Speech Repository

5 Short Speeches about Friendship

Friendship, a cornerstone of human connection, shapes our lives in countless ways. From childhood playmates to lifelong confidants, friends bring laughter, support, and shared experiences that enrich our journey through life.

As we explore the depth and breadth of friendship, we’ll uncover five unique speeches that capture its essence. Each one offers a fresh perspective on this timeless bond. Get ready to discover the power of friendship through words.

Short Speeches about Friendship

Here are five speeches that celebrate the beauty and importance of friendship in our lives.

1. The Unexpected Gift of Friendship

Friends come into our lives in the most unexpected ways. Sometimes, they’re the person sitting next to you on the first day of school. Other times, they’re the coworker you chat with during coffee breaks. But no matter how they arrive, true friends become an essential part of who we are.

Consider your closest friend. How did you meet? Was it by chance or through a shared interest? Whatever the case, that initial connection blossomed into something truly special. Your friend has likely seen you at your best and your worst, and they’ve stuck by your side through it all.

Friendship isn’t always easy. It requires effort, understanding, and forgiveness. But the rewards are immeasurable. A genuine friend celebrates your successes as if they were their own. They offer a shoulder to cry on when times get tough. They challenge you to grow and become the best version of yourself.

In a society that can sometimes feel cold and indifferent, friends provide warmth and belonging. They’re the family we choose, the ones who accept us for who we are while encouraging us to reach for the stars.

So today, let’s raise a toast to friendship. To the late-night conversations, the inside jokes, and the memories we’ve created together. To the friends who’ve been there through thick and thin, and to those we’ve yet to meet. May we always treasure the gift of friendship and nurture these precious bonds that enrich our lives beyond measure.


Commentary: This speech offers a heartfelt reflection on the nature of friendship and its impact on our lives. It’s suitable for casual gatherings, reunions, or as a toast at a celebration where friends are present.

2. The Strength of Friendship in Challenging Times

Life throws curveballs. We face obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But have you noticed how much easier these challenges become when you have a friend by your side?

True friendship isn’t just about sharing good times. It’s about standing together when the going gets tough. A real friend doesn’t run away when you’re struggling. Instead, they roll up their sleeves and ask, “How can I help?”

Think back to a time when you felt overwhelmed. Maybe you were dealing with a personal loss, a career setback, or a health issue. Who was there for you? Chances are, it was a friend who showed up with a listening ear, a warm hug, or a word of encouragement.

Friendship during difficult times is like a lighthouse in a storm. It guides us, gives us hope, and reminds us that we’re not alone. When we’re too tired to walk, friends carry us. When we can’t see a way forward, they shine a light on the path.

But friendship in tough times is a two-way street. Just as our friends support us, we must be there for them too. It means being patient when they’re frustrated, offering a different perspective when they’re stuck, and sometimes just sitting in silence when words aren’t enough.

The beauty of weathering storms together is that it strengthens the bond of friendship. Each challenge overcome is another thread in the fabric of your shared experiences. You emerge on the other side with a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.

So let’s take a moment to thank the friends who’ve been our rocks during turbulent times. The ones who picked up the phone at 2 AM, who brought over comfort food without being asked, who made us laugh when we thought we’d forgotten how.

And let’s commit to being that kind of friend to others. To showing up, staying present, and offering support without judgment. Because when we lift each other up, we all rise higher.

What truly matters is not the number of friends we have, but the quality of those friendships. It’s about having people in our corner who believe in us, even when we struggle to believe in ourselves. That’s the true strength of friendship, a force that can help us overcome any obstacle life puts in our way.

Commentary: This speech emphasizes the importance of friendship during difficult times. It’s particularly appropriate for events that celebrate overcoming adversity, support group meetings, or as a motivational talk for team-building exercises.

3. The Joy of Lifelong Friendships

Can you recall your first best friend? The one you shared your secrets with, plotted adventures with, and swore you’d be friends with forever? While some childhood friendships fade, others stand the test of time, growing stronger with each passing year.

Lifelong friendships are a rare and precious gift. They’re the people who know your history, understand your quirks, and love you anyway. They’ve seen you evolve from a carefree kid to a responsible adult, cheering you on every step of the way.

What makes these friendships so special? It’s the shared history, the inside jokes that never get old, and the ability to pick up right where you left off, even after months apart. It’s knowing someone has your back, no matter what life throws your way.

These friends become more than just friends, they’re family. They’re the ones you call first with good news, the ones you turn to for advice, and the ones who show up unannounced with your favorite comfort food when you’re having a bad day.

Maintaining lifelong friendships takes work, especially as life gets busier with careers, families, and other responsibilities. It means making time for regular catch-ups, remembering important dates, and sometimes traveling long distances for reunions. But ask anyone with a lifelong friend, and they’ll tell you it’s worth every effort.

These friendships also offer a unique view of our lives. They’re the mirrors that reflect how far we’ve come, the cheerleaders who encourage us to keep growing, and the compasses that help us stay true to ourselves.

As we get older, we realize the value of these enduring connections. They’re a link to our past, a support in our present, and a constant as we face the future. In a society of change, these friendships provide stability and comfort.

So here’s to the friends who’ve been with us through it all. The ones who remember our embarrassing teenage phases and still love us. The ones who’ve celebrated our highs and helped us through our lows. The ones who know our families, have watched our kids grow up, and feel like a part of our extended clan.

May we never take these friendships for granted. May we nurture them, prioritize them, and cherish them. Because a lifelong friend is truly one of life’s greatest blessings. They’re the family we choose, the constants in our ever-changing lives, and the keepers of our shared stories.

Here’s to lifelong friendships, to the memories we’ve made, and to all the adventures yet to come. May we continue to grow old together, laughing at the same old jokes, creating new memories, and treasuring the unbreakable bond we share.

Commentary: This speech celebrates the enduring nature of lifelong friendships. It’s ideal for milestone birthday celebrations, class reunions, or any gathering where old friends come together after a long time.

4. Friendship Across Cultures: Bridging Divides

In our interconnected society, friendship has the power to transcend borders, languages, and cultural differences. These cross-cultural friendships not only enrich our lives but also foster understanding and unity in our diverse global community.

Consider a friend you have from a different cultural background. How has this friendship broadened your horizons? Perhaps you’ve learned new customs, tasted exotic foods, or gained insights into a way of life different from your own. These friendships open our eyes to the beautiful diversity of human experience.

Cross-cultural friendships challenge our preconceptions and biases. They force us to question assumptions we might not even realize we hold. Through open and honest conversations with friends from different backgrounds, we learn to see the world from new angles.

These friendships also require extra effort and understanding. We must handle language barriers, differing social norms, and sometimes conflicting worldviews. But it’s precisely these challenges that make cross-cultural friendships so rewarding. They push us out of our comfort zones and help us grow as individuals.

Additionally, cross-cultural friendships play an important role in building a more tolerant and peaceful society. When we form personal connections with people from different cultures, we humanize the “other.” We see beyond stereotypes and recognize the common humanity we all share.

These friendships also serve as bridges between communities. They create networks of understanding that span continents. In times of conflict or misunderstanding between nations or cultures, these personal connections can be powerful forces for peace and reconciliation.

Technology has made it easier than ever to form and maintain cross-cultural friendships. We can connect with people from around the globe with just a few clicks. But the real magic happens when we move beyond surface-level interactions to form deep, meaningful connections.

So let’s celebrate the friends who’ve introduced us to new worlds. The ones who’ve taught us words in their language, shown us the beauty of their traditions, and shared the stories of their heritage. Let’s appreciate the patience they’ve shown in explaining their culture and the openness with which they’ve embraced ours.

And let’s commit to being that kind of friend in return. To approaching differences with curiosity rather than judgment. To making the effort to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives. To standing up against prejudice and discrimination, not just for our friends, but for all people.

In a society that sometimes seems divided, cross-cultural friendships remind us of our shared humanity. They show us that despite our differences, we all laugh, love, and dream. They prove that friendship knows no borders.

So here’s to friendship across cultures. To the conversations that challenge us, the experiences that enlighten us, and the connections that unite us. May we continue to build these bridges of understanding, one friendship at a time.

Commentary: This speech highlights the importance of cross-cultural friendships in promoting understanding and unity. It’s particularly suitable for international events, multicultural festivals, or educational settings that emphasize global awareness.

5. The Evolution of Friendship in the Digital Age

Friendship, like everything else, has been transformed by the digital revolution. Social media, messaging apps, and video calls have changed how we make friends, maintain relationships, and define connection. But has the essence of friendship changed, or just its form?

Can you recall the days when making plans meant calling a friend’s landline and hoping they were home? When staying in touch with a friend who moved away meant writing letters or expensive long-distance calls? Technology has made it incredibly easy to stay connected with friends, no matter where they are in the world.

With a few taps on our smartphones, we can share our lives with hundreds of “friends” instantly. We can reconnect with old classmates, keep up with colleagues who’ve moved on to new jobs, and even form deep bonds with people we’ve never met in person. The digital age has expanded our social circles in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few decades ago.

But this new landscape of friendship comes with its own set of challenges. The ease of digital communication can sometimes lead to shallow connections. We might have hundreds of online friends but feel a lack of deep, meaningful relationships. The constant stream of curated highlights from others’ lives can fuel feelings of inadequacy or fear of missing out.

Yet, for all its pitfalls, digital technology has also enhanced friendship in remarkable ways. It allows us to be there for our friends even when we can’t be physically present. We can offer words of encouragement on a tough day, celebrate victories in real-time, or simply share a funny meme to brighten a friend’s mood.

Long-distance friendships, once difficult to maintain, can now thrive. Video calls make it possible to have face-to-face conversations with friends on the other side of the world. Online gaming and virtual hangouts create shared experiences despite physical distance.

Social media platforms have also made it easier to find like-minded individuals and form communities around shared interests. Many people have found their “tribe” online, connecting with others who share their passions, experiences, or challenges.

The key is to use these digital tools to enhance our friendships, not replace face-to-face interactions. Nothing can fully substitute the warmth of a hug, the energy of laughing together in person, or the intimacy of a heart-to-heart conversation over a cup of coffee.

As we handle friendship in the digital age, we need to be mindful of how we use technology. It’s about finding a balance, using digital tools to stay connected but not letting them distract us from being present with the friends right in front of us.

We should also keep in mind that behind every profile picture and status update is a real person with real feelings. The anonymity of the internet can sometimes make us forget this, leading to unkind behavior we’d never engage in face-to-face. True friendship, whether online or offline, requires empathy, respect, and genuine care for others.

So let’s embrace the opportunities that digital technology offers for friendship. Let’s use it to strengthen our existing relationships and forge new connections. But let’s also make sure to put down our phones sometimes, to look our friends in the eye, to be fully present in the moment.

In this digital age, true friendship still comes down to the same fundamental things: trust, support, shared experiences, and genuine care for each other’s well-being. Whether we express that through a text message, a video call, or a conversation over coffee, the heart of friendship remains unchanged.

Here’s to friendship in all its forms, to the connections that enrich our lives, whether they’re forged in person or online. May we use the tools at our disposal wisely, to build and nurture friendships that stand the test of time and technology.

Commentary: This speech explores how digital technology has impacted friendships. It’s well-suited for tech conferences, social media seminars, or discussions about the societal impact of technology.

Friendship, in all its forms and expressions, remains a fundamental part of the human experience. These speeches highlight different aspects of this powerful bond, reminding us of its importance in our lives. Whether it’s supporting each other through tough times, maintaining lifelong connections, bridging cultural divides, or adapting to new ways of staying in touch, friendship continues to enrich our lives in countless ways. So cherish your friends, nurture these precious relationships, and consider the positive impact you can have on others through the simple act of being a good friend.

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6 Benefits of Friendship and Why It's So Important to Stay Close

Invest in your besties

Verywell / Joshua Seong

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Friends Help You Cultivate Community

Frequently asked questions.

In an age where many of us feel lonelier and more disconnected than ever—despite being chronically online—it's never been more important to invest extra energy into our friendships. Platonic relationships are sometimes overlooked in our quest for romantic ones but friendship is just as important to our psychological wellbeing.

Friendships can enrich your life in countless ways. Good friends teach you about yourself and challenge you to be better. They encourage you to keep going when times get tough and celebrate your successes with you. They help you build community

But friends do a lot more than give you a shoulder to cry on; they also have a positive impact on your health. Some research even says friendships are as important to your well-being as eating right and exercising. Here's why:

Friends Are Good for Your Physical Health

It turns out that healthy relationships actually contribute to good physical health. Having a close circle of friends can decrease your risk of health problems like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Having strong social ties can also decrease feelings of loneliness, which evidence shows can take a toll on your longevity. According to a 2010 review, people with strong relationships have half the risk of premature death from all causes.  

Social isolation and loneliness are linked to a variety of health issues such as high blood pressure, substance abuse, heart disease, and even cancer.

Friends Encourage Healthy Behaviors

One possible explanation for those health benefits is that friendships can help you make lifestyle changes that can have a direct impact on your well-being. For example, your friends can help you set and maintain goals to eat better and exercise more.   They can also watch out for you and give a heads-up when any unhealthy behaviors (like drinking too much ) get out of hand.

Additionally, people are more motivated and likely to stick to a weight loss or exercise program when they do it with a buddy. It's much easier to get out and stay active when you have a friend by your side.

That friend may also suggest activities that you would not have considered on your own—thus, pushing you outside your comfort zone to challenge your anxiety.

Friends Provide Emotional Support

If you find yourself going through a hard time, having a friend to help you through can make the transition easier.

Research also shows that happiness is contagious among friends. One study of high school students found that those who were depressed were twice as likely to recover if they had happy friends. Likewise, kids were half as likely to develop depression if their friends had a "healthy mood."

Friends Help Build Your Confidence

Everyone has self-doubts and insecurities every now and then. But having friends who support you plays a big role in building your self-esteem . When people around you provide validation, it impacts your ability to love and appreciate yourself.

Supportive friends can help you feel more confident by offering praise and reassurance when you're feeling unsure. They'll shine a light on just how amazing you are and how much you have to offer others.

Friends Help You Beat Stress

Everyone goes through stressful events. If you know you have people you can count on, you may be less likely to even perceive a tough time as stressful. 

Spending time with friends can also help reduce stress . According to Harvard Medical School, "social connections help relieve levels of stress, which can harm the heart's arteries, gut function, insulin regulation, and the immune system."

Friends can also help you cope with stressful situations. According to one small study, when children hang out with their friends during a stressful situation, they produce less cortisol, a hormone released when the body is under stress.

As the song goes: “We all need somebody to lean on.”

A lack of friends can leave you feeling lonely and without support, which makes you vulnerable to other problems such as depression and substance abuse.

While we might all be pretty good at building online communities, our in person ones are seriously lacking. When we invest the energy in our friendships, and then encourage our friends to be friends with each other it fosters a sense of community.

A healthy community can help us feel more at home in our towns and cities When we're out and about and we see people we know—at the grocery store, at a local cafe, etc—it lets us know that we are part of something bigger and that we belong.

Friends Push You To Be Your Best

Ever heard some version of the phrase, "you are the average of the people you spend your time with"? The people we're friends with have the power to influence our own values and character. When you prioritize friendships with people who are generous with their time, help others, or are ambitious or family-oriented, you are more likely to develop those values yourself.

Great friends have the power to mold you into the best version of yourself. They see you and love you for who you truly are. They encourage you and push you to do better and be the person you want to be—your "ideal self."

There are many different components of friendship. If someone is loyal to you, honest with you, shares many of your interests, and is there for you when you need them, you would likely consider them a friend.

Many of the benefits of friends could be considered evolutionary—having a group of friends can create feelings of safety and social inclusion. Caring for others, and having others that care for you in turn, can help foster a collective purpose and feelings of self-worth.

Yang YC, Boen C, Gerken K, Li T, Schorpp K, Harris KM. Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2016;113(3):578-583. doi:10.1073/pnas.1511085112

Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Layton JB. Social relationships and mortality risk: A meta-analytic review . PLoS Med . 2010;7(7):e1000316. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000316

Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Baker M, Harris T, Stephenson D. Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for mortality: A meta-analytic review . Perspect Psychol Sci . 2015;10(2):227-237. doi:10.1177/1745691614568352

Craddock E, vanDellen MR, Novak SA, Ranby KW. Influence in relationships: A meta-analysis on health-related social control . Basic Appl Soc Psych . 2015;37(2):118-130. doi:10.1080/01973533.2015.1011271

Hill EM, Griffiths FE, House T. Spreading of healthy mood in adolescent social networks .  Proc Biol Sci . 2015;282(1813):20151180. doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.1180

Harvard Medical School. The health benefits of strong relationships .

Adams RE, Santo JB, Bukowski WM. The presence of a best friend buffers the effects of negative experiences . Dev Psychol . 2011;47(6):1786-1791. doi:10.1037/a0025401

Shadur J, Hussong A. Friendship intimacy, close friend drug use, and self-medication in adolescence . J Soc Pers Relat . 2014;31(8):997-1018. doi:10.1177/0265407513516889

Houle J, Meunier S, Coulombe S, et al. Peer positive social control and men's health-promoting behaviors . Am J Mens Health . 2017;11(5):1569-1579. doi:10.1177/1557988317711605

By Arlin Cuncic, MA Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master's degree in clinical psychology.

Abigail Brenner M.D.

The Importance of Friends

The gift that keeps on giving..

Posted May 29, 2016 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Most of us have friends, or at least one friend—someone we spend time with, someone who knows us better than others do, someone we can count on when the need arises. It’s been said that a friend is a gift that we give ourselves. Yet, how much time do we really spend thinking about those people who matter more to us than all the other people we meet and interact with throughout our life, sometimes including family?

There’s no doubt that a friend adds to the fullness of life. Authenticity , honesty, and trust are qualities we expect to find in a friend. There’s an understanding that the binding together of people in friendship helps each of us define and realize a meaningful life.

“The language of friendship is not words but meanings.”

“When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.”

A good friend shows up no matter what. A true friend supports and encourages us, tolerates our shortcomings, accepts us unconditionally, and cares for us no matter what.

A real friend walks in, even when they’d rather be somewhere else, when everyone else is walking out. With a true friend the walls come down and you can be who you are without fear . A good friend knows you well—sometimes better than you do yourself—and is not afraid to tell you things you don’t want to tell yourself. A friend is present for you no matter what time of the night or day it is.

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.”

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”

Friendship is a partnership: Two people come together on equal terms. They give their all. Friendship demands more than love. Friendship expects and endures the good, the bad, and the ugly. A best friend is someone who brings out the best in you.

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”

“The best mirror is an old friend.”

“Life is partly what we make it and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”

True friends walk through life together. A real friend bears witness to whatever happens to you. With old friends there is a comforting familiarity. You can let down your guard and just be who you truly are without fear, shame , or guilt . A faithful friend is a treasure found.

“Life without a friend is death without a witness.”

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.”

A true friend shares our joys and sorrows. The inevitable twists and turns of our lives down the long and winding road that represents our journey are made sweeter and more meaningful by the sharing and caring of a good friend. Rites of passage— marriage , births, deaths, or other important milestones—are marked and honored together.

“Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.”

“Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief .”

“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures.”

“Friendship makes prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it.”

Friends can be family. Sometimes our friends are the family we wished we had. Sometimes we have difficulty with our own family. We may feel misunderstood, judged, ridiculed, or even ignored. In that case, our friends often fill in for what is not provided by our own family. In the best-case scenario, however, family members can also be good friends.

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.”

“One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.”

“A good friend is my greatest relation.”

Friends are often soulmates. Recognizing each other on a soul level helps us spiritually. John O’Donohue calls this the anam cara experience, translated from Gaelic and meaning "soul friend": “The anam cara was a person to whom you could reveal the hidden intimacies of your life. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging. When you had an anam cara, your friendship cut across all convention and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the friend of your soul.”

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

“Friendship is always an act of recognition.”

“Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.”

The sum is greater than the parts. In friendship our actions and reactions cause us to go beyond just being you and me. We are ultimately transformed into something far greater by the mere act of signing on to be in each other’s lives. We open new doors for each other; stepping over the threshold into new worlds, we broaden each other’s horizon.

speech on importance of choosing friends

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”

“Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.”

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

You raise me up. A friend rekindles our light when it has gone out, ignites our excitement, and inspires us to do better and more. A real friend may even inspire you in a way you never imagined you could be. They may wake you up to all of the possibilities that live within you and help you to realize your full potential.

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.”

“There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential.”

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it to you when you have forgotten the words.”

Our dear friends are the gift that keeps on giving.

Abigail Brenner M.D.

Abigail Brenner, M.D . , is a psychiatrist in private practice. She is the author of Transitions: How Women Embrace Change and Celebrate Life and other books.

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Friendship Speech | Speech on friendship for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Friendship Speech: One of the most valuable relationships that anyone can make is friends. The bond that exists between two friends is far stronger and precious than the bond that exists between blood. We make friends throughout our lives right from our childhood. Life is an endless loop of making and breaking friends but the whole process of friendship making is what is worth our time in life.

In this particular friendship speech, we shall be giving a beautiful speech on how important friendship is, how to make friends, and what would life be if we didn’t have any friends.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Friendship for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for a well-written speech for your debates or public speaking events on friendship, then we have given two different friendship speeches below. Long friendship speech in English with a word limit of 600 and short friendship speech in English with a word limit of 200 can be used by students for various extracurricular and co-curricular activities in schools and colleges.

Long Speech on Friendship 600 Words in English

Long Speech on Friendship is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The fact that I have the confidence to come on the stage and speak in front of so many people today in this public speaking event in our school auditorium is because of the confidence and support that my friends gave me. It is my honor today to give a speech on friendship in front of so many of my friends and I would like to use this platform to extend my heartfelt thanks to all my friends who have been with me through my ups and downs.

Friendship is probably the only relationship and the bond that you will develop in your life that comes with no strings attached. Every relationship in your life, whether it’s with your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father, sister or manager comes with some kind of strings attached and it always involves certain types of given and take obligations. But, a pure friendship is the only relationship in a world where there are no strings attached and you can have your relationship without any obligation of giving and taking.

Students can also find Paragraph on Friendship  and Essay on Friendship from here.

It is this beauty of friendship where you don’t feel any obligation is that makes friendship one of the best bonds that humans can create. There are various types of friendship we give names to such as best friends, few people are close friends, few people just friends and a few people good friends. There is no proper definition for this friendship category but it depends on the kind of mental synchronization that we have with them and how easily we can gel with them compared to other people.

But a lot of us, especially in our college days in school days, find it difficult to make friends easily. Some of us may have lost friends, some of us have gained a lot of friends, some of us have a big circle of friends and some of us have a very small and tiny circle of friends, but at the end of the day, irrespective of how many friends and what type of friends you have, the only thing you will remember about your college and school days is the fun and folly that we have with our friends. Let us admit that without friends, our life will simply be incomplete.

Through this platform provided for me to speak about friendship speech, I would like to address a few issues that many of us face while having friends and maintaining that relationship forever. Jealousy, ego and possessiveness are some of the human tendencies that each and every one of us has. Some of us might be judgemental, some of us might not be judgemental but at the end of the day we are all human beings and we are all born to have both good qualities and bad qualities within us.

While making friends, we look at only their good qualities but during the course of friendship, we get triggered by their bad qualities and hence end up breaking the friendship with them. A strong friendship is that relationship where we understand both the good and bad qualities of our friends and help them grow together. If you enjoy laughing and having a good time with them, it is only human to be with them during their bad times and share their sorrows and grievances.

I would like to conclude this friendship speech by saying that there is no person on this planet who will be perfect. Imperfections are what make human beings beautiful and we have to celebrate these perfections and imperfections with grace. Making and breaking friendship is a natural tendency and neither of it should be the reason for you to lose faith in friendship. Friendship is one of the most valuable and precious bonds and each and every one of us should live through that before it’s too late.

Short Speech on Friendship 200 Words in English

Short Speech on Friendship is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The only memories I have of my school and college days are the fun and enjoyment that I had with my friends. I don’t remember how much I scored in what subject or how well I was appreciated by my teachers, but all I remember is teasing my friends sharing a burst of laughter or two and having some shoulder to cry on. The kind of things that we share with our friends is those things which we cannot share with our families or even our parents.

Friendship comes with no strings attached, no judgments and no jealousy. But what we have to remember is that no person on the planet is perfect and human beings come with both good qualities and bad qualities so do our friendships with people. We can live a happy and content life if we let go of the bad qualities of our friends and concentrate on only on one good quality and if we are good enough, then we help them grow through the bad qualities together.

I would like to conclude my short friendship speech by saying that there is no relationship on earth that is as pure as friendship. It comes with its own baggage of good and bad and the mixture of these both qualities is what makes friendship beautiful.

10 Lines on Friendship Speech in English

  • Friendship is the most valuable and precious bond in our lives.
  • As human beings, we are meant to make friends easily because we are meant for living together as a group.
  • Friendship comes with its own baggage of good and bad.
  • It is with our friends that we can share our feeling which would otherwise not be shared with family.
  • The only memories that we have of our schools and colleges is that of our friends and the good times we had.
  • It does not matter how large or small your circle of friends is, as long as they are your true friends.
  • The art of making friendships need not be taught and it is imbibed into us right from our childhood.
  • Maintaining old friendships is far more challenging than making new friends.
  • A few sacrifices and compromises are needed to maintain good friends in your life.
  • Not every friendship in your life is meant to be forever. Life is a continuous journey of making and breaking friendships and that is the beauty of it.

FAQ’s on Friendship Speech in English

Question 1. How to make friends?

Answer: The art of making friends comes naturally to everyone and there is no hard and fast rule to make friends.

Question 2. Why are friends important?

Answer: Friends are important in our life so that we can share things, both happiness and sadness with them without being judged or any kind of strings attached.

Question 3. What makes friendship so pure?

Answer: It is the only relationship in the world that does not come with obligation and any sort of commitments.

Question 4. Are friendships just about fun and party?

Answer: A friend is far more than just for fun and laughter. Good friends help each other grow together in life.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Friendship In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of friendship. Friendships are important in life since they teach us so much about it. We gain knowledge through friendship that we cannot acquire otherwise. You come to discover how to love someone other than your family.

Through friendship, we learn knowledge that we would not otherwise have. You learn how to love someone other than your family. You know how to be genuine when you are around pals. Friendship is always there for you when times are tough. You learn to be able to understand and trust other individuals. Genuine friends will always encourage and support you. They’ll point you in the right route and protect you from harm.

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Friendship Speech for Students in English

Friends are the family one chooses, and true friends stay with us through thick and thin. A speech on friendship can be given on the occasion of friendship day or any occasion when one wants to celebrate friendship and share the role of friendship in one’s life with others. Here, we will discuss several ways of presenting a friendship speech, like a long speech on friendship and a short speech on friendship. Also, 10 lines on friendship speech in English are discussed below.

Long and Short Friendship Speech in English

Long speech on friendship.

A long version of a speech on friendship can be framed as follows. 

Very good morning to everyone. Today, I would like to deliver a speech on friendship which will take us on a walk through the streets of nostalgia and relive the precious essence of friendship that we all have experienced. 

Friend. That one kid who stole your candy in school or the one student who gained more marks than you in college, or the topper who taught you everything just before an exam in university. Every friend that crosses our path in life always has something to give us, be it good memories, lessons, or just something worthwhile. True friends are always there for us through thick and thin, through good or bad, and through weal and woe. True friends support us in our decisions and correct us for our well-being. Through this speech on friendship, I am delighted to extend my gratitude to all such friends I am blessed with. 

All types of friendships have something or the other that’s unique and special, a best friend, an acquaintance, or a group of friends. Whoever that may be, a friend should always be the one who fuels our passion to flying rather than clipping our wings. As we grow older, making new friends seems to be a tough job as we create a comfort zone of our own. So, the ones who remain friends since childhood and never give up on each other are the ones who are valuable. 

Friendship shouldn’t be accompanied by jealousy, ego, or insecurity. A good friendship is one where people can share all their emotions heart to heart without the fear of being judged. Although friends have numerous memories to giggle about, friendship is not only about smiles or jokes. Friends should always respect each other, understand each other and support each other throughout. No one is perfect in this world. So, insecurities and flaws just make a person complete and friends are the ones who never judge each other over each other’s flaws or insecurities, rather support each other when they get agitated due to the same. Searching for the good in people, accepting their flaws, and staying loyal help people end up being good friends. 

Friends are very special as we choose them to be with us and include them in our lives. So, one must make sure that they choose good ones. In this busy world, people tend to drift apart from each other due to work or other engagements. Friendships are the strongest when they reach a stage where they don't need to communicate every day to maintain the bond. 

In conclusion, I would like to say that with time, friends also become family and a place for us to seek closure. Such friends should be cherished and celebrated as much as possible, and gratitude should be expressed from time to time. I am so grateful to have such amazing friends who are like a family to me. I am thankful for these precious bonds that I have created over time and spending time with them makes everything better. Friendship is the only bond that survives through thick and thin.

Short Speech on Friendship

A short friendship speech can be given on any occasion. Here, students can find an easy way to express their views on friendship in simple words.

Good morning all, today I will speak on friendship. It’s an apt topic for me; a few years ago I would not even have the courage to stand on this stage before you all. I owe a lot to my friends who have supported me and converted my weaknesses into my strengths. Friends are the ones who bring out the best in you. They will always be there for you and turn to your side in good and bad times. Friends are special as they never make you feel alone. They uplift you when you feel discouraged. They are the ones who also bring us to the right path when we are lost.

In friendship, there is no room for negativity or negative emotions. Negative emotions like ego, jealousy, hatred, possessiveness, and anger can only ruin relationships. A true friend is one who can recognize such emotions and help you bring them out. This proves their sincerity and loyalty towards you and such friends should always be held close. We all lose some friends along the way due to distance or misunderstandings. On the other hand, we also gain many real friends who believe in us and support us no matter what the circumstances are. 

In conclusion, I would like to add, friendship is a mixed bag and there is every emotion in it and many ups and downs along the way. We should enjoy this gift of friendship and always lead with love, honesty, and understanding.

10 Line Friendship Speech

This form of friendship speech is very useful for students in grades 1-3, who are only discovering friendship in their way, and in these 10 lines, they can understand it simply and more clearly.

Friendship is the first relationship we form after the family.

Making friends is a very natural tendency in one’s life.

When one is younger, they form more friends easily as they are curious and new in this journey of life.

Such early formed friendships can last a lifetime together.

As these childhood friends grow along with us through the good and the bad times.

They are sincere, loyal, honest, understanding, and non-judgmental.

As one becomes older, one becomes angry, jealous, and egoistic.

No friendship should be led with harboring negative feelings.

Friendship is the purest form of bond between two people or more.

The more true friends you have the more sweet life becomes and we can live life to the fullest.

Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships people can have. A speech on friendship can be given on the occasion of friendship day or even any other normal day because friendship, whenever celebrated, just warms everyone's hearts. So, these are some ways of giving a good speech on friendship like a long speech on friendship, a short speech on friendship and a 10 lines friendship speech in English.


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Speech about Friendship

Speculating upon what to write and what not to write when you sit down to prepare a speech on friendship? This article will offer some hand-holding and assist you to write your own friendship day speech.

Speech on How Important It Is to Have a Friend?

As social beings, humans always look out for companionship irrespective of the kind of people they are. Friends make one’s life meaningful and colourful. As kids, your cousins would be the first friends you make. As you grow up, you meet random people who express similar interests, and these are the ones who become your friends eventually.

Friendship is as sweet as it is, but you should always try to make the right kind of friends who would be a strong support in helping you grow. Bad friends can make you feel good about what you do, especially when you do something that is not right. This kind of a friendship would never help you grow to become the kind of person you are destined to be. Good friends, on the other hand, are one of the most wonderful treasures life can possibly give you. Friends are the family you choose. They always stand by you in every situation, no matter what.

Below are a few samples that would aid you in writing a speech on friendship, one that you can say not just on a friendship day but any random day when you want to let your friends know how important they are to you.

Friendship Day Speech

Short speech about friendship, faqs on friendship day.

Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in the month of August. The idea of celebrating Friendship Day globally was first thought of by Dr. Roman Artemio Bracho in 1958. It, however, was made official by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011. July 30 was declared as the International Day of Friendship with the idea of instilling friendly relations between people, countries, cultures and individuals, which would, in turn, inspire peace among different communities. Since then, people all around the world celebrate Friendship Day by exchanging friendship bands, gifts and greeting cards.

Being in school, Friendship Day was one of the most anticipated celebrations when you wait to collect as many friendship bands as possible every year. To a school kid, the number of friendship bands meant that you had a lot of friends. Friendship bands are definitely a good way to make new friends and also to remind your old friends that they matter to you. However, I would like to say that the number of friendship bands you gain on a Friendship Day does not count. All that counts is that you have at least one friend who has always got your back and would not give up on you even when you give up on yourself. You will feel a lot more lively and confident with just this one person by your side. Friends don’t stand by you only when you are happy; they make sure you are holding up and getting better even in the toughest times. They will love you for what you are and hold your hand even at your worst.

Make friends with your kind of people, and you will have the time of your life. There might be misunderstandings and fights among friends, but it is these fights that would make your bond even stronger. Friends eventually become your family. So, on this Friendship Day, I wish you good friendships and a life filled with happiness and adventure. Happy Friendship Day everyone.

Vladimir Lenin said, “Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you what you are.” The friends you keep are a reflection of the kind of person you are. One becomes friends with people who share similar interests. C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” Those who like the same songs, bond over a favourite series or a nostalgic place are the ones who would for sure turn out to be the closest and thickest of friends.

Friends always stand by you. From participating in competitions to getting scolded by parents and teachers, your friends will be there all along. They will keep all your secrets safe and give you the solutions to almost every problem. A good friend guides you and helps you choose the right path.

Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a world without friends? Those who have had good friends in their life can never imagine a life without them. Friends can influence your life to a great extent in both good and bad ways. It is up to you to choose the right company to keep. Cherish your friends and the times you spend with them because they make the future you. So choose your friends wisely and live life to the fullest.

Why are friends so special?

Friends include the best kind of people you have in your life. Friends can be your unpaid therapist. They can help you out of any mood swings and can cheer you up even if you do not want to feel better. Having a good friend is one of the greatest gifts of life. Cherish your friends and the times you spend with them because they make the future you.

What makes a good friend?

A good friend would be a person who is a well-wisher and the one who would always push you to do your best. A good friend knows you better than you think you know yourself. A good friend would hold your hand and stand beside you in all your happiest and saddest moments of life.

What are the quotes you can use in a friendship day speech?

Some examples of quotes that can be used when you write down your Friendship Day speech are given below: “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” — Walter Winchell “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.” — Lois Wyse “True friends are those rare people who come to find you in dark places and lead you back to the light.” — Anonymous

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When we are born, we get associated with our family by blood relation. However, there is a relation, which we choose ourselves. That relation is a friend.  Friends make our life beautiful.  The adventure of life becomes beautiful when good friends surround us. We all belong to a family, where we have our parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, etc. We get immense love, care, attention and guidance from our family. However, our entire life does not revolve around our family members only. We all have our own purpose in life. Some members of our family go to school, some go to college, and our parents go to work. We all have a life outside our family. No journey of life seems interesting when traveled alone. We tend to make friends outside our family boundaries as that makes all life activities enjoyable.

importance of friends in our life

Friends are Essential in Every Sphere of Life

We connect very quickly with people with whom our interests match. Infants are playful by nature. They always look for the company with whom the can play and explore their curious nature. Hence, when they meet any other infant of their age they connect easily over their common interest of playing.

In school, we make friends over our common interests. For example, students who like playing sports like cricket connect quickly and they become friends. Friends meet and discuss their common interests and nurture their interests together. Friends in school help each other in understanding the class activities, and homework. They often exchange notes and reference materials among themselves.

During our college life, we get independence in taking many decisions on our own. Also, many live in a hostel and are hence away from their family. Studying together, staying together, nurturing interest together, adjusting to conflicts with each other, helping each other all these makes the bond of friendship stronger.

A friend highlights mistakes and guides us in many ways. They also motivate us to realize our full potential. Also, we can easily discuss and share such issues and thoughts with our friends which we cannot share with our parents.

In our professional life also, friends also help us handle failure positively and multiply our joy of success. During midlife, we have huge responsibilities for family, job, etc. Discussing professional and personal stress with our friends makes us feel relaxed. They are our mental support and when we are in crisis, a good friend joins hand and helps in solving the problem.

Because of the nuclear family structure of the current society in old age, people mostly stay alone. Friends hang out and travel together to explore various places and enjoy several hobbies together. Friends thus eliminate boredom and loneliness from life. They add color to life. They become big support for any help needed.

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Famous Friendship stories

In history, we get examples of many friendship stories, which shows the importance of friend in life. From the stories of Lord Krishna and Arjun, Ram and Sugreev, Lord Krishna and Sudama, Duryodhan and Karn it shows that friends have always been a person who helps and supports us. They help us come out of distress and grow in life.

Friendship is not only between two people. We become friends with animals around us. Hence, we tend to keep pets. Pets eliminate boredom and stress from our life. Spending time with pets give us immense joy.

Animals also become friends among themselves. They also help and support each other in the process of survival and existence. The biggest example of the need of friend among animals is there in the story Lion and the Mouse where they both help each other come out of difficult situations.

In our lifetime we choose our own friends. The journey of life becomes memorable because of friends. Friendship is a lovely relation without which life seems dull. It is the relationship with our friends that teaches us to share, love, care and most importantly helps us to fight odds and be successful. Having true friends acts as a boon. Friends increase the sense of belongingness and generate a feel-good factor. We all thrive and look for at least one that friend who at times criticizes and appreciates too. Emotional and psychological attachments are important and can only be experienced with friends.

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Speech on Best Friend

Everyone needs a best friend, someone who knows you better than anyone else. They’re like a bright star in your life, making your days happier and more colorful.

A best friend isn’t just a friend; they’re your cheerleader, your secret keeper, and sometimes, your superhero. They’re the one who stands by you, no matter what.

1-minute Speech on Best Friend

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find but lucky to have. It’s like a rare gem, shining brighter in the darkest times. When we think about a best friend, we think about someone who stands by us, no matter what. A person who knows us inside out, who can tell when we’re happy, sad, or angry, just by looking at our faces.

A best friend is not just a friend, but a family member. They are there to share our joys, to laugh with us, to celebrate our victories. And when we stumble, they are there to catch us, to help us stand up again, to give us strength when we feel weak.

Best friends are our secret-keepers. They are the ones we trust with our deepest secrets, our wildest dreams, and our biggest fears. They listen to us without judgment, they understand us without explanation, and they love us without conditions.

In the end, a best friend is not just a person. It’s a feeling, a bond, a connection that can’t be described in words. It’s a sense of comfort, a sense of belonging, a sense of home. So, let’s cherish our best friends, because they are the rarest and the most precious gifts of life.

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2-minute Speech on Best Friend

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we gather to celebrate a special bond, a bond that stands the test of time. We are here to talk about our best friends. Best friends are like the morning sun that brightens our day, like the gentle moon that guides us through the night. They are the stars in our sky, always shining, always there.

Now, let’s think about how we choose our best friends. We don’t choose them for their looks or their money. We don’t choose them for their popularity or their power. We choose them for their hearts, for their kindness, for their honesty. We choose them because they make us feel loved, because they make us feel special, because they make us feel like we matter.

Best friends are not just there for the good times. They are there for the hard times too. They are the ones who pick us up when we fall, who push us forward when we want to give up. They are the ones who believe in us, even when we don’t believe in ourselves. They are the ones who remind us of our worth, of our strength, of our potential.

But being a best friend is not just about taking, it’s also about giving. It’s about being there for your friend, just like they are there for you. It’s about listening to them, just like they listen to you. It’s about supporting them, just like they support you. It’s about loving them, just like they love you.

In conclusion, a best friend is a blessing. They are a gift that we should cherish, a treasure that we should protect. So, let’s take a moment to thank our best friends, to tell them how much they mean to us, to show them how much we appreciate them. And let’s promise to be the best friend that they deserve, today, tomorrow, and always. Because in the end, the love of a best friend is the kind of love that lasts a lifetime.

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Choosing Friends: Fostering Healthy Friendships through Social-Emotional Learning

Choosing Friends: Fostering Healthy Friendships through Social-Emotional Learning


Friendships play a significant role in our lives, especially during our formative years. As educators, it’s essential to teach students the importance of choosing friends who are a good fit. This blog post will explore the concept of selecting friends based on shared experiences, common interests, and similar behavior. We’ll also provide a no-prep activity, discussion questions, and information on related skills to help students develop healthy friendships through Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) principles.

No-Prep Activity

This activity, called “Friendship Circles,” requires no preparation or materials from the educator and is designed to help students identify the qualities they value in a friend. Follow the steps below:

  • Have students sit in a circle. Ask them to think about the qualities they look for in a friend.
  • Going around the circle, each student shares one quality they value in a friend. The rest of the group listens attentively.
  • Once everyone has shared, ask students to think about their current friendships and reflect on whether their friends exhibit these qualities.
  • Encourage students to consider if they can improve their friendships by seeking friends who possess the qualities they value or by working on their own qualities as a friend.

This activity promotes self-awareness, empathy, and the importance of choosing friends who are a good fit based on shared values and experiences.

Discussion Questions

  • What qualities do you think are important in a friend? Why?
  • How can having friends with similar behavior and interests benefit your friendships and school life?
  • Why is it important to choose friends who treat adults and peers with respect?
  • How can you determine if a potential friend is a good fit for you?
  • Can you share an example of a time when you formed a friendship based on shared experiences or interests?

Related Skills

There are several other SEL skills that can help students foster healthy friendships. These include:

  • Communication: Effectively expressing thoughts and feelings, and actively listening to others.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others, and showing compassion.
  • Conflict resolution: Addressing disagreements or misunderstandings in a respectful and constructive manner.
  • Respect: Treating others with kindness and valuing their opinions and feelings.
  • Self-awareness: Recognizing one’s emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, and understanding how they impact relationships.

Choosing friends who are a good fit is a vital skill for students to develop. By incorporating SEL principles and activities like the ones mentioned in this blog post, educators can help foster healthy friendships among their students. To explore more SEL resources and activities, sign up for free samples at Everyday Speech. You’ll find a variety of materials to help students build strong social-emotional skills and create lasting friendships.

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speech on importance of choosing friends

Skilled at Life

Why Choosing Our Friends Wisely Matters

It has been said that we are the average of the 5 friends we associate with the most. I am a big believer in this adage, but that hasn’t always been the case. In fact, it took me a while to come to grips with this truth and implement it in my life.

Having a wide circle of friends is perfectly OK, but most people spend the majority of their time with a small minority of this group. I am no exception and tend to allocate my time to 4 or 5 specific people. Unlike many years ago, I am now much more discriminate about who I choose to associate with regularly and I am glad that I made this change.

I am very fortunate to have many friends who are kind, inspirational, patient, and positive influences in my life. I am grateful for these gifts and probably do not tell them enough how much I appreciate them. I learn a lot from these wonderful people and, in turn, I hope they learn from me.

The fact of the matter is, however, that most of my time is spent with the small group of people whom I am closest to. These friends share many of the same goals and values that I subscribe to and they make me a better person. It is only natural that we gravitate towards one another because of these commonalities.

In contrast to this, however, I also have a few friends who do not share most of the same values, goals and aspirations. This is not to say that these people people are wrong and I am right in the way we each think. It also does not mean that I am better than them or that they are better than I am. It is just that we are different. In other words, our goals and ideals are not congruent. Our desired paths are too divergent and, consequently, by choice, we have drifted apart.

I believe that it is only logical that we are influenced by who we associate with the most. If we surround ourselves with smokers, it increases the chances that we will smoke. If we mingle often with friends who do not set goals, it raises the likelihood that we, too, will forgo goal-setting. If our closest friends drink alcohol heavily, it increases the odds that we will follow suit. If our closest friends have no discipline nor desire to better themselves, we boost the chances of us doing the same. That is why it matters who your closest 4 or 5 friends are.

We are fortunate that we have a choice of who we associate with the most. Good parents realize this power of influence and advise their children to choose their friends wisely. As adults, we, too, get to choose. This gift of free choice is powerful because it helps us determine who our biggest influencers are. There are some people who overlook and do not take advantage of this freedom to choose, unfortunately, and they ultimately suffer the consequences.

Personally, I prefer to surround myself with friends who:

  • Are disciplined
  • Set lofty goals and are ambitious
  • Have a desire to better themselves
  • Care about their health
  • Do not create unnecessary problems
  • Love and value themselves
  • Make the effort to overcome fear and challenge themselves
  • Are kind and patient
  • Have good work ethic

Why do I choose to surround myself with people who possess those aforementioned traits? Quite simply, it is because those are values and characteristics that I strongly believe in and admire. It increases the chances of us being positive influences on one another. It affords me the luxury of learning from and being inspired by them. Since we share many common goals, we are better able to understand and support one another. These friends influence my life in a positive way and help me achieve my goals, and, hopefully, vice versa.

It is important to keep in mind that our closest friends do not necessarily have to share every single goal and value that we have. There is bound to be some diversity and discrepancy, and that is a good thing. For example, not all of my 4 or 5 closest friends exercise regularly, something I try to do (but all of them care to varying degrees about their health). Or I may not be as patient as some of them are (I am working on it!). In addition to this, some of these closest friends have made me think about things that I never would have contemplated on my own. They have taught me things that I never knew. We sometimes disagree on matters. But, in general, while we have some differences, our overall philosophies overlap sufficiently to make us compatible friends. That is important.

Think about your own goals and values. Who are you and what do you hope to achieve in your life? What is truly important to you?

Do you value charity work and believe in helping others who are less fortunate? Then it would help if your closest friends shared the characteristic of giving and supported you in your endeavor.

Do you want to lose weight, exercise and become healthy? Then it would make a difference if the people you are closest to share those goals and influence you positively. Conversely, having close friends who do not care about being healthy would not be the best support group for you.

Are you keen on studying hard and doing well in school in order to better your life? Then hanging out often with the party crowd that gives little weight to academics would lower your chances of success. Instead, you would do better by choosing friends who value doing well in school.

Do you place emphasis on family values? Then it is advantageous if your closest friends share this trait, understand and support you.

Are honesty and integrity important to you? Then it would be best if your closest friends are honest and principled in their actions and words.

Do you cherish hard work, a good work ethic and being the best you can be in your career? Then you would be best served by having friends who are not lazy and who work hard.

This does not mean that you ditch every friend who does not share your aspirations and values. You can still maintain your friendships and have a large circle of friends. But I have learned that it also possible (and, sometimes, preferable) to love or care about someone from a distance. It is the 4 or 5 closest friends whom you spend the most time with that influence you the most.

We really are a product of our environment and our closest friends greatly influence this environment. Human beings are naturally swayed by others so it is important to envelop ourselves with people who are positive influences. As I mentioned before, your close friends and you will never agree on everything or share the exact same values and goals. That is impossible because each one of us is different and unique. However, it certainly helps if your friends are compatible with the goals and values that matter the most to you.

Choosing our closest friends whom we spend the most time with is one of the most important and empowering decisions we can make. It is important that we choose wisely.

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Friendship Speech in English for Students

August 7, 2021 by Sandeep

Speech on Friendship: Friends are the most valuable assets in a person’s life. Friendship is a bond between two individuals or a group of like-minded persons who love each other’s company. This bond can be thicker than blood relationships too. Living with friends can be a huge roller coaster ride, but having friends makes life worth living. Love , respect for each other, faith, and no give-and-take obligations are some of the essential elements in friendship.

Below we have provided friendship speech in English suitable for classes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Students can deliver this emotional speech on friendship day occasion, where they can share highlights on the value and importance of friendship.

Speech on Friendship 500 Words in English

Good morning to one & all present here. I am here to express my views on friendship. I am extremely overwhelmed that I am allowed to speak on this friendship day occasion. Friendship is the most sacred & beautiful relationship on this earth. A friend is a gift that we all give to ourselves. It is one of the most important human relationships. It is all about love, care, trust, sharing & happiness.

A best friend is someone who is always there for you in your hard as well as happy times. Friends are those who scold us for our wrongs did & also do praise us when we do something great. They are part of all the ups & downs of our lives. They understand us to the fullest & show us the right path. They are the ones who make us comfortable in any situation, with whom we can share all our thoughts openly.

A friend is someone who never judges us & gives us the right pieces of advice. A friend is essential to understand life, as the influence of a friend is so high that it even changes the meaning of life for us. Friendship is a divine relationship that is beyond the definition of blood. It is priceless & cannot be compared with anything else in this world. So it is always very vital that you choose your friends wisely, as God has given us the right to choose a friend.

Choosing someone with good thoughts, positivity leads our life in that direction, but it often ruins life if we do not choose friends wisely. There should be love, care, understanding & sacrifice for each other. If there is ego, selfishness & jealousy, then it can never be termed as friendship. Krishna & Sudama from age-old is the best example of friendship, who were always there for each other in their difficult times.

Those persons are fortunate who come across a true friendship as it is tough to find today’s world. We all have friends but having a long-lasting friendship is very rare. Having a good friend is like a true blessing of God, who will be the person of your needs. The person who can turn your mood on & can make you happy in any circumstances. Friends are like chocolate chips in the cookie of life to whom we all need to preserve for a lifetime.

Happy Friendship Day!

Short Speech on Friendship 200 Words in English

Below we have provided a 2-minute short speech about friendship, suitable for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This persuasive speech on friendship is helpful for the school students who are participating in a speech writing competition.

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to deliver my speech on friendship. The old saying, “ A friend in need is a friend indeed ,” goes a long way.

Friends are like the second family to all of us. Friends will always hold that unique position in our lives, with someone we are most comfortable. They are the ones who are always there for us in our bad times, who always stand to support us. Friends are like those angels with whom we can share all our thoughts. They are the ones who understand us to the best.

It is tough to come across a true friendship. However, it is my pleasure to tell all of you that my best friend is the one who is always there for me in my needs. He always motivates me & keeps me positive. He sometimes scolds me when I am not on the right track, which never annoys me as I know he always thinks about my happiness.

He is the one who made me understood the importance of discipline & punctuality. He is always eager to help me with my academics. We love & care for each other a lot. I am thankful to God for giving me such a good friend in my life. I will preserve this friendship for my whole life. I wish him a happy & prosperous life ahead. I hope you all have such a friend who will be your best acquaintances. I want to end my speech with this beautiful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt.

“Many people will walk in & out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

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5 scientific reasons you should choose your friends carefully.

  • Even as an adult, friends can have a big influence over how you feel, think, and behave
  • research shows having too many “friends” on Facebook can be anxiety-provoking
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Throughout adulthood, it's easy to lose touch with old friends and it can be hard to develop new friendships. The ditigal age has complicated this process as well by changing the way friends interact. As phone calls have been exchanged for text messages and social media has replaced the need for face-to-face interaction, gatherings with friends often become fewer and farther between.

But there's growing evidence that genuine friendships may be very important in terms of your personal and professional life. Even as an adult, friends can have a big influence over how you feel, think, and behave  . Here are five reasons you should maintain healthy friendships:

1. Strong-willed friends can help increase your self-control. If you struggle to resist temptation, surrounding yourself with people who possess a high degree of self-discipline can help. A  2013 study published in Psychological Science  reports that when people are running low on self-control, they often seek out self-disciplined people to boost their willpower.

Since self-control is vital to reaching long-term goals, befriending people with willpower could be the secret to success. Whether you’re tempted to skip that workout at the gym, or you’re considering blowing this month’s budget, a friend with high self-control can motivate you to maintain healthy habits. 

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2. Having fewer friends increases the likelihood that you’ll take financial risks. When people lack adequate social interaction, they’re more likely to take bigger risks with money, according to a study published in the June 2013 issue of Journal of Consumer Research . Researchers discovered this was especially true for people who were feeling lonely or rejected.

Whether you’re dealing with a recent break-up, a fallout with family, or a failed business venture, be aware of how your emotions may affect your spending habits. Uncomfortable emotions can certainly increase the chances that you’ll behave more recklessly than usual, which may not be wise for your financial future.

3. Too many connections on social media may increase your stress level. When it comes to social media, “the more the merrier” may not be a good approach. A report from the University of Edinburgh Business School discovered that more Facebook friends means more stress. Researchers found that having an abundance of social media connections leads people to worry about offending others.

Stress arises as people try to present a version of themselves online that will be acceptable to all their social media contacts. While your college buddies may enjoy publicly discussing that “weekend in Vegas," your parents and your co-workers may be less than impressed by those stories. So before you begin adding everyone you can to your social circle, remember that research shows having too many “friends” on Facebook can be anxiety-provoking .

4. Close friends could be the secret to longevity. When older adults have close confidants, they’re ikely to live longer, according to a study conducted by Australia’s Flinder’s University. After following 1,500 people for 10 years, researchers discovered that people with a large network of friends outlived their counterparts by 22%.

Other studies touting the health benefits of friendship have shown people with cancer live longer when they attend support groups. Close friendships can help ward off depression and boost immunity as well. So while it may be tempting to think that friends are sometimes more trouble than they’re worth, clearly, having close friends can be one of the best things you can do for your health.

5. Friends can greatly influence your choices. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that friends often bond by providing one another with moral support to resist a temptation. However, friends also commonly conspire together to enjoy indulgences. Researchers discovered that when it came to resisting temptations – like eating chocolate – sometimes friends were more likely to become partners in crime as they decided to indulge together.

Friends can help bring out the best in you without expecting perfection. They can remind you not to take life too seriously, as well as give you that much needed boost when you’re feeling discouraged.

Prioritizing Friendship

Friends are likely to come and go throughout the seasons of your life. Job changes, moving to a new city, and becoming a parent are among the many things that may shift the friendships in your life. The demands of life and a busy career can move friends to the bottom of the priority list at times.

It may be wise however, to re-evaluate the role friends play in your life. If spending quality time with friends isn't high on your to-do list, it may make sense to schedule a get-together sooner rather than later. After all,  friends impact not just the quality of your life, but perhaps even the length of it.

Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and the author of forthcoming book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do .

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Why should you choose your friends carefully?

  • June 11, 2019
  • Blog / Relationships

Life is incomplete without friends. Being a social animal, a human cannot live without interacting with people. Some of the interactions become stronger, and people become good friends of each other. Having friends in life is essential, but more important is to choose the right friends for you. Our parents always advise us to be careful in selecting friends as they can bring both positive and negative impacts on life.

That is why it is crucial to be cautious in this matter as the right friend or companion could make our lives more happy, peaceful, and significant. It is indeed said that “The righteous choose their friends carefully.” The main reasons which make it essential to keep the right people in your life in the form of friends and avoid those who are just passing the time instead of becoming your faithful companion.

The main and to be noted reasons are as follows:

1. Real Friends will make your life happier 

Your life becomes more pleasing and contented with the presence of right and sincere friends. The importance and value of true friendship cannot be described in words. You should find the one who makes your life happy with honest feelings and thoughts. Those who create trouble and do not able to give you a sense of delight and happiness cannot be your real friends.

The company of the right people will make every moment of your life pleasing even when you feel detached.

2. The right friend will encourage you

You have to consider carefully that who is with you in your wrong time and provide you a sign of courage to handle the unfavorable situations. Not only courage but genuine and sincere friends will make sure that they will stand by whenever you want. They not only say this but do this whenever the time comes.

The unfortunate circumstances become less troubling with the support and encouragement of sincere people around you. They may not be able to make things right, but with their supportive attitude, provide your firmness and boldness to face adverse situations.

3. You can share everything with a sincere friend 

When people feel depressed about something, they want to share those feelings with anyone who will listen to them carefully. Not everyone will hear you with sincerity and accurately, and that is another main thing which increases the importance of choosing the right friends in life.

The faithful companions will listen and understand no matter what you are going through. You also feel inclined and urged to share whatever troubles through which your feelings much smoother and calmer.

4. Right Friends will give the right advice 

Many situations come in our lives when we need accurate help to handle certain things. A right friend can be helpful a lot in this regard when you are really in need of real help. If you have chosen friends who consider your problems their own, they will give you better and favorable information. On the other hand, those who are not sincere with you will not be bothered much and cannot provide you with the best information or companionship. You need the right people in your life if you want honest and precise advice.

5. Your friends expose your character 

Your friends or company reveals who you are and what type of character you possess. The right friends will bring many positive impacts, not in life but also your personality. Maybe you learn many new things and avoid bad habits in you by becoming the influence of them.

To make your reputation enjoyable and develop good habits, you must choose friends with high morals and real character. In this way, your personality and inner self will nourish, and you may be able to develop many admirable traits in yourself.

6. Friends can escalate your career growth 

If you have supported people in forms of friends around you is a blessing. They can have a great influence on your future and career. Honest friends can increase your career growth by their genuine opinions, appreciating you, and giving you the confidence to achieve whatever you want.

Not only personal growth, but your future growth is also connected with your friends, that’s why you have to be careful while choosing them.

7. Friends can influence your future choices

Friends not only give us emotionally but future support also. If you have sincere, wise, and good friends in life, they will influence your future choices very much with their advice and help. He may make you able to think differently and develop a new approach to life. The opinions of your friends matter a lot for you, and they can genuinely help you to achieve your aims and goals while making you free for troublemaking thoughts.

These points elaborate very well on the importance of choosing the right friends in life for you. Your life becomes happy with genuine friends and company, while most of your problems will vanish because of their support, kindness, help, and encouragement.

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    Students can deliver this emotional speech on friendship day occasion, where they can share highlights on the value and importance of friendship. Speech on Friendship 500 Words in English. Good morning to one & all present here. I am here to express my views on friendship. ... So it is always very vital that you choose your friends wisely, as ...

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