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Last Updated : 16 Nov, 2022 07:02 PM

Published : 16 Nov 2022 07:02 PM Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022 07:02 PM

ஓடிடி திரை அலசல் | Rorschach - தீரா பகைமை... அச்சுறுத்தப்படும் பேய்... அட்டகாச அனுபவம்!

rorschach movie review tamil

தனக்கு ஏற்பட்ட பெருங்கொடுமையால் பழிவாங்கும் எண்ணம் உடலெங்கும் ஊறிப்போன ஒருவனின் தீரா பழிவேட்டையே ‘ரோர்சாக்’ (Rorschach). லூக் ஆண்டனி (மம்முட்டி) காவல் நிலையத்திற்கு சென்று புகார் ஒன்றை அளிக்கிறார். அதில், கர்ப்பிணியான தனது மனைவியுடன் காரில் சென்றுகொண்டிருக்கும்போது, விபத்து நிகழ்ந்தாகவும், கண் விழித்து பார்க்கும்போது மனைவியை காணவில்லை என்றும் புகாரில் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். விபத்து நடக்கும் பகுதியில் தேடுதல் வேட்டை நடத்தும் காவல்துறை, அவரை கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை என இறுதில் கைவிரித்துவிடுகிறது. அதை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாத லூக் ஆண்டனி அடர்ந்த காடுகளை ஒட்டிய கிராமத்தில் முகாமிட்டு தனது மனைவியை தேடும் படலத்தை தொடர, அங்கே நிகழும் எதிர்பாராத திருப்பங்களுடன் சுவாரஸ்யமான திரைக்கதையுடன் சொல்லியிருக்கும் சைக்கலாஜிக்கல் ஹாரர் - த்ரில்லர் படம்தான் ‘ ‘ரோர்சாச்’ (Rorschach).

சாதாரணக் கதை என்றாலும், அதனை நான் லீனியர் முறையில் சைக்காலஜிக்கல் த்ரில்லராக திரைக்கதையாக்கிய விதம் பார்வையாளர்களை கவர்கிறது. ‘கெட்டியோலானு எந்தன் மாலாக்கா’ படத்தை இயக்கிய நிசாம் பஷீர் இந்தப் படத்தை இயக்கியிருக்கிறார். சமீர் அப்துலின் சுவாரஸ்யமான திரைக்கதை படத்தின் தரத்தை மெருக்கேற்றியிருக்கிறது. 1950களின் முற்பகுதியில் ‘ஹெர்மன் ரோர்சாக்’ என்ற சைகார்டிஸ்ட், மனிதர்களின் ஆளுமைப் பண்புகளைக் கண்டறிவதற்காக ஆய்வுகளை நடத்தியவர். அவரது பேரைக்கொண்டு படத்திற்கு தலைப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

மனித உறவுகளுக்குள்ளான உளவியல் சிக்கல்கள், அதன் பல்வேறு அடுக்குகள், பேராசை, அன்பு, காதல், பழிவாங்கும் உணர்ச்சி என மனித மனங்களை குறுக்குவெட்டுத் தோற்றமிடும் படம் எந்தவித இடையூறுமில்லாமல், விறுவிறுப்பாக பயணிக்கிறது. மொத்தப் படத்திற்கும் கணிக்க முடியாத தனது மன ஓட்டத்தின் மூலம் வெளிச்சம் பாய்ச்சுகிறார் மம்முட்டி. வார்த்தைகளில் கஞ்சத்தனத்தை கடைபிடிக்கும் அவரது கதாபாத்திரம் உணர்ச்சிகள் வழி உணர்வுகளை புரிய வைக்கிறது. மெச்சும் நடிப்பில் ஈர்க்கும் மம்முட்டி கதாபாத்திரம் ஒருவித மர்மத்துடனேயே இருப்பது சுவாரஸ்யம். படம் முடிந்த பின்பும் அந்த கதாபாத்திரத்தின் மீதான கேள்விகள் தொடர்கின்றன. தூக்கமின்மை, தனிமை, விரோதத்தை சுமந்துகொண்டிருக்கும் மனம், தனது மனைவி அருகிலிருப்பது போன்ற பிம்பத்தை உருவாக்கிகொள்வது என வித்தியாசமான கதாபாத்திர வார்ப்பு கவனம் பெறுகிறது.

அவருக்கு இணையான நடிப்பு பிந்து பனிக்கருடையது. அந்தக் கதாபாத்திரம் எழுதப்பட்ட விதமும், அதற்கு அவர் தன் நடிப்பால் உயிர்கொடுத்திருக்கும் விதமும் அட்டகாசம். கிரேஸ் ஆண்டனி, ஆசீஃப் அலி உள்ளிட்டோரும் தனக்கான நடிப்பை அழுத்தமாக பதிவு செய்திருந்தனர்.

திரையுலகில் பேய் படங்களுக்கென்று ஒரு டெம்பிளேட் இருக்கும். இந்தப் படம் அந்த வரையறைகளுக்குள் தன்னை அடைத்துக் கொள்ளாமல், பார்வையாளர்களுக்கு வித்தியாசமான வெளியை திறந்திருக்கிறது. பொதுவாக பேய் கதையை மையப்படுத்திய திரைப்படங்கள் என்றால், இறந்தது பெண்ணாக இருந்தால், தனது மரணத்துக்கு காரணமானவர்களை சாதாரண பெண் போல் சென்று மயக்கி பழிவாங்கும். இறந்து ஆண் பேயாக இருந்தால், தனது மரணத்துக்குப் பின் குடும்பம் சந்திக்கும் பிரச்சினைகளை வேறு யாராவது உடலில் புகுந்து வில்லன்களை துவம்சம் செய்து காப்பாற்றும். 2K கிட்ஸ்களின் காலத்து திரைப்படங்களில் வரும் பேய் கதாப்பாத்திரங்கள் கிளுகிளுப்பை ஏற்படுத்தும் பேய்களாக சித்தரிக்கப்படுகிறது.

இந்த திரைப்படத்தில், தனது வாழ்க்கையே கேள்விக்குறியாக காரணமான பேய் மற்றும் அதன் சந்தோஷங்களைத் தேடிச் சென்று அடித்து விரட்டுகிறார் லூக் ஆன்டனி. குறிப்பாக என்ன செய்தால் பேய் தன்னை தாக்க வரும் என்று தெரிந்துகொண்டு, அவற்றின் மூலம் பேயை வெறுப்பேற்றி வம்பிற்கு இழுக்கும் காட்சிகள் ஆடியன்ஸ்களின் வரவேற்பை அள்ளுகின்றன.

கட்டிமுடித்து முழுமைப் பெறாத பேய் வீட்டை வாங்குதல், பேயின் காதல் மனைவியை லூக் ஆன்டனி இரண்டாவது திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டு பேயின் வீட்டிற்கு குடிபுகுதல், பேயின் பொருளாதார வளர்ச்சிக்கு காரணமான தொழிற்சாலையை பூட்டி சீல் வைப்பது. பேயின் தம்பி, அம்மாவுக்கு நெருக்கடியை ஏற்படுத்துதல் என இத்தனை கொடூரமானவான மனிதன் என்றுணர்ந்து பேயே தெரித்தோடும் வகையில் அமைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் காட்சிகள் ரசிக்க வைக்கின்றன.

நிறைவேறாத ஆசைகளுடன் இறந்தவர்கள், அந்த ஆசை நிறைவேறும் வரை பூமியில்தான் உலவுவார்கள் என்று பேய்களின் உலகம் குறித்து பொதுப்புத்தியில் மாட்டப்பட்டிருக்கும் கற்பிதங்களை கையில் எடுத்துக் கொண்டு கச்சிதமாக களமாடியிருக்கிறார் இயக்குநர். இந்தப் படத்தை ஒருவேளை நிறைவேறாத ஆசைகளுடன் இறந்துபோன பேய்கள் பார்த்திருந்தால், இனி அந்த பேய்களின் சொந்த ஊர்களில் சுற்றித்திரிவது கஷ்டம்தான்.

படம் அதன் திரைக்கதையிலும், மேக்கிங்கிலும் நாயகன் லூக் ஆண்டனியின் உலகிற்குள் நம்மை இழுத்துவிடுகிறது. அடுத்தடுத்த காட்சிகள் நகரும் விதமும், அதில் கூட்டியிருக்கும் சுவாரஸ்யமும், நான் லீனியர் முறையில் கதை சொல்லும் பாணியும் நம்மை கூர்ந்து கவனிக்கச் சொல்கிறது. கிரண் தாஸின் படத்தொகுப்பில் காட்சிகள் வெட்டி இணையும் இடங்கள், கதை சொல்லல் பாணியை புதுமையாக்குகின்றன. சட்டென சில இடங்களில் குழப்பங்கள் தோன்றினாலும், பெரியதாக துருத்தவில்லை.

நிமிஷா ரவியின் கனகச்சிதமான ஒளிப்பதிவும், மிதுன் முகுந்தனின் பிண்ணனி இசையும் கதையின் கனத்தை அப்படியே தாங்கி நிற்கிறது. ஆங்கிலத்தில் வரும் பாடல்கள் புதுமையான அனுபவத்தை கொடுக்கின்றன. சில காட்சிகளை நறுக்கி இன்னும் நேரத்தை குறைத்திருக்கலாம் என தோன்றுகிறது. படத்தின் க்ளைமாக்ஸை எப்படி முடிப்பது என தெரியாமல் தடுமாறியிருப்பதை உணர முடிகிறது.

மொத்தத்தில் ஒரு வித்தியாசமான சைக்காலஜிகள் - சூப்பர் நேச்சுரல் த்ரில்லராக ஸ்லோவாக படம் நகர்ந்தாலும் புதுமையான அனுபவத்தை கொடுக்க ‘ரோர்சார்க்’ தவறவில்லை. படம் டிஸ்னி ப்ளஸ் ஹாட்ஸ்டாரில் காணக்கிடைக்கிறது.

rorschach movie review tamil

அன்பு வாசகர்களே....

இந்த ஊரடங்கு காலத்தில் வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியே வராமல் நமக்கு நாமே சமூக விலகல் ( Social Distancing) செய்து கொள்வோம். செய்தி ஊடகங்களின் வழியே உலகுடன் தொடர்பில் இருப்போம். பொதுவெளியில் இருந்து தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு கரோனா பரவலைத் தடுப்பதில் நம் பங்கை முழுமையாக இந்த சமூகத்துக்கு அளிப்போம்.

CoVid-19 கரோனா தடுப்பு / விழிப்புணர்வு கையேடு - இலவசமாக டவுன்லோடு செய்து பயன்பெறுங்கள்!

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விடிய விடிய பலாத்காரம்.. துடிதுடித்த 28 பெண்கள்.. லேடீஸ் ஹாஸ்டலில் யாரது? சேவா ஆசிரமத்தில் பரபரப்பு

பழிக்குப் பழி வாங்க துடிக்கும் மம்முட்டி… ரோர்சாக் விமர்சனம்… ஓடிடி ரசிகர்களுக்கு திரில்லர் ட்ரீட்

சென்னை: மலையாள மெகா ஸ்டார் மம்முட்டி நடித்துள்ள ரோர்சாக் திரைப்படம் அக்டோபர் 7ம் தேதி திரையரங்குகளில் வெளியானது.

நிசாம் பஷீர் இயக்கியுள்ள ரோர்சாக் படத்துக்கு திரையரங்க ரசிகர்களிடம் நல்ல வரவேற்பு கிடைத்தது.

இதனைத் தொடர்ந்து தற்போது ஹாட்ஸ்டார் தளத்தில் வெளியான ரோர்சாக் ஓடிடி ரசிகர்களின் கவனத்தையும் ஈர்த்து வருகிறது.

என்னை அட்ஜஸ்ட் பண்ணிக்கோ..ரச்சித்தாவிடம் வரம்பு மீறும் ராபர்ட் மாஸ்டர்!

மம்முட்டியின் ரோர்சாக்

மலையாளத் திரையுலகின் மெகா ஸ்டார் மம்முட்டி 70 வயதிலும் இளம் நடிகர்களுக்கு டஃப் கொடுத்து வருகிறார். கடந்த அக்டோபர் 7ம் தேதி மம்முட்டி நடிப்பில் வெளியான 'ரோர்சாக்' திரைப்படம் இப்போது ஹாட்ஸ்டார் தளத்தில் ஸ்ட்ரீமிங் ஆகிறது. 'கெட்டியோலானு என்டே மலாக்கா' படத்தின் மூலம் கவனம் ஈர்த்த நிசாம் பஷீர், இந்தப் படத்தை இயக்கியுள்ளார். மம்முட்டியுடன் கிரேஸ் ஆண்டனி, பிந்து பனிக்கர், அசீப் அலி உள்ளிட்ட பலர் நடித்துள்ளனர்.

லூக் ஆண்டனியின் கதை

லூக் ஆண்டனியின் கதை

சிறிய கிராமத்தில் இருக்கும் போலீஸ் ஸ்டேசனுக்கு செல்லும் லூக் ஆண்டனி, தன்னுடைய கார் விபத்தில் சிக்கிவிட்டதாகவும், மயக்கம் தெளிந்து பார்க்கும் போது தனது மனைவியை காணவில்லை எனவும் புகார் கொடுக்கிறார். உடனடியாக கார் விபத்து நடந்த இடத்துக்கு சென்று விசாரிக்கும் போலீஸார் லூக் ஆண்டனியின் மனைவியை கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியாமல் திணறுகின்றனர். மனைவி கிடைக்கும் வரை அதே கிராமத்தில் தான் இருப்பேன் என அங்கேயே கட்டி முடிக்கப்படாத வீட்டை சொந்தமாக வாங்குகிறார் லூக் ஆண்டனி.

பழிக்குப் பழி போராட்டம்

பழிக்குப் பழி போராட்டம்

லூக் ஆண்டனியிடம் வீட்டை விற்கும் ராஜன் கொலை செய்யப்பட, அவரிடம் இருந்த பணம் மாயமாகிறது. இதுகுறித்து போலீஸார் விசாரணை நடத்தி வரும் நிலையில், கணவரை இழந்த சுஜாதா என்பவரை திருமணம் செய்கிறார் லூக் ஆண்டனி. அதோடு சுஜாதா நடத்தி வந்த சிறிய தொழிற்சாலையையும் இயங்கவிடாமல் மறைமுகமாக தடுக்கிறார். இன்னொரு பக்கம் லூக் ஆண்டனி யார், எங்கிருந்து வந்தார், அவரது மனைவி என்ன ஆனார் என்பதை அஷ்ரப் என்ற போலீஸ் கண்டுபிடிக்கிறார். அதன்பின்னர் நடக்கும் சில அதிரடியான திருப்பங்கள் தான் கதை.

மனைவிக்காக கொலை

மனைவிக்காக கொலை

லூக் ஆண்டனியாக மம்முட்டி, துபாயில் மனைவியுடன் ஆடம்பரமாக வாழ்ந்து வருகிறார். அவரது வீட்டில் இரண்டு இளைஞர்கள் கொள்ளையடிக்க முயற்சிக்க, அப்போது மம்முட்டியின் மனைவி கொலை செய்யப்படுகிறார். அப்போது இளைஞர்களில் ஒருவரை மம்முட்டியும் கொலை செய்துவிடுகிறார். அதன் பின்னர் தப்பித்த இளைஞன் யார் என தேடி கேரளா செல்லும் மம்முட்டி, அந்த இளைஞன் உயிருடன் இல்லை என்று தெரிந்தும் அவரது குடும்பத்தை பழிவாங்கத் துடிக்கிறார். அதற்காக அவர் ஆடும் நாடகம் எல்லாம் மிரட்டலான சம்பவங்கள். அதேபோல் தனது குடும்பத்தின் மானம் போய்விடக்கூடாது என அந்த இளைஞனின் அம்மா எடுக்கும் அவதாரம் மாஸ்.

மம்முட்டி என்ற அரக்கன்

மம்முட்டி என்ற அரக்கன்

Halloween style கேரக்டரில் நடித்துள்ள மம்முட்டி காட்சிக்கு காட்சி மிரட்டுகிறார். தெளிவான மனநிலையில் இல்லாத லூக் ஆண்டனியின் இயல்பான உடல் மொழியை அப்படியே கண்முன் நிறுத்துகிறார். அதேபோல், சுஜாதாவாக வரும் கிரேஸ் ஆண்டனி, சீதாவாக வரும் பிந்து பனிக்கர் ஆகியோரின் கேரக்டர்கள் யாரும் எதிர்பார்க்காத ட்விஸ்ட்டை தருகின்றன. மிதுன் முகுந்தனின் பின்னணி இசை பல இடங்களிலும் சிலிர்ப்பை தருகின்றன.

ரோர்சாக் மைனஸ்

ரோர்சாக் மைனஸ்

சைக்கலாஜிக்கல் திரில்லருக்கான அத்தனை அம்சங்களையும் கொண்டுள்ள ரோர்சாக், திரைக்கதையில் கொஞ்சம் அயர்ச்சியைத் தருகிறது. சைக்கலாஜிக்கல் திரில்லர் என்பதால், மெதுவாக கதை சொன்ன இயக்குநர் நிஷாம் பஷீர் இன்னும் கவனம் செலுத்திருக்கலாம். மற்றபடி இந்த வாரம் திரில்லர் படம் எதிர்பார்க்கும் ஓடிடி ரசிகர்களுக்கு சூப்பர் ட்ரீட் என்றால் அது ரோர்சாக் தான் என்பதில் சந்தேகமே இல்லை.


Mammootty: கௌதம் வாசுதேவ் மேனனுடன் இணையும் மம்முட்டி.. செம ரொமான்ஸ் படமோ? போஸ்டர் தரமா இருக்கே..

பிரியங்காவுக்கு ஆதரவாக குரல் கொடுத்த சூப்பர் சிங்கர் பிரபலம்.. பர்னிச்சரை உடைத்துவிட்ட ப்ளூ சட்டை!

நிறைய தப்பு... காலையிலேயே அழுவேன்.. அதை பார்த்து சந்தோஷப்படுவார்.. அதிதி பற்றி சித்தார்த் ஓபனாக டாக்

நிறைய தப்பு... காலையிலேயே அழுவேன்.. அதை பார்த்து சந்தோஷப்படுவார்.. அதிதி பற்றி சித்தார்த் ஓபனாக டாக்

ஜெயம் ரவி கோவாவில் இந்த பாடகியுடன் தான் இருந்தாரா?.. யாரு இந்த கெனிஷா பிரான்சிஸ்.. பாவம் ஆர்த்தி!

ஜெயம் ரவி கோவாவில் இந்த பாடகியுடன் தான் இருந்தாரா?.. யாரு இந்த கெனிஷா பிரான்சிஸ்.. பாவம் ஆர்த்தி!

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நீச்சல் உடையில் கோட் பட நாயகி.. கிறுகிறுத்துப்போன ரசிகர்கள்!

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Tamil Filmibeat

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  • Cast & crew
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Mammootty in Rorschach (2022)

The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply

  • Nissam Basheer
  • Sameer Abdul
  • Grace Antony
  • 61 User reviews
  • 7 Critic reviews
  • 1 nomination

Rorschach Official Trailer

Top cast 31


  • Luke Antony

Grace Antony

  • Head Cost. Ashraf

Bindu Panikkar

  • Seetha Balan


  • Dileep Balan

Mani Shornur

  • Sophia Luke

Sreeja Ravi

  • Sujatha's Mother

Keerikkadan Jose

  • Sujatha's Father


  • Satheeshan's Mother
  • Rasheed - Robber's Father

Nilambur Ayisha

  • Sainaba - Robber's Mother

Jordi Poonjar

  • Insp. George

Babu Annur

  • SI P. Pisharody
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia Lead cast Luke (Mammootty) reel surname and his reel wife Sujatha (Grace) real surname are same: Antony.
  • Alternate versions The UK release was cut, the distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence, injury detail and threat in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
  • Soundtracks In My Arms Written by Sameer Abdul Produced by Midhun Mukundan Performed by Sameer Abdul

User reviews 61

  • Oct 6, 2022
  • How long is Rorschach? Powered by Alexa
  • October 7, 2022 (India)
  • Official Facebook
  • Mammootty Kampany
  • Wayfarer Films
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • ₹120,000,000 (estimated)

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos

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‘Rorschach’ movie review: Mammootty’s psychological thriller is intriguing but imperfect

‘rorschach’ is an effective psychological thriller that has its imperfections, just like the test that it draws its name from, but it is nevertheless an intriguing experience.

Published - October 07, 2022 04:41 pm IST

S R  Praveen

A still from the movie | Photo Credit: Mammootty Kampany

Putting the characters in Rorschach through the Rorschach test, to study their personality traits and mental make-up could be a fascinating exercise, for quite a few of them have a few twisted nodes in their brain. On the surface though, Luke Antony (Mammootty) is the obviously deranged one, seeing visions and fighting against imaginary enemies. The man's arrival in the village bordering a forest is clouded in mystery, which is only compounded by his actions.

Luke walks into the police station and reports that his wife has gone missing after their car got into an accident near the forest. But, as the search operation progresses, doubts crop up on whether the woman has actually gone missing or even whether she is a figment of his imagination. This also strengthens the feeling that the rich man from Dubai had reached this nondescript village with other intentions in mind.

Director Nissam Basheer, who debuted with Kettiyolaanu Ente Maalakha , makes good use of the mystery surrounding Luke and his actions, to further a plot which goes into some unfamiliar territories. But the script by Sameer Abdul does not stick to Luke alone. It flows through a set of characters who all have their own intentions, from a man who senses an opportunity and uses it when he sees the rich man on an extended stay to search for his wife, to the policeman who dreams of a share in the pie when he unearths some murky dealings, and Sujatha (Grace Antony), who has an immense ability of self-preservation.

At the halfway point, when the picture becomes clearer, things are not what they seem to be. We do get clues about Luke’s mental state. But for someone who has undergone white room torture, which is supposed to lead to disorientation and a loss of personal identity, he never strays from his aim. Sameer’s script is woven around a revenge story, but the weaving is so deft and novel that the revenge part is hidden underneath some interesting layers.

The film slackens its pace a bit after Luke’s intentions are revealed, with some of the scenes becoming repetitive; A tighter treatment could have made it a more potent film. Midhun Mukundan’s music gels well with the eerie atmosphere that pervades the film. After Puzhu , Mammootty has yet again chosen an unconventional script, which provides him ample opportunities to perform. But in the end, it is Bindu Panicker, as Seetha, who walks away with much applause, with her menacing portrayal of a mother who would go to any extent to protect her sons and their name.

Rorschach is an effective psychological thriller that has its imperfections, just like the test that it draws its name from, but it is nevertheless an intriguing experience.

Rorschach is currently running in theatres.

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Rorschach Is A Focused, Compelling Genre-bender That Is Rewarding In Spite of Issues

Rorschach Is A Focused, Compelling Genre-bender That Is Rewarding In Spite of Issues

Director: Nisam Basheer

Writer: Sameer Abdul

Stars: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Sharafudheen

Mammootty , after Puzhu from earlier this year, is assuredly back with another character who invites strong contempt from the viewer. Luke Antony is a man engulfed by the idea of vengeance. He’ll go to unimaginable, twisted lengths to fulfill his idea of avenging his wife’s murder. This might sound like a simple revenge story, but Nisam Basheer’s film is a genre-shifting, layered, and technically ambitious attempt at the same. It has obvious nudges towards being a psychological study, veers into supernatural territory, and also has good reasons to identify as a family drama.

Luke Antony is a complex human, but a one-note protagonist. It’s his arrival to a new place that affects those around him, and not the other way round. It’s the classic story of an outsider wreaking havoc on a tranquil place. He is on a self-anointed mission to bring a man down, and he won’t stop until he achieves it. There’s no change waiting to happen in him, no catharsis that he finds. But the film peels into him gradually. Whenever it delves into his past, it only gives us flashes. He has received white room torture. He was framed and maybe a fugitive. He might have driven all the way from Dubai to Kerala. All these pieces of information don’t get dumped on us in one large chunk of flashback, but are rather sprinkled through the narrative. This lends a level of complexity to the character that might not actually be in the writing.

If there’s one thing that comes across prominently, it’s the makers’ aesthetic sensibilities. All of Midhun Mukundan’s alluringly gloomy tracks have English lyrics. The editing feels composed. The cinematography is a lot about style but it never gets in the way of the storytelling. I particularly love the way they indicate the arrival of a ghost. It’s a familiar situation but is made out to be visually appealing, with the delicate change in colour grade and swift camera work. Even the choice of colours and props makes for a very memorable visual experience, one that is minimal and tastefully stylised. The grey car, the unfinished grey house, and the pronounced costumes, are solid contributions on this front. One element that is a mismatch from this sensibility is Luke’s dead wife, whose presence I found to be a tad bit melodramatic and slightly dumbed-down in tone, in an otherwise realistic film.

We start the film with Luke’s perspective, and the structure then begins to adopt the perspectives of the villagers with their voiceovers. This behaviour isn’t consistent throughout the film, and I wish a couple of characters would’ve gotten more weightage for their narration. After the whole deal about Luke’s motives is revealed at the interval, where the film announces that it is functioning in a supernatural space, the thread starts to get stagnant. There’s no substantial progress in Luke’s attempts at taunting Dileep. Even the bits of action, though unique, get tedious because of how absorbing the psychological exploration has been until then.

But post such instances, there are other threads that begin to shine. The drama between the characters surrounding Luke take the lead and are far more compelling than the primary tale of revenge. The corrupt cop, the local guy who runs on instinct, the guilty brother-in-law, they’re all etched with enough heft. But it’s the women who stand out distinctly in the latter half of the film. Bindu Panicker’s Seetha is a well-conceived character. We see her going from an archetypal mother to a lethal parent who has sculpted both her sons to her worldview. It’s a powerful role filled with surprises, delivered in an impressively engaging manner by the actor.

Grace Antony’s Sujatha is also notable for her refusal to accommodate or take things lightly in spite of conforming to certain proposals that will get her what she wants. The actor is amazing in conveying decisions economically. Sujatha, who is a widower trying to hold together her late husband’s dwindling factory, faces a moment where she’s looked down upon by her mother-in-law for even considering the idea of a second marriage. A realisation hits her that she’s going to receive absolutely no validation from her in-laws for taking care of their son’s legacy. In that moment, she’s slightly bewildered due to being under the impression that she doesn’t owe them anything. On sensing that they’re feeling entitled to her actions and decisions, something snaps in her. In the next scene, we see her married - An almost repulsive decision, considering the man she is marrying has made her physically uncomfortable on multiple occasions. Though this can be seen coming, all this decision-making is held together in that single shot of Grace Antony overhearing her mother-in-law’s rant. It’s a terrific performance, to say the least.

Mammootty pitches Luke on a casual note, without any idiosyncrasies. He’s essaying a character with a god complex, for how Luke thinks he deserves his own judgement even after god has, very apparently, delivered his. But he sells the character’s unhinged nature with an unceremonious and remarkably controlled demeanour. It’s also not a very surprising performance coming after the slightly more complex Puzhu , where an inhuman Kuttan operates far closer to reality.

The final moment that the film ends with, is a classic winking-at-the-audience situation where the story reveals that it might not be over yet, and that the events we just followed to an end, have the potential to continue. Whenever a film does this, I’ve always considered it to be an unwarranted cheap thrill, and it isn’t any different in this film. In the penultimate scene, Sharafudeen’s character addresses a certain ambiguity about Luke’s actions in a voiceover, and this feels like a stronger moment to end on, as opposed to the attempt at a cliffhanger.

The idea of the film, about how obsession can consume a human, comes across effectively. The story justifies the title, with Luke’s entry to the village resulting in a lot being revealed about its people than the actual case he is supposedly there for – a missing wife, to be read as a Rorschach inkblot test to the villagers. This is a convincing genre-bender that has issues, but it’s a film that is ultimately rewarding for its unwavering focus and sincerity in presenting an uncommon aesthetic.

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Rorschach (2022) Movie Review – A simple psychological thriller that attacks your psyche

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A well-executed experiment in the Neo-noir genre of films

When it comes to releasing movies with an intense plot and a bankable storyline, the Malayalam film industry can be considered one of the most superior companies in India. Over the last few years, given the pandemic, fans of cinema have been flocking to different movie industries all over the world which explains the boom of the Malayalam film industry.

After being known for his massy roles over the last five decades, mega-star Mammootty has now started growing more experimental with the stories he chooses to deliver, and his 2022 releases are a testament to this fact.

Throughout its 150-minute runtime, Rorschach narrates the story of an NRI man named Luke Antony who has recently returned from Dubai. After meeting with an unexplained accident, Luke’s wife, Sofia goes missing. Just to add to the stakes, Sofia was pregnant when she disappeared.

Worried about his wife’s sudden disappearance, Luke reports the incident to the police. Since there is no trace of Sofia whatsoever, the cops conclude that Luke’s wife was attacked by an animal and suggest he simply move on.

Luke decides to try and find Sofia himself and befriends a villager named Balan. However, it is evident that Luke has more going on under the hood than he’s initially letting on. The story of Rorschach is not extremely complicated to decipher and off the bat, you know that his true motives are much more sinister than what he is leading us to believe.

As the plot progresses, Luke’s true intent is revealed and viewers finally get to understand what the story is all about. Aside from a revenge-addled Luke, the characters of Seetha and Dileep (despite his limited appearance) make a lasting impact.

The concept of legacy and how important it is for souls to attain salvation (moksha) after their death may be alien to most young and modern viewers, but Rorschach attempts to move past that gap and presents a linear plot of revenge.

Luke does nothing to harm the living and every single death or accident in the movie is only a result of different human vices like greed and fear, among others. The story of the movie is strong and its execution definitely takes the cake.

Just like the psychological test, Rorschach can be perceived differently by different viewers, which gives the movie some depth. The movie has a decent pace too, and it does not conceal any plot points from the viewer which makes it a simple watch. However, the ending is something that leaves one shocked and wanting more.

If there is one thing about the movie that really stands out though, it’s the cinematography. In particular the camera work, which is beyond perfect. The cinematic long shots as well as the limited jump scares are enough to keep viewers conflicted between calm and chaos. One scene in particular had a butterfly appear and enter the scene, and we know that Dileep will be making an appearance.

The Rorschach psychological test is represented by a butterfly and it was one moment that made it seem like the writer was starting to poke the minds of the viewers. The OST of Rorschach is unique for a movie of any regional language I have seen in a while.

With all-English sombre tracks playing in the background in the first half of the movie, the songs pick up speed during the chase or fight scenes making one feel the intensity that the characters are feeling. The dialogues were stable throughout the movie and it was Mammootty’s character, Luke’s witty and sarcastic sense of humour, that made me cackle once in a while.

Rorschach is definitely a deep dive into one’s psyche and theorists are already making various assumptions about the way the movie ended. The story is linear but it aims to make the viewer think, which is great for this day and age. Rorshach is currently enjoying global success and it certainly deserves it. This one is well worth a watch!

Read More: Rorschach Ending Explained

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  • Verdict - 9/10 9/10

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Rorschach review: Mammootty’s thriller is dark and interesting

Still from Rorschach

If someone mentions one more time that Mammootty, at the age of 71, looks way too stylish, even he will likely be bored. But any description of Rorschach , his new film that released on Friday, October 7, will be largely incomplete if you don’t mention style. You can imagine a generous pouring of the word when Sameer Abdul was writing the script, splendidly penned, weaving style with thrills, making it raw and loud all at the same time. Nissam Basheer, who began with a much-debated debut Kettyolaanu Ente Malakha , makes himself unpredictable by directing a film that is its polar opposite.

Just as the film was about to begin, someone in the theatre shouted, “Show us our god, fast”. The call came from one of the Mammootty fans seated in a front row. As if on cue, his god appeared on screen straight after the titles, unassumingly, without a show of leg-to-head closeup. He has lost his wife, she is missing, says a frantic Mammootty to the local police, introducing himself as Luke Antony. It is a woody place, no one mentions where. There is no forced accent and the villagers simply behave like villagers would when a strange man with a strange story springs into their midst.

Before we go any further into the film, the setting must be described. Shaji Naduvil, the art director and his team, must have gone to great lengths, setting a semi-built eerie house as the centre of all action. The interior is dark and minimalistic, something the school of modern architecture would approve. Outside, the woods and the streams help to add mystery to the lonesome Luke, in stylish clothes, spreading himself over the rocks and facing the sky. Nimish Ravi’s camera zooms out to show Luke as a speck of contrast against the lovely colours of nature.

English songs, composed by Midhun Mukundan, accompany Luke when he makes surprise visits in the village. His main interest is in the house of Dileep, a young man who had died two years ago in an accident, but left a lot of goodwill, a company and a house for the family. Bindu Panicker, a great performer seen little in movies these days, makes a powerful comeback, playing a very concerned mother. Her character Seetha is in some ways a mini version of the infamous Vito Corleone in Mario Puzo’s Godfather , who’d do anything to protect the family.

Watch: Trailer of the film

Nissam puts his powerful women characters in the ordinary garbs of village women, behaving like the typical mother or grieving wife, but exposing their depths when the time comes. Grace Antony, playing Dileep’s wife, barely speaks in many scenes, but when she does, even the monosyllables work wonders. The same technique is used to develop the character of Jagadeesh, a policeman who silently observes the twists and the turns before using words. Another lovely performance is by Kottayam Nazeer, playing a middle-aged unhappy brother-in-law to Dileep. 

Luke remains the pivot of the carefully structured story. You are given his past in bits. Jagadeesh’s police character and Sharaf U Dheen’s loitering character follow Luke’s actions with curiosity. Sometimes a few characters take turns to narrate bits of what they think. It is not misplaced, but it often seems incomplete. They make you wonder about Luke, who with the ease of a trained conman, knocks down his many attackers. The stunts are easy on the eye and Mammootty displays a calmness even when he fights. He lets grief flicker past his face, and instead shows a curious interest in the pursuit of someone. The actor lends Luke mannerisms, expertly allowing little actions to speak loud. Luke is shown a shaky man, his limbs unquiet as he contemplates. He brings chills to the screen by simply moving about the dark house, quick flashes and passing figures doing the rest of the job.

But the chills fade away and Rorschach stops being a scary film, trudging more into a dark genre. The title can be attributed to the concept it originated from – a psychological test performed through inkblots. Or it can be the torn mask Luke and a character in the film wears – patterned like inkblots. With so much care given to every direction, you still find a few unclosed ends, a few inexplicable loopholes. Perhaps because the mystery in the first half of the movie has faded away, the last half doesn’t keep you on tenterhooks and the revelations that come afterward are not as satisfying. Those can be brushed aside, because even otherwise, Rorschach is a very interesting film.

Disclaimer: This review was not paid for or commissioned by anyone associated with the series/film. TNM Editorial is independent of any business relationship the organisation may have with producers or any other members of its cast or crew.

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Home » Review » Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience »

Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience

The makers of Mammootty's Rorschach seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist

Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience

  • Sanjith Sidhardhan

Last Updated: 08.59 AM, Oct 09, 2022

Story: UK citizen Luke Antony drags himself to the police station in a village and claims that his pregnant wife has been missing after his car met with an accident. What follows is a few weeks of futile search with him being the only person who believes that she is still alive. Luke decides to stay on and his path crosses with another family, whose members might have a connection with his past and his current ordeal, a cop, who is out to seek the truth behind Luke’s presence, and a youngster, who doesn’t believe a word Luke says.

Review: A scene in director Nisam Basheer’s sophomore venture has the protagonist Luke Antony (Mammootty) listening to the plight of a woman, who has to take care of her ailing husband. She complains that her husband had never given her peace after their marriage and continues to push her to the edge. Luke asks her about considering divorce, to which she replies that that was never an option for financially-backward women, who are considered a burden by the families. Luke then suggests why not let him get married to her daughter. In a split second, she entertains this and approaches her daughter, a widow, with the request of a stranger who she has met for the first time. This is probably one of the many dramatic sequences where the writing shines in a movie, which sets the bar high in terms of its storytelling, visuals, sound and performances – all making for a riveting and novel theatrical experience in recent times.

Mammootty in Rorschach | Pic credit: Sreenath N Unnikrishnan

Nisam keeps a tight grip on the proceedings of the film, which begins with a mystery and then slowly reveals its cards. Sure, by the end of the first half, audiences can figure out the why and who in Luke’s past, but it’s about how he goes about his revenge and core purpose that makes it entertaining. The reasons for each action here are about the mind – be it the manipulation within a family, the quest for something more or just lack of control over thoughts. The greatest challenge for the writer, Samir Abdul, and the filmmaker here was to showcase this on screen and also make the audience connect the subtle dots, and Rorschach succeeds this past without a blot or blemish.

Mammootty in a still from the film

Huge credit to this goes to the casting department as well as some superlative performances. Mammootty, as Luke Antony, brings the intensity as well as keeps the mystery behind his purpose alive. It’s a character that needed to be consistent and the star once again shows why he is a master at playing conflicted protagonists. 

Also read: Exclusive! Mammootty’s Rorschach demands the audience’s undivided attention to be engaging: Nisam Basheer  

While a riveting performance is expected from Mammootty every time, the surprise packages in Rorschach are Bindu Panicker, Jagadeesh and Kottayam Nazir. All three veteran actors put on an acting workshop on restrained performances while showing the two ends of the emotional spectrum. Bindu Panicker, in particular, has some great moments. Actors Sharafudheen, Grace Antony and Sanju Sivram do their parts well in taking the story forward. In fact, all the characters in Rorschach are grey – and within that some of them serve as moral compasses.

A still from Rorschach

Considering that Luke, a stranger with a haunted past, is often grappling with his mind and most of his scenes are set inside a house that is half-constructed and half in ruins, the movie is a visual experience. It takes the audience for a ride right from the first scene. Nimish Ravi’s frames are cool and grey, mirroring its deceptive characters and the village. Midhun Mukundan’s English tracks and thrilling background score also adds a different layer to the movie, which stands out due to its tone and compelling storytelling. The makers of the movie seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist.


Verdict: This year seems to be the megastar’s as he looks set to continue his winning run and that too by being part of new-age thrillers that bank on setting a high benchmark. Rorschach is slick and smart, and is technically superlative. It’s a must watch in theatres just for the unique experience and great performances from each member of the cast.


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‘Rorschach’ Review: Mammootty Steals the Show in This Suspense Thriller

Mammootty's 'rorschach' is an intriguing revenge drama directed by nissam basheer., ‘rorschach’ movie review: mammootty steals the show in this suspense thriller.

‘Rorschach’ in medical terms, is a psychological test that is used to assess a person’s personality traits from their interpretation of an inkblot.

Now consider, the Mammootty-starrer titled the same is the inkblot. What is your perception of the film? How does it make you feel? I think your answer depends on what your characteristics are and how you process your emotions as well.

The story of Rorschach unfolds in a rustic rural backdrop revolving around a foreign-returned Luke Antony (Mammootty). He is in a village which is clouded in mystery, with a mission and is determined to accomplish it.

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Luke is not in a hurry to reveal his character or his goals right away. He and the film take their time to drop the suspense bomb, sit on it to raise our tension, and explode when we least expect it to.

Deploying a compelling visual-storytelling and oscillating between the past and the present in a smooth fashion, Rorschach promises an immersive experience if you are willing to pay the full-attention it deserves.

Mammootty's 'Rorschach' is an intriguing revenge drama directed by Nissam Basheer.

Still from Rorschach

Photo courtesy: Twitter

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If you stick along with patience, Rorschach lets you experience the joy of connecting the dots at your own terms.

The most interesting aspect of the film is that the director, Nissam Basheer uses confined spaces — Luke’s half-constructed horror house and his haunted mind, to engross us into the Rorschach world.

It isn’t just Mammootty who aces his role as a conflicted protagonist. Other stars in the film including Jagadish, Sharafudheen, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Sanju Sivram, and Kottayam Nazeer score with their convincing performances.

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The detailing of the characters and the casting of the film is impeccable. Almost all of them explore intriguing shades of gray.

Specifically, Bindu Panicker’s role as a mother is applause-worthy. It lets us ask, "To what lengths one can go to protect their family?" We could feel parts of Mohanlal’s Dhrishyam or its Tamil remake Kamal Haasan's , Papanasam when we are watching her sequences for they elucidate such complex emotions.

However, the film does feel like it meanders a bit once you get a hold of the real intentions of every character. But most importantly, Midhun Mukundan’s music adds a whole new dimension to the narrative.

With recent films like Dhanush’s Naane Varuven , Vikram’s Cobra and now Mammootty’s Rorschach , one thing is for sure — it’s raining psychological thrillers in the South film industry. Keep them coming, Keep them unique and interesting. Looking forward for more!

Rorschach is running in cinemas now.

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Rorschach Malayalam Movie Review

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Rorschach Malayalam Movie

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Director Nissam Basheer's Rorschach is an unusual Malayalam thriller, and I mean that in a good way. Right from the title to the music by Midhun Mukundan to the visual grammar of the film, Rorschach is unconventional for Malayalam cinema. Some may call it genre-bending cinema for the twists and turns in the plot that subvert cliches.

The protagonist of Rorschach is Luke Antony, played by Mammootty. Luke walks into a police station on a rainy night in a village and files a missing complaint for his wife. However, this is a man shrouded in mystery. The villagers wonder where he is from and whether he even has a wife. It does not take us long to realize that Luke is in the village with some ulterior motive.

Basheer explains how and why Luke is there through a series of flashbacks instead of an info dump, which makes the character that much more intriguing. We learn that Luke has been through white torture and that he is experiencing a deep sense of loss. He is a man on a mission who descends into madness slowly, yet steadily.

Most revenge thrillers focus a lot on the protagonist and the antagonist and include a lot of mano-a-mano moments between them, but some are more complex. Take a movie like Thazhvaram, for instance. In Thazhvaram, Mohanlal's character goes to a hill station to find the man responsible for his wife's death and kill him. The plot seems quite straightforward, but the execution is complex. Rorschach is similar in that it is straightforward in its plotting but complex with regard to its narration.

This means that the supporting characters here have a lot of depth and satisfying arcs. Sameer Abdul's layered script packs in potent themes, such as people with greed and single-mindedness who go to great lengths to achieve what they want. You have to pay careful attention to know why some people survive here while others fall by the wayside after the mayhem that follows the arrival of a stranger in the village.

As suggested earlier in the review, Rorschach has a visual language that is so out-there for Malayalam cinema. Rorschach is sometimes a bit showy in terms of how it is presented visually, but the overall output is fascinating. Take, for instance, the scene where a character puts a cigarette into a dead man's skull. Nimish Ravi's camera splendidly captures the eeriness of the moment and gives us a constant sense of foreboding that permeates the remote house at the heart of the plot. Even the scenes with a man in the mask have a visual grammar that gives an extra dimension to the idiom, "a ghost from the past".

If Rorschach has some holes as a thriller, it is probably because the aim here is to be as unconventional as possible. What makes the film more compelling is the performances. As Luke Antony, Mammootty is flawless in how he portrays a man consumed by obsession who slowly descends into madness. Kottayam Nazeer gets to showcase his acting chops as he aces the role of an elder brother with a sense of conscience. Grace Antony again excels in the role of a strong-willed woman who gets to make a lot of big calls. But the one who walks away with the film is Bindu Panicker, who is terrific as the mother in a family who molds her children into human beings with a similar thought process to hers.

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Rorschach: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

  • Release Date 7 October 2022
  • Language Malayalam
  • Genre Action, Thriller
  • Duration 2h 30min
  • Cast Mammootty, Asif Ali, Sharafudheen, Jagadeesh, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Kottayam Nazeer, Sanju Sivram, George Abraham, Priyamvada Krishnan, Ira Noor, Riyas Narmakala, Mani Shornur, Jordi Poonjar, Jimmi Joseph, Sreeja Ravi, Mohan Raj, Zeenath, Geethi Sangeetha, Gilu Joseph, Babu Annur
  • Director Nissam Basheer
  • Writer Sameer Abdul
  • Cinematography Nimish Ravi
  • Music Midhun Mukundan
  • Producer Mammootty
  • Production Mammootty Kampany
  • Certificate 16+

About Rorschach Movie (2022)

Luke Antony (Mammootty), an NRI who travels to Kerala with his pregnant wife, Sofia (Ira Noor), runs into trouble when she goes missing. Unsatisfied with the police action, he decides to find her on his own.

Rorschach Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings

Rorschach Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings


Rorschach Movie Trailer

Rorschach movie songs.

1. The Search Midhun Mukundan 2:02
2. In My Arms Midhun Mukundan 3:30
3. Balan's Theme Midhun Mukundan 1:20
4. Ride to Heaven Midhun Mukundan 0:38
5. Call from Heaven Midhun Mukundan 1:40
6. Ashraf's Theme Midhun Mukundan 1:58
7. Don't Go Midhun Mukundan 2:19
8. Stone Cold Heart Midhun Mukundan 1:16
9. One Day Stand Midhun Mukundan 1:19
10. Self Destruction Midhun Mukundan, Prakash Alex 2:54
11. Welcome Back Midhun Mukundan 1:24
12. Mistakes Midhun Mukundan 0:52
13. Mother of Honour Midhun Mukundan 2:44
14. Last Words Midhun Mukundan 5:25
15. Closure Midhun Mukundan 2:42

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Rorschach (2022)

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Luke Anthony comes to a village in search of his wife Sophia, who got lost in a nearby forest while traveling through the countryside. But, as the search operation progresses, doubts crop up on whether the woman has actually gone missing or even whether she is a figment of his imagination.

Nissam Basheer

Sameer Abdul

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Luke Antony

Grace Antony

Grace Antony



Asif Ali

Dileep ( Cameo)


Bindu Panicker

Kottayam Nazeer

Kottayam Nazeer

Sanju Sivaram

Sanju Sivaram

Annoor Babu

Police Officer

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Rorschach review: Mammootty attempts to shift genre, and the team comes together to help him!

Much like the DC comic-book character Rorschach, here is a masked man who appears as a sort of corrective force or an inner voice.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Oct 10, 2022

rorschach movie review tamil

Mammootty in a scene from Rorschach. (Supplied)

Mammootty makes a powerful genre shift!

Rorschach (Malayalam)

  • Producers: Mammootty
  • Director: Nissam Basheer
  • Writer: Sameer Abdul
  • Runtime: 2 hr 30 min
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Rorschach is yet another film that shows Mammootty the actor is capable of many genres he has not explored: an actor with a commercial tag who will not avoid such a role.

On one hand, Tollywood megastars are vying for the remake rights for the blockbuster Bhisma Parvam , and here is the Bhishma Parvam lead actor in a role that makes you forget that this is the same performer!

The name of this Malayalam film refers to the inkblot test that psychologists use to diagnose mental illnesses.

Named after Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach, the test has an accuracy rate that is said to be perfect.

To this writer, who is an avid comic-book reader, Rorschach is the fictional antihero in the Watchmen of DC Comics.

Much like that Rorschach, here is a masked man who appears as a sort of corrective force or an inner voice.

Mammootty in a scene from Rorschach.

The plot is simple. Luke, an NRI, tells the cops to look for his missing wife in the forest after they have a car accident. He stays back to continue his search after the police give up.

He buys an unfinished house from a man who has a disturbing family background. The seller turns up dead.

What follows is a series of events that one is led to believe is masterminded by Luke.

The screenplay keeps you guessing throughout, right till the climax.

Imagine Mammootty in stylish designer coats, neckbands, gloves, and boots, and driving a Mustang through a remote village in Kerala hills, where the entire story unfolds.

All other characters are in lungis and local dress, and speak the local dialect.

In any other film, the criticism would be: “This is how a superstar spoils a film.”

However, at no point in Rorschach are the local clothing or the Mustang a sore spot.

The execution

Next, take the action scenes: Neatly done, but not “heroic”. There is no camera angle or dialogue that elevates Luke.

The screenplay at no point bores you. More importantly, the predictability factor is absent.

As for the other actors, all of them have a part to play and they give their best. Out of them, Jagadish as a cop lets his appearance do the talking.

Bindu Panicker’s role is fleshed-out, and the screenplay towards the climax gives her space, which she utilises to the hilt. Her character Sheela is a key takeaway from the film.

Grace Antony holds her own in scenes with Mammootty.

The technical side

The camerawork by Nimish Ravi, music by Midhun Narayanan, and editing by Kiran Das combine well to translate what Sameer wrote and what director Nissam wanted on the screen.

Of the three departments, I would rate Kiran to be the best, thanks, especially, to the montage tracks in the climax.

The BGM is powerful enough to change the mood, and the cameraman’s colour palette and tilted shots convey the nature of the scene.

In my opinion, Midhun’s English song was out of place in a film set in far-flung, rustic Kerala. It did not fall into place like Mammootty’s costumes or the Mustang.

Midhun’s English score in a Kannada film was a big hit, and it was probably Nissam’s idea to give Rorschach an international touch.

Next, the edits. The nonlinear approach is a good way to tell a story, but it works against the sensibilities of the common moviegoer when overdone.

As it is a theatre release and not just for OTT and film festivals, such things do matter.

Above all, Rorschach’s producer Mammootty Kompany deserves a huge hug. They are doing the Malayalam film industry proud.

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Rorschach : ”லூக் ஆண்டனி தயாராகிவிட்டார்!” - மம்முட்டி நடித்த த்ரில்லர் படத்தின் ரிலீஸ் தேதி அறிவிப்பு !

சைக்காலஜிக்கல் ஆக்‌ஷன் த்ரில்லர்படமான ரோர்சாக் மூலம் லூக் ஆண்டனியாக வெள்ளித்திரையை ஆளத் தயாராகிவிட்டார் மம்முட்டி..

Rorschach: Mammootty's psychological thriller to release on October 7 Rorschach : ”லூக் ஆண்டனி தயாராகிவிட்டார்!”   - மம்முட்டி நடித்த த்ரில்லர் படத்தின்  ரிலீஸ் தேதி அறிவிப்பு !

சைக்காலஜிக்கல் ஆக்‌ஷன் த்ரில்லர்படமான ரோர்சாக் மூலம் லூக் ஆண்டனியாக வெள்ளித்திரையை ஆளத் தயாராகிவிட்டார் மம்முட்டி. நிஸ்ஸாம் பஷீர் இயக்கத்தில் மம்முட்டி ,ஷரபுதீன், கிரேஸ் ஆண்டனி, கோட்டயம் நசீர் உள்ளிட்டவர்களின் நடிப்பில் , மிகுந்த எதிர்பார்ப்பிற்கு மத்தியில் உருவாகியுள்ள   ரோர்சாக் திரைப்படத்தில் வெளியீட்டு தேதி குறித்து படக்குழு அறிவித்துள்ளனர்.

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Mammootty (@mammootty)

அறிவிப்பின் படி படம் வருகிற  அக்டோபர் 7 ஆம் தேதி திரையரங்கில் வெளியாகவுள்ளது. இது குறித்து தனது சமூக வலைத்தள பக்கத்தில் பகிர்ந்த நடிகர் மம்முட்டி “#Rorschach யு/ஏ சான்றிதழுடன் தணிக்கை செய்யப்பட்டது! அக்டோபர் 7, 2022 அன்று உலகம் முழுவதும் வெளியிடப்படுகிறது" என தெரிவித்துள்ளார். இது மலையாள சினிமா ரசிகர்களை உற்ச்சாகத்தில் ஆழ்த்தியுள்ளது.  

#Rorschach Censored with U/A Certificate ! Releasing Worldwide On October 7 , 2022. @MKampanyOffl @DQsWayfarerFilm @Truthglobalofcl — Mammootty (@mammukka) September 30, 2022

ரோர்சாக் திரைப்படத்திற்கு நிமிஷ் ரவி ஒளிப்பதிவு செய்கிறார், கிரண் தாஸ்  எடிட்டிங் பணிகளை செய்திருக்கிறார்.. இசை மிதுன் முகுந்தன் .. அட்வென்ச்சர்ஸ் ஆஃப் ஓமனக்குட்டன், இப்லிஸ் போன்ற படங்களில் பணியாற்றிய சமீர் அப்துல் இப்படத்திற்கு வசனம் எழுதியுள்ளார். மம்முட்டியின் ஹோம் பேனரான மம்முட்டி கம்பனி மற்றும் , என்.எம் பாதுஷா இணைந்து இந்த படத்தை தயாரித்திருப்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.

அகில் அக்கினேனி நடிக்கும் ஏஜென்ட் படத்தில் ஒரு முக்கிய கதாபாத்திரத்தில் நடிக்க மம்முட்டியும் ஒப்பந்தமாகியுள்ளார். ஸ்பை த்ரில்லரான இந்த படத்தில் தேசிய பாதுகாப்பு ஏஜென்சியின் தலைவராக அவர் நடித்துள்ளதாக செய்திகள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன. இது தவிர  போலீஸ் அதிகாரியாக கிறிஸ்டோபர் என்ற  த்ரில்லர் படத்தில் நடிக்கிறார்.  சமீபத்தில் இந்த படத்தின் படப்பிடிப்பு நிறைவடைந்ததை தனது சமூக வலைத்தள பக்கங்கள் வாயிலாக ரசிகர்களுக்கு மம்முட்டி தெரிவித்திருந்தது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. மம்முக்கா என ரசிகர்களால் அழைக்கப்படு மம்முட்டியின் நடிப்பில் அடித்தடுத்த படங்கள் வெளியாக இருப்பது அவரது ரசிகர்களை குஷிப்படுத்தியுள்ளது.

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Nandhan First Review: M. Sasikumar's Movie Praised For Its Bold, Thought-Provoking Narrative

M Sasikumar And Era Saravanan s Nandhan First Review

Nandhan First Review: Nandhan, an eagerly anticipated Tamil comedy-drama film, is slated for release on 20th September 2024. Written and directed by Era. Saravanan, the film stars M. Sasikumar and Suruthi Periyasamy in the lead roles. The film, produced under the banner of Era Entertainment, promises to be both entertaining and thought-provoking, focusing on important social issues.

The storyline of Nandhan revolves around an underdog from a rural village who faces numerous challenges in his struggle to overcome societal barriers. The narrative is expected to strike a chord with audiences as it sheds light on the power dynamics and political manipulation within local communities. According to film correspondent Rajasekar's post on X (formerly known as Twitter), he was pleasantly surprised by the first half of the film. Rajasekar described Nandhan as highly relevant, predicting it will be an eye-opener and a talking point on social media, particularly regarding how dominant political leaders exploit oppressed community candidates for their pride and greed. He praised M. Sasikumar's performance, calling him "very convincing," and commended Era. Saravanan's bold approach to addressing these sensitive issues.

Nandhan Cast And Crew

The cast of Nandhan features an ensemble lineup, with M. Sasikumar playing Koozh Paana and Suruthi Periyasamy portraying Selvi. The supporting cast includes S. Mathesh as Azhagan, Mithun Bose as Nandan, and Balaji Sakthivel as Koppulingam. Other prominent roles include Katta Erumbu Stalin as a clerk, Samuthirakani as Marudhu Durai, and V. Gnanavelu as Maavattam. Veteran actors G. M. Kumar, Sithan Mohan, and Saravana Sakthi also play pivotal roles.

The film was shot over a period of 35 days in the Pudukottai and Thanjavur districts, capturing the rural backdrop essential to its story. The cinematography was handled by R. V. Saran, while Nelson Anthony oversaw editing. The music, composed by Ghibran Vaibodha, is expected to complement the film's themes and tone.

The film's streaming and satellite rights have been secured by Disney+ Hotstar and Vijay TV, ensuring wide distribution across platforms. With its strong social message and talented cast, Nandhan is set to make waves in the Tamil cinema landscape.

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  3. பழிக்குப் பழி வாங்க துடிக்கும் மம்முட்டி… ரோர்சாக் விமர்சனம்… ஓடிடி

    Here is a special Tamil review of Rorschach, a psychological thriller film . Mammootty starrer Rorschach hit the theaters on October 7. Following that, this film is now streaming on Hotstar OTT. Here is a special Tamil review of Rorschach, a psychological thriller film ... Receive FREE Movie News & Gupshup In Your Inbox. Do not Distrub. Click ...

  4. Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's terrific performance finds a match

    How can one review a film like Rorschach without spoiling certain aspects of the movie? Screenwriter Sameer Abdul has pieced together such a delicious puzzle in a way that a small revelation could just unravel the whole plot. Wait, no scratch that. Even if I tell you the whole story right now, you would still be surprised by how it all plays out.

  5. Rorschach (2022)

    Rorschach is a film starring Mammootty as Luke Antony, a man with a mysterious past who seeks revenge in a village. The film is directed by Nissam Basheer and written by Sameer Abdul, and has a 6.9 rating on IMDb based on 6.6K user reviews.

  6. 'Rorschach' movie review: Mammootty's psychological thriller is

    The film slackens its pace a bit after Luke's intentions are revealed, with some of the scenes becoming repetitive; A tighter treatment could have made it a more potent film. Midhun Mukundan's ...

  7. Rorschach Is A Focused, Compelling Genre-bender That Is Rewarding In

    Rorschach is a Malayalam film that explores the obsession of a man (Mammootty) who seeks revenge for his wife's murder. The film is a genre-bender that blends psychological, supernatural and family drama elements, with a stylish visual aesthetic and strong performances.

  8. Rorschach (2022) Movie Review

    Rorschach is a Malayalam film that follows an NRI man who returns to India to find his missing pregnant wife. The movie explores themes of revenge, legacy and human vices, and features a stunning cinematography and a unique OST.

  9. Rorschach review: Mammootty's thriller is dark and interesting

    Director Nissam puts his powerful women characters in the ordinary garbs of village women, behaving like the typical mother or grieving wife, but exposing their depths when the time comes.

  10. Rorschach Movie Review: Mammootty

    Rorschach Movie Review: Star Performance Mammootty, age: 71, swag: 100! With recent films like Unda, Peranbu, Bheeshma Parvam, and Puzhu & now this, the era of Mammukka we deserve is back!

  11. Rorschach Review: Mammootty's Performance in This ...

    Rorschach Movie: Review, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Release Date - All You Need to Know About Mammootty's Film. 'Mass' #Rorschach is exactly the kind of out-of-the-box genre-blending film that gives me a big kick. One of Mammootty's most delightfully wicked performances, with ample space for dark humour and little 'mass' moments. Also, it's ...

  12. Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's slick psychological revenge

    Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience. The makers of Mammootty's Rorschach seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist ...

  13. 'Rorschach' Review: Mammootty Steals the Show in This ...

    Mammootty plays a foreign-returned Luke Antony who has a mission in a mysterious village in this psychological test of a film. Directed by Nissam Basheer, Rorschach is an intriguing revenge drama ...

  14. Rorschach (film)

    Rorschach is a 2022 Indian Malayalam-language neo-noir psychological thriller film starring Mammootty as an NRI businessman who seeks revenge for his wife's death. The film was released on 7 October 2022 and received positive reviews and commercial success.

  15. Rorschach Movie Review in Tamil by Filmi craft Arun

    #RorschachReview#RorschachReviewTamil#RorschachMovieReviewTamil#RorschachMovieReview#Rorschach#റോഷാക്ക്റിവ്യൂ#റോഷാക്ക്# ...

  16. Rorschach Review: Rorschach is an unusual thriller in a good way

    Oct 8, 2022 By Sreejith Mullappilly. Director Nissam Basheer's Rorschach is an unusual Malayalam thriller, and I mean that in a good way. Right from the title to the music by Midhun Mukundan to the visual grammar of the film, Rorschach is unconventional for Malayalam cinema. Some may call it genre-bending cinema for the twists and turns in the ...

  17. Rorschach

    Presenting the Official Trailer of Rorschach starring Mammootty, Asif Ali, Sharaf U Dheen, and Grace Antony. Streaming from November 11th on #DisneyPlusHotst...

  18. Rorschach Movie (2022)

    Rorschach Movie: Find Rorschach movie release date, cast, trailer, review, critics rating, duration on Gadgets 360 ... New Tamil Movies; Upcoming Tamil Movies; New Telugu Movies; Upcoming Telugu Movies; ... TV & Movie Reviews . Sector 36. Hindi 2024. 6/10. Call Me Bae. 2024. 5/10. IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. 2024. 5/10.

  19. Rorschach (2022)

    Rorschach is a movie about a man who searches for his missing wife in a forest, but faces doubts and mysteries along the way. The movie is directed by Nissam Basheer and written by Sameer Abdul, and will be released in October 2022 in India.

  20. Rorschach (2022)

    Rorschach (2022), Action Psychological Thriller released in Malayalam language in theatre near you in coimbatore. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow.

  21. 'Rorschach' Malayalam Movie Review & Decoding in Tamil

    Join this channel to get access to perks: Review of Malayalam movie 'Rorschach' directed by Ni...

  22. Rorschach review: Mammootty attempts to shift genre, and the team comes

    Home » Movies; Rorschach review: Mammootty attempts to shift genre, and the team comes together to help him! Much like the DC comic-book character Rorschach, here is a masked man who appears as a sort of corrective force or an inner voice.

  23. Rorschach: Mammootty's psychological thriller to release on October 7

    #Rorschach Censored with U/A Certificate ! Releasing Worldwide On October 7 , 2022. ... (Tamil Entertainment News) தொடரவும். Khelo khul ke, sab bhool ke ... #The GOAT # Vijay # GOAT Review # Paralympics 2024 # Vinayagar Chaturthi 2024. Advertisement.

  24. Nandhan Review Ratings

    Nandhan, a Tamil comedy-drama releasing on 20th September 2024, stars M. Sasikumar and Suruthi Periyasamy. Directed by Era Saravanan, the film explores social issues in a rural backdrop.

  25. Nandhan Movie Review: A middling film with occasional moments and

    Nandhan Movie Review: Critics Rating: 2.5 stars, click to give your rating/review,Nandhan is a film with good intent made on a serious subject that has its moments, especially on the

  26. 'Lubber Pandhu' Twitter review: Harish Kalyan and Attakathi Dinesh's

    Movie Review: Nandhan: 2.5/5 ... Latest Movies Bollywood Movies Hollywood Movies Tamil Movies 2024 Telugu Movies 2024 Malayalam Movies 2024 Kannada Movies 2024 Marathi Movies 2024 Bengali Movies ...