Creative Industries Innovation Network. The “Creative Impact Research Centre Europe” has launched

creative impact research centre europe

Prior to Brexit in 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) played a pioneering role within the European Union when it came to researching market mechanisms for the international creative industries and representing their interests in other European countries. One reason for this was that the UK was the first European country to recognize the growing importance of the “creative economies” as a future growing economic field more than 30 years ago. In order to cushion the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU on the European cultural and creative industries and to improve their innovative strength and competitiveness, the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) has now been established. In this way, know-how is to be secured and expanded on the basis of current problems. The German part of CIRCE in Berlin has now been launched by Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture.

CIRCE is funded by the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) from the budget of the Minister of State for Culture with around 7.3 million euros. The international network is headquartered in Berlin. In addition, there are research laboratories in London, San Sebastián, Tallinn and Zurich. The project is supported by an international advisory board made up of experts from the fields of culture, science and business. Together with a British network of experts and other European countries, CIRCE will develop recommendations for a Europe-wide program of measures to strengthen the sector. The results should be available by the end of 2023.

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth said, “The cultural and creative industries are an important bridge builder in and outside Europe. That is why, in the wake of Brexit, we must do everything we can to strengthen the international competitiveness of Europe’s cultural and creative industries and improve the earning opportunities of innovative small cultural enterprises and freelance artists. With the joint project CIRCE , we are setting a new research framework in the EU for this purpose, in particular also to secure established know-how and established cooperation formats for the European cultural and creative industries.”

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Apply now: Creative Impact Research Center Europe (CIRCE) launches funding programs

Apply now: Creative Impact Research Center Europe (CIRCE) launches funding programs

Creative impact research center europe (circe) launches funding programs.

With a fellowship program and the Creative Impact Fund, the newly founded Creative Impact Research Center Europe (CIRCE) offers two funding programs directly. Creative and innovative approaches to solving the most urgent social challenges are supported.

Young scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, students and other actors from all creative areas can apply. The application phase starts on March 1, 2023. Pre-registration is required by February 28, 2023. Further information can be found on the website.

The Creative Impact Research Center Europe (CIRCE) is a European think tank that is concerned with changing political framework conditions to promote cultural and creative industries in order to increase the release of creative innovative strength in Europe.

Source: Creative.NRW

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Further information about the funding program can be found here:, previous post application phase for the innovation prize nrw 2023 has started, next post nrw clusters meet…spezial with the innovation agency nrw (

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CIRCE - Das Creative Impact Research Centre Europe ist ein europäischer Think Tank, der sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Politik die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft unterstützen und ihre Wirkungskraft in Europa verstärken kann.

CIRCE Creative Impact Research Centre Europe

creative impact research centre europe


Viele Jahre nahm Großbritannien eine führende Rolle beim  policy making für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft  ein. Politische Entscheidungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Branche basierten maßgeblich auf dessen  wissenschaftlichen Auswertungen . Nach dem Brexit stellt sich CIRCE nun gemeinsam mit Expert*innen aus Großbritannien und weiteren Ländern Europas der Aufgabe, diese bereits gewonnenen Erkenntnisse weiterhin nutzbar zu machen und voranzutreiben, um damit die Innovationskraft und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Europa zu sichern.

CIRCE setzt dabei auf praxisorientierte Wissenschaft in einem  neuen Netzwerk führender Vordenker*innen : Fünf  Research Labs  und ein übergreifendes  Advisory Board  analysieren europaweit sowohl bewährte Strategien als auch mögliche neue Wege, wie die politischen Rahmenbedingungen geändert werden können, damit sich  kreative Innovationskraft in Europa bestmöglich entfalten  kann. Eingebunden in das Projekt werden Expert*innen aus Großbritannien und anderen europäischen Ländern im Bereich von Creative Impact, Innovation und den Creative Economies. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse werden in  Pilotprojekten  auf ihre Praxistauglichkeit geprüft, um sie als Best-Practice-Beispiele für die zukünftige Förderung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft zu verwenden.

Gefördert wird das Projekt von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) aus Mitteln der Brexit Adjustment Reserve der Europäischen Kommission.

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Welcome to the London Cultural Diversity Laboratory !

We are one of five research labs that form part of the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE), based in Berlin and funded by the German Ministry for Media and Culture and Brexit Adjustment Reserve fund. Over the course of 2023, CIRCE’s broad remit is to explore the impact of the creative economy, retaining research and policy links between UK and European research networks in this field, in times of polycrisis.

At City, we are conducting an inquiry into the range of research and initiatives concerning the concept of “Diversity” across London’s cultural and creative industries. The key aims are to set out the current research landscape and to build networks that can inform the wider European project. Find out more about the team and project .

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  • CIRCE – Creative Impact Research Centre Europe

Project CIRCE – Creative Impact Research Centre Europe

A european project supporting cultural and creative industries.

[object Object]

creative impact research centre europe

About circe.

The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) is a European think tank that addresses the question of how policy can support the cultural and creative industries and strengthen their impact in Europe.

Background: Brexit

For many years, the United Kingdom played a leading role in policy making for the cultural and creative industries. Political decisions on the further development of the sector were largely based on its scientific evaluations. After Brexit, CIRCE, together with experts from the UK and other European countries, were taking on the task of continuing to make use of and advance these findings in order to secure the innovative strength and competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries in Europe. Particularly in light of current crises such as war, climate change, and pandemics, it is important to maintain strong, successful structures and European exchange. Only in this way can the innovative impulses from the industry be effectively utilized.

Creative Industries Innovation Network. The “Creative Impact Research Centre Europe” has launched

creative impact research centre europe

Prior to Brexit in 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) played a pioneering role within the European Union when it came to researching market mechanisms for the international creative industries and representing their interests in other European countries. One reason for this was that the UK was the first European country to recognize the growing importance of the “creative economies” as a future growing economic field more than 30 years ago. In order to cushion the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU on the European cultural and creative industries and to improve their innovative strength and competitiveness, the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) has now been established. In this way, know-how is to be secured and expanded on the basis of current problems. The German part of CIRCE in Berlin has now been launched by Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture.

CIRCE is funded by the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) from the budget of the Minister of State for Culture with around 7.3 million euros. The international network is headquartered in Berlin. In addition, there are research laboratories in London, San Sebastián, Tallinn and Zurich. The project is supported by an international advisory board made up of experts from the fields of culture, science and business. Together with a British network of experts and other European countries, CIRCE will develop recommendations for a Europe-wide program of measures to strengthen the sector. The results should be available by the end of 2023.

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth said, “The cultural and creative industries are an important bridge builder in and outside Europe. That is why, in the wake of Brexit, we must do everything we can to strengthen the international competitiveness of Europe’s cultural and creative industries and improve the earning opportunities of innovative small cultural enterprises and freelance artists. With the joint project CIRCE , we are setting a new research framework in the EU for this purpose, in particular also to secure established know-how and established cooperation formats for the European cultural and creative industries.”

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CIRCE - Das Creative Impact Research Centre Europe ist ein europäischer Think Tank, der sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Politik die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft unterstützen und ihre Wirkungskraft in Europa verstärken kann.

CIRCE Creative Impact Research Centre Europe

creative impact research centre europe


Viele Jahre nahm Großbritannien eine führende Rolle beim  policy making für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft  ein. Politische Entscheidungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Branche basierten maßgeblich auf dessen  wissenschaftlichen Auswertungen . Nach dem Brexit stellt sich CIRCE nun gemeinsam mit Expert*innen aus Großbritannien und weiteren Ländern Europas der Aufgabe, diese bereits gewonnenen Erkenntnisse weiterhin nutzbar zu machen und voranzutreiben, um damit die Innovationskraft und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Europa zu sichern.

CIRCE setzt dabei auf praxisorientierte Wissenschaft in einem  neuen Netzwerk führender Vordenker*innen : Fünf  Research Labs  und ein übergreifendes  Advisory Board  analysieren europaweit sowohl bewährte Strategien als auch mögliche neue Wege, wie die politischen Rahmenbedingungen geändert werden können, damit sich  kreative Innovationskraft in Europa bestmöglich entfalten  kann. Eingebunden in das Projekt werden Expert*innen aus Großbritannien und anderen europäischen Ländern im Bereich von Creative Impact, Innovation und den Creative Economies. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse werden in  Pilotprojekten  auf ihre Praxistauglichkeit geprüft, um sie als Best-Practice-Beispiele für die zukünftige Förderung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft zu verwenden.

Gefördert wird das Projekt von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) aus Mitteln der Brexit Adjustment Reserve der Europäischen Kommission.

Kontakt und weitere Informationen

Https:// (deutsch und english),

E-Mail & Telefon

030 212 33 66 8-0

[email protected]

u – institut GmbH & Co.KG Jägerstrasse 65 10117 Berlin

U2 bis „Stadtmitte“ oder U5/U6 bis „Unter den Linden“

Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen. Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben und Daten zur Beantwortung meiner Anfrage elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Hinweis: Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit für die Zukunft per E-Mail an [email protected] widerrufen.

Für diese Website gelten die Datenschutzbestimmungen and Nutzungsbedingungen von Google.

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creative impact research centre europe

Das Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) ist ein europäischer Think Tank, der sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Politik die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft unterstützen und ihre Wirkungskraft in Europa verstärken kann.

The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe ( CIRCE ) aims to develop recommendations for measures that will strengthen the cultural and creative industries in Europe.

The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe ( CIRCE ) is a European think tank that addresses the question of how policy can support the cultural and creative industries and strengthen their impact in Europe.

The mission of the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) is to devise recommendations for a targeted and consistent range of Europe-wide measures that strengthen the innovative...

The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe is an interdisciplinary international think tank dedicated to the question of how policy can support the creative economies and their impact in...

In order to cushion the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU on the European cultural and creative industries and to improve their innovative strength and competitiveness, the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe ( CIRCE ) has now been established.

CIRCE – the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe addresses these questions from the perspective of the creative economies themselves by providing an international platform for research,...

An EU-funded think-tank for strengthening the creative economies in Europe after Brexit – that’s CIRCE, the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe . Five research labs in Berlin, London,...

Das Creative Impact Research Centre Europe ( CIRCE ) ist ein europäischer Think Tank, der sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Politik die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft unterstützen und ihre Wirkungskraft in Europa verstärken kann.

Embark on a journey through projects that reshape cultural and creative landscapes across Europe : 🤖 Creative project by Sergej: Using advanced AI for a new nuanced skill-job matching platform...

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creative impact research centre europe

Creative Impact Fund

The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) is a European think tank dedicated to enhancing the resilience and innovative capacity of the cultural and creative industries. CIRCE’s mission is to foster a diverse and open cultural and creative economy through Europe-wide, practice-oriented projects and research. By engaging with policymakers, industry leaders, and creative professionals, CIRCE helps shape a sustainable and vibrant cultural landscape, helping to strengthen the innovative power of the sector.

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  1. CIRCE

    Das Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) hat zum Ziel, die Resilienz der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft zu fördern und die Branche nachhaltig in ihrer Innovationskraft zu stärken. Durch europaweite praxisorientierte Projekte und fachliche Analysen betont CIRCE die Bedeutung einer pluralen und offenen Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, die den Fokus auf Zusammenarbeit legt.

  2. | Circe

    The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) aims to promote the resilience of the cultural and creative economies and strengthen the sector in its innovative power. Through Europe-wide, practice-oriented projects and research, CIRCE emphasises the importance of diverse and open cultural and creative economies that focus on collaboration.

  3. About CIRCE

    The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) is a European think tank that addresses the question of how policy can support the cultural and creative industries and strengthen their impact in Europe. Background: Brexit. For many years, the United Kingdom played a leading role in policy making for the cultural and creative industries.

  4. Creative Industries Innovation Network. The "Creative Impact Research

    In order to cushion the impact of the UK's exit from the EU on the European cultural and creative industries and to improve their innovative strength and competitiveness, the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) has now been established. In this way, know-how is to be secured and expanded on the basis of current problems.

  5. CIRCE

    The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe is an interdisciplinary international think tank dedicated to the question of how policy can support the creative economies and their impact in Europe ...

  6. Apply now: Creative Impact Research Center Europe (CIRCE) launches

    Creative and innovative approaches to solving the most urgent social challenges are supported. Young scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, students and other actors from all creative areas can apply. The application phase starts on March 1, 2023. Pre-registration is required by February 28, 2023. Further information can be found on the website.

  7. Creative Impact Research Centre Europe

    Das Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) ist ein europäischer Think Tank, der sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Politik die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft unterstützen und ihre Wirkungskraft in Europa verstärken kann.

  8. CIRCE

    1,041 Followers, 51 Following, 63 Posts - CIRCE - Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (@creative_impact_eu) on Instagram: "Keeping Europe's creative economies competitive and give them the platform for innovation and creative impact."

  9. Cultural Diversity Laboratory

    Welcome to the London Cultural Diversity Laboratory!. We are one of five research labs that form part of the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE), based in Berlin and funded by the German Ministry for Media and Culture and Brexit Adjustment Reserve fund. Over the course of 2023, CIRCE's broad remit is to explore the impact of the creative economy, retaining research and policy ...

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    DE. Research Labs. The research labs are located at five sites in Europe (Germany, UK, Estonia, Switzerland, Spain) and investigated specific creative industries-related topics. Negative consequences of Brexit for the industry were to be cushioned by securing know-how and expanding it on the basis of current problems.

  11. CIRCE

    Headquartered in Berlin and with research laboratories in London, San Sebastian, Tallinn and Zurich, CIRCE joins forces with a highly select network of academics and practitioners from across Europe in order to strengthen the continent's creative economies and harness their potential to respond to current and future crises.In this way, CIRCE hopes to cushion the negative effects of Brexit on ...

  12. Charline Munzer

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    The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe is an interdisciplinary international think tank dedicated to the question of how policy can support the creative... European innovation network of the creative industries: The "Creative Impact Research Centre Europe" has been launched.... We have been advising u-institut on the project "Creative ...

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    The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) is a European think tank dedicated to enhancing the resilience and innovative capacity of the cultural and creative industries. CIRCE's mission is to foster a diverse and open cultural and creative economy through Europe-wide, practice-oriented projects and research. ...

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    CIRCE - Creative Impact Research Centre Europe | Our fellowship program offers young researchers and creatives from all over Europe the opportunity to study and shape the innovative pote... | Instagram. 20 likes, 0 comments - creative_impact_eu on February 20, 2023: "Our fellowship program offers young researchers and creatives from all over ...

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  21. PDF Prototyping Futures: Creative Impact Research Centre Europe reveals

    of research, the innovative results of the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) network are published. In international European cooperation, 12 of the projects were created or continued in the United Kingdom. One additional project is based in Ireland. Berlin, 14.12.2023 - The Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE) is an