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Writing the Why NYU Essay

College Essays


If you're applying to New York University, you'll need to submit both the regular Common App materials as well as the NYU supplement, which includes a short essay. At its heart, the NYU essay prompt asks you to answer a single straightforward question: why do you want to go to NYU?

In this article, we'll fully analyze the "Why NYU?" essay prompt and what successful essays need to accomplish. We'll also go over potential topics to write about and look at the essay that got me into NYU's College of Arts and Science.

First, however, we'll begin with a quick discussion of why schools ask students to write "why this school?" essays

feature image credit: Sagie /Flickr


Why NYU Essay 2023 Update

NYU has discontinued the "Why NYU" for the 2022-2023 admissions cycle . That means there won't be an NYU-specific writing supplement provided as part of the Common Application process. 

However, students can submit an optional 250-word response as part of NYU's additional questions section. This response deals with students' perspectives on diversity. Here's the prompt for 2023-2024: 

We are looking for peacemakers, changemakers, global citizens, boundary breakers, creatives and innovators. Choose one quote from the following and let us know why it inspires you; or share a short quote and person not on our list who inspires you, and include why.

“We’re used to people telling us there are no solutions, and then creating our own. So we did what we do best. We reached out to each other, and to our allies, and we mobilized across communities to make change, to benefit and include everyone in society.” Judith Heuman, 2022 NYU Commencement Address

“I encourage your discomfort, that you must contribute, that you must make your voice heard. That is the essence of good citizenship.” Sherilynn Ifill, 2015 NYU Honorary Degree Recipient

“You have the right to want things and to want things to change.” Sanna Marin, Former Prime Minister of Finland, 2023 NYU Commencement Address “It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair.” Taylor Swift, Change, Released 2008, 2022 NY Commencement Speaker

Share a short quote and person not on the list and why the quote inspires you.

What's the Point of "Why This School" Essays?

While the Common App essay gives students a chance to showcase something of who they are that might not be evident elsewhere in their application, the "why [school]?" essay allows students space to explicitly state why they are such a good match for the school.

Presumably, if you're applying to the school, your test scores, grades, course rigor and curriculum, extracurriculars, and volunteer experience all put you at least somewhat in line with other students at the school.

The "why this school?" essay is your opportunity to discuss not just why you could excel at the school, but why you are a good fit (and why you want to go there).

"Why this school" essays are also a useful way for schools to judge student interest in a school (which can indicate whether or not a student will attend if admitted). Based on students' "why this school?" essays, colleges can distinguish students who are specifically interested in attending that school from students who clearly applied just because of the school's location or ranking

Writing a strong "why [school]?" essay not only gives you another instance to showcase your writing and reasoning skills, but also tells the school that you care enough to invest time in researching what makes them special. It signifies that you have put in the time to realize whether or not you're a good fit. (And, it secondarily shows that having put in that time, you're more likely to attend if admitted than someone who just wrote some generic statements about why they want to attend college ).

For a more in-depth look at what schools hope to get out of your "Why [This School]?" essays, read this article .


Why NYU Essay Prompt, Analyzed

Here's the complete NYU supplement essay prompt for 2021:

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand - Why NYU? (400 word maximum)

Besides the standard "what motivated you to apply to [school]?" question that almost every "why this school" essay asks, the NYU prompt gives you one extra nudge for what to focus on in your essay.

Specifically, NYU wants you to talk about what's drawn you to "a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study?" (or, if you're drawn to more than one, why you're drawn to each campus/school/college/program/area of study).

Keep in mind that you should be discussing all of this in the context of NYU . Obviously, if you're interested in NYU because of one of their 10 undergraduate schools, then that's particular to NYU, but the same goes for their campus locations, programs, and areas of study.

For instance, if you're passionate about studying theater, you wouldn't just write that you want to attend NYU because you love theater and NYU has a theater program and is in New York, a city that has theater; that description could apply to half a dozen schools. Instead, you'd go into the details of what attracts you about specific classes and professors at Tisch, or other opportunities that are unique to NYU (ability to do certain kinds of projects, the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration, etc).

This prompt also hints at a few different directions you can go with your "Why NYU" essay:

Why have you expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses.

If you're already certain of what you want to study in college or have a " spike ", you'll want to go the "particular" route in your essay . This means mentioning specific classes, professors, programs, or how you see NYU supporting your future career/academic plans.

On the other hand, perhaps you're not at all sure what you want to study in college (AKA me in high school). In that case, you'll shape your essay more around how you believe going to NYU will allow you to explore many different avenues to find your passion .

Finally, if you already know that you want to spend time abroad during college in a place where NYU has a campus, you can emphasize your interest in continuing to receive an NYU-level academic education while living in another country .


Potential "Why NYU?" Essay Topics

Earlier, we briefly touched upon some topics that you might write about in your essay, including specific courses/teachers/programs and study abroad opportunities.

We're now going to take those broad topic categories and go into a little more depth for how to write about them in your "Why NYU?" essay.


NYU has the following 10 undergraduate schools, colleges, and programs:

  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • Gallatin School of Individualized Study
  • Liberal Studies
  • Meyers College of Nursing
  • School of Professional Studies
  • Silver School of Social Work
  • Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
  • Stern School of Business
  • Tandon School of Engineering
  • Tisch School of the Arts

Because there are so many different undergraduate programs within NYU, it's a good idea to identify which program(s) you're applying to and why in your NYU supplement essay.

Since you'll need to decide on a program before applying to NYU anyway, you might as well use the time you spend reading about each college to figure out if there are any programs within particular colleges that call out to you.

For instance, if you're interested in the intersection of different fields (like psychology and computer science, or biology and philosophy/ethics) and are self-motivated to create your own program of study, you should talk about that in your application to the Gallatin School of Individualized Study. If you've spent the last 12 years devoting all your extra time in and out of school to theatre and want to attend a conservatory with opportunities to go see live theatre, then write about that in your application to Tisch.


NYU is a world-renowned university for a reason, and it's not just because of its immense real estate holdings; it has a wide variety of courses and professors renowned in their fields. If one of the main reasons you're drawn to NYU is for its academics, then this is a good topic to get into in your supplemental essay.

Flip through the online course catalogs and read about professors in departments you're interested in. Are there any classes you really want to take (that seem particular to NYU)? Or any professors you absolutely have to study with?

You don't need to go so far as to read the professors' research or anything like that (unless you're super excited by it!), but doing even a little research into the courses and professors you'd be learning from and mentioning it in your "Why NYU?" essay will go a long way toward showing the admissions officers that you're serious enough about NYU to check out its specifics.

Extracurricular Opportunities and School Traditions

If there's an extracurricular at NYU that you've been particularly involved in during high school (or are excited to start getting involved in at college), you can write about it, as long as you're clear about why it's something unique to NYU.

In a similar vein, you can also try reading through some of the campus-wide events offered throughout the year and see if there's anything special about them that speaks to you.


NYU Essay: Topics to Avoid

The "Why NYU" essay prompt makes it pretty clear that you should focus your 400 words around a specific college/program/area of study.

What you absolutely should avoid is gushing about NYU's location (whether you're applying to the New York campus or not).

Back when I applied to NYU, the "why NYU?" essay prompt was even more blunt about not centering your essay around New York City:

"Many students decide to apply to NYU because of our New York City location. Apart from the New York City location, please tell us why you feel NYU will be a good match for you."

If New Yorkers have heard it all and seen it all before, NYU admissions officers have certainly read any and all paeans you could care to write to New York City.

It's fine to write about how being in New York gives you access to opportunities relevant to your course at NYU (e.g. you can get amazing internship opportunities for journalism and theatre there that you wouldn't be able to get anywhere else). However, you need to be clear to center your essay around the program at NYU, with the New York location (and its opportunities) being an added bonus.

Unless you have a unique take on why NYU's location is so important to you (e.g. your grandparents used to live in a building that was demolished to make way for Bobst law library and you were brought up on vengeance that has since turned to adoration), stay away from NYU's location in your explanation of why you want to go there.


Brainstorming for the Why NYU Essay

Before you start to narrow in on what angle you'll take in your "Why NYU?" essay, you should first examine your reasons for applying to NYU. By "examine," we don't just mean "list your reasons"—we mean you need to go a few levels deeper into each surface reason that occurs to you.

For example, this is the list of reasons I had for applying to NYU (roughly in order of importance):

  • My test scores and grades/course rigor make it likely I'll get in
  • NYU has lots of good schools and programs
  • It's easy enough to get from NYU to my family, transportation-wise

On the face of it, none of these reasons are very compelling. If I'd just gone on to write my "Why NYU?" essay (or in those days, essays) with those three bullet points, I doubt I would have been accepted.

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Instead, I went deeper with each reason to see if there was anything there I could mine for the NYU supplement essay.

Surface Reason 1 : My test scores and grades/course rigor make it likely I'll get in.

  • One level deeper : I'm applying to NYU as a safety school, because I'm pretty sure I'll get in there, even if I don't get in anywhere else, and I'd want to go there if I got in.
  • Should I write about this in my "why NYU" essay? Definitely not. No school wants to hear that it's a safety (even if it's a safety you would be fine with attending because it's still a good school).

Surface Reason 2 : NYU has lots of good schools and programs.

  • One level deeper : I'm extremely undecided about what I want to study—I know that I'm interested in English (Creative Writing), Math, Neuroscience, Chinese, and Music, but I might end up deciding to study something entirely different in college. It's important to me that I go somewhere that I'll have the opportunity to explore all of my interests (and develop more), which I can do at NYU.
  • Should I write about this in my "Why NYU" essay? This reason is definitely promising, although I'll need to do more research into the particular programs and courses at NYU so I can namedrop (and in the process, double-check that I'm right about being able to study all these things there!).

Surface Reason 3 : It's easy enough to get from NYU to my family, transportation-wise.

  • One level deeper : My parents want there to be good transportation options for me visiting home (or them visiting me). NYU's location (New York City) definitely makes that possible (there's easy access to planes, trains, buses, rental cars, fixed-gear bikes…).
  • Should I write about this in my "Why NYU" essay? Probably not. The prompt asks me about why I've expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study, not a geographic area. Plus, it's not like there aren't plenty of other New York schools. I maybe could throw in this reason if I'm running short on things to say, but as it is, it looks like my second reason is going to be the best bet for the "Why NYU?" essay.


Why NYU Essay Sample

Below, I've created a "Why NYU?" essay example that draws verbatim from what I used in my (successful) NYU application. (The essay requirements were slightly different then, with different word counts, so I had to expand a little upon what I originally wrote.)

I feel NYU would be a good match for me because of the number and kinds of programs it has. I am very interested in a variety of subjects, and NYU seems to encompass everything. In fact, I'm applying to the College of Arts and Sciences because I can’t specify my interests any more than that at this time. I have so many things that I want to learn that I can’t imagine limiting myself before I even enter college.

Take Chinese, for example. I'm learning Mandarin now (and have been for the last five years), but I would also like to learn Cantonese. There are not many other schools that offer Cantonese classes that can boast trips into Chinatown as part of the curriculum! Furthermore, I am excited by the possibility of studying abroad at NYU Shanghai. I'd not only be able to go to China for a semester for a year and immerse myself in the language and culture, but I'd be able to do so with the continuity of being on an NYU campus, even halfway across the world.

The music theory program in the College of Arts and Sciences also really interests me. I've picked up some theory here and there, but I haven't had all that much formal training. I'm also really intrigued by NYU's early music ensemble and the chance to explore different modes and tunings. At the other end of the spectrum, while I've written a few pieces on my own and taught myself a little bit about MIDI, I have not really had a chance to experiment very much with computer/electronic composition, and would really like to use those Steinhardt facilities that would be available to me at NYU to help remedy this.

Finally, I cannot stress enough how important reading and creative writing are to me. Because of how much the two feed into one another, I'm excited by NYU's Reading Series and the potential to be able to attend organized events for interacting with other writers outside the classroom.

The opportunity to expand my Chinese language abilities beyond Mandarin (and have the chance for practical application) is what first intrigued me; the chance to explore computer music and get my hands on NYU's facilities was the next breadcrumb; but the breadth and depth of the courses for writing lure me in even more, until I can resist no further.

This essay isn't necessarily the best piece of writing I've ever done. However, it still effectively conveys my desire to attend NYU because I mention a few key reasons I want to attend NYU:

  • The variety of courses available . I began by stating that I'm undecided and part of what attracts me to NYU is the opportunity to get to do lots of different things. I then go on to discuss several different examples.
  • Specific NYU opportunities . I looked up various courses, events, and opportunities offered by different departments and mentioned a couple of them specifically (the Reading Studies program for creative writing, Cantonese classes, studying abroad in China).
  • While I did mention a New York City thing (going into Chinatown), it was linked with something that's relatively NYU-specific (the opportunity to study Cantonese as well as Mandarin).


Tips for the Why NYU Essay

To wrap up, we've summarized our top four tips for writing the "Why NYU?" essay.

#1: Look over the descriptions of the different schools/programs. This will help you figure out both which one you want to apply to as well as what makes those schools interesting for you to apply to.

#2: Read through the course catalog and look up professors in departments you're interested in. As the NYU Admission blog states , you don't have to go overboard in stating exactly what course you want to take with what professor at what time, but you should demonstrate that you're aware of what kinds of things you will be able to do and learn while at NYU

#3: Look into whether there are any extracurricular activities or NYU traditions that particularly appeal to you--and explain why they matter specifically to you.

#4: Avoid writing odes to New York City. If there are particular opportunities you're interested in that are only available in New York (e.g. internships at the American Museum of Natural History, research into immigration history at Ellis Island) you can mention it, but don't lean too heavily on the location.

#5: Remember that while you should make it clear why you want to attend NYU with your essay, you don't need to agonize for hours over it. Ultimately, other parts of your application (including your test scores and grades/course rigor, letters of recommendation, and personal statement) are more important factors to your acceptance than your NYU supplement essay is. You just need to show that you've done at least a little research into NYU and why you want to apply there in particular.

And if along the way you find that you don't really have a super good reason that's getting you excited to apply to NYU? It might be worth reconsidering whether or not you should apply there.

What's Next?

Have a bunch more college-specific supplement essays to write? Be sure to check out our overview of the "why this college" essay .

Looking for application tips for other selective schools? Read our complete guides to the University of California system and to the Georgetown application .

Should you apply early or regular decision to college? Find out the pros and cons of early decision in this article . ( And read up on the distinctions between early decision, early action, and the different kinds of each here. )

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

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Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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The Admissions Strategist

Why nyu how to write the nyu supplemental essay (examples included).

After much consideration, you’ve decided to apply to NYU. Why NYU? You don’t know where to start. This post will help take you from start to finish.

This past application cycle proved to be historic and selective. While the school admitted the largest number of international students as well as the largest percentage of African-American and Latino students in 16 years, the NYU acceptance rate dropped to 28% , its lowest acceptance rate since 2001.

NYU (short for New York University) is a private university located in the heart of New York City, with satellite campuses found in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai.

  • Offering over 230 areas of study and 2,700 courses across 17 schools, NYU ensures that there’s something for every student.

While NYU may not be impossibly difficult to get into, it’s become more selective.

This means you’ll need to spend some extra care and attention on your application, especially on the supplemental essay “Why NYU?”

NYU Essay Requirements

Every freshman applying to NYU will have to write the standard Common App essay. Otherwise known as your personal statement, we created an entire Common App guide so you can write the best essay.

When you’re applying to NYU, you’ll need to write one supplemental essay.

  • The supplemental essay has a 400-word limit and requires that you express your interest in NYU as artfully and concisely as possible.

This guide will walk you through the question and tips for crafting your essay to help you put your best foot forward!

So, let’s get to it: Why NYU?

Step 1: Read the question and break it down.

This is an extremely important step! A question like this one, with several parts, requires that you understand and address the entire question in your 400-word response.

Let’s walk through the question breakdown together.

“We would like to know more about your interest in NYU”

Translation : Why do you want to attend NYU? You have thousands of other choices in schools, and you used one of your choices on NYU. Why?

“We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study.”

This is a meaty one, so let’s break it down into two parts.

“We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU…”

Translation: We want to know more about you as an individual.

  • What is it about you that makes you think NYU is a good choice?
  • Are you a good fit for NYU? If yes, tell us why
“We are particularly interested in knowing….why you have applied or expressed interested in a particular campus, school, college, program and/or area of study.”

Translation:  Why are you interested in what you’re interested in, and why did you apply to the school that has your chosen major?

For example, if you’re interested in acting, tell us why you’re interested in acting and why you’re applying to the Tisch School of the Arts.

“If you have applied to more than one, please tell us why you are interested in each of the campuses, schools, colleges or programs to which you have applied”

Translation : If you have more than one interest and want to pursue more than one major or degree, please tell us why and help us to make sense of your interests.

For example, if you want to study Acting (Tisch School of the Arts) and Computer Engineering (Tandon School of Engineering), we want to know how your interests fit together and why you want to do both.

“You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU’s global network; regardless, we want to understand – Why NYU?”

Translation: You understand that NYU has a global network, right? Tell us why you want to come to our school.

If you are unsure of what exactly you want to study, rejoice!

Why NYU? How to Write the Why NYU Supplemental Essay!

Click above to watch a video on the NYU Essay.

NYU is saying that you don’t need to have your major all figured out. You just need to have a clearly articulated interest in NYU.

Think about the issues and the questions that interest you.

  • Maybe you wonder about the way our dress (fashion) sustains or challenges the way we see world culture (anthropology)?
  • Consider, then, how NYU could help you explore anthropological questions about fashion.

Click deeply into NYU’s website to find an avenue – a school, a program, or even a class – that will help you pursue this interest. You don’t need to commit to a career, or even a major, but you do need a good sense of the questions that guide you. Even if you’re uncertain, lean into a vision for your future.

Your supplemental essay isn’t binding, so you can operate in hypotheticals.

  • If you’re interested in economics, imagine yourself as a business student.
  • What type of business student would you be?
  • Would you care about sustainability?
  • Would you have other social or ethical concerns?
  • What kind of career would this prepare you for?

And, in case you didn’t notice, they highlighted that they have a “global network.” This is important information, and the next step will tell you why.

Get personalized advice!

Step 2: research nyu’s values and special traits..

If you’ve decided to apply to this school, then you’ve likely already done your homework. Just in case you haven’t, study their website.

From studying the website, you can gain a clear sense of the school’s values, what they look for in an applicant, and if you share similar values.

Even if you’re uncertain, pretend that you’ve “fallen in love with the school,” and focus on the particulars of your new infatuation. To extend the metaphor, the application process is a kind of courting in which you make the first move.

  • If you’re interested in digital media, research programs like the Brooklyn Experimental Media Center.
  • Describe how its resources will convert your interests into an abiding passion or a career orientation.
  • A good rule of thumb for “Why This College” essays is that you should have several names (in capital letters) of particular programs at the university.

This research will help you immensely in answering the “Why NYU?” question.

If they have blogs and/or social media accounts, look through those to get a feel for the school. Bonus points if you are able to visit, because an on-campus visit (especially during a regular weekend when they’re not trying to impress you) is the best way to determine what a campus feels like, what their culture is like and what they truly value.

Here’s a great way to research NYU’s values and traits:

  • NYU has an online magazine called NYU Q for prospective students. You can find the online magazine by clicking  here . NYU Q showcases the interesting people, places, and things that make NYU special.
  • A quick look through the NYU Q site illustrates that NYU as a campus deeply values building a global community with people from diverse backgrounds, geographic locations, academic interests, and life experiences.
  • You can find out that NYU boasts of having a higher number of international students than any other campus (their international student population is  20% ). They also have three international campuses and a robust study abroad program.

Additionally, because the question asks you specifically, “Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program and/or area of study,” you owe it to yourself to become familiar with the culture of the particular school or college to which you’re applying, and even the department of the major you’re interested in studying.

It’s important to ensure you aren’t picking NYU for generic traits. Generic traits are dangerous to mention in your essay because they can be applied to any college campus.

Here’s a useful checklist to make sure you are highlighting the special elements of NYU:

  • Don’t say NYU is the “perfect” place for you. Perfection is impossible to achieve, and the admissions officers are well aware.
  • Instead, pick five elements of NYU (departments, professors, events, on-campus groups) that appeal to you. Picking real names and titles forces you to perform research and stay specific.
  • Your “Why NYU?” essay should not be a retelling of your Common App essay. Use this opportunity to pair NYU with your values and personality (covered later in this piece).
  • Make sure your essay couldn’t be true of any other school. This demands that you do your research and dive deep into the school’s website.
  • Make sure you never write about how you want to attend school in New York City. There are dozens of universities both in and near NYC, so this reason is cliche and tiresome.

Still having trouble? Ask yourself these questions to help you find specific elements of NYU that you find appealing:

  • What are classes I’d like to take?
  • What are some questions I’d like to ask in these classes?
  • Name some on-campus groups and activities that I’d like to participate in.
  • What are NYU-sponsored events I’d like to attend?
  • Which academic department at NYU do you want to study in? And what are the department’s noteworthy achievements?
  • What is my ideal major or double major at NYU?

The admissions officers at NYU want to see that you are well-informed about what they are offering, and that you’ve thought hard enough about whether or not you would be a good fit.

You want to mention, for example, that you’re interested in the Tisch School of the Arts. You also want to go a step further and describe how you’re excited, perhaps, about their internship opportunities and classes on animation.

You can’t determine if you’re a good fit if you haven’t done your research.

Under the Academics tab is a full listing of NYU’s academic programs, schools and colleges, and other academic offerings. Make sure you click through to find your particular school and major.

Step 3: Free-write

The worst thing you can do as you’re writing your response is to agonize over every single word at the beginning of the process.

  • Instead, just start writing.
  • For each question they ask, write down whatever comes to mind and don’t hold back.
  • Use our translation to each question to simplify what you should be writing about.

It’s through answering these questions in an unrestricted flow that patterns can emerge.

Be sure to  write down any memories that come up   – even the bad ones! The refining will come later, but for now, put all the words you can on paper.

They key here is to organize your thoughts. This task seems farcical, but it’s important to perform because “Why NYU?” is such a broad question that countless thoughts will fly through your mind at first read.

  • Find stories that embody your personality.
  • Record stories that highlight your sense of grit.
  • Write stories that personify your wonder and curiosity.

Perform this task three times. You want at least three stories. The more stories, the more options you have.

Step 4: Brainstorming Powerful Essay Ideas

Once again, you never want to write about how much you want to live in New York City. There are plenty of schools that share NYU’s geographic location. Furthermore, there are thousands of students who want to live in a city as diverse, resource-rich, and historic as New York City.

Your goal is to set yourself apart from the rest of the applicants. Your story will help you do this.

Dig deeper.

Write down what you care about. What…

  • …makes you happy?
  • …makes you angry?
  • …bores you to death?
  • …are you inspired by?

Don’t hold back here either. Be completely honest with yourself.

In the college admissions process, you may be able to lie to yourself, but it’s hard to lie to the college admissions committee. It’s not worth the risk.

Be honest about what you care about, and it will shine through in your essay. Once you’ve come up with your list, look through your research from Step 2. What does NYU care about? Perhaps, you’ve learned that they care about the arts, curiosity, intercultural exchange, and open-mindedness.

  • … care about the arts? Are you curious?
  • …enjoy learning from and learning with people from cultural backgrounds different from yours?
  • …consider yourself to be open-minded?

Why, or why not? Once again, the key here is to be honest.

Dig deeper. Explore your values, memories, interests, and hobbies.

  • Is there a setback you’ve learned from? Is there a challenge burned into your memory?
  • What issues are you passionate about?
  • What are you endlessly curious about? Do you love reading about a particular subject?
  • What talents do you want to offer the world? Is there a specific reason you want to share your gift with the world?
  • What drives you? Deep down, is there something that makes your blood flow and brain click?
  • Are there special items in your house that hold sentimental value to you?

All told, think about anecdotes: What stories from your life have inspired your interests and passions. Think about lessons learned, personal themes, and the challenges and setbacks that made you who you are today.

Students often say that their anecdotes aren’t interesting. That’s fine!

What matters is how you explain them within the context of your experiences. That means you should be honest and specific about your experiences. Authenticity goes a long way for the Why NYU essay.

Step 5: Picking an Effective Essay Premise

Look over your free-write responses, and pick up particularly interesting memories that are related to your values and tell a story.

Almost everyone likes a good story.

  • Review your free-writing document. Find memories that highlight an important aspect of your personality or values.
  • Find a common thread between each of your stories and one or two values per story.
  • Match one of NYU’s values or special traits with each story.
  • Structure your essay around these three parts.

College admissions officers have to read hundreds of applications a day, and the ones that stand out are the ones written in the form of a good story.

The good news is that you don’t have to be J. K. Rowling or John Green.  The best stories are authentic  (that means they are true to who you are), descriptive (you help the reader experience your experience with their own senses), and clear (the reader understands exactly what you’re trying to say).

Talk about your experience, how that relates to your values and NYU’s values, and, most importantly, how your experience has impacted your choice of NYU as a potential college.

It’s likely your “Why NYU?” essay will flow as such:

  • This is a story that highlights an important aspect of who I am.
  • This value connects to the story.
  • It just so happens this value connects with NYU’s special value.
  • And that’s why I’m a great fit.

Remember the million-dollar question: Why NYU?

And then rethink the question: Why am I a good fit for NYU?

Why NYU Essay Example Outline

Here’s an excellent outline of a Why NYU essay. Before reading the outline, keep in mind that you have many options for crafting this essay.

What counts is telling an effective story.

  • As such, one way to tell an effective story is to start your essay with an anecdote.

Your anecdote can begin with one of the following:

  • A quote from someone that helps you preface your story
  • Cold hook: Something almost random that captures the reader’s attention
  • Bold statement: A statement that your story will support with details
  • Obvious statement: A line that makes the reader say, “Yes, of course. Why would you say something that obvious?” This is the segue to the next part of your essay.

Once you add your anecdote, frame it with details immediately. You have 400 words to work with, so get right into your essay. Your anecdote should comprise 10-15% of your essay.

Once you get into your essay, explain the actions you took to pursue an interest. This should comprise 30-40% of your essay.

  • What are you interested in?
  • Describe the action steps you took to further your passion and take initiative.

Then, spend the rest of your essay discussing the resources at NYU that will help you accomplish your goals and sharpen your skill set. You can mention examples of the following:

  • Fellowships
  • Internships
  • Professors and their classes
  • On-campus groups
  • Study-abroad programs
  • New academic initiatives
  • Externships

Without further delay, here’s what a good Why NYU essay would look like:

  • You grew up in a lower-income household and can recall a conversation with your sibling about how your family couldn’t afford health insurance.
  • Disappointed in our country’s health care options, you were inspired to volunteer in clinics, where you learned more about bloat and inefficient business processes within insurance companies. This adds to costs for would-be consumers like your family.
  • You shadowed a doctor during your junior year in high school to learn about technologies that could be provided at scale for low-income citizens.
  • This is why you want to study at NYU Stern: to engage in NYU-sponsored internships both in the city and abroad that will help you learn more about healthcare technology at scale.
  • You then want to establish a startup with the help of a specific professor, who will advise you with raising capital, hiring talent , and pivoting when necessary.

Step 6: Get Critiques & Make Revisions

An English teacher, your favorite teacher (which may or may not be your English teacher), and a friend who is always honest are great choices for additional readers.

A great English teacher knows the mechanics of the English language very well and will be honest with you about how your essay looks and sounds.

  • Bad punctuation is a death knell, and awkward words and phrases could move your essay from the “wow we’ve got to take him/her” pile to the “snooze/meh” pile.

Pick an English teacher with whom you have a good/neutral relationship, and approach them with the utmost respect and humility.

  • Remember, they don’t have to read your essay. They’re doing you a favor.
  • Ask them to mark it up for you, if they have time, and to give their honest thoughts and opinions.
  • If they really like you, they may do this several times. After the process is said and done, be sure to send them a thank you card.

Your favorite teacher may not be your English teacher, but they’re just as valuable because they usually have a really good sense of your likes, dislikes, as well as your authenticity. In other words, they can tell if you’re lying or trying to be something you’re not.

You need someone who knows you well and can tell you if you’re being honest in your essay. Your favorite teacher may also be able to remind you of things about yourself that you’ve forgotten.

  • Let’s face it, when you’re taking 6-8 classes a quarter among all of your other responsibilities, you might lose a memory or two.
  • A friend who is always honest with you is infinitely better than a friend who just wants you to be happy/flattered.

Pick a friend who isn’t afraid to tell you that your writing is terrible, or that you could have worded things a little better.

You need as much constructive criticism as possible while crafting a college essay that is authentic and compelling.

Step 7: Final read-throughs

If possible, do your final readings at least 24-48 hours after your last revision , in order to give your brain a break.

Make sure to read your essays out loud, just in case you have a typo in there that you and your other readers missed.

Two final read-throughs should be sufficient for assurance sake, but any more than that, and you could end up making yourself a bit anxious.

Trust yourself and trust the process. When you’re done, let go and submit.

Why NYU Essay Examples

We’ve provided some examples of Why NYU essays. Please remember to never plagiarize – we take this quite seriously.

These Why NYU essay examples are here to provide you with a visual on what a good essay looks like. Your essay should look different.

A version of Why NYU by a student:

Se-mi-llas de Es-pe-ran-za y A-mor. These were the words written on the school wall I visited as a member of The Hillsdale Effect an organization that fundraises microloans for businesswomen. Seeds of Love and Hope. During my six days in Guatemala, I had the opportunity to speak with students, teachers, and businesswomen about the struggles they face every day. My journey in Central America not only shaped my college and career goals, but they have also guided the direction in which I want to use my skills. Semillas de Esperanza y Amor is a school that brings in street children and offers them a free education. I asked one student, a young girl, about her aspirations. To my greatest surprise, she wanted to study at Guatemala’s only public university to become a doctor and return to her village to help her community. Afterward, a teacher explained that despite the students’ aspirations, a college education would be financially out of reach for their parents. This was a call to action. Later, I spoke to a local organizational director, who described an application they had tried to develop that would allow the businesswomen they serve to connect with business educators. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a strong Internet connection in some regions and the overall complexity of the user experience, the application failed. It was abandoned by all the local directors, who no longer saw it as a beneficial endeavor. To me, this seemed like a lost opportunity. If done right, the application could radically simplify communication and make the loaning process more effective. Which would then allow more women to participate in the program to empower themselves, transform their businesses, and help their children get an education. I want to dedicate my education to building technology that makes a social impact. My passion for international affairs has allowed me to help people in a drastically different community than my own. And by pursuing a computer science education at NYU while also participating in one of the multitude of study abroad programs offered, I know I will be able to develop the technical and global skills that will allow me to construct technology that will break the cycle of poverty, allowing little girls like the one I met to make their dreams come true.

Here’s another example of the Why NYU essay from the same student:

“Comienzo! Alto!” As the young students and I kicked the soccer ball back and forth on the Guatemalan field, I peered toward their village, San Mateo Miltas Alpas, and envisioned change. Change to improve infrastructure and help the businesswomen of their community. This is why I want to study computer science at NYU. In high school, I have been a leading member in The Hillsdale Effect, an organization that fundraises microloans for businesswomen in Guatemala. Our goal is to empower women entrepreneurs in hopes of breaking the cycle of poverty. I was given the opportunity to travel to Guatemala on a study tour and meet the individuals we were helping. When visiting a local headquarters in Antigua, the director explained how microloans are processed through their office: Business educators working for the organization contact their users. The educators then utilize a smartphone application to simplify the rest of the communication process between the businesswomen and educators. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a strong Internet connection in some regions and overall complexity of the user experience, the application failed. It was abandoned by all the local directors, who no longer saw it as a beneficial endeavor. I quickly realized I wanted to construct my own application that would connect the educators with the users. Of course, my application would need minimal service, and its simpler interface would be accessible from anywhere in the country. By utilizing images and multiple audio explanations, the language barrier could be broken, allowing individuals of any age or background to use the application. My goal is to integrate the solutions to these problems into a new application. After studying computer science at NYU, I want to apply my learned skills to build the Internet infrastructure of villages around the world. Furthermore, I want to partake in one of the multitude of study abroad programs offered so I can again travel to developing countries and learn more about the various benefits technology can provide in addressing infrastructure needs. This past year, we broke our school fundraising record, earning over $8,000 in two weeks for the businesswomen of Guatemala. As I look forward to the conclusion of high school, I know I can do more by learning at NYU. As my coding skills improve, I want to use them to go back abroad and do my part to build communities, like San Mateo Miltas Alpas.

From a student who wants to go to NYU to study public health:

As a Lacinda First Aid Team leader, I applied my interest in public health within my school community. During weekly shifts, I supported the nurse by patrolling the fitness center and common areas for ill students. After initiating partnerships with other school clubs, my team and I organized informational health fairs and visits from physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, and surgeons. I trained noncertified members and supplied bandages, heating pads, and antiseptic swabs to injured students. My training culminated during competitions, where I treated patients in unconscious victim, heart attack, stroke, and choking simulations. NYU’s College of Public Health provides students with opportunities to blend academic rigour with clinical experience, just as I delved into my zeal for helping others as a member of the First Aid Team. As a global public health major, I would complete an Experiential Learning course where I would step out of the classroom using a tactile approach. Then, I would take Health and Societies in a Global Context to learn how factors such as age, gender, culture, and race impact health on a global scale. I could take this knowledge to engage in team-based learning, where I would address the severity of mental illness on NYU’s campus. Learning to tackle problems as a team is a vital skill, especially when working closely with public health organizations. A project that captivates me is the Applied Global Public Health Initiative led by Dr. Chris Dickey. As a future program member, my goal is to discover improvements for the universal health coverage policy of the World Health Organization and the development of online public health programs. Under Dr. Dickey’s tutelage, I would apply my newfound knowledge to create an interactive fellowship experience that promotes collaboration with experienced NYU professionals while tackling issues that impact vulnerable communities. This work would create tools that better manage health accessibility to all. One day, I would like to become involved with Doctors Without Borders. NYU gives me the optimal resources combined with engaging experiences to work toward my goal. I believe a person’s health is the fundamental pillar of stability and sustainability; thus, I want to dedicate my time to improving both on a global scale. I aim to work in developing countries to spread the knowledge I acquire through internship opportunities, projects, and stimulating curriculum. NYU offers an immersive academic experience while supporting its students through personal growth and innovation.

Written by another student who wants to study health:

A year ago, my grandmother was a fiery, sharp-witted woman. Since then, a progressive neurodegenerative disease called Lewy body dementia (LBD) has caused her to deteriorate rapidly. Due to medical complications and worsening of symptoms, she has been forced to transition in and out of residential, rehabilitative, and hospital facilities, resulting in a constant battle to adjust to new environments. Witnessing my grandmother’s downward spiral has opened my eyes to the inadequacies of our healthcare system, fueling me to seek solutions.  At NYU, I will make progress towards an LBD cure by studying neural science and develop evidence-based policies to improve dementia patients’ lives through my public policy studies. This double major will allow me to absorb the scientific understanding necessary to create effective legislation, as will embarking on a health policy summer internship in Washington, D.C. where I can network while fusing my scientific and policy interests . The unique neural science major at NYU will fulfill my fascination with the brain’s function, while providing a strong natural science foundation. I am enthusiastic about elective courses, like Learning and Memory , w here I can examine memory formation and the pathophysiology of dementia. It will be thrilling to apply my classroom-based knowledge during a summer research project at the Center for Neural Science, ideally working alongside a faculty member to develop my own LBD-focused research project. With the Alzheimer’s Disease Center located on campus, I can frequently attend special events like the Alzheimer’s Disease Lunch and Learn series, supplementing my studies with current brain research and furthering my journey towards my desired career.  While neural science will develop my understanding of LBD, public policy will teach me the skill of employing legislation to solve issues that face dementia patients. I am eager to immerse myself in five health policy electives, in addition to classes such as Medical Ethics , where I can engage with peers that are passionate about patient rights. The Senior Seminar experience will allow me to utilize knowledge from both of my majors, honing in on a pressing policy issue facing dementia patients today.  Neither in life nor in academics have I stayed within a confined box. NYU’s liberal arts education promotes exploration, making it the perfect place for me to pursue my bursting passions. 

Final Why NYU essay example:

As a Macona First Aid Team leader, I applied my interest in public health within my school community. During weekly shifts, I supported the nurse by patrolling the fitness center and common areas for ill students. After initiating partnerships with other school clubs, my team and I organized informational health fairs and visits from physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, and surgeons. I trained noncertified members and supplied bandages, heating pads, and antiseptic swabs to injured students. My training culminated during competitions, where I treated patients in unconscious victim, heart attack, stroke, and choking simulations. NYU’s College of Public Health provides students with opportunities to blend academic rigour with clinical experience, just as I delved into my zeal for helping others as a member of the First Aid Team. As a global public health major, I would complete an Experiential Learning course where I would step out of the classroom using a tactile approach. Then, I would take Health and Societies in a Global Context to learn how factors such as age, gender, culture, and race impact health on a global scale. I could take this knowledge to engage in team-based learning, where I would address the severity of mental illness on NYU’s campus. Learning to tackle problems as a team is a vital skill, especially when working closely with public health organizations. A project that captivates me is the Applied Global Public Health Initiative led by Dr. Chris Dickey. As a future program member, my goal is to discover improvements for the universal health coverage policy of the World Health Organization and the development of online public health programs. Under Dr. Dickey’s tutelage, I would apply my newfound knowledge to create an interactive fellowship experience that promotes collaboration with experienced NYU professionals while tackling issues that impact vulnerable communities. This work would create tools that better manage health accessibility to all. One day, I would like to become involved with Doctors Without Borders. NYU gives me the optimal resources combined with engaging experiences to work toward my goal. I believe a person’s health is the fundamental pillar of stability and sustainability; thus, I want to dedicate my time to improving both on a global scale. I aim to work in developing countries to spread the knowledge I acquire through internship opportunities, projects, and stimulating curriculum. NYU offers an immersive academic experience while supporting its students through personal growth and innovation.

Conclusion: Why NYU?

You did it! You made it through all 7 steps.

By now, you understand the importance of breaking down the essay questions and putting them in your own words, researching the school, reflecting on your own values, and finding places of commonality between your values and the school’s.

In order to get to your story, you need to let yourself write without restriction. In addition, you know the importance of crafting a coherent narrative and having several people read through your work.

Hopefully, you have written a superb essay in response to NYU’s question.

Remember that you are more than enough, and all the support you need is out there if you would look for it.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We wish you all the best on your applications!

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How to Tackle the Why NYU Essay Prompt (with Examples!)

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  • essay topic

Always dreamed of studying in the Big Apple at New York University? You better be able to put those dreams in words and explain why NYU is the choice for you.

why nyu essay examples

New York University’s application asks students interested in studying at their university for an additional writing supplement. Specifically, the prompt questions why applicants wish to pursue their study at NYU. Here’s the exact prompt:

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please tell us why you are interested in each of the campuses, schools, colleges, or programs to which you have applied. You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU’s global network; regardless, we want to understand - Why NYU? (400 word maximum)

Don’t be intimidated by the essay prompt. The essay prompt is long with a lot of details and questions, and you only have 400 words to address all those points. Breathe. The essay prompt provides you with these questions and details to help you brainstorm your answer. Many of them overlap and will help you get to the core of why NYU is the best place for you to pursue your interests and studies.

Let’s break them down.

- NYU Campus: New York University offers 3 degree-granting campuses around the world. Applicants can choose to apply specifically to one of them, or rank them by preference. The 3 locations are in New York, Abu Dhabi and Shanghai.

If there is a specific campus you’re applying to, why? What made you decide to choose one over the other two locations? If you prioritized one over the others, what was the motivation behind that?

- NYU School or College: On the New York campus, NYU houses 10 schools and colleges, giving prospective students a broad range undergraduate studies they can focus on. Even if you’re undecided on what major you’d like to study, you must choose a specific school or college to apply to. Here are the options:

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Gallatin School of Individualized Study
  • Liberal Studies Core Program
  • Meyers College of Nursing
  • School of Professional Studies
  • Silver School of Social Work
  • Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development
  • Stern School of Business
  • Tandon School of Engineering
  • Tisch School of Arts

Choosing which school you want to apply to is akin to choosing which field of study you want to pursue. What experiences do you have that led you to choose your specific school? Why are you interested in your chosen field of study?

- Focused or Undecided: Are you applying with a specific major or a specific field of study? Or are you undecided? You can choose to expand further on why your interests in a major by linking in your extracurriculars and academics.

- NYU’s Global Network: If you are undecided and unsure what you want to study, why is NYU the place to go to help you discover your interests? This will give you the opportunity to dive into what you know about NYU’s student body and campus culture. And, how that aligns with the environment you want to be in.

So, how do you tie all these points together in 400 words? Find a focus. Look at the rest of your application, and think what else are you missing from your application that you really want to emphasize. If you’ve already talked about your interest in your chosen major for your personal statement, then maybe there’s something else you want to share. Whatever that focus is you want to highlight, how does it link to NYU? That’s the connection you want to show in this supplemental essay. Here are some examples:

1. Essay Example 1: Studying Sociology at NYU

why nyu essay examples

Nyudotedu, New York University ‘19

“I can think of no better place to study such phenomena than in New York City and at NYU. There are good reasons why the Sociology program at NYU was ranked one of the best by Not only does NYU offer a solid academic foundation, it also provides a place to conduct fieldwork that not many schools can match - namely, New York City. The department also invites speakers that cover diverse topics to show how sociology is applied to different fields of study. I think the seminars offered at NYU will help me see sociology from many different perspectives. Among the seminars offered at NYU last year, I would have definitely attended “Should We Worry about inequality?” and “Cultural Durability and Social Change.” If given the chance to attend NYU, I would take advantage of such seminars and workshops to add to my classroom knowledge.”

NYU essay excerpt 1 breakdown:

In this excerpt of nyudotedu’s NYU supplemental essay, you can see how she demonstrates her interest in sociology, her knowledge of NYU’s sociology curriculum, and her intellectual curiosity. Her focus here is to further explain her chosen major and why she wants to study computer science at NYU. She not only points to NYU”s curriculum for why she wants to study sociology at NYU, but also to the school’s location—New York City. She makes it clear that there is value for her to be in both NYU and NYC to pursue her studies.

Additionally, she gives specific examples of the type of seminars she’d join, thereby showing her continued interest outside of the classroom and knowledge of what NYU offers. She doesn’t go into detail about the courses, because she doesn’t have to. The admissions officers may know and can find out what those courses entail, and judging by the course titles, it’s another subtle opportunity for them to know she is as a student and person.  

Unlock nyudotedu’s NYU profile to read her full application essays and advice!

2. Essay Example 2: Diversity at NYU

why nyu essay examples

Ngozirebecca, New York University ‘19

“I’ve been in love with you for quite some time now. As a young girl, I would admire you from afar, merely a schoolgirl’s crush, staring open-mouthed at your tall, glittering building and vibrant violet banners. As I grew older, my puppy love grew to look past the superficial and I fell hard. I saw the diversity of your student body, a melting pot of talent and intellect, and the care with which you taught them. When I saw you offered cross-school minors, I realized how dedicated you were to comprehensive education, and when I learned the sheer number of student groups available for participation, I realized that you embraced every one of your student’s passions, no one was a “freak,” no one was alone. As I approach graduation and prepare to head out into the world on my own, I finally understand: We fit on another.”

NYU essay excerpt 2 breakdown: 

In this excerpt of Ngozirebecca’s “Why NYU” essay, she points out the reasons why NYU is a good fit for her, whilst being completely transparent  with her growth and thought process. She demonstrates a sense of maturity in her essay, as she explains how her love and perspective of NYU has changed as she grew up. She’s able to show off her creative writing style, and share what NYU’s academics and student body can offer her. And, most importantly, what she can offer in return.

Unlock Ngozirebecca’s NYU profile to read her full application essays and advice! 

3. Essay Example 3: “NYU is creative and determined”

why nyu essay examples

ShaneNYUStern, New York University ‘19

““Are you going to eat all that?” asked another swimmer in the dining hall. “Yup, one bite at a time,” I told him. That’s how I approach things: consistently with determination and creativity. I have been swimming competitively since I was nine. For the past three years, I wake up at 3:50am and swim nine times a week. I am consistent. I am determined and fierce competitor. This past year, I found an outlet for my creativity. I competed as a member of Virginia DECA and won a state award, advancing to the international level and placing in the top 4-percent. NYU is creative and determined. It consistently produces alumni who are amount the best in their field. I hope someday to be one of them.”

NYU essay excerpt 3 breakdown: 

ShaneNYUStern to share more about himself and his characteristics in his supplemental essay. In this essay excerpt, he highlights his extracurricular achievements, varsity swimmer and DECA winner, what he learned from them, and how that ties in to his interest in studying at NYU.

Unlock ShaneNYUStern’s NYU profile to read his full application essays and advice!


Hope this was helpful for those of you finishing your NYU applications! Interested in reading these students’ full personal statements in addition to their full responses to the Why NYU supplemental prompt? Unlock all of them in one go with our Why NYU Package ! 

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About The Author

Frances Wong

Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.

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How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay

NYU has long been a top choice school for many students. New York University’s application volume has now reached a new level. Last year, more than 100,000 students submitted applications, marking a new record for the college.

Consequently, it’s no surprise that gaining a seat at NYU is exceptionally competitive. To boost your admissions odds, you must ensure that each component of your application presents you in the best possible light, including your NYU supplemental essays. Read on to learn what you can do to make sure your writing sets you apart for all of the right reasons.

How to Write the Why NYU Essay

If you think you only need to worry about your personal statement, think again. Supplemental essays matter , particularly at highly competitive colleges like NYU where students are applying amidst tens of thousands other applicants.

One of the most important questions you will need to answer as part of the NYU supplemental essay process is about the college itself. Many schools include a supplemental essay question that asks the applicant why they are choosing to apply to their institution. They ask this question because they want to gauge an applicant’s level of interest in attending their university. They also hope to get to know the applicant and understand the potential impact they could have  on campus.

The “Why Us” essay topic is an opportunity to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the college to which you are applying. Rather than generic statements, make sure you tailor your arguments to NYU specifically by referencing classes you’re interested in taking , professors you wish to study with, and on-campus clubs that you’re eager to join . Avoid reusing or recycling this response from your other applications, even if you see a similar short essay prompt. You want to make sure each response is as school-specific as possible.

When it comes to writing a “Why Us” essay for NYU specifically, you’ll need to make sure your response stands out, especially since the college recently received 105,000 applications for first-year admissions . The more you research and tailor your answer to the college, the more compelling your response will be. Keep in mind that the best answers really break the question down into two parts: “Why are you applying to NYU?” and “What are you interested in studying at NYU?”. There are a few different ways that you can go about including both of these components in your answer.

Approach #1: The ‘3-5 Unique Opportunities’ Strategy

You can also identify 3-5 opportunities that are specific to NYU and connect each one back to your long-term career and personal goals. This approach can work well at a large school like NYU, where there are plenty of unique opportunities for students to highlight.

Approach #2: The ‘One Value’ Strategy

The third strategy for this NYU supplemental essay question is to choose one value that relates to you and to the college and to focus on it. Find a way to discuss how the college’s ethos aligns with your own values. Then, weave in specific NYU opportunities that interest you and relate to this value.

Approach #3: Mix and Match

You can also take a hybrid approach by choosing a central theme to focus on, incorporating a few reasons why NYU is the best school for you to pursue this focus. Make sure to back up your argument with specific facts and examples.

How to Stand Out in Your NYU Supplemental Essays

Pinpoint your specific interest.

Make sure you’re writing about your interests and passions. At this point in the application process, most students are aware of how important extracurriculars are for college , but it’s worth reiterating: admissions officers will affirm prospective students who have become specialists or experts in something. When it comes to talking about your passions, don’t be shy in your NYU supplement essay.

Discuss Relevant Opportunities

Admissions officers should walk away from your essay with a belief that NYU is a place you will thrive. The best way to do that is by highlighting school-specific learning and development opportunities that align with your passions and interests. Call out classes, research programs , and internships that intrigue you to make your point.

Be Comprehensive

When you’re writing the NYU supplemental essay, it’s best to go into detail. Be specific about the academic programs and opportunities at NYU that interest you and make sure you support all of your arguments with stories and examples when relevant.

Connect Those Details to Your Values

Admissions officers already know that NYU is a great college. Instead of reiterating that, aim to connect some of NYU’s key differentiators to your own values and interests. Explain what about the school excites you and articulate why you’re committed to attending. This is one of the best tips for supplemental essays that you can apply to every college you’re applying to.

Top 3 Common Mistakes When Writing the NYU Essay

When you’re writing your NYU supplement essay, avoid making the following common mistakes:

Mistake #1: Focusing on the Basics

There’s nothing wrong with mentioning the school’s location or size, but that shouldn’t be your main reason for wanting to attend NYU. There are plenty of other schools in New York City which will make that argument less impactful. Instead, focus on specific opportunities that only NYU offers.

Mistake #2: Using Inappropriate Language

Your NYU supplemental essay should be written in your own voice. Instead of trying to sound impressive or academic, just prioritize sounding like yourself. With that being said, there’s no room for curse words or other inappropriate languages in your college admissions essays.

Mistake #3: Thinking This Is a ‘Why Them’ Only Essay

The essay question might say “Why NYU?” but the admissions office is really asking “Why should we admit you?”. Keep this in mind when you formulate your response and make sure your essay highlights individual qualities that fit NYU.

Why NYU Essay Examples

Want to see what a top-tier essay looks like? Check out the following essay written by an IvyWise student who was accepted during the 2021-22 admissions cycle and is currently attending NYU:

Walking through the streets of New York City with my mother, I always enjoyed listening to her stories about her experiences at NYU. As she pointed out her favorite places to study, I could envision myself there as well, thriving in the epicenter of a dynamic global environment. I would love to join NYU’s College of Arts and Science and delve into my academic interests in sociology and law while being immersed in the energetic and spirited community of the city itself.

I have always been fascinated by how human beings interact with their surroundings and how those interactions affect social structures. The variety of classes available in the Department of Sociology is incredibly enticing. I am excited to take Sociological Theory and learn about the foundational theories that have shaped the discipline and use those theories as a lens to study modern-day society. I am particularly interested in social justice and inequality, and the unique minor in law and society perfectly aligns with this interest. Being able to take a class with Professor David Garland, an expert in the American death penalty and the differences between Western European and American prison sentences, would be especially intriguing for me. 

I would also enjoy attending the sociology workshops the department sponsors. The Crime, Law, and Deviance workshop exemplifies how NYU graduate students and faculty are at the forefront of studying the social impact of crime. Additionally, as an international student, I appreciate NYU’s wide range of study away programs. The fact that I can study abroad in Florence and continue my study of sociology and the legal system in The Politics of Organized Crime: Italian Mafia in a Comparative Perspective is especially appealing as it would also allow me to reconnect with my Italian roots.

I am looking forward to connecting with my peers socially as well. The French Club and the Italian Club will help me meet other students who perhaps share my cultural background. I can also satisfy my creative side by joining the Guitare Fingerstyle Club. Additionally, as a maths aficionado, I would enjoy attending the lectures hosted by the Mathematics Society.

NYU’s unmistakable metropolitan grounds welcome undergraduates to take advantage of all the city brings to the table. From the sociology classes on campus to the astonishing displays at the MoMA and the unique energy of the NYC streets, I’m eager to take everything in!

For another successful essay example, see the following written by an IvyWise student who was accepted to NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts:

What has always struck me as an essential aspect of NYU Tisch is its openness of mind, the way it radiates diversity and acceptance, whether in terms of education or culture. From its stylistic variety to the vibrancy of its community, NYU Tisch is rooted in difference and harmony. I consider such open-mindedness to be vital, not only to my personal development, but to the prosperity of society in a broader sense.

NYU Tisch’s undergraduate dance curriculum appeals to me as a program that values individuality, whose design encourages independence and singularity. Courses in the likes of Creative Research in Dance put the artist at the centre of their creation, which I believe is fundamental to artistic growth. Those values resonate with my creativity, my tendency towards non-conformism, and my constant desire to experiment with new visions.

In addition to this, I am captivated by the progressive spirit that NYU Tisch displays, both artistically and ideologically. It gives the impression of being set in motion by an elemental belief in the necessity of growth and renewal. I deeply relate to this belief, and strive to maintain balance between my creative and critical sides, in order to cultivate a permanent state of self-reflection.

Furthermore, I am strongly attracted to the multi-dimensional vision of dance that NYU Tisch offers. Its undergraduate program is all-encompassing, encircling physical training, theoretical studies, creative experimentation and performance. I found myself especially drawn to the Core Curriculum, Art in the World/ The World through Art, for I am fascinated by the mutual influence of art and society. Certain courses have also sparked my interest by the way they envision dance under less traditional angles, such as the studies of Acting or Music Theory and Composition.

Additionally, I have a profound admiration for the abundance of opportunities that NYU Tisch offers, not only through its prestigious program, but also through the inspiring energy of the New York scene. Every corner of the city, from the illustrious Broadway to the most obscure basements, seems loaded with talent and creativity. The hypnotizing intensity of the city calls out to my driven character, to my determination to achieve what my mind is set on, regardless of the difficulty.

I see NYU Tisch as a place that could fulfill me personally, for the architecture of its undergraduate dance program deeply resonates with my creativity, values and ambitions.

How IvyWise Can Help You With Your NYU Supplemental Application Essay?

Every student can benefit from college admissions assistance , especially if their goal is to gain admission to a school as competitive as NYU. If you’re interested in learning how to take your NYU supplement application essay to the next level, our team is here to help.

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Answering the “Why NYU” essay

why nyu essay examples

By Eric Eng

View of New York University NYC at the plaza in front of The Leonard Stern School of Business.

Have you ever wondered why New York University (NYU) is such a popular choice among students? In this blog post, we will explore the “Why NYU” essay and delve into why it holds such immense importance in the college application process.

The “Why NYU” essay is a crucial opportunity for applicants to showcase their genuine interest and fit with the university. Crafting a compelling response can greatly enhance your chances of securing admission to this prestigious institution.

By understanding the significance of this essay and effectively conveying your passion for NYU , you can stand out among the pool of applicants and increase your likelihood of becoming a part of the vibrant New York University community.

The Purpose of the “Why NYU” Essay

The “Why NYU” essay serves as a crucial component of the college admissions process, allowing applicants to showcase their genuine interest in and alignment with New York University.

This essay is more than just a requirement; it is a chance for applicants to articulate why NYU is their top choice and how they envision themselves as valuable addition to the university community.

Admissions officers emphasize the “Why NYU ” essay because it offers valuable insights into an applicant’s motivation, values, and potential fit within NYU’s academic and cultural environment.

By carefully reviewing this essay, admissions officers can gain a deeper understanding of an applicant’s level of interest in the university and evaluate their potential contributions to the campus community.

The essay allows applicants to demonstrate their knowledge about NYU and convey a genuine passion for the university. Admissions officers seek students who are not only academically qualified but also have a sincere desire to be a part of the university’s unique community.

NYU university flag

Through their essay, applicants have the opportunity to showcase their research and understanding of NYU’s programs, faculty, campus, and values. They can delve into specific aspects of NYU that resonate with them and explain how these align with their own academic and personal goals.

Furthermore, the “Why NYU” essay helps admissions officers assess an applicant’s potential for success at the university. By evaluating an applicant’s motivation and values, they can determine if the applicant’s aspirations and goals align with what the school has to offer.

Admissions officers are interested in selecting students who will thrive in NYU’s academic environment, contribute to its vibrant campus life, and make a positive impact on the university and the world beyond.

Researching NYU

Researching NYU is a crucial step in crafting a compelling “Why NYU” essay. By conducting thorough research, applicants can gain valuable insights into the university’s programs, faculty, campus, extracurricular activities , and unique features. This research serves as the foundation for demonstrating genuine interest and fits with NYU.

To begin their research journey, applicants should utilize various resources available to them. The NYU website is a treasure trove of information, providing detailed descriptions of academic departments, majors, minors, and special programs. It also offers valuable insights into the university’s mission, values, and cultural diversity. Prospective students should explore the website thoroughly, taking note of any programs or initiatives that catch their attention.

In addition to the website, applicants can take advantage of virtual campus tours. Many universities, including NYU, offer virtual tours that provide a realistic and immersive experience of the campus. These tours allow prospective students to explore different buildings, facilities, and student spaces, giving them a sense of the physical environment and campus culture.

Another valuable resource for researching NYU is connecting with current students or alumni. By reaching out to individuals who have firsthand experience at NYU, applicants can gain valuable insights and perspectives.

They can ask questions about academics, student life, internships, and overall experiences at the university. Conversations with current students or alumni can provide a deeper understanding of NYU’s community and help applicants identify specific aspects that resonate with them.

Throughout the research process, applicants should pay attention to key findings that align with their interests and aspirations. They should identify specific academic offerings or programs that stand out to them, such as renowned departments, unique interdisciplinary opportunities, or specialized research initiatives.

By highlighting these specific aspects, applicants can demonstrate their enthusiasm and compatibility with NYU’s educational environment.

Moreover, applicants should consider NYU’s urban campus experience. Being located in the heart of New York City provides a wealth of opportunities for students. The vibrant city offers access to internships, cultural events, networking opportunities, and a diverse community.

Applicants should reflect on how the urban setting aligns with their academic and career goals and how they can leverage the city’s resources to enhance their education and personal growth.

Showcasing your fit

Reflecting on personal experiences: When crafting the “Why NYU” essay, it is crucial for applicants to reflect on their past experiences and demonstrate how those experiences align with NYU’s values and educational philosophy.

By delving into personal anecdotes, applicants can provide admissions officers with a deeper understanding of their character, values, and motivations.

For example, if an applicant has engaged in community service or advocacy work, they can highlight NYU’s commitment to social responsibility and their own passion for making a positive impact. By connecting personal experiences to NYU’s values, applicants can showcase their fit within the university’s community.

A view of the Statue of Liberty

Connecting with NYU’s culture: NYU takes pride in its diverse and inclusive community, and it is important for applicants to demonstrate an understanding of this culture in their essays. Applicants should research and familiarize themselves with NYU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and then highlight how this aligns with their own values and aspirations.

They can discuss their appreciation for diverse perspectives, their desire to engage with individuals from different backgrounds and their commitment to fostering an inclusive community. By showcasing their alignment with NYU’s culture, applicants demonstrate their potential to contribute to and thrive within the university’s vibrant community.

Aligning with academic goals: In addition to cultural fit, applicants should emphasize their alignment with NYU’s academic goals. They can do this by showcasing their own academic goals and explaining how NYU’s programs , faculty, and resources can help them achieve those goals.

Applicants should research the specific programs, majors, and courses offered by the university that align with their interests and aspirations. They can discuss their passion for a particular field of study and how NYU’s renowned faculty and cutting-edge resources can enhance their learning experience.

By showcasing their alignment with NYU’s academic environment, applicants demonstrate their readiness to thrive in their chosen discipline and make valuable contributions to the intellectual community at NYU.

Unique opportunities at NYU

NYU offers a multitude of unique opportunities that set it apart from other universities. One of the key advantages is its commitment to interdisciplinary learning. NYU encourages students to explore various academic disciplines and provides numerous opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Whether you’re interested in combining arts and sciences, business and technology, or any other interdisciplinary field, NYU offers programs and resources that foster innovation and creative problem-solving across disciplines.

This emphasis on interdisciplinary learning allows students to gain a broader perspective, think critically from multiple angles, and tackle complex real-world challenges.

In addition to its commitment to interdisciplinary learning, the university places a strong emphasis on global engagement. The university has an extensive study abroad program that allows students to immerse themselves in different cultures and gain a global perspective.

With global campuses in Abu Dhabi, Shanghai, and other major cities, the university provides students unparalleled opportunities to study, research, and intern in diverse international environments.

This global engagement not only expands students’ horizons but also equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world.

When crafting a “Why NYU” essay, applicants should showcase their interest in global perspectives and cultural immersion, highlighting how they can contribute to and benefit from NYU’s global engagement initiatives.

Moreover, NYU’s location in the heart of New York City offers unique advantages to its students. The university’s urban campus provides access to a vibrant and dynamic city known as a global center for finance, business, arts, media, and culture.

Students can tap into the city’s vast resources, including internships , research opportunities, and networking events. Whether you’re interested in Wall Street, Broadway, startups, or renowned museums, NYU’s location in New York City opens doors to a wide range of experiences and possibilities.

View of a building in NYU.

This proximity to industry professionals and cultural events allows students to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world settings and establish valuable connections that can shape their academic and career trajectories.

When addressing NYU’s location in the “Why NYU” essay, applicants should emphasize how the city’s energy, opportunities, and resources align with their academic and career aspirations and how they plan to leverage these advantages to enhance their educational journey at NYU.

Final Thought

Crafting a well-crafted “Why NYU” essay can be a powerful tool for standing out and securing admission to this prestigious university. While the application process is competitive, the “Why NYU” essay provides an opportunity for you to shine and showcase your unique qualities truly.

By conducting thorough research, highlighting your fit with NYU’s academic and cultural environment, and showcasing your passion and authenticity, you can leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

Remember, the essay is not just about impressing the committee; it is also a chance for you to reflect on your own goals and aspirations deeply. So, approach the essay with enthusiasm, take the time to craft a compelling response, and let your genuine interest in NYU shine through.

With a well-crafted “Why NYU” essay, you can greatly enhance your chances of gaining admission to a university that aligns with your academic, personal, and career goals.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the college admission process? Look no further! AdmissionSight is here to guide you toward success. With our specialized college admission consultation service, we offer personalized assistance tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.

Our experienced consultants will provide expert advice on crafting a standout application, selecting the right colleges, and navigating the complex admissions world. Don’t let stress hold you back—let AdmissionSight be your trusted partner on your journey to higher education. Contact us today to take the first step toward a brighter future.


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New York University (NYU) Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the “Why NYU” essay prompt?’s “Why NYU” Essay Guide will show you exactly how to write an engaging “Why NYU” essay to maximize your chances of admission. This guide will also reference CollegeAdvisor’s “Why NYU” essay examples  article  from last year. The piece includes two “Why NYU” essay examples from students who were admitted to NYU. We also reference feedback from former admissions officers on why each “Why NYU” essay was successful.

If you need help crafting your answers to the NYU application essay, create your free  account  or  schedule a free consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

New York University ( NYU ) Essay Guide Quick Facts:

  • For the class of 2025, NYU accepted  12.8% of applicants  to its New York Campus.  U.S. News  considers this school to be  most selective .
  • We recommend answering the required NYU essay, and any additional prompts, comprehensively and thoughtfully.

What is NYU known for?

NYU prides itself on the fact that the city is its campus. In 1831, the university’s founders aimed to create an institution of learning that would be “in and of the city.” Thus, NYU’s main campus has no gates or walls separating it from the rest of Greenwich Village. This differs from other schools in the city, such as Columbia University that has a central quad and gates separating itself from the Morningside Heights area. Side note: Barnard College, Columbia University’s affiliated women’s college has its own quad and set of gates, albeit adjacent to Columbia’s campus.)

However, the breadth of NYU students’ learning extends far beyond the confines of Manhattan. NYU has more international students and students studying abroad than any other university in the United States. Students hail from 133 countries and nearly every state in the U.S.

What are three interesting facts about NYU?

  • NYU’s main campus is located in Manhattan. However, the university also has campuses in  Shanghai ,  Abu Dhabi , and other  global academic centers .
  • The origin of NYU’s color, violet, is  obscure . Many believe it’s a nod to the violets that grow in Washington Square and around the original university building. Others trace it back to Athens, Greece—a center of learning in the ancient world. The violet flower was strongly associated with the city.
  • NYU has many world-renowned  alumni , including Lady Gaga, Adam Sandler, and Angelina Jolie.

How many essays do you have to write for NYU?

New York University has  one  required NYU essay prompt in the 2021-2022  Common App . Each applicant will produce a “Why NYU” essay in addition to their Common App personal statement. As you look at the  NYU admissions page , you’ll notice that there are additional requirements for Steinhardt (an  audition or portfolio  for all applicants to the Music Department with the exception of Educational Theatre, and a  portfolio  for those applying to Studio Art) and Tisch (an  audition or portfolio  for applicants to all programs). A pplying to one of these programs? Make sure you complete all of the requirements referenced on the pages linked above.  This NYU essay guide will only cover the required “Why NYU” essay. However, you can use the tips here to help craft the  Steinhardt portfolio ,  Tisch portfolio , and  Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholars Program  essays as well.

How long is the NYU essay?

When writing your “Why NYU” essay, you have a maximum of 400 words to convey your interest in attending NYU. While 400 words may seem like a lot, you will want to strategize to use them wisely. You’ll also see below in the “Why NYU” essay prompt breakdown that there are several layers to the NYU application essay. Accordingly, you’ll need to answer each portion of the NYU essay prompt in order for it to be considered complete.

Due to NYU’s relatively low acceptance rate and competitive admissions process, a strong NYU application essay is key to maximizing your admissions odds. In fact, this is your chance to show NYU your demonstrated interest (DI). Demonstrated interest is what universities use to gauge just how interested a student is in attending their particular school. Want to read more about using supplemental essays to convey DI to each school that you’re applying to? Check out this article on DI by  Forbes .

Why does the NYU essay have a word limit?

The “Why NYU” essay has a word limit because admissions officers have a limit. Last year, over  100,000  first-year undergraduate hopefuls applied to NYU. In short, the “Why NYU” essay has a word limit to help admissions officers process the large number of applications.

There’s more to the picture, however. The NYU supplemental essay prompt also enforces a strict word limit to test your (the applicant’s) ability to respond to their prompt clearly and succinctly. The NYU supplemental essay prompt is intentionally broad. Thus, each writer has ample opportunity to discuss their research on the school, passion about their potential major(s), and general excitement about NYU.

Finally, the NYU admissions committee is looking for well-edited, dynamic writing in each “Why NYU” essay. Having a 400-word limit helps admissions officers identify both strong and weak writing quickly. Most importantly, they’re looking for students who they believe will bring diversity to their community and will excel in a rigorous academic environment.

“Why NYU” Essay Prompt (Required)

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand – Why NYU? (400 words)

This NYU essay prompt is more than just a simple “Why NYU” essay question. In fact, there are several layers to the NYU essay. The admissions team is interested in your reasons for applying not only to NYU, but your interest in a particular campus, college, program, and area of study. Consequently, it’s best to approach this NYU supplemental essay as an NYU-specific personal statement. Similar to your Common App personal statement, you’ll want to treat this NYU essay as an introduction to the admissions committee.

How do you write the “Why NYU” essay?

Begin your “Why NYU” essay writing process with a brainstorm/free-write session. Start a list and write down every reason that contributed to your decision to apply to NYU. It can be as simple as “wanting to live in NYU;” as big as “majoring in education studies to make sweeping reforms in NYC’s school systems;” and as specific as “taking a music course with adjunct professor Questlove.”

Take no more than ten minutes to write this list. When you’ve finished, write two more lists, one titled “academic goals,” and the other titled “professional goals.” Spend ten minutes each completing these lists–these don’t have to be specifically related to NYU like the first list, but this is simply an opportunity to think about your area of study and goals for the future.

Make connections

Now that you have these three lists, take some time to draw connections between the three. For example, if your “why NYU” list includes the bonus of living in New York City while attending school, try to connect it with one of your reasons from the other lists. In other words, consider the fact that many students will list wanting to study in New York City as a reason for attending NYU.

To help your NYU essay stand out, you’ll need to create stronger connections between the school and your academic, personal, and professional goals. An example of this in a “Why NYU” essay could look like a student who is excited to study urban planning at NYU. In their NYU essay, they could link their interest in studying the history and future of New York City as the main reason for pursuing this particular program at NYU.

In fact, in the first of the “Why NYU” essay examples, the writer draws a clear connection between their interest in studying at the Stern School of Business and the opportunity to participate in the International Business Exchange Program:

Essay Example 1:

The Bachelor of Science in Business Program excites me, as it entails a well-rounded yet intensive study in core business disciplines. However, what draws me to Stern is the emphasis on gaining a global perspective, which is crucial in today’s rapidly changing world economy. Through the International Business Exchange Program, I will be able to gain a first-hand cultural experience that will mold me into a global citizen and business leader. Not only will I be taking courses in the most prestigious business schools across the globe, but I will also have new doors opened for me to network with alumni.

In just a few short sentences, the writer is able to state their school of interest (Stern), connect it to a program (the International Business Exchange Program), and talk about how NYU can help them accomplish their professional goals.

Identify the connections in your lists of personal, professional, and academic goals related to NYU. Then, it’s time to think about how you’d like to open your NYU essay. The second of our “Why NYU” essay examples perfectly demonstrate the power of a persuasive opening anecdote or story. The first few sentences are meant to draw the reader into your story. This is true of any essay, the “Why NYU” essay included. Consequently, you’ll want to use dynamic language that sets the tone for your NYU supplemental essay. Let’s look at our “Why NYU” essay examples for inspiration:

Essay Example 2:

Before I began interning for the International Rescue Committee’s refugee youth acclimation program—right in the heart of the Lower East Side—I underwent weeks of training in providing trauma-informed support, reminded repeatedly that these kids have gone through more than I could possibly imagine.

Similar to the language in the first of our “Why NYU” essay examples, this writer is able to say a lot in a few sentences. They’ve not only identified their extracurricular/internship work with IRC but also established their level of commitment to helping refugee youths.

As you can see, both of these “Why NYU” essay examples deal with the very different subject matter. One essay deals with a refugee volunteer looking to study racial policy. The other focuses on a finance student looking to network with future NYU alumni. Both candidates, however, are clear in what they want to study at NYU and why it is important for them to pursue that particular program there. They are also able to draw connections between their passions and interests to their proposed academic programs.

Do your research

Make a strong case for why you want to pursue a particular program at NYU. Use the “Why NYU” essay examples for reference; this is the most important part of your “Why NYU” essay. If you’re unsure of what you want to study, now is the time to research  NYU’s programs . The major referenced in your NYU essay may not be what you pursue if admitted, and that’s okay. If you can, however, identify potential majors of interest in your NYU essay prompt response and connect them to your overall candidate profile. This can help you write a stronger NYU essay.

For example, if your extracurriculars deal with creative writing and your high school courses are mainly in literature, picking a STEM major, simply to impress the admissions committee will likely raise red flags. In cases like this, you may want to talk about the ways that an NYU education will help you find your academic area of focus. Your “why” may not be as clear, but you can still write a successful “Why NYU” essay that focuses on what draws you to the unique community at NYU.

In other words, authenticity is key. Don’t submit a NYU essay that simply tells the admissions officers what you think they want to hear.

“Why NYU” Essay Draft Key Questions:

  • Does your “Why NYU” essay talk about your motivations for attending NYU?
  • In your NYU essay prompt response, do you demonstrate that you’ve done research on the schools, programs, courses, and organizations that NYU offers?
  • When applicable in your NYU essay, do you mention specific NYU campus traditions, courses, regional attractions, professors, etc.?

What should I include in my “Why NYU” essay?

The NYU supplemental essay prompt asks two deeper questions: “What motivated you to apply to NYU?” and “Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study?”. Both of these questions should be answered when drafting your “Why NYU” essay.

Naturally, NYU’s desired location in New York City leads many of its applicants to apply to the school. You can speak about the unique opportunities that the big city presents. However, you want to ensure that your response is specific enough to NYU. What does NYU have to offer that Columbia and Fordham don’t? Remember in the second of the “Why NYU” essay examples, the writer was able to specifically name the major (public health policy) that they wanted to pursue at NYU, as well as where they wanted to carry out research ( CASSR ). As in the “Why NYU” essay examples, it’s best to be as specific as possible.

After all, the NYU essay prompt asks “What motivated you to apply to NYU?”, and not “What motivated you to apply to college in New York City?”. A solid strategy in approaching this NYU supplemental essay, then, is to center your essay around NYU. This might seem obvious. However, you’d be surprised how many students realize  after the fact  that their completed NYU essay revolves around the city of the school and not the school itself.

Tell a story

For this NYU supplemental essay, it’s important to reflect on the past experiences that have led you to be interested in a given area of study. Was it a specific moment in your life or a series of experiences? You have the option to choose either path in writing this NYU application essay. Take a look at both of the “Why NYU” essay examples on the CollegeAdvisor  blog . The first NYU essay example highlights multiple experiences that led the author to their interest in pursuing a finance major. The second of the “Why NYU” essay examples makes one volunteer experience the focus of their NYU essay prompt. Both are strong and a great reminder that your “Why NYU” essay should be as unique as you are!

To recap, the NYU application essay you submit should be thoroughly researched. After familiarizing yourself with NYU’s  campuses  and  programs , you should include specific details related to your program of interest in your “Why NYU” essay. If it’s relevant to your essay you may also want to write about specific NYU  clubs/organizations  and  events/traditions .

NYU Application Essay: Final Thoughts

Completing the NYU supplemental essay can seem daunting, but don’t let the NYU essay prompt discourage you from applying. At the end of the day, the NYU essay prompt is not intended to trip you up. Rather, view the NYU application essay as an opportunity to further introduce yourself to the admissions team.

Use this NYU supplemental essay guide to help you approach the NYU application essay with confidence. Before and during your NYU essay writing process, make sure to spend some time reading over our “Why NYU” essay examples. Use the feedback from former admissions officers included with each NYU essay as guiding criticism for your own draft. While your experiences are going to be different than what is outlined in the “Why NYU” essay examples, your reasons for wanting to attend NYU should be just as clear as you read in the sample essay.

After completing your NYU supplemental essay, make sure to revise your NYU application essay. You should ask a counselor, advisor, or other trusted adult to help you proofread for spelling, grammar, and clarity. Good luck!

This 2021-2022 essay guide on NYU was written by  Juliana Furigay , Columbia ‘23. For more resources on the college admissions process, click  here . If you need help crafting your answer to the NYU essay prompt, create your free  account  or  schedule a no-cost advising consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

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How do you write the “Why NYU” Essay (and other “why ___” essays)

why nyu essay examples

While more and more schools join the Common App and Coalition App, they also want to have a better understanding of their applicants from across the world. One way to do so is using supplement essays, and among various topics, the most popular one is the “Why [School]?” essay prompt because it requires applicants to not only elaborate on their reasons for choosing the school, but also show why they are a good match for the school. In this post, we will use New York University (NYU) as a case study and look at how you may go about writing “Why [School]?” essays.

Be Specific. Do Research

Because these essays are usually shorter than your average personal essay—typically around 200-350 words—you must learn to be concise and tell admissions officers what exactly intrigues you. Note that you should definitely bring up your specific academic interest, even if you do not know what you want to study because all colleges admit students as “undecided” anyway. In most schools, though you do not choose your official major until you complete the pre-requisites of that major, be sure to answer the following questions: What program(s) do you plan to enroll in? Why are you interested in this program(s)? What classes? Which professors’ work do you admire?

For instance, NYU has 10 undergraduate schools, colleges, and programs including College of Arts & Sciences, Stern Business School, Tandon School of Engineering, Meyers College of Nursing, Tisch School of the Arts, etc. If you simply say NYU has a variety of interesting programs without being specific, the admissions officers can make the assumption that you did not do your research thoroughly. To catch the school’s attention, you may even want to mention opportunities specific to students of the school, such as study abroad/exchange with a particular school, research opportunities at a particular institution, or school events in the recent years.

How Did You Learn About This School

Even if you’ve never visited the campus, you probably know someone who studies or studied there. Who is it? What class/major did this person study? What’s your relationship with this person? What type of characters does this person exemplify? It’s ok to throw in personal anecdotes, but make them short. And for obvious reasons, don’t write something everyone can copy. Many students apply to NYU because it’s in the largest city in the nation, which means a lot of opportunities, etc., Instead of stating the facts, say WHY being in a big city matters to you. What kind of opportunity are you looking for? In what industry? Why would NYU be the place for you to attain your goals?

Not What Attracts You, But How/What YOU Can Contribute. Essentially, your college application should be about you. Praising a school will not guarantee admissions, and might even jeopardize your chances by making your essay appear to be a one-size-fits-all college essay. First thing to know is that colleges want you to give back, as a student and also as an alum. They want you to bring positive reputation/have positive impact on the school, maybe financially. Be explicit about how you wish to contribute to the community—tell them your plan, and put an emphasis on creating the greater good rather than how awesome you are. For example, if you wish to participate in one of NYU’s many initiatives, explain why equity, diversity, sustainability, or whatever the issue may be, matters to you. Let the admissions officers know what you care about, and that you can—and will—contribute to this community.

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How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essays

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Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/26/24

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the NYU supplemental essays. 

Located in the heart of one of the most iconic cities in the world, New York University (NYU) is known for its vibrant and diverse community. To be successful as an applicant, you must use all the opportunities available to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. 

One way you can do this is through your supplemental essays . Your responses give the admission committee a better understanding of who you are outside of your academic profile, and how you will fit into their community.

In this article, we’ll break down each prompt and provide key tips to help you draft essays that will impress the admissions committee. We’ll also provide a few NYU supplemental essay examples you can use as inspiration to craft your own compelling responses. Let’s get started!

NYU Supplemental Essay Prompts 2023-2024

Students are only required to answer one of the NYU essay prompts . Here are the options you can choose from for the current admissions cycle:

"We're used to people telling us there are no solutions and then creating our own. So we did what we do best. We reached out to each other and our allies, and we mobilized across communities to make change, to benefit and include everyone in society.” Judith Heuman, 2022 NYU Commencement Address.

“I encourage your discomfort, that you must contribute, that you must make your voice heard. That is the essence of good citizenship.” Sherilynn Ifill, 2015 NYU Commencement Address.

“If you know how to fly but never how to walk, wouldn’t that be sad?” Lang Lang, 2015 NYU Honorary Degree Recipient.

  “You have the right to want things and to want things to change.” Sanna Marin, Former Prime Minister of Finland, 2023 NYU Commencement Address.

“It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair.” Taylor Swift, Change, Released 2008, 2022 NYU Commencement Speaker.

Share a short quote and a person not on this list and why the quote inspires you .

How to Write the Essay Prompt for NYU

In this section, we will analyze the prompt and provide a few tips to help you write impactful responses.

How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay Option A + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Option A : This first quote is a powerful statement that emphasizes resilience, collective action, and the ability to overcome challenges. Heuman describes a community's response to adversity, rejecting the notion that there are no solutions. 

The admissions committee likely chose this quote to gauge how applicants perceive and respond to challenges, as well as their commitment to inclusivity and positive change. For your essay, you might want to explore how this quote aligns with your personal values and experiences. 

Consider discussing instances where you've seen the power of collective action or have been part of a solution-oriented community. You could also reflect on your role in fostering inclusivity and change, either in your local community or within a specific context.

Here are some tips you can consider if you choose to write about Option A:

  • Personal Connection : Start by reflecting on a personal experience or a situation where you've witnessed individuals coming together to create positive change. Share a story that resonates with the themes in the quote, demonstrating your understanding of its significance in real-life scenarios.
  • Actions Speak Louder : While discussing why the quote inspires you, provide concrete examples of actions you've taken to contribute to positive change. Whether it's involvement in community projects, advocacy work, or initiatives that promote inclusivity, showcase instances where you've translated inspiration into tangible efforts.
  • Relate to NYU Values : Align your response with NYU's values and mission. Highlight aspects of the quote that resonate with the university's emphasis on diversity, inclusivity, and global citizenship. This will show the admissions committee that you not only understand the quote but also see its relevance to the NYU community.

How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay Option B + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Option B : This quote emphasizes the importance of discomfort in contributing to societal change. The admissions committee expects applicants to reflect on their understanding of civic responsibility and showcase experiences where they've actively engaged in making their voices heard for positive transformations.

Take a look at these tips before you start writing:

  • Choose a Genuine Experience : Select an experience where you genuinely felt discomfort but embraced it as a catalyst for positive change. Authenticity is crucial, so pick a situation that resonates with you personally.
  • Highlight Personal Growth : Discuss how the discomfort you encountered led to personal growth and contributed to your development as an individual. Admissions officers are interested in understanding your journey and the lessons you've learned.
  • Reflect on the Essence of Good Citizenship : Dive into what "the essence of good citizenship" means to you. This is an opportunity to share your philosophy on active citizenship and how you see it shaping your future endeavors.

How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay Option C + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Option C : This quote suggests the importance of grounding oneself in fundamental skills and practical knowledge, even when possessing exceptional talents or abilities. It calls for a balance between grand aspirations and the essential, foundational elements of any pursuit. 

The admissions committee is likely seeking applicants who understand the value of humility, continuous learning, and the importance of mastering the basics before venturing into more complex realms.

  • Choose a Personal Anecdote : Share a specific moment or experience from your life where the quote's message resonates. For example, you could describe a situation in which you had to balance ambitious goals with the need for foundational skills.
  • Reflect on Challenges : Discuss any challenges or obstacles you faced when tempted to focus solely on "flying" without considering the importance of "walking." Reflect on what you learned from these challenges.
  • Discuss Long-Term Perspective : Discuss how your commitment to learning fundamental skills aligns with your long-term goals. Illustrate how this philosophy contributes to your personal and professional development.

How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay Option D + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Option D : The quote suggests that individuals possess the right to desire change and the right to actively seek change. It implies a sense of agency, empowerment, and a call to action. Admissions officers may want to see how this perspective aligns with your values and aspirations.

Applicants are called to consider their aspirations, the changes they wish to see in the world, and how they intend to exercise their agency. It invites reflection on personal values, social consciousness, and the willingness to contribute to positive transformations.

  • Identify Personal Desires for Change : Reflect on your personal desires for change, whether in your life, community, or globally. What issues resonate with you, and why?
  • Highlight Values and Principles : Articulate the values that underpin your desire for change. Whether rooted in empathy, justice, or other principles, explaining these values provides depth to your essay.
  • Express Optimism and Determination : While acknowledging the need for change, convey optimism and determination. Admissions officers are likely looking for candidates who approach challenges with a positive mindset and a determination to make a difference.

How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay Option E + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Option E : This quote suggests a theme of resilience, determination, and the challenges inherent in pursuing one's goals. The admissions committee is likely interested in understanding how applicants navigate adversity, their tenacity in the face of challenges, and their perspectives on fairness and justice.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind for this option:

  • Reflect on Growth : Reflect on how facing unfair challenges has contributed to your personal and intellectual growth. Admissions committees are interested not just in the challenges themselves but in how you've evolved as a result.
  • Relate to Taylor Swift’s Journey : If you're a fan of Taylor Swift, consider drawing parallels between her journey and your own. Discuss how her experiences or advocacy efforts have inspired you and influenced your perspective on fairness.
  • Link to Societal Issues : Explore how the quote reflects broader societal issues. Discuss your awareness of social injustices and your commitment to addressing these challenges, either through advocacy, volunteering, or future career plans.

How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay Option F + Analysis and Tips

Analysis of Option F : This prompt gives applicants the flexibility to choose a quote from any person beyond the provided list, allowing for a more personalized response. Admissions committees are likely looking for insight into the student's values, influences, and the ability to make thoughtful connections.

If you choose this option, make sure to:

  • Select a Meaningful Quot e: Choose a quote that holds personal significance. It could be from a favorite author, a mentor, a historical figure, or anyone whose words have had a profound impact.
  • Explain Your Connection : Clearly explain why the chosen quote inspires you. Share personal anecdotes or experiences that highlight the significance of these words in your life.
  • Showcase Reflective Thinking : Demonstrate reflective thinking by discussing the evolution of your understanding or interpretation of the quote over time. This showcases your capacity for self-reflection and growth.
  • Relate to NYU Values : Connect your chosen quote and the associated person to values that align with NYU. This could include themes of diversity, innovation, social justice, or any aspect that resonates with the university's ethos.

NYU students walking on campus

Examples of NYU Supplemental Essays That Worked

In this section, we will provide a few NYU supplemental essay examples that have allowed students to successfully secure admission into the university. We will also discuss why each sample was effective and highlight what made them stand out.

Sample Essay #1

Prompt : “NYU was founded on the belief that a student’s identity should not dictate the ability for them to access higher education. That sense of opportunity for all students, of all backgrounds, remains a part of who we are today and a critical part of what makes us a world-class university. Our community embraces diversity, in all its forms, as a cornerstone of the NYU experience.

We would like to better understand how your experiences would help us to shape and grow our diverse community. Please respond in 250 words or less.”

Outside of spacetime, in my mind’s eye, on the International Tennis Federation’s (ITF) Florida “Orange Bowl” courts, I imagine Roger Federer serving to Caroline Wozniacki, who returns it back across the net. Except, Caroline’s return doesn’t go to Roger (who’s since dissipated back into my ethereal daydream), but rather to Coco Guaff, who hits a forehand back to Andre Agassi, and so on in an infinite rally between tennis legends who’ve played in the same tournament on the same court on which I’m now standing. Time to go to work!
Like a businesswoman entering the building for a productive workday, I set my bag down as I walk in - in this case, on the courtside bench - and survey my surroundings. Nerves like butterflies flutter in my stomach watching other tennis players from around the world warm up… but I know better by now to just trust my preparation and let it fly. Breathing deeply, I step into my office: the tennis court.
For my first match against an Australian opponent, I’m blessed with two pep talks: one from a [ETHNICITY] coach advising me to “expect everything and adjust to anything” and the other from my [STATE] coach saying to “be proactive, be persistent, play through to the finish.” Given that we’ve worked together longer, the latter words of wisdom stuck with me more, helping me win that first match, go onto qualify for the main draw, and, with your acceptance, share my play-through-to-the-finish pertinacity with my fellow Violets.

Why Essay #1 Worked

This essay is successful because it effectively connects the applicant's experiences in tennis to the values of diversity and community at NYU. The writer uses a creative and imaginative approach, describing a scenario of playing tennis with legends and drawing parallels between the advice received from coaches of different ethnic backgrounds. 

By vividly portraying the tennis environment and incorporating advice from diverse mentors, the applicant showcases their ability to navigate and appreciate diverse perspectives. The essay demonstrates how these experiences would contribute to the cultural richness and inclusivity of NYU's community, aligning with the university's emphasis on diversity as a cornerstone of its identity. 

Sample Essay #2

Prompt : We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular school, college, program, and/or area of study? We would like to understand why NYU? (2500 character maximum)

Though the brain, in all actuality, is not like any other muscle in the human body, the fact that I tend to view my brain as one would view any other muscle is something that must be acknowledged before analogizing how I’ve recently gone about challenging myself intellectually. Simply put, I take my brain to the gym; I analyse its power through its capability to ‘lift’ (fully comprehend) intellectual weights of varying mass and attempt to broaden the reach of its abilities by consistently exercising it, repeatedly pushing it just past its limits until it grows stronger and is thus ready to load on even heavier weights. While I’m by no means claiming here to be some sort of bodybuilding guru – in fact, I weigh roughly the same as most large dogs – this particular process of meticulous brain-training is something I’ve found myself doing in an endless quest to satisfy my insatiable thirst for an understanding of the bigger picture. 
Although attending my current institution has provided me with a stimulating academic experience, and one where I’ve jumped at the opportunity to more deeply explore my interests in both familiar and unfamiliar subjects alike, I find myself at a level of intellectual strength and vitality today where I’m confident in my capacity to take another step forwards – or better yet, a quantum leap into the academic equivalent of an Olympic-level gymnasium that is NYU.
How exactly I plan to utilize the variety of resources such a 'gym’ would provide is a question I’ve spent years eagerly pondering: for one, continuing on my path of pursuing degrees in economics and philosophy at a school ranked 11th and 1st in those subjects respectively would be an absolute honour, as would the experience of studying beneath Professor Alberto Bisin, whose HCEO lecture on Cultural Inequality I’ve now watched countless times. Tantamount to my commitment towards fully exhausting NYU’s academic resources is the level to which I aim to immerse myself in the school’s diverse community; whether it be by driving Tandon’s Formula SAE racecar in competition or volunteering for the noble Change the Imbalance Initiative, I want to ensure that my character undergoes as much development as my intellect in being an NYU student. What stands above all, though, is my desire to give back to the Violet garden of intellectual growth by putting my voice into play within NYU’s academic arena, both inside and outside the classroom. 

Why Essay #2 Worked

This essay effectively articulates the applicant's intellectual curiosity and eagerness to engage with NYU's academic and community aspects. The analogy of treating the brain like a muscle and taking it to the "gym" showcases the writer's disciplined approach to intellectual growth. 

The essay is well-structured, with a clear narrative that transitions from the current academic experience to the desire for a more challenging environment at NYU. The applicant expresses a specific interest in economics and philosophy, aligning their academic goals with NYU's strengths in those subjects. 

The writer goes beyond academics by highlighting their intention to actively participate in the diverse community, referencing specific activities like driving Tandon’s Formula SAE racecar and volunteering for the Change the Imbalance Initiative. Overall, this response successfully conveys the applicant's motivation to contribute both intellectually and personally to NYU's vibrant academic environment.

Sample Essay #3

Prompt : “NYU was founded on the belief that a student’s identity should not dictate the ability for them to access higher education. That sense of opportunity for all students, of all backgrounds, remains a part of who we are today and a critical part of what makes us a world class university. Our community embraces diversity, in all its forms, as a cornerstone of the NYU experience.”

What I’d add to the NYU menu is time-tested tradition translated into battle-tested characteristics and skills that make for seasoned leaders and entrepreneurs. This tradition spans not only academic excellence in school but also entrepreneurial prowess in DECA and even empowers me personally when it comes to my Jewish faith. Since I can remember, Friday nights have always been spent at my grandparents’ house. The euphoric smells of challah and kugel diffuse from the kitchen as the familiar faces of close family sit hungrily around the dinner table, eager to begin the Shabbat prayers. As the last blessing concludes, my grandpa raises his glass. L’chaim, “to life”, echoes throughout the dining room and is accompanied by the sounds of clinking glass and tikvah, “hope”. And finally, it’s time to eat. 
These Shabbat memories have ultimately fueled my ever-growing Jewish identity. The traditional Ashkenazi Jewish recipes that cover the dinner table, symbols of the strength of my ancestors who migrated to America from war-torn Poland during the Holocaust, and the gathering of family each Friday night, symbols of a surviving legacy, have inspired me to hold these traditions close to my heart as I forge my own path through both Judaism and life. 
Today, involvement in my synagogue’s youth program has continued to fuel my ever-growing Jewish identity by allowing me to channel my enthusiasm through civic engagement initiatives that aim to foster change within our community and beyond, such as the [NAME OF EVENT] and other fundraising events within our synagogue. 

Why Essay #3 Worked

This essay effectively communicates the applicant's commitment to their Jewish identity and its connection to their academic and entrepreneurial pursuits. Through vivid details of Friday night Shabbat gatherings and the cultural significance of traditional Jewish recipes, the essay paints a compelling picture. 

The applicant skillfully links their involvement in DECA and synagogue youth programs to civic engagement initiatives, showcasing a commitment to community betterment. The use of Hebrew terms adds cultural authenticity. 

FAQs: How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essays

Here are our answers to a few frequently asked questions about the NYU supplemental essays:

1. Does NYU Have Supplemental Essays?

Yes, NYU has supplemental essays as part of the first-year application process.

2. How Many Essays Does NYU Require?

NYU only has one supplemental essay. You can choose from the options available or come up with your own .

3. How Important Is the Supplemental Essay for NYU?

These essays are very important; they allow you to highlight what makes you unique and how you will contribute to the NYU community. It’s your chance to convey your passion, interest, and commitment to the university. A well-crafted essay can set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of admission.

4. How Long Should the Supplemental Essays Be?

Your response should be no longer than 250 words. 

5. Can I Reuse the Essay from Other College Applications for NYU?

No, reusing the essay from another college application is not advisable. It’s important to ensure your essays are school-specific and align with the values of each institution. Admission committees seek unique and genuine stories and your fit for their school.

6. How Should I Respond to the NYU Supplemental Essay Prompt?

To answer the prompt, ensure you are innovative by tailoring your response to the exact prompt, which should be at least 250 words. You can choose any option and tell your story to show that you are deeply invested in the issue you are discussing.

Final Thoughts

The NYU supplemental essays allow you to convey your passion, values, and aspirations to the admission committee. A well-crafted application can help you stand out and convince the admission committee that you are a perfect fit for the university. 

To successfully meet NYU's essay requirements, it is crucial to delve into prompts that explore your reasons for applying, your specific interest in NYU, and how your experiences align with the university's commitment to fostering a diverse community. 

Therefore, thoroughly understanding the prompts will empower you to create a narrative that reflects your individuality, ultimately increasing your chances of admission. Good luck!

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Crushing Your Dental School Interviews Panel

Starting wednesday, september 4.

10:30 PM UTC · 60 minutes

Table of Contents

The "Why NYU?" dental school essay is an essential aspect of the admission process for prospective dental students. In this article, we will guide you through the different components of this essay prompt and provide valuable tips on crafting a compelling response.

Understanding the "Why NYU?" Essay Question

The "Why NYU?" essay question aims to assess your knowledge of and interest in NYU dental school. Admissions committees want to understand why you specifically chose NYU and how it aligns with your academic and professional goals. It is crucial to demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm for the dental program and your understanding of what sets NYU apart from other dental schools.

When considering the "Why NYU?" essay question, it is important to delve deeper into the reasons behind your choice. NYU dental school has a rich history and a reputation for excellence in dental education. Its state-of-the-art facilities, renowned faculty, and diverse patient population provide students with a unique learning experience.

One aspect that sets NYU apart is its commitment to community outreach. The dental school actively engages with underserved populations, offering free dental care and oral health education to those in need. This commitment to service aligns with NYU's mission to produce compassionate and socially responsible dental professionals.

The Importance of the "Why NYU?" Question

The "Why NYU?" question holds significant weight in the admissions process. It allows the committee to assess your fit for the program and evaluate your commitment to pursuing a dental career at NYU. By carefully addressing this question, you can showcase your dedication and passion, potentially setting yourself apart from other applicants.

Admissions committees want to see that you have thoroughly researched NYU dental school and have a clear understanding of what it offers . This demonstrates your commitment to making an informed decision about your dental education. Additionally, by highlighting specific aspects of NYU that resonate with you, such as its research opportunities or specialized programs, you can further demonstrate your enthusiasm and dedication.

Breaking Down the "Why NYU?" Essay Prompt

When tackling the "Why NYU?" essay, it's important to break down the prompt to ensure you cover all the essential elements. The prompt typically asks you to discuss your reasons for choosing NYU dental school and how it aligns with your career goals. It may also require you to explore specific programs, faculty, or research opportunities that NYU offers.

NYU dental school offers a wide range of programs and specializations, allowing students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals. Whether you are interested in orthodontics, oral surgery, or pediatric dentistry, NYU provides comprehensive training and resources to help you succeed in your chosen field.

Furthermore, NYU boasts a distinguished faculty who are leaders in their respective fields. Their expertise and mentorship can greatly enhance your learning experience and open doors to exciting research opportunities. By highlighting the faculty members whose work aligns with your interests, you can showcase your eagerness to learn from the best and contribute to the advancement of dental knowledge.

In conclusion, the "Why NYU?" essay question is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of and passion for NYU dental school. By thoroughly researching the program, highlighting specific aspects that resonate with you, and showcasing your dedication to a dental career at NYU, you can make a compelling case for why you are the ideal candidate for their dental program.

Crafting Your Response to "Why NYU?"

Highlighting your interest in nyu dental school.

Begin your essay by expressing your genuine interest in NYU dental school. Explain what motivates you to join this particular institution, such as its renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, or innovative research initiatives. Make connections between your values, goals, and how NYU can help you achieve those aspirations.

When it comes to faculty, NYU Dental School boasts some of the most accomplished and respected professionals in the field. Their expertise spans a wide range of dental specialties, from orthodontics to oral surgery, ensuring that students receive comprehensive and top-notch education. Imagine the opportunity to learn from these experts, gaining insights and knowledge that will shape your dental career.

Not only does NYU Dental School have exceptional faculty, but it also provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities. From advanced dental labs equipped with cutting-edge technology to simulation clinics that allow for hands-on practice, NYU ensures that students are well-prepared for the challenges of real-world dentistry. By attending NYU, you will have the opportunity to work with the latest tools and techniques, giving you a competitive edge in your future dental practice.

In addition to faculty and facilities, NYU Dental School is known for its commitment to innovative research initiatives. The school encourages students to engage in groundbreaking research projects, allowing them to contribute to the advancement of dental knowledge. By joining NYU, you will have the chance to collaborate with renowned researchers and make significant contributions to the field of dentistry, further fueling your passion for dental science.

Read : How to Answer the "Why This Dental School?" Application Question

Discussing Your Career Goals and NYU's Role

Articulate your long-term career goals and illustrate how NYU dental school can contribute to your success. Highlight specific programs, electives, or training opportunities that align with your interests and can provide valuable experiences to further your professional growth. Show the admissions committee how NYU's resources and support will enhance your journey towards becoming a successful dentist.

As you envision your future as a dentist , NYU Dental School can play a pivotal role in helping you achieve your goals. The school offers a wide range of specialized programs and electives that cater to various dental interests. Whether you are passionate about pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, or dental public health, NYU provides the necessary resources and expertise to nurture your specific career path.

Furthermore, NYU Dental School offers unique training opportunities that can broaden your horizons and enhance your skills. For instance, the school's global outreach programs allow students to participate in dental missions around the world, providing dental care to underserved communities. By engaging in such experiences, you will not only develop your clinical skills but also cultivate a sense of empathy and cultural competency, qualities that are highly valued in the dental profession.

NYU's commitment to supporting its students extends beyond the classroom. The school provides a vast network of alumni who are eager to mentor and guide aspiring dentists. Through networking events and alumni connections, NYU ensures that its students have access to valuable industry insights and opportunities. This support system will undoubtedly contribute to your growth as a dental professional, opening doors to internships, residencies, and potential job prospects.

Tips for Writing a Convincing "Why NYU?" Essay

Avoid common mistakes in your "why nyu" essay.

When writing your essay, avoid generic statements or clichés. Instead, focus on personal experiences, anecdotes, or specific details that demonstrate your understanding of NYU and the dental field. Be authentic, and let your passion for dentistry and NYU shine through in your writing.

Make Your "Why NYU?" Essay Stand Out

To make your essay stand out, conduct thorough research on NYU dental school. Explore its website, faculty profiles, and programs. Incorporate specific details and unique aspects of NYU into your essay to demonstrate that you have taken the time to understand what sets this institution apart.

When it comes to writing a convincing "Why NYU?" essay, it's important to go beyond the surface level and delve into the heart of what makes NYU and its dental program special. While it may be tempting to rely on generic statements or clichés, this approach will not make your essay stand out from the rest. Instead, focus on sharing personal experiences, anecdotes, and specific details that showcase your deep understanding of NYU and the dental field.

One way to make your essay truly shine is by being authentic. Don't be afraid to let your passion for dentistry and NYU come through in your writing. Admissions officers want to see your genuine enthusiasm and commitment to the field, so don't hold back. Share your personal journey and the experiences that have shaped your desire to pursue a career in dentistry.

Additionally, conducting thorough research on NYU dental school is crucial to crafting a compelling essay. Take the time to explore the school's website, delve into faculty profiles, and familiarize yourself with the various programs offered. By incorporating specific details and unique aspects of NYU into your essay, you demonstrate that you have gone above and beyond in understanding what sets this institution apart.

For instance, you could mention NYU's state-of-the-art dental facilities, which provide students with hands-on training using the latest technology. Highlight the school's commitment to community outreach programs, where students have the opportunity to make a positive impact on underserved populations. By showcasing these specific aspects of NYU, you not only demonstrate your research skills but also your genuine interest in becoming a part of the NYU dental community.

Additionally, consider incorporating any personal connections or experiences you may have with NYU. Perhaps you attended a dental conference hosted by NYU and were inspired by the faculty's expertise and passion. Or maybe you had the chance to shadow a NYU dental student and witnessed firsthand the supportive and collaborative environment they thrive in. Sharing these personal connections will further strengthen your essay and show your dedication to becoming a part of the NYU dental community.

How to Review and Refine Your "Why NYU?" Essay

Proofread your essay.

After drafting your essay, take the time to review and edit it for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors. Proofread multiple times, and consider seeking the assistance of a mentor, teacher, or professional editor to provide objective feedback on your writing.

Seek Feedback on Your "Why NYU?" Essay

Before submitting your essay, seek feedback from trusted individuals who can offer constructive criticism. Consider reaching out to current or former NYU dental students, faculty members, or admissions counselors who can provide valuable insights and help you refine your essay.

Final Thoughts on the "Why NYU?" Dental School Essay

The impact of a well-written "why nyu" essay.

A well-crafted "Why NYU?" essay can significantly enhance your chances of gaining admission to NYU dental school. It allows the admissions committee to understand your motivations, assess your fit with the program, and evaluate your commitment to becoming a successful dentist.

Prepare for Potential Follow-Up Questions

After submitting your essay, be prepared to discuss your responses during interviews or provide clarification if needed. Practice articulating your reasons for choosing NYU confidently and enthusiastically, emphasizing your commitment to the dental program and your dedication to your future dental career.

By carefully considering the "Why NYU?" dental school essay prompt and leveraging the tips provided in this article, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your unique qualities and convinces the admissions committee that NYU is the perfect fit for your dental education.

Read these next:

  • Writing a Winning Dental School Personal Statement
  • How to Write a Compelling Personal Statement for the NYU College of Dentistry Application

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7 Golden Steps To Make Your ‘Why NYU?’ Essay Shine

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Table of Contents

New York University is a brilliant university situated in the heart of NYC. Its remarkable academic programs and location make it a highly-desirable college. As a result, it has become the largest private university in the United States, with 51,848 students. NYU also receives the most applications in the United States, and the admission process is highly selective.

Especially, the past application cycle proved to be historic. While the school admitted the largest number of international students and a huge percentage of African-Americans and Latinos in 16 years, the NYU acceptance rate dropped to 28%. Only 85,000 applicants were accepted, the lowest acceptance rate since 2001.

This implies writing an impressive essay is crucial to stand out in the crowd. All applicants are required to respond to one supplemental “Why NYU?” essay of 400-word limit where you need to express your interest in NYU as artfully and precisely as possible.

Today’s comprehensive guide will walk you through NYU’s main supplemental essay prompt, providing certain questions and actionable strategies for crafting your essay writing tutoring you put the best foot forward, highlighting the importance of seeking assistance such as essay help to ensure your essay stands out effectively.

So, let’s straightaway get to it!

A Step-By-Step Guide To Write A Unique “Why NYU” Supplemental Essay

The college admission officers of NYU have to go through an incredible amount of essays to put together a winning class. Thus, everything you write must be meaningful and important.

To help you craft the best possible ‘Why NYU’ essay, we have provided crucial steps to take your admission essay writing  game to the next level. Have a look-

  • Read The Question To Break It Down

This is a crucial step. A look at ‘Why NYU’ essay examples will help you realise that the question requires understanding. You must also address the entire question in your 400-word response.

Let’s walk through the question breakdown together:

Essay Prompt:   “We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and, more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand. – WHY NYU? “

Translation: “Why do you want to attend NYU? You have thousands of other choices in schools, and you used one of your choices on NYU. Why? Are you a good fit for NYU? If yes, tell us why. Why are you interested, and what is the reason behind applying to the school that has your chosen major?

If you have more than one interest and are interested in pursuing more than one major or degree, please tell us why? Help us to make sense of your interests. You understand that NYU has a global network, right? So share with us why you want to come to our school.”

NYU says that it is not crucial to have your major figured out. You need to have an articulated interest in NYU. You can also click on the website of NYU to find a school, a program, or even classes that will help you pursue this interest. Even if you are uncertain, ensure to lean into the vision for your future.

  • Conduct An Extensive Research On the Values of NYU

If you have decided to apply to NYU, you must have already done your homework . It is always wise to delve deep into their website if you haven’t. You will gain a comprehensive idea of the school’s values, what they look for in an applicant, and if you share similar values.

Try to at least pretend that you have ‘fallen in love with NYU’ even if you are uncertain. Concentrate on the particulars of your new infatuation. Here are certain exemplary ways to research the values and traits of NYU:

  • Do not say NYU is the ‘perfect place’ for you. Perfection is impossible to accomplish, and the admission officers are well aware of that.
  • Choose five elements of NYU that appeals to you. Choosing real names and tiles will compel you to conduct in-depth research and stay specific.
  • Remember, your ‘Why NYU?’ essay must not be a retelling of your Common App essay. Instead, use this brilliant opportunity to pair NYU with your values and personality.

Furthermore, ensure to go through the ‘Academics’ tab, which is a complete listing of NYU’s academic programs and other academic offerings. Click through the section to find your specific school and major.

  • Write Freely

While writing your ‘Why NYU’ essay, the worst thing you can do is to agonise over every single word at the beginning of the process. Rather, start writing. Pen down whatever comes to mind for each question, and do not hold back.  

Ensure to write down the memories that crop in your mind- even the bad ones! Try finding the stories that embody your personality. You can also record the stories that highlight your sense of grit or stories that personify your wonder and curiosity.

Assimilate at least three stories. The more stories, the more options you will have.

  • Brainstorm Powerful Essay Ideas

Remember, your goal is to set yourself apart from the rest of the applicants. Your story will help you accomplish this. Try digging deeper and write down what you care about. Ensure these are specific details.

Refrain from choosing broad statements. For example, do not write something like “The historic brick buildings on the NYU campus are beautiful” or “This University is known for its robust curriculum”.

Instead, focus on what intrigues you and fits well within the goals and background and what makes the school stand out from others.

  • Choose An Effective Essay Premise

Once you choose a topic , go through your free-write responses diligently. Choose an intriguing memory related to your values and tell a story. Know that NYU admission officers have to go through thousands of applications daily. The ones that stand out are those written in the form of a good story.

You do not have to be John Green or J.K. Rowling. You need to be genuine, descriptive, and concise. Speak of your experience, how that relates to your values and NYU’s values, and how your experience has impacted your choice of NYU as the potential college.

Hence, your ‘Why NYU?’ essay’s flow should be like:

  • This is a story that highlights crucial aspects of who I am
  • This value connects to the story
  • It just so happens this value connects with NYU’s special value
  • And this is why I am a great fit
  • Follow The Accurate Outline

As we have said, one of the remarkable ways to start your essay is to tell an effective story with an outstanding anecdote. Your anecdote can begin with a quote from someone that helps you preface your story, a cold hook or an obvious statement.

Once you add your anecdote, state framing it with details immediately. You have 400 words to work with, so getting right into your essay is wise. Explain the actions you undertook to pursue the interest. This must comprise 30-40% of your essay.

Then, you can spend the rest of your essay discussing the resources at NYU that will enable you to accomplish your goals and sharpen your skillset.

  • Conduct The Final Read-Throughs Diligently

If possible, try to do your final readings at least 24-48 hours after your last revision to give your brain a break. Also, try to read your essays out loud, just in case you have a typo in there that you may have missed.

Remember, two final read-throughs should be adequate for assurance sake. However, any more than that could end making you a bit more anxious. Trust yourself and trust the process. When you’re finished, let go and submit.

Strong NYU Essay Example to Make Your Paper Stand Out

Refer to New York University’s main supplemental essay prompts, implement key actionable strategies, and incorporate fresh ideas to make your “Why NYU” essay assignments stand out. Let’s walk through the drill together, referring to the well-knit NYU essay example provided below.

Check This University Essay Example

Unique ‘Why NYU’ Essay Examples To Draw Inspiration

We thought of providing exemplary ‘ Why NYU’  essay examples so that you have a remarkable visual understanding of the structure, outline, and writing style.

Go through these remarkable examples to comprehend how to compose a brilliant ‘Why NYU’ essay in a compelling manner-

hesis statement.

Wrapping Up,

While crafting an exemplary and flawless ‘Why NYU’ essay can give you a difficult time, this comprehensive post could be the answer to it all. With this lucid guide on how to write a remarkable NYU essay like a pro, you can nail that task like never before. It is also crucial to remember that you are more than enough, and all the support you require is out there if you only know where to look for it,

Take the help of this ultimate guide, comprehend the vital steps, and draw from inspiration from examples to sail through your ‘Why NYU?’ essay writing process like a champion!

Learn To Craft An Exceptional ‘Why NYU’ Essay At

Is it becoming too challenging for you to work effectively on a ‘Why NYU?’ essay? Are you in search of accurate ‘Why NYU?’ essay examples that will guide you in the right direction?

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With more than 5000 deft and knowledgeable stalwarts, we know how to make things fall into place. From helping you come up with unique topics to dishing out tricks, you can expect comprehensive solutions from us.

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Lachlan Nguyen

Lachlan Nguyen

Hi, my name is Lachlan Nguyen. I have been an English writing expert for for the past seven years. I have loved English and Literature all my life. That’s the reason I pursued a PhD in English and made a career in the same. I’ve written a couple of blogs on English writing for some of the most prominent academic websites. You can find some of my write-ups published on sites like ABC, LMN, and VFX. There’s one more thing that excites me just like English and Literature - Photography. When I am not working, you can probably find me clicking at some breathtaking destination. 

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New York University Essay Sample for the 2019-2020 Admissions Cycle

Table of Contents


What is a Supplement Essay?

Nyu supplement essay examples, choice of campus, choice of college or school, study program or field of study, prompt#1: why nyu essay sample for students applying to the tisch school of the arts, prompt#2: why nyu supplement essay example for the tisch school of the arts, prompt#3: why nyu sample essay for students seeking to study television and film.

  • Studying for a Performance Major at the Tisch School of the Arts

Applying for Studio Art at the Tisch School of the Arts

New york university essay sample.

  • Buy a New York University Admission Essay

College application comprises of several elements, like grades, results of tests, and your overall academic success in various high school subjects, with a supplement essay, such as why NYU essay, being the most critical element. There exist common guidelines as to what an application essay should look like, but various educational institutions may have their own requirements for such type of essays.

A supplement paper provides examiners with an opportunity to get acquainted with an applicant and understand their interest in applying to a college.

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why nyu essay examples

New York University Supplement Essay Guide

New York University (NYU) is located right in the heart of one of the world’s most popular cities. An absolute epitome of an urban campus, NYU is integrated into this thriving city to such an extent that it can be difficult to say where the university ends and the city begins.

Submitting a supplement essay is one of the requirements of getting into NYU, and its prime location along with its status as one of the USA’s leading universities make admission quite a challenge.

Nowadays, it is essential for anyone hoping to get into NYU to ensure that they get noticed. Fortunately, students have an opportunity to impress examiners by submitting a supplement essay. However, you must make sure it is done properly. Keep reading this guide to find out how you can use NYU supplement essay to present yourself in your best light and increaseyour chances of getting admitted.

“Tell us why you are interested in New York University. We are keen to know what made you choose NYU, and specifically, why you are applying to or are interested in a chosen college, school, campus, field of study, and/or program. If you chose to submit several applications, indicate your interest in each of the programs, colleges, schools, or campuses. Whether you are highly focused on a specific field, or just looking at various options offered by our institution’s global network, we would like to know why you have chosen NYU” (a 400-word response).

In the first place, you are asked why you think NYU is a good match for your needs. So, rather than writing a 400-word document covering the university’s prestige and location (which every other student will be doing), focus on how you can make your paper be as specific as possible. Your response needs to be specific to both you and NYU. Tip: if it is possible to put the name of another university every time you mention “NYU,” you are not being sufficiently specific.

A good thing about this supplement essay prompt is that it provides a number of ideas to help you to be specific: college, school, campus, field of study, program, etc. Let us breake this down:

NYU can certainly be called the biggest private educational institution in the USA by the number of applications it gets. It is also possible to obtaining the university’s degree in two other campuses, such as NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai. Additionally, there are several academic centers of NYU located all over the world (in Berlin, Accra, Buenos Aires, London, Flornce, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Tel Aviv, Sydney, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. The university consists of 25 schools total, namely 10 undergraduate and 15 graduate schools.

Is it clear why this is an effective option now? When an applicant mentions their career goals, this makes the essay specific to them. However, mentioning that a particular city can enhance your career development will show readers that a school really does match your needs. The answer like this is entirely specific to both NYU Abu Dhabi and you, as it demonstrates that you have carefully researched your options.

While responding to the New York University essay prompt, there are some points to bear in mind:

  • Why did you choose this campus over others? What made you decide on it, and what are your reasons to consider this campus your number one choice?
  • If you select NYC as your first-choice campus, you do not necessarily have to mention the campus’s location as you might with others, unless your reason for choosing to study in NYC is very specific (e.g., you hope to find employment in the world of entertainment, New York is a noted hub for this industry, and it would give you access to invaluable networking opportunities.). You can proceed with the next part.

New York University consists of a number of colleges and schools with its College of Arts and Science (CAS) being the largest. What caused you to choose the college or school you chose? In case you did not select the CAS and prefer another college, your answer should be devoted to this choice. However, if you chose CAS, you may move on discussing the area you are interested in.

Let us suppose you have chosen Stern Business School. The following is a weak explanation why choosing it:

Because Stern is known to be a very prestigious school for business students, it is my ambition to study for an undergraduate degree in business here.

Does the statement tell much about this school? Not really. What can the admissions committee learn about your motivation to study at Stern? Not a lot.

Here is a better response:

Ideally located in the dynamic New York City, Stern Business School is steeped in that unique commercial culture it teaches in its classrooms. The school location provides opportunities and resources not available at other business schools, from the Alumni Career Engagement program to SternTalks. Coupled with a large number of recruitment managers that Stern attracts, I am confident I will learn various strategies in class and will be able to apply them in the city through internship opportunities. The Leadership through Innovation Program for freshmen is exceptional and will help me to achieve my goal of securing an internship at a large cosmetics company at the end of my first year, since I will receive unrivalled exposure to leadership, innovation, and networking.

In this specific example, mentioning the school’s location is a good idea, because it is connected with specific goals and opportunities. By including a number of specific study programs, you also show that you have conducted meticulous research and have a clear plan as to how you will use this opportunity if you are accepted. An additional benefit is mentioning precise internship you would like to undergo, because this shows that you are ambitious.

With regards to the New York University requirements, there are some points to keep in mind when answering the prompt:

  • While it is good to mention particular programs, do not list them just for the sake of name-dropping. If there is a program you really like, say why it appeals to you, or what you hope to achieve through that specific program if accepted.
  • Generic declarations and/or statements such as the ones below should be avoided:
  • This is a prestigious school;
  • The resources here are endless;
  • The school’s teachers arehighly respected. 

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Each of the NYU colleges and schools has a wide choice of majors and programs. Which of these appeals most to you and for what reason(s)?

Have you ever seen a “why choose this program or major” essay prompt? Well, this section is pretty similar. Because of the word restriction, you may want to avoid including an excessive amount of detail about how you developed interest in a certain major. Instead, you may want to get straight to why you have chosen to study at this specific school.

Imagine such situation: you are absolutely sure you want to study journalism, since your uncle, an experienced journalist, once allowed you to attend an important interview when you were eight, and you even got to ask one question. Afterwards, you vigilantly read news items every day and actually started writing stories yourself when you were aged fourteen. The major in journalism at NYU suits you perfectly, since it combines learning journalism with studying abroad, and this would facilitate your ambition to write about politics and culture in countries other than your own.

This approach is fine. Nevertheless, because the prompt requires you to cover other topics besides your choice of program (e.g., college, school, campus, etc.), it is unlikely that your word count limit will allow you to delve into much detail.

Instead, you should focus on what New York University can offer for your particular major with a short reference to your reason for pursuing it. Something similar to this:

The major in journalism at NYU suits me perfectly, since the combination of journalism and studying abroad will help me to realize my ambition to write about politics and culture in countries other than my own.

Why this reasoning is better? It says something specific about majoring in journalism at NYU while simultaneously revealing your motives for pursing this major. It does save a great deal of space when the backstory about how you first decided on that major is removed. Put simply, this part of the essay prompt is very like the ‘why choose this particular major’ prompt, with the primary difference being that it is focused on your reason(s) for wanting to study at a certain college or school rather than on how or why you chose your major.

Even if you are still deciding, this part of the essay prompt should be answered. You can discuss how attending NYU will enable you to explore your areas of interest while choosing your major. Being specific is the key!

By now, all of the main parts of the prompt have been answered by you. In case you are submitting applications for multiple programs, colleges, or campuses, the format for each area you are interested in should be the same. Your writing must be condensed and concise, and we suggest you place the most focus on your first choice.

One final thing you need to consider is not to divide your essay into three distinct sections (field of study, college, campus). A better way is to organize your discussion as a one coherently-written essay. The final paper should not sound as if three separate essays were pasted into one.

Take a note of how our example talks about Stern, New York, and marketing (even though the latter is quite brief and not elaborated on) without dividing the entire paper into three separate sections. Instead, it appears as the cohesive “Why choose New York University” essay, while also addressing each part of the essay prompt.

Now you know how to get into New York University! That is it! The supplemental essay for New York University in its entirety … unless your application is aimed at the Tisch School of the Arts! Keep reading!

“Your essay should be based on a movie, director, or some other movie-related topic of your chooice.” (Length: five to ten pages).

A good thing about this essay prompt is the scope and freedom you have. At the same time, you can feel overwhelmed by so much freedom. Remember that the purpose of the essay is to reflect what you think. Show readers that you are passionate about your chosen topic and able to discuss it in detail. Provide proof that you deserve a place in this school.

This is the right approach to answering this prompt:

  • Select a topic

It is good if your topic concerns something you feel passionate about so you have plenty of things to discuss and not get short of ideas. A five-page essay is quite hefty, but you will complete it quickly if your interest in your topic is genuine.

The safest option is to select a particular movie or director, but regardless of the topic, make sure you are able to say something unique about it. This essay should not be a biography or a movie review. It needs to set out your thoughts and viewpoints, and these should be unique.

You will have greater freedom if you choose a movie-related topic, and most likely, you will feel more passionate about it. However, be carefull not to lose your focus and start rambling.

  • Decide on a thesis

Your main focus will be your thesis. A good thesis can comprise of multiple sub-parts, with each one relating neatly to the other. Every paragraph in your paper should somehow link back to the thesis. Look at this example:

The repeated themes of sleep and time give Christopher Nolan’s movies an unrivalled glimpse into the psyche of humans, particularly in today’s world, where it would seem that sleep and time are in a constant struggle with each other.

There are a number of directions you can develop a thesis like this in. You can write several paragraphs about the way the themes keep recurring in Nolan’s movies, and then, proceed with discussing how these give uniqueness to his works. You can also add a commentary about relevance of these two themes in the modern society.

It may be that you want to include opinions and/or research material from the outside sources. If so, make sure every source is correctly cited in-text and on a works cited or reference page. Be aware, however, that approaching an essay of this type in the same way you would approach a research paper is not always the best decision. The NYU admissions committee will not want to hear what a particular expert or critic thinks of your topic. Rather, they will want to know what you think. They will want to see your thought process.  

“Write a concise statement in which you answer these questions: Have you ever taken any classes related to cinema? What aspects of cinema are you most interested in and would like to study (e.g., movie types, cinema theory, movie directors, etc.)? What aspirations do you have for your future career (movie critic, journalism, movie-making, curating, etc.)? (Length: one page).

This is a relatively straightforward prompt, but let us break it down even more.

  • Have you ever taken any classes related to cinema?

This part is designed so that the readers can see what experience – if any – you have. You need to prove that your interest is not just whimsical but, instead, a long-term passion. Have you taught this subject yourself? If so, tell your readers about it. Maybe, you have been attending classes for as long as you can walk. Tell the readers about your experience!

  • What aspects of cinema are you most interested in and would like to study?

Once again you have an opportunity here to demonstrate your passion. You should not simply mention the areas you are interested in; explain why. Why are you interested in them? What have you done in pursuit of your interests (make sure the way you phrase this amply demonstrates your experience and drive without digressing too much from the actual prompt)? If desired, you can sneak in one or two lines about your plans for pursuing your interests when you get admitted to college.

  • What aspirations do you have for your future career?

Show readers that you are ambitious and that you have given careful thought to the future. Where possible, be specific – as specific as you can be. If there is a company you dream of working in, mention it.

Give as much overall detail as you can, answer the questions they have asked you, and keep to the single page limit. 

“Collaboration and Leadership Anecdote: Tell us about a time when you participated in a collaborative production and/or showed leadership (Length: One Page).  

The aim of this essay prompt is to show the admissions committee how good you are at working with others. In the event you are more the leader type, tell of a time you got a lot of things completed by delegating. Remember that telling about a time you did everything yourself is different to leadership and would not be received favorably.

If you decide on the alternative option, choose an event or time where you collaborated effectively with others. Show that you properly understand collaboration and its value.  

In any of the above cases, a possible format may be to talk about a challenge or obstacle that you overcame either by showing leadership or through effective collaboration.

Studying for a Performance Major at the Tisch School of the Arts 

“Your statement in response to this prompt should discuss your desire to study performance, why you believe you are a good match for NYU Tisch, and what you think you will gain from your studies. Tell us what you expect to learn from your studies, and then write about this with regards to Performance. What motivated you to apply for this study program rather than something more traditional, e.g., dance, theatre, or anthropology (Length: a 750 to 1000-word response).

The aim of this essay prompt is to ensure there is serious interest on the part of a student. The opening line asks, “What makes you deserving of a place?’ This is an opportunity for you to really showcase yourself. Take care to respond to each element of the opening part:

Your interest in studying Performance:

  • Describe how your interest initially aroused or discuss what makes you feel passionate about performance.
  • Show your commitment and passion.
  • Do not be indecisive or mediocre; you should attempt to prove, leaving no doubt, that studying performance is something you are passionate about.

The reasons you want to study performance at Tisch:

  • Why this university? Why study Performance at New York University?
  • Why are you a good match for this particular department?
  • What qualities do you have that make you fit this NYU department?
  • For what reasons should you be admitted? What is unique about you?
  • Do not be afraid to show off. Seize this chance to prove you are special.

The hopes you hold, and the goals you think you will achieve if you are admitted:

  • How might you use the university resources? Here, you need to be extremely specific. The admissions committee will need as much proof as possible to see that you will not waste your opportunities if you are admitted.
  • What opportunities and programs interest you?
  • What do you hope to learn?
  • Are there any experiences that you are hotly anticipating and what are they?
  • How is this major likely to help you to achieve the goals you have, especially the ones related to your future career?

Show, you have given careful thought to this part of the prompt.

Let us move on to the next question in the prompt: Your hopes and expectations from your studies and the need to write about them with regards to Performance. This part should demonstrate the importance of your answer to the admissions committee. A generic or vague response will not get you admitted. It is vital to be highly specific about both the study program and yourself. Prove that your application is not a mere whim, but instead, the result of real interest and careful consideration.

The final question asks, “What motivated you to apply for this specialized study program?” In other words, “Are you sure that this is what you really want? Would you regret not taking a more usual or traditional path? What makes you sure that Performance is the right match for your interests and abilities?”

Prove your commitment and value to the examiners. Show beyond a doubt that you will not be happy taking another program. Demonstrate that there is not a single other course or a program that can help you to achieve your long-held ambitions. Should you manage to succeed here, your readers will see that your interest in the college and the chosen program is indeed serious.

Looking at this essay prompt, one can clearly see that the admissions committee does not want to read that you are applying because “you felt you would try it since you might have a chance.” They will want to see that this Performance program is your life dream. If it is your dream, convince, you really need to be admitted.

“Write a “Purpose Statement” that explains why you are applying for this interdisciplinary program on studio art. What academic and/or personal background do you have in art, and what interests, experiences, themes, and influences have had an impact on how you practice art?” (Length: one page limit).

In this prompt, the first part is the typical “why choose this art program” question. In your response, be sure to emphasise why the program interdisciplinary element suits you. You can also list a couple of other specific aspects of the program you have chosen, provided you link them to the interdisciplinary aspects. As always, check that your answer is specifically related to the NYU program. It should not be possible to put another school’s name instead of a chosen program.

The second part resembles a resume, but you should not just provide a list of your experiences and achievements. Rather, try and make your answer anecdotal.

Notice how this form of writing is more interesting and compelling than a mere resume list. It enables you to provide a background story as a way of getting the readers interested in you and your unique story. However, there is still space to discuss your achievements.

The last question of this prompt asks you to talk about interests, experiences, themes, and influences that have had an impact on the way you practice art. You can discuss where you derive inspiration, the things that influence your style, and any aspect you think bears relevance to the way your own art has developed to its current state. May be, you had an early experience or a mentor you can tell your readers about. This section gives you freedom and plenty of space to describe your art background.

With regards to how your essay progresses, we recommend changing the order to some extent. Begin with your art background – the second part. Next, mention relevant experiences, inspirations, and influences. End your essay by saying why this program is a good match for your goals. In such a way, you ensure writing progresses in a linear way.

New York University Essay 1

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New York University – NYU Grossman Secondary Application Tips & Prompts

  • Cracking Med School Admissions

NOTE: NYU Grossman changed its essays from previous years in the current application cycle. It removed the COVID-19 secondary essay prompt. This is not a secondary we would immediately pre-write, but you can start working on some of the questions that don’t change year-over-year.

Ever since NYU Grossman Medical School went tuition free, getting accepted has been increasingly tough. Other than a strong academic background, the way to differentiate yourself is through submitting phenomenal NYU secondaries and acing the NYU Multiple Mini Interview. You’re in good hands though with Dr. Rachel Rizal and Dr. Rishi Mediratta !

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team has a track record of helping our mentees receive acceptances to NYU Grossman and NYU Long Island. Get started and read our NYU Medical School secondary application tips  below.

>> To learn more about student life, read our NYU Medical School Profile . 

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NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2023-2024

NOTE: NYU Grossman changed its essays from previous years in the current application cycle. It removed the COVID-19 secondary essay. 

  • If applicable, please comment on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere on your application. (No limit)
  • If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so. (No limit)
  • The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills, and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU Grossman School of Medicine community? (2,500 characters max)
  • The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you?
  • Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences?
  • Describe a situation in which working with a colleague, family member or friend has been challenging. How did you resolve, if at all, the situation as a team and what did you gain from the experience that will benefit you as a future health care provider?
  • New essay – NYU Grossman School of Medicine strives to provide our students with the option of accelerating their medical educational training. In order to guide our curricular efforts to provide additional opportunities for early career exploration for our students, please select up to three residency specialties that are currently of interest to you. Please note that your selection in no way impacts your admissions decision (i.e., there are no right or wrong selections), that it is not binding in any way, and that you may select “Undecided” if you are unsure of your future career path. 
  • This is a new requirement this year. Upload a CV

Tips to Answer NYU Secondaries

NYU Secondaries Pre-Writing Guidance: NYU Grossman changed its essays from previous years in the current application cycle. And, it has changed its secondary quite a lot the past few years. This is not a secondary we would immediately pre-write, but you can start working on some of the questions that don’t change year-over-year. 

  • Read all our secondary essay tips:  Secondary Essay Guide – Cracking Med School Admissions

NYU Secondary Application Tip #1: NYU Grossman wants to recruit medical students with ample research and clinical experiences. As much as possible on the NYU secondary application, highlight your clinical experiences and research work. Show your direct impact on patients. Explain how you’ve advanced your research project. For example, you can write about research in the NYU secondaries question, “T he Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills, and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU Grossman School of Medicine community? “

  • You can read more advice from Dr. Rachel Rizal:  Research That Impresses Medical Schools

NYU Secondary Application Tip #2:  To answer the NYU Grossman secondary application question, “T he Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills, and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU Grossman School of Medicine community?” you DO NOT have to necessarily talk about your ethnic background. We recommend students write about their strengths, including exceptional extracurricular activity endeavors. As mentioned in NYU secondary application tip #1 above, we recommend you talk about research and clinical experiences if these are your strengths.

  • Read important blog post on how to answer medical school diversity essays:  Medical School Diversity Essay Examples and Tips  

NYU Secondary Application Tip #3: Include patient stories throughout your NYU secondaries. This is very important and will bring you – the applicant – to life! Discuss what insights you gained from these clinical experiences. You can easily include patient stories in almost all the secondary essay questions! We would include at least 2 patient stories throughout. Additionally, you can write stories from your research experiences. One last tip – remember that your NYU Grossman secondaries should complement your primary application personal statement. Do not repeat any stories. 

NYU Secondary Application Tip #4:  Take advantage of the unlimited character limit to discuss your gap years. Be thorough and include all your endeavors. While there is no correct way to format and write the gap year essay, contact us to discuss how to best format it. This is a good essay to write 1-2 patient stories and discuss what you learned. Additionally, if you did research . Finally, you can connect your gap year experiences to what you want to do at NYU Langone Health and NYU Grossman School of Medicine. 

NYU Secondary Application Tip #5:  The NYU secondaries added a CV upload this year. Note that this is a CV and not a resume? What’s the difference? A CV is longer and has  all your activities + research + poster presentations + publications + leadership. Don’t forget any of your activities.

  • Tips on CVs and Resumes:  Build A Resume and CV That Stands Out

NYU Secondary Application Tip #6: For the NYU secondaries about academic fluctuations, do not feel compelled that you have to answer it. DO NOT explain any B’s or B+’s (we are talking to you – applicant with mostly A’s). 

Students do write about the following on NYU secondary essay #1:

  • Upward trends in their GPA
  • C’s and lower  on their transcripts
  • Lower GPA during college when they were not pre-med and then discuss how their post-bacc GPA is a lot higher
  • Fluctuations in academic records due to personal circumstances, including challenges during COVID-19.

NYU Secondary Application Tip #7:  If you are interested in doing the 3-year track at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and are open to completing residency at NYU Langone Health, then it is in your best interest to answer the new NYU Grossman secondaries question, “ NYU Grossman School of Medicine strives to provide our students with the option of accelerating their medical educational training. In order to guide our curricular efforts to provide additional opportunities for early career exploration for our students, please select up to three residency specialties that are currently of interest to you. Please note that your selection in no way impacts your admissions decision (i.e., there are no right or wrong selections), that it is not binding in any way, and that you may select “Undecided” if you are unsure of your future career path. ” Strategically, you should position yourself as a medical school applicant who wants to practice in New York City and continue to thrive clinically at NYU Langone / NYU Grossman. 

NYU Secondary Application Tip #7: Have questions about how your NYU secondaries can stand out? We have helped several students get accepted since NYU became tuition-free – we can help you strengthen your application to NYU too! Contact us  below. Need editing help on your secondary?  Dr. Mediratta and Dr. Rizal  can personally help you through our  secondary essay packages . 

[NYULI] If you’re looking for the NYU Long Island essays, click the link for the  NYULI Secondary Application Tips & Prompts . New York University Long Island focuses on primary care. Discuss your experiences and your aspirations in primary care settings. On the other hand, New York University Grossman is in the heart of New York City. Make sure to discuss your insights about urban health issues. 

[Read Secondary Tips From Other Schools: Cornell , Columbia , Harvard , Mt Sinai (Icahn)]

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NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2022-2023

Nyu grossman secondary essay prompts.

  • The ultimate goal of our institution is to produce a population of physicians with a collective desire to improve health of all segments of our society through the outstanding patient care, research and education. In this context, where do you see your future medical career and why? If your plans require that you complete a dual degree program, please elaborate here. (2,500 characters max)

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NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2021-2022

  • In light of the COVID-19 public health emergency, how do you view your potential role as a frontline healthcare provider? (2,500 characters max)

NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2020-2021

  • If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so.  (No limit)
  • The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU Grossman School of Medicine Community?  (2,500 characters max)
  • In light of the public health emergency that was the COVID-19 pandemic, how do you view your potential role as a frontline healthcare provider?

NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2019-2020

  • If applicable, please comment on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere on your application.
  • If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so.
  • The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU School of Medicine community?

NYU School of Medicine is committed to enrolling a diverse student body. At your option, please provide the following information not contained in the AMCAS application: Single or Married? Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community? Are you a First Generation College student? Are you a child of a physician?

MSTP Essay Prompts:

  • Dropdowns to choose 5 faculty with whom you could see yourself working with in the future.
  • How many months of full-time research experience have you completed? When estimating this amount, you may convert part-time research into its full-time equivalent. For example, if you conducted part-time research for 1 year for ~50% of the time, this would equal 6 months of full-time research. Please do not include lab experiences associated with a course (e.g., organic chemistry course with lab).

NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2018-2019

Nyu grossman secondary essay prompts .

  • The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU School of Medicine community? (2,500 characters max)
  • The ultimate goal of our institution is to produce a population of physicians with a collective desire to improve health of all segments of our society through the outstanding patient care, research and education. In this context, where do you see your future medical career (academic medicine, research, public health, primary care, business/law, etc.) and why? Your answer need not be restricted to one category. If your plans require that you complete a dual degree program, please elaborate here. (2,500 characters max)

Please answer only one of the following three questions (2,500 characters max) :

The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you

3 YR MD Tertiary Essay Prompts:

The Three-Year MD Pathway provides an accelerated track for a select group of eligible students. All students graduating from the Three-Year MD Pathway will be offered acceptance into the NYU Langone Medical Center residency program they selected at the time of admission by way of the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

You can apply to the Three-Year MD Pathway at any time during your initial application to medical school. The application deadline is November 15, 2018 at 11:59 PM EST. That said, your application will only be reviewed by the admissions committee and the residency programs if you are first accepted into the Four-Year MD Pathway.

Please note that we have an additional entry point into the Three-Year MD Pathway. Should you decide you are not ready to enter the pathway at this time, we have provided our matriculated first year medical students with the opportunity to opt into the Three-Year Pathway in available residency programs towards the end of their first year of medical school at NYU.

Finally, we are piloting an addition to our Three-Year MD Pathway for those applicants to medical school who already have a PhD and wish to obtain their MD to facilitate their research endeavors. This Three-Year PhD-MD Pathway is linked to research-focused residency tracks in some of our residency programs and provides unique benefits to those who wish to develop tomorrow’s biomedical discoveries as our future physician scientists.

  • Please select the residency program you wish to apply to:
  • Please describe your motivation for pursuing a residency, detailing how past experiences have shaped your desire to pursue this career path. (2,500 characters max)
  • What do you believe the three most important qualities are that make for not only a successful resident, but ultimately an ideal physician in this field? (2,500 characters max)

NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2017-2018

  • The ultimate goal of our institution is to produce a population of physicians with a collective desire to improve health of all segments of our society through the outstanding patient care, research and education. In this context, where do you see your future medical career (academic medicine, research, public health, primary care, business/law, etc.) and why? Your answer need not be restricted to one category . If your plans require that you complete a dual degree program, please elaborate here.

NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2016-2017

  • The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential. (2,500 characters max)
  • What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU School of Medicine community? (2,500 characters max)
  • The ultimate goal of our institution is to produce a population of physicians with a collective desire to improve health of all segments of our society through the outstanding patient care, research and education. In this context, where do you see your future medical career (academic medicine, research, public health, primary care, business/law, etc.) and why? Your answer need not be restricted to one category . If your plans require that you complete a dual degree program, please elaborate here. (2,500 characters max)

NYU Grossman Secondary Application Essays: 2015-2016

Nyu grossman secondary application essays: 2014-2015.

  • The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential.
  • What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU School of Medicine community?

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Published August 01, 2024

Announcing the 2024-2025 Common Application for NYU

Billy Sichel

Assistant Vice President of Undergraduate Admissions

It’s August 1st and that means the application at NYU has officially opened. This year, we’ve made some pretty big changes to NYU’s Common Application to simplify the process for our applicants, and to help us learn a little more about you!

When you start NYU’s member questions on the Common App, you’ll see 6 sections that you’ll need to complete. We give you a little bit of a head start by checking off the “Writing” section. This section is optional – but also new and exciting! More on that later.

Screenshot of Common Application

The General Information Section

In the “General” section, you’ll be asked a few questions about how you want us to handle your application – Early Decision I, Early Decision II, or Regular Decision? – and which campus you want to apply to. As you (hopefully!) already know, NYU has three degree-granting campuses: in New York, Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai. Our Common App will let you apply to any combination of our campuses.

Screenshot of General Section of Common Application

Once you make your campus selections, an additional set of questions will show up that are specific to your campus(es) of interest. Nothing too tricky here! You’ll be able to tell us about your academic area of interest for each campus, and a few other quick-and-easy questions about program eligibility, housing preferences, etc. so that we’re ready for you if you are ultimately admitted.

why nyu essay examples

The Academics Section

Once you have those sections squared away, you’ll move on to the Academics section. This section will walk you through the information we’ll need you to submit outside of the Common App itself. Nothing to do here, except confirm that you’re clear on the next steps and additional requirements.

Screenshot Common App Academics Section

The Optional Supplemental Question

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for: The optional, pre-checked-off Writing section. Last year, we made the decision to update our supplemental question. However, what we heard from our applicants was that people really wanted to tell us more! But the thing is…we already know why NYU is a great place to spend your 4 years, so we thought: if you want to tell us more about your passion for NYU, let’s make the question about you .

The new writing question says:

“In a world where disconnection seems to often prevail, we are looking for students who embody the qualities of bridge builders—students who can connect people, groups, and ideas to span divides, foster understanding, and promote collaboration within a dynamic, interconnected, and vibrant global academic community. We are eager to understand how your experiences have prepared you to build the bridges of the future. Please consider one or more of the following questions  in your  essay :

What personal experiences or challenges have shaped you as a bridge builder?

How have you been a bridge builder in your school, community, or personal life?

What specific actions have you taken to build bridges between diverse groups, ideas, or cultures?

How do you envision being a bridge builder during your time at our university and beyond?”

So, if it feels right for you to tell us a little more about yourself in the application, we want to know where you will turn to for inspiration, and what experiences have shaped you and resonate with you. Four years at NYU will propel you into a future you might not even be able to imagine yet, but take a minute (if you want – it really is optional!) to tell us about the ideas that have gotten you to this point, and those that might shape you into the person you’re about to become.

These are just a few of the changes we have made this year, so make sure to carefully read each question carefully before you answer them. If you ever have any questions for us about our questions, we are always here to help . We wish you the best of luck this application season, and can’t wait to learn more about you!

Billy Sichel

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New York University (NYU) Admissions Essay Examples

Year after year we are inundated with the same question: can we see some college essay examples? Although we do not share our clients’ work in order protect their privacy, we are happy to share some of the successful college essay examples provided by admissions committees across the country. So, without further ado, please find four successful personal statements submitted to NYU below:

Essay 1: Santería

Writer anonymous.

In her cramped kitchen, Titi Nana cracked the egg in the center of the pan, the cheeriness of the bright yellow yolk contrasting the harshness of the caldero. In a flourish, she jerked the bottle of alcohol in her hand, flames erupting from the griddle. She instructed me: “Wipe it all off,” gesturing to dust off my shoulders and arms into the inferno. I laughed nervously as I removed the maldad [evil] from my body, one brush at a time.

I left Titi’s apartment that day confused about how our family’s practice of Santería [witchcraft] fit in with my outward embrace of my heritage. I felt as if the parts of my Latina identity I claimed openly — dancing salsa to Celia Cruz or enjoying lechón y arroz con habichuelas en Navidad — were contradicted by my skepticism towards Titi’s rituals. My experience with Santería wasn’t new, as proven by my mother’s kitchen altar lit dimly by prayer candles and adorned with evil eyes, statues of San Miguel, and offerings to Elegua; however, I’d never before witnessed such a tangible demonstration of my family’s ritualistic beliefs. Although it surrounded me, I refused to believe in the effects of Santería… so I shunned it entirely.

Moving to a predominantly white boarding school and away from the rituals my family had passed down, I avoided addressing the distance I had wedged between myself and my background. I pushed away all things Latina as my fear of failing to honor my Puerto Rican heritage intensified. This distance only grew as my classmates jokingly commented on my inability to speak Spanish and my white- passing complexion, further tearing away bits of my Latinidad with each snide remark.

In an effort to build myself back up, I began to practice the small bits of Santería that I comprehended: lighting candles for good luck, placing a chalice of water by my bedside to absorb all maldad, and saying my prayers to San Miguel and my guardian angels each day. To my disbelief, the comments that attacked my Latinidad, or lack thereof, faded along with the aching feeling that I had failed to represent my heritage. As I embraced the rituals that I initially renounced, I finally realized the power in Titi’s practices. In all of her cleansing and prayer rituals, she was protecting me and our family, opening the doors for us to achieve our goals and overcome the negativity that once held us back. In realizing the potential of Santería, I shifted my practices to actively protecting myself and others against adversity and employed Santería as a solution for the injustice I witnessed in my community.

Santería once served as my scapegoat; I blamed the discomfort I felt towards black magic for the imposter syndrome festering inside me. Until I embraced Santería, it only served as a reminder that I wasn’t Latina enough in the eyes of my peers. Now, I understand that while intangible, ethereal, even, the magic of Santería is real; it’s the strength of my belief in myself, in my culture, and in my commitment to protect others.

Essay 2: Suburban vs Urban Schools

They talked about the past, but never the present. In my suburban schools, they talked about Martin Luther King Jr., and Harriet Tubman, and Rosa Parks, but for some reason, not Malik el-Shabazz. I use his chosen name because that’s probably what he would’ve wanted and because Malcolm X was mentioned in passing. My ancestors had their own struggles with white people, but no generational impact that holds a light to American slavery. My parents come from a land I only know by name and the stories they tell, and whatever I can gather from Google Maps. While I am African, I mentally distanced myself from true African-Americans; I did not deserve pity for the unspeakable horrors, nor praise for their strength and hope in face of them. In my school, there were barely ever any black kids in my class, and no true African-Americans, so I was the sole focus during lessons on Blackness, where they’d look at me, or avoid eye contact. It wasn’t until I transferred to an inner-city high school that I saw the truth. It wasn’t until I went from the blue and glass monsters that rose out of the ground like mountains in my suburban high school, to the small brick building with gated windows in Boston, that I realized there were schools 20 miles away with mostly kids of color. They were not that different from kids in the suburbs, except for their choices.

I moved in with my dad in Boston, transferring to a small school in the city. In three months at my suburban high school, through a rotating schedule in a labyrinth of opportunities, I needed my schedule every day. On my 3rd day at my Boston school, I knew exactly where to go. For the first time, my schedule was given, not created. The gated windows intimidated me on my first day, and I thought the kids would be crazy or “hood”. What I really discovered was a lot more of them looked like me. There were over 200 students at this school, almost entirely students of color, and a majority white staff. There were no real electives and only one language available at the school. I had to go back a year in math because the system wasn’t designed for students ahead in other districts. We didn’t even have a full-time nurse. Students take public transportation, and kids from three different schools had to fit on buses that fit 38 people. Some bus drivers did not care enough to get every student on board. The ones that did broke federal guidelines. For lunch, every student in Boston is qualified for free meals, a fact frequently thrown around like an accomplishment, but in truth, the lunch is worse than prison food. I’ve seen kids search for seconds of this stuff, while students in the suburbs complain about “limited” choices.

So, what’s the difference between inner-city schools and suburban ones? Well, it’s a series of simple decisions, compounded into disastrous circumstances. I’m afraid the real question is, what’s the difference between inner-city kids and suburban ones? The only difference I’ve seen is that most suburban kids look like the founding fathers we learn about in class, and most of the inner-city kids look like the slaves they bought and bruised. My experience at three vastly different high schools has shown me these problems in educational disparity are closer to home than we think, a crucial misstep in correcting the wrongs of this country. These experiences have given me a unique perspective, and a responsibility to act. I’m planning a protest when schools open back up, which isundefined. There are solutions to these problems, but inaction perpetuates. As King once said, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Almost 70 years after Brown v. Board of Education, equality hasn’t been achieved, so we’ll fight to achieve it.

Essay 3: Friday Night Concerts

During my sophomore year, my dad and I established a Friday after-school ritual. My 90-minute commutes home from school are normally devoted to studying, but Fridays are reserved for listening to music with him. We alternate picking songs: a shared favorite or something new. These long car rides sparked my curiosity in music.

I began reading books about our favorite artists and roaming Spotify for hours, listening to a variety of new songs. My playlist ranged from The Beatles and Queen to Ella Fitzgerald, Debussy, and even Montserrat Caball. Most nights I lie in bed with headphones. Music is not background noise, but an immersive experience. I love to let the melody overtake me, to have the volume so high that I can hear every lyric, every crack and nuance in the singer’s voice.

One night I was listening to Bohemian Rhapsody, completely captivated. I loved how the melody made me feel–thrilled yet distressed. I craved more. I wanted to participate, to obtain what felt like magic. So I hurried downstairs to our home piano — an ancient Costco keyboard missing half the keys. I’d never played before, but was determined to learn the song. I first relied on Youtube videos, and soon progressed to other songs using just my ear. My parents, with enough convincing, agreed to buy me a used piano.

So my dad and I were back in the car. One bleak winter night, we pulled into a gravel driveway, the parking lot of an aging, shack-like store. My dad glanced over at me, raising his eyebrows. “I’ll go in first.”

The door creaked open, revealing a glossy black piano. It stood directly in the center of the room, twinkling,bathing in the blinding ceiling lights. I rushed to the piano, running my hands along the ivories, feeling their weight push against mine–oh the magic of a full set of keys!

It wasn’t long before I released the full potential of my weight, striking the first chord to Bohemian Rhapsody. Rich, smooth notes poured out from the piano, swirling through the air in bursts of color. They rushed through me, lit up my eyes, tugged at my heart, until I was completely consumed in their bright, pulsing waves.

I used to think grades were an estimation of my self-worth; I thought fixating on them would fulfill me, when, really, I was unhappy. Music brings me balance and joy. I love escaping through songs and fully absorbing theartists’ pain or excitement. Playing the piano makes these emotions tangible, and it’s empowering and liberating. It gives me something else to challenge and identify myself with. It gives me another source of fulfillment, one that’s even more rewarding, because I pursue it independently.

I practice for hours every day, perhaps to the annoyance of my family. But I know they’re proud, especially my dad. He’s never one to shower me with compliments, nor belt along behind me at the piano. But I feel his pride when he blurts, “You should learn this song” in the car, or when he prompts me to play at holiday parties, his beaming reflection in the piano’s lacquer.

I’m proud of myself, too. I don’t know exactly what I want to do with my love for music or piano. I don’t fancy myself as a concert pianist, nor do I strive to become one. I play for the feeling. I’ll never tire of completing a song,when my heart sings and my eyes start to swim, because every note, every beautiful wash of color, I earned myself.

Essay 4: Three-Headed Monster in ELA Class

I was sitting at my desk in freshman ELA class, as confident as America’s Top Model walking down the runway. It was the end of class and I was excited to see how well I did on the first quiz of the year. My eyes were stalking my teacher as he walked through the aisles, passing back the quizzes. As was the case growing up, I couldn’t wait for my teacher to put my quiz on my desk so I could flip it over for the world to see my A. Finally, the moment arrived. I flipped over the paper, expecting fireworks and confetti to come down when I locked my eyes on my grade. The only problem was that there was no A in sight.

All my life, I’ve felt pressure to achieve the highest grades to honor my mom’s sacrifice. She walked away from everything she knew in the Dominican Republic so that we could immigrate to the United States when I was nine. Her goal was for me to receive a better education and have more opportunities. Getting below an A meant that I wasn’t trying hard enough and that my mom sacrificed in vain. The pressure from my mom was so consuming that my perception of a successful education was entirely defined by grades. My most efficient strategy for earning A’s was memorizing what my teachers taught me and spitting it back out on tests. Since this strategy was so effective, there was no need worrying whether I learned the material or not. I was getting great grades and my mom was pleased, so I was content.

I stared at the C at the top of the quiz like a three-headed monster. My world was crashing down. My first thought, which I quickly dismissed, was that I needed to transfer. However, I’m not the type of person to run from a challenge. I started to rethink how I could engage the course material, rather than simply memorize it. It was clear that my old ways had gone extinct. Instead of cramming, I began studying a week before an exam. Instead of expecting to master a skill when the assessment came, I sought feedback on my progress weeks before the assessment in order to improve. After implementing these new strategies, I not only earned A’s again, but I was able to gain life-long learning skills.

I now have the knowledge and mastery of skills to succeed in college. Now that I recognize the true learning process, I have the power to continue to strive for success. When I took Biology in high school, I was fascinated by being able to develop an in-depth understanding of our bodies and the world around us. Biology allowed me to think critically and to see beyond the surface. Specifically, I enjoyed having the opportunity to apply my knowledge in labs by generating hypotheses and testing them. I’m looking forward to taking advantage of your resources to participate in research and prepare for a career as an anesthesiologist.

I aspire to be an anesthesiologist because I hope to help people ease their fears and pain when going into surgery. I recognize that becoming an anesthesiologist is a difficult task, but thanks to lessons I’ve learned, I’m excited to overcome challenges thrown my way the same way I overcame my struggles in ELA class. Facing that challenge, and discovering the power of learning, helped me grow immensely. Truthfully, there will always be fireworks and confetti in my head at the sight of an A, but I now recognize that the learning is far more lasting than an A.

We hope you’ve found these personal statement examples to be helpful!

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September 13, 2023

2023-2024 NYU Supplemental Essay Prompt

The arch is featured under a blue sky in NYC's Washington Square Park.

New York University has released its supplemental essay prompt for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle. In addition to The Common Application ’s Personal Statement, applicants to NYU are asked to respond to one optional 250-word supplemental essay — and it’s a different one from years past.

For this supplemental essay, NYU applicants can focus their answer on one of four quotes provided, choose their own quote, or not answer the question at all. Of course, students who don’t write optional essays put themselves at a significant disadvantage — irrespective of what NYU’s admissions officers may say to the contrary.

2023-2024 NYU Essay Question

In 250 words or less, applicants to NYU’s Class of 2028 are asked to respond to the following prompt:

We are looking for peacemakers, changemakers, global citizens, boundary breakers, creatives and innovators – Choose one quote from the following and let us know why it inspires you; or share a short quote and person not on our list who inspires you, and include why.

“We’re used to people telling us there are no solutions, and then creating our own. So we did what we do best. We reached out to each other, and to our allies, and we mobilized across communities to make change, to benefit and include everyone in society.” 

– Judith Heumann, 2022 NYU Commencement Address

“I encourage your discomfort, that you must contribute, that you must make your voice heard. That is the essence of good citizenship.” 

– Sherilynn Ifill, 2015 NYU Commencement Addresss

“If you know how to fly but you never knew how to walk, wouldn’t that be sad?” Lang Lang, 2015 NYU Honorary Degree Recipient “You have the right to want things and to want things to change.” 

– Sanna Marin, Former Prime Minister of Finland, 2023 NYU Commencement Address

“It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair.” 

– Taylor Swift, Change, Released 2008, 2022 NYU Commencement Speaker

Share a short quote and person not on this list, and why the quote inspires you.

Not answering this optional question.

When answering this NYU essay prompt, regardless of the quote a student chooses, students must focus on how they think and wish to shape the world in one singular way rather than focus on the quote itself or the person who uttered the line at a commencement address. Ideally, the essay will fit like a puzzle piece with the Personal Statement — in a complementary rather than a redundant way — to showcase the singular hook a student hopes to bring to NYU.

On a personal note, we at Ivy Coach are pleased to see a quote included from the late disability rights activist Judith Heumann , NYU’s 2022 commencement speaker and the subject of a 2022 Academy Award-winning documentary, as she was a dear friend of Ivy Coach’s Founder, Bev Taylor .

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with the NYU Essay

If you’re interested in optimizing your case for admission to NYU by submitting an NYU supplement that wows admissions officers, fill out Ivy Coach ’s free consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college counseling services for applicants to the Class of 2028.

You are permitted to use (including the content of the Blog) for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not copy, download, print, or otherwise distribute the content on our site without the prior written consent of Ivy Coach, Inc.

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Expanding knowledge and critical thinking skills, enhancing career opportunities, earning potential, personal growth and development.

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3 Excellent Brown “Joy” Essay Examples

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Brown is one of the most selective schools in the country, which means grades and test scores won’t get you in on their own. You also want to show off your more intangible personal qualities, so that admissions officers get a complete picture of who you are beyond the numbers.

The “joy” prompt, which Brown has had for several years, is a fantastic opportunity to do exactly that, by sharing something about yourself with admissions officers that wouldn’t appear on any resume, but is a fundamental part of who you are. College applications can feel quite dry, so when you get the chance to liven things up with this kind of prompt, make sure you take full advantage of it!

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should  never copy or plagiarize from these examples  when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

If you want detailed guidance on how to tackle the “joy” prompt, and Brown’s other supplemental essays, check out our Brown essay breakdown !

Brown “Joy” Prompt

The following essays respond to this prompt: 

Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)

Since this prompt doesn’t fit neatly into one of the classic supplemental essay boxes (like “Why School?”  or  “Why Major?” ), you may not be quite sure where to start. To help you out, we’ve compiled three responses real students wrote to this prompt. You can read the essays below, and get our breakdowns of each one’s strengths and weaknesses.

I remember being a fourth-grade “puella”, discovering the joy of chanting declensions with my classmates. Since then, my passion for Latin and mythology has expanded by reading books like Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods to Homer’s The Odyssey. I’ll never embody a character as well as I played the mythological Psyche in my fifth-grade Latin presentation.

I’ve always compared my Latin homework to my math homework. It’s very methodical, translating each phrase and then trying new ways to create a coherent sentence. Whenever I’d spent a good twenty minutes sorting through the puzzle of words to make a sentence, that moment where it finally made sense was euphoric. 

These translation and mythology skills I’d developed over the years would become essential about halfway through my freshman year Latin class when I was introduced to the revolutionary game of Certamen. Certamen is like Latin jeopardy with questions themed after classical history, mythology, translation, and grammar. A familiar feeling of competition surges through me each time my teammate of three years and I start a game of Certamen. With our handy doorbell buzz button and endless knowledge of Latin derivatives, we currently maintain a three-year Certamen win streak that I intend to keep until I graduate. The light-bulb that goes off in my head whenever I finally grasp the meaning of a Latin passage has become addicting throughout the years, and I hope to continue experiencing that joy at Brown University.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay does a great job of answering the prompt! Brown wants to know about something that brings you joy, and the student shared multiple responses, “chanting declensions with my classmates,” “sorting through the puzzles of words to make a sentence,” and “Certamen.”

While this student shares several things that bring them joy, they all fall under the theme of Latin which reveals the student’s broad interest in the subject. Further, the student does well making their interest relevant to Brown by hinting in the last sentence that this is something they want to continue to experience at Brown University. The reader learns not only about the writer’s interests but also that they’re going to bring this interest in Latin to their time at Brown. It’s always great when the reader can get an idea of what you want to do as a student on campus at their university!

The writer also describes the game of “Certamen” well by showing and not telling. For example, sentences like, “With our handy doorbell buzz button and endless knowledge of Latin derivatives…” and “A familiar feeling of competition surges through me,” paint a picture of the game. The reader understands that the writer loves the game of Certamen just by these descriptions; the student doesn’t have to directly say “I love Certamen.” Showing, rather than telling, makes an essay more immersive and shows off your writing skills. 

What Could Be Improved 

The second paragraph of this essay shares a bit about why the writer likes their Latin homework, but other than being about Latin, this paragraph doesn’t fit in well with the rest of the essay. Latin homework and puzzles aren’t mentioned in either of the other paragraphs, and the transitions between paragraphs could be stronger.

Right now, the writer connects the second paragraph to the third by saying just, “These translation skills.” This transition could be improved by the student writing a stronger transition sentence from the first to the second paragraph. They could say, “In middle school I started getting more homework for Latin, but I didn’t mind because I’ve always compared it to my math homework.” This would emphasize their love for Latin and show that it’s a subject they’ve studied throughout the years. Transition sentences are important so that each paragraph contributes to the essay.

The writer could also improve the essay by focusing more on recent stories and examples of their love for Latin and mythology. They spend the first two paragraphs starting with fourth grade and going through the years until they reach high school in the final paragraph. It’s okay to share an interest or something that’s brought you joy for a long time, but when you mention the distant past, it’s best to keep that part limited. The reader wants to learn more about who you are now and your current interests. The writer could have instead given examples of recent translation projects or recent mythology books they’ve read. 

Sitting behind the steering wheel, with the low hum of my music and the engine as background noise, I breathe in the familiarity of the 5-mile radius I generally commute within. My windows are rolled down and my sunroof is wide open, weather permitting, as the wind threatens to defenestrate my possessions. But I enjoy it immensely. The drive is refreshingly liberating: it feels like I can do anything and go anywhere I desire. As someone who frequently feels overwhelmed by the idea that most of my life is outside my control, a drive will often cure that feeling. The freedom of driving dissipates those worries.

My most frequent destination is Starbucks, not the one closest to my home, but rather the franchise that is a mile or two further. It allows me to enjoy the drive for longer than just a few minutes, extending an otherwise hasty experience to offer more time in reflection. Upon arriving and picking up my mobile order, I return to my car and savor my coffee, all while appreciating the music and experience. The coffee is an impeccable companion, both in its rich taste and the endeavor of acquiring it.

During my most stressful weeks, I can rely on my trips to get coffee as an outlet to forget my assignments and worries. The solitude of the activity is a rare opportunity for reflection: a joyful adventure all around.

It isn’t easy to make a mundane topic like driving to get coffee interesting, but this student was able to do just that! They did a great job of beautifully describing an outing that gives them joy. Specifically, the writer uses imagery well in sentences like: “My windows are rolled down and my sunroof is wide open, weather permitting, as the wind threatens to defenestrate my possessions.” It’s easy for the reader to imagine the possessions about to fly away!

Other strong description words help with this, as well. The writer describes the “rich taste” of the coffee and the “engine of background noise.” By painting a picture of some of the five senses, the writer is able to bring the reader into the moment and create a compelling story. 

The writer does a great job of sharing why the act of driving to Starbucks brings them joy. These details help this essay go beyond just a pretty story by helping the reader to learn about the student.

From moments like, “As someone who frequently feels overwhelmed by the idea that most of my life is outside my control, a drive will often cure that feeling,” readers learn one of the reasons why driving brings the student joy. Additionally, readers learn that this is a joyous moment for the writer because it serves as a time for reflection. These small details are great to include because they show why the reader is joyful!

While the writer does a good job of inserting details that explain why they love driving to Starbucks, the reader still only learns a limited amount about the writer. The only interests shared are that the reader enjoys driving and Starbucks.

Supplemental essays like this are a great chance for students to share interests that they don’t have a chance to include anywhere else on their application. For example, the writer could have written about their love for photography and how taking photographs of dogs brings them joy. That would teach the reader more about who the writer is as a person and what they would bring to Brown University.

Some sentences do a great job of sharing details and painting a picture of the scene; however, there are a few places where the author could provide even further details. For example, what kind of coffee are they drinking? Is it a grande iced white mocha, or a venti java chip frappuccino ? What music are they listening to on the radio? Sharing these kinds of details would allow the reader to learn more about the author and their interests, which is great for a topic like this, where the goal is for the student to share an interest they have not mentioned in their application.

Essay Example #3 – Drawing  

My dusty sketchbook must dread the moments I decide to take it off my desk. Every time I pick it up to use, it results in piles of graphite and eraser shavings everywhere in my room. I’ve gone through so many boxes of pencils, I think Ticonderoga must know me by now. The sketchbook of mine has seen better days – days where it looked pristine and without blemish. 

I love to draw. Yes the final result provides fantastic amusement to my eyes, but the process of the entire drawing allures me to this hobby. The second the fine point of my pencil hits the devoid paper, wonders only comparable to music begin to formulate. Each stroke of the pencil leaves a mark surpassing in magnificence to the one before. The freedom to pour out my thoughts into a sheet of paper astonishes me and provides me with a feeling of bliss and comfort.

Each sheet of paper is brimmed with portraits; my loved ones, friends, even strangers take up the space in my book, but for good reason. After I finish each drawing, I simply give it to them. I do cherish the journey I take with my art, but the smile on their faces when I give them my art is nothing less than beautiful. Even the most majestic of artists wouldn’t be able to capture the raw nature of that smile. For that is where I am given the most joy, in the smiles of others.

What The Essay Did Well

This essay does a superb job of using particularly sophisticated and vibrant language! The word choice is memorable and striking, which both keeps readers engaged and demonstrates the author’s broad vocabulary. Vivid images like the dusty sketchbook and the eraser shavings, or the notebook brimming with drawings, draw us in, before phrases like “wonders only comparable to music” and “the raw nature of that smile” drive home the applicant’s deep personal connection to their topic. 

The author’s confident, unique voice is another strength here. From the playful tone in the beginning of the essay, to the impassioned description of the student’s process, and finally, the reflection on the humanity of drawing, we get to know the author’s personality. They come across as funny, thoughtful, and generous, thanks to the details they include and the tone they use when presenting them.

Most importantly, the command of language and the personal tone come together to convey the author’s true passion for drawing, and the joy they find in that activity. Ultimately, any college essay needs to address the prompt, which this one does clearly and comprehensively. The mastery of language and vibrant personality are what take the essay from good to great, but the real key to this essay’s success is its connection to the prompt, as without that, Brown admissions officers wouldn’t get the information they’re looking for. 

What Could Be Improved

With an essay this strong, it’s tough to imagine what could make it better. At this point, changes would mainly make the essay different, not necessarily better or worse. However, considering alternative approaches can still be productive, since everyone has a slightly different way of telling their story.

For example, the student could have spent a little more time explaining their decision to give their portraits away. Right now, the essay ends with something of a plot twist, as we learn that what brings the student the most joy is in fact not the act of drawing, but the smiles of others after receiving their work. 

This “cliffhanger” ending is striking and memorable, but we also miss out on learning more about the student’s personality. Drawing is usually a solitary pursuit, but for this student, it’s clearly a more social activity, and they could have spent a bit more time exploring this aspect of their art to further set themselves apart from other applicants.

Again, though, this suggestion is more likely to subtly shift the tone of the essay than make it drastically better. Calling a college essay “done” can be stressful, but this essay is a good reminder that, at a certain point, your energy is going to be more productively spent on other aspects of your application.

Where to Get Your  Brown  Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Brown essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free  Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools.  Find the right advisor for you  to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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