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370.300.8 - Details and Temporary Assignments

OPR: Office of Personnel

1. Purpose.  This chapter describes U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) policy and procedural guidelines for processing details and temporary reassignments. Unless otherwise noted, these requirements relate only to permanent and temporary employees in the competitive or excepted service within the Department of the Interior (DOI) serving in, detailed to, or temporarily reassigned to competitive service positions regardless of pay system (i.e., General Schedule (GS), General Manager (GM), Wage Grade (WG), etc.).

2. Authority.  5 CFR Chapter 300.301, Subpart C, states that an agency may detail an employee in the competitive service to a position in either the competitive or excepted service; an agency may detail an employee in the excepted service to a position in the excepted service; and an agency may detail an excepted service employee serving under Schedule A, Schedule B, or the Veterans Readjustment Act, to a position in the competitive service. Any other detail of an employee in the excepted service to a position in the competitive service may be made only with the prior approval of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or under a delegated agreement between the agency and OPM.

3. Policy.  It is the policy of the USGS to meet the temporary manpower needs of the bureau through the use of details and temporary reassignments. Details and temporary reassignments are intended for meeting temporary needs of the agency’s work program when necessary services cannot be provided by other means. Details and temporary reassignments can be used in situations such as temporary shortage of employees or in emergency work situations. However, details and temporary reassignments will be limited to the shortest possible duration, will be used only when no other practical means are available, and will not be used to circumvent established OPM, departmental, or bureau rules and regulations. Except for brief periods, employees should not be detailed to perform work of a permanent nature or a higher grade unless there are compelling reasons for doing so.

4. Responsibilities.

A.  Management officials, supervisors, and administrative officers  are responsible for the timely initiation of documentation for details and temporary reassignments as required in this chapter. In addition, it is the responsibility of these officials to ensure that details and temporary reassignments:

(1) Do not compromise open competitive principles of the USGS merit promotion plan.

(2) Are not used to circumvent the use of a more appropriate personnel action to obtain necessary employee services.

(3) Are kept to the shortest possible duration.

B.  The individual who serves as the rating official for the position to which an employee is detailed or temporarily reassigned  must provide a written Employee Work Plan (performance standards and elements) to the employee within 30 days provided the assignment is within the Department of the Interior and is expected to last 90 days or more.

C.  Servicing personnel officials  are responsible for:

(1) Advising managers, supervisors, and employees of the conditions and requirements under which details and temporary reassignments may be made.

(2) Assuring compliance with all OPM, DOI and bureau policy and procedural requirements applicable to the detail or temporary reassignment of employees.

5. Definitions.

A. A  detail  is a temporary assignment of an employee to a classified position (i.e., established position) or statement of duties (i.e., unestablished position) for a specified period. During the detail, an employee continues to encumber and receive the salary and entitlements of the position from which detailed (i.e., the official position of record). At the end of the detail, the employee returns to the official position of record.

B. A  temporary reassignment  is an assignment to another classified position, at the same grade and step or, if applicable, rate above the maximum step of the grade currently held, for a specified period. At the end of the temporary reassignment, the employee returns to the position from which temporarily reassigned or to a position of comparable status, tenure, and pay.

C. A  competitive position  is one that is not specifically excepted from the competitive service by statute or regulation. In the USGS, this includes most general schedule and wage grade positions.

D. An  excepted position  is one that is specifically excluded from the competitive service. This includes some GS positions and positions in the GG (grade similar to general schedule) and Foreign Compensation (FC) pay systems.

6. Approval of Details and Temporary Reassignments.  All details and temporary reassignments require management approval according to the delegated authorities of the organization and, in some instances, approval of the Servicing Personnel Officer prior to effecting the action. (See  Survey Manual, Part 205.1, Appendix B - USGS Delegations of Personnel Management Authority  and  Appendix D - Delegation of Authority – Details , which specify the USGS, departmental, and OPM approval requirements and authorities.)

7. Uses of Details and Temporary Reassignments.

A.  Details

(1) Details may be made to either established (classified position descriptions) or unestablished (unclassified statement of duties) positions under the following circumstances:

(a) To meet emergencies, excessive workload of limited duration, shortage of personnel, special projects, or studies that are short-term or temporary in nature, changes in mission or organization, or unanticipated employee absence for an extended period of time.

(b) To provide the necessary time for management to officially document new work assignments, rewrite position descriptions and classify new positions, or obtain employee security clearances.

(c) To provide for short-term training, orientation, or other developmental purposes.

(2) An employee may not be detailed to a position in a different line of work or geographical location for at least 90 days after the latest nontemporary competitive appointment or conversion from an OPM register, except for an emergency detail of 30 days or less.

(3) For detail actions to classified or unclassified positions at the same or lower grade level, the supervisor of the work to be performed is responsible for determining whether the employee is fully able to perform the duties of the position. When the detail action is to an occupational series for which OPM has established minimum educational requirements, and/or to a position for which there is a licensure or certification requirement, the servicing personnel office must verify that the employee meets the minimum educational, licensure, and/or certification requirements.

(4) In computing time limitations for detail actions, service under details of less than 120 calendar days in the same or similar position or duties will be counted when the proposed action represents an immediate continuation of an undocumented detail.

(5) A detail to a higher-graded position or to a position with greater promotion potential for a cumulative period of more than 120 days must be made under merit promotion procedures (see SM 370.335). In computing the 120-day period, service performed during the preceding 12-month period under noncompetitive time-limited promotions, noncompetitive details to higher-graded positions, and noncompetitive temporary reassignments and details to positions with greater promotion potential is counted.

(6) An employee serving on a temporary appointment may be detailed to a position that meets the criteria for temporary employment. An employee serving on a term appointment may be detailed, within the time limit of their appointment, only to a position appropriate for term employment.

B.  Temporary Reassignments.

(1) Temporary reassignments may be made only to classified positions and will normally be for periods of 1 year or less. Requests for temporary reassignments must be documented to support the need for a temporary rather than permanent reassignment. Temporary reassignments will only be approved for those situations in which no other personnel action is appropriate and under the following conditions:

(a) To lend particular expertise to the completion of a project assignment of extended duration.

(b) To conduct in-house special assignments on behalf of another bureau or agency.

(c) To provide full-time services on a task force or special committee of unspecified duration.

(d) To provide for long-term training as part of an established promotion or career development program.

(e) To backfill positions that are being vacated for extended periods of time (i.e., leave of absence approved for up to 1 year).

(2) An employee who is temporarily reassigned to a position with a different pay plan assumes the pay plan and entitlements of that position, i.e., from GS to WG.

(3) To be eligible for a temporary reassignment, the employee must meet established OPM qualification standards for the position.

(4) Temporary reassignments to positions with greater promotion potential may be made noncompetitively for a maximum cumulative period of 120 days during any consecutive 12-month period. Temporary reassignment of an employee for a cumulative period of more than 120 days to a position with greater promotion potential, must be made under merit promotion procedures. In computing the 120-day period, service during the preceding 12-month period under noncompetitive temporary promotions, noncompetitive details to higher graded positions, and noncompetitive temporary reassignments and details to positions with greater promotion potential is counted.

(5) A temporary reassignment to a position with greater promotion potential may be made permanent provided the reassignment was originally made under merit promotion procedures and the merit promotion announcement stated that the temporary reassignment may be made permanent without further competition or if it meets the requirements of exceptions to competition as outlined in 5 CFR 335 and internal merit promotion procedures.

8. Documentation and Procedural Requirements.

A.  Requirements for documenting details and temporary reassignments.

(1) The automated request for personnel action (SF-52) is required to document:

(a) All details to organizations outside of the USGS.

(b) Details of 30 calendar days or more to a higher graded position or positions with greater promotion potential than the official position of record.

(c) All other details of 120 days or more except as indicated in SM 370.300.8.A(3).

(d) All temporary reassignments.

(2) Written documentation.

(a) Details.

(i) A statement of duties or position description is required to document all details to international organizations regardless of the length of the detail or whether or not the detail is made on a reimbursable basis.

(ii) A position description is required to document all details of 30 calendar days or more to a higher graded position or positions with greater promotion potential than the official position of record.

(iii) A statement of duties or position description is required to document all other details of 120 days or more except as indicated in SM 370.300.8.A(3).

(b) Temporary Reassignments.

(i) A position description is required for all temporary reassignments.

(ii) A written justification is required documenting the purpose of the temporary reassignment.

(iii) A statement of understanding is required for a temporary reassignment.

(3) SF-52 documentation is not required when an employee is detailed to perform duties of an identical position or a position of the same grade, series, and basic duties as the position to which regularly assigned.

(4) In situations where SF-52 documentation is not required for a detail action, management should prepare a memorandum to the record to recognize and credit employee service. The memorandum should contain a brief description of the duties and the duration of the detail. In this way, an accurate determination can be made regarding: documentation requirements for subsequent detail actions (e.g., extension of the detail); qualification requirements for other positions; and performance appraisal requirements for a detail which exceeds 120 days. This documentation should be forwarded to the servicing personnel office for filing on the left side of the employee's Official Personnel Folder (OPF).

(5) Details must be documented in increments of 120 days or less.

(6) Temporary Reassignments must be documented for the expected duration of the assignment.

B.  Procedures for documenting details and temporary reassignments.

(1) The gaining office to which an employee is detailed or temporarily reassigned is responsible for:

(a) Initiating an automated SF-52 to obtain necessary concurrences and management approvals and routing the request to the servicing personnel office having jurisdiction over the position to which the employee is being detailed or temporarily reassigned. For a detail, a position description for an established position or a statement of duties for an unestablished position and a justification for the detail must be forwarded to the servicing personnel office when the automated SF-52 is initiated. For a temporary reassignment, a position description and a justification to support the temporary nature of the action must be forwarded to the servicing personnel office when the automated SF-52 is initiated.

(b) Requesting an extension of the detail or temporary reassignment well in advance of the expiration date to ensure adequate time for obtaining required approvals for processing the personnel action.

(c) Requesting that the employee's official office of record initiates the termination of detail or temporary reassignment action well in advance of the expiration date to ensure adequate time for obtaining required approvals for processing the personnel action.

(d) Providing time and attendance information for employees on detail to the office responsible for maintaining these records.

(2) The Servicing Personnel Office is responsible for:

(a) Processing all personnel actions (SF-52, SF-50) relating to details and temporary reassignments to positions within their delegated servicing responsibility.

(b) Preparing and sending all departmental preclearance correspondence to DOI for approval of detail or temporary reassignment actions requiring higher-level approval.

(c) Preparing and sending all preclearance correspondence to the Bureau Personnel Officer for approval of details/transfers to international organizations.

(d) Processing all personnel actions (SF-52, SF-50) relating to details/transfers to international organizations for employees assigned under their delegated appointing authority. (Also see “c” above.)

(e) Processing all termination actions (SF-52 and SF-50) relating to details and temporary reassignments for employees permanently assigned under their delegated appointing authority.

(f) Forwarding all required documentation relating to details and temporary reassignments to the servicing personnel office that maintains the employee's OPF.

(3) The Headquarters Personnel Office is responsible for:

(a) Processing personnel actions (SF 52, SF-50) for all details and temporary reassignments relating to Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL), Scientific and Professional (ST), and Schedule C positions, and all details to FC (Agency for International Development) - grade positions overseas.

(b) Preparing and sending all DOI preclearance correspondence to DOI for approval of detail or temporary reassignment actions relating to SES, SL, ST, and Schedule C positions.

9. Reimbursable and Non-reimbursable Details.  All intra-agency and interagency details must be made on a reimbursable basis unless a nonreimbursable detail is specifically authorized by statute (64 CG 370, March 20, 1985). Under conditions in which a reimbursable detail is not required, the intra-agency or interagency organization officials with delegated authority to approve the detail decide whether the detail should be reimbursable or nonreimbursable.

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Looking at details for professional growth

A detail is a temporary assignment from one position within the federal government to another, with the expectation that you will return to your official position upon completion.

A detail can be a great way to develop and grow your skills while expanding your professional network. It can also be a way to learn more about a different area of government without permanently switching jobs. Generally, details are from 30 - 120 days, though some may be extended on a case-by-case basis.

Detail opportunities can be found through formal channels or can be crafted by leveraging professional relationships. This , external, TTS-only, spreadsheet includes the names of employees across TTS who have gone on detail.

Within GSA, the , external, TTS-only, GSA Opportunity Network is where details within various parts of the agency are posted; outside of GSA, , external, Open Opportunities lists small tasks, projects and details across the federal government.

Details can also be formed through personal interest and networking. The TTS #alumni Slack channel is an available resource: many alumni have gone on to other federal agencies.

There is no one way to craft a detail opportunity. However, it may be helpful to think through the following:

  • In what areas do you want to get more on-the-job training?
  • In what agencies or parts of government can you receive that training?
  • How can your and TTS’s networks be leveraged to connect with individuals at that organization?
  • Does the receiving organization have a business need? What value will you bring to their organization?
  • How would a detail with the organization align to your professional growth plan?
  • How would it benefit TTS/GSA?
  • Would the detail be reimbursable (the other agency pays your salary) or non-reimbursable?
  • Who could backfill your duties while you’re on detail?

There is paperwork and approvals needed in order to go on detail. There are Handbook pages for the 3 most common scenarios:

  • Details within TTS
  • Details within GSA
  • Details to/from another agency

GSA also has a policy on Details to the Legislative Branch .

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Appointment types

The Federal Government offers various types of federal employment to suit the different needs of a diverse and dynamic workforce. Searching for the type of employment that is right for you is easy on USAJOBS.

A job with multiple appointment types usually means there is more than one position that can be filled and the appointment types may vary.

Permanent appointments have no set time-limit. A job that is not a temporary or time-limited appointment.

Temporary appointments have a set time-limit and include the following:

  • Detail – A temporary assignment to another job. You must be a current federal employee to apply to detail jobs.
  • Intermittent - Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
  • Term – A job that may last one to four years. Term appointments may be used for project work, extraordinary workload, scheduled cancellation of a position, reorganization, uncertainty of future funding, or contracting out of the function.
  • Temporary – A job that will last no longer than one year.
  • Seasonal – An annually recurring job that may last six months or more in one year.
  • Summer – A job available during the summer months and is usually for students.
  • Internship – A job for current students (paid and unpaid) to learn about federal careers while remaining in school.
  • Recent graduate – A job for recent graduates seeking a career development program.
  • Presidential Management Fellows - This is a leadership development program accepting entry level advanced degree candidates in the Fall of each year.

Additional resources

  • How to filter results by appointment type

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5 CFR § 317.903 - Details.

(a) Definition. In this section, detail means the temporary assignment of an SES member to another position (within or outside of the SES) or the temporary assignment of a non-SES member to an SES position, with the expectation that the employee will return to the official position of record upon expiration of the detail . For purposes of pay and benefits, the employee continues to encumber the position from which detailed . The provisions of this section cover details within or outside of the employing agency .

(b) Time limits.

(1) Details within an executive agency or military department must be made in no more than 120-day increments.

(2) An agency may not detail an SES employee to unclassified duties for more than 240 days .

(3) An agency must use competitive procedures when detailing a non-SES employee to an SES position for more than 240 days unless the employee is eligible for a noncompetitive career SES appointment.

(4) An agency must obtain OPM approval for a detail of more than 240 days if the detail is of:

(i) A non-SES employee to an SES position that supervises other SES positions; or

(ii) An SES employee to a position at the GS-15 or equivalent level or below.

(c) SES career reserved positions. Only a career SES appointee or a career-type non-SES appointee may be detailed to a career reserved position.

(d) SES general positions. Any SES appointee or non-SES appointee may be detailed to a general position.

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Temporary assignments and pay

Q. What is the difference between a temporary promotion and a temporary detail?

A. A temporary promotion is intended to meet the temporary needs of an agency’s work needs when those services can’t be met by other means. To be temporarily promoted, an employee has to meet the same qualification requirements that are needed for the permanent promotion. He or she receives the higher graded salary for the period assigned and gains quality experience and time-in-grade at the higher grade level. The 120 days can be made noncompetitively. In other words, the employee doesn’t have to compete with other employees for the temporary assignment. A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or set of duties for a specified period when the employee is expected to return to his/her regular duties at the end of the assignment. An employee who is on detail is considered for pay and FTE purposes to be permanently occupying his or her regular position. Therefore, there is no change to the employee’s grade or salary while serving on the detail (even though the duties associated with the detail opportunity may be classified at a higher or lower grade level than the employee’s current position).

About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to [email protected] .

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can an employee be temp detailed to a set of duties for 120 days and then temp promoted to a successor position for 120 days?

To the best of my knowledge, the answer is yes. If one of our readers has better information, let us know.

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Temporary reassignments: Detail benefits to you, us, and them

Posted by Dr. Dana | Jul 24, 2017 | Career Advice , Staying sharp |

Temporary reassignments: Detail benefits to you, us, and them

Temporary reassignments are known to most government employees as details. For the most part, details are seen as an opportunity to meet workforce needs of the agency and a developmental opportunity for employees for hands-on work experience. Unofficially, details are also seen as a way to manage poor performers out of an organization.

It’s that third intent that most government employees think of when they hear of someone being detailed. And it is for that reason, that many employees do not see details as a positive developmental opportunity. So, in this post, I cover the broad benefits of a detail or temporary reassignment. And why YOU should apply to one if you see an opportunity.

Myth of temporary reassignments and poor performers

In my experience in government, I often hear about detailing poor performers. The hope was that the receiving organization would take them on as permanent employees. But, in the short term, the agency sending them (i.e., loosing office) would have relief from performance management.

Despite this common myth, a quick google search of details, temporary reassignments, and poor performers yields no relevant results. With no search results, I have to wonder whether this myth is as widespread as my experience suggests. Given that 3 of 4 agencies I’ve worked in unofficially used these methods I have to believe that it’s just not something people openly discuss.

All that being said, I do want to offer one hole in this myth of using temporary reassignments to manage poor performers. In order to qualify for a detail, an employee must have a satisfactory performance rating during their prior rating cycle. Thus, if the employee truly is a poor performer, they will not be able to apply to a detail.

What is the true intent of details?

Let’s first be clear about what a detail is. Oddly enough, I couldn’t find much detail about the intent of details on OPM’s site . The best description I could find was instead through an Army’s page.

According to the Army, a detail is a temporary assignment to a different position for a specified period when the employee is expected to return to his or her regular duties at the end of the assignment. Details are intended for meeting temporary needs of the agency’s work, program or mission requirements when necessary services cannot be provided by other means. Details can be used in situations such as temporary shortage of military or civilian personnel or emergency work situations.

What I find most fascinating about this description is that it does not mention that details are used for, nor opportunities for, developing employees.

And yet, the benefits of details can reach beyond just meeting a temporary work requirement.

3 benefactors of details and temporary reassignments

Depending on your perspective, the benefit of temporary reassignments may be limited. When in fact, using details can have wide reaching benefits to not only you, us, and them – but to the government as a whole. Let me explain.

Benefit to the employee (i.e., you)

In a prior post, we talked about the limited benefits of classroom training . The benefits are limited because unused knowledge is quickly lost. Another limitation is that classroom training typically lacks real world context to perform in your own work environment. So what better opportunity to develop new skills than to learn them while doing the job?

Beyond that, temporary reassignments also offer you opportunities to broaden your professional network. In working in another office or agency, you gain stronger connections than you could in a setting like a classroom (assuming other agencies are represented) or a conference (if your agency allows you to go). These connections will prove especially valuable if you ever need them again for something like a job reference or access to materials/information.

Temporary reassignments also provide you an opportunity to gain new perspectives. Even if you detail into a position similar to your current permanent position, you will learn new ways of doing work. For better or worse. You may learn new processes that you can bring back with you. Or, identify processes you should definitely NOT bring back with you. Further, you may discover linkages between your current office and your temporary reassignment that could improve the functioning of both.

Benefit to the losing office (i.e., us)

It’s typically a tough sell to the losing office to allow a high performing employee to be detailed to another office. This is because the loss of the employee means that there will be work left undone or transferred to other employees that remain. When a manger is faced with impossible timelines and already short-handed, it’s hard to see the benefit of temporary reassignments.

I could tell you that the employee will come back with new skills and new connections. Because that is true. I could tell you that the employee will think more broadly in ways that will benefit you. Because that is also true. But, I understand those benefits are not top of mind when you have a hole in your team.

So here are some other benefits of temporary reassignments:

High performers often take up a lot of the job responsibilities of the team. In their departure, hidden gems of employees may surface when they take on those responsibilities. Underutilized employees can rise to the challenge and shine. In a sense, those who didn’t take a detail will benefit by taking on new responsibilities and develop new skills. Unexpectedly, the strengths of your team actually show greater than you previously realized. Further, the morale of your team may actually rise with their added opportunities to shine and stretch.

Hidden inefficiencies may surface, allowing you to improve existing processes.

Finally, by allowing your high performer to take a temporary reassignment, you may retain them. You may retain them by showing that you care in their development and growth. Retention may also come by giving them a break from work that had become boring to them. And, you may prevent a resignation by letting that employee see that the grass isn’t greener in the other office.

Benefit to the receiving office (i.e., them)

The benefits to the receiving office seem the most obvious. They have a work requirement, and they have an employee to meet the requirement. But, when used effectively, the benefits of temporary reassignments are huge.

First, if you are considering hiring the person who is temporarily reassigned, you get to test out whether they fit with low commitment. That is, if the person doesn’t fit well, they will return to their ‘losing office’ only a few months later.

Other benefits which were mentioned for the employee and losing office are also benefits to the receiving office. For example, the network connections and outsider’s perspective of the work being performed.

But most importantly, you are setting groundwork for future recruitment. If the temporarily reassigned employee has a positive experience, he/she will talk about it with their friends and colleagues. And, since people tend to spend time with people similar to themselves – those friends and colleagues are likely other high performers. So when you put out a job announcement in the future, your detailee is likely to recommend working for you or for your agency.

In close, whether you are considering a detail or your employee is asking for a temporary reassignment, I hope this article provides a bit of insight into why it would be beneficial for all involved.

About The Author

Dr. Dana

My mission is to help people think about things differently. With equal footing between research and actual government experience - I offer actionable career advice that works in the government environment. I received my doctorate in Industrial Organizational Psychology in 2009 from the University of Central Florida.

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Non-reimbursable agreement, memorandum of agreement establishing a non-reimbursable detail assignment between the [name of your line office/agency] u.s. department of commerce and [name of qualifying partner].

Agreement No. _____

This document constitutes an agreement between the [name of operating unit], U.S. Department of Commerce, and [name of qualifying partner], which is a [describe the mission of the Federal agency].


[Name of operating unit] has authority to participate in the [briefly describe detail] with [name of partner] under:

(1) [citation to Comptroller General=s Opinion: 64 Comp. Gen. 370, 380 (1985)].

(2) [citation to other applicable statutes or regulations, e.g., 3 U.S.C. § 112, authorizing non-reimbursable detail of employees to the White House, the Executive Residence of the White House, the Office of the Vice President, the Domestic Policy Staff, and the Office of Administration for up to 180 days; 5 U.S.C. § 3341, authorizing Secretarial approval of intra-agency details up to 120 days; 5 U.S.C. § 3343, authorizing details to international organizations which requests services]. 


Pursuant to this agreement, the parties will [provide a clear and succinct description of the detail, (e.g., Apursuant to this agreement, the detailed employee will . . . ,@ and provide a brief explanation of the objective and purpose of the agreement; it may be necessary to provide background so that it is clear why the Department is authorizing this detail].

The DETAIL assignment project is necessary and essential to further the mission of the Department in that it will involve [describe how the detail assignment is similar or related to matters ordinarily handled by the Department and will aid the Department in accomplishing a purpose for which its appropriations are provided; OR describe why the detail assignment=s fiscal impact on the Department=s appropriation is de minimis].


a. Time and Attendance. [employee=s name] time and attendance will be maintained by the [name qualifying partner] and the Department of Commerce. The [name qualifying partner] timekeeper will report  [employee=s name] time and attendance to [name of appropriate Department timekeeper], telephone [appropriate telephone number], facsimile [appropriate facsimile number], on a biweekly basis and will advise the Department of Commerce of the type and amount of any leave used during that period. 

b. Employee Evaluations. Upon the request by the Department of Commerce, using the performance plan issued to [employee=s name], the [name qualifying partner] will provide in writing a descriptive evaluation of [employee=s name] performance and submit it to the Department of Commerce no later than September 30 of the calendar year or earlier if the detail ends prior to that date. 

c. [Name of qualifying partner] agrees to perform the following additional responsibilities: provide technical and operational support to [employee=s name] for all [name qualifying partner] activities; provide office space and administrative support to [employee=s name] while assigned to [name qualifying partner]; [list additional responsibilities].

d. [Name of DOC operating unit] agrees to perform the following additional responsibilities:  [list additional responsibilities].


The salary of the detailed employee will be paid by the Department of Commerce. 


The contacts of each party to this agreement are:

[Name of DOC contact]

[title of DOC contact]

[Address of DOC contact person]

phone:[phone number of DOC contact person]

fax : [fax number of DOC contact person]

E-mail: [E-mail address of DOC contact person]

[Name of other party=s contact person]

[title of other party=s contact person] 

[address of other party=s contact person] 

phone:[phone number of other party=s contact person]  

fax : [fax number of other party=s contact person] 

E-mail: [E-mail address of other party=s contact person]

The parties agree that if there is a change regarding the information in this section, the party making the change will notify the other party in writing of such change.


This agreement will become effective when signed by all parties. The agreement will terminate on [date][NOTE: the duration of any detail should not exceed 120 days, unless specific statutory authority provides for a longer duration], but may be amended at any time by mutual consent of the parties. Any party may terminate this agreement by providing ___ days written notice to the other party. This agreement is subject to the availability of funds.


Should disagreement arise on the interpretation of the provisions of this agreement, or amendments and/or revisions thereto, that cannot be resolved at the operating level, the area(s) of disagreement shall be stated in writing by each party and presented to the other party for consideration. If agreement on interpretation is not reached within thirty days, the parties shall forward the written presentation of the disagreement to respective higher officials for appropriate resolution.

Under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, 5 USC App. 3, a review of this agreement may be conducted at any time. The Inspector General of the Department of Commerce, or any of his or her duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the parties to this agreement, whether written, printed, recorded, produced, or reproduced by any mechanical, magnetic or other process or medium, in order to make audits, inspections, excerpts, transcripts, or other examinations as authorized by law.

[The following paragraph is to be used only when the agreement is with another Federal Government partner: 

Nothing herein is intended to conflict with current Department of Commerce or [name of other agency] directives. If the terms of this agreement are inconsistent with existing directives of either of the agencies entering into this agreement, then those portions of this agreement which are determined to be inconsistent shall be invalid; but the remaining terms and conditions not affected by the inconsistency shall remain in full force and effect. At the first opportunity for review of the agreement, all necessary changes will be accomplished by either an amendment to this agreement or by entering into a new agreement, whichever is deemed expedient to the interest of both parties.] 


[signature of person who has authority to commit to the agreement]

[typed name] 

[typed title]

[typed office at DOC] 

U.S. Department of Commerce


[signature of person who has authority to commit to the agreement] 

[typed name of partner=s organization] 

[address of partner]


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detail assignment federal government

Audit Reports

Management of detail assignments.


A temporary (detail) assignment is the placement of a career employee in another established position that is vacant or from which the incumbent is absent from duty. Detail assignments are supposed to be made only for the shortest period of time necessary and may be used to meet emergencies caused by an abnormal workload, a change in mission or organization, or unanticipated absences.

The U.S. Postal Service uses two policies to manage detail assignments: one is issued by the Controller and the other by Employee Resource Management. The policies outline the justifications and approvals necessary for detail assignments. The Controller policy requires documented justifications and focuses on the financial impact of detail assignments. The Employee Resource Management policy requires only the completion of a Postal Service Form 1723, Assignment Order, and focuses on the temporary placement and hiring of employees. The Postal Service relies on area and district managers to follow these policies when assigning personnel to a detail assignment.

Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Postal Service’s management of detail assignments.


The Postal Service did not effectively manage detail assignments. Specifically, the Postal Service did not ensure compliance with detail assignment policies and was unable to identify who was on detail and the associated costs. Additionally, the Postal Service did not have consistent polices for detail assignment justifications and approvals. As a result, the Postal Service spends about $34 million annually on travel for detail assignments that are not properly supported. Without centralized oversight of detail assignments, it is difficult to determine if assignments are justified and approved properly and evaluate the costs and benefits associated with detail assignments.


We recommend the Postal Service assign the responsibility for managing detail assignments and associated travel costs to the appropriate functional area. Additionally, it should direct the vice president, Employee Resource Management, and vice president, Controller, to consolidate detail assignment policies into one manual to ensure consistency. 

Report Recommendations

# Recommendation Status Value Initial Management Response USPS Proposed Resolution OIG Response Final Resolution

R - 1 -- Designate overall responsiblity for managing detail assignments and associated travel costs to an appropriate functional area to ensure detailed assignment compliance, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Closed $0 Agree

R - 2 -- Direct the vice president, Employee Resource Management, and vice president, Controller, update detail assignment policies to ensure they are consistent.

Closed $0 Agree

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So Much Can Be in the Detail (Assignments)

detail assignment federal government

By  Lily Whiteman , author of  How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job

If you’re a current fed looking for a new job, consider also looking for detail assignments. When a fed is on a detail, s/he is working a new and different job for a specified time period–usually in a different office or agency than his/her home office.  However, throughout the detail s/he remains officially employed by his home office and is still paid by his home office.

Advantages of a Detail Assignment

A detail may segue into a permanent job, either through a lateral transfer or a promotion.  Also, a detail may enable you to:

  • Generate new contacts who may hire you after they move to new organizations.
  • Gain new skills, knowledge, experiences and references that will help you land new jobs in other organizations or a promotion on your current job.
  • Work for a more alluring or prestigious organization.

Finding Details

You may find some details on USAJOBS by searching under the keywords “detail assignments” and on agency websites.  But you are more likely to find them via announcements from your agency’s management and by informing your network of colleagues and managers of your eagerness to work a detail.  In addition, you may generate detail opportunities by: 1) identifying managers inside and outside your organization who probably need your skills; and 2) explaining to them why hiring you into a detail would benefit their organizations.

Getting Your Detail Approved

Your boss is most likely to approve your request for a detail if he tends to encourage professional advancement; believes that you will return from your detail with new skills that will be helpful to your home office; or is sympathetic with your desire to jump ship.

One way to encourage a reluctant boss to approve you for a detail is to arrange for a high-level executive from the detail organization to request your boss or office director to release you for the detail. The more senior your requesting official is, the better.

Using Your Detail Experience to Land a New Job

After you complete a detail, ask your detail supervisor to write an evaluation for you. If your detail supervisor is too busy to do so, volunteer to write the evaluation yourself for his signature.  You may thereby earn a positive evaluation that you deserve but would otherwise not receive.  Then, submit your positive evaluation to your permanent boss to bolster your reputation on your permanent job.

Finally, incorporate glowing comments from your detail evaluation (along with other glowing comments you have received on your permanent job) into future job applications.  Several of my clients have used this technique to land new jobs.

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Federal Careers

Be sure to document temporary federal assignments.

ask.fedweek.com document your temporary federal assignments

It is not uncommon for federal employees to be detailed to a higher grade or different position and then want to use that detail or temporary assignment as creditable experience when applying for a new position or a promotion, but you must document it properly in order to include in your application.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) assumes that employees gain experience by performing duties and responsibilities appropriate to their official position description, occupational series, and grade. If you want to be credited for experience outside your official position description, whether at a higher grade or in a different job series, your temporary work must be appropriately documented.

Such documentation could include a SF-52 or SF-50 that documents an official detail or assignment. It could also include a signed letter from the employee’s supervisor.

That letter must state the nature and length of the temporary assignment / detail, whether the duties performed were full- or part-time, and the percentage of time other duties were performed. The documentation should be included in an employee’s Official Personnel Folder (OPF).

Employees should submit the official documentation, along with their resume, when applying for positions where the temporary experience may be needed to support their application.

cover image for federal manager and supervisor handbook from fedweek.com

TSPG FundF FundC FundS FundI Fund
Sep 0518.51 ~20.05 ~86.6 ~81.69 ~44.12 ~
Sep 0418.5 ~20.01 ~86.86 ~82.12 ~44.1 ~
TSPG FundF FundC FundS FundI Fund
Aug0.35 %1.43 %2.42 %0.25 %3.15 %
YTD2.97 %3.14 %19.5 %9.99 %12.3 %
1yr4.58 %7.25 %27.08 %20.41 %19.96 %
3yr3.56 %-2.02 %9.35 %-0.59 %4.51 %
5yr2.62 %0.03 %15.87 %10.63 %8.95 %
10yr2.46 %1.8 %12.97 %8.98 %5.55 %

TSP Returns Summary

Source: TSP.gov

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Trump Says Musk Will Lead New ‘Government Efficiency Commission’—Here’s What We Know About It

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Former President Donald Trump announced Thursday he’ll implement Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s recommendation for a new commission to identify ways to tamp down on government waste if he’s elected to a second term—and that Musk has agreed to lead the commission, the latest development in the Trump-Musk alliance.

Elon Musk is seen during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a joint meeting of ... [+] Congress in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

The commission will be “tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government” and make “recommendations for drastic reforms,” Trump said in his speech Thursday at the Economic Club of New York.

Trump said Musk has agreed to lead the commission—Musk tweeted Thursday afternoon, “This is badly needed,” though he didn’t outright confirm he had accepted the position.

The group’s first order of business, Trump said, will be formulating a plan to “totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months.”

Musk has repeatedly raised the idea for such a commission, describing it as one that would ensure “taxpayers’ money . . . is spent in a good way,” and telling Trump he would be “happy to help out” during a live chat on X last month.

Trump and his advisers have been discussing for months the formulation of a group led by business executives that would comb government spending for excess, the Washington Post reported earlier this week.

In response to the Washington Post report, Musk wrote “can’t wait” and that there is “a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that needs to go” on X .

What We Don’t Know

Whether Musk would be able to serve given potential conflicts of interest that may arise with his business ventures. Entrepreneurs who take government jobs typically divest their shares and holdings. Trump has expressed interest in giving Musk a position in his cabinet, but has acknowledged the challenges, telling the Shawn Ryan Show last week “he wants to be involved, but look, he’s running big businesses and all that . . . so he can’t really.”

It’s typical for presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle to propose a broad range of cuts, and while neither Trump nor Musk have identified which areas of government they want the commission to target for cuts, Trump gave an example of the controversial government jobs cuts made by Argentinian President Javier Milei during his X chat with Musk, saying Milei, who has praised Trump, “is doing really terrific.”

Key Background

Trump and Musk have developed an alliance as Musk has shifted to the right in recent years and spoken out vehemently against the Biden-Harris administration. Musk initially backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2024 presidential election, but endorsed Trump following the assassination attempt against him and helped found a pro-Trump super PAC, the America PAC.

Surprising Fact

The two didn’t always have an amicable relationship—Musk quit two of Trump’s business advisory councils during his time in the White House, shortly after Trump withdrew from the Paris climate change accord. Musk also suggested in 2022 Trump was too old to run for president again.

Forbes Valuation

We estimate Musk’s net worth at $253.6 billion, making him the wealthiest person on Earth , largely due to his stakes in Tesla and SpaceX.

Further Reading

Trump Expected To Back Elon Musk Policy Idea At Speech Thursday: Everything They’ve Said About Working Together (Forbes)

Trump Backs Idea Of Musk Joining ‘Government Efficiency Commission’ If He Wins Second Term (Forbes)

Trump Suggests He Would Give Elon Musk A Cabinet Position In Second Term (Forbes)

Sara Dorn

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Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Recording Assignments

A Notice by the Patent and Trademark Office on 09/03/2024

This document has been published in the Federal Register . Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format.

  • Document Details Published Content - Document Details Agencies Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office Document Citation 89 FR 71259 Document Number 2024-19669 Document Type Notice Pages 71259-71260 (2 pages) Publication Date 09/03/2024 Published Content - Document Details
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Department of Commerce

Patent and trademark office.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will submit the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, on or after the date of publication of this notice. The USPTO invites comments on this information collection renewal, which helps the USPTO assess the impact of its information collection requirements and minimize the public's reporting burden. Public comments were previously requested via the Federal Register on June 17, 2024 during a 60-day comment period ( 89 FR 51313 ). This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comment.

Agency: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce.

Title: Recording Assignments.

OMB Control Number: 0651-0027.

Needs and Uses: This collection of information is required by 35 U.S.C. 261 and 262 for patents and 15 U.S.C. 1057 and 1060 for trademarks. These statutes authorize the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to record patent and trademark assignment documents, including transfers of ( print page 71260) properties ( i.e. patents and trademarks), liens, licenses, assignments of interest, security interests, mergers, and explanations of transactions or other documents that record the transfer of ownership of a particular patent or trademark property from one party to another. Assignments are recorded for applications, patents, and trademark registrations.

The USPTO administers these statutes through 37 CFR 2.146 , 2.171 , and 37 CFR part 3 . These regulations permit the public, corporations, other federal agencies, and government-owned or government-controlled corporations to submit patent and trademark assignment documents and other documents related to title transfers to the USPTO to be recorded. In accordance with 37 CFR 3.54 , the recording of an assignment document by the USPTO is an administrative action and not a determination of the validity of the document or of the effect that the document has on the title to an application, patent, or trademark.

Once the assignment documents are recorded, they are available for public inspection. The only exceptions are those documents that are sealed under secrecy orders according to 37 CFR 3.58 , or related to unpublished patent applications maintained in confidence under 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14 . The public uses these records to conduct ownership and chain-of-title searches. The public may view these records either at the USPTO Public Search Facility or at the National Archives and Records Administration, depending on the date they were recorded. The public may also search patent and trademark assignment information online through the USPTO website.

This information collection covers the recordation of patent and trademark assignments. In order to record an assignment, the respondent must submit an assignment document along with the appropriate cover sheet. The USPTO provides two forms for this purpose, the Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Trademarks Only (PTO-1594), and the Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Patents Only (PTO-1595), which capture all of the necessary data for accurately recording various assignments. Customers may submit assignments electronically by using Assignment Center, which is available on the USPTO website. [ 1 ] This system allows customers to fill out the required cover sheet information online using web-based forms and then attach the assignment documents to be submitted for recordation. The USPTO also provides paper forms that may be used to record an assignment. These forms may be downloaded in PDF format from the USPTO website. [ 2 ]

For this 30-day notice, the non-hourly cost burdens have been adjusted, for an overall increase of $27, due to an increase in the postage rate since the 60-day notice was published. Additionally, in response to public comments, the USPTO has added an additional 10 minutes to this information collection burden estimate.

Forms: (AIA= America Invents Act; SB = Specimen Book)

  • PTO-1594 (Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Trademarks Only)
  • PTO-1595 (Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Patents Only)

Type of Review: Extension and revision of a currently approved information collection.

Affected Public: Private sector.

Respondent's Obligation: Required to obtain or retain benefits.

Frequency: On occasion.

Estimated Number of Annual Respondents: 724,442 respondents.

Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 724,442 responses.

Estimated Time per Response: The USPTO estimates that the responses in this information collection will take the public approximately 40 minutes (0.67 hours) to complete. This includes the time to gather the necessary information, create the document, and submit the completed request to the USPTO.

Estimated Total Annual Respondent Burden Hours: 485,376 hours.

Estimated Total Annual Respondent Non-hourly Cost Burden: $9,148,330.

This information collection request may be viewed at www.reginfo.gov . Follow the instructions to view Department of Commerce, USPTO information collections currently under review by OMB.

Written comments and recommendations for this information collection should be submitted within 30 days of the publication of this notice on the following website, www.reginfo.gov/​public/​do/​PRAMain . Find this particular information collection by selecting “Currently under 30-day Review-Open for Public Comments” or by using the search function and entering either the title of the information collection or the OMB Control Number, 0651-0027.

Further information can be obtained by:

  • Email: [email protected] . Include “0651-0027 information request” in the subject line of the message.
  • Mail: Justin Isaac, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.

Justin Isaac,

Information Collections Officer, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office.

1.   https://assignmentcenter.uspto.gov .

2.   https://www.uspto.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​pto1594.pdf and https://www.uspto.gov/​forms/​pto1595.pdf , respectively.

[ FR Doc. 2024-19669 Filed 8-30-24; 8:45 am]


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Federal government transfers more than $33 million through the Canada Community-Building Fund to Saskatchewan

From: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

News release

The federal government has transferred more than $33 million to Saskatchewan under the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) for the first payment of the 2024-2025 fiscal year. This will help communities across the province invest in their local infrastructure priorities.

Regina, Saskatchewan, September 4, 2024 —The federal government has transferred more than $33 million to Saskatchewan under the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) for the first payment of the 2024-2025 fiscal year. This will help communities across the province invest in their local infrastructure priorities.

This is the first of two payments to Saskatchewan for this fiscal year. The next payment is expected to be made prior to the end of the fiscal year.

This is the first transfer through the recently renewed CCBF agreement with the province. This agreement runs from 2024-2034, and under it Saskatchewan will receive more than $350 million over the next five years, including $66 million this fiscal year.

CCBF provides communities with predictable and flexible funding across 19 different project categories, including drinking water, wastewater, public transit, and community energy systems, and helps them develop the required infrastructure for future housing developments.

“Investments in infrastructure are essential in building more affordable, inclusive, and stronger communities for all Canadians. With this payment through the Canada Community-Building Fund, communities in Saskatchewan will be able to invest in infrastructure projects that meet the needs of their residents today, and ones that support more housing supply for the future.” The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities
"The completion of the initial transfer of the Canada Community-Building Fund is significant for all of us who call Saskatchewan home. We look forward to working with municipalities that choose to participate and sign into a Municipal Funding Agreement. The funding will help these participating municipalities build and protect critical infrastructure supporting recreational, transit, and essential services and ensure our province can meet the growing needs of its residents and improve their quality of life for generations to come.” The Honourable Don McMorris, Minister of Government Relations

Quick facts

The federal government is renewing the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) and is investing $26.7 billion over the next ten years (2024-2034) to support core infrastructure projects. 

The federal government has transferred $33,366,256 to the Government of Saskatchewan for the first payment of the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Saskatchewan will receive more than $350 million from the CCBF over the next five years, including $66 million for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

After the first five years , funding levels will be reassessed to reflect the 2026 Census.

Since 2015, the Government of Canada has invested $24.2 billion across Canada through CCBF , including $686 million in Saskatchewan communities. 

The CCBF is a permanent, indexed source of funding provided up front, twice a year, to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to local governments and other entities to support local infrastructure priorities.

Associated links

  • The Canada Community-Building Fund
  • Canada Community-Building Fund in Saskatchewan

For more information (media only), please contact:

Micaal Ahmed Communications Manager Office of the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities 343-598-3920 [email protected]

Media Relations Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada 613-960-9251 Toll free: 1-877-250-7154 Email: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter , Facebook , Instagram and LinkedIn Web: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

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Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government

A former aide to two New York governors was charged Tuesday with acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese government who used her state positions to subtly advance Beijing’s agenda in exchange for financial benefits worth millions of dollars.

A former aide to two New York governors is charged with acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese government who used her state positions to advance Beijing’s agenda in exchange for financial benefits worth millions of dollars. (AP Video: John Minchillo)

Attorney Seth DuCharme walks in front of former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun, center, and her husband, Christopher Hu, left, leave Brooklyn Federal Court after their arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. Sun is charged with being an aide to the Chinese government. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

Former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun leaves Brooklyn Federal Court after her arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

Former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun, right, and her husband, Christopher Hu leave Brooklyn Federal Court after their arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. Sun is charged with being an aide to the Chinese government. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

Former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun, center background, and her husband, Christopher Hu leave Brooklyn Federal Court after their arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

Former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun, center, and her husband, Christopher Hu, second from left, leave Brooklyn Federal Court after their arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

Attorney Seth DuCharme walks in front of former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun, second from right, and her husband, Christopher Hu, center, as they leave Brooklyn Federal Court after their arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

Attorney Seth DuCharme, left, walks with former New York Governor Kathy Hochul aide Linda Sun, center right, and her husband, Christopher Hu, center leave Brooklyn Federal Court after their arraignment, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in New York. Sun is charged with being an aide to the Chinese government. (AP Photo/Corey Sipkin)

FILE - The New York state Capitol is seen from the steps of the State Education Building in Albany, N.Y., June 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Hans Pennink, File)

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Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government, including deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and deputy diversity officer for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband, Chris Hu, at their $4 million home on Long Island.

Federal prosecutors said Sun, at the request of Chinese officials, blocked representatives of the Taiwanese government from having access to the governor’s office and shaped New York governmental messaging to align with the priorities of the Chinese government, among other things.

In return, her husband got help for his business activities in China — a financial boost that prosecutors said allowed the couple to buy their multimillion-dollar property in Manhasset, New York, a condominium in Hawaii for $1.9 million, and luxury cars including a 2024 Ferrari, the indictment said.

Sun also received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and “Nanjing-style salted ducks” that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official and delivered to Sun’s parents’ home in New York.


If true, the allegations show that Chinese authorities were able to gain influence at the highest levels of state government in New York for nearly a decade.

“As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as Deputy Chief of Staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the CCP,” United States Attorney Breon Peace said, using the acronym for the Chinese Communist Party. “The illicit scheme enriched the defendant’s family to the tune of millions of dollars.”

Sun and Hu pleaded not guilty during an initial court appearance on Tuesday afternoon in Brooklyn and will be released on bond. Sun has been barred from having any contact with the People’s Republic of China’s consulate and mission.

Her defense lawyer, Jarrod Schaeffer, said, “We’re looking forward to addressing these charges in court. Our client is understandably upset that these charges have been brought.”

The case is part of a broader Justice Department effort to root out secret agents for the Chinese government operating in the U.S. In recent years, federal authorities have charged Chinese nationals not only with covertly advancing Beijing’s interests but also with harassing and intimidating dissidents on the government’s behalf.

Last year, the Justice Department charged a pair of men with establishing a secret police station in New York City while acting under the direction and control of the Chinese government.

Sun, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in China, worked in state government for about 15 years, holding jobs in Cuomo’s administration and eventually becoming Hochul’s deputy chief of staff, according to her LinkedIn profile. In November 2022, Sun took a job at the New York Department of Labor, as deputy commissioner for strategic business development, but she left that job months later in March 2023, the profile said.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Hochul’s office said the administration fired Sun after “discovering evidence of misconduct.”

“This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process,” the statement reads.

The indictment said that, among other things, Sun worked to ensure that representatives of Taiwan’s government couldn’t get meetings with high-ranking New York state officials. The Chinese government considers Taiwan to be part of China.

It also outlined a series of exchanges Sun had with officials in the Chinese Consulate in New York in January 2021, when Cuomo was still governor and Hochul was lieutenant governor. Neither leader is named in the document but are instead referred to as “Politician-1” and “Politician-2.”

After Chinese officials requested a Lunar New Year video from the governor, Sun said Hochul could probably do it and asked for “talking points of things you want her to mention.”

“Mostly holiday wishes and hope for friendship and cooperation / Nothing too political,” an official told her, according to the indictment.

Sun later told a different official that she had argued with Hochul’s speechwriter over the draft, because the speechwriter insisted on mentioning the “Uyghur situation” in China. She promised that she wouldn’t let that happen, and the final speech did not mention the Muslim ethnic minority, according to the indictment.

Sun’s alleged activities in New York paved the way for lucrative business deals for Hu in China, prosecutors said, including discussions about a venture to export frozen seafood to China. Hu then attempted to conceal the earnings through various methods in the U.S., according to the indictment.

At the arraignment, Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexander Solomon said there were a “multitude of shell and business entities” used in the crimes, adding, “This is no ordinary financial fraud.”

The FBI searched the couple’s multimillion home in Manhasset in late July but declined to release details at the time.

Sun is charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, money laundering and helping people commit visa fraud and enter the U.S. illegally. Hu is charged with money laundering conspiracy, conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification. Neither has been charged with espionage.

Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi downplayed Sun’s reach in the former governor’s administration, saying she “worked in a handful of agencies and was one of many community liaisons who had little to no interaction with the governor.”

Sun and Hu live in a gated community on Long Island called Stone Hill. The couple purchased the house in 2021 but placed it in a trust earlier this year, records show.

Associated Press reporters Michael R. Sisak and Larry Neumeister in New York and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.

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  • Title 5 —Administrative Personnel
  • Chapter I —Office of Personnel Management
  • Subchapter B —Civil Service Regulations
  • Part 352 —Reemployment Rights

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Subpart C
§ 352.301
§ 352.302
§ 352.303 [Reserved]
§ 352.304
§ 352.305
§ 352.306
§ 352.307
§ 352.308
§ 352.309
§ 352.310 [Reserved]
§ 352.311
§ 352.312
§ 352.313
§ 352.314

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33 FR 12433 , Sept. 4, 1968, unless otherwise noted.

5 U.S.C. 3584 , E.O. 11552 , 3 CFR 1966-1970 Comp., p. 954; Section 352.313 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 7701 , et seq.

35 FR 16525 , Oct. 23, 1970, unless otherwise noted.

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The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR.

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Editorial note on part 352, editorial note:.

Nomenclature changes to part 352 appear at 69 FR 2050 , Jan. 13, 2004.

Subpart C—Detail and Transfer of Federal Employees to International Organizations

§ 352.301 purpose..

The purpose of this subpart is to encourage details and transfers of employees for service with international organizations as authorized by sections 3343 and 3581-3584 of title 5, United States Code, and to provide procedures for participation in the program.

§ 352.302 Definitions.

In this subpart:

( a ) Agency, employee, international organization, and transfer have the meaning given them by section 3581 of title 5, United States Code ;

( b ) Detail has the meaning given it by section 3343 of title 5, United States Code ; and

( c ) Term of employment means not more than (1) 5 consecutive years of employment, except that when the Secretary of State determines it to be in the national interest, the detail or transfer may be extended up to an additional 3 years, or (2) the period of less than 5 years specified at the time of consent to transfer or detail, beginning with entrance on duty in the international organization.

§ 352.303 [Reserved]

§ 352.304 international organizations covered..

( a ) An agency may detail or transfer an employee under this subpart, without prior approval, to an organization which the Department of State has designated as an international organization.

( b ) An agency may detail or transfer an employee under this subpart to any other public international organization or international organization preparatory commission only when the Department of State agrees that the organization concerned could be designated as an international organization covered by sections 3343 and 3581 of title 5, United States Code.

[ 73 FR 64860 , Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 352.305 Eligibility for detail.

An employee is eligible for detail to an international organization with the rights provided for in, and in accordance with, section 3343 of title 5, United States Code , and this subpart, except the following:

( a ) A Presidential appointee (other than a postmaster, Foreign Service officer or a Foreign Service information officer), regardless of whether the appointment was made by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

( b ) A person serving in the executive branch in a confidential or policy-determining position excepted from the competitive service under Schedule C of part 213 of this chapter .

( c ) A person serving under a non-career, limited emergency, or limited term appointment in the Senior Executive Service (SES).

( d ) A person serving under a temporary appointment.

§ 352.306 Length of details.

The total length of a detail or several details combined must not exceed 5 consecutive years, except that when the Secretary of State, on the recommendation of the head of the agency, determines it to be in the national interest, the 5 years allowed for details may be extended for up to an additional 3 years. A detail or combination of details and transfers must not exceed 8 years in the aggregate throughout an employee's Federal career.

§ 352.307 Eligibility for transfer.

An employee is eligible for transfer to an international organization with the rights provided for in, and in accordance with, sections 3581-3584 of title 5, United States Code, and this subpart, except the following:

( a ) A Presidential appointee (other than a postmaster, a Foreign Service officer or a Foreign Service information officer), regardless of whether his appointment was made by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

( c ) A person serving under a noncareer, limited emergency, or limited term appointment in the SES.

( d ) A person serving under a temporary appointment pending establishment of a register.

( e ) A person serving under an appointment specifically limited to 1 year or less.

( f ) A person serving on a seasonal, intermittent, or part-time basis.

[ 35 FR 16525 , Oct. 23, 1970, as amended at 51 FR 25188 , July 11, 1986; 57 FR 10124 , Mar. 24, 1992]

§ 352.308 Effecting employment by transfer.

( a ) Authority to approve transfers. On written request by an international organization for the services of an employee, the agency may authorize the transfer of the employee to the organization for any period not to exceed 5 years, except that when the Secretary of State determines it to be in the national interest, a period of employment by transfer may be extended, subject to the approval of the head of the agency, for up to an additional 3 years. A transfer or series of transfers or combination of details and transfers shall not exceed 8 years in the aggregate. Refusal by the head of the agency to authorize the transfer or the extension of the transfer is not reviewable by or appealable to OPM.

( b ) Letter of consent. When an agency consents to the transfer of an employee, the agency shall give its consent in writing to the international organization and shall furnish the employee with a copy of the consent.

( c ) Effective date. The agency and the international organization shall establish the effective date of transfer by mutual agreement.

( d ) Recording requirement. The agency must furnish the employee with a leave statement, showing his or her annual and sick leave balances at the time of transfer. In addition, the notification of personnel action effecting the employee's separation for transfer must include:

( 1 ) Identification of the international organization to which the employee is transferring,

( 2 ) A clear statement of the period during which the employee has reemployment rights in the agency under section 3582 of title 5, United States Code , and this subpart, and

( 3 ) The legal and regulatory conditions for reemployment.

[ 35 FR 16525 , Oct. 23, 1970, as amended at 73 FR 64860 , Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 352.309 Retirement, health benefits, and group life insurance.

( a ) Agency action. An employee who is transferred to an international organization with the consent of the employing agency is entitled to retain coverage for retirement, health benefits, and group life insurance purposes if he or she so chooses. The period during which coverage, rights, and benefits are retained under this paragraph, during employment with the international organization, is deemed employment by the United States. At the time an employing Federal agency consents to the transfer of an employee, the agency must advise the employee in writing of the employee's right to continue retirement, health benefits, and group life insurance coverage, as applicable, for the duration of the assignment or transfer. The notice must explain the conditions for continued coverage and the employee's obligations and responsibilities with regard to continued coverage. The notice must also explain that, if the employee elects to retain coverage, the agency will continue to make the agency contributions to the funds, and the employee's coverage will continue as long as employee payments are currently deposited in the respective funds.

( b ) Employee action. The employee must acknowledge, in writing, receipt of the notice and state whether or not he or she wishes to retain coverage under the retirement, health benefits, and group life insurance systems or any of them by continuing the required employee payments. The employee must make a written election to retain benefits, as applicable, and make arrangements for the required employee payments. An employee who transfers to an international organization is not eligible to participate in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) while employed by the international organization even if he or she elects to retain Federal retirement coverage. However, upon reemployment, an employee who elected to retain Federal retirement coverage while employed by the international organization and has made all deposits required for such coverage may make contributions to the TSP which he or she missed as a result of the service with an international organization, and receive make-up agency contributions and lost earnings on the agency contributions, as provided under § 352.311(e) .

( c ) Agency responsibility. For retirement and group life insurance purposes, the employing agency is responsible for determining the applicable rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of section 3583 of title 5, United States Code. The agency is also responsible for collecting, accounting for, and depositing in the respective funds all retirement, health benefits, and group life insurance employee payments required to be made for the purpose of protecting the rights of the employee so transferred; and for accounting for and depositing in the respective funds all agency contributions. The agency must furnish the employee with specific information as to how, when, and where the payments are to be submitted.

( d ) Coverage. Employee payments are considered to be currently deposited if received by the agency before, during, or within 3 months after the end of the pay period covered by the deposit. If the contributions are not currently deposited, coverage terminates on the last day of the pay period for which the required contributions were currently deposited, subject to a 31-day extension of group life insurance and health benefits coverage as provided in parts 870 and 890 of this chapter and to the conversion benefits provided in parts 870 and 890 of this chapter . Coverage so terminated may not be re-established before the employee actually enters on duty, on the first day in a pay status in an agency. However, terminated retirement, health benefits, and group life insurance coverage must be reinstated retroactively when, in the judgment of OPM, the failure to make the required current deposit was due to circumstances beyond the employee's control and the required payments were deposited at the first opportunity. Coverage under a system other than the Civil Service Retirement System must be reinstated retroactively if the agency which administers the retirement system determines that the failure to make the required current deposit was due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee and the required payments were deposited at the first opportunity.

§ 352.310 [Reserved]

§ 352.311 reemployment..

( a ) An employee who transferred to an international organization with the consent of the employing agency is entitled to be reemployed in his or her former position, or one of like seniority, status, and pay, within 30 days of applying for reemployment if the employee:

( 1 ) Is separated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, without cause, within the term of employment with an international organization; and

( 2 ) Applies for reemployment with the employing agency or its successor no later than 90 days after separation from the international organization.

( b ) Pay upon reemployment will be set at that to which the employee would have been entitled had the employee remained with the employing agency.

( c ) When an employee's reemployment right is to a position in the SES, reemployment may be to any position in the SES for which the employee is qualified. The employee must be returned at not less than the SES rate of basic pay as determined under 5 CFR part 534, subpart D , at which the employee was being paid immediately before transfer to the international organization, or if pay has been adjusted under § 352.314(c) , at not less than the adjusted pay level.

( d ) The period of separation caused by the employment of the employee with the international organization and the period necessary to effect reemployment are creditable service for all appropriate civil service employment purposes (e.g., tenure, service computation date, retirement, time in grade). Employees, upon return, are also entitled to restoration of any sick leave.

( e ) An employee who elected to retain Federal retirement coverage while employed by the international organization and has made all deposits required for such coverage may make contributions to the TSP which he or she missed as a result of the service with the international organization, and receive make-up agency contributions and lost earnings on the agency contributions, consistent with applicable TSP requirements.

[ 73 FR 64861 , Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 352.312 When to apply.

An employee may apply for reemployment, in writing, either before or after separation from the international organization. If the employee applies before separation, the 30-day period prescribed in § 352.311 begins either with the date of the application or 30 days before the employee's date of separation from the international organization, whichever is later. If the employee applies for reemployment after separation, the application must be received by the employing agency no later than 90 days after separation from the international organization.

§ 352.313 Failure to reemploy and right of appeal.

( a ) When an agency fails to reemploy an employee within 30 days of receiving the employee's application, it must notify the employee, in writing, of the reasons and of the employee's right to appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board under the provisions of the Board's regulations. The agency must comply with the provisions of § 1201.21 of this title .

( b ) If the agency fails to reach and issue a decision to the employee within 30 days from the date of the application for reemployment, the employee is entitled to appeal the agency's failure to issue a decision to the Merit Systems Protection Board under the provisions of the Board's regulations.

( c ) An employee may submit an appeal, alleging that the agency has failed to comply with any of the other provisions of sections 3343 and 3581-3584 of title 5, United States Code, or of this part, to the Merit Systems Protection Board under the provisions of the Board's regulations.

§ 352.314 Consideration for promotion and pay increases.

( a ) The employing agency must consider an employee who is detailed or transferred to an international organization for all promotions for which the employee would be considered if not absent. A promotion based on this consideration is effective on the date it would have been effective if the employee were not absent.

( b ) When the position of an employee who is absent on detail or transfer to an international organization is upgraded during the employee's absence, the employing agency must place the employee in the upgraded position upon return.

( c ) The employing agency must consider an employee who is detailed or transferred to an international organization from an ungraded pay system for all pay increases for which the employee would have been considered if not absent. An increase is effective on the date it would have been effective if the employee were not absent.

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  1. Details & Transfers

    A detail or transfer may not exceed 5 years but may be extended 3 additional years upon the approval of the head of the agency. Employees who transfer are entitled to be reemployed (as provided in ) in his or her former position or; one of like status within 30 days of his or her application for reemployment. Questions and Answers.

  2. 370.300.8

    A detail is a temporary assignment of an employee to a classified position (i.e., established position) or statement of duties (i.e., unestablished position) for a specified period. During the detail, an employee continues to encumber and receive the salary and entitlements of the position from which detailed (i.e., the official position of ...

  3. PDF Promotions;Changes Grade,Level,orBand; Reassignments;

    agency chooses to use an SF-50, a detail is documented with an SF-52, >unless the detail falls under rule 1 of Table 14-A.< g. Position Change Not to Exceed (NTE) is the temporary assignment of an employee who is entitled to grade retention to another position at a grade no higher than that of the retained grade. For example, when a

  4. 5 CFR Part 317 Subpart I -- Reassignments, Transfers, and Details

    The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR.

  5. Looking at details for professional growth

    A detail is a temporary assignment from one position within the federal government to another, with the expectation that you will return to your official position upon completion. A detail can be a great way to develop and grow your skills while expanding your professional network. It can also be a way to learn more about a different area of ...

  6. 5 Reasons Why a Detail Should be Your Next Professional ...

    After four years working in the federal government, this is my first detail experience. There are four main reasons why. First, I only learned what a detail was about a year or so ago. For those of you who may not know what it is, a detail is a temporary assignment to another office or agency. Second, even after learning what a detail was, my ...

  7. Explore the Unknown by Going on a Detail Assignment

    Federal employees have access to a great but underutilized tool for career growth: temporary detail assignments. A detail assignment has different names and slightly different rules in each federal agency, but the concept is ultimately the same: time away from their current position to pursue temporary work elsewhere. I have worked in offices ...

  8. PDF Details, Interagency Agreement Assignments and Intergovernmental

    temporary assignments of Federal employees between Federal agencies. It is the responsibility of the program office to ensure this form is properly completed. The program office is also responsible for obtaining appropriate signatures from the other Federal agency prior to submitting the form to OCHCO for final review and approval. 3.

  9. eCFR :: 5 CFR 317.903 -- Details

    (a) Definition. In this section, detail means the temporary assignment of an SES member to another position (within or outside of the SES) or the temporary assignment of a non-SES member to an SES position, with the expectation that the employee will return to the official position of record upon expiration of the detail. For purposes of pay and benefits, the employee continues to encumber the ...

  10. USAJOBS Help Center

    The Federal Government offers various types of federal employment to suit the different needs of a diverse and dynamic workforce. Searching for the type of employment that is right for you is easy on USAJOBS. ... Detail - A temporary assignment to another job. You must be a current federal employee to apply to detail jobs.

  11. eCFR :: 5 CFR Part 334 -- Temporary Assignments Under the

    The purpose of this part is to implement title IV of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) of 1970 and title VI of the Civil Service Reform Act. These statutes authorize the temporary assignment of employees between the Federal Government and State, local, and Indian tribal governments, institutions of higher education and other eligible ...

  12. 5 CFR § 370.104

    An individual serving on a detail prior to this date may continue to do so as long as the detail began or was extended on or before December 17, 2007. (c) For the life of the ITEP, a Federal agency may not send on assignment an employee who has served on a detail under this part for more than 6 years during his or her Federal career.

  13. 5 CFR § 317.903

    (a) Definition. In this section, detail means the temporary assignment of an SES member to another position (within or outside of the SES) or the temporary assignment of a non-SES member to an SES position, with the expectation that the employee will return to the official position of record upon expiration of the detail.For purposes of pay and benefits, the employee continues to encumber the ...

  14. Temporary assignments and pay

    A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or set of duties for a specified period when the employee is expected to return to his/her regular duties at the end of the assignment. An employee who is on detail is considered for pay and FTE purposes to be permanently occupying his or her regular position.

  15. Temporary reassignments: Detail benefits to you, us, and them

    Temporary reassignments are known to most government employees as details. For the most part, details are seen as an opportunity to meet workforce needs of the agency and a developmental opportunity for employees for hands-on work experience. Unofficially, details are also seen as a way to manage poor performers out of an organization.

  16. Summary of Reassignment

    Summary of Reassignment. This summary of reassignment covers the following topics: 1. Learning About Reassignment. The reassignment regulations give an agency extensive flexibility in reassigning an employee to a different position. This summary covers the procedures in the reassignment regulations. With this summary, employees, managers, union ...

  17. Non-Reimbursable Agreement

    (2) [citation to other applicable statutes or regulations, e.g., 3 U.S.C. § 112, authorizing non-reimbursable detail of employees to the White House, the Executive Residence of the White House, the Office of the Vice President, the Domestic Policy Staff, and the Office of Administration for up to 180 days; 5 U.S.C. § 3341, authorizing ...

  18. Management of Detail Assignments

    A temporary (detail) assignment is the placement of a career employee in another established position that is vacant or from which the incumbent is absent from duty. Detail assignments are supposed to be made only for the shortest period of time necessary and may be used to meet emergencies caused by an abnormal workload, a change in mission or ...

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  20. Be sure to document temporary federal assignments

    Such documentation could include a SF-52 or SF-50 that documents an official detail or assignment. It could also include a signed letter from the employee's supervisor.

  21. eCFR :: 5 CFR Part 300 Subpart C -- Details of Employees

    eCFR Content. (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR.

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    September 5, 2024 - Laval, Quebec - Correctional Service Canada. At 5:25 a.m. on September 3, inmate Yacine Zouaoui was apprehended by international partners.. This inmate had been unlawfully at large from the minimum security unit at the Federal Training Centre since May 23, 2024.

  25. Federal Register :: Agency Information Collection Activities

    In order to record an assignment, the respondent must submit an assignment document along with the appropriate cover sheet. The USPTO provides two forms for this purpose, the Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Trademarks Only (PTO-1594), and the Recordation Form Cover Sheet—Patents Only (PTO-1595), which capture all of the necessary data for ...

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    The federal government is renewing the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) and is investing $26.7 billion over the next ten years (2024-2034) to support core infrastructure projects.. The federal government has transferred $33,366,256 to the Government of Saskatchewan for the first payment of the 2024-2025 fiscal year.. Saskatchewan will receive more than $350 million from the CCBF over the ...

  27. Linda Sun Forged New York Governor's Signature for Chinese Government

    Linda Sun presents a proclamation from New York Governor Kathy Hochul to an official from New York's Chinese consulate (left) and with Chinese government officials at a celebration to mark the ...

  28. PDF Chapter 35

    Federal Government, including a Government- owned or controlled corporation, that has the authority to hire employees in the competitive, ... DETAIL—A temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period, with the employee returning to his or her

  29. Former aide to NY Gov. Kathy Hochul charged with being Chinese agent

    The case is part of a broader Justice Department effort to root out secret agents for the Chinese government operating in the U.S. In recent years, federal authorities have charged Chinese nationals not only with covertly advancing Beijing's interests but also with harassing and intimidating dissidents on the government's behalf.

  30. eCFR :: 5 CFR Part 352 Subpart C -- Detail and Transfer of Federal

    The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR.