• What is Strategy?
  • Business Models
  • Developing a Strategy
  • Strategic Planning
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Growth Strategy
  • Market Strategy
  • Customer Strategy
  • Geographic Strategy
  • Product Strategy
  • Service Strategy
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Distribution Strategy
  • Sales Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Organizational Strategy
  • HR Strategy – Organizational Design
  • HR Strategy – Employee Journey & Culture
  • Process Strategy
  • Procurement Strategy
  • Cost and Capital Strategy
  • Business Value
  • Market Analysis
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Strategic Options
  • Business Analytics
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Process Improvement
  • Project Planning
  • Team Leadership
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership Maturity Model
  • Leadership Team Strategy
  • The Leadership Team
  • Leadership Mindset
  • Communication & Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • People Leadership
  • Strategic Execution
  • Executive Coaching
  • Strategy Coaching
  • Business Transformation
  • Strategy Workshops
  • Leadership Strategy Survey
  • Leadership Training
  • Who’s Joe?


Learn everything you need to know about business models. This guide on business models was created by an ex-McKinsey consultant and includes frameworks, case studies, examples, a step-by-step design guide, and an 18-page business model PowerPoint template.


1. To Grow, Get All of the Elements Right

If you think through, analyze , and correctly solve each element of the business model, your company will grow.

2. Sequentially Solve the Business Model

Strategic planning should always start with the mission , then flow through the targets, value proposition , go to market, and finally the organization .

3. Understand the Role of Each Business Model Element

Once you understand each business model element, then it is much easier to solve for the right strategies to grow.

4. Strategic Alignment is the Key to Execution

Strategic alignment is when an organization is laser-focused on developing and delivering a killer value proposition and go-to-market that beats the competition .


There are five major components to any business model:

1. The Mission   2. Targets  3. Customer Value Proposition  4. Go-to-Market  5. The Organization

The way a business model works is: " The organization efficiently & effectively develops and delivers the customer value proposition and go-to-market to fulfill the needs of the target customers better than competitors , all for the purpose of achieving the mission ."

The horizontal graphic below translates the flow of elements in a business model.

How a business model works


We can take the horizontal business model graphic and make it vertical, which is the graphic we use throughout the site.

Business Model Questions

Let's go over the big picture of the business model.

We start at the top with the "true north" representing a business' mission , vision, and values , which ultimately gives purpose and provides the "why" the company exists. An inspiring and enduring mission, vision, and values serve as a guide to align strategies, and help all employees make the   right decisions , however big or small the decisions .

We next move down to the   targets.   These include the   markets   and   geographies   ("where") the company competes in, for the business of the target   customers  ("who"). Companies that clearly define and deeply understand their targets, develop focused and aligned business models.

Next is the  value proposition , which is the "what" and the core of any business model, composed of the  business's products ,  services ,  and  pricing . Then, there is the  go-to-market , comprised of the  business's distribution ,  sales ,  and  marketing . The purpose of go-to-market is to amplify the value proposition to drive customer acquisition and loyalty.

Finally, the  organization  is organized into  functions  (e.g., sales, ops, finance). Everything the organization does is a  process  (whether defined as one or not) executed by  team members ,  partners , and  infrastructure . The organization is the execution machine and the "how" things get done in a business model. And as stated before, the organization's purpose is to efficiently and effectively develop and deliver the value proposition and go-to-market to fulfill customers' needs better than competitors, all for the purpose of achieving the mission, vision, and values.


Let's go over a few things about business models. First, look below to see all the  different types of strategy , which are just the tip of the iceberg. Second, most companies make the mistake of solving their strategy from the bottom up, starting with functional strategies. The conversation goes something like this, "We've got our board meeting coming up. Bob, I need your ops strategy. Jane, I need your marketing strategy . Helen, I need your sales plan and strategy. Nate, give me a readout on the HR strategy ."

I equate it to trying to design a car, with the chassis, brakes, engine, and electronics team independently designing their part. In the end, it won't work. Now, let's get into a simple case study to understand better how a business model works.

Types of Strategy


Finding a better example of a well-tuned business model than Southwest Airlines is hard. Starting in 1967, Southwest Airlines has grown to be the largest domestic airline in the U.S., with $20 billion in annual sales and 50,000 employees. With a deep history of award-winning service, Southwest has amassed 43 straight years of  profitability . If you were lucky enough to buy $10,000 worth of Southwest stock in 1971, it would be worth over $20,000,000 today.

Southwest Business Model


The true north of a company includes the organization's mission, vision, and values, which provide the foundation for aligning strategies, decisions, actions, and culture . A compelling mission gives the team and organization the inspiration and the focus they need to make mission-based decisions and align their strategies. A strong vision of strategic pillars and ambitious goals provides the next level of focus for aligning the organization's strategies. And values are the foundation of expected norms and behaviors that foster a company's culture. Without a compelling mission, vision, and values, management teams often struggle with strategic focus since they try to navigate without understanding the direction of true north.

Back in 1971, Southwest's mission was so simple and effective, “Charge the lowest possible fare. And provide the highest quality service.”

Over the past 45+ years, Southwest's strategic and day-to-day decisions reinforced how they could charge the lowest possible fare and provide the highest quality service. You'll see Southwest's mission throughout Southwest's business model.

Today, Southwest's true north is encapsulated below in its purpose, vision, mission, and values.

Southwest Mission


A business model has three primary targets:  1. Markets , 2. Customers, 3. Geographies.  The targets define the "who" and "where" of a business model. A  market  establishes the solution space a business competes in for customers. If a  leadership team  truly understands its market dynamics, it can navigate its way to a leadership position. A defined  target customer  enables an organization to tailor their value proposition better to exceed the target customers' needs. While  target geographies  focus on the execution of a business and add to economies of scale.

Well-defined targets provide an organization clarity to make better decisions and execute at a higher level. Expanding into new markets, customer segments, and geographies can lead to explosive growth when a business already has a winning value proposition in existing markets, customer segments, and geographies. However, suppose a company expands into new target markets, customers, and geographies before the value proposition and organization are ready. In that case, it can fragment focus, create shoddy execution, and overextend the business into financial distress.

Let's better understand Southwest's target market, customer segments, and geographies.

Southwest Competitive Differentiation

Southwest's Target Market

The output of a market strategy is a differentiated positioning within the market. Southwest competes in the highly competitive commuter airline market, which, as an industry, lost $50 billion from 2001-2012.

The idea of Southwest was born on a napkin with lines connecting the three dots titled Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. Back in 1967, the founders of Southwest saw a hole in the commuter airline market. While the big airlines were built around national and regional hub and spoke route models, Southwest focused on intrastate point-to-point routes (initially Dallas, Houston & San Antonio). Since then, Southwest has stuck to this point-to-point route market positioning, while most other airlines relied on their hub and spoke models.


Southwest's Target Customers

You start a business to fulfill a customer's need. Southwest started a regional point-to-point airline for customers who wanted an hour-long flight rather than waste 3.5 to 4.5 hours in a car to drive from Dallas to Houston or San Antonio. Instead of spending 7 to 9 hours behind the car windshield for a day round trip, customers could be pampered by  "the best service and the most beautiful girls in the sky."  Southwest had a unique perspective on how they defined the needs of their  target customers , as stated in their 1975 Annual Report,

"We believe that in short-haul markets of up to 500 miles, the private automobile is a worthy competitor for those consumers representing the great majority of us who cannot logically place a value on time commensurate with the airfares now charged in those markets. Except for the businessman and woman market, a fare that does not compete with the cost of personal automobile travel will not permit any air market to reach its potential.

By focusing on this unmet customer need to substitute a flight for a car drive, Southwest was one of the key influencers in driving astronomical growth in U.S. domestic air travel. They attracted business customers with low fares, convenience, and service, and leisure travelers with ultra-discounted weekend tickets to drive up their plane utilization. At the time, the ultra-discounted weekend fares opened up a whole new segment of travel customers who wanted to fly for pleasure, to visit family, recreation, and to explore new destinations.

Over the past 45+ years, Southwest has continued its focus on the business and leisure customer segments, tailoring its value proposition and go-to-market to these two segments.

Southwest History

Southwest's Target Geographies

While Southwest Airlines now serves over 100 destinations, its deliberate geographic expansion strategy was one of the keys to Southwest's growth. In keeping with its low-cost provider mission, Southwest has always pursued a geographic density strategy to drive cost and capital synergies and utilization.

Over the six years after their 1971 launch, Southwest expanded just in Texas with routes to the Rio Grande Valley, Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Lubbock, and Midland/Odessa. In 1977, Southwest's fleet of 12 737s carried 2.4 million customers, which equals 200,000 passengers per plane, or 548 passengers per plane per day. Considering the population of Texas was only 13 million people in 1977, the word-of-mouth of the new, cool, and cheap Southwest Airlines was unavoidable. This geographic focus also enabled Southwest to leverage its fixed costs related to airports, personnel, maintenance facilities, and advertising .

Southwest has always taken a highly deliberate geographic expansion strategy, choosing routes that are natural extensions of the existing route network, leading to 40 years of steady, profitable growth. Southwest has continuously focused on driving the economies of scale that a dense geographic strategy provides. Furthermore, Southwest has been extremely opportunistic with their airport selection, often focusing on lower-cost second-tier airports in a region such as Dallas Love Field, Houston Hobby, Chicago Midway, Baltimore-Washington International, Oakland, San Jose, Burbank, Manchester, Providence, Ft-Lauderdale-Hollywood.

And, when Southwest expanded internationally, they made the strategic acquisition of AirTran, which had few overlapping routes but did have a robust business to the Caribbean, Mexico, and select Central American cities.

southwest route map

The Strategic Takeaway on Targets

Understanding, defining, and executing against target markets, customers, and geographies is core to building a killer business model. If you create a  differentiated market position,  you have a long-term vision of what you need to execute against. If you define the right target customers, you can tailor a differentiated value proposition to drive more customer value than competitors while also narrowing the scope of your go-to-market strategies. If you develop geographic density, then you reap economies of scale.

Keep your targets focused until your business and economic model are ready to scale into new markets, customer segments, and geographies. New markets, customer segments, and geographies can provide explosive growth, but only if your value proposition and economics are ready to beat the competitors in the new targets. The downfall of too many businesses is they overextend themselves by trying to expand into too many new targets, fragmenting the focus and execution of the organization.


Business Model Value Proposition

Southwest's Value Proposition

Let's return to the original Southwest mission:  "Charge the lowest possible fare. And provide the highest quality service."  Frankly, it sounds like their value proposition, which is what you want in a mission statement .

Herb Kelleher, the co-founder and former CEO of Southwest, understood the customer value equation from the beginning, as he highlighted in an interview with  Strategy + Business, after being honored as a "Lifetime Strategist,"

One of the things that people, I think, didn't understand is that we started out saying we're going to give you more for less, not less for less. We're going to give you new airplanes, not old airplanes. We're going to give you the best on-time performance. We're going to give you the people who are most hospitable."

1970s Southwest Ad

southwest ad

Southwest's Service - Rational Benefits

In evaluating a value proposition, start with the rational benefits of the  products  and  services . Southwest's rational benefits are getting customers and their bags from point A to B through the air, which they do efficiently and competently.

They have the highest frequency of point-to-point routes, providing customers convenience and reduced travel time versus hub and spoke airlines. Southwest has the best historical on-time and baggage performance. They have a fast and convenient check-in process. In the event of a change, they have no change penalties and make it easy to book another flight. They also have the richest and easiest-to-redeem rewards program, averaging 9.5% of passenger miles flown on Rapid Rewards flights versus ~7% on other airlines.

By consistently and efficiently getting passengers and their bags from point A to B, Southwest consistently ranks as one of the top airlines in customer satisfaction.

Southwest Value Proposition

Southwest's Service - Emotional Benefits

If you fly Southwest, you understand the difference in the emotional experience versus other airlines. It always starts with the people, and Southwest's employees have a fun, caring, and go-the-extra-mile attitude.

Then there is Southwest's physical experience of newer planes, with leather seats and extra legroom compared to other airlines in the same fare class.

Then there are the perks of free live TV, free snacks, drinks, and affordable $5 wifi and alcoholic beverages. If you're a frequent flier, they periodically send you free alcoholic beverage coupons.

There is also the emotional lift of not being taken advantage of with bag and change fees.

Southwest's service is so good, and their emotional connection with customers is so strong that they can pull off marketing campaigns centered around "Love." Imagine what a bad joke it would be if other airlines tried incorporating "love" into their  marketing .

southwest emotional benefits

Southwest Pricing

In 1993, the U.S. Department of Transportation coined the term the "Southwest Effect" for the rapid growth in total air travel in a city-to-city route once Southwest started to fly the route. The "Southwest Effect" is driven by their value equation, which equals benefits - price. While we've gone through the customer benefits of Southwest, let's flip to the other side of the coin:  pricing .

Historically, Southwest has been the price leader in the airline industry. With the growth of ultra-discount airlines (e.g., Frontier, Spirit), they may no longer be the ticket price leader. However, they are probably still the leader in the total cost of flying when you factor in the extra cost of bags, seat selection, change fees and the other charges of ultra-discount airlines.

Southwest utilizes its simple pricing in its #FeesDontFly  marketing campaign . While the competitive herd goes one way, Southwest goes the other way, which is the essence of  competitive differentiation .

Southwest Pricing

The Strategic Takeaways on Value Propositions

A business's value proposition comprises its products, services, and pricing. The goal of a value proposition is to drive better customer value (benefits - price) than competitors. Over the past 45+ years, Southwest has consistently delivered superior customer value, leading them to grow into the largest U.S. domestic airline.

For struggling companies, the first thing to look at is the customer value proposition, which is most likely deficient versus the competition . Even for successful companies, the bottom line is to continuously focus on differentiating the value proposition to improve benefits while driving down costs, which can translate into enhanced profit or price improvement. The Customer Value Wedge is a nice visual to understand this concept better.

The Customer Value Wedge


The go-to-market strategy of a business model is how a company drives and fulfills the demand for products and services to customers. The three components of go-to-market include  distribution ,  sales , and  marketing . Powerful go-to-market strategies effectively and efficiently amplify the value proposition to the defined target customers.

The big strategic choice with distribution is whether to go direct, indirect, or a hybrid model of both direct and indirect channels. The big strategic goal with sales and marketing is to drive campaigns and activities to increase the size of the customer funnel and accelerate customers through the funnel.

Southwest Marketing

Southwest Direct Distribution

With the rise of digital channels, distribution is currently a hotbed of disruption and innovation . Thousands of companies have cut out significant distribution costs from their value chain, by going directly to customers through digital channels .

Given Southwest's mission of low fares, in the late 90s, as Expedia, Priceline, Orbitz, and other travel websites grew, Southwest decided not to partner with third-party websites and only utilize as their online distribution.  At the time it was a risky move as many airline analysts said Southwest was going to suffer. However, given the strength of Southwest's value proposition and loyalty, the direct distribution strategy paid off.

For Southwest, the estimated savings are ~$700 million a year by not using the travel sites. Southwest can split the $700 million between higher profits and lower fares for customers. It is an example of driving the customer value wedge.

Distribution strategy is a critical element of any go-to-market strategy, and getting it right can be the difference between winning and losing.

southwest airlines distribution

Southwest Sales & Marketing

Southwest's marketing, encapsulated in their "Tranfarency" and "Love" campaigns, reflects their low fares and high-quality service mission. "Transfarency" amplifies the rational benefits of Southwest's value proposition, while "Love" amplifies the emotional benefits.

One of the main outputs of any marketing strategy is a campaign, simply a combination of messages and media. There are three media meta-channels:  advocacy, owned, and paid . The beauty of Southwest is how consistent they are in driving its brand messages across all three of these media meta-channels.

With Southwest and most B2C companies, there isn't a "Sales" element to their business model, as in most B2B business models.

Too often, companies blame marketing for their growth woes instead of addressing the lack of value in their value proposition. Two of the most successful retailers, Costco and Trader Joe's, spend almost nothing on marketing but continue to grow through the strength of their value proposition and word-of-mouth advocacy. From 2010 to 2013, Southwest kept its advertising spending almost flat but increased revenues by 46%.

Southwest Marketing Channels

The Strategic Takeaways on Go-to-Market

Too often, executives blame distribution, marketing, and sales strategies for growth woes. They usually replace their sales and marketing leaders or spend more on advertising and salespeople when they need to improve their value proposition.

Go-to-market strategies amplify a value proposition. If the value proposition is inferior to the competition, improve the value proposition and then amplify the value proposition through bigger and better go-to-market strategies.

If your business has a strong value proposition, add growth fuel by heavily investing in distribution, sales, and marketing. And align the go-to-market strategies to the target customer and their typical purchasing journey. Lastly, get the brand messaging right to tap into the rational and emotional benefits of the value proposition.


The purpose of an organization is to efficiently and effectively develop and deliver the customer value proposition and go-to-market. Reflect on this for a minute. Is your role and everyone in the company focused on developing and delivering the customer value proposition and go-to-market?

Organizations are simply a collection of processes executed by a combination of people, infrastructure, and partners . The  processes are organized into functions .

There are two types of functions: 1. value chain functions and 2. support functions. Value chain functions create the value proposition and deliver and service the value proposition (i.e., logistics, product development , manufacturing, sales, marketing, and service operations). Support functions support the efficiency and effectiveness of other functions (i.e., procurement , IT, finance, HR, legal).

Value Chain

Solve the Top Before Getting to the Bottom

From a strategic perspective, the better the management team defines the top part of the business model, the easier it is for them to define strong organizational and functional strategies. Strategically aligning the value proposition, go-to-market, and organizational strategies to the targets and "true north" is one of the easiest ways to drive the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

Another critical component of organizational strategy is  core competencies , which are those capabilities that a business needs to be world-class at to develop and deliver the competitive differentiation and advantage of the business model.

Now, let's dive into how Southwest reinforces its business model through its organizational strategies. Southwest's mission and value proposition of low cost, high service is accomplished through Southwest's strategies related to  Team Members, Infrastructure, Partners, & Processes .

Southwest's Enduring Focus on People

People are the heart and soul of any organization. Southwest's mantra is "employees first, customers second, shareholders third. As co-founder of Southwest, Herb Kelleher said,  "If the employees serve the customer well, the customer comes back, and that makes the shareholders happy. It's simple, it's not a conflict, it's a chain."

Southwest has one of the most passionate and loyal workforces. They were named  the best company for work-life balance . They've ranked as high as  #13 in the Forbes Best Employer list . They've never had a layoff or cut pay.  Voluntary turnover is less than 2%.  With over 50,000 employees, Southwest does an incredible job keeping its  team members  happy, productive, and passionate. So, the question is how?

There are three main elements to a holistic people strategy :  1. org design ,  2. employee journey, and 3. culture . Let's dig into Southwest's employee journey and culture to understand how they elevate and  realize the potential of their team .

Southwest Employee Journey

Southwest's Culture

A company's culture starts with its  values , which are reinforced by norms and the environment. Benefits and compensation are also critical to a company's culture.

It is hard to beat Southwest's culture. What other companies  celebrate their culture in their recruiting materials ? And, what other companies have a Culture Services Department and Local and Companywide Culture Committees?

It all starts with Southwest's values, which are broken up into "Live the Southwest Way" (Warrior Spirit, Servant's Heart, Fun-LUVing Attitude) and "Work the Southwest Way" (Safety and Reliability, Friendly Customer Service, and Low Costs).

Southwest norms, which define how Southwest team members interact with each other, reinforce the values. Southwest's environment (offices, planes, gates, etc.) celebrates employees, travel, and Southwest. Southwest also reinforces its values and norms with spirit parties, chili cook-offs, and Luvlines (their employee magazine).

Though Southwest is a low-price airline, its compensation is some of the highest in the industry. And they align all team members to their mission and financial performance through a generous profit-sharing plan. In 2015, Southwest paid out $620 million in profit-sharing, which amounted to over $12,000 per employee. This plan reinforces the Work the Southwest Way values. Southwest's benefits are numerous and generous. There are too many to list, but you should glance at them on  Southwest's website .

While culture may seem squishy and nebulous, a solid and enduring culture can take root in any company if you get the values right and reinforce them with norms, the environment, benefits, and compensation.

Southwest Culture

Southwest's Employee Journey

Strong companies infuse their mission and values into their  employee journey , including recruiting, hiring, onboarding , development, evaluation, and advancement. Some companies do it better than others, but great companies like Southwest are deliberate and thoughtful in their employee journey strategy.

Southwest leadership knows that starting with the right people, who inherently embody Southwest's values, is paramount to realizing its mission and preserving its culture. Southwest hires less than 2% of applicants and 6% of interviewees. Their interview process is rigorous, with group interviews, fit interviews, and a profile guide.

New hires go through a 4-week training program that trains them on the ins and outs of the job and enculturates them in the Southwest values with fun activities such as egg balancing relays and scavenger hunts. Once a team member begins to work, they are assigned a team member sponsor and participate in new hire parties and luncheons to reinforce the Southwest norms and culture.

Evaluation and advancement are based not only on a team member's skills but also on their demonstration of living the Southwest values. Team member development is reinforced through SWA University's extensive leadership and management development programs, along with continuous feedback and coaching.

There is also a continuous celebration of Southwest team members. Customers see it in the Southwest magazine with monthly articles on team members who have gone above and beyond. Southwest advertisements use team members instead of actors. Team members can give each other SWAG (Southwest Airlines Gratitude) points, utilizing an online platform that allows team members to recognize other team members for their Warrior Spirit, Servant's Heart, or Fun-LUVing Attitude.  Team members can turn their points in for gift cards and merchandise . There are also numerous employee awards, such as the Spirit Award.

Southwest has thoughtfully optimized its employee journey to elevate and realize the potential of its 50,000+ person team.

Southwest Employee Journey

Southwest's Infrastructure

Infrastructure includes the equipment, information technology, facilities, machinery, and other physical assets a business uses. Infrastructure strategy and decisions are challenging, given the typical significant investment, sometimes long and complex implementations, against the backdrop of a continuously changing future.

In Southwest's case, its infrastructure strategy reinforces its low-cost mission. In 1971, Southwest began service with four Boeing 737s, which were introduced into the market a mere four years earlier. While competitors used 15-25 seat commuter jets for the same type of routes, Southwest's 737s seated 112 passengers, ensuring Southwest a superior cost structure once the planes were fully utilized (which took a few years). Still to this day, Southwest's fleet of 700+ planes is all Boeing 737s, compared to United Airlines, which utilizes  over 20 types of aircraft .

As stated in  Southwest's 10-K ,  "The Company's low-cost structure has historically been facilitated by Southwest's use of a single aircraft type, the Boeing 737, an operationally efficient point-to-point route structure, and highly productive employees. Southwest's use of a single aircraft type has allowed for simplified scheduling, maintenance, flight operations, and training activities."

Southwest's no-seat assignments policy massively simplifies its systems and processes, with no need to track seats and seat assignments for every plane for every flight for an entire year out.

Then there is the decision, back in the early 2000s, not to install in-flight entertainment, which would have cost multiple millions of dollars per plane and led to installation downtime. The weight of each in-seat display unit can be upwards of 13 pounds. Every pound of extra weight adds ~$1,400 per year per plane in extra fuel. 13 pounds per seat adds ~$3 million in additional operating costs per year per aircraft. In-flight entertainment didn't align with their low-cost mission. Fast forward a decade, and now Southwest has arguably the best in-flight entertainment with free live TV with BYOD (bring your own device).

Southwest has always aligned its infrastructure strategy with its mission and value proposition, leading to its unit cost leadership of 4.4 cents per available seat mile versus 5.4 to 5.8 cents for other airlines.

Southwest Infrastructure

Southwest's Partners

Partners are all those companies that support a business. To understand the breadth of partners in a company, simply look at the accounts payable list to see all the partners. Now, while many partners are transactional, in most businesses, a few strategic partners can support the success of a business model.

In the case of Southwest, Boeing is a strong and important strategic partner. Here is an excellent quote from a  nice history of the Boeing / Southwest partnership,

"Our relationship with Southwest is about more than just delivering great airplanes," said Carolyn Corvi, vice president and general manager of the Boeing 737/757 Programs. "It's about understanding their business, trusting each other, and working together to achieve solutions. We know that while they have a lot of fun and play hard, they also run a business model that the entire industry emulates and admires. We are delighted and honored to have such a wonderful partner."

And you can see the benefits of this partnership, with Southwest often being the launch partner on Boeing's new 737 and customizing them to meet the needs of Southwest's customers. Take a look at the  737-800 MAX as an example .

Southwest's Processes

Every action in a business is a process, whether acknowledged as one or not. The key to processes is that they are lean and efficient by reducing non-value-added actions and inventory, otherwise known as waste. For Southwest, the foundation of processes is great people, infrastructure, and partners, which enables them to have super lean & low-cost processes and high plane utilization.

Just think about Southwest's quick gate turnaround, which originated as a 10-minute turnaround challenge,  which you can read about here . They only use 737s, so their turnaround teams and training are optimized on one type of plane. They don't have food carts, and they have customers and stewards clean up during deplaning. Through the profit-sharing plan, their team members are incentivized to get planes out on time and turn them around quickly.

Or, think about their no-seat assignments, which help them lean out many processes. Customer service interactions about seat assignments are non-existent, which also lowers IT costs by eliminating the complexity of seat assignments. Furthermore, the first customers to check in are the first to get their boarding number, which drives earlier check-in and better over / under-booking  metrics , eliminating the need to kick paying customers off an overbooked flight.

Southwest's lean processes also make it the historical leader in on-time and baggage performance. The collective focus on lean processes helps Southwest's team members realize their mission of being a low-cost airline.

Southwest Processes

Strategic Takeaways on Organizations

Southwest's organization efficiently and effectively develops and delivers its value proposition and go-to-market. Southwest's alignment of its entire business model from the mission to the targets to the value proposition, go-to-market, and the organization is extremely rare. So is their phenomenal revenue growth and 45 years of profitability.

Southwest Revenue Growth Historical


If a company doesn't have a mission or has a weak mission, fix that first. If the target markets, customers, and geographies are too broad, then focus them on the most lucrative. If the value proposition doesn't drive better customer value than the competition, then solve that. If the value proposition is strong, then focus on scaling through an improved go-to-market strategy. The more focused the top part of the business model, the easier it is to develop great organizational and functional strategies. If the business model is robust and working, then, and only then, think about expanding into new markets, customer segments, or geographies.

Every company has the potential to grow for decades, but it all comes down to strategy and execution.

If you need to develop a business model strategy, I encourage you to read  developing a strategy  or  set up some time with me  to start figuring it out.


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Creating a Business Model Slide: How to Communicate Your Business Model Effectively

Creating a Business Model Slide: How to Communicate Your Business Model Effectively

This article will discuss how you can create the perfect business model slide, along with examples, ideas, and tips on getting excellent results.

Let’s start with the very basics:

What is a Business Model?

A business model outlines how a company plans to make profits. It mainly identifies the products and/or services it plans to sell, the target market, and any expenses.

Business models are important for every kind of business since they can be used to attract investors, recruit talent, and motivate the team. If you’re a company trying to get funding, a business plan can make or break your efforts. A business plan can help investors evaluate good investment opportunities. Even employees who wish to join the company might be interested in your business plan to better understand your company’s future.

So, it goes without saying that having a solid business model slide in your pitch deck is SUPER IMPORTANT!

Your business model slide and how you present it can sometimes be the sole deciding factor responsible for you to land the funding you need.

This article will explain how you can create the perfect business model slide and the mistakes you should avoid.

Pay good attention; this has the potential to change your life…

How to Create a Business Model Slide for Your Pitch Deck

Follow these 6 steps to create your business model slide:

– Identify the key components of your business model

– Create a visual representation of your business model

– Explain each component of your business model

– Make the slide visually appealing and easy to understand

– Review the slide to ensure that it effectively communicates your business model

– Practice presenting the slide

Let’s explore each step in detail:

Identify the key components of your business model

To identify the key components of your business model, you can follow the following steps:

  • Identify your revenue streams.

How will your business make money? Are you selling a product or a service?

  • Define your target market.

Who are the people that you will you be targeting with your products and/or services? What are their pain points?

  • Value proposition

What value do you provide your target market? How does your product/service solve their problems?

  • Key partners and suppliers

Are there any key partners or suppliers that you might need to work with to ensure smooth operation?

  • Distribution channels

How will your product/service reach your target market? Are you going to use online channels, physical stores, or a mix of both?

  • Cost structure

What are the costs associated with running your business? This can be anything from production costs to marketing expenses and overhead. Also, mention how you will control these costs and maintain profitability.

These 6 areas will give you an overview of your business model. Once you have identified these key elements, you can move on to creating a visual representation of your business slide . This is where SlideBazaar can make your life easier!

Business Mode Slides – Examples & Templates

This is an example of a simple business model slide. Download this as a PowerPoint template

Business Slide Design

The design of your business model slide is just as important as the contents. You need to make sure that your business slide is well-designed. Here are a few pointers that can help you out.

  • Make sure your business slide is easy to read and clear. Choose an appropriate font for your pitch deck, and select colors with good contrast for the text and background.
  • Use good quality, high resolution graphics in your business model slides. These graphics can help the viewer understand your slides better, so make sure you pay close attention to them.
  • Use appropriate charts, graphs, and other diagrams to convey data information effectively.
  • Branding of your business slide should be consistent throughout your pitch deck. Your business model slide should also have consistent branding.

If all of this sounds like too much work, you can always reach out to us to get your slides made. Here’s a link to get in touch with us.

Common mistakes in business model slides:

The people you’re presenting your business model slide to probably don’t have much time to sit through your entire presentation and take everything in.

The biggest mistake people often make is adding too much information to their business model slide. You need to avoid overwhelming your audience with information.

Keep your business model slide simple and focus on the most important information.

Another common mistake people make is not using visual cues to guide the user.

You should use graphics, icons, and other visual elements to guide the viewer through your presentation. This will help them understand the key elements of your presentation much faster.

Keep the language clear and concise. Do not use jargon or technical terms that may confuse your audience.

And lastly, the most important part. Practice. An excellent slide isn’t enough if you haven’t practiced presenting it. Make sure you review the slide and practice presenting it to someone else. You could also record yourself doing it and closely observe to see how you can improve the presentation.

Business model vs business plan

A business model is different from a business plan and a business plan gives an outline of how a company might generate revenue. A business plan goes into detail on how the business model would work and how revenue could be generated.

If you’re interested in knowing more about business plans and creating business plan presentations, we have a detailed article that you can check out .

Why Do You Need a Business Model Slide in Your Pitch Deck?

Investors usually don’t spend much time going through your entire pitch deck. To get the best result, you should be able to communicate all the important details in your slide effectively without taking too much time.

A business model slide includes everything from how your company functions to the strategy you will be using to generate revenue. A business slide is perhaps the most crucial part of your pitch deck since it provides enough reason for an investor to believe your venture is worth investing in.

  • Business model canvas template
  • Business model innovation template

I hope the points I’ve covered in this article will help you create your own business model slide. Make sure to practice your presentation well. Even the best slides can fall short with mediocre presentation skills. You can learn how to present better by exploring our blog.

Good luck with your presentations!

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The Business Model Slide: How to make it and include

how to create a pitch deck for investors - image shows two guys chatting with their laptops in front of them

How to create a pitch deck for investors?

If you're reading this, you are probably in the process of pitching investors to raise money for your company. I'm the CEO of a company called Slidebean. I've not only managed to raise funding for our startup, but hundreds of companies have also used our templates to do so.

In this article, we are going to dig deep into how to create a pitch deck for investors, with special attention to the pitch deck structure. There is a pretty standardized pitch deck outline that most presentations follow, so we'll look at each slide and dig into what content you should include in each one of them.

Check out our article pitch deck design guidelines if you are looking for guidance on your design and pitch deck examples from successful startups if you are looking for inspiration. Remember, the pitch deck is the very first impression an investor might get at your business, and it should look stellar.

Pitch deck outline?

Let's not reinvent the wheel here. For anyone wondering what is a pitch deck, dozens of accelerators, venture funds, successful startups and internet personalities have published the 'ideal' contents of an investor deck. Also, we cover this on a more extended article here.

But, pretty much every pitch deck follows this structure:

The Problem

The solution, product demo.

‍ Why we'll make you rick:

  • Market Size
  • Business Model     --> We'll get to this
  • Competition
  • Underlying Magic
  • Go-to-Market Plan
  • Traction / Milestones

Fundraising Info

For most of this article, I am going to use the Uber pitch deck as an example. Now the original version doesn't look particularly good, so we'll use Slidebean's redesigned version.

The Intro Section

This is where you present your case, your problem premise, and your proposed solution. This is a critical part of your pitch because it will determine if you can capture an investors attention for the rest of the presentation.

The Cover Slide

Little to add here on the structure side, we'll look at some design tips later.

This is where you present the status quo. The founders of Uber made it very clear- Cabs in 2008 are far from a great user experience: they use aging, and inefficient technology and hailing is done by hand of phone.

uber pitch deck problem

Check Airbnb' pitch deck. This was the reality in 2009, all you had was Craigslist and CouchSurfing, and neither of those was a pleasant user experience.

airbnb pitch deck problem slide

I also love the way Airbnb summarized it in just three short sentences: - Price is important for travelers. - Hotels are bubbles. - There's no way to book a room with a local or to host a spare room or apartment.

See how down to earth this problem has been summarized? No complicated jargon, no debatable arguments, 100% straightforward, verifiable claims.

Creating empathy with your investors is critical at this point. If you offer a questionable statement, then the whole premise of your pitch will be doubted. If the problem you are trying to solve can be applied to them, great, use that! If you are solving a problem for an entirely different audience, then acknowledge it and again, make sure your premise is solid.

uber pitch deck solution slide

The solution is quite obviously you, and your company and your product. Mention three or four core functions of your app and how they address the problems you just talked about.

One important tip here is to, once again, avoid tech jargon. Think of benefits instead of features- so instead of saying: 'fully responsive editor,' rephrase it to 'edit your presentation anywhere, even your phone.'

This is a killer line right here: Convenience of a cab in NYC + experience of a professional chauffeur. But in SF and NYC.

There's a whole thing about product demos. If you are presenting live, for example, then a product demo is a double edge sword. You risk the demo crashing and ruining your whole pitch, so sticking with a video is safer.

If you are sharing the pitch with an investor via email, then a video capture is a nice courtesy and a way to guarantee that the viewer will get a glimpse of your product: you can't assume they'll go to your website, create an account and check it out themselves.

Finally, if you are in an in-person meeting, following the flow yourself might be the best choice. Remember, in either case, your video demo should reach an 'aha moment' in 30 seconds or less.

Why we'll make you rich:

if you managed to catch their attention in the first minute or so, now it's time to prove why are you are going to make them reach.

Remember, few investors (actually no investors) will give you money because they like you, your team, and your product. They'll do it because they believe your team, led by your vision, can grasp a market opportunity, great a sizable company and give them a significant return on their investment.This is where you look at how large can this company become. Two ways to tackle it, with what is called a 'bottom up' or a 'top-down' market approach.

A Top-Down analysis is calculated by determining the total market, then estimating your share of that market.  A typical top-down analysis might go something like this:  "Hmm... I will sell rubber duck everyone can use, and since there are 500,000 people in my area, even if I only manage to land 5 percent of that market I'll make 25,000 sales."

A bottom-up analysis is calculated by estimating potential sales to determine a total sales figure. A bottom-up study evaluates where products can be sold, the sales of comparable products, and the slice of current sales you can carve out. While it takes a lot more effort, the result is usually much more accurate.

There's a great article you can look into for more details.

uber pitch deck market size

So going back to our example, Uber planned to start as a NYC + SF service, which makes almost $1.3 Billion per year. Then they planned to expand to LA, Chicago, Houston, PA, and Dallas, which make up 50% of the US taxi market.

So based on this information, they estimated three scenarios: A Worst-Case Scenario where they remain a ten car, 100 client service in SF. A Realistic Success Scenario where UBer gets 5% of the top 5 US Cities, which represents 20-30M+ per year profit.

And a Best-Case Scenario , where Uber became a market leader, $1B+ in yearly revenue. Who would've guessed even that prediction fell short of the company they'd become.


The business model slide.

airbnb pitch deck business model slide

Now, the pitch deck business model slide is, in most cases, a slide that makes or break your pitch. I'm taking Airbnb's example here, whose business model is dead simple: they make a 10% commission on each transaction. That's it.

Airbnb makes money in many other ways these days, but the premise remains, there's a percentage of each transaction, and when dealing with a $500MM serviceable market (Budget + Online Trips), even a small portion of the equation yields fantastic economics.

The founders elaborated by making a rough estimate that serving 15% of the addressable market would yield them $200MM of revenue in the first three years. A bold, but eventually accurate prediction.

We are working on a new video dedicated exclusively to studying and understanding powerful Business Model slides (We'll be updating this post with the link any time soon).

What Makes up a Startup Business Model?

Simply put, a business model defines how your company functions. It states for professionals and investors, as much as it does so for family and friends, what your business strategy is mostly about in operational terms.

What we mean by the above is that your business model pitch deck template should clearly define not only who your customers are, but what value propositionthey find in your company, service or product offering, how you make revenue off of this entrepreneurship and how you manage to upkeep a business relation with your clientele in a way that is profitable to both.  

What Is Osterwalder’s startup Business Model Canvas?

Unfortunately, we are at a point in the business world where we cannot speak of business model slides without referencing Swiss business theorist Alex Osterwalder and a model that has nurtured a big part of what is known as a Lean Startup Movement.

Business model canvas is more commonly abbreviated as BMC. They are mainly strategic tools that facilitate business model analysis and development in business presentations .

Why do we mention this? Let’s move on to our key facts to successful business model slides to find out.

1- Work On Your Business Model Canvas

The first key fact for you here is: If you have not done so already, please take out a simple sheet of paper and work on your BMC. Yes, no computers for this one but back to old-fashioned (and very fun, actually!) pen and paper.

Furthermore, do NOT do this by yourself. Fundamentally, this should be seen as a team activity and hopefully done together with your business team.

Used as a creative impulse, the BMC should help you define the purpose of your business through your value proposition and network to get to your revenue projections.

2- Study the business model

This might feel like a cheat, but we cannot stress it enough just how relevant it is that you actually spend time studying and crafting an actual and functional business model. We highlight this as it is not only important for the sake of a winning business model slide to your upcoming pitch deck , but it is furthermore essential to good business health and long-term positive entrepreneurial trajectory.

You might be surprised how many startups fail to work on their business model to their exhaustion as a foundation for their entire business operation. For the number of hours spent trying to scale your business, pausing here - for as tedious and hard as it can feel - is a long-term life and time saver.

3- Make sure how you make and sell works

Breaking your business model in two sections, you would thus tell us not only how you make your product or business offer, but how you plan on putting it out there in the market, thus coming up with your value chain business model.

Moreover, when you present the above, make sure what you outline actually works in a way that it passes any possible numeric test (and also a logical narrative one) towards actual profitability in the financial model .

Image contains an operating costs template

Check our Financial Model Templates

4- Consider and stress your innovation

There are two ways in which you can typically be innovative in regards to business models; either in the making or on the selling aspects of that on which you are basing your startup. We say “typically” here as fantastic and ground-breaking business models actually manage to be innovative in both aspects.

Therefore, can you innovate how you make, sell or distribute your product? Or could you do so in the way in which you meet consumer needs? Can you actually do so both ways?

If you really do on any of the above and by any means, definitely stress this out in your upcoming business model slide.

Warning here, though, as, if you truly do NOT manage to find an innovative way to crack at your business model, please do not make it up. A bluff here is easier to see from miles away than most think; and investors are awfully good at sniffing that, as well. It’s one of many pitch deck facts . In fact, you need not be an investor to consider from a consumer perspective whether your idea or business proposition is actually innovative at all. So spare yourself a loss of considerable credibility throughout your business presentation by adding something you do not possess; innovation should be an awfully valuable asset, not a required aspect.

5- Make the best of your timing

Part of the things most startup pitch decks leave out is how the time in which business presentations are being pitched is precisely the right one for any investor or party to be looking at their business offer. This, of course, goes along with reasons why the time at which pitches are being delivered is the perfect one for the product or service to be out there.

In this sense, it is best when you have a business pitch targeting something that is happening or is executed at a moment when the launch or offer works more than ever before - and prior to any further events unfolding.

Many successful businesses have thrived solely based on timing, as a matter of fact. And that is not surprising at all; timing really matters! It does so considerably. So include that in your presentation if the timing is just perfect and on your side.

The Competition Slide

competition comparative

I'm going to use the Slidebean example for the competition slide. This grid approach to comparing your company to your competitors was popularly used by Steve Jobs when he used to compare the iPhone to any other phone available at the time.

If you have a product that stands far apart from your competitors, then this might be the best way to make sure everyone understands the premise.

In our case, the horizontal axis would be represented by 'time required to make a presentation or pitch deck,' and 'quality of design' on the vertical axis.

slidebean competition slide

Traditional presentation software like PowerPoint would have an average design quality, with terrible efficiency. Prezi, for example, provides somewhat better results, at the cost of even more time. All the way to the extreme, you can create a top of the line presentation using Adobe Illustrator, but this is a professional tool for designers.

Slidebean's niche is right here, where high quality meets efficiency- and with this diagram is easy to see how it stands apart.

Underlying magic or competitive advantage

Uber pitch deck technology slide

The Underlying Magic slide also referred to as the Competitive Advantage slide, is where you elaborate on the technologies and patents you've developed to make your product or service unique. Feel free to get more technical here.

Going back to Uber, this is where they get to brag about their route optimization system, reputation tracking, and demand forecasting: that's right, surges. As much as we users hate them, that is one of Uber's most powerful innovations.

The Go-To-Market Plan

Airbnb pitch deck market adoption

The go-to-market slide should refer to your plans to acquire a mass audience. Now the reality of any startup is that there is no way to know how these 'plans' will work until you try them out, and you'll likely need to update this slide regularly as you try and fail with different marketing tactics.

It's essential, however, to remember and fake it till' you make it: always have a plan and pitch it as if you are 100% sure that's the way to go. The point of this slide is proving that you can figure out ways to grow your business, both with a large pool of ideas and the ability to execute.

Airbnb's slide refers to three alternatives: events, partnerships, and the 'dual posting feature.' In the end, they never managed to make a deal with Kayak, but they hit the nail on the head with the dual posting function.

In a nutshell, they developed a bot that would take any Airbnb listing, repost it on Craigslist and link back to the original Airbnb post, thus increasing their traffic and awareness, as well as the chances of getting a listing booked when they had few customers.

Airbnb pitch deck, team slide

Almost done now, moving up to the team. This slide should be simple: mention your founders and why are you the right people to grow this company.

Remember the ideal founder combination is the hustler/hacker/hipster trio. A hustler, usually the CEO that can sell the company and keep investors excited around it; a hacker, often the CTO that can lead the product development for the first few years; and finally a hipster that can build a brand both through high-quality design and marketing.  

Do not talk about your advisors, first employees or anyone who is not dedicated 100% to the company.

Wrapping Up


slidebean pitch deck, traction slide

The Traction/Milestone slide is another crucial piece of your pitch. Actually, if you are pitching in front of an audience in a demo-day type of event, this slide should probably go first, right after your cover; this gives you credibility early on and captures people's attention for the rest of the pitch.

In the storytelling arch of your presentation (click below to see our video on Storytelling) the Traction is the lethal blow and the climax of your story.  

If you have revenue, and it's growing, that should be the only chart on this slide. If you don't have any sales, you might want to reconsider pitching investors, as it's tough to raise money without income. If you must, then talk about user growth, monthly and weekly active users.

airbnb pitch deck financial slide

Both of the pitch deck templates we are referencing, Uber and Airbnb, have a final fundraising slide with their ask. In the US, the SEC has certain regulations as to whom can you show your financial data, so you should be careful when sending your deck to people who aren't accredited investors.

This is not my expertise by any means, but a couple of tips are: - If you are pitching on stage, to an audience, do not add this slide. - If you are sending this deck privately to a VC, then you are probably OK.

When in doubt, check out this article for more info.

So all of the pitch deck templates we talked about are available to use on Slidebean. Creating an account is free, and you can start editing right away. Slidebean's algorithm will handle the design for you, so all you need to care about is the design.

If you want to do this in PowerPoint or your platform of choice, well shame on you, but check out our next video with some Pitch Deck Design guidelines.

Need some extra help with your Pitch Deck? Go and check Slidebean's

‍ Pitch Deck Design Service

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Business Model Canvas

It seems that you like this template, business model canvas presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Have you decided the business model that best suits your needs? Or maybe you are a consultant and are trying to help a client. The name of this new editable template says exactly what you get. We have designed a slideshow in which you can explain what business models are and list the key concepts. The different slides look very clean, with rounded rectangles that cast subtle shadows and circular shapes that feature gradients. It's suitable for almost any kind of company!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 42 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Free PowerPoint Business Model Canvas Templates

By Courtney Patterson | April 3, 2024

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We’ve collected the top PowerPoint business model canvas templates for entrepreneurs, startup leaders, and strategy architects. These customizable templates offer a comprehensive layout to define, evolve, and polish your business strategies.  Included on this page, you’ll find a  lean business model canvas template for PowerPoint, a  business capability model canvas template for PowerPoint, a  customer-focused business model canvas template , an  e-commerce business model canvas template , and more. These PowerPoint business model canvas templates will help you effectively organize and present your business strategies.

PowerPoint Simple Business Model Canvas Template

Simple Business Model Canvas Template for Powerpoint

Download the Sample Simple Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Simple Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template:

This simple business model canvas template for PowerPoint is ideal for swift strategic sessions and perfect for startups, entrepreneurs, and educators that need a quick yet comprehensive overview of their business or project’s core aspects. Use the template with or without sample data during initial planning phases or workshops, or when refining an existing business model for clarity and direction.  Notable Template Features:

This template’s streamlined layout highlights essential business model components — value propositions, customer segments, key activities, and more — in an easily digestible format. Its intuitive design facilitates quick modifications and collaborative discussions, making it a standout tool for visual strategy planning and presentation.  Download our  free business model and business model canvas templates to gain a clear, structured visualization of your business’s core components, so you can innovate, strategize, and align your operations for enhanced growth and competitiveness.

PowerPoint Lean Business Model Canvas Template

Lean Business Model Canvas Template for Powerpoint

Download a Sample Lean Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download a Blank Lean Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint  

When to Use This Template:  

This Lean business model canvas template for PowerPoint with or without sample data is best suited for agile startups and innovators looking to rapidly test and validate their business ideas. The template is particularly useful in fast-paced environments where the focus is on pinpointing the most critical elements of your business model to quickly adapt to market feedback.  Notable Template Features:

This template distills the business model canvas to its essence, prioritizing lean startup principles such as problem-solution fit, unique value propositions, and key metrics for success. Its design encourages dynamic interaction and iteration, making it an invaluable asset for teams committed to Lean methodologies and continuous improvement.  Need business model canvas templates in Google formats? Check out our article on free, editable Google Slides business model canvas templates to systematically understand, design, and refine your business strategy for improved clarity and strategic focus.

PowerPoint Business Capability Model Canvas Template

Business Capability Model Template for Powerpoint

Download the Sample Business Capability Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Business Capability Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template: 

This multi-slide business capability model canvas template for PowerPoint is designed for comprehensive strategic planning and analysis, ideal for evaluating your organization’s core business functions in detail. With or without sample data, the template is particularly useful for aligning business strategies with operational capabilities and identifying areas for improvement or investment.  Notable Template Features: 

This template offers a detailed breakdown of business capabilities across multiple slides, from operational processes to customer engagement strategies. The structured format supports a systematic approach to identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth, facilitating clear communication and strategic alignment within teams and departments.

PowerPoint Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template

Social Enterprise Canvas Template

Download the Sample Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint

Tailored for social enterprises and mission-driven organizations, this social enterprise business model canvas template for PowerPoint with or without sample data is the go-to resource for blending social impact with financial sustainability. Use it when brainstorming or strategizing how to effectively address social issues while remaining economically viable.  Notable Template Features: 

Distinctive for its focus on social value alongside traditional business elements, this template enriches your strategic planning with sections dedicated to social goals, impact measurement, and community engagement. The holistic approach helps you visualize both the societal benefits and the economic model of your enterprise, fostering a balanced strategy for both making a difference and achieving business success.

PowerPoint Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template

Customer Focused Canvas Template for Powerpoint

Download the Sample Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint

Deploy this customer-focused business model canvas template with or without sample data for PowerPoint while creating or reevaluating your business strategy with a focus on the customer. This template excels in environments where understanding and meeting customer needs are pivotal to crafting competitive advantages and personalized experiences.  Notable Template Features: 

Uniquely designed to elevate the importance of customer insights in strategic planning, this template incorporates sections for customer journeys, preferences, and feedback loops. It enables a deep dive into how each aspect of your business model serves the customer, ensuring that customer satisfaction and engagement are prioritized during decision-making.  

PowerPoint E-commerce Business Model Canvas Template

E Commerce Business Model Canvas Template for Powerpoint

Download the Sample E-commerce Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank E-commerce Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint 

This e-commerce business model canvas template for PowerPoint is your ally when diving into the online retail world, whether you’re launching a new e-commerce platform or optimizing an existing one. With or without sample data, the template is particularly effective for sessions aimed at dissecting and enhancing the online shopping experience, from initial click to post-purchase support.  Notable Template Features:  

With a design that caters specifically to the digital marketplace, this template allows for an in-depth analysis of online customer behavior, digital marketing strategies, and logistics. Its comprehensive layout ensures that every facet of the e-commerce ecosystem — including user experience, payment processing, and customer service — is meticulously planned and aligns with your business objectives.

PowerPoint Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template

Tech Startup Model Canvas Template for Powerpoint

Download the Sample Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint

This tech startup business model canvas template for PowerPoint is most useful when preparing your new idea for market entry or when adapting your technology venture to evolving market demands. The template, with or without sample data, is specially crafted for taking into account the interplay between innovative tech solutions and market needs. Notable Template Features: 

This template is uniquely tailored to the dynamics of the tech industry, spotlighting areas such as R&D, IP strategy, and user acquisition. It helps you visualize how your technology fits within the market, and ensures that elements such as scalability, cybersecurity, and technological advancements are front and center in your planning process.

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Top 10 Business Model Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Business Model Templates with Samples and Examples

Densil Nazimudeen


A well-structured business model is the compass guiding revenue generation, marketing plan , operations strategies, and overall business goals . Crafting and aligning a revenue model framework with your business objectives is essential for thriving in entrepreneurship and strategic management .

Having the right tools is crucial to excelling in this realm. That's where SlideTeam’s Top 10 Business Model Templates come into play. These PPT Templates empower you with the visual tools needed to communicate your business model effectively, whether you're presenting to investors, stakeholders, or your team.

Each PPT Theme in our selection encapsulates the essence of a strategic plan , offering a canvas to articulate your revenue model , business goals , marketing plan , and operations plan . They are your strategic companions, helping you breathe life into your ideas and transform them into actionable plans.

Click here for an intriguing blog post about the Top 12 Templates to Get Started With a Franchise Business Model.

Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business professional, our Top 10 Business Model PowerPoint Templates will equip you with the visuals to convey your strategies, inspire your team, and drive your business toward success. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the potential of your business model .

Given that they were deliberately created to be adaptable, our PPT Slides are the pinnacle of originality and usefulness. The slide is already organized neatly and expertly. You may rapidly enter text, graphics, or data to give the information a professional presentation while saving time. These themes encourage users to actively participate in creating impressive presentations with eye-catching, content-ready layouts, alluring graphics, and superb typography.

Let's take a look at our PPT Templates.

Template 1: Business Model for Startups Company Template

With the help of this PPT Theme, you can showcase the business model for a startup company. It includes an executive summary highlighting identified problems, innovative solutions, target market analysis, and a mission statement. Highlighting market trends from 2015 to 2017, this PPT Theme brings data to life with eye-catching graphics, showcasing three pivotal insights: Insight 1, Insight 2, and Insight 3. This PPT Theme engages your audience with captivating visuals and data representation. It conveys your startup's vision and strategy with clarity and impact.

Business Model For Startups Company

Download Now!

Template 2: Business Model Generation Value Proposition Template

With the help of this PPT Preset, you can demonstrate a comprehensive business model generation value proposition effectively. It includes key elements like a company overview emphasizing the introduction, mission statement, and vision for the future. It highlights your value proposition with two elevator pitch options, covering essential topics like your service or product and the core problem you're addressing. It facilitates team introductions by providing space for team member names, designations, and photographs. This PPT Preset helps you make a compelling pitch for investors, stakeholders, or team members.

Business Model Generation Value Proposition

Template 3: Organizational Chart and Business Model Restructuring Template

With the help of this PPT Preset, you can showcase an organizational chart and demonstrate the restructuring of a business model . It depicts the current situation of the company, covering revenues and high operating costs for FY 2016 to FY 2019 and estimates for FY 2021. It also highlights the reasons for restructuring the organization, such as low productivity, unclear roles and responsibilities, and missing daily targets.It helps you provide a clear and concise visual representation of the company's financial performance and transformation journey.

Organizational Chart and Business Model Restructuring

Download Now!  

Template 4: Business Model Design Template

With the help of this PPT Slide, you can demonstrate the business model design of your company. It provides a comprehensive company overview, emphasizing introduction, background, capabilities, accreditation, company vision, and mission. It also covers the member profile, departments, and teams with detailed information, including names, designations, photos, and the company’s organizational structure. This PPT Theme helps you create a professional and visually engaging presentation for internal or external stakeholders. It showcases your organization's strengths, values, and structure to clients, partners, or potential investors.

Business Model Design

Template 5: Business Model Template

With the help of this PPT Template, you can visually represent your business model . It includes key elements like how you monetize, how you acquire customers, etc. It covers user acquisition, gathering user information, intelligent suggestions, etc. It also covers the business model canvas, highlighting key partners, activities, essential resources, value propositions, etc. This PPT Theme helps you in strategy meetings or discussions. It facilitates discussions on key business elements and strategic decisions. Furthermore, you can present the Template to investors, stakeholders, or team members.

Business Model

Template 6: Innovative Business Model Template

With the help of this PPT Layout, you can showcase innovative business models. It covers critical elements, including future events, case studies, research studies, training, coaching, consulting, collaboration, etc. It demonstrates the business model innovation framework, which includes key elements like incremental changes, a leap of faith, volume chasing, etc. It also includes business model innovation segments like revenue model innovation, customer model innovation, etc. It discusses strategies for innovating the customer model effectively. 

Innovative Business Model

Template 7: Business Model Template

With the help of this PPT Preset, you can demonstrate six critical sources through which a business can gain a sustainable advantage over other companies. It includes methods of cost advantage, recurring revenue, intangible assets, switching costs, network effects, and business scaling. It also represents the canvas of the business model of a food delivery service website. This PPT Theme helps businesses identify and leverage their sustainable advantages over competitors. Furthermore, it helps you outline and analyze the different revenue streams generated by the service.

Business Model

Template 8: Business Model Canvas Template

With the help of this PPT Theme, you can showcase the business model canvas with examples. It includes critical partners, key activities, value propositions, essential resources, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structure, revenue streams, etc. It also covers local communities, governance, social values, societal culture, etc. This PPT Theme presents all significant parts of the business model within cohesive slide layouts. It helps clients decide the best business model for their company.


Template 9: ITIL Agile Service Value Stream Business Model Template

With the help of this PPT Layout, you can demonstrate an agile value-stream business model for achieving a competitive advantage. It includes value streams such as service innovation, fulfilment, and support. This PPT Theme helps businesses identify and leverage their value streams to achieve competitive advantage. It presents a clear and concise overview of the different value streams in the agile value stream business model . You can use the Template to create a professional and informative presentation on the agile value stream business model for investors, clients, and stakeholders.

ITIL agile service value stream business model

Template 10: Business Model Template

With the help of this PPT Layout, you can showcase the business model . It emphasizes critical elements, including user acquisition, information gathering, intelligent suggestions, user switches, etc. This PPT Theme helps businesses identify and leverage their essential elements to achieve competitive advantage. It presents a clear and concise overview of the different elements of the business model . Furthermore, you can use the Template to create a professional and informative presentation on the business model for investors, clients, and stakeholders.

Business Model

Check out these cutting-edge business model templates today!

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, leveraging these templates is not just a convenience; it's a competitive advantage. They streamline the planning process, foster creativity, and enhance business viability. So, seize the opportunity to explore and implement these templates today and pave the way for a prosperous business future.

Obtain these premium PPT Slides through our subscription plans, including monthly, semi-annual, and annual plans.

Click here for a captivating blog discussing the Top 7 Pyramid Model Templates with Samples and Examples.

Click here for a well-researched blog discussing the Top 10 Target Operating Model Templates to Envision Business Growth.

FAQs on Business Model

What are the four types of business models.

The four primary types of business models are the subscription model, the e-commerce model, the freemium model, and the franchise model.

What is the business model?

The structure of a business model describes how a corporation develops, distributes, and captures value. It outlines how a company functions and makes money.

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Business Model Canvas Template (+ Free Presentation Templates)

Business Model Canvas Template

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that helps businesses visualize and analyze their business models. It consists of nine key components that are essential for designing and evaluating a business model.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Business Model Canvas, explaining each component in detail and providing insights into their significance. Additionally, the article includes examples of free and premium presentation templates that entrepreneurs and managers can use to effectively communicate their business models to stakeholders, investors, and team members.

With this text, we continue the series of four articles:

  • Introduction to Business Models ;
  • Comparative Analysis of Business Models ;
  • Business Model Canvas Template ◄ You are here ;
  • Business Model Examples and Case Studies

dedicated to business models, accompanied by examples of presentation templates from the PoweredTemplate library . The use of these templates can be beneficial in practice when developing a presentation for various business models.

Table of Contents

Overview and Purpose of the Business Model Canvas

1. key partners, 2. key activities, 3. key resources, 4. value proposition, 5. customer segments, 6. distribution and communication channels, 7. customer relationships, 8. revenue streams, 9. cost structure, presentation templates of business models.

The Business Model Canvas is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs and business managers seeking to understand, design, and communicate their business models effectively. It provides a holistic and visual representation of the key elements that drive a business’s success. With its intuitive framework, the Business Model Canvas allows stakeholders to grasp the intricacies of a business model at a glance.

presentation on business model

The primary purpose of the Business Model Canvas is to facilitate strategic thinking and analysis. By breaking down the complex structure of a business into nine distinct components, it enables entrepreneurs and managers to identify critical areas for improvement, innovation, and optimization. Moreover, the canvas acts as a common language that aligns different teams and departments within an organization, fostering collaboration and a shared understanding of the business model.

Through the Business Model Canvas, businesses can identify opportunities for growth, streamline their operations, and enhance their value proposition to customers. By visualizing the interdependencies between each component, businesses gain insights into how changes in one aspect of the model can impact other areas. This holistic approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the business model’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of disruption.

presentation on business model

Furthermore, the Business Model Canvas promotes agility and adaptability. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations need to be flexible and responsive to changing market conditions. The canvas empowers businesses to iterate and experiment with different strategies and configurations, ensuring they remain competitive and resilient in dynamic environments.

It’s important to note that when using the Business Model Canvas, businesses have the option to leverage premium or free business model presentation templates . These templates offer a convenient and professional format for showcasing the business model visually. Whether opting for premium templates with enhanced features or free templates that provide a solid foundation, entrepreneurs and managers can effectively communicate their business models to stakeholders, investors, and team members.

In the next section, we will delve into each component of the Business Model Canvas, providing a detailed explanation of their significance and how they contribute to the overall business model.

Explanation of Each Business Model Canvas Component

The Business Model Canvas consists of nine essential components that collectively form a comprehensive representation of a business model. Each component plays a crucial role in shaping the overall strategy and operations of a business. In this section, we will explore each component in detail, highlighting their significance and how they contribute to the business model canvas.

Business Model Canvas Template -- Lean Canvas Model Free Template - Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

The Key Partners component identifies the external entities and organizations that collaborate with the business to create value and achieve mutual success. These partners can include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, technology providers, strategic alliances, or any other key stakeholders with whom the business forms strategic relationships. By leveraging the expertise, resources, or distribution channels of these partners, businesses can enhance their capabilities, reach new markets, reduce costs, and create a competitive advantage.

Key Activities encompass the core actions and processes that a business must undertake to deliver its value proposition and fulfill customer needs. These activities can include manufacturing, designing, marketing, distribution, research and development, customer support, and any other essential tasks required to operate the business. Identifying and optimizing key activities helps businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and create value for their customers.

Key Resources refer to the essential assets, both tangible and intangible, that a business needs to operate effectively. These resources can include physical resources like infrastructure, equipment, or inventory, as well as intellectual property, patents, trademarks, human capital, or financial resources. Understanding and managing key resources allows businesses to allocate their assets efficiently, leverage their strengths, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

The Value Proposition component defines the unique value that a business offers to its customers. It encapsulates the products, services, or solutions that address customers’ needs, solve their problems, or fulfill their desires in a superior way compared to alternatives in the market.

Business Model Canvas Template -- Value Proposition Canvas Template - Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

A compelling value proposition is essential for attracting customers, creating customer loyalty, and sustaining a competitive advantage. By continuously refining and enhancing their value proposition, businesses can stay relevant and meet evolving customer demands.

Customer Segments involve segmenting the target market and identifying distinct groups of customers with similar needs, preferences, or characteristics. Understanding the diverse customer segments enables businesses to tailor their offerings, marketing messages, and customer experiences to specific customer groups. By effectively targeting and serving different customer segments, businesses can maximize customer satisfaction, increase market share, and drive sustainable growth.

Distribution and Communication Channels encompass the ways in which a business reaches its customers, delivers its value proposition, and engages in communication. These channels can include physical stores, e-commerce platforms, distribution networks, direct sales, social media, or any other means through which the business interacts with its customers. Optimizing distribution and communication channels allows businesses to effectively reach their target audience, ensure timely delivery, and maintain strong customer relationships.

Customer Relationships involve the types of relationships a business establishes and maintains with its customers. This component focuses on understanding and meeting customer expectations, delivering exceptional customer service, and building long-term customer loyalty. Whether through personalized interactions, self-service options, or ongoing support, cultivating positive customer relationships enhances customer satisfaction, promotes repeat business, and generates positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Revenue Streams encompass the various sources of revenue that a business generates through its value proposition and customer segments. This component involves identifying and optimizing revenue streams, which can include product sales, subscription fees, licensing, advertising, freemium models, or any other revenue generation strategies. Diversifying revenue streams and finding the right balance between pricing and value proposition helps businesses sustain financial stability and maximize profitability.

The Cost Structure component deals with the costs and expenses incurred by the business to operate, deliver its value proposition, and generate revenue. It involves understanding and managing the cost drivers, cost-saving opportunities, and economies of scale. Optimizing the cost structure allows businesses to achieve efficiency, profitability, and sustainable growth.

Understanding each component of the Business Model Canvas and their interconnections is vital for businesses to design, evaluate, and refine their business models. In the next section, we will explore presentation templates that can help showcase the business models effectively, enabling businesses to communicate their strategies and value propositions to stakeholders and investors.

Presentation templates provide a convenient and visually appealing way to showcase business models using the Business Model Canvas framework. These templates offer a structured format that helps entrepreneurs, managers, and teams effectively communicate their business models to various stakeholders.

Business Strategy Two - Premium Google Slides Presentation Template

When it comes to business model presentation templates, there are both premium and free options available. Premium templates often offer additional features, customization options, and a polished design that can elevate the visual representation of the business model. These templates may be suitable for professionals who require a high level of customization and advanced presentation capabilities.

On the other hand, free business model presentation templates can be an excellent starting point for those who are looking for a solid foundation and a straightforward way to present their business models. These templates often include the key sections and components of the Business Model Canvas, allowing users to input their specific information and customize the template to align with their branding and style.

presentation on business model

Whether opting for premium or free templates, it’s essential to choose a design that aligns with the overall message and tone of the business model. Clear and visually engaging templates can captivate the audience’s attention , enhance understanding, and facilitate meaningful discussions around the business model.

Business model presentation templates typically include placeholders for each component of the Business Model Canvas, such as Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Proposition, Customer Segments, Distribution and Communication Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, and Cost Structure. These templates guide users to input relevant information and create a visually cohesive and professional presentation.

By utilizing presentation templates, businesses can save time and effort in designing their business model visualizations while ensuring a clear and structured representation. Whether presenting to potential investors, sharing insights with team members, or discussing strategies with stakeholders, the use of templates can enhance the clarity, impact, and professionalism of the business model presentation.

The Business Model Canvas is a dynamic tool that requires continuous evaluation and refinement. As businesses evolve and market conditions change, the canvas can be adapted to reflect new strategies, innovations, and customer insights.

Incorporating the Business Model Canvas into strategic management practices allows businesses to identify opportunities, optimize operations, and create value for customers. By understanding the interdependencies between the components and leveraging presentation templates, businesses can enhance collaboration, align different teams, and effectively communicate their strategies.

As you seek to enhance your existing model, we encourage you to utilize the Business Model Canvas and leverage the available presentation templates. Embrace the power of strategic visualization and communication to drive your business forward, adapt to changing markets, and succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Remember, your business model is the foundation for your success, and the Business Model Canvas is the roadmap that brings it to life.

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Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

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The term business model refers to a company's plan for making a profit . It identifies the products or services the business plans to sell, its identified target market , and any anticipated expenses . Business models are important for both new and established businesses. They help companies attract investment, recruit talent, and motivate management and staff.

Businesses should regularly update their business model or they'll fail to anticipate trends and challenges ahead. Business models also help investors to evaluate companies that interest them and employees to understand the future of a company they may aspire to join.

Key Takeaways

  • A business model is a company's core strategy for profitably doing business.
  • Models generally include information like products or services the business plans to sell, target markets, and any anticipated expenses.
  • The two levers of a business model are pricing and costs.
  • A business model should be periodically revised to make sure it still reflects the business environment and customer demands.
  • Analysts and investors often look at a company's gross profit to evaluate the success of a business model.

Investopedia / Laura Porter

A business model is a high-level plan for profitably operating a business in a specific marketplace. This plan helps the company to identify the best way to go about doing its business while also serving to attract investors and talent.

A primary component of the business model is the value proposition . This is a description of the goods or services that a company offers and why they are desirable to customers or clients; it should ideally be stated in a way that differentiates the product or service from its competitors.

A new enterprise's business model should also cover projected startup costs and financing sources, the target customer base for the business, marketing strategy , a review of the competition, and projections of revenues and expenses. The plan may also define opportunities in which the business can partner with other established companies. For example, the business model for an advertising business may identify benefits from an arrangement for referrals to and from a printing company.

Successful businesses have business models that allow them to fulfill client needs at a competitive price and a sustainable cost. And they are subject to change. Many businesses revise their business models periodically to reflect changing business environments and market demand .

Investors and Business Models

When evaluating a company as a possible investment, the investor should find out exactly how it makes its money. This means looking through the company's business model. Fortunately, it's not hard to find. Most companies outline their business model on their website and in their annual reports .

Admittedly, the business model may not tell you everything about a company's prospects. Investors need to fill in the blanks, look beyond the sales pitch, and recognize that sensitive information or any flouting of rules of ethics to gain an advantage won't be mentioned. The investor who understands the business model, even on a basic level, can make better sense of the financial data.

A common mistake many companies make when they create their business models is to underestimate the costs of funding the business until it becomes profitable. Counting costs up to the introduction of a product is not enough. A company has to keep the business running until its revenues exceed its expenses.

One way analysts and investors evaluate the success of a business model is by looking at the company's gross profit . Gross profit is a company's total revenue minus the cost of goods sold (COGS) . Comparing a company's gross profit to that of its main competitor or its industry sheds light on the efficiency and effectiveness of its business model. Gross profit alone can be misleading, however. Analysts also want to see cash flow or net income —that is, gross profit minus operating expenses, which is an indication of just how much real profit the business is generating.

The two primary levers of a company's business model are pricing and costs. A company can raise prices, and it can find inventory at reduced costs. Both actions increase gross profit.

Many analysts consider gross profit to be more important in evaluating a business plan. A good gross profit suggests a sound business plan. In that case, if expenses are out of control, the management team could be at fault, and the problems are correctable. As this suggests, many analysts believe that companies that run on the best business models can run themselves.

When evaluating a company as a possible investment, find out exactly how it makes its money—not just what it sells but how it sells it. That's the company's business model.

Types of Business Models

There isn't one type of business model. Not all companies are the same and each has different ways of making money. Business models can vary considerably. An aerospace company such as Boeing, for example, may operate similarly to a peer such as Airbus but won't share much in common in terms of how it makes money with, say, a shoe store or bar.

Direct sales, franchising , advertising-based, and brick-and-mortar stores are all examples of traditional business models. There are hybrid models as well, such as businesses that combine internet retail with brick-and-mortar stores or with sporting organizations like the NBA .

Below are some common types of business models; note that the examples given may fall into multiple categories.

One of the more common business models most people interact with regularly is the retailer model. A retailer is the last entity along a supply chain. They often buy finished goods from manufacturers or distributors and interface directly with customers.

Example: Costco Wholesale


A manufacturer is responsible for sourcing raw materials and producing finished products by leveraging internal labor, machinery, and equipment. A manufacturer may make custom goods or highly replicated, mass-produced products and can sell what it makes to distributors, retailers, or directly to customers.

Example: Ford Motor Company


Instead of selling products, fee-for-service business models are centered around labor and providing services. A fee-for-service business model may charge an hourly rate or a fixed cost for a specific agreement. Fee-for-service companies are often specialized, offering insight that may not be common knowledge or may require specific training.

Example: DLA Piper LLP


Subscription-based business models strive to attract clients in the hopes of luring them into long-time, loyal patrons. This is done by offering a product that requires ongoing payment, usually in return for a fixed duration of benefit. Though largely offered by digital companies for access to software, subscription business models are also popular for physical goods such as monthly reoccurring agriculture/produce subscription box deliveries.

Example: Spotify

Freemium business models attract customers by introducing them to basic, limited-scope products. Then, with the client using their service, the company attempts to convert them to a more premium, advance product that requires payment. Although a customer may theoretically stay on freemium forever, a company tries to show the benefit of becoming an upgraded member.

Example: LinkedIn/LinkedIn Premium

Some companies can reside within multiple business model types at the same time for the same product. For example, Spotify (a subscription-based model) also offers a free version and a premium version.

If a company is concerned about the cost of attracting a single customer, it may attempt to bundle products to sell multiple goods to a single client. Bundling capitalizes on existing customers by attempting to sell them different products. This can be incentivized by offering pricing discounts for buying multiple products.

Example: AT&T


Marketplaces receive compensation for hosting a platform for business to be conducted. Although transactions could occur without a marketplace, this business model attempts to make transacting easier, safer, and faster.

Example: eBay

Affiliate business models are based on marketing and the broad reach of a specific entity or person's platform. Companies pay an entity to promote a good, and that entity often receives compensation in exchange for their promotion. That compensation may be a fixed payment, a percentage of sales derived from their promotion, or both.

Example: social media influencers such as Lele Pons, Zach King, or Chiara Ferragni

Razor Blade

Aptly named after the product that invented the model, this business model aims to sell a durable product below cost to then generate high-margin sales of a disposable component needed to use that product. Also referred to as the " razor and blade model ", razor blade companies may give away expensive blade handles with the premise that consumers need to continually buy razor blades in the long run.

Example: HP (printers and ink)

"Tying" is an illegal razor blade model strategy that requires the purchase of an unrelated good prior to being able to buy a different (and often required) good. For example, imagine Gillette released a line of lotion and required all customers to buy three bottles before they were allowed to purchase disposable razor blades.

Reverse Razor Blade

Instead of relying on high-margin companion products, a reverse razor blade business model tries to sell a high-margin product upfront. Then, to use the product, low or free companion products are provided. This model aims to promote that upfront sale, as further use of the product is not highly profitable.

Example: Apple (iPhones + applications)

The franchise business model leverages existing business plans to expand and reproduce a company at a different location. Often food, hardware, or fitness companies, franchisers work with incoming franchisees to finance the business, promote the new location, and oversee operations. In return, the franchisor receives a percentage of earnings from the franchisee.

Example: Domino's Pizza


Instead of charging a fixed fee, some companies may implement a pay-as-you-go business model where the amount charged depends on how much of the product or service was used. The company may charge a fixed fee for offering the service in addition to an amount that changes each month based on what was consumed.

Example: Utility companies

A brokerage business model connects buyers and sellers without directly selling a good themselves. Brokerage companies often receive a percentage of the amount paid when a deal is finalized. Most common in real estate, brokers are also prominent in construction/development and freight.

Example: Re/Max

There is no "one size fits all" when making a business model. Different professionals may suggest taking different steps when creating a business and planning your business model. Here are some broad steps someone can take to create a plan:

  • Identify your audience : Most business model plans will start with either defining the problem or identifying your audience and target market . A strong business model will reflect who you are trying to target so you can craft your product, messaging, and approach to connecting with that audience.
  • Define the problem : In addition to understanding your audience, you must know what problem you are trying to solve. A hardware company sells products for home repairs. A restaurant feeds the community. Without a problem or a need that creates demand for your services or products, your business may struggle to find its footing.
  • Understand your offerings : With your audience and problem in mind, consider what you are able to offer. What products are you interested in selling, and how does your expertise match that product? In this stage of the business model, the product is tweaked to adapt to what the market needs and what you're able to provide.
  • Document your needs : With your product selected, consider the hurdles your company will face. This includes product-specific challenges as well as operational difficulties. Make sure to document each of these needs to assess whether you are ready to launch in the future.
  • Find key partners : Most businesses will leverage other partners in driving company success. For example, a wedding planner may forge relationships with venues, caterers, florists, and tailors to enhance their offering. For manufacturers, consider who will provide your materials and how critical your relationship with that provider will be.
  • Set monetization solutions : A business model isn't complete until it identifies how the company will make money and turn a profit. This includes selecting the strategy or strategies laid out in the business model types section above.
  • Test your model : When your full plan is in place, perform test surveys or soft launches. Ask how people would feel paying your prices for your services. Offer discounts to new customers in exchange for reviews and feedback. You can always adjust your business model, but you should always consider leveraging direct feedback from the market when doing so.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, consider what competing companies are doing and how you can position yourself in the market. You may be able to easily spot gaps in the business model of others.

Criticism of Business Models

Joan Magretta, the former editor of the Harvard Business Review , suggests there are two critical factors in sizing up business models. When business models don't work, she states, it's because the story doesn't make sense and/or the numbers just don't add up to profits.

Complicated business models can put off investors and hinder a company's growth. People are less eager to invest in a company they don't understand. Moreover, some business models can be less profitable and at risk of being compromised. What works one year, isn't guaranteed to continue doing so in the future.

Take the airline industry. For years, major carriers such as American Airlines, Delta, and Continental built their businesses around a hub-and-spoke structure , in which all flights were routed through a handful of major airports. By ensuring that most seats were filled most of the time, the business model produced big profits.

However, a competing business model arose that made the strength of the major carriers a burden. Carriers like Southwest and JetBlue shuttled planes between smaller airports at a lower cost. They avoided some of the operational inefficiencies of the hub-and-spoke model while forcing labor costs down. That allowed them to cut prices, increasing demand for short flights between cities.

As these newer competitors drew more customers away, the old carriers were left to support their large, extended networks with fewer passengers. The problem became even worse when traffic fell sharply following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 . To fill seats, these airlines had to offer more discounts at even deeper levels. The hub-and-spoke business model no longer made sense.

Example of Business Models

Consider the vast portfolio of Microsoft. Over the past several decades, the company has expanded its product line across digital services, software, gaming, and more. Various business models, all within Microsoft, include but are not limited to:

  • Productivity and business processes : Microsoft offers subscriptions to Office products and LinkedIn. These subscriptions may be based on product usage (i.e. the amount of data being uploaded to SharePoint).
  • Intelligent cloud : Microsoft offers server products and cloud services for a subscription.
  • Personal computing : Microsoft sells the Windows operating system as well as physically manufactured products such as Surface, PC components, and Xbox hardware. Residual Xbox sales include content, services, subscriptions, royalties, and advertising revenue.

A business model is a strategic plan of how a company will make money. The model describes the way a business will take its product, offer it to the market, and drive sales. A business model determines what products make sense for a company to sell, how it wants to promote its products, what type of people it should try to cater to, and what revenue streams it may expect.

What Is an Example of a Business Model?

Best Buy, Target, and Walmart are some of the largest examples of retail companies. These companies acquire goods from manufacturers or distributors to sell directly to the public. Retailers interface with their clients and sell goods, though retailers may or may not make the actual goods they sell.

What Are the Main Types of Business Models?

There are various types of business models. Examples include subscription models, bundling, and franchising. Business models can sometimes also be loosely defined by industry. For example, manufacturers produce their own goods and may or may not sell them directly to the public, whereas retailers buy goods to later resell to the public.

How Do I Build a Business Model?

There are many steps to building a business model, and there is no single consistent process among business experts. In general, a business model should identify your customers, understand the problem you are trying to solve, select a business model type to determine how your clients will buy your product, and determine the ways your company will make money. It is also important to periodically review your business model; once you've launched, evaluate your plan and adjust your target audience, product line, or pricing as needed.

A company isn't just an entity that sells goods. It's an ecosystem that must have a plan on who to sell to, what to sell, what to charge, and what value it is creating. A business model describes what an organization does to make a profit. After building a business model, a company should have a stronger direction on how it wants to operate and what its financial future appears to be.

U.S. Federal Trade Commission. " Tying the Sale of Two Products ."

Harvard Business Review. " Why Business Models Matter ."

Bureau of Transportation Statistics. " Airline Travel Since 9/11 ."

Microsoft. " Segment Information ."

presentation on business model

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How to Create a Business Plan Presentation [Plus Templates]

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation [Plus Templates]

Written by: Masooma Memon


You know your business idea is strong, but presenting it in a way that captivates your audience and inspires them to take the desired action? That’s a different story.

But don’t worry. With the right approach and resources, you can create a business plan presentation that not only conveys your idea in the best possible way but also wins over potential investors, partners and clients.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you have in mind like how many slides does your business idea presentation need, what goes into those slides, and how to create, design and present an impressive business plan presentation.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit business plan presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme

presentation on business model

Along the way, we’ll also show you a series of ready-to-use business plan presentation templates that you can customize to use as your own. See? We did say creating a presentation isn’t rocket science.

Ready to learn how to create a business presentation?

Let’s get started already.

Table of Contents

  • What Is a Business Plan Presentation?
  • What Should Be In a Business Plan Presentation?

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation

  • How to Design a Business Plan Presentation With Visme

Business Plan Presentation Best Practices

How to present a business plan presentation, business plan presentation faqs.

  • A business plan presentation is a formal slide deck that includes your goals, mission, strategy, pricing model, financial projections, teams and other information about your new business.
  • Typically, a business plan presentation includes a title slide, problem, solution, pricing plan, business operations information, marketing plan, industry overview, financial projections, team and a concluding slide with your contact details.
  • To create a business plan presentation, identify your goals, conduct research, create an outline, develop the content, design your slides, prepare supporting material, and finalize and polish.
  • Design a business plan presentation easily in Visme by picking a template, adjusting the slides, customizing the template, and then downloading and sharing your presentation.
  • Some tips for creating impressive business plan presentations include drawing attention to your core message, making your slides easy to read and understand, sticking to one or two fonts, picking a nice color scheme, using minimal text and paying attention to the visuals.
  • To effectively present a business plan presentation, keep your presentation concise, add interactivity, pay attention to the design and incorporate data visualization.
  • Visme makes it easy to create a professional business plan presentation that leaves a solid impression on your audience. Use features like ready-made templates, built-in graphics, animations, branding and AI-powered tools to create stunning presentations.

What is a Business Plan Presentation?

We know a business plan as a formal document that includes your business goals, mission, strategy and the rest of the starting-a-business shebang. 

A business plan presentation is all that with added pressure since you’ve to convey the entire information in slides – clearly and concisely. 

Hey executives! Looking to cut design costs?

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  • Impress clients and stakeholders with boardroom ready presentations

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presentation on business model

Put another way, you don’t have wordy documents to convey your ideas. Instead, you’ll need to be clear about selling your idea to investors by sharing all the important details in an engaging and succinct manner. 

What Should Be in a Business Presentation?

Now that you know how your slides need to look, let’s talk about another important point—your presentation’s slides and what they need to talk about. 

The bare minimum slides you need are 10. Remember, cover only one business aspect per slide.  Here’s what your slides should be about.

Slide 1: The Title Slide

This needs no explanation — it’s your introductory page that should include your business’s name, any slogan that you may have, and a logo as well (if it’s ready). Don’t forget to add your name to the slide. 

Since this is the first slide, it needs to be an impression maker. One way to create such a slide is to rely on a powerful image that showcases your business idea. 

Take, for example, this presentation template by Visme. It pretty much speaks for itself, narrating the business idea is related to social media scheduling.

HybCab Pitch Deck Presentation

Looking for the perfect image for your presentation? Grab one from a pool of 700+ free presentation images . 

Slide 2: The Problem Your Business Solves

Dedicate your second slide to diving into the pain point your business solves.  You can use facts to make things convincing. But, there’s nothing that beats a good story. 

Here is an amazing business plan presentation example that does just that.

business plan presentation - The Problem Your Business Solves

Additionally, make sure you let your design do the talking. For instance, this presentation template uses a few words and pairs them with icons that explain facts.

business plan presentation - The Problem Your Business Solves

Slide 3: Your Business’s Solution

Now that you’ve introduced the problem, give the solution. 

This is the part where your story comes to its happy ending. And what’s the happy ending? Your business idea.  

Again, make sure your solution-offering slide isn’t wordy, but digestible. Try a diagram or sketch to explain your idea like here.

Analytics Tool Pitch Deck

Slide 4: Your Pricing Plan

Okay, so investors know you’ve a great idea that you’ve delivered in an even greater story format. They’re impressed. What’s next? Your pricing structure. 

In your business model slide, go on to tell who your customers are, what your revenue sources are going to be, and how much you expect customers to pay for your product/service?

But, instead of writing it all, present your pricing plans in a simple-to-grasp chart. 

Here’s what I mean.

business plan - pricing plan

Slide 5: Business Operations Information

Now is the time you give your audience an inside peep into the operating nuts and bolts of your business. 

Where will your business headquarters be located? What about the staff that runs the show in the background. What equipment will you need? Answer all that in this slide. 

Just make sure you offer all this info in a chart or diagram.

 business plan presentation - business operation information

Slide 6: Your Marketing Plan

Next, tell your audience how you plan to market your business. 

Nope, "TV and ads" is not the right answer. Instead, share your marketing plan including the channels you’ll use and how you plan to do so. 

 business plan presentation - marketing plan and acquisition channels

Planning to make a separate marketing presentation? Dig into this guide to create one with free templates.

Slide 7: Industry Overview

In other words, this slide is for competitor analysis. Make sure you keep it clipped and use a positive approach. 

Defaming or bad-mouthing competitors won’t help. What’ll make a difference in your favor though is how well you explain your unique selling proposition (USP) or what makes your business a winner. 

Share this information in a chart or outline the key pointers like this template below does.

 business plan presentation - industry overview

Slide 8: Financial Projections

Time to pull out the crystal ball that shows the future!

Answer the following in this slide: what financial projections do you’ve for the next 3 years and 5 years to come. Then, explain how you reached those numbers. 

Here’s a template that does that well:

IworkUwork Pitch Deck Presentation

Slide 9: Your Team

Here’s the part when you talk about the key players who’ll help you build your business. 

See how this template intros teammates.

business plan presentation - team slide template

Slide 10: Concluding Slide

This is your last slide. It’s best to close your presentation with your contact details (check out the slide below for an idea) and a sense of urgency.

But why the urgency, you ask? Because you want to tell your audience that now is the right time for your business to enter the market. 

business plan presentation - Contact us

1. Identify Your Goals

Before diving into your presentation, take a step back and clarify your purpose.

Are you seeking investment, looking for partners or pitching to potential clients. Knowing your aim helps shape your entire approach.

Then, set clear goals for your presentation. Maybe you want to secure a certain amount of funding or land a specific partnership. Having these objectives in mind keeps you focused and helps you measure success later on.

2. Research and Gather Information

Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and dig into the nitty-gritty.

Start with thorough market research—understand your industry inside out and know your competitors like the back of your hand.

Also, get a solid grasp on your target audience. Research their backgrounds, interests and what they're looking for. This insight is gold when tailoring your content.

Don't just skim the surface; dive deep. Collect hard data, compelling statistics and solid financial information that backs up your claims.

As you gather all this information, keep it organized. Use spreadsheets, mind maps or whatever system works for you. The point is to have this valuable intel at your fingertips when you need it.

For example, you can use Visme’s whiteboard tool for this purpose. Or design an engaging mind map that you can easily share with your team.

presentation on business model

3. Outline Your Presentation Structure

Think of your presentation as a story—it needs a beginning, middle and end. And all of these parts need to flow seamlessly.

Start by mapping out the key points and sections you want to cover. Then, arrange them in a logical order that builds momentum. Make sure each section naturally leads into the next, creating a compelling narrative.

As you plan, consider how much time and emphasis each part deserves. Your game-changing product might warrant more time than your office location, for instance. A well-structured presentation keeps your audience engaged and helps them follow your vision effortlessly.

Want to learn more? Here’s a detailed guide on the different types of presentation structures you might want to use for your business plan presentation.

4. Develop Your Content

Here's where you breathe life into your presentation.

Craft content that's not just informative, but captivating. Think about what makes your business unique and exciting— that's the story you want to tell.

Develop a clear, punchy value proposition that instantly communicates your worth. As you write, keep your audience in mind. What matters to them? Align your content with their interests and needs. If you need help with crafting the perfect words, use Visme’s AI Writer for assistance.

For each slide, aim for concise, impactful statements. Back up your claims with solid data and facts—investors love numbers. And while it's good to show you know your stuff with industry jargon, remember to explain complex terms. You want to impress, not confuse.

5. Design Your Slides

Now it's time to make your presentation visually appealing. If you’re using a template, choose a design theme that's professional and aligns with your business idea.

Ideally, your presentation design should be clean, modern and easy on the eyes. Use high-quality visuals, charts and graphics to illustrate your points. We’ll discuss more about how to design a business plan presentation in the next section.

Be careful not to go overboard. Keep your slides uncluttered and easy to read. A good rule of thumb is no more than six bullet points per slide. Use them to highlight key points and provide visual interest, not to display every word you're going to say.

6. Prepare Supporting Materials

Your presentation is just one part of the package. Create handouts or leave-behind documents that reinforce your key points and provide additional details. These could include executive summaries, product specifications or financial projections.

Also, develop a one-page business plan or a more detailed one for those who want to dive deeper. These materials show you're thorough and prepared, and they give interested parties something concrete to review after your presentation.

Visme offers a bunch of business plan templates to help you in that area. Here’s a business plan template you can use right away:

Modern Business Plan

The best part about using Visme is you can ensure your document design is consistent with your presentation. Simply upload your brand elements like fonts, colors and logo, and our Brand Kit will apply your unique style across any project you create.

In fact, you don’t even have to manually upload anything if you’re short on time and have a website. Input your site URL into our Brand Design Tool and let the AI pull the brand elements automatically and apply them to your designs.

7. Finalize and Polish

You're almost done! But before you call it a day, revisit and fine-tune your presentation so it’s free from any potential issues. Proofread everything meticulously and check for spelling errors, consistency in formatting and accuracy in your data and projections.

Make sure all your information is up-to-date and relevant. Also, pay attention to any animations and transitions between your slides—they should be smooth and logical.

This is also a great time to get some outside perspective. Present to trusted advisors, mentors or colleagues who can give you honest, constructive feedback. They might catch things you've missed or have ideas to make your presentation even stronger.

If you’re creating your business plan presentation in Visme, you can invite team members to review your slides, leave feedback by commenting or annotating and even work on the content with you using our collaboration and workflow features.

How to Design a Business Plan Presentation with Visme

So far, you’ve learned a lot of theory on making a business plan presentation. It’s time to put all that and more into practice. 

Start off with writing your content. And, go on to design your slides next. 

With Visme, you’ve two ways to go about creating your presentation: either start with a template or work from the scratch. 

Have you already started making your presentation in PowerPoint, but only just discovered Visme?  No worries! Nobody’s going to ask you to start over.

Instead, simply follow the steps in here to import your PowerPoint presentation in Visme .  Or, watch this video to understand how do so.

Now, let’s start designing.

1. Pick a Template

Visme offers templates in various categories, so you’ll be sure to find a template that fits your business idea. 

For instance, here’s a business presentation template.

presentation on business model

Here’s something for those of you with an idea in the finance sector.

presentation on business model

Plus, a template for a product idea.

presentation on business model

Each of the available templates are editable, which means if there’s something you want to change about it, you can easily do so.

Looking for something that takes creativity to a whole new level? Pick from one of our animated presentation templates. And if you’re short on time, you can use Visme’s AI Presentation Maker to whip up a custom design tailored to your business idea and vision.

2. Adjust the Slides

Once you’ve picked your template, click  Add New Slide to bring other slides from the template into your presentation. Pick and choose any and all of the slides you need to use in your business plan presentation.

You can also bring in slides that you've previously saved to your slide library to help customize your presentation even further.

3. Customize the Template

Lastly, customize your template’s font and color. 

If you already haven’t settled on your brand colors, dive into color psychology to pick colors for your presentation that inspire trust.

If you plan to power your first slide with images, you can either select images from Visme’s stock photo library or upload your own image. You can also add icons , shapes, animated graphics, illustrations, 3D characters , gestures and more to spruce up your slides.

And if you can’t find the perfect image, whip one up using the AI Image Generator or edit existing images using the AI Image Editing tool . It can unblur, upscale and remove unwanted backgrounds in seconds.

Pro Tip : Take advantage of Dynamic Fields to always keep important data like names, dates and contact information accurate. Once you've customized the fields and assigned values , your data will be pulled in throughout your project.

Alternatively, you can create your presentation from the ground up using a blank canvas or by starting with a presentation theme .

4. Download and Share

Finally, it’s time to share your business plan presentation.

You have several options to do that in Visme. Here they are:

  • Download: Save your presentation in PDF or PPTX (PowerPoint) format. You can also download in HTML5 (offline web) format to preserve animation and interactivity,
  • Share online: Publish and share your presentation online using a public or private link. No need to download any files—your presentation will be hosted on Visme.
  • Embed: Generate an embed code for your presentation to add it to a website or portal.

Also, fun fact: when you share your presentation online with Visme, you can track built-in analytics to understand how people are interacting with your slide deck.

With the recap out of the way, let’s talk about the fundamentals of preparing a business presentation that you need to keep front and center as you plan.

1. Draw attention to your core message.

This is the heart of any successful presentation — one that makes it a winner. To ensure your message comes off coherently, explain your business idea to yourself.

The stronger your grip on your idea, the better you’d be able to explain it in a few sentences, or paragraphs at most. 

In other words, make sure you can summarize your plans into an elevator pitch. Also, don’t forget, use simple language — can a child understand your business idea? If so, you’re in the right direction. 

2. Make your slides easy to read and understand.

If a clear message is the heart of a prizewinning (read: investor winning) presentation, good readability and ease in understanding are the lungs, working to keep your presentation alive and breathing. 

The question now is, how do you go about creating digestible slides? Here are a couple of things that can help.

3. Stick to one or two fonts.

Garamond, Helvetica and Gill Sans are some of the best fonts to use in a presentation .

And while you’re at it, select a readable font size. 30 points is a good benchmark size to keep in mind like we discussed above. 

Take a look at how well the font size is adjusted in this template. The changing font size also creates a visual flow that navigates viewers’ attention.

business plan presentation - use readable fonts like in this template

4. Pick a nice color scheme.

Know those bright colors that hurt the eye and are hard to look at? Steer away from them. A subtle color combination works best like in the Visme presentation template below.

presentation on business model

5. Use minimal text.

To do so, read each word carefully and ask yourself: can I do just fine without this word? If you find yourself replying in the affirmative to this question, remove the word. In short, make each word earn its keep.

Here’s a template using only as many words as needed to get the message across.

presentation on business model

6. Pay attention to the visual elements in each slide.

The goal is simple: you’ve got to use design elements smartly without overdoing them. Sure, you’ve heard a picture is worth a thousand words, but nailing visual components in your presentation can take some effort. 

Put another way, it isn’t about throwing in a bunch of thumbnail images and icons to each slide and calling it a day. Instead, it’s about adding them thoughtfully so they’re impactful rather than extra baggage. 

Check out this template from Visme to get an idea of what we’re talking about here.

presentation on business model

On the whole, aim to create a business plan presentation that’s readable, comprehensible and clutter-free. 

Before we wrap this up, here are some tips to help you deliver more memorable presentations:

Keep Your Presentation Concise

Short, powerful messages leave a far deeper impression than long, rambling presentations.

Follow the 9-minute rule —originally for salespeople but equally valuable for presenters—to deliver more impactful presentations.

Aim to deliver 2-3 slides per minute, keeping your key points within about 9 minutes. This helps maintain your audience’s attention and ensures your core message is communicated without overwhelming the listeners with excessive information.

Add Interactivity to Your Presentation

Breathe life into your business presentations and stand out by incorporating interactive elements, such as animated icons, popups, clickable buttons, embedded videos and more.

Interested in creating an interactive business presentation? Here are 20 tips to get you started.

You can also take a look at how to create an interactive quiz within your presentation below.

Create engaging interactive content with Visme.

  • Add interactive pop-ups and hover effects
  • Increase interest and engagement on your design
  • Lead your audience to specific content with interactivity

Pay Attention to Your Presentation’s Design

Not only is visual design an important component of any presentation , but it’s also what hooks your audience. It takes about 50 milliseconds for your audience to assess a design’s visual appeal so aim to leave a strong visual impression. 

Use a powerful image as this template does.

presentation on business model

Or try a color-based design with a modern layout like the one in this business presentation template:

presentation on business model

Incorporate Data Visualization

Wherever possible, use any of the various chart types at your disposal to present your data. These could be line or bar graphs, pie charts, Gantt charts, Venn diagrams, pictograms, population pyramids and much more.

But why should you use charts to share your data? Simple: data visualization makes complex numbers easy to understand at a glance and more interesting to look at.

Check out this funnel chart template by Visme that you can add to your business plan presentation:

Lead Generation Funnel Chart

Or this cool gauge chart to track the achievements of your sales staff:

Sales Target Gauge Chart

With a few clicks of a button, add creative infographics to your Visme presentations and take them to a whole new level.

Q. How Many Slides Does Your Business Presentation Need?

Aim for 10-12 slides in your business presentation. This aligns with Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule: 10 slides max, presented in 20 minutes, using at least 30-point font. This approach helps you stay focused and keep your audience hooked to your presentation till the end.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

  If absolutely necessary, you can stretch to 13 slides, but try not to go beyond this to prevent overwhelming your audience. Remember, a concise presentation often has more impact than a lengthy one.

Create a Business Plan Presentation That Wins Investors

Creating a business plan presentation really isn’t much of a tough nut to crack. Consider half your work done if you’re cent percent clear about your business idea. This way your presentation’s content will come easy to you.

As for the design? Leave that to Visme. Our online presentation software makes it easy to create a beautiful and professional business plan presentation that leaves a solid impression on your audience.

Use features like built-in graphics, custom 3D characters, animations, branding and AI-powered tools to create the best business plan presentation you could envision.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

presentation on business model

Trusted by leading brands


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presentation on business model

About the Author

Masooma Memon is a pizza-loving freelance writer by day and a novel nerd by night. She crafts research-backed, actionable blog posts for SaaS and marketing brands who aim to employ quality content to educate and engage with their audience.

presentation on business model


Business Models

Presenting your business plan is now super easy with our business model templates. An effective Powerpoint presentation should capture the essence of your business plan, emphasizing on the best-selling points to those reviewing it. Our easy to use business model templates have all the necessary graphic elements that you need to make an impression on your target audience.

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Business Model Canvas: Explained with Examples


Got a new business idea, but don’t know how to put it to work? Want to improve your existing business model? Overwhelmed by writing your business plan? There is a one-page technique that can provide you the solution you are looking for, and that’s the business model canvas.

In this guide, you’ll have the Business Model Canvas explained, along with steps on how to create one. All business model canvas examples in the post can be edited online.

What is a Business Model Canvas

A business model is simply a plan describing how a business intends to make money. It explains who your customer base is and how you deliver value to them and the related details of financing. And the business model canvas lets you define these different components on a single page.   

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that lets you visualize and assess your business idea or concept. It’s a one-page document containing nine boxes that represent different fundamental elements of a business.  

The business model canvas beats the traditional business plan that spans across several pages, by offering a much easier way to understand the different core elements of a business.

The right side of the canvas focuses on the customer or the market (external factors that are not under your control) while the left side of the canvas focuses on the business (internal factors that are mostly under your control). In the middle, you get the value propositions that represent the exchange of value between your business and your customers.

The business model canvas was originally developed by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur and introduced in their book ‘ Business Model Generation ’ as a visual framework for planning, developing and testing the business model(s) of an organization.

Business Model Canvas Explained

What Are the Benefits of Using a Business Model Canvas

Why do you need a business model canvas? The answer is simple. The business model canvas offers several benefits for businesses and entrepreneurs. It is a valuable tool and provides a visual and structured approach to designing, analyzing, optimizing, and communicating your business model.

  • The business model canvas provides a comprehensive overview of a business model’s essential aspects. The BMC provides a quick outline of the business model and is devoid of unnecessary details compared to the traditional business plan.
  • The comprehensive overview also ensures that the team considers all required components of their business model and can identify gaps or areas for improvement.
  • The BMC allows the team to have a holistic and shared understanding of the business model while enabling them to align and collaborate effectively.
  • The visual nature of the business model canvas makes it easier to refer to and understand by anyone. The business model canvas combines all vital business model elements in a single, easy-to-understand canvas.
  • The BMC can be considered a strategic analysis tool as it enables you to examine a business model’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.
  • It’s easier to edit and can be easily shared with employees and stakeholders.
  • The BMC is a flexible and adaptable tool that can be updated and revised as the business evolves. Keep your business agile and responsive to market changes and customer needs.
  • The business model canvas can be used by large corporations and startups with just a few employees.
  • The business model canvas effectively facilitates discussions among team members, investors, partners, customers, and other stakeholders. It clarifies how different aspects of the business are related and ensures a shared understanding of the business model.
  • You can use a BMC template to facilitate discussions and guide brainstorming brainstorming sessions to generate insights and ideas to refine the business model and make strategic decisions.
  • The BMC is action-oriented, encouraging businesses to identify activities and initiatives to improve their business model to drive business growth.
  • A business model canvas provides a structured approach for businesses to explore possibilities and experiment with new ideas. This encourages creativity and innovation, which in turn encourages team members to think outside the box.

How to Make a Business Model Canvas

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a business canvas model.

Step 1: Gather your team and the required material Bring a team or a group of people from your company together to collaborate. It is better to bring in a diverse group to cover all aspects.

While you can create a business model canvas with whiteboards, sticky notes, and markers, using an online platform like Creately will ensure that your work can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. Create a workspace in Creately and provide editing/reviewing permission to start.

Step 2: Set the context Clearly define the purpose and the scope of what you want to map out and visualize in the business model canvas. Narrow down the business or idea you want to analyze with the team and its context.

Step 3: Draw the canvas Divide the workspace into nine equal sections to represent the nine building blocks of the business model canvas.

Step 4: Identify the key building blocks Label each section as customer segment, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, and cost structure.

Step 5: Fill in the canvas Work with your team to fill in each section of the canvas with relevant information. You can use data, keywords, diagrams, and more to represent ideas and concepts.

Step 6: Analyze and iterate Once your team has filled in the business model canvas, analyze the relationships to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. Discuss improvements and make adjustments as necessary.

Step 7: Finalize Finalize and use the model as a visual reference to communicate and align your business model with stakeholders. You can also use the model to make informed and strategic decisions and guide your business.

What are the Key Building Blocks of the Business Model Canvas?

There are nine building blocks in the business model canvas and they are:

Customer Segments

Customer relationships, revenue streams, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure.

  • Value Proposition

When filling out a Business Model Canvas, you will brainstorm and conduct research on each of these elements. The data you collect can be placed in each relevant section of the canvas. So have a business model canvas ready when you start the exercise.  

Business Model Canvas Template

Let’s look into what the 9 components of the BMC are in more detail.

These are the groups of people or companies that you are trying to target and sell your product or service to.

Segmenting your customers based on similarities such as geographical area, gender, age, behaviors, interests, etc. gives you the opportunity to better serve their needs, specifically by customizing the solution you are providing them.

After a thorough analysis of your customer segments, you can determine who you should serve and ignore. Then create customer personas for each of the selected customer segments.

Customer Persona Template for Business Model Canvas Explained

There are different customer segments a business model can target and they are;

  • Mass market: A business model that focuses on mass markets doesn’t group its customers into segments. Instead, it focuses on the general population or a large group of people with similar needs. For example, a product like a phone.  
  • Niche market: Here the focus is centered on a specific group of people with unique needs and traits. Here the value propositions, distribution channels, and customer relationships should be customized to meet their specific requirements. An example would be buyers of sports shoes.
  • Segmented: Based on slightly different needs, there could be different groups within the main customer segment. Accordingly, you can create different value propositions, distribution channels, etc. to meet the different needs of these segments.
  • Diversified: A diversified market segment includes customers with very different needs.
  • Multi-sided markets: this includes interdependent customer segments. For example, a credit card company caters to both their credit card holders as well as merchants who accept those cards.

Use STP Model templates for segmenting your market and developing ideal marketing campaigns

Visualize, assess, and update your business model. Collaborate on brainstorming with your team on your next business model innovation.

In this section, you need to establish the type of relationship you will have with each of your customer segments or how you will interact with them throughout their journey with your company.

There are several types of customer relationships

  • Personal assistance: you interact with the customer in person or by email, through phone call or other means.
  • Dedicated personal assistance: you assign a dedicated customer representative to an individual customer.  
  • Self-service: here you maintain no relationship with the customer, but provides what the customer needs to help themselves.
  • Automated services: this includes automated processes or machinery that helps customers perform services themselves.
  • Communities: these include online communities where customers can help each other solve their own problems with regard to the product or service.
  • Co-creation: here the company allows the customer to get involved in the designing or development of the product. For example, YouTube has given its users the opportunity to create content for its audience.

You can understand the kind of relationship your customer has with your company through a customer journey map . It will help you identify the different stages your customers go through when interacting with your company. And it will help you make sense of how to acquire, retain and grow your customers.

Customer Journey Map

This block is to describe how your company will communicate with and reach out to your customers. Channels are the touchpoints that let your customers connect with your company.

Channels play a role in raising awareness of your product or service among customers and delivering your value propositions to them. Channels can also be used to allow customers the avenue to buy products or services and offer post-purchase support.

There are two types of channels

  • Owned channels: company website, social media sites, in-house sales, etc.
  • Partner channels: partner-owned websites, wholesale distribution, retail, etc.

Revenues streams are the sources from which a company generates money by selling their product or service to the customers. And in this block, you should describe how you will earn revenue from your value propositions.  

A revenue stream can belong to one of the following revenue models,

  • Transaction-based revenue: made from customers who make a one-time payment
  • Recurring revenue: made from ongoing payments for continuing services or post-sale services

There are several ways you can generate revenue from

  • Asset sales: by selling the rights of ownership for a product to a buyer
  • Usage fee: by charging the customer for the use of its product or service
  • Subscription fee: by charging the customer for using its product regularly and consistently
  • Lending/ leasing/ renting: the customer pays to get exclusive rights to use an asset for a fixed period of time
  • Licensing: customer pays to get permission to use the company’s intellectual property
  • Brokerage fees: revenue generated by acting as an intermediary between two or more parties
  • Advertising: by charging the customer to advertise a product, service or brand using company platforms

What are the activities/ tasks that need to be completed to fulfill your business purpose? In this section, you should list down all the key activities you need to do to make your business model work.

These key activities should focus on fulfilling its value proposition, reaching customer segments and maintaining customer relationships, and generating revenue.

There are 3 categories of key activities;

  • Production: designing, manufacturing and delivering a product in significant quantities and/ or of superior quality.
  • Problem-solving: finding new solutions to individual problems faced by customers.
  • Platform/ network: Creating and maintaining platforms. For example, Microsoft provides a reliable operating system to support third-party software products.

This is where you list down which key resources or the main inputs you need to carry out your key activities in order to create your value proposition.

There are several types of key resources and they are

  • Human (employees)
  • Financial (cash, lines of credit, etc.)
  • Intellectual (brand, patents, IP, copyright)
  • Physical (equipment, inventory, buildings)

Key partners are the external companies or suppliers that will help you carry out your key activities. These partnerships are forged in oder to reduce risks and acquire resources.

Types of partnerships are

  • Strategic alliance: partnership between non-competitors
  • Coopetition: strategic partnership between partners
  • Joint ventures: partners developing a new business
  • Buyer-supplier relationships: ensure reliable supplies

In this block, you identify all the costs associated with operating your business model.

You’ll need to focus on evaluating the cost of creating and delivering your value propositions, creating revenue streams, and maintaining customer relationships. And this will be easier to do so once you have defined your key resources, activities, and partners.  

Businesses can either be cost-driven (focuses on minimizing costs whenever possible) and value-driven (focuses on providing maximum value to the customer).

Value Propositions

This is the building block that is at the heart of the business model canvas. And it represents your unique solution (product or service) for a problem faced by a customer segment, or that creates value for the customer segment.

A value proposition should be unique or should be different from that of your competitors. If you are offering a new product, it should be innovative and disruptive. And if you are offering a product that already exists in the market, it should stand out with new features and attributes.

Value propositions can be either quantitative (price and speed of service) or qualitative (customer experience or design).

Value Proposition Canvas

What to Avoid When Creating a Business Model Canvas

One thing to remember when creating a business model canvas is that it is a concise and focused document. It is designed to capture key elements of a business model and, as such, should not include detailed information. Some of the items to avoid include,

  • Detailed financial projections such as revenue forecasts, cost breakdowns, and financial ratios. Revenue streams and cost structure should be represented at a high level, providing an overview rather than detailed projections.
  • Detailed operational processes such as standard operating procedures of a business. The BMC focuses on the strategic and conceptual aspects.
  • Comprehensive marketing or sales strategies. The business model canvas does not provide space for comprehensive marketing or sales strategies. These should be included in marketing or sales plans, which allow you to expand into more details.
  • Legal or regulatory details such as intellectual property, licensing agreements, or compliance requirements. As these require more detailed and specialized attention, they are better suited to be addressed in separate legal or regulatory documents.
  • Long-term strategic goals or vision statements. While the canvas helps to align the business model with the overall strategy, it should focus on the immediate and tangible aspects.
  • Irrelevant or unnecessary information that does not directly relate to the business model. Including extra or unnecessary information can clutter the BMC and make it less effective in communicating the core elements.

What Are Your Thoughts on the Business Model Canvas?

Once you have completed your business model canvas, you can share it with your organization and stakeholders and get their feedback as well. The business model canvas is a living document, therefore after completing it you need to revisit and ensure that it is relevant, updated and accurate.

What best practices do you follow when creating a business model canvas? Do share your tips with us in the comments section below.

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FAQs About the Business Model Canvas

  • Use clear and concise language
  • Use visual-aids
  • Customize for your audience
  • Highlight key insights
  • Be open to feedback and discussion

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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What is a recommended business plan model for PowerPoint presentations?

June 24, 2024 /

The recommended business plan model for PowerPoint presentations is the traditional linear structure, which includes sections such as executive summary, company overview, market analysis, product/service description, marketing and sales strategy, organizational structure, and financial projections. This model allows for a clear and logical flow of information, making it easier for the audience to follow and understand the business plan. Additionally, incorporating visually appealing graphics and charts can enhance the overall presentation and engage the viewers.

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  • What are the key elements to consider when creating a business plan in PowerPoint (PPT) format?
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Nouveau Monde Graphite Logo

  • Our Value Proposition
  • Management Team
  • Board of Directors
  • From Ore to Battery Materials
  • Our Playground
  • Tell us What you Need
  • Find Your Solution
  • Market Ready
  • Our Mineralogical Signature
  • On our Way to Net Zero
  • Team & Communities
  • Environmental Excellence
  • Leadership & Accountability
  • Investing in the Energy Revolution
  • Investor Kit

Generating Value

  • Let’s Connect


NMG offers a green, forward-looking business model that capitalizes on the rEVolution in electric vehicles, renewable energy storage and consumer electronics. We are positioned to serve tomorrow’s commercial landscape.

Using natural graphite, we produce active anode material for lithium-ion batteries in a fully integrated, carbon-neutral way, with the utmost respect for the environment and the communities involved.

With an enviable ESG profile, NMG is poised to become the largest fully integrated producer of natural graphite in North America, and a local alternative to Chinese production.

Icon of a planet behind a graph and an arrow pointing upwards

Growth Market

» Electric vehicles are powered by lithium-ion batteries. Every battery requires an anode. Every anode is made of ≥95% graphite. Without graphite, no EVs!

» Scalable business development serving the lithium-ion battery market with projected +500% growth in graphite demand by 2030

» Strategic mineral for economic growth and national security, as declared by the United States, the European Union, Canada, Japan, and Australia

Icon of open hands under a planet with a heart

Sustainability & ESG PROMISE

» Carbon-neutral products through responsible mining operations, electrification of operations and clean technologies

» Social acceptability in place through support of local communities and partnership with First Nations

» Commitment to health and safety, our communities, and the environment through our “zero-harm” philosophy that underpins all our activities

Icon of a planet floating in the water with a flag and a pylon


» Ideally located to serve the booming North American and European battery markets as a reliable, green alternative to Chinese-controlled supply chains

» Located in Canada, a world-class mining jurisdiction, with access to exceptional infrastructure and clean, affordable hydroelectricity

Icon of an umbrella housing gears

Derisked Operation

» Reduced risks thanks to our Phase-1 plants, which enable us to qualify our products with customers and optimize our processes ahead of commercial production.

» The most advanced natural graphite project in North America, with the necessary talents and key permits in place to build.

» Strong interest from various governmental and paragovernmental entities in Canada and abroad to finance our Phase 2

» Canadian advantages: geopolitical stability, recognized ESG standards, pro-business environment, and free-trade agreements

Icon of a scale tilted to the left

» Phased integrated operations offering quality and volume to battery and EV manufacturers

» Option and joint venture agreement for the Uatnan Mining Project, with planned production of 500,000 tpa of graphite concentrate to support anticipated growth in demand for active anode material

» Development of technologies to integrate graphite recycling as demand increases

Image of a battery and two stacks of coins

LEAN Cost structure

» Use of low-cost hydroelectricity with an enviable environmental profile

» Vertical integration for predictability and control of production costs

» Geographical proximity of mine and processing plant, reducing transport and logistics costs

» Strategic location in Bécancour’s battery hub, providing access to key partners and extensive industrial infrastructure

Image of a battery and two stacks of coins

Expertise & BACKING

» Unrivalled technical and financial expertise of our team acquired from world-renowned natural and synthetic graphite producers

» Government and institutional shareholders supporting the development of our projects

» In-house R&D team backed by research centers to drive technological breakthroughs

Graphite underpins all lithium-ion batteries powering electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions. With competitive costs and a low environmental footprint, natural graphite is set to face  EXPONENTIAL GROWTH IN DEMAND .

NMG pays accrued interests

NMG Pays Accrued Interests

Éléonore Lorant 2024-07-02T07:09:05-04:00 July 2, 2024 | Press Release |

Nouveau Monde Graphite announces today the payment of accrued interests as part of a previously announced private placement.

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NMG Discloses Annual General & Special Meeting Voting Results and Provides Update on the Advancement of its Business Strategy

Éléonore Lorant 2024-06-28T10:59:12-04:00 June 27, 2024 | Press Release |

Nouveau Monde Graphite held today its virtual Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders which was supplemented with a corporate presentation. NMG’s management team provided shareholders with an update on the Company’s key projects, agreements with Anchor Customers Panasonic Energy and General Motors, additional commercial engagement, as well as growth plan.

Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Éléonore Lorant 2024-06-18T13:47:02-04:00 June 18, 2024 | Event |

An annual meeting of the shareholders of NMG is scheduled on June 27, 2024. The meeting will be complemented with a corporate presentation by Founder, President and CEO Eric Desaulniers providing an update on the Company’s key projects, commercial engagement, and growth plan.

Investor kit

The energy rEVolution driven by both electric vehicles and renewable stationary storage is accelerating. NMG is well positioned to cater to the growing lithium-ion battery market, as a green and reliable alternative to China’s controlled supply chain. Local, sustainable, and responsible sources are critical to manufacturers and consumers alike.

share price

New york stock exchange, tsx venture, capital structure.

As of May 14, 2024

Financial Reports & Shareholder Information

Annual meeting of shareholders.





For the period ended MARCH 31, 2024


special meeting of shareholders


View our regulatory filings via SEDAR + in Canada or EDGAR in the U.S.

Analyst Coverage

The opinions, estimates, or forecasts of the analysts listed below are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, estimates, or forecasts of the Company or its management. NMG neither approves nor refutes such information, conclusions, or recommendations.

HC Wainwright Heiko F. Ihle
ROTH Capital Partners Joseph Reagor
Cormark Securities MacMurray Whale
B. Riley Financial Matthew Key
Evercore ISI Research Stephen Richardson

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Let’s discuss

Questions about market trends? Want to understand the broader context of the energy rEVolution?

Contact Marc Jasmin, Director, Investor Relations, to find out more about our company.


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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

FACT SHEET: Biden- ⁠ Harris Administration Announces New AI Actions and Receives Additional Major Voluntary Commitment on   AI

Nine months ago, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way in seizing the promise and managing the risks of artificial intelligence (AI). This Executive Order built on the voluntary commitments he and Vice President Harris received from 15 leading U.S. AI companies last year. Today, the administration announced that Apple has signed onto the voluntary commitments, further cementing these commitments as cornerstones of responsible AI innovation. In addition, federal agencies reported that they completed all of the 270-day actions in the Executive Order on schedule, following their on-time completion of every other task required to date . Agencies also progressed on other work directed for longer timeframes. Following the Executive Order and a series of calls to action made by Vice President Harris as part of her major policy speech before the Global Summit on AI Safety, agencies all across government have acted boldly. They have taken steps to mitigate AI’s safety and security risks, protect Americans’ privacy, advance equity and civil rights, stand up for consumers and workers, promote innovation and competition, advance American leadership around the world, and more. Actions that agencies reported today as complete include the following: Managing Risks to Safety and Security: Over 270 days, the Executive Order directed agencies to take sweeping action to address AI’s safety and security risks, including by releasing vital safety guidance and building capacity to test and evaluate AI. To protect safety and security, agencies have:

  • Released for public comment new technical guidelines from the AI Safety Institute (AISI) for leading AI developers in managing the evaluation of misuse of dual-use foundation models. AISI’s guidelines detail how leading AI developers can help prevent increasingly capable AI systems from being misused to harm individuals, public safety, and national security, as well as how developers can increase transparency about their products.
  • Published final frameworks on managing generative AI risks and securely developing generative AI systems and dual-use foundation models. These documents by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will provide additional guidance that builds on NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework, which offered individuals, organizations, and society a framework to manage AI risks and has been widely adopted both in the U.S. and globally. NIST also submitted a report to the White House outlining tools and techniques to reduce the risks from synthetic content.
  • Developed and expanded AI testbeds and model evaluation tools at the Department of Energy (DOE). DOE, in coordination with interagency partners, is using its testbeds to evaluate AI model safety and security, especially for risks that AI models might pose to critical infrastructure, energy security, and national security. DOE’s testbeds are also being used to explore novel AI hardware and software systems, including privacy-enhancing technologies that improve AI trustworthiness. The National Science Foundation (NSF) also launched an initiative to help fund researchers outside the federal government design and plan AI-ready testbeds.
  • Reported results of piloting AI to protect vital government software.  The Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported findings from their AI pilots to address vulnerabilities in government networks used, respectively, for national security purposes and for civilian government. These steps build on previous work to advance such pilots within 180 days of the Executive Order.
  • Issued a call to action from the Gender Policy Council and Office of Science and Technology Policy to combat image-based sexual abuse, including synthetic content generated by AI. Image-based sexual abuse has emerged as one of the fastest growing harmful uses of AI to-date, and the call to action invites technology companies and other industry stakeholders to curb it. This call flowed from Vice President Harris’s remarks in London before the AI Safety Summit, which underscored that deepfake image-based sexual abuse is an urgent threat that demands global action.

Bringing AI Talent into Government Last year, the Executive Order launched a government-wide AI Talent Surge that is bringing hundreds of AI and AI-enabling professionals into government. Hired individuals are working on critical AI missions, such as informing efforts to use AI for permitting, advising on AI investments across the federal government, and writing policy for the use of AI in government.

  • To increase AI capacity across the federal government for both national security and non-national security missions, the AI Talent Surge has made over 200 hires to-date, including through the Presidential Innovation Fellows AI cohort and the DHS AI Corps .
  • Building on the AI Talent Surge 6-month report , the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy announced new commitments from across the technology ecosystem, including nearly $100 million in funding, to bolster the broader public interest technology ecosystem and build infrastructure for bringing technologists into government service.

Advancing Responsible AI Innovation President Biden’s Executive Order directed further actions to seize AI’s promise and deepen the U.S. lead in AI innovation while ensuring AI’s responsible development and use across our economy and society. Within 270 days, agencies have:

  • Prepared and will soon release a report on the potential benefits, risks, and implications of dual-use foundation models for which the model weights are widely available, including related policy recommendations. The Department of Commerce’s report draws on extensive outreach to experts and stakeholders, including hundreds of public comments submitted on this topic.
  • Awarded over 80 research teams’ access to computational and other AI resources through the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot —a national infrastructure led by NSF, in partnership with DOE, NIH, and other governmental and nongovernmental partners, that makes available resources to support the nation’s AI research and education community. Supported projects will tackle deepfake detection, advance AI safety, enable next-generation medical diagnoses and further other critical AI priorities.
  • Released a guide for designing safe, secure, and trustworthy AI tools for use in education. The Department of Education’s guide discusses how developers of educational technologies can design AI that benefits students and teachers while advancing equity, civil rights, trust, and transparency. This work builds on the Department’s 2023 report outlining recommendations for the use of AI in teaching and learning.
  • Published guidance on evaluating the eligibility of patent claims involving inventions related to AI technology,  as well as other emerging technologies. The guidance by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will guide those inventing in the AI space to protect their AI inventions and assist patent examiners reviewing applications for patents on AI inventions.
  • Issued a report on federal research and development (R&D) to advance trustworthy AI over the past four years. The report by the National Science and Technology Council examines an annual federal AI R&D budget of nearly $3 billion.
  • Launched a $23 million initiative to promote the use of privacy-enhancing technologies to solve real-world problems, including related to AI.  Working with industry and agency partners, NSF will invest through its new Privacy-preserving Data Sharing in Practice program in efforts to apply, mature, and scale privacy-enhancing technologies for specific use cases and establish testbeds to accelerate their adoption.
  • Announced millions of dollars in further investments to advance responsible AI development and use throughout our society. These include $30 million invested through NSF’s Experiential Learning in Emerging and Novel Technologies program—which supports inclusive experiential learning in fields like AI—and $10 million through NSF’s ExpandAI program, which helps build capacity in AI research at minority-serving institutions while fostering the development of a diverse, AI-ready workforce.

Advancing U.S. Leadership Abroad President Biden’s Executive Order emphasized that the United States lead global efforts to unlock AI’s potential and meet its challenges. To advance U.S. leadership on AI, agencies have:

  • Issued a comprehensive plan for U.S. engagement on global AI standards.  The plan, developed by the NIST, incorporates broad public and private-sector input, identifies objectives and priority areas for AI standards work, and lays out actions for U.S. stakeholders including U.S. agencies. NIST and others agencies will report on priority actions in 180 days. 
  • Developed guidance for managing risks to human rights posed by AI. The Department of State’s “Risk Management Profile for AI and Human Rights”—developed in close coordination with NIST and the U.S. Agency for International Development—recommends actions based on the NIST AI Risk Management Framework to governments, the private sector, and civil society worldwide, to identify and manage risks to human rights arising from the design, development, deployment, and use of AI. 
  • Launched a global network of AI Safety Institutes and other government-backed scientific offices to advance AI safety at a technical level. This network will accelerate critical information exchange and drive toward common or compatible safety evaluations and policies.
  • Launched a landmark United Nations General Assembly resolution . The unanimously adopted resolution, with more than 100 co-sponsors, lays out a common vision for countries around the world to promote the safe and secure use of AI to address global challenges.
  • Expanded global support for the U.S.-led Political Declaration on the Responsible Military Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy.   Fifty-five nations now endorse the political declaration, which outlines a set of norms for the responsible development, deployment, and use of military AI capabilities.

The Table below summarizes many of the activities that federal agencies have completed in response to the Executive Order:

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Home Blog Design How to Create a Successful Brand Presentation (Tips + Templates)

How to Create a Successful Brand Presentation (Tips + Templates)

Cover for Brand Presentation guide by SlideModel

A well-crafted presentation can distinguish between securing a deal and losing a potential client. Depending on your industry, competition can be fierce when presenting ideas, strategies, and results in the most impactful format while working with a professional aesthetic. On this behalf, a branded presentation goes beyond a mere collection of slides; it visually represents a company’s identity and values.

This article will guide you in the concept of branded presentations, differentiating them from brand identity in presentations and exploring the essential elements to secure their maximum potential. Additionally, we provide a list of ready-made PowerPoint templates to make your design job easier.

Table of Contents

What is a Branded Presentation?

What is the difference between brand presentation and brand identity presentation, elements of a brand presentation, how to create a brand presentation slide by slide, tips for creating an effective branded presentation, recommended brand presentation powerpoint templates, final words.

A branded presentation is a customized set of PowerPoint slides that reflect a company’s unique design style and visual identity. This means that the presentation includes specific elements that are consistent with the company’s branding guidelines. These elements often encompass the company’s logo, brand colors, fonts, photography style, and other graphical elements that are part of the company’s visual identity.

Branded presentations are required tools for an efficient communication plan in any business or organization, considering both internal and external communications. By incorporating the visual elements that define the brand, these presentations help maintain a cohesive brand image, reinforcing brand awareness.

Although brand presentation and brand identity presentations are terms used interchangeably, there are considerable differences between them as they are used in their respective contexts.

Brand Presentation

A brand presentation communicates various business-related information, such as project updates, sales reports, marketing strategies, and more. It is tailored to fit the specific message and audience of the presentation while ensuring that all visual elements adhere to the company’s branding guidelines. The focus is on the presentation’s content, with the branding elements providing a consistent and professional backdrop.

Brand Identity Presentation

On the other hand, a brand identity presentation is specifically designed to introduce and explain the elements of a company’s brand identity. This type of presentation is often used during brand rollouts, rebranding efforts, or to onboard new employees and partners. It provides a comprehensive overview of the brand’s visual and verbal identity, including the logo (read our article on logo presentation for more insights), color palette, typography , imagery, tone of voice, and brand values . The goal is to educate and align all stakeholders on the brand’s look and feel, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

Bonus tip: Check our guide on color theory to learn how to create harmonic color palettes for your brand identity presentation.

The following elements must be included in any brand deck.

The company’s logo should be prominently displayed on each slide. There are multiple methods to accomplish that: a footer, a watermark logo, a small logo at the top-right corner of the slide, etc.

Using a logo in a slide deck helps to immediately associate the presentation with a company or organization.

Brand Colors

When creating the slides, the use of the company’s color palette must be considered to maintain a consistent aesthetic and integrate the logo as a natural element. 

Presenters can use different color schemes if the logo is monochromatic or harmonious palettes in case we count with a pre-established color selection. To create a unified look, these colors should be used for backgrounds, text, and graphical elements.

Have you ever heard the phrase “less is more”? Certainly, this applies to the use of fonts in your presentation slides. A branding presentation must work with the same typefaces selected for the logo or with options defined at the brand identity stage.

As a general rule, never use more than three different typefaces or more than three font weights in the same slide deck.

Imagery Style

One aspect that defines a professional brand aesthetic is to count with images or photos in the same style across slides. If you work with photos, then stick to similar editing settings. If you opt for illustrations, then continue using illustrations across the branded slides. 

Another example is mixing black-and-white images with fully colored images. As a rule, you should use the same color scheme across your images.

Graphical Elements

Icons, graphs, patterns, charts, shapes, and any other graphical element. On this behalf, you can find fine examples of what to include in these categories:

  • Brand Strategy PowerPoint templates
  • Brand Awareness templates
  • Brand Management templates

While primarily visual, the tone of voice in any text or spoken elements should also reflect the brand’s personality and values. Avoid unnecessary jargon and changes between active and passive voice.

Creating a branded presentation is fairly easy once you master the steps. The core structure remains the same, but the body slides can be changed depending on the requirements of your presentation.

Title Slide

This slide sets the tone for the entire presentation. In a few words, it’s your introduction card. 

The company logo should be prominently displayed but in a subtle way so it doesn’t compete with the text. The presentation title must use the brand’s font and color scheme, including a subtitle with a lighter font weight version of the brand’s font. Format the date and presenter’s name so that it can be easy to edit if the slide deck has to be repurposed.

Title slide in a branded presentation

Agenda Slide

The agenda slide serves to outline the main points to be covered in the presentation, hence giving the audience a clear understanding of what to expect. You can use the brand’s accent colors to highlight each point of the talk or creative PPT icons to bring attention.

Use of color in branded presentation slide

Introduction Slide

Like any other presentation, you need to introduce the purpose and context. A branded presentation would take into account the imagery style, color palette, typefaces, and logo placement.

Introduction slide in a brand presentation

Body Slides

Depending on the kind of presentation you’re building, the structure of the slides will vary. Since consistent logo placement is a must in branded presentations, in our experience, it’s best to stick with the top-right corner or footer as a potential position for it. If you opt for the latter, be sure to place the logo at the opposite corner of the slide number indicator. Keep in mind you don’t have to add the logo to all slides, as that’s overwhelming for the viewer.

Charts and graphs have to bear the same color palette designated for the brand identity or directly contrasting colors in case we work with a monochromatic scheme. One useful concept to master is the brand essence wheel , as it can help us curate which content is relevant for our presentation, depending on the context.

Body slide with branding values

Conclusion Slide

When defining how to end a presentation , presenters summarize the core concepts disclosed in the presentation and use call-to-actions to elicit a response from the audience. The text should be kept concise and focused, using the brand’s accent colors for the call to action button or graphics.

Conclusion slide with CTA in brand presentation

Tip #1 – Start with a Template

Working with professionally-designed PowerPoint templates cuts down the branded slides creation process by over 200%. Not only do you not have to worry about color pairing or font pairing choices, but you also ensure that a consistent look is going to be used across all slides in your deck. In case you don’t find a template that bears the same colors as your branding, you can easily customize it in both PowerPoint or Google Slides.

Tip #2 – Leverage Social Proof

Incorporate testimonials, client logos, and case studies that reflect your brand’s credibility. This is of particular interest in scenarios like business pitches or sales presentations, where your reputation is the one key factor that can make or break a deal.

Tip #3 – Incorporate Motion Graphics

Not all presentations have to bear a boring, old-school 2D look. Using branded motion graphics or animations is a great method to engage your audience and explain complex concepts in a more dynamic format.

Tip #4 – Negative Space is Your Friend

Don’t overload slides with tons of content to show how much you know about a topic. A presenter who mastered the art of communication is well aware that less is more, so learn how to effectively use negative space to make the slides look clean. Focus on emphasizing key content rather than populating slides on the go.

Tip #5 – About Your Backgrounds

Use simple, branded backgrounds to focus the attention on the content, not the graphics. Gradient effects can be used as long as they remain subtle.

Tip #6 – Test for Accessibility

A point to take into account, especially for company-wide presentations, is to check for high-contrast colors, readable fonts, and alt text for images. Considering accessibility for your presentations is a must these days if you care about your attendees and the experience they get out of your content.

Tip #7 – Logo Placement

Unlike what most people think, your logo doesn’t need to be shown on every single slide. In fact, that’s a bad practice as you overcrowd the slides with content. It’s a very different scenario if we talk about academic presentations where the slides may be repurposed for educational content – thus, your branding is important in terms of intellectual property. Once again, for most cases, placing your logo every 3-4 slides is good and plenty.

1. Operational Planning Branded Presentation PPT Template

Technology and Innovation Template Slide

This slide deck contains all that’s required to create accurate report presentations on logistics, processes, management, HR, and more. This animated brand presentation template counts with a cohesive aesthetic and carefully thought logo placement to meet the requirements of each slide. Check it out!

Use This Template

2. Branded Corporate Event Planning PowerPoint Template

Managing Attendees PowerPoint Slide - Corporate Planning PPT Template

Ideal for HR professionals, event planners, managers, and anyone who has to organize a corporate event. We count with multiple tools for decision-making processes in event management, such as event goals, dos and don’ts for venue location selection, event marketing strategies, and the list goes on. A creative color palette with a nice logo placement distributed across 15 slides.

3. Minimalistic Black & White Brand Presentation Template

Black & White Template Slide

Whenever you need to create a formal, clean-looking brand presentation in a monochromatic palette, this is the option to check. Nine slides with a clear structure that doesn’t overwhelm the viewer are perfect for introducing a company, presenting a series of facts, or for in-company meetings. A ‘Thank You’ slide with contact information and social media icons is also included.

4. Branded Corporate Expense Management PPT Template

Tools and Technologies Slide

Intended for training financial professionals in the art of tracking the movements, budget, and overall expenses of any corporation, this slide deck manages an analogous color palette and pre-established placeholder areas for logo placement. The balance between colors ensures an appropriate contrast and an excellent readability experience.

5. Company Profile Branded Presentation Template

Contact Us Slide PPT Template

If you’re looking for a slide deck packed with tools to deliver a company profile presentation, but also considering branding requirements, see no further. This is the option to go in terms of ease of editing, graphics quality, and resources offered. 18 slides to check and customize now.

Coming up with a branded presentation is not a complex process. Presenters can use multiple tools available online to come up with professional-quality results, like presentation templates, font pairing tools, branding guideline documents, and the list goes on. It’s important to highlight the brand in the subtle details, like color selection, rather than overloading slides with badly sized logos or repeated branding elements (i.e., website address). Keep it simple and iterate to achieve your desired result.

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Brand, Brand Consistency Filed under Design

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