on the graduate program is available from the Department of Comparative Literature and requirements for the degree are detailed in Policies .

Admissions Requirements

Please review the admissions requirements and other information before applying. You can find degree program-specific admissions requirements below and access additional guidance on applying from the Department of Comparative Literature .

Writing Sample

The writing sample is supposed to demonstrate your ability to engage in literary criticism and/or theory. It can be a paper written for a course or a section of a senior thesis or essay. It is usually between 10 and 20 pages. Do not send longer papers with instructions to read an excerpt; you should edit the sample so that it is not more than 20 pages. Writing samples should be in English, although candidates are permitted to submit an additional writing sample written in a different language.

Statement of Purpose

The statement of purpose should give the admissions committee a clear sense of your individual interests and strengths. Applicants are not required to indicate a precise field of specialization, but it is helpful to tell us about your aspirations and how the Department of Comparative Literature might help in attaining these goals. The statement of purpose should be one to four pages in length.

Personal Statement

Standardized tests.

GRE General: Optional GRE Subject: Optional

Theses and Dissertations

Theses & Dissertations for Comparative Literature

See list of Comparative Literature faculty


Questions about the program.

ELT Theses and Dissertations

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  • ELT Theses & Dissertations
  • ELIT Theses & Dissertations
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  elt theses and dissertations.

Aysan Şahintaş, Zeynep Habits of Minds and Hearts in Neoliberal Academia: A Qualitative Inquiry into English Language Teacher Educators’ Professional and Political Roles and Professional Identity Betil Eröz-Tuğa 2023 PhD
Mısır, Hulya Vlog as a Multimodal Translanguaging Space: Insights From A Turkish Social Media Influencer Corpus (SMIC) Hale Işık Güler 2023 PhD
Efeoğlu-Özcan, Esranur The Corpus of Turkish Youth Language (COTY): The compilation and interactional dynamics of a spoken corpus Hale Işık Güler 2022 PhD
Karabacak, Galip A Metapragmatic Account of Madilik, Madikoli and Gullüm in Turkish Queer Communication Hale Işık Güler 2022 MA
Eroğlu, Leyla Exploring the Family Language Policy of the Kurdish Families  Betil Eröz-Tuğa 2022 MA
Çiftçi, Emrullah Yasin Neoliberal common sense and short-term study abroad: A critical qualitative inquiry into prospective English language teachers' discourses and experiences A. Cendel Karaman 2022 PhD
Kemaloğlu, Nazlınur EFL instructors' emotions and emotional labor strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic in Turkey Müge Gündüz 2022 MA
Kahraman, Hasibe Individual differences in the L1 and L2 processing of morphologically complex words Bilal Kırkıcı 2022 PhD
Dinç-Altun, Nilay “I need you to send me the homework please”: An analysis of adult ESL learners’ requestive emails to faculty  Hale Işık Güler 2021 MA
Aytaç-Demirçivi, Kadriye Backchannels in spoken Turkish Hale Işık Güler 2021 PhD
Bekereci-Şahin, Melike Professional Identity Development of EFL Teachers Working at Rural Schools in Turkey Perihan Savaş 2021 PhD
Çiçek Tümer, Cemre Data driven learning and the use of interactive metadiscourse markers (transitions, frame markers and code-glosses) in argumentative paragraphs written by freshmen pre-service English language teachers Çiler Hatipoğlu 2021 MA

Demir, Nur Yağmur

An analysis of the speech act of complaint in English as a lingua franca (ELF): A discourse-pragmatic study of a corpus from TripAdvisor

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Can, Hümeyra

An interactional perspective to in-house syllabus-based language test construction: A micro-analytic investigation into item proofreading interactions between teachers and testers

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Demir, Orhan

Investigations of the mind and brain: Assessing behavioral and neural priming in L2 morphology

Bilal Kırkıcı



Elmas, Tugay

Temporary novice English language instructors' (re)negotiation of imagined and practiced teacher identities: a case study in Turkey

A. Cendel Karaman



Yılmaz, Fahri

An investigation of the psychometric properties of a language assessment literacy measure

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Ataman, Esra

The processing of ambiguous morphemes in Turkish

Bilal Kırkıcı



Önal, Sena

A comparative study on the perceptions of instructors and students in the preparatory schools at a state and a private university regarding the integration of target culture into the teaching of the English language

Müge Gündüz



Taşçı, Çağla

A multivariable examination of the relationships between EFL instructors' self-efficacy beliefs and motivation in higher education

Müge Gündüz



Çağlar, Ozan Can

The effects of cross-morphemic letter transpositions on morphological processing in Turkish: A psycholinguistic investigation

Bilal Kırkıcı



Sancak, Didem

The use of transitions, frame markers and code glosses in Turkish EFL learners’ opinion paragraphs

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Kaçar, Mustafa

The place of culture in the intercultural training of pre-service English language teachers: The Turkish case

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Öztürk, Ceren Yağmur

Accent as an attitudinal object: Turkish prospective English language teachers' perceptions and evaluations of different varieties of English. METU Northern Cyprus Campus (Co-Advisor with Prof. Dr. Ali Cevat Taşıran)

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Çelikkol Berk, Nurten

The second language processing of nominal compounds: A masked priming study

Bilal Kırkıcı



Oğuz, Enis

Morphological processing in developing readers: A psycholinguistic study on Turkish primary school children

Bilal Kırkıcı



Şahin, Sevgi

Analyses of the English language testing and evaluation course in English language teaching programs in Turkey: A language testing and assessment literacy study

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Akşit, Zeynep

Validating aspects of a reading test

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Altınbaş, Mehmet Emre

The Use of Multiplayer Online Computer Games in Developing EFL Skills

Perihan Savaş



Karakuş, Esra.

Types of questions posed by EFL teacher candidates and their potential role in fostering communication in language classrooms

Perihan Savaş



Can Daşkın, Nilüfer.

Past-reference as a form of spontaneous formative assessment in L2 classroom interaction: A conversation analytic perspective. 

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Yapıcı, Burçin. 

Measuring re-exposure and long-term effects of processing instruction on the acquisition of English negative adverbials of ınversion.

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Dörtkulak, Funda. 

Compliments and compliment responses in Turkish and American English: A contrastive pragmatics study of a Facebook corpus

Hale Işık Güler



Taner, Gülden.

Investigating perceived competences of English language teachers in Turkey with regard to educational background and experience

Gölge Seferoğlu



Taşdemir, Hanife.

The perceptions of pre-service EFL teachers on their professional identity formation throughout practice teaching

Gölge Seferoğlu



Tomak, Burak.

Self-regulation strategies that English language learners in a Turkish state university use to increase their proficiency and self-efficacy

Gölge Seferoğlu



Çınarbaş, Halil İbrahim. 

The experiences of students with disabilities in an English language teacher education program: A case study on preservice teachers with visual impairments

A. Cendel Karaman



Okur, Seda.

Representation of European identity in multiparty incoming and outgoing Erasmus students’ discourses

Hale Işık Güler



Küçükoğlu, Ece Selva.

A corpus-based analysis of genre-specific discourse of research in the PhD theses and research articles in international relations

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Göktürk, Nazlınur.

“Every student didn’t learn English”: The acquisition of scope by L2 learners of English

Martina Gracanin Yüksek



Aslan, Reyhan.

A narrative inquiry into the professional identity formation of second career EFL teachers

Betil Eröz Tuğa



Bekereci, Melike.

EFL student teachers' professional identity construction in a dual diploma program

Deniz Şallı Çopur



Kibar, Merve.

The views and reflections of Turkish graduate students on a pre-departure cross-cultural orientation module as a guide for their prospective social and academic experiences in the USA

Betil Eröz Tuğa



Kurtoğlu, Pınar.

Expectations, experiences, and suggestions of newly-hired EFL instructors: A mixed-methods study at a foundation university in Turkey

Perihan Savaş



Çakmak, Ebru.

The perceptions of EFL pre-service teachers about cooperative learning

Perihan Savaş

2016 MA

Çiftçi, Emrullah Yasin.

Preparation for an international exchange program: A phenomenological analysis of prospective English language teachers' lived and imagined experiences

A. Cendel Karaman



Albağlar, Necmettin Anıl.

An analysis of Turkish university level EFL learners’ pronunciation of the diphthongs and triphthongs in English

Deniz Zeyrek 



Taşer, Duygu.

Predictors of university EFL instructors’ self efficacy beliefs in Turkey

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Korkmazgil, Sibel.

An investigation into Turkish English language teachers’ perceived professional development needs, practices and challenges

Gölge Seferoğlu



Tekin, Mustafa

Effect of a culturalist versus an interculturalist approach in ELT on Turkish EFL teacher candidates' proteophilic competence

Gölge Seferoğlu



Kaffash Khosh, Ahmad. 

Multilingual communication in educational settings: The case of international students at Middle East Technical University

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Utku Yurdakul, Ayşegül. 

The Impact of medium of instruction on students’ foreign language learning beliefs

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Öztürk, Gökhan. 

Language teacher cognition, classroom practices and institutional context: A qualitative case study on three EFL teachers

Nurdan Gürbüz



Şafak, Duygu Fatma.

Morphological processing of inflected and derived words in L1 Turkish and L2 English

Bilal Kırkıcı



Tezgiden Çakçak, Yasemin. 

Preparing teacher candidates as passive technicians, reflective practitioners or transformative intellectuals? (Co-advisor: A. Cendel Karaman)

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Karataş, Pınar.


Challenges, professional development, and professional identity: A case study on novice language teachers

A. Cendel Karaman




Tarhan, Hakan. 

Social identity change among English language learners: A case study

A. Cendel Karaman



Balban, Sena. 

Reflections on teacher identity: A case study of novice language teachers

A. Cendel Karaman



Eren Gezen, Emine.

Interfaces in second language english

Martina Gracanin Yüksek



Demir, Müslüme.

An analysis of the needs and perceptions of English language teachers and students in an EAP course

Betil Eröz Tuğa



Sözen, Neslihan.

An investigation of EFL teachers’ perceptions on motivational factors

Müge Gündüz



Bal Gezegin, Betül.

Book Review Genre in Academic Writing: A Comparative Study of English and Turkish Across Ten Disciplines

Hale Işık Güler



Efeoğlu, Esranur.

The metaphorical (re)construction of Turkey in political discourse: A corpus-driven critical metaphor analysis

Hale Işık Güler



Demir, Melike.

A case study on interactional co-construction of identities in an EFL classroom

Hale Işık Güler



Özbakış, Özlem.

The dynamic nature of positional identities in an EFL classroom: A conversation analysis-led case study

Hale Işık Güler



Baştürk Karatepe, Çağla.

Humor and impoliteness interaction in improvised TV discourse

Hale Işık Güler



Ata Kıl, Elifcan.

Qualities of effective EFL teachers at higher education level: Student and teacher perspectives

Perihan Savaş



Aktuğ, Besime.

Common pronunciation errors of seventh grade EFL learners: A case from Turkey

Perihan Savaş



Gedik, Nur.

Authenticity via instructional technology in EFL classes at a private university in Turkey

Perihan Savaş



Karakaya, Nuriye.

A qualitative case study of English language teachers’ views towards teacher research as a professional development tool

Perihan Savaş



Tütüncü, Nurhan.

An exploratory case study of English language teachers with study abroad experiences: Intercultural communicative competence related perceptions and implications

Betil Eröz Tuğa



Bağcı, Nazife Duygu. 

Turkish university level EFL learners’ collocational knowledge at receptive and productive levels

Deniz Zeyrek



Toraman, Mediha.

An investigation of directive speech acts in L2 learners’ e-mails

Deniz Zeyrek



İşler, Zeynep Nur.

EFL learners’ use of path elements in motion event expressions: A study on Turkish university students

Deniz Zeyrek



Gümüşok, Fatma.

Engaging pre-service EFL teachers in the evaluation process: Self-evaluation and peer evaluation as a reflective practice in the practicum

Deniz Şallı Çopur



Songül, Behice Ceyda

English language teachers' perceptions about an online basic call training (Co-advisor: Işıl Günseli Kaçar)

Gölge Seferoğlu



Terzi, Canan. 

An analysis of the pragmatic competence of pre-service English language teachers: Appropriateness of forms of address

Gölge Seferoğlu



Gacan, Pınar. 

The morphological processing of derived words in L1 Turkish and L2 English

Bilal Kırkıcı



Özbay, Esra.


Learning English in a community of practice: A case study

A. Cendel Karaman




Uluçay, Çiğdem.


A rotten apple spoils the barrel: Cause markers employed by native speakers of Turkish when writing cause paragraphs in English and Turkish

Çiler Hatipoğlu




Skliar, Olga

Native and nonnative English-speaking teachers in Turkey: Teacher perceptions and student attitudes

Betil Eröz Tuğa



Aydan, Lütfiye Seda.

Student and teacher perceptions on benefits and challenges of using blogs in English in foreign language reading classes

Perihan Savaş



Cirit, Nazlı Ceren.

Perceptions of ELT pre-service teachers toward alternative assessment via web 2.0 tools: A case study at a Turkish state university

Perihan Savaş



Yaman, Mustafa.

Exploration of English as a foreign language students' perceptions about online authentic readings

Perihan Savaş



Yılmaz, Maide.

English as a foreign language learners' perceptions of CALL and incidental vocabulary development via an online extensive reading program

Perihan Savaş



Yurttaş, Abdullah.

EFL teachers' perceptions on the effectiveness of components of an EFL in-service training program

Perihan Savaş



Erdoğan, Yasemin.

Discursive construction and linguistic representations of gender in political discourses: A critical discourse analysis of governmental public addresses in Turkey

Hale Işık Güler



Aytaç, Kadriye.

A corpus-based comparative study of Anyway in English and Her/Neyse in Turkish

Hale Işık Güler



Başaran, Banu Çiçek.

Webinars as instructional tools in English language teaching context

Perihan Savaş



Çalışkanel, Gamze.

The relationship between working memory, English (L2) and academic achievement in 12-14 year-old Turkish students: The effect of age and gender

Gülay Cedden Edipoğlu



Ölçü, Zeynep.

An investigation of career plans (career, professional and workplace intentions) and career choice satisfaction of senior year pre-service English teachers in Turkey

Gölge Seferoğlu



Horasan, Seçil. 

Code-switching in EFL classrooms: A case study on discourse functions, switch types, initiation patterns, and perceptions

Gölge Seferoğlu



Kaya, Seyithan. 

The effect of English opinion essay writing instruction on Turkish essay writing: A case of university preparatory school students

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Kağıtçı, Burçin. 

The relationship between students' preference for written feedback and improvement in writing: Is the preferred one the best one?

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Kurumlu, Zehra.

Single exponent in L1 multiple exponents in L2: Consequences for L2

Martina Gracanin Yüksek



Çağlar, Elif.

A qualitative study of peer observation of teaching as a job-embedded professional development tool

Hale Işık Güler



Vural, Seniye.

A mixed methods intervention study on the relationship between self-regulatory training and university students’ strategy use and academic achievement

Ayşegül Daloğlu



Canbolat, Nilay. 

Investigating ELT instructors' perceived competencies: Challenges and suggestions

Ayşegül Daloğlu



Akkuş, Mehmet.

Signals of understanding in multilingual communication: A cross-linguistic functional-pragmatic analysis of interjections

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Çokal, Derya. 

The online and offline processing of this, that and it by native speakers of English and by Turkish non-native speakers of English (Co-advisor: Dr. Patrick Sturt)

Wolf König



Yılmaz, Elvan.

Gender representations in ELT coursebooks: A comparative study

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Barut, Kenan. 

An evaluation of academic writing materials at the tertiary level: A case study of three universities

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Leblebicioğlu, Ayşegül. 

An Investigation of the relationship between working memory capacity and verbal and mathematical achievement

Gülay Cedden Edipoğlu



Vanlı, Gökçe. 

Student and instructor perceptions on feedback to student writing

Gölge Seferoğlu



Başer, Zeynep.

First year of English teaching in a rural context: A qualitative study at an elementary school in Turkey

A. Cendel Karaman



Algı, Sedef. 

Hedges and boosters in L1 and L2 argumentative paragraphs: Implications for teaching L2 academic writing

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Çelebi, Hatice.

Extracting and analyzing impoliteness in corpora: A study based on British National Corpus and Turkish Spoken Corpus (Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Şükriye Ruhi)

Hale Işık Güler



Rakıcıoğlu Söylemez, Anıl 

An exploratory case study of pre-service EFL teachers' sense of efficacy beliefs and perceptions of mentoring practices during practice teaching

Betil Eröz Tuğa



Demir, Orhan.

The nature of acquisition and processing of island constraints by Turkish learners of English (Co-advisor: Martina Gracanin Yüksek)

Deniz Zeyrek



Ataş,  Ufuk.

Discourse functions of students' and teachers' code-switching in EFL Classrooms: A case study in a Turkish university

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Tomak, Burak.                     

Instructors' use of culture in foreign language classes at a state university in Turkey

A. Cendel Karaman



Balıkçı, Gözde.

Taking a critical step on the way to critical reading: Investigation into critical reading discourse of freshman FLE students in an advanced reading and writing course

Ayşegül Daloğlu



Iriskulova, Alena

The Investigation of the cultural presence in Spot on 8 ELT textbook published in Turkey: Teachers' and students' expectations versus real cultural load of the textbook

Hale Işık Güler



Yılmaz, Beyza Nur.             

Beliefs of members of an online community of practice on the effects of membership on teaching and professional development

Gölge Seferoğlu



Öztürk, Gökhan.                  

Foreign language speaking anxiety and learner motivation: A case study at a Turkish state university

Nurdan Gürbüz



Ülker, Eser Meltem.             

A comparative analysis of thesis guidelines and master thesis abstracts written in English at universities in Turkey and in the USA 

Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek



Kızılcık Eren, Hale.          

A constructivist approach to the integration of systematic reflection in EAP courses: An action research study

Ayşegül Daloğlu



Abdramanova, Saule                

Processing of English idioms with body part components by native speakers of Turkish learning English with intermediate level of proficiency

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Başaran, Oya.                           

Evaluation of the writing component of an English language teaching program at a public university: A case study

Ayşegül Daloğlu



Özhan, Didem.                         

A comparative analysis on the use of but, however and although in the university students’ argumentative essays: A corpus-based study on Turkish learners of English and American native speakers

Deniz Zeyrek



Kılıçkaya, Ferit. 

The impact of call instruction on English language teachers’ use of technology in language teaching

Gölge Seferoğlu



Karakaya, Duygu.                 

Non-native EFL teachers' foreign language listening and speaking anxiety and their perceived competencies in teaching these skills

Deniz Şallı Çopur



Şahin, Sevgi.                        

American English, Turkish and interlanguage refusals: A cross-cultural communication and interlanguage pragmatics study

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Ergün,  Ekin.                         

An investigation into the relationship between emotional intelligence skills and foreign language anxiety of students at a private university

Gölge Seferoğlu



Can, Hümeyra.                     

A cross-cultural study of the speech act of congratulation in British English and Turkish using a corpus approach

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Burnaz, Yeşim Erden.          

Perceptions of EFL learners towards portfolios as a method of alternative assessment: A case study at a Turkish state university

Perihan Savaş



Akayoğlu, Sedat.                      

An analysis of text based CMC of advanced EFL learners in second life

Gölge Seferoğlu



Çetin, Lynn Marie Bethard.     

An investigation into the implementation of alternative assessment in the young learner classroom 

Nurdan Gürbüz



Coşkun, Abdullah.            

Evaluation of the writing component of an English language teaching program at a public university: A case study

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Bayraktar, Hasan.             

The role of lexical cohesion in L2 reading comprehension

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Toplu, Ayşe Betül.           

Linguistic expression and conceptual representation of motion events in Turkish, English and French: An experimental study

Deniz Zeyrek



Can, Nilüfer. 

A proverb learned is a proverb earned: Future English teachers' experiences of learning English proverbs in Anatolian Teacher Training High Schools in Turkey

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Taşkın, Ayşe. 

Perceptions on using L1 in language classrooms: A case study in a Turkish private university 

Nurdan Gürbüz



Muthanna, Abdulghani. 

Exploring the beliefs of teacher educators, students, and administrators: A case study of the English language teacher education program in Yemen

A.Cendel Karaman



Ekin, Ergün. 

An investigation on the relationship between emotional intelligence skills and foreign language anxiety of students at a private university 

Gölge Seferoğlu



Polyarush, Viktoriya.           

The influence of English on Ukrainian, with a focus on the language of youth

Joshua Bear



Tunçok, Bezen.                   

A case study: students'attitudes towards computer assisted learning, computer assisted language learning and foreign language learning

Ayşegül Daloğlu



Dokuzoğlu, Selcen.              

L2 writing teachers' perceptions of mistakes in student writing and their preferences regarding feedback: The case of a Turkish private university

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Saygı, Şükran

Reading motivation in L1 and L2 and their relationship with L2 reading achievement

Hüsnü Enginarlar



Romaniuk, Olena.               

Mother tongue talk in three languages

Jochen Rehbein



Karakaş, Özlem.                 

A cross-cultural study on dissertation acknowledgments written in English by native speakers of Turkish and American English

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Karakaya, Kadir.                

An investigation of English language teachers' attitudes toward computer technology and their use of technology in language teaching

Gölge Seferoğlu



Tümer, Tuğçe Çankaya.      

Using literature to enhance language and cultural awareness

Nurdan Gürbüz



Akıncılar, Vildan.                

The effect of “please” strategy training through the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) model on fifth grade EFL students’ descriptive writing: Strategy training on planning

Nurdan Gürbüz



Antonova Ünlü, Elena.        

The acquisition of the copula be in present simple tense in English by native speakers of Russian

Çiler Hatipoğlu



Atay, Zeynep.                      

Second language acquisition of the English article system by Turkish learners: The role of semantic notions

Deniz Zeyrek



Lozovska- Güneş, Anna

Differences and challenges involved in the assessment of speaking skill: The case of three universities in Ankara

Nurdan Gürbüz



Ayan, Didem.

Promoting EFL pre-service teachers’ self-directed learning through electronic portfolios: A case study 

Gölge Seferoğlu



Gülcü, Meriç.

The place of the native culture in the English language classroom a case study of eng 101 classrooms at METU

Joshua Bear



Özge, Duygu.                   

Mechanisms and strategies in the processing and acquisition of relative clauses in Turkish monolingual and Turkish-English bilingual children (Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Theo Marinis)

Deniz Zeyrek



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 © Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education, Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara

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comparative analysis phd thesis

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Custom PHD Thesis

comparative analysis phd thesis

Comparative Analysis

Paper instructions: Comparative Analysis Paper: The purpose of this paper is to learn how to use multiple sources analytically. Often students organize research papers source-by-source, discussing the research of one author followed by another. This paper asks you to move away from this method and instead organize your paper around a topic, discussing the contradictions, similarities, debates and points-of-view that scholars hold on this topic. Research: Choose two articles from the class readings that address a common theme or topic. You must choose a different article from the one you used in the first assignment. Also note, you cannot use Peggy McIntosh’s article for this assignment either. Before you begin your analysis, make sure you understand each author’s central research question and their thesis. Also make note of contradictions and debates within the articles themselves and between the authors.

Use the following questions to guide your research: • What research question guides each author? How are these the same or different? • What is the thesis or central argument of each author? Do they agree or disagree? • What is the scope or range of their discussion? Are they talking about the same historical time period? The same groups of women? The same issue or problem? • What might one author have to say to the other author? • Ultimately, what have you learned about the topic, our society and ourselves from this pair of readings?

What to Include in Your Comparative Analysis: •Your paper should attempt to compare the perspectives of the authors, acknowledging each throughout your discussion, but using your own voice to discuss the topic.

• Organize the paper around the themes and ideas that come up in each of the articles. As you discuss each of these sub-topics/themes/ideas, highlight the similarities and differences of the various points of view, arguments and/or research methodology.

• When you take each author’s position into consideration, what have you learned about the topic and/or issue? What is the significance of this learning experience in terms of your own intellectual development?

i will provide more info PLEASE READ MY ATTACHMENTS this is a undergraduate uni level course, please read directions carefully.

first article:

Melanie Beres, “It Just Happens’: Negotiating Casual Heterosexual Sex,” pp. 121-131

Second article:

C. J. Pascoe, “Compulsive Heterosexuality: Masculinity and Dominance



comparative analysis phd thesis


  1. Comparative analysis

    comparative analysis phd thesis

  2. Dissertation vs. Thesis: What’s the Difference?

    comparative analysis phd thesis

  3. 12 Different Steps in the Constant Comparative Analysis Procedure

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  4. Comparative Essay

    comparative analysis phd thesis

  5. (PDF) Forming the Academic Profession in East Asia: a Comparative

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  6. thesis framework comparison

    comparative analysis phd thesis


  1. Comparative Vs Empirical Research

  2. Semester 9-Thesis Case study-Comparative analysis discussion

  3. Study Comparative Literature (M.Phil.) at Trinity

  4. Spotlight on the Comparative Literature BA

  5. Alpha Chiang Mathematical Eco. Exercise 8 .5 Qno 5 Part ( b ) Urdu Hindi

  6. Approaches of Comparative Education in International Perspective || PhD || Education || Lecture


  1. Comparative Analysis Dissertation Guide: Useful Tips on Writing a

    What Is a Comparative Analysis Dissertation? Comparative analysis boils down to studying similarities and differences between two or more things, be it theories, texts, processes, personalities, or time periods. This method is especially useful in conducting social sciences, humanities, history, and business research. Conducting a comparative ...

  2. PDF How to Write a Comparative Analysis

    To write a good compare-and-contrast paper, you must take your raw data—the similarities and differences you've observed —and make them cohere into a meaningful argument. Here are the five elements required. Frame of Reference. This is the context within which you place the two things you plan to compare and contrast; it is the umbrella ...

  3. (PDF) A Short Introduction to Comparative Research

    Ph.D. Dissertation ... comparative historical analysis in history, and psychological analysis (Smelser, 1973). Comparative research or analysis is a broad term that includes both quantitative and .

  4. Comparative Analysis

    For coordinate kinds of comparative analysis, a common pitfall is tied to thesis and evidence. Basically, it's a thesis that tells the reader that there are "similarities and differences" between two texts, without telling the reader why it matters that these two texts have or don't have these particular features in common. This kind of thesis is stuck at the level of description or positivism ...

  5. Comparative Literature Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021 PDF. Postcolonial Narrative and The Dialogic Imagination: An Analysis of Early Francophone West African Fiction and Cinema, Seydina Mouhamed Diouf. PDF. The Rising of the Avant-Garde Movement In the 1980s People's Republic of China: A Cultural Practice of the New Enlightenment, Jingsheng Zhang

  6. Comparative Literature Ph.D. Dissertation Guidelines

    File the Intent to Graduate (ITG) for the Ph.D. Create an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD). Dissertation Defense: Form a Dissertation Defense Commitee and complete the Dissertation Defense Committee form. Confer with the Dissertation Director about procedures for submission of chapters and revisions during the dissertation writing ...

  7. Recent Dissertations in Comparative Literature

    Recent Dissertations in Comparative Literature. Dissertations in Comparative Literature have taken on vast number of topics and ranged across various languages, literatures, historical periods and theoretical perspectives. The department seeks to help each student craft a unique project and find the resources across the university to support ...


    Types of Comparative Research There are several methods of doing comparative analysis and Tilly (1984) distinguishes four types of comparative analysis namely: individualizing, universalizing, variation-finding and encompassing (p.82). Adding to the types of comparative analysis, May (1993, as cited in Azarian 2011, p. 117) offers a

  9. PDF A QUALITATIVE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS A Dissertation Presented The College

    perspective on genocide, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is used to analyze ten episodes of genocide, as well as three cases where genocide did not occur. QCA analysis found some support for Hagan's collective action theory of genocide, as well as the modifications made to the theory. Dividing the episodes of genocide into those

  10. Recent PhD Dissertations

    2023-2024. Postdramatic African Theater and Critique of Representation. Oluwakanyinsola Ajayi. Troubling Diaspora: Literature Across the Arabic Atlantic. Phoebe Carter. The Contrafacta of Thomas Watson and Simon Goulart: Resignifying the Polyphonic Song in 16th-century England and France. Joseph Gauvreau. Of Unsound Mind: Madness and Mental ...

  11. Control and Resistance in The Dystopian Novel: a Comparative Analysis a

    A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS by Julia Gerhard Master of Arts in English California State University, Chico Spring 2012 This thesis examines how dystopian novels depict various forms of disci-pline exercised by a government over the body and mind of its subjects, and also offer liberation from that control through the act of writing.

  12. PDF Comparative analysis of corporate strategies in agriculture: The

    Comparative analysis of corporate strategies in agriculture: The internationalisation of agribusinesses in Sub-Saharan Africa By Tinashe Kapuya Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree PhD (Agricultural Economics) in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension, and Rural Development

  13. Comparative Literature

    Your dissertation research is well supported by Harvard's unparalleled library system, the largest university collection in the world, comprising 70 libraries with combined holdings of over 16 million items. ... Theses & Dissertations for Comparative Literature. Faculty. See list of Comparative Literature faculty. APPLICATION DEADLINE ...

  14. TopSCHOLAR


  15. ELT Theses and Dissertations

    A comparative analysis of thesis guidelines and master thesis abstracts written in English at universities in Turkey and in the USA . Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek. 2012. MA. Kızılcık Eren, Hale. A constructivist approach to the integration of systematic reflection in EAP courses: An action research study. Ayşegül Daloğlu. 2012. PhD

  16. Nigerian Media: A Comparative Media Analysis

    the analysis? This thesis will be divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction to the thesis. The second chapter presents the country overview and the history of Nigerian ... comparative analysis that shows the interrelation between the media and the political system of a .

  17. OATD

    Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use. October 3, 2022. OATD is dealing with a number of misbehaved crawlers and robots, and is currently taking some steps to minimize their impact on the system. This may require you to click through some security screen.

  18. PDF A Comparative Analysis of Thesis Guidelines and Master Thesis Abstracts

    analysis showed that abstracts collected from universities with a guideline in Turkey follow a more consistent order than their counterparts in the USA. The results of the thesis have pedagogical implicatons for students, teachers, academics who prepare thesis writing guidelines, and researchers who want to make publications internationally.

  19. (PDF) Crop Classification with Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

    In this thesis, the comparative performance of the original features (linear polarizations and coherency matrix) and polarimetric features (incoherent polarimetric decompositions) from multi ...

  20. Comparative Analysis

    topics. Perhaps the most important part of a thesis for a comparative analysis is to set up an argument—doing this. will help you later answer the "so what" question and give your analysis meaning rather than just a paper that. presents the similarities and differences of two topics.-Use comparative language, especially in your thesis.

  21. Comparative Analysis

    Comparative Analysis. Comparative Analysis Paper: The purpose of this paper is to learn how to use multiple sources analytically. Often students organize research papers source-by-source, discussing the research of one author followed by another. This paper asks you to move away from this method and instead organize your paper around a topic ...

  22. Comparative Analysis of Postgraduate Students' Thesis Supervision in

    postgraduate students theses in universities, in Oyo state varied significantly according to the type of university. (Private universities with mean = 2.73, Std. = 0.856, p < 0.05) and public ...