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Open Access Theses

Furniture design and product development principles considering end-of-life options and design for environment strategies.

Mesut Uysal , Purdue University

Date of Award

Summer 2014

Degree Type

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Master of Science (MS)

Forestry and Natural Resources

First Advisor

Eva Haviarova

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Committee member 1.

Carl A. Eckelman

Committee Member 2

Committee member 3.

Henry Quesada-Pineda

During last decades, environmental issues come into prominence and some governmental or organizational regulations are legislated to reduce environmental impacts of products within their life cycle. At the same time, costumers consider not only price, quality, branding, uniqueness, availability but also environmental impact, safety, and overall sustainability of products they select. Therefore, producers are addressing environmental impact of products they are producing and also making changes to their production process. This project is addressing End-of-Life (EoL) Options of wooden furniture. ^ Although wood is eco-friendly and natural material, its technological process, use and disposal might have ecological problem and challenge. Therefore, it should be considered individually from conception to end of its life to increase ecological quality. The main environmental problem for wooden furniture industry comes up during manufacturing process and disposal of furniture. Applying Design for Environment (DfE) strategies and End of Life (EoL) options can reduce product environmental impact. ^ This study will focus on implementation of DfE and EoL Options in the final stage of the selected product life cycle. Wooden stools constructed by different joinery methods were studies to demonstrate this case. A few solutions are presented: substitution of materials, joinery (such as replacement of metal fasteners with fully wooden joinery), and structure reinforcement techniques. These and other techniques will be investigated for production of reusable and recyclable furniture. The overall goal is to increase the awareness of furniture designers, producers and suppliers of new environmental regulations and to offer some product improvement solutions.

Recommended Citation

Uysal, Mesut, "Furniture design and product development principles considering end-of-life options and design for environment strategies" (2014). Open Access Theses . 699. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/open_access_theses/699

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Developing a new product development and launch process : Case: Company X

Mahmutllari, jonis (2014).

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Every Product Has a Thesis

Every successful product has a central thesis—a reason for existence. Let’s analyze the foundations of the iPhone, Alexa, and other widespread products to highlight their core theses.

Every Product Has a Thesis

By Alex Cox

Alex is a product manager at the intersection of design and commerce, helping clients convert leads into sales.


Every successful product has a reason for existence and a justification for why people love it—a so-called central thesis. If a thesis is not aligned with users’ needs, the product tends to do a lot of different things but ends up doing nothing well. When Amazon released the Fire Phone in 2014, its failure was partly due to the fact that “ consumers considered its smartphone effort utterly misguided .” Another example is Google+, which was launched as a Facebook clone with big dreams but no well-defined user purpose .

Product thesis is crucial for targeting the proper market successfully and showcasing a product’s uniqueness to users. In this article, I will analyze the foundations of four well-known products to highlight their core theses and the lessons learned from their introduction to the market.

What Is a Product Thesis?

A core thesis is similar to a product vision, it is a solution to a problem. Each new feature intends to support that solution and thus strengthen the thesis. Every item, be it hardware, software, or a physical item, has a thesis. The mug sitting next to you, the pencil, or the wallet in your pocket—they all represent a solution that solves a certain problem.

Some products seek to solve several problems. For example, a social media platform like Facebook offers different solutions, including the news feed (showing relevant information for users), messenger (easy chat), or marketplace (selling and buying things within communities). They all are solutions to certain user problems.

Every item has a thesis: A pencil is for writing, a mug is for drinking tea, a wallet is for money

Spotting a Thesis

Spotting the core product statement is crucial to determining the initial market entry . By researching a market, you can grasp the customer’s problems and their solutions. When you find a problem without a solution or you can prove that your idea is advanced, it is the right time to crystalize your initial product’s thesis.

When I worked at the travel platform Expedia, I had to build a travel app for college students. First, I immersed myself in the research: I downloaded every app that my customers were using and tested it to determine its thesis. By doing this, I was able to predict the product’s roadmap, as its trajectory derives from the thesis. For example, an app designed to make rapid multi-platform flight comparisons would likely expand into additional comparison verticals, such as hotel or car rental comparisons; an app designed to negotiate hotel prices would likely scale to more cities with a focus on offering the best hotel price. As a new player in the market, you can predict the competitors’ strategy and outperform them.

The product thesis empowers you to predict competitors’ strategy and outperform them

Spotting a thesis requires immersing yourself in a product to grasp its features and discover the prevailing patterns. If you cannot detect them, most likely there is no central thesis. Typically, this implies a risk of failure, however, there are some well-known products that proved to be an exception to this rule.

The First Story: iPhone

When Apple introduced its first smartphone in 2007, it was the first entirely touch-based smartphone, later recognized as a prototype for current cell phones. It entered the market with the thesis that phones are the perfect use case for touchscreens . This revolutionary idea resulted in major hardware and software changes. Mini scroll wheels or physical keyboards were replaced by finger navigation. The iPhone was designed with more screen space, which was a game-changer for taking images and using apps. Although there were touchscreen phones prior to the iPhone, it was the first phone fully designed around it.

 iPhone entered the market with the thesis that phones are the perfect use case for touchscreens

However, the device was not perfect. Switching from Blackberry’s physical keyboard to a touchscreen keyboard meant users lost the ability to type without looking at the keyboard and had to learn to type on smooth glass. In addition to this input shift, the original iPhone did not have the bells and whistles we take for granted in today’s smartphones. There were no games or the App Store, so the default apps were the only ones the user could have. However, they were designed to use a doubled screen to its capacity—the keyboard was allotted by showing either the letters and symbols or the number pad. By being dead set on perfecting touch and aligning the entire user experience around it, Apple’s product team convinced the world that touchscreens and the larger screens they afforded were the future of smartphones.

The Second Story: Alexa

Big enterprises with a long runway can take the risk of launching products without a clear thesis and crystalize or adjust the thesis afterward, based on data showing what feature set users value the most. It is an expensive and risky method but an effective way to understand users’ needs and preferences. If users find the initial product valuable, a company can reorient its feature set around the key incentive and turn it into a successful product.

A good example is the Alexa home assistant that Amazon launched in 2014, three years after Apple released Siri. Initially, Alexa’s thesis was that the best place for a voice assistant was the kitchen counter. At launch, it had eight microphones (which was a lot) to catch every single sound in the house and was chock-full of features that were considered to be helpful to a household.


As people slowly began to adopt and love Alexa in their homes, a few clear patterns came into view. Rather than using Alexa to buy things, people mostly used this device to play music, set timers, ask fact-based questions, and get weather forecasts. Unlike the Siri voice assistant on the phone, designed to do personal tasks like calling friends or setting calendar appointments, Alexa was created for family members to share. The focus on assisting everyone rather than a single person seems to have inspired some of Alexa’s unique features such as bedtime stories, jokes, and news briefings. Over time, the Alexa product team also invested in what their users seem to care about: great sound quality at an affordable price to help with simple tasks. This shifted the thesis from the kitchen-based assistant for purchasing products to an affordable speaker that helps the family , making this product one of the market leaders.

The Third Story: Apple Watch

When the first iteration of the Apple Watch was released in 2015, it had no discernible thesis. Smartwatches had existed for years before Apple introduced its product. The Pebble watch was showing notifications and Garmin was an activity tracker for running. The Apple Watch seemed to cover everything—it had apps, notifications, and heart rate, but did none of those things particularly well. In addition, it was tethered to the iPhone, so users needed to carry both their watch and phone with them, which was not ideal for running. After a couple more iterations, with the Apple Watch Series 3, the watch’s thesis became squarely about health . With each subsequent iteration, Apple added more features focused on health, from electrocardiography to heart irregularity detection. The company untethered the watch from the phone, increased health tracking accuracy, and brought the product to the forefront with new interface complexity.

Fourth story: Minut Smart Home Sensor

Although it is a natural temptation for product managers to build many features, the thesis concept suggests they should not be overworked—more does not mean better. A good but not so widely known example is Minut Smart Home Sensor . It analyzes sound at home to identify safety concerns such as break-ins, fire, carbon monoxide leaks, or even mold growth, and then sends notifications to the owner. If you rent your apartment with a “no party” rule, and someone throws a big party, the Sensor will send you a message about a possible party going on based on its sound analysis. It also measures temperature and humidity, and on top of that, tracks motion in the house, so you can know when your guests check out.

  The thesis concept suggests not to overwork with product

At a glance, the Sensor has many different features. However, its thesis is constructed around home security: analyzing sounds to detect threats to home safety . The additional sensors that identify temperature, humidity, and air pressure broaden the home safety concept to protecting the home from mold, sudden temperature peaks and drops, or air pollution.

People do not seek to interact with home security every day; they prefer to be alerted only if issues arise. Minut’s product team took this insight seriously, laying the product’s foundations on this user preference and not overworking with smart features. For example, inserting a voice assistant, alarm clock, or screen to display temperature and weather could confuse the thesis, because these are features we use every day. Also, the functions of an assistant, alarm clock, and security system would compete with each other and risk fulfilling many tasks ordinarily rather than one exceptionally well.

Make the Thesis Flexible

The thesis is not a rigid concept, it is a flexible product vision that needs constant adjustments. Some companies adjust their thesis with every major iteration. The first iPhone version was focused on the screen, later it shifted to better apps, and finally to the camera. When customers and the market validate a product’s thesis by making it a success, competing companies typically adopt it as well and start copying the product. The thesis was compelling, customers bought it, and now that feature set is table stakes. Each iteration of a successful product will now need a different reason to exist—a new thesis—in order to differentiate itself from the imitators.

Sometimes, products with a strong thesis fail. To avoid this, conduct comprehensive user research and make sure your team is ready to pivot into building a new product. While working for a travel platform, I found that almost a third of college-aged people ranked group bookings as one of their biggest travel frustrations. We also discovered that a high number of solo travelers had trouble finding the cheapest itinerary. Both were significant problems—one applied to a huge number of trips, the other to far fewer trips but had a much larger payout per trip. My team was divided. Half of them sought to solve group trips, while the other half wanted to recommend tailored trip itineraries. I encouraged my team to answer the question: “If every solution failed, how would we pivot?” The answer, which led us to focus on recommending itineraries, was that pivoting from a trip comparison platform to nearly any other travel product would be smoother than pivoting out of a group travel coordination product. Collaboration requires many features and tools that are not travel-related, such as polling the group, listing itinerary updates, and inviting group members to share itineraries.

The Big Picture

Composing a product thesis is an essential responsibility of every product manager. The thesis allows teams to get acquainted with a global picture of the market and position their product accordingly. Presenting the thesis to users is another challenge. While some products launch with a solid thesis that immediately matches customers’ needs, a host of companies do not crystallize the thesis until after launch. Both approaches can lead to success as long as you are prepared to tweak, or in case of failure, shift the product’s thesis to meet customers’ needs.

Further Reading on the Toptal Blog:

  • Product Managers vs. Project Managers Part II: Situational Analysis
  • Design Problem Statements: What They Are and How to Frame Them
  • Product Managers vs. Project Managers: Understanding Core Similarities and Differences
  • How to Lead Remote Product Teams: Key Traits for Success
  • The Importance of Human-centered Design in Product Design

Understanding the basics

What is a product statement.

A product statement, also known as a vision statement or thesis, is the imaginary future that you wish to achieve with a product. It is an ambitious and inspiring statement that immerses you into using the product and suggests a great experience.

What is an example of a vision statement?

Good examples of a vision statement are the following: 1) A world where you can belong anywhere (Airbnb, home rental platform); 2) Make second-hand as a first choice worldwide (Vinted, second-hand clothing marketplace); 3) From traveling alone in the urban jungle to having a friend to guide you through (Trafi, mobility platform for cities).

Why is a product vision important?

A product vision aligns a team with the product’s goal and gives the north star to which team members can constantly refer. The vision also inspires the employees and suggests the best possible user experience.

What are the desirable qualities of a product vision?

The desirable qualities of a product vision should cover users’ and company’s perspectives. From the company’s perspective, it should set standards with its philosophy, guide, and inspire employees. From the users’ perspective, it should help people to sympathize with the brand and encourage them to use the product.

How do you write a product statement?

If you want to write a product statement, first define what is unique about your product that differentiates it from others. Second, imagine the future that you want to achieve with your product: What is the best-case scenario? Third, combine it with a product’s features in order to make a short, appealing, and inspirational statement.

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Washington, DC, United States

Member since October 31, 2019

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Product development, MSc

Decorative image

Master multi-disciplinary product development while taking user needs and the full life cycle of a product into consideration. Product development is a core industrial activity encompassing a great many diverse challenges — a multidisciplinary process of identifying and imagining the wishes of companies, end users, and wider society, and bringing those wishes to reality.

Studying this master’s programme, you will acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to master multi-disciplinary product development while taking all phases of the product life cycle into consideration. After graduation, you will be well-placed for a variety of career paths, including R&D for large corporations, business development, start-up entrepreneurship, consultancy, or research.

Product development master's programme​ at Chalmers

Evolution never stops and customer expectations of products continue to grow. At the same time, resource consumption for both development and production is expected to decrease to ensure profitable business and a sustainable society. Specifically, individual companies want to increase their competitive advantage by offering products that stand out from the competition. Moreover, modern development work is typically characterised by multi-disciplinary, international teamwork, as well as efforts to simultaneously consider several issues related to the product and its life cycle.

Product development is a core industrial activity that addresses all of these aspects – it is a multidisciplinary process of identifying and envisaging the needs of the user, company and society, and bringing those needs to life.

In this programme, you will acquire the knowledge and practical skills to master multi-disciplinary product development while taking all phases of the product life cycle into consideration. The course called “Product Development Project” is the most central part of the programme. Student teams plan and execute a product development project to solve an industrial problem in close collaboration with a partnered company.

You will also be given the opportunity to enrich your knowledge in business development, product innovation and manufacturing, which are the domains most related to product development. Thus, a master’s degree in product development provides a broad competence base, which is suitable for developing a career in R&D for large corporations, business development, start-up entrepreneurship, consulting and research. You will also have the opportunity to develop your interests by choosing courses offered in both technical and management areas.

The programme has helped me to go into the background and understand, iterate and reimagine what I thought the design process looked like

thesis product development

Topics covered

The subjects of innovation and concept development are fundamental areas in the Product development master’s programme. The courses included in the programme plan handle topics such as production management and design.

Programme structure

Profile tracks, sustainable development, requirements, general entry requirements, specific entry requirements, english language requirements, required documents.

thesis product development

How to apply - From application to admission

This is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a Master's programme at Chalmers University of Technology.

  • Educational area Mechanical and Industrial design engineering
  • Degree Master of Science, MSc
  • Language English
  • Place of study Johanneberg
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Rate of study: Full-time, 100%
  • Instructional time: Daytime
  • Tuition fees 160 000 SEK / academic year

Mid-October – Mid-January Chalmers bachelor’s students only: Beginning of April

Questions about the application

Phone hours 10:00–11:00 (weekdays)

Specific programme questions

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  • Full Professor , Product Development, Industrial and Materials Science
  • [email protected]
  • +46 31 772 13 82
  • To personal page

Important dates

  • Application opens 16 October 2023
  • Application closes 15 January 2024

57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best product development topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on product development.

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  • New Food Product Development In most cases the food may be free of pathogens but if the environment of preparation is full of normal flora, the possibility of gross contamination of food may take place and this is the […]
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  • Product Development Model In order for a product to be successful in the market, several factors have to be considered to ensure that the new product is capable of overcoming the competition that is present in the market.
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/product-development-essay-topics/

"57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/product-development-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/product-development-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/product-development-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/product-development-essay-topics/.

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    thesis product development

  2. The New Product Development Process

    thesis product development

  3. Product Development Process

    thesis product development

  4. The 6 stages of New Product Development Process

    thesis product development

  5. New Product Development Process Free Essay Example

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  6. 📚 New Product Development Essay Sample

    thesis product development


  1. PDF 2009:093 MASTER'S THESIS New Product Development Based on ...

    Master Thesis, Continuation Courses Marketing and e-commerce Department of Business Administration and Social Sciences Division of Industrial marketing and e-commerce

  2. PDF Improving the effectiveness and efficicency of the New Product

    1 Introduction This chapter provides an introduction into the Master Thesis' topic of New Product Development, the company involved and the aim of this thesis, which describes the main research question.

  3. PDF Developing a new product development & launch process Case ...

    Title of thesis. Developing a new product development and launch process Case: Company X. pages54 +3Thesis advisor(s)Evariste Habiyakare, Veijo VänttinenThis study is a product-oriented thesis which is focused in developing a new product development and launch process for Company X , a company w. ich offers innovative Roll handling equipment ...


    THESIS COLLABORATIVE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: EXAMINING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NURSING SPORTS BRA Submitted by Kristen D. Morris Department of Design and Merchandising In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Spring 2011 Master's Committee: Advisor: Ajoy Sarkar

  5. PDF New Product Development Methods

    In addition, the tool developed in this thesis is intended for the open design of an entire physical product, and has additional requirements: 4. the majority of product development should be accomplished by actors. 5. contributions should span all phases of the product development process.

  6. PDF New Product Development

    The following master thesis addresses the new product development model and the use of creativity in order to enhance the effectiveness of said model. New product development is a well-known and much used model, relating to the process of developing and introducing new products to any market.

  7. The value of integrating design processes in action in technology

    This thesis contributes to our understanding of the barriers to effective collaboration in technology driven product development, and how Design Thinking approaches to co-design can be used to overcome them. Significantly, this thesis uses the theory and metaphor of a Black Box to ground the early integration of design in action within ...

  8. Design of product development systems

    In this thesis we have studied the development of new products and how to systematically improve the execution of new product development. Product development is an activity that concerns multiple functions, involves technical complexity, a variety of stakeholders and is ultimately a complex human activity.

  9. PDF Information and Communication in Lean Product Development

    1.1 General Context: Lean Product Development 9 1.2 Thesis Context: Value and Flow in Product Development Processes 10 1.3 Scope of Thesis 11 1.3.1 Systematical Approach to Research Importance 12 1.3.2 Practical Approach to Research Importance 15 1.3.3 Empirical Approach to Research Importance 15 1.4 Research Questions 16

  10. Dissertations / Theses: 'New product development'

    List of dissertations / theses on the topic 'New product development'. Scholarly publications with full text pdf download. Related research topic ideas.

  11. Product Development: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Product

    Product Development New research on product development from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including what marketers can learn from consumers whose preferences lie outside of the mainstream, and how to best incorporate customer opinion when creating a new product.

  12. PDF The use of data within Product Development of manufactured products

    This thesis set out with the aim to study how data is used within product development of manufactured complex products. The first RQ in this thesis sought to understand why data is used in product development.

  13. High performance product development: A systems approach to a lean

    High performance product development: A systems approach to a lean product development process. Morgan, James M. 2002.

  14. PDF Master Thesis New products: the importance of product characteristics

    s high costs for the company, which makes it crucial to know what is important for consumers when they buy a new product. This thesis contributes to the new product performance literature and it reverses the common perspective from managerial viewpoint to customer viewpoint. It studies the differences in consumer buying behaviour and the relative importance of product characteristics (product ...

  15. Product Innovation

    Innovative product refers to a new or significantly improved product, and the basics are driven from the literature of the new product development and innovation.

  16. PDF Risk Management in New Product Development

    ABSTRACT This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Strategic Product Design at the International Hellenic University. The topic of this thesis is the use of Risk Management in New Product Development.

  17. Factors Affecting the Implementation of New Product Development in

    New product development has an important role in the implementation of both corporate and Marketing strategy, and the development of new products should involvement of all elements of the business. Because of the high rate and cost of failure for new products, it is imperative that firms develop systematic procedures for identifying and screening new products development. However the efficient ...

  18. Furniture design and product development principles considering end-of

    Uysal, Mesut, "Furniture design and product development principles considering end-of-life options and design for environment strategies" (2014). Open Access Theses. 699. During last decades, environmental issues come into prominence and some governmental or organizational regulations are legislated to reduce environmental impacts of products ...

  19. PDF Marketing: Selected Doctoral Theses

    ABSTRACT: The dissertation consists of four essays on the applications of machine learning methods to targeting and product development. The first essay addresses the problem of identifying customer needs from user generated content. Traditionally, market research relies on interviews and focus groups to identify customer needs.

  20. Developing a new product development and launch process

    The product outcome of this thesis is a concrete structured process, including each step from the product conceptualization to the stage of launching the product into the market. This thesis proposes elaborated guidelines which Company X could follow in its product development and launch process.

  21. A Reason to Exist: The Product Thesis

    What Is a Product Thesis? A core thesis is similar to a product vision, it is a solution to a problem. Each new feature intends to support that solution and thus strengthen the thesis. Every item, be it hardware, software, or a physical item, has a thesis.

  22. Product development, MSc

    Product development is a core industrial activity encompassing a great many diverse challenges — a multidisciplinary process of identifying and imagining the wishes of companies, end users, and wider society, and bringing those wishes to reality. Studying this master's programme, you will acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary ...

  23. 57 Product Development Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Looking for a good essay, research or speech topic on Product Development? Check our list of 57 interesting Product Development title ideas to write about!

  24. Dissertations / Theses: 'Food product development'

    List of dissertations / theses on the topic 'Food product development'. Scholarly publications with full text pdf download. Related research topic ideas.