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What is the Conceptual Framework of a Dissertation?

Published by Anastasia Lois at August 13th, 2021 , Revised On August 22, 2023

Before you start researching your dissertation, it is recommended to develop a dissertation’s conceptual framework.

Conceptual Framework for Testing Research

The  type of research  you are performing will determine whether or not developing a conceptual framework will prove to be helpful. A conceptual framework for the  dissertation  provides the liberty to the theorists and researchers to test the  hypothesis  and see if they will verify an idea. You can also observe whether appropriate variables have been selected for the research purpose.

How Does the Conceptual Framework Relate to Cause-effect Relationship?

It is important to understand that the  conceptual framework in research  is just like test-drive before buying a car to see and check whether it is suitable for you or not? It involves the cause-effect relationship where we figure out the effect of one subject’s action on the other and vice versa.

Example of Cause-Effect Relationship – Let’s understand it by an illustration:

Sia is a university student who got a gold medal for her tremendous CGPA throughout her degree program. She received the gold medal for the continuous hard work she had been doing for 4 years. She came to know that the cause of getting a gold medal was hard work.

Use the conceptual framework to identify the expected results before methodologically showcasing a cause-effect relationship for your dissertation and recognise the relevant variables. Variables hold the attributes which describe the cause-effect relationship. In the example given above, two variables “Gold Medal” and “Hard Work” were used.

Dependent and Independent Variables

Two variables constitute a cause-effect relationship, i.e., the independent and dependent variables. If we look at our example, “hard work” is an independent variable, while the “gold medal” is the dependent variable. In simple words, to achieve a gold medal, you need to work hard. As a result, the gold medal is dependent on hard work.

There can be more than one independent variable that can affect the dependent variable. For instance, another independent variable that we can extract from the same example is; “CGPA”. This means that “excellent CGPA” resulted in achieving “gold medal”, which in this case “CGPA’ is the independent variable and “gold medal” is the dependent variable.

Developing a Conceptual Framework in Dissertation

Now that we have established the two types of variables (independent & dependent), we can  answer the question  of  a conceptual framework in the dissertation . At this stage, we start to construct a conceptual framework for the dissertation, including all of its components, including boxes, arrows, and lines.

Start by mentioning each variable in a box. To represent the cause-effect relationship, you can make use of arrows. Arrows would start from the independent variable and should point towards the dependent variable.

If there isn’t a cause-effect relationship, you should use a simple line instead of an arrow despite the correlation relationship between the variables.

These components are mentioned below:

Underneath is a conceptual framework describing the cause-effect relationship, starting from the independent variable (hard work) and pointing towards the dependent variable (gold medal).

Conceptual Framewrok in dissertation copy

Sample conceptual framework using an independent variable and a dependent variable

Students must make sure that deep down they know the academic basis for choosing certain research methods. “I figured out or In my opinion” will not be an acceptable justification. So you will need to come up with concrete academic reasons for your selection of research methods.

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Expanding the Conceptual Framework

There are some further types of variables that can be used for the  conceptual framework in research . These variables expand the scope of the conceptual framework depending on the type of research.

Moderator variables

A moderator variable is one which changes the effect on a dependent variable caused by an independent variable. It fluctuates the effect when being used in an effect-cause relationship between two variables.

Mediator variables

A mediator variable allows the cause-effect relationship to be understood in a better way. Mediator variables are not straightforward to understand and must to be supported by stats for the rational outcome.

Control variables

A control variable is a variable that, along with the independent variable, alters the effect on the dependent variable.

Also Read: Primary or Secondary Research in my Dissertation?

What to Do Next?

After completing the conceptual framework, you need to research to get to know about the relationships between variables. There are  numerous research methods  (qualitative and quantitative) from which you can choose:

  • Literature reviews

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a conceptual framework for a dissertation.

To write a conceptual framework for a dissertation:

  • Define key concepts.
  • Identify relationships between them.
  • Connect to existing theories.
  • Explain the framework’s purpose.
  • Illustrate with diagrams if needed.
  • Align with research questions and guide study design.

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What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It

A conceptual framework is an essential part of research, especially in academic settings. It serves as the foundation upon which the entire research project is built, guiding the direction of the study and providing a clear path to follow. Understanding and creating a conceptual framework is crucial for any researcher, as it helps to define the problem, organize ideas, and guide the methodology.

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What is a conceptual framework.

A conceptual framework is a visual or written representation that explains the key concepts or variables involved in a study and shows the relationships between them. Essentially, it provides a roadmap for the research, outlining the logical structure and flow of the inquiry. It helps the researcher clarify what they are studying and how the various components of the study fit together.

In research, the conceptual framework connects the existing theories and ideas with the research questions or objectives, providing a clear basis for the investigation. It draws from previous research and theoretical foundations to explain the phenomenon under study.

Importance of a Conceptual Framework

A well-developed conceptual framework serves several purposes:

  • Clarifies the Research Focus: It helps the researcher define the key concepts or variables they are studying and how these variables are related to each other.
  • Guides the Research Process: It provides a structured approach to conducting the research, helping to align the objectives, methods, and analysis.
  • Connects Theory to Practice: It links existing theories and research findings to the new study, ensuring that the research is grounded in a solid theoretical base.
  • Helps in Data Analysis: By identifying the variables and their relationships, the conceptual framework assists in analyzing and interpreting the data.

How to Develop a Conceptual Framework

Creating a conceptual framework is a systematic process that involves several steps. Here’s how to build one:

Identify the Research Problem

The first step in creating a conceptual framework is to clearly identify the research problem. What is the issue or phenomenon that you want to investigate? Understanding the research problem helps you focus on the key concepts that will be involved in your study.

For example, if your research problem is about understanding the factors that influence students’ academic performance, your conceptual framework will include concepts like “student motivation,” “study habits,” and “learning environment.”

Review the Literature

A thorough review of the existing literature is essential for developing a conceptual framework. By examining previous research and theoretical models, you can identify key variables and relationships that are relevant to your study. The literature review will also help you understand how other researchers have approached similar problems and what gaps exist that your study can fill.

During the literature review, make sure to take notes on the major theories, key concepts, and findings from other studies that are related to your research problem.

Define Key Concepts or Variables

Once you have identified the research problem and reviewed the literature, the next step is to define the key concepts or variables that will be involved in your study. These are the building blocks of your conceptual framework.

For example, in a study on academic performance, the key variables could include “student motivation,” “attendance,” “study habits,” and “teacher support.” Be sure to provide clear definitions for each concept and explain how they are related to your research problem.

Establish Relationships Between Variables

After defining the key variables, the next step is to establish relationships between them. How do these variables influence each other? Which variables are dependent, and which are independent? This step is critical, as the relationships between the variables form the core of the conceptual framework.

In our example, you could propose that “student motivation” and “teacher support” directly impact “study habits,” which in turn affects “academic performance.” These relationships should be supported by evidence from the literature review.

Create a Visual Representation

The final step is to create a visual representation of your conceptual framework. This is typically done using a diagram that shows the key variables and the relationships between them. Arrows are often used to indicate the direction of influence between variables.

For example, you could draw a diagram with “student motivation,” “study habits,” and “teacher support” as independent variables that affect the dependent variable “academic performance.” The visual representation makes it easier for others to understand the structure of your research and the relationships between the key concepts.

Explain the Conceptual Framework

After creating the visual representation, it’s important to explain your conceptual framework in writing. Describe the key concepts, how they relate to each other, and how they will be examined in your research. This explanation helps to clarify the rationale behind your study and ensures that your research is grounded in a strong theoretical foundation.

Example of a Conceptual Framework

Let’s say you are conducting research on how different teaching methods affect student engagement and learning outcomes. Here’s how you might develop your conceptual framework:

  • Research Problem: You want to investigate how teaching methods (such as lectures, group discussions, and project-based learning) impact student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Literature Review: Through your literature review, you find that previous studies have shown that student engagement is influenced by teaching methods, and that student engagement, in turn, affects learning outcomes.
  • Teaching methods (independent variable)
  • Student engagement (mediating variable)
  • Learning outcomes (dependent variable)
  • Relationships Between Variables: Based on the literature review, you hypothesize that different teaching methods affect student engagement, which then impacts learning outcomes.
  • Visual Representation: A diagram with “Teaching Methods” at the top, arrows pointing to “Student Engagement,” and then arrows from “Student Engagement” pointing to “Learning Outcomes.”
  • Explanation: In your written explanation, you describe how the various teaching methods are expected to influence student engagement, and how engagement is likely to improve learning outcomes. You also explain that your study will measure the effectiveness of different teaching methods in promoting engagement and learning.

Tips for Creating an Effective Conceptual Framework

Be Clear and Concise: Ensure that your conceptual framework clearly defines the key variables and relationships. Avoid overcomplicating the diagram or explanations.

  • Use Evidence: Base your framework on established theories and findings from the literature. This ensures that your research is grounded in reliable knowledge.
  • Keep it Flexible: As you progress in your research, your conceptual framework may evolve. Be open to refining it as needed.
  • Link to Methodology: Your conceptual framework should inform your research methods. It should help you decide what to measure and how to analyze the relationships between variables.

A conceptual framework is a critical tool in the research process, helping to define the research problem, identify key variables, and establish relationships between them. By following a systematic process and grounding your framework in established theories and research, you can create a strong foundation for your study. Whether you are conducting academic research or a practical investigation, developing a clear conceptual framework is essential for success.

what is a conceptual framework dissertation

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Theoretical vs Conceptual Framework

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewed By: Eunice Rautenbach (DTech) | March 2023

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I If you’re new to academic research, sooner or later you’re bound to run into the terms theoretical framework and conceptual framework . These are closely related but distinctly different things (despite some people using them interchangeably) and it’s important to understand what each means. In this post, we’ll unpack both theoretical and conceptual frameworks in plain language along with practical examples , so that you can approach your research with confidence.

Overview: Theoretical vs Conceptual

What is a theoretical framework, example of a theoretical framework, what is a conceptual framework, example of a conceptual framework.

  • Theoretical vs conceptual: which one should I use?

A theoretical framework (also sometimes referred to as a foundation of theory) is essentially a set of concepts, definitions, and propositions that together form a structured, comprehensive view of a specific phenomenon.

In other words, a theoretical framework is a collection of existing theories, models and frameworks that provides a foundation of core knowledge – a “lay of the land”, so to speak, from which you can build a research study. For this reason, it’s usually presented fairly early within the literature review section of a dissertation, thesis or research paper .

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Let’s look at an example to make the theoretical framework a little more tangible.

If your research aims involve understanding what factors contributed toward people trusting investment brokers, you’d need to first lay down some theory so that it’s crystal clear what exactly you mean by this. For example, you would need to define what you mean by “trust”, as there are many potential definitions of this concept. The same would be true for any other constructs or variables of interest.

You’d also need to identify what existing theories have to say in relation to your research aim. In this case, you could discuss some of the key literature in relation to organisational trust. A quick search on Google Scholar using some well-considered keywords generally provides a good starting point.

foundation of theory

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what is a conceptual framework dissertation

A conceptual framework is typically a visual representation (although it can also be written out) of the expected relationships and connections between various concepts, constructs or variables. In other words, a conceptual framework visualises how the researcher views and organises the various concepts and variables within their study. This is typically based on aspects drawn from the theoretical framework, so there is a relationship between the two.

Quite commonly, conceptual frameworks are used to visualise the potential causal relationships and pathways that the researcher expects to find, based on their understanding of both the theoretical literature and the existing empirical research . Therefore, the conceptual framework is often used to develop research questions and hypotheses .

Let’s look at an example of a conceptual framework to make it a little more tangible. You’ll notice that in this specific conceptual framework, the hypotheses are integrated into the visual, helping to connect the rest of the document to the framework.

example of a conceptual framework

Theoretical framework vs conceptual framework

As you can see, the theoretical framework and the conceptual framework are closely related concepts, but they differ in terms of focus and purpose. The theoretical framework is used to lay down a foundation of theory on which your study will be built, whereas the conceptual framework visualises what you anticipate the relationships between concepts, constructs and variables may be, based on your understanding of the existing literature and the specific context and focus of your research. In other words, they’re different tools for different jobs , but they’re neighbours in the toolbox.

Naturally, the theoretical framework and the conceptual framework are not mutually exclusive . In fact, it’s quite likely that you’ll include both in your dissertation or thesis, especially if your research aims involve investigating relationships between variables. Of course, every research project is different and universities differ in terms of their expectations for dissertations and theses, so it’s always a good idea to have a look at past projects to get a feel for what the norms and expectations are at your specific institution.

Want to learn more about research terminology, methods and techniques? Be sure to check out the rest of the Grad Coach blog . Alternatively, if you’re looking for hands-on help, have a look at our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research process, step by step.

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Thank you for giving a valuable lesson

Muhammed Ebrahim Feto

good thanks!


Has helped my understanding

Benson Wandago


olawale rasaq

thanks for given very interested understand about both theoritical and conceptual framework


I am researching teacher beliefs about inclusive education but not using a theoretical framework just conceptual frame using teacher beliefs, inclusive education and inclusive practices as my concepts


good, fantastic

Melese Takele

great! thanks for the clarification. I am planning to use both for my implementation evaluation of EmONC service at primary health care facility level. its theoretical foundation rooted from the principles of implementation science.


This is a good one…now have a better understanding of Theoretical and Conceptual frameworks. Highly grateful

Ahmed Adumani

Very educating and fantastic,good to be part of you guys,I appreciate your enlightened concern.


Thanks for shedding light on these two t opics. Much clearer in my head now.


Simple and clear!

Alemayehu Wolde Oljira

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Thank you great insight

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Superb. Thank you so much.


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I’m clear with these two terminologies now. Useful information. I appreciate it. Thank you

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I’m well inform about these two concepts in research. Thanks


I found this really helpful. It is well explained. Thank you.

olufolake olumogba

very clear and useful. information important at start of research!!

Chris Omira

Wow, great information, clear and concise review of the differences between theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Thank you! keep up the good work.


thank you so much. Educative and realistic.

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What is a conceptual framework?

A conceptual framework provides the concept or set of related concepts supporting the basis or foundation of a study. It creates a conceptual model for possible strategies or courses of action identified as important for researching a particular problem or issue. While a conceptual framework is often referred to interchangeably with a theoretical framework, it maintains a distinct purpose. A conceptual framework clarifies concepts, organizes ideas, and identifies relationships with which to frame a study. Concepts are logically developed and organized to support an overall framework and are often exhibited graphically within dissertation research.  Note that a dissertation may include both theoretical and conceptual frameworks.

The suggestions below provide techniques for locating possible conceptual frameworks in the Library databases. Note when examples may use the term "theoretical framework," you may change your search terms to "conceptual framework."  In addition to your Library research, you should discuss possible frameworks with your Dissertation Chair to ensure they align with your study.  Also, remember that you will probably find and discard several potential conceptual frameworks before one is finally chosen.

Please see the guide on Conceptual Frameworks from the Applied Doctoral Center and the Conceptual Framework guide from the Academic Success Center.

Guide from the NU Graduate Studies Support Center (GSSC), formerly CTL

Entry from the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation

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What is a Conceptual Framework?

A dissertation is a complex document with many moving parts. Several theories and concepts are likely to inform the argument you make in your dissertation, which will draw on many ideas to support the viability of your hypothesis. The conceptual framework is an essential part of your dissertation, one that will shape the focus of your research. 

Since conceptual frameworks can vary by discipline, you’ll want to look at sample documents from your field. Better yet, ask your advisor to share examples of conceptual frameworks written by recent graduates from your program. This section of your dissertation can be difficult to write, and it’s a good idea to ask questions. The conceptual framework can be intimidating because the theories you’re working with feel complex and abstract. The good news is, you’re better prepared to write this section than you realize. 

Conceptual Framework Questions

Let’s consider some of the questions often asked about the conceptual framework: 

  • What is a conceptual framework?
  • When is a conceptual framework introduced? 
  • How long should my conceptual framework be? 
  • How do I structure my conceptual framework?

woman holding a stack of books in a library

A conceptual framework is the lens through which your research is being viewed. Concepts are the theoretical underpinnings used to frame research in your field. A clear conceptual framework anchors your research in the context of known models and established theories used by scholars in your field. It also offers insight into how your research will build upon earlier contributions to the body of knowledge. 

Conceptual Framework Examples

A lens is a good metaphor for describing the role a conceptual framework plays in a dissertation. It offers direct access to the perspective from which research is being evaluated and interpreted in your dissertation, and distinguishes it from other approaches. For instance, research examining economic trends using feminist theory will be quite different from research that relies on legal or post-structural or game theory. 

For me, writing the conceptual framework of my dissertation was all about making connections. It made me think deeply about how my topic was rooted within an ecosystem of tangled, interconnected ideas. Writing the conceptual framework of your dissertation is an intellectual exercise that shows how dynamic the production of knowledge really is, and also how mutable topics are depending on the lens you’re looking at them through. 

man taking notes in front of his laptop at sunset

As you are reading different conceptual framework examples, pay attention to the references the authors make. What theories do they cite? Which researchers are influential? The conceptual framework is a section of the dissertation where you can expect to see landmark studies and seminal works used as a solid foundation for further research. As a faculty mentor once told me, find the North Star of your research, and then figure out which theories will help you get there. 

When is a Conceptual Framework Introduced?

The conceptual framework is an established section in most dissertations. Though in some creative fields the conceptual framework is part of the introduction , it is conventionally located in Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 of the dissertation. In some dissertations, there will be a conceptual framework section in each of those chapters.

Clarity is key when introducing your conceptual framework. It’s important to quickly establish a reference point for your readers and let them know which theories have been foundational to your research. It’s best to begin this section by stating your conceptual framework and then the theories and researchers who developed it. Provide any information that you feel is essential to understanding your approach to your research. 

How Long is a Conceptual Framework?

woman sitting in an armchair and typing on her laptop

Length is another area where conceptual frameworks vary by program, discipline, and university. Before you begin, ask your advisor about the expectations for your department. While conceptual frameworks are generally 1-3 pages, they can be more extensive. In dissertations where conceptual framework is discussed in multiple chapters, the first section may consist of a brief introduction to the conceptual framework being used, with a more in-depth discussion taking place in the next chapter. 

When outlining your conceptual framework, remember to be clear and concise. Though the document is intended to reflect the wealth of research you’ve already done, resist the urge to overwrite. There will be plenty of opportunities throughout your dissertation to discuss your ideas in depth. 

Writing a conceptual framework is an act of brevity. It’s a great opportunity to show your audience that you have a firm grasp on the theories you’re working with, and you can explain their relevance to your topic in a way that is short and to the point. It may take you a few drafts to get your conceptual framework right, but these revisions will be a sound investment of your time and energy. 

Conceptual Framework Structure

bearded man taking notes next to a stack of books

The structure of your conceptual framework should provide insight and perspective into the way in which you approach your research. If your conceptual framework comprises multiple theories or lenses, you’ll want to show how you believe they are connected. If you think this sounds tricky, fear not. These are deep intellectual waters that you’re swimming in, but you’re well-prepared for the challenges ahead. 

While the bulk of your conceptual framework will be written, visuals are also an option that many doctoral students use to illustrate their process. The images may include models that show the intersection of the theories that make up your conceptual framework. Flow charts and concept maps that are relevant to your conceptual framework may also be helpful. 

Creating Context

Having a clear conceptual framework helped me put complex–and sometimes competing–ideas in context. My topic–authenticity of reconstructed literary landmarks in the South–felt perilously narrow and isolated until I started thinking about my conceptual framework. It offered a clear illustration of the disparate elements that I would be looking at in my qualitative research. 

The theories that explain the phenomena of tourism are cross-disciplinary and far-reaching. My conceptual framework, which covered everything from heritage economies to cultural production, gave me a way to explain why that is. It allowed me to see the phantom threads tying my own theoretical assertions together. I could feel that there was something there, and my conceptual framework showed me how to prove it. 

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Courtney Watson, Ph.D.

Courtney Watson, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of English at Radford University Carilion, in Roanoke, Virginia. Her areas of expertise include undergraduate and graduate curriculum development for writing courses in the health sciences and American literature with a focus on literary travel, tourism, and heritage economies. Her writing and academic scholarship has been widely published in places that include  Studies in American Culture ,  Dialogue , and  The Virginia Quarterly Review . Her research on the integration of humanities into STEM education will be published by Routledge in an upcoming collection. Dr. Watson has also been nominated by the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia’s Outstanding Faculty Rising Star Award, and she is a past winner of the National Society of Arts & Letters Regional Short Story Prize, as well as institutional awards for scholarly research and excellence in teaching. Throughout her career in higher education, Dr. Watson has served in faculty governance and administration as a frequent committee chair and program chair. As a higher education consultant, she has served as a subject matter expert, an evaluator, and a contributor to white papers exploring program development, enrollment research, and educational mergers and acquisitions.

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Conceptual Framework: Complete Guide With Definition, Tips, & Examples

Conceptual framework

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A conceptual framework is a structure that guides the research process and provides a basis for interpreting and analyzing data. It helps researchers to understand how various factors and variables interact with each other in a study. The conceptual framework allows to identify the most important aspects of a research topic and figure out how to go about investigating it. It's usually presented as a diagram or flowchart that shows how the different variables influence fit together.

If you are reading this, chances are you are engaged in serious research and wondering what a conceptual framework means and why it matters. One of the requirements when conducting a study or preparing a research proposal , whether you are a novice or experienced scholar, is writing a conceptual framework. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what a conceptual framework is and how to develop it. This guide offers a detailed conceptual framework definition, describes a step-by-step process of creating it, highlights its importance in qualitative research, and identifies which types you can use. The article also provides conceptual framework examples and additional tips to enhance your research skills and help you grasp ways of presenting a scientific paper.  Alternatively, you can simply reach out to our professional dissertation writers and get your study finished for you effort-free.

What Is a Conceptual Framework: Definition

Conducting research is an integral part of life because it serves as a source of knowledge, innovation, and reliable information. It is also a demanding activity requiring one to assess information about specific issues. This is normally realized through formulating research questions or writing a hypothesis , investigating and analyzing data critically, and identifying solutions to a problem.  To ensure the study is presented coherently to readers, a conceptual framework must be created. It allows you to explain the elements of the work, provide a detailed and logical view of concepts, and highlight how the various components of a project are interrelated. Conceptual frameworks are usually used as visual depictions that help in clarifying and organizing ideas or identifying relationships that will be used in framing your work. They are considered a way of synthesizing existing knowledge and helping readers understand the issues a study is focusing on. Conceptual frameworks can be built around new ideas, existing viewpoints, or new interpretations of preexisting problems. The purpose of a conceptual framework is to create a structure that maps out interconnected concepts across the investigation.

Conceptual framework definition

Conceptual Framework in Research

The conceptual framework can be a confusing component of qualitative research . This term is often incorrectly used interchangeably with a theoretical model . However, the two differ in their basis and extent.  A conceptual framework is a broad representation of key concepts and their relationships that researchers develop based on their own experiences, observations, or ideas. It is used to organize and clarify ideas and variables within a study. On the other hand, a theoretical framework is based on established theories or models from prior research studies or academic literature. It provides a lens or perspective through which to view the research problem and guides the selection of research methods, data collection , and analysis. In essence, a conceptual framework is more subjective and developed by the researcher, while a theoretical framework is more objective and grounded in established theories or models.  Think of a conceptual framework in research as a bridge that connects the context, theory, and structure of your work. Specifically, you use it to integrate your knowledge of different aspects of an investigation and create a logical tool that shows how various distinct parts are interlinked. Ideally, you will reflect on this part when deliberating on the implications of your results.

Importance of Conceptual Frameworks

Now that you have a clear understanding of what a conceptual framework is in research and its role, it is essential to highlight the significance of conceptual frameworks. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Offer a structure to organize your ideas about the research problem and look into your work’s objectives
  • Help address questions comprehensively by providing a basis for refining your research design and methodology
  • Function as a frame for choosing suitable techniques to assist in collecting and analyzing data, which directs your focus to relevant information
  • Act as a system that you use to identify, select, engage with, and integrate appropriate theories and studies
  • Make your findings understandable and relatable to other works
  • Keep you on track by simplifying and presenting the association between complex variables
  • Help conceptualize your position, reflect on how you approach an inquiry, and select relevant methodological direction
  • Serve as a mechanism for considering and thinking about the significance of your dissertation or thesis and further research in the field.

Types of Conceptual Framework

The different types of conceptual frameworks arise mainly because studies are unique and have various purposes. Scholars usually select the most suitable model based on their hypothesis and objectives. Note that no particular structure is superior to another since each fulfills a specific aim. Here is a list of conceptual framework styles you may be interested in:

  • Taxonomy Apply this in organizing your concepts logically or classifying relevant elements of a framework.
  • Conceptual model Is used as the basis for developing a conceptual framework by helping you establish a solid understanding of vital ideas.
  • Visual representation You can also create a visual map to illustrate how different thoughts are linked together in your work. Consider this as a mind map.
  • Mathematical description If your focus is on technical subjects such as computer science or mathematics, this one is for you. It allows to explain and gain insights into how mathematical objects or notations are related.
  • Working hypothesis Used for testing new ideas by focusing your study on specific details.
  • Descriptive categories Suitable for creating, organizing, and understanding complex systems/problems by dividing them into small units/parts.
  • Pillar questions Focuses on exploring factors influencing success within organizations.
  • Practical type Applicable to programming where it helps in developing, managing, and manipulating types such as their hierarchies, how they are related, or safety issues.
  • Models of operations research Emphasizes the scientific method when approaching research in which facts are established objectively through experimentation and testing.
  • Formal hypothesis Requires identifying an issue, relevant dependent and independent variables, and controls.

Conceptual Framework Example Diagram

Various sample illustrations can help you in developing your understanding if you need to learn more about how to write a conceptual framework. For instance, you can use a conceptual framework template and fill in your project’s details. This is a quick and effective way of presenting your underlying variables and elements, as well as demonstrating how they are related. Below is an example of a conceptual framework diagram.

How to Create a Conceptual Framework?

After learning the basics of creating a conceptual framework, it is necessary to start developing your own. This should be a straightforward undertaking if you follow the process described here below. Remember that it does not have to look exactly like others because factors such as amount of ideas to be incorporated, your research phenomenon, and the extent of your model must be considered. In this section, we offer a deeper description of how to develop a conceptual framework through a step-by-step process. 

1. Determine Key Concepts in Existing Literature

Commence developing a conceptual framework by examining the existing body of literature on your research topic to find key ideas that other researchers have used. Focus on specific factors described in publications that are important for your work or dissertation proposal , what the literature says about them, and how they are related. Also, you should attend to what you read by looking at section’s titles as this helps orient you in a direction of the most essential information. Besides, consider the beginning and end of a study because most authors respectively introduce and summarize important issues in these sections. Additionally, take note of recurring phrases or words in documents because the frequency with which some variables occur demonstrates their relative value and will point you toward that main concept.

2. Come Up With a Research Question

After conducting the literature review, you have insights into the main ideas surrounding your topic. A vital phase of developing your conceptual frame work that follows involves formulating a research question to guide the exploration. You need to be specific here by laying out specific details about the what, who, where, when, how , and why of your theme. Keep in mind that providing concise and defined answers to anything you come up with is essential at this stage. If you cannot address an issue wholly and accurately, create another one. This is important because a problem forms a foundation of the conceptual framework as it influences the selection of appropriate designs and approaches to be used in your work. For example, you can formulate a question such as: 

“What is the influence of service quality on service loyalty ?”

 Potential methods for a study here may include surveys, questionnaires, and an experiment.

3. Identify Your Independent and Dependent Variables

The next step, as you continue creating a conceptual framework, necessitates identifying your independent and dependent variables . This is usually done after you have explored other studies thoroughly and identified essential concepts for your work.  An independent variable is that which you can control, such as “ service quality ” from our previous example.  A dependent variable is what you will measure, e.g. “ service loyalty ”.  While the two differ, they are related directly because if one changes, the other acts correspondingly. As can be seen, the question formulated earlier determines the ideas selected in this part of developing a research paper , thesis, or dissertation conceptual framework.

4. Create a Model Representing Causal Relationship

Now that you have your essential variables, you must establish how they relate to each other. Note that any direct connection between them does not automatically mean that there is already a cause-and-effect type of association. You should still demonstrate how they affect each other. An effective technique here entails creating a visual representation with an arrow indicating how your ideas interact. This acts as the framework and conceptual map for a study that clarifies how an independent variable causes changes in your dependent variable.  A pictorial example of conceptual framework demonstrating a cause-and-effect relationship between service quality and service loyalty is provided below.

Causal relationship between variables in a conceptual framework

5. Include Other Variables

You also need to define other variables and include them in your conceptual framework. After reviewing other studies, you must have encountered numerous concepts that affect your topic. However, since you cannot select all the existing ideas for your research, it is important to focus on the most relevant ones. Additional variables that you should consider include:

Moderating Variables

Moderating variables are those that influence the relationship between your two main variables in the research conceptual framework by altering their strength or direction. They are represented by illustrating when or based on which conditions a certain effect is anticipated.  You can use them to reinforce, refute, or influence how your independent construct relates to the dependent one. This helps in determining your findings’ external validity.  Using moderating variables is beneficial as they demonstrate the association between different ideas in your topic, enhance your study design, and offer an explanation of why a specific outcome happened.  In turn, this provides more accurate and realistic findings by presenting insights into connotations that could otherwise not have been achieved. In our sample of conceptual framework in the research paper, the customer’s income is an example of a moderator variable .

Moderating variable in a conceptual model

Mediating Variables

Mediating variables are also essential in a conceptual framework because they help you understand the mechanism by which your two primary variables are connected. You can either include them in your research design, in which case the study will focus on changing the mediator, or in your findings to explain how a specific effect happened.  Mediating variables are usually caused by an independent variable and affect your dependent variable . This enables you to describe the kind of linkage between them. In turn, this contributes to determining the nature of your work more functionally and accurately.  Based on our previous question, an example of a mediator in a conceptual framework would be customer satisfaction .

Conceptual framework with a mediating variable

Control variables

You should also consider control variables in your conceptual framework. They allow you to define the factors under your control . These elements may potentially affect your project’s findings. However, they are not very important when developing your model, meaning that you will not be studying them.  Control variables have an ability to decrease the impact of other elements outside your work’s scope. This enhances your study’s validity by ensuring that nothing affects the relationship you are examining. As you continue learning about how to make a conceptual framework, remember that these variables are generally kept constant throughout the investigation.  You can depict them directly by altering only an independent construct, indirectly through random selection to lessen their influence, or statistically to isolate their effects.  An example of a control variable in a conceptual model is a health condition requiring a special diet.

Conceptual framework with a control variable

6. Revise Your Conceptual Framework

Now that you have followed all previous steps, the final phase is to edit and revise your conceptual framework and make any necessary changes. Regardless of how you demonstrate your model, ensure that all variables, including their names, are laid out. Also, make sure that your diagram illustrates connections between concepts using arrows, lines, and boxes. Remember that you should reflect on your research question at this stage as this makes the framework relevant to your topic.

Conceptual Framework Examples

At this point, you have what it takes to prepare your framework. However, you must examine numerous samples concerning your topic since this makes the creation process more accurate and significant. If you still need a better understanding of the entire process of developing a model, look at the following concrete examples of conceptual framework. Example of conceptual framework in research paper


Tips on Developing a Conceptual Framework

Here are extra tips to help you make a conceptual framework:

  • Keep things simple by avoiding fancy designs during the development process.
  • Seek feedback and suggestions by sharing your model with the research panel or peers in your field. This leaves room for revisions and improvements based on the response you will get.
  • Always double-check whether you clearly understand your model’s objective.
  • Focus on your comprehension of different variables and how they relate to each other during the creation process.
  • Ensure that all the included concepts are aligned with your work’s aims.

Bottom Line on Conceptual Framework

In this article, you have learned what a conceptual framework is. Defining this term should not be troublesome now. It is a key part of any research study because it helps you articulate your main ideas, their relationship, and why your work is important.  The guide also offered an extensive description of this model’s role in research, its structure, and how to write a conceptual framework for your project. You can now start writing to practically secure grasping all the stated points. If you face any difficulties, look at the examples of conceptual framework templates offered here to reinforce your understanding.


If you face any difficulties with creating a conceptual framework for dissertation or any other kind of research, don’t hesitate and ask for help from a team of professional academic writers. Buy dissertations written from scratch and have your study completed by an expert. 

FAQ on Conceptual Frameworks

1. what is the purpose of having a conceptual framework.

Use a conceptual framework as:

  • An analytical tool to examine the state of concepts or variables through research and how they interact.
  • A guide for identifying your study methodology and hypotheses.
  • An illustration of your research approach.
  • A way of generating new interpretations of a topic or concept.
  • A means for revealing gaps in knowledge.

2. Is a conceptual framework used in qualitative research?

The basic building blocks of a conceptual framework are concepts, not theories, as used in most quantitative studies. Thus, it is common for scholars to use a conceptual framework in qualitative research because of the exploratory nature of these kinds of investigations. Another reason is that a single concept often cannot address a topic fully in these types of inquiries. Therefore, several ideas and empirical evidence must be extracted, relationships among them highlighted, and their relevance to your investigation mentioned.


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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What is a Conceptual Framework?

We know based on the word ‘conceptual’ that this framework will deal with concepts (or simply put, ideas). This type of framework will provide your readers with an idea of what you expect to find through your research by focusing on the variables you will study and how they connect.

what is a conceptual framework dissertation

Steps to Creating the Conceptual Framework:

  • Read through prevalent literature on your topic to determine what is already known
  • Based on what you have found, identify what you expect to be the finding of your study
  • Indicate what your variables are
  • Explain how they could connect to one another

Example of a Conceptual Framework (Follow the Steps)

For this example, please note: Research topic: Due to the influx of technology, people are spending more and more time indoors. Being indoors prevents individuals from breathing fresh air, being in nature, and being exposed to the sun. A lack of nature can negatively impact one’s mood.

Step One: Read through prevalent literature on your topic to determine what is already known

Reading through the literature will allow you to determine what reasonable connections you can make between variables or concepts. It is essential that you do not make connections out of thin air but have a rationale behind the type of relationship you expect the variables to have.

Literature has shown the connection between time outside and lowered levels of cortisol, the stress hormone (Pearson, 2020; McKinley et al., 2020). When an individual is stressed, the body is in a state of flight or fight. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, help the body to limit certain functions that are not essential to an emergency response. When the body has high levels of cortisol, this can result in fatigue, mood changes, anger response, and irritability (Smith, 2019).

Being outdoors provides individuals with exposure to the sun, which increases the supply of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for the body to function properly, and a deficiency of this vitamin can cause fatigue and depression (Hung, 2020). Rodriguez and Sherman (2018) found that natural environments, even limited in scope, directly influence anger response time. In the study, there was a 56% decrease in anger response for those who lived in an apartment complex that had trees compared to those who did not.

Step Two: Based on what you have found, identify what you expect to be the finding of your study

I would assume that if time outside lowers cortisol levels and feelings of stress and anger, then time outside would improve one’s mood.

Step Three: Indicate what your variables are

First identify the independent and dependent variables. After this initial indication, you can then expand the scope of the framework.

Independent variable: Variable you would identify as the ‘cause’ Dependent variable: Variable that is the ‘effect’

To determine my variables, I would ask, what is the object of my study? Or, what am I studying? In this case, I am studying the number of hours outside and how that impacts a person’s mood.

The number of hours outside is my independent variable as this is something I would manipulate throughout the study. I would have a person go outside for the duration of one hour, two hours, three hours, and so on. in order to assess the difference in impact on mood. Notice that I do not manipulate the mood, which is why, that is the dependent variable .

Step Four: Explain how they could connect to one another

It is important to note that many conceptual frameworks are represented using a visual graphic with a short textual explanation to help the reader grasp the ideas it represents.

When expanding the scope of the framework and how the variables will connect to one another, additional variables can be considered. For the example given, with a cause-and-effect relationship, additional considerations could be:

Moderator variable. This type of variable can impact the effect that the independent variable has on the dependent variable. In this case, something that could have impacted how effective the number of hours outside were on a person’s mood is serotonin levels. Each person has a different level of serotonin in their body, which is something biological that they cannot control. Thus, if a person comes into the study with extremely low levels of serotonin, it will take them longer to feel a positive shift in their mood.

what is a conceptual framework dissertation

Mediator variable. This type of variable helps us to understand the connection between the independent and dependent variable (and generally requires an explanation to show the readers how). In this case, UV rays could be my mediator variable because it shows how the two are connected. Consider the fact that, the longer a participant is outside, the more UV rays they would be getting. The more UV rays they are getting, the more that will impact their mood.

Control variable. This type of variable is what you need to keep constant so that you are not measuring something that is not related to your study.

what is a conceptual framework dissertation


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  6. What Is The Importance Of A Conceptual Framework In Research

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  1. What Is a Conceptual Framework?

    Conceptual frameworks are often represented in a visual format and illustrate cause-and-effect relationships. You can start conceptualizing this as you determine your relevant paper, thesis, or dissertation topic. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to help you construct your own conceptual framework.

  2. What is the Conceptual Framework of a Dissertation?

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    What is a Conceptual Framework? A conceptual framework is a visual or written representation that explains the key concepts or variables involved in a study and shows the relationships between them. Essentially, it provides a roadmap for the research, outlining the logical structure and flow of the inquiry.

  4. Conceptual Framework

    A conceptual framework is a structured representation of the variables, relationships, and theories underlying a research study. It provides a visual or written guide to help researchers define the scope of their work, clarify research objectives, and connect findings to broader theoretical foundations. ... Thesis Guide; Topics for Research ...

  5. Theoretical vs Conceptual Framework (+ Examples)

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    the conceptual framework, as well as the process of developing one, since a conceptual framework is a generative source of thinking, planning, conscious action, and reflection throughout the research process. A conceptual framework makes the case for why a study is significant and relevant

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  9. What Is a Conceptual Framework: How to Create It & Examples

    A conceptual framework is a structure that guides the research process and provides a basis for interpreting and analyzing data. It helps researchers to understand how various factors and variables interact with each other in a study. The conceptual framework allows to identify the most important aspects of a research topic and figure out how to go about investigating it.

  10. Conceptual Framework

    Example of a Conceptual Framework (Follow the Steps) For this example, please note: Research topic: Due to the influx of technology, people are spending more and more time indoors. Being indoors prevents individuals from breathing fresh air, being in nature, and being exposed to the sun. A lack of nature can negatively impact one's mood.