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Cause and Effects of Smoking Cigarettes, Essay Example

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Smoking cigarettes has historically been a leisurely and highly popular social activity that a litany of people turn to as a way to assuage daily stress, lose weight, and feel socially accepted in a constantly evolving social world. Tobacco, the main ingredient in cigarettes, has high levels of nicotine, which is a highly addictive ingredient that makes it hard for people to quit smoking if nicotine is ingested on a quotidian basis (Woolbright, 1994, p. 337). According to the CDC (2014), cigarette smoking causes over 480,000 deaths annually in the United States alone, which translates into one out of every five people extirpating due to the ingestion of tobacco. A preventable cause of death, cigarette smoking kills more persons than accidents caused due motor vehicle accidents, alcohol consumption, illegal drug use, deaths involving firearms, and the HIV/AIDS virus altogether (Center For Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Women who smoke tobacco disproportionately suffer from even more health problems as it directly harms not only their reproductive health but also their mortality and morbidity rates of their progeny or future children (American Lung Association, n.d.). People should not smoke because it not only spawns negative health effects but also because it is not economically useful. If people stopped smoking, many lives would be both indirectly and directly saved from premature and preventative deaths as a result.

Doctors and other medical experts pinpoint the various health hazards caused by smoking, especially to the statistics pertaining to the nexus between smoking cigarettes and premature death, in order to convince people to quit smoking. In the past five decades, the risk of premature death in both female and male smokers has profoundly increased (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). According to the CDC (2014), smoking cigarettes causes a handful of diseases because it adversely impacts almost all bodily organs and detracts from the general health of enthusiastic smokers. The risk of developing coronary heart disease (COPD), various cardiovascular maladies, and stroke–the leading cause of death in the United States alone–increases two to four times as much due to the damage it spawns to blood vessels because tobacco narrows and thickens them. These ramifications cause rapid heartbeat, which results in higher blood pressure levels which renders smokers vulnerable to blood clots. If blood clots prevent blood from reaching the heart, people put themselves  at risk for heart attack due to the fact that the heart does not get enough oxygen and thus kills the heart muscle. In addition, blood clots can also cause a stroke because they can hinder blood flow to the brain. Shockingly, quitting smoking even after just one year drastically enhances an individual’s risk of incurring poor cardiovascular health. Moreover, smoking is directly connected to various respiratory diseases due to the fact that it harms both airways and alveoli, or the minute air vacs, that are in the lungs. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), emphysema, and bronchitis are common forms of lung disease that chronic smokers often develop. In addition, medical experts correlate cigarette smoking with a litany of cancers, which have been pinpointed as the primary cause of lung cancer in individuals who smoke for a protracted period of time. Smoking cigarettes can also spawn various other types of cancer, including cancer in the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladders, pancreas, and oropharynx. Smoking not only puts smokers at risk for these often fatal types of cancer but also to those around smokes as a result of second-hand smoking. Second-hand smoke, according to the CDC (2014), causes an estimated 34,000 deaths per year in non-smokers because they too develop various cardiovascular diseases while an estimated 8,000 persons prematurely dying as a result of stroke (CDC, 2014). They also are put at risk for developing lung cancer by approximately thirty percent, and their risk for heart attack is also amplified. Physicians estimate that if nobody smoked cigarettes around the world, an estimated one out of every three deaths caused by cancer would not manifest (1).

More poignantly, smoking cigarettes negatively impacts women’s reproductive health, and children who are exposed to cigarette smoke suffer from often fatal effects. Many studies have analyzed and outlined the negative ramifications of maternal smoking on both the mother and the baby and/or infant ( Hofhuis, de Jongste, & Merkus, 2003 & Woolbright, 1994). Many states require documentation on birth certificates of maternal tobacco consumption (Woolbright, 1994). Despite the Surgeon General’s stern warning that maternal smoking has been linked to fetal injury, premature birth, and/or low birth rate, 15-37% of pregnant women still smoke cigarettes while pregnant (Hofhuis, de Jongste, & Merkus, 2003). Mothers who smoke also frequently participate in other high-risk behaviors that also negatively impacts the health of their progeny. Additionally, factors including marital and socio-economic status in addition education level affect the outcome of pregnancies due to increased vulnerability to cigarette smoking (Woolbright, 1994, p. 330). Low birth weight is the main impact of maternal smoking, although the existing literature pinpoints infant death and premature birth as major ramifications of it as well. Infant exposure to tobacco after they are born puts him or her at risk of premature death if they develop respiratory diseases in addition to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Woolbright, 1994). Hofhuis, de Jongste, and Merkus (2003) assessed how smoking cigarettes during pregnancy in addition to passive smoking thereafter affects both the mortality and morbidity rates in children. Statistics show that other obstetric complications directly linked to smoking, including spontaneous abortions, premature rupture of membranes, ectopic pregnancies, and complications related to the placenta. Smoking also stunts the lung growth that fetuses need in utero, which results in the child suffering from weakened lungs after birth while also exponentially increases the child’s chance of suffering from asthma and a vast array of other crippling  respiratory diseases. In addition, it stunts brain development and detracts from the child’s mental acuity.

Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014, February 6).  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Retrieved November 21, 2015 from http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_ cig_smoking/

American Lung Association. (n.d.). Women and tobacco use.  American Lung Association . Retrieved November 21, 2015 from http://www.lung.org/stop- smoking/about-smoking/facts- figures/women-and-tobacco-use.html

Ault, R. W., Jr., R. E., Jackson, J. D., Saba, R. S., & Saurman, D. S. (1991). Smoking and Absenteeism. Applied Economics ,  23 , 743-754.

Hodgson TA. Cigarette Smoking and Lifetime Medical Expenditures.  Millbank Q  1992, 70, 81-125.

Hofhuis, W., de Jongste, J. C., & Merkus, P. J. (2003). Adverse Health Effects of Prenatal and Postnatal Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Children.  Arch Dis Child ,  88 , 1086-1090.

Woolbright, L. A. (1994). The effects of maternal smoking on infant health. Population Research and Policy Review ,  13 (3), 327-339.

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Essay on Smoking 250 & 500 Words-Causes, Effects & Quitting

Essay on Smoking, causes effects, health how to quit smoking

This article is on Smoking essay. I have included two essays 500 words and 250 words in the article.

I have also included the causes, health benefits and side effects of smoking. There is also a paragraph on how to quit smoking. So let’s begin.

Table of Contents

What is Smoking?

Smoking refers to the inhalation and exhalation of smoke, typically from burning tobacco in cigarettes, cigars or pipes. This action introduces various harmful substances, including nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, into the body, leading to adverse health effects such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues.

Essay on Smoking 500 Words.

Smoking, a practice deeply entrenched in history, has transcended generations and cultures, becoming an enduring habit within societies worldwide. However, its enduring prevalence belies a harsh reality — smoking is a perilous habit that not only imperils individual health but also casts a long shadow on societal well-being.

Origin of Smoking

The origins of smoking trace back centuries, intertwined with cultural practices, social rituals, and even medicinal applications. Tobacco, introduced to the Western world in the 16th century, swiftly captivated societies and, over time, became a pervasive habit ingrained in various social contexts. However, the appealing and often glamorous depiction of smoking in media and popular culture overshadowed its underlying health risks, contributing to its widespread acceptance.

Health Hazards Linked to Smoking

The grim truth lies in the severe health hazards linked to smoking. Countless studies affirm the deleterious impact of smoking on physical health, with lung cancer standing as one of its most notorious consequences. Beyond cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and a myriad of other respiratory illnesses afflict those who succumb to this addictive habit. Moreover, the insidious nature of secondhand smoke further endangers non-smokers, amplifying health risks and affecting the wider community.

Social and Economic Impacts

Not confined solely to individual health, smoking exerts a profound societal and economic toll. Socially, smokers often face stigma and discrimination, influencing personal relationships, employment opportunities, and societal perceptions. Moreover, the economic burden of smoking cannot be overlooked, with substantial healthcare costs and decreased productivity due to illness directly related to smoking.

Regulations and Anti-Smoking Campaign

Despite these grim realities, efforts to curb smoking have been ongoing. Government policies and regulations, such as increased taxes on tobacco products and stringent smoking bans, aim to deter smoking and protect public health. Additionally, anti-smoking campaigns and educational programs seek to raise awareness about the hazards of smoking and encourage cessation.

Smoking Cessation and Support Systems

Smoking cessation programs and support systems play a pivotal role in helping individuals break free from the clutches of this addictive habit. Counselling, nicotine replacement therapies, and support groups have shown promise in assisting individuals in their journey toward a smoke-free life. However, the challenges in achieving high cessation rates persist, underlining the complexity of combating this pervasive habit.

Opposing views often arise, advocating for personal freedoms and questioning the efficacy of stringent regulations. Nevertheless, the overwhelming body of evidence supports the dire need for comprehensive measures to reduce smoking rates, safeguard public health, and alleviate the associated societal burdens.

In conclusion, smoking stands as a pressing public health concern with far-reaching repercussions. Its detrimental impact on individual health, society, and the economy necessitates a unified effort to combat its prevalence. Through stringent policies, robust cessation programs, and continued awareness campaigns, a concerted approach is essential to mitigate the devastating effects of smoking. As a society, it’s crucial to recognize the urgency of this issue and work collectively to create a healthier, smoke-free future for generations to come.

This essay aims to shed light on the multifaceted repercussions of smoking, emphasizing the imperative for comprehensive measures to address this pressing public health concern.

Write a paragraph on how Smoking is dangerous- 250 Words Essay

Smoking, in all its forms, represents a multifaceted danger that permeates far beyond the individual act of lighting a cigarette. At its core, smoking is a perilous habit that encompasses a multitude of health risks, causing irreparable harm to the human body.

The most widely recognized consequence is its link to various forms of cancer, particularly lung cancer, which stands as one of the deadliest outcomes of prolonged tobacco use.

However, the perils of smoking extend well beyond cancer, affecting almost every organ in the body. Cardiovascular diseases, respiratory ailments and compromised immune systems are just a few examples of the numerous health risks associated with smoking.

Equally concerning is the impact of secondhand smoke, which imperils the health of those in the vicinity of a smoker. This involuntary exposure significantly heightens health risks, emphasizing the danger not only to the smoker but also to those in their proximity.

Moreover, the addictive nature of nicotine in tobacco further entrenches this perilous habit, making it arduous for individuals to break free from its grasp. The societal and economic repercussions also cannot be understated, as smoking places a heavy burden on healthcare systems, decreases workforce productivity and fosters a climate of social disparity.

Collectively, smoking emerges not merely as an individual habit but as a complex, interconnected issue that imperils the well-being of individuals and societies alike, emphasizing the critical need for comprehensive measures to address and mitigate its dire consequences.

what are the causes of smoking

There are many causes of smoking and can be attributed to a variety of factors, including:

  • Social and Cultural Influences: Social norms and cultural perceptions play a significant role in smoking initiation. In some societies, smoking is seen as a symbol of status, rebellion or a social activity, leading individuals, especially adolescents to take up smoking to conform or rebel against social norms.
  • Peer Pressure: The influence of friends, peers and social circles can heavily impact an individual’s decision to smoke. People, especially in their formative years, may start smoking to fit in with certain groups or to be accepted by their peers.
  • Family Influence: Family environment and exposure to smoking behaviours within the family can greatly influence one’s likelihood to smoke. Children growing up in households with smokers may view smoking as normal behaviour and may be more inclined to start smoking themselves.
  • Psychological Factors: Stress, anxiety, depression or other psychological factors can lead individuals to use smoking as a coping mechanism. The addictive nature of nicotine in cigarettes provides temporary relief from stress or emotional turmoil, leading to continued use.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Aggressive marketing and advertising by tobacco companies have historically played a significant role in enticing people to start smoking. Colourful packaging, appealing advertisements and endorsements by celebrities have been used to glamorize smoking.
  • Addictive Nature of Nicotine: Nicotine, a highly addictive substance in tobacco, makes it challenging for individuals to quit once they start smoking. The physical and psychological dependence on nicotine makes it harder for individuals to break the habit.
  • Accessibility and Availability: The easy access and availability of tobacco products, combined with relatively low legal age restrictions in some areas, contribute to the ease of starting and continuing smoking.

good side effects of smoking cigarettes

It’s crucial to note that smoking cigarettes poses a significant health risk and the negative effects of smoking far outweigh any potential positives. However, for the sake of providing a comprehensive view, some individuals might claim certain perceived “benefits” or effects of smoking, though these should not be interpreted as justifications for smoking due to the overwhelming negative health consequences. Here are a few perceptions that some individuals might assert as positive side effects of smoking, though they are not endorsed as valid benefits due to the associated health risks: see also- National Library of Medicine

  • Weight Control: Some individuals believe that smoking suppresses appetite and helps in weight management. Nicotine is known to act as an appetite suppressant, leading to potential weight loss or control. However, any weight management effects come with the substantial health risks of smoking, far outweighing any potential benefit.
  • Stress Relief: Certain smokers perceive that smoking provides stress relief or relaxation. They may feel a temporary sense of relaxation or relief due to the immediate impact of nicotine on the brain. However, the relief is short-term and is often overshadowed by the long-term negative health consequences of smoking.
  • Improved Concentration: Some individuals report that smoking helps in concentration or focus. This might be due to the stimulating effect of nicotine, which can temporarily enhance cognitive function. Nonetheless, the health risks associated with smoking significantly outweigh any potential cognitive benefits.

It’s essential to emphasize that any perceived “benefits” of smoking are greatly outweighed by the severe and well-documented health risks. The detrimental effects of smoking on health, including its contribution to various life-threatening diseases like cancer, heart disease, respiratory ailments, and numerous other health complications, far eclipse any temporary or perceived advantages. Encouraging a smoke-free lifestyle remains the most important message to promote overall health and well-being.

harmful effects of smoking

The harmful effects of smoking are extensive and well-documented, impacting nearly every organ and system in the body. Here are some of the primary detrimental health consequences associated with smoking:

  • Respiratory Issues: Smoking is a leading cause of various respiratory problems, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It damages the airways and alveoli in the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties and decreased lung function.
  • Cancer: Smoking is the primary cause of various types of cancer, particularly lung cancer. It is also associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, bladder, pancreas, kidney and cervix, among others.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: Smoking significantly increases the risk of heart disease, leading to conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke and peripheral arterial disease. It contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels and increases blood clotting, elevating the risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Compromised Immune System: Smoking weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses. It reduces the body’s ability to fight off diseases and impedes the healing process.
  • Reproductive Health Issues: Both male and female reproductive systems are adversely affected by smoking. In men, it can lead to reduced sperm count and erectile dysfunction. In women, smoking can affect fertility, increase the risk of miscarriage and lead to complications during pregnancy.
  • Damage to Skin and Appearance: Smoking accelerates skin ageing, causes wrinkles, and leads to a dull complexion. It also increases the risk of developing skin conditions like psoriasis.
  • Oral Health Problems: Smoking causes various oral health issues, including gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss and an increased risk of oral cancers.
  • Secondhand Smoke Effects: Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke are also at risk. They can experience similar health issues, including respiratory problems, heart disease and an increased risk of certain cancers.
  • Economic and Social Implications: Smoking leads to significant economic burdens due to healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and absenteeism. It also contributes to social disparities and creates a burden on public health systems.

The harmful effects of smoking are both immediate and long-term, affecting not only the individual who smokes but also those exposed to secondhand smoke. It’s vital to understand and communicate the grave health risks associated with smoking to promote awareness and encourage smoking cessation for overall health and well-being.

Here are some statistics, you may like to read-

– 85% of lung cancers are caused by smoking. – Smoking increases the risk of heart disease by 2-4 times. – More than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking.
– Nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. – 70% of smokers want to quit, but only 7% succeed without assistance.
– Secondhand smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals; 250 are known to be harmful, and 69 can cause cancer. – Approximately 41,000 non-smokers die from secondhand smoke exposure annually.
– Smoking prevalence has declined, but 14% of U.S. adults still smoke. – Smoking is more common among lower-income individuals.
– Smoking-related illnesses cost the U.S. over $300 billion each year in healthcare and lost productivity. – The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $6.28.
– 169 countries have implemented graphic warning labels on cigarette packs. – 65 countries have comprehensive smoke-free laws.
– Nicotine replacement therapy increases quitting success by 50-70%. – Counseling can double the chances of quitting successfully.
– 41 million people use e-cigarettes, but their long-term health effects are still uncertain. – Smokeless tobacco is less harmful than smoking but still poses health risks.
– Over 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered globally each year. – Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter, harming the environment.

How to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is a challenging but incredibly rewarding endeavour. Here are some steps and strategies to help in the process of quitting:

  • Set a Quit Date: Choose a specific date to quit smoking. Having a clear goal in mind can help mentally prepare for the change.
  • Identify Triggers: Recognize the situations, feelings or habits that trigger the urge to smoke. These triggers could be stress, certain social settings or specific times of the day.
  • Create a Support System: Inform friends, family and colleagues about your decision to quit. Having a support network can provide encouragement, understanding and accountability.
  • Seek Professional Help: Consider consulting a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance, recommend cessation aids and create a tailored plan to quit smoking.
  • Explore Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): NRT, such as patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers or nasal sprays, can help manage withdrawal symptoms by providing controlled doses of nicotine without the harmful effects of smoking.
  • Consider Prescription Medications: Certain prescription medications, like bupropion or varenicline, may be recommended by healthcare providers to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Behavioural Support and Counseling : Behavioral therapy or counselling sessions, whether one-on-one or in group settings, can provide coping strategies, address triggers, and offer emotional support during the quitting process.
  • Stay Active and Busy: Engage in physical activities or hobbies that keep your mind and body occupied. Exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Change Habits and Routines: Identify and modify routines or habits associated with smoking. For example, if you usually smoke after meals, find an alternative activity to replace this habit.
  • Stay Persistent and Positive: Quitting smoking might not be easy and setbacks might occur. Stay positive and persistent. Even if there are relapses, use them as learning experiences to continue the journey toward being smoke-free.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate each small success along the way. Whether it’s a day, a week or a month without smoking, it’s a significant achievement worth recognizing.
  • Avoid Triggers and Temptations: Steer clear of situations or environments that may tempt you to smoke. This could mean avoiding places or people that encourage the habit.

Quitting smoking is a process that differs for each individual. Finding the right combination of strategies and support is crucial. Remember, the benefits of a smoke-free life – improved health, better quality of life, and saving money – are worthwhile and serve as strong motivators.

Thank you for reading the essay on smoking. I hope you have now clear knowledge about the causes of smoking, the good and the bad effects of smoking and how to quit smoking.

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Smoking, a prevalent habit, poses severe health risks. It’s a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, linked to cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. Nicotine addiction compounds its challenges. Efforts to curb smoking include public awareness campaigns, cessation programs, and stricter regulations to promote healthier lifestyles and reduce its detrimental impact.

Smoking involves inhaling smoke, usually from burning tobacco, introducing harmful substances into the body. Nicotine, an addictive component in tobacco, reinforces the habit. Smoking is linked to severe health risks, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It poses dangers to both smokers and non-smokers, impacting public health, society, and the environment.

Smoking is harmful due to its association with severe health risks, including cancer, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular problems. Nicotine addiction compounds the issue, making cessation challenging. Secondhand smoke poses dangers to non-smokers. Social stigma, economic burdens and environmental pollution further emphasize the detrimental impact of smoking on both individual health and society at large.

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Smoking is a major cause of death in the USA. It causes cancer, heart disease, and stroke which are all very serious illnesses that can lead to premature death. With so many people smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products, it’s no wonder that these illnesses exist. This essay will discuss different aspects of smoking and how it affects you on a day-to-day basis as well as long-term effects such as cancer and heart disease.

Essay Example on Smoking (Dangers of Smoking)

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Thesis Statement of Smoking Essay Smoking cigarettes is one of the leading causes of premature death in the United States. Whether being caused by cancer, heart disease, or stroke it’s no wonder that many are unaware of just how dangerous smoking really is. Introduction of Smoking Essay The most dangerous problem that is continuously responsible for killing people is smoking. This is a problem of not any one or two or group of countries but it is affecting the people globally. People are very well aware of the serious effects caused by it, but then too they get addicted to it. Sometimes people just start it as fun and it ends as an addiction to the person. There are various local and international brands available for people to smoke but all have bad impacts of their own. Main Body of Smoking Essay Smoking and its causes and effects As we discussed above that sometimes people start smoking just as fun. But there are people who start smoking because of high BP, personal issues, stress, etc. Smoking helps them to cope up with their tensions. Many students and boys start smoking just because of their bad friend circle and to show off. One-Time smoking can lead to more smoking which also acts as supreme addiction. The reason for attracting smoking teenagers is that they want to stay fit. They see their friends smoking and think that it makes them look cool amongst their friends. Also, it makes them free from all the tensions and worries. It causes major health problems in human beings. Cigarettes are a rich source of nicotine and carbon monoxide that has very bad and intense effects on the heart and lungs. If pregnant women engage in consuming cigarettes. It can have a very impact on them such as: Growing risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Placental abnormalities Premature rupture of membranes Preterm delivery Low birth weight babies The people who smoke look normally older as of their actual age because of reason that their blood vessels are half blocked and calcified. Placental abruptions are the most commonly found health problems in people indulging in smoking. Cigarette contains a great amount of carbon monoxide. As people smoke, the oxygen present in their blood is replaced by carbon monoxide that causes serious health problems. Get Non-Plagiarized Custom Essay on Smoking in USA Order Now Smoking is also responsible for lowering down the blood in the human heart. And it creates a high pressure on the heart to continue its normal functioning. It results in high blood pressure in the person. Cigarette consumption has a great impact on the cardiovascular system of a person. Damaging the cardiovascular system also results in high blood pressure and hypertension. It also causes many heart diseases. Cigarette also consists of tobacco which inside contains tobacco and many other harmful chemicals. Nicotine is responsible for narrowing down the blood vessel as compared to its normal size. The narrow blood vessels are responsible for causing hypertension which in turn results in paralysis and heart strokes. Cigarette smoking also badly impacts the quality of blood of a person. It also can increase the cholesterol level of the smoker and is also responsible for making clots in the heart. All these can also affect other parts of the body and can also cause a heart attack. Also see: Free Sample Essay on Breast Cancer The cigarette contains a combination of nicotine and carbon monoxide that results in anxious heart blood vessels and increased heart rate. It also restricts the transmission of oxygen to other different parts of the body of a person. Cigarette smoking also increases the risks of death of a person. There are lakhs of people who die per year all over the world because of smoking. We can also say smoking is a slow poison. Buy Customized Essay on Smoking At Cheapest Price Order Now The harmful substances found in a cigarette The cigarette which is loved to get consumed by people every day worldwide contains more than 4000 toxic and harmful substances. They are: Tar that is present inroads Hydrazine and Methanol that both are present in rocket fuel Carbon monoxide that is present in car fumes Butane that is present in lighter fluid Benzene that is present in rubber cement Ammonia that is present in household cleansers The acetic acid that is present in hair dye developer Arsenic that is present in rat poisons The effects of smoking on pregnant women If a pregnant lady smokes, it refrains the amount of nutrition that a newborn baby can get from his mother. It causes major problems in late pregnancy when the development of the baby is becoming very slow. The nicotine present in the cigarette has a bad impact on the development of nerve cells. It can also lead to problems such as brain malformations etc. Babies born from mothers who smoke can bear prematurely and may face serious learning problems in the whole of their lives. Conclusion Smoking is a very bad habit that once adopted by a person is tough to drop out. But it is very necessary for human beings to quit this bad habit to prevent themselves from dangerous diseases. A person has to accomplish practices of months to stop affecting from such problems. The school or college or young generation who smoke because of fashion, they should now understand the fact that it can damage your body from inside and may lead to serious problems. A single bad habit can lead you to harmful diseases such as cancer. Hire USA Experts for Smoking Essay Order Now

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This essay has discussed some of the main causes and effects of smoking on your body. The dangers of smoking, the effects on health and society are all negative.

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Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking

Students are often asked to write an essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking


Smoking is a dangerous habit that poses significant health risks. It’s not only harmful to smokers, but also to those around them.

Health Risks

Smoking can cause lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. It damages nearly every organ in the body, leading to premature death.

Secondhand Smoke

Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke face similar health risks. They can develop respiratory problems and increased risk of heart disease.

Impact on Environment

Cigarette butts litter the environment and release toxic chemicals into the soil and water, harming wildlife.

250 Words Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking

Smoking is a widespread habit, yet it is one of the most detrimental practices to human health. Despite the awareness campaigns and statutory warnings, many continue to smoke, oblivious of the damaging effects it has on their health and wellbeing.

Physical Health Risks

Primarily, smoking causes numerous fatal diseases. It is the leading cause of lung cancer, accounting for about 85% of all cases. It also significantly increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes damage blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis, which can result in heart attack or stroke.

Impact on Respiratory System

Moreover, smoking adversely affects the respiratory system. It leads to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. The smoke and toxins inhaled damage the airways and alveoli, the tiny air sacs in the lungs, causing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Effect on Mental Health

Smoking also influences mental health. Nicotine addiction can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. The temporary relief from stress that smoking provides is often mistaken for a stress reliever, while it is actually exacerbating the problem.

In conclusion, smoking is a harmful habit that poses significant threats to physical and mental health. The myriad diseases it causes, coupled with its addictive nature, make it a dangerous lifestyle choice. It is imperative to raise awareness about these harmful effects and encourage cessation to safeguard public health.

500 Words Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking

The impact on physical health.

One of the most severe consequences of smoking is its impact on physical health. Smokers are at a higher risk of developing a plethora of diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These conditions are often fatal, leading to premature death. The toxins in cigarette smoke damage the lining of the lungs, making smokers more susceptible to infections like pneumonia.

Detrimental Effects on Mental Health

Smoking doesn’t just harm the physical body; it also has a profound effect on mental health. Nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, alters the brain chemistry, leading to dependence. This dependence can exacerbate mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the stress of addiction and the struggle to quit smoking can also take a toll on mental well-being.

Smoking and Second-hand Smoke

Societal impact.

Smoking also has societal implications. The economic burden of smoking is substantial, with healthcare costs for smoking-related illnesses reaching astronomical levels. Additionally, the loss of productivity due to illness or premature death contributes to economic strain.

In conclusion, the harmful effects of smoking are far-reaching, affecting not only the smoker but also those around them and society at large. The physical and mental health implications, coupled with the economic burden, make it a significant public health issue. Despite the addictive nature of smoking, quitting is possible with the right support and resources, leading to improved health outcomes and quality of life. Understanding the full scope of smoking’s harmful effects is crucial in motivating smokers to quit and preventing non-smokers from starting.

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cause effect smoking essay

Essay Service Examples Health Smoking

Cause and Effect Essay on Smoking


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  • Cigarette, rolling cigarettes, smoking pipes.
  • Cigars, cigarillos, little cigars
  • Dissolvable tobacco, smokeless tobacco (snus), snuff
  • Electronic cigarette (nicotine delivery system)
  • Hookah, shisha

Tobacco in America

How tobacco has spread all around the world, antismoking propaganda, list of diseases that smoking can cause.

  • Lung cancer, over 10 other types of cancer, including Colon, Cervix, Liver, Stomach, and Pancreatic Cancer
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Heart Disease
  • Reproductive Effects in Women, Premature, Low Birthweight Babies
  • Smoking in an economical way causes costs to increase
  • Social habits, for example, deprivation of senses, dullness, anxiety, stress, and smoking play a major role in causing all these things.
  • Smoking causes stress, so it is bad for both types of people smoking and non-smoking
  • There is a constant replacement of old smokers with smokers originating in the young generation. Smoking habits have the tendency to spread out of the smoking population over the non-smokers.

Comparison of attitudes towards smoking in different countries

United states, why people shouldn't start smoking how hard is it to quit, how to quit.

  • Remind yourself about the benefits of being a non-smoking person, such as improvements in health, being able to run for longer distances, being not addicted to anything, having a better smell, and saving money.
  • Nicotine replacement products such as prescription nicotine in a nasal spray or inhaler, nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges
  • Avoid triggers, and don't go to places where there are many smoking people
  • Chew something instead of smoking, take gum or candy instead of the cigarette
  • Never say 'That is the last one If you quit, then you quit without any excuses
  • Start a new activity, for example sport to keep yourself busy
  • Surround yourself with people who have a healthy lifestyle and can support you

How to reduce the number of smoking people in the world?

  • Secondhand smoke is deadly. When people smoke tobacco products like cigarettes, bidis, and water pipes, second-hand smoke fills enclosed spaces and affects other people.
  • Health alerts with pictures are effective.
  • Large pictorial or graphic health signs, including clear packaging, and strong messages can inspire smokers to protect the health of nonsmokers by not smoking in the home, improve compliance with smoke-free legislation, and encourage more people to quit smoking. Campaigns in the mass media will also help to curb cigarette demand by encouraging nonsmoker safety and persuading people to quit smoking.
  • Ban tobacco advertising.
  • Make taxes on tobacco much higher, so people would think it is too expensive to smoke.
  • Illegal trade of tobacco products must be stopped, people who sell tobacco to children under age 18 must be fined or sentenced.
  • https:www.cancer.orghealthystay-away-from-tobacco why-people-start-using-tobacco.html
  • https:en.Wikipedia.orgwikiList_of_smoking_bans
  • https:en.Wikipedia.orgwikiList_of_smoking_bans_in_the_United_States
  • https:www.fda.govtobacco-products health-information cigarette-smoking-risk-factor-type-2-diabetes
  • https:www.cdc.govtobaccobasic_informationhealth_effectspregnancyindex.htm
  • https:kidshealth.orgenteenssmoking-asthma.html
  • https:www.stroke.org.uksitesdefaultfilessmoking_and_the_risk_of_stroke.pdf
  • https:www.cdc.govtobaccodata_statisticssgr50th-anniversarypdfsfs_smoking_CVD_508.pdf
  • https:www.lung.orglung-health-diseases lung-disease-lookupcopdwhat-causes-code
  • https:www.mayoclinic.orgdiseases-conditions lung-cancer symptoms-causes-20374620
  • https:worldpopulationreview.com country-rankings smoking-rates-by-country
  • https:www.cancercouncil.com.aucancer-preventionsmokingarticlesa-brief-history-of-smoking
  • https:www.mayoclinic.orghealthy-lifestyle quit-smoking in-depth nicotine-craving-20045454
  • https:www.who.intnews-room fact-sheets detail tobacco

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Smoke Signals: Examining the Causes and Effects of Smoking

  • Category: Health , Law , Sociology
  • Topic: Smoking , Smoking Ban , Teenagers

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