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195 Memory and Attention Tasks for Speech Therapy Practice

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Attention Tasks

  • Begin with "A-1" and continue alternating between numbers and letters until I say "Stop". For example: A-1, B-2, C-3…
  • Begin with the number "1" and name an object for each letter of the alphabet starting with "A" and continue until I say "Stop". For example: 1 Apple, 2 Balls, 3 Cars...
  • Tell me boys names for each letter of the alphabet starting with the letter "A".
  • Tell me girls names for each letter of the alphabet starting with the letter "A".
  • Imagine the alphabet printed in capital letters. Now from the beginning recite only those with curves in them." (Answer:  B  C  D  G  J  O  P  Q  R  S  U) 

Memory Tasks

Immediate memory - number sequences.

17  92

23  17

60  58

64  12

92  39

65  78

61  85

43  59

21  66

83  24

7  1  3

6  8  6

8  3  2

1  6  5

4  9  2

9  4  3

8  1  7

1  4  3

9  2  4

7  4  1

68  92  74

13  27  92

58  65  31

64  12  22

99  32  19

17  75  47

60  81  11

43  59  61

27  46  86

84  23  53

3  9  6  2

9  7  4  1

1  5  9  7

2  1  5  8

8  6  3  9

3  3  6  4

6  2  8  3

4  8  2  5

5  4  1  6

7  5  7  1

68  92  74  21

13  27  92  48

58  65  31  72

64  12  22  49

99  32  19  46

17  75  47  53

60  81  11  92

43  59  61  70

27  46  86  51

84  23  53  67

9  3  8  2  7

4  9  7  6  1

7  5  9  1  6

2  8  5  1  3

3  6  4  9  8

6  4  3  5  2

1  3  8  7  5

5  2  6  3  9

8  1  2  4  4

2  7  1  2  6

35  21  68  74  92

56  92  13  48  27

49  72  65  58  31

22  64  58  49  12

87  46  32  99  19

17  28  47  53  96

73  11  92  60  81

62  59  43  70  61

93  51  27  86  46

39  53  67  84  23

SEE ALSO:   The Best Free App for Speech Therapy

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Immediate Memory - Word Sequences

cat  bear

ball  star

cup  chair

cup  top

door  month

foot  light

hair  dust

horse  bird

hot  pear

ice  kite

pad  plane

rug  bike

shoe  fix

spring  seen

time  night

truck  book

wing  bath

wood  pen

zoo  milk

step  ear  air

bean  rose  plane

bear  shovel  pants

bed  clip  box

beets  pill  slide

board  vase  horse

book  tag  shirt

doll  game  sand

door  light  glass

lamp  toe  silk

leaf  eye  floor

light  hair  plant

lock  dot  bed

log  bath  tree

nail  cup  bed

pan  shoe  knife

pen  sled  beef

soap  hat  bus

soap  jacks  dog

watch  pick  knot

ball  stand  comb  owl

ant  paint  bell  whale

bell  flag  ink  clay

brick  nut  frog  pie

dress  lamp  bed  plant

drum  pond  bag  cake

dust  broom  can  tea

foot  land  back  fish

hole  tug  shop  lake

jam  skate  moth  pan

peach  beard  spoon  pot

race  cat  desk  tack

scale  oil  bead  salt

seed  tie  fork  eye

silk  ghost  bin  shelf

sit  crib  bow  train

soap  fort  tray  nurse

stove  grass  pail  jet

tape  fire  key  spool

wheel  gown  blue  box

bone  heart  ice  sand  tin  

ball  pin  ant  saw  tent

boot  chest  hair  oar  board

cloud  brush  mop  cave  rink

coach  star  dog  boot  coal

dance  dump  dirt  bull  ox

felt  fish  beach  oar  skate

kite  glue  rock  stone  smoke

paste  milk  chalk  clock  wall

rail  spike  gate  barn  nest

rake  toy  vase  chest  sheet  mop

sand  sun  mud  wire  print

seed  pond  fly  dock  lamb

shell  house  string  drop  rain

sit  squash  net  cage  pole

stalk  suds  glass  barn  rose

stool  queen  egg  shell  dig

switch  stork  stairs  swan  coat

wheel  cone  clown  car  horn

wrench  sheet  cup  drop  bee

Recent Memory

  • Besides the people who work here, who have you seen today?
  • How long have you been in this location?
  • What building are you in?
  • What day of the week is it?
  • What did you do right before you came to see me?
  • What did you eat for breakfast today?
  • What is the first thing you did this morning?
  • What month is it?
  • What will you do when you finish here?
  • Who is your doctor (or teacher for a child)?

SEE ALSO:   The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

Speech therapy books for targeting multiple goals

Remote Memory

  • What are two primary political parties?
  • What war involved the North and the South?
  • Where is our nation's capitol?
  • Where is the state capitol?
  • Who discovered America?
  • Who freed the slaves?
  • Who is our Governor?
  • Who is our President?
  • Who was Helen Keller?
  • Who was the first President?

Temporal Orientation

  • About what time do you think it is?
  • How long have you been in this building?
  • What date is it?
  • What is next month?
  • What season are we in?
  • What was last month?
  • What was our last holiday?
  • What year is it?

We know life is busy , but if you're reading this you're probably someone who cares about helping their loved one as much as you can.

Practice 5-10 minutes whenever you can, but try to do it on a consistent basis (daily).

Please, please, please use this list to practice.

It will be a great benefit to you and your loved one's progress.

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Working Memory

 speech therapy.

Working memory (WM) refers to the memory needed to hear something, remember it, and then use it to complete a task.

Example:  A child is presented with the question “what is 2 + 2?” To answer it, he or she uses WM to process the question, do the calculation, and then give an answer.

Language abilities highly depend on this type of memory.

speech therapy memory worksheets

Memory Techniques To Practice At Home

A child can learn memory techniques at home and at a young age. Let’s start good habits early!

Techniques to learn:

  • Visualization:  Make a mental picture of something you hear. Now, you have 2 ways to recall information: a visual image and the auditory message.
  • Rehearsal:  This may be the most common technique. To remember something, repeat it over and over and over out loud! 
  • Chunking : Remembering items in groups is easier than remembering items separately. It is easier to remember a phone number in 2 chunks, 555-2929, instead of 7 separate numbers 5552929.
  • Visual Reminders:   Visual reminders include post-it-notes, calendars, schedules, alarm clocks, etc...

Memory Games

working memory game

1. Modified Simon Says:  A leader says a direction “Simon says touch your toes.” Before taking a turn, the other player has to repeat the direction out loud, at least once! This is practicing “rehearsal.”

2. Zoo Game:  This is great for SOOOO many reasons.  Talk about animals in the zoo while practicing visualization.  What does your animal look like? What does your animal do? Where does your animal live? What is your animal doing right now? Make it silly or real. 

3. Visual Reminders : This isn’t a game, but I had to mention it. Make a morning schedule out of pictures. Print pictures for getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, playing a game, etc... Your child can “refer” to the chart to “remember” what is next! Have your child help make the schedule in the morning. For free daily schedules,  click here. 

4. Memory!:  The simple game of memory works on visualization without even trying. You can even practice saying, out loud, where a picture is located (rehearsal).

They key here is to “over practice” memory techniques hoping they will become automatic. So squeeze in lots of practice throughout the day. 

Working Memory & Language Development

Working memory (WM) affects language development. When we hear sentences, the brain has to hold on to the information, process it, and properly store it.

This processing happens at the sound level and at the word level. At the sound level, our brain decodes sounds and then uses that “decoded message” to decide what word it just heard. 

At the word level, our brain must hear words, make sense of them, put them together, and then remember them long enough to complete the direction. 

Children with WM difficulties may appear to have attention or behavior issues. Learning memory compensations will help to decrease attention issues and improve language skills. Memory is extremely important for academic success.

Can Memory Improve Through Therapy?

This is a controversial question. My answer is no! Some people would disagree and a lot of those people are usually selling an expensive computer program promising a cure.

I would save my money if I were you and AVOID them!

Instead, you must compensate, compensate, and compensate some more!

Where To Go Next?

Practice the strategies listed above during daily activities like helping mommy remember the grocery list.

Also, explore other compensatory strategies such as calendars, alarms, highlights. One thing that technology is AWESOME for is compensating for working memory deficits. 


If you need a year of FREE materials, I got you! By signing up below, I will send you one FREE material each month. No strings attached. 

There will be a variety of language and articulation materials that can be used to support listening, learning, speaking, and memory skills. I will also give tips on how to use the materials best. 

One YEAR of FREE speech and language materials!

For 12 months, a new material will be delivered right to your inbox.

  • Receptive Language Activities To Improve Listening Skills
  • Working Memory Strategies For Speech Therapy

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