DARE Essay Winner 2017

And the Winners are….. Each year the best DARE Essays from around Wisconsin are submitted. Here are the winner for 2018

DARE Officer Sandy Brown  Area 1 Essay Winner Mary Grace Schlifske, Elm Grove Chief Jim Gage

dare essay winners 5th grade

D.A.R.E Report

By, Lindsey Eis

D.A.R.E… Drug, Abuse, Resistance, Education is a program that is directed to focus on the prevention of the future use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol for young adults. D.A.R.E was formed to educate young adults about the risks of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol to prevent future use of it. D.A.R.E also focuses on communication skills, resistance strategies, bullying and many other life situations. The D.A.R.E abbreviation meaning Define, Assess, Respond, and Evaluate is a way to making safe and good decisions in a difficult or bad situation. Which if made the right decision can also prevent the future use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.

DDMM The abbreviation DDMM stands for D.A.R.E Decision Making Model. The D.A.R.E Decision Making Model is Define, Assess, Respond, and Evaluate and is a way to making safe and good decisions in a difficult or bad situation. The Define part of the model means to describe the problem, challenge, or opportunity. Next the Assess part of the model means for you to think what are your choices. ln the Respond part of the model you need to make a choice by using the facts and information you have gathered. Finally the Evaluate part of the problem means to review your decision and for you to think did you make a good decision. Finally l now know after this very helpful lesson in D.A.R.E that every time I am in a bad or difficult situation l know and should use… DDMM.

Resistance Strategies Resistance Strategies are strategies to stay away from a difficult or bad situation. Some resistance strategies are to walk away, say no, avoid, change the subject, give an excuse, and there is always strength in numbers. Resistance strategies can be used in bullying situations or in situation that you don’t want to do something that could hurt or affect you in the future or now. in your resistance strategies, you always want to be away from the situation in good, alcohol free, drug free, and tobacco free surrounding. Many of these situations happen in real life and anyone should always use these strategies if you want to live a happy, healthy life for l know that l do.

Risks of Tobacco, Drugs, and Overuse of Alcohol A risk can be positive or negative but the risks of doing these drinks, plants, and powders under the age of 18, none of them are positive. There are many different health effects and scary facts about these things that will make me or anyone think twice about using them. Some of the health effects of tobacco are… ‘  1. You can get arrested for the use of it under the age of 18  2. There are 200 known chemicals in cigarette smoke  3. There are 400,000 deaths each year due to the use of tobacco

Some of the health effects about alcohol are…  1. You can get arrested for the use of it under the age of 21 2. lt causes memory loss, loss of coordination, and slow reflexes

Some of the health effects of drugs are…1. if you overdose you will have a risk of death or other conditions2. You can get arrested for the use of it at all

This information is important because it can prevent the start of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. It can also help people stop these things and help them live a happy healthy life. This has affected me a lot because l want to live a full life for we only have 1.

‘The 5’s and How to Report Bullying What is bullying… bullying, according the D.A.R.E writers, is an aggressive or unwanted behavior used again and again to isolate, harm, or control another person.~ This is a ham1ful and mean act that’s why you should always know how to report it. There are many different kinds of bullying some of them are…1.      Cyber2.      Mental3.      Verbal4.      Physical5.       Social

The 5’s of reporting bullying are who, what, where, when, and why. These are to help anyone tell a trusted adult about WHO did it, WHAT did they do, WHERE did it happen, WHEN did it happen, and WHY did they do it. Resistance strategies can also be used in these situations, not just situations involving tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Now l know whenever l am being bullied l know to use the 5 w’s of reporting bullying, resistance strategies and other strategies to help me deal with and report bullying.

How to Deal With Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is a hard thing to deal with, but you should always try to push through. Peer pressure according to the D.A.R.E authors is when people your age try to get you to do something. lf you are having troubles resisting you can always use DDMM and resistance strategies to help you push through. Peer pressure can also be positive not just negative, pushing you to do drugs, tobacco, and underage drinking. The positive peer pressure can be pushing you to do better on a test or pushing you to do something new like a new sport. This has affected me so much because now‘ l always remember to do what l believe not what others believe l should do.

Confident Communication

You should always use confident communication. lt can help you with your social skills, when you ask people questions, and to help you get your point across. in using this strategy, you should always talk or discuss in a calm and cooperative way. You can also use DDMM in this strategy as well to help you figure out what to say and to help you say it clear. This lesson in D.A.R.E has helped me a lot to speak more confident and more efficiently.

Signs of Stress Stress according to the D.A.R.E authors is any strain, pressure, or excitement about a situation or event. There are many different signs or stress some of them are…1.     Depression2.     Loss of hair3.     Anger4.      High blood pressure

Some of the actions due to stress are…1.     Yell2.      Stay still3.      Over eat4.     Throw things or items

You can always use different strategies to help you deal with stress like to use a stress ball or to hang out with friends. This has helped me a lot because now l know if l am stressed to talk to someone or if l should use those strategies to push through it.

Help Network

A help network according to the D.A.R.E authors is a person or a group of people that you can call for advice or guidance. A help network can be a friend or any trusted adult. You ‘should always go to you help network when you need them it can help you make safe and good decisions. You can go to your help network anytime you feel uncomfortable or threatened in a situation or just for any life problems. This information is important because this can help any person know that they should always go to their help network for advice or help. Now I know that if l have any problem that l should always go to my help network for help.

Tattling vs. Telling

Tattling and telling are two totally different things. Tattling according to the D.A.R.E authors is when you want to get someone in trouble for a harmless behavior. While telling is to provide information to a trusted adult to help someone or to keep someone safe. DDMM can also be used in these situations to help anyone decide if it is tattling or telling. I used to tell a trusted adult if it was tattling or telling but after the lesson in D.A.R.E I realized that I don’t always have to tell only when it is to keep someone safe or to just help them. I have learned so many skills in D.A.R.E that have helped me so much with many of my life situations and will help me with so many more in the future as well. All of the lessons will and have helped me make healthy decisions about tobacco, drugs, and the overuse of alcohol. The lessons have given me facts and many different health effects that have made sure I was never going to do any of those things. There are also many different skills I have learned in D.A.R. E. Like how l have Ieamed of how to stay away from situations that could affect me in the future to how to report bullying and other situations. I have also learned how to access situations using DDMM, different signs of stress and how to deal with it, and so many other skills and strategies. I am so glad to have finished D.A.R.E with so much new knowledge in my brain.

Pledge Statement

I Lindsey Eis, pledge not to do drugs, tobacco,  or alcohol in my lifetime and ruin my chance at a full happy life. ‘

My D.A.R.E.

Report By: Jaylee Weyhrauch

Did you know that there are over 200 harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke? In fact, there are even over 4,000 chemicals. ln the US 16.8% of Adults smoke, but we can lower this number even further. Smoking is very bad for your body. Does having cancer sound fun to you? Because there are 43 known cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoke. The smoke alone can kill you! There are also toxins, in fact, there are over 400 other toxins. In cigarettes, there are ingredients that you would never think that people would enjoy like nicotine which can make you addicted in a bad way. Nicotine is also the main ingredient in bug spray. In fact, once you start getting addicted, if you try to stop, you will feel very bad. Imagine the worst stomach flu, now think of that ten times worse. That is how hard it is to stop once you are hooked. There is also carbon monoxide in these death sticks. lt is a colorless, scentless, tasteless gas. Symptoms of mild carbon monoxide poisoning include lightheadedness, confusion, headache, and flu-like symptoms. It can also make it seem like the world is spinning. Ln severe cases carbon monoxide can even infect your central nervous system, introduce toxins to your heart, and even kill you. lf you are exposed to low levels of carbon monoxide for a long time, it can result in permanent damage like depression, memory loss, and confusion. Cigarettes have more than just that, they also have ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless, irritating gas that has a sharp odor that can cause irritation and burns. It dissolves easily in water to create ammonium hydroxide solution. Normally people who smoke don’t mind this noxious odor. That’s still not all. The cigarettes contain formaldehyde which is also in glue, plywood, fiberboard, and insulation materials. Formaldehyde is also a chemical that is in all the animals that the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade classed dissected this year. I would never eat glue, would you? Now imagine you saw a truck laying down pavement for your driveway. Would you go up to the driveway and take a bite of the squishy stuff? I bet not. But that is exactly what you would be doing if you took a cigarette and smoked it. Cigarettes have tar. Tar is a very bad thing to put into your body. It will start off fine, being stopped by your tiny nose hairs, or cilia, that stop bad things from going into your lungs like dirt or dust, but the tar will burn them away and infiltrate your lungs. From there it will coat your lungs over and over with small thin coats. Since there is nicotine, which I told you about earlier, you will want more and more. Soon, there will be many layers of tar, your lung surface Will be so small that your lungs will go from as big as a shoe box to as small as a tennis ball. That would be very hard to breathe with.

In D.A.R.E. I also learned that alcohol is also very bad for you. In fact, there are an estimated 75,000 alcohol related deaths each year. Alcohol is illegal for anyone under 21 years old. Alcohol slows down your brain and results in loss of coordination, poor judgement, memory loss, loss of self-control, and slow reflexes. Alcohol can also be addictive. In fact about 18 million people abuse alcohol. This is awful but we can make a stand!!  We need to fight against this terrible substance. But before you go home and tell your parents they can never have alcohol again, I want to tell you that a little bit every now and then is okay, but if they drink all the time, it’s about time to stop the damage. Alcohol, as l told you earlier creates poor judgement, therefore, many people die of alcohol related deaths each year including about 1,580 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, about 1,296 deaths from homicides, 245 from alcohol poisoning, falls, burns, and drowning, and 492 from suicide or killing themselves. Added up this is about 10,613 alcohol related deaths each year from young people abusing it. The reason young people can’t have alcohol is because they are still growing and it can harm them. They also aren’t as mature. Most people think that alcohol will make you look cool, but waddling around, puking on yourself, and passing out is not cool. Alcohol also causes bad breath and weight gain. If you’re under twenty-one, drinking is illegal. If you are caught, you will have to do community service, pay a fine, or take alcohol awareness classes. You may also get bad grades. Some reasons why teens think it’s okay to drink are advertising, social status, peer pressure, peer example, and family example. These have been going down in the past few years, but WE can end it all together!!!!!l!l!!!!!Thanks for listening to my presentation, and remember, We are the generation to stop drug abuse!!!!l!!!!!!

Report Lilly Ackerman

Did you know that alcohol weakens the heart muscle, and decreases the amount of blood that is pumped through the heart?  The D.A.R.E. program has helped me learn facts like this, and how to make safe and responsible choices.

The very first day Officer Weaver talked about how to use the D.A.R.E. decision making model. By defining a problem, assessing your choices and responding appropriately, then evaluating your response, you put yourself in a better position than you were before.  We practiced this model in the many scenarios that we read. Officer Weaver also taught us health related facts like, there are 75,000 alcohol related deaths each year in the U.S.

This teaches us that when we are older we need to drink responsibly. Another topic he talked about was stress. Stress is the strain, pressure, or excitement that is felt about a certain situation. Stress can also be very harmful ta your health.

I recently used the D.A.R.E. Decision Making Model when I was at a swimming pool. I used it by taking a look at my situation, which was identifying my challenge. My challenge was trying to figure out whether I should get in the water with my cousins before my parents got down to the pool. I was very tempted to get in because my cousins kept telling me to come swim. Next, it was time to assess my choices which were to get in the pool without an adult in the room and get in trouble, or stay out of the pool and wait fox’ an admit. After thinking about it I chose to stay out of the pool. 1 was glad I made that choice because instead of being in trouble with my parents, I was complemented on making the right choice.

Another time I had to evaluate a sticky situation was when my sister came to me asking for advice. She had overheard a friend talking about something that shouldn‘t have been said, I helped her think about what she should do and I also told her that I thought she should go and talk to our mom. In the end this advice worked and she was relieved that it all worked out, and she wasn’t in trouble because she found help.

I also used the Decision Making Model on the soccer field when my teammate was being unsportsmanlike I knew my three choices were to be a bystander and do nothing, talk to her, or tell my coach.  After thinking about it I chose to talk directly to her. In the end this chaise worked because I was able to talk to her about how being unsportsmanlike was not okay and hurt our whole team. She understood why she shouldn’t do what she was doing and she stopped. This was better than telling the coach because she didn’t feel like she was in trouble. The D.A.R.E. model has really helped me improve in making the right choice and has given me a way ta also help others make those same choices.

I plan to use what I have warned in my D.A.R.E. program to five a healthy and safe life. I can use my knowledge to make responsible choices and remember the facts about stress, alcohol, drug, and tobacco use. The D.A.R.E. program is a great model to follow when it comes to sticky situations and may come in handy next year in middle school.

I have also realized that D.AR.E. is really important because life is going to be full of challenges that may lead me in the wrong direction. At some point in my life alcohol and drugs will be introduced and l will have to be smart and not feel pressured to do something I don’t want to do or that is not healthy for me. Life will also be full of stressful moments that I will need to know how to stay away from Trying to do activities that won’t cause stress will be very important. In my future I plan on being some type of doctor. D,A.R.E. will help me do this because I now have the knowledge to keep my body healthy and that knowledge will allow me to share this information with my patients. I “DARE” you to live a drug, alcohol and tobacco free life.

I Choose DARE 

by: Olivia England

Did you know that my dad died from drugs? He isn’t the only one either.

Unfortunately, 75,000 alcohol related deaths occur each year in the U5! Two health effects of alcohol are memory loss and loss of self-control. Sometimes, it can even lead to coma or death.

Some of the DARE skills t learned in the past ten weeks are how to say no to alcohol. l learned to say no through the DARE Decision Making Model. (DDMM) The DDMM is Define, Assess, Respond, and Evaluate.

Define means to describe the problem, challenge, or opportunity. Assess means to ask yourself. what are my choices? Respond means to make a choice by using the facts and information you have.

Lastly, Evaluate! Evaluate means to review your decision, did l make a good choice?

One of the many types of bullying is Cyber Bullying. I’ve been cyber bullied by someone I know. It was on an app on my ipad. It wasn’t very fun, but l got over it. Two things that helped me overcome it was all of the bystanders that stood up for me! Also, my parents gave me inspiring talks! When we were talking about bullying in DARE, it brought back some hurtful memories, but it also cured my hurt! Now l feel better about it! That’s all thanks to DARE! L will use my DARE skills in the future if I ever run into another case similar to that one!

The best thing I learned in DARE was the health effects of tobacco and Alcohol use. It helped me because if someone I know were to use it, then maybe they would stop! If only everyone didn’t do drugs, then to me, the world would be complete!

I Olivia England, solemnly swear never to use drugs or to be a bully to anyone for as long as I live.


DARE essay winners recognized

July 2, 2022

The annual fifth-grade DARE graduation celebration took place at all three elementary schools in the Highland district prior to the end of the school year, with a total of 258 graduates combined.

Each school also announced its winners of the DARE essay contest during their program. Again this year, the contest focused on writing a letter to their older self, explaining what they learned in DARE, and some even reminded their older self to live a drug-free life and make good choices. The winning essays were read aloud and each winner was presented with a certificate. 

The essay winners include:

  • Colleen Rees, Sarah Mellinger (overall winner), Olivia Martello, Tristan Lind, Katelyn O’Flanagan and Lily McManus at Granger Elementary
  • Sharon Winners: Miles Miller, Kaylee Reep, Camarie Carter, Aubrey Payne (overall winner), Amelia Price, Brynn Vandegrift, Aaron Davis and Jordan Gryskiewicz at Sharon Elementary
  • Reese McPherson, Saphira Melnik, Ellia Whitacre, Max Marcum (overall winner), Logan Conrad, Alicia Grimes, and Eliana Profant at Hinckley Elementary. ∞

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5th Grade D.A.R.E. Curriculum

Lesson one: introduction to dare’s keepin’ it real, objectives:.

  • Define what it means to be responsible
  • Indentify student responsibilities in their daily lives
  • Name the steps in the D.A.R.E. Decision Making Model (DDMM)

Lesson Two: Drug Information for Responsible Decision Making

  • Identify how alcohol and tobacco use affects students responsibilities
  • Examine information on alcohol and tobacco
  • Understand the health effects of alcohol and tobacco on the body
  • Use the DDMM to define the problem in scenarios related to alcohol or tobacco

Lesson Three: Risk and Consequences

  • Define risks and consequences and apply to real life situations
  • Assess the positive and negative consequences in choices made about risky situations
  • Use the DDMM to assess how to make responsible involving risky situations

Lesson Four: Peer Pressure

  • Define pressure and peer pressure
  • Recognize the sources or peer pressure
  • Identify ways to respond to peer pressure
  • Use DDMM to generate responses to peer pressure

Lesson Five: Dealing with Stressful Situations

  • Identify possible signs of stress
  • Recognize the physical and behavioral signs of stress
  • Use DDMM in evaluating stressful situations

Lesson Six: Basics of Communications

  • Define and explain the importance of communication in daily living
  • Demonstrate confident communication
  • Use DDMM to evaluate and generate alterative options for effective communication

Lesson Seven: Nonverbal communication and Listening


  • Define effective listening behaviors
  • Demonstrate effective listening using verbal and nonverbal behaviors
  • Use the DDMM to evaluate and generate alternative options for effective communications

Lesson Eight: Bullying:

  • Define and recognize characteristics of bullying
  • Identify bullying behaviors
  • Differentiate between tattling and telling
  • Use the DDMM to practice safe ways to report bullying

Lesson Nine: Helping Others

  • Identify the importance of being a good citizen
  • Recognize the importance or reporting bullying to an adult at school and at home
  • Demonstrate the use of DDMM in reporting bullying behaviors
  • Reinforce knowledge and positive behaviors to stop bullying

Lesson Ten: Getting Help from Others and Review

  • Identify people in student’s lives they can go for if they need help
  • Recall previously learned key terms

5th Grade Articles of Interest

  • 5th Grade Tour Madison County Detention Home
  • State's Attorney Visits Columbus 5th Grade


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  2. 5th Grade DARE Graduation

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  3. 5th Grade DARE Graduation

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  4. 5th Grade DARE Graduation

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  5. Eagle's Eye

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  6. 5th Grade Students Complete the D.A.R.E. Program & Celebrate Reflection

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  1. 2023 Medlar View Elementary DARE Graduation Ceremony

  2. 2023 C.I.S. 5th Grade DARE Graduation, 5/4/2023

  3. Tomorrow's Leaders Essay Contest Winners

  4. DARE Graduation

  5. Aryana's DARE ceremony song


  1. DARE Essay Winner 2017

    Here are the winner for 2018. DARE Officer Sandy Brown Area 1 Essay Winner Mary Grace Schlifske, Elm Grove Chief Jim Gage. Area 1. Area 2. D.A.R.E Report. By, Lindsey Eis. D.A.R.E… Drug, Abuse, Resistance, Education is a program that is directed to focus on the prevention of the future use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol for young adults.

  2. Valley Point fifth-grader wins Whitfield DARE essay contest

    Edwin Hernandez, a 2022 graduate of Southeast Whitfield High School who has joined the U.S. Army, won the DARE essay contest in 2015 as an Eastside Elementary fifth-grader. He returned this year to address the 2022 essay winners and offer them his thoughts about the value of the program. Eliher Gonzalez-Favila says she plans to use the ...

  3. DARE essay winners recognized

    See the names of the fifth-grade students who won the DARE essay contest at three elementary schools in Highland district. The contest theme was writing a letter to their older self, sharing what they learned in DARE.

  4. Fifth-grader wins Seymour DARE essay contest

    Lucero Martinez Mendez, a fifth-grader at St. Ambrose Catholic School, won the Seymour DARE essay contest for the third year in a row. She shared facts, statistics and strategies about drugs, violence, bullying and stress in her essay.

  5. Fifth-graders' winning D.A.R.E. essays

    May 12, 2012 Updated May 4, 2023. 0. Winners of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) essay contest for Reedsburg fifth-grade students have been selected. The winners are: • Kalli Best ...

  6. DARE Essay

    DARE Essay Outline and Requirements: Title (You will need a title for your essay- Try not to use 'DARE Essay or My DARE Essay') Paragraph 1: Introduction. Use a great beginning. Draw the reader in. You can do this by telling a short story, use a surprising statistic, etc. Your opening paragraph should briefly mention what topics your essay ...

  7. Attica fifth graders are newest DARE graduates

    Near the end of the 10-week program, students in each fifth grade class were tasked with writing an essay about what they'd learned in DARE. West read all the essays and picked the best from each of the four classes. Essay winners were announced during Tuesday's graduation ceremony and called up on stage, where West presented them with a ...

  8. 5th-Graders Across the District Graduate from DARE Program

    To celebrate the students' pledge to be drug-free, Officer Meyers presented every student with a T-shirt. He also selected one winner from each 5th-grade class whose essay best expressed what they learned and can take away from D.A.R.E. Winners of the essay contest are: Harrison Park Elementary - Trey Miller, Ryan Pratkanis, and Nikolas Reese

  9. Runnels School recognizes top DARE essay contest winners

    Gavin Oram was the overall winner and received a medal from Aguillard. Grade section essay winners Sela Basso, Harrison White, Andrew Page and Emmy Scott received a DARE pin and certificate. All ...

  10. Dare Essay Winners

    Dare Essay Winners. Annette Reece. December 8, 2023. The 5 th grade students at Franklin Elementary School just studied the D.A.R.E. program, Drug Abuse Resistance Education. D.A.R.E. is designed to equip elementary, middle, and high school children with knowledge about drug abuse, the consequences of abuse, and skills for resisting peer ...

  11. DARE/SRO's

    2021-2022 DARE Essays Winners Photo: Courtesy of Sherry Whitt. The DARE program is taught to 5th grade classes at all of the elementary schools in Stokes County and 8th grade classes at three the middle schools. The program focuses on making good choices by using the D.A.R.E. decision making model. It educates the children on what peer pressure ...

  12. Wahpeton Fifth Graders Graduate from D.A.R.E

    There were four essay winners of the D.A.R.E. program, one winner from each class. "I had to sit back and realize we can only do one winner per class," Page said, "I could have picked 10 or more easily." Dinah Hinrichs, Adalyn Webster, Hadley Tayer and Peyton Erickson were the essay winners. All four girls received a certificate and a ...

  13. D.A.R.E essay winners for Pineview fifth-graders

    The Pineview Elementary School's fifth-grade D.A.R.E. Essay winners are (back row) Emily Schullenberger, JT Scott and Taylor Miller. In front are Ella Erdman and Calli Roers. Hi, my name is JT ...

  14. DARE Essay Winners!

    Congratulations go to our amazing D.A.R.E essay and Memorial Day Essay winners. All 5th grade students are required to write an essay in order to graduate from the DARE program. The essays are written in Mrs. McCrory's Writing class and read by Officer Hayes. After careful consideration, Officer Hayes chose the essays that reflect the meaning ...

  15. 5th-Graders Graduate from DARE Program (6-7-21)

    Officer Chad Meyers of the Penn Township Police taught D.A.R.E. lessons to all the district's 2nd-grade and 5th-grade students during the 2020-2021 academic school year. The 5th-grade D.A.R.E. program concluded with an essay contest. To celebrate the students' pledge to be drug-free, Officer Meyers presented every 5th-grade student with a T ...

  16. Check out a few of our 5th...

    Saltillo Elementary School. · April 12, 2021 ·. Check out a few of our 5th grade DARE essay winners!! Overall winner- Emlianne Owens (Miss Jeter's Class) Classroom winners include Mariah Fields (Miss Jeter's class), Milo Chilton (Mrs. Bearden's class), and John Monaghan (Mrs. Smith's class) Awesome job DARE students on completing your ...


    That being said, please ask your fifth grade student to type a D.A.R.E. Essay with these guidelines: • The essays must be typed, 12-14 maximum font size, and must be at least one page in length (they can be longer than that, however). • The essays must end with a "Pledge Statement" at the end (for example, "I, James Ghrist, pledge to

  18. 5th Grade Dare Graduation

    5th Grade Dare Graduation Annette Reece December 8, 2023 5th Grade D.A.R.E. Graduation. November 28, 2023. The event started with a processional of our 5th Grade Dare Graduates. ... Our D.A.R.E. Essay winners were Malakai Smith, Wrenzo Freeman, and Braden Kane. These three gentlemen presented their speeches to family, friends, and guests. The ...

  19. KLR fifth-grade students graduate from DARE program

    After the winners read their essays, each DARE graduate received a certificate of completion and a commemorative coin. "On behalf of the Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School, I want to thank Undersheriff Chaboty, Lieutenant Alvarez, Corporal Ionta and Lieutenant Crumley for their work in bringing this important program to our students, and to students of Sullivan County," KLR Principal ...

  20. 5th Grade D.A.R.E. Curriculum

    5th Grade D.A.R.E. Home Links. This total ly completely new D.A.R.E. curriculum challenges students by having them participate in active learning. The benefit to the students is the strong foundation of decision-making skills that they apply to real life situations about the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and inhalants.

  21. Fifth-grade student wins Kansas D.A.R.E essay contest

    TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) - A fifth-grade student from El Paso Elementary School has been named the winner of the D.A.R.E essay contest, according to Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt. Lauren W…

  22. D.A.R.E. Essay: Multi-Draft Opinion Writing for Grade 5 (CCSS)

    The culmination of the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program for fifth-graders is the D.A.R.E. Essay. Using D.A.R.E. workbooks & the knowledge that they have gained during classroom discussions with their D.A.R.E. officer, students will explain the D.A.R.E. program and prove that it is a valuable program for fifth-grade students ...

  23. PDF D.A.R.E. America

    D.A.R.E. America | Teaching Students Decision-Making for Safe & Healthy ...