
Speech on Corruption

Corruption is like a disease eating away at society’s health. It’s when someone in power misuses their position for personal gain. You might see it in politics, business, or even sports.

Understanding corruption is important for everyone. It helps you recognize when things aren’t fair or just.

1-minute Speech on Corruption

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In its essence, corruption is dishonest behavior by those in a position of power. This could be a politician misusing public funds, a teacher skewing grades in return for gifts, or a businessman indulging in shady deals for personal gain. It is an evil that degrades the moral fabric of society and weakens the principles on which our world operates.

Corruption, unfortunately, is rampant in many parts of the world. It cripples the economic growth of a country, affecting the most vulnerable sections of society. It hampers the fair distribution of resources and opportunities, creating an unequal society where the rich continue to get richer, and the poor, poorer.

In conclusion, it’s vital for us to understand that corruption is not just an individual’s problem, but a societal issue. Only when we acknowledge this fact, can we fight it effectively. Let’s strive to build a corruption-free society, a society that our future generations will be proud to inherit.

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2-minute Speech on Corruption

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It is an unethical method used by a person to benefit from others. Not only is corruption held in the society, it is rooted in political systems too. It is indeed a major obstacle in the path of a nation’s growth and development.

Corruption takes on many forms. It ranges from small favors between a small number of people to a widespread culture of bribery in a society. It can involve granting or witholding huge sums of money. Often, it is so common that it is expected. It can involve a multitude of crimes, and it exists in all shapes and sizes, undermining the social and economic development of a society.

In the political world, corruption obstructs democracy and the rule of law. In a democratic system, public institutions and offices may lose their legitimacy when they misuse their power for personal gain. This corruption undermines the institutional capacity of government, as procedures are disregarded, resources are siphoned off, and public offices are bought and sold.

In the business world, corruption increases the cost of business through the price of illicit payments themselves, the management cost of negotiating with corrupt officials, and the risk of breached agreements or detection. This directly harms the public, as the cost of corruption is passed on to the consumers.

Furthermore, strict laws should be enacted to deal with corruption. There should be no leniency for anyone found guilty of corruption. Transparency in the system should be promoted and anyone should have the right to question the system and its workings.

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Corruption Speech | Speech on Corruption for Students and Children in English

February 27, 2023 by Prasanna

Corruption Speech: Corruption continues to be a significant problem in the world’s largest democracy and a substantial risk for the businesses operating there. India slipped further down the rankings of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2019, an annual assessment by Transparency International that ranks 180 countries and territories worldwide on perceived public sector corruption.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Corruption for Students and Kids in English

On the topic of Corruption, a long speech of 450-500 words and a short speech of 100-150 words is provided by us. These speeches will be useful for people who are associated with several government organizations. On occasions of governmental or non-governmental campaigns, social work camp events, the orator can use these speeches as a reference.

Speech on Corruption

Long Speech on Corruption 500 Words in English

Corruption Speech is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Good morning to my co-workers and everyone present here, today I’m going to address one of the significant social issues i.e., Corruption.

Corruption refers to a form of crime or dishonesty. It refers to an individual or a group doing evil. This act, most importantly, violates certain people’s rights and privileges. Corruption involves mainly actions such as bribes or maltreatment. Corruption can occur in other ways, in any case. Corruption is a representation of dishonest and selfish actions.

All despise the term corruption. We are all dreaming of a corruption-free world. Since time immemorial in one form or another, Corruption in India has prevailed. The link between bureaucrats, politicians, and criminals is responsible for Corruption in India. Bribes were given in the previous days because things were wrong, but bribes are compensated now for the right things in society. Social Corruption like the mix-weighing of goods, adulteration of foodstuffs, and different kinds of bribery have predominated in society continuously.

In the current situation, if a person wants a public sector job, he has to pay the higher officials substantial amounts of money regardless of meeting all qualifying criteria. A candidate must either give money to the concerned employee or arrange for specific sources to get his job done in almost all offices. In the civil supplies department, there is the adulteration of food and fake measurement of products by unempathetic employees. They cheat the customers by playing with the health and welfare of their fellow citizens. The officers always exploit people in the property tax evaluation and charge money, even if the house is adequately constructed according to government rules and regulations.

Political Corruption in our country is the worst amongst all. The most significant reason for concern is that Corruption dehumanizes the governing body and degrades the fundamental value of the law that regulates society. Today politics are only aimed at criminals and outlaws, who end up being in politics. Elections have become tied to a host of criminal and draconian activities in many parts of the country. Calling electors to cast votes on a particular candidate, or physically blocking voters from accessing the polling stations frequently occurs in different parts of the world, particularly in weaker sections of society, such as the Tribal, Dalits, the depressed and rural women.

Corruption remains a significant problem in the largest democracy in the world and represents a significant risk to industries. India slipped further down the rankings of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2019, an annual assessment by Transparency International that ranks 180 countries and territories worldwide on perceived public sector corruption. Largest sources of Corruption in India are entitlement programmes and social spending schemes enacted by the Indian Government.

Indeed, corruption-free India is a possibility if we want to clean up the system by starting at our level. Concrete and robust actions are required in order to curb the threat, and an environment needs to be built where the decent, democratic ideas are put forward to represent the nation sincerely and genuinely for the sake of the country’s people.

Let us do our best to keep India free of Corruption, and one day we will certainly see a “Corruption Free India”, which we all dream of.

Short Speech on Corruption 150 Words in English

Corruption Speech is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Greetings and salutations to everyone present here, today I’m going to talk about Corruption.

Corruption refers to a form of crime or dishonesty. It refers to an individual or a group doing evil. This act, most importantly, violates certain people’s rights and privileges. Corruption involves mainly actions such as bribes or maltreatment.

Since time immemorial in one form or another, Corruption in India has prevailed. The link between bureaucrats, politicians, and criminals is responsible for Corruption in India. Bribes were given in the previous days because things were wrong, but bribes are compensated now for the right things in society. Social Corruption like the mix-weighing of goods, adulteration of foodstuffs, and different kinds of bribery have predominated in society continuously.

In the current situation, if a person wants a public sector job, he has to pay the higher officials substantial amounts of money regardless of meeting all qualifying criteria. The most significant reason for concern is that Corruption dehumanizes the governing body and degrades the fundamental value of the law that regulates society. Today politics are only aimed at criminals and outlaws, who end up being in politics.

Elections have become tied to a host of criminal and draconian activities in many parts of the country. Calling electors to cast votes on a particular candidate, or physically blocking voters from accessing the polling stations frequently occurs in different parts of the world, particularly in weaker sections of society, such as the Tribal, Dalits, the depressed and rural women. Corruption remains a significant problem in the largest democracy in the world and represents a significant risk to industries.

10 Lines on Corruption Speech in English

  • While the path to India free from Corruption is steep, it is not impossible.
  • There must be more strict anti-corruption laws.
  • The government should lead by not allowing itself to be corrupt.
  • The electoral commission must not encourage the nominee to participate in politics with allegations of Corruption.
  • Information rights are the best means to combat Corruption.
  • The Office for Anti-Corruption must be more vigilant and more authoritative.
  • Without any intermediary, monetary incentives are to enter the recipient’s bank account directly.
  • To keep an eye on everyday activities, every government office should be under the surveillance system.
  • The accommodation of complaints against corrupt officials should be confidential and convenient.
  • The youth of today have a responsibility to refuse to accept and pay a bribe.

FAQ’s on Corruption Speech

Question 1. What is Corruption?

Answer: Corruption refers to any illegal activity which benefits the person guilty of the crime.

Question 2. Why is Corruption bad?

Answer: Corruption violates certain people’s rights and privileges.

Question 3. How can we stop Corruption?

Answer: Hard legislation is very crucial to eliminate Corruption. Stringent punishments for convicted parties must be enforced. Also, strict legislation should be implemented effectively and rapidly.

Question 4. How can we as youth help?

Answer: Indeed, corruption-free India is a possibility if we want to clean up the system by starting at our level. Concrete and robust actions are required in order to curb the threat, and an environment needs to be built where the decent, democratic ideas are put forward to represent the nation sincerely and genuinely for the sake of the country’s people. The youth of today have a responsibility to refuse to accept and pay a bribe. Let us do our best to keep India free of Corruption, and one day we will certainly see a “Corruption Free India”, which we all dream of.

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Speech on Corruption for Students in English | 3 Minutes Speech

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Corruption: Corruption poses a highly significant issue for the Indian democracy hindering the wheels of economic growth and prosperity. It creates a huge gap and raises risk levels for investors to operate their businesses on our lands. The global corruption perception index has indicated worrisome rankings for the country’s corruption level. Accepting and offering bribes represents is illegal according to our constitution. Entitlements and social spending schemes are the largest fishnets, where corruption is rampantly present.

Speech on Corruption 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Corruption Speech in English, suitable for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Good morning to one & all present here. Today I ……… is going to express my views on the topic of corruption. Corruption is defined as some unethical activity or behaviour, which results in some gain. We all are aware of the rate of increase of corruption in our country. India is a beautiful land, but its beauty is getting lost by the corruption that is happening. There is no sector left which has been untouched by corruption.

There are many forms of corruption which we often hear about in the news. It involves two parties, one who pays & one who do the favour. Bribery is one of them in which offering monetary or any other benefits to any official for easy processing of documents, for admission in colleges, schools, for jobs, for ticket in election & many more. Even nowadays, media persons are bribed to broadcast a particular program on their news channel.

Nepotism is a word which we all must have come through, which means favouring relatives over others for a specific position, work etc. The most live example to nepotism is crystal clear in Bollywood where people with connections are given a chance over others. There are also other forms of corruption like patronage, which means favouring supporters, cronyism means favouring friends.

There are adverse effects of corruption on the economy of a country. It often results in loss to the weaker section. It depletes the national wealth, which is for the betterment of the country. Corruption is a significant challenge for democracy as it hinders the implementation of laws & violates them. It also results in depletion or overexploitation of natural resources. Now the question comes how to fight against corruption? Now we should ask ourselves this question of how many times we as citizens have opposed corruption?

The strict enforcement of rules & regulation with punishment to the culprit has become the need of the time. Freedom of press, transparency & access to information will help in curbing corruption. The foremost important step is citizen demand; we all must demand our government for a corruption-free society. We also need to ensure that we all are abiding the rules set by the government. I want to end my speech with a quote by Angel Gurria.

“Integrity, transparency and the fight against corruption have to be part of the culture. They have to be taught as fundamental values.”

Short Speech on Corruption 150 Words

Find below corruption speech, usually given for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students

A warm welcome everyone present here. We all are present here to discuss the much-hiked issue of today’s democracy, that is corruption. We all are aware of what corruption is & also aware of the different forms of corruption. Let it be bribery, favours, nepotism or cronyism; it’s the high time that we all must be alert & raise our voice against the issues. Corruption has highly impacted the pride of a nation like India, where democracy is our fundamentals.

The corruption has affected our political systems, economic balances, social harmony & environmental misbalance. The corrupted political system has resulted in wrong persons on power & discontentment among people. Corruption has led to larger impacts on the weaker section of the society. It has also depleted our national wealth & natural resources. We all need to understand that this immoral & dishonest activity is not going to help anyone of us, but it is degrading the system more & more.

The government need to focus on strict laws & regulations with proper implementation. Do remember that we all have the power to stop corruption, everything starts from ourselves only. Let us not support the corruption, which is the biggest evil of the society. Let us join hand to eliminate corruption from our society. Let us work on inculcating the same values to children right from childhood for a brighter future of our country.

We all must pledge today to never indulge in corruption or support any activity in which corruption is involved.


Speech On Corruption [1,2,3 Minutes]

Speech On Corruption & Its Eradication- Corruption is an evil that slows down the economic development of a country & contributes to the exploitation of poor people. Every year, December 9 is observed as an International anti-corruption day to raise awareness among people.

Everyone agrees that corruption is wrong. To be honest, youth can fight against corruption and can say no to corruption. Eradication of corruption needs strong steps to be taken. Surely, with constant political and governmental efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

1 minute Speech On Corruption

Most Reputable teachers and principle and loved friends. first of all, I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day. Also, I am very grateful for the chance to deliver a speech on corruption.

So, What is corruption? Corruption is a form of criminal activity that involves the illegal use of authority and power for personal gain. It is an evil that is preventing any nation to progress. Apart from that, it has become a tool to exploit poor people.

Everyone agrees that corruption is wrong. It has become a method of earning money by using one’s authority illegally. To eradicate corruption from society, we need to take strong steps. Surely, with constant political and governmental efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

This is what I wanted to say. Thank you!

Short Speech on Corruption

2 Minute Speech on Corruption

Hello, all the people present here. Before starting my speech on this evil “corruption”, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

Today, No nation is exempt from the disease of Corruption. From Hospitals to enterprises to governments, no place and nobody is free from Corruption. Corruption originates from the greater levels and goes down to the lower levels.

Sadly, in India, corruption has become a part of life. We have to live with it. In every sphere in India, you will come across this unlawful activity. From medical assistance to school admission, from getting a driving licence to receiving benefits of any government scheme, it is omnipresent.

Corruption is influencing our lives directly. The poor are more likely to be hit by corruption because they have no money for bribery leading to inequality in society. On the one hand, where the daily needs of poor people are not being met, on the other hand, rich people are living harmoniously.

To be honest, there is a strong need to eradicate corruption from society & say no to corruption. With continuous effort, we can get rid of this evil.

There is a lot to say but time is a limited resource & we should respect time. Thank you again. I hope you liked my speech.

3 Minute Speech on Corruption

Corruption is a form of criminal activity done by an individual or an organisation. This activity compels others to compromise with their rights. It is a roadblock in the overall development of any country. Everyone agrees that corruption is wrong and offensive.

Before heading ahead to my speech on corruption, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

In small or in big forms, Corruption is prevalent in almost every sector. Corruption is affecting our lives directly. This practice harms the economically weaker sections of society more. This is because they don’t have money for bribery and so they lag in every area.

“ All the power belongs to the amount of money “. This notion leads individuals and organisations to create a pile of money. They go on the illegal track to earn money and evilly use their authority. They don’t even care about which path they are following.

In India, we have to live with it. Almost in every field, you can see this illegal activity. From hospital to school admission, from getting a driving licence to getting benefits of any government scheme, from politics to private organisation. No place and no one is untouched by corruption.

In a country like India, the largest fraction of the population is youth. So, it is obvious youth have to face corruption way more than any other age category. Plus, this is surely only youth can firmly fight against corruption & can fetch positive results.

Now, this is the youth’s responsibility to fight against corruption. To be honest, there is a strong need to eradicate corruption from society & say no to corruption. With continuous effort, we can get rid of this evil. If it happens, drastic changes will occur and corruption will go extinct.

I stop my Speech here. Thank you again. I hope you liked my words.

Long Speech on Corruption

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Essay on Corruption for Students and Children

500+ words essay on corruption.

Essay on Corruption – Corruption refers to a form of criminal activity or dishonesty. It refers to an evil act by an individual or a group. Most noteworthy, this act compromises the rights and privileges of others. Furthermore, Corruption primarily includes activities like bribery or embezzlement. However, Corruption can take place in many ways. Most probably, people in positions of authority are susceptible to Corruption. Corruption certainly reflects greedy and selfish behavior.

Essay on Corruption

Methods of Corruption

First of all, Bribery is the most common method of Corruption. Bribery involves the improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain. Furthermore, the types of favours are diverse. Above all, the favours include money, gifts, company shares, sexual favours, employment , entertainment, and political benefits. Also, personal gain can be – giving preferential treatment and overlooking crime.

Embezzlement refers to the act of withholding assets for the purpose of theft. Furthermore, it takes place by one or more individuals who were entrusted with these assets. Above all, embezzlement is a type of financial fraud.

The graft is a global form of Corruption. Most noteworthy, it refers to the illegal use of a politician’s authority for personal gain. Furthermore, a popular way for the graft is misdirecting public funds for the benefit of politicians .

Extortion is another major method of Corruption. It means to obtain property, money or services illegally. Above all, this obtainment takes place by coercing individuals or organizations. Hence, Extortion is quite similar to blackmail.

Favouritism and nepotism is quite an old form of Corruption still in usage. This refers to a person favouring one’s own relatives and friends to jobs. This is certainly a very unfair practice. This is because many deserving candidates fail to get jobs.

Abuse of discretion is another method of Corruption. Here, a person misuses one’s power and authority. An example can be a judge unjustly dismissing a criminal’s case.

Finally, influence peddling is the last method here. This refers to illegally using one’s influence with the government or other authorized individuals. Furthermore, it takes place in order to obtain preferential treatment or favour.

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Ways of Stopping Corruption

One important way of preventing Corruption is to give a better salary in a government job. Many government employees receive pretty low salaries. Therefore, they resort to bribery to meet their expenses. So, government employees should receive higher salaries. Consequently, high salaries would reduce their motivation and resolve to engage in bribery.

speech on corruption easy

Tough laws are very important for stopping Corruption. Above all, strict punishments need to be meted out to guilty individuals. Furthermore, there should be an efficient and quick implementation of strict laws.

Applying cameras in workplaces is an excellent way to prevent corruption. Above all, many individuals would refrain from indulging in Corruption due to fear of being caught. Furthermore, these individuals would have otherwise engaged in Corruption.

The government must make sure to keep inflation low. Due to the rise in prices, many people feel their incomes to be too low. Consequently, this increases Corruption among the masses. Businessmen raise prices to sell their stock of goods at higher prices. Furthermore, the politician supports them due to the benefits they receive.

To sum it up, Corruption is a great evil of society. This evil should be quickly eliminated from society. Corruption is the poison that has penetrated the minds of many individuals these days. Hopefully, with consistent political and social efforts, we can get rid of Corruption.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is Bribery?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Bribery refers to improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: ” How high salaries help in stopping Corruption?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”High salaries help in meeting the expenses of individuals. Furthermore, high salaries reduce the motivation and resolve to engage in bribery.”} }] }

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  • Corruption Essay


Essay on Corruption

Corruption refers to any act performed by individuals or a group in lieu of some form of bribes. Corruption is considered to be a dishonest and criminal act. If proven, Corruption can lead to Legal Punishments. Oftentimes the act of Corruption comprises the rights and privileges of some. It is very hard to find a definition that takes into account all the characteristics and aspects of Corruption. However, as responsible citizens of the Nation, we all must be aware of the true meaning and manifestation of Corruption in its every form so that whenever we come across it we can raise our voice against it and fight for justice. 

Place and Process of Corruption

Corruption is very common in government or private offices. The most common acts of Corruption involve some form of Bribery. Bribery involves some use of improper favours and gifts exchanged for personal gains of some sort. Moreover, Corruption is often found to be intertwined with embezzlement. Corruption can take place in many ways and in any public and private office. It is observed that most people in a position of power or authority are more likely to be involved in corrupt acts.  

The actual reasons behind Corruption are believed to be greed and selfishness. Bribery can include a range of favours like money, gifts, company shares, sexual favours, entertainment, political benefits as well as personal gain. One or more of such favors can inspire people to indulge in Corruption and preferential treatment and also inspire them to overlook criminal activities. 

Embezzlement, on the other hand, is another form of Corruption. An embezzlement is an act of withholding or concealing information about personal assets for the purpose of illegal trading or threat. Embezzlement generally involves people who were entrusted with the assets in question in the first place. Apart from being an act of Corruption, embezzlement is also an act of financial fraud. 

Another important form of Corruption is the graft. It is a global form of Corruption. It is also one of the most noteworthy and widespread corrupt practices in existence. Grafting refers to illegally using a politician's authority to achieve personal gains or goals. An eminent Example of this would be politically influential people misdirecting public funds to meet their own selfish needs.

Another important form of Corruption is extortion. Extortion means obtaining property, money or services through illegal means. Extortion takes place by taking advantage of individuals through coercion, threats or influence. It is very similar to blackmail. One of the oldest forms of Corruption is nepotism and favoritism. Both of these practices involve people being favored for a position or task due to his or her filial or familial status or ties. 

Another form of favoritism includes influence peddling. In this case, one's influence on people in power is used to get work done. The last form of Corruption is an abuse of discretion, in this type the person is power uses his or her authority to bend legal proceedings.

How to End Corruption? 

Corruption not only hinders working in an organization but also affects the economy of a country and the efficiency of various services. To stop Corruption, the government must take stricter measures. Existing laws must be strictly implemented and if the need arises, new laws are introduced. Workplaces should be strictly monitored to prevent any unethical exchange of favors. Only an end to small forms of Corruption can result in a cumulative effect and bring a significant change in Society. 


FAQs on Corruption Essay

1. How to write an essay on Corruption?

To write an essay on Corruption, the writer needs to have an understanding and get some research done on the topic. After they know something about the topic, a broad topic line and the layout of the essay can be figured out based on the number of words required to write the essay. Students can then start writing by giving a quirky and compelling headline that captures the reader's attention. After giving the headline, come the major and most important paragraph of the essay, that is, the introduction of the essay. The introduction sets the feel of the essay and should be written keeping that in mind. 

Most people who will see the essay will go through the headline and the introduction paragraph and this will set the impression if the reader will read the complete essay or not. Students can then move on to writing three to four paragraphs or more in the body part where they can explain more about Corruption, why it happens and how to solve the problem of Corruption. This will be the main content part of the essay. Then the student can conclude the essay with a nice conclusion which the reader will take with them, it should include the gist of the whole article and its important points. This is how students can write an essay on Corruption. They can also refer to Vedantu's website where they can find essays on Corruption and other topics that they can use or refer to.

2. How to prepare to write an Exam?

Essays are a form of creative writing which is often tested in Exams for a good weightage of marks. Creative writing is a skill and like all skills, it can also be learned. To write long-form content like this, where minimum word limits are given, it's necessary to note the information, one knows about the topic and then divide the topic in optimum layout to cover the maximum and minimum word limit. 

Any essay should be divided into 3 parts- The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. The introduction of any essay is very important as a good introduction can really impress a teacher. The body contains the main facts, data, and explanation of the introduction. Conclusion concludes an essay with a complete list of the topic. Good words and proper use of grammar will give a different shine to your essay and the complete English Exam. 

Essay writing can be difficult for some students, but students should remember that essay writing is an easy and high-scoring area in an English Exam or test. Students can learn more about Essay Writing at Vedantu's official website where they can browse from various Examples of essays written by our best English teachers to help the students to get full marks in content writing. This is how students can write an essay in an Exam and get full marks.

3. Why does Corruption exist in Society?

Corruption is the venom that can destroy any Society. Tackling Corruption is indirectly tackling people's mindset and handling their needs by keeping the system fair and equal for everyone. The last decades have shown a lot of growth in the overall condition of the country but the Corruption rates have also sky-rocketed. Corruption can also exist because greedy people have a good network and contacts that get the work done.  Corruption can give one temporary control over their time but they should remember that they'll eventually be caught one day.

4. How to write a good body in an essay?

Essays are long-form creative writing exercises that can be often difficult for many students. The most time-consuming and biggest element of an essay is the body which comprises all the facts, explanations, and examples of the essay.  After writing a perfect and compelling introduction, the writer has to start the main heart and soul of the essay; the body. 

The body can be started by explaining the introduction statements and explaining one's opinion on the topic. These explanations and opinions can be backed up by some evidence, facts, or theories. That's how one can write a good body element in an essay. To study more about essay writing, one can check Vedantu's official website where they can browse many Examples and sample written essays on several topics by the best English teachers. Students can master the skill of essay writing with some practice and guidance.

5. What makes a good conclusion in an essay?

Essays are divided into 3 parts where the conclusion comes last after an introduction and the body. Introduction and body are important but the conclusion will decide how much the reader will take back with the conclusion is the concluding paragraph or paragraphs which need an essay with the gist of the complete essay. Unlike the introductory paragraph, which outlines the general idea of the essay, the conclusion should precisely confirm why one's thesis is correct using the facts from your supportive body paragraphs. That's why a conclusion is an important part of an essay and should be written that way. To learn more about essay writing, one can check out Vedantu's official website where they can find the format, Examples, and tips to write a good essay and a good conclusion. They'll find essays written on numerous topics by the best English teachers at Vedantu.

Speech on Corruption for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

In this article, we have published a Speech on Corruption for Students in 1000+ Words. Children can also use this speech on International Anti-Corruption Day celebrated every year on 9 December.

Speech on Corruption (1000 Words)

As we know that corruption alludes to any demonstration of untrustworthy or shameless direct by somebody in an incredible position. Numerous individuals, particularly youthful understudies, have an incredible interest in finding out about debasement and its discontent in detail.

If the residents of a nation are degenerate, at that point, it expands the lessening in the estimations of that nation. We don’t realize that what we do, where we live, what we do turns into a piece of all.

Degenerate individuals consistently hole up behind phoney appearances of truth and genuineness. Defilement has consistently been known as a bureaucratic-political-police nexus that eats popular government.

Truly, these are on the whole types of defilement. Numerous political pioneers state that we need to end debasement; however truly, I have not seen any coordinated exertion to end it.

In pretty much every field, we can see degenerate labourers who don’t play out their jobs and obligations appropriately until they are paid off by the average citizens. Such criminal operations are expanding step by step. We, as an inhabitant of this nation are empowering these individuals, and no severe move is being made against them.

The degree of defilement can be as low as when a traffic cop must be paid off for not wearing a protective cap or a private temporary worker is required to pay off government people to get a delicate of openwork or to find a new line of work. Today debasement is probably the greatest factor thwarting turn of events and harms vote based system. Defilement antagonistically influences the advancement of a country.  

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech on Corruption In English

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, a wonderful morning to all of you. Today on this special occasion, I would like to speak some words on the topic- Corruption.

Corruption is rising rapidly in India. It needs to be dealt with swiftly and strictly, with the perpetrators punished justly. Only by getting rid of corrupt elements can society progress and the country prosper.

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Essay on Corruption: 100 Words, 200 Words

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  • Apr 3, 2024

essay on corruption

Corruption is an act of bribery that involves taking gifts and favours in exchange for some gain in terms of services and acceptance. In easy words, corruption means the misuse of power and any positions for personal and financial gain. Whether it’s a public official accepting bribes, a company engaging in fraudulent practices, or a student cheating on an exam, corruption takes various forms. This blog sheds light on the term corruption and the effects of corruption and lists down essay on corruption in 100 and 200 words. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is corruption?
  • 2 Effects on Corruption
  • 3 Essay On Corruption in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay On Corruption in 200 Words

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What is corruption?

Corruption in simple words means betraying the people and misusing the nominal power that is assigned to any individual. It is the misuse of public property or money for selfish reasons. It is only related to Government or public funds. Every country and every company, whether Public or private, faces some corruption in one form or the other. Corruption deteriorates the mind and thought process of the people of the country. Every developing nation faces corruption as its enemy. It gives rise to inequality, injustice, illegality, and inconsistency at all levels of the administration. Corruption can be in the form of money, gift, etc. In any form, the person taking bribe is equally guilty.

Effects on Corruption

Here are some effects of corruption on individuals and society:

  • When people in power are corrupt, people lose trust in them. People start doubting their decisions and intentions for everyone. People can also revolt against them and take any action.
  • Corruption can make life unfair. Instead of the most deserving person getting a job or a chance, it might go to someone who paid a bribe. 
  • Corruption slows down a country’s progress. Money that should be used to build roads, and schools and also the living conditions get worse. This means the country doesn’t become better and people’s lives stay hard.
  • Corruption can block opportunities for many people. If anyone needs a job, education or any healthcare facility and is not able to afford to pay bribes, their opportunities get lost.

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Essay On Corruption in 100 Words

Corruption is when people misuse power for their gain. It’s like cheating the system. Corruption hurts a lot of people. Corruption makes people lose interest and trust in leaders. 

Money meant for schools, hospitals, and roads gets stolen. Jobs might go to those who pay bribes, not the deserving. This may seem unfair to a lot of people. 

Corruption slows down progress and makes life tough. We must stop corruption by being honest and also taking a stand against it. When we fight corruption, we make our world a better place for everyone.

Essay On Corruption in 200 Words

Corruption is a big problem that hurts everyone. It happens when people in power misuse their authority for personal gain. To a lot of people, it may seem unfair. 

The first cause can be that corruption breaks trust. People start doubting if their leaders are working for them personally or for themselves. It also makes them feel upset and also feel disappointed.

Second, corruption wastes money. Money that should help schools, hospitals, and roads ends up in the wrong hands. It means that people who do not get the things that they need for their betterment of life.

Corruption also creates unfairness. People who deserve opportunities might not get them if they can’t pay bribes. It also makes the life of people tough and lose a lot of opportunities. It can also impact the progress of the country and weaken the strong pillars of the country.

To fight corruption, the candidates need to be honest and take steps to stand against it. People can demand transparency and fairness in the country to make the issue sustainable. With the contribution of people, they can create a world where people in power are working for everyone not just for themselves. 

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Related Reads

Some of the adverse effects of corruption in today’s society are lost trust, lost opportunities, and slows down the country’s progress.

The negative emotions related to corruption are anxiety, anger and disappointment.

To write a short essay on corruption, make sure to include the effects of corruption and all the aspects of the term.

Hence, we hope that this blog has assisted you in comprehending what an essay on Corruption must include. If you are struggling with your career choices and need expert guidance, our Leverage Edu mentors are here to guide you at any point of your academic and professional journey thus ensuring that you take informed steps towards your dream career.

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Simran Popli

An avid writer and a creative person. With an experience of 1.5 years content writing, Simran has worked with different areas. From medical to working in a marketing agency with different clients to Ed-tech company, the journey has been diverse. Creative, vivacious and patient are the words that describe her personality.

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Corruption Speech

Corruption is any act of dishonesty or unethical conduct by an individual entrusted with a position of power. Several people especially young students have a lot of curiosity to know in detail about corruption and its repercussions; more so because it is impacting our country’s economic growth and prosperity. Our speech on corruption especially long speech on corruption shares the detailed information on the topic. Short speech on corruption can be used as a sample if you want to prepare for a debate. The language used in the corruption speech is so simple that even a child can understand the meaning and so impactful that it can help you leave an impact on your audience.

Speech on Corruption

Speech on corruption – 1.

Warm Greetings and Good Afternoon to my esteemed class teacher and students!

The speech topic for today is corruption and I will address my viewpoint on the same, particularly on political corruption. Ever since the formation of our country, everything is dictated by the political leaders and people ruling in the government sectors. Apparently we are a democratic country, but whosoever comes into the power tries to misuse that power for his/her personal gains, for acquiring wealth and luxury. The common people, as always, find themselves in a state of deprivation.

In our country, the gap between the haves and have-nots is so huge that it becomes a clear example of corruption in our country where one section of society acquires richness and wealth and on the other hand the majority of the masses remain below the poverty line. This is the reason why economy of certain nations is facing a decline, such as the USA economy.

If we are a responsible citizen of our country, we should understand that this corruption is eating into our nation’s economical growth like a termite and is giving rise to crime in our society. If the majority section of our society will continue to live in deprivation and poverty and will not find any employment opportunity, the crime rate will never come down. Poverty will destroy people’s ethics and morals and would result in an increase in hatred amongst the people. It is high time for us to address this issue and fight it in order to pave way for the holistic growth of our country.

The parliament should pass strict laws against the anti-social elements of our society, regardless of the fact that whether such people are within the political system of our country or outside it. There should be an equal treatment for all.

If one were to think and evaluate the causes behind corruption, then it could be countless. However, the most glaring reason responsible for the vicious spread of corruption, I believe, is the people’s non-serious attitude towards the governmental rules and laws and the sheer inertia of government towards those who spread evil in society. It appears that the ones who are employed to put an end to corruption have themselves become complicit in the crime and are encouraging it. Though there are various strict laws like the Prevention of money Laundering Act; Indian Penal Code of 1860 and the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; to name a few, but there is no serious implementation of these laws.

Yet another important reason behind corruption is the non-transparency of bureaucratic and governmental functions. In particular, the institutions that are run under the government show moral laxity and brush under the carpet serious issues. The money that should be used for the upliftment of poor people is gobbled up by the politicians themselves. Even worse, the people who are not affluent and cannot bribe the people in power are not able to get their work done and hence their files are fated to meet the dust instead of stimulating action. Clearly, any growing economy would come falling down when corrupt officials hold the reign of a country.

The situation has become very tense and unless the general public takes proactive measures and becomes vigilant, the corruption cannot be uprooted from our society. So come let’s join hands and fight against corruption.

Speech on Corruption – 2

Warm Greetings to our Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Fellow Colleagues and My Dear Students!

I, one of the senior faculty members of History Department, welcome you all on the eve of Independence Day Celebration. Amidst celebration and gaiety, it has been thought fit by the faculty members to address some serious issue that our nation is suffering with and which is primarily corruption.

Though our great Indian freedom fighters won the freedom struggle ages back, but serious issues such as corruption, unemployment, poverty, etc are still eating into our country’s economy and not enabling it to grow. Where does the problem lie – in the governance or society as a whole? We need to identify those grey areas which lead to the spread of corruption and adopt strict measures for eradicating those causes. Winning independence from the British rule was one thing, but we will only be able to make this freedom worth their efforts when every citizen of this country will be able to enjoy a basic standard of living and there will be no iniquity in our society.

No doubt, our country is a land of nature and vivid landscape; however the beauty and goodwill of our land has been marred by the ensuing corrupt activities that are going all around. Nearly in every sector, we can see corrupt personnel who do not deliver their roles and responsibilities well unless are bribed by the common people. Such illegal activities are going day by day for a simple reason that we, as the natives of this country, are encouraging these people and no strict actions are being taken against them.

Moreover, such people think that they can easily escape the laws and go unscathed. Excess of power and money have corrupted the officials and the situation has become so worse that if a common man needs any assistance or help from the government staff or administration, then he/she will have to adopt the corrupt method. In fact, you would find corrupt people in the senior administration to the junior staff and even at the clerical positions. It is really difficult for a common man to evade them and get his/her work done.

Not only cities, but even small towns and villages have come under its influence. I think it’s high time, when we as a citizen of our country should owe this responsibility to wipe out corruption from the face of our mother earth and make our country a corrupt free land for our next generation and to feel proud of it.

Clearly, our students are the future of this country, so you should pledge to never adopt any corrupt path under any situation and in fact you will raise your voice against any unlawful or illegal activity that takes place around. Problems aggravate when we turn a blind towards them, but I sincerely hope that from now on each one of us will strictly oppose and prevent corrupt activities from happening anywhere in our country and expose such officials too who act as a blockage in the development of our country.

Speech on Corruption – 3

Good Morning respect Principal, teachers and my dear friends,

Today’s topic for this Assembly meeting is, ‘Corruption’. A poison that ruins the value of individuals and the country.

My perspective as to what corruption means is that, it is an act performed deliberately that reduces the authenticity and quality of the nation. People explain corruption as one simple thing statement, ‘I had some urgency and had to get this thing done quickly’. But my dear friends, this simple statement is so damaging that it directly hits on the country’s image and stature in the world.

We as individuals should understand that even though by giving money for getting our work done helps us in quick execution but deep within it is deteriorating the quality of our life. It builds a bad image of the country and leads to lowering of our country’s ratings. It does not seem to be a big deed that we pay an extra amount or what I may say as bribe to some people for taking some advantage from them. But, believe me that deep down, it kills the ethical traits or values of the people.

This inherited value reduction is not only of the person who is taking the bribe but also of the person who gives it. Corruption is the hurdle between the country’s and individual’s authentic prosperity and development. It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects like socially, economically and politically.

Corruption is also the unfair use of public power for some private advantages by breaking all or few of the rules and regulations made by the government. One common form of corruption in our country is receiving black money in cash. Even during elections, it has been observed that we see many news on raid being done here at some minister’s premises and then on the other day so much of cash found in this minister’s wardrobe. Haven’t we?

Yes, we have these all are the forms of corruption. Many political leaders say that we wish to eradicate corruption, but honestly I haven’t seen concrete efforts coming for this cause. For controlling corruption, we have to work on the root cause. This corruption in deep inside the roots of our country and eradicating this is a huge activity or a project that requires complete dedication with purity at heart.

Strict actions should be documented in policies and should necessarily be implemented on those who practice corruption for their greed.

Thank you everyone for being a part of this Assembly session. I am glad that we chose this important topic as our discussion point. I request you all to please make it a habit to stop corruption exactly there itself. We should not be selfish and just think about our convenience. I hope that you all will help me and our nation to control this ugly act of corruption.

Thank You! Have a great Day! We have to end corruption!

Speech on Corruption – 4

Good evening everyone! Thanks for being a part of this occasion and taking out time to be a part of it.

My discussion for this evening is on the cancer of ‘Corruption’ that has made our life sick. Corruption is an illegal behavior on the measurement of an authority or influential party throughout by means that are illegal, depraved, or irreconcilable with principled values. Though this word is so simple to define but too hard to take out from any country. Corruption is the biggest act that makes the country’s image weak and negative.

Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement of funds. Corruption has impacted Indian economy and government so much that there are no easy solutions for eradicating it. If the citizens of a country are corrupted then it eventually adds to the loss of values of a country. We don’t realize that what we do, at the end becomes a part of where we live and around whom we live.

Corrupt people always tend to hide themselves behind the fake face of truth and honesty. Most of the time corruption is referred to the bureaucratic-political-police nexus that eats into the vitals of democracy.

Corruption starts mostly at the higher levels and it carries its way to the extreme low levels too. The heights of corruption has reached to a very great extent where there are no proper laws to bring to justice these corrupt people. Because of the highly corrupt people who just would do anything for money, it has become very difficult for the common man or the righteous to survive.

The level of corruption can be as low as bribing traffic police officer for not wearing a helmet to the extreme level when private contractors bribe government individuals to get the tender of a public work or to get the job done. Today, corruption is one of the greatest factors hindering development and stifling the realization of democracy. Corruption affects the growth of a nation adversely.

We all should understand that corruption is acting as an obstacle in the way of the country’s progress. Each one of us should be cautious of the acts that we perform. We take it lightly to give Rs 100-200 to the Travelling  Ticket Inspector (TTI) just for our preferable seat allocation, but deep down that person has made it a habit to procure money from everybody.

Thank you for being a part of this conversation. As a conclusion to my session I would just like to tell you all that corrupt is not only the one who receives the illegal money but also the one who is providing the bribe. I hope that from now onwards, you all will not bribe anyone and control others as well. We see things as small deeds, but these small deeds at the end add up to create awareness against corruption.

Thank you!! Have a great day and keep sharing this message of making our country corruption free.

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Essay on Corruption in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Corruption: Corruption is the use of power or position for personal gain. It can take many forms, from bribery and embezzlement to nepotism and cronyism. It can be found in both the public and private sectors, and its effects can be devastating to both individuals and society as a whole.

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Target Exam ---

Corruption refers to an act performed by an individual or a group, which seriously compromises the rights and privileges of someone else or the public in general. “Corruption” includes a significant number of illegal and immoral activities from different arenas of governance and administration. Corruption is not only limited to the government and its agencies, but, it also includes private businesses and organizations. Corruption severely hampers the growth and development of a society and a nation as a whole. A corrupt system makes people loose general trust in the government, resulting in an environment of fear and chaos.

Long and Short Essay on Corruption in India in English

We have provided below some Essay on Corruption of varying lengths in English for your information and knowledge.

These corruption essay have been written in simple and easy language so that you don’t face any difficulty in understanding the sentences.

The essay will give you an in depth analysis of Corruption and its effects on the society and the country.

You will also know the measures taken by the government to counter corruption and subdue its effects.

Essay on Corruption 100 words

Corruption is a poison which has been spread in the mind of wrong people of the society, community and country. It is the mistreatment of public resources just for getting some unfair advantage to fulfill little wish. It is concerned with the unnecessary and wrong use of both power and position by anyone whether in the government or non-government organization. It has affected the growth of the individual as we well as the nation and reduces income. It is a big reason of inequalities in the society and community. It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects like socially, economically and politically.

Essay on Corruption 150 words

Corruption is the misuse of public property, position, power and authority for fulfilling the selfish purposes to gain personal satisfactions. Corruption is the misuse of authority for personal gain of an individual or group. It is the unfair use of public power for some private advantages by breaking some rules and regulations made by government. Now a day, it has been spread deeply in the society and has become very strong because of its lots of roots. It is like a cancer which once generated cannot be ended without medicine and spreading its roots continuously.

One common form of corruption in our country is receiving cash money, through online transfer or in the form of costly gift etc. Some people wrongly uses someone else money for their own sake. Some people recruited in the government or non-government offices have been involved in the corruption and can do anything to fulfil their wishes.

The saying goes, “It’s a problem that affects everyone, from the least wealthy to the wealthiest. Corruption in India comes in different forms, like giving and taking bribes, stealing money, favoritism, and misusing public resources. The main reason for corruption in India is the absence of clear rules, responsibility, and a strong legal system.

Essay on Corruption 200 words

We all are well familiar of the corruption and as it is not a new phenomenon in our country. It has taken its roots so deeply in the people’s mind. It is a very common poison in the society since ancient time. It is available from the history time of the Mughal and Sultanate period. It is reaching to its new height. It has affected the mind of people to a great extent and become so common that wrong people can play with the public life. It is a type of greediness which corrupt human mind and destroy one’s humanity and naturalness.

Corruption is of different types which has been spread in every filed like education, sports, games, politics, etc. Because of the corruption, one does not understand his/her responsibilities at work place. Corruptions are like theft, dishonesty, wastage of public property, wastage of time unnecessarily, exploitation, scams, scandals, malpractice of responsibilities, etc are the various types of corruption. It has made its roots in both developing and well developed countries. We need to remove corruption from our society and country in order to get real freedom from the slavery. We all need to be loyal towards our responsibilities and strict for any type of greediness.

Essay on Corruption 250 words

Now-a-days, corruption is seen everywhere in the society just like an infectious disease. The great leaders of the India who have fought their whole life for removing corruption and other social issues completely from the society. It is the very shameful condition for us that even after losing various great lives, we are not able to understand our real responsibilities. Corruption has been spread in the common public lives, politics, central governments, state governments, businesses, industries, etc. It has not left any field. Corruption is increasing day by day instead of decreasing or steadying because of the continuous increase in the appetite of people for money, power, position and luxury.

We have forgotten the real responsibility of being a human just because of the money. We need to understand that money is not everything and it is not a stable thing. We cannot keep it forever to us, it can only give us greediness and corruption. We should give importance to the value based life and not money based life. It is true that we need lot of money to live a common life however it is not true that just for our selfishness and greediness; we should play someone’s life or money in some unfair ways.

Essay on Corruption 300 words

As we all know that corruption is very bad thing. It inhibits the individual growth as well as society and country growth and development. It is social evil which is playing humans body and mind socially, economically and intellectually. It is continuously making its roots so deeply because of the increasing human greediness towards money, power and position. Corruption is the misuse of authority, public position, natural or public resources, power, etc by someone to gain his/her personal gratifications. According to the sources, it has been identified that India ranks three in the highly corrupted countries.

Corruption is highly spread in the field of civil service, politics, business and other illegal fields. India is a famous country for its democracy but it is corruption which disturbs its democratic system. Politicians are highly responsible for all type of corruption in the country. We chose our leaders by having lots of expectations to them to lead our country in the right direction. In the starting they make us lots of promises however, just after the voting they forget all that and involve in corruption. We are sure that our India would be corruption free a day when our political leaders would be free of greediness and use their power, money, status and position in right direction to lead the country, not their own luxury and personal wishes.

We should select very honest and trustworthy leaders to lead our India just like our earlier Indian leaders such as Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, etc. Only such political leaders can reduce and finally end the corruption from India. Youths of the country should also need to be aware of all the reasons of corruption and get together to solve it in group. Increasing level of the corruption needs to take some heavy steps to get control over it.

Essay on Corruption 400 words

Corruption is the highly infectious social disease which has spread its roots to the mind of the bad people. No one take birth to do such type of bad activities in the society however some bad conditions of their life forced them to do so. Gradually they become habitual for all of these bad activities. However, people suffering from any problem, disease, etc should keep patience and trust on themselves and never do anything bad in life. As, one negative step of anyone may harm the lives of many people. We are not a single entity on this earth, there are many like us, so we should think a little about others and live life happily and peacefully with positive thoughts.

Now-a-days, lots of benefits are given by the government of India to the poor people on the basis of various rules and regulations to bring social awareness among common people as well as equality in the society. However, poor people are not getting benefited of those advantages given by the government as many officers doing corruption secretly in between the channel before reaching to the poor people. They are doing corruption against law for just fulfilling their own pockets with money.

There are many causes of corruption in the society. Now-a-days political leaders are making interest oriented programmes and policies instead of nation oriented programmes and policies. They are just wishing to be famous politician for completing their own interests instead of citizen’s interests and requirement. There is increasing level of change in the value system in the human mind as well as decreasing ethical qualities of human being. The level of trust, faith and honesty is decreasing which gives rise to the corruption.

The number of common people with increased tolerance power towards corruption is increasing. There is a lack of strong public forum in the society in order to oppose the corruption, widespread illiteracy in rural areas, poor economic infrastructure, etc are the reasons of endemic corruption in the public life. Low salaries norms of the government employees force them towards channel of corruption. Complex laws and procedures of the government distract common people to get any type of help from government. During election time, corruption become at its highest peak. Politicians always take support of poor and illiterate people by dreaming them big in future during their governance however nothing happens after win.

Essay on Corruption 500 words

Corruption has been spread like a disease all over the India as well as abroad. It has become one of the most speedily increasing social issues in the Indian society . It is generally initiated and promoted by the opportunistic leaders. They never think about the nation’s benefits and do lots of damage to the nation through their corruption even for their small advantage. They sell their country properties in the wrong hands and spread wrong beliefs about India in the people’s mind living in other countries.

They are spoiling the old traditions and cultures of India for their personal benefits. Now-a-days people who are working in right direction using right principles considered as foolish in the modern society and the people who are working wrong and making wrong promises are good for the society. However, in turn it is true that corrupted people cheating the simple, ordinary and innocent people. They are ruling the mind of innocent people.

Corruption increases in India day by day because there is a strong connection between the officials, politicians and criminals who are making this country weak and so weak. India got independence in 1947 and it was slowly becoming strong and developing but in the mid way the disease of corruption started and stop India to grow ahead. In India there has been a trend of give and take means give some money in order to get your work done whether in the government offices or private sectors offices. And now the condition is getting worse and worse, as earlier, the money was paid for getting wrong works done or only work to be done, but currently money is paid for getting works done in right ways and at right time. Even after paying complete money according to the demand, there is no full chance of getting things done at time and in right way.

Corruption is everywhere in every department whether it hospitals, education, job, government offices, nothing is left of corruption. Everything has become a business and the source of earning money in wrong way. Educational institutions are also involved in the corruption and they give seat to those students only who have paid for, whether they are good students with good marks or not. Very weak students are given admission in the top colleges and universities only on the basis of money paid for wrong admission and the topper student with good marks and lack of money gets back in the life or take admission in any simple college.

Now-a-days, private sectors companies are so good in comparison to the governmental jobs. Private companies are giving job on the basis of candidate’s skills, ability, technical knowledge, good percentage of marks and all the educational records. However, it has become tough to get job in the government offices as they need lots of bribe to give any type of job (high level or low level) like teaching, clerk, babu, nurse, doctor, sweeper, etc. And the amount of bribe increases in the market as the level of job increase like IAS, PCC, police, etc ranks jobs.

All the essays given above are essay on corruption under various words limit according to the student’s need and requirement in the school. All the corruption essay are written to almost fulfill the current need of students. Corruption is a social issue and this topic is in vogue for the student’s awareness. Following are the other social issues on which we have provided varieties of essays:

Long Essay on Corruption – 1700 words

A majority of us are probably aware of the term “corruption” and the situations in which the word perfectly fits in. The most plausible reference to the nature of corruption could be assessed by the words of Joe Bidden, 47 th Vice President of the United States of America, who quoted – “corruption is just another form of tyranny.” The statement weighs corruption as equivalent to that of cruel and oppressive rule of government. However, for a common man/woman, corruption is a challenge, that he/she faces every day, in protecting of his/her fundamental rights and privileges, otherwise guaranteed by the Constitution.

Corruption in India

Though, the ranking of India in Global Corruption Index 2018 has been improved by three places; at a global rank of 78 it’s still far from becoming a corruption free nation.

Corruption in India had been prevalent even under the subjugation of British Empire, when India was still far from gaining independence. How deeply rooted was the corruption in Indian society, can be assessed by the words of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. The Muslim League Leader once stated – “One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but I think our condition is much worse – is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison”.

This statement of Mr. Jinnah delivered while addressing the first Presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11 th August 1947, bares naked the truth of corruption in India, even before independence.

Even after 73 years of Independence, not much has changed on that front for the people of India. On the contrary, corruption has grown in dimension and today, it seriously hampers the economical, social and infrastructural progress of the nation as never before.

Corruption in political and administrative system of the country, is curtailing its progress and it devoid the people of India of their basic rights of equality, freedom, right to equal opportunity and right to compulsory education and health among others.

Factors Leading to or Responsible for Corruption

The corruption is rooted into several social, political and economical factors. Though, the most elaborate explanation for the cause of corruption could be estimated by the words of 19 th century British politician Lord Acten, who had famously said – “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The quote was a reference to relationship between power and corruption. Corruption is most like to occur with power as the powerful can successfully evade accountability, by using his/her power and influence.

The scenario explained above gels perfectly with the Indian political and administrative system of governance. Huge powers are vested upon our political representatives and administrative officials, by the Constitution. The motive behind bestowing them with power was the greater idea of empowering them to act as facilitators to the public, in general interest of the nation.

They are expected to exercise their powers in implementing several welfare schemes and projects, without any hindrance, for the overall welfare of the people and progress of the nation. However, the whole idea seems to backfiring with, the powerful wielding the powers to their own interests, seriously compromising the interest of the nation and its people.

This is when the corruption slowly seeps into otherwise honest political and administrative circles of India.

Another, most troubling factor behind the prevalence of corruption in India is the latter’s acceptance in society as a common phenomenon. Today, the voices against corruption are fainter than ever before and the people have accepted corruption as natural and unavoidable.

This is the reason why we tend to bribe public servants, to escape the legal formalities on issues those are of interest to us. Moreover, giving and taking bribe is today being considered as a wise act and is being applauded in private, if not publically.

Below is given a point wise narration of other social and economical factors that could escalate corruption –

  • Inadequate compensation and monthly emoluments to the government employees could lead them to corruption.
  • Illiteracy fuels corruption as it makes a person more submissive and likely to be exploited by greedy officials.
  • Illiteracy, poverty and lack of a transparent grievance redressal system make people more vulnerable to political and other types of corruption.
  • A decline of ethics and moral values in the society are also responsible for corruption.
  • Lack of awareness among the people on their rights and privileges is acting as a fuel to the corruption.

Different Faces of Corruption

The demon of corruption has many faces, than could be imagined, like judicial corruption, governance corruption, corruption in education, corruption in enforcement of laws, financial corruption, political corruption etc. There could be thousands of other similar situations; those could act as examples of corruption. It wouldn’t be possible to elaborate all types of corruption in this essay; however, we will discuss a few of them below.

  • The spectrum of corruption is vast enough to affect people from different walks of life. It involves situations like bribing to secure a government job, bribing to lodge a complaint in local police station, bribing the government doctor for treatment, bribing the official for swift movement of file, paying bribe to the official to get the cheque that you deserve anyway.
  • Firstly, we will make an assessment of political corruption in India. We all know that the credibility of a political representative is based on the transparent and unbiased election that he or she faces in order to be elected. Despite the Election Commission of India doing a commendable job every time to conduct free and fair elections, there are still some cracks in the otherwise impeccable election system.
  • More often than not, during elections, we get stray news from throughout the nation, of voters being influenced by money or by wielding powers, by the contestants in election. Such acts amount to political corruption of highest degree and can adversely influence the democratic structure of the nation.
  • Now let’s consider the scenario of a government hospital which functions to provide free or subsidized medical facilities to all the citizens of India. The doctors deployed by the government in the hospitals are compensated adequately for their services; however, sometimes they are seen demanding money from patients to perform an operation or treatment, which should otherwise be performed free of cost. This is a perfect example of corruption in healthcare system.

Likewise there are several examples of corruption in different sectors, depending on their nature and outcome.

Corruption – An Act of Collusion or Not

Corruption is basically an act of collusion between two parties; however, more often than not one party might be forced into the agreement by another party.

Suppose, if a Public Works Department Engineer demands bribe from a civil contractor, for passing the bill for the portion of road constructed by the latter. In this case, though the demand is not obligatory on the contractor, he/she will mostly oblige considering the otherwise cumbersome process of proceeding legally against the demands. In this case the party who gives bribe is actually forced to do so by the party who demands it.

On the contrary, there could be situations in which both the opposite parties have colluded willingly in order to mutually benefit each other. For example a non deserving candidate for a government job, pays bribe to the recruiting official, in order to secure the job.

Nevertheless, whether forced or mutually agreed upon, corruption is an act of collusion, between two parties, which seriously compromises the privileges and rights of other individuals.

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Measures to Counter/Control Corruption in India

The corruption in any sector could be effectively controlled by working on improving transparency and accountability in that particular sector. Transparency will ensure that each and every functioning, decision and its outcome is known to the public and all, so that the fairness of the deal could be ascertained. On the other hand accountability places responsibility of an undesirable outcome/loss on an individual.

  • This has been done by the government of India under the Right to Information or the RTI act, which had been incorporated in 2005. RTI Act 2005 gives the power of questioning to the common citizen of India. Using the RTI Act anyone could now question any department by simply submitting a RTI application.
  • You can now question and get answers on subjects like – how much of the taxes collected, did the government spend and on what mode; how many children in your neighboring school were provided admission under EWS (Economically Weaker Section); what was the cost incurred for the construction of road in your locality and what amount was paid to the contractor; what action did the government take against the official involved in corruption etc.
  • The RTI law mandates the appointment of a Public Information Officer (PIO) in all the central and state runs departments and ministries. The provision of responding to the queries is binding on the PIO, who has to do so in a stipulated time, failing which s/he would attract departmental action or a hefty fine.
  • The government has also established Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in 1964 to look into the matters of governmental corruption. The CVC functions as an autonomous body, free from the influence of any executive authority.
  • The Government has amended Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, to criminalize the party which pays bribe for undue advantages.
  • The amendments have a provision to impose penalty on the organization of the person convicted for giving or taking bribery, if latter couldn’t be traced or has deliberately left the country to escape law.
  • Another step that could well be taken to eliminate corruption is, setting up a fast and speedy judicial system, to address the corruption cases in the country.

Though, the corruption is rampant in India, it is also true that by and large the common men and women of India are honest and have an evident dislike for corruption. However, deep rooted the corruption might be, it could be successfully eliminated with political will and public awareness.

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Essay on Corruption FAQs

What is corruption in an essay.

Corruption in an essay refers to the act of dishonesty or misuse of power for personal gain, often involving bribery, embezzlement, or unethical behavior.

How do you write a corruption essay?

To write a corruption essay, start with an introduction, discuss its forms and impact, provide real-life examples, and conclude with solutions to tackle this issue.

What is corruption in 200 words?

Corruption is a dishonest act where individuals misuse their authority for personal benefit, leading to societal harm and mistrust. It includes bribery, fraud, and embezzlement.

What are the points of corruption in India?

Corruption in India involves bribery, political scandals, irregularities in government contracts, and a lack of transparency, leading to social and economic problems.

What is corruption in India in simple words?

Corruption in India means people in power using their position for personal gain, leading to unfairness and inequality.

What is corruption in very simple words?

Corruption, in the simplest terms, is when people with authority do bad things for their own benefit, causing harm to others and breaking the rules.

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148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption

🏆 best corruption title ideas, 👍 good corruption presentation topics, 💡 most interesting research topics on corruption, ❓ research questions on corruption.

  • Corruption, Its Causes, and Effects However, people have used political activities and offices to advance their gains and neglect the need to be accountable and responsible to the public.
  • Corruption in Nigeria: How to Solve the Issue This paper will discuss the causes of corruption and the reasons why a strong corruption is viewed in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A bureaucratic corruption is a form of corruption which is primarily seen […]
  • Power and Corruption in Shakespeare’s Plays Macbeth ascends to the throne, he is determined to hold on to the throne, and so he must get rid of Banquo and his family because the witches had predicted that the throne would go […]
  • Robert Bolt “A Man for All Seasons”: Corruption Theme The 16th century was a period of political conflict and corruption in England; the theme is presented through the statesman Thomas More who is considered to participate in the struggle between the state and the […]
  • The Film ‘Chinatown’ and Corruption in the American Society One of the ways through film directors can achieve this objective is to focus on the political issues in the society. According to Kavanagh, ‘Chinatown’ is one of the films that highlight the social and […]
  • How Corruption Violates Fundamental Human Rights of Citizens This essay seeks to establish how corruption leads to breach of fundamental human rights of citizens and determine which rights in particular are mostly risky due to corruption.
  • Nissan Corporation’s Corruption Scandal Investigation The key objective of this paper is to discuss this case in terms of business ethics and understand the meaning of Ghosn’s behaviors.
  • Alienation and Corruption in “The Trial” by Franz Kafka The novel presents the incompatibility of the “divine law” and human law, and the protagonist’s, Joseph K, inability to understand the discrepancy.
  • The Corruption of the Catholic Church in Chaucer’s Works Using the central theme of religious hypocrisy, Chaucer successfully used the Pardoner, the Friar, and the Summoner characters to expose the church representatives’ corruption and evil practices.
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  • Ethical Issue: Public Corruption The theory of ethical formalism that is represented in the works of Immanuel Kant and John Rawls argues that “the only thing truly good is goodwill, and that what is good is that which conforms […]
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  • Noble Cause Corruption – A Crime-Fighting Sub-Culture The term Noble Cause Corruption refers to a crime-fighting sub-culture that involves the law enforcement members being engaged in activities that would otherwise be considered criminal or unethical for the purposes of the greater good […]
  • Corruption in Russia: IKEA’s Expansion to the East The first problem is associated with the improperly designed ad campaign that was perceived as immoral due to the fact that despite the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the local population preserved its mentality related […]
  • Corruption as a Social Phenomenon While all manners of corruption are inherently damaging to the society, this particular form of corruption poses the most significant threat since it is the political bodies in our country that are charged with guiding […]
  • Causes of Corruption in Africa’s Developing Countries Corruption is the leading cause of underdevelopment and challenging economic conditions in Africa’s developing countries. Finally, legal and media institutions lack the freedom to practice justice and expose corruption.
  • The Problem of Corruption in Government In addition to officials, citizens are also partly responsible for the existence of corruption as a daily occurrence, therefore, not only senior staff but also the population may be involved in combating bribery.
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  • Witches Against Corruption in Miller’s The Crucible Play Through their portrayal in the play, the accused witches have become powerful symbols of strength and resistance for women who want to take a stand against corruption and injustice.
  • Terrorism, Corruption, and Climate Change as Threats Therefore, threats affecting countries around the globe include terrorism, corruption, and climate change that can be mitigated through integrated counter-terror mechanisms, severe punishment for dishonest practices, and creating awareness of safe practices.
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  • Determinants of Corruption in Nigeria Therefore, in this research, I am planning to focus on the empirical part of the topic and attempt to make a positive change in society.
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  • Corruption in Bell, Gilchrist County, Florida The main form of corruption, as evidenced in the video, is embezzlement. The second form of corruption evidenced in the video is graft.
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  • Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo This is a comprehensive report published by the IMF that examines in tremendous detail the corruption, policy, and frameworks of governance and corruption in the DRC.
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  • Noble-Cause Corruption Prevention In conclusion, it is difficult to restrict noble-cause corruption, and the only way to affect its outcomes is to promote the right values among police officers.
  • Corruption: What Everyone Needs to Know Besides, the poor personnel policy of the state permits the spread of corruption and opportunities for promotion independent of the actual results of the employees’ activity.
  • A Moderate Approach of Treating Corruption Propositions The more corruption is entrenched in the government, the more difficult it is for businesses to exist in conditions of local competition with other corrupt officials.
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  • Noble Cause Corruption and Virtue Ethics The answer lies in the purpose and the implied public image of the police. The role of the policeman is to uphold the law dictated by the government and the constitution of the country.
  • Public Corruption as a Phenomenon and Explanations Thus, to describe the phenomenon of public corruption, four major hypotheses exist the concept of “slippery slope,” the society-at-large hypothesis, the structural or affiliation hypothesis, and the rotten apple hypothesis.
  • Gift Culture and Corruption in the World The main argument in this kind of claim is that corruption is a critical attribute of many societies that embrace the gift culture practice.
  • Theater of Corruption in “Syriana” by Stephen Gaghan The aim of this paper is to explore the overlapping of oil and politics in the context of the movie. In scene 20 when discussing the negotiations of the prince’s brother with American lawyers, Woodman […]
  • Corruption and Society: Critical Analysis Because of the latter, the political and social traditions of these societies are built on the beneficial effects of corruption. However, it is a mistake to believe that the social structure of traditional societies will […]
  • The Corruption Issue in the Contemporary Society Further, pinpointing the necessary aspects that foster the development of the skill besides assessing the influence of faith and spirituality in the reinforcement of the quality would be the concentration of the paper.
  • Global Business: Culture, Corruption, Experiments This paper summarizes the main points of three articles focusing on international business, gives the writer’s respective position and rationale, and provides employer best practices in the specific areas examined.
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: United States vs. John Blondek, et al. Hence, the description of the chain of events that has led to the indictment, as seen by the Judge: “Blondek and Tull were employees of Eagle Bus Company…they paid a $50,000 bribe to Defendants Castle […]
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  • Corruption and Corporate and Personal Integrity Bribery, embezzlement of funds and illegitimate procurement always impose extra and unjustified costs to the cost of acquiring public services and damages the credibility of those institutions that are involved in the vice.
  • Sociology: Is Guanxi Corruption? In China, Guanxi has been in use for a very long time and has been socially accepted as a way of life, both in the day-to-day activities and also in business practices.
  • Excessive Business Regulations and Corruption For the purpose of the paper, business regulation is taken to mean the laws and institutions established by governments to govern the establishment of businesses either by local citizens and companies or by foreign investors.
  • Corruption and Accountability of Police Work In this regard, lack of strong and proper policies on misconduct and unethical behavior in the line of duty has helped to perpetrate the corruption of law enforcement officers in various sectors of their work.
  • Political Corruption: Causes, Consequences and Strategies The ethics of the process deals with the methods that public officials apply in the execution of their duties. Political corruption exists in all countries and harms their systems of economic and political governance through […]
  • Corruption and Ethics in China’s Banking Sector The ranking of China among the most corrupt countries is illustrative of the rampant corruption both in the state and in the private sector. In America, corruption is a civil tort and perpetrators of the […]
  • Mexican Political Parties Role in Corruption and Insecurity The top political brass of Mexico is to blame for the misfortunes in the country. This separation led to reduced influence of the church in political activities.
  • Political Corruption in the Airline Industry The cartoon relates to this in that the two nationals may have used corrupt means to avoid security checks, and the pilot also had a personal political affiliation which may have caused him to divert […]
  • Political Corruption as a Trigger of Democracy Hence, the development of the political systems invites more active voters who contribute to the development of the democratic principles. Therefore, the democratic influence on political power is closely associated with the development of the […]
  • Political Corruption: Least and Most Corrupt Countries This has led to not only following of the laws to the latter but also avoiding the labeling of corruption in their work place.
  • Addressing Corruption in the Engineering Field I chose this topic because corruption is a moral ill in society, especially among engineers and in the recent past it has led to deadly consequences such as the death of people, destruction of the […]
  • Ethical Problems in Corruption The notion that in a court of law, it is normally the suspects’ arguments against the amount of evidenced presented before the courts have greatly contributed to noble cause corruption.
  • Global Financial Crisis: Corruption and Transparency Due to the large number of the emerging markets, the global financial regulators lacked a proper mechanism to handle the situation.
  • The Roles of Vertical and Shared Leadership in the Enactment of Executive Corruption: Implications for Research and Practice Responsibility disposition refers to the tendency of a leader to feel obliged to do the right thing for the welfare of the majority.
  • Public Policy on Corruption The rationale of the policy The rationale of this policy is to eliminate corruption. Besides, this model will ensure that there is universality when it comes to the application of these policies.
  • What Contributes to the Corruption? Neo-liberalism and corruption One of the major factors that contributed to the apparent rise and spread of corruption and which is a subject of debate is neo-liberalism which started in the 1970s and the 1980s.
  • Judicial Corruption in Developing Countries It originates from the judges and lawyers who are at the center of the legal systems in Africa. There is a lingering culture of impunity in African leadership that is the primary cause of corruption.
  • Cairo Revolution Against Corruption and Injustice The success of that protest led to the formalization of the movement with a mission to organize and mobilize ordinary people to fight for their rights.
  • Corruption and Bribery in the Oil Sector in Nigeria and Angola It is identified that the west, through their MNCs, are solely to blame for the rampant cases of corruption in Nigeria and Angola.
  • Corruption and Bribery in the Oil Sector of Angola The oil industry in the African continent, particularly in the largest oil producers like Angola and Nigeria is the centre of corruption and there is a need to introduce transparency in the management of oil […]
  • Business Corruption in the American and Chinese Culture This paper presents ethical issues focusing on business corruption in the American and Chinese culture. Business corruption practices take place in the American and Chinese civilizations differently.
  • Corruption in Russia The rising corruption cases have been related to the 2006 Russian president’s policies that were meant to strengthen the state on the expense of the Russia’s civil society.
  • Corruption in Russia: Causes and Consequences In addition, because of the clear connection between corruption and increased crime, security standards have declined in Russia, because of the ever-increasing net of criminal gangs, which evade the long arms of the law, because […]
  • Public Policy vs. Social Norms and Corruption Political processes enshrined in democratic values of integrity and accountability must continue to shape the institutional framework in the region. Political and civil institutions in Sierra Leone could stop the escalation of illegal trade to […]
  • The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Due to the fact that the Corruption Perceptions Index reflects the degree of corruption in countries, it can also denote the level of integrity performance.
  • Corruption in Law Enforcement Some developments in the state fought the criminality of the state machinery indirectly, such as the endorsement of the civil rights in 1964.
  • Law Enforcement: Noble Cause Corruption Since the policeman knows the driver/occupant of the vehicle is a threat to the society, he dramatically puts some illegal drugs on the car which will act as a basis for his/ her arrest.
  • Concepts of Corruption as Threat of Security The political officers who are charged with the core obligation of discharging their mandate with the cardinal objective of protecting the interest of the public have gone astray and turned a threat to the welfare […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/corruption-essay-topics/

"148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/corruption-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/corruption-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/corruption-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "148 Essay Samples and Topics on Corruption." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/corruption-essay-topics/.

Illustrated image of one hand giving an envelope of cash to another hand

This Supreme Court has redefined the meaning of corruption

speech on corruption easy

Professor of Law, Stetson University

Disclosure statement

Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is affiliated with the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law as a fellow and is a board member of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

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The U.S. Supreme Court is deregulating corruption, with arguably grim consequences for American democracy.

The latest example of this troubling trend was the case known as Snyder v. United States . At first glance, this may have seemed like a narrow, wonky case about whether a part of the U.S. criminal code that outlaws bribery also covers “gratuities.”

Yet the court’s decision, issued on June 26, 2024, kneecaps federal prosecutors’ power to go after corrupt government officials.

Snyder follows a pattern of the current Supreme Court I’ve documented in three books . Since John Roberts became its chief justice in 2006, the court has made prosecuting corruption, especially at the state and local level, nearly impossible for federal prosecutors.

Gift, gratuity or bribe?

The Snyder case centered on a former mayor of Portage, Indiana, who was charged with violating federal anti-corruption law while he was mayor. He accepted US$13,000 from a truck company in 2014 after the city had signed a $1.1 million contract to buy trash trucks.

Mayor James Snyder showed up at the trucking business and said, “I need money.” He claimed the payment was a consulting fee, or gratuity.

In a 6-3 decision, along ideological lines, the court’s conservative majority overruled the lower court that convicted Snyder of bribery and the appeals court that had affirmed his conviction. The mayor should not have been prosecuted, the justices said, because federal anti-corruption statute Section 666 in question covers only bribes and not gratuities.

And bribes, it said, are paid before an official action, not after that official action is complete.

In his majority opinion, Justice Brett Kavanaugh explained why it’s not desirable for federal prosecutors to go after small-time local crooks. For one thing, he argued, many states and cities already have their own laws about politicians and gratuities; thus, the Department of Justice need not play Big Brother.

“Section 666 does not supplement those state and local rules by subjecting 19 million state and local officials to up to 10 years in federal prison for accepting even commonplace gratuities,” Kavanaugh wrote.

Deregulating campaign finance

The Supreme Court has also been narrowing what counts as corruption in campaign finance.

In a 2007 case called WRTL II , the court blew a huge hole in a federal campaign finance law called the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, also known as McCain-Feingold. Among other regulations, McCain-Feingold had barred “electioneering communication,” when corporations and unions buy campaign ads in the lead-up to voting.

In WRTL II, the court ruled that “corruption” in political campaigns must be “of the ‘quid pro quo’ variety, whereby an individual or entity makes a contribution or expenditure in exchange for some action by an official.”

This definition means that a briber must be cartoonishly bold in demanding a specific vote from a lawmaker in exchange for cash. Most bribery in the real world is more subtle, as the Supreme Court once recognized.

Under Roberts’ predecessor, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the majority of justices – both left-leaning and right-leaning – saw efforts by political donors to set the agenda for political parties and elected officials as an improper corruption of the political process.

As the Rehnquist Court once concluded , corruption occurs “not only as quid pro quo agreements, but also as undue influence on an officeholder’s judgment, and the appearance of such influence.”

Money in politics

The Roberts Court’s most notorious acquiescence to money in politics was Citizens United . Issued in 2010, the Citizens United decision decided that corporations have a First Amendment right to spend as much money as they want on political ads in any American election.

Illustrated image of a hand tucking some dollar bills into a ballot box

Limiting corporate spending on political ads has “a chilling effect” on corporate free speech, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, and the government’s “anti-corruption interest” does not trump that concern.

The court reiterated this stance in 2014, when it threw out the federal limit of $123,000 in total donations per person to federal candidates over a two-year election cycle. In McCutcheon v. FEC , the court again insisted that campaign finance regulations must target only quid pro quo corruption – or “dollars for political favors.”

“Campaign finance restrictions that pursue other objectives impermissibly inject the Government” into deciding who wins an election, wrote Roberts in his majority opinion.

The chief justice was unswayed by arguments that strong campaign finance rules ensure rich and poor have an equal say in elections.

“No matter how desirable it may seem, it is not an acceptable governmental objective to ‘level the playing field,’” he wrote in McCutcheon.

Today, individual donors may sink unlimited funds into a federal election.

Redefining fraud

The Roberts Supreme Court has substantially narrowed the definition of corruption in white-collar crime cases, too.

In 2016’s McDonnell v. United States , the justices declared that Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell did nothing wrong when he touted a dubious health product on behalf of a man who had paid for McDonnell’s wife’s clothes and his daughter’s wedding.

Four years later, the Supreme Court decided that the federal government could not prosecute a woman named Bridget Anne Kelly involved in the 2013 Bridgegate Scandal , when aides to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, including Kelly, intentionally caused a stifling traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge to punish one of Christie’s political opponents.

“Not every corrupt act by state or local officials is a federal crime,” wrote Justice Elena Kagan, typically considered a liberal justice, in Kelly v. United States .

The Supreme Court continued this trend in a 2023 case called Percoco v. United States .

Joseph Percoco, an aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, had been convicted of fraud in 2018 for accepting $315,000 from two New York-based corporations to promote policies that favored their businesses. The Supreme Court threw out the conviction , in large part because the money exchanged hands while he was working on Cuomo’s 2014 election campaign – meaning he was not technically in government.

Joseph Percoco, wearing a trench coat, crosses a Manhattan street with court buildings in the background

Yet, Percoco used a New York government phone approximately 837 times during that period, suggesting he wanted the outside world to perceive him as a government insider with access to political power.

Traditionally, private individuals found to have “ dominated and controlled ” government business, as Percoco was alleged to have done, could be guilty under federal law of what’s called “honest-services-fraud.” Since Percoco, that term now covers only bribery and kickbacks.

The Supreme Court’s lax stance on corruption endangers the integrity of American democracy, as I explain in my latest book, “ Corporatocracy .” From McDonnell to Kelly to Percoco to Snyder, its rulings have eviscerated anti-corruption law. That sends a message to the corrupt: “You can be venal with few legal consequences.”

Corrupt people get a pass; good government takes another hit.

  • US Supreme Court
  • Political corruption
  • Citizens United
  • Samuel Alito
  • Justice Clarence Thomas
  • Campaign finance laws

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FILE PHOTO: Minnesota Governor Walz speaks in St Paul about a change in charges to the officers involved in the death in M...

Louis Jacobson, PolitiFact Louis Jacobson, PolitiFact

Amy Sherman, PolitiFact Amy Sherman, PolitiFact

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Looking back at Tim Walz’s record and past statements

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Vice President Kamala Harris has tapped Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, capping a historically compressed vice presidential search.

Walz rocketed up the list of finalists on the strength of his folksy relatability, gubernatorial experience and congressional record representing a conservative-leaning district.

READ MORE: Harris selects Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as running mate

“I am proud to announce that I’ve asked @Tim_Walz to be my running mate,” Harris posted on X Aug. 6. “As a governor, a coach, a teacher, and a veteran, he’s delivered for working families like his. It’s great to have him on the team. Now let’s get to work.”

Walz rose to the rank of command sergeant major over 24 years in the U.S. Army National Guard and worked as a teacher and football coach. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives by ousting a Republican incumbent in a heavily rural district in 2006. Walz was elected governor in 2018 and was reelected in 2022.

“He’s a smart choice if they deploy him in two specific ways,” said Blois Olson, a political analyst for WCCO radio in Minneapolis-St. Paul. “Send him to rural areas to counter the polarization and the idea that only Republicans can win there. And have him keep the deep left base satisfied, which could be an issue with a very moody voting bloc.”

Olson said Walz’s rural experience and regular-guy vibes might be able to shave 2 to 4 percentage points off GOP electoral performance in rural Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — three states considered crucial to a Democratic victory in November.

WATCH LIVE: Harris holds first rally with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz after choosing him as running mate

“The most recent Survey USA poll taken last month for KSTP-TV had Walz’ job approval at a healthy 56 percent,” said Steve Schier, a political scientist at Carleton College in Minnesota. “That said, Minnesota is quite a polarized state, and Republicans in the state despise him. He initially campaigned as a moderate in 2018 but has governed as a progressive.”

Walz was one of several potential vice presidential options floated since President Joe Biden announced he’d cede the nomination and endorsed Harris. Other frequently cited names were Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Now that he is Harris’ running mate, we are on the lookout for claims by and about Walz to fact-check — just as we are for Harris and former President Donald Trump and his vice presidential pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio. Readers can email us suggestions to [email protected].

READ MORE: Fact-checking JD Vance’s past statements and relationship with Trump

Republicans have already begun to question Walz’s handling of the rioting following the murder of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody. Walz clashed with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey over how to handle the unrest, but he sent the Minnesota National Guard to aid local law enforcement.

Who is Tim Walz?

Walz grew up in Nebraska but moved with his wife, Gwen, to Minnesota in 1996 to teach high school geography and coach football; his teams won two state championships.

He was 42 when he ran for Congress, a decision sparked by a 2004 incident at an appearance by President George W. Bush. “Walz took two students to the event, where Bush campaign staffers demanded to know whether he supported the president and barred the students from entering after discovering one had a sticker for Democratic candidate John Kerry,” according to the Almanac of American Politics. “Walz suggested it might be bad PR for the Bush campaign to bar an Army veteran, and he and the students were allowed in. Walz said the experience sparked his interest in politics, first as a volunteer for the Kerry campaign and then as a congressional candidate.”

Walz’s ideological profile is nuanced. The other highest-profile finalist for Harris’ running mate, Shapiro, was pegged as somewhat more moderate and bipartisan than Walz. An Emerson College poll released in July found Shapiro with 49 percent approval overall in his state, including a strong 46 percent approval from independents and 22 percent from Republicans.

When he was elected to Congress, Walz represented a district that had sent Republicans to Washington for 102 of the previous 114 years, according to the Almanac of American Politics. Representing that constituency, Walz was able to win the National Rifle Association’s endorsement and he voted for the Keystone XL pipeline — two positions that have become highly unusual in today’s Democratic Party.

During his first gubernatorial term, Walz worked with legislative Republicans, which produced some bipartisan achievements, including $275 million for roads and bridges, additional funds for opioid treatment and prevention, and a middle-income tax cut.

In 2022, Walz won a second term by a 52 percent to 45 percent margin. Democrats also flipped the state Senate, providing him with unified Democratic control in the Legislature. This enabled Walz to enact a progressive wish list of policies, including classifying abortion as a “fundamental right,” a requirement that utilities produce carbon-free energy by 2040, paid family leave and legalizing recreational marijuana. He also signed an executive order safeguarding access to gender-affirming health care for transgender residents.

After Harris’ announcement, the Trump campaign attacked Walz’s legislative record in a campaign email: “Kamala Harris just doubled-down on her radical vision for America by tapping another left-wing extremist as her VP nominee.”

Olson noted that Walz “only has one veto in six years. He doesn’t say ‘no’ to the left, after being a moderate. That’s a reason he’s now beloved by the left.”

Democrats have controlled the Minnesota state Legislature’s lower chamber during Walz’ entire tenure. However, Republicans controlled the state Senate for his first four years in office.

Walz’s meteoric three-week rise on the national scene stemmed after calling Trump, Vance and other Republicans in their circle “weird.”

In a July 23 interview on MSNBC, Walz predicted that Harris would win older, white voters because she was talking about substance, including schools, jobs and environmental policy.

“These are weird people on the other side,” Walz said. “They want to take books away. They want to be in your exam room. That’s what it comes down to. And don’t, you know, get sugarcoating this. These are weird ideas.”

Days later on MSNBC , Walz reiterated the point: “You know there’s something wrong with people when they talk about freedom. Freedom to be in your bedroom. Freedom to be in your exam room. Freedom to tell your kids what they can read. That stuff is weird. They come across weird. They seem obsessed with this.”

Other Democrats, including the Harris campaign, amplified the “weird” message, quickly making Walz a star in online Democratic circles.

Walz also attracted notice for being a self-styled fix-it guy who has helped pull a car out of a ditch and given advice about how to save money on car repairs . He staged a bill signing for free breakfast and lunch for students surrounded by cheering children .

Schier said he expects Walz to be a compatible ticket-mate who won’t upstage the presidential nominee. “Walz will be a loyal companion to Harris,” Schier said.

One thing Walz does not bring to the table is a critical state for the Democratic ticket. In 2024, election analysts universally rate Minnesota as leaning or likely Democratic. By contrast, Shapiro’s state of Pennsylvania is not only one of a handful of battleground states but also the one with the biggest haul of electoral votes, at 19. Another finalist, Kelly, represents another battleground state with nine electoral votes, Arizona.

Fact-checking Walz

We have not put Walz on our Truth-O-Meter. However, days after Floyd’s murder, we wrote a story about how a false claim about out-of-state protestors was spread by Minnesota officials, including Walz, and then national politicians, including Trump.

At a May 2020 news conference, Walz said he understood that the catalyst for the protests was “Minnesotans’ inability to deal with inequalities, inequities and quite honestly the racism that has persisted.” But there was an issue with “everybody from everywhere else.”

“We’re going to start releasing who some of these people are, and they’ll be able to start tracing that history of where they’re at, and what they’re doing on the ‘dark web’ and how they’re organizing,” Walz said. “I think our best estimate right now that I heard is about 20 percent that are Minnesotans and about 80 percent are outside.”

The statistic soon fell apart.

Within hours, local TV station KARE reported that Minneapolis-based police tallies of those arrested for rioting, unlawful assembly, and burglary-related crimes from May 29 to May 30 showed that 86 percent of those arrested listed Minnesota as their address. Twelve out of 18 people arrested in St. Paul were from Minnesota.

Confronted with these numbers, the officials walked back their comments that evening or did not repeat them. In a news conference, Walz did not repeat his earlier 80 percent assertion. KARE-TV wrote that Walz said the estimate was based in part on law enforcement intelligence information and that the state would monitor developments.

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Trump tells Christian voters they 'won't have to vote anymore' if he's elected

Sarah McCammon 2018 square

Sarah McCammon

Juliana Kim headshot

Juliana Kim

Former President Donald Trump speaks during the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit on Friday in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit on Friday in West Palm Beach, Fla. Joe Raedle/Getty Images hide caption

For more on the 2024 race head to the NPR Network's live updates page.

Former President Donald Trump struck several familiar notes in his address to Christians at Turning Point Action’s “Believers Summit” in West Palm Beach, Fla.

The gathering of religious conservatives Friday night was an opportunity for Trump to appeal to the critical Republican voting bloc. The Republican nominee promised to protect religious freedom and touted his history of supporting the Israeli government.

People arrive before Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at the

It's easy to believe young voters could back Trump at young conservative conference

Trump also urged Christians to turn out for him ahead of Election Day, calling it the "most important election ever." He added that if elected, Christian-related concerns will be "fixed" so much so that they would no longer need to be politically engaged.

"You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians," he said.

Trump also promised to create an anti-Christian bias federal task force, as well as to defund schools "pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the lives of our children."

Friday night was Trump's second campaign speech since Biden stepped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Harris as the Democratic nominee.

At the summit, Trump spent extensive time attacking Harris.

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at her campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on July 22, 2024.

As she is poised to be the Democratic nominee, here are 5 facts about Kamala Harris

"If Kamala Harris gets in, she will be the most extreme radical liberal president in American history," Trump said.

Turning Point Action is the advocacy wing of Turning Point USA, one of the largest national organizations focused on engaging students on conservative issues.

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