Demand for online education is growing. Are providers ready?

Interest and participation in online learning continues to grow: 2020 saw record enrollment, 1 Data are from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Center for Education Statistics, US Department of Education, accessed March 2022. and universities have launched new online programs to meet this increased demand. 2 For examples, see Sydney Lake, “Alabama State University to launch online MBA program,” Fortune , May 16, 2022; Jenna Tarleton, “Colorado State University Global launches new online Master of Business Administration,” GlobeNewswire, June 1, 2022; and 2U, “edX and University of Maryland launch new online product management master’s degree,” Cision: PR Newswire, May 17, 2022. From doctoral students to lifelong learners, people are increasingly accessing online tools to learn and acquire new skills. Though the increase in demand is undeniable, creating compelling offerings that appeal to prospective students is an ongoing challenge for many providers.

Many players are vying for a piece of the online education market, from local and national universities to emerging online education giants and newer nondegree providers. The magnitude of these market shifts and the increasing competition they herald suggest that online education providers may be compelled to go beyond incremental improvements and initiate big, bold moves to survive, grow, and thrive.

Major market forces

Four core market forces are reshaping the online education space, including increased competition, consolidation by a handful of big players, an influx of investments, and rising standards for quality (Exhibit 1).

As demand for online education has grown, the market has become increasingly competitive, with providers vying for attention from a broad set of prospective students.

From 2011 to 2021, the number of learners reached by massive open online courses (MOOCs) increased from 300,000 to 220 million. 3 Dhawal Shah, “A decade of MOOCs: A review of stats and trends for large-scale online courses in 2021,” EdSurge, December 28, 2021. Between 2012 and 2019, the number of hybrid and distance-only students 4 As a proxy for online learners. at traditional universities increased by 36 percent, while the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 rapidly accelerated that growth by an additional 92 percent. 5 IPEDS, distance education status as of fall 2020, accessed March 2022.

Against this backdrop of growing student interest, the market for online education has consolidated around a handful of dominant online-degree players. A recent analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) total enrollment data showed that while the overall market for degree programs decreased approximately 3 percent from 2019 to 2020, four of the largest open-access online education providers—Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), Liberty University, Western Governors University (WGU), and Grand Canyon University (GCU)—grew their total enrollment by 11 percent on average. 6 IPEDS, distance education status as of fall 2020, accessed March 2022.

But online degree-granting universities have newer, digital-native entrants nipping at their heels and targeting the same student segments. Numerous digital-education start-ups are disrupting the space, driven by a rise in venture capital funding. US venture funding for education technology (edtech) grew from $1 billion to $8 billion between 2017 and 2021. 7 “Global edtech venture capital report - Full year 2021,” Holon IQ, January 3, 2022. In 2021, the public appetite for these investments was evident in the successful IPOs of multiple edtech companies, including that of Coursera (valuation of more than $4 billion). 8 Marina Temkin, “Edtech backers rewarded as IPO pipeline heats up,” PitchBook, November 1, 2021. Edtech investment could be poised for more growth as online offerings surge and as institutions continue to shift toward blended learning grounded in cutting-edge digital technologies.

The forces propelling demand have been accompanied by rising standards for online education quality. For example, new offerings are blurring the lines between degree and nondegree learning, creating a new category of educational competitors. Google’s Grow with Google program, in partnership with Coursera, 9 The Keyword , “Opportunity for everyone,” blog entry by Sundar Pichai, Google, October 12, 2017. offers courses in high-demand areas such as user experience design and data analytics and has made significant gains in enrollment. These programs give prospective learners cost-effective, expeditious options beyond a degree program. Traditional digital-education providers that are primarily degree-focused may want to consider including such offerings in their strategies to compete and grow in the online education space.

Greater demand and rising quality standards also suggest that students are growing savvier about the returns of their educational investments. For some prospective students, especially those moving into high-paying fields such as IT, the opportunity to learn high-demand skills is more important than a program or institution’s brand. Nearly half of respondents to our learner segmentation survey said they would only consider paying for education programs that have an expected positive return on career outcomes, while 21 percent indicated they would consider attending a school to get a degree only if the school was “top ranked.” 10 McKinsey Learner Segmentation Survey (n = 3,709).

Five strategic moves that could unlock opportunities

Amid these market forces are potential growth opportunities for online education providers, but successfully unlocking these opportunities may require providers to make bold moves in adapting and pivoting strategies.

Employers in fields from healthcare to cybersecurity are struggling to find qualified workers, 11 WorkCare Blog , “Employers struggle to find qualified workers,” August 3, 2021; Matt Ferguson, “Employers struggle to find skilled workers,” CNN, 2008; David Ramel, “‘Great Resignation’ depletes already hard-to-find cybersecurity talent,” Converge360, March 24, 2022; Dave Muoio, “Staffing shortages force long-term care facilities to limit admissions, hire agency workers,” Fierce Healthcare, September 22, 2021. and online education can help adults of all ages quickly gain the skills needed to fill these positions and improve their career trajectories. At the same time, workers are reevaluating their career opportunities and looking to enter better-paying fields.

To meet these needs, capture the attention of prospective students, and distinguish themselves from competitors, online education providers could consider five strategic moves (Exhibit 2): integrate skill building and degree attainment to meet student and labor market needs, transform career planning and coaching services, revolutionize employer relationships, deliver a distinctive learning experience, and build a bold and distinctive brand.

1. Meet student and labor market needs

Educational institutions have traditionally focused on learning and knowledge building first and careers second. But students, especially prospective online learners, are focused on the ROI of their degree—specifically, what jobs their degree will prepare them for. 12 McKinsey analysis. Moreover, labor market needs are rapidly changing. As a primary pool of talent, institutions could align themselves with these shifts by rethinking program development and degree attainment to better prepare their students for a dynamic work environment. Institutions have three actions to consider:

Align programs with the needs of the market. At many institutions, including nontraditional online institutions, programs are developed through an outdated and often drawn-out process that is frequently divorced from the needs of employers and industries. This process not only leads to a mismatch in graduates’ skills but also rarely allows for the rapid development of new programs to meet current needs.

Institutions could stay ahead of the curve by adopting an iterative ‘learn and design’ program creation process that includes understanding current trends across industries, identifying shifts in technical and nontechnical skills, and revamping current programs or designing new ones to best prepare students.

For example, a university in Mexico found that new programs drove 34 percent of all new enrollment between 2016 and 2019. This institution focused on new-program development by identifying changes in job market trends and in-demand occupations, evaluating whether competitors were offering relevant programs to meet these workforce shifts, and making rapid decisions about which new programs to offer based on these factors. The creation of new programs was then centralized through an agile content development team (rather than spread across different “schools”) to ensure efficiency and speed to launch, enabling new programs to be built in less than three months. 13 McKinsey analysis.

Institutions could stay ahead of the curve by adopting an iterative ‘learn and design’ program creation process.

Integrate degree and nondegree offerings. The education sector has traditionally treated degree programs and nondegree certification programs as wholly separate. Each is valuable, and each has its shortcomings. More recently, a broader set of education programs have been gaining acceptance among adult learners, with certificate providers increasingly being considered equivalent to more traditional institutions of higher education. 14 McKinsey Learner Segmentation Survey (n = 3,709). This suggests that institutions could most effectively serve the student population by removing barriers between degree and nondegree programs and by offering an integrated package that incorporates credit-bearing credentials and certificates into the broader journey of earning a degree.

Universities don’t necessarily need to reinvent the wheel to build such integrated programs. To develop an end-to-end solution for students, traditional institutions could partner with established nondegree players such Udacity or Grow with Google. Conversely, nondegree providers could seek to partner with full-degree programs so that their students could earn credit for their work and move toward a degree if they chose to.

City University of New York (CUNY), for example, partnered with the New York Jobs CEO Council to launch the EverUp Micro-Credential Program, which offers 100-hour online intensives alongside traditional degree programs. Shaped by input from the largest employers in New York City, these credentials aim to better prepare students for jobs or internships by helping them master specific job-related skills. 15 “Launch your career with EverUp Micro-Credentials!,” CUNY, accessed March 2022.

Offer multiple models for degree attainment. Respondents to the McKinsey learner survey identified a lack of hands-on experience as a top concern with online learning, with 30 percent saying it was their biggest frustration. Many learners in online-only degree programs are adults or traditional-age students from nontraditional backgrounds who cannot wait until the end of a degree program to apply their practical technical skills in paid or part-time roles. By offering stackable credentials with clear “on-ramps” and “off-ramps” that allow concurrent or sequenced work experience opportunities, programs could meet students’ unique needs and support their overall skill-building trajectory while keeping them engaged and driving completion rates.

2. Transform career planning and coaching services

According to McKinsey’s learner survey, 35 percent of respondents said their top motivation for considering additional education was a stalled career or a stalled career search (Exhibit 3). To provide learners with stronger and better-aligned career outcomes and increase job placement potential in high-paying positions, online institutions could proactively and consistently engage with students to set specific goals, work toward those goals, and adjust programming as needed.

Historically, students have started their career journeys by choosing a major in the first year or two of a degree program and trying to find a job in a related field sometime before graduation. This model assumes that learners are well informed about which programs or courses to pursue and does little to actually support learners throughout their journeys. Merely providing an educational experience with little connection to a learner’s postgraduation context is likely not enough to help students achieve career goals, especially in digital environments where networking, information sessions, and other forms of exposure to careers may lack in quality and quantity. A Strada survey revealed that more than a third of adults would change their field of study if they could do it all over again, with lower levels of regret among higher earners. 16 On second thought: US adults reflect on their education decisions , Strada Education Network, June 2017.

Provide up-front opportunities to explore interests. Before selecting a major, students could take a survey or assessment that captures their passions, skills, and experiences and points them toward multiple majors and related career options that align with their profile. Some institutions, such as Dickinson College and Boston College, have begun to integrate strength and interest exploration into summer orientation sessions to encourage students to think about majors and careers before they even start classes. 17 Jon Marcus, “Some colleges ease up on pushing undergrads into picking majors right away,” The Hechinger Report , July 23, 2021. Equipped with data and information about students’ passions and interests, institutions could help students create personalized studies and skill-building plans early in the program. Unlike degree maps that direct students to follow a predetermined path, personalized plans could break down the process of acquiring a degree and show students how they could accumulate skills over time.

Offer integrative exposure to career pathways. It is important for learners to know whether the careers that are aligned to a prospective major are a solid fit. Institutions could expand and prioritize student access to immersive career experiences, including project-based learning, research opportunities, shadowing, and career-aligned mentoring. 18 “Student outcomes beyond completion: National findings from the 2021 Strada Alumni Survey,” Strada Education Network, October 27, 2021.

Wake Forest University has garnered attention for its revitalized approach to career services. The institution emphasizes career exploration and customized exposure to careers early in the student journey by using profiles on Handshake (a job search and matching platform) to connect students with organizations and companies based on their interests and qualifications. 19 Andy Chan and Christine Cruzvergara, Outcomes and metrics that matter: Embedding career services at higher education’s core , Handshake, September 2021.

Other institutions help students build digital portfolios of work that they can show to potential employers during interviews. This allows firms to see precisely what skills students are learning and how those skills relate to specific job roles through, for example, an employer-facing dashboard that links courses, student activities, and work experiences to specific skills and industries. 20 “Career e-portfolios to help land a job,” San José State University, accessed May 2022.

Adjust and iterate on studies and career plans. As a student progresses through the educational journey, institutions could perform check-ins, advise, and reevaluate personalized course plans more frequently. For example, the University of Colorado Boulder’s Program in Exploratory Studies provides personalized attention to help undergraduate students discover their interests, realign on a major and potential career paths, and adjust course plans accordingly. When the program launched in 2019, about 40 percent of Boulder students were switching majors after realizing a new one might be a better fit. The new advising approach gives students the ability to shift plans with ease. 21 “Some colleges,” July 23, 2021. Some other institutions also offer the ability to flex major requirements or stack credentials when pivoting to another field.

3. Revolutionize employer relationships

Online education providers are uniquely positioned to develop close B2B partnerships with organizations looking to upskill their employee bases and attract new talent. The ability of these providers to rapidly adjust their curricula, combined with their history of serving adult students looking to advance their careers, suggests that such partnerships could be a strong driver of growth.

A recent study by Udacity found that roughly 60 percent of employers said talent gaps are having a major or moderate impact on their business, while a majority of younger people across all regions believe their employers should invest in their future by giving them skill training. 22 Talent transformation global impact report , Udacity and Ipsos, January 2022. However, few educational institutions have made B2B a meaningful source of enrollment growth. Traditional B2B strategies often fail to sufficiently address the talent transformation needs of corporate partners. With employers facing unprecedented talent challenges and prospective students looking for career linkages, the moment may be ripe for rethinking how digital educators pursue B2B partnerships. While the nature of B2B strategies may vary across institutions, we have identified a few emerging, innovative approaches that could help institutions build strong B2B partnerships.

With employers facing unprecedented talent challenges and prospective students looking for career linkages, the moment may be ripe for rethinking how digital educators pursue B2B partnerships.

Focus on career-specific skills that can quickly address employer pain points. Many online institutions offer a broad range of certificate and training programs and seek to show the general value of their education to a potential partner instead of focusing on the skills needed for a specific industry or job function. By researching certain industries or roles, online education providers could identify very specific and practical skills that may meet the most acute talent development pain points. A skills-based approach often requires institutions to develop new content, bundle it, and sequence it in new ways while incorporating project-based learning. Scarce resources can make it difficult for universities to modularize all content simultaneously. Focusing on specific industries and professions can help them get started.

Develop comprehensive enterprise plans for upgrading and adding talent. Online education providers could differentiate their B2B offerings by thinking of themselves as talent development partners or as part of a “corporate academy.” By partnering with learning and development (L&D) teams to offer value-added services such as enterprise-wide assessments for talent transformation, these institutions could increase the value of educational partnerships and help ensure that it results in meaningful ROI for B2B partners. Once a business is enrolled, online education providers could develop personalized plans for each employee and create enterprise-specific reporting platforms that track and display the collective progress of the company’s talent pool. Moreover, providers could offer select student support services that are tailored for a given partner. In addition to developing existing talent, online education providers could innovate go-to-market approaches for attracting new talent to fields with significant labor shortages. For example, they could develop degree and training programs in partnership with employers who promise tuition assistance and jobs for students who complete the program. Talent attraction and development are more important than ever; by solving these problems, an online education provider could become integral to the core business instead of simply a benefit for employees.

Measure impact and ROI. Deeper partnerships that meet the specific needs of employers could drive real business value by filling talent gaps. However, very few, if any, online education providers have measured that impact or demonstrated the full ROI of upskilling employees. This suggests there is a unique opportunity for a nimble, forward-thinking provider to structure partnerships in which ROI is front and center. Measuring the impact of programs that build digital skills could also help unlock more B2B partnerships and greater enrollment growth.

4. Deliver a distinctive learning experience

The COVID-19 pandemic has further influenced consumer behavior and expectations across industries, 23 For more, see “ US consumer sentiment and behaviors during the coronavirus crisis ,” McKinsey, December 14, 2021. including education. Approximately 20 percent of respondents to our survey of US learners said their biggest frustration with online learning was “engaging in real-time conversations through a virtual medium.” About 18 percent of respondents said their top frustration with online learning was “getting the technology to work.”

To meet evolved student expectations, online institutions may want to upgrade their overall digital experience across core content delivery, build supporting tools and infrastructure, and apply best practices in customer experience. In our recent article on improving online higher education, 24 Felipe Child, Marcus Frank, Mariana Lef, and Jimmy Sarakatsannis, “ Setting a new bar for online higher education ,” McKinsey, October 18, 2021. we share the findings of our survey on academic research as well as the practices of more than 30 institutions, including both regulated degree-granting universities and nonregulated lifelong-education providers.

To deliver an outstanding learning experience and better outcomes for students, institutions could focus their efforts on three overarching principles (Exhibit 4):

Seamless journeys. Exceptional delivery includes a user-centered learning platform that is easy to navigate and highly interactive. Elements could include movie trailer–like course previews presented by top instructors, real-time progress dashboards across programs and courses, and integrated, timely alerts that let students know when they are not investing enough time on a topic and offer suggestions for study resources.

An engaging teaching approach. While top-notch faculty and teachers, interactive lessons, and high-quality content are all critical, exceptional delivery also includes supporting a variety of learning settings to adapt to different learning needs. Enabling students to choose a learning format they prefer is one example. Real-time collaboration via group work, breakout rooms for discussion classes, Q&As with professors, and free, embedded access to external resources—such as professional-association standards and newspaper articles—could also help strengthen learning.

A caring network. Strong networks offering both academic and nonacademic support could help institutions accelerate learning and foster the well-being of students. This could include easily accessible, 24/7 troubleshooting support via a live service desk for urgent learning and teaching problems. Other initiatives to consider are program-specific opportunities to enhance student life online, such as personalized meet and greets, special academic invitations, and thematic social clubs, as well as using the right technologies to allow for just-in-time community or adviser support where needed.

5. Build a bold and differentiated brand

In today’s highly competitive market, building a distinctive brand is more important than ever. Our independent analysis of the fastest-growing online universities revealed that their success was due, at least in part, to investing marketing dollars in raising broad-based awareness of their educational offerings. By sustaining these efforts over time, they were able to increase awareness and inbound interest, which ultimately helped drive enrollment. Through our work and our research, we’ve identified three marketing and branding benchmarks providers may want to consider:

A compelling brand message. By initiating the four moves listed above, online education providers could lay the foundation for a distinctive brand message that cuts through the “sea of sameness” that typifies most online education advertising. Simply emphasizing affordability and flexibility may not be enough. Successful brands are not afraid to be bold and elicit both emotional and rational responses from consumers. Shaping a brand message that speaks to people’s dreams for the future, and shows how an institution is innovating to deliver on that promise, could help the institution stand out and motivate prospective students to learn more about it. There are many ways for an institution to differentiate its brand, including focusing on a particular student segment (such as veterans), focusing on a particular field of study (such as healthcare or nursing), or focusing on a distinctive student experience (such as through a differentiated online platform or student support network).

A balanced marketing media mix that delivers sustainable student acquisition costs. Many online education providers developed their marketing strategies during a time of ever-growing demand and limited competition. Those strategies tended to emphasize “bottom of the funnel” tactics such as affiliate marketing and paid-search marketing that aimed to convert prospective students who were close to making a decision. Given the marked increase in competition and growing per-click costs, this strategy may not prove sustainable. Our research shows that the most successful institutions invest at least half of their marketing dollars in broad-reach media that drives organic traffic. While investing more in brand marketing does require patience, it could establish a brand that generates sustainable student acquisition costs over time while helping increase conversion rates across all channels and throughout the enrollment process. The use of digital channels such as video, social media, and audio could allow institutions to reach a broad but still relevant audience. These tactics may also allow institutions to track the impact of these broader marketing efforts by looking at organic traffic and search data.

Our research shows that the most successful institutions invest at least half of their marketing dollars in broad-reach media that drives organic traffic.

Use of authentic voices to build credibility. Institutions may benefit from creating opportunities for current and former students to communicate the value of their programs to the broader public. Successful students take great pride in their accomplishments and are often happy to share their experiences. Moreover, they can deliver authentic and credible messages. As more and more prospective students turn to TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to research schools, promoting user-generated content could go a long way toward driving interest and enrollment growth.

Institutions may also want to ensure that their branding is sustained throughout the admissions process. Instead of using a rigid, sometimes overly persistent model that focuses on outbound phone calls and cookie-cutter information, institutions can instead adopt a flexible engagement model that provides personalized information and respects the audience’s time.

Admissions teams could also diversify how they interact with prospective students and work seamlessly across SMS, email, phone, and videoconferencing to provide information and answer questions. In this new model, admissions officers become more than a single point of contact, instead connecting students to online information and to people in other parts of the organization, such as alumni or faculty, who could help them make informed decisions.

This new approach to branding and admissions might sound like common sense, but many organizations have optimized their old models over decades. Thoroughly changing a branding strategy often requires a fundamental restructuring of the way institutions work, the skills they employ, and how they measure success.

While making progress in these five strategic areas could yield growth, doing all five in unison is likely to produce the greatest impact.

To compete and grow, digital-learning providers may benefit from moving fast and cross-functionally and making rapid decisions based on data. Executing these five big moves will likely require the investment and involvement of the full organization. McKinsey analysis suggests that for most institutions, this path will represent a full transformation of current operations; lessons discussed in other education insights may be helpful in that effort. This path also requires a willingness to look beyond education for ideas and expertise and to find new technologies from across the digital economy. Blazing the path to a new frontier of online education is daunting, but those that do it could grow their impact while supporting students.

Nadine Diaz-Infante is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Mexico City office, Michael Lazar is a partner in the New York office, Samvitha Ram is a consultant in the New Jersey office, and Austin Ray is a consultant in the Atlanta office.

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Online Education - Worldwide

  • Revenue in the Online Education market is projected to reach US$185.20bn in 2024.
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2029) of 8.56%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$279.30bn by 2029.
  • The Online University Education market has a projected market volume of US$120.70bn in 2024.
  • In global comparison, most revenue will be generated in the United States (US$87.51bn in 2024).
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) in the Online Education market is projected to amount to US$0.21k in 2024.
  • In the Online Education market, the number of users is expected to amount to 1,121.0m users by 2029.
  • User penetration in the Online Education market will be at 14.9% in 2024.


Additional Information:

  • University designed and delivered courses and credentials such as public/private universities, Harvard Business Online
  • Online learning platform courses and credentials such as Coursera, Udemy, Babbel
  • Professional certification offered through institutes and study prep companies such as PMI, Kaplan.


  • Learning management systems
  • Virtual learning environments
  • Exclusively B2B companies

Online Education

  • Online University Education
  • Online Learning Platforms
  • Professional Certificates
  • Analyst Opinion

The Online Education market Worldwide is experiencing significant growth and development. Customer preferences: Customers are increasingly turning to online education for its convenience and flexibility. Online courses allow individuals to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes. This is particularly appealing to working professionals and individuals with busy schedules who may not have the time or resources to attend traditional in-person classes. Additionally, online education provides access to a wide range of courses and programs that may not be available locally. Trends in the market: One of the key trends in the online education market is the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs offer free or low-cost courses to a large number of students, making education more accessible to individuals around the world. These courses are often offered by prestigious universities and cover a wide range of subjects. Another trend is the increasing use of technology in online education. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and gamification are being incorporated into online courses to enhance the learning experience and engage students. Additionally, online education platforms are partnering with employers to offer job-specific training and certifications, catering to the growing demand for lifelong learning and upskilling. Local special circumstances: In the United States, the online education market is driven by the high cost of traditional education and the need for flexible learning options. Many individuals are seeking alternative ways to gain skills and knowledge without incurring significant student loan debt. In China, the online education market is fueled by a large population and the growing middle class. Online education is seen as a way to improve job prospects and gain a competitive edge in the job market. In India, the online education market is driven by the need to provide quality education to a large population, especially in rural areas where access to traditional educational institutions may be limited. Underlying macroeconomic factors: The growth of the online education market is also influenced by macroeconomic factors. The increasing adoption of technology and internet connectivity worldwide has made online education more accessible. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the growth of the online education market, as schools and universities were forced to shift to online learning. This has led to a greater acceptance and reliance on online education platforms. Additionally, the rising demand for skilled workers in various industries has created a need for continuous learning and upskilling, driving the demand for online education. In conclusion, the Online Education market in Worldwide is experiencing significant growth and development due to customer preferences for convenience and flexibility, the rise of MOOCs and the integration of technology in online courses. Local special circumstances, such as the high cost of traditional education in the United States, the large population and growing middle class in China, and the need for quality education in rural areas in India, are also driving the market. Furthermore, macroeconomic factors such as increasing technology adoption, internet connectivity, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have further propelled the growth of the online education market.

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  • Global Comparison
  • Key Market Indicators

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Home > Media & Technology > Information Technology > IT Applications > E-learning Market

E-learning Market Size - By Technology (Online E-learning, LMS, Mobile E-learning, Rapid E-learning, Virtual Classroom, Others), Provider (Service, Content), Application (Corporate, Academic, Government) & Forecast, 2023 – 2032

  • Report ID: GMI215
  • Published Date: May 2023
  • Report Format: PDF

E-learning Market Size

E-Learning Market size was valued at USD 399.3 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at 14% CAGR between 2023 and 2032.The growing demand for immersive learning and hands-on training experience in the healthcare sector is driving the adoption of e-learning systems across the industry. The e-learning initiative aims to improve digital health learning by raising awareness and understanding the proper usage & accessibility of virtual care services. Improved digital health learning will allow people to better manage their health and feel more at ease with digital healthcare technologies.

E-Learning Market

For instance, in October 2021, the Digital Health Learning Program, launched by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway), is a package of resources meant to increase digital health awareness and healthcare treatment. Initially, the program provided resources on virtual care, health data access, security & privacy, and proactive health management.

E-learning Market Report Attributes
Report Attribute Details
Base Year:2022
E-learning Market Size in 2022:USD 399.3 Billion
Forecast Period:2023 to 2032
Forecast Period 2023 to 2032 CAGR:14%
2032 Value Projection: USD 1 Trillion
Historical Data for:2018 to 2022
No. of Pages:300
Tables, Charts & Figures:333
Segments covered:Technology, Provider, Application
Growth Drivers:
Pitfalls & Challenges:

E-learning, also known as electronic learning, refers to the process of learning and acquiring knowledge using electronic technology, mostly on the internet. It includes providing educational content, courses, and educational materials to distance learners using digital tools, resources, and platforms. E-learning has revolutionized education through online classes, virtual classrooms , webinars, training videos, interactive modules, and digital assessments. It allows easy access for students to learning content from anywhere with an internet connection and learn at their own pace.

The automotive industry relies on professionals to manage complex operations. However, the growing concerns about the lack of qualified professionals & experts with technical skills create problems for auto companies, especially in recruiting and retaining skilled workers. The automotive industry is growing rapidly with developments in areas such as electric vehicles, autonomous driving, connected vehicles, and technology. These advancements require employees with up-to-date knowledge and skills in fields such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and data analysis.  

  • E-learning Market Trends

E-learning is increasingly becoming popular in the growing educational markets including China and India. According to the India Brand Equity Foundation, the country’s higher education segment is expected to reach USD 35.03 billion by 2025. In Latin America, IP traffic was projected to grow threefold with a compound annual growth rate of 21% and internet traffic 2.6-fold from 2016 to 2021. This has encouraged students undertaking higher education to leverage the benefits of e-learning technologies. In March 2021, Mexico's Lower Chamber approved a bill that established a gradual transition toward free higher education until 2022.  

The growth of the higher education sector coupled with the increasing internet penetration will support the e-learning market growth. Flexible course formats, multiple certification programs, and an easy learning curve compared to classroom courses are increasing the demand for e-learning. Higher education institutions are leveraging the benefits of LMS technology to offer high-quality education to students. Students pursuing higher education are increasingly transitioning toward e-learning platforms to enhance their job placement skills, foster academic growth, and easily pursue advanced courses.  

E-learning Market Analysis

Global E-Learning Market Revenue, By Provider

The content segment held over USD 200 billion e-learning market share in 2022. E-learning content providers share materials on various topics by collaborating with subject experts, who help them develop the learning content. They focus on offering specific & customized content as per end-user requirements. LMS platforms enable learners to easily access these online courses. Some prominent e-learning content providers include Udacity, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning. These service & content providers are forming strategic partnerships to add value to the content and provide robust tracking capabilities that are easier to manage and scale. In December 2021, Skillsoft and Udemy Business entered into a partnership to empower technical skills & competency mastery. Under this alliance, Skillsoft merged Udemy’s content into its Percipio platform, optimizing the overall learning experience across the enterprise and allowing learners to acquire new skills & develop the existing ones more effectively.

Global E-Learning Market Share, By Technology,

The learning management system market is poised to observe around 18% CAGR during the forecast period. The increasing government initiatives for the digitization of educational infrastructure and the rising BYOD trend will fuel the demand for LMS over the estimated timeframe. LMS technology allows the delivery, management, planning, and evaluation of content for educational courses. This software-based program provides the necessary infrastructure, framework, and tools for online training. LMS enables educational institutions and corporate organizations to create & manage courses, lessons, and other training materials. It is majorly used in large companies for training employees at a rapid pace. Managing many activities, training modules, and assessments on different platforms can be complicated and time-consuming. The need for maintaining a wide range of platforms for a diverse workforce will fuel the demand for integrated LMS.

The e-learning market from corporate segment will expand at over 15% CAGR through 2032. The shortage of skilled labor has fueled the demand for e-learning courses in the corporate sector. According to the Mercer 2022 Global Talent Trends study, nearly 70% of companies face issues in terms of hiring the right talent at a suitable salary point. To address these issues, enterprises across India are emphasizing resetting the skills agenda to achieve both future & current talent needs. This shift in market dynamics will accelerate the need for LMS, mobile learning , and virtual classroom technology across the corporate sector for training employees at a rapid pace.

China E-Learning Market Revenue,

The Asia Pacific e-learning market dominated more than USD 60 billion revenue in 2022, due to the improving internet infrastructure Several government organizations in the region are focused on developing the internet infrastructure. The Asia Pacific Information Superhighway is an initiative to increase the affordability & availability of the internet across the region by strengthening the required infrastructure, thereby driving the adoption of mobile learning.

Strong internet connectivity facilitates the smooth streaming of videos by considerably reducing buffering time. There is an increasing awareness about education, which can be attributed to the government efforts targeted at improving literacy rates. The improving economic conditions in Asia Pacific will also contribute to the e-learning market growth. 'Developing Asia' refers to a group of 45 countries that are members of the Asian Development Bank. While the second and third waves of the COVID-19 outbreak posed uncertainties regarding economic growth, the region’s economic revival was supported by a healthy global recovery and progress on vaccines.

E-learning Market Share

The major companies operating in the e-learning market include

  • Adobe Systems
  • Apollo Education Group
  • Articulate Global, Inc.
  • Blackboard Inc.
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Citrix Systems
  • Compunnel Software Group Inc.
  • Coursera, Inc.
  • D2L Corporation
  • Docebo, Inc.
  • Epicor Software Corporation
  • GitHub Inc.
  • IBM Corporation
  • Infor, Inc.
  • Khan Academy Inc
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Oracle Corporation
  • Pearson Saba Software

E-learning Industry News:

  • In May 2022, Google launched new training & education initiatives for National Small Business Week. This program helps businesses to acquire advanced digital marketing knowledge, as well as a new certificate course in digital marketing and e-commerce, designed to address key skill gaps.  
  • In May 2022, Anthology, a parent company of Blackboard, Inc., partnered with GoPeer to deliver more tutoring options to higher education institutions. The collaboration will allow Anthology customers to deploy GoPeer either through Blackboard Assist or a standalone offering.

This e-learning market research report includes an in-depth coverage of the industry with estimates & forecast in terms of revenue in USD Million from 2018 to 2032 , for the following segments: Click here to Buy Section of this Report

Market, By Technology

  • Online e-learning
  • Mobile e-learning
  • Rapid e-learning
  • Virtual classroom

Market, By Provider

Market, By Application

  • Large enterprises
  • Higher education
  • Vocational training

The above information has been provided for the following regions and countries:

  • South Korea
  • South Africa  

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How big is the e-learning market, how are corporate applications driving the e-learning industry expansion, what is the size of the apac e-learning market, which are the prominent e-learning companies, e-learning market scope.

  • E-learning Market Size
  • E-learning Market Analysis
  • E-learning Market Share

Premium Report Details

  • Base Year: 2022
  • Companies covered: 25
  • Tables & Figures: 333
  • Countries covered: 19

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Online Education Market

Online Education Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Academic, Corporate), By Technology (Mobile E-learning, Rapid E-learning, Podcasts, Virtual Classroom, Learning Management System, Application Simulation Tool), By Vendor (Service Provider, Content Provider), By End-User (Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools, Others) and By Region(North America, Europe, APAC, Middle East and Africa, LATAM) Forecasts, 2024-2032

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Market Dynamics

Regional analysis.

  • Report Scope

Segmental Analysis

Impact of covid-19.

  • Key Players
  • Recent Development
  • Report Overview
  • Table of Content
  • Segmentation

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Market overview.

The global online education market size was valued at USD 49.99 billion in 2023. It is expected to reach USD 324.95 billion by 2032 , growing at a CAGR of 23.12% during the forecast period (2020–2032). Online education is a computer-assisted learning framework that relies on the internet for understudies and instructors to collaborate and share study materials. Variables contributing to the growth of the online education market include growing interest in lowering the cost of instruction, expanding government initiatives supporting online schooling, and increasing infiltration of cell phones and the internet. Furthermore, market growth is expected to be grown by rising interest in flexible and adaptive learning and the introduction of AI-enabled e-learning solutions.

The growing adoption of cloud-based arrangements, combined with rising investment speculations by major market penetrators aimed at improving the security and unwavering quality of cloud-based education platforms, is broadening the options available to institutions. The vast number of service and content providers on the market brings massive amounts of educational content to the web.

Due to the accessibility of free content, end users are embracing online learning more frequently, and ed-tech companies see this as a new opportunity to make money. For instance, BYJU, one of India's most valuable Edtech start-ups, has added 7.5 million new users to its platform since making content accessible for free.

Online Education Market

Market Driving Factors

Growing internet penetration to boost market progress.

Internet usage has skyrocketed due to global technological infrastructure development and advancements that have made it possible for people and businesses to reach new heights that otherwise would not have been feasible. As a result, the education industry has outgrown other sectors in the digital disruption by making distance learning courses available to people of all ages. Many students in the modern era use online education technologies to complete their educational needs without leaving their homes, offices, or cities because they can access smartphones and the internet.

Education providers worldwide are increasingly using the internet to offer courses, certifications, and degrees to rural and urban populations because it is known for being a treasure trove of information and knowledge. Furthermore, the development of interactive teaching methods in the online education system, which is cost-effective and appears to be a great online tool for both teachers and students, is contributing to the increase in the number of students who attend online classes.

Market Restraining Factors

Low income and internet accessibility to restrict market growth.

One of the biggest challenges in the online education market is that poor people in rural areas have limited access due to low internet penetration and smartphone adoption. Few companies are willing to enter the television and radio markets, which are the focus of these sections. The target audience comprises people of various ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. One of the significant factors limiting demand for online education services is income disparity.

Key Market Opportunities

Growth in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to boost market opportunities.

The use of AI and machine learning has increased on e-learning platforms because it allows for the customization of content based on each student's prior knowledge and provides a one-size-fits-all approach. In addition, leveraging AI and ML makes it possible to rapidly analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and trends to optimize and enhance learning experiences. Moreover, it simplifies, accelerates, and increases the agility of course creation without sacrificing quality.

Automatic translation and localization capabilities have accelerated and improved the eLearning development process. Additionally, it is now possible to create multilingual content for multinational corporations that struggle to develop useful content for branches spread across numerous nations or for the increasingly common occurrence of multinational corporations working with remote teams. Therefore, it is anticipated that an increase in these developments will bring about profitable opportunities for the market.

2020-2032 23.12%
2020-2022 2024-2032
2023 USD 49.99 Billion
2032 USD 324.95 Billion
North America Asia Pacific

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The global online education market is divided into three regions, namely North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe.

North America will dominate the global online education market during the forecast period. The main reason is the presence of a well-established infrastructure and a highly skilled labor force. Another factor contributing to the market expansion in this region is the rising demand for and adoption of the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy among corporate enterprises. Most of the industry's most important players, including Cisco Systems, Inc., Oracle, and Microsoft Corporation, are already established in this region, contributing to the continued market expansion.

Asia-Pacific will emerge as the second dominating region in the global online education market during the forecast period. The factors responsible for the growth of the Asian-Pacific market will be the increasing usage of the internet and the rising adoption of smartphones. Due to the large number of educational institutions located in countries like India, China, and Japan, the growth of this region will be led by the economies of the countries that currently hold the leading positions, such as Japan and China.

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The global online education market has been segmented into type, technology, vendor and end-user.

Based on type, the global market is classified into academic and corporate. The academic segment of the global online education market encompasses a wide range of offerings, including K-12 education, higher education, and specialized certifications.  Driving forces for this sector are increasing internet penetration, the need for flexible learning, and the affordability of education solutions. Moreover, the government's initiatives and policies supporting digital education will further increase the market. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of online. The key players in the e-learning industry are, Udemy, Edx, Coursera and more who offer a wide range of courses and certifications.

The corporate segment of the online education market deals with training and development solutions for businesses and organizations. This sector has grown rapidly because business enterprises have increasingly realized the necessity of continuous learning and upskilling of human resources due to the dynamic nature of modern business. Corporate online education may include compliance training, leadership development, technical skills enhancement, and soft skill training. E-learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy for Business, and Skillsoft provide course content on developing employee skills.

Based on technology, the global market is classified into mobile e-learning, rapid e-learning, podcasts, virtual classrooms, learning management systems and application simulation tools. Due to increased smartphone penetration and internet accessibility, the mobile e-learning segment within the global online education market has experienced significant growth. The pandemic accelerated the shift to online education including mobile e-learning. This segment caters to a diverse demographic, including K-12 students, higher education learners, and professionals seeking to enhance their skills. Key players include Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy, offering diverse courses across various subjects.

Rapid E-learning helps professionals and students who need to acquire new skills within a very short period. Rapid e-learning does this by providing knowledge in ruthlessly small, engaging content bits, thus making information transfer most efficient. This recommends it for corporate training on new procedures, software tutorials, and keeping employees compliant with regulations. Hence, based on this, a high demand for upskilling and micro-learning is foreseen to become the driving forces behind the rapid growth of e-learning marketing.

Podcasts represent the convenient and flexible media of today's technology for learning, available anytime and anywhere. They cater to diverse subjects and skill levels, hence opening education to many people. The integration of interactive elements and expert interviews increases their learning potential. Moreover, podcasts are cost-effective for the providing as well as the learning end. With the further extension of internet access and a growing usage of mobile devices, the podcast section of online education is likely to rise continuously.

The Virtual Classroom segment in the global online education market is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing digitalization in education and rising demand for flexible learning solutions. Big players in this area are Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. The COVID-19 outbreak has made virtual classrooms more popular worldwide. This is likely to grow further continuously in the future with improvements in technology and growing acceptance of remote learning modules.

The LMS market segment grows significantly within the global online education market itself, and this is fueled by its increasing adoption of e-learning solutions across the world. Key players in this space include Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, and others dominate this space, offering robust platforms for course management, content delivery, and student engagement. One of the main factors characterizing this market is a decided shift towards cloud-based solutions that improve scalability and accessibility.

Based on vendor, the global market is classified into service provider and content provider. The online education market has seen exponential growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for flexible and accessible learning solutions. Major players like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning dominate the market, offers professional development courses with an emphasis on business and technology skills. As the market continues to evolve, these providers will play a crucial role in shaping the future of education by leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes and accessibility.

The content provider segment in the online education market is crucial, as it delivers educational material to learners. Companies, like Khan Academy, edX, and MasterClass, create and make a wide range of courses available in subjects ranging from academia to professional skills. With the fast development of technologies, content developers are using artificial intelligence and machine learning more and more for tailored learning experiences and education that is more adaptive in order to handle diverse needs.

Based on end-users, the global market is classified into Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools and Others. The expanded adoption of online education platforms by higher education institutions is aimed at providing flexible and accessible learning environments. This move is made in response to demands for lifelong learning and catering to non-traditional students, particularly working professionals and international learners. Using online education could open further opportunities for universities and colleges to spread their reach, reduce associated costs, and roll out a diversified course platform. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated online education through institutional investments in robust digital infrastructure and innovative e-learning tools. This shift is likely to continue, with institutions of higher learning at the center of expanding this market in online education.

This segment has been developing significantly due to the surge in usage of digital tools for learning and the new urge for flexible education solutions that arose specifically after the COVID-19 pandemic. K-12 online education packages include interactive and immersive learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and customized learning tools according to different age groups and educational needs. These are fast being used by schools and teachers in many curriculum applications, providing full curriculums, offering remote learning for students, and enhancing student engagement using multimedia resources and interactive lessons. The increasing focus on innovations in technology is only likely to further shape the way K-12 online education is delivered effectively and accessibly to young learners worldwide.

Market Size By Type

Market Size By Type

Covid-19 had some profound adverse impacts on the global advanced ceramics market.

COVID-19 spread across the world from China, making the whole world stand still and to a complete lockdown situation. Covid-19 is an infectious disease that was caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. During the time, the fatality rate among the population above 40 was also high globally. The disease causes severe illness for people suffering from medical conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, etc.

Considering the situation during that time, it was declared a pandemic which led to numerous countries, including the major economies like China, the United States, India, and others, implementing lockdowns which adversely affected the global economy.

In the first two quarters of 2020, the economic and industrial operations temporarily halted. Almost every manufacturing unit where advanced ceramics is used, such as electrical and electronics, transportation, industrial, chemical, and other End-user Industries (except medical), reduced their manufacturing capacities due to the lack of workers. The lockdown implemented put a halt to global supply chains. This resulted in repercussions in terms of both production and demand for advanced ceramics.

Market Recovery Timeline and Challenges

With time the lockdowns were uplifted, and relaxation was made to the public. Gradually, the economy picked up the pace and started its operations, bringing the demand in the global advanced ceramics market and increasing among various industries. As the situation improved during the initial months of 2021, the economies also strengthened their fiscal policies and initiated their development process; the end-user industries began their activities, bringing the overall ceramics market back on track.

List of key players in Online Education Market

  • McGraw-Hill Education
  • Blackboard Inc.
  • Aptara Inc.
  • PowerSchool Group LLC
  • Udacity, Inc.
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Citrix Education Inc.
  • Centerpoint Systems Inc.

Online Education Market Share of Key Players

Online Education Market Share of Key Players

Recent Developments

  • May 2022 - Class Reached Definitive Agreement to Acquire Anthology's Blackboard Collaborate. Anthology, a provider of education solutions that support the entire learner lifecycle, and Class Technologies Inc., a leader in the synchronous virtual classroom space, have announced that they have signed a definitive agreement for Class to acquire Anthology's Blackboard Collaborate virtual classroom tool.

Online Education Market Segmentations

By type (2020-2032), by technology (2020-2032).

  • Mobile E-learning
  • Rapid E-learning
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Learning Management System
  • Application Simulation Tool

By Vendor (2020-2032)

  • Service Provider
  • Content Provider

By End-User (2020-2032)

  • Higher Education Institutions
  • K-12 Schools

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Online Education Market Analysis North America, APAC, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa - US, China, India, Germany, UK - Size and Forecast 2024-2028

Online Education Market Analysis North America, APAC, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa - US, China, India, Germany, UK - Size and Forecast 2024-2028

  • Published: Feb 2024
  • SKU: IRTNTR43516

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Online Education Market Forecast 2024-2028

The Global   Online Education Market  size is forecast to increase by USD 111.01 billion,  at a CAGR of 9.77% between 2023 and 2028. The Global Online Education Market witnesses growth propelled by key drivers and emerging trends reshaping the education landscape. With growing advantages in online learning, coupled with rapid internet-enabled device penetration, there's heightened accessibility to educational resources worldwide. Additionally, the increasing focus on language learning drives demand for online language courses. However, challenges such as inadequate cybersecurity measures and infrastructure limitations in developing economies pose hurdles to market expansion. Emerging trends like the adoption of apps and wearables, alongside the emergence of cloud computing, present opportunities for innovation and growth in the online education sector. The report includes historic market data from 2018-2022. This report also includes an in-depth market growth analysis, market trends and analysis, and market forecasting of forecast and history.

Overview of the Market

Online Education Market Size

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Market Segmentation by Application

The market growth analysis by the primary and secondary supplemental education segment will be significant during the projection period. This segment includes online learning for students enrolled in primary and secondary classes. The online channel delivers a conducive educational environment to students who are in favour of individual high-quality learning. This segment is expected to witness high growth owing to factors such as the growing interest of students in the detailed understanding of subjects and increased awareness among the students regarding the availability of such a mode of education, especially in developing countries.

Online Education Market Size

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The primary and secondary supplemental education was the largest segment and was valued at  USD 40.25 billion  in 2018. The curriculum for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects is gaining importance as it combines rigorous academic principles with the skills of learners. E-learning platforms teach these four disciplines as an integrated learning paradigm based on real-world applications rather than teaching them as discrete and separate subjects. Schools also provide game-based e-learning digital education with goals, rules, feedback systems, and voluntary participation. The curriculum uses gaming elements with embedded educational gaming features designed to aid teaching and enhance student learning experiences by developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. All such factors are anticipated to drive the growth of the segment of the market during the forecast period.

Regional Insight

APAC  is estimated to contribute  33%  to the growth of the global market during the forecast period. Technavio's analysts have provided extensive insight into market forecasting, detailing the regional trends and drivers influencing the market's trajectory throughout the forecast years.

Online Education Market Share by Geography

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Further, the adoption of digital education content is high in North America as it is seen as a learning process and a medium where students use new technologies. Companies are investing in new technologies to provide flexibility to the academic sector. Therefore, students can learn using the digital mode of education and technological tools while exploring a virtual learning environment. The Florida Virtual School is an online school built for personalized learning that can be accessed by public, private, and homeschooled students for K-12 education. Globally, the US is the largest market in the region. The market in the country is driven by the increasing acceptance of online degrees. The shift in the preference of students is high, especially due to the flexible formats (self-paced courses) of online degrees. Therefore, the factors mentioned above indicate that the market will witness year-over-year growth in the region during the forecast period.

Market Dynamics and Customer Landscape

In response to the evolving demands, the global online education market adopts cloud-based systems and AI-enabled e-learning solutions to provide instructors and learners with study materials through internet-enabled devices like laptops, mobile phones, and PCs, alongside traditional pen and paper models. This convergence of culture and technology is further accelerated by the widespread availability of 5G networks, notwithstanding challenges such as regulatory hurdles and geographic limitations in accreditation and compliance regulations. Our researchers analyzed the data with 2023 as the base year, along with the market trends and analysis, drivers, and challenges. A holistic market growth analysis and report of drivers will help companies refine their marketing strategies to gain a competitive advantage.

Key Market Driver

Rapid penetration of internet-enabled devices is notably driving market growth. The proliferation of smartphones has been particularly remarkable, with the number of mobile cellular subscriptions increasing steadily from 8.27 billion in 2020 to 8.36 billion in 2022, as reported by the World Bank Group. This surge in mobile phone and tablet usage , coupled with the rising demand for personalized learning experiences, has fueled the expansion of online education. Numerous vendors in the market offer a variety of audio-visual and textual learning content tailored for compatibility with smartphone devices.

Furthermore, the rapid development of infrastructure in emerging economies like China and India has elevated their education systems to levels comparable to those in developed economies such as the US and the UK. Consequently, the preference for smartphone devices as the primary platform for accessing educational content is expected to drive market growth in the forecast period.

The adoption of cloud-based systems and AI-enabled e-learning solutions has further facilitated the convergence of cultures in education. These technologies offer learners access to a wide range of study materials, including PDFs, podcasts, and videos, beyond traditional pen and paper models . Despite regulatory hurdles such as compliance regulations and licensing processes, the increasing accessibility to the internet, along with advancements in technology and government initiatives promoting online schooling , is overcoming geographic limitations and fostering a global exchange of cultures through education.

Significant Market Trends

The growing adoption of apps and wearables for online education is an emerging trend shaping market development. The use of virtual reality (VR) in tutoring creates a unique environment for studying. Along with the use of VR in online lessons, tutors are enhancing their sessions with various mobile apps. The proliferation of smartphones, coupled with the increasing penetration of the Internet, is fueling the demand for mobile learning apps. Students also use the app for reading books, utilizing the text-to-speech and speech-to-text features, and doing exercises and tasks.

Furthermore, VR is expected to be the most popular technology in virtual classrooms . The main benefit of these types of technologies is the ability to share content easily. Smartwatches keep the user connected always. Besides, a smartwatch is connected to other devices, such as smartphones, which makes online education convenient for its users. Therefore, the growing adoption of wearables and mobile apps for online education is expected to propel the growth of the market during the forecast period.

Major Market Challenges 

Accreditation and recognition issues with online certificates are a significant challenge hindering market growth. Several major employers prefer students from traditional top-tier institutes over the ones who have acquired the same skill from a digitized source. For instance, in 2009, the Government of India imposed a ban on distance Master of Technology and Bachelor of Technology courses on the grounds of compromised quality. The six-year-old ban was lifted in 2015 but was re-imposed in 2016.

Additionally, the All India Council for Technical Education still follows rigid regulations and does not recognize online distance-learning platforms for courses related to architecture , pharmacy, hotel management, and engineering. For instance, SMU-DE for Distance Education is approved by the UGC but not by the AICTE. Hence, regulatory standards and limited acceptance of distance learning programs by various corporates are expected to hinder the growth of the market during the forecast period.

Customer Landscape

The market development analysis report includes the adoption lifecycle of the market, from the innovator’s stage to the laggard’s stage. It focuses on adoption rates in different regions based on market penetration. Furthermore, the market research and growth report also includes key purchase criteria and drivers of price sensitivity to help companies evaluate and develop their growth strategies. 

Online Education Market Share by Geography

Key Players in the Market 

Companies are implementing various strategies, such as strategic alliances, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, geographical expansion, and product/service launches, to enhance their presence in the market.

2U Inc. -  The company offers online education such as masters degrees, bachelors degree, AI and digital transformation, business management and stragetgy, data science and analysis, and finance through the subsidary company edX. Through global online learning platform edX, they connect millions of people to high quality, career relevant education in partnership with leading universities and industry experts.

The market report also includes detailed analyses of the competitive landscape of the market and information about 15 market companies, including:

  • Cengage Learning Inc.
  • Codecademy LLC
  • Coursera Inc.
  • Docebo Inc.
  • Global University Systems
  • Instructure Holdings Inc.
  • Khan Academy Inc.
  • LinkedIn Corp.
  • Pearson Plc
  • Pluralsight LLC
  • PowerSchool Holdings Inc.
  • Simplilearn
  • SkillShare Inc.
  • Skillsoft Corp.
  • Teachable Inc.
  • Thinkific Labs Inc
  • Udacity Inc.

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of companies has been conducted to help clients understand the wider business environment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of key market research and growth and players. Data is qualitatively analyzed to categorize companies as pure play, category-focused, industry-focused, and diversified; it is quantitatively analyzed to categorize companies as dominant, leading, strong, tentative, and weak.

Market Analyst Overview

The market is experiencing a transformative shift driven by the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G networks . Multinational companies are actively engaging with educational institutions, ushering in an era where traditional pen-and-paper teaching is supplemented or replaced by dynamic digital platforms. Learning Management Systems (LMS) play a pivotal role, offering a diverse range of tools such as podcasts, videos, and innovative methods like hybrid models that combine audiovisual modes. This digital revolution, however, raises considerations for inclusivity, with a focus on addressing the needs of financially weak students.

Moreover, the importance of attendance is redefined in the virtual realm, where reliable technology is crucial, yet challenges like technical issues and potential health hazards require mitigation. The advent of 5G networks facilitates seamless Mobile E-learning , enhancing accessibility. Various stakeholders, including Service Providers, Content Providers, and educational institutions at both Higher Education and K-12 Schools , are actively participating in this paradigm shift, with tools like Application Simulation Tool and Rapid E-learning shaping the landscape of online education.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the global online education market is witnessing a paradigm shift towards innovative learning approaches such as the computer-assisted learning framework. This transition is facilitated by dedicated instructors and diverse study materials, transforming the cost of instruction . Government initiatives promote the expansion of online schooling, leveraging technologies like AI-enabled e-learning solutions and cloud-based arrangements. Students access learning materials through various mediums including PDFs , transitioning from traditional pen and paper models to utilizing laptops and cell phones. Despite advancements, challenges like regulatory hurdles and compliance regulations persist, influencing accreditation criteria and licensing processes. Nonetheless, online education fosters culture exchange and convergence, transcending geographic limitations and enhancing internet users' accessibility to education.

  • Segment Overview

The market analysis and report forecasts market expansion by revenue at global, regional & country levels and provides an analysis of the latest trends and growth opportunities from 2018 to 2028.

  • Primary and secondary supplemental education
  • Reskilling and online certifications
  • Higher education
  • Test preparation
  • Language and casual learning
  • Rest of Europe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Rest of the Middle East & Africa

Report Coverage


Page number


Base year


Historic period


Forecast period


Growth momentum & CAGR

Accelerate at a CAGR of 9.77%

Market Growth 2024-2028

USD 111.01 billion

Market structure


YoY growth 2023-2024(%)


Regional analysis

North America, APAC, Europe, South America, and Middle East and Africa

Performing market contribution

APAC at 33%

Key countries

US, China, India, Germany, and UK

Competitive landscape

Leading Companies, Market Positioning of Companies, Competitive Strategies, and Industry Risks

Key companies profiled

2U Inc., Alison, Cengage Learning Inc., Chegg Inc., Codecademy LLC, Coursera Inc., Docebo Inc., Global University Systems, Instructure Holdings Inc., Khan Academy Inc., LinkedIn Corp., Pearson Plc, Pluralsight LLC, PowerSchool Holdings Inc., Simplilearn, SkillShare Inc., Skillsoft Corp., Teachable Inc., Thinkific Labs Inc, Udacity Inc., Udemy Inc., and Treehouse Island Inc

Market dynamics

Parent market analysis, Market growth inducers and obstacles, Fast-growing and slow-growing segment analysis, COVID-19 impact and recovery analysis and future consumer dynamics, condition analysis for the market projection period. 

Customization purview

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What are the Key Data Covered in this Market Research Report?

  • CAGR of the   market  forecast
  • Detailed information of market report factors that will drive the growth of the market between 2024 and 2028
  • Precise estimation of the market  size and its contribution of the market in focus to the parent market
  • Accurate predictions about upcoming trends and changes in consumer behavior
  • The market growth and forecasting across North America, APAC, Europe, South America, and Middle East and Africa
  • Thorough analysis of the market’s competitive landscape and market growth and trends
  • Comprehensive analysis of factors that will challenge the growth of market companies

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1 Executive Summary

  • Exhibit 01: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Overview
  • Exhibit 02: Executive Summary – Data Table on Market Overview
  • Exhibit 03: Executive Summary – Chart on Global Market Characteristics
  • Exhibit 04: Executive Summary – Chart on Market by Geography
  • Exhibit 05: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Segmentation by Application
  • Exhibit 06: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Segmentation by End-user
  • Exhibit 07: Executive Summary – Chart on Incremental Growth
  • Exhibit 08: Executive Summary – Data Table on Incremental Growth
  • Exhibit 09: Executive Summary – Chart on Vendor Market Positioning

2 Market Landscape

  • Exhibit 10: Parent market
  • Exhibit 11: Market Characteristics

3 Market Sizing

  • Exhibit 12: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition
  • Exhibit 13: Market segments
  • 3.3 Market size 2023
  • Exhibit 14: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 15: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 16: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 17: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)

4 Historic Market Size

  • Exhibit 18: Historic Market Size – Data Table on global online education market 2018 - 2022 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 19: Historic Market Size – Application Segment 2018 - 2022 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 20: Historic Market Size – End-user Segment 2018 - 2022 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 21: Historic Market Size – Geography Segment 2018 - 2022 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 22: Historic Market Size – Country Segment 2018 - 2022 ($ billion)

5 Five Forces Analysis

  • Exhibit 23: Five forces analysis - Comparison between 2023 and 2028
  • Exhibit 24: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers – Impact of key factors 2023 and 2028
  • Exhibit 25: Bargaining power of suppliers – Impact of key factors in 2023 and 2028
  • Exhibit 26: Threat of new entrants – Impact of key factors in 2023 and 2028
  • Exhibit 27: Threat of substitutes – Impact of key factors in 2023 and 2028
  • Exhibit 28: Threat of rivalry – Impact of key factors in 2023 and 2028
  • Exhibit 29: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2023 and 2028

6 Market Segmentation by Application

  • Exhibit 30: Chart on Application - Market share 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 31: Data Table on Application - Market share 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 32: Chart on Comparison by Application
  • Exhibit 33: Data Table on Comparison by Application
  • Exhibit 34: Chart on Primary and secondary supplemental education (PSSE) - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 35: Data Table on Primary and secondary supplemental education (PSSE) - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 36: Chart on Primary and secondary supplemental education (PSSE) - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 37: Data Table on Primary and secondary supplemental education (PSSE) - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 38: Chart on Reskilling and online certifications (ROC) - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 39: Data Table on Reskilling and online certifications (ROC) - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 40: Chart on Reskilling and online certifications (ROC) - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 41: Data Table on Reskilling and online certifications (ROC) - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 42: Chart on Higher education - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 43: Data Table on Higher education - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 44: Chart on Higher education - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 45: Data Table on Higher education - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 46: Chart on Test preparation - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 47: Data Table on Test preparation - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 48: Chart on Test preparation - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 49: Data Table on Test preparation - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 50: Chart on Language and casual learning (LCL) - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 51: Data Table on Language and casual learning (LCL) - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 52: Chart on Language and casual learning (LCL) - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 53: Data Table on Language and casual learning (LCL) - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 54: Market opportunity by Application ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 55: Data Table on Market opportunity by Application ($ billion)

7 Market Segmentation by End-user

  • Exhibit 56: Chart on End-user - Market share 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 57: Data Table on End-user - Market share 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 58: Chart on Comparison by End-user
  • Exhibit 59: Data Table on Comparison by End-user
  • Exhibit 60: Chart on Academic - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 61: Data Table on Academic - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 62: Chart on Academic - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 63: Data Table on Academic - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 64: Chart on Corporate - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 65: Data Table on Corporate - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 66: Chart on Corporate - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 67: Data Table on Corporate - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 68: Chart on Government - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 69: Data Table on Government - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 70: Chart on Government - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 71: Data Table on Government - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 72: Market opportunity by End-user ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 73: Data Table on Market opportunity by End-user ($ billion)

8 Customer Landscape

  • Exhibit 74: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria

9 Geographic Landscape

  • Exhibit 75: Chart on Market share by geography 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 76: Data Table on Market share by geography 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 77: Chart on Geographic comparison
  • Exhibit 78: Data Table on Geographic comparison
  • Exhibit 79: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 80: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 81: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 82: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 83: Chart on APAC - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 84: Data Table on APAC - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 85: Chart on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 86: Data Table on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 87: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 88: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 89: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 90: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 91: Chart on South America - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 92: Data Table on South America - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 93: Chart on South America - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 94: Data Table on South America - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 95: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 96: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 97: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 98: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 99: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 100: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 101: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 102: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 103: Chart on China - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 104: Data Table on China - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 105: Chart on China - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 106: Data Table on China - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 107: Chart on India - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 108: Data Table on India - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 109: Chart on India - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 110: Data Table on India - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 111: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 112: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 113: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 114: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 115: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 116: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2023-2028 ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 117: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 118: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2023-2028 (%)
  • Exhibit 119: Market opportunity by geography ($ billion)
  • Exhibit 120: Data Tables on Market opportunity by geography ($ billion)

10 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

  • 10.1 Market drivers
  • 10.2 Market challenges
  • Exhibit 121: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2023 and 2028
  • 10.4 Market trends

11 Vendor Landscape

  • 11.1 Overview
  • Exhibit 122: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation
  • Exhibit 123: Overview on factors of disruption
  • Exhibit 124: Impact of key risks on business

12 Vendor Analysis

  • Exhibit 125: Vendors covered
  • Exhibit 126: Matrix on vendor position and classification
  • Exhibit 127: 2U Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 128: 2U Inc. - Business segments
  • Exhibit 129: 2U Inc. - Key news
  • Exhibit 130: 2U Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 131: 2U Inc. - Segment focus
  • Exhibit 132: Cengage Learning Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 133: Cengage Learning Inc. - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 134: Cengage Learning Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 135: Chegg Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 136: Chegg Inc. - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 137: Chegg Inc. - Key news
  • Exhibit 138: Chegg Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 139: Codecademy LLC - Overview
  • Exhibit 140: Codecademy LLC - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 141: Codecademy LLC - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 142: Coursera Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 143: Coursera Inc. - Business segments
  • Exhibit 144: Coursera Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 145: Coursera Inc. - Segment focus
  • Exhibit 146: Global University Systems - Overview
  • Exhibit 147: Global University Systems - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 148: Global University Systems - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 149: LinkedIn Corp. - Overview
  • Exhibit 150: LinkedIn Corp. - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 151: LinkedIn Corp. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 152: Pearson Plc - Overview
  • Exhibit 153: Pearson Plc - Business segments
  • Exhibit 154: Pearson Plc - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 155: Pearson Plc - Segment focus
  • Exhibit 156: SkillShare Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 157: SkillShare Inc. - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 158: SkillShare Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 159: Skillsoft Corp. - Overview
  • Exhibit 160: Skillsoft Corp. - Business segments
  • Exhibit 161: Skillsoft Corp. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 162: Skillsoft Corp. - Segment focus
  • Exhibit 163: Teachable Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 164: Teachable Inc. - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 165: Teachable Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 166: Thinkific Labs Inc - Overview
  • Exhibit 167: Thinkific Labs Inc - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 168: Thinkific Labs Inc - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 169: Treehouse Island Inc - Overview
  • Exhibit 170: Treehouse Island Inc - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 171: Treehouse Island Inc - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 172: Udacity Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 173: Udacity Inc. - Product / Service
  • Exhibit 174: Udacity Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 175: Udemy Inc. - Overview
  • Exhibit 176: Udemy Inc. - Business segments
  • Exhibit 177: Udemy Inc. - Key offerings
  • Exhibit 178: Udemy Inc. - Segment focus

13 Appendix

  • 13.1 Scope of the report
  • Exhibit 179: Inclusions checklist
  • Exhibit 180: Exclusions checklist
  • Exhibit 181: Currency conversion rates for US$
  • Exhibit 182: Research methodology
  • Exhibit 183: Validation techniques employed for market sizing
  • Exhibit 184: Information sources
  • Exhibit 185: List of abbreviations

Frequently Asked Questions?

How big is the online education market market , what is the online education market market growth, which segment accounted for the largest online education market market share , who are the key players in the online education market market , what are the factors driving the online education market market .

  • Growing advantages of online learning
  • Growing adoption of apps and wearables for online education


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  • Regional Analysis
  • Market Dynamics
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  • Key Companies & Market Insights

Online Education Market Analysis North America, APAC, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa - US, China, India, Germany, UK - Size and Forecast 2024-2028

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Report Summary

  • Information-and-Communication-Technology-(ICT)
  • Online Education Market

Global Data Privacy Management Software Tools Market Size By Application (Compliance Management, Risk Management), By Type (Cloud-Based, On-Premise), By Geographic Scope And Forecast

Online Education Market, By Provider (Content Provider, Service Provider), By Deployment Model (On-premise, Cloud), By Course (Primary and Secondary Education, Higher Education, Online Certification and Professional Course, Test Preparation), By End User (Academic, Corporate, Government), By Region – Global Analysis Forecast Till 2030

Table of content, methodology, sample download, online education market size was valued at usd 219.12 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach usd 475.12 billion by 2030, growing at a cagr of 9.7% from 2023 to 2030..

Online education or e-learning is an education methodology delivered online or with the aid of electronic media without using a classroom. E-Learning is also known as the network-based transfer of skills and knowledge. It is widely used in the field by many multinational corporations to provide training and special lectures to their employees. Also, in most cases, e-learning is used by students to replace paper and pen teaching. E-learning is just a mechanism or channel of delivery that can be delivered through the most common audio-visual means.

E-learning can also be used as a hybrid model, complementing the traditional education model that was confined to the surrounding space. In addition, through the continuous development of this mode, through rigorous research to perfect the delivery mechanism, it can be more suitable or adapted to the needs of students. E-learning platforms are developed in a way that helps students better understand and retain knowledge over a longer period of time.

Online education has emerged as a transformative force in today's digital era , offering a convenient and flexible alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar institutions. Online schools and learning platforms have revolutionized the way we acquire knowledge and skills, providing a wide range of courses and degree programs. Whether one seeks to enhance their professional expertise or pursue a teaching career, obtaining an online teaching degree or an online education degree has become increasingly accessible. The dynamic nature of online learning empowers individuals to tailor their educational journey to their specific needs and schedules, fostering a lifelong love for learning in the virtual classroom.

Market Dynamics:

The online education market is driven by many drivers, but efficiency is important, especially as it provides efficient ways to impart knowledge to both teachers and students in modes such as PDFs, podcasts, and videos. It is beyond the reach of pen and paper. E-learning also provides access in time and place, helping schools and other educational institutions reach out to all other students. The e-learning platform is less expensive than the regular pen-and-paper model and easier on the environment. Also, this can be a blessing for financially underprivileged students seeking a quality education. It also incorporates both slow and fast learners, making it suitable for a variety of learning styles. Additionally, since both students and teachers have access to this cohort, it has been demonstrated to improve attendance rates.


The major limitations in this sector relate to reliable technology and other technical issues that hinder smooth and effective learning. And with modern kids wanting to be online and on-screen all the time, health risks could be a constraint in the days to come. Advances in 5G networks have great potential for online learning as the advent of connected technologies will allow teachers or parents to better track student performance and gain better insight into a student's learning methodology.


Aptara Inc.

Articulate Global, LLC

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Citrix Systems, Inc.

D2L Corporation

Microsoft Corporation

Oracle Corporation

Market Segmentation:

Online Education Market,  By Provider

Content Provider

Service Provider

Online Education Market,  By Deployment Model

Online Education Market,  By Course

Primary and Secondary Education

Higher Education

Online Certification and Professional Course

Test Preparation

Online Education Market,  By End User

Online Education Market,  By Region

North America


Rest of Europe


South Korea

Rest of Asia-Pacific

Latin America

Middle East

Regional Analysis:

North America accounted for the largest market share. The adoption of device bring (BYOD) policy among companies is another factor fuelling the market growth in this region. Lastly, most of the major players in this market such as Cisco Systems, inc., oracle, Microsoft corporation, etc. are located in this region, which will further boost the market growth.

Asia Pacific will be the second-largest market with a CAGR of XX% during the assessment period. Growing internet usage along with the increasing adoption of smartphones are the factors responsible for the growth of the market in Asia Pacific. Growth in this region will be driven by major economies as many educational institutions exist in countries such as India, China, and Japan.

Scope of the Report:

Market Size Available for Years


 Base Year Considered


  Forecast Period


  Forecast Unit

  Value (USD)

  Segments Covered

Offering, Technology, Application, End-User, and Region

  Regions Covered

North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA

  Companies Covered

Adobe, Aptara Inc., Articulate Global, LLC, CERTPOINT, Cisco Systems, Inc., Citrix Systems, Inc., D2L Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, SAP SE

Tab Content

Our market research is an extensive, iterative process that takes into account a combination of primary and secondary research tools with the aim of minimizing deviation and producing the most precise estimate and prediction. For the future course of action, this approach meticulously outlines the actual changes and industry trends. It gives incredibly valuable data that is drawn from the insights and opinions of analysts and professionals. Our papers include in-depth research and analysis based on several factual inputs obtained from expert interviews, accurate data, and local information.


Market Size Estimation

The overall size of the market has been estimated and validated using both top-down and bottom-up methods. The sizes of other market subsegments have also been thoroughly estimated using these methodologies.

Market Size Estimation

In the top-down technique, the market is divided into segments based on the percentage share of each segment. This method assisted in determining the size of each segment's market. The market size of each segment and its sub-segments was then divided into regional market sizes. This Approach helps mainly with the new Product Launch. It uses Multi-variate Regression Model coupled with Vendor based primary research inputs to forecast to the Market Size.

In the Bottom-Up approach, comprehensive study of key players has to be done wherein we add the market size of the major key players to understand the national market size which helps to determine the regional market size and eventually the complete market size. Companies annual report along with data from paid and unpaid resources like reports from government agencies and organizations like world bank provide the data for this approach.

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  • ICT, Semiconductor & Electronics
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Online Education Market Size, Industry Trends Report | 2031

Segments - Global Online Education Market By Types (Academic and Corporate), Technologies (Mobile E-learning, Learning Management System, Application Simulation Tool, Rapid E-learning, Podcasts, and Virtual Classrooms), End-users (Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools, and Large enterprises), and Regions (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa) Industry Analysis, Growth, Share, Size, Trends, and Forecast 2021 – 2028

Report Description

The global online education market size is expected to expand at a CAGR of 12.68% during the forecast period, 2021 – 2028. The growth of the market is attributed to low price of education, rising government initiatives promoting online education, and increased usage of smart phones, internet, and tablets. Online education is a type of education in which students learn in a virtual setting. The global online education market is growing rapidly with the increasing availability of internet technologies, which allows students from all over the world to access educational information without enrolling in conventional classroom courses, as well as the flexibility of receiving education at any location and any time. The shift to online learning is expected to catalyze the development of a new and effective mode of student education. Institutions are embracing K12 online education as a tool for delivering lectures to students enrolled in a variety of programs. This factor has the potential to boost the online education market. The online education market is expected to enter a golden era of growth throughout the projected period, due to dynamically changing equations of the model of education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Market Trends, Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities:

  • Increasing advancements in artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to continue to improve the user experience on these online education platforms, propelling the market during the projected period.
  • Growing use of VR and AR technologies and concepts such as online micro-learning as well as changing consumer attitudes towards online education are projected to boost the market during the forecast period.
  • Increasing internet penetration as well as rising number of smartphones across the globe are estimated to propel the market during the forecast period.
  • Adsorption of theoretical knowledge and a lack of practical knowledge, low teacher control over students, and a lack of online education solutions for the deaf and dumb are projected to hinder the market growth during the forecast period.

Scope of the Report

The report on the global online education market includes an assessment of the market, trends, segments, and regional markets. Overview and dynamics have also been included in the report.




Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa

Company Share, Market Analysis and Size, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends, and Revenue Forecast

Global Online Education Market Segment Insights

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Based on types, the market is divided into academic and corporate. The academic segment is expected to account for a key share of the market during the forecast period, due to increasing online education platforms offering short term courses for students. Edutech platforms played a key role in assisting physical institutes in their transition to online learning and collaborating with them to provide students with learning support. On the basis of technologies, the online education market is segregated into mobile e-learning , learning management systems, application simulation tools, rapid e-learning, podcasts, and virtual classrooms. During the projected period, the learning management system market is predicted to continue its dominance with the growing adoption of digital learning. Businesses are concentrating on implementation of learning management systems over mobile phones for seamless training of employees. In terms of end-users, the market is divided into higher education institutions, k-12 education and large enterprises. During the forecast period, the large enterprises segment is expected to increase by nearly 130 percent. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in increasingly widespread and permanent changes in work culture and legislation, hence learning and development professionals turned to corporate e-learning to empower and train their employees. Based on regions, the market is classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is expected to dominate the market at a high CAGR during the forecast period, due to favorable initiatives by the regional government to support the online education marketplace and increasing collaborations between educational institutes and online education platforms. Asia Pacific is anticipated to have the fastest global market development during the forecast period, owing to growing internet penetration and increasing use of mobile devices in emerging economies such as China, India, Malaysia, and South Korea.

  • Mobile E-learning
  • Learning Management System
  • Application Simulation Tool
  • Rapid E-learning
  • Virtual Classrooms
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • K-12 Schools
  • Large enterprises
  • Asia Pacific
  • North America
  • Europe, Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa
  • Pearson plc
  • McGraw Hill

Competitive Landscape

Pearson plc, Upgrad, McGraw Hill, and Adobe are the major market players in the global online education market. Additionally, several players in the global online education market are expanding their business internationally to fulfill the rising demand. In the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), several educational institutes and online education providers are allowing students to access educational content online.

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E-Learning Market

  • Published Date : February 2023
  • Report ID : 5141
  • Pages : 190
  • Industries : Information and Communication Technology

E-Learning Market: Overview

The global e-learning market size was worth USD 235.5 billion in 2022 and is estimated to grow to USD 648.6 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of approximately 13.50 % over the forecast from 2023 to 2030.

E-learning imparts students’ knowledge through electronic media, including audio, video, e-books, AR/VR, and other media. Students that use e-learning have a variety of compensations, such as reasonable education and access to focused course material. Additionally, because it improves employee performance, e-learning has assimilated into the majority of firms. The rise in remote learning during the pandemic and the demand for affordable, practical learning systems benefit the market’s expansion. The increased usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning in e-learning systems also contributes to the market’s expansion internationally. But problems like the absence of face-to-face contact in e-learning systems and the requirement for stronger self-motivation restrict the growth of the e-learning business.

COVID-19 Effect:

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak caused a significant upsurge in the market in 2020. This is because businesses and governments in most nations have implemented numerous skill-improvement campaigns. Due to increased investment in skill evaluation technologies for a better understanding of the workforce on an emotional and cultural scale, the e-learning industry is predicted to thrive in the COVID-19 environment. It is now obvious that COVID-19 will have long-term effects on people’s lives and economies, increasing the demand for e-learning along with the rise in the need for skilled labor and the expansion of government efforts to raise the overall worker level, both of which have a positive effect on market growth.

E-Learning Market Drivers:

Since it allows for tailored information based on each student’s prior knowledge and offers a one-size-fits-all approach, the use of AI and machine learning has increased across e-learning platforms. In addition, utilizing AI and ML makes it feasible to quickly analyze massive volumes of data and detect patterns and trends to optimize and continuously improve learning experiences. It facilitates a more straightforward, quick, and flexible course-building process without compromising quality. Additionally, it is now possible to create multi-language content for multinational corporations that must provide relevant material for branches in other countries or for the scenario that is becoming more typical: businesses operating with remote staff that speak different languages. Therefore, increasing these advances is anticipated to bring about profitable opportunities for the industry.

E-Learning Market: Restraints

In-house content creators collaborate with instructors to produce a few courses, adding pictures and videos and tweaking them based on feedback and learner engagement. Because there is a demand for courseware, third-party content suppliers have difficulties because internal subject matter experts can create content. The global eLearning industry is anticipated to suffer from the rise in in-house content development. To support the online platforms, blended eLearning also needs online study resources and associated services. Schools and colleges aim to provide students with effective digital learning opportunities that can be used to assess student engagement, track progress, and gather feedback.

E-Learning Market: Segmentation

The global e-learning market has been segmented into technology, grid type, installation, and application.

Based on delivery mode, the market is divided into packaged content, learning management software (LMS), and others. Among these, the packaged content segment led the market in 2021 and is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. The need for packaged content for e-learning is rising, mostly due to corporate workers’ desire to advance their skill sets. For instance, there is a growing need for certain talents in the fields of big data, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. Several vendors have experienced tremendous growth during the past few years. With rising corporate demands, the bundled e-learning content industry will expand. Besides this, the learning management software (LMS) category is expected to grow the fastest throughout the forecast period. Companies are continually looking for ways to offer proper training due to the growing requirement to develop and train staff. LMS aids in re-educating staff and managing the process so that further small adjustments can be made or a product line can be refurbished.

Based on learning mode, the market is classified into self-paced and instructor-led. In 2021, the self-paced category dominated the global market. Flexibility in learning is provided via self-paced online learning. The expanding attitude among people to better their professional prospects and increase their skill-based competence is a significant growth driver of the self-paced e-learning market. On the other hand, the instructor-led category is anticipated to grow at a significant rate over the forecast period. With this kind of instruction, more students can be accommodated without using up more resources or room than required in a traditional classroom. Everywhere in the world can send students there.

E-Learning Market: Regional Landscape

The United States e-learning market size reached US$ 108.7 Billion in 2022, and reach US$ 250.89 Billion by 2030, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 11.01% from 2023 to 2030.

In 2022, North America dominated the market for e-learning. A high level of knowledge of their advantages over traditional offline learning models, superior technological infrastructure, and a wide range of innovative learning and training solutions are driving the demand for e-learning from the institutional segment in the area. The same is further supported by technologically savvy companies that demand advanced linguistic competence, functional and vocational knowledge, and soft skills. North America’s market growth is mostly influenced by the US’s high demand for e-learning solutions. The industry is developing due to the expanding trend of using online courses and learning resources as a workable replacement for conventional classroom training. As a result, e-learning solutions are expanding and becoming more widely used in all sectors of the economy.

E-Learning Market: Competitive Landscape

Some of the main competitors dominating the global e-learning market include- Apollo Education Group, Blackboard, Oracle, Pearson, Aptara, Adobe, Cisco, Skillsoft, Niit, FUTURELEARN Limited, Articulate Global, Inc., Baidu Inc, edX Inc, Epicor Software Corporation, and GitHub Inc.

Recent Developments

  • May 2022: The World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) in Barcelona, Spain, will be sponsored by Anthology, a top provider of education solutions that support the full student lifecycle, according to a statement from UNESCO. To assist international initiatives for digital learning in 2020, UNESCO and Blackboard, now a part of Anthology, first collaborated.

The Global E-learning Market is Segmented as Follows:

E-learning Market by Delivery Mode

  • Packaged Content
  • Learning Management Software (LMS)

E-learning Market by Learning Mode

  • Instructor-Led

E-learning Market by Function

E-learning Market by End Users

  • Higher Education

E-learning Market Size by Country and Region

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Rest of Europe
  • New Zealand
  • South Korea
  • Southeast Asia
  • Rest of Southeast Asia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Rest of the Middle East & Africa
  • Rest of Latin America

Key Questions Answered in This Report:

  • How has the e-learning market performed so far and how will it perform in the forthcoming years?
  • What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the e-learning market?
  • What are the key regional markets?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on Delivery Mode?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the Learning Mode?
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the End Users?
  • What are the various stages in the value chain of the industry?
  • What are the key driving factors and challenges in the industry?
  • What is the structure of the e-learning market and who are the key players?
  • What is the capacity of competition in the industry?

Table of Content

E-Learning Market Size, Share, Growth, and Forecast Report

Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Report Description 1.1.1. Aim of the Report 1.1.2. Prospective Audience 1.1.3. Unique Selling Prepositions and Key Takeaways from the Report 1.2. Scope of the Research Study 1.3. Approach/Research Methodology 1.3.1. Secondary Research 1.3.2. Primary Research 1.3.3. Expert Panel Review 1.3.4. Market Data Breakdown and Data Triangulation 1.3.5. Research Approach for Market Size Estimation Top-Down Approach Bottom-Up Approach 1.3.6. Key Assumptions 1.4. Market Segmentation 1.4.1. Delivery Mode 1.4.2. Learning Mode 1.4.3. Function 1.4.4. End Users

Chapter 2. E-Learning Market Overview 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Analysis by Delivery Mode, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 2.3. Analysis by Learning Mode, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 2.4. Analysis by Function, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 2.5. Analysis by End Users, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 2.6. Market Analysis by Region, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 3. E-Learning Market Dynamics 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Growth Drivers 3.3. Growth Restraints 3.4. Growth Opportunities 3.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 3.5.1. Threat of New Entrants 3.5.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers 3.5.3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 3.5.4. Threat of Substitute Delivery Modes 3.5.5. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry 3.6. Attractiveness Analysis 3.6.1. Delivery Mode 3.6.2. Learning Mode 3.6.3. Function 3.6.4. End Users 3.6.5. Region 3.7. Value Chain Analysis

Chapter 4. E-Learning Market Competition Analysis 4.1. E-Learning Market Share Analysis by Company, 2019 – 2021 4.1.1. Top 3 Players, 2019 – 2021 4.1.2. Top 6 Players, 2019 – 2021 4.2. Strategic Initiatives 4.2.1. New Products Launch 4.2.2. Mergers/Acquisitions 4.2.3. Agreement and Collaborations 4.2.4. Partnerships, Joint Ventures, Expansion, and Distribution

Chapter 5. Global E-Learning Market Analysis by Delivery Mode, Learning Mode, Function, and End Users, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.1. Delivery Mode 5.1.1. Global E-Learning Market Share, by Delivery Mode, 2021 and 2030 5.1.2. Global E-Learning Market Revenue, by Delivery Mode, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.1.3. By Packaged Content Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.1.4. By Learning Management Software (LMS) Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.1.5. By Others Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

5.2. Learning Mode 5.2.1. Global E-Learning Market Share, by Learning Mode, 2021 and 2030 5.2.2. Global E-Learning Market Revenue, by Learning Mode, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.2.3. By Self-Paced Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.2.4. By Instructor-Led Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

5.3. Function 5.3.1. Global E-Learning Market Share, by Function, 2021 and 2030 5.3.2. Global E-Learning Market Revenue, by Function, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.3.3. By Training Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.3.4. By Testing Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

5.4. End Users 5.4.1. Market Share, by End Users, 2021 and 2030 5.4.2. Market Revenue, by End Users, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.4.3. By K-12 Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.4.4. By Higher Education Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.4.5. By Corporates Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.4.6. By Government Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 5.4.7. By Vocational Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 6. Global E-Learning Market Delivery Mode Analysis by Region, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 6.1. Packaged Content Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 6.1.1. North America 6.1.2. Europe 6.1.3. Asia Pacific 6.1.4. Latin America 6.1.5. Middle East & Africa 6.2. Learning Management Software (LMS) Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 6.3. Other Delivery Modes Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 7. Global E-Learning Market Learning Mode Analysis by Region, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 7.1. Self-Paced Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 7.1.1. North America 7.1.2. Europe 7.1.3. Asia Pacific 7.1.4. Latin America 7.1.5. Middle East & Africa 7.2. Instructor-Led Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 8. Function Global E-Learning Market Function Analysis by Region, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 8.1. Training Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 8.1.1. North America 8.1.2. Europe 8.1.3. Asia Pacific 8.1.4. Latin America 8.1.5. Middle East & Africa 8.2. Testing Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 9. Global E-Learning Market End Users Analysis by Region, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 9.1. K-12 Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 9.1.1. North America 9.1.2. Europe 9.1.3. Asia Pacific 9.1.4. Latin America 9.1.5. Middle East & Africa 9.2. Higher Education Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 9.3. Corporates Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 9.4. Government Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 9.5. Vocational Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 10. E-Learning Market Analysis by Geography, 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.1. North America E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.1.1. U.S. E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) Delivery Mode End Users Learning Mode Function 10.1.2. Canada E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.1.3. Mexico E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

10.2. Europe E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.2.1. UK E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) Delivery Mode End Users Learning Mode Function 10.2.2. France E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.2.3. Germany E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.2.4. Spain E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.2.5. Russia E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.2.6. Italy E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.2.7. Rest of Europe E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

10.3. Asia Pacific E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.1. China E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) Delivery Mode End Users Learning Mode Function 10.3.2. Japan E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.3. South Korea E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.4. India E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.5. Australia E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.6. Southeast Asia E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.7. Taiwan E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.3.8. Rest of Asia Pacific E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

10.4. Latin America E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.4.1. Brazil E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) Delivery Mode End Users Learning Mode Function 10.4.2. Argentina E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.4.3. Rest of Latin America E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

10.5. Middle East E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.5.1. Israel E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) Delivery Mode End Users Learning Mode Function 10.5.2. Turkey E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.5.3. Saudi Arabia E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.5.4. UAE E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.5.5. Rest of Middle East E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

10.6. Africa E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.6.1. Egypt E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) Delivery Mode End Users Learning Mode Function 10.6.2. South Africa E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion) 10.6.3. Rest of Africa E-Learning Market Analysis 2017-2030 (US$ Billion)

Chapter 11. Company Profiles 11.1. Apollo Education Group 11.1.1. Company Overview 11.1.2. Financial Performance 11.1.3. Product Benchmarking 11.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 11.2. Blackboard 11.3. Oracle 11.4. Pearson 11.5. Aptara 11.6. Adobe 11.7. Cisco 11.8. Skillsoft 11.9. Niit 11.10. FUTURELEARN Limited 11.11. Articulate Global, Inc 11.12. Baidu Inc 11.13. edX Inc 11.14. Epicor Software Corporation 11.15. GitHub Inc.

Chapter 12. COVID-19 Impact Analysis 12.1. Global E-Learning Market, 2020 – 2030, Pre-V/S Post COVID 19 12.2. Estimated Impact of The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Epidemic on the E-Learning Market Size In 2022, By Scenario 12.3. Impact on Supply Chain and Production in E-Learning Market 12.4. Impact on Import and Export

Chapter 13. Conclusion

  • Apollo Education Group
  • Articulate Global, Inc
  • Epicor Software Corporation
  • GitHub Inc.

E-Learning Market by Delivery Mode

E-Learning Market by Learning Mode

E-Learning Market by Function

E-Learning Market by End Users

Research Methodology

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online education market growth

Online Education Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis, By Learning Type(Self-Paced and Instructor-Led), By Component(Laptop, Mobile, PC), By Region - Industry Forecast 2024-2031

Report ID: SQMIG25R2015 | Region: Global | Published Date: April, 2024 Pages: 223 | Tables: 61 | Figures: 77



Online Education Market Insights

Global Online Education Market size was valued at USD 38.72 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 48.05 billion in 2023 to USD 270.32 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 24.10% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

Global internet usage is rising, which will support industrial expansion. The burgeoning telecom and bandwidth industries have increased access to reasonably priced internet solutions. In order to satisfy the growing demand, many companies are focusing on offering specialised learning solutions. By 2028, we predict that more than 64% of all sales in the online education/e-learning sector would be made up of hardware. The digitization of education has increased the usage of cutting-edge hardware computing technologies in the educational process, including smartphones. Due to its better interoperability with different software solutions including assessment tools, apps, and games, tablets are predicted to be the device that is utilised in education the most. Nearly 300 million people, according to GSMA Intelligence, made their first internet connection. According to a GSMA report titled "State of the Mobile Internet Connectivity - 2022," 4.3 billion people would have access to mobile internet by the end of 2022, an increase of about 300 million customers/users. The recession, among other causes, caused funding to dry up for startups, which led to workforce reductions at digital education companies, which were the most severely impacted of all startups. One-third of individuals employed in the digital education sector, or approximately 10,000 workers, were let go by Indian startups between July 2022 and March 2023. End consumers are embracing online learning more frequently as a result of the availability of free information, and ed-tech companies see this as a new potential to make money. For instance, since making content freely available, BYJU, one of the most valuable Edtech start-ups in India, has added 7.5 million new users to its platform.

Market Snapshot - 2024-2031

Global Market Size

USD 38.72 billion

Largest Segment

Fastest Growth

Growth Rate

24.10% CAGR

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Online Education Market Segmental Analysis

Global Online Education Market is segmented on the basis of learning type, component, software, end user and region. By end user, the market is segmented into academic institutions & individuals and enterprises. By learning type, market is segmented into self-paced and instructor-led. By component, the market is segmented into laptop, mobile, pc. By software , the market is segmented into world class, course play, yuja. By region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America.

Online Education Market Analysis by Learning Type

In 2022, the self-paced market category held the top spot with a 65% market share worldwide. The benefits of self-paced learning include lower pressure during live training, the ability to set one's own schedule, less distraction, convenience for various learning styles, and lower cost. For instance, a large source of self-paced educational content is YouTube. Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr., Education Galaxy, Gimkit, GrammarFlip, Kialo Edu, and Knoword are other resources that support self-paced learning.

During the forecast period, the segment that includes instructor-led classes is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR. Instructor-led and self-paced learning styles are the market segments. The term "instructor-led learning" refers to education that is provided by one or more instructors in the form of lectures, presentations, demonstrations, and conversations in addition to other methods like face-to-face instruction. Although one-on-one training is less common and more expensive in comparison, the instructor typically addresses groups. To enhance the digital learning experience, the instructor-led training is credited with using a number of approaches, including games, exercises, and role-playing.

Online Education Market Analysis by End User

Over 80% of global revenue was generated by the academic institutions and individuals’ segment in 2022, which led the market. The market is segmented by end-users into individuals, businesses, and academic institutions. Adopting digital education as one of their offerings gives them a competitive advantage over academic institutions. During the epidemic, institutions that only operated offline were affected by the limits put in place; those who saw this as an opportunity and began providing online services will inevitably succeed where others fail.

In order for businesses to survive, they must use the digital medium. The best services must be offered to customers in order to meet their constantly changing expectations. The pandemic's aftermath has also greatly altered expectations. In order to succeed as a business, organizations must be able to meet these expectations and adapt to the new operating environment.

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Online Education Market Regional Insights

By accounting for more than 38% of global revenue in 2022, North America will dominate the market. This is a result of the rapid product and geographic expansion strategy employed by market vendors to gain a competitive edge. The North American market, on the other hand, is anticipated to exhibit a consistent growth trend during the forecast period. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the North American region's digital education will improve as a result of the increased focus on infrastructure, network, and connectivity.

Over the forecast period, the Asia Pacific market is anticipated to have the highest CAGR. Due to the high smartphone ownership rates in emerging economies in the Asia Pacific region, there is considerable potential for the broad adoption of digital education. This is one of the key elements that experts believe will soon increase demand for digital education in this area. For instance, Nirmala Sitharaman, the union finance minister, introduced the PM eVidya Programme in India in May 2022 with the goal of promoting digital education in that country. It was decided to give teachers and students unrestricted access to digital learning.

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Online Education Market Dynamics

Online Education Market Drivers

Increasing Internet Penetration to Bolster market growth

  • The growing number of internet users worldwide has significantly contributed to the growth of the online education market. According to a report by the United Nations, more than half of the world's population is now connected to the internet. This has opened up new opportunities for online education providers to reach a broader audience and offer their services globally.
  • The traditional education system is often rigid and may not cater to the needs of all students, especially those who have work or family commitments. Online education, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility and accessibility to learners, allowing them to study at their own pace and from any location. This has led to a surge in demand for online education, particularly in developing countries where access to traditional education is limited.

Online Education Market Restraints

Regulatory Hurdles to Hinder market growth

Regulatory hurdles to slow down market growth in the online education market address the problems and barriers made by governments’ rules and legal orders against advancement in online education. The regulatory barriers might come in various forms, such as accreditation criteria, licensing processes, and compliance regulations that the online education suppliers are expected to meet. These barriers can have a significant impact on market growth as they increase the costs of entry, hinder other players from entering the market, and create cumbersome bureaucratic processes for existing firms. Also, inconsistent regulatory environments in diverse regions/countries may result in fragmentation of the market with respect to on-line education, thereby hindering expansion prospects and opportunities. In summary, such challenges make it difficult for both providers and consumers to participate in online education activities.

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Online Education Market Competitive Landscape

  • The global market is a sector that is rapidly expanding, with businesses ranging from early-stage start-ups to publicly traded firms. Particularly in the K-12, higher education, and corporate learning sectors, the market is drawing a lot of interest from both seasoned industry players and generalist investors. Each industry is distinct, with various end users, customers, and funding sources. Industry vendors are undertaking a number of strategic efforts, including alliances, acquisitions, and mergers with other significant industry participants.

Top Player’s Company Profiles in  Online Education Market

  • Coursera (USA)
  • Udemy (USA)
  • LinkedIn Learning (USA)
  • Skillshare (USA)
  • Pluralsight (USA)
  • FutureLearn (UK)
  • Udacity (USA)
  • Codecademy (USA)
  • Simplilearn (India)
  • Alison (Ireland)
  • MasterClass (USA)
  • Kadenze (USA)
  • Teachable (USA)
  • OpenLearning (Australia)
  • BitDegree (Lithuania)
  • NovoEd (USA)
  • Skillsoft (USA)
  • Treehouse (USA)
  • WizIQ (India)
  • Duolingo (USA)

Online Education Market Recent Developments

  • In November 2023, Udemy and Google Cloud will collaborate to provide approved content for cloud experts. Access to top-notch courses on cutting-edge technology like generative AI is made available to learners. In a tech ecosystem that is continually expanding, the collaboration enables certification preparation and skill assessment. The platform offered by Udemy enables flexible learning, empowering people and companies all over the world. 
  • In August 2023, McGraw Hill announced the launch of McGraw Hill Edge, built in association with Edmingle. McGraw Hill Edge is a comprehensive digital learning solution that provides students with the guidance and resources they need to prepare for and excel in competitive exams like the CAT, UPSC, CTET, JEE, and NEET.  
  • In June 2023, Verizon and McGraw Hill improve their augmented reality smartphone app by adding more collaborative tools and a wider range of subjects. Short interactive exercises are offered by the McGraw Hill AR app for K–12 students, and lesson plans are obtainable through Verizon Innovative Learning HQ. New social studies exercises, web editions, compatibility for several languages, and geographical mapping for an immersive experience are among the changes.

Online Education Key Market Trends

  • The reach in the market of online education symbolizes the ability of various online education portals and educational institutions to go beyond geographic limitations, thereby providing learners globally a chance to study courses that differ in nature. The Internet facilitated this trend and changed traditional education, rendering physical limitations irrelevant. This allows students from far-flung or disadvantaged regions as well as various nations to join courseware/courses made available by various institutes worldwide. Such a phenomenon promotes culture exchange, culture convergence, and transnational cooperation in order to make learners adaptable to globalization. More so, professionals and lifelong learners gain specialized skills and knowledge from experts across the globe, leading not only to enhanced employability but also personal growth. Despite remaining challenges such as the digital divide, the pervasiveness of online education signals a revolutionary turn towards an inclusive and inter-connected educational landscape.

Online Education Market SkyQuest Analysis

SkyQuest’s ABIRAW (Advanced Business Intelligence, Research & Analysis Wing) is our Business Information Services team that Collects, Collates, Co-relates and Analyses the Data collected by means of Primary Exploratory Research backed by the robust Secondary Desk research.

According to our analyses, the global online education market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for flexible, accessible, and affordable education options. The market is highly competitive, with numerous players offering a wide range of courses, programs, and certifications in various subject areas. The market is also highly fragmented, with no single provider dominating the industry. Key drivers of the online education market include the increasing adoption of mobile devices, rising demand for upskilling and reskilling in the workforce, growing acceptance of online education by employers and educational institutions, and the increasing availability of high-speed internet and advanced technology. The global online education market is expected to continue to grow at a significant pace in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for accessible, affordable, and flexible education options. However, providers must adapt to evolving learner needs and preferences, while also addressing key challenges such as quality assurance, accreditation, and learner engagement.

Report Metric Details
Market size value in 2022 USD 38.72 billion
Market size value in 2031 USD 270.32 billion
Growth Rate 24.10%
Base year 2023
Forecast period 2024-2031
Forecast Unit (Value) USD Billion
Segments covered
Regions covered North America (US, Canada), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America), Middle East & Africa (South Africa, GCC Countries, Rest of MEA)
Companies covered
Customization scope

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Table Of Content

Executive Summary

Market overview

  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Overview
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Data Table on Market Overview
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Online Education Market Characteristics
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Market by Geography
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Segmentation
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Incremental Growth
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Data Table on Incremental Growth
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Vendor Market Positioning

Parent Market Analysis

Market size

  • Opportunities
  • SWOT Analysis


  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of technology and details)
  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of technology and pricing details)
  • (Exhibit: Detailed Supply Chain Presentation)
  • (Exhibit: Detailed Value Chain Presentation)
  • Exhibit: Parent Market Ecosystem Market Analysis
  • Exhibit: Market Characteristics of Parent Market
  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of product/technology, patents filed, inventor/company name, acquiring firm)
  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Import and Export data details)
  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Emerging startups details)
  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Mapping of key raw materials)
  • (Exhibit: Positioning Matrix: Mapping of new and existing technologies)
  • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of companies and pipeline products, regional mapping)
  • Macroeconomic Indicators


  • Introduction
  • Exhibit: Data on GDP - Year-over-year growth 2016-2022 (%)
  • Exhibit: Data Table on Online Education Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Exhibit: Data Table on Segment Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Exhibit: Analysis on key strategies adopted by companies


  • Exhibit: Data Table on regulation from different region
  • Exhibit: Competitive rivalry Impact of key factors, 2021
  • Exhibit: Threat of Substitute Products Impact of key factors, 2021
  • Exhibit: buyers bargaining power Impact of key factors, 2021
  • Exhibit: Threat of new entrants Impact of key factors, 2021
  • Exhibit: Threat of suppliers bargaining power Impact of key factors, 2021
  • Political Impact
  • Economic impact
  • Social Impact
  • Technical Impact
  • Environmental Impact
  • Legal Impact

Market Size by Region

  • Chart on Market share by geography 2021-2027 (%)
  • Data Table on Market share by geography 2021-2027(%)
  • Chart on Market share by country 2021-2027 (%)
  • Data Table on Market share by country 2021-2027(%)
  • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
  • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)


  • Exhibit: companies covered in the report, 2021
  • Exhibit: company positioning matrix, 2021
  • Exhibit: Pie chart analysis on company market share, 2021(%)


For the Online Education Market, our research methodology involved a mixture of primary and secondary data sources. Key steps involved in the research process are listed below:

1. Information Procurement: This stage involved the procurement of Market data or related information via primary and secondary sources. The various secondary sources used included various company websites, annual reports, trade databases, and paid databases such as Hoover's, Bloomberg Business, Factiva, and Avention. Our team did 45 primary interactions Globally which included several stakeholders such as manufacturers, customers, key opinion leaders, etc. Overall, information procurement was one of the most extensive stages in our research process.

2. Information Analysis: This step involved triangulation of data through bottom-up and top-down approaches to estimate and validate the total size and future estimate of the Online Education Market.

3. Report Formulation: The final step entailed the placement of data points in appropriate Market spaces in an attempt to deduce viable conclusions.

4. Validation & Publishing: Validation is the most important step in the process. Validation & re-validation via an intricately designed process helped us finalize data points to be used for final calculations. The final Market estimates and forecasts were then aligned and sent to our panel of industry experts for validation of data. Once the validation was done the report was sent to our Quality Assurance team to ensure adherence to style guides, consistency & design.

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online education market growth

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  • Online Education Market

Region : Global | Format: PDF | Report ID: BRI101262 | SKU ID: 21196476

Online Education Market Size, Share, Growth, and Industry Growth by Type (Elementary Education (Grades 1-5), Junior High Education (Grades 6-8), Senior High Education (Grades 9-12)), By Application (Teacher, Students, and Parents) Regional Forecast From To 2032

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The global online education market size was USD 140710 million in 2021 and is projected to touch USD 337029.23 million by 2032, with a growing compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.2% during the forecast period. In the market study, our analysts have considered online education players such as K12 Inc, Pearson, White Hat Management, Georg Von Holtzbrinck GmbH & Co. K, Bettermarks, Scoyo, Languagenut, Beness Holding, Inc., New Oriental Education & Technology, XUEDA, AMBO, XRS, CDEL, Ifdoo, etc.

Online education is the method of learning platform through electronic mode. Online courses are appreciating foremost fame since the pandemic has hit the lives of the common man. An easy practice reduced over these courses supported by technical improvements has brilliant prospects in the coming years for the global market. Moreover, it offers numerous profits to the students, which include low cost of teaching and specific course learning. It has converted an essential part of the mainstream of organization as it improves the performance of workers.

COVID-19 Impact: Growing Number of Coronavirus Cases to Motivate Market Growth 

The global COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented and staggering, with online education experiencing higher-than-anticipated demand across all regions compared to pre-pandemic levels.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe negative impact on society and the economy. Numerous organizations’ supply chains and value chains have been impacted by the epidemic. The online education market has stayed one of those markets that have experienced progressive evolution ever since the appearance of the pandemic. Ever since the pandemic and the enormous program amount, schools, colleges, and other educational institutions have been closed for physical lessons. Since then, online education courses have been undergoing great demand and footfall. Hence, the market players are adding to the accessibility of structures that assure an improved user involvement and suitability while taking online programs. 


" Technological Advancements to Foster Market Growth "

The rising internet saturation has blasted as technology and infrastructure have established globally, consenting people and productions to stretch new elevations. The teaching industry has enlarged other segments in the digital disturbance by proposing distance learning courses to all ages. Several scholars use online teaching tools to achieve their learning desires without leaving their families, offices, or cities, which are cost-effective and a great online device backing the growth of the online education market.


Based on type, the market is divided into Elementary Education (Grades 1-5), Junior High Education (Grades 6-8), Senior High Education (Grades 9-12).

  • By Application

Based on the application, the market is divided into Teacher, Students, and Parents.  


" Funding Solutions to Accelerate Market Performance  "

The increasing compensations of online education are anticipated to inspire the market growth certainly in the coming years. Retailers are proposing audio-visual modified content and simulation learning stages as per the school's syllabus. Moreover, the accessibility of several funding solutions, such as learning management solution (LMS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP), and amplified reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), combined education solutions, and student valuation software, will also play a foremost role in improving the demand for online teaching by several schools and universities. In addition, the rising acceptance of teaching apps is one of the key inclinations backing the online education market growth.

" Increasing Adoption of AI to Stimulate Market Expansion   "

The rise in smartphone consumers is expected to propel the online education market in the coming years. Increasing registration of beginners in online education platforms has elevated demand for smart learning education solutions and facilities. Moreover, an upsurge in the number of colleges and universities across the developing markets has further compressed the demand for smart learning & education, thus driving the online education market. Dispersion of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) in the education sector is projected to enhance the online education market in the coming years. Online education provides virtual lecture halls that aid learners to join classes efficiently and continue synchronized remotely. Global advantages on a large scale to influence tools is supporting the online education market.


" Lack of Internet Connection Will Limit Market Growth "

In India, high-speed internet connection is either not accessible in numerous places or is too costly, interpreting the hint of cost-effective online teaching as unfeasible. Amenities such as optical fiber transmission and internet service suppliers are not accessible in less advanced states or isolated cities.


" Presence of Prominent Players in North America to Motivate Growth "

North America is anticipated to account for major online education market share. This is owing to growing funds in the IT infrastructure and presence of prominent players for the robust cloud computing industry will boost the cloud-based e-learning demand.

For example, in November 2021, the U.S. government approved the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, an Infrastructure Venture & Jobs Act. Under this act, experts have allotted approximately USD 65 billion to guarantee that the American people have access to consistent high-speed internet.

Asia pacific is anticipated to have a sizable market share. The growing use of the internet combined with the increasing adoption of smartphones are the aspects that will be accountable for the progress of the market in the region. The evolution of this region will be directed by its prominent markets such as India, China, and Japan owing to the existence of a huge number of educational organizations in these countries.


" Leading Players Adopt New Strategies to Stay Competitive "

The report covers information about the list of market players and their latest development in the industry. The information includes mergers, partnerships, acquisitions, technological developments, and production lines. Other aspects examined for this market include complete research on companies producing and introducing the latest products, regions they conduct their operations in, automation, technology adoption, generating the most revenue, and making a difference with their products.


  • K12 Inc (U.S.)
  • Pearson (U.K.)
  • White Hat Management (U.S.)
  • Georg Von Holtzbrinck GmbH & Co. K (Germany)
  • Bettermarks (Germany)
  • Scoyo (China)
  • Languagenut (U.K.)
  • Beness Holding, Inc. (Japan)
  • New Oriental Education & Technology (China)
  • XUEDA (China)
  • AMBO (U.S.)
  • CDEL (India)
  • Ifdoo (India)


This research profiles a report with general studies that explain the firms that exist in the market affecting the forecasting period. With detailed studies done, it also offers a comprehensive analysis by examining the factors like segmentation, opportunities, industrial developments, trends, growth, size, share, restraints, and others. This analysis is subject to alteration if the key players and probable analysis of market dynamics change.


Market Size Value In

US$ 140710 Million in 2021

Market Size Value By

US$ 337029.23 Million by 2032

Growth Rate

CAGR of 8.2% from 2021 to 2032

Forecast Period


Base Year


Historical Data Available


Regional Scope


Segments Covered

Frequently Asked Questions

The global online education market is expected to reach USD 337029.23 million by 2032.

The online education market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.2% by 2032.

Drivers of this online education market are increasing adoption of AI and funding solutions.

K12 Inc, Pearson, White Hat Management, Georg Von Holtzbrinck GmbH & Co. K, Bettermarks, Scoyo, Languagenut, Beness Holding, Inc., New Oriental Education & Technology, XUEDA, AMBO, XRS, CDEL, Ifdoo

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online education market growth

Report Description

Report analysis, table of content, methodology.

  • ICT, Semiconductor & Electronics
  • Software & Services
  • Online Education Market Report | Global Forecast From 2023 To 2032

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Global Online Education Market

Segments - by Type (Structured Tutoring, On-Demand Tutoring), By Application (Pre-primary School, Primary School, Middle School, High School, Higher Education, Language Learning, Professional Development), By Component (Platform, Services, Content), By Deployment (Cloud, On-Premises), By User Type (Individual, Institutional), By Business Model (B2B, B2C), and By Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa), Forecast from 2023 to 2032

  • ICT-SE-83412


Raksha Sharma


Fact-checked by:

Amulya Agarwal


Shruti Bhat


Market Overview:

The global online education market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.5% during the forecast period, 2018-2028. The market growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for online education among students and professionals owing to its flexibility and convenience. Additionally, the growing penetration of the internet and smartphones is also propelling the growth of this market. On the basis of type, the structured tutoring segment dominates the global online education market with a share of more than 60%. This can be attributed to benefits such as personalized learning experience and better engagement with tutors that this type offers over other types such as on-demand tutoring. On-demand tutoring segment is expected to grow at a higher CAGR during 2018-2028 owing to its advantages such as affordability and convenience over other types. Based on application, the preprimary school segment dominates in terms of revenue contribution in 2017; however, the primary school segment is projected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the high adoption rate by parents for their children’s overall development.

Product Definition:

Online education is defined as any form of education that can be accessed and delivered over the internet. The importance of online education lies in its ability to offer flexibility and convenience to students, as well as cost-effectiveness for institutions. Online education can take various forms, such as massive open online courses (MOOCs), virtual classrooms, and e-learning modules.

Structured Tutoring:

Structured Tutoring is a service, which involves two participants - the tutor and the learner. The tutor provides educational content in an interactive format to enhance learning. It includes group discussions, one-on-one chats, lectures, and other such activities that help improve students' knowledge base in various fields including science & technology, business & economics among others. Learners can register for online classes on their own without any teachers or instructors being present in person.

On-Demand Tutoring:

On-demand tutoring is a service that provides one-on-one assistance to students. It involves two participants: the tutor and the student. The tutor uses online learning tools to provide personalized instructions and feedback to the student. Tutors work either in collaboration with schools, and universities or are self-trained; however, they need a high school degree or equivalent experience and must pass a Background Check.

Application Insights:

The pre-primary school segment accounted for the largest revenue share of over 40.0% in 2017 and is projected to continue its dominance over the forecast period. The growth can be attributed to a rise in demand for flexible tutoring options that offer an effective way of learning, thereby complementing the online education platform offered by companies such as Udemy and Coursera. These platforms provide personalized study plans, which help students improve their grades significantly while reducing or eliminating tuition costs incurred by schools or parents. The primary school segment is expected to witness considerable growth during the forecast period owing to increasing enrollments across countries including India, China, South Africa, and Australia. Middle School and High School segment applications are expected to grow at a relatively higher CAGR during the forecast period due to an increase in the number of online courses and degree programs offered by universities globally.

Regional Analysis:

The Asia Pacific dominated the global online education market in terms of revenue share in 2019. The region is expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period. This can be attributed to the increasing penetration of digital devices and internet connectivity across emerging economies, such as China and India. Moreover, rising awareness regarding various educational options available online coupled with growing affordability issues is some other factors driving regional growth.

North America is projected to witness significant growth over the forecast period owing to an increase in preference for Blended Learning models that incorporate technology-based teaching methods along with traditional classroom teaching approaches for effective learning outcomes among students across grade levels K-12. In addition, a rise in high school completion rates has led many parents and schools toward offering additional Educational Services through online platforms thereby fueling regional demand during the forecast years from 2020 to 2028.

Growth Factors:

The global online education market is growing at a rapid pace owing to the increasing penetration of the internet and smartphones. In addition, the rising working population and their preference for flexible timings are also some of the key factors driving the growth of this market. Increasing demand for skilled professionals in the market is also one of the key factors fuelling the growth of this market. The advantages of online education such as cost-effectiveness, flexibility in timings, and easy accessibility are some of the major factors expected to drive the growth of this market during the forecast period. In addition, technological advancements in educational tools and platforms are also anticipated to provide a boost to the growth of this market.

Report Scope

Online Education Market Research Report
Structured Tutoring, On-Demand Tutoring
Pre-primary School, Primary School, Middle School, High School, Higher Education, Language Learning, Professional Development
Platform, Services, Content
Cloud, On-Premises
Individual, Institutional
B2B, B2C
Ambow Education, CDEL, New Oriental Education and Technology, TAL, Vedantu, iTutorGroup, EF Education First, Chegg, Knewton, Tokyo Academics, Tata Interactive Systems, N2N Services, Microsoft, Saba Software, McGrawHill, YY
North America, Europe, APAC, Latin America, MEA
2017 to 2022 (Data from 2010 can be provided as per availability)
Yes, the report can be customized as per your need.

The report covers comprehensive data on emerging trends, market drivers, growth opportunities, and restraints that can change the market dynamics of the industry. It provides an in-depth analysis of the market segments which include products, applications, and competitor analysis.

Global Online Education Market Report Segments:

The market is segmented by Type (Structured Tutoring, On-Demand Tutoring), by Application (Pre-primary School, Primary School, Middle School, High School, Higher Education, Language Learning, Professional Development), by Component (Platform, Services, Content), by Deployment (Cloud, On-Premises), by User Type (Individual, Institutional), by Business Model (B2B, B2C).

Some of the companies that are profiled in this report are:

  • Ambow Education
  • New Oriental Education and Technology
  • iTutorGroup
  • EF Education First
  • Tokyo Academics
  • Tata Interactive Systems
  • N2N Services
  • Saba Software

Online Education Market research report delivers a close watch on leading competitors with strategic analysis, micro and macro market trend and scenarios, pricing analysis and a holistic overview of the market situations in the forecast period. It is a professional and a detailed report focusing on primary and secondary drivers, market share, leading segments and geographical analysis. Further, key players, major collaborations, merger & acquisitions along with trending innovation and business policies are reviewed in the report.

Key Benefits for Industry Participants & Stakeholders:

  • Industry drivers, restraints, and opportunities covered in the study
  • Neutral perspective on the market performance
  • Recent industry trends and developments
  • Competitive landscape & strategies of key players
  • Potential & niche segments and regions exhibiting promising growth covered
  • Historical, current, and projected market size, in terms of value
  • In-depth analysis of the Online Education Market

Overview of the regional outlook of the Online Education Market:

Based on region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa (MEA). North America region is further bifurcated into countries such as U.S., and Canada. The Europe region is further categorized into U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe. Asia Pacific is further segmented into China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, South East Asia, and Rest of Asia Pacific. Latin America region is further segmented into Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America, and the MEA region is further divided into GCC, Turkey, South Africa, and Rest of MEA.

Highlights of The Online Education Market Report:

  • The market structure and projections for the coming years.
  • Drivers, restraints, opportunities, and current trends of Online Education Market.
  • Historical data and forecast.
  • Estimations for the forecast period 2032.
  • Developments and trends in the market.
  • Structured Tutoring
  • On-Demand Tutoring
  • By Application:
  • Pre-primary School
  • Primary School
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • Higher Education
  • Language Learning
  • Professional Development
  • By Component:
  • By Deployment:
  • On-Premises
  • By User Type:
  • Institutional
  • By Business Model:
  • Market scenario by region, sub-region, and country.
  • Market share of the market players, company profiles, product specifications, SWOT analysis, and competitive landscape.
  • Analysis regarding upstream raw materials, downstream demand, and current market dynamics.
  • Government Policies, Macro & Micro economic factors are also included in the report.

We have studied the Online Education Market in 360 degrees via. both primary & secondary research methodologies. This helped us in building an understanding of the current market dynamics, supply-demand gap, pricing trends, product preferences, consumer patterns & so on. The findings were further validated through primary research with industry experts & opinion leaders across countries. The data is further compiled & validated through various market estimation & data validation methodologies. Further, we also have our in-house data forecasting model to predict market growth up to 2032.

How you may use our products:

  • Correctly Positioning New Products
  • Market Entry Strategies
  • Business Expansion Strategies
  • Consumer Insights
  • Understanding Competition Scenario
  • Product & Brand Management
  • Channel & Customer Management
  • Identifying Appropriate Advertising Appeals

Reasons to Purchase the Online Education Market Report:

  • The report includes a plethora of information such as market dynamics scenario and opportunities during the forecast period
  • Segments and sub-segments include quantitative, qualitative, value (USD Million,) and volume (Units Million) data.
  • Regional, sub-regional, and country level data includes the demand and supply forces along with their influence on the market.
  • The competitive landscape comprises share of key players, new developments, and strategies in the last three years.
  • Comprehensive companies offering products, relevant financial information, recent developments, SWOT analysis, and strategies by these players.

The online education market has been segmented on the basis of


Business model.

  • Asia Pacific
  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

Key Players

Swot analysis for online education market.

Strengths Weaknesses
Highly accessible Limited interaction with teachers and peers
Flexible curriculum Lack of personalized learning
Wide range of courses available Inability to ask questions on the spot
Opportunities Threats
Growing demand for online education Competition from traditional learning methods
Opportunity to reach new markets Technical difficulties
Increased use of technology in education Security and privacy concerns

PESTEL Analysis for Online Education Market

Political factors.

Political factors play a key role in the success of online education market. Government regulation is essential in this sector and can affect it in many ways. Government regulations such as tax policies and labor laws can affect the cost of doing business and the availability of resources. Furthermore, the political environment can also affect the stability of the market and its ability to attract investment.

Economic Factors

Economic factors can also have an impact on the online education market. The cost of developing online courses and providing online services can be affected by macroeconomic factors such as inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates. Furthermore, the availability of resources such as capital and technology can also be affected by economic conditions.

Social Factors

Social factors can also have an impact on the online education market. For example, changes in the needs and wants of students can affect the demand for online courses. Additionally, changes in the attitudes of students towards online learning can also affect the market.

Technological Factors

Technological factors are also important for the success of the online education market. The development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality can open up new opportunities for online education providers. Furthermore, the availability of quality internet connections and devices can also affect the success of the market.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors can also affect the online education market. For example, changes in the global climate can affect the availability of resources such as energy and water. Furthermore, changes in the environment can also affect the cost of production and the quality of materials used in online courses.

Legal Factors

Legal factors can also play a role in the success of the online education market. Government regulations and laws can affect the availability of resources and the cost of doing business. Additionally, changes in copyright laws, data privacy laws, and consumer protection laws can also affect the market.

Porter 5 Forces Analysis for Online Education Market

Threat of new entrants.

The threat of new entrants for online education market is relatively low due to high start-up cost. Companies need to invest heavily in servers, infrastructure, and marketing to gain a foothold in the market. Moreover, established players like Coursera, Udemy, and edX have large customer base and market share, making it difficult for new players to compete.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

The bargaining power of suppliers for online education market is relatively low as there are many suppliers with similar offerings. Moreover, the switching cost for students is low, allowing them to easily switch from one supplier to another.

Bargaining Power of Buyers

The bargaining power of buyers for online education market is relatively high due to the presence of many suppliers with similar offerings. Customers have the option to choose from a wide range of courses offered by different suppliers, making it easy for them to negotiate better prices.

Threat of Substitutes

The threat of substitutes for online education market is relatively low due to the wide range of courses offered by the different suppliers. Moreover, the traditional education system is not a perfect substitute for online education and hence the threat is limited.

Competitive Rivalry

The competitive rivalry for online education market is relatively high as there are many players offering similar courses. Companies are constantly trying to gain a competitive advantage by offering discounts and better services, thus increasing the competitive rivalry.

Research Methodology

The research methodology for this report was designed with a systemic approach to provide a holistic view of the Global Online Education Market. The methodology incorporates various research techniques to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data and insights gathered.

Data Collection

The primary data for this report was gathered from leading companies and industry experts. Various strategies such as questionnaires, telephonic and face-to-face interviews were employed to collect the primary data.

In addition to primary data, secondary data was collected from authentic sources, such as, company annual reports, filings with regulatory bodies, research publications, online databases, and respected industry journals. The combination of primary and secondary data helped in creating a detailed analysis of the Online Education Market.

Data Validation

All the data collected from primary and secondary sources were cross-verified with industry experts and key opinion leaders to ensure the authenticity of data. The data has been rigorously examined at different stages of the study to eliminate any instances of ambiguous or false information.

Market Estimation

After authenticating the collected data, the next stage involved data segmentation and market estimation. The data was segmented based on type, application, component, deployment, user type, and business model of the online education market. Each segment was further broken down to a more granular level to gain insightful information about different market aspects.

The market estimation was done using both top-down and bottom-up approaches. The market size and forecast were calculated considering various factors such as market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and trends.

Report Analysis and Presentation

The data gathered was systematically analyzed and interpreted using statistical tools. The insights drawn from the data were presented in the form of graphs, charts, tables, and diagrams to provide a visual understanding of the market trends.

The report covers a detailed study on the competitive landscape, growth factors and constraints, recent developments, and future market possibilities for the stakeholders and investors.

All research procedures were conducted following ethical principles. The primary data collected from the respondents was kept confidential and used strictly for research purposes. The respondents were informed about the aim of the research and their consent was taken before their participation. The report has maintained transparency and integrity throughout the research process.

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Online Education Market Research Report By component (Educational tablets, Software), By Deployment (Cloud, On-premises), By Product (Elective{Technical, Non-technical}, Courses{Primary & Secondary Education, Test Preparation, Online Certification, Casual Learning, Others}), By Learning Type(Synchronous, Asynchronous{Digital Curriculum Material, Discussion Board, Others}), By End User(Higher Education, K12, Corporate, Others) and By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, South America) –Market Forecast Till 203

  • Segmentation
  • Table of Content
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Online Education Market Overview

Online Education Market Size was valued at USD 47,230.48 million in 2022. The Online Education Market industry is projected to grow from USD 58,137.6 Million in 2023 to USD 3,13,302.1 million by 2032, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.6% during the forecast period (2023 - 2032).

Online education is an electronically supported learning system that relies on the Internet to interact and distribute course material between students and teachers. The growing demand to reduce the cost of education, increasing government initiatives supporting online education, and increasing penetration of smartphones and the Internet are the factors contributing to the growth of the Online Education Market. Additionally, the market is also expected to be boosted owing to the increasing demand for adaptive learning. In recent years, the online education market has grown rapidly, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend as more and more people have had to rely on online education.

As per Analyst at MRFR, “The Online Education industry has seen several growth factors in recent years, fueled by high cost of conventional education and increasing government initiatives”.


Online Education Market Overview

Source: Secondary Research, Primary Research, MRFR Database, and Analyst Review

Online Education Market Trends

Increasing demand for adaptive learning.

E-learning resources are self-contained and can be accessed whenever the user desires. They do not necessitate the learner's actual presence in a classroom. Students can also use the system to download and save their learning materials for later use. E-learning systems can update study materials more frequently than classroom-based education systems. Once the study materials are in the system, they may be updated without having to replace the entire set, and they can be accessed and reused for longer periods. For many students, e-learning is a convenient way to learn. Most study resources are kept so that students can access them whenever they wish. Students can also opt for an instructor-led or self-paced learning system. Students can also skip through study materials they already know in e-learning systems and pick and select which ones they want to learn.

A global learning society E-learning technologies contribute to the creation of a global learning society by allowing everyone, regardless of geographic location, to access study resources. Learners can now contribute to study materials using the systems that are now accessible, which helps keep the contents up to date. Thus, the increasing demand for adaptive learning is expected to present lucrative opportunities for the players operating in the Online Education Market.

Online Education Market Segment Insights

Online education component insights.

Based on Component, the Online Education Market has segmented into educational tablets and software. Software held the largest market share in 2022. Any computer software designed for educational purposes is referred to as educational software. It covers a vast range of applications, from language learning software to classroom management software to reference software, and so on. This software exists to make some aspects of education more effective and efficient.

Online Education Deployment Insights

Based on Deployment, the Online Education Market has segmented into Cloud and On-premises. Cloud held a significant market share in the year 2022.Using the cloud for deployment of online education helps reduce IT administrator’s jobs by ensuring cost-effective and seamless deployment activities. With the adoption of the cloud-based deployment model, organizations benefit as it reduces the overall investments, improves implementation, gives scalability, offers easy access, and reduces complexities.

Online Education Product Insights

Based on Product, the Online Education Market is segmented into Elective and courses. Elective segment is further sub segmented into Technical and Non-technical. Courses are further subdivided into Primary & Secondary Education, Test Preparation, Online Certification, Casual Learning and Others. Courses held a significant market share in 2022. Online courses may be offered at various levels, from introductory to advanced, and may be designed for a variety of learners, from beginners to professionals. Courses may be part of a degree program or offered as standalone modules and may be delivered through a variety of formats. Elective types of products in online education enable learners to choose the curriculum in subjects such as music, technology, computer programming, business concepts, among others.

Online Education Learning Type Insights

Based on Learning Type, the Online Education Market is segmented into Synchronous and Asynchronous. Furthermore, Asynchronous is sub segmented into Digital Curriculum Material, Discussion Board, Others. Synchronous learning refers to online learning experiences where students and instructors interact in real-time, often through virtual classrooms or webinars.



Online Education End User Insights

Based on End User, the Online Education Market is segmented into Higher Education, K12, Corporate, and Others. K12 held the largest market share among all in the year 2022. K12 segment refers to online education programs and courses that are designed for students in kindergarten through grade 12. This includes online courses for individual subjects, virtual classrooms, and digital curriculum systems that are used by teachers in K-12 schools.

Online Education Regional Insights

By Region, the study provides market insights into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America. North America is the most significant revenue contributor to the online education market. The region is anticipated to witness considerable growth over the forecast period due to the increasing investment in online education platforms among enterprises. The rapid adoption of cloud-based learning and the availability of numerous e-learning portals have significantly enhanced the learning experience quality.

Asia-Pacific is the third-largest market for the online education market. However, the regional market is expected to grow with the fastest CAGR compared to other regions. This can be attributed to the growing businesses across the region owing to the leading company’s expansion strategies. Furthermore, government initiatives for boosting digitization and the increasing digital platform propelled the market growth.

Europe is predicted to register steady growth in the Online Education Market during the forecast period owing to the rising adoption of online courses by various students in the region. Additionally, various companies are also offering many software and services associated with online education in the region.



Further, the major countries studied in the market report are the U.S, Canada, Mexico, Germany, UK, France, China, Japan, and India.

Online Education Key Market Players & Competitive Insights

The Online Education Market is characterized by the presence of many global, regional, and local vendors. The Online Education Market has witnessed significant growth over the forecast period due to the high cost of conventional education. There are several domestic, regional, and global players operating in the Online Education Market who continuously strive to gain a significant share of the overall market. During the study, MRFR has analyzed some of the major players in the Online Education Market who have contributed to the market growth. During the study, MRFR has analyzed some of the major players in the Online Education Market who have contributed to the market growth includes LinkedIn Corporation (, Coursera, Pearson, McGraw Hill , MPS Interactive Systems Limited , Udacity, Inc , edX Inc.(2u), BLACKBOARD INC , Udemy Inc., APTARA INC , BYJU'S , Stride, Inc (K12), ADOBE , PowerSchool among others.

These players focus on expanding and enhancing their product portfolio and services to remain competitive and increase their customer base. Additionally, these players are focusing on partnerships & collaborations to expand their business and customer base to enhance their market position.

Key Companies in the Online Education Market include

  • LinkedIn Corporation (
  • McGraw Hill
  • MPS Interactive Systems Limited
  • Udacity, Inc
  • Stride Inc (K12)
  • PowerSchool

Online Education Industry Developments

  • In April 2023, New VR course experiences from prestigious colleges and AR content from Meta are now available on Coursera. Virtual, mixed, and augmented worlds have the potential to revolutionize both work and education. They are pleased to share new VR-enabled course offerings from Duke University, Peking University, and the University of Washington that amplify the immersive nature of learning.
  • In March 2023, Stride and Rebel Girls partnered and created a collections of Rebel Girls book and audio recordings within its Stride Learning Hub, an online teaching tool that allows educators to customize each course with Stride activities, classes, and assessments.

Online Education Market Segmentation

Online education component outlook.

  • Educational tablets

Online Education Deployment Outlook

  • On-premises

Online Education Product Outlook

  • Non-Technical
  • Primary & Secondary Education
  • Test Preparation
  • Online Certification
  • Casual Learning

Online Education Learning Type Outlook

Synchronous, asynchronous.

  • Digital Curriculum Material
  • Discussion Board

Online Education End User Outlook

  • Higher Education

Online Education Regional Outlook

North america.

  • Rest of Europe


  • Rest of Asia-Pacific

Middle East & Africa

South america.

Report Attribute/Metric Details
Market Size 2022 USD 47230.48 Million
Market Size 2023 USD 58,137.6 Million
Market Size 2032 USD  3,13,302.1 Million
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 20.6% (2023-2032)
Base Year 2022
Market Forecast Period 2023-2032
Historical Data 2018- 2021
Market Forecast Units Value (USD Million)
Report Coverage Revenue Forecast, Market Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered Component, Deployment, Product, Learning type, End User and Region
Geographies Covered Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America
Countries Covered U.S, Canada, Mexico, Germany, UK, France, China, Japan, and India.
Key Companies Profiled LinkedIn Corporation (, Coursera, Pearson, McGraw Hill, MPS Interactive Systems Limited, Udacity, Inc., edX Inc., BLACKBOARD INC, Udemy Inc., APTARA INC, BYJU'S, Stride Inc (K12), ADOBE, PowerSchool.
Key Market Opportunities Increasing demand for adaptive learning.
Key Market Dynamics High cost of conventional education. Increasing government initiatives.
  • Online Education Companies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

The Online Education Market size is expected to be valued at USD 47230.48 Million in 2022.

The global market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 20.6 % during the forecast period, 2023-2032.

North America had the largest share of the global market.

The key players in the market are LinkedIn Corporation (, Coursera, Pearson, McGraw Hill , MPS Interactive Systems Limited , Udacity, Inc , edX Inc.(2u), BLACKBOARD INC, Udemy Inc., APTARA INC , BYJU'S , Stride, Inc (K12), ADOBE , PowerSchool among others .

The Software category dominated the market in 2022.

Online Education Market

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online education market growth

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Online Education Market

Online Education Market Size, Share, Growth Report 2032

Online Education Market

Online Education Market - by Product (Content, Services), by Technology (Mobile Learning, Learning Management System, Virtual Class, Others), by Vertical (K-12, Higher Education, Corporate, Others), and by Region: Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis and Forecast 2019 – 2026

Market Size in 2019 Market Forecast in 2026 Growth Rate (in %) Base Year
USD 29.45 billion USD 205.4 billion CAGR at 32.7%. 2019

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This report analyzes and estimates the online education market at global, regional, and country level. Assessment of the global online education analysis provides detailed insights of the market growth and restraining factors along with their impact analysis at global level from 2020 to 2026.

The report includes in-depth analysis of the strategies adopted by utmost competitors in the global online education market. The research study contains market attractiveness analysis, wherein segment product, technology, vertical, and regional segments are benchmarked on the basis of their market size and growth rate.

Online Education Market

The research study provides a decisive view on the global online education market based on product, technology, vertical, and Region. All the segments of online education market have been analyzed based on the past, present, and future trends. The market is estimated from 2020-2026.The regional segmentation consists the past, present, and forecasted demand for Middle East & Africa, North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe. The regional segment is further divided into the U.S., UK, France, Germany, China, Japan, India, and Brazil among others.

Online Education Market: Report Scope

Online Education Market Research Report
USD 29.45 billion
USD 205.4 billion
CAGR of 32.7%.
Lynda.Com, Pearson PLC, McGraw-Hill Education, Blackboard Inc., Aptara Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Docebo, Edmodo, PowerSchool Group LLC, Tata Interactive Systems among others.
By Technology, By Vertical, and By Region
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Latin America, Middle East, and Africa (MEA)
2019 to 2026
2019 - 2026
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Detailed analysis of major market players in the global online education market includes their financial overview, business strategies, new developments, and the product offered by them in the market. This will help in analyzing the market competition are

  • Pearson PLC
  • McGraw-Hill Education
  • Blackboard Inc.
  • Aptara Inc.
  • Adobe Systems Inc.
  • PowerSchool Group LLC
  • Tata Interactive Systems among others.

The report segments global online education market:

Global Online Education Market : Product Segment Analysis

Global online education market : technology segment analysis.

  • Mobile Learning
  • Learning Management System
  • Virtual Class

Global Online Education Market : Vertical Segment Analysis

  • Higher Education

Global Online Education Market: Regional Segment Analysis

  • Rest of Europe
  • South Korea
  • Southeast Asia
  • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • Rest of Latin America
  • South Africa
  • Rest of Middle East & Africa

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  • Published On -24-August-2020 Online Education Market is set for a Rapid Growth and is expected to reach USD 205.4 Billion Globally by 2026

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Market Research Report

Global Online Education Market Report By Type (Academic, Corporate), By Technology (Mobile E-learning, Learning Management System, Application Simulation Tool, Rapid E-learning, Podcasts, Virtual Classroom), By Vendor (Service Provider, Content Provider), By End-User (Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools, Others) And By Regions - Industry Trends, Size, Share, Growth, Estimation and Forecast, 2023-2032

  • Mobile E-Learning
  • Learning Management System
  • Application Simulation Tool
  • Rapid E-Learning
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Service Provider
  • Content Provider
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • K-12 Schools

Global Online Education Market Share

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Global Online Education Market - Forecasts From 2020 To 2025- Product Image

Global Online Education Market - Forecasts From 2020 To 2025

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  • February 2020
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  • Mobile E-learning
  • Learning Management System
  • Application Simulation Tool
  • Rapid E-learning
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Service Provider
  • Content Provider
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • K-12 Schools
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Apollog Education Group, Inc.
  • Blackboard Inc.
  • Citrix Systems, Inc.
  • McGraw-Hill Education
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • MPS Limited
  • Professional Development And Training

Global Online Education Market Report by Type, Provider, Technology, Region and Company Analysis 2024-2032 - Product Image

Global Online Education Market Report by Type, Provider, Technology, Region and Company Analysis 2024-2032

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Online Education Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029

Online Education Global Market Report 2024 - Product Image

Online Education Global Market Report 2024

Global Digital Education Market by Learning Type (Instructor-Led Online Education, Self-Paced Online Education), Course Type (Entrepreneurship & Business Management Courses, Science & Technology Courses), End-User - Forecast 2024-2030 - Product Image

Global Digital Education Market by Learning Type (Instructor-Led Online Education, Self-Paced Online Education), Course Type (Entrepreneurship & Business Management Courses, Science & Technology Courses), End-User - Forecast 2024-2030

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Business Review at Berkeley

Online Education Industry Boom: Should We Invest Online Education Companies Right Now?

online education market growth

Author: Joyce Chen, Graphic: Ming Dong

The BRB Bottomline

The online education industry is expected to experience rapid growth during the COVID-19 pandemic since the majority of schools are closed. The leading online education companies such as Chegg, Coursera, and Udacity may have promising long-term growth due to the COVID-19 lockdown, but they may not be optimal investments as of now.

Online Education Industry Overview

Online education stocks have been one of the hottest areas to look at in recent years. The rising costs of college education and textbooks compes students to search for a digital education platform with cheaper prices. According to the recent report from Follett, since 1978, college textbooks have risen 812 percent in price—more than twice as fast as the price of a new home. This means a book purchased in 1978 for $25 would now cost $203. To combat the rising cost of college textbooks, many students have shifted their focus to digital education platforms. 

Though the online education industry has experienced rapid growth during the coronavirus pandemic, the statistics show that even before COVID-19, there was already high growth and adoption in education technology with global edtech investments reaching $18.66 billion in 2019 , and the overall market for online education is projected to reach $350 Billion by 2025 . 

The redefinition of learning spaces in 2010 helped transition learning spaces from traditional classroom methods of teaching towards workshop-like environments. In conjunction with this, the ‘lessons’ changed toward more interactive methods of discussions and collaborative learning . Such transformations of the learning space helped address students’ individual needs, requirements , and preferences. The recent coronavirus pandemic also serves as a catalyst for the growth of the online education industry as most schools are closed and face-to-face classes are suspended due to concerns for students’ safety. 

Hence, all the industrial tailwinds have brought momentum to online education stocks. Investors are optimistic about the prospects of the industry and believe that it’s time to buy online education stocks. 

Potential Challenges and Case Studies

However, there are still some potential challenges in the online education industry that imply that although the industry might have long-term growth in the future, an online education stock may not be a good choice for investors to buy right now. The potential challenges such as the high costs of the higher education digital system , supplementary nature of online education platform for traditional education, uncertainty of the persistence of coronavirus pandemic, quality and accreditation for the online tutors, and the lack of in-person interactions with not only the teachers as well as classmates may hinder the growth for the online education industry. 

Therefore, the investors should be cautious about their decision of whether or not to invest in online education stocks at this time. In this article, we will focus mainly on three leading online education companies—Chegg, Inc.; Coursera; and Udacity—to examine how the potential challenges that exist in the industry may adversely impact their stocks’ growth. 

Chegg, Inc.

Chegg is a direct-to-student learning platform that provides digital and physical textbook rentals, online tutoring, and other student services. It allows students to find human help on its learning platform through a network of live tutors. Recently, its stock (NYSE: CHGG) has a 150% upside due to the increase in its revenue by 35% to $131.6 million and is expected to have long-term growth after the COVID-19 pandemic with 25% earnings growth annually . 

Chegg is viewed as a promising stock to follow for long-term investment mainly because of its remarkable increase in margins, cheaper and convenient platform to buy college textbooks, and its potentiality during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Furthermore, looking at recent school openings and closures, our current state of uncertainty  is likely to persist for the near future. Therefore, online education assistance is needed at this time. Though teachers may still provide lectures and office hours virtually, students still experience difficulties when reaching out to the teachers for help mainly due to the time zone differences and late response issues. Therefore, Chegg’s convenient and professional learning platform is favored by many students. 

However, although Chegg is expected to have long-term growth in the future, it may not be the right time to buy this stock for now as there are some potential challenges. 

Since students were already moving toward virtual learning through Chegg in greater numbers before schools were required to transition to online education, it will not be expected to have rapid growth due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, Chegg already had 3.9 million subscribers with a steady customer growth rate at 29% year-over-year . Since Chegg has already acquired a large customer base and had a steady customer growth rate, the COVID-19 outbreak may not add great value to its revenue growth. 

Also, the economy’s return to normalcy can be a signal of the resumption of the established ways for schooling, which can be a threat to Chegg’s earnings growth in future fiscal years since 64% of Chegg’s customers use Chegg for answering academic questions . If school returns back to normal, students will be able to reach out to their teachers in-person. Hence, the frequency and the necessity of using Chegg as a platform for academic assistance may fall. 

Furthermore, the high cost of the higher education digital system may have an adverse effect on Chegg’s future growth. Chegg has generated a great number of operating expenses . Though its total operating expenses decreased from 71% in the previous year to 57% in the most recent quarter , Chegg still has a very low EBITDA margin of 11.7%. This may hint that Chegg may fail to drive a stronger net margin in the future due to the high cost of education digital systems. Its high operating expenses may be a sign of its inability to control its costs and make its business more profitable in the future. Hence, Chegg may not be an optimal investment choice for the investor as its return on investment in the future years is not expected to significantly increase. 

Coursera is an American massive open online course provider. It offers an extensive list of online courses, specializations, degrees, and professional and master track courses to students. Recently, Coursera’s enrollments have quintupled year over year . Benefiting from the COVID-19 outbreak and the closure of schools, Coursera has seen more than 25 million enrollments since mid-March, a 520% increase from the same period last year . 

Coursera is viewed as a promising company to invest in for now mainly due to the diversified courses that it provides, cheaper prices, remarkable growth margins, and the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Though Coursera demonstrated its charming potential for future growth, it may not be a good investment for the investors at this time. 

Although there was a dramatic increase in enrollment in March due to COVID-19 , we cannot tell for the long-term since students can receive education in school when everything returns to normal. Considering the fact that over 75% of its customers use Coursera only as a supplementary tool for their study and school education is still their primary choice, Coursera cannot replace traditional education. Therefore, this fact may hinder Coursera’s potential growth in the future and imply that its platform cannot fully replace traditional education. Hence, there is expected to be a revenue and enrollment recession after the COVID-19 pandemic ends and students go back to school. 

Moreover, although Coursera can be seen as a virtual classroom for the students to learn, it is not just the classroom that prompts many students to study internationally, but also the irreplaceable cultural experiences that international study offers. Therefore, international students may be more likely to use the online education platform as a supplement tool for school materials than domestic students. Since Coursera’s users come from over 29 countries , its international users may still like to have traditional education in order to gain better cultural experience through in-person study. Therefore, Coursera’s online education platform may not be able to replace traditional education due to its significant customer portion of international students.

Other issues, such as uncertainty over accreditation and quality control, also remain unresolved. Since many instructors from Coursera work part-time, it’s hard to evaluate the consistent quality of the course. Also, since the cross-institutional credit systems are a challenge even for traditional education systems, the flexibility of online learning could make this even more chaotic. Because Coursera does not have specified and well-tailored rules for the credit exchange system, the operation process can be tedious and disordered. 

Udacity is an American massive open online course provider aimed at professional adults and students. Its mission is to train the world’s workforce in the careers of the future. It provides various courses about programming, computer science, and data science that help students to be prepared for their future career path. Recently, Udemy has revealed a 260% increase in annual recurring revenue growth . 

Udacity is viewed as a promising company to invest in for now mainly due to the sharp increase in demand from businesses, government agencies, and learners looking to accelerate digital transformation and develop skills in technologies as well as the career-oriented courses that help students prepare for future career paths in advance. 

However, this stock may not be a good investment right now as there are some potential challenges. 

Although there is a dramatic increase in annual recurring revenue growth, Udacity may lose its customers due to its relatively high charges for their courses. Its most popular programs, Nanodegrees , used to cost $199 per month last year. However, since then, their price increased significantly, reaching $499 per month . Given the fact that the competition in the online education industry is highly intense and customers are sensitive to the prices, Udacity’s relatively high price may threaten its ability to retain and acquire its customers if there are other alternative options with lower prices. For example, when you compare Udacity’s Nanodegrees with the specializations featured on Coursera, it is quite difficult to justify the price of $499 when you could pay only $40 . In terms of depth, complexity, and course content, both e-Learning platforms have plenty of similarities, and they both offer good value .

Furthermore, Udacity also suffers from uncertainty over accreditation and quality control. Unlike other online education platforms that choose their tutors based on those people’s academic credentials, Udacity chooses its instructors based on their work experience instead. Therefore, while many of the instructors from other education platforms are university professors, Udacity’s instructors come from various companies such as YouTube, Amazon, Google, and Facebook . It can cause the issue of unproven credentials since those who have a lot of work experience may not be good at teaching the knowledge as the university professors do. 

Take-Home Points

Though investors are excited about the rapid growth of the online education industry due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the closings of schools, by examining leading online education companies such as Chegg, Coursera, and Udacity, we find that this industry may not be a good choice to invest in at this time due to many potential challenges and uncertainties. The challenges such as the high costs of the higher education digital system, supplementary nature of online education platform for the traditional education, uncertainty of the persistence of coronavirus pandemic, quality and accreditation for the online tutors, and the lack of in-person interactions with teachers and classmates may hinder the growth for the online education industry. Therefore, investors should be cautious about their decision to invest in online education.

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Press Release:

Global online education market report by type (academic (higher education, vocational training, k-12 education, others), corporate (large enterprises, smbs) government), provider (content and services), technology (online e-learning, learning management system (lms), mobile e-learning, rapid e-learning, virtual classroom, and others), region and company analysis 2024-2032, global online education market analysis.

Global Online Education Market Size is anticipated to experience a CAGR of 11.67% between 2024 and 2032 , reaching an estimated worth of US$ 788.05 Billion by 2032 from US$ 291.73 Billion in 2023 .

The emergence of online education has revolutionized conventional learning techniques, garnering global popularity. Technological improvements enable online structures to offer flexible schedules, accessibility, and numerous courses catering to diverse interests and skill capacities. Especially accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the benefit and protection of remote access have propelled its adoption. With establishments, professionals, and newcomers embracing this transformative shift, online education continues to grow, promising more inclusivity and academic possibilities for all.

Global Online Education Market Trends

Expanding internet penetration is poised to strengthen the global online education market by improving accessibility to academic resources and systems. According to a research, as of the beginning of 2024, about 5.35 Billion people have been using the internet, representing 62 percent of the global population. Furthermore, internet utilization keeps rising, with current facts indicating a boom of ninety-seven million customers within the 12 months leading to January 2024. This increasing connectivity, especially in developing areas, allows more human beings to participate in online education, facilitating the dissemination of know-how, allowing remote learning opportunities, and fostering the boom of online academic platforms.

Moreover, the growing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning offers considerable boom possibilities for the online education market. These technologies allow structures to customize, gain knowledge, adapt content material, and provide instantaneous feedback, boosting engagement. They additionally streamline administrative responsibilities, lowering educators' workload and improving efficiency. Leveraging AI and machine learning permits companies to offer tailor-made learning experiences, expanding market possibilities and enhancing instructional outcomes. For example, in 2023, Blueprint Prep debuted an AI-pushed chatbot assisting premed students with the rigorous Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) phase of the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), providing customized steering to enhance exam readiness.

Besides, government initiatives propel the global online education market by investing in virtual infrastructure knowledge to enhance accessibility, affordability, and exceptionality. Governments foster innovation and deal with instructional disparities through guidelines, packages, and investment, often providing public-private collaboration. India's National Digital Educational Architecture (NDEAR), mounted in the 2021-22 Union Budget, aims to reinforce digital infrastructure and ensure stakeholder autonomy. The PM eVIDYA program, launched in 2020, enhances e-learning accessibility for Indian students and teachers, reaping benefits for 25 crore college students. It also allows the top 100 universities to provide online courses, expanding possibilities for 3.7 Crore more schooling students by easing regulatory frameworks for online education.

Academic segment is considered the most distinguished part of the global online education market

Academic-type vocational training is expected to be the distinguished segment of the global online education market due to its practicality and relevance in the contemporary job market. Focusing on acquiring unique skills and certifications, such applications cater to people searching for career development and professional improvement opportunities in numerous industries.

Mobile e-learning is among the fastest-growing segments of the online education market worldwide

Mobile e-learning is one of the rapidly expanding segments within the global online schooling market. This is due to its convenience and accessibility, facilitated by the enormous use of smartphones and tablets. Today, over 5.4 Billion humans globally have at least one cellular subscription, according to the GSMA, and more than 8.58 Billion mobile subscriptions will be in use worldwide in 2022, as per the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reports. So, mobile telephones have become ubiquitous equipment for accessing educational content everywhere. This flexibility appeals to busy professionals, college students, and people seeking lifelong knowledge of opportunities. Besides, mobile e-learning platforms regularly offer interactive capabilities and personalized learning experiences, further driving their recognition and growth.

United States appears to be in a strong position to dominate the global online education market

The United States is poised to lead the global online education market due to its robust technological infrastructure, stable instructional establishments, and revolutionary teaching techniques. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), public faculties enrolled approximately 8.5 million online students in 2021. Another 2.7 million remote learners attended non-public schools, including 1.9 Million at non-profit establishments and nearly 800,000 at for-profit faculties. With a tradition of embracing digital learning solutions, the U.S. is placed to power growth and innovation in the online education sector.

Global Online Education Company News

The global online education market consists of Coursera Inc., Instructure Holding Inc., Adobe Inc., Alphabet Inc., Udemy, Pearsons Inc., Stride Inc., and NetEase Inc.

  • In March 2024 - Accenture agreed to acquire Udacity, a pioneer in digital education. Udacity specializes in creating and providing proprietary technology courses that deliver the flexibility of online education with the advantages of human instruction.
  • In December 2023 - ACI Learning acquired Infosec Learning, a company that offers high-speed virtual labs and cyber ranges for learning and skill assessment to colleges, universities, businesses, and governments, providing them with intuitive, hands-on, and personalized experiences.
  • In November 2023 - Curriculum Associates will expand student-focused AI capabilities by purchasing speech recognition leader SoapBox Labs.
  • In November 2023 - Indian ed-tech company Byju is reportedly in advanced talks to sell its U.S. digital reading platform Epic! Creations for approximately US$400 Million to Joffre Capital, a private equity firm. The aim is to secure funds to ease its financial pressures.

Type – Global Online Education Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:

1.    Academic

•    Higher Education •    Vocational Training •    K-12 Education •    Others

2.    Corporate

•    Large Enterprises •    SMBs

3.    Government

Provider – Global Online Education Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:

1.    Content 2.    Services

Technology – Global Online Education Market breakup in 6 viewpoints:

1.    Online e-learning 2.    Learning Management System (LMS) 3.    Mobile e-learning 4.    Rapid e-learning 5.    Virtual classroom 6.    Others

Country – Global Online Education Market breakup in 25 viewpoints:

1.    North America

1.1    United States 1.2    Canada

2.    Europe

2.1    France 2.2    Germany 2.3    Italy 2.4    Spain 2.5    United Kingdom 2.6    Belgium 2.7    Netherland 2.8    Turkey

3.    Asia Pacific

3.1    China 3.2    Japan 3.3    India 3.4    South Korea 3.5    Thailand 3.6    Malaysia 3.7    Indonesia 3.8    Australia 3.9    New Zealand

4.    Latin America

4.1    Brazil 4.2    Mexico 4.3    Argentina

5.    Middle East & Africa

5.1    Saudi Arabia 5.2    UAE 5.3    South Africa

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:

•    Overview •    Recent Development •    Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:

1.    Coursera Inc. 2.    Instructure Holding Inc. 3.    Adobe Inc. 4.    Alphabet Inc. 5.    Udemy 6.    Pearsons Inc. 7.    Stride Inc. 8.    NetEase Inc.  

Report Details:

(We can also provide the editable version of the report in PPT/Word format on request)

1.    Introduction

2.    Research Methodology

3.    Executive Summary

4.    Market Dynamics

4.1    Growth Drivers 4.2    Challenges

5.    Global Online Education Market

6.    Market Share – Global Online Education Analysis

6.1    By Type

6.1.1    By Academic 6.1.2    By Corporate

6.2    By Provider 6.3    By Technology 6.4    By Countries

7.    Type – Global Online Education Market

7.1    Academic

7.1.1    Higher Education 7.1.2    Vocational Training 7.1.3    K-12 Education 7.1.4    Others

7.2    Corporate

7.2.1    Large Enterprises 7.2.2    SMBs

7.3    Government

8.    Provider – Global Online Education Market

8.1    Content 8.2    Services

9.    Technology – Global Online Education Market

9.1    Online e-learning 9.2    Learning Management System (LMS) 9.3    Mobile e-learning 9.4    Rapid e-learning 9.5    Virtual classroom 9.6    Others

10.    Countries – Global Online Education Market

10.1    North America

10.1.1    United States 10.1.2    Canada

10.2    Europe

10.2.1    France 10.2.2    Germany 10.2.3    Italy 10.2.4    Spain 10.2.5    United Kingdom 10.2.6    Belgium 10.2.7    Netherland 10.2.8    Turkey

10.3    Asia Pacific

10.3.1    China 10.3.2    Japan 10.3.3    India 10.3.4    South Korea 10.3.5    Thailand 10.3.6    Malaysia 10.3.7    Indonesia 10.3.8    Australia 10.3.9    New Zealand

10.4    Latin America

10.4.1    Brazil 10.4.2    Mexico 10.4.3    Argentina

10.5    Middle East & Africa

10.5.1    Saudi Arabia 10.5.2    UAE 10.5.3    South Africa

11.    Porter’s Five Forces Analysis – Global Online Education Market

11.1    Bargaining Power of Buyers 11.2    Bargaining Power of Suppliers 11.3    Degree of Rivalry 11.4    Threat of New Entrants 11.5    Threat of Substitutes

12.    SWOT Analysis – Global Online Education Market

12.1    Strength 12.2    Weakness 12.3    Opportunity 12.4    Threat

13.    Key Players Analysis

13.1    Coursera Inc.

13.1.1    Overview 13.1.2    Recent Development 13.1.3    Revenue

13.2    Instructure Holding Inc.,

13.2.1    Overview 13.2.2    Recent Development 13.2.3    Revenue Analysis

13.3    Adobe Inc.

13.3.1    Overview 13.3.2    Recent Development 13.3.3    Revenue Analysis

13.4    Alphabet Inc.

13.4.1    Overview 13.4.2    Recent Development 13.4.3    Revenue Analysis

13.5    Udemy

13.5.1    Overview 13.5.2    Recent Development 13.5.3    Revenue Analysis

13.6    Pearsons Inc.

13.6.1    Overview 13.6.2    Recent Development 13.6.3    Revenue Analysis

13.7    Stride Inc.

13.7.1    Overview 13.7.2    Recent Development 13.7.3    Revenue Analysis

13.8    NetEase Inc.

13.8.1    Overview 13.8.2    Recent Development 13.8.3    Revenue Analysis

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Fascinating Facts About Online Education in 2023

A lot of surprising facts exist about the online education market that most people have never heard because the legacy media have never devoted much attention to those kinds of stories. And that’s especially true of the legacy business press, which frequently appears to downplay some major developments in this arena.

Below we present some of the statistics our team has run across recently here at that struck us as fascinating.

But first, we kick off our report with one particularly fascinating statistic because it’s so widely reported—and yet so completely false.

IBM: The False Statistic Everyone Needs to Know

Before we present some of our investigation’s more interesting statistics, a caveat is in order. In our research, we ran across hundreds of assertions about online education purported to be facts, yet provided without citations or URL links to actual sources. Most of these unverified assertions continue to appear online after their first publication many years ago, even on websites that ostensibly appear to be credible and reliable sources.

The most extreme example relates to a statement attributed to IBM about productivity gains from e-learning. This assertion has probably been used tens of thousands of times worldwide in the online education industry—in vendor sales proposals, investment decisions, and startup company business plans and pitches to venture capital investors. “Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM” was a mantra of the business community throughout the 1980s, before Big Blue’s downsizing bloodbath after financial problems forced tens of thousands of layoffs late in the decade and an end to the company’s famous no-layoff policy.

Yet 34 years later, the IBM brand retains so much cachet that it still delivers magical credibility to facts and data linked with it—whether or not those assertions might actually be true or associated with IBM at all.

Although the precise language varies, one can find on Google hundreds of articles and documents containing an assertion that every dollar invested in online education returns $30 from gains in productivity. Usually attributed to a 2014 IBM white paper entitled “ The Value of Training ,” some of the plausible reasons cited are that enterprise employees trained online can promptly apply their new skills on the job and resume work more rapidly, presumably because they wouldn’t need to travel to another city and stay in a hotel to attend training seminars as typical before 2020 (and as we also discuss below.)

A frequently shared 2016 infographic that’s still online even claims this effect to be especially relevant for sales professionals whose earnings depend upon time spent in the field. Nevertheless, this statistic is false . It’s unequivocally complete and total nonsense.

In 2019 the British management consulting firm Learning Accelerators Ltd. launched an investigation after they could not find any discussion of this statistic in IBM’s report. What they learned was that in a different white paper titled “The Value of Training—and the High Cost of Doing Nothing,” IBM had cited a widely-quoted 200-page 1999 study by Merrill Lynch that described how Motorola estimated that “every dollar spent on training yielded US $30 in productivity gains within three years.”

However, Motorola was talking about corporate training in general . The company could not possibly have been talking about online training in 1999, which as Learning Accelerators correctly points out, did not exist in its current form nearly a quarter of a century ago.

Besides the public’s continuing trust in IBM’s brand, Learning Accelerators posits another explanation for why this outlandish claim about investment returns has proliferated so widely. The firm argues that writers at vendors and other outlets appear to be blatantly plagiarizing material from lists of “e-learning statistics” without performing any fact-checking or due diligence. The firm then raises a provocative legal issue:

In this case no “Investment Disclaimer” appears to have been applied and the information provided to many buyers of eLearning products and services appears to be demonstrably incorrect. Which raises the interesting question—if a vendor proposal for eLearning products or services was originally accepted on the basis of faulty investment advice and the client is later disappointed by the low productivity return—does any potential financial liability arise?

We relay this story about the bogus “IBM” data to raise an important point related to statistics about the online education industry. Unlike the legions of writers who should know better than to parrot nonsense about the returns from e-learning without performing any fact-checking, we’ve taken appropriate steps to verify all the interesting statistics that appear below.

Nonetheless, because so many of the statistics about this industry shared online are demonstrably false, readers still need to exercise heightened critical thinking and discernment skills whenever they see a statistic like that one on the internet. And that’s especially true if they might be making a high-value business or investment decision based in part on that sort of assertion.

Online Education Market Growth Forecasts Are Staggering

Most people have yet to learn of just how enormous the worldwide market for online education is becoming. The economic statistics website Statista forecasts that the total global online education market, including all market segments, will approach $400 billion by 2026 . That’s double the market size of $200 billion only seven years earlier in 2019.

The statistics platform similarly expects some key market segments also to double. These include the segments for learning management systems, from $18 to $36 billion. They also include the rapid e-learning market, from $2.0 to $4.5 billion. However, some segments are poised for even more spectacular growth. For example, Statista forecasts the market for virtual classrooms to triple, from $11.5 to $33.5 billion.

Statista’s projections are probably a 2022 update of the estimates originally reported in “ Global E-Learning Market Analysis 2019 ,” a study compiled by Syngene Research. At that time Syngene estimated that the market would reach $336.98 billion by 2026, and would likely grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.1 percent between 2018 and 2026.

Student Demand for Online Learning Is Exploding

Sixty-six percent of Americans have been more motivated to seek online learning since the pandemic began. We know that’s a fact because during 2020, Coursera’s user base climbed by two-thirds , from 45 million learners in 2019 to 75 million in 2021.

As a result, a 2022 analysis of online learning trends by the Vancouver-based online course creation software developer Thinkific shows unprecedented surges in student demand for online instruction between 2019 and 2021, irrespective of economic sector or market segment.

For example, student demand for software and technology courses skyrocketed by 3,600 percent. Meanwhile, demand for health and fitness instruction increased by 2,650 percent, while arts and entertainment courses climbed 2,500 percent.

Compared with the tech courses, marketing and business education posted anemic gains of only 1,820 percent, and personal development instruction ended up in the study’s cellar, gaining a paltry 1,270 percent.

Enterprise customers are also snatching up online courses for their employees. So far, about 2,300 companies have signed up for the new Coursera Business product line, including a quarter of the Fortune 500. Why would those firms do that? An analysis prepared by KPMG International in 2015 indicates that travel expenses alone, such as flights and hotel stays, account for up to 60 percent of total employee training costs—and companies that switch to online education never pay all these costs .

Completion Rates in a New Kind of Online Course Are Approaching 100 Percent

MOOCs, or massive open online courses , have been plagued by minuscule completion rates for years. For example, this MIT study published in the journal Science found completion rates typically around three percent for many such courses.

But a new type of online course boasts spectacular completion rates above 70 percent, and in many classes, rates approaching 100 percent. Hailed as the “ beginning of a new era of online education ,” these courses are known as cohort-based courses , or CBCs.

This “new era” characterization seems ironic because this model is nothing more than the traditional in-person higher education model ported to an online environment. Unlike the flexible and individualized asynchronous online courses that take advantage of many of the best capabilities available through online instruction, CBCs are more rigid courses taken by a group of students—the cohort —at the same time. Such students learn from their teachers in a live environment where they interact, collaborate, and compete for grades with classmates. They progress through the syllabus topics together at the same pace, all graduate simultaneously, and enjoy access to their own alumni network.

Reportedly the results include a sense of community and high accountability, which lead to dazzling completion rates. One of the first cohort programs, the 2016 altMBA led by Seth Godin, surprised observers when it returned a completion rate of 96 percent .

Another online education startup, New York University marketing professor Scott Galloway’s Section 4, boasts completion rates above 70 percent . And Professor David Shrier of London’s Imperial College Business School reports routine completion rates for his similar executive education startup Esme Learning of 98 to 100 percent .

Four of America’s Biggest Startups Are EdTech Unicorns Worth $24 Billion

Most of us have never heard of most of the obscure companies within the current crop of venture-funded startups in the United States. However, as Statista also describes in their report “Leading EdTech Unicorns Worldwide in 2022, by Valuation,” four of these American unicorns are online education providers poised for massive growth, and their valuations are colossal:

Today, business coaching is big business. The firm currently with the largest market capitalization, San Francisco-based BetterUp offers an artificial intelligence platform that matches enterprise employees with peak performance coaches for online corporate training and development purposes. Its current valuation is about $4.7 billion.

The next best-capitalized firm, New York City-based Articulate develops and markets an online course-building platform similar to Thinkific or Teachable, but geared instead for corporate workplace training and enterprise management systems. Articulate currently carries a market capitalization of about $3.7 billion.

Course Hero

Course Hero embodies the ultimate “I wish I had thought of that first” business concept. Whoever would have thought only a couple of years ago that collections of university course lecture notes and old tests could be fashioned into a multi-billion-dollar online business? Silicon Valley-based Course Hero provides study resources that support college and graduate students through its online learning platform valued at about $3.6 billion.

San Francisco-based Handshake’s platform helps college and graduate students win internship and job offers at graduation. The firm provides an online career network that matches students with corporate recruiters and hiring companies. Like Course Hero, Handshake’s current market cap is about $3.6 billion.

online education market growth

Douglas Mark

While a partner in a San Francisco marketing and design firm, for over 20 years Douglas Mark wrote online and print content for the world’s biggest brands , including United Airlines, Union Bank, Ziff Davis, Sebastiani and AT&T.

Since his first magazine article appeared in MacUser in 1995, he’s also written on finance and graduate business education in addition to mobile online devices, apps, and technology. He graduated in the top 1 percent of his class with a business administration degree from the University of Illinois and studied computer science at Stanford University.

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Global Online Education Market By Type (Academic, Corporate), Technology (Mobile E-learning, Rapid E-learning, Podcasts), Vendor (Service Provider, Content Provider), End-User (Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools), & Region for 2023-2031

Global Online Education Market By Type (Academic, Corporate), Technology (Mobile E-learning, Rapid E-learning, Podcasts), Vendor (Service Provider, Content Provider), End-User (Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools), & Region for 2023-2031

  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Methodology

Online Education Market Valuation – 2024-2031

High penetration of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Learning Management Systems (LMS) in the education system is bolstering the expansion of online education market. According to the analyst from Verified Market Research, the Online Education Market was valued to be around USD 38.5 Billion in 2024. However, during the forecast period, the revenue is anticipated to reach USD 102 Billion in 2031 ,  growing at a CAGR of 26.3% from 2024 to 2031.

Online Education Market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 26.3% & reach US$ 102 Bn by the end of 2031

Online Education Market: Definition/ Overview

Online education or e-learning is an educational method carried out online or through electronic means without the use of a classroom. E-learning can also be described as the transfer of skills and knowledge through networks. In this field, it is widely used by several multinational companies to provide training and intensive courses to their employees. Additionally, in most cases, online learning is used to replace paper-based learning for students. E-learning is simply a delivery mechanism or channel that can be delivered in the most common audiovisual formats.

E-learning can also be used as a hybrid model. In other words, it can also complement traditional educational models that are limited to close spaces. Additionally, this mode is continually being improved so that it can better adapt and adapt to learner needs through careful research to improve delivery mechanisms. Online learning platforms are designed to help students retain knowledge better and retain it for longer.

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Which are the Drivers Encouraging the Adoption of Online Education Market?

Online education is gaining popularity due to its accessibility, flexibility, and convenience. It eliminates geographical barriers, making it accessible to individuals from diverse locations. Online platforms also provide flexibility for those with busy schedules and varying commitments, allowing them to balance education with work, family, or other obligations. Technological advancements, such as high-speed internet and sophisticated learning management systems, have enhanced the quality and effectiveness of online learning experiences.

The rising demand for upskilling and reskilling in the workforce is driving the adoption of online education. With rapid technological advancements and evolving job markets, there is a growing need for individuals to acquire new skills or update existing ones. Online education offers a convenient and cost-effective way for professionals to acquire the knowledge and skills required for career advancement or transition. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the adoption of online education, with the closure of educational institutions and social distancing measures leading to a surge in demand for online learning alternatives. Institutions, educators, and learners have embraced online education to ensure continuity of learning during challenging times.

What are the Challenges in Online Education Market?

The online education market is experiencing rapid growth, but it also faces challenges such as ensuring quality education delivery, bridging the digital divide, maintaining student engagement and motivation, and ensuring the authenticity and integrity of assessments. Ensuring that online courses are engaging, interactive, and designed effectively requires careful planning, instructional design, and ongoing evaluation. Bridging this digital divide is crucial to ensure online education remains inclusive and accessible to all learners, regardless of their background or location. Student engagement and motivation are also significant challenges in online education. Without the physical presence of teachers and peers, some learners may struggle to stay focused. To maintain engagement, innovative teaching methods, interactive learning materials, and opportunities for collaboration and peer interaction are needed.

Assessment integrity is also a concern in online education, as remote learning increases the risk of cheating and academic dishonesty. Robust proctoring mechanisms and alternative assessment methods are needed to ensure the integrity of online assessments. Ongoing support and professional development for educators transitioning to online teaching is essential to ensure their effectiveness in online learning experiences. Additionally, regulatory and accreditation challenges must be addressed, including data privacy, intellectual property rights, and consumer protection in the online education space.

Category-Wise Acumens

How mobile e-learning helps in growth of the online education market.

According to VMR analysis, mobile e-learning is a significant factor exhibiting rapid growth in the online education market, enhancing accessibility, convenience, and engagement for learners. The widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets is making teaching more accessible, allowing learners to access educational content anytime, anywhere, eliminating the constraints of traditional classroom settings and desktop computers. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for busy schedules or those in remote areas with limited access to educational resources.

Mobile e-learning also offers unparalleled convenience, allowing learners to engage in learning activities at their own pace and on their own schedule. Innovative multimedia tools and interactive learning experiences, such as touch screens, cameras, and sensors, enhance engagement and interactivity. Personalized learning experiences, such as adaptive learning pathways and targeted feedback, enhance motivation, satisfaction, and retention, contributing to better learning outcomes. Mobile e-learning also drives the growth of the online education market by providing opportunities for continuous learning and lifelong skill development. This enables professionals to stay relevant in their careers and adapt to changing industry trends.

Which Factors are Influencing the Growth of K-12 School with the Help of Online Education Market?

The growth of K-12 schools is driven by the online education market, which offers personalized learning experiences, increased accessibility, and adaptability. The demand for personalized learning experiences is fueled by the need for tailored instruction to meet individual needs, interests, and learning styles. The proliferation of digital technology and internet connectivity has made online education more accessible, enabling K-12 schools to reach a broader student population and provide quality education regardless of location or socioeconomic background. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online education, as schools have turned to online platforms and digital tools to ensure continuity of education.

The growing emphasis on 21st-century skills and digital literacy is also driving the growth of online education in K-12 schools. By integrating online education into curriculum, schools can better prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving global economy and society. The availability of educational resources, digital learning materials, and online courses is also driving the growth of online education in K-12 schools. This abundance of resources allows schools to supplement traditional classroom instruction, differentiate instruction to meet diverse student needs, and offer enriched learning experiences beyond the physical classroom.

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Country/Region-wise Acumens

Which region exhibit potential growth in online education market.

The Asia-Pacific region has seen significant technological advancements and internet penetration due to the widespread use of smartphones and improved connectivity infrastructure. This has created an opportunity for the expansion of mobile e-learning platforms, catering to learners’ on-the-go access to educational content. Governments are investing in initiatives to promote digital literacy and enhance access to education, particularly in remote and underserved areas.

This includes integrating technology into school curricula and promoting online learning as an alternative mode of education delivery. The increasing competitiveness of the job market in Asia-Pacific countries is driving demand for upskilling and reskilling initiatives, with online education offering a convenient and cost-effective solution for learners to access quality educational resources and certifications. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online education, leading to a broader acceptance among students, parents, educators, and policymakers, paving the way for sustained growth in the online education market.

Does the Market Fare well in North America?

North America is a dominant player in the online education market due to its advanced technological infrastructure, a strong culture of entrepreneurship, and a highly educated population. This infrastructure allows for seamless access to educational content from anywhere with an internet connection. The region is home to numerous leading technology companies and educational institutions that drive innovation in online education platforms, content delivery systems, and learning management systems. The entrepreneurial ecosystem in North America fosters collaboration between edtech startups, educational institutions, and industry partners, driving continuous innovation and advancement in online education. The region’s highly educated population also demands lifelong learning and professional development, making online education a convenient and flexible solution for professionals seeking to enhance their skills while balancing work and personal commitments.

North America’s prestigious universities and colleges offer online degree programs and certifications, attracting learners worldwide. These institutions have established strong reputations for academic excellence and rigor, making their online education offerings highly sought after. The credibility and prestige associated with North American educational institutions contribute to the region’s dominance in the global online education market. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online education in North America, leading to increased acceptance and reliance on digital learning platforms and tools. Overall, North America’s position as a leader in the online education market is a testament to its technological advancements and the importance of a diverse and educated population.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape in the online education market’s dynamic and evolving, driven by changing customer preferences, technological advancements, and market dynamics. Providers continue to innovate and differentiate their offerings to stay competitive and capture market share in this rapidly growing industry.

Some of the prominent players operating in the online education market include:

  • Tata Interactive Systems
  • Mcgraw-hill Education
  • Blackboard, Inc.
  • Aptara, Inc.
  • Powerschool Group LLC
  • Skills2learn Ltd.
  • Udacity, Inc.
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • City & Guilds Group
  • Citrix education inc.

Latest Developments:

Online Education Market Key Developments And Mergers

  • In April 2023, Coursera launched a number of innovative education initiatives, including new VR-enabled courses and Meta professional certifications, and AR specializations, aimed at equipping students with actionable AR skills. These advances in immersive technology enhance popular courses and provide deeper understanding and interaction. Coursera is committed to developing immersive learning content and works closely with universities and industry partners to further enrich the educational experience for students around the world.
  • In March 2023, Udacity announced a new artificial intelligence chatbot powered by OpenAI to provide personalized support to students around the world. Chatbots powered by GPT-4 Turbo can help you summarize concepts, answer detailed questions, translate content, and debug code. Students can access the chatbot through the classroom interface to effectively enhance their learning experience.
  • In April 2023, Coursera introduced eight new degrees and three professional certifications, as well as rich content on Generative Artificial Intelligence. These programs offer students flexible and affordable options, such as a master’s degree in data science or an Advanced Spark AR Developer Professional Certificate. New AI content, such as AI for Good Specialization and ChatGPT Teach-Out, addresses emerging technology trends and facilitates reskilling and upskilling for an AI-driven future.
  • In September 2022, Clips on Coursera now give you access to nearly 200,000 short videos and lessons to develop your skills quickly. Students can learn specialized skills in less than 10 minutes and move on to deeper learning. Google and other industry leaders employ her Clips to accelerate skill development. Coursera for Business provides scalable learning pathways and innovative skills assessment tools to more than 3,500 companies around the world.
  • In November 2023, Udemy has partnered with Google Cloud to provide curated content for cloud professionals. Students have access to high-quality courses on emerging technologies such as generative artificial intelligence. This collaboration supports skills testing and certification preparation in a rapidly changing technology environment. The Udemy platform enables flexible learning and empowers individuals and organizations around the world.
  • In June 2023, McGraw Hill and Verizon are enhancing their AR mobile app with expanded themed services and collaboration features. The McGraw Hill AR app provides short, interactive lessons for students in kindergarten through 12th grade, and lesson plans are available at Verizon Innovative Learning headquarters. Updates include new social studies activities, multilingual support, a web version, and spatial mapping for an immersive experience.

Report Scope

Study Period



CAGR of ~26.3% from 2024 to 2031

Base Year for Valuation


Historical Period


Forecast Period


Quantitative Units

Value in USD and Billion

Report Coverage

Historical and Forecast Revenue Forecast, Historical and Forecast Volume, Growth Factors, Trends, Competitive Landscape, Key Players, Segmentation Analysis

Segments Covered
Regions Covered
Key Players, Tata interactive systems, Mcgraw-hill education, Blackboard inc., Aptara inc., Powerschool group llc, K12 inc., Skills2learn ltd., Udacity inc., Cisco systems inc., City & guilds group, Citrix education inc.


Report customization along with purchase available upon request

Global Online Education Market, By Category


  • Mobile E-learning
  • Rapid E-learning
  • Service Provider
  • Content Provider
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • K-12 Schools
  • North America
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

Research Methodology of Verified Market Research:

Research Methodology of VMR

To know more about the Research Methodology and other aspects of the research study, kindly get in touch with our Sales Team at Verified Market Research .

Reasons to Purchase this Report

• Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market based on segmentation involving both economic as well as non-economic factors • Provision of market value (USD Billion) data for each segment and sub-segment • Indicates the region and segment that is expected to witness the fastest growth as well as to dominate the market • Analysis by geography highlighting the consumption of the product/service in the region as well as indicating the factors that are affecting the market within each region • Competitive landscape which incorporates the market ranking of the major players, along with new service/product launches, partnerships, business expansions and acquisitions in the past five years of companies profiled • Extensive company profiles comprising of company overview, company insights, product benchmarking and SWOT analysis for the major market players • The current as well as the future market outlook of the industry with respect to recent developments (which involve growth opportunities and drivers as well as challenges and restraints of both emerging as well as developed regions • Includes an in-depth analysis of the market of various perspectives through Porter’s five forces analysis • Provides insight into the market through Value Chain • Market dynamics scenario, along with growth opportunities of the market in the years to come • 6-month post sales analyst support

Customization of the Report

• In case of any Queries or Customization Requirements please connect with our sales team, who will ensure that your requirements are met.

Pivotal Questions Answered in the Study

What factors are driving the growth of online education, which region dominates the online education market, how has the covid-19 pandemic impacted the online education market, what role does mobile e-learning play in the growth of the online education market, what challenges does the online education market face, which demographic benefits most from online education, how can i get a sample report/company profiles for the online education market.

1. INTRODUCTION OF GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET 1.1. Overview of the Market 1.2. Scope of Report 1.3. Assumptions


3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF VERIFIED MARKET RESEARCH 3.1. Data Mining 3.2. Validation 3.3. Primary Interviews 3.4. List of Data Sources

4. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET OUTLOOK 4.1. Overview 4.2. Market Dynamics 4.2.1. Drivers 4.2.2. Restraints 4.2.3. Opportunities 4.3. Porters Five Force Model 4.4. Value Chain Analysis

5. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET, BY TYPE 5.1. Overview 5.2. Academic 5.3. Corporate

6. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY 6.1. Overview 6.2. Mobile E-learning 6.3. Learning Management System 6.4. Application Simulation Tool 6.5. Rapid E-learning 6.6. Podcasts 6.7. Virtual Classroom

7. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET, BY VENDOR 7.1. Overview 7.2. Service Provider 7.3. Content Provider

8. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET, BY END USER 8.1. Overview 8.2. Higher Education Institutions 8.3. K-12 Schools 8.4. Others

9. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET, BY GEOGRAPHY 9.1. Overview 9.2. North America 9.2.1. U.S. 9.2.2. Canada 9.2.3. Mexico 9.3. Europe 9.3.1. Germany 9.3.2. U.K. 9.3.3. France 9.3.4. Rest of Europe 9.4. Asia Pacific 9.4.1. China 9.4.2. Japan 9.4.3. India 9.4.4. Rest of Asia Pacific 9.5. Rest of the World 9.5.1. Latin America 9.5.2. Middle East & Africa

10. GLOBAL ONLINE EDUCATION MARKET COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 10.1. Overview 10.2. Company Market Ranking 10.3. Key Development Strategies


11.1. Adobe  11.1.1. Overview 11.1.2. Financial Performance 11.1.3. Product Outlook 11.1.4. Key Developments

11.2. McGraw-Hill Education 11.2.1. Overview 11.2.2. Financial Performance 11.2.3. Product Outlook 11.2.4. Key Developments

11.3. Pearson  11.3.1. Overview 11.3.2. Financial Performance 11.3.3. Product Outlook 11.3.4. Key Developments

11.4. Blackboard Inc. 11.4.1. Overview 11.4.2. Financial Performance 11.4.3. Product Outlook 11.4.4. Key Developments

11.5. Apollo Education Group, Inc. 11.5.1. Overview 11.5.2. Financial Performance 11.5.3. Product Outlook 11.5.4. Key Developments

11.6. SAP 11.6.1. Overview 11.6.2. Financial Performance 11.6.3. Product Outlook 11.6.4. Key Developments

11.7. Oracle 11.7.1. Overview 11.7.2. Financial Performance 11.7.3. Product Outlook 11.7.4. Key Developments

11.8. Microsoft Corporation 11.8.1. Overview 11.8.2. Financial Performance 11.8.3. Product Outlook 11.8.4. Key Developments

11.9. Citrix Systems, Inc. 11.9.1. Overview 11.9.2. Financial Performance 11.9.3. Product Outlook 11.9.4. Key Developments

11.10. Cisco 11.10.1. Overview 11.10.2. Financial Performance 11.10.3. Product Outlook 11.10.4. Key Developments

12 KEY DEVELOPMENTS 12.1 Product Launches/Developments 12.2 Mergers and Acquisitions 12.3 Business Expansions 12.4 Partnerships and Collaborations

13. Appendix 13.1. Related Research

Report Research Methodology

online education market growth

Verified Market Research uses the latest researching tools to offer accurate data insights. Our experts deliver the best research reports that have revenue generating recommendations. Analysts carry out extensive research using both top-down and bottom up methods. This helps in exploring the market from different dimensions.

This additionally supports the market researchers in segmenting different segments of the market for analysing them individually.

We appoint data triangulation strategies to explore different areas of the market. This way, we ensure that all our clients get reliable insights associated with the market. Different elements of research methodology appointed by our experts include:

Exploratory data mining

Market is filled with data. All the data is collected in raw format that undergoes a strict filtering system to ensure that only the required data is left behind. The leftover data is properly validated and its authenticity (of source) is checked before using it further. We also collect and mix the data from our previous market research reports.

All the previous reports are stored in our large in-house data repository. Also, the experts gather reliable information from the paid databases.

online education market growth

For understanding the entire market landscape, we need to get details about the past and ongoing trends also. To achieve this, we collect data from different members of the market (distributors and suppliers) along with government websites.

Last piece of the ‘market research’ puzzle is done by going through the data collected from questionnaires, journals and surveys. VMR analysts also give emphasis to different industry dynamics such as market drivers, restraints and monetary trends. As a result, the final set of collected data is a combination of different forms of raw statistics. All of this data is carved into usable information by putting it through authentication procedures and by using best in-class cross-validation techniques.

Data Collection Matrix

PerspectivePrimary ResearchSecondary Research
Supplier side
Demand side

Econometrics and data visualization model

online education market growth

Our analysts offer market evaluations and forecasts using the industry-first simulation models. They utilize the BI-enabled dashboard to deliver real-time market statistics. With the help of embedded analytics, the clients can get details associated with brand analysis. They can also use the online reporting software to understand the different key performance indicators.

All the research models are customized to the prerequisites shared by the global clients.

The collected data includes market dynamics, technology landscape, application development and pricing trends. All of this is fed to the research model which then churns out the relevant data for market study.

Our market research experts offer both short-term (econometric models) and long-term analysis (technology market model) of the market in the same report. This way, the clients can achieve all their goals along with jumping on the emerging opportunities. Technological advancements, new product launches and money flow of the market is compared in different cases to showcase their impacts over the forecasted period.

Analysts use correlation, regression and time series analysis to deliver reliable business insights. Our experienced team of professionals diffuse the technology landscape, regulatory frameworks, economic outlook and business principles to share the details of external factors on the market under investigation.

Different demographics are analyzed individually to give appropriate details about the market. After this, all the region-wise data is joined together to serve the clients with glo-cal perspective. We ensure that all the data is accurate and all the actionable recommendations can be achieved in record time. We work with our clients in every step of the work, from exploring the market to implementing business plans. We largely focus on the following parameters for forecasting about the market under lens:

  • Market drivers and restraints, along with their current and expected impact
  • Raw material scenario and supply v/s price trends
  • Regulatory scenario and expected developments
  • Current capacity and expected capacity additions up to 2027

We assign different weights to the above parameters. This way, we are empowered to quantify their impact on the market’s momentum. Further, it helps us in delivering the evidence related to market growth rates.

Primary validation

The last step of the report making revolves around forecasting of the market. Exhaustive interviews of the industry experts and decision makers of the esteemed organizations are taken to validate the findings of our experts.

The assumptions that are made to obtain the statistics and data elements are cross-checked by interviewing managers over F2F discussions as well as over phone calls.

online education market growth

Different members of the market’s value chain such as suppliers, distributors, vendors and end consumers are also approached to deliver an unbiased market picture. All the interviews are conducted across the globe. There is no language barrier due to our experienced and multi-lingual team of professionals. Interviews have the capability to offer critical insights about the market. Current business scenarios and future market expectations escalate the quality of our five-star rated market research reports. Our highly trained team use the primary research with Key Industry Participants (KIPs) for validating the market forecasts:

  • Established market players
  • Raw data suppliers
  • Network participants such as distributors
  • End consumers

The aims of doing primary research are:

  • Verifying the collected data in terms of accuracy and reliability.
  • To understand the ongoing market trends and to foresee the future market growth patterns.

Industry Analysis Matrix

Qualitative analysisQuantitative analysis

Online Education Market


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Top edtech trends shaping online learning.

Online education is rapidly advancing, thanks to the continuous advancements in educational technology (EdTech). As we head toward the end of 2024, several transformative trends are emerging, promising to revolutionize the way learners interact with educational content. In this article, we’ll explore the top EdTech trends that are set to shape online learning in the […]

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Uriel Perez

September 4, 2024

Online education is rapidly advancing, thanks to the continuous advancements in educational technology (EdTech). As we head toward the end of 2024, several transformative trends are emerging, promising to revolutionize the way learners interact with educational content. In this article, we’ll explore the top EdTech trends that are set to shape online learning in the coming year.

Personalized Learning Algorithms

One of the most exciting trends in EdTech is the development of personalized learning algorithms . These algorithms use data analytics to assess a student’s learning style, strengths, and weaknesses. By doing so, they can tailor educational content to meet the individual needs of each learner. This approach not only enhances learning outcomes but also makes the educational process more engaging and efficient.

Data-Driven Insights

The increasing use of data analytics in EdTech means that educators and institutions have access to valuable insights about student performance and engagement. By analyzing this data, educators can make informed decisions about curriculum design, teaching strategies, and resource allocation, ultimately improving educational outcomes. When examining the growth and trends in the online education sector, one useful resource is the statistics on the online course industry for 2024. These statistics offer insights into the current state and future projections, aiding educators and developers in making informed decisions.


Microlearning is a trend that focuses on delivering educational content in small, manageable chunks. This approach aligns well with the busy schedules of learners who may not have the time for long study sessions. Microlearning modules are also ideal for mobile learning, allowing students to engage with content on the go.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tutors

AI tutors are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering students instant feedback and support. These virtual tutors can answer questions, provide explanations, and even grade assignments. As AI technology continues to improve, we can expect these tutors to become even more effective, providing students with a highly responsive and personalized learning experience.

Blockchain for Credentialing

Blockchain technology is making its way into the educational sector, primarily for credentialing purposes. By using blockchain, educational institutions can issue digital diplomas and certificates that are tamper-proof and easily verifiable. This technology enhances the security and integrity of academic credentials, making it easier for employers to verify the qualifications of potential hires.

Interactive and Gamified Learning

Gamification is not a new concept, but its application in online learning is gaining momentum. By incorporating game-like elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards, educational platforms are making learning more fun and engaging. This trend appeals particularly to younger learners, who are accustomed to interactive and immersive digital experiences.

Social Learning Platforms

Social learning platforms are leveraging the power of social networks to enhance educational experiences. These platforms allow students to collaborate, share resources, and learn from each other. By fostering a sense of community, social learning platforms can increase student engagement and motivation.

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)

Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies are breaking new ground in education. VR can transport students to different times and places, creating immersive learning environments that were previously unimaginable. AR, on the other hand, can overlay digital information onto the real world, enhancing understanding and retention. These technologies are especially useful in subjects that benefit from visual and experiential learning, such as history, science, and engineering.

Global Classroom Connectivity

Another trend gaining traction is the concept of global classroom connectivity. By using advanced online platforms, teachers and students from different parts of the world can participate in the same virtual classroom. This trend not only fosters cross-cultural understanding but also enables the sharing of diverse perspectives, enriching the overall learning experience.

Adaptive Learning Technologies

Adaptive learning technologies are designed to provide real-time adjustments to the learning process based on an individual student’s performance. These systems can identify when a student is struggling with a particular concept and provide additional resources or alternative explanations. This dynamic approach ensures that students receive the support they need exactly when they need it.

The future of online learning is bright, with numerous exciting trends poised to transform the educational industry. From personalized learning algorithms and AI tutors to VR/AR and blockchain credentialing, these innovations hold the promise of making education more accessible, engaging, and effective. As we move through 2024, it will be fascinating to see how these trends continue to evolve and shape online learning.

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Housing Market Predictions for 2024

8 Min Read | Sep 3, 2024

Rachel Cruze

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a house and wondering about the real estate housing market, you’re not the only one. The housing market has seen a lot of unusual trends in the past couple of years, so it makes sense you’d want the latest market update before you make any major decisions!

Here’s the thing: housing market predictions are about as reliable as weather forecasts. The real estate professionals make their best predictions based on data, but no one can know what’s going to happen with 100% accuracy.

Still, even though it’s uncertain, you can hear what the experts are saying and make some pretty good guesses. Just remember, never let a market prediction control your housing decisions . . . only your personal situation and finances should do that!

With that said, here’s the real estate market forecast.

Key Takeaways

  • Interest rates should continue to decrease in 2024.
  • A housing market crash is not on the horizon.
  • Housing inventory will likely still be low throughout the rest of 2024.
  • If you’re financially ready to buy now, don’t wait.

Will Interest Rates Go Down in 2024?

Mortgage interest rates rose like crazy from 2021 through most of 2023, thanks to the Federal Reserve (also known as the Fed) repeatedly raising the federal funds rate. But it seems those days are over.

Interest rates dropped dramatically during the week of August 2, 2024, when the average rate for a 30-year mortgage dropped to 6.47%, and the typical 15-year rate fell to 5.63%. Rates hadn’t been that low in over a year. 1  Plus, the FED will likely cut the federal funds rate at its next meeting, which should lead to a further decrease in mortgage rates. 2

For the housing market overall, this means buyer demand should pick up throughout the rest of 2024 because more people will be able to afford a mortgage. That uptick in demand will likely lead to a price increase.

Is Now a Good Time to Buy a House?

Like I said before, the market shouldn’t determine your decision to buy a house. If you’re prepared financially, then it’s a good time to buy a home—even if inventory is limited and interest rates are high. If you’re not financially prepared, it’s not a good time, even if there’s plenty of inventory and rates are down.

You’re  ready to buy a house  in 2024 if (and only if) you can check off these boxes:

  • You’re debt-free.
  • You have an emergency fund of 3–6 months of expenses.
  • Your monthly house payment will be 25% or less of your monthly take-home pay on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage .
  • You have a down payment. A 20% down payment is ideal because you’ll avoid paying   private mortgage insurance (PMI) . But 5–10% is okay, too, if you’re a first-time home buyer. Just be prepared to pay PMI. And steer clear of FHA and VA loans—you’ll pay much more in fees with them.
  • You can pay the closing costs up front without stealing from your down payment.

If you don’t meet these qualifications, it doesn’t matter if the market is in your favor. Buying a home would be a curse instead of a blessing. Take your time to  get in a better financial position  so you can buy a house the right way.

What’s the Average House Price in 2024?

The average home sales price in the U.S. is $501,700, according to the most recent numbers. But most experts report on the median, which is $412,300. 3

online education market growth

Find expert agents to help you buy your home.

Just so you know, the median price is right in the middle of lowest to highest prices. It’s usually better to look at the median home price than the average. That’s because a small group of super high- or low-priced houses can throw off the average and make regular homes seem more or less expensive than they really are. (Something to keep in mind as you watch the average house price fluctuate in 2024.)

Forecast: Will the Housing Market Crash in 2024?

If you’re concerned about the housing market potentially crashing in 2024, you can put those worries to rest. Prices are not going to start drastically going down anytime soon.

Home prices have dropped in 2024, but not by much. Specifically, prices have only gone down by around 3% since the end of last year. 4 Moving forward, though, that trend will likely reverse. That’s what the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation expects—they’re projecting prices to grow from now through the start of 2025. 5

The main thing to know about the current (and any) market is that home prices are determined by inventory and demand. Here’s what you can expect in each of those areas.

Housing Inventory

Housing inventory simply refers to the number of houses for sale. When fewer houses are available, buyers are willing to pay more, and sellers have more leverage to increase their asking price. So, low inventory leads to higher home prices. It’s a big reason why buying a home has gotten so expensive recently.

When it comes to housing inventory for 2024, things are looking up! July 2024 marked the ninth straight month of inventory growth. Even better news: The number of homes on the market in July 2024 was 36.6% higher than a year earlier. 6

Now, while inventory is increasing, it’s still nowhere close to pre-COVID levels. 7 So, you shouldn’t get your hopes up about seeing any kind of major price adjustment. But this is still a great sign, because it means the market is getting healthier overall.

Buyer Demand

The best way to gauge demand in the real estate market is by how many homes sell for more than their listing price. In July 2024, that number was 33%. 8

Overall, seasonal trends of buyer demand have stayed steady over the last two years. Since the middle of 2022, demand has increased during the summer and decreased during the winter. On average, demand in the real estate market hasn’t changed much in 2024.

Like we talked about earlier, though, demand should go up if interest rates continue to decrease.

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What the 2024 Housing Market Means for Buyers and Sellers

Is it a buyer’s market.

In a buyer’s market, the number of homes for sale is more than the number of buyers. But since home supply is still low, it doesn’t look like there’ll be a buyer’s market anytime soon.

The good news is, the market isn’t as hot as it was in the past few years. If you’re looking to buy, you’ll have a few more options—and maybe less competition. Yes, prices are still high, but the frenzy is slowing down.

Is It a Seller’s Market?

A seller’s market is when demand for homes is higher than the supply of homes, which is still the case right now. If you’re planning to sell your house, you can expect to sell it pretty quickly and for close to your asking price—as long as your asking price is fair for the current market. (It’s easy to value your home based on happy memories and how much you loved living there, but a good agent will help you price it realistically.)

Will There Be a Lot of Foreclosures in 2024?

So far in 2024, foreclosures are slightly down. There were 177,431 foreclosures in the first half of 2024, which represented a 4.4% year-over-year decline. Compared to 2022, though, foreclosures in the first half of 2024 were up 7.8%. 9

Here’s what that means for homeowners and home buyers:

  • Homeowners:  Since the market isn’t going to get flooded with foreclosures, you can rest easy, knowing your home isn’t going to tank in value because of a sudden increase in home inventory.
  • Home buyers:  If you’re waiting to find a great deal on a foreclosure, don’t hold your breath. This market is nothing like the Great Recession. And keep in mind,  buying a foreclosed home  could come with its own set of potential issues. So, make sure you do your homework on the house and know what you’re getting yourself into before you buy.

How to Buy or Sell With Confidence in Any Housing Market

I know buying or selling a house is a big deal, especially after all the craziness we’ve seen in the market over the last few years, but you’ve got this!

Yes, the cost of buying a house is higher than it’s ever been before. And yes, selling a home in 2024 will come with obstacles—like higher-than-normal interest rates and high home values pricing out a lot of would-be buyers. But just because buying or selling may be more difficult now than it was a couple of years back, it’s not impossible.

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Rachel Cruze

About the author

Rachel Cruze

Rachel Cruze is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, financial expert, host of The Rachel Cruze Show, and co-host of Smart Money Happy Hour. Rachel writes and speaks on personal finance, budgeting, investing and money trends. As a co-host of The Ramsey Show, America’s second-largest talk radio show, Rachel reaches millions of weekly listeners with her personal finance advice. She’s appeared on Good Morning America and Fox News and been featured in TIME, REAL SIMPLE and Women’s Health, among others. Through her shows, books, syndicated columns and speaking events, Rachel shares fun, practical ways to take control of your money and create a life you love. Learn More.

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2024 counselor state of the industry report charts pathways to sustainable growth.

Promo’s most authoritative report guides decision-making through economic challenges

2024 Counselor State of the Industry Report Charts Pathways to Sustainable Growth

“Despite formidable headwinds, the Counselor State of the Industry report identifies clear pathways to sustainable growth and profitability in a resilient U.S. economy” – Timothy M. Andrews, president and chief executive officer of ASI

The Advertising Specialty Institute ® (ASI), the foremost technology, marketing and information provider in the $26.1 billion promotional products industry, has released its latest Counselor State of the Industry report, showcasing resilience and strategic foresight among distributors and suppliers.

In a year overshadowed by economic hurdles like sluggish sales, tightened client budgets and soaring logistics costs, the industry has embraced a spirit of “cautious optimism.”

“Despite formidable headwinds, the Counselor State of the Industry report identifies clear pathways to sustainable growth and profitability in a resilient U.S. economy,” said Timothy M. Andrews , ASI president and chief executive officer. “By leveraging the insights and strategies outlined in our annual data-backed report, the industry can continue to grow stronger together.”

The 2024 research report, compiled from extensive surveys of industry members across North America, delves into critical issues facing promo companies today. The report, available at , also features exclusive insights on market trends, pricing strategies and international sourcing patterns essential for navigating the evolving promotional landscape.

“This year’s State of the Industry serves as both a benchmarking tool and a strategic compass,” said report author Nate Kucsma, ASI senior executive director of research. “It equips businesses with indispensable data on emerging pressures like sustainability demands and labor market dynamics, essential for informed decision-making.”

Key insights from the 2024 Counselor State of the Industry include:

  • Sourcing Direct : Distributors are increasingly sourcing direct from overseas, which suppliers see as a cause for concern.
  • Demonstrating ROI : Anti-swag sentiment is on the rise, but distributors can combat it with strong messaging and demonstrating value.
  • Hot Products : Drinkware sales are higher than ever, accounting for nearly 11% of total industry sales, or $2.8 billion, second only to T-shirts.

“At ASI, we’re committed to helping our members seize tomorrow’s opportunities,” said Editor-in-Chief C.J. Mittica . “Explore the stories, dig into the data and let us guide you toward a more promising future.”

Counselor produced its first State of the Industry in 1977 and for 47 years the report has stood as the most authoritative and comprehensive research report in the promotional products industry. For further insights, tune in to the Promo Insiders podcast with Kucsma and Mittica.

Michele Bell is senior vice president, content and global alliances. The State of the Industry was reported on by ASI Media editors Sara Lavenduski, Christopher Ruvo, Theresa Hegel and Brendan Menapace, with magazine design by Editorial Digital Art Director Hillary Glen and online design by Senior UI Designer Kathleen Fitzgerald.

For more information on the 2024 Counselor State of the Industry report or numerous other market research reports , contact Nate Kucsma at [email protected] .

Dawn Marie, Executive director of corporate communications

Email industry news and press releases to Chris Ruvo, Digital News Director and Promogram Editor at [email protected]

If you’re a reporter or other member of the news media, please email [email protected]

Dawn Marie

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2023 Pet Trends for Pet Food and Pet Supply Brands


Almost every industry is going through major changes and facing pressure from inflation and consumer behavior shifts in 2023. And Pet brands are no exception. So, what are the pet trends you need to understand to stay ahead of the game?

Well, it depends on what type of products you sell. For example, the trends impacting pet food may be related to ingredients and more difficult to react to than those for pet supplies.

Keep reading to learn more about the state of the pet industry in 2023 and the pet trends that may be worth keeping an eye on going forward.

The State of the Pet Industry in 2023

2023 is a period of both growth and challenges for the Pet industry. One of the biggest factors in the state of the pet industry is price increases. Prices through 2022 climbed, lapping the price increases of 2021. While dollar sales are up, units are on the decline. In fact, the average spend per item per store per week nearly broke $20 . 1 Yet, the purchase assortment has declined to levels lower than in the last three years.

With mixed signals from the market, many emerging pet brands are struggling to make gains. Some are choosing to cut their assortments and focus on successful product offerings. Others are focusing on one channel only and eschewing an omnisales approach. But, these actions may not be based on the best information on the state of the market and how consumers are choosing to behave in an inflationary environment.

So, what does this all mean for emerging pet brands? You’ll want to take a closer look at the trends shaping the market and how you can become aligned with the future of the category. In the end, this all comes down to how well you understand the consumer and identifying the factors that affect demand in your category.

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Top 5 Pet Trends for Pet Brands

As you can tell, there are both ample upsides and unique challenges facing emerging pet brands in 2023. Whether you sell pet food, supplies, treats, or something else, there are major trends likely affecting your brand. But, they aren’t all negative, so there’s still plenty of opportunity lying in wait.

With that in mind, here are the 5 top pet trends affecting pet brands across the board:

1. Price Increases

Unfortunately, no industry is immune to radical shifts in the market like inflation and consumers’ fear of an impending recession. After a 2-month period of disinflation , the average unit price for CPG products increased to 11% in January. 2 The rise in CPG prices continues to surpass (and nearly double) the CPI, causing ongoing concern over the price of necessities and an impending consumer recession. This shift is certainly making its presence known in the pet category.

For example, in 2022 pet food prices increase by an average of $0.30 . 1 This is the largest jump seen in the past five years and one that is concerning for both brands and consumers alike. As the cost per item increases, consumers are likely to cut back on their total basket, limiting pet brands’ ability to sell multiple SKUs per transaction. To conflate the issue, the lowest demographics spent +21.4% more on pet food during the same time period. As such, their ability to buy a broader variety is diminishing. 1

2. Assortment Reduction

Often going hand-in-hand with inflationary price increases, assortment reduction is a tactic many pet brands are employing to keep their margins and avoid excess inventory issues. In 2022, the total number of pet food UPCs sold dropped by 2.4% . 1 This is the first time assortment sales have dropped in the category in more than four years. As a result, pet brands are starting to question whether their full product assortment is worth keeping.

This means assortment optimization is becoming more important than ever, especially for emerging brands. This means brands need to rely heavily on data analysis and insights. Pet brands need to ensure that they have reliable data and analysis tools to make informed decisions about their product mix. Unfortunately, many brands are only seeing a part of the picture via retail sales or a third-party company. Acting on inaccurate or old data leaves brands in the dark struggling to keep pace as their competition takes more shelf space and grows.

3. Humanization of Pets

On a more positive note, more and more pet owners are treating their pets like members of the family. This has led to a greater demand for higher quality and more natural pet foods as well as more consumers seeking out toys and treats for their pets. Pet food brands are increasingly marketing their products as healthy, natural, and organic, with ingredients that are similar to what humans would eat.

This means many of the trends we’re seeing in human food are also showing up in Pet. Healthier diet alternatives, sustainable goods, and ethical sourcing are all areas where consumers are spending more money. This is an area where brands like Shameless Pets are well-positioned to align with pet owners and gain market traction going forward.

4. Omnichannel Shopping

Whether consumers are looking for pet food, supplies, toys, or treats, they’re embracing omnishopping in droves. In fact, more than one in five (22%) shoppers now plan an in-store shopping trip combined with a prior online order. 3 This means emerging pet brands have even more opportunities to connect with prospective customers across the channels.

It’s important to not that omnichannel shoppers exhibit some different behavior than their brick-and-mortar counterparts. Rather than searching by brand, omnichannel shoppers tend to search by product attribute. That is, using terms like “gluten-free”, “sustainable”, and “ethically sourced”. This means you can better align product packaging and listings by looking at the stated and qualified product attributes you use on your products.

5. Pet Ownership on the Rise

One of the best pieces of news for bet brands is that there are more Pet Care households in 2022 and the number is rising! Even better, these households are spending a greater amount on average over last year. At the end of 2022, there were more than 110 million households buying pet products with an average value per buyer of $680. 1 That’s a 10.7% increase over the previous year and rising. 1 However, it is still important to remember the role inflation and price increase play in the growth of the household’s spend. Additionally, evidence shows that the biggest driver of growth in Pet Care still comes from existing households purchasing or repurchasing for their pets.

Top 4 Pet Trends for Pet Food Brands

The Dog & Cat Food industry surpassed $47 billion across in-store and online, with continued double-digit growth trends vs. previous years. 1 But, that doesn’t mean it’s an easy path to success. There are several significant trends that are currently impacting the pet food industry and pet food brands. Overall, pet food brands that can meet the growing demand for natural, sustainable, personalized, and alternative protein sources, while also leveraging the benefits of eCommerce, are likely to be successful in the coming years.

Some of the biggest pet trends for pet food brands include:

1. Grain-Free Stagnation

For many years, we continued to see more consumers embracing grain-free pet food. But, the past three years have shown signs of consumer fatigue or disinterest in taking this route. Last year, sales of grain-free dry dog food hovered around $1.4 billion , a modest 4.5% growth YoY. 1 But, this number is still down from 2019 and the growth rate appears to be slowing. Meanwhile, grain-in dry dog food grew by more than 20% in both retail and online channels during the same time period. 1 This seems to show that more consumers are returning to grain-in pet food.

Additionally, in September of 2020, the FDA released a report on their findings which indicated that they do not officially know the connection between a “grain-free” diet and canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs. Until there is a clear answer to these lingering questions, pet parents are making health decisions for their pets that they would make for themselves.

2. Sustainability Mindsets

Over the past 10 years, we have seen positive consumer sentiment toward sustainability and anticipated that purchasing preferences would drive the industry toward a green revolution. But a combination of challenges has slowed progress and led to a situation where consumers and companies have not driven the change anticipated. Still, many pet owners are becoming more environmentally conscious, which has led to a demand for more sustainable pet food packaging and production practices. Brands that are incorporating sustainable practices into their production processes and packaging are gaining popularity among pet owners.

For example, Pet products identified as “certified human raised and handled” grew by 110% in sales over the last two years to account for $11 million in sales. 1 “Ethical” products grew 48% to $11.7 million, while “cruelty-free” products increased by 10% to account for $18 million in sales. 4 Clearly, many consumers are taking sustainability to heart and it’s impacting every category they shop in, including Pet.

3. Demand for Personalization

One of the biggest trends we’ve seen in online retail is a focus on personalization. But, when it comes to food, this is more than just personalized product pages or assortment offerings. Today’s consumers are looking for products that are personalized to their unique diets and health needs. Just as with human food, pet owners are increasingly seeking out customized or personalized diets for their pets. This has led to a rise in pet food brands that offer tailored diets and supplements to meet specific pet health needs.

As concerns over the environmental impact of animal agriculture continue to grow, more pet food brands are exploring alternative protein sources such as plant-based, insect-based, and lab-grown meat. This trend is likely to continue as pet owners look for more sustainable and ethical protein sources for their pets. Understanding how human food trends have impacted pet food search terms can help you build a better future for your brand and assortment.

4. The Rise of eCommerce

The growth of eCommerce has played a major role in CPG over the past few years. In fact, eCommerce spending is expected to reach $36 billion in 2023 — a 20% projected increase from 2022. 5 This impact is no different for the pet food industry, with more pet owners choosing to buy pet food online. This has led to a rise in direct-to-consumer pet food brands, which can offer a wider range of products and faster shipping times. While in-store sales are still providing the bulk of dollars, online sales are growing at a faster pace across wet and dry food and treats.

However, there is another major reason to keep an eye on online. While the majority of Pet Food dollars are still coming through brick-and-mortar locations, online sales are driving the emerging trends. If you’re looking to get in on emerging trends early, online sales can help identify the future of Pet. Once you’ve discovered how to adapt to online retail trends , you can start reaching new customers and build a presence across channels.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Don’t Grow Your Pet Brand Alone

Growing a Pet brand requires understanding your customers, sales trends, growth opportunities, and future demand. Which is a lot to ask if you don’t have access to accurate data and valuable insights.

Byzzer™ powered by NielsenIQ provides emerging Pet brands access to the essential data they need to successfully react to these shifting tides and build growth strategies. Current retail measurement data shows how comparable products perform in various retail channels, helping you target the right retailers and distributors. We also track online and omnichannel sales.

Talk to our experts about new options custom-built for emerging and growing brands alike.

Don’t miss out on crafting a powerful omnichannel growth strategy!

1 NielsenIQ Report – The changing climate of Sustainability

2 NielsenIQ Total US xAOC, 13 weeks ending December 31, 2022

3 NielsenIQ Report – The Great Shopper Shift

4 NielsenIQ Report – Consumers focus on sustainable pet ownership

5 NielsenIQ Brandbank Report – The Digital Depth Analysis

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