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Essay on Pros and Cons of Public Transport

Public Transport Essay

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Pros of using metro:

Convenience, environmental friendliness, cons of using the metro:, heavy crowding, criminal activity, spread of diseases.

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Essay on Pros and Cons of Public Transport

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 678 - what are the pros and cons of using public transport, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, many people prefer to use public transportation while others say that personal cars are the best mode of transportation. excessive use of private cars is considered to be the main reason for the traffic jam in many cities and that's why the use of public transportation is encouraged., in your opinion what are the pros and cons of using public transport.

public transport pros and cons essay

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Pros & cons: Making public transportation free

Experts present their pros and cons lists for making public transit free for communities.


Public transit is an important part of many people’s daily lives. Image: / CC BY

December 13, 2019. Now that Kansas City has become the first major U.S. city to make all public transportation free , the debate over whether or not this is a viable option for most cities is back in the spotlight. The viewpoints of the following experts are still very much relevant to today’s discussion.

The following question was recently posted on Quora : “What are the arguments against and for making public transportation free?”

Read the diverse opinions from experts below.

Don Johnson, Urban Planner and Economist

There are a couple of economic arguments for making public transportation free (or at least cheaper than it costs to provide:)

  • Cars impose a lot of costs on society that drivers don’t pay for
  • Everyone benefits when people can travel around freely.

The technical term for the first one is “negative externality,” and there are two big ones associated with cars: pollution and congestion. Every time you start your car and get on the road, you put mono-nitrogen oxides, VOCs, ozone, and carbon dioxide in the air, and you make the road more crowded and thus slower. These are real costs, measurable in environmental damage, health care costs, and wasted time, that other people have to pay for .

Economists like efficiency, and efficient economic systems are ones in which people pay for costs directly, because then they can make choices rationally. (I’ll wait for everyone to stop laughing before I continue.) That’s why economists and planners have been fantasizing about congestion pricing for so long - in a well-designed congestion pricing scheme, drivers actually pay more when they choose a congested road. And if there were an additional tax on gas dedicated to relieving air pollution and improving respiratory health (the existing gas tax in the US only pays for roads) that would make drivers pay the cost of pollution and also be economically efficient. But in the absence of those, subsidizing public transit (which gets people to drive less than they otherwise would) is kind of a second best solution.

The technical term for the second argument is “public good.” It’s good for everyone if transportation costs are reduced - workers can get to more jobs, companies can choose from more workers and more suppliers, people can take more spur-of-the moment road trips to outlet malls, etc. Robert J. Kolker will say that making the price zero don’t make it free -- somebody somewhere is paying -- and he’s right, but under some conditions you can probably show that making everyone pay to make transit free for some people actually makes everyone collectively better off. Again Robert will say that’s not fair, but this is not a fairness argument but a collective benefit argument. But in any case our society is not run by economist philosopher kings.

Because economists famously don’t agree on anything I have to point out that there are also economic arguments against making transit free:

  • Free transit is a poor substitute for making drivers pay actual costs of driving
  • Free anything makes people use it too much - in theory, anyway, transit that’s too cheap is just as bad as driving that’s too cheap. Somebody will end up paying for lots of trips that didn’t really need to be made.
  • As noted above, people may feel that it’s not fair that they have to pay for other people’s bus tickets, even if it does make everyone better off. I’m personally not very sympathetic - pretty much every decision society makes is unfair to somebody. Is it fair to me that we spent $62 billion to develop the F-22 fighter plane, when I don’t feel any safer because of it? But I digress.

In summary there is a lot of reasonable thought behind subsidizing public transit (even if not making it absolutely free) and indeed that’s what most cities end up doing.

Andrew Levy

  • We would need more public transport. Buses, planes, trains etc. all harm the environment, just as cars do. If everyone used public transport, more buses would pollute cities. It should also be mentioned that the manufacturing and creation of a public transport system is very energy intensive, drawing largely on coal and fossil fuels for energy. This releases significant carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
  • With the financial crisis, we can’t afford to spend more money on something like this. It would cost too much for the government to pay for running public transport services. With the economic crisis, it needs to spend the money on other more important things.
  • Car sales would drop significantly. If it were free for everyone to get to work, families wouldn’t need two or three cars; just one or even none, depending on their availability to public transport of course. Most families have several cars, and one is used just for someone to get to work each day. This wouldn’t be necessary. It would hurt the car industry and car makers would most likely lose their jobs, and car companies may collapse, which is very bad news.
  • There are many people who would also lose their jobs. People like conductors, parking cops and plenty of other people wouldn’t have their jobs any more, because their services would be no longer required.
  • Some public transport cities are already terrible; this would just increase the strain. Some public transport networks are already crowded and/or unreliable. With increased customers and pressure, these networks wouldn’t manage.
  • If it was free, companies would not be expected to provide top service, because they are not paying customers. Generally when you pay a little bit more, you are paying for a good service. But if you aren’t paying anything, and heaps of people are using the service, you can’t expect top-notch customer service. Generally people look after paying customers more. If it was free, companies could lower their service under the excuse that its customers aren’t paying anything so they should just “get what their given”.
  • Many people dislike public transport and still would not use it. Many people will stick to their cars, and some would even stop using public transport, because with it being free, so many people will use it, it would become a mess and be way too crowded.
  • “Why Free Public Transport is a bad idea?!?”, World Streets Blog
  • Baum, Herbert J. (1973), “Free Public Transport”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, January 1973
  • “Myth: Making public transport free will encourage use”, Public Transport Users Association, Australia
  • “Free public transport is not our ticket to ride”, Australia
  • Free public transport would reduce the number of cars on the road. Global warming is a serious issue and if public transport was free, more people would use it, taking cars off the road. 1 train could take 2000 cars off the road. A public transport system with 20 trains could take 40,000 cars off the road. Some people would simply choose to not own cars, further reducing the number of cars on the road. Across dozens of cities in a nation and thousands world-wide, the result of free public transport would be dramatic in cutting vehicle emissions and combating global warming.
  • The government’s job is to provide services. This would be a great service that could be used by everyone. Taxes already pay for health care, schools and roads etc. so why not let taxpayers see the benefits for themselves, in a useful service everyone can use.
  • The environment would greatly benefit. As well as providing services, the government should look out for the environment. No amount of money is too much to protect the environment.
  • We would need more public transport workers. With increased and better public transport, we would need more bus and train drivers, creating jobs. This is great with the global financial crisis. And it work make it easier for people to get to their job - they could just get on a bus.
  • The government would be forced to improve public transport. With more users, bad public transport networks would be improved by the government, to make it worthwhile using. Bad networks would be greatly improved, and the benefits can be used by everyone. Its definitely a worthwhile incentive.
  • A lot of public transport companies are reliable and need more customers. Most public transport organisations offer friendly and reliable service and could do with some more “customers”. They would be happy to take them and it would get cars off the road.
  • Single or zero fare maximizes the efficiency, convenience and attractiveness of public transport systems for both users and operators in inner cities. “The option of a single and potentially free public transport fare zone in the Sydney CBD should be examined as a way of immediately simplifying fare structures, eliminating CBD interchange fare penalties, eliminating other CBD fare anomalies and maximising the efficiency, convenience and attractiveness of CBD public transport systems for both users and operators.” Independent Public Inquiry - Sydney’s Long Term Public Transport Plan, May 2010
  • Heaps of people would be tempted by free transport. If free public transport was offered to everyone, of course they would use it. Yes, some people may stick to their cars, but the majority would think it was a great idea. If you had the choice of paying thousands each year to run a car, or to get on a train every morning for free, what would you choose?
  • A lot of people would already be using it if it didn’t cost so much. For a lot of people, the only reason they don’t catch public transport is because it costs too much. If it was free, they’d definitely start using it.
  • Free Public Transit Blog
  • Møller, Berit and Thoegersen, John (2008), “Breaking Car Use Habits: The Effectiveness of a Free One-Month Travelcard”, Transportation, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 329-345, 2008
  • Thoegersen, John (2009), “Promoting Public Transport as a Subscription Service: Effects of a Free Month Travel Card”, Transport Policy, Vol. 16, 2009
  • “Perspectives on implementation of free public transport - assessments and recommendations from a working group under the Danish Board of Technology”, Summary, English version, November 2006
  • Scottish Socialist Party’s campaign for free public transport, UK
  • Campaign for Free Public Transport, UK
  • Free Public Transport, Finland
  • Transport Vsem, Russia
  • Saltada Popular, Spain
  •, Sweden
  • “At Any Cost? The hidden costs of charging for public transport”, Alex Berthelsen,, Sweden
  •, USA
  • Zero-Fare, Canada
  • “Free ride: the future of public transport”, The Age, March 5, 2006, Australia
  • “The case for free public transport”, Green Left, Australia
  • Fare Free, New Zealand
  • “A Case for Free Comfortable Public Transport?”, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center

Prashant Prasad

In my opinion, encouraging public transport is a very good way to reduce pollution and other traffic related problems in any city. But in most of the cases, creating a free public transportation system is not a feasible solution.

The following are what I see as the pros and cons of making public transportation systems free of cost:

  • More users will get attracted to the public transportation system as their mode choice which will reduce number of small and private vehicles on street resulting lesser congestion and lesser emission (good for the environment).
  • Time taken to purchase the travel ticket will be saved.
  • It will be accessible to the economically weaker section of the society also.
  • Will reduce the societal gap between poor and rich in the society as people from all economic status will be able to travel together.
  • This will provide job opportunities to more people as more public transportation vehicles will be required to ply in the Country.
  • Initially managing the crowd in the public transport will be a major challenge in populated countries like India.
  • It will become a burden on the government to maintain the quality and finally to sustain the public transportation system.
  • Many people will not use the public transport as it will be too crowded.
  • Human psychology is that free things are not valued much, so the system may get abused by the public.

However there are countries like Germany where public transportation is free for students and the money for the same is collected as a semester fee. In countries like India the challenge is quite unique. In India we have a huge range of users ranging from a homeless person to a millionaire.

There are two types of users, according to the literature: Choice riders and Captive riders.

  • Choice riders : users who can afford to travel by other private modes of transport
  • Captive riders: users who cannot afford anything other than public transport.

We need to find a balance between their requirements and affordability, keeping in mind that anything we do will need money and money cannot be grown on trees. In order to attract both types of riders towards public transport, we need to keep the fare within an affordable range of the user groups and need to uplift the quality of the service to match the choice riders’ needs.

This can be done by creating segments in the public transportation system:

  • A higher service quality for which the fare will also be a little lighter as the choice riders’ affordability range is higher and
  • A comparatively lower service quality which will sustain itself with a lower fare and also will fit within captive riders’ pocket.

Ways to get funds to improve the service-quality of entire transportation system:

  • The revenue of the higher service quality can support the lower quality to improve and come to the same level.
  • The revenue from the goods transportation system can also contribute in improving the public transportation service-quality.
  • In order to maintain the interest of the choice riders we will need to think of providing some advantages against the higher fare they will pay. Like less crowed in the higher class and little more pleasant condition.

The entire process to improve the quality of public transport and reducing various problems due to vehicles needs to be worked out in detail. This will take a longer time but this should work better than making it completely free for all.


Essay on Public Transportation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Public Transportation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Public Transportation


Public transportation refers to vehicles like buses and trains, used by the public to travel. It is a shared system, meaning it carries multiple passengers at once.

Public transportation is important because it helps decrease traffic congestion. It also reduces air pollution by lessening the number of cars on the road.

Using public transportation can save money as it’s cheaper than maintaining a car. It also promotes social interaction and provides mobility to those who can’t drive.

In conclusion, public transportation is beneficial for the environment, economy, and society. Therefore, we should consider using it more frequently.

250 Words Essay on Public Transportation

Role in urban mobility.

Public transportation plays a pivotal role in facilitating urban mobility. It reduces congestion by transporting a larger number of people in a single vehicle, compared to private cars. This efficiency aids in reducing travel time, enhancing productivity, and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.

Economic Impact

Public transportation is a significant economic driver. It creates job opportunities, both directly and indirectly, and stimulates local economies by enhancing accessibility to businesses. It also plays a crucial role in reducing the economic burden of transportation for individuals, particularly those from lower-income groups.

Environmental Implications

Public transportation contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint. It minimizes the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower emissions and reduced energy consumption. It also aids in mitigating climate change by fostering a transition towards a low-carbon urban transport system.

Social Equity

Public transportation promotes social equity by providing affordable and accessible transportation options to all, irrespective of socio-economic status. It ensures that everyone can access essential services, job opportunities, and social activities, thereby reducing social exclusion.

In conclusion, public transportation is a cornerstone of sustainable urban development. It is instrumental in promoting economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity. Therefore, investing in public transportation is not just a matter of urban policy, but a key to achieving sustainable and inclusive cities.

500 Words Essay on Public Transportation

The role of public transportation.

Public transportation serves as the backbone of urban mobility, providing a sustainable alternative to private vehicle use. It mitigates the environmental impact of transport by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Public transit systems like buses, trams, and metros are designed to accommodate large passenger volumes, thereby decreasing the number of vehicles on the road and reducing traffic congestion.

Moreover, public transportation fosters social inclusion. It provides access to employment, education, healthcare, and recreational activities for all segments of the population, including low-income groups, the elderly, and people with disabilities. By offering a reliable and affordable means of travel, public transportation can bridge socio-economic disparities and facilitate social cohesion.

Challenges in Public Transportation

Funding issues are another significant hurdle. Public transportation is often heavily subsidized, relying on government funding to maintain operations. However, budget constraints can limit the capacity for system improvements and expansions.

Lastly, a lack of integrated planning can lead to inefficient transit systems. To maximize efficiency and user convenience, public transportation should be coordinated with other urban services such as housing, land use, and pedestrian infrastructure.

The Future of Public Transportation

Furthermore, the integration of public transportation with other modes of travel, such as bike-sharing and ride-hailing services, can create a seamless and flexible mobility network. This concept, known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), represents a paradigm shift in urban transport, moving from vehicle ownership to shared mobility.

Sustainability is another key aspect of the future of public transportation. As cities strive to achieve carbon neutrality, electric buses, hydrogen-powered trains, and other forms of green public transit will play a crucial role in reducing transport-related emissions.

Public transportation is more than just a means of getting from one place to another. It is a tool for urban development, social equity, and environmental sustainability. Despite the challenges it faces, with proper planning, sufficient funding, and the integration of advanced technologies, public transportation can continue to serve as a vital component of urban life, shaping our cities for the better.

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public transport pros and cons essay

  • February 25, 2021
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IELTS Writing task 2 band 6.5 | Public transportation

public transport pros and cons essay

Today, we will be looking at two writing task 2 essays about public transport. They would both score 6.5 in the test for different reasons. Read on to find out more about why these essay would score 6.5, and what would make them better!

Many people believe that free public transportation should be available in most major cities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this idea?

You should write at least 250 words.

According to many, public transport which can be used without paying charges should be available in most metropolitan cities. The major benefit of this belief is traffic congestion will be reduced noticeably. Whereas , a drawback is the more burdens will occur on the government.

An increasing number of private vehicles on the roads are creating an enormous amount of traffic, which is closely tied to produce a massive amount of sound pollution . It is, eventually, harmful to the human lungs and ears. Applying free public transportation can result in encouraging people to switch from their personal car to public vehicles in daily activities. In this way, the government can draw a line on excessively increasing traffic amount in urban settings as well as sound pollution would be cut back . Free public transportation can also help individually because people can move around without paying a fare, and they do not have to think of parking or maintenance costs, which they have to spend if they use a private car. Consequently, It can be said that free public transportation has many advantages for both individuals and states.

Despite a number of benefits, there are also some drawbacks of free public transportation. One of the major difficulties is the government have to be undergone a burden because they have to allot a huge amount of tax-payers money to invest for launching public vehicles and continuously pay the maintenance cost of free public transportation and in return, the government will be got no amount of money. This massive amount of money the government could use for the neediest sector, such as the infrastructural improvement of the healthcare system which is the most important part of the people who actually pay the taxes. With the huge disadvantage of free public transportation, it cannot be considered a wise decision to make public transportation free of charge.

In conclusion, free public transportation can come up with the blessings of less traffic congestion in most mejor cities. Besides , it also creates a huge problem for the government can not give their focal point on other neediest sectors.

Task Achievement

The task achievement is good here.

One issue that prevents this essay from scoring higher for task achievement is that the conclusion does not properly cover the main points in the body of the essay. This means that it addresses all parts of the task (band 7), but the band 8 criterion (sufficiently addresses all parts of the task) is not met.

Note that the conclusion does not say whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is fine because the question does not ask which are greater!

The body paragraphs have nice, logical concluding remarks, meaning that ideas develop well.

  • addresses all parts of the task
  • presents a clear position throughout the response
  • presents, extends and supports main ideas , but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus

Paragraphing is logical and there is clear progression throughout.

The use of cohesive devices (transition signals, referencing and substitution) is usually good in this essay, with lots of variety. The use of coherence markers is not mechanical.

The reason that this essay does not score band 7 is that several cohesive devices are incorrectly used: whereas (in the introduction) and besides in the conclusion are wrong. The meaning of besides is inappropriate, and whereas has been used with only one clause, whereas correct use would require two clauses (see what I did there? 😉). Another error with transitions is the use of as well as – it is being used to substitute and, but the usage is incorrect.

There is an idea that doesn’t properly match up here: sound pollution and harm to the lungs. This would prevent the essay from scoring higher once issues with transition signals are fixed.

  • arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression
  • uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical
  • may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately
  • uses paragraphing, but not always logically

Lexical resource

There is some good vocabulary with an awareness of style and location.

There are some collocation errors, but there is enough good vocabulary here to justify the higher score.

Wording in the conclusion is quite clumsy (can come up with the blessings of less traffic congestion) and needs to be tidied up.

Some other word choice and word for errors include ‘belief’ vs ‘concept / idea’, ‘burdens will occur’ vs ‘burdens will be placed on’, ‘draw a line on’ vs ‘draw a line under’, ‘think of’ vs ‘think about’, ‘costs are spent’ vs ‘costs are incurred’. However, the meaning is clear throughout.

  • uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
  •  uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation 
  • may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation

Grammatical range and accuracy

The grammar is also good here, but the seriousness of errors prevents a higher score.

There are a few errors where the writer has not used the passive, and it makes the meaning a little confusing: ‘this massive amount of money the government could use’ vs ‘this massive amount of money could be used by the government’, ‘One of the major difficulties is the government have to be undergone a burden’ vs ‘The government has to undergo a burden’ (or better still, ‘a burden is placed on the government’, ‘the government will be got’ vs ‘the government will get’

There are a few grammatical issues around the transition signals ‘whereas’ and ‘as well as’.

  • Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

A lot of people are of the opinion that public transport should be cost free and accessible in large cities however this idea has its merits and demerits .

Firstly we will discuss one of the merits which is easy travels.

A large number of individuals need to move from place to place via public transport such as buses, trains and ferries or using commercial motorcycles and taxi services. Making these services free and available improves for use improves the living conditions of the people as they can visit places without having to worry about the cost and this helps to save money as the money spent on transport fare can be unbearable . For example, people who work far from home spend almost all their earnings on transportation. If this is excluded, more money can be saved and used for other pressing issued such as feeding and care of the family thereby giving the low income workers live a comfortable life.

One of the disadvantages include increase in tax payment by locals. In most countries, tax paid by the people is used for its development. Revenue from transportation is quite significant as it is used on a daily basis but if this were to be made free, it will cause a fall in revenue generation and thereby causing an increase in tax on other sectors such as water, electricity and health.

Another disadvantage is overcrowding. Making public transport free will encourage its use by many as I is for a fact that most people love free services. This in turn increases the number of people in a particular place thereby increase the risk of spreading communicable disease such as the deadly Coronavirus, tuberculosis and exacerbation of asthma as a result of congestion .

In conclusion, the benefits of making public transport free of charge and available include easy movement from place to place, a more convenient life and reduce expenses however , it could cause increase in tax payment for other services and increase the risk in the transmission of diseases.

Task achievement is good overall with good idea development and logical conclusions.

There is some overgeneralisation in the example about people spending almost all their earnings on transportation. A bit more specificity and focus would be good (Some/many workers in developing countries who commute long distances spend…)

The paragraph about overcrowding could also be a bit more focused (a particular place = packed into confined spaces on buses and trains, thereby increasing…)

It would be nice if the introduction either gave a bit more background on the topic or more fully introduced some of the main arguments.

The writer would benefit from covering another advantage, or directly stating multiple advantages (e.g. There are clear advantages of free public transport: not only do citizens save transport fares, but it can also reduce levels of poverty by giving the poorest families more disposable income).

  • presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus

The paragraphing is usually good, but there is a very noticeable issue with the paragraph ‘Firstly we will discuss one of the merits which is easy travels’.

This could be added into the introduction (although it isn’t a great purpose statement because it hasn’t really dealt with the overall purpose of the essay, rather it is only introducing the following paragraph). It could also be added to the paragraph about saving money, but it wouldn’t make a very strong topic sentence because it is far too general.

There is good use of cohesive devices, and the structure is neither repetitive nor mechanical.

  • uses cohesive devices effectively , but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical

The use of demerits is very common amongst non-native speakers preparing for their IELTS tests. We don’t know where it has come from, but we don’t like it. In all my years of reading articles across a very wide range of disciplines, I have only seen this word used once or twice to mean disadvantage as opposed to penalty (and it wasn’t by a native speaker). It is hardly ever used by native speakers and it sounds unnatural. Avoid!!!

There is a good range of vocabulary, including some nice collocations. Some good examples of vocabulary here are: living conditions; earnings; tax payment; development; revenue from transportation; significant; revenue generation; sectors; overcrowding; services the risk of spreading communicable disease; coronavirus/tuberculosis/exacerbation of asthma (showing a range of health vocab in a relevant context).

There are some unfortunate word choices and word form errors that prevent this from scoring more highly: unbearable vs unmanageable; pressing issued vs pressing issues; the use of congestion is confusing for a number of reasons: traffic congestion? Nasal congestion? It is likely the writer meant ‘crowded’.

  • may produce occasional errors in word choice , spelling and/or word formation

There is some great grammar here, but unfortunately there are fairly frequent punctuation errors which lead to quite a high error density, preventing this from receiving a better score.

The writer needs to work on the grammar used around the word ‘thereby’ – it is an excellent cohesive device, and the use is appropriate. The grammar is quite complicated, though:

‘Thereby’ on its own is following by a noun phrase and should not include a verb (thereby giving the low-income workers live a comfortable life; thereby increase the risk of spreading communicable disease)

‘and thereby’ – the rules for and take over: it needs to follow the grammar of the idea being linked by the ‘and’ (‘it will cause a fall in revenue generation and thereby causing an increase in tax on’ should be ‘ it will cause a fall in revenue generation and will thereby cause an increase in tax on’).

That brings an end to this essay rating. If you are preparing for your IELTS test and want to find out a bit more about task 2, check out our post giving five tips to improve your IELTS writing task 2 ! In both essays, the writers would get the same scores in all 4 criteria, but for different reasons. Was there anything here that surprised you? Have your say, and comment in the section below!  Click here for the full public IELTS task 2 writing descriptors .

If you need your writing corrected and rated, make sure that you check out our writing corrections and feedback service!

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To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

  • Mass transit
  • Eco-friendly
  • Infrastructure
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Sustainable
  • Traffic flow
  • Urban planning
  • Public transit
  • Carbon footprint
  • Renewable energy
  • Ride-sharing
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Students should pay the full cost for their own study because university education benefits individuals rather than society.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In many parts of the world today there is a profitable market for products which lighten or whiten people’s skin. outline the reasons for using such products and discuss what effects they have in terms of health and society, young people in the modern world seem to have more power and influence than any previous young generation. why is this the case what impact does this have on the relationship between old and young people give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience., some people believe that children should be made disciplined by making them obey rules and do what their parents and teachers want them to do. others, however, believe that those children who are controlled are not well-prepared to tackle the challenges life brings to them. discuss both views and give your opinion. give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience., water is a natural resources that should be free. government should ban the sale of bottled water. to what extent do you agree or disagree.

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Pros and cons of public transportation

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IELTS essay Pros and cons of public transportation

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
  • ? Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
  • 6 band The young generation has to decide the most important decision about their own life because this period of their life is that how to make bright future? I agree with given statment. Firstly, the main argument is that making a career choice the most vital decision is that when the young persons have an idea of the career path which they want to chase, it can be help them to make able to do something in their future. Secondly, when youngsters choose their way of career, they persue for position in particular field which they want to work and make a good life. it can also identify their level in which they are making their position. It can also help to guide them building their personality and professional life style in which they are interested. Finally, choosing a career path can help them into other important life decisions. For example, their personality that it can be effect if and they marry and have a family. Choosing a life partner is the second important life decision, The young generation has to decide the most important decision about their own life because this period of their life is that how to make bright future? I agree with given statment. Firstly, the main argument is that making a career choice the most vital decision is that when the young persons have ...
  • 5.5 band Some employers offer their employees subsidised membership of gyms and sports clubs, believing that this will make their staff healthier and thus more effective at work. Other employers see no benefit in doing so. Consider the arguments from both aspects of this possible debate, and reach a conclusion. Imagine that you are running a renowned and prestigious company, what steps you will take for motivating your employees to hustel with full commitment. Mostly all the leading companies are doing their best to provide a convenient and favorable work environment. In my view all the organisations shou ...
  • 6 band We are becoming more and more dependent on machines to function in the modern world. Some people think this is a very negative development. Nowadays, modern world full of different kinds of technique where people cannot imagine life without it in daily routine and it is argued that it can give negative impact to the society. I strongly agree with this opinion, despite the fact that machines bring a lot of benefits to our life. To begin ...
  • 5.5 band Some people think that it’s better to start a maths club than a dance club at your school. with this opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples. Recently, schools provide children with various types of extra curriculum education. Schools have numerous clubs that gives schoolchildren possibility to gain more skills. Having math and dance clubs are good idea but when it comes to choice dance club is more beneficial than math club. At school st ...
  • 6.5 band Open plan offices offer a better working environment for staff than normal office. It is believed that open plan offices provide better working conditions than normal offices. Even though communication is facilitated in the office and it cuts the budget, I partly disagree with this idea due to adverse effects on employee’s performances such as lack of privacy and distractions. To ...
  • 6 band In some countries around the world men and women are having children later in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life? n modern society, young people have a tendency of postponing their parenthood until their late 30’s or even early 40’s. The reasons for this phenomenon are the desire to achieve a perfect career and desire to have financial stability, which have huge effects on society and parenting. To begin with, ...


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  4. Pros and Cons of Public Transportation by on Prezi

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  5. 22+ Pros And Cons Of Public Transportation (Explained)

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  6. 5 Modes of Transportation and Their Advantages and Disadvantages

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  1. Essay on Pros and Cons of Public Transport - Free Essay ...

    Pros of metro exploitation have the following benefits shortening travel time, improving the level of public transport services, and increasing the accessibility of the central zone.

  2. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 678 - What are the pros and cons ...

    In your opinion what are the pros and cons of using public transport? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1: While some people choose to use public transportations, others prefer to use their own cars.

  3. Pros & cons: Making public transportation free - Gov1

    Pros: Free public transport would reduce the number of cars on the road. Global warming is a serious issue and if public transport was free, more people would use it, taking cars off the road. 1 train could take 2000 cars off the road. A public transport system with 20 trains could take 40,000 cars off the road.

  4. Essay on Public Transportation -

    Public transportation promotes social equity by providing affordable and accessible transportation options to all, irrespective of socio-economic status. It ensures that everyone can access essential services, job opportunities, and social activities, thereby reducing social exclusion.

  5. What are the pros and cons of using public transport - Writing9

    When discussing the pros and cons of public transport, each point should be followed by specific details or situations to illustrate it effectively. Try to include data, statistics, or hypothetical scenarios that make arguments more compelling.

  6. IELTS Writing task 2 band 6.5 | Public transportation

    Today, we will be looking at two writing task 2 essays about public transport. They would both score 6.5 in the test for different reasons. Read on to find out more about why these essay would score 6.5, and what would make them better!

  7. What are the pros and cons of using public transportation?

    Dear Professor, writing9. In the past few decades, government's have decided to invest more in their modes of public transportation to provide cheaper modes of travelling. Nonetheless, a few people believe that public transport has more drawbacks than benefits | Band: 8.

  8. What are the pros and cons of using public transportation?

    Outline the reasons for using such products and discuss what effects they have in terms of health and society. In various spots of the world, a tendency to have white bark has increased among people and due to this demand the market for these kinds of products has progressed.

  9. IELTS essay What are the pros and cons of public transport?

    There are various kinds of public transport to facilitate people’s transportation. However there are some benefits and also number of drawbacks to using this. In this essay I will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using public transport and offer my opinion.

  10. IELTS essay Pros and cons of public transportation

    A highly controversial issue today is whether we should use public transport or not? while some people choose to use public transportation, others prefer to use their private car. In this essay, I'm going to analyze the both benefits and drawbacks of using public transport and draw a conclusion.