Center for Evaluation and Education Policy Analysis

  • The Importance of School Facilities in Improving Student Outcomes


 A growing body of research has found that school facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With respect to teachers, school facilities affect teacher recruitment, retention, commitment, and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement. Thus, researchers generally conclude that without adequate facilities and resources, it is extremely difficult to serve large numbers of children with complex needs.

According to the US General Accounting Office (GAO) almost three-fourths of existing US schools in 1996 was constructed before 1970. Of these schools, about one-third of schools had need of extensive repair or replacement and almost two-thirds had at least one inadequate building feature such as substandard plumbing, roofing, or electrical systems. Moreover, 58-percent had at least one unsatisfactory environmental condition such as inadequate ventilation, acoustics, or physical security.

Besides general maintenance and construction issues, researchers have found most schools lack 21st century facilities in the form of infrastructure, laboratories, and instructional space. More than half do not have sufficiently flexible instructional space for effective teaching to take place.

Thus, facility quality is an important predictor of teacher retention and student learning. The physical and emotional health of students and teachers depend on the quality of the physical location, which makes establishing safe, healthy buildings essential.

The Impact of Facilities

Improving the quality of school facilities is an expensive undertaking. However, when the positive impacts of facility improvement on teachers and students are translated into dollar figures, the rewards of such investments far outstrip the cost of the investments. There are five primary facets of school facilities: acoustics/noise, air quality, lighting, temperature, and space. These are addressed below.

Acoustics and Noise

Noise levels greatly affect teacher and student performance. In fact, excessive noise causes dis-satisfaction and stress in both teachers and students. Research has found that schools that have classrooms with less external noise are positively associated with greater student engagement and achievement compared to schools with classrooms that have noisier environments. Thus, building schools that buffer external noise from classrooms can improve student outcomes.

Air Quality

Indoor air quality is also a concern because poor air quality is a major contributor to absenteeism for students with asthma. Research also indicates that many schools suffer from “sick building syndrome” which affects the absenteeism and performance of all students. Moreover, bacteria, viruses, and allergens that contribute to childhood disease are commonly found in schools with poor ventilation systems.

Indoor pollutants are also emitted from office equipment, flooring materials, paints, adhesives, cleaning products, pesticides, and insects. All of these environmental hazards can negatively affect children, particularly in schools with poor ventilation systems.

Before the advent of cheap electricity, schools often relied on natural lighting. As electric power costs declined, the amount of artificial light used in schools increased. Research has shown that artificial lighting has negative impacts on those in schools while natural lighting has positive impacts. In fact, research has shown that not only does classroom lighting boost the morale of teachers and students, appropriate amounts of natural lighting also reduces off-task behavior and improves test scores. One study found that students with the most exposure to natural daylight progressed 20% faster in in math and 26% faster in reading than students who were taught in environments with the least amount of natural light.

Proper Temperature and Control of Temperature

One consistent research finding across individuals of all ages is that the temperature in which a person works affects engagement levels and overall productivity—including student achievement. Anyone that has worked in a classroom or office that is too hot or too cold knows how difficult it can be when trying to work when the temperature is uncomfortable. According to the best analyses, the ideal temperature range for effective learning in reading and mathematics is between 68º and 74º.

To maintain such a temperature in every classroom within a school, teachers typically need to be able to control the temperature in their own classroom. At the very least, teachers should be able to control the temperature of small blocks of classrooms that receive the same amount of sunlight and have similar exposures to outside temperatures.

Classroom Size and Space

Overcrowded classrooms—and schools—have consistently been linked to increased levels of aggression in students. Overcrowded classrooms are also associated with decreased levels of student engagement and, therefore, decreased levels of learning.

Alternatively, classrooms with ample space are more conducive to providing appropriate learning environments for students and associated with increased student engagement and learning. Classroom space is particularly relevant with the current emphasis on 21 st century learning such as ensuring students can work in teams, problem solve, and communicate effectively. Classrooms with adequate space to reconfigure seating arrangements facilitate the use of different teaching methods that are aligned to 21 st century skills. Creating private study areas as well as smaller learning centers reduces visual and auditory interruptions, and is positively related to student development and achievement.

Twenty-First Century Learning

Policymakers, educators, and business people are now focused on the need to ensure that students learn 21 st century skills such as teamwork, collaboration, effective communication, and other skills. As noted above, older buildings simply are not conducive to the teaching of 21 st century skills. This is particularly true with the respect to reconfiguring seating arrangements to facilitate various modes of teaching and learning and the use of technology in the classroom as a mode of teaching and learning.


A large body of research over the past century has consistently found that school facilities impact teaching and learning in profound ways. Yet state and local policymakers often overlook the impact facilities can play in improving outcomes for both teachers and students. While improving facilities comes at a financial cost, the benefits of such investments often surpass the initial fiscal costs. Policymakers, thus, should focus greater attention on the impacts of facilities and adopt a long-term cost-benefit perspective on efforts to improve school facilities.

Ayers, P.D. (1999). “Exploring the relationship between high school facilities and achievement of high school students in Georgia.” Uunpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia,Athens, GA

Baron, R. A. (1972). Aggression as a function of ambient temperature and prior anger arousal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 21 (2), 183.

Buckley, J., Schneider, M., & Shang, Y. (2004). The effects of school facility quality on teacher retention in urban school districts. Posted by the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities at:;

Duncanson, E. (2003). Classroom space: right for adults but wrong for kids. Educational Facility Planner , 38 (1): 24-8

Fisk WJ. 2000. Estimates of potential nationwide productivity and health benefits from better indoor environments: an update. In: Indoor Air Quality Handbook , Spengler J, Samet JM, McCarthyJF, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp 4.1-4.36.

General Accounting Office. (1996). School Facilities: America’s Schools Report Differing Conditions . Washington, DC: Author.

Hathaway, W.E. (1995). Effects of school lighting on physical development and school performance. The Journal of Educational Research . 88 : 228-42.

Haverinen‐Shaughnessy, U., Moschandreas, D. J., & Shaughnessy, R. J. (2011). Association between substandard classroom ventilation rates and students’ academic achievement. Indoor Air , 21 (2), 121-131.

Jones, S. E., Axelrad, R., & Wattigney, W. A. (2007). Healthy and safe school environment, part II, physical school environment: Results

from the school health policies and programs study 2006. Journal of School Health, 77 (1), 544-556.

Krüger, E. L., & Zannin, P. H. (2004). Acoustic, thermal and luminous comfort in classrooms. Building and Environment , 39 (9), 1055-1063.

Kuller, R. and Lindsten, C. (1992). Health and behavior of children in classrooms with and without windows”,Journal of Environmental Psychology, 12(3): 305-17.

McNall PE, Nevins RG. (1967). Comfort and academic achievement in an air-conditioned junior high school – a summary evaluation of the Pinellas County experiment. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol 73 (III), pp 3.1-3.17.

Mendell, M. J., & Heath, G. A. (2005). Do indoor pollutants and thermal conditions in schools influence student performance? A critical review of the literature. Indoor air , 15 (1), 27-52.

Moore, G. T., & Lackney, J. A. (1993). School design: Crisis, educational performance and design application. Children’s Environments , 10 (2), 1-22.

Mosteller, F. (1995). The Tennessee study of class size in the early school grades. Future of children , 5 , 113-127.

Ready, D., Lee, V., & Welner, K. (2004). Educational equity and school structure: School size, overcrowding, and schools-within-schools. The Teachers College Record , 106 (10), 1989-2014.

Rivera-Batiz, F. L., & Marti, L. (1995). A School System at Risk: A Study of the Consequences of Overcrowding in New York City Public Schools. IUME Research Report No. 95-1.

Sensharma N.P., Woods, J.E., Goodwin, A.K. (1998). Relationships between the indoor environment and productivity: A literature review. ASHRAE Transactions. 104 (part 1A): 686-701.

Tanner, C.K. (2000). The influence of school architecture on academic achievement. Journal of Educational Administration . 38 (4): 309-30.

Tanner, C.K. (2006). Effects of the school’s physical environment on student achievement. Educational Planning, 15 (2): 25-44.

Wargocki, P., & Wyon, D. P. (2007). The effects of moderately raised classroom temperatures and classroom ventilation rate on the performance of schoolwork by children (RP-1257). HVAC&R Research , 13 (2), 193-220

Weinstein, C. S. (1979). The physical environment of the school: A review of the research. Review of educational Research , 49 (4), 577-610.

Wurtman, R.J. (1975). The effects of light on the human body. Scientific American, Vol. 233 No. 1, pp. 68-77.


  • The School Year Is Getting Hotter. How Does Heat Affect Student Learning and Well-Being? - WaYs-2-rOcK - […] range for effective learning in reading and mathematics is between 68 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a research…

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American Journal of Evaluation

UCLA's Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access

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School Facility Conditions and Student Academic Achievement

  • Earthman, Glen I.

This paper shows that the condition of school facilities has an important impact on student performance and teacher effectiveness. In particular, research demonstrates that comfortable classroom temperature and noise level are very important to efficient student performance. The age of school buildings is a useful proxy in this regard, since older facilities often have problems with thermal environment and noise level. A number of studies have measured overall building condition and its connection to student performance; these have consistently shown that students attending schools in better condition outperform students in substandard buildings by several percentage points. School building conditions also influence teacher effectiveness. Teachers report that physical improvements greatly enhance the teaching environment. Finally, school overcrowding also makes it harder for students to learn; this effect is greater for students from families of low socioeconomic status. Analyses show that class size reduction leads to higher student achievement.

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thesis about school facilities

Assessment of School Facilities and its Relation to the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Student

  • Marry Jean S. Bindoy


School facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With respect to teachers, school facilities affect teachers' commitment and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement. Thus, researchers generally conclude that without adequate facilities and resources, teaching and learning will be compromised. This study aimed to assess the school facilities and its relation to the academic performance of senior high school students.

The Simple Random Sampling was used on the survey questionnaire while Stratified Sampling was used on the interview protocol. To achieve this, the Quantitative and Qualitative method was utilized. Survey Questionnaire and Interview Protocol were used to collect data from the respondents. This research design is appropriate because it enables to generate the data and information needed for knowing the relationship of the school facilities to the academic performance of the senior high school students in Calamba Integrated School.

From the findings, school facilities such as the library, canteen, computer, and food laboratory are not properly maintained, resulting in being the lowest in the ranking. These facilities need to be improved to provide a pleasant environment for both teachers and students. The school also needs to take into account the SPED students. In addition, the facilities must prioritize the safety of students and teachers.


School facilities should be adequately provided in the school. The condition and provision of the school facilities and infrastructure can be improved with the financial allocation from the government as well as from the MOOE. In the future, there should be an allocation for financial support to expand the physical structure and to increase the school’s capacity. However, the development and improvement should be done by following the guidelines that have been noted by the authority. An adequate number of school facilities is important in creating a productive learning and teaching environment for students and teachers.


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School Facilities on Technology and Livelihood Education Its Effect on 3rd year Students Performance

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This study attempts to determine the effects of school facilities on students’ performance of the third year students in Technology and Livelihood Education in Zamboanga National High School West in school year 2012 – 2013.

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Ukraine war latest: Russia takes 'strategically important' town - as it creeps towards major population centres

Russia claims to have taken control of the Donetsk town of Niu-York, calling it a strategically important logistics hub. It comes as civilians are fleeing the city of Pokrovsk in Donetsk amid heightened attacks. Leave a question for our military analysts in the box below.

Tuesday 20 August 2024 18:40, UK

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  • Russia claims to have taken control of Donetsk town of Niu-York - and say it's strategically important
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Later this week military analysts Sean Bell and Michael Clarke will answer your questions on Ukraine's invasion of the Russian region of Kursk - and the wider war.

What does the incursion mean for the conflict and, on the opposite side, how quickly is Russia advancing inside Ukraine?

Submit your question in the box at the top of this page.

That's all our live coverage on the war in Ukraine for now.

We will be back if there are any major developments this evening. 

If not, we'll be back tomorrow with all the latest updates.

Before we go, here's a reminder of today's key events:

  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that the situation in the east is 'difficult' as Ukraine warns Russia has redirected troops into the region to continue their advance there;
  • Moscow claims to have taken the strategically important town of Niu-York as it attempts to continue across the region;
  • While Ukraine is ceding ground to Russia in the east, it has an opportunity in Kursk to seize more territory, Sky News' military analyst Professor Michael Clarke has said;
  • A fire continues to rage for a third day at a Russian oil depot hit by a Ukrainian drone attack;
  • Meanwhile, firefighters in the Ukrainian city of Ternopil are also battling a fire after a fuel reservoir was hit;
  • The US are insisting their policy on the use of American weapons in Russia has "not changed" - even in light of recent pressure from Mr Zelenskyy.

Ukraine is said to be making "marginal advances" in the Kursk region as fighting continues, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has said.

We've brought you news on Ukraine's struggles in the east of Ukraine (see 14.35 post) but further north, Kyiv's incursion into Russia continues.

On 6 August, Ukraine threw a surprise counterpunch that saw their troops surge across the border into Russia.

Ukraine has previously claimed to have captured 1,250sq/km (480 square miles) and 92 settlements in Kursk, forcing tens of thousands to flee (see 12.53 post).

Today, Ukraine's army chief said that its forces had advanced 28-35km (17-21 miles) into Kursk.

But the US-based thinktank said that, while still making progress, Ukraine was no longer eating up Russian territory as fast as it once was.

Using geolocated footage from 19 August, Ukrainian forces were confirmed to be in Vishnevka, the ISW said, around 14km (8.5 miles) from the border.

The Russian defence ministry said that they had struck forces operating in that area - potentially tacitly acknowledging the progress Kyiv had made.

It is known that Ukraine has targeted bridges in the region, perhaps as an effort to stifle Russian attempts to counter their incursion.

But Kyiv's army chief said that Russia was moving troops from other directions to Kursk, to strengthen its positions there.

Even facing losses further east, Sky News' military analyst Professor Michael Clarke said there were still opportunities from Kyiv in Kursk nonetheless (see 12.39 post).

These pictures show Kyiv's forces on the frontline in the Donetsk region.

Russian forces have been advancing in recent days and threaten to seize key settlements, including Pokrovsk.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has described the situation in the east as "difficult".

Vladimir Putin's recent trip to Azerbaijan was an "effort to shift focus away" from Ukraine's Kursk attack, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has said.

The Russian president recently spent two days in the country where he tried to present himself as an "effective diplomat", the research group said.

The content and presentation of the visit did not stray beyond the usual, but...

"The timing of this visit is noteworthy given the ongoing situation in Kursk Oblast and the Kremlin's continued efforts to downplay the Ukrainian incursion's magnitude and impact," ISW said.

They added: "Russian state media focused on Putin's trip to Azerbaijan, amplifying minute details, likely in part to divert attention from the uncomfortable situation in Russia by saturating the information space with a showcase of the Kremlin's global diplomatic engagement and alleged successes."

Away from the battlefield, Ukraine has passed a law paving the way to ban the Russia-linked minority Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in the country.

Kyiv has cast the UOC as complicit in the Kremlin's invasion.

They have accused it of aiding Moscow's 30-month assault by spreading pro-Russian propaganda and housing spies.

A new bill passed in parliament bans the Russian Orthodox Church and the government will assemble a list of "affiliated" groups who will face similar treatment.

Russian security services (FSB) have detained a scientist over suspected treason, according to reports.

A scientist in Moscow allegedly carried out suspected cyberattacks on behalf of Ukraine, Interfax news agency has said.

The distributed denial-of-service attacks were said to have been carried out on critical infrastructure on behalf of Ukrainian security services, it quoted the FSB as saying.

It was added that the scientist sent money to the Ukrainian military, as well as gathering information on Russian armed forces.

The suspect, the FSB claimed, had confessed, although it was not immediately clear when the arrest was made.

Russian media outlets published what they claimed was footage of the scientist's detention.

Footage also shows a man arrested in a snow-covered city, suggesting they had been detained some time ago.

 Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said the situation in the east, near Toretsk, is "difficult", amid Russian advances in the region.

There have been 14 combat clashes reported in the Toretsk area and 34 in the Pokrovsk sector since the start of the day, Ukraine's general staff said.

Russia has sent more troops to Pokrovsk today, according to the Ukrainian army, to support the offensive there - seemingly in an effort to capitalise on momentum.

In our 13.37 post we mentioned that Russia had taken Niu-York, which is less than six miles (10km) from Toretsk, and this morning we reported on the evacuation of the nearby Pokrovsk (8.05am post).

Despite successes in its Kursk invasion, Kyiv has struggled in its east, losing ground to Russian forces.

"The Ukrainians have been under tremendous pressure [there] for several months, but it's becoming intolerable now at Toretsk - which is quite a small place but it's important because it's close to Pokrovsk and Chasiv Yar," Sky News' military analyst Professor Michael Clarke said.

The latter, Prof Clarke said, is important because it is high ground that controls movement towards Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, and Pokrovsk is important because it is a transport hub and controls movements north and westwards.

Prof Clarke added: "They're struggling to maintain their hold on the area. 

"And that's the problem here... Kramatorsk and Sloviansk are the really important places, if Russia gets them, it gets the whole of the Donbas."

Russia has summoned a senior US diplomat to protest the presence of American journalists in Kursk.

Moscow has complained about the "provocative actions" of journalists in the region.

On 6 August, Ukraine launched an incursion into Russia, taking many by surprise.

Now, the Russian foreign ministry has said it told US Charge d'Affaires Stephanie Holmes that reporters had illegally crossed into the region too.

It added that Russia intended to prosecute them.

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was recently freed in a historic prison swap - after being jailed on alleged espionage charges.

Russia has claimed to have taken control of the Donetsk town of Niu-York.

Moscow described the town as a strategically important logistics hub, in eastern Ukraine.

While Russia refers to Niu-York as Novgorodskoye - the Russian spelling of the settlement's Soviet-era name - Ukraine gave it back its original name in 2021.

In a statement, the Russian Defence Ministry claimed to have "liberated" the town.

Earlier in the day, the Ukrainian military said that heavy fighting was under way in the Toretsk sector, including in Niu-York.

Sky News has not verified Russia's claims, but if true it would show Moscow is creeping ever closer to the larger population centres in the region.

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thesis about school facilities



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  1. PDF Research on the Impact of School Facilities on Students and Teachers

    This new review, available in October 2009 includes an extensive bibliography of research since 2002 and discusses the need for future school facility research. 1816 12th Street NW • Washington, DC 20009 Phone: 202.745.3745 • Email: [email protected] • Web:

  2. The Impact of Facilities on Student'S Academic Achievement

    performance. This study described three factors that can impact student's academic achievement, which is System. Management (E-Learning, Management Information System); Learning Environ ment ...

  3. PDF The Impact of School Facilities on Student Achievement, Attendance

    The purpose of this study was to explore the possible relationship between school facility conditions and school outcomes such as student academic achievement, attendance, discipline, completion rate and teacher turnover rate. School facility condition for the participating schools was determined by the

  4. The Importance of School Facilities in Improving Student Outcomes

    A growing body of research has found that school facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With respect to teachers, school facilities affect teacher recruitment, retention, commitment, and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement.

  5. Full article: Investigating the relationship between school facilities

    Introduction to the problem. Education is one of the substantial investments for most nations, and teachers are one of the biggest professional groups (Monteiro Citation 2014; Harris et al. Citation 2013).School facilities serve as places of learning for children and are proven to have significant effect on education outcomes especially in developing countries (Glewwe et al. Citation 2011).

  6. PDF School Facilities As Correlates of Students' Achievement in The

    7. The school has adequate health facilities for students' first-aid and emergencies 462 38.7 731 61.3 8. The school has enough recreational facilities 392 32.9 801 67.1 9. The school has a very good playing ground 432 36.2 761 63.8 10. The toilet facilities in the school are adequate 507 42.5 686 57.5 Mean 43.9 56.1

  7. (PDF) The Impact of Facilities Management on Students ...

    Facilities management is one of the important aspects that need to be considered in every educational. institution. Literature shows that good management of the facilities in an educational ...

  8. School Facility Conditions and Student Academic Achievement

    Author(s): Earthman, Glen I. | Abstract: This paper shows that the condition of school facilities has an important impact on student performance and teacher effectiveness. In particular, research demonstrates that comfortable classroom temperature and noise level are very important to efficient student performance. The age of school buildings is a useful proxy in this regard, since older ...

  9. PDF Examining the Relationship Between School Facilities and the Learning

    In addition, in order to handle school facilities effectively, school heads and teachers need to be proactive. For example, they should exhibit maintenance culture. Keywords: School facilities, Learning environment, Academic performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-26-02. Publication date:September 30th 2019.

  10. PDF The Impact of Physical Facilities on Students' Level of Motivation and

    The paper examines the relevance of physical facilities in enhancing the level of motivation and the academic performance of senior secondary school students in South West Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto design.. The population consists of all senior secondary students in South West Nigeria. The sample for the study include one ...

  11. Student's Satisfaction and Perceptions: Quality of School Facilities

    The quality of a school's facilities is a crucial factor in educational excellence. According to Livala et al. (2021), school facilities refer to the size of classrooms, libraries, whiteboards,andothereducationaltools,includingsoftware

  12. PDF The Effect of the Adequacy of School Facilities on Students ...

    physical school facility that yields the heaviest weight in affecting student performance and achievement. The findings in this study provided implications for policy revisions and considerations in curriculum planning that can effectively address the aforesaid educational gaps resulting from the deficiency of physical facilities, which ...


    The influence of professionalism and school facilities on students' cognitive performance in science subjects in secondary schools in Oyo State was investigated. This was a descriptive survey ...

  14. Assessment of School Facilities and its Relation to the Academic

    INTRODUCTION School facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With respect to teachers, school facilities affect teachers' commitment and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement. Thus, researchers generally conclude that without adequate facilities and resources, teaching and ...

  15. Thesis School Facilities

    Thesis School Facilities - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis on school facilities. It notes that researching this topic requires understanding diverse areas like education policies, architecture, and pedagogy. Researchers must consider many interconnected factors about school buildings and ...

  16. Thesis (School Facilities and Equipment Affecting The Acdemic ...

    THESIS (SCHOOL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT AFFECTING THE ACDEMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE GRADE 10 STUDENTS - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses how school facilities and equipment affect student academic performance. It provides background on the importance of facilities in supporting teaching and learning.

  17. PDF Impact of School Facilities on The Academic Performance of Secondary

    of school facilities on academic performance of students, identification that school building in poor shape lead to reduced learning. Descriptive survey design was used and the sample was 100 students which were selected from the population of 10 secondary schools from Kaduna state Nigeria. A questionnaire was used in the collection of

  18. (DOC) School Facilities on Technology and Livelihood Education Its

    ABSTRACT RUBIO, r. o. M. A. (2013).School Facilities on Technology and Livelihood Education; It's Effect On Third Year Students' Performance Master's Thesis, Mindanao Autonomous College Foundation, Inc., Lamitan City, Basilan, March 29, 2013 Adviser; Dr. RONILO M. MARTINEZ This study attempts to determine the effects of school facilities ...

  19. Sample Thesis About School Facilities

    Sample Thesis About School Facilities - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Writing a thesis on school facilities presents several challenges for students, including synthesizing vast research, crafting a well-defined research question, and balancing coursework with thesis work. The document recommends seeking assistance from, whose ...

  20. Free Education: Pro and Contra

    In any free school teachers successfully solve the problem of balance between selectivity and the need for education. ... E.V. (1996) Free education as a pedagogical direction in Western Europe of the first third of the XX century: PhD thesis. StPetersburg. Magomedov M.N. (1994) Methodological and socio-pedagogical background of free education ...

  21. Thesis and Dissertations-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    Thesis and Dissertation Resources. You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses). Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and ...

  22. PDF THESIS by Yulia Kulikova

    This thesis has been accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters of Arts degree in the Russian and East European Studies Program by: Susanna Lim Chair Yelaina Kripkov Member Katya Hokanson Member and Richard Linton Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies/Dean of the Graduate School

  23. Location of the facilities of the Higher School of Economics University

    Download scientific diagram | Location of the facilities of the Higher School of Economics University in Moscow from publication: University campuses in Russia: architectural and urban development ...

  24. Dozens of Russian Firefighters Injured Battling Blaze After Drone

    More than 40 firefighters were injured while battling a major blaze at an oil storage facility in southern Russia's Rostov region, officials said Monday, a day after a Ukrainian drone attack in ...

  25. Ukraine war latest: Huge blaze after fuel depot strike; civilians flee

    An industrial facility was attacked and a fuel reservoir was hit, officials said. Around 90 firefighters were deployed to battle the blaze, said Viktor Ustenko, a deputy head of the Ternopil ...