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30+ Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

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by  Antony W

June 9, 2024

medical argumentative essay topics

Medical argumentative essay topics give you some brilliant ideas that you can explore and defend depending on the research you’ve conducted.

As with any argumentative essay topic ,  a medical related essay also requires you to take a stance and use objective, verifiable, and reasonable evidence to defend your position.

However, the kinds of topics many students pick to explore in the medical field are often quite too common.

Think of type II diabetes, cardiovascular illness, breast cancer, and cirrhosis. These are topics you don’t want to cover for the simple reason that they are too common.

In this post, we give you a list of 30+ medical argumentative essay topics that aren’t too obvious.

These topic ideas should enable you to add a new spin to your work, so that you can write a medical essay that focuses on an issue that will capture the attention of your audience (reader) almost instantly.

30+ Medical Argumentative Essay Topics  

Below is a list of 30+ essay topics that you may find interesting for your medical argumentative essay assignment :

Controversial Medical Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • The cost of healthcare in the United States of America is not justifiable
  • Do homeless people deserve free healthcare simply because they don’t have money to pay medical bills?
  • Unconventional medication should not be part of a state’s healthcare system
  • There’s a strong link between poor health and poverty
  • People should not turn to homeopathy because it isn’t more effective compared to seeking medical advice
  • People with no health insurance cover deserve to get equal treatment at medical healthcare facilities
  • Should the government take action against unexpected errors in medical settings?
  • Doctors should not have the right to endorse medical products until verified for safety and effectiveness
  • Healthcare institutions should provide opt-out and opt-in donor system
  • There’s no true justification for the rising cost of healthcare in the United States of America

In theory, areas such as genetic engineering, diagnostics, and medical research can be interesting to explore within the medical field.

However, the assignment requires hours of intensive research, proper structuring, writing, and editing.

If you don’t have the time for all that, you can get argumentative assignment help from one of our team of writers.

Health Practices Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • The marijuana drug should be made legal worldwide
  • TV shows on diet and weight loss don’t motivate people to improve their body image and self-esteem
  • Is the state responsible for teaching people how to lead a healthy lifestyle?
  • Communication authorities should impose an indefinite ban on TV shows that promote cosmetic surgery
  • TV commercials that promote fast foods and alcohol should not be banned.
  • It’s a waste of time to impose state regulation on fast food chains and alcohol sales as it undermines people’s freewill to food choices.
  • Should we allow and encourage teenagers to use birth control pills?
  • The state should not encourage the use of products manufactured at the cost of another person’s well-being.
  • Exercise alone can’t improve your health
  • Doctors should not ask for medical consent if they know they can save a patient from a particular illness

Medical Laws and Policies Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • Should the government declare euthanasia illegal?
  • Doctors should not insist on providing medical treatment to minors if their parents are against such treatments.
  • The vaccination of children against illnesses should be voluntary
  • An organ transplantation committee should not consider an individual’s accomplishment to determine if they can receive an organ
  • Patients should decide if they would like to use surrogate pregnancy for health reasons or on demand
  • Is doctor-patient confidentially necessary anymore?
  • There’s no concrete evidence that living a sedentary and lavish lifestyle is the number one cause of weight gain
  • Should we support the legalization of abortion ?
  • Should patients with mental health conditions receive treatment in or outside of their community?
  • People should not accept organ transplantation because of leading an unhealthy life

You may click here to place your order , and one of our writers who has experience in writing medical related essays will help you get the paper completed on time. Since we focus on custom writing, you don’t have to worry about plagiarism at all.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Medical Research 

  • Genetic engineering is humanly unethical and morally wrong and should therefore not be allowed
  • Are there effective means to mitigate threats posed by medical research?
  • There is no reasonable evidence that the Covid-19 global pandemic originated from a lab I Wuhan, China
  • Medics should not use animals to test the effective of drugs on humans
  • Computers used in medical research and diagnostic cannot replace doctors no matter how sophisticated they become.
  • Should human beings be subject to mandatory medical testing without their consent?
  • Should the federal government and health organizations, such as the UN and CDC, finance practical medical research?
  • Do we need to have limits when subjecting human beings to absolutely necessary medical tests?
  • The Corona virus is a biochemical weapon built in the lab to wipe out the human race
  • There’s no sufficient evidence to prove that pills that delay aging can make the human race immortal

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics on Healthcare Management 

  • Is healthcare management doing enough to maintain the right standards in healthcare facilities?
  • Are privately owned hospitals managed better than public hospitals?
  • Registered nurses should not assume the role of a physician even in the event of a serious medical emergency
  • Human Resource Management (HR) isn’t doing enough to improve and protect the quality of healthcare
  • Do surgeons play an important role outside their medical capacities?
  • Are healthcare institutions responsible for the protection of the environment?
  • The relationship between and among medical staff can affect the quality of patients of different illnesses.
  • There’s no relationship between a patient’s medical results and a hospital’s revenue.
  • It’s easy to improve the relationship among staff members in a healthcare facility
  • Should medical management allow and encourage intimate relationships among the staff members?

General Medical Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • Has the American government invested enough funds to improve healthcare service for its residents?
  • There should be as many male nurses as there are female nurses
  • Are data management systems in hospitals accurate and safe against breach?
  • Do prisoners have the right to access quality healthcare?
  • Electronic health record systems have more limitations than benefits.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

289 Medical Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

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Medical argumentative essay topics revolve around debatable issues in the healthcare sector. They aim to challenge readers and writers to ponder ethical, moral, technical, and policy-related questions in medicine. Topics might include vaccination mandates, euthanasia rights, health insurance policies, the role of technology in healthcare, mental health treatments, and others. These subjects seek to encourage rigorous investigation and thoughtful discourse, necessitating both extensive research and empathetic understanding of diverse viewpoints. Such debates are vital to the evolution of medical practices and policies, inviting all stakeholders to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of specific approaches to health and wellness. Ultimately, medical argumentative essay topics stimulate critical thinking and foster insightful conversations about health care’s past, present, and future.

Best Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The Ethical Implications of Gene Editing: A Paradigm Shift in Medicine
  • Mandatory Vaccinations: A Public Health Necessity or Personal Liberty Infringement?
  • Exploring Alternative Medicine: Should Insurance Cover Holistic Treatments?
  • Regulation of Stem Cell Research: Ethical Concerns and Medical Breakthroughs
  • End-of-Life Care: The Controversial Argument for Assisted Suicide
  • Impact of Telemedicine: An Improvement or Deterioration in Patient Care?
  • Advanced AI in Healthcare: Potential Risks and Unprecedented Benefits
  • Psychotherapy vs. Medication: Best Approach for Mental Health Issues
  • Animal Experimentation in Medicine: Necessary Evil or Inhumane Practice?
  • Health Implications of GMO Foods: A Matter of Safety or Fear-Mongering?
  • Price Transparency in Healthcare: A Solution to Exorbitant Costs or a Pandora’s Box?
  • Debate Surrounding Childhood Obesity: Who Bears the Responsibility?
  • Cosmetic Surgery: A Matter of Personal Choice or Social Pressure?
  • Implementation of Universal Healthcare: Boon or Burden?
  • Repercussions of Antibiotic Overuse: Superbugs and the Threat to Public Health
  • Vegetarianism and Veganism: Health Benefits or Nutritional Deficiencies?
  • Euthanasia: An Act of Compassion or a Slippery Slope?
  • Organ Donation: Should It Be Compulsory or Remain Voluntary?
  • Long-term Effects of Prenatal Substance Exposure: Understanding the Consequences
  • Physician-Assisted Suicide: Ethical Compass or A Bridge Too Far?
  • Right to Try Experimental Drugs: Humanitarian Act or Risky Business?
  • Chronic Pain Management: Opioid Dependency vs. Patient Autonomy
  • Transgender Health Rights: The Importance of Inclusive Medical Services
  • Vaccine Hesitancy: Understanding the Anti-Vax Movement

Easy Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Legalization of Medical Marijuana: Miracle Drug or Gateway Substance?
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Pioneering Innovations or Ethical Minefield?
  • Childhood Vaccinations and Autism: Debunking the Misinformation
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Lifesavers or Health Hazards?
  • Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources: A Matter of Justice or Efficiency?
  • Mental Health Stigma: Does It Hinder Access to Quality Care?
  • Maternal Mortality Rates: Societal Factors and Public Health Strategies
  • Roles of Big Pharma: Medicine Accessibility vs. Profitability
  • Nutritional Guidelines: Science-Based Recommendations or Influenced by Food Industry?
  • Impact of Environmental Pollution on Human Health: A Silent Killer?
  • Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostics: Efficiency vs. Human Judgment
  • Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Empowerment or Privacy Concern?
  • CRISPR Technology: A Revolution in Medicine or Unleashing Unknown Dangers?
  • Right to Privacy vs. Public Health: Contact Tracing in Pandemic Response
  • Medical Marijuana vs. Opioids: A Better Option for Pain Management?
  • The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health: Fad or Fact?
  • Decoding the Human Microbiome: Implications for Health and Disease
  • Fast Food Consumption and Health: Unraveling the Direct Connection
  • Does Screen Time Affect Children’s Mental Health?
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Safe Alternatives or Hidden Dangers?
  • Robotic Surgery: Innovation or Excessive Medicalization?
  • Exploring Epigenetics: Influence of Lifestyle on Gene Expression
  • Antibacterial Soaps: Do They Contribute to Antibiotic Resistance?
  • Animal Assisted Therapy: Pseudoscience or Effective Treatment?
  • Human Cloning: Ethical Dilemma in the Medical Field
  • The Controversial Debate Around Gluten Sensitivity

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

Interesting Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Home Births vs. Hospital Births: Weighing the Risks and Benefits
  • Is Functional Medicine the Future of Healthcare?
  • Challenges and Possibilities in Personalized Medicine
  • Implications of 3D Printed Organs: A New Era in Transplantation?
  • Acupuncture in Modern Medicine: Anecdotal Belief or Scientifically Proven?
  • Detox Diets: Health Benefits or Nutritional Risk?
  • Addressing Health Inequality: Is it a Medical or Social Responsibility?
  • Longevity and Anti-Aging Medicine: Hopeful Promises or Unrealistic Expectations?
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Chiropractic Care
  • The Health Impact of Air Pollution: An Underestimated Threat?
  • Designer Babies: A Step Too Far in Genetic Engineering?
  • Health Consequences of Sleep Deprivation: A Growing Concern
  • Ethical Issues Surrounding Surrogacy and Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Sugar Tax: Effective Public Health Measure or Unjust Policy?
  • The Future of Virtual Reality in Healthcare
  • The Truth about Processed Foods: Are They Really That Bad?
  • Can Meditation Influence Physical Health?
  • Does a Universal Blood Donor Type Really Exist?
  • Antibiotic-Free Meat: Health Consciousness or Marketing Ploy?
  • The Debate Around Prophylactic Mastectomy
  • Exploring the Impact of Music Therapy on Mental Health
  • Are Digital Health Records a Security Risk?
  • Antidepressants and Teenagers: Are We Overprescribing?
  • The Controversy Over Electronic Cigarettes: Health Savior or Stealthy Killer?
  • Should Life-Saving Medication Be Exempt From Patents?

Controversial Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Mandatory Vaccinations: Public Health vs. Personal Freedom
  • Justification of Animal Testing in Medical Research
  • The Morality of Assisted Suicide: Patients’ Rights and Medical Ethics
  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Unethical Practice or Medical Breakthrough?
  • Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources: Whom Should We Prioritize?
  • Transgender Medicine: Necessity of Hormone Therapy and Surgical Procedures
  • Roles of Alternative Medicine in Modern Healthcare: Validity and Effectiveness
  • Antidepressants and Teenagers: Overdiagnosis or Appropriate Treatment?
  • Cosmetic Surgery: Medical Necessity or Vanity?
  • Use of Placebos in Clinical Trials: Ethical Considerations
  • Mental Health Disorders: The Controversy Over Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Genetic Testing: Right to Know or Ignorance Is Bliss?
  • Telemedicine: Risks, Benefits, and Ethical Implications
  • Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare: Solutions and Challenges
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Potential Risks and Ethical Issues
  • Diet and Nutrition: The Controversial Role in Preventive Medicine
  • Prescription Drug Abuse: A Crisis or Misunderstood Issue?
  • Fertility Treatments: Ethical Implications and Potential Abuses
  • Regulating Digital Health Applications: Necessity or Invasion of Privacy?
  • Roles of AI in Healthcare: Are Doctors Becoming Obsolete?
  • Human Cloning: Science Fiction or Future Reality?
  • Childhood Obesity: Parental Neglect or Societal Failure?
  • Euthanasia: Compassionate Care or Ethical Dilemma?
  • Human Genome Editing: Future Potential and Ethical Concerns
  • Internet and Health Information: Self-Diagnosis or Health Anxiety?
  • Physician Burnout: An Occupational Hazard or Systemic Issue?
  • Access to Experimental Treatments: Patient’s Right or Ethical Quandary?

Compare and Contrast Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Traditional Medicine vs. Modern Medicine: Is Old Always Gold?
  • Allopathic Treatment Approaches Compared to Homeopathic Techniques: Which Is More Beneficial?
  • Palliative Care and Hospice Care: Examining Similarities and Differences
  • Vaccination Advocacy vs. Anti-Vaccination Stance: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Medical Marijuana and Pharmaceutical Drugs: Evaluating Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Psychiatric Treatment: Psychotherapy vs. Medication
  • Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis vs. Human Expertise
  • Benefits of Telemedicine Compared with Traditional In-Person Consultations
  • Dietary Management vs. Medication in Diabetes Control: What Works Best?
  • Integrative Medicine and Conventional Medicine: A Comparative Study
  • Advantages of Robotic Surgery vs. Conventional Surgical Methods
  • Eastern Medicine Philosophies vs. Western Medical Practices: Contrasting Approaches
  • Health Benefits of Organic Foods vs. Genetically Modified Foods: A Scientific Analysis
  • Chiropractic Healing Compared With Physical Therapy: Effectiveness in Pain Management
  • Private Healthcare and Public Healthcare: Analyzing Quality and Accessibility
  • Prenatal Screening vs. Postnatal Screening: Impacts on Early Disease Detection
  • Prosthetic Advancements and Natural Limb Capabilities: A Comparison Study
  • The Debate Between Antibiotics and Probiotics: Examining Long-Term Health Effects
  • Stem Cell Research vs. Traditional Medical Research: Ethical and Practical Considerations
  • Invasive Surgeries vs. Non-Invasive Procedures: Comparing Risks and Benefits
  • Pediatric Care vs. Adult Healthcare: Differences in Treatment Approaches
  • Animal Testing and In Vitro Testing: Evaluating Ethical and Scientific Standpoints
  • Fitness Regimens vs. Medication: Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Improvement
  • Holistic Nursing vs. Specialized Nursing: Diverse Perspectives on Patient Care
  • Laser Treatments vs. Surgical Treatments: Examining Efficiency and Side Effects
  • Roles of Meditation in Stress Relief vs. Pharmaceutical Interventions

Healthcare Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Balancing Public Health and Individual Freedom: A Tightrope Walk
  • Is Mandatory Vaccination for Adults a Necessity?
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Healthcare Delivery
  • Should Be Assisted Suicide Legalized Globally or Not?
  • Analyzing the Impact of Telemedicine on Traditional Healthcare Services
  • Effectiveness of Holistic and Alternative Medicine: Myth or Reality?
  • Are Pharmaceutical Companies Exploiting the Sick for Profits?
  • Weighing the Pros and Cons of Single-Payer Healthcare Systems
  • Evaluating the Implications of Genetic Engineering in Healthcare
  • Compulsory Organ Donation: An Ethical Solution to Organ Shortage?
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Should We Curb Over-the-Counter Availability?
  • Is Homeopathy a Valid Treatment Option or Pseudoscience?
  • Assessing the Effects of Medical Tourism on Domestic Healthcare Systems
  • Should Health Insurance Coverage Be a Universal Right?
  • Do Digital Health Records Infringe Upon Patient Privacy?
  • Promoting Preventive Medicine Over Reactive Treatments: A Policy Change?
  • Do Patients Understand the Full Implications of Informed Consent?
  • Does Medical Advertising Mislead Patients?
  • Fast Food Industry’s Responsibility for Rising Obesity Rates
  • Are Price Controls Necessary for Prescription Drugs?
  • Mandatory Physical Education in Schools: An Answer to Childhood Obesity?
  • Assessing the Viability of Medicare for All People
  • Can Animal Testing Be Justified in the Era of Advanced Technology?
  • Discussing the Ethics of Cosmetic Surgery: Is It Justifiable?
  • Should Substance Abuse Treatment Be Favored Over Incarceration?
  • Is Personalized Medicine the Future of Healthcare?
  • Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods: A Legitimate Concern?

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

  • Effectiveness of Vaccines in Preventing Infectious Diseases
  • Integrating Holistic Medicine into Traditional Healthcare
  • Impacts of Mental Health on Physical Well-Being
  • Importance of Sex Education in High Schools
  • Debate on Abortion: Ethical Perspectives
  • Medical Marijuana: Risks vs. Benefits
  • Ethics of Animal Testing in Medical Research
  • Impacts of Nutrition on Chronic Illness Management
  • Consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Teenagers
  • Roles of Telemedicine in Modern Healthcare
  • Possibility of Human Cloning: Ethical Concerns
  • Dangers of Cosmetic Surgery: Vanity or Necessity
  • Advances in Neonatal Care: Ethical Dilemmas
  • Roles of Regular Exercise in Preventing Disease
  • Issues Surrounding Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • Health Risks Associated with Sedentary Lifestyles
  • Medical Ethics: The Case for Patient Confidentiality
  • Technology’s Impact on Patient Care Quality
  • Genetic Testing: A Blessing or Curse?
  • Efficacy of Alternative Medicine: Myths and Facts
  • Implications of Stem Cell Research: Ethical Perspective
  • Crisis in Mental Health Services: Solutions and Challenges
  • Use of Antidepressants in Children: Safety and Efficacy
  • Roles of Medical Professionals in Tackling Substance Abuse

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Debate on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Health Benefits and Risks
  • Power of the Placebo Effect: Psychological and Biological Factors
  • Controversy over Childhood Obesity and the Responsibility of Food Companies
  • Ethics of Organ Donation and Transplants
  • Legalizing Assisted Suicide: Human Right or Ethical Dilemma?
  • Roles of Sports in Maintaining Mental Health
  • Ethics Surrounding Prenatal Genetic Testing
  • Consequences of Antibiotic Overuse and Resistance
  • Controversy Around ADHD Medication for Children
  • Importance of Preventive Care in Healthcare Systems
  • Potential Health Risks of Wireless Technology
  • Dangers of Non-Prescription Drug Use Among Teenagers
  • Exploring the Psychological Impact of Chronic Pain
  • Understanding the Ethics of Gene Editing Technologies
  • Legalizing Psychedelics for Therapeutic Use: Risks and Benefits
  • Challenging Stigmas Attached to Mental Health Disorders
  • Advancements in Prosthetic Technology: Ethical Considerations
  • Impacts of Air Pollution on Respiratory Diseases
  • Necessity of Immunizations: Public Health vs. Personal Choice
  • The Ethics of Using AI in Medical Diagnostics
  • Obesity Epidemic: Role of Fast Food Industry
  • Investigation of Homeopathic Medicine Effectiveness
  • Risks of Prolonged Screen Time on Youth Eye Health
  • Consequences of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports
  • Roles of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Mental Health Treatments

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

  • Justification for Mandatory Vaccinations in Higher Education
  • Incorporation of Alternative Medicine in Mainstream Healthcare
  • Efficacy of Telemedicine in Today’s Technological Age
  • Consideration of Mental Health as Significant as Physical Health
  • Role of Antibiotics: Overuse and Its Consequences
  • Importance of Stem Cell Research: Ethical Boundaries
  • Usage of Animal Testing in Medical Research: Right or Wrong?
  • Pros and Cons of Assisted Suicide for Terminal Illnesses
  • Impacts of Regular Health Check-Ups on Overall Wellness
  • Examination of the Placebo Effect: Psychological or Physiological?
  • Discussion on the Right to Health: Universal Healthcare
  • Balancing Patient Confidentiality With Public Safety
  • Necessity of Sex Education in Schools and Colleges
  • Analysis of the Obesity Epidemic: Medical or Societal Issue?
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Prevention Strategies and Their Effectiveness
  • Ethical Considerations in Organ Transplantation and Donation
  • Influence of Diet on Chronic Diseases: Are Doctors Trained Enough?
  • Influence of Technological Advancements on Surgical Procedures
  • Discrepancies in Health Care Coverage: A Social Injustice
  • Roles of Nutrition in Maintaining Mental Health
  • Assessment of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnostics
  • Cosmetic Surgery: Vanity or Medical Necessity?
  • Value of Biomedical Research in Pandemic Preparedness
  • Impact of Prenatal Genetic Testing on Parental Decisions
  • Comparing Traditional and Modern Approaches to Pain Management
  • Childhood Vaccination: Parental Rights vs. Public Health
  • Links Between Environmental Pollution and Rising Health Issues

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for University

  • Efficacy of Stem Cell Research in Addressing Degenerative Diseases
  • Mandatory Vaccination Policies: Are They Ethical?
  • Genetically Modified Organisms: Threat or Salvation to Global Food Security?
  • Animal Testing: Ethical Implications vs. Scientific Progress
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: A Leap Forward or a Potential Risk?
  • Dissecting the Impact of Antibiotic Overuse on Public Health
  • Disparity in Healthcare Services: A Global Analysis
  • Telemedicine: Innovation or Threat to Traditional Healthcare Practice?
  • Effectiveness of Alternative Medicine: A Comprehensive Review
  • Childhood Obesity: Prevention Strategies and Health Implications
  • Dangers of Prolonged Screen Time on Children’s Health
  • Public Health Policies and Their Impact on Pandemic Management
  • The Ethics of Organ Transplantation: Who Should Be Prioritized?
  • Mandatory Mental Health Screenings in Schools: Are They Necessary?
  • Opioid Crisis: Who Bears the Responsibility?
  • Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Universal Healthcare Models
  • Roles of Diet in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • Impacts of Sleep Deprivation on Physical and Mental Health
  • Benefits and Dangers of Medical Marijuana Usage
  • Analysis of Drug Pricing: Ethical and Economic Perspectives
  • Pros and Cons of Genomic Sequencing in Newborns
  • Medical Ethics in the Era of Personalized Medicine
  • Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Society
  • Link Between Environmental Pollution and Health Disorders
  • Nutritional Supplements: Necessity or Marketing Strategy?
  • The Implication of Big Data in Healthcare: Privacy vs. Progress
  • Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Medical Practices

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for Master’s & Ph.D.

  • Addressing the Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering in Modern Medicine
  • Analyzing the Efficacy of Alternative Medicine: Evidence-Based Discussion
  • The Impact of Big Data on Medical Research: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Roles of Telemedicine in Delivering Equitable Healthcare: A Global Perspective
  • Mandatory Vaccinations: A Necessary Approach or an Invasion of Personal Liberty?
  • Evaluating the Psychological Consequences of Chronic Illness
  • Potential Risks and Benefits of Experimental Treatments in Terminal Illnesses
  • Medical Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Patient Care or Dehumanizing the Practice?
  • Integrating Mental Health Services into Primary Healthcare: Pros and Cons
  • Contemplating the Impact of Physician-Assisted Suicide on Medical Ethics
  • Right to Die: Examining the Legal and Ethical Framework of Euthanasia
  • Universal Healthcare: A Sustainable Model or an Unrealistic Dream?
  • Roles of Big Pharma in Shaping Healthcare Policies: A Critical Examination
  • Medical Professional Burnout: Consequences and Possible Solutions
  • Personalized Medicine: A Revolution in Patient Care or an Invitation to Discrimination?
  • Biomedical Research on Animals: An Ethical Dilemma
  • Clinical Trials in Developing Countries: Exploitation or Cooperation?
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Analyzing Causes and Formulating Solutions
  • Informed Consent in Medical Research: Current Issues and Future Directions
  • Health Disparities in Ethnic Minorities: Societal Factors and Solutions
  • Examining the Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing on Public Health
  • Stem Cell Research: Balancing Scientific Progress With Ethical Concerns
  • Obesity Epidemic: Examining the Role of Fast Food Industry and Government Regulations
  • Plastic Surgery for Cosmetic Purposes: A Matter of Choice or Social Pressure?
  • Mitigating the Impact of Pandemics: Learning From COVID-19 Experience
  • Analyzing the Long-Term Impacts of Electronic Health Records on Patient Privacy
  • Use of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: Opportunities and Risks
  • Assessment of the Role of Health Insurance Companies in Medical Decision-Making
  • Quality of Life vs. Length of Life: The Ethical Dilemma in Palliative Care
  • Discussing the Potential Implications of 3D-Printed Organs in Transplant Medicine

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120+ Healthcare argumentative essay topics [+Outline]

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If you’re a nursing student, then you know how important it is to choose Great Healthcare argumentative essay topics.

Here's What You'll Learn

After all, your essay will be graded on both the content of your argument and how well you defend it. That’s why it’s so important to choose topics that you’re passionate about and that you can research thoroughly.

Strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics

To help you get started, here are some strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics to consider:

  • Is there a nurse shortage in the United States? If so, what are the causes, and what can be done to mitigate it?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of various types of Nurse staffing models?
  • What are the implications of the current opioid epidemic on nurses and patients?
  • Are there any ethical considerations that should be taken into account when providing care to terminally ill patients?
  • What are the most effective ways to prevent or treat healthcare-acquired infections?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medication? If so, under what circumstances?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients’ rights?
  • What is the role of nurses in disaster relief efforts?
  • The high cost of healthcare in the United States.
  • The debate over whether or not healthcare is a human right.
  • The role of the government in providing healthcare.
  • The pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act.
  • The impact of healthcare on the economy.
  • The problem of access to healthcare in rural areas.
  • The debate over single-payer healthcare in the United States.
  • The pros and cons of private health insurance.
  • The rising cost of prescription drugs in the United States.
  • The use of medical marijuana in the United States.
  • The debates over end-of-life care and assisted suicide in the United States.

As you continue,  has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.

Controversial Healthcare topics

There is no shortage of controversial healthcare topics to write about. From the high cost of insurance to the debate over medical marijuana, there are plenty of issues to spark an interesting and thought-provoking argumentative essay.

Here are some Controversial healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

2. Should the government do more to regulate the healthcare industry?

3. What is the best way to provide quality healthcare for all?

4. Should medical marijuana be legalized?

5. How can we control the rising cost of healthcare?

6. Should cloning be used for medical research?

7. Is it ethical to use stem cells from embryos?

8. How can we improve access to quality healthcare?

9. What are the implications of the Affordable Care Act?

10. What role should pharmaceutical companies play in healthcare?

11. The problems with the current healthcare system in the United States.

12. The need for reform of the healthcare system in the United States.

Great healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is a controversial and complex issue, and there are many different angles that you can take when writing an argumentative essay on the topic. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Should the government provide free or low-cost healthcare to all citizens?

2. Is private healthcare better than public healthcare?

3. Should there be more regulation of the healthcare industry?

4. Are medical costs too high in the United States?

5. Should all Americans be required to have health insurance?

6. How can the rising cost of healthcare be controlled?

7. What is the best way to provide healthcare to aging Americans?

8. What role should the government play in controlling the cost of prescription drugs?

9. What impact will the Affordable Care Act have on the healthcare system in the United States?

Hot healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is always a hot-button issue. Whether it’s the Affordable Care Act, single-payer healthcare, or something else entirely, there’s always plenty to debate when it comes to healthcare. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to help get you started.

1. Is the Affordable Care Act working?

2. Should the government do more to provide healthcare for its citizens?

3. Should there be a single-payer healthcare system in the United States?

4. What are the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act?

5. What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare costs in the United States?

6. Is the Affordable Care Act sustainable in the long run?

7. What challenges does the Affordable Care Act face?

8. What are the potential solutions to the problems with the Affordable Care Act?

9. Is single-payer healthcare a good idea?

10. What are the pros and cons of single-payer healthcare?

Argumentative topics related to healthcare

Healthcare is always an ever-evolving issue. It’s one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on and is always eager to discuss. That’s why it makes for such a great topic for an argumentative essay. If you’re looking for some fresh ideas, here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started.

1. Is our healthcare system in need of a complete overhaul?

3. Are rising healthcare costs making it difficult for people to access care?

4. Is our current healthcare system sustainable in the long term?

5. Should we be doing more to prevent disease and promote wellness?

6. What role should the private sector play in providing healthcare?

7. What can be done to reduce the number of errors in our healthcare system?

8. How can we make sure that everyone has access to quality healthcare?

9. What can be done to improve communication and collaboration between different parts of the healthcare system?

10. How can we make sure that everyone has access to the care they need when they need it?

Argumentative essay topics about health

There are many different stakeholders in the healthcare debate, and each one has their own interests and perspectives. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Who should pay for healthcare?

2. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

3. What is the role of the government in healthcare?

4. Should there be limits on what treatments insurance companies must cover?

5. How can we improve access to healthcare?

6. What are the most effective methods of preventing disease?

7. How can we improve the quality of care in our hospitals?

8. What are the best ways to control costs in the healthcare system?

9. How can we ensure that everyone has access to basic care?

10. What are the ethical implications of rationing healthcare?

Medical argumentative essay topics

  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

2. Should there be limits on medical research using human subjects?

3. Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes?

4. Should the government do more to regulate the use of prescription drugs?

5. Is alternative medicine effective?

6. Are there benefits to using placebos in medical treatment?

7. Should cosmetic surgery be covered by health insurance?

8. Is it ethical to buy organs on the black market?

9. Are there risks associated with taking herbal supplements?

10. Is it morally wrong to end a pregnancy?

11. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?

12. Is it ethical to test new medical treatments on animals?

13. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives?

14. Is it morally wrong to sell organs for transplantation?

15. Are there benefits to using stem cells from embryos in medical research?

16. Is it ethical to use human beings in medical experiments?

17. Should the government do more to fund medical research into cancer treatments?

18. Are there risks associated with genetic engineering of humans?

19. Is it ethical to clones humans for the purpose

Argumentative essays on mental illness

  • Should there be more focus on mental health in schools?
  • Are our current treatments for mental illness effective?
  • Are mental health disorders more common now than they were in the past?
  • How does social media impact mental health?
  • How does trauma impact mental health?
  • What are the most effective treatments for PTSD?
  • Is therapy an effective treatment for mental illness?
  • What causes mental illness?
  • How can we destigmatize mental illness?
  • How can we better support those with mental illness?
  • Should insurance companies cover mental health treatments?
  • What are the most effective treatments for depression?
  • Should medication be used to treat mental illness?
  • What are the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for OCD?
  • What are the most effective treatments for eating disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for bipolar disorder?
  • How can we better support caregivers of those with mental illness?
  • What role does stigma play in mental illness?

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40 Medical Argumentative Essay Topics – Tips & Ideas

Published by Jamie Walker at September 16th, 2022 , Revised On July 10, 2023

A good augmentative essay presents opposing viewpoints and allows the reader to decide which perspective is more attractive and powerful. However, the first step for you is to select an exciting topic for your medical essay. In most cases, you will be provided with the title by your tutor, but on rare occasions, you will be asked to come up with your own topic.

If you are finding it difficult to come up with medical argumentative essay topics, you are not alone because many students struggle with this aspect of academic research. Here are some 40 interesting and unique medical essay topics that you can consider for your medical essay. Our advice: choose a topic that motivates and interests you.

On the other hand, if you cannot get started due to any unforeseen circumstances, take advantage of our essay writing service UK . 

Intriguing Medical Argumentative Essay Topics.

Below are a few intriguing medical argumentative essay topics . The subjects covered in these courses have been thoroughly researched and offer a chance to gain a deeper understanding of the medical field. You can easily get sidetracked by research and fall behind on your writing if you are not aware of the time constraints. So, make sure to take care of that. 

  • The role of stem cells in reducing mortality, particularly in patients with cardiac problems.
  • How close are researchers to developing a treatment for cystic fibrosis?
  • Define inflammation of the bowels and the measures taken to treat it. The function of food in medicine.
  • Is it true that being obese or overweight increases your risk of developing diabetes or heart attack?
  • What risk are pet owners posing to the general public by failing to clean up their dog’s waste?
  • Can your body odour provide health-related information? Examine such smells and debate whether they are a reliable indicator of a patient’s disease or not.
  • Methods for lowering infant mortality rates in developing nations.
  • Are health campaigns useful strategies for preventing and controlling disease? Should the use of antibiotics be systematically and carefully regulated?
  • The biggest threat to American health in the twenty-first century is mental illness. Discuss
  • Is it possible to suggest that social variables impact how people live?
  • Should surrogacy be limited to necessary situations due to a medical condition?
  • Do you concur that hazardous industrial waste poses a threat to human life?
  • Can it be said that rejecting religions is a mental illness?
  • Is the disparity in the quality of healthcare services being given in the UK being widened by digital technology?
  • Should government organisations be the only ones who decide on and control medical research funding?
  • What impact does the development of health care have on electronic patient data?
  • How should school health services be set up to properly assist the student?
  • Why aren’t educational institutions and health care able to offer the support needed in trying circumstances?
  • How Does Regular Nursing Training Affect Patient Satisfaction?
  • Should public health initiatives promoting regular checkups and disease prevention be considered a top priority for healthcare funding?
  • Is the UK’s healthcare system less effective due to the Affordable Care Act?
  • Would patients have a say in how they pass away?
  • Should the government’s healthcare programme include alternative therapies?
  • Which human rights can have an impact on the idea of public health?
  • What are the medical measures necessary to lower mortality brought on by the heat?
  • How can health care accept it? What kind of living circumstances should each individual have for their health to be normal?
  • What measures does health care take to fight chronic diseases?
  • Do some healthcare providers benefit more from the UK tax overhaul at the expense of others?
  • The use of 3D printing in medicine is expanding. Discuss how.
  • What makes Pfizer’s case involving the equipment used to treat arthritis special?
  • How are medical students prepared to use technology to heal?
  • Traditional medicine versus smart technology.
  • How can coronavirus-infected rural hospitals manage without the required tools?
  • How does technology assist in cancer organ transplants?
  • Why can’t doctors adapt to modern medical technology?
  • What must be done by the medical community to provide all hospitals with cutting-edge technology?
  • Do patients have more choices in selecting between chemical and natural medicines?
  • How can genetic engineering be permitted as a treatment for terminal illnesses?
  • Does marijuana be considered a prescribed medication for managing pain?

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How to Write an Essay on a Medical Argumentative Topic?

To write an argumentative essay, you must avoid narrations and lame ideas since argumentative essay writing relies on reasoning.

Don’t forget to include relevant textual information or supporting evidence, and remember to create an outline for the argumentative essay .

A proposal describing your topic choice and its justification should be presented before you begin writing an argumentative piece. In most cases, it refers to the opening paragraph.

The author of the argumentative essay must support his previous proposal with evidence in the subsequent paragraphs. Here, the rationale behind this claim is defended.

It is also important to provide a variety of viewpoints in the argumentative paragraph.

There must be a conclusion to the argument text. Closure refers to the final sentence of an article and should be used until the end.

A writer must be able to communicate clearly, accurately, and concisely. Don’t overuse complex words, and use acceptable phrases. In addition, it is much better to include and properly credit the ideas of reputable authors since they help to keep what is discussed afloat. Readers will then be able to understand the author’s viewpoint and form their conclusions.

Read: How to write an first-class essay

If you have knowledge of the subject, you will not have any difficulty coming up with strong arguments. When it comes to persuading your readers, it is best to prepare yourself in advance with reasons. The best ones may be chosen by making a list of them and analysing them.

Currently, you have access to a wide range of resources for writing argumentative essays. You can even take inspiration and ideas from the list of medical argumentative essay topics mentioned above.

How to write an argumentative essay on medical?

Choose a debatable medical topic, gather evidence from credible sources, present a clear thesis statement, and support your arguments with logical reasoning and persuasive language in your essay.

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Best Medical Essay Topics for Students & Expert Writing Tips

#i',$content, -1); --> table of contents medical topics for essay: the essentials medical essay topics: how to choose a good one 15 strong medical argumentative essay topics some interesting medical ethics topics for essay the most relevant medical persuasive essay topics top medical research essay topics to save you time good medical assistant essay topics writing a modern medical education essay can be an effective way of communicating information, discussing research findings, or educating others about important topics related to health and healthcare. in this 5-minute read, we’ll go over the essentials to help you write a very organized and insightful nursing paper, as well as offer an extensive list of fresh medical essay topics that will make your paper outstanding. medical topics for essay: the essentials.

A nursing essay is an academic writing assignment that aims to demonstrate your knowledge throughout the application process for nursing school, a nursing program, or during your years as a medical student. Essay writing for nurses is also a great way to advance careers and emphasize critical issues or exceptional cases.

  • Admission/Application Essay
  • Admission Editing
  • Admission Proofreading
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Argumentative essay
  • Article paraphrasing
  • Article review
  • Book Report/Review
  • Business plan
  • Capstone Project
  • Concept map
  • Concept paper
  • Conference Paper
  • Critical review
  • Custom List of Topics
  • Data analysis
  • Defence Presentation
  • Discussion Post
  • Dissertation
  • Dissertation Chapter - Abstract
  • Dissertation Chapter - Discussion
  • Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter
  • Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review
  • Dissertation Chapter - Methodology
  • Dissertation Chapter - Results
  • Dissertation revision
  • Evidence-based practice paper
  • Exam Answers
  • Grant proposal
  • Interview essay
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Literature review
  • Literature review outline
  • Marketing plan
  • Math Problem
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Non-word assignment
  • Nursing care plan
  • Nursing teaching plan
  • Paraphrasing
  • Personal Statement
  • PICO/PICOT Questions
  • PowerPoint Presentation Plain
  • PowerPoint Presentation with Speaker Notes
  • Problem solution
  • Proofreading
  • Quality improvement project
  • Reaction paper
  • Reflection paper
  • Reflective Journal
  • Research Paper
  • Research Proposal
  • Retyping (PDF / PNG / Handwriting to Word)
  • Scholarship Essay
  • Scoping review
  • Shadow health assessment
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Statistics Project
  • Swot-analysis
  • Systematic review
  • Thesis chapter - Background
  • Thesis chapter - Conclusion & future works
  • Thesis chapter - Implementation
  • Thesis chapter - Introduction
  • Thesis chapter - Other (not listed above)
  • Thesis chapter - Results & evaluation
  • Thesis chapter - Theory & problem statement
  • Thesis literature review
  • Thesis Proposal
  • Thesis revision
  • Topic Suggestion
  • Topic Suggestion + Summary + References

Here’s how to write a good health essay step by step:

  • Choose a topic that aligns with your subject matter or interest in nursing.
  • Conduct thorough research to have a strong foundation for your paper.
  • Develop a clear, concise thesis statement.
  • Create a detailed outline that arranges the information consistently.
  • Write a compelling introduction that gives background on the subject.
  • Develop body paragraphs that focus on particular issues related to your thesis.
  • Support all claims with valid evidence and cite sources using a suitable citation style (e.g., MLA, APA).
  • Craft a thoughtful conclusion that sums up the key points examined in the paper and restates the thesis.

Last but not least, use clear and concise language to convey your ideas, and always take the time to proofread the completed paper and ensure it meets the provided guidelines.

Medical Essay Topics: How to Choose a Good One

These are some of ​​the most effective tips for selecting a topic for any essay, including a nursing one:

  • Think of the nursing essay topics you find interesting.
  • Check for possible resources to base your paper on; ensure there’s plenty available.
  • Make sure the topic is not too specific, as it will be harder to research.
  • Ensure it’s broad enough to tackle lots of ideas and thoughts.
  • Review samples online to find some inspiration.
  • Ask a friend or someone from your institution to brainstorm medical topics for essay with you.
  • Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals, let’s take a look at the best fifteen argumentative medical essay topics available today.

15 Strong Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

The medical argumentative essay topics below were hand-selected by our best experts in the field, so you can quickly get started with your paper.

  • Should insurance cover holistic treatments?
  • Recent advances in stem cell research and ethical issues.
  • Gene editing: ethical implications.
  • Vaccination: public health necessity or infringement on personal liberty?
  • AI in healthcare and its potential risks and benefits.
  • Which way to treat mental health issues is better: psychotherapy or medication?
  • The effects of genetically modified foods on population health.
  • Who should be held accountable for childhood obesity?
  • Cosmetic surgery: a personal preference or a necessity?
  • Should organ donation be made compulsory or remain voluntary?
  • The right to try experimental drugs: a humanitarian act or a dangerous business?
  • Opioid dependence vs. patient autonomy in chronic pain management.
  • What are the short-term and long-term effects of prenatal drug exposure?
  • Ethical aspects of human cloning.
  • Is animal-assisted therapy a pseudoscience or an efficient treatment?

Next, we’ll cover medical ethics essay topics that offer room to build a strong argument and support it with research.

Some Interesting Medical Ethics Topics for Essay

This list of medical ethics topics for essay can help you narrow down your choices and find the one that is both relevant to your studies and interesting:

  • The implications of pregnancy termination due to a genetic condition.
  • The ethical side of using social media in medicine.
  • Should minors have access to birth control without parental consent?
  • Is it ethical to test potentially dangerous medication on animals?
  • Should technology be used to do open-heart surgery?
  • Should artificial intelligence be used to reduce human errors?
  • Donation of organs and ethnic preference.
  • What are the ethical implications of active euthanasia and physician-assisted one?
  • Learning nursing by incorporating handheld devices.
  • Is it ethical to obtain patient-specific information for predictive analysis?
  • The global disparities in medical ethics.
  • The implications of genetically modified animals.
  • Models of ethical decision-making in counseling.
  • John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant’s moral theories.
  • The 9/11 attack’s impact on the ethics.

Now let’s move on to persuasive essay medical topics that will definitely impress your professor.

The Most Relevant Medical Persuasive Essay Topics

We’ve combed through several lists of medical persuasive essay topics to provide you with 15 that are relevant, simple, and current:

  • Does technology positively or negatively impact people’s mental health and well-being?
  • Are genetically modified crops good or bad for society?
  • Can science assist people with physical limitations in living better lives?
  • The influence of mental health disorders on the community.
  • Is infertility connected to couples’ stress levels and poor lifestyle choices?
  • Is obesity a result of the food business?
  • Is biohacking healthy?
  • Are genetically modified foods harmful to our health?
  • Can crystal healing help improve our physical and mental health?
  • Should broad-use drugs have a 20-year patent?
  • Do needle exchange programs help limit the transmission of blood-borne infections?
  • Is bone marrow transplantation helpful for patients with blood cancer?
  • Do contraceptive pills pose risks?
  • Can food allergies cause behavior problems?
  • Should dental insurance be required for everyone?

More interested in controversial medical essay topics? Below, you’ll find a collection of specially selected ones so you can find something that is ideal for you.

Best Controversial Medical Essay Topics for Discussion

Another sign of great medical research essay topics is that they leave no one indifferent. Let’s see what ideas you can develop for further discussion.

  • Is there any connection between poverty and poor health?
  • What factors influence healthcare costs in the U.S.?
  • Should the government provide free health care to people without homes?
  • Is the cost of healthcare in the United States reasonable?
  • Is it necessary to urge patients to begin utilizing homeopathy?
  • What donor system is better: opt-in or opt-out?
  • Should uninsured persons be given access to healthcare?
  • Should euthanasia be made illegal?
  • Should surrogacy be utilized on demand or solely for medical reasons?
  • Is womb transplanting a viable surrogacy option?
  • Should someone be rejected for an organ transplant just because they lead an unhealthy lifestyle?
  • Should abortion be legalized?
  • Should newborn vaccination be mandatory?
  • Should doctors be permitted to promote certain medicinal products?
  • Should there be legal consequences for medical mistakes?

In case you’re doing research, the medical essay topics discussed in the next section might come in handy, so check them out now!

Top Medical Research Essay Topics to Save You Time

We’ve spent hours researching current trends in health research so that we can provide you with the best research ideas for your paper. And here’s the result:

  • The placebo effect in homeopathic treatments.
  • Pandemics vs. epidemics.
  • Vaccination: risks vs. benefits.
  • Communication problems caused by deafness.
  • Diseases brought on by a lack of physical activity.
  • Urban pollution’s impact on respiratory diseases.
  • Causes of the rising number of cancer cases.
  • The most recent medical device advancements.
  • Natural coma vs. induced coma.
  • Terrorism’s impact on mental health.
  • Electronic health record systems: pros and cons.
  • Causes and consequences of heart attacks.
  • Quality of patient care in public vs. private hospitals.
  • Chemotherapy and its effects on the body.
  • Causes and predispositions to anxiety disorders.

Lastly, let’s take a quick look at some of the most compelling medical assistant essay topics. Using any of them will help you produce an exceptional paper.

Good Medical Assistant Essay Topics

When it comes to choosing medical assistant topics, you need something meaningful. Hover over these examples to spot the fitting idea for your essay:

  • Is medical assistant a rewarding career?
  • The role of medical assistants in preventive healthcare.
  • Reflection on a specialized clinical procedure.
  • Milestones and pitfalls of being an anesthesiologist assistant.
  • Ethical considerations of medical assistance.
  • The role of medical assistants in intravenous therapy.
  • Medical assistant qualities.
  • The contribution of assistants to chronic disease management.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of being a clinical assistant.
  • Professional development opportunities for medical assistants.
  • Cultural competence in medical assisting.
  • Consequences of working outside of the legal scope of practice.
  • Technological advancements in medical assisting.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on medical assistant practice.
  • Trends and innovations in medical assisting.

We hope these ideas will help you find a suitable area to cover. In case you need any further assistance with your paper or want to get more great topics, our medical essay writing service is here for you 24/7!

argumentative essay medical field


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124 Healthcare Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Healthcare is a diverse and complex field that encompasses a wide range of topics, issues, and challenges. Whether you are studying healthcare as a student, working in the healthcare industry, or simply interested in learning more about this important area, there are countless essay topics that you can explore. To help you get started, here are 124 healthcare essay topic ideas and examples that you can use for inspiration:

  • The impact of healthcare disparities on patient outcomes
  • Strategies for improving access to healthcare in underserved communities
  • The role of technology in transforming healthcare delivery
  • The ethics of healthcare rationing
  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in healthcare organizations
  • The rise of telemedicine and its implications for patient care
  • The impact of the opioid epidemic on healthcare systems
  • The role of nurses in promoting patient safety
  • The challenges of providing mental health care in a primary care setting
  • The future of healthcare: personalized medicine and precision healthcare
  • The role of healthcare providers in addressing social determinants of health
  • The impact of climate change on public health
  • The role of public health campaigns in promoting healthy behaviors
  • The challenges of healthcare delivery in rural areas
  • The impact of healthcare reform on the uninsured population
  • The role of healthcare informatics in improving patient outcomes
  • The importance of cultural competency in healthcare delivery
  • The ethical implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine
  • The impact of healthcare costs on patient access to care
  • The role of healthcare administrators in shaping the future of healthcare delivery
  • The challenges of implementing electronic health records in healthcare settings
  • The impact of healthcare privatization on patient care
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting patient autonomy
  • The challenges of providing end-of-life care in a healthcare setting
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on maternal and child health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in addressing the opioid crisis
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting vaccination uptake
  • The challenges of healthcare delivery in conflict zones
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on LGBTQ+ populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting healthy aging
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to homeless populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on rural communities
  • The role of healthcare providers in addressing food insecurity
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to refugees and asylum seekers
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on people with disabilities
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting mental health awareness
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to incarcerated populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on immigrant populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting sexual health education
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to indigenous populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on veterans' health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting healthy lifestyles
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to low-income populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on minority populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting preventive care
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to elderly populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on women's health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting maternal health
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to children and adolescents
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on mental health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting substance abuse treatment
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to homeless youth
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on LGBTQ+ youth
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting healthy relationships
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to LGBTQ+ youth
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on transgender populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting gender-affirming care
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to LGBTQ+ elders
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on people of color
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting racial equity
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to immigrant populations
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on refugee populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting cultural competency
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to non-English speaking populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting disability rights
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to people with mental illnesses
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on people experiencing homelessness
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting housing stability
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to people living in poverty
  • The impact of healthcare disparities on incarcerated populations
  • The role of healthcare providers in promoting criminal justice reform
  • The challenges of providing healthcare to veterans
  • The impact of healthcare

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120+ Controversial Health Care Essay Topics

Dr. wilson mn.

  • August 3, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , Nursing

If you are a nursing student looking for medical argumentative essay topics, or health essay topics in general, you understand how crucial it is to choose controversial subjects you can explore in-depth. Your grade will depend not just on the content, but also how convincingly you support your stance through research and credible sources. That’s why it’s vital to pick topics that fascinate you and make your essay more engaging to write.(120+ Controversial Health Care Essay Topics)

When seeking healthcare or physical health argumentative essay topics for college or high school, consider aspects that provoke debate like alternative medicine instead of mainstream treatments, the role of pharmaceutical companies, or whether routine childhood vaccines should be mandatory. Mental health care accessibility, managing terminal illnesses, public health policies’ effectiveness, or the pros and cons of telemedicine also offer fertile ground.

Another avenue is examining ethical issues within the health field that nurses and doctors face, like prioritizing patient well-being over their wishes, rationing limited resources, confidentiality and privacy concerns, medical practices that conflict with personal beliefs, or the ethics of an organ transplantation committee deciding who will receive an organ.

It’s often wise to choose a topic ideas that connect to your own identity, environment, or experiences. You might explore health disparities among different populations, argue for promoting healthy lifestyles and inclusivity, or discuss impacts of issues like obesity, pollution’s role in disease, or health insurance costs.

For a master’s level paper, you could compare and contrast two healthcare systems, analyze a pandemic’s effects, delve into environmental health factors like air quality, or evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of measures like an assisted suicide mandate.

No matter the topic, select one that resonates with you and suits your needs for this next paper. Avoid overly broad subjects until you have strong writing skills and critical thinking abilities. With laser focus through tools like a mind map, you can craft an argumentative essay that showcases your knowledge in the field of medical research while supporting your arguments using credible sources.

If you are running out of time on your research paper, feel free to request for writing services from our professional writers.

Here are some ideas for your next paper:

What You'll Learn

Strong Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

To help you get started, here are some strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics to consider:

  • Is there a nurse shortage in the United States? If so, what are the causes, and what can be done to mitigate it?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of various types of Nurse staffing models?
  • What are the implications of the current opioid epidemic on nurses and patients?
  • Are there any ethical considerations that should be taken into account when providing care to terminally ill patients?
  • What are the most effective ways to prevent or treat healthcare-acquired infections?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medication? If so, under what circumstances?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients’ rights?
  • What is the role of nurses in disaster relief efforts?
  • The high cost of healthcare in the United States.
  • The debate over whether or not healthcare is a human right.
  • The role of the government in providing healthcare.
  • The pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act.
  • The impact of healthcare on the economy.
  • The problem of access to healthcare in rural areas.
  • The debate over single-payer healthcare in the United States.
  • The pros and cons of private health insurance.
  • The rising cost of prescription drugs in the United States.
  • The use of medical marijuana in the United States.
  • The debates over end-of-life care and assisted suicide in the United States.

As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.

controversial health research topics to write

There is no shortage of controversial healthcare topics to write about. From the high cost of insurance to the debate over medical marijuana, there are plenty of issues to spark an interesting and thought-provoking argumentative essay.

Here are some Controversial healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

2. Should the government do more to regulate the healthcare industry?

3. What is the best way to provide quality healthcare for all?

4. Should medical marijuana be legalized?

5. How can we control the rising cost of healthcare?

6. Should cloning be used for medical research?

7. Is it ethical to use stem cells from embryos?

8. How can we improve access to quality healthcare?

9. What are the implications of the Affordable Care Act?

10. What role should pharmaceutical companies play in healthcare?

11. The problems with the current healthcare system in the United States.

12. The need for reform of the healthcare system in the United States.

Great healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is a controversial and complex issue, and there are many different angles that you can take when writing an argumentative essay on the topic. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

  • Should the government provide free or low-cost healthcare to all citizens?
  • Is private healthcare better than public healthcare?
  • Should there be more regulation of the healthcare industry?
  • Are medical costs too high in the United States?
  • Should all Americans be required to have health insurance?
  • How can the rising cost of healthcare be controlled?
  • What is the best way to provide healthcare to aging Americans?
  • What role should the government play in controlling the cost of prescription drugs?
  • What impact will the Affordable Care Act have on the healthcare system in the United States?

Hot healthcare argumentative essay topics for college

Healthcare is always a hot-button issue. Whether it’s the Affordable Care Act, single-payer healthcare, or something else entirely, there’s always plenty to debate when it comes to healthcare. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to help get you started.

1. Is the Affordable Care Act working?

2. Should the government do more to provide healthcare for its citizens?

3. Should there be a single-payer healthcare system in the United States?

4. What are the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act?

5. What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare costs in the United States?

6. Is the Affordable Care Act sustainable in the long run?

7. What challenges does the Affordable Care Act face?

8. What are the potential solutions to the problems with the Affordable Care Act?

9. Is single-payer healthcare a good idea?

10. What are the pros and cons of single-payer healthcare?

Related articles: 30+ Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

Argumentative topics related to health care

Healthcare is always an ever-evolving issue. It’s one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on and is always eager to discuss . That’s why it makes for such a great topic for an argumentative essay . If you’re looking for some fresh ideas, here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started.

1. Is our healthcare system in need of a complete overhaul?

3. Are rising healthcare costs making it difficult for people to access care?

4. Is our current healthcare system sustainable in the long term?

5. Should we be doing more to prevent disease and promote wellness?

6. What role should the private sector play in providing healthcare?

7. What can be done to reduce the number of errors in our healthcare system?

8. How can we make sure that everyone has access to quality healthcare?

9. What can be done to improve communication and collaboration between different parts of the healthcare system?

10. How can we make sure that everyone has access to the care they need when they need it?

Argumentative essay topics about health

There are many different stakeholders in the healthcare debate, and each one has their own interests and perspectives. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Who should pay for healthcare?

2. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

3. What is the role of the government in healthcare?

4. Should there be limits on what treatments insurance companies must cover?

5. How can we improve access to healthcare?

6. What are the most effective methods of preventing disease?

7. How can we improve the quality of care in our hospitals?

8. What are the best ways to control costs in the healthcare system?

9. How can we ensure that everyone has access to basic care?

10. What are the ethical implications of rationing healthcare?

Argumentative health essay topics

  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

2. Should there be limits on medical research using human subjects?

3. Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes?

4. Should the government do more to regulate the use of prescription drugs?

5. Is alternative medicine effective?

6. Are there benefits to using placebos in medical treatment?

7. Should cosmetic surgery be covered by health insurance?

8. Is it ethical to buy organs on the black market?

9. Are there risks associated with taking herbal supplements?

10. Is it morally wrong to end a pregnancy?

11. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?

12. Is it ethical to test new medical treatments on animals?

13. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives?

14. Is it morally wrong to sell organs for transplantation?

15. Are there benefits to using stem cells from embryos in medical research?

16. Is it ethical to use human beings in medical experiments?

17. Should the government do more to fund medical research into cancer treatments?

18. Are there risks associated with genetic engineering of humans?

19. Is it ethical to clones humans for the purpose

Argumentative essays on mental health

  • Should there be more focus on mental health in schools?
  • Are our current treatments for mental illness effective?
  • Are mental health disorders more common now than they were in the past?
  • How does social media impact mental health?
  • How does trauma impact mental health?
  • What are the most effective treatments for PTSD?
  • Is therapy an effective treatment for mental illness?
  • What causes mental illness?
  • How can we destigmatize mental illness?
  • How can we better support those with mental illness?
  • Should insurance companies cover mental health treatments?
  • What are the most effective treatments for depression?
  • Should medication be used to treat mental illness?
  • What are the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for OCD?
  • What are the most effective treatments for eating disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for bipolar disorder?
  • How can we better support caregivers of those with mental illness?
  • What role does stigma play in mental illness?


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Writing a Medicine Essay: Guide, Types, Tips, and Topics


A medical essay is a written paper that is focused on a medical topic. It is mostly an essay written by medical students. Your instructor may assign this type of paper to gauge your understanding of a particular health issue. While it might seem simple, writing these essays is challenging, especially for first-timers. This is because they require scientific accuracy, clear undressing of the given topic, and clinical insights. In the essay, you are required to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of the various medical concepts and their application in the real world. This means that every claim and argument you make must be supported with scientific evidence.

If you are wondering how to write a medical essay, we will provide you with all the tips and steps you need to write a high-quality essay.

Different Types of Medical Essays

There are many types of medical essays you will come across in school that vary based on the purpose, subject matter, and formatting style. These are:

Argumentative Essays

These types of medical essays take a stance on medical issues and require the support of well-researched, accurate, and current information. An argumentative essay is usually assigned as a capstone project in your final years and requires lengthy and detailed research to establish your position on a topic.

When writing an argumentative medical essay, your goal should be to convince the readers to agree with your point of view by presenting a strong argument. Some of the topics you may cover include the impact of technology, the effectiveness of particular medical treatments, etc.

Compare and Contrast Essays

These types of essays deal with two or more subjects in a particular category of the medical field and compare their similarities and contrast their differences. Your instructor will assign a compare and contrast essay to challenge your analytical and comparative skills and see whether you can make meaningful arguments about a given topic.

Compare and contrast essays rely on factual analysis, so you must support all your arguments with sufficient scientific evidence. Additionally, it would be best if you used special transition words and phrases such as in comparison, by contrast, likewise, similarly, the same as, both, also, etc.

Expository Essays

Expository means intended to explain. This type of medical essay aims to explain a particular medical topic clearly and consciously. Expository essays require you to investigate a particular topic, evaluate the available evidence, expound on the claims, and explain a focused idea clearly.

Use accurate and current information from reliable sources when writing expository essays to ensure you provide well-structured, logical, and clear arguments.

Descriptive Medical Essays

This type of literature helps in communicating a particular information, for instance, a specific medical condition, treatment, theory or procedure, in a descriptive manner. Descriptive essays provide a comprehensive and effective description in a way that readers will feel like they are experiencing the subject firsthand.

To write descriptive essays, you must use words and phrases that pique curiosity to bring your narrative to life. Ensure you also integrate thoughts, feelings, smells, tastes and sounds into your essay.

Overall, descriptive medical essays help to provide an objective portrayal of a medical subject to help readers better and understand the complex topics in the medical world.

Overall, no matter which type of essay you are writing, there should be a clear and logical flow of information from one part of an essay to another.

Outline of a Medical Essay

Are you asking what are the parts of a medical essay?—the answer is simple. An essay on medicine must include the following parts: introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.


An introduction of a medical essay introduces your topic and provides some background information about the subject being discussed.

It also includes the reason for writing the essay and provides brief points of what you will cover in the body of the paper. An introduction should also include your thesis statement which offers a concise summary of your essay and state the claim you will be making in your paper.

Your introduction should be concise and quickly hook the readers to ensure they read the rest of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

The body section of your medical essay is where you delve into the main claim of your paper. It could have two supporting paragraphs or five. There is no limit to how many numbers of paragraphs you can write unless your professor provides a specific number.

When supporting your thesis statement with multiple sources, the best thing to do is to have only one paragraph per idea and source cited. For instance, if you are writing an argumentative medical essay, one paragraph should provide a single aspect of your arguments supported by credible evidence.

The conclusion of your medical essay should provide a summary of what you have discussed in the body of your paper. It contains three sections:

  • A restatement of your thesis statement without using the exact wording.
  • General conclusions and state why your essay is essential.
  • The final part brings everything together clearly and concisely to show readers you have understood the topic under discussion.

Avoid bringing in any new information in the conclusion section of your paper. The goal here is to provide readers with a closure.

Use the following format to organize your essay:

1. Introduction

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

2. Body Paragraphs

1. First point

  • Introduction statement.
  • Supporting evidence (facts, statistics, etc).
  • Conclusion statement transitioning to the next paragraph.

2. Second point

  • Supporting evidence (facts, statistics, etc.).

3. Third point

3. Conclusion

  • Restatement of the thesis statement.
  • General conclusion.
  • Closing statement.

This is just a basic outline you can follow when writing your medical essay. Depending on the type of essay you are writing, you may need to include some information.

Steps for Writing a Great Medical Essay

Follow these steps when writing your medical essay. Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to write an essay. It can be a messy process as long as you ensure that there is a good flow of information.

Read the Assignment Prompt

Writing a high-quality health and medicine essay requires that you first understand your instructors' expectations. Therefore, begin by reading the prompt given, which will have all the information about the rules, guidelines and instructions that you must follow.

How well you write an essay can differentiate a high-quality medical essay from a low-quality paper. Your instructor will expect you incorporate relevant scientific evidence in your essay and demonstrate an understanding of it to show that you possess the right knowledge about the medical field.

Your instructor will also want to see whether you can accurately dissect the chosen topic into different components and explain it well to the readers.

So, by reading and understanding what is expected, you can clearly articulate your facts and express your ideas.

Chose a Great Medical Essay Topic

To write a great medical essay topic, you must choose an interesting topic that will be easy to write about. There are various interesting topics for medical essays that you can choose from, which range from various subjects in medicine.

Choose a topic that you are familiar with or one you will be able to write about. There are various interesting topics for a medical essay which you can choose from for your paper.

In addition to choosing an interesting topic, ensure you keep the following in mind:

  • The topic of your choice should be relevant to the assignments.
  • Think about the scope of the paper. Will you be writing about a specific medical topic or discussing medicine in general?

Once you have chosen a topic, research to locate information about it, begin by writing down what you already know about the topic, and then use that to develop probing questions such as why, what if, etc.

Identify keywords that are related to your topic, as they will help in locating specific information. At this point, it’s important to do background research about the topic to ensure that there is enough to write about it. Doing this will help you achieve a basic understanding of the chosen topic before delving deeper, which means you can formulate the topic and broaden or narrow it.

Conduct Research

Doing thorough research lays the foundation for a high-quality essay, as you will have sufficient information to take a critical approach to the chosen topic. So, go through the different types of scientific literature, such as PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library, to find scientific articles. These resources are credible and will give you the information needed to write a high-quality essay.

Remember, a medical essay seeks to understand your understanding of scientific knowledge and evidence acquired both in theory and practice. So, to be able to demonstrate this knowledge, you must have relevant, accurate information from a variety of credible sources.

Please note that there are two types of research you can conduct depending on the topic. Primary and secondary research. Primary research is where you collect information firsthand through methods such as interviews, questionaries etc. Secondary research, on the other hand, is where you obtain information from information collected by other researchers, such as books, journals, etc. This is the most common form of research because it saves you time, money, and energy, unlike primary research.

Create an Outline

Like other types of essays, your medical essay should have an outline that organizes your thoughts and ideas before writing. Your outline should tell readers what your essay will cover and ensure you prevent a clear and well-structured argument. In other words, your outline is a roadmap. When you get stuck during the writing process, it will help you get right back on track.

As mentioned, your medical essay outline has three main parts: Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Some of the tips that can help you create a good outline for your essay on medicine.

  • Begin by first writing several ideas that you intend to include in your essay on medicine. Think of these ideas as the skeleton of your paper.

Begin Drafting

Now that you have prepared adequately for the topic at hand, you can start writing. Start by writing your introduction, which begins with a hook to capture the reader's attention, followed by some background information about the topic, and then a thesis presentation.

However, if you want to capture all ideas and ensure you write an engaging introduction, write it after. There is no right or wrong way to do this, as long as your introduction achieves its intended purpose.

When writing the body paragraphs, ensure you support your ideas with accurate information from reliable sources. Include both in-text citations and a reference list or bibliographic section at the end of the paper.

For every piece of evidence you provide, ensure you expound on it and connect it to your ideas under the paragraph and to the overall argument. Do this by explaining, interpreting and expanding on your evidence. If you are providing a counterargument, debunk the evidence provided.

Ensure you have included as much information as possible to ensure the readers get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Revise and Edit Your Draft

Revising refers to looking at the essay from a fresh perspective. It is an ongoing process involving reviewing the arguments, evidence and presentations. Learning how to revise an essay will ensure that your essay meets all the criteria for medical paper writing and that it has addressed all the necessary points. Based on the revisions, you could alter or rewrite the ideas or arguments of your essay.

Editing, on the other hand, refers to improving the appearance of your essay by correcting grammar, spelling and function errors. The goal is to make your essay as clear and effective as possible.

When revising and editing, pretend to be one of your readers. Ask yourself whether you are satisfied with what you are reading.

Read your medical essay out loud to pick out any problems with unity and coherence. As you read, check for clarity and a good flow of your ideas. Check for areas that are confusing and redundant and ensure you correct them.

Medical Essay Topics

Here is a list of medical essay topics you can borrow to write your essay.

Argumentative Medical Essay Topics

  • Is universal healthcare a fundamental right or a financial burden?
  • The Gender Bias in Medical Research and Treatment: How It Affects Women’s Health
  • Should people be compelled to donate their organs after death?
  • Are Vaccines necessary for public health or an infringement on personal freedoms?
  • Is medical marijuana a viable treatment option or a gateway drug?
  • How can society break the barriers to seeking mental health treatment?
  • Is obesity a result of personal choices or environmental factors?
  • What can be done to combat this growing threat of antibiotic resistance
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) foods: Are they safe?
  • Euthanasia: Is it compassionate or a violation of human dignity?
  • Alternative medicine vs. conventional medicine: Which is more effective in overall health?
  • Is low-fat better than low-carb?
  • Negative Effects of Total Isolation on Physical and Mental Health.
  • Mental Health Benefits Associated with Physical Activity.

Expository Medical Essay Topics

  • Risk of postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients receiving red blood cell transfusion.
  • What causes HIV/AIDS stereotypes?
  • Challenges of precision medicine
  • What are the ethics of genetics testing?
  • The need for government intervention in negotiating drug prices
  • Addressing health disparities among the African community.
  • Mental health stigma is the barrier to seeking treatment.
  • Implications of fast food joints.
  • Role of education in promoting healthy eating habits among teenagers.
  • Use of stem cells for cancer treatment.
  • Incorporating alternative medicine into modern medicine.
  • Controversy in the American healthcare system.

Descriptive Medical Essay Topics

  • The importance of preventative medicine in maintaining good health.
  • Importance of genetics in influencing the development of diseases.
  • The impact of lifestyle choices on overall health and well-being.
  • What's the link between mental health and physical health?
  • The benefits of integrative medicine in treating chronic health conditions.
  • The role of proper nutrition in preventing and treating illnesses.
  • The effects of stress on the body and strategies for managing stress.
  • The use of technology in healthcare delivery and an improving patient outcome.
  • What are the challenges of healthcare access for low-income populations?
  • Ethical considerations in end-of-life care and decision making.
  • Benefits and drawbacks of health technology.

Compare and Contrast Medical Essays

  • Western medicine vs traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Conventional medicine vs. Alternative medicine.
  • A holistic approach to health and wellness compared to allopathic medicine.
  • Examine the benefits and drawbacks of prescription medications versus natural remedies for chronic health conditions.
  • Preventive medicine vs. Reactive medicine.
  • Health insurance: public vs. private.
  • Generic drugs vs. brand name drugs.
  • Assisted living vs. nursing homes.
  • Telemedicine vs. in-person appointments.
  • Change in lifestyle vs mental health medication.
  • UK vs Us: Mental health treatment.
  • Hospital patient care vs at-home patient care.

Tips for Writing a Good Medical Essay

Vary the length of the sentences.

Long sentences can be monotonous and lull readers to sleep. It is important to mix your essay with short sentences to make the readers feel like they are reading natural speech. This will persuade readers to stay invested in your essay's message.

Use Active Voice

The active voice is more direct and makes your health and medical essay easier to read, especially if you are writing about a complex topic. It creates a stronger and more direct tone that captures and maintains the reader's interest, which is important, especially when trying to convince readers about a particular topic.

Use Vivid Verbs

Use vivid verbs instead of weak verbs, which will just clutter your essay and make it difficult for readers to understand the messages. Vivid verbs help paint a clear picture of the topic, thus making your arguments more persuasive.

Final Word on Writing Medical Essays

It could be an essay about healthcare policy, the pathophysiology of a certain disorder (autism, genetic disorders, or chronic disorders), medical processes, or healthcare issues. Once you are assigned to write an essay on medicine topics, you need to take the steps we have outlined above. Go through the pre-writing, writing, and post-writing steps above and see for yourself your capabilities.

Remember, a great medical essay involves following a clear structure and incorporating clear arguments supported by information from reliable sources. By following the above steps and tips, you can write a great medical essay that communicates your ideas and provides insights into complex subjects in medicine.

If you are stuck and need a professional writer to handle your paper, you can trust our medicine writers. These astute writers are experienced in research writing and have a background in medicine. Sign up, place an order, and get everything done within the shortest turnaround time.

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Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

1. it should have the right scope, 2. it should answer a particular question, 3. it should be debatable, 4. it should be interesting, ideas on medical argumentative essay topics, the process of writing essays on medical argumentative essay topics, argumentative medical essay topics overview.

Argumentative medical essays are some of the most common types of essays in medical school.

They are key assessment tools used to test your understanding of course content as well as the application of acquired knowledge in different contexts.

The process of writing a medical essay is usually easy and interesting. For medical students, all you need is the ability to clearly express your thoughts on course content.[nbsp]

Such articulation of thoughts requires excellent skills on the appropriate[nbsp] steps to essay writing .

That said, it is common for scholars to experience anxiety when required to write medical argumentative essays.

This is partly because of the dilemma associated with choosing appropriate medical argumentative essay topics?

It is important not to panic! With the right skills, it can be a relatively easy task.

Among these skills, determining the correct medical debate topics to explore is quite paramount.

Just like in the case with selecting medical research paper topics, choosing the appopriate argumentative essay topic enhances your chances of producing quality work.[nbsp][nbsp]

Per se, selecting the correct argumentative essay topic requires you to come up with a list of medical topics in a particular area of interest.

To do this, you have to clearly understand the different traits of good medical debate topics. These traits include:

Scope is a key feature to consider when selecting the topic to write about among your potential list of medical topics. [nbsp]

You should ensure that your health essay topics are neither too broad nor too narrow. The essay topic should have a manageable scope to make your arguments flow easily.

As such, your argumentative medical essay topics should maintain focus on a particular issue.

Topics that wander in different directions make the reader easily loose interest.

Differently, topics with the right scope are able to incorporate the right information while ensuring the right structure and flow of thought. [nbsp]

Health essay topics should seek to answer a question.

The question acts as guide on the direction the essay should take. The entire essay should therefore be developed around a particular question.

Sometimes, the question itself should act as the thesis statement for the essay.

In this, you can start the essay by asking a question. This is an effective way of giving readers the direction of the essay as well as capturing their interest.

The readers are likely to be interested in knowing your answers to the question. These answers must be comprehensive enough. [nbsp][nbsp]

Health essay topics for argumentative essays should be contentious.

You should come up with a list of medical topics on controversial issues in a particular area of the medical field.

Note that the controversy is the foundation of the arguments in the essay. Therefore, any topic that is not likely to be divisive in opinion should be avoided.

When writing on argumentative medical essay topics, you should assume a strong position about entailed issues right from the beginning.

You should then go ahead to support the position in the following body paragraphs.

In you conclusion, you must finish strongly to ensure that it is clear the position you take in the debate.

You should focus on medical debate topics that strike your interest.

Remember that you are likely to produce a good essay in an area that you are interested in.

If you have the discretion to choose the essay topic, you should focus on topic areas that capture your interest.

Where you are required to select among particular health essay topics, you should go for a topic that is closest to your area of interest.

When possible, it is also important to ensure that the argumentative medical essay topics you intend to write about are funny or assume unanticipated direction.

This is important in intensifying the debate and making the essay more interesting for the reader.

Interesting medical topics for presentation or essay assignments should have the above discussed traits.

It is therefore your duty to assess which topic is the most suitable considering your interests and level of knowledge in a particular area.

That said, example medical argumentative essay topics ideas include:

1. Should there be systematic and monitored regulation of antibiotics use?

2. Should the wishes of the parents prevail those of the doctor when treating a minor? [nbsp]

3. Should physicians take full legal responsibility for medical accidents and incidents arising from their negligence?

4. Are health campaigns effective tools in disease prevention and control?

5. Should organ transplantation be restricted to only people who have led healthy lifestyles?

6. Should social media activities relating to healthcare practices and medical approaches be regulated?

7. Should mental health be identified as the major health threat in the 21 st century America?

8. Should vaccinations against infectious diseases among children be mandatory?

9. Should health campaigns on medical check-ups and disease prevention be categorized as a major healthcare funding priority?

10. Should surrogate pregnancy be restricted to only the cases demanded by apparent medical conditions?

11. Should obesity be declared the number one threat to national health in the US?

12. Should euthanasia be legalized?[nbsp]

13. Has the Affordable Care Act lowered the quality of healthcare services being provided in the US?

14. Should alternative forms of therapies be included in the national healthcare program?[nbsp]

15. Has digital technology enhanced the gap in quality of health care service being provided in the US?

16. Does the US tax reform strengthen some healthcare providers at the expense of others?

17. Should the cost of healthcare in US be regulated as an approach towards enhancing access?

18. Should there be free healthcare services for the homeless and the disadvantaged persons in the US?

19. Should contraception be provided to teenagers?

20. Should advertisement for quick food be banned from mainstream media?

21. Should patients be allowed more freedom in choosing between natural and chemical medications?

22. Should genetic engineering be allowed in treatment of incurable diseases?

23. Should marijuana be categorized as a prescription drug for pain relief management?

24. Should funding of medical research be solely determined and regulated by government agencies?

25. Should life-saving medical procedures be made free in the US?

Writing essays on medical argumentative topics should start with an introduction paragraph that contains the thesis statement.

This paragraph should begin with a hook to capture the reader’s attention.

The paragraph should also give a background for the topic issue and create a context of the study.

Then you should support the thesis in the body paragraphs. This should follow the appropriate essay structure.

Lastly, you should reintroduce your thesis statement in the conclusion and summarize the key arguments that support it.

In this, you should clearly state your position.


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