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127 My Best Friend Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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A best friend is someone who is always there for you, through thick and thin. They are the ones who lift you up when you are feeling down, make you laugh when you need it most, and support you in all of your endeavors. Writing an essay about your best friend can be a fun and meaningful way to express your appreciation for them. Here are 127 best friend essay topic ideas and examples to help get you started:

  • How I met my best friend
  • The qualities that make my best friend special
  • The funniest memory I have with my best friend
  • Why my best friend is like a sibling to me
  • The adventures I've had with my best friend
  • The ways my best friend has helped me grow as a person
  • The inside jokes only my best friend and I understand
  • The challenges my best friend has helped me overcome
  • How my best friend has influenced my life choices
  • The support my best friend has provided during difficult times
  • The things my best friend and I have in common
  • The ways my best friend and I are different
  • The lessons I've learned from my best friend
  • Why my best friend is my go-to person for advice
  • The ways my best friend has inspired me to be a better person
  • The times my best friend has made me laugh until I cried
  • Why my best friend is the first person I turn to in times of need
  • The ways my best friend has shown me what true friendship is
  • The sacrifices my best friend has made for me
  • How my best friend has helped shape my identity
  • The ways my best friend has supported my dreams and goals
  • The things my best friend and I do together that bring us joy
  • The ways my best friend has helped me through heartbreak
  • Why my best friend is the most trustworthy person I know
  • The ways my best friend has stood by me through thick and thin
  • The reasons why my best friend is like family to me
  • The ways my best friend has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone
  • Why my best friend is my rock in times of turmoil
  • The ways my best friend has shown me what true loyalty looks like
  • The ways my best friend has helped me navigate difficult relationships
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to be a better listener
  • Why my best friend is the funniest person I know
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to be more empathetic
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the importance of self-care
  • How my best friend has helped me overcome my fears
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the value of forgiveness
  • The ways my best friend has helped me become more confident
  • Why my best friend is my partner in crime
  • The ways my best friend has helped me pursue my passions
  • The ways my best friend has helped me become more resilient
  • Why my best friend is my biggest cheerleader
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the bright side of life
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the power of vulnerability
  • Why my best friend is my soulmate
  • The ways my best friend has helped me through periods of doubt
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to be more patient
  • Why my best friend is the person I trust with my deepest secrets
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the beauty in imperfection
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the importance of gratitude
  • Why my best friend is the person I turn to for a reality check
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the silver lining in every situation
  • The ways my best friend has helped me let go of past hurts
  • Why my best friend is the person I can always count on
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to embrace change
  • The ways my best friend has helped me prioritize self-care
  • Why my best friend is the person I can be my truest self around
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the value in taking risks
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the importance of setting boundaries
  • Why my best friend is the person I never want to lose touch with
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the beauty in diversity
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to be more compassionate
  • Why my best friend is the person I can always rely on for a listening ear
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the value in self-reflection
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the importance of self-love
  • Why my best friend is the person I can always count on for a good laugh
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the beauty in simplicity
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to be more present in the moment
  • Why my best friend is the person I can always count on for honest feedback
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the value in forgiveness
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the importance of resilience
  • Why my best friend is the person I can always count on for a shoulder to cry on
  • The ways my best friend has helped me see the value in self-care
  • The ways my best friend has shown me the importance of vulnerability
  • The ways my best friend has taught me to be more resilient
  • Why my best friend is like family to me
  • The reasons why my best friend is the first person I turn to in times of need
  • The ways my best friend has influenced my life choices
  • The ways my best friend has helped me overcome my fears

Writing an essay about your best friend can be a heartfelt and meaningful way to express your gratitude for their presence in your life. Whether

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Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 1

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life

Deeksha Sharma

Ever thought of writing a funny essay on best friend of your life? Here, meet mine.

Strange, how we are never born alone. One single birth gives rise to enormous numbers of relationships. Someone becomes a mother, a father, grand-parent, annoying brother, patience-testing sister, uncle – aunt, and whatnot. The only relation that does not come with your birth is friendship, yet I am writing a funny essay on best friend.

Funny essay on best friend

I was born with a vast background, with a huge joint family. I have a good collection of the oral history of my childhood days. These stories are like a time machine that takes me back to the good old childhood days. These stories include many people, with me being the protagonist for most of the parts.

And the Story Continues…

Now I am Twenty, and I never knew one day I would be writing a funny essay on best friend, someone whom I did not meet until I was seventeen. This is the second strangest thing to happen with me.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 2

I never knew this not because I never had friends or I was the loner kid at school who would eat all his candies alone sitting at the corner seat, no. I never knew this because this person- ‘THE BEST FRIEND,’ the sole of this essay on, funny article on best friend, I never knew this person until my high school.

I was more like a rolling stone before meeting the protagonist of this funny essay on best friend. I met this person for the very first time when I was in my eleventh standard. I have had many friends before that, but none could pass for a funny essay on best friend.

Click here to read the unspoken rules among best friends

Someone obscure, rude, and has opposite taste than me in almost everything, this is how I remember I perceived her to be for the initial days of our encounter in eleventh class. Writing down a funny essay on best friend and including her is the second strangest thing that I am doing, first remains that she is my best friend for almost more than three years now.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 3

You know how people say “old is gold” well, that’s not the case with best friends. You can be friends with a person from Adam’s and still write a funny essay on best friend on someone whom you just met in a metro while sharing a seat, chemistry lab while exploring your test tube, coffee shops, or trail rooms. They come to your life like a blessing out of nowhere and stick around you even when you wish they were not(especially when you are around your crush).

Well, I met this girl in classroom punishment. It was the middle of July, the monsoon season, and the classes were at full swing. Our physics class was over now, and the students were supposed to change classrooms for their optional subjects. Physical education was mine. While I was passing by the hallway, I saw the bunch of girls that I never liked standing in the middle of my way. Now, I was in no mood to take any pain that day, so I decided to take a long route to the physical education class.

It was raining heavily, and my shoes got all wet, my clothes were clumsy, and I could not resist going to the restroom to set myself before entering the class. It took me ten whole minutes (that is too much if you are in a school) to get back on track for the course. I was supposed to enter by 9:15, and now, obviously, I was late.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 4

When I reached the entrance of the class, the room was already full. The teacher passed a gaze of disdain towards me and told me to stand near the wall facing the entire class.

It was very embarrassing for me to interrupt in between to justify my reason for my delay in the class. I silently stood near the wall, having no clue what to do or which wall to stare at. I kept my eyes on the ground. I was very much embarrassed to utter a word. But, I was not alone, right after me, a girl entered the class and without even asking from the teacher she came and stood right beside me.

I passed her a little gaze; she was engaged with her nail color, which, by the way, was not allowed in our school. It was funny to see her so self-employed without giving any attention to the teacher or the class that had forty-six boys (more weird is that I still remember the accurate number of boys in our class). 

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 5

We both stood near the wall without uttering a word to each other for the entire period of forty-five minutes. After the class was over, our teacher told us to accompany her to the staff room, which I knew was not a very good idea. We were about to get into trouble now. We both reached there; the teacher told us to give our parents contact numbers to her.

I started to cry (not cry, I pretended), and another girl, the one who is playing the role of my best friend in a funny essay about my best friend, stood there without any expression of fear until she saw me crying. She whispered to me in my ear to pinch her hard on her waist so that she could cry. I was taken aback for the moment; I never heard anyone doing that before.

She was still staring at me, which confirmed that she was not joking. She wanted me to pinch her to tears. I burst into laughter after that; I had no control over my emotions. I was laughing and crying at the same time, and of course,e, a call was made to our parents that day.

That was the first time we got into conversation. Ever since that day, she has been the Rachel to my Monica (cast members of the tv show Friends). Not only a funny essay on best friend, but I can also write an entire epic on our bond now. For a very little time, people even thought that maybe we were gay lovers. That is because she got a tattoo on her back and was super excited to show that to me.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 6

We were in the school, and the only place where she could put off her shirt was in the girl’s restroom. We went in there and locked the door of the bathroom to make it more comfortable for her. Although the tattoo was right now, the news of we being the gay lover was very much on fire. It was not the last time when we were in the same restroom.

There were times when I got drunk terrible, and she would take me to the restrooms to clean up the mess and control my weird fetish of puking on people’s shoes. I always got her back.

Have a glimpse on the bond that Monica and Rachel shared

Click here!

One beautiful day, I was on my way to college like any other mundane weekday of my life. I was reading notes from African literature I had my test that day. I also remember that the night before that, I was up till two at night working on my African novel, an assignment that had a deadline of the next day. My phone vibrated in the back pocket of my boyfriend fit jeans, which was my absolute favorite back then.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 7

I took the phone and found thirteen unread messages and four missed calls from the name “till,” that was Prerna. She usually never called me that early in the morning, she was never up that early in the morning. I answered the call at her fifth attempt. She sounded serious, her voice was shaky, and her exact words were “Meet me at 10:00, at the central market”…beep-beep-beep, and then the phone machine answered that the phone was switched off.

I was never allowed to call her mother, her sister, or her brother; I had all their numbers, though. She blocked each of her family members from my phone because she made endless stupid stories about me whenever she went out with her boyfriend.

Her family now knows that my cat died, and I was in depression after that for months, but actually, I never had a cat. Eventually, she has this heart-shaped frame in her bedroom, which again does not belong to me, but her family by now doubts that I am her lesbian lover.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 8

Now this early in the morning a sloth calls me with this serious of a tone, what was I supposed to do? I had no hint. Now, if it were any other person calling me, I would be okay. But no, this was Prerna, last time she called me early in the morning it was when she bought a hamster in her bag pack and told me this was my birthday gift.

She very well knows I cannot stand those tiny white creatures, but she loves them, and her family does not want to adopt another pet after already petting her. Now that white creature, meatball, stay at my place but loves Prerna more than me.

This day I knew something weird was about to happen. I made a call to my college friend and told her to submit my assignment and to look after my proxy as well. Then pushing away the entire bunch of people who were standing around me, we are all packed like potatoes in a potato sack every day during the morning hours.

I rushed to change my metro line. Like a vagabond, I reached our spot, where I could only see the newspaper distributors and a milk van and some squirrels around me. I slipped inside a dome and sat there until she showed up.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 9

Yes, this time was weird again. I could see her bangs from a distance, which made her face look like pineapple for some reason. She came and silently slipped beside me. It’s always comforting to sit quietly around her. We both take a break after every month or two to spend some good time together and bitch about all the people we hate. It was again the same time of the month.

But, we usually had plans, about where would we go and what all to do, we were blank that day. It was an immediate plan; none of us had enough cash to go for a movie or a decent place to grab some food. We spent two hours in the central marker playing eye game with every annoying couple around us just to hijack the most comfortable spot for us.

Finally, I had to call my sister and please her to let us join the party she was attending that day. It was her best friend’s birthday. She did not allow us initially, but then Prerna somehow convinced her. 

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 10

We finally got an invitation to my sister’s best friend’s birthday party . After all the unfortunate incidents we had that day now was the worst, it started to rain out of nowhere, so we took a cab to the club. The taxi got stuck in the traffic jam terrible, we decided to take a walk to the club, and it was nearly one kilometer away now. Prerna got down before me, and covered her head with her bag and told me to do the same.

We stood under a shed for a minute or two, waiting for the rain to slow down before she geared up all her energy and told me to follow her. Before I could say anything, she was already ten steps ahead of me, running in the rain with her trousers rolled up, and her shoes drained in the water.

She did not even bother to pause and turn back to see if I am following her. Meanwhile, I stood under the shed and saw her running in the rain like a hippy who is ready to fight for the change. I could not control my laughter seeing her that enthusiastic for an uninvited birthday party. There I knew I someday I would be writing about this incident in a funny essay on best friend.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 11

We reached the club, and honestly, it was better when we were starving in the central park with all the heat and no food because the water already ruined our dresses so severely that I did not want to enter any club after that. Prerna’s spirit was unstoppable.

We entered the club I spotted my sister, and even before I could introduce Prerna to my sister’s friends, that hippy went ahead and hugged the first girl she saw standing next to my sister and flooded her with all the birthday wishes and songs she has ever received in her entire life. This is one thing I just can not miss while writing a funny essay on best friend.

Now, of course, that was a wrong girl; I stood there, keeping my head down trying to control my tears and my laughter while my sister introduced her to the birthday girl.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 12

Now it was already embarrassing for her, so I changed the topic and asked everyone for a dance. No one from the birthday girl side seemed as much excited as Prerna. A few minutes later, we were the only two people on the DJ with the weirdest possible moves.

Funny Essay on Best Friend Of My Life 13

We were so weird that my sister had to request me to go. So we went, but the weather was clear now. We sat in a deer park near the club with a cup of tee and talked and pitched for hours. It was the day worth living. Writing a funny essay on best friend and not including this day is inevitable to me.

Do you have a person who you just could smack on the face but would break the legs of anyone else who even dares to say something upsetting? Write your funny essay on best friend in the comments below. 

To check out the essay on my best friend

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  • Most Embarrassing Moment Essay Example

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay: Don't Be Shy To Tell

By: Henrique Bertulino

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay: Don't Be Shy To Tell

Did you know that stories about awkward moments make people more creative? This fact was discovered by researchers from the Kellogg School of Management. As the authors of the study explain, voicing embarrassing situations, a person removes the barrier of self-censorship and is ready for non-standard solutions. That is why high school teachers often give the assignment to write an embarrassing moment essay to their students.

My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay Sample

1. delve into the nature of the essay, 2. opt for the exact story, 3. a strong hook is a good start, 4. draw an outline, 5. describe, don't tell, 6. write an insightful conclusion, pay attention.

Just like the peer-reviewed articles, it was one of my friends' birthdays. My friend wanted to celebrate the day beautifully, so he invited many people. Actually, the date of his birthday was October 21st. What happened in my mind I don't know - I just forgot the date and as you know that these happened long past, and we did not have the facilities of mobile phones, and the only way of communication distantly was a land phone, and unfortunately, I did not have any landline in my house. Another problem happened that the school was also closed on some occasions. Because of that, I had no regular communication with my friends. I remember the date as October 22nd though the date was one day behind. I prepared for the day's celebration and bought an expensive gift for my friend, which I felt would pass for a proper my most memorable moment essay.

While I was buying the gift for my friend, he and our friends were celebrating the birthday because the date was October 21st. As I thought the date was October 22nd, I went to my friend's house with the gift. At first, my reaction was very awkward because I saw neither anybody nor any festive look there. I did not understand what happened there, why there was nothing special - thinking that I just tapped on the calling bell of my friend's house. Hearing the bell, my friend's mom opened the door and became amazed to explore me with a gift. She said, "Hi, how are you? Why didn't you come yesterday?" I became perplexed, and I asked her what happened. She replied that yesterday was my friend's birthday. Suddenly my friend, Jimmie, came out and scolded me for not participating in the birthday celebration. I became dumbfounded and explained everything. He was convinced and served me some slices of his birthday cake and other foods which were prepared on his birthday. I was just embarrassed in front of two people - my friend and his mom. I did not know that the worse thing is waiting for me the next day.

Furthermore, I thought that my embarrassment had ended there, but it did not. I think it was all for the success of my most embarrassing moment essay. The next day I went to school and noticed that some of my friends were laughing at me. I didn't ask why they were behaving like that, but I was beginning to understand. When I entered the classroom, everyone just burst out laughing. Everyone already knew about my mistake with my friend's birthday. It is difficult to describe in words what I felt at that moment. But it really was the most embarrassing moment I have ever experienced.

Embarrassing Moment Essay: What To Pay Attention To and What Not To Miss

Each of us has experienced some embarrassing moments in his or her life. Such moments usually make us laugh or, conversely, sad. At such moments we remember. It's not always pleasant to tell someone, but sometimes it can be your task in high school. How to overcome shame and competently and interestingly tell the reader about your embarrassing incident?

6 Tips On How To Create Your Embarrassing Moments Essay

You will describe the most embarrassing moment in the form of a personal narrative essay. What is a personal essay? There are many good definitions of this type of essay, but what we like most is this:

A personal essay is a short autobiographical story that includes some life situations that characterize you in a certain way. This type of writing involves a creative approach, and therefore it can have a free essay structure. In an experience essay, a person tells something very personal, even intimate. It is full of excitement and emotions. At the end of the embarrassing moment essay, the author analyzes how he or she was affected by a situation, whether it changed him or her or not.

"Embarrassing moments of my life" is your unique story. However, such moments happen in everyone's life - in school years or in adult life. It can be a story about the first day in a new team, an awkward event on holiday, a story about when you did not complete an English task, or how you forgot a new friend's name. Close your eyes and remember the same story that made you go through a storm of emotions. That's what you need to put on paper. Here's what the following stories might look like:

"It was in 2000 when I was 20 years old. Before I didn't have any plane journey, so it was the very expected thing for me. The same day came - the day of my first flight. So I got a little excited and arrived at the airport. I took my seat, and it was just beside a window because I like to look outside.

I really wanted to breathe fresh air outside. So I started looking for a way to open the window. But I failed to do so. I noticed that some of the passengers looked at me in great surprise. But I saw a hostess nearby. I asked her where the window locks so that I can open it. Hearing that, many passengers started smiling. I realized that something went wrong, and I felt shy. The air hostess was polite enough to reply to me by just saying - sir, the windows of a plane can not be opened because of the risk factor. I immediately understood that it was very embarrassing. The journey was around one hour long, and all the way, and I could not look at other passengers as I felt so shy."

"My most embarrassing experience" essay should interest the reader from the first words. Find the same hook that will immediately catch the audience. Here are some good hook essay examples:

"Once, a "grandfather" came to me for an interview for a digital marketer, who had completed all Google and Facebook courses on the recommendation of his daughter, but absolutely did not understand the task, my slang, and why everyone in the office was three times younger."

"Once, the candidate asked his best friend (a good specialist) to go for an interview instead of himself. He went and ... got a job and worked there successfully."

In the introduction, you set the tone and reveal the topic of your essay.

Although an essay on an embarrassing thing does not have a clear organizational structure, you should still organize your thoughts. Just write on a piece of paper what and how you will write about. The introduction should include a hook and a statement. Describe the situation in the body of the paper, and in the end, tell how it affected you.

"I was ashamed."

"This situation made my voice tremble. My knees buckled, there was a lump in my throat. I want to get out of there as soon as possible. It wasn't me, I never felt so embarrassed."

Feel the difference between these two examples? Your task is to write as shown in the second version. You can't just write how you felt, you need to try to describe your condition as vividly as possible. The reader must imagine the full picture and feel what you felt.

A good conclusion gives the reader a sense of completeness. You can return to your lead to complete the circle. Repeat your statement to end the story that changed you.

It happens that you have something to tell, but you can not properly arrange it. In such cases, it is better to seek professional help in the essay writing service. You need to remember that your work must be free of plagiarism and written in an appropriate format (APA, MLA, Chicago). Professional writers will ensure compliance with all these requirements.

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funniest moment with your best friend essay

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i love it thank you

It was helpful. Now I am able to understand the topic

This guide with embarrassing moment examples really struck a chord with me as someone who has difficulty writing about their own personal experiences. It gave me everything I needed to finally tackle a difficult topic and share it with others🙏

Thanks! I was able to take a potentially embarrassing topic of most akward moments of my life and turn it into a poignant, meaningful essay. The guidance and embarrassing stories of other people here helped me push past my fears and create something truly special..

So lovely i like the way and idea it makes sense to me and I will send it to my friends



The same also happened to me and it was my sister's birthday, 22nd March and I also thought it was the 23rd, I'm glad I might be able to write mine too, a good start and finish

Feeling embarrassed sometime makes one to learn

Feeling embarrassed, something times make's one to learn

James Melody

my whole elementary school was a never ending embarrassment, jeez i was such an awkward child

Feeling embarrassed is such a funny thing tbh. You cringe so much at first but then it's the best story at the party lol

This has to be one of the most humorous essays of this genre I've come across. I also enjoyed how descriptive it was; it really accentuated the mental picture the writer was trying to paint for the reader. I find stories like this funny and intriguing. Essays that have to do with the embarrassing incident, like this one, can be one hell of a good read. My favorite part has to be the conclusion where the whole class burst out laughing.

I can easily relate to being embarrassed on several occasions. Perhaps, that's what growing up is all about. I didn't know that writing about such moments ever led to creative ideas. As a student, I always feel that college is the best place to enjoy life. Still, the same place is home to many embarrassing experiences. After reading this blog, I understood why teachers emphasize essays about personal episodes. In my life, I have always written a narrative of such moments in a personal diary or as instructed by my English teacher.bIt's great to know these tips. I believe they will help me accept my shortcomings deeply.

Writing is always such a struggle in high school, even on such a creative topic like this one. The information was really helpful. Thank you so much.

If I didn't come around this article, I would spend my whole spring break fruitlessly trying to write even a draft. I've had enough awkward moments in my life, and I will never forget how once I fell through the ice during Christmas vacation. Now I know exactly how to start and finish my story. So perfect, thank you.

funniest moment with your best friend essay

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How To Write a My Best Friend Essay

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Definition: What Is a My Best Friend Essay?

Write about what you know is sage advice often given to fledgling writers. And what do many of our young students know more about than their trusty sidekick, who is a constant presence through thick and thin?

A My Best Friend Essay is precisely what it sounds like; an essay the student writes that is focused on their closest pal’s endearing attributes (and otherwise).

However, the My Best Friend Essay is more than just a chance for students to wax lyrical about their BFFs. It is an authentic opportunity for students to hone their composition skills and exercise their creative flair. 

All this while talking about one of their best mate – not bad!

Visual Writing

STRUCTURING a My Best Friend Essay

This is an essay. It says so right there in the title! Just how complex the structure of a student’s essay is will depend on essential factors such as age and ability. However, the 5-paragraph essay structure is a perfect framework for this type of composition.

One of the most beautiful aspects of the 5-paragraph essay is that it is easily modified to differentiate between lower or higher ability students by simply adjusting the number of paragraphs. The essay will still contain the same essential elements of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, regardless of how long it is.

The 5-paragraph (or hamburger) essay is a craft in itself and much too broad a topic to go into at length. Check out our complete guide here if you want more detail on this handy essay template.

Briefly though, in essence, the 5-paragraph essay comprises three parts:

  • The Introduction : The opening paragraph will orient the reader to the topic of the essay, in this case, by introducing the show’s star, the best friend .
  • The Body : In the traditional 5-paragraph essay, this makes up three of the five paragraphs. In this type of essay, the student will use these paragraphs to flesh out the main reasons they value their friend, or (at a more advanced level) they will tell a story about them that illustrates why they are the student’s best friend.
  • The Conclusion : In the conclusion, the student can sum up why their friend holds the hallowed title of ‘best’. Or, at a higher level, the student can use the final paragraph of their essay to look forward to the future of their relationship with their best friend. 

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My Best Friend Essay Story

While we are teaching a short essay on my best friend’, it can also be approached from another angle, i.e., as a nonfiction story.

While the clearcut essay format may be eminently suitable for younger students, you may wish to revisit this genre with older students, this time emphasising storytelling.

In this creative nonfiction approach, students can merge the essay format with storytelling elements such as character, setting, central conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. 

Constructing their best friend composition in this manner allows students to work on structuring a nonfiction text. Simultaneously, it offers them a chance to develop their creative flair.

My Best Friend in 10 Lines

Another approach particularly well-suited to younger students is the my best friend essay 10 lines format.

This helps younger students get writing by giving them a clear target to aim for, which makes planning easy.

However, you can still introduce the three elements of the 5-paragraph essay here. As students list the points they want to make in their 10 lines, they can be encouraged to group these into introduction, body, and conclusion sections. 

For example, a plan might look like this:

A ‘My Best Friend in 10 Lines’ Plan


Line 1: My friend’s name.

Line 2: What she looks like.

Line 3: Where she is from/her family.

Line 4: What friendship means to me.

Line 5: How we met.

Line 6: The kindest thing she has ever done.

Line 7: The funniest thing she has ever done.

Line 8: My absolute favorite thing about her.

Line 9: Restate why she is my best friend.

Line 10: How I see our future together.

To complete their 10-line ode to their friend, the student simply builds proper sentences around each of these (or similar) ideas.

More on Planning a My Best Friend Composition

As we can see in the sample plan above, the planning process is relatively straightforward when the 5-paragraph essay structure serves as a framework. However, we may want to take things up a notch for students of a higher ability.

A good, old-fashioned brainstorming session is an excellent starting point for the student. They can list their favorite memories and their friend’s best features.

While younger students may inevitably write something of a hagiography (a biography of a saint!), older students may want to present a more realistic portrait of their ever-present amigo.

Likewise, if the student is undertaking their composition in a narrative nonfiction form, they’ll need to map out the narrative arc of their story at the planning stage.

As with any story, the conflict will serve as the engine of the narrative. However, this conflict does not have to take the form of a problem between the writer and the best friend. After all, this text is more likely to be something of a love letter than a letter of complaint. Instead, the conflict is more likely to take the form of a problem or a challenge faced by the writer and their pal together.

Whether or not the student’s text will take a full-blown story form, true-to-life anecdotes will bring life to the student’s writing. The planning process is the perfect time to dump these onto paper, even if they don’t all make it into the final draft.

How to Start a MY Best Friend Essay

As with most text types, fiction or nonfiction, the writer will want to grab the reader’s attention from the outset. An effective way of doing this is by using a hook.

How to Hook The Reader

The student writer has many methods available to grasp the reader’s attention. While some of these will only be suitable for more advanced students, most can be adapted with a bit of effort for our younger writers.

  • Start in the Middle of the Action

Technically known as, In Medias Res , this technique involves opening the story in the middle of a moment of dramatic tension with the exposition filled in later. This type of wizardry is probably best reserved for the more skilled student writer.

  • Make a Bold Promise at the Outset

The promise of a big payoff can undoubtedly catch a reader’s eye and draw them in, but the student-writer must follow through later in the text. For less experienced students, you may want to offer a writing prompt to help out here. For example, 

My best friend Jack is truly one of a kind, but just how special he is wasn’t clear to me until the day a fire broke out in our school.

Students can quickly adapt such prompts by changing the event mentioned to their own circumstances.

  • Create a Sense of Intimacy

Another way to grasp the reader’s interest is to create a sense of intimacy right from the start. This can be achieved by addressing the reader directly in a conversational tone. Students should use informal language and approach writing their text as if they were speaking to a close friend – this is perfect for this writing style.

  • Open with an Anecdote

Another way to create interest (and a sense of intimacy) is to open up with an interesting anecdote about the friend. Students can select an interesting or humorous story to use as a carrot to entice the reader in. The student could substitute an exciting or amusing fact in shorter pieces for a full-blown anecdote.

  • Begin with a Quotation

Quotes are a great way to garner attention. There are many online repositories of inspirational quotes on every topic under the sun where students can find a golden nugget of friendship-based wisdom to open their masterpieces. They must simply type in keywords such as ‘famous’, ‘quotes’, and ‘friendship’ to uncover a smorgasbord of well-articulated wisdom for students to choose from. However, students should ensure the sentiment expressed in their selected quote ties into the type of friendship described in their work.

Working the Body

As we stated earlier in this article, the 5-paragraph essay structure, or the narrative writing arc, lays out a suitable template for the student-writer to work their way through the body of their text. However, it’s worth pointing out five areas where a little attention can significantly impact.

  • Get Specific

The devil’s in the details. The more specific the student is in their writing, the more effectively they will communicate with the reader.

Encourage students to be as precise as possible in their descriptions. A thesaurus is an excellent tool to help students find just the right word for the job.

  • Vary Sentence Length

Often, emergent writers rely on the same couple of simple sentence structures in their writing. This soon makes the writing monotonous for the reader; if they continue to read, it is only with effort that they will finish the student’s work.

Variety is not only the spice of life but also the spice of good writing. Encourage students to vary their sentence structures and alternate between long and short sentences to diversify the rhythm of their writing and evoke interest on the reader’s part.

  • Use Dialogue

Weaving dialogue into a my best friend essay text is a great way to bring colour and variety to a student’s writing. It also allows the student to practice punctuating dialogue – an essential skill!

Students will need to learn to listen carefully if they are to be able to write how people actually speak. Encouraging them to read their dialogue aloud is an effective way to check if it rings true.

  • Incorporate Literary Devices

Though this is undoubtedly a nonfiction text, it has firm roots in creative writing too. Students should incorporate some of the literary techniques and devices that we’d more commonly associate with poetry and fiction writing to add colour, creativity, and imagination to their writing.

For example, for younger students, physical descriptions of their BFF provide the perfect opportunity to introduce similes and hyperbole. Don’t be afraid to get comical here; writing should be fun, after all. 

Does their friend have a big nose? How big? As big as an elephant’s trunk, perhaps?

Just make sure students avoid being too mean or poking fun at areas too sensitive for their friends.

It is easy to differentiate different abilities by challenging stronger students to use more complex literary devices in their work. Zoomorphism anyone?

  • Evoke the Five Senses

Emergent writers often display a bias towards only using the sense of sight in their descriptions. To bring their writing up a notch, encourage your students to employ all five senses in their writing.

By evoking the sense of hearing, smell, taste, and touch in their work, students will help their writing to come alive in the reader’s imagination.


In a regular 5-paragraph essay, the concluding paragraph is usually the time to summarize the main arguments and drive home the thesis statement one more time. Obviously, things are a little bit different in a “my best friend essay.”

Of course, students can take the opportunity to revisit and restate the main reasons why their best friend holds the best-friend-championship belt. Still, there is a more artistic way to use their composition’s final paragraph.

Ask students to think about their friendship and where they see it in five, ten, twenty, or even forty years.

Undoubtedly, for younger students, in particular, this may be a bit of a challenge, but it can be a fun thought experiment too. Students can pose themselves questions to help, such as:

  • Will we be neighbours?
  • Will we work together?
  • Will our children go to school together? Etc.

Taking a tentative step into the possibilities of the future can make for an impactful ending.


My Best Friend Essay | Slide2 | How To Write a My Best Friend Essay | literacyideas.com

So that should get you well on your way to creating an excellent my best friend essay that will not only get you some great grades but also score you some brownie points.

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Essay on my Best Friend: 10 Lines, 100 Words, 200 Words Essay

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” – Elbert Hubbard

Essay on my Best Friend: Friends provide support, companionship, and understanding, enhancing our lives with laughter and shared experiences. They offer a shoulder to lean on during difficult times and celebrate our successes with genuine joy.

Friends uplift our spirits, boost our confidence, and remind us that we are never alone. Their presence brings warmth and comfort, making life’s journey more meaningful and fulfilling.

In this article, we have covered the 10 Lines Essay on my best friend along with 100 Words, short Essays on my best friend, and many more.

Let’s dive right in.


Essay on Best Friend

Table of Content

Essay on My Best Friend in 10 Lines

Short essay on my best friend, 100 words essay on my best friend, 200 words essay on my best friend, essay on my best friend in 500 words.

My best friend is Rohit Sharma, always there to support and uplift me through thick and thin. They understand me like no one else, sharing my joys, sorrows, and everything in between. Their laughter is infectious, brightening even the darkest of days. We share a bond that transcends words, built on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. With them, I can be my true self without fear of judgment or pretense. They inspire me to reach for the stars, encouraging me to pursue my dreams relentlessly. Together, we’ve created countless memories, from spontaneous adventures to heartfelt conversations. Their presence in my life is a constant reminder of the beauty and power of true friendship. I am grateful every day for their unwavering support, guidance, and love. My best friend is not just a friend; they are family, and I cherish them with all my heart.

My best friend, Sarah, is like a ray of sunshine in my life. We met in elementary school and instantly clicked. What started as shared giggles over playground antics blossomed into an unbreakable bond.

Sarah is the epitome of kindness and understanding. She listens to my rants, wipes away my tears, and celebrates my victories as if they were her own. Her laughter is infectious, brightening even the gloomiest of days.

What I love most about Sarah is her unwavering support. Whether I’m chasing my dreams or facing challenges, she’s by my side, cheering me on every step of the way. With her, I feel invincible, capable of overcoming any obstacle life throws my way.

Our friendship is a treasure trove of memories, from impromptu adventures to late-night heart-to-hearts. Each moment spent with Sarah is a gift, a reminder of the joy that true friendship brings.

In Sarah, I’ve found more than just a friend; I’ve found a soulmate, a kindred spirit who understands me in ways no one else does. Our bond is unbreakable, a testament to the power of genuine connection.

As I reflect on our friendship, I’m filled with gratitude for having Sarah in my life. She’s not just my best friend; she’s family, and I cherish her more than words can express.

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It is very rare to form a bond with a person on a deep emotional level, the one being with a best friend. Such people hold immense value in our lives. My best friend, Monali & I are very similar in terms of our nature, personality & our likes & dislikes.

When two people connect on a deep level, they become friends and become a constant in each other’s life. Her presence has influenced my life in many ways. She has always helped me during my tough days & been a constant pillar of support. I never feel lonely when she’s around, she is a very warm & positive person. She’s always there to lift my spirits. Monali is one of the most cheerful people I know. I can always count on her, for anything I need. I have known her for the past 8 years and we have made countless memories together.

Friendships that are full of love & warmth are the most priceless ones in a person’s life. They have a very important role to play in our lives. One of the best things that we should be thankful to God is, having best friends. What better than having a true best friend with whom we can share all our highs & lows. The love & support a best friend provides is truly exceptional. Life gets a new meaning, when there is a best friend who always makes you happy.

One of my life’s greatest treasures, is my best friend. Time passes away swiftly when I’m spending time with her. My best friend, Monali, is always there for me whenever I need her. We have shared so many experiences together and have memories of a lifetime. Monali is the first person I think of, when I am in a tough spot. In my bad days, she has always been there to lift my spirits up & given me good advice. I can always rely on her. We both help each other out whenever we can. We spend our time together, talking about our day-to-day life, reading books, dancing, watching movies & trying out new things.

One of the best things that we should be thankful to God is, having best friends. What better than having a true best friend with whom we can share all our highs & lows. Life gets a new meaning, when there is a best friend who always makes you happy.

My best friend, Monali is the most reliable and honest person I know. She has many qualities that I wish to imbibe. She has been there for me no matter what. I can rely upon her, she always has my back. I always feel free to share everything with her. Monali has always been my biggest cheerleader & my harshest critic.

She is always there to guide me when I feel lost. She never lies to me and speaks her mind. She is someone who always has my best interests at heart. I can always rely upon Monali. She’s there for me, both physically and emotionally. She’s always there to comfort me, when I feel low. She is my shoulder to cry on, a friend who never judges me and always hears me out. My best friend, Monali & I always have fun.

She has a very good sense of humour & intellect. I have been blessed with some amazing friends in my life, but one friend who stays close to my heart, is Monali my best friend. We have been through so many highs and lows together. Our friendship has strengthened over these past 8 years. She is very honest, loyal and supportive. I can always count on her , even when I am feeling down. We have had many beautiful memories together. I appreciate her for her honesty. I am grateful to have her as my best friend.

She is full of wisdom. I always enjoy spending time with her. Over the years, we have had a beautiful bond & grown up as individuals. Monali is a valuable part of my life. I am very fortunate to have her as my best friend.

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FAQs on My Best Friend Essay

What is the role played by friends.

Friends are the ones who make time for us, listen to us, and the ones we have the best memories with. They are always there to support us. They can be a shoulder to cry on, help get through hard times, celebrate achievements, and encourage to give our best.

How to write an essay on a best friend?

One can begin an essay on best friend, by stating how they met, their first memory together, likes & dislikes, how they have helped & supported them , how long they have been friends for. How they inspire them, the advices they give. The role they play in bringing us up as an individual, shaping our nature and personality.

Why are best friends important?

Having someone to rely upon, ask for help & advice is very important. Such a person, is usually a friend or a family member. In most cases, it is a best friend. One of the best things that we should be thankful to God is, having best friends. What better than having a true best friend with whom we can share all our highs & lows. The love & support a best friend provides is truly exceptional. Life gets a new meaning, when there is a best friend who always makes you happy.

Why does a human being need to have a friend?

Being social beings, human beings can’t exist just by themselves. They need to constantly interact with each other in order to sustain. That is why, we can see how important it becomes for an individual to be with their family & friends. Friendships that are full of love & warmth are the most priceless ones in a person’s life . The role a friend plays in a person’s life is quite significant.

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What kind of Experience do you want to share?

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Unforgettable Experience, Trips & Memories With My Friends Essay

The student reflects on the importance of friends in our lives, recalling his own experiences shared with them. From engaging conversations to memorable trips, he details how a friendship can bring meaningful joy and comfort that lasts beyond any momentary pleasure or adversity.

Table of Contents

Essay 1: My Friends

Having friends to share our laughter, tears, and adventures with is something we often take for granted. As a student I was lucky enough to make some of the best pals around who have helped form me into the person I am today – truly invaluable!

My friends are my sounding board; I can always open up and share whatever is on my mind, from silly secrets to life-changing dreams. They pick me up when things get tough and cheer for me even louder than I do whenever I reach a milestone! With them by my side, every day of life becomes an adventure full of joys big or small.

an essay about my friends

My friends are a beautiful bouquet of uniqueness – a diverse array of personalities, passions and capabilities. But the most precious petals in this bunch have to be their kindness, loyalty and unwavering support for me through thick and thin!

Spending quality time with my friends is an absolute blast! From playing sports, to watching movies and discovering new places, it’s never a dull moment. Even when we don’t agree 100%, our friendship always manages to pull us through whatever challenge comes its way.

I’m continually blessed with the most remarkable friends who constantly encourage and support me through thick and thin. They lift my spirits, help make me a better version of myself, as well as motivate me to really reach for all that life has to offer, it’s truly priceless! For this beautiful friendship we share, I am forever thankful- cherished moments together are something no one can ever take away from us.

From bouncing laughter to unflinching support, friends are the ultimate source of comfort and joy. And I’m so glad for mine -: they make life a blast! What would we do without them? So let’s take this moment to appreciate our connections with each other; it is these relationships that bring us such immense happiness.

Essay 2: Unforgettable Experience with My Friends

My friends are the greatest blessing I’ve ever received! Last summer, we decided to take a break from everyday life and sneak away into nature. We all loaded up on camping supplies – tents, food you name it – before setting off for our adventure in the woods. It was an unforgettable experience that none of us will soon forget!

After a long day of fun and exploration, our group found ourselves huddled around the campfire. We swapped stories and shared plenty of laughs as we cooked marshmallows to perfection over the crackling flames! Plus, who can resist hot chocolate on a chilly evening? Needless to say, it was one for the books – an unforgettable night that I’ll cherish forever.

We kicked off the morning with a plunge into icy lake waters, but nothing could dampen our enthusiasm for this special adventure. With sun-kissed faces and hearts full of happy memories, we departed – each one looking forward to many more days just like this!

Essay 3: The Last Time I Saw My Friends

It was an unforgettable party night with my crew! We celebrated the occasion with dinner and karaoke. All of a sudden there was a pandemic. Dinner is forever etched in our memory as a special time that we all share.

Then everything changed. A pandemic hit and we were all stuck at home. We had to cancel all plans and meetings. It was hard not being able to see my friends, but I kept in touch with them through social media and video calls.

We will meet again when the situation improves. I can’t wait to see my friends and catch up on everything that has happened to her this past year. I miss her.

Essay 4: An Adventure Trip with My Friends

Last summer, I went on an adventure trip with my friends. We decided to take a road trip to explore the countryside. We rented a van and packed up. We were so excited to start our journey.

I had a great time hiking, exploring new places, and enjoying the beauty of nature. It was the perfect mix of adventure, fun and friendship. We clicked lots of pictures, played games, and sang songs around the campfire in the evenings.

On the last day, we exchanged presents and thanked each other for making wonderful friends in our lives. Traveling was not just about having fun. It was about creating memories to cherish for a lifetime.

In summary, an adventure trip with friends is one of life’s most beautiful experiences. It helps you relax, reconnect with nature, and strengthen your bond with your friends. I am blessed to have wonderful friends who always inspire me to explore new horizons and make the most of life.

Essay 5: I Love My Friends Essay

Friends are the most important part of our lives. They are the ones who stand by us through thick and thin, and we can always count on them to be there for us. I am lucky to have such amazing friends in my life, and I am grateful for each and every one of them.

My friends are my support system, and they are always there to cheer me up when I am feeling down. We share many memories together, from fun nights out to heart-to-heart conversations over coffee. No matter what we are doing, we always have a great time together.

One of the reasons I love my friends so much is that they accept me for who I am. They never judge me, and they are always there to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. We may have our differences, but we always find a way to work through them.

Another reason I love my friends is that they make me a better person. They inspire me to be my best self, and they encourage me to pursue my dreams. I am constantly learning from them, and I know that I would not be where I am today without their love and support.

In conclusion, I love my friends more than words can express. They have brought so much joy and happiness into my life, and I am truly blessed to have them. I look forward to creating many more memories with them in the future and am grateful for the wonderful gift of their friendship.

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Essays About Best Friends: 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

If you’re writing an essay and want to put your best friend in the spotlight, check out these essay examples on essays about best friends. 

Best friends are those with whom we have formed a deep and unique bond. What makes them remarkably special is that we chose them unlike with family. For this, some even consider their best friends to be extensions of themselves. 

We all trust our best friends wholeheartedly; that’s why they are the best people to confide in. And many of the lasting memories in our lives are those that we create with them. These memories could be filled with waves of boisterous laughter or even the most piercing pain when your friendship is tested.

Read on and find essay examples and prompts that could motivate you to write about best friends.


5 Essay Examples

1. how friendships change in adulthood by julie beck, 2. diamonds are not this girl’s best friend by courtney carver, 3. how to tell your best friend you’re in love with them – by those who have taken the plunge by sirin kale, 4. my best friend died: a real-life guide to coping by gabrielle applebury, 5. is it normal to not have a best friend by viktor sander, 7 helpful writing prompts on essays about best friends, 1. describe your best friend, 2. hanging out with your best friend , 3. long distance friendship, 4. cutting off toxic best friends, 5. falling in love with your best friend, 6. famous literary friendships, 7. a dog is a man’s best friend.

“Hanging out with a set of lifelong best friends can be annoying, because the years of inside jokes and references often make their communication unintelligible to outsiders. But this sort of shared language is part of what makes friendships last.”

The above essay delves into the evolution of friendship throughout the different stages of our lives, from childhood and teen years to family life and retirement. While we have all deferred a meetup with friends several times to attend to family and work, many people still treat their friendship as stable and continuous, even in long lapses in communication. 

You might also find these essays about camping trips helpful.

“My best friend is a magical, rooftop sunrise. My best friend is the ocean. My best friend is a hike in the mountains. My best friend is a peaceful afternoon. My best friend is a really good book. My best friend is laughter. My best friend is seeing the world. My best friend is time with people I love.”

This essay takes on a broader definition of a “best friend,” deriving from Marilyn Monroe’s famous quote: “Diamond are a girl’s best friend.” From having excessive material wants for every occasion, the author realizes that the greatest “friends” in life are not material things but the simple joys that nature and love can bring.

“It was supposed to go the way things do in the movies. Nora would tell her best friend that she loved him, he would feel the same way and then they would kiss – preferably in the rain. So when the 30-year-old arts manager declared her love for her best friend when they were still teenagers, she expected a happy ending.”

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The essay by Srirn Kale treats its readers to compelling stories of best friends ending up in marriage and those parting ways because of unrequited love. But, before taking the bold step of declaring your love for your best friend, a relationship guru advises lovers first to read the signs that signal any reciprocity of these deep feelings. 

“Losing a best friend may be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking experiences you have in your lifetime. If you aren’t sure how to process that your best friend died, know that there are many healthy options when it comes to coping with this type of loss.”

Coping with losing a best friend could lead to depression or even suicidal thoughts, especially if your best friend means the world to you. Some coping tips include journaling your grieving process to understand your emotions and confusion better and doing things that can relive your best friend’s memories. 

“If you are happy with the friends you currently have, there’s no need to try making a best friend for the sake of it. You might have friends but no best friend; that’s perfectly OK. It’s not necessary to have a BFF.” 

Not everyone has a best friend. Some would find this fact hard to believe, but a YouGov survey has shown that 1 in 5 of the US population claims to have no close friends. The essay, therefore, explores the reasons for this friendlessness and gives tips on building a bond with potential best friends, starting with your existing circle of acquaintances.

Check out our top writing prompts to help you celebrate and write about best friends.

Essays About Best Friends: Describe your best friend

Begin this essay by describing what your best friend looks like and what traits you like most about them. Then, given these qualities, would you consider your best friend a role model? Your essay can also answer how similar you and your best friend are and what things you both agree on. But if you have more differences than similarities, write how you deal with them or put them aside.

In this essay, describe your favorite ways to hang out with your best friend. What do you like doing together? Describe what a day spent with your best friend looks like and which part you like most about your dates. If your conversations draw your mutual admiration for each other, then talk about what topics make you talk for hours on end and their perspectives on things that you find fascinating.

Do different time zones make friends grow apart? Or does distance make the heart grow fonder? First, interview two to three people whose best friends moved to a different country or city. Next, learn how frequently they communicate with each other. Finally, compile these stories and make a smooth transition to each one such that the structure highlights the challenges of long-distance friendships and how each set of friends gets by. 

Discarding best friends is a hard decision. But it is also brave if you feel they are dragging you down. For this prompt, you can pose a list of questions readers can ask themselves to grasp the situation better. For example, is your friend doing you more harm than good? Have you set boundaries that they find hard to respect? Then, explain how reflecting on each question can help one determine when it is time to cut some ties loose.

Falling in love with your best friend can only end in two scenarios: a happy ever after or an end of a beautiful relationship. Expanding on our essay prompt above, list down more tips to know when it is best to confront your best friend about your feelings or work hard to quash your emotions for the continuity of the relationship.

Pick out best friends from novels that formed friendships that touched you the most. They could be Harry, Ron, Hermoine of Harry Potter, Frodo, Sam of the Lord Of The Rings, or even Sherlock and Watson From The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes. First, describe what it is in their friendship that you find most riveting. Then, narrate events that served as the biggest tests to their friendships and how they conquered these challenges. 

What about dogs that some people find more lovable than others? Answer this in your essay by outlining the traits that make a dog the ideal best friend. For one, their loyalty makes us confident that they will not betray us. If you have a dog, write about the qualities that make your dog a reliable and fun companion. Then, narrate events when your dog proved to be your best friend. 

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics . 

If you want to ensure that your thoughts flow smoothly in your essay, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Friendship — My Experience In Friendship


My Experience in Friendship

  • Categories: Admired Person Friendship

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Published: Nov 8, 2019

Words: 714 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Having a best friend

Works cited:.

  • Smith, Zadie. "Find Your Beach." The New York Review of Books, 26 Nov. 2020. https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2020/11/26/zadie-smith-find-your-beach/
  • Whitehead, Colson. "City Limits." The New Yorker, 16 Aug. 1999. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/08/16/city-limits
  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. HarperCollins, 1990.
  • Diener, Ed, and Robert Biswas-Diener. Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth. Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
  • Fredrickson, Barbara L. Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive. Crown Publishers, 2009.
  • Gilbert, Daniel. Stumbling on Happiness. Vintage, 2006.
  • Haidt, Jonathan. The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. Basic Books, 2006.
  • Kashdan, Todd B., and Robert Biswas-Diener. The Upside of Your Dark Side: Why Being Your Whole Self - Not Just Your "Good" Self - Drives Success and Fulfillment. Hudson Street Press, 2014.
  • Seligman, Martin E. P. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. Free Press, 2002.
  • Snyder, C. R., and Shane J. Lopez. Handbook of Positive Psychology. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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funniest moment with your best friend essay

127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

When you have a good friendship topic, essay writing becomes as easy as it gets. We have some for you!

📝 Friendship Essay Structure

🏆 best friendship topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 good essay topics on friendship, 🎓 simple & easy friendship essay titles, 📌 most interesting friendship topics to write about, ❓ research questions about friendship.

Describing a friend, talking about your relationship and life experiences can be quite fun! So, take a look at our topics on friendship in the list below. Our experts have gathered numerous ideas that can be extremely helpful for you. And don’t forget to check our friendship essay examples via the links.

Writing a friendship essay is an excellent way to reflect on your relationships with other people, show your appreciation for your friends, and explore what friendship means to you. What you include in your paper is entirely up to you, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t structure it properly. Here is our advice on structuring an essay on friendship:

  • Begin by selecting the right topic. It should be focused and creative so that you can earn a high mark. Think about what friendship means to you and write down your thoughts. Reflect on your relationship with your best friend and see if you can write an essay that incorporates these themes. If these steps didn’t help – don’t worry! Fortunately, there are many web resources that can help you choose. Browse samples of friendship essays online to see if there are any topics that interest you.
  • Create a title that reflects your focus. Paper titles are important because they grasp the reader’s attention and make them want to read further. However, many people find it challenging to name their work, so you can search for friendship essay titles online if you need to.
  • Once you get the first two steps right, you can start developing the structure of your essay. An outline is a great tool because it presents your ideas in a clear and concise manner and ensures that there are no gaps or irrelevant points. The most basic essay outline has three components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Type these out and move to the next step. Compose an introduction. Your introduction should include a hook, some background information, and a thesis. A friendship essay hook is the first sentence in the introduction, where you draw the reader’s attention. For instance, if you are creating an essay on value of friendship, include a brief description of a situation where your friends helped you or something else that comes to mind. A hook should make the reader want to read the rest of the essay. After the hook, include some background information on your chosen theme and write down a thesis. A thesis statement is the final sentence of the first paragraph that consists of your main argument.
  • Write well-structured body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should start with one key point, which is then developed through examples, references to resources, or other content. Make sure that each of the key points relates to your thesis. It might be useful to write out all of your key points first before you write the main body of the paper. This will help you to see if any of them are irrelevant or need to be swapped to establish a logical sequence. If you are composing an essay on the importance of friendship, each point should show how a good friend can make life better and more enjoyable. End each paragraph with a concluding sentence that links it to the next part of the paper.
  • Finally, compose a conclusion. A friendship essay conclusion should tie together all your points and show how they support your thesis. For this purpose, you should restate your thesis statement at the beginning of the final paragraph. This will offer your reader a nice, well-balanced closure, leaving a good impression of your work.

We hope that this post has assisted you in understanding the basic structure of a friendship paper. Don’t forget to browse our website for sample papers, essay titles, and other resources!

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  • The Confessions of St. Augustine on Friendship Augustine of Hippo believes that the only real source of friendship is God, and he adds that it is only through this God-man relationship that people can understand the ideal meaning of friendship.
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  • The Significance of Friendship in Yeonam The paper examines the depth and extent to which Yeonam was ready to go and if he was bound by the norms of the human friendship and association of his era.
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  • Friendship: The Meaning and Relevance Although the basic definition of a friendship falls under the category of somebody whom we feel a level of affection and trust for or perhaps a favored companion, the truth of the matter is that […]
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  • Fate of Friendship and Contemporary Ethics Is friendship possible in the modern world dominated by pragmatism and will it exist in the future? For instance, Cicero takes the point of view of the social entity, in other words, he defines friendship […]
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  • Creating a Friendship Culture This family will ensure every church member and youth is part of the youth ministry. I will always help every newcomer in the ministry.
  • Friendship is in Everyone’s Life Though, different books were written in different times, the descriptions of a friendship have the same essence and estimate that one cannot be completely satisfied with his/her life if one does not have a friend.
  • Intimacy, Love and Friendship and how they translate to employability The use of love and its conventions in the NAB campaigns is an illustration of how love as a concept can be used to translate to employability.
  • Intimacy, Love and Friendship In the past, women in Australia led a life characterized by a lot of hardships because of the harsh traditions that they were supposed to follow.
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  • Woman Intimacy and Friendship with the Appearance of Social Media The anonymity provided by the social media makes this medium very appealing to both women and men as they are able to “reconstruct” themselves to a level they deem “cool” enough to garner more desired […]
  • Faux Friendship and Social Networking The modern-day relationships have dissolved the meaning of the word friendship; as aromatic lovers refer to each other as friends, parents want their children to think of them as friends, teachers, clergymen and bosses have […]
  • Friendship Type – Companionship Relationship A friendship is ideally not an obsession since the latter involves a craving for another person that might even lead to violence just to be in site of the other party.
  • Aristotle’s Ideas on Civic Relationships: Happiness, the Virtues, Deliberation, Justice, and Friendship On building trust at work, employers are required to give minimum supervision to the employees in an effort to make the latter feel a sense of belonging and responsibility.
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  • Article Study on the Friendship Concept In the critical review article, the views of Norman Kutcher on the formation of friendships are discussed in detail. In this article, the views of other scholars are discussed in order to strengthen the works […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/

"127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

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100 Funny Friendship Quotes You and Your Besties Will Love

Updated on: September 25, 2023 by Louise Myers Leave a Comment

Love fun with friends?

Then you’ll love these funny friendship quotes!

Nothing’s better than sharing a laugh with your BFFs – whether it’s via social media, text message, or birthday card.

So peruse this extensive collection of short, sweet, and clever quotes about friendship, best friends, and true friends.

Then share with your friends for even more enjoyment.

Let the laughter begin…

relaxed young women laughing and hugging with words, funny friendship quotes.

Funny Friendship Quotes

Let’s jump right in to the craziness and wonder of friendships.

If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never them go. ~ Unknown

Friends are people who know you really well and like you anyway. ~ Greg Tamblyn

One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends is that three out of four murders are committed by people who know the victim. ~ George Carlin

illustration of text to bff on rainbow background has funny quote, a good friendship is a conversation that never ends.

It’s important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to the friendship that we are not. ~ Mignon McLaughlin

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they’re OK, then it’s you. ~ Rita Mae Brown

My friends and I are crazy. That’s the only thing that keeps us sane. ~ Matt Schucker

There is nothing better than a friend, unless it’s a friend with chocolate. ~ Linda Grayson

yellow graphic says, If you have crazy friends you have everything you'll ever need.

Friend is someone to share the last cookie with. ~ Cookie Monster, Sesame Street

I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell. You see, I have friends in both places. ~ Mark Twain

She’s my friend because we both know what it’s like to have people be jealous of us. ~ Cher, Clueless

If you have crazy friends you have everything you’ll ever need. ~ Unknown

My imaginary friend thinks he has problems. ~ Unknown

funny lavender graphic says, My imaginary friend thinks he has problems.

I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal. ~ Jane Austen

It takes your enemy and your friend, working together, to hurt you to the heart: the one to slander you and the other to get the news to you. ~ Mark Twain

The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn’t exist. ~ Aaron Machado

You might also enjoy these funny quotes for Facebook posts .

mint green quote image says, No friendship is an accident.

Funny Quotes About Friendship

More clever quotes about the awesome uniqueness of friendship.

No friendship is an accident. ~ O. Henry

Friendship is being there when someone’s feeling low and not being afraid to kick them. ~ Randy K. Milholland

Friendship is one mind in two bodies. ~ Mencius

drawing of bakery counter with signs saying the best friendships can talk about nothing and have it mean everything.

Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I’d rather be an idiot than lose you. ~ Patrick, Spongebob Squarepants

Friendship is so weird… You just pick a human you’ve met and you’re like ‘Yep, I like this one’ and you just do stuff with them. ~ Unknown

Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. ~ Baltasar Gracian

Friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another, What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ~ C.S. Lewis

yellow graphic has quote, Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.

Every man should have a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends. ~ Henry Brooks Adams

Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. ~ Samuel Butler

Whoever says friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend! ~ Bronwyn Polson

Friendship is a wildly underrated medication. ~ Anna Deavere Smith

lavender graphic says, Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.

Real friendship is when your friend comes over to your house and then you both just take a nap. ~ Unknown

‘Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected. ~ Charles Lamb

Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the rosy wine. ~ Charles Dickens

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like, ‘What about lunch?’ ~ A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

aqua quote graphic says, In my friend, I find a second self.

To like and dislike the same things, that is what makes a solid friendship. ~ Sallust

The capacity for friendship is God’s way of apologizing for our families. ~ Jay McInerney, The Last of the Savages

One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention. ~ Clifton Fadiman

Friends are the siblings God never gave us. ~ Unknown

graphic with saying, friends are the siblings God never gave us.

Funny Quotes on Friendship and Love

Eros will have naked bodies; friendship naked personalities. ~ C. S. Lewis

Love is friendship that has caught fire. ~ Ann Landers

Marriage: a friendship recognized by the police. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Love is blind; friendship tries not to notice. ~ Otto von Bismarck

gal and guy hands with fingers clasped says Friends are forever until they get married.

Funny Friendship between Women

Friendship is not possible between two women, one of whom is very well dressed. ~ Laurie Colwin

One sure way to lose another woman’s friendship is to try to improve her flower arrangements. ~ Marcelene Cox

Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn’t seem to crack. Women treat it like glass, and it goes to pieces. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Have you seen these self-confidence quotes for women ?

pink graphic has quote, when a woman becomes her own best friend.

Funny Quotes About True Friends

True friends, old friends, real friends – whatever you call them, you need them!

They last the test of time because they accept you as you are. These clever quotes say how.

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. ~ Bernard Meltzer

True friends stab you in the front. ~ Oscar Wilde

mint green graphic says, True friends stab you in the front.

A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad. ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

True friends are like diamonds: bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style. ~ Nicole Richie

It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. ~ Marlene Dietrich

Only a true friend would be that truly honest. ~ Shrek, Shrek

blue grahic has shrek quote saying only a true friend would be that truly honest.

You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal. ~ Elizabeth Taylor

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friends come and go, like the waves of the ocean, but the true ones stay. Like an octopus on your face. ~ Unknown

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. ~ Elbert Hubbard

pink quote image says, A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

Real friends don’t get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive. ~ Unknown

There is nothing like puking with somebody to make you into old friends. ~ Sylvia Plath

A messy house is a must: it separates your true friends from other friends. Real friends are there to visit you, not your house! ~ Jennifer Wilson

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. ~ Euripides

yellow image says, One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success. ~ Oscar Wilde

If you wanna find out who’s a true friend, screw up or go through a challenging time … then see who sticks around. ~ Karen Salmansohn

You can always tell a real friend: When you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job. ~ Laurence J. Peter

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell

lavender graphic says, A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you. ~ Bette Midler

The best mirror is an old friend. ~ George Herbert

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. ~ Oprah Winfrey

A friend to all is a friend to none. ~ Aristotle

pink image quotes aristotle, A friend to all is a friend to none.

‘Tis a great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell him his. ~ Benjamin Franklin

In my friend, I find a second self. ~ Isabel Norton

If you can survive 11 days in cramped quarters with a friend and come out laughing, your friendship is the real deal. ~ Oprah Winfrey

You might also like these funny one-liners .

quote image says The best mirror is an old friend.

Funny Quotes About Best Friends

One tier up from true friends are your besties! Lucky you, if you’ve got one.

Best friend isn’t a person; it’s a tier. ~ Mindy Kaling

Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food. ~ Unknown

A good friend will help you move. But a best friend will help you move a dead body ~ Jim Hayes

graphic has funny saying, Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food.

Friends make you smile. Best friends make you giggle ’til you pee your pants. ~ Terri Guillemets

I was an innocent being once. Then my best friend came along. ~ Unknown

Best friends don’t care if your house is clean. They care if you have wine. ~ Unknown

When you’re in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, “Damn, that was fun.” ~ Groucho Marx

purple image says never let your best friends get lonely, keep disturbing them.

You had me at “I hate her too.” ~ Unknown

I can tell by your sarcastic undertones, rude comments, and sheer lack of common decency that we should be best friends. ~ Unknown

A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have. ~ Unknown

Best friends: They know how crazy you are and still choose to be seen with you in public. ~ Unknown

green graphic with funny saying, A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have.

Friends give you a shoulder to cry on. But best friends are ready with a shovel to hurt the person that made you cry. ~ Unknown

I’d walk through fire for my best friend. Well, not fire, that would be dangerous. But a super humid room… but not too humid because, you know… my hair. ~ Unknown

Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend. ~ Sarah Dessen

Check out these dog best friend quotes !

pie chart of best friend qualities with cute dog drawing.

Funny Sayings to Share with Friends

But don’t stop there. Here are sassy sayings to share with your BFFs – or all your Facebook friends!

You’ve got a friend in me. ~ Woody, Toy Story

I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile. Then walk into a pole. ~ Unknown

You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend. I’ll train you. ~ Unknown

blue image has toy stort quote, You've got a friend in me.

I will text you 50 times in a row and feel no shame. You’re my friend, you literally signed up for this. ~ Unknown

No one will ever be as entertained by us as us. ~ Unknown

We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up. Right after I finish laughing. ~ Unknown

If I send you my ugly selfies, our friendship is real. ~ Unknown

It’s hard to find a friend who’s cute, loving, generous, caring, and smart. My advice to you is, don’t lose me! ~ Unknown

pink graphic says friendship is one mind in two bodies.

Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first? ~ Jane Austen

We will always be friends ’til we’re old and senile. Then we can be new friends! ~ Unknown

You and I are more than friends. We’re like a really small gang. ~ Unknown

I think we’ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends. ~ Unknown

yellow image of virginia woolf friendship quote.

Good friends don’t let you do stupid things – alone. ~ Unknown

We’ve been friends for so long, I can’t remember which one of us is the bad influence. ~ Unknown

I like you because you join in on my weirdness. ~ Unknown

Everyone is a complicated human being, and everyone is strong and weak and funny and scared. ~ Laverne Cox

True friendship is never serene. ~ Marquise de Sevigne

blue quote image says, True friendship is never serene.

I am the friend you have to explain to your other friends before they meet me. ~ Unknown

You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret: Some of the best people are. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland

Let us be elegant or die! ~ Louisa May Alcott

All you need to do to be my friend is like me. ~ Taylor Swift

You might also like these Taylor Swift quotes about friendship .

lucky to be different don't change taylor swift quote on blue art of narwhal.

Laugh with Friends

They say laughter is the best medicine – and nothing’s better than laughs shared with friends.

If you enjoyed this collection of quotes, pin an image to Pinterest, or tweet one out on X.

Love quotes for every season and reason? Check out the best quote sites .

3 young women laughing in afternoon sun says 100 funny friendship quotes to share everywhere.

About Louise Myers

Louise Myers is a graphic design expert whose designs have been featured by Disney, Macy's, WalMart and more. Her straightforward writing style empowers small business owners to make their own graphics for social media success!

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My Best Friend Essay for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

My Best Friend Essay: A best friend is someone with whom you have a strong emotional connection. This person is someone you can confide in, someone you can rely on, and someone you can trust. Your best friend is someone you can share your deepest secrets with and know that they will not judge you. This person is someone you can turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on. Your best friend is someone who will always be there for you, no matter what.

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Friendship is a wonderful gift that not everyone gets to experience. In life, we encounter many people, but only a handful truly touch our hearts. You can read an essay about my best friend here.

To write a great essay about your best friend, you may want to write about why your best friend is important to you, what you enjoy doing together, or a time when you were both there for each other. Here are a few samples to help you write the best essay on your best friend.

500 Words Essay on My Best Friend Essay

Friendship is a wonderful gift that not everyone gets to experience fully. While we meet many people in our journey through life, only a select few truly leave a lasting impression. My best friend is one such remarkable person who has had a profoundly positive impact on my life.

We’ve shared countless moments over the years, and our friendship continues to grow stronger. She has stood by me through thick and thin, and I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have her as my best friend. In this essay, I’ll share how our friendship began and highlight some of her outstanding qualities.

Qualities of My Best Friend

I think the reason I became close to my best friend is because of her amazing qualities. Her bravery always inspired me to speak up against unfairness because she stood up to her bullies. She’s also one of the smartest students, excelling both in academics and life. Her dancing skills are incredible, and she has won many awards to prove it.

But what I admire the most is her kindness. Whether it’s towards people or animals, she treats everyone the same. For example, there was a hurt stray dog in pain, and my best friend not only got him medical help but also adopted him.

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My Bond with My Best Friend

  • Our friendship grew stronger, and we became best friends. Our teachers noticed it too. We helped each other with school and college work and had friendly competition to see who could do better. This motivated us to improve our skills.
  • Besides academics, we both loved playing ping-pong. We joined an academy and practiced together in the evenings. We even played doubles on our college team and won many competitions, making our parents and teachers proud.
  • After school, we took different career paths and lived in different cities for a while. However, fate brought us back together in the same city after a few years. My friend has always been a crucial support in my life.
  • We enjoy watching movies together, especially comedies. We avoid horror movies because they don’t interest us.
  • Abhijeet has been my rock in times of need. He not only helped me with my problems but also became like a son to my family. This strengthened our bond. He always encouraged me to face challenges bravely. I’m grateful to have such a trustworthy friend.

How Important is Friendship in Life?

Friendship important is incredibly . Having a true friend is like having a precious treasure. A friend is someone you can trust and be yourself with. They offer unmatched devotion and honesty.

Your friend is often the most important person in your life. You share your life’s most important moments with them. Best friends support each other through thick and thin. Your best friend’s love and dedication can rival that of your parents and partners.

My Best Friend Essay 10 Lines

  • My best friend’s name is Swati.
  • We are in the same class at Modern High Public School.
  • Swati is a very kind and humble person.
  • We play badminton together every evening.
  • We share everything with each other.
  • Swati is known as the most beautiful girl in our school.
  • She never raises her voice, she always speaks gently.
  • I cherish my friendship with Swati.
  • Her parents know me and treat me like their own.
  • Swati is a special friend to me.

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How did I Meet My Best Friend?

Abhijeet and I met when he joined my school in class two. His parents had recently relocated to our city, and he was there for the first time in a new city, a new school, a new class, and new people all around him. Fortunately, my teacher assigned him to sit next to me in class. He was a little shy at first, but we were both at ease with each other by the end of the day. After a day of getting to know one another, we realized we shared many similarities, making it easy for us to bond faster. There has been no turning back since then.

Below are the list of related essay available at IL

My Best Friend Essay FAQs

Why is bff special.

BFF stands for Best Friends Forever. It's special because it represents a deep and enduring friendship that is expected to last a lifetime. BFFs are the closest and most trusted friends.

What is the full form of BFF?

The full form of BFF is Best Friends Forever. It's used to describe a very close and long-lasting friendship.

How do I write a best friend essay?

She is a pretty girl, I like so much her. I still remember that we were met in our kindergarten class and became great friends forever. She is very entertaining, jolly and helpful in nature. She understands me a lot and become always ready to help me in my all bad or happy conditions.

Who is my favorite friend?

Your best friend is someone you can share your deepest secrets with and know that they will not judge you. This person is someone you can turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on. Your best friend is someone who will always be there for you, no matter what.

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funniest moment with your best friend essay

Finding a best friend is like searching for a long lost treasure. They're rare and hard to find, but the instant you do find your bestie, you know they are golden. There are plenty of friends out there, but a BFF is different. They are the PB to your J, your missing puzzle piece, and simply put, "your person." There are even priceless moments you experience with your best friend that explain why you're so close.

These are the moments that are hard to explain to any outsider, but if you have a BFF you know what I'm talking about. You've most definitely experienced these eight moments with your bestie at least once before. Some of these might even be indicators to you right now that your friendship is taking itself to the next level of forever status. When I find someone who I click with instantly, these things tell me whether I've truly found a BFF.

It's a test, and only those worthy will pass. Luckily, you know you've already found the perfect best friend, and to celebrate that glorious fact, I think it's time to have a bestie night in, go out to your fave restaurant, or just post an throwback Insta showing how much your friendship means.

01 When You Can Say What You're Hungry For At The Count Of Three

funniest moment with your best friend essay

There are moments when you and your BFF can finish each other's sentences. That's when you know you're on the same page. It happens anytime you and your bestie have to decide on where to eat. On the count of three, you say what you're both in the mood for, and almost always, end up saying the same thing. It's like magic.

02 When You've Found The Right Nicknames

funniest moment with your best friend essay

You can't just give each other meaningless nicknames. They have to develop naturally, and when they do, you know it's a special moment. That's when you finally find the S to your B like in Gossip Girl, or the P. Sawyer to your B. Davis from One Tree Hill.

03 When A New Inside Joke Happens

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Inside jokes happen with any close relationship, but between you and your best friend, you have millions. It's no wonder, because you share the same sense of humor. Therefore, you can spend hours just laughing. The best times are the instant new inside jokes are formed, and you know it's a created memory that will always make you smile.

04 When You Realize You've Been Sitting Comfortably In Silence

funniest moment with your best friend essay

A true test of friendship is when you're so comfortable with each other that you can do absolutely nothing together, and still have fun. I know I've found a bestie when I realize that we've been comfortably just hanging for a while, and we're OK with the silence. Of course, it's not long before we're gabbing endlessly, but we don't feel a need to fill every moment with sound.

05 When You Realize You've Been Talking For Hours, But It Felt Like Minutes

funniest moment with your best friend essay

When you're with your best friend, time moves differently. You can talk about anything and everything. Then, you look at the clock and realize you've been on the phone for hours. It's true what they say — time flies when you're having fun.

06 Whenever You Can Be Completely Honest And Share Secrets

funniest moment with your best friend essay

You know you've found a bestie for life when you trust them enough to tell all your secrets. You don't even hesitate before opening up. You just know you can trust them.

07 Whenever You Have Those Late-Night Conversations

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Some of the best talks with your bestie are late at night when you're either at a diner or just hanging out on the couch. You get into your fears, your dreams, and even philosophies on life. It's those deep convos that bring you closer together and make your relationship unique.

08 When You Can Look At Each Other And Know What The Other Is Thinking

funniest moment with your best friend essay

I love the times when I can look at my best friend from across the room, give her a look, and she knows exactly what I'm thinking. That's when I know that we're not only on the same page, but she gets me. It's such a special moment between besties that you almost start believing in telepathy.

This article was originally published on 05.08.19

funniest moment with your best friend essay

61 Fun Things to Do With Your Best Friend

Scientifically reviewed by Viktor Sander B.Sc., B.A.

For those of us lucky enough to have a best friend, we know how important they are in our lives and how lost we would be without them.

Chances are, if you’ve been friends for a long time, it feels like you’ve done it all. If you’re bored, it’s important that you look for new inspiration to keep your friendship fun.

That’s why we’ve put together the following 61 ideas for you to do with your best friend. We have ideas that are free and fun, plus one-of-a-kind, wild experiences that are sure to help you and your bestie bond for life.

  • Crazy things
  • In the summer
  • On Facetime
  • At a sleepover
  • On their birthday
  • With your teenage best friend at home

Things to do with your best friend at home

If you’re stuck inside with your best friend and need some good inspiration, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are some fun ideas for you two to try out.

1. Do a “paint along” YouTube class

If you want to try out a new skill, then learning something with your bestie is a great way to do so! Doing online painting classes together is a cheap and fun way to bond with your best friend. Here is a tutorial for you to try out if you’re unsure where to start.

2. Play a board game or card game together

If you want something fun to do together, then playing board games is always a great way to spend quality time. If you’re unsure of which board games you can play with just two people, then here is a list of 20 fan favorites .

3. Pick a new interesting recipe and cook it together

Instead of eating out or ordering in, cooking is a good way to save money and enjoy spending time with your best friend. Have fun picking out a random recipe online and putting your cooking skills to the test.

4. Do an online course together

There are plenty of amazing resources for doing online courses nowadays. A popular option is skillshare which has tons of free classes, as well as a cheap membership fee. Level up alongside your BFF!

5. Learn how to make a fancy drink

If you’re hanging out at home and want to add a little zest to your night, why not try making a fun new cocktail recipe? Of course, you can always substitute ingredients to make something non-alcoholic but just as delicious!

6. Learn a new language together

Learning a new language is a skill you’ll carry with you forever, and learning a new language with your best friend might be the perfect way to stay motivated. You’ll be able to spill the tea with them in a new language, and who knows, maybe it will inspire a trip abroad.

7. Pick a new series and watch it together

Sometimes a chill night with your bestie is exactly what the heart needs. Have fun picking out a new series together , and enjoy watching it with a bowl of popcorn. Resisting the temptation to binge the whole series on your own might be hard, but saving it to watch with your friend will be worth the effort.

8. Do a clothing exchange with them

Staying excited about your wardrobe isn’t always easy. Instead of always shopping to keep your wardrobe feeling fresh, why not set up a date to do a clothing exchange with your girl best friend? You’ll both save money and help to keep each other feeling beautiful.

9. Listen to an inspiring audiobook or podcast

When you’re bored at home and looking for something inspiring for you and your bestie to do together, listening to an audiobook or a podcast is always a great option. Audible is a resource for audiobooks, and YouTube has a ton of inspiring podcasts, ‘The School of Greatness’ being a popular choice.

10. Do a tarot reading

Tarot readings have been growing in popularity recently. If you’re looking for a fun and random way to connect with your bestie, buy a deck and do readings for each other. It will give you insight into each other’s lives and is a unique way to connect.

11. Give each other henna tattoos

If you’re not sure what to do with your bestie and want something new and creative to do together, henna is a cheap and fun option. You can spend hours creating beautiful designs like this , and you don’t need any previous art experience to get good results.

12. Research side hustles

Friends that grow together stay together! If you’re bored, it’s never a bad idea to set some new goals and start working towards them with your bestie. Spend some time researching a new side hustle and enjoy bringing some inspiration and extra cash into your life.

Here are more ideas of fun things to do with friends . And if you and your bestie are on a budget, you might like this list of low-cost things to do with friends for inspiration.

Crazy things to do with your best friend

Tired of the same old, same old? Then you’ve come to the right place. Have fun with these crazy suggestions for you and your BFF.

1. Thrift for funny outfits and head out on the town

If you want to spend a fun evening with your bestie and don’t mind looking a little silly, then we’ve got just the thing. Go to the nearest thrift store and pick out an outfit for your best friend that they have to wear out that night. The more ridiculous, the better. Just remember they’re doing the same for you! Enjoy an evening full of laughs afterward.

2. Go on a Tinder double date

If you’re looking for some fun, create a profile with your best friend and find two other besties that are game to take you two out. Double dates are an easy way to take the pressure off and just have fun!

3. Go skydiving

This suggestion isn’t for the faint of heart! There aren’t many crazier ways that you could spend an afternoon with your bestie than jumping out of an airplane.

4. Explore a haunted house

The first rule of going to a haunted house: never go alone. Going to explore a spooky spot with your best friend is a sure way to get your adrenaline pumping. Bonus points if you go at night.

5. Book a last-minute trip

Traveling with your best friend is one of the best ways to bond. Start researching fun places to go together or take the leap and book a flight to that one place the two of you have always dreamed about going together.

6. Dye or cut each other’s hair

If you’re wondering what you can do with your bestie to keep things interesting, this is a great idea for you to test out. Make sure you really trust your bestie before taking the leap and letting them choose a new hairstyle for you.

7. Get matching tattoos

This suggestion might be a little cliche, but there’s a reason that it’s so popular. Nothing shows that you love your best friend like a matching tattoo with them!

8. Stay awake for 36 hours

How you want to make this happen is up to you, but I think we can all agree that all the wildest nights end with little or no sleep.

9. Set each other up on blind dates

How much do you trust your BFF’s taste in men or women? If you’re feeling up for a unique night, let them set you up on a blind date. Maybe you’ll end up with the love of your life. If not, at least you’ll have an interesting story.

Things to do with your best friend in the summer

Summer is the time for you to get outside and make the most out of your day! If you’re looking for some special ways to spend sunny days with your best friend, then here are 12 ideas for you.

1. Go on a day trip to the beach

If you’re looking to spend a fun day outdoors with your best friend, then heading to the nearest beach is always a good plan. If you don’t have a car to get you there, try arranging a shuttle or finding some other friends that want to join you.

2. Go on a hike together

Getting outside and getting a sweat on is a healthy and fun way to spend time with your bestie! Enjoy the great outdoors while also doing something good for yourself and your girl or guy best friend.

3. Try acro yoga

Find a nice, grassy spot outside and have fun trying some new moves. Although acro yoga isn’t easy, and there are bound to be a few drops, it’s a really fun and unique way to get outside and connect with your bestie without distractions. Here are a few great moves to start out with .

4. Enjoy a run outside

Although a run might not be everybody’s idea of a great time, the feeling you get when you’re done is worth all the pain. Get your sweat on while enjoying all that nature has to offer.

5. Go to a U-Pick farm

Having a best friend that you can do romantic date activities with is a dream come true. Have fun picking fresh fruit or berries and enjoying them together. If you want to go a step further, find a recipe for jam and get busy in the kitchen.

6. Do a beautiful outdoor photoshoot

If you’re wanting to up your game on Instagram, or just find a new way to enjoy an afternoon outside, then planning an outdoor photoshoot is a great idea. Pick out a few cute outfits, bring some simple props like flowers or a scarf, and enjoy creating magic! Visiting pumpkin patches for a fun photoshoot is another fun option.

7. Plant a garden together

There are very few things in life more fulfilling than bringing a garden to life. If you don’t have outdoor space, then turning your balcony into a garden oasis is always an option.

8. Go camping

If you’re looking for a peaceful way to spend a weekend with your best friend, then pitch a tent in a beautiful spot and enjoy! If you’ve never been camping before and need some inspiration and guidance, then here is a great camping guide for beginners .

9. Plan a romantic picnic together

If you’ve always dreamt of enjoying a romantic picnic date, then there’s no reason that you can’t make it happen with your best friend. Buy some tasty snacks, a beverage of your choice, and pick out a picturesque place nearby. Enjoy!

10. Go watch a sunrise or sunset

Whether you decide to enjoy a sunrise or sunset will depend on how you feel about early mornings, but getting outside to watch either is always a special treat.

11. Go to an outdoor music festival together

Summer is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy some music. You can visit a small concert in your city during the evening or dedicate yourself to an entire weekend of fun at an outdoor camping music festival. Either way, make sure you bring your bestie along and make some memories.

12. Rent paddleboards

I think all of us have seen the beautiful photos of people doing yoga on paddleboards. And while your paddleboard adventure might look a little different, it will definitely be fun.

You might also be interested in this list of fun things to do with friends in summer .

Things to do with your best friend online

Whether you are separated by distance or sitting together and want some fun ideas for screen time together, here are 7 fun online ideas for you and your bestie.

1. Record Tik Toks together

I think we’ve all seen the Tik Toks of best friends doing dance routines together, and they’re always a vibe. You might not have the best moves, but not taking yourself too seriously and just having fun with it should be the goal.

2. Do a makeup tutorial

If there’s a makeup look you’ve been wanting to try out, then here’s your chance. Maybe you want to learn how to ace a simple smokey eye or experiment to find out which eyeliner style looks best on you . Doing this with your bestie when you have nowhere to go after is the best time to test your skills.

3. Go online shopping together

We all know how difficult it can be shopping without your bestie, and the same applies to online shopping. Relax together while browsing new fits.

4. Research travel destinations for a BFF adventure

Have you and your BFF always wanted to go on vacation together? A great way to get the inspiration flowing and figure out where you want to go is by watching travel videos together. There are so many amazing blogs online for you to check out.

5. Do an online workout together

Whether you are just starting out or need some help staying consistent, working out with your bestie can help you to accomplish your workout goals. If you’re unsure where to start, here are some workout videos to get you started.

6. Do some virtual home-shopping

Whether your dream home is a mansion or a tiny-home, it’s always nice to know what is out there. If you’re bored at home with your bestie, browsing realtor agencies or Pinterest for some dream-home ideas can be a great way to spend an afternoon.

7. Make vision boards together

Creating vision boards is an excellent way to get intentional about what you’re trying to create in your life right now. List out all of the things that you want to manifest, and then enjoy bringing them to life using unique photos and quotes. For a better idea of how to do this using Pinterest, here is an easy guide .

Go here for more ideas on fun things to do with your friends online .

Fun things to do on Facetime with your best friend

If the only way you’re able to connect with your bestie is virtually, then finding ways to make your hangouts fun is important. Here is a list of things to do on Facetime with your BFF.

1. Have an online dance party

Pick out a special outfit that’s been waiting to make its debut, and then have an online dance party with your bestie. You two can go back and forth choosing your favorite song and have fun dancing like nobody’s watching.

2. Play “Would you rather”

This suggestion might bring you back to your high school days, but let’s be honest, “Would you rather” never gets old. Get to know your bestie a little better while also enjoying a good laugh with them.

3. Play “Never have I ever”

“Never have I ever” is always a popular game choice because it’s free, easy, and most of all, fun. You can play this game with drinks or just put a finger down every time you’ve done something your bestie hasn’t.

Things to do at a sleepover with your best friend

If you’re having a sleepover with your bestie and wondering what you can do together at night, then here is a list of 7 fun at-home sleepover ideas.

1. Make at-home face masks

Doing face masks is probably the most classic way to spend time during a sleepover, and there’s a good reason for it. Gorgeous girls love taking good care of their skin! Here are some mask ideas that you can easily make at home.

2. Learn how to French braid

French braids are one of the cutest hairstyles out there, but they’re definitely not easy to perfect. If you’re hanging out at home, check out a French braid tutorial , and get some practice in by braiding your bestie’s hair.

3. Paint together

Buy a couple of canvases and start painting! If you want to take your paint night to the next level, try setting a timer and switching canvases every five minutes. Have fun seeing what the two of you come up with together.

4. Decorate a cake or cupcakes

Pick up all the sprinkles and frosting that your heart desires, and then enjoy an evening of decorating a cake or cupcakes with your bestie. Of course, the cherry on top is getting to eat them afterward.

5. Have an at-home camping trip

Either break out your tent or create a comfy pillow-fort and experience the great outdoors from the comfort of your own home. You can set up some ambient lighting, tell spooky ghost stories, and eat some camping-themed foods like hot dogs.

6. Make pizza from scratch

If you’re bored at home and have some time to kill, then skip the restaurant and enjoy the cheap and fun option of making a pizza from scratch.

7. Buy a new board game to play together

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend an evening with your bestie, then buying a new board game for the two of you to play is a perfect way to pass the time. You can spend hours learning how to play a new board game, and it’s always a fun way to connect.

Things to do for your best friend on their birthday

Your bestie’s birthday is all about them. As their best friend, it’s your duty to make sure they feel all the love on their special day. Here are 6 fun and thoughtful ideas.

1. Surprise party

Surprise parties aren’t for everyone. But if you know that your friend loves big events and any excuse to party, then throwing them a surprise party is the perfect way to kick off their big day! Let them enjoy spending their big day with all of their favorite people without the stress of having to organize it.

2. Treat them to a day at the spa

If you’re looking for something that you and your best friend can do together for their birthday, then why not treat the two of you to a relaxing day at the spa. You never need an excuse to pamper yourself!

3. Buy a film camera and record their special day

We live in a world that’s full of photos, but there’s something special about turning a special moment into something tangible. If you’re looking for a unique way to make their birthday extra special, then bring a film camera to record the moment.

4. Have a girls’ weekend away

There are few things more memorable than enjoying a trip out of town with someone you love. If you want to make your bestie’s birthday extra special, then try a weekend of exploring a new city and getting into trouble together.

5. Book an appointment with a makeup artist

If you want to make a night out or dinner with friends extra special for your bestie’s birthday, then booking an appointment with a professional makeup artist might be just the move. Get ready for all the next-level Instagram content!

6. Print and frame your favorite moments

Chances are, you and your bestie have more than a few hilarious and beautiful photos together. If you’re looking for a cheap and thoughtful gift for your bestie, then try printing off a few of their favorite photos of the two of you.

Things to do with your teenage best friend at home

If you’re stuck at home and want some new ideas to keep you and your bestie entertained, then you came to the right place. These 5 fun things to do with your best friend are ideal for 12-year-olds and teenagers.

1. Make friendship bracelets

When you’re bored with your best friend, finding some creative new ways to spend your time with them is a must. Making friendship bracelets for each other is a unique way to get creative and show your bestie how much you love them. Here is a guide on some different designs for you to test out.

2. Make time capsules

Imagine opening up a time capsule that you created for yourself in ten years! If you and your bestie are looking for something cheap and fun to do together, then try stuffing a container with your favorite photos, letters to yourself, and more for you to open together in a decade.

3 Have a tea party

Getting dressed up in your Sunday best to enjoy sipping tea is an adorable way to spend an afternoon with your BFF.

4. Try an online yoga class

Have you ever wanted to be able to do all the fancy handstands and beautiful bendy poses that you see from your favorite influencers? It might take some time to get there, but there is no better time to start than now. Here are some amazing yoga flows to get you started.

If you loved many ideas you and your BFF can create a bucket list .

How to Become Friends With Someone (Fast)

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How to Describe Your Best Friend in a Paragraph

Last Updated: May 23, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Seth Hall and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano . Seth T. Hall (ICF ACC, CLC, and MNLP) is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Transformational Solutions, a Los Angeles-based life-coaching company that helps people achieve their toughest goals, find their own voice, and think outside the box. He has been a life coach for over 10 years, specializing in personal development, relationships, career and finance, and wellness. He has helped his clients break the negative cycles in their lives and replace them with a positive, proactive mindset. Seth believes that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, and works passionately to help them reach their full potential. With a deep understanding of how our minds work and the power of positive thinking, he encourages his clients to find their unique paths in life and find success on their own terms. He is a certified master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a featured co-author for WikiHow, and co-author of "The Mountain Method”, “The Happy Tiger”, and “The V.I.S.I.O.N.S. Program”. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 49,620 times.

If you want to make your bestie laugh and smile, you’ve come to the right place. All you need to do is write from the heart, and we’ll show you how to do just that. Here, you’ll find a ton of examples that range from sweet to funny. Read on for some inspo and craft your own beautiful paragraph to describe your best friend!

Grateful paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

BFF paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Cute paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Devoted paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Funny paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Good morning paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Adventurous paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Sentimental paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Family paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Memory paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Acceptance paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Faith paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Adoring paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Artistic paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Impressed paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Lesson paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Loyalty paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Inspired paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Trusting paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Loving paragraph

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Expert Q&A

  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/gratitude-practice.html
  • ↑ https://positivepsychology.com/how-to-express-gratitude/
  • ↑ https://positivepsychology.com/gratitude-messages-letters-lists/
  • ↑ https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/gratitude.htm

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Seth Hall

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Paragraph on My Best Friend

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funniest moment with your best friend essay

My best friend embodies an unwavering tone of loyalty and understanding. Through every high and low, they stand by me, a steadfast companion. In their presence, laughter finds its home, and secrets find refuge. In every paragraph of my life, their friendship is the punctuation that makes it whole.

Checkout → Free Paragraph Writer Tool

Short Paragraph on My Best Friend

My best friend, Sarah, is a constant source of joy and support in my life. Her kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor make every moment spent with her special. We share countless memories, from heartfelt conversations to fun adventures. Sarah’s unwavering support and understanding make her an irreplaceable part of my life.

Medium Paragraph on My Best Friend

My best friend, Sarah, has been a significant and cherished part of my life for many years. Her kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor have brought immense joy and comfort to me. We share countless memories, from heartfelt conversations to exciting adventures. Sarah’s ability to understand and support me through all of life’s ups and downs is truly remarkable. She has a unique way of making even the toughest situations seem manageable, offering wise advice and a shoulder to lean on. Our friendship is built on trust, mutual respect, and a deep connection that continues to grow stronger with time. I am incredibly grateful to have Sarah as my best friend.

Long Paragraph on My Best Friend

My best friend, Sarah, has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. Her unwavering support, kindness, and infectious sense of humor have enriched my life in countless ways. We have shared numerous experiences, from childhood adventures and school projects to late-night conversations and heartfelt moments. Sarah has an incredible ability to understand me, often knowing what I need even before I do. Her loyalty and dedication to our friendship have been a constant source of strength and comfort, especially during challenging times. Sarah’s positive outlook on life and her ability to find joy in the simplest things make her a truly special person. Our bond is built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and a deep emotional connection that has only grown stronger over the years. Whether we are embarking on new adventures or simply enjoying each other’s company, Sarah’s presence always brings a sense of happiness and security. I am profoundly grateful for her friendship and the invaluable role she plays in my life. Sarah is not just a friend; she is family, and I cherish every moment we spend together.

Tone-wise Paragraph Examples on My Best Friend

Formal tone.

My best friend, Sarah, has been an indispensable part of my life for many years. Her unwavering support, kindness, and impeccable sense of humor have significantly enriched my life. We share a myriad of experiences, ranging from profound conversations to exciting adventures. Sarah’s ability to understand and provide support during challenging times is remarkable. Our friendship is grounded in trust, mutual respect, and a deep emotional connection. Her presence in my life is a constant source of strength and comfort, and I am profoundly grateful for her unwavering support and friendship.

Informal Tone

My best friend, Sarah, is absolutely amazing! She’s always there for me, making me laugh and helping me through tough times. We’ve had so many fun adventures together and shared countless deep conversations. Sarah gets me like no one else and knows how to make everything better. Our bond is unbreakable, built on trust and tons of great memories. I’m so lucky to have her in my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together.

Persuasive Tone

Consider the incredible value of having a best friend like Sarah in your life. Her kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor have made an immense difference in my world. Sarah’s unwavering support and understanding during tough times provide a sense of security and comfort that is truly invaluable. Our shared experiences and deep connection have enriched my life beyond measure. Having a friend like Sarah, who you can trust implicitly and rely on unconditionally, is a priceless gift. Embrace the opportunity to nurture and cherish such friendships, as they bring profound joy and strength to our lives.

Reflective Tone

Reflecting on my friendship with Sarah, I am filled with gratitude and joy. Her unwavering support, kindness, and infectious humor have been cornerstones of our bond. We have shared countless experiences, from heartfelt conversations to exciting adventures, each strengthening our connection. Sarah’s ability to understand and support me during challenging times is truly remarkable. Our friendship, built on trust and mutual respect, has been a constant source of comfort and happiness. Sarah’s presence in my life has taught me the value of true friendship and the profound impact it can have.

Inspirational Tone

Embrace the profound impact that a best friend like Sarah can have on your life. Sarah’s kindness, loyalty, and boundless humor have enriched my world in countless ways. Her unwavering support during challenging times and her ability to find joy in every moment inspire me daily. Our friendship, built on trust and mutual respect, is a testament to the power of true connection. Let the presence of a best friend like Sarah inspire you to cherish and nurture your friendships, recognizing the immense joy and strength they bring to your life.

Optimistic Tone

My best friend, Sarah, is a constant source of joy and positivity in my life. Her kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor make every moment we spend together special. We share countless memories, from fun adventures to deep conversations. Sarah’s unwavering support and understanding during tough times bring immense comfort. Our friendship, built on trust and mutual respect, is a cherished part of my life. I am incredibly grateful for Sarah and the happiness she brings. Together, we navigate life’s challenges and celebrate its joys, always with a smile.

Urgent Tone

Now is the time to recognize and appreciate the incredible value of having a best friend like Sarah. Her unwavering support, kindness, and sense of humor have profoundly enriched my life. Sarah’s ability to understand and provide comfort during challenging times is truly remarkable. Our shared experiences and deep connection have strengthened our bond, making it a vital source of strength and comfort. Don’t take such friendships for granted. Act now to cherish and nurture these invaluable relationships, as they bring immense joy, support, and resilience to our lives. Embrace the profound impact a best friend like Sarah can have.

Word Count-wise Paragraph Examples on My Best Friend

My best friend, Sarah, brings immense joy and support to my life. Her kindness, loyalty, and humor make every moment special. We share countless memories, from fun adventures to heartfelt conversations. Sarah’s unwavering support and understanding make her an irreplaceable part of my life. I am deeply grateful for her friendship.

My best friend, Sarah, has been a significant and cherished part of my life for many years. Her kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor have brought immense joy and comfort to me. We share countless memories, from heartfelt conversations to exciting adventures. Sarah’s ability to understand and support me through all of life’s ups and downs is truly remarkable. She has a unique way of making even the toughest situations seem manageable, offering wise advice and a shoulder to lean on. I am incredibly grateful to have Sarah as my best friend.

My best friend, Sarah, has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. Her unwavering support, kindness, and infectious sense of humor have enriched my life in countless ways. We have shared numerous experiences, from childhood adventures and school projects to late-night conversations and heartfelt moments. Sarah has an incredible ability to understand me, often knowing what I need even before I do. Her loyalty and dedication to our friendship have been a constant source of strength and comfort, especially during challenging times. Sarah’s positive outlook on life and her ability to find joy in the simplest things make her a truly special person.

My best friend, Sarah, has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. Her unwavering support, kindness, and infectious sense of humor have enriched my life in countless ways. We have shared numerous experiences, from childhood adventures and school projects to late-night conversations and heartfelt moments. Sarah has an incredible ability to understand me, often knowing what I need even before I do. Her loyalty and dedication to our friendship have been a constant source of strength and comfort, especially during challenging times. Sarah’s positive outlook on life and her ability to find joy in the simplest things make her a truly special person. Our bond is built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and a deep emotional connection that has only grown stronger over the years. Whether we are embarking on new adventures or simply enjoying each other’s company, Sarah’s presence always brings a sense of happiness and security.

My best friend, Sarah, has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. Her unwavering support, kindness, and infectious sense of humor have enriched my life in countless ways. We have shared numerous experiences, from childhood adventures and school projects to late-night conversations and heartfelt moments. Sarah has an incredible ability to understand me, often knowing what I need even before I do. Her loyalty and dedication to our friendship have been a constant source of strength and comfort, especially during challenging times. Sarah’s positive outlook on life and her ability to find joy in the simplest things make her a truly special person. Our bond is built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and a deep emotional connection that has only grown stronger over the years. Whether we are embarking on new adventures or simply enjoying each other’s company, Sarah’s presence always brings a sense of happiness and security. I am profoundly grateful for her friendship and the invaluable role she plays in my life. Sarah is not just a friend; she is family, and I cherish every moment we spend together. Her influence has shaped who I am today, and her unwavering support continues to inspire me to be the best version of myself.


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51 Best Friend Paragraphs: Long and Short Paragraphs for Your BFF


51 Best Friend Paragraphs, Long and Short Paragraphs for Your BFF

So you thought you could only have one “ bestie .” Wrong. You will encounter many different people at different phases of your life. That means you will likely find several individuals you might consider your best friend.

SnapChat’s Friendship Report says a person may have two to six best friends. A best friend, the report notes, is typically found at age 21, after high school and early college years. (1) A British study by anthropologist Robin Dunbar concurs that humans, in certain circumstances, can handle five besties. (2)

How does a best friend affect our lives? Our best friend plays a crucial role in our lives, giving us a sense of belonging when we feel lonesome, a boost when we’re discouraged, and warmth when we’re blue. We may never realize how our best friends have managed to make a huge impact, but their influence in our lives will definitely go beyond time and expectation.

How does a best friend affect our lives? Spending considerable time with a best friend leads to what’s known as “ mirroring .” Have you noticed you and your best friend perhaps have the same tastes in food, clothes, and more? Sometimes you utter the same words at the same time then marvel at the coincidence.

Dr. Carolyn Parkinson, a cognitive scientist at the University of California , Los Angeles, says, “I was struck by the exceptional magnitude of similarity among friends.” One study suggests friends might be similar in how they pay attention to and process the world around them. That means, she says, “shared processing could make people click more easily and have the sort of seamless social interaction that can feel so rewarding.” (3)

True friends gives us a sense of comfort so paramount that we tend to seek and turn to them first, often over our own families. One study explains individuals, particularly teens, cope with stress better when they’re around peers. Friends become an important source of encouragement and they can simply take their mind off worries. (4)

We have gathered some best friend paragraphs you can send to your dear friend, whether they are male or female.

And Our Expert Says…

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Karen Salmansohn

Bestselling author “ Friends Forever “

funniest moment with your best friend essay

  • One of the best miracle growth formulas for a friendship is appreciation. So send random texts letting your bestie know you appreciate specific things they’ve said or done. Sometimes a small text is worth a thousand words. Or gift your BFF something small – which you know they’ll love – with a short note of appreciation (aka: a favorite aromatherapy candle, a funny coffee mug, a friendship book )

Nice Samples of Long Paragraphs to Send to Your Best Friend

Don’t have the right words to express gratitude to your best friend ? A long best friend paragraph with words of appreciation is appropriate to use.

We bet your loyal friend will be over the moon to receive these long best friends paragraphs on a special occasion (for example, as a birthday gift or a happy national best friends day paragraph) or on a typical day, simply because you wanted to make them happy.

  • There will be times when we will no longer see each other as often as we used to; there will be a moment of ups and downs in our journey on the path of friendship; there will be a time when the stormy weather of life will seem to break the bond between us and there will be a moment when we would want to call it quits between us. I want you to know that I will not give up on us, at least not without a fight, because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me in life and I won’t trade you for the finest pearl in the world. Come rain or the sunshine, you will always be my best friend forever. I love you, bestie.
  • Hello my sweetest friend, I want you to know that I’m blessed to have a great friend like you. Your friendship is invaluable to place a price tag on, and it’s more precious than the finest gold and silver in the entire universe. You’ve touched my heart in so many ways that I could never have thought of your care and love and I will always treasure our friendship with every breath in me. I love you, my beautiful friend.
  • One million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets, one reason: best friends. I hope that as we grow older we make even more memories, jokes, and shared secrets. I can already imagine us becoming old biddies who take our morning walks together as we gossip about what’s going on in our lives. Your friendship is for keeps, and I intend to keep it forever.
  • We’ve been together and we’ve been apart. There have been miles between us, and even hours in some cases, but we’ve always stayed friends. No matter what obstacles have been thrown in our path or how many other people have tried to tear our friendship in two, we’ve stood the test of time. Most people aren’t lucky enough to have such a strong friendship in their lifetimes, but I know how lucky I am to call you my best friend.
  • You’ve always been by my side since we were little kids. From youngsters with scraped knees to teenagers with broken hearts, we’ve always had each other’s backs. You’re the best friend anyone can ask for, and I just want to thank you for being with me through all this time. I love you best friend!
  • I have a life filled with phenomenal and unforgettable memories thanks to you. You are one lovely human being who never judges me, who always supports me despite all the crazy things I have on my mind. You are such a blessing in my life, and I hope we will remain the same crazy best friends forever. I have many friends, but only you have a special place in my heart. We met when we were little kids and grew up together. I am so happy to enjoy this wonderful adventure called life with you. You inspire me to be a better person and a better friend. I love you so much!

Useful Paragraphs for Him or Her to Say ‘You Are My Best Friend’

Friendship is not about a one-sided relationship. It is such a rare bond with a special person that both of you cherish and nurture every day. Is your best friend a rare treasure?

Is he or she the only person you can count on? Are you thankful for all the support your awesome friend provides? Prove this to your sweet friend by actions as well as with words. Reminders, such as long and short paragraphs are appreciated.

  • You have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be and I hope that I can somehow repay you for everything that you have done for me. Without you, I would be a completely different person. You have taught me so much about life and because of you, I truly know what love is.
  • Saying that you’re special is an understatement. I hope that you know this, and not just know it, but really believe it. We’ve been through ups and downs, so I can honestly say what makes you stand out as the amazing friend that you are. I’m one of the few lucky ones that get to know every single shade of you.
  • I love you for all that you are, for all of our memories, all of the fun times, all of the times we’ve supported each other, all of the times we’ve grown. We’ve really become a part of each other’s journey, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • I would have given you a concert ticket or a car because that’s what you wished but I only have a heart that can love you until the end. And this sweater I brought because you will look good on it.
  • Friends like you are hard to find, which is why I am everyday grateful that I have found you a long time ago. We had a lot of ups and downs but still, you never left my side. I just want you to know that I will always be here for you.
  • I am infinitely thankful to the Universe that I have such a great friend. You are the only person who knows all my secrets but never tells anyone about them. You are the only friend who cried with me in childhood from disappointment and had fun in my teens. You have been with me all my life, and I cannot imagine my future without you. Thank you for being such a good friend and a supportive person. I want you to be in my life forever.

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Cute Paragraphs to Write to Your Best Friend to Keep Contact

Having a best friend is such a huge blessing since friendship is one of the most significant connections we may have in life. Yet, it’s simple to get caught up in our busy lives and lose contact with the people that mean the most.

No matter how far away you may be or how hectic your schedule may get, it’s crucial to make an effort to keep in touch with your close friend. One simple method to achieve this is by sending emotional deep best friend paragraphs to your worthy friend, telling them how much they mean to you and how thankful you are to have their support no matter what happens.

  • Thank you for letting our friendship be known. There is nothing I value more than my relationship with you, and it seems that everyone knows that. Thank you for sticking by my side, even if we don’t see each other as much as we did before, and for never forgetting about me. I appreciate that more than you could ever know.
  • Like peas in a pod, we bond. We have transcended the realm of friendship, we have become family. To my friend who sticks closer than a sister, I love you and here’s saying I’ll always be here for you.
  • You have always been a source of succor to me and well, I to you. I’ll always be there for you darling just as I know you’ll always be there for me. Nothing can break this bond of friendship. I love you so much.
  • I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are my world, and I would do anything for you. You’re one of the biggest reasons I found what my calling was and am following my own dreams. If you ever need me for anything, I do mean anything, know that I’ll be there in a flash.
  • Honestly, I can talk about you all day and all through the night, and even now I have a million more things to say. Be that as it may, too many words get to be good for nothing, so I’ll simply end it at “you’re the most magnificent individual I’ve ever met, and I can’t envision not having you in my life.

Cute Paragraphs to Send to Your Friend for Pleasure

The following sweet paragraphs for your best friend are ideal to send to those people who are with you in joy and sorrow.

  • Blessed is the one who has a friend to help him up when he falls. I’m indeed blessed to have found a helping hand in you. Thanks for always being there, for always giving listening ears, for always wiping my tears. Thanks for everything. You’re the best best friend.
  • Not any friendship lasts forever, but I am sure that we will remain friends for the rest of our lives. How can I be so certain? You are the second half of my soul, you are my partner in crime, you are my role model, and my greatest support. A friend like you is one in a million, and I am so happy to have you in my life. I love you so much.
  • You have taught me so much and I only wish you have the best. I know that things might get rough, but I am always here for you. Please, don’t change yourself for anyone. You are great as YOU. You will go and do great things. I will see you soon.
  • I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you. Friendship is one of the most rewarding things life has to offer, and I refuse to take it for granted. I refuse to take you for granted. You, my best friend, my sister, my partner-in-crime. Even when all I can see is the worst in me, you still see the best. You remind me who I am, and who I want to be. You make me a better person.
  • I can honestly say I’ve found a true friend in you and I hope in 20 years we’ll be able to look back at our past together and just be so happy we had such a close and meaningful friendship. You are truly the best friend I’ve ever had and I love you to bits!
  • Our friendship is more than just whether or not you come shopping with me or want to go sing karaoke with the girls. Our friendship is about you and me, ever-changing human beings who have decided we are going to love each other through this life.

Nice Funny Bff Paragraph with Emojis

Funny paragraphs to send your best friend are a special way to communicate with your best friends.

  • These years have been some of the best of my life. Every time we hang, talk, bond I will cherish those moments for the rest of my life. You are the one I can truly trust with everything that I own because that’s where our friendship has taken us and I could never ask anyone else for a best friend. I hope maybe one day we can add another “f” to the end of “BF” cause’ that’s the way I hope it’s meant to be and your friendship is one in a trillion and I would never change it. I will always be there for you through thick and thin and that’s a promise.
  • You are one of the most intelligent young women I have ever met, not to mention sweet, kind-hearted, happy, hilarious, loving, and absolutely beautiful. You have a heart of gold and a personality that should be cherished and preserved in a glass box. You have such an amazing effect on me and my life daily. You make me laugh when I all I want to do is cry. Your smile is as contagious as the flu and whenever you’re sad I feel like I should be too. You really are an absolutely incredible individual. I have never in my whole life been so lucky and proud to have someone like you. You, and only you, are my best friend.
  • With you by my side the world is a better place. The sun shines a little bit brighter, my smile grows a little bit wider, and in that moment, my problems are no more. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. You are selfless, compassionate and wise beyond your years. I truly believe I hit friendship gold when you skipped into my life and filled my days with laughter, happy tears, and enchantment.
  • I met you as a stranger, then took you as my friend. Our friendship is something that will never end. When I was in darkness that needed some light, You came to me and hugged me tight.
  • Thank you for being my partner-in-crime, my drinking buddy, my road trippin’ companion, my telepathic pal, my gossip girl, my personal life coach, my dancing partner and so much more. Thank you for all the glorious memories, wrapped up in a bow of nostalgia, so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye. Thank you for the times when we laughed so hard a little bit of wee popped out, the times we danced like no one was watching, the times we talked until the cows came home, milked into a thousand saucers, and said ‘Screw this, I’m going to bed!’.
  • Even though I may be having the worst day ever, you always manage to make me laugh. You are the cheese to my macaroni and vinegar to my oil.
  • I love how we can talk about anything and everything, from our deepest fears to the most ridiculous memes . I appreciate all the kind gestures and your inspiring words that always lift me.

Sweet Paragraphs for Your Best Friend to Wake Up to

Is your best friend about to celebrate a special occasion? Wake him or her up with the help of one of these girl or boy best friend paragraphs copy and paste to bring a spark to the new day.

  • Know what, pal? Life is great. Sitting here, drinking coffee and watching the sunrise brings me so much pleasure. There is only one little thing I regret: you’re not here with me. Hope you are having a delightful morning too.
  • People can’t imagine life on the planet without the sun, but I can’t imagine my life without you, my friend. Good morning and have an exciting day!
  • They usually wish a happy birthday or a happy new year, but I want to wish you a happy day. Because you can turn each new day into a wonderful and remarkable holiday. It’s up to us. Good morning to the best of the best!
  • Good morning! I hope you have an amazing day today. May your worries and fears be non-existent. May people see just how amazing you are. May you be showered with exciting new opportunities and prospects. There’s no other person who deserves it more than you. If there’s anything I can do to make your day easier and happier, you know where to find me!
  • This morning I awoke and was reminded of the preciousness of life. I realized I should express my gratitude to those who are so very important to me. Thank you for all you have done and have a great day!

What to Write in Best Friend Paragraphs for Him?

These ideas of what to write in a paragraph for your best friend will help you quickly find the right words. These short and long best friend paragraphs are suitable for both him and her.

  • If you need to be spontaneous, call me at 3 p.m. on a Tuesday and tell me what you want to do. Even if I can’t get away, I can give you a few minutes so we can daydream about the adventures we’re going to have one day.
  • Our friendship is perfect which makes me so happy. It seems as though we were meant to be best friends and I’m glad we’ve finally figured that out because I don’t think I would make it through high school without you. You are my shoulder to cry on and my arm to lean on and I am the same for you. There are not that many people in my life that I would die for, but when it comes to you I would die a million times over if that was what you wanted me to do. You are the best, best friend anyone could ever ask for and I appreciate everything about you
  • We’re best friends because I can take you anywhere and you’ll adapt. Whether it’s the chicest party or some insufferable family gathering, you’ll deal with it like a champ. I don’t have to worry about leaving you alone or keeping you entertained. You go do your thing. I do mine.
  • You’re my best friend because you’re not afraid to call me out on my crap or disagree with me. I can’t get away with anything when I’m with you. You’ll tell me things that I need to hear but everyone else is too afraid to tell me. Your honesty is so damn refreshing albeit a bitter pill to swallow sometimes.
  • Best friendships are like soccer matches. Many more goals are achieved when we work together. You know me so well and yet you stick around. You are either a sensational friend or a little bit crazy. Either way, you are here! I hope to reciprocate your devotion of friendship in the years to come.

Long Paragraph with Beautiful Words for Boy Best Friend

Forget the idea that men only like reading short comments. Try one of these cute notes to write to your best friend and watch him read and appreciate them:

  • No matter where life takes us to, I will always be there for you, because true friends always stick together and never leave each other. No matter what obstacles life may throw at us, we will always overcome it all, because two is always better than one. And you plus me equals an unbeatable and unstoppable team. I cherish you so much, my dearest friend.
  • To my dear friend, today like every other day, I pray that our friendship will always blossom and knows no end. It will always stay fresh like the early morning river. Each and every day will be another chance to cherish and love each other so much more than ever before and we will always be together till the end of time. I love you beyond the stars, my adorable friend.
  • I feel so blessed to have an emotional best friend like you. I never thought angels could exist in this world, but here you are in the flesh. Your friendship is so precious to me that I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, not even a million bucks! I wouldn’t trade it for a chance at becoming famous or for an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere. I’d rather be poor, untraveled, and unknown than be without a friendship as wonderful as yours.
  • Thank you for believing in me when I was too weak and exhausted to believe in myself. Thank you for pushing me, for repeating those affirmations that don’t mean anything in inspirational films but mean everything when someone who cares about you says them. Thank you for not judging me when I did something really stupid, but also thanks for telling me I was an idiot and probably shouldn’t have done the stupid thing. Thank you for always being honest.
  • Thank you for celebrating all of the exciting moments of my life with me. I can’t imagine not having you in my wedding or by my side when I hold a little human in my arms that I magically created.

Heartwarming Letters to Best Friend That Make You Cry and Laugh

Sometimes our friendships face challenges that may make you sad. Now is the time to stand together. Show your support. Warm letters, expressing the essence of true friendship, are available below:

  • You truly are one of the sweetest people I’ve met – if not the sweetest. You have a way of making sarcasm sweet, which I didn’t even know was possible. Being selfless comes so natural to you and I fucking love you for that.
  • You always tell me that I am the strongest and bravest person you know. You always say that you admire my courage for taking risks and starting from nothing. But the truth is, I have that strength because I have you. I know you would not let me fall, and if I do, you will always be there to catch me. You are the brave one, you just haven’t realized that yet.
  • I have met a friend, you were not the first… But how your friendship played out to be the best is just beyond words. I wake up each day with your thoughts and I just wouldn’t stop to wonder how you have come to amass such virtues. You showed up in each of my ways, your counsels were so strong in each of my plans. The more I looked back to see how glorious it’s been since we met, the more I find it difficult to describe your love for me. Yes, we are not lovers, but your friendship is more than I see and hear of romantic relationships. Then I asked myself if I can stop being your friend… And the answer is No, No and No. Thank you for being such a jewel to me. I love you.
  • They say you don’t get to pick who you’re related to. That’s true. But you do get to pick who your family is. You’re real family. And you’ll always be my family. We’re closer than sisters could be, thicker than any thieves. You know all my secrets, all my wild ambitions. You support every one of my craziest fantasies. What would I do without you?
  • Dear Best Friend, we have gone a long way, we have grown up, changed, had battles, lied, and most likely all that anybody could consider. Be that as it may, there is a motivation behind why are companions, your dependably there for me when I fall, and dependably knows how to make me grin when I’m down, it’s the little and basic things you do to make me chuckle, continuously know will dependably be there for you and I will dependably be the shoulder to incline toward, on the off chance that you require me I’m a telephone summon. I got you and you got me that’s why were closest companions.

Great Paragraphs for a Girl’s Best Friend to Wake Up to

How about having your girlfriend wake up to your good morning paragraphs ! A minute of your morning time is enough to choose a cheerful paragraph for your bestie.

  • You aren’t just a friend, you are my morning sunshine. Every morning I think of you and every good times we have had over the years and I hope our friendship continues to go stronger. Have a great day!
  • Time to rise and shine! We have this wonderful day to show the rest of the world just what you are made of. I want you to know that you have been such a big part of my journey. I would’ve given up a long time ago if it weren’t for your constant badgering and nagging. Sometimes I think you and my mom should hang out more often because you would totally hit it off! You have so many things in common! Just kidding. You know I love you. I am very blessed to have a friend like you who just cares and loves me so much. See you in a bit!
  • Good morning, my beautiful friend! How are you this morning? I hope that waking up today is so much better than your most wonderful dreams. I hope that sharing your morning coffee with me is so much better than drinking it alone in your kitchen apartment. Get dressed because I will be coming by and picking you up so we can have a quick cup before heading for work. Obviously, I missed you very much. You know I miss you every day anyway. See you!
  • Romantic relationships are based on expectations and responsibilities. Professional relationships are based on gains and losses. But friendship is based on smiles and laughter. Good morning my friend.
  • It is a myth that you need to rise and shine to have a good start to a day. You can roll around in bed thinking about friends like me and you will still have a great start to the day. Good morning.
  • Whether it is a hangover, headache, or sickness, even the worst of mornings become happy and cute when I think of friends like you. I hope this message makes you happy too. Good morning.


  • The Friendship Report . (2020). Snapchat.Com. https://forbusiness.snapchat.com/blog/the-friendship-report
  • ‌‌Ortega, T. (2016, May 2). This Is How Many Best Friends You Can Have At One Time . Elite Daily. https://www.elitedaily.com/news/science-number-best-friends-one-time/1480552
  • ‌You Share Everything With Your Bestie . Even Brain Waves. (2018, April 16). The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/16/science/friendship-brain-health.html
  • ‌ When Teens Need Their Friends More Than Their Parents . (2017). Greater Good. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/when_teens_need_their_friends_more_than_their_parents

Best Friend Images and Quotes

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Last Updated on March 9, 2023

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Happy Moments With Friends (Essay Sample)

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Happy moments with friends

Friends are individuals who know and understand us. They have mutual affections for us. Friends are not necessarily the parents or wife or children, but someone who can look into our eye and we feel satisfied. There are moments when friends are the only people who can encourage and make us laugh; these are what are defined in this article as happy moments with friends.

Sharing of personal information is the most difficult part of one’s life, but with friends, it becomes very easy. Most people feel happy when they can share their personal life experience with friends without being judged negatively. Sharing personal information with someone you love boosts mental health, it helps one forget the bad things and focus on the positive ones. By sharing personal information, one expects encouraging words in return and not scorn.

At rough times our friends become our refuge. At the moments when everyone feels you are worthless, it’s only our friends who can encourage and stand by us. It’s only a friend who can tell you how your contribution is worth to the society. To people who always feel ugly especially the ladies, it’s only their friends who can look into their eyes and tell them how beautiful they look. Having the mind that you are worthy and beautiful encourages people to be confident and be able to pass through the turbulence of life with ease. In other words, our friends are like our therapists.

At some moments people just need to see a smiling face towards them. Our real friends will always be willing to give a smile. A smile has a way of encouraging the heart, especially in competitions. In a contest, a smile will convince you that nothing is tight and you will win with ease.

People feel happy holding hands together especially in sad moments, for example, a funeral. Our friends are always ready to hold our hands at such sad moments. People feel solidarity and a renewed strength in them even with the demise of their loved one. Friends help us look beyond the death and see life as full of happy moments once more. By holding hands with friends the sorrow in our hearts quickly fades away.

In individual moments when you don’t feel like mingling with family members, it is the thought of having good friends that keep us happy. One can only close himself in a room and think of the good things they have achieved with friends. One can pass through their album and see the good times they have been together with fellow friends. And, by thinking about friends, one has the idea that maybe somewhere another friend is thinking about them. Nothing makes a human heart happy as knowing that somewhere someone is thinking about you.

Use of some funny names to friends is always seen as a real adventure by friends. Some of the names always point to one’s abilities, behaviors or achievements. Having someone to always look at your achievements makes you happy and ready to achieve even greater heights in life. Such endearing names give us a sense of some bond to our friends.

Friends are very precious and must be treated with all the respect they deserve. We need to be kind to realize the good our friends have for us in life. And also we must dedicate ourselves to the friendship to have good memories in the future.

funniest moment with your best friend essay

Quick reads to give you information on multiple topics.

10 Lines On My Best Friend With Short Essay

We all love spending time with our friends. But, among our friends, there is always that special one whom we love the most, our best friend. A best friend is an important person in our life.  They are always there to cheer us up when we are feeling down. They share happy moments with us and make us feel comfortable. Let us learn to write 10-line notes and a short essay on “ Best Friends ” . To give you a little surprise, we also have a poem on “Best Friend”, towards the end. Do not forget to read it to your best friend.

My Best Friend 

  • My best friend is like the sunshine in my life, always making things bright. 
  • When I feel sad, we play games and go on adventures. 
  • We read comics and watch movies and shows together. 
  • We shake hands and do a fist bump whenever we meet and enjoy cracking jokes. 
  • I can trust my best friend for everything who always helps me. 
  • Our friendship is like a happy place where we can be ourselves without any worries. 
  • Whenever we do something together, it becomes a special memory in our friendship. 
  • Our friendship is a treasure, and I feel grateful to have her in my life.
  • My friend is my biggest supporter and encourages me in all the good things I do. 
  • Not to forget, my best friend always stops me from doing anything wrong. 

Memorable Moments with My Best Buddy!

  • Having a best friend is like a blessing. 
  • Each day of school becomes more exciting with my best friend around me. 
  • My best friend cracks funny jokes and makes me laugh and I tell her interesting stories that I have read. 
  • Recess is our favourite time. We exchange our lunch boxes and enjoy eating food together. 
  • Outside school, we play together and help each other with our homework.
  • We hop onto our bicycles and ride through the park. Those rides are as fun as racing games. 
  • We even celebrate festivals and birthdays together. 
  • Celebrating festivals and birthdays with my best friend makes them extra special. Sometimes, we come to each other’s house for sleepovers. 
  • Those evenings are like adventures with yummy food and funny stories. 
  • Having a best friend is super fun. 

Friendship with My Best Friend

My friendship with my best friend began in kindergarten. When I entered the classroom, I was very nervous as there were many children around me and I didn’t know anyone. My best friend was the first person who came near me and extended her/his hand for a handshake. S/he said “Hi”. I shook hands with him/her and introduced myself. S/he smilingly introduced herself too. We started talking to each other and in a jiffy we felt like we were friends. Since then, we have been best buddies. People often say we complement each other well, sharing similar hobbies, especially our love for Reading Eggs and Mathseeds , and playing online learning games on the platform.

We visit each other’s houses during festivals. During the summer break last year, we had a blast at a summer camp. We enjoyed fun activities like singing, painting, pottery and many others. 

We encourage each other in all the good things we do. My friend, a warm-hearted person, always motivates me to help others. We both love music, and our dream is to perform together on stage. My friend inspires me to be kind. S/he loves animals. S/he shelters and feeds stray dogs and cats. His/Her love for animals inspires me to be kind with others. The saying “a friend in need is a friend indeed” holds true with my friend. Whenever I’ve missed school due to illness, s/he has helped me with my classwork. Our friendship has grown stronger over the years. I consider my best friend a gem in my life, and I feel lucky to have found such a gem.

Poem on Best Friend

My best friend is like a ray on sunlight

S/he brings me brightness to chase away the lonely night. 

With giggles, games, and secrets shared, 

Adventures big and small are dared.

Like crayons drawing rainbows bold,

S/he fills my life with colours of gold. 

Whether I lose or win,

S/he stays with me through thick and thin. 

No matter what the world may say, 

S/He believes in me, hooray!

When I feel a bit sad for a while,

Her kind words make me calm and smile.

So hold your best friend close and tight, 

A guiding star, a joyful light. 

Having best friends is awesome, but it’s just as awesome to be a great friend too. We love our best friends, so let’s make sure to give them the same support and encouragement they give us.

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How to make friends in college: 8 tips from real students

Students hugging each other on UNI campus

Is one of your biggest concerns how to make friends in college? You aren’t alone. Every college student wants to find their people who they can comfortably confide in and enjoy spending time with. Keep reading to learn from some real University of Northern Iowa students about their experiences making friends in college.

How to make friends in college

Have a positive outlook on making friends.

If you go into your college experience believing you can’t make friends in college, you may find it more challenging to foster new connections. But if you believe that you will make friends and you put in the proper effort, you’ll be more likely to leave your time in college with fulfilling relationships.

“When I was a freshman, I was very nervous to make friends here at UNI,” said William Palma, a third-year student majoring in computer science. “I had the belief, however, that I would find meaningful people, and I was able to meet great people with this positive mindset.”

Even if you didn’t have a lot of friends in high school, have the belief that college will be different. “This is a fresh start for you, and you have the ability to control your college experience,” said Meggan Barrow, a third-year student majoring in comprehensive secondary science education.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly scrolling on your phone. This is especially true while you’re in a classroom waiting for a lecture to begin. Challenge yourself to be in the moment and off your phone. For Carissa Demings, a senior accounting and business analytics student, this is one way she has figured out how to make friends in college. Even while she is walking to class, she tries to avoid being on her phone. “People are more likely to approach you or talk to you before class if you aren’t occupied with your phone,” she said.

Remember you aren’t alone

‌ Whether a person is introverted or extroverted, the thought of making new friends in college will be a little nerve-wracking. “I remember feeling very nervous about how I might be perceived if I was the first to start a conversation with someone new,” said Samantha Robinson, a senior majoring in communication sciences and disorders. “What helped me to overcome that feeling was knowing that EVERYONE is feeling nervous about the same thing. I quickly learned that most people starting college are looking around, hoping for someone else to start the conversation. By knowing that everyone is nervous about the same thing, it made me feel a lot better about putting myself out there and making new friends.”

Students playing video games together in residence hall

Leave your comfort zone

Perhaps the most important advice you can take when it comes to thinking about how to make friends in college is to be willing to take risks. That may mean getting involved with a group where you don’t know anyone or showing up to a sporting event even though you don’t know all the rules. Put yourself out there! “Leaving your dorm room or apartment to get involved is the first, easiest step to making friends, even when you may not feel like it,” said Robinson. 

“Be open to meeting new people and don’t hesitate to introduce yourself with someone new,” said Lizbeth Garcia Tellez, a senior majoring in strategic public relations. “Embrace the chance to connect with others!”

Put in the work

Friendship is a two-way street. It takes time and effort on the part of both parties to create a lasting relationship. Organize get-togethers with new connections such as movie nights or coffee meet-ups. Even if you aren’t in the same classes, asking someone to study with you is also a great way to further a connection. “Collaborating on study sessions gives us a chance to spend more time together and support each other academically, which deepens our connection,” said Garcia Tellez.

“With being so involved, it’s hard to block off time to make friends or even hang out,” said Barrow. “I have overcome this by allowing myself more breaks in my schedule and not going to everything possible.”

Be the friend you want

It can be hard to make the first move in a friendship by introducing yourself to someone new. But you can’t always be expecting other people to introduce themselves to you first. In general, you will make more friends if you treat others the way you would like them to treat you. “Even if you’ve found your group, be open to it growing,” said Madison Duong, senior majoring in marketing: advertising and digital media. “Invite others to join you when your friends hangout. The small action of including someone in your plans makes all the difference.”

Let your friends increase your connections

Often, when you make a friend, you will have the opportunity to meet their friends, too. This will multiply your connections in college. Don’t be afraid of mixing your friend groups or asking your friends to introduce you to more people. When everyone is helping each other foster community, knowing how to make friends in college gets a lot easier!

Be yourself

Students playing cornhole on UNI campus

Whether you’re conversing with your dorm neighbor or meeting your intramural teammates, make sure you are always your authentic self. “I tried to be someone I wasn’t my freshman year,” said Caleb Brothers, a senior majoring in interactive digital studies and graphic technology. “I had to realize that if people didn’t want to know me for who I really was, what was the point? Don’t be afraid to be who you truly are. The friends will come, so there’s no need to hide behind a mask or a facade.”

Where to make friends

There is no shortage of places where you can make friends at college. According to students, some of the best places include:

  • Orientation  - Orientation is really your first chance to start making friends at college. Because it can be overwhelming, it might be a good idea to focus on just one or two people you could become friends with.
  • Welcome Week activities   - The first week at UNI is filled with all kinds of events for students. Take advantage of these opportunities.
  • On-campus jobs   - Whether you work in an office on campus or the dining centers, jobs are a great way to spend an extended period of time with other students.
  • Classes  - Try to converse with your classmates before and after class. It’s usually pretty easy to ask them if they’d like to study for an upcoming test together.
  • Campus events - Keep an eye out for events happening on campus throughout the school that you can go to and meet more people. Read your weekly Panther Experience emails, check out the  UNI Calendar and look for flyers and sidewalk chalk signs across campus. You can also follow various departments and student organizations on social media.
  • Student organizations - Get involved with student groups right away. These are a great place to find people with common interests.
  • Residence halls - Leave your door open whenever possible and look for other open doors on your floor. Don’t be afraid to stop by and say “hello.”
  • Dining centers - Ask others in the dining center if you can sit with them, or if you see someone eating alone invite them to sit with you.

Make lifelong friends at UNI

Hopefully, these tips will help you flip your mindset from “I can’t make friends in college” to “I CAN make friends in college.” Remember that making friends gets easier with practice, so if you don’t feel like you’ve made friends in the first few days on campus, just keep trying! It will get better.

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Guest Essay

‘O-prah! O-prah! Damn, She’s Good’: The Best and Worst Moments From Night 3 of the Democratic Convention

An illustration including photos of Oprah Winfrey and Tim Walz.

By New York Times Opinion

Did the night help Harris?

Welcome to Opinion’s commentary for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention. In this special feature, Times Opinion writers rate the evening on a scale of 0 to 10: 0 means the night was a disaster for Kamala Harris; 10 means it could lead to a big polling bump. Here’s what our columnists and contributors thought of the event, which included speeches by Oprah Winfrey, Josh Shapiro, Bill Clinton and Tim Walz.

Best Moment

Kristen Soltis Anderson, contributing Opinion writer Younger voters may not realize how powerful Oprah Winfrey is as a voice. I wrote about this in May, and her speech tonight targeted precisely the voters both sides hope to persuade this year.

Binyamin Appelbaum, member of the editorial board Oprah.

Charles M. Blow, Times columnist Tim Walz’s intense, locker-room-pep-talk-style acceptance speech.

David Brooks, Times columnist First, the tone of lavish American patriotism that permeated the evening. But my favorite quirky moment was when Gus Walz burst into tears after his dad gave him a shout-out, telling his neighbors, “That’s my dad!” Walz is one relatable American.

Jane Coaston, contributing Opinion writer Thousands of people chanting “Bring them home,” as the parents of one of the hostages in Gaza stood before them.

Michelle Cottle, political writer for Opinion O-prah! O-prah! O-prah! Damn, she’s good.

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  4. How To Write a My Best Friend Essay

    Briefly though, in essence, the 5-paragraph essay comprises three parts: The Introduction: The opening paragraph will orient the reader to the topic of the essay, in this case, by introducing the show's star, the best friend. The Body: In the traditional 5-paragraph essay, this makes up three of the five paragraphs.

  5. The Day I Met an Amazing Friend: [Essay Example], 516 words

    The Day I Met an Amazing Friend. We all have that one friend whom we want to spend our entire life with and have fun with each other, sharing moments and laughter. Surely, some of us might also have that one dream where we get to spend a whole day with them telling stories and making fun of each other. Whenever they feel sad or lonely, we also ...

  6. Essay on my Best Friend: 10 Lines, 100 Words, 200 Words Essay

    Essay on my Best Friend: 10 Lines, 100 Words, 200 Words Essay. "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.". - Elbert Hubbard. Essay on my Best Friend: Friends provide support, companionship, and understanding, enhancing our lives with laughter and shared experiences.

  7. Unforgettable Experience, Trips & Memories With My Friends Essay

    Essay 2: Unforgettable Experience with My Friends. My friends are the greatest blessing I've ever received! Last summer, we decided to take a break from everyday life and sneak away into nature. We all loaded up on camping supplies - tents, food you name it - before setting off for our adventure in the woods.

  8. Essays About Best Friends: 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

    2. Diamonds Are Not This Girl's Best Friend by Courtney Carver. "My best friend is a magical, rooftop sunrise. My best friend is the ocean. My best friend is a hike in the mountains. My best friend is a peaceful afternoon. My best friend is a really good book. My best friend is laughter.

  9. My Experience In Friendship: [Essay Example], 714 words

    Friendship teaches you a lot. Sometimes you choose the wrong friends, and they left you down but then you know who is fake and who is real. You know who is true and honest. Friendship is not about whom you've known the longest it's about who came and never left. Friendship teaches you a lifelong lesson. Keep in mind:

  10. 127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    A friendship essay hook is the first sentence in the introduction, where you draw the reader's attention. For instance, if you are creating an essay on value of friendship, include a brief description of a situation where your friends helped you or something else that comes to mind. A hook should make the reader want to read the rest of the ...

  11. 100 Funny Friendship Quotes You and Your Besties Will Love

    Funny Quotes About Best Friends. One tier up from true friends are your besties! Lucky you, if you've got one. Best friend isn't a person; it's a tier. ~ Mindy Kaling. Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food. ~ Unknown. A good friend will help you move.

  12. My Best Friend Essay for Students and Children

    My Best Friend Essay: A best friend is someone with whom you have a strong emotional connection. This person is someone you can confide in, someone you can rely on, and someone you can trust. Your best friend is someone you can share your deepest secrets with and know that they will not judge you. This person is someone you can turn to when you ...

  13. 102 Funny Friendship Quotes to Share a Laugh With Friends

    14. "You don't have to be crazy to be my friend, but it surely helps!" —Unknown. 15. "Friends offer free therapy." —Unknown. 16. "A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship." —Unknown. 17. "Never let your friends be lonely, disturb them all the time." —Unknown. 18.

  14. 135 Titles For Friendship That Affectionately Describe Your Best Friends

    Inseparable. Life is better with you. Life was meant for good friends and great adventures. Lucky and loved. Making jokes since (year) My bestie knows best. My other half. My ride or die. No friendship is an accident.

  15. My funny experience with my friend Free Essays

    A friend is one of life's greatest gifts. In good times and bad times‚ a friend remains reassuring and faithful to the end. A friend lends a hand without being asked‚ encourages growth‚ and supports change. Time and distance can not diminish friendship. It is forever. My particular friend fits all of these characteristics and many more. She is a true friend under any circumstance.

  16. My Best Friend Essay: The Unbreakable Bond of Friendship

    My Best Friend Essay: Read our essay on my best friend in 500, 300, 250, 200, and 150 words. These different counts of essays will help you according to your standard. ... They celebrate your victories and offer support during challenging moments. A loyal best friend is like a rock, unwavering and steadfast. Acceptance: Embracing Uniqueness.

  17. 8 Priceless Moments You Experience With Your Best Friend That Explain

    05 When You Realize You've Been Talking For Hours, But It Felt Like Minutes. Look Studio/Shutterstock. When you're with your best friend, time moves differently. You can talk about anything and ...

  18. 61 Fun Things to Do With Your Best Friend

    6. Learn a new language together. Learning a new language is a skill you'll carry with you forever, and learning a new language with your best friend might be the perfect way to stay motivated. You'll be able to spill the tea with them in a new language, and who knows, maybe it will inspire a trip abroad. 7.

  19. 20 Heartwarming Best Friend Paragraphs (Fun Examples)

    You're not only a great listener, but you also give the best advice. Whenever I need guidance, I know I can turn to you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am to have you as a friend. Never forget that I'll always be grateful for you. You're the best gift I could ask for.". [1] 2.

  20. Paragraph on My Best Friend

    Short Paragraph on My Best Friend. My best friend, Sarah, is a constant source of joy and support in my life. Her kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor make every moment spent with her special. We share countless memories, from heartfelt conversations to fun adventures. Sarah's unwavering support and understanding make her an irreplaceable ...

  21. 51 Best Friend Paragraphs: Long and Short Paragraphs for Your BFF

    To my friend who sticks closer than a sister, I love you and here's saying I'll always be here for you. Tap To Copy. You have always been a source of succor to me and well, I to you. I'll always be there for you darling just as I know you'll always be there for me. Nothing can break this bond of friendship.

  22. Happy Moments With Friends, Essay Sample

    In a contest, a smile will convince you that nothing is tight and you will win with ease. People feel happy holding hands together especially in sad moments, for example, a funeral. Our friends are always ready to hold our hands at such sad moments. People feel solidarity and a renewed strength in them even with the demise of their loved one.

  23. 10 Lines On My Best Friend With Short Essay

    A best friend is an important person in our life. They are always there to cheer us up when we are feeling down. They share happy moments with us and make us feel comfortable. Let us learn to write 10-line notes and a short essay on " Best Friends ". To give you a little surprise, we also have a poem on "Best Friend", towards the end ...

  24. How to make friends in college: 8 tips from real students

    ‌Whether a person is introverted or extroverted, the thought of making new friends in college will be a little nerve-wracking. "I remember feeling very nervous about how I might be perceived if I was the first to start a conversation with someone new," said Samantha Robinson, a senior majoring in communication sciences and disorders.

  25. Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!

    'Wait Wait' for August 24, 2024: With Not My Job guest Diane Lane. Recorded in Chicago, with host Peter Sagal, Not My Job guest Diane Lane and panelists Dulcé Sloan, Adam Burke, and Adam Felber.

  26. Opinion

    Welcome to Opinion's commentary for Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention. In this special feature, Times Opinion writers rate the evening on a scale of 0 to 10: 0 means the night was a ...