
230+ Innovative Hospitality Management Research Topics In 2023

Hospitality Management Research Topics

Have you ever thought about what goes on behind the scenes to make your hotel stay or restaurant food so great? Hospitality management research is like the investigative work of detectives in the world of hospitality. It aims to find ways to enhance your experiences away from home and ensure that hotels and restaurants run smoothly.

In this blog, we delve into the importance of research in the hospitality industry. It’s the key to enhancing guest experiences, optimizing business operations, and promoting sustainable practices. It keeps businesses up-to-date with changing trends and helps attract and retain the best staff, all while exploring innovative solutions for the challenges faced by the industry.

We’ll also provide you with over 230 innovative research topics in hospitality management for 2023, catering to various fields of study, whether you’re a social sciences, economics, STEM, or law and ethics student. So, if you’re curious about the world of hospitality research, read on to uncover the secrets of guest satisfaction and the ever-evolving landscape of this dynamic industry.

What Is Hospitality Management Research?

Table of Contents

Hospitality management research is like detectives studying how hotels, restaurants, and other places where people stay and eat can do things better. Imagine someone trying to find ways to make your hotel stay more comfortable or your restaurant meal tastier. That’s what researchers in hospitality management do. They ask questions, gather information, and use special tools to solve problems and make the experience of staying and eating out more enjoyable for everyone. They also look at how to make these places run smoothly and help the people who work there do their jobs better.

This kind of research is important because it helps hotels and restaurants become better at what they do. It can lead to new ideas and improvements that make guests happy and also help the businesses make more money. So, hospitality management research is all about finding ways to make your time away from home more enjoyable, relaxing, and delicious.

Importance Of Research In Hospitality Management

Here are some importance of research in hospitality management:

1. Enhancing Guest Experiences

Research in hospitality management helps hotels and restaurants figure out what makes guests happy. It’s like finding the secret recipe for a big smile. By asking questions and studying what guests like and don’t like, they can make stays and meals more enjoyable and memorable.

2. Efficient and Well-Run Businesses

Just like a chef needs a recipe to cook a delicious meal, businesses in hospitality need the right recipe for success. Research helps them find the best ways to do things, like how to manage staff, plan menus, and set prices. This makes the hotel or restaurant run smoothly and make more money.

3. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

Researchers in hospitality also look at ways to be kind to the planet. They explore how to save energy, reduce waste, and use fewer resources. This not only helps the environment but also saves money for businesses in the long run.

4. Keeping Up with Changing Trends

Travel and dining habits change over time, just like fashion trends. Hospitality research keeps businesses up-to-date with what’s popular and what’s not. It’s like knowing which clothing style is in fashion, but for hotels and restaurants.

5. Attracting and Training the Best Staff

Good staff is like the icing on a cake – they make everything better. Research in hospitality management helps businesses find and keep talented employees. Businesses can make their employees happier and more effective by knowing what they need and want. This will lead to better service for guests.

In this section, we will discuss hospitality management research topics: 

Great Hospitality Industry Research Topics

  • Consumer Preferences in Sustainable Accommodations
  • Technology’s Role in Personalizing Guest Experiences
  • Crisis Management in the Post-COVID-19 Hospitality Sector
  • Food Safety and Public Health in Restaurants
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Hospitality Workforce
  • Cultural Exchange and Tourism Impact
  • Managing Employee Turnover in Hospitality
  • The Effect of Online Reviews on Hotel Selection
  • Social Media Marketing for Hotels
  • Environmental Responsibility in Hospitality Operations

Amazing Research Titles About Hospitality Industry

  • Sustainable Hospitality: Green Practices and Guest Satisfaction
  • Innovations in Guest Experience Management
  • Resilience in the Face of Crisis: Hospitality Industry Strategies
  • Digital Disruption in Hospitality: The Tech Transformation
  • From Stars to Stories: Rethinking Hotel Ratings
  • Exploring Cultural Tourism in the Hospitality World
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Top-Rated Hotels: A Guest-Centric Analysis
  • Banquets and Conferences in the Digital Age: Innovations in Event Management
  • Social Media Crisis Communication for the Hospitality Industry
  • Dining Experiences Beyond the Plate: Restaurant Innovations

List of Recommended Philippines Hotel and Restaurant Management Dissertation Topics

  • Boutique Hotels and Local Tourism Development
  • Culinary Tourism in the Philippines: A Flavorful Journey
  • Community-Based Tourism Initiatives: Socioeconomic Impacts
  • Sourcing Locally: Sustainable Food Practices in Filipino Restaurants
  • Promoting Filipino Hospitality and Cuisine through Social Media
  • Revenue Management Strategies for Philippine Hotels
  • Cultural Festivals and Hotel Occupancy Rates
  • Elevating Customer Service in Filipino Restaurants
  • Ecotourism Trends and Eco-Friendly Accommodations in the Philippines
  • Adapting to the ‘New Normal’: Challenges and Opportunities in Philippine Hospitality

Research Topics in Hospitality Management for Social Students

  • Social Responsibility in Hospitality: A Comparative Study
  • Indigenous Communities and Tourism: Social Implications
  • Gender Diversity in Hospitality Leadership Roles
  • Mental Health Among Hospitality Workers: A Social Perspective
  • Social Media’s Impact on Destination Marketing
  • Inclusivity and Diverse Populations in Hospitality
  • Reducing Food Waste in Restaurants: A Social Goal
  • Tourism as a Catalyst for Cultural Exchange
  • Social Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Sector
  • Community Engagement in Tourism Development

Research Topics for Hospitality Management for Economy Students

  • Mega Events and Their Economic Impact on Hospitality and Tourism
  • Price Elasticity in the Hotel Industry
  • Economic Analysis of All-Inclusive Resorts
  • Tourism’s Role in the Economic Development of Developing Nations
  • Foreign Investment in Hospitality: Economic Insights
  • The Economics of Luxury Hotel Operations
  • Market Entry Strategies for International Hotel Chains
  • Tourism Taxes and Their Influence on Visitor Numbers
  • Airbnb and Its Economic Impact on Traditional Hotels
  • Agrotourism’s Economic Viability and Potential

Outstanding Research Titles For Hospitality Management Students

  •  Crafting Exceptional Guest Experiences: A Study in Hospitality Excellence
  •  Hospitality Resilience in Times of Crisis: Strategies and Success Stories
  •  The Digital Revolution: Innovations in Hospitality Management
  •  Beyond Stars and Diamonds: A New Era of Hotel Classification
  •  The Art of Hospitality: Unveiling the Secrets of Top-Rated Establishments
  •  Events Redefined: Innovations in Banquets and Conferences
  •  Navigating Social Media in the Hospitality Industry
  •  Sustainability and Responsibility: The Future of Hospitality
  •  Restaurants Reinvented: Culinary Adventures in Modern Dining
  •  Emerging Ethical Dilemmas in Hospitality Management

Leading Thesis Titles For Hospitality Management

  •  Hotel Revenue Management Strategies and Their Impact on Profitability 
  •  The Influence of Guest Reviews on Hotel Selection 
  •  Digital Transformation in Hospitality: A Case Study of Leading Chains 
  •  The Role of Environmental Practices in Guest Satisfaction 
  •  Global Diversity in Hospitality Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities 
  •  Promoting Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Economic Growth 
  •  Employee Turnover: Causes, Costs, and Solutions in the Hospitality Sector 
  •  Social Media Marketing for Hotels: Best Practices and Pitfalls 
  •  Legal and Ethical Aspects of Food Safety in Restaurants 
  •  The Sustainability Movement in Boutique Hotels: Case Studies 

Hotel Management Research Paper Ideas

  •  Optimizing Hotel Room Pricing Strategies 
  •  Enhancing Hotel Operations Through Technology 
  •  Sustainable Practices in Hotel Management 
  •  Crisis Management and Disaster Preparedness for Hotels 
  •  The Role of Leadership in Hotel Success 
  •  Innovations in Hotel Guest Services 
  •  Customer Relationship Management in the Hotel Industry 
  •  Effective Marketing Strategies for Hotels 
  •  The Impact of Employee Training on Guest Satisfaction 
  •  The Influence of Hotel Design on the Guest Experience 

Argumentative Essay Topics for Research in the Hospitality Industry

  •  The Pros and Cons of All-Inclusive Resorts 
  •  Online Travel Agencies vs. Direct Hotel Booking: Which is Better? 
  •  The Ethics of Wildlife Tourism: Balancing Conservation and Entertainment 
  •  The Role of Technology in Replacing Human Workers in Hospitality 
  •  Is Sustainable Tourism Truly Achievable, or Just a Buzzword? 
  •  Cultural Appropriation in the Restaurant Industry: Where to Draw the Line 
  •  Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability in Tourism 
  •  The Impact of Overtourism on Local Communities 
  •  Are Hotel Loyalty Programs a Benefit or a Burden for Guests? 
  •  Legal and Ethical Issues in Food Allergen Handling in Restaurants 

Read More 

  • Social Media Research Topics
  • Mental Media Research Topics

Creative Hospitality Management Research Topics

  •  The Influence of Art and Design on Hotel Guest Experience 
  •  Gastronomic Tourism: Exploring the World Through Food 
  •  The Theater of Fine Dining: Immersive Restaurant Experiences 
  •  Hospitality as a Form of Entertainment: Theatricality in Hotels and Restaurants 
  •  Novel Approaches to Hotel Branding and Theme Concepts 
  •  Music and Soundscapes in Enhancing Ambiance in Hospitality Establishments 
  •  The Role of Storytelling in Hotel and Restaurant Marketing 
  •  Innovative Hotel Room Features and Amenities 
  •  Sensory Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications in Tourism and Hospitality 

Social Media Research Topics About the Hospitality Industry

  • The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Hospitality Businesses
  • Crisis Management in the Age of Social Media
  • User-Generated Content and Its Influence on Hotel Bookings
  • The Role of Instagram in Promoting Food Tourism
  • The Viral Power of TikTok for Restaurant Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management for Hotels and Restaurants
  • Social Media as a Tool for Personalized Guest Experiences
  • The Dark Side of Social Media: Handling Negative Reviews
  • Popular Topics in Philippine Hotel and Restaurant Management Theses
  • The Privacy Debate: Social Media and Guest Data in Hospitality

Excellent Research Titles About Hospitality Management

  • The Guest Journey: A Holistic Approach to Hospitality Management
  • Resilience in the Hospitality Industry: Lessons from Adversity
  • Tech Transformation: Shaping the Future of Hospitality
  • Guest Satisfaction Beyond Stars: Secrets of Highly Rated Hotels
  • Innovations in Event Management: Redefining Conferences and Banquets
  • Navigating the Digital Age: Social Media Marketing for Hotels
  • Sustainability and Responsibility: The New Imperatives in Hospitality
  • Culinary Experiences: The Evolution of Dining in the Modern Era
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Hospitality Management: A Comprehensive Study
  • Unlocking the Potential of Boutique Hotels: Case Studies

Tourism and Hospitality Research Topics for STEM

  • Data Analytics in Tourism: Optimizing Operations and Guest Experiences
  • Smart Cities and Sustainable Tourism Development
  • Biotechnology and Food Safety in Hospitality
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Tourism Recommendations
  • Environmental Engineering in Sustainable Hotel Design
  • Renewable Energy Solutions for Eco-Friendly Accommodations
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Destination Planning
  • Sustainable Transportation and Tourism
  • The Impact of 5G Technology on Tourism Services
  • Waste Management and Recycling in the Hospitality Industry

Sustainability Research Topics for Tourism and Hospitality

  • Zero-Waste Initiatives in Hotels: Challenges and Success Stories
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Farm-to-Table Dining in Restaurants
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction in Air Travel and Its Implications
  • The Role of Green Certifications in Eco-Tourism
  • Plastic Reduction Strategies in the Hospitality Sector
  • Community-Based Tourism and Local Ecosystem Preservation
  • Sustainable Water Management in Hotels and Resorts
  • Sustainable Practices in Adventure Tourism
  • Responsible Tourism and Conservation of Endangered Species
  • Green Building Design and Energy Efficiency in Hotels

Simple Hospitality Research Topics

  • The Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality
  • Hotel Pricing Strategies and Occupancy Rates
  • Food Safety and Hygiene in Restaurants
  • The Impact of Guest Reviews on Hotel Reputation
  • Staff Training and Retention in the Hospitality Industry
  • Innovations in Hotel Room Design
  • Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Hotels
  • Local Food Sourcing for Sustainable Dining
  • The Role of Hospitality in Economic Development
  • The Psychology of Guest Satisfaction

Top Hospitality Research Ideas

  •  Destination Branding and Its Legal Implications 
  •  The Role of Insurance in Hospitality Risk Management 
  •  Privacy and Data Protection in Guest Information Handling 
  •  Intellectual Property and Copyright Laws in the Culinary World 
  •  Alcohol Licensing and Regulation in the Hospitality Sector 
  •  The Legal Aspects of Hotel Contracts and Booking Agreements 
  •  Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Laws in Hospitality Employment 
  •  Environmental Compliance in Hotel Building and Operations 
  •  Liability in Tourism Activities: Legal Protection for Tour Operators 
  •  Health and Safety Regulations in the Restaurant Industry 

Hospitality Management Research Topics

  •  The Significance of Employee Training in Hospitality Service Excellence 
  •  Innovations in Hotel Room Amenities and Design 
  •  Food Safety and Hygiene Practices in High-End Restaurants 
  •  The Role of Technology in Guest Service Enhancement 
  •  Sustainability Initiatives in Hotel Operations 
  •  Crisis Management Strategies in the Hotel Industry 
  •  Tourism and Cultural Exchange: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion 
  •  Legal and Ethical Issues in Alcohol Service at Restaurants 
  •  The Psychology of Customer Loyalty in Hospitality 
  •  The Impact of Hotel Design on Guest Satisfaction 

Research Topics on Hospitality and Tourism

  •  The Interplay of Tourism and Local Culture Preservation 
  •  Sustainable Tourism in Protected Natural Areas 
  •  Hospitality Innovation for Accessible Tourism 
  •  The Influence of Cultural Events on Hotel Bookings 
  •  Online Travel Agencies and Their Impact on Small Hotels 
  •  Destination Marketing through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 
  •  Hotel Booking Behavior: A Comparative Study of Different Generations 
  •  Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Management in Tourism 
  •  The Effects of Weather and Climate on Tourism Destinations 
  •  Dark Tourism: A Study of Morbid Attractions in Travel 

Excellent Hospitality Research Topics

  •  The Power of Personalization in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Exploring Resilience in Crisis-Hit Tourism Destinations 
  •  Hospitality Technology Adoption and Its Influence on Guest Satisfaction 
  •  Beyond Stars and Diamonds: A New Era of Hotel Classification 
  •  Crafting Unique Guest Experiences: A Study of High-Rated Hotels 
  •  Innovations in Event Management: Rethinking Conferences and Banquets 
  •  Social Media Marketing Strategies in the Hospitality Sector 
  •  Sustainability and Responsibility: Imperatives for Future Hospitality 
  •  The Evolution of Culinary Experiences in the Modern Dining Landscape 
  •  Ethical Challenges in Hospitality Management: A Comprehensive Analysis 

Outstanding Hospitality Research Topics

  •  The Guest Journey: A Holistic Approach to Hospitality Management 
  •  Strategies for Resilience in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Digital Transformation in Hospitality: Innovations and Challenges 
  •  Guest Satisfaction Beyond Stars: Unveiling Top Hotels’ Secrets 
  •  Innovative Approaches to Event Management: Redefining Conferences and Banquets 
  •  Social Media Marketing in Hospitality: Best Practices and Pitfalls 
  •  Sustainability and Responsibility in the Modern Hospitality Landscape 
  •  Reimagining Restaurants: Creative Concepts and Trends 
  •  Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Compass in Hospitality Management 
  •  Boutique Hotels: A New Wave of Luxury Accommodations 

Innovative Hospitality Dissertation Topics

  •  The Impact of Blockchain Technology in Hotel Operations 
  •  Augmented Reality and Its Application in Hotel Marketing 
  •  Biosecurity Measures in Hospitality Post-Pandemic 
  •  Sensory Marketing and Its Role in Guest Satisfaction 
  •  Sustainable Practices in Hotel Interior Design 
  •  Robotics and Automation in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Micro-Moments in Guest Decision-Making: A Mobile-First Approach 
  •  Virtual Reality-Based Tourism Experiences 
  •  Waste Reduction Strategies in Hotel Operations 
  •  The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Hotel Leadership 

Unique Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  •  The Impact of Feng Shui in Hotel Design and Guest Satisfaction 
  •  The Use of Scent Marketing in Enhancing the Guest Experience 
  •  The Role of Astronomy Tourism in Dark Sky Destinations 
  •  Hospitality for Space Travel: Preparing for a New Frontier 
  •  The Influence of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Hotel Stays 
  •  The Revival of Historic Hotels: Challenges and Success Stories 
  •  Gaming and Virtual Reality Integration in Hotel Entertainment 
  •  Culinary Tourism and Edible Landscapes in Restaurants 
  •  The Art of Mixology: Craft Cocktails in Modern Bars 
  •  Hospitality as a Platform: Cross-Industry Collaborations in Guest Services

Hospitality Management Research Topics in the Philippines

  •  The Impact of Ecotourism on Philippine Local Economies 
  •  Local Food Sourcing and Sustainability in Filipino Restaurants 
  •  Community-Based Tourism Initiatives in the Philippines 
  •  Promoting Filipino Hospitality and Cuisine through Social Media 
  •  Adapting to the ‘New Normal’: Challenges and Opportunities in Philippine Hospitality 
  •  Cultural Festivals and Their Role in Philippine Tourism 
  •  Boutique Hotels and Their Contribution to Philippine Tourism 
  •  Sustainable Practices in the Philippine Hotel Industry 
  •  Tourism and Indigenous Communities: Social and Economic Impacts 
  •  COVID-19 and Its Effects on Philippine Hospitality: Lessons Learned 
  • Tourism in the Philippines: Addressing Overcrowding and Overtourism

Challenges Face By Students During Hospitality Management Research 

Here are some challenges that are faced by students during hospitality Management research:

  • Complexity of the Industry: The multifaceted nature of the hospitality industry demands an in-depth understanding of various sectors, making it challenging to focus on a specific research area.
  • Data Collection: Gathering reliable and relevant data can be a hurdle, as it often requires cooperation from industry partners or access to real-time customer data.
  • Changing Trends: Hospitality is constantly evolving with emerging trends and technologies. Students must keep up with these changes to ensure their research remains current.
  • Cultural Diversity: The global nature of the industry means that students may encounter challenges when conducting research in culturally diverse settings, from language barriers to understanding local customs.
  • Ethical Considerations: Studying the hospitality industry may involve complex ethical dilemmas, such as privacy concerns or the impact of research on businesses and employees.
  • Resource Constraints: Access to resources for research, such as funding, relevant literature, and technology, can be limited, especially for students with tight budgets.
  • Time Management: Balancing coursework, internships, and research can be demanding. Students often struggle with time management to meet deadlines and make progress in their research endeavors.

Hospitality Management Research is like the secret ingredient that makes hotels and restaurants better. It’s all about creating enjoyable experiences for guests, ensuring businesses run smoothly, and even being kind to our planet. As we’ve explored a wide range of research topics, it’s clear that this field is ever-evolving and holds countless opportunities for students and professionals alike.

By understanding the importance of research in enhancing guest satisfaction, improving business operations, and promoting sustainability, we can appreciate the immense impact it has on the hospitality industry. So, whether you’re a student or a business owner, keep exploring, innovating, and embracing the world of hospitality management research to ensure a brighter and more delightful future for all.

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105+ Hospitality Research Topics [Updated 2024]

Hospitality Research Topics

  • Post author By admin
  • May 8, 2024

In a bustling world where travel and leisure are increasingly essential aspects of our lives, the hospitality industry plays a pivotal role. From cozy bed-and-breakfasts to luxurious resorts, from trendy urban eateries to quaint countryside cafes, hospitality businesses cater to our need for comfort, relaxation, and enjoyment. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? What makes some hospitality ventures thrive while others struggle? Join us on a journey through the fascinating world of hospitality research topics, where we unravel the mysteries and unveil the secrets of this vibrant industry.

Table of Contents

What Do You Mean By Hospitality?

Hospitality means being friendly and kind to guests or people you don’t know. It’s about making them feel welcome and comfortable, so they enjoy their time with you. Examples of hospitality include:

  • Hotel Accommodation: Providing comfortable rooms, amenities, and personalized services to guests staying at a hotel.
  • Restaurant Service: Welcoming diners, providing attentive service, and ensuring a pleasant dining experience, including food quality and ambiance.
  • Tourist Attractions: Offering informative guided tours, assistance, and facilities to visitors exploring tourist destinations.
  • Event Hosting: Organizing and hosting events such as weddings, conferences, or parties, ensuring guests’ needs are met and they feel welcome.
  • Homestays: Welcoming guests into one’s home and providing accommodation, meals, and hospitality similar to that of a hotel.
  • Travel Services: Assisting travelers with transportation, accommodations, and activities, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey.

105+ Hospitality Research Topics: Category Wise

Consumer behavior in hospitality.

  • The impact of online reviews on hotel bookings.
  • Trends in consumer preferences for dining experiences.
  • The influence of social media on travel decision-making.
  • Understanding the motivations of eco-conscious travelers.
  • Consumer perceptions of luxury vs. budget accommodations.
  • The role of loyalty programs in shaping guest behavior.
  • The influence of online food delivery platforms on restaurant choices.
  • Preferences for experiential accommodations (e.g., treehouses, glamping).
  • Understanding cultural differences in dining behavior among international tourists.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on travel decision-making and consumer behavior.
  • Accessibility considerations in hospitality for guests with disabilities.
  • Emerging trends in solo travel and their implications for hospitality businesses.

Sustainable Practices in Hospitality

  • Implementing green initiatives in hotel operations.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of waste reduction programs in restaurants.
  • Renewable energy adoption in the hospitality industry.
  • Sustainable sourcing practices in food and beverage operations.
  • Eco-friendly design trends in hotel construction.
  • The economic benefits of sustainability initiatives for hospitality businesses.
  • Reducing single-use plastics in hotel amenities and packaging.
  • Carbon footprint reduction strategies for hospitality transportation services.
  • Water conservation initiatives in hotel operations and landscaping.
  • Assessing the social impact of sustainable tourism projects on local communities.
  • Green certification programs and their influence on consumer choices.
  • Innovative approaches to upcycling and repurposing waste in hospitality operations.

Technology and Innovation in Hospitality

  • The impact of AI on guest service and personalization.
  • Integrating IoT devices for improved hotel management.
  • Blockchain applications in hotel booking and payment systems.
  • Virtual reality experiences in destination marketing.
  • Mobile app trends in hospitality and their impact on guest satisfaction.
  • Data analytics for enhancing hotel revenue management.
  • Augmented reality applications for enhancing guest experiences in museums and attractions.
  • Robotics and automation in restaurant kitchens and food delivery services.
  • Voice recognition technology for personalized guest interactions in hotels.
  • Smart building technologies for energy efficiency and guest comfort.
  • Cybersecurity challenges and solutions for hospitality businesses.
  • The role of big data analytics in predicting travel trends and demand forecasting.

Marketing and Branding in Hospitality

  • Brand positioning strategies for boutique hotels.
  • Influencer marketing in the hospitality industry.
  • Social media trends for restaurant promotion.
  • Content marketing strategies for destination marketing organizations.
  • Cross-cultural branding challenges in international hospitality.
  • The role of storytelling in hotel branding and guest engagement.
  • Crisis communication strategies for managing reputation in the face of negative events.
  • Personal branding for hospitality professionals (e.g., chefs, hoteliers).
  • Community-based tourism marketing strategies for rural destinations.
  • Experiential marketing campaigns in the luxury hospitality sector.
  • User-generated content and its impact on destination branding.
  • Co-branding partnerships between hotels and lifestyle brands.

Human Resource Management in Hospitality

  • Recruitment strategies for attracting top talent in the hospitality industry.
  • Training programs for enhancing hotel staff guest service skills.
  • Employee engagement initiatives in restaurant workplaces.
  • Diversity and inclusion practices in hotel workforce management.
  • Addressing burnout and turnover in the hospitality sector.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on hospitality workforce dynamics.
  • Employee wellness programs and their impact on productivity and retention.
  • Talent management strategies for addressing skills shortages in the hospitality industry.
  • Flexible staffing models for seasonal fluctuations in tourism demand.
  • The gig economy and its implications for hospitality employment.
  • Conflict resolution techniques for handling guest complaints and disputes.
  • Employee empowerment and its role in improving guest satisfaction scores.

Tourism and Destination Management

  • Destination competitiveness analysis in the global tourism market.
  • Sustainable tourism development strategies for emerging destinations.
  • The role of cultural heritage preservation in destination management.
  • Destination marketing for niche tourism segments (e.g., adventure travel, culinary tourism ).
  • Tourism carrying capacity assessment in popular destinations.
  • Crisis management strategies for destinations affected by natural disasters or political unrest.
  • Dark tourism and its ethical considerations in destination marketing.
  • Sustainable transportation options for reducing carbon emissions in tourism destinations.
  • The impact of overtourism on local infrastructure and resident quality of life.
  • Health and wellness tourism trends and destination development opportunities.
  • The role of festivals and events in destination branding and economic development.
  • Rural tourism development strategies for revitalizing declining communities.

Hospitality Operations and Management

  • Lean management principles in hotel operations.
  • Food safety protocols in restaurant kitchens.
  • The impact of automation on hospitality service delivery.
  • Customer relationship management strategies for enhancing guest loyalty.
  • Outsourcing trends in hotel operations (e.g., housekeeping, F&B).
  • Implementing flexible work schedules for hospitality employees.
  • Supply chain management best practices for reducing food waste in hospitality.
  • The use of biometrics for enhancing security and streamlining guest check-in processes.
  • Space optimization strategies for maximizing revenue in hotel meeting and event spaces.
  • Implementing contactless payment systems and digital wallets in hospitality.
  • Sustainable menu design and sourcing practices in restaurants.
  • Employee cross-training programs are used to enhance operational flexibility and efficiency.

Cultural and Ethical Issues in Hospitality

  • Cross-cultural communication challenges in hotel guest interactions.
  • Ethical considerations in hotel revenue management practices.
  • Sustainable tourism and indigenous community engagement.
  • Addressing cultural appropriation in restaurant menus and branding.
  • LGBTQ+ inclusivity in hospitality marketing and service delivery.
  • Human rights issues in the hospitality supply chain.
  • Ethical considerations in wildlife tourism and animal interactions.
  • Indigenous foodways preservation and promotion in hospitality establishments.
  • Gender equality and diversity initiatives in hospitality leadership positions.
  • Fair trade and ethical sourcing practices in hotel and restaurant procurement.
  • Cultural heritage preservation through culinary tourism experiences.
  • Ethical dilemmas in hotel revenue management and pricing strategies.

Future Directions in Hospitality Research

  • Predicting the impact of emerging technologies on the future of hospitality.
  • Sustainable tourism trends for the post-pandemic era.
  • The rise of experiential travel and its implications for hospitality businesses.
  • Addressing overtourism through innovative destination management strategies.
  • The role of regenerative tourism in combating climate change.
  • Exploring alternative accommodation models (e.g., homestays, co-living spaces) in hospitality.
  • The role of space tourism in the future of hospitality and destination management.
  • Exploring the potential of vertical farming for sustainable food production in urban hotels.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on job displacement and workforce reskilling in hospitality.
  • Predicting the evolution of hospitality design trends in response to changing consumer preferences.
  • Assessing the feasibility of underwater hotels and other innovative accommodation concepts.
  • The rise of immersive travel experiences and virtual reality tourism.

Why Is Hospitality Research Important?

Hospitality research is crucial for several reasons:

  • Understanding Consumer Needs: Research helps businesses understand the evolving preferences, behaviors, and expectations of consumers in the hospitality industry. This understanding allows businesses to tailor their offerings and services to better meet the needs of their target audience.
  • Improving Service Quality: By analyzing guest feedback, studying industry trends, and identifying areas for improvement, hospitality research enables businesses to enhance the quality of their services. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Driving Innovation: Research drives innovation in the hospitality sector by uncovering new technologies, trends, and best practices. Businesses that stay abreast of the latest research findings can innovate their offerings, improve operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge in the market.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: With growing concerns about environmental and social sustainability, hospitality research plays a crucial role in identifying sustainable practices and initiatives. Research helps businesses reduce their environmental footprint, promote social responsibility, and contribute to the long-term viability of the industry.
  • Informing Decision-Making: Hospitality research provides valuable insights that inform strategic decision-making at all levels of the organization. From marketing and branding to operations and management, research findings guide businesses in making informed choices that drive growth and success.
  • Addressing Challenges: The hospitality industry faces numerous challenges, ranging from changing consumer preferences to regulatory compliance issues. Research helps businesses identify and address these challenges proactively, mitigating risks and optimizing performance.
  • Contributing to Economic Development: The hospitality sector plays a significant role in global economies, contributing to employment, GDP, and tourism revenues. By generating knowledge and driving innovation, hospitality research contributes to the continued growth and development of the industry, creating opportunities for economic prosperity.

In conclusion, hospitality research is like a treasure chest full of exciting things to learn about. It gives us lots of chances to explore and find out new stuff. Whether you’re interested in understanding consumer behavior, exploring sustainability practices, or analyzing the latest technological trends, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic industry.

So, next time you check into a hotel or dine out at a restaurant, take a moment to appreciate the research and innovation that make your experience possible. With hospitality research topics, you could uncover exciting new opportunities you never knew existed.

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Top 200 Hospitality Research Topics and Ideas

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If you are pursuing a degree in hospitality courses, then to obtain graduation, definitely during your final semester, you will have to submit a thesis on any hospitality research topic. Since hospitality is a vast field of study, it might be challenging to identify a good research topic on it. So, for your convenience, in this blog post, we have presented a list of 200 outstanding hospitality research paper topics on different themes related to the subject. Continue reading to gain a wide range of hospitality research ideas. Also, from here, get to know about the preparation of hospitality research papers.

What is Hospitality?

Hospitality means offering a warm or friendly welcome to visitors and guests. On this planet, hospitality is one of the dynamic industries where innovation and technology are used to improve the experience of the guests. The hospitality and tourism industry majorly encloses all the activities that are associated with travel and tourism. Primarily, the hospitality sector includes

  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Night Clubs & Bars
  • Restaurants & Catering
  • Travel & Transportation
  • Cruise Liners and bus tours
  • Events (Private, Business, Cultural & Sports)
  • Spas & Wellness

Hospitality management or hotel management is a vast field that deals with managerial activities in the hospitality industry. The ultimate aim of the hospitality industry is to satisfy customers by offering the best services. Hence, to improve customer satisfaction, the industry requires a lot of skills, creativity, and the help of technology. Also, to build unique strategies for attracting customers, various research and analysis activities are conducted in the hospitality industry.

Hospitality Research Topics

Hospitality Research Paper Writing

A hospitality research paper is an academic paper that focuses on any topics that are related to hospitality. For writing a research paper, first, you should identify a good topic. During topic selection, make sure to pick a topic that matches your interest. The research topic should not be too broad or too narrow.

If the topic is too broad, narrow it down and focus only on a particular theme. You can select either a topic or a subtopic for discussion, but it should have a strong thesis statement. Remember, all the main points related to the research statement should be explained with supporting facts.

Like other academic papers, the hospitality research paper you prepare should also be well-structured and informative. When writing a hospitality research paper, include the following elements.

Introduction: It is the opening paragraph of the paper. In the introductory paragraph, you should mention brief background information on the topic and thesis statement .

Literature review: In this section, you should discuss the theoretical framework and the sources you have used to research and write the paper.

Research Methodology: Here, you should list and explain all of the methods you have used to collect and analyze the data.

Data Analysis: In this section, you should analyze all the research data you have gathered.

Results: Here, you should focus on the meaning and implications of the data you have collected.

Conclusion: In this section, you should summarize all the major points. Also, you should specify how your analysis has provided the answers to your research question.

References Page: Here, you should list all the sources you have used as a reference in your research paper.

List of Hospitality Research Topics and Ideas

Hospitality is a broad field with endless research topics to consider. When it comes to writing a hospitality research paper, you can prefer any hospitality topics based on history, culture, management, and recent industry trends.

Are you asked to prepare a hospitality research paper on the best topics? Cool! Here, we have shared the top hospitality research topics and ideas for you to consider.

Refer to the list mentioned below and identify a topic of your choice.

Simple Hospitality Research Topics

  • Talk about the origin of the word Hospitality.
  • Hospitality in the Islam culture.
  • Hospitality in Ancient Greece.
  • Best ways to greet a tourist in Rome.
  • Hospitality in the Christian culture.
  • The effect of global trends on the hospitality industry.
  • Explain the relationship between the host and the guest.
  • An in-depth look at hospitality ethics.
  • Best ways to greet a guest in Prague.
  • Analyze the negative effects of travel bans
  • Contribution of tourism to global economic growth
  • Development of sustainable tourism
  • Contribution of tourism to development and poverty reduction
  • Discuss the tourism destinations across Europe
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global tourism

Hospitality Research Topics on Tourism

  • Contribution of Tourism to the Worldwide Trade
  • Improvement of Competitiveness of Tourism
  • The advancement of Tourism contribution to the development
  • Best ways to greet tourists in Rome
  • Comparison between the hospitality laws in Middle-East countries and European countries
  • Existing hospitality laws in Japan and China
  • Employee performance in the establishment of Hotel: Case Study of Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort
  • Best practices of hotel management
  • Talk about etiquette in the hospitality industry.
  • The effects of smoking bans on casinos.
  • Analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic-led social distancing on the global tourism management
  • How the removal of travel restrictions in the post-COVID year is going to benefit the tourism industry of the United Kingdom?
  • Assess how government policies, rules, and regulations impact the development of a country’s tourism business
  • Analyze the impact of natural disasters and hazards on the tourism industry of the UK
  • Discuss the impact of travel bloggers and vloggers on the global tourism business

Interesting Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  • Explain the concept of favored guests in Christianity.
  • The right to free transit.
  • Analyze the concept of perverse hospitality.
  • An in-depth look at fair wages in the hospitality industry.
  • Case Study: The Izmailovo Hotel.
  • Case Study: The Abraj Al-Bait.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Circus Circus Las Vegas.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
  • Discuss the tagline “Atithi Devo Bhava”
  • Hospitality training of flight attendants
  • Intercultural challenges in the hospitality industry and the role played by hospitality management: a descriptive review
  • Hospitality management and Access-based sharing options: factors driving consumers to make such decisions
  • Analyze the concept of experience sampling technique in the hospitality management domain
  • Comparative analysis of the working hours in the hospitality sector of the UK and the US
  • Discuss the potential challenges and interventions involved in international hospitality management

Unique Hospitality Research Ideas

  • Importance of the hospitality industry on France’s economy
  • Smart and innovative tourism development
  • Promoting employment through fostering knowledge, education, and capacity-building
  • Examining perception and attitude of customers towards online travel agents.
  • How can small catering firms utilize integrated marketing communication to create brand recognition and sales?
  • Discuss the financial management and accounting of a hotel.
  • Revenue management of a large hotel.
  • A study on French hotel management.

Research Topics on Hotel Management

  • Traits of a good hotel manager.
  • Case Study: The Ambassador City Jomtien
  • Case Study: The Wynn Las Vegas
  • Managing a hotel in Pakistan.
  • Case Study: Hotel & Plaza
  • Explain the customer service at a 5-star hotel.
  • Analyze the difference between a full-service hotel and a limited-service hotel
  • Space, Society, and Hospitality
  • Use of technologies in hotel management practices
  • The current trend in hotel management

Hospitality Law Research Topics

  • Problems confronting the development of the hospitality industry (a case study of Models Hotel Enugu)
  • A closer look at the Laws of Innkeepers.
  • Discuss insurance waivers.
  • Explain bailments in the hospitality industry.
  • Research the risk of theft in hotels in the UK.
  • Hospitality law in South Africa.
  • Hospitality law in India.
  • Research hospitality law in Russia.
  • Hospitality law in South Korea.
  • Hospitality law in North Korea.
  • Talk about the liability of hotel owners in the US.
  • Importance of hospitality law in driving tourism growth
  • Critical analysis of the hospitality laws in the United States
  • Loss of guest property in the European Union
  • Talk about hospitality as a virtue.

Hospitality Management Research Topics

  • Importance of hotel management
  • Discuss the salary expectations of hotel managers.
  • Major issues in the hospitality industry.
  • The role of the General Manager of a hotel.
  • The different types of hospitality accommodations.
  • Evaluating the need for effective policies as a panacea for the sustainable hospitality and tourism industry
  • Role of interior design in the hospitality industry cutting wrought iron as a case study
  • The course of food poisoning in catering establishments (a case study of a selected restaurant in Aba)

Additional Research Topics on Hospitality Management

  • Working conditions in a large hotel.
  • The various types of hospitality accommodations.
  • Talk about the salary expectations of hotel managers.
  • Offering food, shelter, and safety in Nepal.
  • Discuss hotel management during the COVID pandemic.
  • An in-depth look at hotel marketing management.
  • Prepare a strategic analysis of a hotel of your choice.
  • The role of a Director of Groups and Events.
  • Food and beverage in the hospitality industry.
  • Offering shelter in Judaism.
  • The role of facility managers.
  • Research the effects of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic on the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss hospitality training of restaurant workers.

Advanced Research Topics on Hospitality Management

  • The importance of the hospitality industry for the US economy.
  • Discuss hospitality training of flight attendants.
  • Make a strategic analysis of Caesars Palace Hotel.
  • Research what off-season means for holiday resorts.
  • Discuss how hospitality companies diversify.
  • Case Study: The MGM Grand Las Vegas and The Signature
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Excalibur Hotel and Casino.
  • Case Study: The Londoner Macao
  • Case Study: The Venetian Resort Las Vegas
  • Talk about personalization in hospitality.

Research Paper Topics on Hospitality and Tourism

  • Analyze the 7 components of tourism.
  • Talk about the 3 main concepts in tourism.
  • Best tourist attractions in the US.
  • Going contactless in the hospitality industry.
  • Domestic tourism in the United States.
  • Best tourist attractions in the UK.
  • Research outbound tourism trends in 2022.
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect tourism?
  • What does inbound tourism mean?
  • Use of Sig Sigma and TQM (Total Quality Management) in the hospitality and tourism business

Best Hospitality Research Topics

  • Discuss destination promotion.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Shinagawa Prince Hotel.
  • The way tech has affected the hospitality industry.
  • Talk about seamless technology in hospitality.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Resorts World Las Vegas.
  • Discuss the best ways to cater to millennials.
  • Augmented reality in the hospitality industry.
  • Sustainability in the hospitality industry.
  • The most important service in the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss the growing emphasis on well-being.
  • Using tech to meet the needs of hotel guests.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Atlantis Paradise Island hotel.
  • Crushing the competition in the hospitality business.
  • The most important part of hospitality in a luxury hotel.
  • Research the importance of a good tour guide.

Great Hospitality Dissertation Topics

  • Why do customers prefer leisure hotels when they plan overseas holidays?
  • The positive impacts of Royal Weddings on the hospitality industry.
  • Factors affecting restaurant selections on a Friday night out.
  • How to motivate employees in pubs and restaurants?
  • With more people traveling solo, what has the hospitality industry done to accommodate and attract more visitors?
  • How do buying decisions affect leisure tourism regarding British customers?
  • Does brand extension in hotel chains affect the buying decisions of customers?
  • Perception and attitude of British customers towards Thai food.

Excellent Hospitality Research Ideas

  • Analyze the operations of a pub of your choice.
  • Discuss the tips system.
  • Changing laws in the hospitality sector.
  • The importance of proper etiquette.
  • Research the wages of hotel staff in your area.
  • The influence of hospitality on the direct and indirect economy.
  • Hospitality going green in the upcoming years.
  • Compare 3 major hotel chains in the UK.
  • Hospitality laws and regulations in the Maldives.
  • Hospitality during the Olympic Games.
  • The best ways to attract guests to your hotel.
  • Hospitality in Ancient Egypt.
  • Discuss the bread and salt tradition in Eastern Europe.
  • Discuss hospitality in your local hospital.
  • A closer look at sports tourism.

Trending Hospitality Research Topics

  • Explain the role of culture in hospitality.
  • Describe the role of food critics in the hospitality industry.
  • Examine the impact of tourism on infrastructure and the environment.
  • Analyze the importance of customer service in the hospitality industry.
  • What is the difference between managing a hotel and running one?
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with managing a hotel.
  • Investigate the impact of social media on the hotel industry.
  • Explain the role of a hotel or resort manager.
  • How important is it to have an online presence for hotels and resorts in today’s world?
  • What is the importance of event planning in the hospitality industry?

Popular Hospitality Research Topics

  • Latest trends in the hospitality industry.
  • What is a hotel crisis management team?
  • What are leisure travelers?
  • How important are workspaces in hotels?
  • What is essentialism in the hospitality business?
  • Can you talk about the peculiarities of solo travel guests?
  • What is holistic hospitality?
  • Discuss the skills of an experienced restaurant manager.
  • Research a new sector of hospitality.
  • How important is a review for companies in the hospitality industry?
  • How hospitality services are provided across different geographical regions varies.
  • The role of the hospitality management staff.
  • How hotels are remaining alive in the competition of providing hospitality services.
  • Types of hospitality services that are in demand.
  • Innovative techniques to satisfy the needs of guests in hotels.

Captivating Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  • Middle Eastern and European countries’ hospitality laws are contrasted.
  • encouraging knowledge, education, and capacity-building to promote employment
  • Analyze the Hilton Hawaiian Village from a strategic perspective.
  • An in-depth examination of equitable pay in the hospitality sector
  • Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort is a case study on employee performance in the hotel setting.
  • Do some research on how the hotel sector will be affected by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
  • TQM (Total Quality Management) and Sig Sigma are used in the hospitality and tourism industries.
  • Remote communication’s importance in the hospitality and tourism industries
  • An in-depth examination of increasing earnings in the hospitality sector
  • Do a strategic study of the hotel Caesars Palace.

By using any topic from the list of hospitality research topics suggested above, you can write an excellent research paper. In case, you still find it difficult to select a good research topic for your assignment, quickly call us .We have numerous subject matter experts to help you with topic selection and writing a plagiarism-free hospitality research paper according to your requirements. Moreover, by utilizing our reliable hospitality research paper writing service, you can finish your academic work ahead of the due date and secure good grades.

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130+ Hospitality Research Topics: Great Ideas

Hospitality research topics

A research paper is mandatory for all students to graduate from a course, including hospitality courses. Research in the hospitality industry can be easy if you have the right topic. So, one of the first things you should prioritize before starting your hospitality research is finding an excellent topic.

Great Hospitality Industry Research Topics

Argumentative essay topics for research in hospitality industry, creative hospitality management research topics, social media research topic about hospitality industry, excellent research title about hospitality management, tourism and hospitality research topics for stem, sustainability research topics for tourism and hospitality, amazing research title about hospitality industry, top hotel and restaurant management thesis topics in the philippines, research topics in hospitality management for social students, research topic for hospitality management for economy students, outstanding research title for hospitality management students, leading thesis title for hospitality management.

A good topic for research in hospitality will serve as the foundation for your paper. It will also attract readers and trigger interest in your paper. Are you looking for a research title in the hospitality industry that guarantees a top grade? Check out the following examples in this article:

Research topics on the hospitality industry should focus on the key and hot topics faced in the sector. Here is a list of research titles for hotel and restaurant management:

  • The origin and meaning of the word hospitality
  • How different cultures view hospitality
  • An in-depth look into the impacts of the COVID pandemic on the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality and tourism: what is the link?
  • Hospitality and hotel management: a comprehensive analysis
  • The role of hospitality in the tourism sector
  • Essential elements of the hospitality sector
  • A strategic analysis of the hospitality sector in your country
  • Etiquette in the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality industry wages: what is fair?

An argumentative essay topic should state your opinion on a subject so you can argue it in the essay. Some argumentative essay topics on the hospitality industry are:

  • Travel bans triggered by the COVID pandemic negatively impacted the hospitality sector
  • The impacts of global trends on the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality ethics: an in-depth analysis
  • The relationship between a host and guest about hospitality
  • The contributions of the hospitality sector to global economic growth
  • Sustainability as a global trend in the hospitality sector
  • The development of sustainability in the hospitality sector
  • Challenges encountered by the hospitality sector in the 21 st century
  • Technology as a tool for change in the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality in Christian and Islam culture

Creativity is a vital element when choosing a research topic. It will make your essay stand out and attract readers. Here are some great examples of research topics about hospitality management and their reasons:

  • Qualities of an effective hotel manager
  • How customer service can influence the quality of hotel management
  • Full-service vs. limited-service hotels: the difference in their hotel management
  • How large hotels conduct revenue management
  • Hotel management in European nations
  • How can hotel management impact an establishment’s success?
  • Financial accounting is a critical part of hotel management
  • Hotel management: a comprehensive overview
  • The impact of the internet on hotel management
  • The role of hotel management on guest satisfaction rates

You should always find social media research topics for your hospitality research paper. Check out the following hospitality research topics:

  • The impact of social media on the hospitality sector
  • How companies in the hospitality sector take advantage of the power of the internet
  • The social media influencer trend and its impact on the hospitality sector
  • How hospitality practitioners use the internet to enhance their services
  • Hospitality training and the internet
  • Technology as a tool for hospitality training
  • The role of the internet in hospitality diversification
  • Social media and its impact on hospitality diversification
  • Strategic ways for hospitality companies to take advantage of technology and the internet
  • Social media and hospitality: the correlation

An excellent research title can play a vital role in earning good grades. Find a sample of a thesis statement about social media and more titles about hospitality management below:

  • What is the role of a hotel manager
  • Types of hotel managers in large establishments
  • Core issues in the hospitality management sector
  • Salary expectations for hotel managers
  • The core roles of facility managers in the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality as a virtue independent of the hospitality sector
  • Factors that prevent hospitality managers from providing effective services
  • Hotel marketing management: a comprehensive assessment
  • Hotel revenue management: a comprehensive assessment
  • Hotel management in your country

Tourism and hospitality often go hand in hand. So, you can cover the two elements in your research paper if you have an ideal topic that brings these concepts together. Check out the following research topics for STEM students :

  • The tourism and hospitality sector after the coronavirus pandemic
  • The long-term effects of travel bans on the tourism and hospitality sector
  • What is the way forward for the tourism and hospitality sector after the pandemic?
  • Online tourism: an in-depth analysis
  • Advances in the tourism and hospitality sector
  • Social advancing and tourism management: a comprehensive overview
  • Medical tourism: an analysis
  • Impacts of social media on the tourism and hospitality sector
  • Impacts of government regulations on the tourism and hospitality sector
  • The impacts of natural hazards on the tourism and hospitality sector

Sustainability research topics are critical for all tourism and hospitality students. Find research topics and ideas for tourism students related to sustainability below:

  • Sustainability in the tourism sector
  • Tourism sustainability: perspectives of guests and practitioners
  • Sustainable tourism as a tool for heritage and culture preservation
  • A study of sustainable tourism in mountainous destinations
  • The practice of sustainable tourism in island destinations
  • Challenges encountered in sustainable tourism
  • The impacts of sustainable tourism on the digital world
  • Sustainable tourism efforts for disaster prevention
  • The impacts of the pandemic on sustainable tourism
  • How is sustainable tourism measured?

A creative research title will show your reader what to expect from the rest of your paper. It creates a good first impression. Find a good thesis title or professional thesis writer about the hospitality industry below:

  • Tourism marketing and sustainable tourism: an in-depth study
  • Hospitality and tourism in emerging economies
  • The correlation between ecotourism and sustainable tourism
  • The impacts of politics in the hospitality sector
  • An evaluation of local tourism and hospitality sectors
  • The profitability of the hospitality sector
  • How governments can improve their hospitality sectors
  • The effect of local communities on the hospitality and tourism sector
  • Sustainability is a critical trend in the hospitality sector
  • A comparative analysis of the hospitality sector in the US and Europe

Hotel and restaurant management are significant topics in the Philippines. So, writing a good essay on these topics can come in handy for your academic performance. Find a good research title about hotel and restaurant management below:

  • Hotel and restaurant management ethics in the Philippines
  • Hotel and restaurant management laws in the Philippines
  • Why should hotels invest in restaurants?
  • The concept of perverse hospitality in the Philippines
  • Hotel and restaurant management salaries in the Philippines
  • The role of the Philippino government in hotel and restaurant management policies
  • Strict hotel and restaurant management policies in the Philippines
  • Smoking bans in hotels in the Philippines
  • Fair wages in the hotel and restaurant management sector in the Philippines
  • The concept of hospitality in Philippino hotel and restaurant management

Students studying social sciences can write research papers on hospitality management because these subjects are related. Find a research topic about hospitality management that covers social issues below. All social issues research topics are actionable.

  • Hospitality training for hotel workers
  • Flight attendants and hospitality: an overview
  • How to conduct hospitality training for flight attendants
  • How hotel managers can maximize profits in the hospitality sectors
  • Challenges experienced in hospitality management
  • Barriers to success in hospitality management
  • The value of the hospitality sector for the global economy
  • Hospitality management and augmented reality: an in-depth overview
  • Safety precautions in hospitality management since the CORONA pandemic
  • How local governments depend on the hospitality sector

The hospitality management sector and the economy industry often influence each other. So, you can write a paper that explains their link. Here are some economic research paper topics in hospitality management:

  • How hospitality economics impact overall country economics
  • How the hospitality sector can improve their profits
  • Challenges hindering the hospitality sector from growth
  • Hospitality laws and profitability: the correlation
  • The best ways the hospitality market can improve their finance management
  • Finance management in hospitality: an overview
  • Personalization as a tool for promoting growth in the hospitality sector
  • Countries that benefit the most from the hospitality sector
  • Inbound tourism: its impact on the global economy
  • Tourism and hospitality as tools for economic growth

Hospitality management is a popular course; all students must complete a research paper to graduate. So, you ought to be creative with your paper, especially the title, so it does not look like anyone else’s. Let us look at some excellent hospitality management thesis topics:

  • The best tourist attractions
  • Tourism management perceptions according to various cultures
  • Diverse views of hospitality management
  • Can hospitality management be taught?
  • An in-depth look at ways hospitality management can be trained
  • Hospitality management training for restaurant workers
  • Key elements in hotel management
  • How hotel management can influence its customer satisfaction rates
  • How many managers should a hotel have
  • Management and hospitality: a comprehensive guide

The hospitality management sector is prone to many changes. So you can easily find a current topic for your research paper. As you check out the hospitality thesis topics highlighted below, take some time to read about anatomy research paper topics .

  • How competitive is the hospitality management sector?
  • Causes of the high turnover in the hospitality sector
  • Strategies that guide management organizations in the hospitality
  • Hospitality management in Australia
  • How the hospitality sector does employee management
  • Basic training elements for hospitality management
  • What type of training do hospitality management practitioners go through?
  • The value of hospitality management
  • Changes in hospitality management brought about by the internet
  • How online reviews influence the hospitality management sector

Choosing the right topic is the first step to writing a good research or thesis paper in hospitality management. However, many students struggle to prepare quality research papers. If you are one of such students, worry not because we have got you covered.

You can trust us with your research paper writing needs. Our writers will help you create a paper that matches your quality topic to earn you excellent grades. Contact our writers today and get your quality research paper in no time. Feel free to read more on biochemistry topics .

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115+ Hospitality Management Research Topics [Updated 2024]

In today’s dynamic world, the hospitality industry plays a crucial role in providing memorable experiences to travelers and guests. Behind the scenes, hospitality management research topics drive innovations, enhance customer satisfaction, and ensure sustainable practices. 

This blog delves into various research topics within hospitality management, highlighting their significance and impact on the industry.

What is Hospitality Management?

Hospitality management encompasses a wide range of services and activities aimed at providing comfort, convenience, and enjoyment to guests. It includes hotels, restaurants, resorts, event planning, and tourism services. Research in this field is essential for understanding consumer preferences, improving operational efficiency, and adapting to evolving trends.

Current Trends in Hospitality Management

Overview of challenges and opportunities.

The hospitality industry faces numerous challenges such as fluctuating customer demands, rising operational costs, and increasing competition from alternative accommodations like Airbnb. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and growth.

Impact of Technology on Hospitality Services

Technology plays a pivotal role in transforming hospitality services. For instance, mobile apps for booking accommodations, AI-powered chatbots for customer service, and data analytics for personalized guest experiences are revolutionizing how hotels and resorts operate.

115+ Hospitality Management Research Topics: Category Wise

Customer experience and satisfaction.

  • The impact of personalized guest experiences on customer loyalty.
  • Strategies for improving online reviews and ratings for hotels.
  • Analyzing the role of customer feedback in enhancing service quality.
  • The influence of hotel ambiance on guest satisfaction.
  • Managing guest expectations through effective communication strategies.

Sustainable Practices in Hospitality

  • Assessing the effectiveness of green certifications in attracting eco-conscious travelers.
  • Implementing energy-efficient practices in hotel operations.
  • Strategies for reducing food waste in hospitality establishments.
  • The economic benefits of sustainable tourism initiatives.
  • Consumer perceptions and willingness to pay for eco-friendly accommodations.

Impact of Technology

  • The role of AI in personalized guest recommendations and service delivery.
  • Implementing blockchain technology in hotel booking systems.
  • Impact of social media influencers on hotel bookings and brand perception.
  • Enhancing guest experiences through augmented reality (AR) applications.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in the hospitality industry and mitigation strategies.

Employee Management and Training

  • The impact of employee satisfaction on guest experiences.
  • Effective strategies for diversity and inclusion in hospitality workplaces.
  • Training programs for enhancing frontline staff communication skills.
  • The role of leadership styles in employee motivation and retention.
  • Addressing burnout and stress among hospitality workers.

Crisis Management and Risk Assessment

  • Crisis communication strategies during natural disasters in the hospitality sector.
  • Assessing the resilience of hospitality businesses against global pandemics.
  • Risk assessment frameworks for identifying and mitigating operational risks.
  • Legal implications of health and safety regulations on hotel operations.
  • The role of insurance policies in protecting hospitality businesses from financial losses.

Marketing and Revenue Management

  • The impact of dynamic pricing strategies on hotel revenue management.
  • Digital marketing trends and strategies for hospitality businesses.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of loyalty programs in retaining guests.
  • Consumer behavior trends in luxury hospitality markets.
  • The role of destination marketing organizations in promoting tourism.

Food and Beverage Management

  • Trends in sustainable sourcing practices for food and beverage operations.
  • Menu engineering strategies to maximize profitability in restaurants.
  • The impact of food presentation on guest satisfaction in fine dining.
  • Implementing food safety protocols in hotel kitchens.
  • Analyzing the popularity of food delivery services and their impact on hotel F&B revenues.

Tourism and Destination Management

  • The economic impact of major events and festivals on local tourism.
  • Strategies for managing overtourism in popular travel destinations.
  • The role of cultural heritage preservation in sustainable tourism development.
  • Analyzing the preferences of millennial travelers and their impact on tourism trends.
  • The future of medical tourism and its implications for hospitality providers.

Financial Management in Hospitality

  • Assessing the financial viability of hotel development projects.
  • The impact of economic downturns on hospitality businesses.
  • Cost-control strategies in hotel operations.
  • Financing options for small and medium-sized hospitality enterprises (SMEs).
  • Evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of technology upgrades in hotels.

Event Management

  • Trends in corporate event planning and management.
  • The impact of technology on the attendee experience at conferences.
  • Sustainable practices in event management.
  • Crisis management strategies for handling emergencies during events.
  • Assessing the economic impact of major sporting events on host cities.

Cultural and Heritage Tourism

  • Strategies for promoting cultural tourism in rural areas.
  • The role of museums and cultural sites in attracting international tourists.
  • Cultural sensitivity training for hospitality professionals.
  • Challenges and opportunities in indigenous tourism development.
  • Analyzing the authenticity of cultural experiences offered by hospitality providers.

Hospitality Law and Ethics

  • Legal implications of data privacy laws on hotel guest information.
  • Ethical considerations in marketing practices within the hospitality industry.
  • The impact of labor laws on employment practices in hotels.
  • Liability issues in hospitality operations and risk management.
  • Ethical dilemmas in hotel revenue management practices.

Wellness and Spa Management

  • Trends in wellness tourism and its impact on hotel spas.
  • Designing wellness programs for corporate retreats and conferences.
  • The role of holistic therapies in spa treatments and guest satisfaction.
  • Assessing the ROI of wellness amenities in luxury hotels.
  • Integrating mindfulness practices into guest experiences at wellness resorts.

Hotel Design and Architecture

  • The influence of hotel design on guest perceptions and experiences.
  • Sustainable architecture and its impact on hotel operations.
  • Designing inclusive and accessible hotel environments.
  • Innovations in room design and technology integration.
  • Historical influences on contemporary hotel architecture.

Airbnb and Alternative Accommodations

  • Regulatory challenges and opportunities for Airbnb hosts.
  • The impact of Airbnb on traditional hotel businesses.
  • Consumer preferences for alternative accommodations vs. hotels.
  • Sustainability practices among Airbnb hosts.
  • The future of regulation and taxation in the short-term rental market.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Implementing CRM systems to enhance guest loyalty.
  • Personalization strategies in CRM for luxury hotel brands.
  • Analyzing customer lifetime value in hospitality businesses.
  • CRM analytics and its role in improving guest retention.
  • Challenges in CRM implementation and strategies for overcoming them.

Luxury Hospitality

  • The psychology of luxury consumption in hospitality.
  • Managing exclusivity and personalized service in luxury hotels.
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on luxury hotel brands.
  • Luxury hotel branding strategies and their influence on guest perceptions.
  • Trends in ultra-luxury accommodations and services.

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the hospitality industry.
  • Engaging local communities in sustainable tourism practices.
  • The role of hotels in promoting social justice and equity.
  • Environmental impact assessments for hospitality projects.
  • Collaborative approaches to sustainable tourism development.

Technology and Innovation

  • Innovations in hotel room technology and guest experience.
  • The future of voice-activated assistants in hospitality.
  • Augmented reality (AR) applications for enhancing hotel amenities.
  • Blockchain technology and its potential applications in hospitality.
  • Smart hotel concepts and their impact on operational efficiency.

Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

  • Strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in hotel management.
  • The business case for gender equality in hospitality leadership.
  • Addressing cultural diversity in international hotel chains.
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ travelers and employees in hospitality.
  • The impact of inclusive hiring practices on organizational culture.

Destination Marketing and Branding

  • Destination branding strategies for emerging tourist destinations.
  • The role of social media influencers in destination marketing.
  • Marketing strategies for luxury boutique hotels.
  • Crisis communication in destination marketing.
  • Destination loyalty programs and their effectiveness.

Revenue Management Strategies

  • Dynamic pricing strategies in hotel revenue management.
  • The role of AI in optimizing room rates and inventory.
  • Forecasting demand fluctuations in hospitality.
  • Loyalty program impact on revenue management.
  • Pricing strategies for hotel restaurants and F&B outlets.

Food and Beverage Trends

  • Trends in hotel restaurant concepts and dining experiences.
  • The rise of plant-based menus in hotel restaurants.
  • Local sourcing and farm-to-table trends in hotel F&B.
  • Craft beverage trends in hotel bars and lounges.
  • Sustainability practices in hotel banquet and catering services.

Wellness and Sustainability in Hospitality

  • Integrating wellness amenities into hotel operations.
  • Wellness certifications and their impact on hotel bookings.
  • Sustainable spa practices and certifications.
  • Wellness retreats and their appeal to luxury travelers.
  • Environmental sustainability in hotel operations and guest engagement.

Future Directions in Hospitality Management Research

The future of hospitality management research is promising, with emerging trends such as:

  • Personalization through AI: Advanced AI algorithms will enable hotels to predict guest preferences and deliver personalized experiences.
  • Blockchain for Transparency: Blockchain technology can enhance transparency in booking processes and payment transactions, improving trust between guests and service providers.
  • Virtual Reality for Immersive Experiences: VR technology will continue to evolve, offering immersive experiences that simulate destinations and accommodations, influencing travel decisions.

Research in hospitality management is crucial for innovation, guest satisfaction, and sustainability. Topics like customer experience, sustainable tourism, technology, and crisis management drive industry advancement.

This blog outlined key hospitality management research topics, stressing their significance for hoteliers, tourism entrepreneurs, and students. Keeping abreast of these topics is vital for adapting to industry changes and meeting traveler expectations worldwide.

As hospitality evolves, ongoing research will shape its future, ensuring businesses remain competitive and responsive to emerging trends.

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70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best hospitality management topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good essay topics on hospitality management, 🥇 interesting topics to write about hospitality management.

  • Recruitment and Selection in Hospitality Management The process involves reviewing the job and needs for the job identifies the existing gaps in the organization and the need for them to fill.
  • Facilities Management Concept in the Hospitality Sector Imperatively, managers and stakeholders in the hospitality sector need to engage in initiatives that improve the general outlook of the establishments and augment the overall experiences of clients.
  • Strategic HR Management in the Hospitality Industry Strategic Human Resource Management, on the other hand, is the systematic implementation of processes and activities to formulate policies that will govern the administration of workers in a firm.
  • Strategic Management in Hospitality Essay The mission will explain the role that the industry is likely to play in the market. Through this, the company believes that it will be able to achieve what it wants to be in the […]
  • Total Quality Management in the Hospitality Industry TQM can be lucratively implemented in management of hotels by first recognizing customers as the most essential component of a transaction. The thriving realization of TQM in an organization by an executive can be evaluated […]
  • Property Management Systems in Hospitality Industry The overall structure of a hotel determines the management’s capability, the integration of technology in management of the hotel and the distribution of data in the hotel.
  • Personal Development in Hospitality Management Most employers in the hospitality sector feel that several skills in the sector should have been taught in the academic institutions at undergraduate levels and that there is an immediate need for hospitality education to […]
  • The Role of Capacity Management in Hospitality With this in mind, the essay seeks to address the question of whether the role of capacity management in hospitality is to match supply with demand or to match demand with supply.
  • Human Resource Management: Tourism and Hospitality Industry To recognise the variety both of the diversity of sub-industries and kinds of careers the tourism and hospitality sector in Australia is likely to create, this paper cannot take into account all of these elements […]
  • Leadership Management in the Hospitality Industry And the last principle was that management should cooperate with workers in sharing work whereby managers ought to use scientific principles in management to come up with tasks to be performed by workers.
  • The Remarkable Service’ Principle in Hospitality Management It is the role of the management to ensure that the quality of services is maintained within their organisations. The reason is that they would be encouraged to return to the hotel in the future.
  • Hospitality Management: Term Definition This implies that companies need to have a direction against which they are moving and it is the task of the management operations function to ensure this occurs.
  • Hospitality Management: Hotel Beau Rivage Weggis, Switzerland In the report below, the writer has endeavoured to use placement experience gained while at the Hotel Beau Rivage Weggis, classroom knowledge, and available literature related to management practices in the hotel and hospitality industry.
  • Hospitality Management: Arabian Desert Resort In addition, it is the role of the sales manager to improve the facilities, maintain awareness of factors, which affect the hotel, and to gain a deeper perceptive of the needs and feelings of the […]
  • Contemporary Tourism and Hospitality Management I have always enjoyed visiting other countries, and Europe remains one of my favorite destinations since I see it as a small corner of the planet connecting a great variety of cultures.
  • Talent Management in the Hospitality Sector Whelan and Carcary suggest that the concept of talent and knowledge are related and, in turn, knowledge management can benefit from the principles of talent management. Consequently, knowledge loss is likely to result in a […]
  • Sustainable Hospitality Management The paper will clear some concepts of Hospitality Management and Sustainable Hospitality Management, Assessment of Operational Efficiency of Hospitality Organizations, Critical analysis of Hospitality Parameters, Critical evaluation of Principles and Procedures Involved in Environmental Management […]
  • Hospitality Management: Trends and Issues However, from a systems perspective, and in the broadest and most realistic terms, the consumption process includes more than the actual use of goods and services and the activities of household consumers.
  • Swissotel Sydney Hotel’s Revenue and Hospitality Management The paper analyzes the extant academic literature on revenue and hospitality management in order to develop five tactics that can be used by a revenue manager of Swissotel Sydney for improving the company’s bottom line. […]
  • Hospitality Management Education and Career Moreover, the relation between the claim and the evidence Valachis introduces in his article is not strengthened; one can notice that the evidence is not integrated with the author’s own ideas, so, the use of […]
  • Miami Hospitality Industry: Marketing and Management The hospitality industry in this country has been expanding due to the increasing number of tourists coming to the region. The second factor is the strategy that the firm will use in this highly competitive […]
  • Hospitality Operations and Revenue Management They engaged the services of a professional chef and managing director, in addition, to constituting a professional board of directors to steer the affairs of the business.
  • Hospitality Strategic Management and Marketing The school puts an underscore on the importance of an entity with regard to the context in which the entity operates.asserts that the environment is essential as it is referred to while testing the viability […]
  • Hospitality Quality Management The standards in hotel management that could be established include the standards related to house-keeping of the hotel.”The main responsibilities of the house-keeping department lie in the need to ‘provide clean and serviced bedrooms on […]
  • The Hospitality Industry Strategic Human Resource Management The objective of the assignment is to explore the challenges facing the hospitality industry as well as how the HR officials can overcome the challenges.
  • HR Management in the Hospitality: Recruitment Process The head of the IT department should also be in a position to provide growth strategies to general management, provide expertise in the field of technology for the benefit of the company, particularly for business […]
  • Hospitality Management: Aramark and NAMA Aramark is widely recognized as a multinational corporation that partners with companies and institutions in meeting the daily basic needs of their employees and customers.
  • Marriott International Hospitality Company Management The supply chain adopted in the United Kingdom is slightly different with the structure that the company adopts in other nations; in the United states, the focus is mostly on domestic suppliers while the international […]
  • The Key Skills Needed for a Graduate Career in The Hospitality Industry
  • The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Hospitality Industry
  • The Policies Implemented in Hospitality Industry
  • The Impact of Generation Y and Z on The Hospitality Industry
  • Hospitality Management in Food and Beverage Industry
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management: Starbucks
  • Data Analysis for Hospitality Management
  • Business Relationships in Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management Information System
  • Differences and Similarities Between Hospitality and Hospitality Management
  • Financial Ratios From Income Statements From Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management Performance PFP Means
  • Generating Grounded Theory for Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management: Ancient Times to the Present
  • Correlations of Hospitality Management and Business Risk
  • Hospitality Management: Conflict Management in a Restaurant
  • Hotel and Hospitality Management: Chinese Resort Hotel Industry
  • Integrating CSR With Hospitality Management Programmes in Higher Education
  • Hospitality Management: Service Innovation Analysis
  • International Hospitality Management and Leadership Education Overview
  • The Relationships Between International Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Factors Affecting the Growth of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
  • Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Social and Cultural Perspective in Hospitality Management
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management in Bangladesh
  • Hospitality Operations and Management Analysis
  • Crisis Management and the Most Important Factors in the Hospitality Industry
  • Collaboration, Management Contract, and Franchising in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
  • The Relationships Between Hospitality Services Management and Satisfactory Services
  • Current and Future Trends in Hospitality and Management
  • Emotional Intelligence and Tacit Knowledge Management in Hospitality
  • Facility and Risk Management: Hospitality Operation
  • Global Hospitality Industry and Human Resource Management
  • Similarities of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Hospitality Crisis Management Practices
  • Human Resources Management Issues in Hospitality & Tourism Industry
  • International Hotel Management: Hospitality and Leisure
  • Leadership and Management Style in Hospitality Industry
  • Management Methods and Concepts for Building Competitive Advantage in Hospitality Companies
  • Managing Across Cultures Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Quality Control Research Topics
  • Public Service Research Topics
  • Burger King Topics
  • McDonald’s Topics
  • Restaurant Ideas
  • Disneyland Ideas
  • Domino’s Pizza Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 9 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 9 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.


IvyPanda . "70 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.


150+ Interesting Hospitality Research Topics To Consider

Table of Contents

Are you searching for the best hospitality research topics for your final year project? If yes, then you are at the correct place. Basically, hospitality is a broad subject that predominantly deals with the various activities, technology concepts, and creativity required to build the customer experience. The subject mainly focuses on everything related to the travel and tourism industry and hence while preparing a hospitality research paper, it might be challenging for you to identify a good topic to work on. But with us, you need not worry. For your convenience, in this blog, we have suggested 150+ outstanding hospitality research topics and ideas on different themes related to the subject. Continue reading to get exclusive ideas for hospitality research paper writing.

Hospitality Research Topics

Hospitality Research Paper Topics List

Wonder what topic to choose for your hospitality research paper? Cool! When it comes to writing a research paper or thesis on hospitality, you can consider topics that deal with some significant aspects to build successful strategies. Other than that, you can also give high preference to case studies and hospitality research ideas based on history, law, management, culture, etc. as presented below.

Hospitality Research Topics

Hotel Management Research Paper Ideas

  • Discuss the qualities of a good hotel manager.
  • Explain the customer service at a 5-star hotel.
  • Compare a full-service hotel and a limited-service hotel.
  • Revenue management of a large hotel.
  • Case Study: The Wynn Las Vegas.
  • A study on French hotel management.
  • Case Study: The First World Hotel & Plaza.
  • Hotel management in Pakistan.
  • Case Study: The Ambassador City Jomtien.
  • Explain the financial accounting of a hotel.
  • Case Study: Pavilion Hotel Kuala LumpurManaged by Banyan Tree
  • Describe the best practices of hotel management
  • Analyze the hotel management practices of The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai, India
  • Discuss the best practices for hoteliers to improve customer service and hotel maintenance management
  • Case Study: Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, Italy
  • What are the best practices for employee management in the hotel sector
  • Why it is important for the hospitality industry to switch to sustainable practices?
  • Compare and contrast the hotel industry of Thailand and Malaysia
  • Discuss five modern technologies used by American hotels
  • Analyze the growth and development of the hotel industry in Dubai
  • Compare the ‘check-in’ and ‘check-out’ processes and amenities in European and Asian hotels

Simple Hospitality Research Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between the host and the guest.
  • Explain hospitality in the Christian culture.
  • How to greet a tourist in Rome.
  • Explain hospitality in Ancient Greece.
  • The negative effects of travel bans.
  • The effect of global trends on the hospitality industry.
  • Hospitality in the Islam culture.
  • Explain the origin of the word Hospitality.
  • Best ways to greet a guest in Prague.
  • Discuss hospitality ethics.
  • Why ‘Four Seasons Resort Bali’ at Jimbaran Bay is considered one of the most luxurious hotels in the world?
  • Compare and contrast Explora El Chaltén, Argentina, and Six Senses Fort Barwara, India
  • Analyze the contribution of the hospitality industry to global economic growth
  • Importance of leadership management in hospitality businesses
  • Which form of leadership style is most effective to apply in the hospitality industry?
  • Discuss the global hospitality industry’s contribution to the world economy over the past three decades
  • Critical analysis of the roles and responsibilities of the housekeeping staff on guest satisfaction in classified hotels
  • Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global hospitality industry
  • Compare and contrast hospitality services available in Islamic and Christian culture

Hospitality Law Research Topics

  • Insurance waivers.
  • Hospitality law in India.
  • The liability of hotel owners in the US.
  • Research hospitality law in Russia.
  • Hospitality law in South Korea.
  • Research the risk of theft in hotels in the UK.
  • Bailments in the hospitality industry.
  • Hospitality law in North Korea.
  • A closer look at the Laws of Innkeepers.
  • Hospitality law in South Africa.

Top Hospitality Research Ideas

  • The right to free transit.
  • Case Study: The Abraj Al Bait.
  • Explain the idea of favored guests in Christianity.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Circus Circus Las Vegas.
  • The effects of the smoking ban on casinos.
  • A closer look at fair wages in the hospitality industry.
  • Etiquette in the hospitality industry.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
  • Analyze the idea of perverse hospitality.
  • Case Study: The Izmailovo Hotel.

Hospitality Management Research Topics

  • Discuss the salary expectations of hotel managers.
  • Major issues in the hospitality industry.
  • The role of the General Manager of a hotel.
  • Discuss hotel management during the COVID pandemic.
  • The different types of hospitality accommodations.
  • Food and beverage in the hospitality industry.
  • Working conditions in a large hotel.
  • Analyze the effects of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic on the hospitality industry.
  • Hotel marketing management.
  • The role of a Director of Groups and Events.
  • The role of facility managers.
  • Providing food, shelter, and safety in Nepal.
  • Hospitality as a virtue.
  • Offering shelter in Judaism.
  • Prepare a strategic analysis of a hotel of your choice.

Research Topics on Hospitality and Tourism

  • Domestic tourism in the United States.
  • Talk about outbound tourism trends in 2022.
  • Top tourist attractions in the UK.
  • Define inbound tourism.
  • Talk about the 3 main ideas in tourism.
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect tourism?
  • Talk about personalization in hospitality.
  • Analyze the 7 components of tourism.
  • Going contactless in the hospitality industry.
  • Best tourist attractions in the US.
  • Discuss the contribution of tourism to worldwide trade.
  • Explain the impact of travel bloggers and vloggers on the global tourism business.
  • Discuss the impact of natural disasters and hazards on the tourism industry.
  • Write about Ex Ante Tourism Forecasting Assessment.
  • How to improve the competitiveness of Tourism.
  • Discuss the advancements of Tourism contribution to the development.
  • Explain the significance of remote communication in the tourism industry.
  • Write about family tourism.
  • Bibliometric analysis of medical tourism.
  • Community resourcefulness and partnerships in rural tourism
  • Discuss how hospitality companies diversify.
  • Case Study: The MGM Grand Las Vegas and The Signature
  • The importance of the hospitality industry for the US economy.
  • Prepare a strategic analysis of the Excalibur Hotel and Casino.
  • Hospitality training of flight attendants.
  • Case Study: The Londoner Macao
  • Research what off-season means for holiday resorts.
  • Case Study: The Venetian Resort Las Vegas
  • Make a strategic analysis of Caesars Palace Hotel.
  • Discuss hospitality training of restaurant workers.

Read more: Best Leadership Research Topics and Ideas To Deal With

Excellent Hospitality Research Topics

  • Discuss the best ways to cater to millennials.
  • Sustainability in the hospitality industry.
  • Augmented reality in the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss the growing emphasis on well-being.
  • Explain the seamless technology in hospitality.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Shinagawa Prince Hotel.
  • The most important service in the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss destination promotion.
  • The way tech has affected the hospitality industry.
  • Specify the importance of a good tour guide.
  • The most important part of hospitality in a luxury hotel.
  • Strategic analysis of the Resorts World Las Vegas.
  • Analyze the Atlantis Paradise Island hotel.
  • How to meet the needs of hotel guests using tech.
  • Crushing the competition in the hospitality business.

Outstanding Hospitality Research Topics

  • The influence of hospitality on the direct and indirect economy.
  • Compare 3 major hotel chains in the UK.
  • Discuss the tips system.
  • Hospitality going green in the upcoming years.
  • Hospitality in Ancient Egypt.
  • The best ways to attract guests to your hotel.
  • Changing laws in the hospitality sector.
  • Hospitality laws and rules in the Maldives.
  • Discuss sports tourism.
  • Analyze the operations of a pub of your choice.
  • Research the wages of hotel staff in your area.
  • Discuss hospitality in your local hospital.
  • Hospitality during the Olympic Games.
  • Discuss the bread and salt tradition in Eastern Europe.
  • The importance of proper etiquette.

Innovative Hospitality Dissertation Topics

  • How do buying decisions affect leisure tourism on British customers?
  • Why do customers prefer leisure hotels when they plan overseas holidays?
  • Perception and attitude of British customers towards Thai food.
  • Factors affecting restaurant selections on a Friday night out.
  • The positive impacts of Royal Weddings on the hospitality industry.
  • How can small catering firms use integrated marketing communication to create brand recognition and sales?
  • With more people traveling solo, what has the hospitality industry done to accommodate and attract more visitors?
  • How to motivate employees in pubs and restaurants?
  • Does brand extension in hotel chains affect buying decisions of customers?
  • Examining perception and attitude of customers towards online travel agents.

Read more: Top Human Resources Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Unique Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  • Talk about the weird qualities of solo travel guests.
  • What is essentialism in the hospitality business?
  • What is holistic hospitality?
  • Research a new area of hospitality.
  • What are leisure travelers?
  • How hotels are remaining alive in the competition of providing hospitality services.
  • How important is a review for companies in the hospitality industry?
  • Discuss the skills of an experienced restaurant manager.
  • The role of the hospitality management staff.
  • How important are workspaces in hotels?
  • How hospitality services are given across different geographical regions varies.
  • What is a hotel crisis management team?
  • Innovative techniques to meet the needs of guests in hotels.
  • Latest trends in the hospitality industry.
  • Types of hospitality services that are in demand.

From the list of research topics and ideas suggested in this blog, choose any topic of your choice and draft a detailed hospitality research paper. In case, you are not sure what topic to select or how to write a hospitality research paper, contact us.

research topic about hospitality management

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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Home > Hospitality > Theses & Dissertations

Hospitality Theses & Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2020 2020.

Exploring Mystery Shopping's Perceived Impacts on Integrated Resort Employees and Managers , Yoonju Chung

An Examination of the Role of Online Reviews for Niche Restaurant Segments: Casino Buffet Restaurants , Tevfik Demirciftci

Prosocial Rule-Breaking to Help Customers Among Hospitality Employees , Ankita Ghosh

Exploring the Airline Passengers’ Preferences of Inflight Foods , Eun Min Hwang

How Consumers Assess Multiple Cues: The Role of Dual Processing System on Hotel Booking Decisions , Eun Joo Kim

Consumers, Critics & Chromatography: An Analysis of 100-Point Wines , Gina Marano

Shattering the Glass: Will Gen Z Bring Us Closer to Gender Equality in US Hospitality Leadership? , Denise Holly Ramirez Molintas

A Nomological Network Analysis of Innovation in Hospitality Education and Industry , Robert H. Rippee

The Short and Long-Term Effectiveness of Online Sales Promotion Type and Fit in Hotels , Esra Topcuoglu

Organizational Symbolism and Employee Immersion, a Mixed Methods Investigation of Organizational Socialization Efficacy in the Hotel Industry , Jeffrey Michael Yedlin

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Meal Duration: Implications for Restaurant Revenue Management , Dale F. Billings

The Relationship between Motivation to Use Airbnb and Guests’ Repurchase Intention: Moderating Effect of Consideration Set , Wen Jiang

The Impact of Virtual Presence on Willingness to Book: The Moderating Role of Self-Construal and Gender , Sung Jun Joe

Examining the Role of Business Intelligence and Analytics in Hospitality Revenue Management , Anna I. Kharitonova

Mental Accounting and Unplanned Purchases in Online Booking: The Role of Discount, Impulse Buying, and Thinking Style , Esther L. Kim

The Effect of the Minimum Server Wage on Restaurant Guest Tipping Behavior and Perceptions , Jason Tang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Managing Data-Driven Change: A Model of Unintended Deviation , Sang-Mun Ray Cho

Influencing Hawai‘i Hotel Patrons to Use Reef-Safe Sunscreens , Rochelle Good

A Cross-cultural Investigation of the Relationship between Customer Demographics and Hotel Room Price Perception , Jinhua Hong

Social Media Influencer Endorsement and Events: An Integrated Framework of Congruence , Jie Sun

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Price Prediction: Determining Changes in Stock Pricing through Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews , Daryl F. Boykin

Examining the Decoy and the Phantom Decoy Effects on the Menu Item Choice , Yang-Su Chen

The Impact of Supportive Parenting on Career Confidence of Young Adults , Salma Ettefagh

Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Cruises in China , Wenjia Han

Influence of Sustainability Reward Program on Meeting Planners’ Site Selection Decision and Perceived Value-for-Money , Shinyong (shawn) Jung

Impact of Ingredient Branding on the Hotel Brand: Spillover Effect of Branded Amenities , Eun Joo Kim

Esports Enthusiasts and Gamers: Motivations, Behaviors, and Attitudes Towards Gambling , John Lukasik

The Effects of Availability Heuristic Cues on Restaurant Purchase Decisions , Nadia Hanin Nazlan

Value Co-Creation Propositions: A Self-Determination Theory of Customer Acceptance, Trust and Wellbeing , Lenna V. Shulga

Understanding Transitions of Trust across Different Business Contexts: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study , Sungsik Yoon

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effects of Source and Content on Types of Social Influence in Online Traveler Reviews , Laura A. Book

Connection or Competence: Emotional Labor Versus Service Quality as Antecedents to Customer Loyalty , Andrew Moreo

The Effect of Blackboard Tools on the Community of Inquiry and Learner Satisfaction with Learning Management System-Enabled Courses , Alice Swift

Investigating How Restaurant Week's Price Promotion Affects Diners' Online Perceptions , Jian Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Six Feet from Fame: Exploring Dark Tourism Motivation at Marilyn Monroe's Grave , Surjeet Baidwan

Understanding the Experience of Medicare Advantage Patients in a Health Maintenance Organization , Curtis E. Boldman

Exploring the Relationship Between Revenue Management and Hotel Loyalty Programs , Melissa Elizabeth Buckley

Examining the factors that impact work life balance for executive chefs , Lisa Nicole Cain

Understanding Employee Work Attitudes: An Integration of Psychological Contract Theory and Organizational Support Theory , Wen Chang

The Influence of Tier Level of Hotel Loyalty Programs on Guest Perceptions and Tolerance for Service Quality , Eunjin Choi

Perceptions toward the Value of Higher Education for Hotel Professionals in Las Vegas: A Case Study , Gary Lee Deel

The Effect of Florida’s Timeshare Resale Accountability Act and Securitization Announcements on Vacation Ownership Shareholder Wealth , James R. Drake, Iii

An Examination of U.S. restaurant firms' internationalization in a risk context , Soyeon Jung

The Impacts of a Smoking Ban on Gaming Volume and Customers' Satisfaction in the Casino Industry in South Korea , Sojeong Lee

Evaluating Event Effectiveness Across Alternate Platforms , Kristin Marie Malek

Patient Service Quality and Health Maintenance Organizations: Not an Oxymoron , Jessica Mcbeath

Impact of Menu Designs and Personal Dietary Behaviors on Young Millennials' Restaurant Menu Choices , Yuan Tian

Developing a Parasocial Relationship with Hotel Brands on Facebook: Will Millennials Differ from GenXers? , Yun Ying Zhong

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Table Games Revenue Management: A Bayesian Approach , Daryl F. Boykin

Work and Home-Life Balance: A Comparative Study of Hotel Employee Satisfaction in the West and Midwest , Amanda Connick

Revenue Management in a Multi-Channel Environment: The Effect of Pricing Strategies on Perceived Fairness , Lan Jiang

Golf Tourists at Two Courses in Las Vegas: A Demographic Profile , Brian Milford Jones

A Model of Hospitality Employee Engagement , Hee Jung Kang

Integrated Casino Resort Plan in Korea: The Perception of Korean Government Representatives , Donghwa Lee

The Hotel College First Year Experience at UNLV: Does it Make a Difference? , Jill Plumer

Factors Influencing the Perceived Impacts of Medical Tourism Development on Quality of Life , Courtney Suess

Chinese Outbound Tourists Food Consumption in the U.S.: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior , Kaiyang Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Mapping the Online Gambling E-Servicescape: Impact of Virtual Atmospherics on the Gambler's Experience , Brett Lillian Levine Abarbanel

How We Complain: The Effect of Personality on Consumer Complaint Channels , Riley Allen Berry

Motives for Different Types of Medical Travelers: An Analysis of the Current State of Academic Research on the Topic , Dan B. Cormany

The Impact of Anti-BYOD Policies on Generation Z Hospitality Employee's Engagement , Danny Crinson

The effectiveness of various green print advertising strategies for budget and luxury hotel segments , Safak Sahin

Assessing Revenue Managers' Level of Trust in Information Systems: An Exploratory Study of Las Vegas Casino Resorts , Landon Taylor Shores

The Impact of Airport Service Quality Dimension on Overall Airport Experience and Impression , Redha Widarsyah

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Impact of the 2003 Illinois Gaming Tax Rate Increase on Marketing Spending and Cross-State Substitution , Mikael Bengt Ahlgren

Self-image congruence with communication channels and its impact on reward program loyalty , Orie Berezan

Mega-renters: Who are they and how do they operate? , Stefan William Cosentino

From fandom to tourism: An examination of self-~expansion theory , So Jung Lee

The Marketing Effectiveness of Hotel Facebook Pages: From Perspectives of Customers and Messages , Xi Yu Leung

Evaluating the Impact of a New Casino Loyalty Program on Gaming Volume , Ji Hye Min

The effect of casino tax policy on short-run gaming development , Kahlil Philander

Restaurant Service Employees Organizational Commitment: Shared Gratuity versus Independent Gratuity Environments , Susan J. Roe

The Non-Gaming Business of the Gaming Industry: Evaluating the Contribution of Non-Gaming Amenities at a Casino-Resort Property , Elena Shampaner-Ghiassi

Room Service Principles and Practices: An Exploratory Study , Stanley Douglas Suboleski

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

What is mission critical in the hotel guest room: Examining in-room guest empowerment technologies , Pelin Nasoz

Adjusting payroll with changes in business volumes: An examination of Nevada gaming properties , Toni A. Repetti

Credit Fluctuations and Lodging Firms: An Investigation of the Differing Capital Structures in the US Lodging Industry , Dipendra Singh

Examining revenue management practices in Las Vegas casino resorts , Arun Tanpanuwat

Financial performance and capacity analysis for the MICE industry in Las Vegas and the United States , Li-Ting Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Management research in the hospitality and tourism industry , Xu Cheng

Structural model of effects of cultural factors on escalation of commitment through antecedents, agency, and negative framing effects , Woo-Sik Danny Choi

An Analysis of restaurant food safety violations: human factors, non-human factors, and food-borne illness , Jai Choung

Critical success factors in barbecue restaurants: Do operators and patrons agree? , John Raymond Farrish

A Mathematical approach for optimizing the casino slot floor: A linear programming application , Kasra Christopher Ghaharian

Illegal substance abuse in the full-service restaurant industry: An evaluation of pre-employment drug-testing , Miranda Kitterlin

Impact of hotel discount strategies on consumers’ emotion and behavior in the presence of high and low involvement consumers , Seung H. Lee

Estimating the future growth potential of Kangwon Land casino , Yunekyong Lee

Outcomes associated with a UNLV outdoor adventures' women's wilderness canoe trip , Joanna Leigh Libby

The Physical activity patterns and constraints of diverse female college students , Kathleen Victoria Minkel

A Study on eco-friendly merchandise in a resort retail environment , Lindsey C. Patrick

Room rate parity: A 2010 study of U.S. booking channels , Neven Sipic

An Analysis of supervisor’s gender and subordinate employees’ job satisfaction within the casino-entertainment industry , Nicholas J. Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Estimating the indirect contribution of sports books: Sports wagering as a driver of other in-house revenues , Brett L.L. Abarbanel

The GED and alternative learning center diploma as a factor in post-secondary persistence and success , Michael C. Autenrieth

The relationship between benefit satisfaction and intent to leave: A study of finance departments in Las Vegas , Jung-in Bae

Taiwanese gambling behaviors, perceptions, and attitudes , Che Hao Chang

Perspectives on timeshare ownership: An exploratory study of markets in China , Kai-Li Chi

The Efficacy of fragrance use for enhancing the slot machine gaming experience of casino patrons , Gael D. Hancock

Leadership Skills and Challenges in Hospitality Management Education , Valentini Kalargyrou

A Comprehensive structural model of factors influencing customers' intention to use biometrics in the hospitality industry , Jungsun Kim

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Research in Hospitality Management: Guests on Earth, Sustainability in Hospitality

Profile image of Frans Melissen

This issue of Research in Hospitality Management is special in two ways: it is the first issue of Research in Hospitality Management to be published in open access, and it is entirely dedicated to sustainability. The choice for open access has been dictated by the desire of the editorial team to reach a wider public and initiate the process of ranking of the journal. Stenden Hotel Management School fully supports this strategic choice. Sustainability is a highly topical subject and has been for over twenty years. The same is true of “responsible tourism” and “sustainable hospitality” – concepts which have been discussed and explored by the industry and scientific communities alike. A key issue in these discussions relates to ethics. The term “ethics” goes back to ancient Greek philosophy. However, rather than concluding that this is a tired old theme, it is important to consider the new and continuing challenges which are currently affecting the planet and its populations. This includes economic, political, environmental, and social crises, the impact of which will only increase in years to come. Although the terminology linked to describing and tackling these challenges is not very new, its application to practical situations has become not only interesting, but also absolutely essential. Sustainable approaches to development and management of all industries are no longer an option but a necessity. This special issue recognises that this is also true for the hospitality industry and it therefore makes Sustainable Hospitality its main focus.

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Global trends in hospitality ☆

Lerzan aksoy.

a Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business, New York, NY, United States

Sunmee Choi

b School of Business, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

c Dean of College of Business and Management, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Tarik Dogru

d Florida State University, Dedman College of Hospitality, Tallahassee, FL, United States

Timothy Keiningham

e St. John’s University, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, Queens, NY, United States

Melanie Lorenz

f Florida Atlantic University, College of Business, Boca Raton, FL, United States

J. Bruce Tracey

g Cornell University, School of Hotel Administration, SC Johnson College of Business, Ithaca, NY, United States

The disruptions to the global hospitality industry have been accelerated, particularly after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, it is even more important for scholars to focus on future research that addresses the most relevant and important industry-specific challenges. In this paper, we analyze the recent hospitality research and industry trends to identify the topics that have received the most attention, and then compare these trends to the survey results from two key industry stakeholders – academics (N = 67) and practitioners (N = 235) – regarding the most important short- and longer-terms research priorities. Overall, the findings suggest that both stakeholder groups have placed supply and demand characteristics, as well as technology, as the industry’s most pressing priorities in both the short- and longer-term future. The relative importance of safety and cleanliness is expected to decline over time while environmental sustainability will gain increasing attention in the future.

1. Introduction

The global hospitality industry, which includes hotels and other types of accommodations, as well as restaurants, bars, casinos, cruise ships, travel agencies, tour operators, and similar organizations, accounted for roughly $4.5 trillion in consumer spending during 2020 ( Hospitality Global Market Report, 2020 ). More broadly, the travel and tourism segments accounted for 10.3% of the global GDP in 2019, totaling $8.9 trillion ( WTTC, 2020b ). Unfortunately, it is not surprising that many of the firms that operate within service- and labor-intensive industries have suffered immensely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the extensive scope of this global crisis, pre-pandemic industry trend projections alone are unlikely to be helpful in guiding future academic research and managerial actions. The overarching aim of this research is to provide needed insight into the most important short- and long-term trends from the perspectives of hospitality academics and practitioners by combining historic trends with prognostications from both such stakeholders.

This investigation is conducted in three parts: (1) a review of articles in the leading academic hospitality journals; (2) a review of articles in hospitality trade journals; and (3) a survey of hospitality academics and practitioners. By doing so, we identify critical gaps in the literature and significant differences in the perspectives of academics and practitioners—both in terms of established areas of interest and their future expectations.

As might be expected, the findings point to a short-term focus on disease prevention and related issues, which subsequently declines in importance over the longer term. Nonetheless, technology and supply and demand issues stand out amongst both academics and practitioners alike as key trends in both the short- and long-term. In general, however, when significant differences exist between academics and practitioners (e.g., sustainability, branding), practitioners tend to place greater importance on more immediate financial well-being needs, while academics focus on broader, longer-term trends. By identifying the gaps in the literature and differences in the perceived importance of various trends, this investigation offers insight for rigorous and relevant academic research agendas to help guide the recovery of the hospitality industry through the extreme turbulence caused by COVID-19.

2. Literature review

2.1. scope: global hospitality industry.

The travel and tourism sector is recognized as an important driver for job creation and a dynamic engine of employment opportunities ( Dogru and Bulut, 2018 , Wttc, 2020a ). In 2019, one in 10 jobs (total 330 million jobs) were supported by the global travel and tourism sector, and one quarter of all net new jobs were created by this sector over the last five years ( WTTC, 2020b ).

In 2020, however, this industry faced unprecedented challenges and threats from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ( WTTC, 2020b ). Community lockdowns, social distancing requirements, stay-at-home orders, travel and mobility restrictions, and dining limitations have resulted in a temporary suspension of many hospitality businesses and significantly decreased the demand for businesses that were allowed to continue to operate ( Bartik et al., 2020 , Gursoy and Chi, 2020 ). While the optimistic scenario projects a 30% reduction in jobs and GDP compared with 2019, the pessimistic scenario projects a 60% reduction in jobs and a 62% reduction in GDP compared with 2019 ( WTTC, 2020b ).

Of all industries, the global hospitality industry is among the hardest hit, while facing reductions of >90% of activities in some markets ( Fernandes, 2020 ). An above average representation of SMEs in sectors such as accommodation and food services have been particularly affected by the crisis ( OECD, 2020 ). As of 22 June 2020, 513 companies in the restaurant segment filed for bankruptcy ( WTTC, 2020c ). Large firms have also suffered from the downturn ( WTTC, 2020c ). For example, Marriott International, which has 174,000 employees globally, placed tens of thousands of workers on furlough, and Hilton Worldwide notified lenders in March 2020 that they would be borrowing a precautionary $1.75 billion under a revolving loan to preserve money and to maintain flexibility ( Nicola et al., 2020 ).

In contrast, it has been suggested that the travel and tourism sector is poised to be the key sector in driving the recovery of the global economy post COVID-19 by generating new jobs, driving visitors back to destinations, and having a positive economic domino effect on suppliers across the entire supply chain ( Dogru and Bulut, 2018 , Wttc, 2020a ). Projected recovery plans involve rebuilding traveler confidence, developing innovative and digital technologies, and offering more affordable products ( WTTC, 2020d ). Transitioning from crisis management to recovery, hospitality is preparing for the “new normal” by ensuring operational excellence; assuring a safe experience for staff and guests through enhanced cleanliness and hygiene best practices; rebuilding trust and confidence through transparency and communication; and implementing new enabling policies ( WTTC, 2020e ).

Having discussed the scope, importance, and disciplinary range of the industry as well as the status and future outlook, the next section explores the academic and practitioner literatures to compare – across disciplines – trends that may influence the current and future developments in the hospitality industry. The goals are to derive important insights about the state of the respective literatures, as well as to identify discrepancies between academics and practitioners in an effort to promote research that is more aligned with the industry’s challenges and that helps stimulate timely and actionable solutions. This is particularly important in the time of COVID-19 as traditional ways of doing business have been hampered, and innovative solutions are desperately needed.

3. Study 1: Review & categorization of academic literature

The goal of Study 1 is to gauge what hospitality researchers believe to be the most important industry trends based upon the topics published in some of the leading academic hospitality journals. This effort is intended to provide a broad overview of the current state of the literature, with the expectation that the topics represent what academic researchers perceive to be of current or future importance in the hospitality industry.

3.1. Procedure & samples

To review and categorize the literature comprehensively, we deviated from the traditional literature approach and instead used a systematic review. First, the research team decided to examine the articles that were published in the following five hospitality research journals: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, and International Journal of Hospitality Management . These journals were selected because they publish research that is directly aligned with industry-specific challenges and priorities, and they are considered leading journals in the hospitality field (e.g., listed as “A” outlets by the Australian Business Deans Council on journal quality). The period of January 2018 to the end of the year 2020 was chosen to reflect the most recent trends, and we examined all articles including the ones published online but not yet in press.

Following the selection of the journals, two coders (both with advanced degrees and conduct hospitality-specific research) independently reviewed all articles (N = 1,459) and coded them based on disciplinary domain (e.g., consumer behavior, human resources, operations management, etc.) and main focus (e.g., use and utility of social media, employee engagement, efficiency, etc.) to identify the academic origin and primary research themes. The number of articles for each of the journals and interrater agreement indices are list in Table 1 .

Articles by journal and interrater agreements.

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research15790.4%91.7%
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly9295.6%82.6%
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management45796.7%90.4%
Tourism Management231 90.5%91.8%
International Journal of Hospitality Management522>90 % >90%

3.2. Results

The analysis identified five main disciplinary domains: consumer behavior/marketing, organizational behavior/human resource management, strategic management, operations management, and finance/economic/law/accounting. Articles of topics that did not fit any main discipline (e.g., research methodology, education, tourism, literature reviews, food and beverage, and entrepreneurship) were sorted into the category “others”. Of 1,459 articles reviewed, the majority fell into the consumer behavior/marketing discipline (652 articles; 44.69%), followed by organizational behavior/human resource management (280 articles; 19.19%), and strategic management (191 articles; 13.09%). To a lesser extent, articles could be placed into finance/economics/law/accounting (102 articles; 6.99%), or operations management (86 articles; 5.89%). 145 articles were summarized in the “others” category (9.94%). Within each of the disciplines, counts of the key words associated with the main focus of the studies were used to identify the primary trends and research themes. We will discuss the most prominent ones in the following paragraphs. Table 2 provides a complete overview of all trends by discipline, the distribution and count, as well as exemplary citations.

Overview of research trends per discipline.

Customer experienceServicescape, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service quality, social influence, eWOM, customer-to-customer interaction, customer values, customer relationship management, memorable experience, authentic experienceSukhu, A., Choi, H., Bujisic, M., & Bilgihan, A. (2019). Satisfaction and positive emotions: A comparison of the influence of hotel guests’ beliefs and attitudes on their satisfaction and emotions. , , 51–63.189 (28.99%)
Pricing/ sellingPrice promotions, pricing strategy, price competition, discount, menu labelingChoi, C., Joe, S. J., & Mattila, A. S. (2018). Reference price and its asymmetric effects on price evaluations: The moderating role of gender. , (2), 189–194.26 (3.99%)
CultureCulture difference, history, politics, ethic, endorsement, celebrity, cultural experience, discriminationSu, N., Min, H., Chen, M. H., & Swanger, N. (2018). Cultural characteristics and tourist shopping spending. , (8), 1210–1231.26 (3.99%)
Branding/ brand influenceBrand loyalty, brand love, brand management, brand storytelling, brand personality, brand attitude, brand value, brand equity, brand attachment, social media branding, competitiveness, engagement, authenticityForoudi, P. (2019). Influence of brand signature, brand awareness, brand attitude, brand reputation on hotel industry’s brand performance. , , 271–285.43 (6.60%)
Health/ wellness/well-beingSanitation, healthcare, wellness, health, well-being, happinessThal, K. I., & Hudson, S. (2019). A conceptual model of wellness destination characteristics that contribute to psychological well-being. , (1), 41–57.19 (2.91%)
OnlineOnline rating, online reviews, online booking, social media, SNS, trust, customer engagementBaker, M. A., & Kim, K. (2019). Value destruction in exaggerated online reviews. .94 (14.41%)
GreenClimate change, sustainability, policies, attitudes and practices, waste, water conservationMerli, R., Preziosi, M., Acampora, A., & Ali, F. (2019). Why should hotels go green? Insights from guests experience in green hotels. , , 169–179.19 (2.91%)
Co-creationValue co-creation, customer engagement, user-generated content, customer-centricityRoy, S. K., Balaji, M. S., Soutar, G., & Jiang, Y. (2020). The antecedents and consequences of value co-creation behaviors in a hotel setting: a two-country study. , (3), 353–368.42 (6.44%)
Service contextThemed tourism, cruise industry, casino managementLyu, S. O., & Lee, Y. (2018). How do golf tourists manage golfing constraints? A choice modeling approach. , (2), 295–318.23 (3.52%)
P2PSharing economy, Airbnb, guest–host interaction, home-sharing experience,Liu, J., Park, J., Xie, K., Song, H., & Chen, W. (2020). Effect of Commercial Neighbors on The Online Popularity of Peer-To-Peer Accommodation-Sharing Properties. , 1096348020909855.32 (4.91%)
OthersTechnology, marketing, destination, service failure, CSR, advertising, customer decisionsHo, T. H., Tojib, D., & Tsarenko, Y. (2020). Human staff vs. service robot vs. fellow customer: Does it matter who helps your customer following a service failure incident?. , , 102501.139 (21.32%)
Diversity and Diversity ManagementDiversity climate, employee diversity, gender diversity, generational diversityMadera, J. M. (2018). What’s in it for me? Perspective taking as an intervention for improving attitudes toward diversity management. , (2), 100–1119 (3.21%)
Employee Job Attitudes and ParticipationOrganizational commitment, job satisfaction, motivation, engagement, innovative and creative behaviors, OCB, influences of perceived CSRJoung, H. W., Choi, E. K. C., & Taylor, J. J. (2018). Investigating differences in job-related attitudes between full-time and part-time employees in the foodservice industry. .81 (28.93%)
Employee Well-beingWork-family conflict, burnout, work-life balance, sexual harassment, bullying, emotional laborO’Neill, J. W., & Follmer, K. (2020). A Multilevel Review of Hospitality Industry Work–Family Conflict Research and a Strategy for Future Research. , (1), 3–44.45 (16.07%)
LeadershipEthical leadership, transformational leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, cultural differences in leadershipQiu, S., Dooley, L. M., & Xie, L. (2020). How servant leadership and self-efficacy interact to affect service quality in the hospitality industry: A polynomial regression with response surface analysis. , , 104051.45 (16.07%)
Performance ManagementHigh performance work practices, performance appraisalSafavi, H. P., & Karatepe, O. M. (2018). High-performance work practices and hotel employee outcomes. .9 (3.21%)
Talent, Recruiting, and Retention ManagementCareer development, training, job crafting, mentoring, career mobility, selectionFrye, W. D., Kang, S., Huh, C., & Lee, M. J. M. (2020). What factors influence Generation Y’s employee retention in the hospitality industry?: An internal marketing approach. , , 102,35249 (17.5%)
OthersIndustrial relations, workforce composition, organizational learning, green HR, team collaborations, HR branding, employee brand perceptionsJung, I. N., Sharma, A., & Mattila, A. S. (2020). Exploring employees’ perceptions of costs and benefits of unionization in the hospitality industry. , , 102465.42 (15.00%)
CSRInfluence of CSR on brand, reputation, brand equity, consumer perceptionsKang, J. W., & Namkung, Y. (2018). The effect of corporate social responsibility on brand equity and the moderating role of ethical consumerism: The case of Starbucks. , (7), 1130–1151.21 (10.99%)
TechnologyDigital transformations, big data usages, social media, environmental technologiesLam, C., & Law, R. (2019). Readiness of upscale and luxury-branded hotels for digital transformation. , , 60–69.6 (3.14%)
Competitive Forces/ LandscapeCompetitive intelligence, competitor identification, competitive sets, different competitive environmentsHesford, J., Hoffmann, K., Mangin, N., & Turner, M. J. (2020). Financial consequences of competitive set choice. , , 102453.11 (5.76%)
Policy, Strategy and Practicesgreen practices, sustainability, transparency, accountability, pricing, product, and management strategies, waste managementMak, A. H., & Chang, R. C. (2019). The driving and restraining forces for environmental strategy adoption in the hotel industry: A force field analysis approach. , , 48–60.34 (17.80%)
Innovation/Intellectual Capital/KnowledgeKnowledge sharing, risks, new service development, customer co-creation, diversity, collaboration, flexibility, eco-innovation, product and process innovationLi, Y. Q., & Liu, C. H. S. (2018). The role of problem identification and intellectual capital in the management of hotels’ competitive advantage-an integrated framework. , , 160–170.32 (16.75%)
Performance ManagementPerformance, efficiency, profitability, profit chain, financial performance, survival, productivityGonzález-Rodríguez, M. R., Jiménez-Caballero, J. L., Martín-Samper, R. C., Köseoglu, M. A., & Okumus, F. (2018). Revisiting the link between business strategy and performance: Evidence from hotels. , , 21–31.32 (16.75%)
FranchisingFranchisee-franchisor relationships, risks, partnerships, international activities, diversifications, advantages & disadvantages of market entry formSun, K. A., & Lee, S. (2019). Competitive advantages of franchising firms and the moderating role of organizational characteristics: Evidence from the restaurant industry. , , 281–289.14 (7.33%)
Corporate governance/Leadership TeamCEO characteristics, BoD influence, stakeholders, ownership structure and provisionsSeo, K., & Sharma, A. (2018). CEO overconfidence and the effects of equity-based compensation on strategic risk-taking in the US restaurant industry. , (2), 224–259.10 (5.24%)
OthersInternationalization, business models, social structures, social networks, specializations, crisis managementVaughan, Y., & Koh, Y. (2019). Role of resource slack in rapid international expansion of restaurant companies. – 31 (16.23%)
GovernanceOwnership, M&A, leadership, crowdfunding, investment, corporate governanceDogru, T. (2018). Corporate Investment and Hotel Firm Value: Does Corporate Governance Matter in Financially Constrained Firms?. , (4), 339–351.23 (22.54%)
RiskRisk management, financial risk, economic policy uncertainty, weather risk, credit risk, socioeconomic disadvantageVivel-Búa, M., Lado-Sestayo, R., & Otero-González, L. (2018). Risk determinants in the hotel sector: Risk credit in MSMEs. , , 110–119.10 (9.80%)
PerformanceEconomic growth, financial performance, revenue, efficiency, employment, productivitySainaghi, R., Phillips, P., Baggio, R., & Mauri, A. (2019). Hotel performance: Rigor and relevant research topics. , , 13–26.33 (32.35%)
Local/community impactLocal environment, market structure, diversification, discriminationFalk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2018). Influence of local environment on exit of accommodation establishments. , , 401–411.10 (9.80%)
Regional developmentSustainable development, event impact, climate change impact, CSRSteiger, R., & Scott, D. (2020). Ski tourism in a warmer world: Increased adaptation and regional economic impacts in Austria. , , 104032.4 (3.92%)
OthersTaxation, compensation, loan, segmentation, rate parityMcLeod, B., Litvin, S. W., Heriot, K. C., Jauregui, A., & Dempsey, E. (2018). Goodbye Columbus: Accommodation Taxes and OTAs. , (1), 61–66.22 (21.57%)
Supply Chain/ Distribution/ ProcurementLean techniques, transparency, supplier relationshipsAl-Aomar, R., & Hussain, M. (2018). An assessment of adopting lean techniques in the construct of hotel supply chain. , , 553–565.9 (10.47%)
Revenue ManagementPricing, discounting, upselling, forecasting, cancelation, rate conditionsArenoe B, van der Rest J-PI. (2020). Does willingness to pay for rate conditions depend on the booking window? A novel time-dependent conjoint analysis approach. , , 213–222.29 (33.72%)
TechnologyRobotics, logistic robots, blockchain, big data management, keyless technology, mobile apps, data based value creationLee, W. J., Kwag, S. I., & Ko, Y. D. (2020). Optimal capacity and operation design of a robot logistics system for the hotel industry. , , 103971.11 (12.79%)
SustainabilityWaste management, water management carbon footprint, packaging, green service encounter process,Han, H., Lee, J. S., Trang, H. L. T., & Kim, W. (2018). Water conservation and waste reduction management for increasing guest loyalty and green hotel practices. , , 58–66.8 (9.30%)
OthersFood safety, sanitation, menu engineering, efficiency, alternative lodging (privacy, third-party operators, multi-unit hosts), location choicesRanzini, G., Etter, M., & Vermeulen, I. (2020). My home on the platform: Exploring the physical privacy concerns of home-sharing providers. , , 102433.29 (33.72%)

The major research trends within the consumer behavior/marketing discipline focused on the customer experience (e.g., eWOM, social influences, emotions, and customer satisfaction; 29%), followed by online content (e.g., online reviews, online ratings, social media; 14%), brand and branding issues (e.g., brand love, brand personality, authenticity; 7%), and co-creation (e.g., customer-centricity, user generated content; 7%).

Research in the organizational behavior/ human resource management discipline focused on employee job attitudes and participation (e.g., engagement, innovative and creative behaviors, OCB; 29%), talent, recruiting, and retention management (e.g., job crafting, mentoring, training, selection; 18%), employee well-being (e.g., work-family conflict, work-life balance, burnout, bullying; 16%), and leadership (e.g., ethical, transformational, authentic leadership; 16%).

Strategic management articles examined the impact of firm-level policies, strategies, and practices (e.g., green practices, management strategies, transparency, and accountability; 18%), innovation, intellectual capital, and knowledge (e.g., knowledge sharing, collaboration, product, service, process innovations; 17%), performance management (e.g., profitability, survival, profit chain; 17%), and CSR (e.g., different strategies, influences of CSR on brand equity and reputation; 11%).

Finance/Economics/Law/Accounting articles centered on performance (e.g., efficiency, financial performance matrices and assessments, economic growth, revenue; 32%), governance (e.g., M&A, investments, ownership; 23%), risk (e.g., policy uncertainty, credit risk, risk management; 10%), and local and community impact (e.g., market structure, local environment, discrimination; 10%).

Finally, operations management articles highlighted trends such as revenue management (e.g., pricing, forecasting, modeling, rate conditions, discounting; 34%), technology (e.g., robotics, logistic robots, blockchain, key-less technology; 13%), supply chain, distribution, and procurement (e.g., lean techniques, supplier relationships, transparency; 11%), and sustainability (e.g., waste and water management, carbon footprint, packaging; 9%).

4. Study 2: Review & categorization of trade literature

The goal of Study 2 was to gauge the sentiment of hospitality practitioners and identify what they believe to be the most important topics related to the industry. In general, the expectation is that the topics covered in the hospitality trade literature represent either current needs or expected future needs within the industry. Given the fast turnaround for publication, in comparison to the academic literature, discussed topics may be more time-sensitive and driven by recent development.

4.1. Procedure & samples

To assess topic areas of interest to practitioners, we followed the same process described in the academic literature review and conducted a systematic review of three of the most widely circulated trade publications: Hotel Magazine , Hotels , and Hotel Business . As with the academic literature review, we examined the time period from January 2018 to September 2020, the most recently available issues at the time of writing. It should be noted that while hotels are the featured focus of these outlets, they include content that considers many other industry segments (e.g., food and beverage, OTAs, cruise, etc.).

As before, two coders independently evaluated 1,365 articles and classified each according to content areas discussed. It is important to note that content areas used to code these trade publications were not mutually exclusive, as articles regularly discussed multiple topics (average of 2.06 topics per article). Interrater reliability was calculated using Cohen’s Kappa (k = 0.75, p < .001), indicating substantial agreement between coders ( Landis & Koch, 1977 ).

4.2. Results

Analysis of the text allowed us to define a set of overarching trend categories (see Table 3 for complete overview). Of these 34 trend categories, five (each > 10%), namely technology (e.g., AI, mobile applications, and blockchain; 22%), consumer segments/preferences (e.g. segmentation, guest expectations and experiences; 14%), corporate portfolios (e.g., diversification, expansion; 12%), employee management (e.g., training, education, compensation; 12%) as well as travel and tourism (e.g. travel habits, regional analysis; 11%) accounted for the majority of topics (>70%). Our analysis was based on trade publications with a largely set format, containing designated sections for topics such as food and beverage and design. As such, these categories may be overrepresented in this analysis.

Overview of trade publication trends.

1. TechnologyArtificial intelligence, 5G, mobile applications, payment solutions, biometric, voice-activation, data analytics, blockchain, cloud-based solutions, automation and robotics, data protection, chatbots, RFID technology, room entry, CRM, Wi-Fi294 (21.54%)
2. Consumer Segments/ Consumer PreferencesCustomer segmentation, guest expectations and experience, changing consumer preferences, guest entertainment, localization, customer engagement196 (14.36%)
3. Corporate PortfolioManaging hotel portfolio, diversification, expansion, strategy165 (12.09%)
4. Employee Management/ Training/ Labor MarketEmployee education, training programs, scholarships, mentorship programs, internships, e-Learning, employee loyalty, employee compensation, HR management, employee engagement, employee protection, equity and equal opportunity, team building, work environment, empowerment, work-life balance, talent acquisition and hiring, retaining employees, and turnover157 (11.50%)
5. Travel/ TourismAirline industry, travel habits, over-tourism, regional analysis153 (11.21%)
6. Design/ ArchitectureInterior design and décor, architectural styles, hotel themes, art, landscaping123 (9.01%)
7. Finance ManagementBudgeting, forecasting, (re)financing, costs, pricing, revenue, lending, capital122 (8.94%)
8. BrandingBrand management, brand strategy, leveraging branding, rebranding, brand elements, brand proliferation, luxury branding114 (8.35%)
9. F&BDietary trends and changing consumer preferences for local, organic, vegan and vegetarian, and healthy cuisine103 (7.55%)
10. SustainabilityEnergy efficiency, waste management, waste reduction, alternative power, water conservation100 (7.33%)
11. Mergers & Acquisitions/ PartnershipsMergers and acquisitions, partnerships97 (7.11%)
12. Guestroom AmenitiesBedding and linens, minibar, in-room entertainment, toiletries94 (6.89%)
13. Hotel DevelopmentRenovations, construction, opening and closing of properties88 (6.45%)
14. Business Model/ StrategyStrategic planning, timeshare, business models to compete with hostels and home-sharing, co-working, membership models86 (6.30%)
15. Hotel/ Hotelier ProfilesProfiles of hotels and hoteliers83 (6.08%)
16. MarketingEmail marketing, market research, storytelling, (re)positioning, mobile marketing, marketing strategy, digital marketing, programmatic advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, reviews, customer engagement79 (5.79%)
17. COVID-19Impact on hotel industry, dealing with COVID-19, recovery from COVID-1973 (5.35%)
18. Health/ WellnessFitness programs and equipment, holistic wellness, wellness tourism, spa62 (4.54%)
19. Legal Issues/ PoliciesSexual harassment and misconduct policies, GDPR, liability, local regulations, scheduling laws, legal implications of mass shootings, fee disclosure practices, human-trafficking, discrimination, compliance55 (4.03%)
20. Sanitation/ CleanlinessAir quality, pest control, laundry, housekeeping53 (3.88%)
21. CRM/ LoyaltyCRM, customer retention, customer analytics, loyalty programs, consumer insights51 (3.74%)
22. InvestmentHotel investment, regional investment for expansion, management-only and company-owned properties, investing in surrounding community, ROI44 (3.22%)
23. SecurityCyber-security, preparing for mass shootings, privacy protection, safety protocols and equipment43 (3.15%)
24. EconomyEconomic outlook, impact on hotels, interest rates41 (3.00%)
25. FranchisingFranchising process, franchise agreements, franchisor/ franchisee relationships, franchise development32 (2.34%)
26. BookingDirect Booking, OTA, mobile booking, third-party and intermediated bookings31 (2.27%)
27. Government InfluenceGovernment regulations and programs, taxation, geopolitical climate31 (2.27%)
28. Crisis ManagementResponding to crises, disaster recovery30 (2.20%)
29. LeadershipWomen in leadership, leadership development, effective leadership29 (2.12%)
30. P2PAirbnb, home-sharing26 (1.90%)
31. DiversityGender and racial diversity in customers, employees, and leadership24 (1.76%)
32. InsuranceInsurance market, coverage, recovery17 (1.25%)
33. Meetings/ EventsMeeting-focused hotels, cancellations and postponements, event booking12 (0.88%)
34. Other108 (7.91%)

In comparing the results of the academic literature review and the review of trade publications, we see that most interests between academics and practitioners do align. Both groups place considerable emphasis on each of the disciplinary foci, namely, consumer behavior/marketing, organizational behavior/human resource management, strategic management, finance/economics/law/accounting, and operations management. However, and most notably, practitioners seem to place a much greater emphasis on technology than academics, as this is by far the most discussed topic in trade publications.

5. Study 3: Assessment of short- & long-term trends by academics and hospitality industry professionals

The goals of Study 3 were to: (a) gauge what hospitality academics and practitioners believe to be the major trends impacting the industry in both the short-term (1 to 3 years) and long-term (4–10 years); (b) identify any significant differences between these perspectives; and (c) assess the general level of economic optimism regarding the hospitality industry over both the short- and long-term. The need to distinguish one to three year trends from longer term trends in part reflects a desire to mitigate respondents’ expected emphasis on the COVID-19 pandemic; it is hoped that this distinction will allow for the separation of long-term trends from those that may be pandemic-specific. Furthermore, perceptions about economic outlook may differ based on stakeholder status and if so, may offer some explanation for any differences that may be identified.

5.1. Data and measures

Sample : Data for this study was collected via an online survey. As the survey was designed to reach both academic researchers and hospitality practitioners, respondents were drawn from several sources. To gain insight into academia’s perceptions of hospitality industry trends, a survey was sent to the editorial review board members of seven journals: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly , International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , International Journal of Hospitality Management , Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research , Tourism Management , Annals of Tourism Research , and Journal of Sustainable Tourism . The latter two journals were included to broaden the sample of hospitality scholars and include those who conduct tourism research that informs hospitality management practice. In total, 67 completed responses were received. To gain insight into hospitality practitioners’ perceptions of industry trends, a survey was sent to hospitality school alumni from ESSEC Business School in Paris, France, Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration (and members of the Advisory Boards of the School’s Centers and Institutes), and Florida State University. In total, 235 completed responses were received. Respondents fell into one of three primary groups: (1) academic (22.2%), (2) current or former hospitality industry practitioner (51.0%), and (3) other (26.8%); the “other” category was largely made up of individuals who supply services to the hospitality industry (e.g., consultant). Overall, the respondents were 62.7% male; 15.2% age 18–34, 44.9% age 35–54, 39.9% age 55 and older; 72.6% White, 14.2% Asian or Pacific Islander, 6.6% Hispanic or Latino, 1.0%% Black or African American, 4.6% Other Racial/Ethnic Identification.

Academic respondents were 36.5% Full Professor (tenured/tenure track), 22.2% Associate Professor (tenured/tenure track), 4.8% Assistant Professor (tenured/tenure track), 1.6% Clinical Professor (non-tenure track), 4.8% Adjunct Professor (non-tenure track), 12.7% Senior Lecturer, 11.1% Lecturer, 6.3% Emeritus Professor (retired). Hospitality practitioner respondents were 27.9% Executive/C-Level Management, 30.5% Administrative (e.g. GM, Restaurant Manager, Department Manager, Assistant Manager, etc.), 12.3% Sales and Marketing, 8.4% Data Analytics, 7.1% Revenue Management, 5.8% Hospitality Operations (e.g. Front Desk Agent, Guest Room Attendant, Guest Service Agent, etc.), 4.5% Human Resources, 3.2% Technology (e.g. System Operator, IT Specialist, etc.). See Fig. 1 for the respective details.

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Academic and practitioner positions held by respondents.

In total, respondents were from 42 countries (plus Hong Kong), with 64.5% from the United States. See Fig. 2 for the respective details.

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Top 20 countries of respondents.

Measures : The overriding aim of the survey was to identify both short-term (1–3 years) and long-term (4–10 years) trends in the hospitality industry. To help ensure that respondents were prepared to think about these issues separately, the survey began with the following text:

“For the first few questions, we ask that you think about what are the most important 1) short-term trends (current environment through the next 3 years) and 2) long-term trends (4 to 10 years into the future) impacting the hospitality industry separately .”

Respondents were first asked to list “the five most important trends impacting the hospitality industry in the current environment through the next 3 years ”, and their “prediction for the economic health of the hospitality industry in the current environment through the next 3 years ”. Respondents were then asked to list “the five most important trends impacting the hospitality industry over the longer term ( i.e. 4 to 10 years in the future) ”, and their “prediction for the economic health of the hospitality industry over the longer term ( i.e. 4 to 10 years in the future) ”. 1 Additionally, we included two measures that in the context of the pandemic may influence an individual’s disposition and perceptions about what may be important. The first measure included two questions that asked about the economic impact that COVID-19 may have had on respondents: (a) “How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your employment status in 2020”, and (b) “How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your total household income in 2020?” Response choice alternatives for the first item ranged were: temporarily furloughed, job eliminated, pay reduced without reduction in hours, pay reduced with deduction in hours, accepted buyout package/early retirement, and no change to employment status. Response choice alternatives for the second item were: increased significantly, decreased significantly, and no change in household income related to COVID-19 pandemic.

The second measure assessed the respondents’ general level of optimism and pessimism using the 10-item Life Orientation Test, developed and validated by Scheier, Carver, and Bridges (1994) . A principle components analysis (Varimax rotation, Eigenvalues > 1) revealed three significant factors. Reliability analysis, however, found that only one component achieved a Cronbach’s Alpha level of 0.7 or higher (i.e., 0.717). Specifically, this factor was comprised of three items associated with pessimism: (a) I hardly ever expect things to go my way; (b) If something can go wrong for me, it will; and (c) I rarely count on good things happening to me. Further analyses using median-based groupings on the expected trends and industry economic health indicators, however, revealed very few statistically significant differences (and as a result, very little additional insight). As a result, it appears that respondents’ general level of pessimism has little impact on their perceptions of hospitality trends.

5.2. Analyses and results

Personal Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic : In contrast to the non-significant findings associated with an individual’s pessimism, there were significant differences in the personal economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the two industry stakeholder groups. Specifically, academic respondents were much less likely to be negatively impacted economically as a result of COVID-19 than were hospitality industry practitioners. Almost 80% of academic respondents (79.7%) indicated that they experienced no change to their employment status as a result of the pandemic. That number dropped to 35.1% for hospitality practitioner respondents (see Fig. 3 ). Similarly, 25% of academic respondents indicated that their household income had dropped significantly because of the pandemic, whereas 61% of hospitality practitioners saw a significant drop in household income (see Fig. 4 ). As such, any differences across the stakeholder groups may be explained in part by the personal economic impact of COVID-19.

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Impact of COVID-19 on employment status.

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Impact of COVID-19 on 2020 household income.

Expected Industry Health Over the Short- and Long-term : Despite differing levels of economic harm caused by COVID-19 on academics and practitioners, the projected health of the industry in the short- and long-term was remarkably similar among the groups (see Fig. 5 ). That, however, does not mean that there was general agreement in the outlook. Regarding their short-term outlook, both groups of respondents were almost evenly divided as to whether they were optimistic or pessimistic about the future (see Fig. 5 ).

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Level of economic optimism for the hospitality industry over the next 3 years Fig. 5 (continued): Level of economic optimism for the hospitality industry over the next 3 years.

Regarding their long-term outlook, however, 75% or more of respondents (regardless of group) were somewhat or very optimistic about the economic health of the hospitality industry (see Fig. 6 ). Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences between the mean levels of economic optimism for any group.

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Level of economic optimism for the hospitality industry over the next 4 to 10 years Fig. 6 (continued): Level of economic optimism for the hospitality industry over the next 4 to 10 years.

In sum, we did not observe any salient differences across the industry stakeholder groups regarding perceptions about pessimism and expected industry health. However, the personal economic impact of COVID-19 may explain, at least in part, differences across the stakeholder groups regarding the nature and perceived importance of future industry trends (although we do not make any major claims about the theoretical relevance of this finding).

Most Important Trends Impacting the Hospitality Industry : Respondents were asked to list the five most important trends impacting the hospitality over the short-term (i.e., “current environment through the next 3 years”) and the longer-term (i.e., “4 to 10 years in the future”). To assess the trends proposed by respondents, two independent coders read through all trends collected, and based upon this review developed a mutually agreed upon coding structure. Each coder, working separately, assigned codes to each trend. Codes were then compared for consistency, resulting in an initial agreement rate of 85%. Discrepancies were discussed and resolved for all divergent codes.

Respondents’ perceptions of the most important short- and long-term trends for both hospitality academics and practitioners combined are displayed in Fig. 7 . For the short-term, the most cited topics included: 1) sanitation, cleanliness, and health; 2) demand, supply, and revenue; 3) technology; 4) COVID-19; 5) travel policies and issues, 6) economic and competitive issues; 7) employee well-being; and 8) consumer confidence/sentiment. A similar list emerged for the longer-term priorities, though the relative importance of some topics changed: 1) demand, supply, and revenue; 2) technology; 3) economic and competitive issues; 4) travel policies and issues; 5) sanitation, cleanliness, and health; 6) environmental and sustainability issues; 7) employee well-being; and 8) customer and guest issues.

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Expected hospitality trends (all respondents).

The most obvious initial takeaway from examining differences in anticipated short- and long-term trends is the significant and expected decline in pandemic related issues in the longer term. In fact, all significant declining trends have an obvious relationship to concerns over health, safety, and disease prevention. Another major takeaway is the comparatively low perceived importance of environmental and sustainability concerns in the short- versus the long-term (where these concerns rose significantly).

To examine differences by type of respondent, short- and long-term trends were distinguished by academic, hospitality industry, and other employment groups (see Fig. 8 , Fig. 9 , Fig. 10 , respectively). Fig. 8 shows the expected short- and long-term trends for academic respondents. Unlike the aggregate trends shown in Fig. 7 , the pandemic did not alter the top two expected trends; they are the same for both the short- and long-term: (a) technology and (b) demand, supply, and revenue. Moreover, environmental and sustainability mentions rise significantly over the long-term, becoming the third most important expected trend. Pandemic related issues become much less prominent in the longer term, with the highest ranked issue being sanitation (ranked number nine).

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Expected hospitality trends (academic).

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Expected hospitality trends (hotel industry practitioner).

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Expected hospitality trends (other).

Fig. 9 shows the expected short- and long-term trends for hospitality industry respondents. The pattern of responses was similar to those of the academic respondents. The most important trend for hospitality industry respondents is supply and demand/revenue in both the short- and long-term. Technology is similarly important, ranking third in the short-term and second in the long-term. Unlike academic respondents, however, while environmental/sustainability rises significantly over the long-term, it did not reach the top five trends (rising to number seven). Additionally, branding rises significantly in importance over the longer term, becoming the tenth most mentioned long-term trend; by contrast, only 4.3% of academics mentioned branding, making it the twenty-third most mentioned long-term trend.

Fig. 10 shows the expected short- and long-term trends for respondents in the other category (primarily industry supplier) respondents. After examining both the academic and hospitality industry data, it is evident that respondents in this group tend to see trends in the industry differently. For example, technology never rises to the top three trends in either the short- or long-term. Moreover, no trends showed statistically significant increases in importance over the longer term, whereas numerous trends showed significant declines from the short to the long-term. It is possible that these differences are in part, impacted by the diverse nature of respondents’ involvement with and stakeholder position associated with the hospitality industry (e.g., supplier, consultant).

Because one aim of this investigation is to gauge the differences in perspectives between academics and hospitality industry practitioners, Fig. 11 , Fig. 12 provide direct comparisons between expected hospitality trends for these two groups. Examining both the short-term trends ( Fig. 11 ) and long-term trends ( Fig. 12 ) reveals that academics are much more likely to believe that technology related trends are important; this occurs despite technology being a top three trend for both academics and hospitality practitioners. Similarly, academic respondents are much more likely to believe that environmental/sustainability issues represent an important trend; in this case, however, this represents a large difference in the relative perception of this issue as an important trend by the two groups. Environmental/sustainability issues are the ninth most mentioned short-term trend for academics whereas they are the eighteenth most mentioned trend for hospitality industry practitioners. While the perception of this issue becomes significantly more important in the long-term for both groups, it is much more frequently mentioned by academics. Specifically, it is the third most mentioned long-term trend for academics, and the seventh most mentioned trend for hospitality industry practitioners. Another often mentioned trend where academics and practitioners differed significantly is food and beverage in the short-term. In terms of most mentioned short-term trends, the issue is similar for both academics and practitioners (seventh vs. tenth respectively). But in terms of percentage of respondents, almost twice as many academic respondents mentioned the issue compared to hospitality industry practitioners (28.4% vs. 14.3% respectively).

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Expected hospitality trends current to 3 years (academic vs practitioner).

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Expected hospitality trends 4 to 10 years (academic vs practitioner).

Additionally, academic researchers were more likely to mention innovation as a short-term trend (11.9%) while only 3.0% of hospitality industry practitioners did. By contrast, 13.6% of hospitality industry practitioners mentioned cost control as a short-term industry trend, while only 4.5% of academic respondents mentioned this issue as a priority.

6. Conclusions

Taken together, the results from studies 1, 2, and 3 provide important insights for both academic researchers and practitioners in the hospitality industry. Perhaps the most obvious and expected finding is that COVID-19 has pushed safety, and disease prevention issues to the forefront in the short-term. Moreover, although the importance of these issues appears to decrease over the longer term, given the significant and yet-to-be discovered implications of the current pandemic, we expect continued attention will be given to sanitation, cleanliness, and related issues.

However, our findings also suggest that future research should continue to focus on the topics that were important prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. First, and perhaps reinforced by the pandemic, technology-related issues remain at or near the top for both academics and practitioners in both the short- and long-term. Interestingly, despite technology being much more widely discussed in hospitality trade publications than in the hospitality academic literature prior to the pandemic, academic respondents were significantly more likely to mention technology as an important short- and long-term issue than were hospitality practitioner respondents, making it the most mentioned trend for both time frames. Why trade journals focus more on technology yet academics mention technology more is not possible to determine from this study (particularly given the structured formats and editorial calendars of trade publications), but it does point to a general alignment on the importance of technology between academics and practitioners.

Our review of the recently published hospitality research indicates several opportunities to extend the current body of knowledge about the roles and relevance of technology. For example, several studies have demonstrated positive effects associated with interactive- (e.g., Morosan & DeFranco, 2019 ) and AI-based technologies (e.g., Pillai & Sivathanu, 2020 ) that have been introduced to enhance or improve the consumer experience. These findings point to the need to consider the relative and/or differential influence of emerging technologies for customer satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, and related outcomes. Moreover, Cho, Bonn, Susskind, and Giunipero’s (2018) study on the supplier relationships in the independent restaurant segment demonstrated that information technology may be an important moderator of the relationship between a restaurant’s supplier dependence and market responsiveness. The results from this study suggests that further consideration is needed to examine the multi-level influences associated with technology (e.g. individual/customer versus unit/restaurant), as well as the extent to which technology may be an antecedent, mediator, and/or moderator within technology-embedded frameworks.

Another topic in which hospitality academics and practitioners agreed was the importance of supply, demand, and revenue issues for both the short- and long-term. Interestingly, while the academic literature provides some coverage of these topics (typically under disciplines related to finance/economics/law/accounting and operations management ), the total number of studies in this area was relatively small given its recognized importance by both academics and practitioners. Similarly, the trade literature devoted little space to supply and demand issues (see Table 3 ). However, given the significant economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for additional research into issues related to supply, demand, and revenue optimization, at least for the foreseeable future, appears well-justified. For example, studies in this domain have examined the use and applicability of predictive forecasting (e.g., Arbelo, Arbelo-Pérez, & Pérez-Gómez, 2018 ) and revenue management practices (e.g., Noone, Enz, & Canina, 2019 ) within and across industry segments. In addition, studies have demonstrated support for a wide array of individual (e.g., gender; Choi, Joe, & Mattila, 2018 ) and contextual (e.g., rate conditions; Arenoe & van der Rest, 2020 ) factors that may influence both individual- (e.g., consumer price evaluations) and aggregate-level outcomes (e.g., hotel pricing strategies). Thus, and similar to research on technology, we encourage future studies to examine the relative importance of key demand characteristics (e.g., customers’ willingness to pay), as well as explore the relevance of contingencies that may influence the efficacy and utility of demand, supply, and revenue management practices (e.g., distribution channel management).

Another noteworthy finding was the perceived relevance of environmental/sustainability. This issue is widely considered to be important across all industries ( 2020 ), which is consistent with our finding that 41.8% of academic researchers mentioned environmental/sustainability issues as important over the longer term (making it the third most mentioned trend). However, our findings also indicated that this topic has received comparably much lower attention in the academic literature (i.e., 3.7% of all published articles), which is reflected by the dispersed treatment of this topic across multiple disciplines and stakeholder groups (e.g., strategic management, operations management, consumer behavior, etc.) By contrast, 6.4% of trade industry articles covered sustainability issues pre-pandemic. Yet while 19.5% of hospitality practitioners mentioned this issue as an important longer-term trend, it falls to seventh place behind financial and operational issues. Based on these findings, it appears there is a need for multi- and cross-disciplinary studies to extend our understanding about the roles and relevance of environmental and sustainability issues, especially policies, programs, and systems that can be linked to business outcomes that resonate with priorities expressed by industry practitioners (e.g. demand, supply, and revenue).

One noteworthy point of divergence between academics and practitioners is the perceived importance of trends and priorities associated with branding. While branding topics have been widely addressed in both the academic and trade literatures, this topic was seldom mentioned by academic respondents as a short- or longer-term priority. In contrast, 16.9% of hospitality industry practitioners mentioned branding as an important long-term trend. This difference may reflect the general tendency of internal stakeholders (i.e. industry practitioners) to focus more on immediate and tangible concerns versus external stakeholders (i.e., industry-focused academics) who may focus more on more longer-term and broader priorities ( Khan, 2019 , King et al., 2011 , Vong, 2017 , Wenzel et al., 2020 ). We see similar divergence—with likely similar causes—with several other less mentioned trends, such as innovation, differentiation, and cost control.

These findings point to additional opportunities for hospitality academic researchers to address gaps in the literature on topics believed to be important by both academia and practitioners. Moreover, the findings reinforce the need for academic researchers to carefully consider and integrate managerial relevance with academic rigor to their investigations. In this way, academic researchers can better assist the hospitality industry—which has suffered greatly from the pandemic—to recover more quickly and thrive in the long term.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Lerzan Aksoy: Data curation, Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Sunmee Choi: Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft. Tarik Dogru: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Timothy Keiningham: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Melanie Lorenz: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Dan Rubin: Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Validation, Software. J. Bruce Tracey: .

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


Lerzan Aksoy's research interests are in service research, including customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, innovation and social innovation, its relationship to loyalty, firm performance and societal wellbeing. A prolific writer, Professor Aksoy has co-authored or edited five books. Her most recent book, The Wallet Allocation Rule, is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller. Professor Aksoy's research has received more than a dozen prestigious scientific awards, including the Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award from the Journal of Marketing, Citations of Excellence “Top 50” Award and Robert Johnston Outstanding Paper Award (3 times) from the Journal of Service Management. Her articles have been published in top tier journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Service Research and Journal of Service Management. She is associate editor for the Journal of Service Research and was selected “Best Reviewer of the Year” among the editorial review board members of both the Journal of Service Research and Journal of Service Management. Dr. Aksoy served as co-chair of AMA SERVSIG (American Marketing Association - Service Special Interest Group) and worked with Filene Research Institute doing research with credit unions. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Marketing Edge, is a member of the Academic Council of the AMA and serves as the academic partner for the American Innovation Index. She has also been featured in media including CNN, CNBC and publications such as The Wall Street Journal, BrandWeek and Harvard Business Online. Professor Aksoy is a keynote speaker at academic and industry conferences. She has provided executive training and consulting to credit unions and companies including Sony, Ford, Pfizer, Nielsen and L'Oreal.

Sunmee Choi is Dean of College of Business and Management at VinUniversity in Hanoi, Vietnam, while taking a three-year leave of absence from School of Business at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. The areas of her research interest include service operations management, revenue management, demand-forecasting methods, distribution channel management, and customer experience management. Her work has been published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing. Sunmee received her M.S. and Ph.D. from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University.

Tarik Dogru earned his doctorate in hospitality management from the University of South Carolina and MBA from Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Turkey. Prior to joining the faculty of the FSU Dedman College of Hospitality, Dr. Dogru served as an assistant professor at Boston University (2016-18), an adjunct faculty member at the University of South Carolina (2013-16), and a research assistant at Ahi Evran University, Turkey (2009-12). He has taught a variety of courses in business and hospitality schools at undergraduate and graduate levels. The range of Dr. Dogru’s research interests spans topics in hospitality finance, corporate finance, behavioral finance, real estate investment, hotel investments, sharing economy, tourism economics, climate change, and block chain technology. Dr. Dogru is a highly productive researcher who publishes in many prestigious hospitality and tourism journals — Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Tourism Analysis, International Journal of Tourism Research, and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. He serves on the editorial board of Tourism Economics and Tourism Analysis and as a reviewer for several academic journals.

Timothy Keiningham, is the J. Donald Kennedy Endowed Chair in E-Commerce. He received the American Marketing Association’s Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award for teaching, research, and service that has had the greatest long-term impact on the development of the services discipline. This is the highest award presented in the field of service marketing. Dr. Keiningham was named one of the Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants. He is author of the NY Times bestseller The Wallet Allocation Rule and author/editor of eight other books on customer loyalty. His research has been accepted in top-tier journals in marketing (e.g., Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science), strategy (e.g., Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review) and service management (e.g., Journal of Service Research, and Journal of Service Management). His research has received several awards. Dr. Keiningham’s work aims to bridge the gap between leading scientific research and management best practices. To advance management practice and inform his scientific research, he serves as chief strategy and client officer at Rockbridge Associates. Prior to joining Rockbridge, he worked for seventeen years in senior officer positions at Ipsos (the world’s 3rd largest market research firm); the last seven years he served as Global Chief Strategy Officer and EVP at Ipsos Loyalty. Dr. Keiningham received a BA from Kentucky Wesleyan College, an MBA from Vanderbilt University, and a PhD from Staffordshire University (UK).

Melanie Lorenz is an experienced Assistant Professor. A native of Germany, she has worked in banking and consulting. She then decided to become an academic, and earned her PhD in Marketing from the University of Alabama in 2016. She has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Toledo. Her focus is in International Business and Marketing; her research has been published in the Journal of World Business, International Marketing Review, and Academy of Management Learning and Education, among others.

Dan Rubin is assistant professor of marketing at St. John’s University, Peter J. Tobin School of Business. His research focusing on consumer behavior has been published in top-tier journals including the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Consumer Marketing. Dr. Rubin received his PhD from Baruch College.

J. Bruce Tracey is the Kenneth and Marjorie Blanchard Professor of Human Resource Management at Cornell University's Nolan School of Hotel Administration, where he has taught courses in human resources and organizational management for undergraduate, graduate, and professional audiences throughout North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Professor Tracey's research considers a wide range of topics that examine the effectiveness of HR policies, practices, and systems. His work has been published in diverse outlets such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law, and the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, where he is currently serving in his second term as Editor. Sponsors for Professor Tracey's research and consulting include Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Hilton Worldwide, and Marriott International, and he has been cited in the New York Times, Bloomberg, Forbes, USA Today, Fast Company, among other popular press outlets.

☆ Author order is alphabetical. All authors contributed equally.

1 While we initially considered asking respondents to rank-order pre-defined categories and trends based on our academic and practitioner literature review, we decided that the results would not have been able to reflect the unprecedented turbulence in the industry that COVID-19 has created. Thus, open ended questions, while more difficult to code, will provide more in-depth insights.

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