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zeeman effect experiment lab report

2. Eisberg and Resnick Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles, Chapter 10

In this atomic physics experiment you will study the Zeeman effect (1902 Nobel Prize in Physics) by observing the spectra of neon and mercury; you will determine the g-factors and compare with those predicted on the basis of L-S coupling. This experiment allows you to use quantum mechanics to understand the atomic energy levels in multi-electron atoms under a magnetic field. Some of the practical applications include spectral analysis and measurement of magnetic field strength, especially when the latter cannot be measured directly.

THE ZEEMAN EFFECT is the splitting of atomic spectral lines of in the presence of a magnetic field. The (normal) Zeeman effect can be understood classically, as Lorentz predicted, as the interaction energy of an orbiting electron with the magnetic field. Zeeman discovered the effect, but under closer investigation it did not agree with Lorentz. This "anomalous" Zeeman effect was eventually explained by the quantum mechanical effects of spin.

zeeman effect experiment lab report

Mandatory Data Analysis Nuclear Decay Electronics

Elective Fundamental Noise Pulse NMR Zeeman Effect Resistivity & Hall Effect Ferro Electricity Superconductivity

Balmer Series Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Muon Lifetime Rutherford Scattering Optical Pumping

Cosmic Microwave Background


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Zeeman effect.

In a magnetic field, the spectral lines of atoms split into a number of closely spaced lines. This is called the (anomalous) Zeeman Effect. The Zeeman Effect was very important in the development of Quantum Mechanics, especially Quantum Chemistry. It provided direct evidence that the orbital angular momentum of the atoms (or at least the magnetic moment of atoms) was quantized.

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Subject: Physics

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Zeeman Effect

Classic experiment in which students observe the interference pattern from a Fabry-Perot interferometer resulting from the spectral line of a mercury lamp in a magnetic field.

Zeeman Effect Experiment

Zeeman Effect Experiment

Measure the Zeeman Effect with polarization.

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Zeeman effect experiment with high-resolution spectroscopy for advanced physics laboratory

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Andrew S. Taylor , Alexander R. Hyde , Oleg V. Batishchev; Zeeman effect experiment with high-resolution spectroscopy for advanced physics laboratory. Am. J. Phys. 1 August 2017; 85 (8): 565–574. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.4984809

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An experiment studying the physics underlying the Zeeman effect and the Paschen-Back effect is developed for an advanced physics laboratory. We have improved upon the standard Zeeman effect experiment by eliminating the Fabry-Perot etalon, so that virtually any emission line in the visible spectrum can be analyzed. The magnetic field is provided by neodymium magnets. Light emitted in the ∼1 T field is analyzed by a Czerny-Turner spectrograph equipped with medium-dispersion grating and small-pixel imaging CCD. A spectral resolution under 1 pm/pixel is achieved. The splitting of argon and helium lines is measured as a function of field strength. The proportionality of the splitting magnitude to the B -field strength and to λ 2 is demonstrated. The Bohr magneton is calculated and compared to the theoretical value.

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Physics 432, Spring 2023

Modern physics laboratory - atomic & molecular physics, course information.

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  • Scope Exercise
  • Hydrogen-deuterium mass difference
  • X-ray fluorescence
  • The Franck-Hertz experiment

The Zeeman effect in mercury

  • Rubidium optical pumping
  • The Hanle effect
  • The Lamb shift in hydrogen

Physics 432 Home

Students measure the magnetic splitting of the yellow (normal) and green (anomalous) lines of mercury, and learn about the physics accounting for the two quite different spectra. A high resolution Fabry-Perot interferometer is used to measure the spectral splitting as a function of applied magnetic field. Students also learn the physics of the Fabry-Perot interferometer, thereby gaining an understanding of how this device can provide such high resolving power.

Experiment Information

  • Magnet calibration curve (I vs. B for Zeeman magnet)
  • Information on Fabry-Perot interferometry (from Preston & Dietz)

Website maintained by David Pengra, [email protected]


  1. Zeeman Effect Lab by Riley Williams

    zeeman effect experiment lab report

  2. PHYCS 324 LAB REPORT Normal Zeeman Effect

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    zeeman effect experiment lab report

  4. 28. Normal Zeeman Effect

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  5. Zeeman Effect Experiment

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  6. Physics Experiment: LEAI-26 Zeeman Effect Apparatus with Electromagnet

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  1. PDF Zeeman effect experiment

    1. Introduction. In 1897, Pieter Zeeman observed the splitting of the atomic spectrum of cadmium (Cd) from one main line to three lines. Such a splitting of lines is called the normal Zeeman effect. According to the oscillation model by Hendrik Lorentz, the Zeeman splitting arises from the oscillation of charged particles in atoms.

  2. 28. Normal Zeeman Effect

    Normal Zeeman Effect — Modern Lab Experiments documentation. 28. Normal Zeeman Effect ¶. 28.1. Background ¶. Due to the orbital motion and spin of atomic electrons, an atom possesses a magnetic dipole moment. In an external magnetic field, the total energy of the atom now includes magnetic potential energy that is dependent on the ...


    ZEEMAN SPLITTING. n 53706AbstractWhen a magnetic field is applied to atoms, some of the atomic energy levels may be changed and some levels which had identical energies may be split into levels with di. ferent energies. This was discovered by Zeeman in 1896 and is called t. e Zeeman Effect. In this experiment you will measure the energy level ...

  4. PDF The Zeeman E ect

    The Zeeman E ect Oisin De Conduin 07379510 2/2/2011 Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to study the splitting of a spectral line due to a magnetic eld, known as the Zeeman e ect. Speci cally the cadmium red line was investigated. There were three main parts to this: The wavelength of the cadmium red line, the light source used in this ...

  5. PDF Observing the normal Zeeman effect in transverse and ...

    The Zeeman effect is the name for the splitting of atomic energy levels or spectral lines due to the action of an external magnetic field. The effect was first predicted by H. A. Lorenz in 1895 as part of his classic theory of the electron, and experimentally confirmed some years later by P. Zeeman.

  6. PDF Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

    The "Zeeman Effect Experiment" is the splitting up of the spectral lines of atoms when they are placed in a magnetic field. This is one of the few fundamental physics experiments which can be performed in a teaching laboratory. In 1896 it was observed by Zeeman that, when an atom is placed in an external magnetic field, and then excited, the ...


    Due to Zeeman effect, some degenerate energy levels will split into several non-degenerate energy levels with different energies. This allows for new transitions which can be observed as new spectral lines in the atomic spectrum. In this experiment we will study Zeeman effect in neon and mercury for which the theory of Zeeman effect is somewhat

  8. PDF The Zeeman Effect

    This is the Zeeman effect. These notes are designed to guide you through the experiment, but you will need to look up details in books. References are provided throughout. We expect you to produce a self-contained report, demonstrating the achievement of clearly stated aims. Don't forget to enjoy it all! 2 The Fabry-Perot Etalon and Optical ...

  9. PDF The Zeeman Effect

    he Zeeman Effect:The Zeeman effect refers to the splitting of electronic energy levels in an atom due to the application of an extern. magnetic field. Essentially the magnetic properties of the electron in the given electronic state couple with the external magnetic field (simply two mag. ts interacting). The electrons magnetic properties are ...

  10. PDF Instructor.physics.lsa.umich.edu


  11. PDF R Zeeman effect 5.1

    Belgian Fievez was able to demonstrate an effect, but it was forgotten and only rediscovered 11 years later by the Dutchman Zeeman, who studied it together with Lorentz. This experiment, which was of importance to the development of the theory of the atomic shell, can now be carried out with modern equipment in the studnts' experiment laboratory.

  12. PDF Zeeman Effect 2006

    This experiment employs a Fabry-Perot interferometer used as a high resolution spectro-graph to observe the anomalous Zeeman splitting of the 5461Å line of the mercury spectrum. An electromagnet is provided to allow measurement of the effect at several different magnetic field values. It should be noted that the 5461Å line of mercury will ...

  13. PDF The Zeeman Effect

    The Zeeman Effect. Many elements of this lab are taken from "Experiments in Modern Physics" by A. Melissinos. Intro The mercury lamp may emit ultraviolet radiation that is damaging to the cornea: Do NOT look directly at the lamp while it is lit. Always view the lamp through a piece of ordinary glass or through the optics chain of the ...

  14. PDF Experiment 5

    Figure 5.1 The normal Zeeman effect in Hydrogen. Looking at the 1s to 2p transition. (Total Spin=0) In the absence of the constant magnetic field, the hydrogen energies depend only upon the principal quantum number n and the emissions occur at a single (1) wavelength. As we can see that is not the case when a magnetic field is applied.

  15. PHYCS 324 LAB REPORT Normal Zeeman Effect

    This document describes an experiment on the normal Zeeman effect. The experiment involves observing the splitting of the red cadmium spectral line into three components when placed in a magnetic field using a Lummer-Gehrcke plate. Measurements were taken of the splitting at a magnetic field of 0.395 T. From these measurements, the specific elementary charge (e/m) was calculated to be 1.74 × ...

  16. Zeeman Effect

    Overview. In this atomic physics experiment you will study the Zeeman effect (1902 Nobel Prize in Physics) by observing the spectra of neon and mercury; you will determine the g-factors and compare with those predicted on the basis of L-S coupling. This experiment allows you to use quantum mechanics to understand the atomic energy levels in ...

  17. PDF The Zeeman Effect

    If B is large enough so that we can neglect the fine-structure splitting, the Zeeman splitting is given by. FIGURE 7-30 Energy-level splitting in a magnetic field for the 2P3> 2, 2P1> 2, and 2S1> 2 energy levels for sodium, showing the anomalous Zeeman effect. These are the D1 and D2 lines in Figure 7-22. The splitting of the levels depends on ...

  18. PDF zeeman-effect

    The Zeeman effect played an important part in the development of the quantum theory, stimulating the suggestion of electron spin. The apparatus enables the student to investigate this important phenomenon using the normal Zeeman effect ofthe cadmium red Figure 1. Zeeman Effect Apparatus line. TOPICS The Zeeman Effect Apparatus, Fig. 1, permits the

  19. PDF Lecture Note on Senior Laboratory Zeeman effect in Na, Cd, and Hg

    In 1897, Pieter Zeeman observed the splitting of the atomic spectrum of cadmium (Cd) from one main line to three lines. Such a splitting of lines is called the normal Zeeman effect. According to the oscillation model by Hendrik Lorentz, the Zeeman splitting arises from the oscillation of charged particles in atoms.

  20. Zeeman Effect

    Zeeman Effect. In a magnetic field, the spectral lines of atoms split into a number of closely spaced lines. This is called the (anomalous) Zeeman Effect. The Zeeman Effect was very important in the development of Quantum Mechanics, especially Quantum Chemistry. It provided direct evidence that the orbital angular momentum of the atoms (or at ...

  21. Zeeman Effect Experiment

    Zeeman Effect Experiment - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. This document describes an experiment to observe the normal Zeeman effect in cadmium using a Fabry-Perot etalon. The setup allows viewing the effect in both transverse and longitudinal configurations relative to the magnetic field. In the transverse view, a single spectral line splits into a triplet with the ...

  22. Zeeman effect experiment with high-resolution ...

    An experiment studying the physics underlying the Zeeman effect and the Paschen-Back effect is developed for an advanced physics laboratory. We have improved upon the standard Zeeman effect experiment by eliminating the Fabry-Perot etalon, so that virtually any emission line in the visible spectrum can be analyzed.

  23. Physics 432: Zeeman effect in mercury

    The Zeeman effect in mercury. Students measure the magnetic splitting of the yellow (normal) and green (anomalous) lines of mercury, and learn about the physics accounting for the two quite different spectra. A high resolution Fabry-Perot interferometer is used to measure the spectral splitting as a function of applied magnetic field. Students ...