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13 Ways To Pull Off A Killer Demo Day Presentation

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Put together slides with very few words

Make sure there is a screen in front of you on stage, practice, practice, practice, speak in tweetable soundbites.

People love to tweet live events and demo days are no different. Inside of the room, you will have a great group of influential people that can send your message out to the right people. The thing is, they can't send out the entire presentation, they can only send out 140 characters at a time. In our case, we had 3 tweetable soundbites that became well known afterwards. These weren't by happenstance, but planned well in advance:

  • "Apps Are Bullshit"- opening slide that set the tone for presentation. 
  • "Tap the rocketship"- @fakedavetisch caused this to become some form of sexual inneuendo :) 
  • "Series Awesome"- We didn't announce that we were raising a Series A, but a Series Awesome.

The "Three Acts"

The best way to do a demo day type presentation is to put the entire delivery into three different acts. Entrepreneurship and delivering a presentation is absolutely no different than theater. You should look at your delivery as a spectacle that enlightens those in the audience, not a typical slide deck pitch.

Act I - The Setup Setup the enemy for the entire presentation, the elevator pitch, and the big vision business. It should be under 90 seconds and even that is something I found difficulty with. The goal here is to give context, hook the audience in, and get to a killer demo.

Act II- The Demo This is what really matters. Too many companies approach demo day as investor day, instead of showing what they've built off in-depth. Screenshots are a no-no and sadly, pre-recorded videos seem to be the way to go due to Wifi. Show off a logical progression of what your product does. Nothing gets someone ready to write a check like a great demo.

Act III- The Execution This is where you talk about what you have accomplished and where you are going. I usually like to talk about a few things: Press, current investors, business development deals, and the team you have been able to attract. This shows where you have been and how you are able to execute as a team. You should also make sure that you talk about what's next. When are you launching? are you raising money? what is the big credo and philosophy behind the company? Tell the world why you exist and why you are going to take over the world.

Get to the demo as fast as possible

Have an "enemy", make sure the big long term vision is known, be fashionable.

apps are bullshit resized 600

Have an "ask"

Show off social proof, things that didn't work along the way.

  • We spent a lot of time getting to the demo. We originally had a lot of social proof and big vision talk before the demo. That got people antsy. Let the demo be your proving ground and then 
  • Don't try to practice in full run throughs at first. Go act by act, screwing up along the way.  
  • Do not use anything from your investor slide deck. Even though we have never used a slide deck to raise money, we still sort of have one. I dusted it off from the Series Seed and tried to insert some slides. It just doesn't work for demo day. Demo day pitches should be looked at a lot differently than your traditional investor pitch at the end of the day. Demo day pitches really appeal to three broad crowds, with some companies focusing in on one more than the other: press, investors, and potential partners. 

In short, this was the most important day of my life and a huge success. The only downside, is that it meant TechStars is officially over. You should apply to the program , and if you get in, hopefully this post will be of use.

Have you presented at a "Demo Day" before?  Any tips of your own that you'd like to share?

You Should Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jasonlbaptiste , Friend me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jasonlbaptiste , Email Me: [email protected] , or even call: 212.361.9743

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How to Create a Demo Presentation

Cover for Demo Presentation guide by SlideModel

Presenting a brand-new product or service to an audience can be done in two formats: highlighting its market value or focusing on the technical elements that make it an attractive offer. Today we will cover the second option, commonly known as a demo presentation.

Get to know which slides you should include in your demo presentation, recommended PPT templates, the difference with a product presentation, and much more.

Table of Contents

What is a Demo Presentation?

Differences between a demo presentation and a product presentation, elements of a demo presentation, advantages of demo presentations for software app launches, how to create a demo presentation slide deck, recommended product demo powerpoint templates, final words.

We refer to a demo presentation as a structured demonstration of a product or service, typically in the software industry, showcasing its features, functionality, and value to a specific audience. Unlike other theoretical experiences or generalist overviews, a demo presentation is a hands-on format, including live demonstrations or interactive features, allowing potential customers, investors, or stakeholders to see the product in action.

Demo presentation of a smartphone app

Sometimes, the terms demo and product presentation are used interchangeably, but in fact, they are different presentation styles. A product presentation focus is broader, covering the overall concept, market positioning, and product benefits. It is marketing-oriented, highlighting why the product is necessary and competitive rather than exposing how the product or service works. Therefore, we can say that demo presentations are more technical.

In terms of audience engagement , a product presentation is delivered at large conferences, live worldwide events (i.e., Apple product releases), or investor meetings, and the goal is to generate interest and excitement about the product. Storytelling and visual communication are key in product presentations as they become the tools to secure interest. Demo presentations, on the other hand, are delivered in more intimate settings, such as client meetings, training sessions, sales pitches, etc. Since they require active engagement from the audience, the venue selected for this kind of presentation has to be better equipped, and the presenter has to keep an active role in moderating questions or requests to see specific features in action.

Although some presenters opt to engage directly in the software demo presentation, we highly recommend following this structure to secure the success of your upcoming demo presentation.

Introduction Slide

Briefly introduce the product, the team behind it, and the purpose of the demo. Set the stage for what the audience can expect.

Introduction slide demo presentation

  • Problem Statement

Clearly define the problem that the product addresses. This helps the audience understand the context and relevance of the product.

Problem statement slide demo presentation

  • Product Overview

This involves a high-level product overview, clearly exposing its main features, benefits, and why it differs from potential market alternatives.

Product overview slide demo presentation

  • Live Demonstration

This is the core aspect of your presentation, especially if we talk about a software demonstration. It involves a great deal of logistics, as presenters must ensure the live version of their product/service is fully functional for the features they intend to present (if they deliver an MVP presentation, for instance). Troubleshooting protocols have to be clearly laid out in case of an outage in the live demonstration or in addressing questions from the audience about features that won’t be shown at this stage.

  • Interactive Q&A

Unlike other Q&A sessions, the software demos the audience tends to request to see specific features. For that reason, you must clearly state which features are available in the current version you are introducing in your presentation. 

Another approach to the Q&A session is to get feedback from the audience, which can be done orally or by providing a form in which attendees can write their opinions online.

When deciding how to end a presentation for a software demo, you should summarize the key points of your talk, reiterate the product’s value, and indicate the next steps to acquire the product/service or a call to action slide .

We summarized all that’s required for an effective demo presentation in this infographic below.

Infographic on the anatomy of an effective software demo presentation

Demo presentations actively engage the audience by showcasing the product in action, making capturing their attention and interest easier.

Demonstrating the product helps clarify its functionalities and benefits, reduce misunderstandings, and help the audience see its value.

Immediate Feedback

Real-time demonstrations allow for immediate feedback and questions, enabling the presenter to address concerns on the spot and adjust the presentation based on the audience’s reactions.


A well-executed demo presentation can build credibility and trust. Seeing the product work in real-time reassures the audience that it is functional and reliable.

Demonstrating the product’s capabilities and benefits in real-time can be more persuasive than static presentations or descriptions, making it easier to convince potential customers or investors of its value.


Interactive presentations are more memorable, increasing the likelihood that the audience will remember the product and its benefits long after the presentation.

The first step in creating your demo presentation, even before considering the slide layout, is defining its objectives. What do you intend to achieve with this presentation? Is it for securing investors, closing a sale, or educating users? Answering these questions will help you to tailor the outline of your presentation.

Outline Creation

Include the key sections and points you want to cover in your demo presentation. This will help you organize your thoughts and work with a logical flow when introducing ideas. As we mentioned above, the ideal structure should be:

  • Introduction

You can use AI tools like ChatGPT for presentations to help you organize your thoughts and craft a quality outline. 

Creating the Slides

Before starting this step, consider which medium you will use for your live demo. Will it be a video showcasing the process? Is it going to be an MVP version set in a live server? The aesthetics of your product will determine the color palette to be used in your slide deck. 

As a general rule, select three colors: a main color, which should be easy on the eyes for avoiding eyesight strain when looking at the slides, an accent color to highlight sections, and a powerful color for CTAs.

Use the 10-20-30 rule of presentations to define the number of slides needed and the text size for your slides. Alternatively, you can check our article on calculating how many slides for a presentation to help you structure your content. 

Write a script for your demo so you won’t be distracted by the audience when presenting your product’s different features. This script has to be synced with the slides, so practice until you feel comfortable with the flow, allowing 1-2 minutes per section for any last-minute question.

Test your live demo at your presentation’s venue to pinpoint any technical issues. As we mentioned before, it is a must to count on a backup plan, like having a spare server in the cloud, so you can deliver your presentation even if the original plan isn’t working.

In this section, we will cover a selection of Product Demo PowerPoint templates to speed up your design process. Keep in mind that these products are both PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Templates .

1. Product Demo Presentation Laptop PPT Template

demo day presentation

Before you ask what a software presentation is and how I can make one, check this PPT template with a high-end laptop mockup in place, which is ideal for introducing your product in style.

Four slides in an attractive color scheme, with vibrant CTA buttons. Check it out!

Use This Template

2. Smart Wearable Demo Presentation PowerPoint Template

demo day presentation

Companies releasing apps for smartwatches or VR can get the benefits of this high-quality tech-inspired slide deck. Seven slides with vector illustrations of different wearables, which can be mix and matched with other PPT templates.

3. Company Software Demo PowerPoint & Google Slides Template

demo day presentation

The perfect solution for a software demonstration presentation that has vibrant graphics paired with a clean layout. Presenters can edit the color scheme to meet the requirements of their software demo interface as well as branding identity.

4. Startup Software Demo Presentation

demo day presentation

For a sleek and professional-looking presentation aesthetic, work with this slide deck intended for startup companies. We list 19 slides, among which you can find tools for presenting your business model, opportunities, and other relevant slides for both demo and product presentations.

Effective demo presentations require careful planning, clear objectives, and a deep understanding of the audience. Remember to focus on your product’s practical application, demonstrate its key features and functionalities, and encourage interaction and feedback from your audience. With preparation and practice, you can deliver a demo presentation that leaves a lasting impression and drives your desired outcomes.

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demo day presentation

Everything You Need to Know about Startup Demo Day

  • February 1, 2024
  • Nandita Tiwari

demo day presentation

Demo Day with concise slides, bold delivery, and the three-act strategy. Learn to ask, showcase social proof, and captivate investors. Your startup journey begins here!

Greetings, courageous first-time founder! If you’re gearing up for your inaugural Demo Day in the thrilling realm of startups, get ready for an exciting journey. This guide is here with indispensable tips to ensure your readiness for the adventure that awaits on Demo Day.

Demo Day may sound like a term exclusive to the startup or venture capital world. It might even conjure images of a live infomercial for the unfamiliar. Let’s clear the air for anyone still in the dark about what Demo Day entails. At a demo day, entrepreneurs showcase their business concepts, products, and advancements to an assembled audience. They consist of potential investors, mentors, and the broader entrepreneurial community. This event serves as a platform for startups to exhibit their innovations and accomplishments. The primary goals are to secure investment, form partnerships, and garner support. Importance of Demo Days for Various Stakeholders:

Exposure: Demo days provide startups with an opportunity to showcase their products and services to a diverse audience, attracting potential investors and customers.

Networking Opportunities: Founders can establish connections with experienced mentors, potential partners, and investors, gaining access to valuable advice and resources.

Feedback Loop: Presenting to a live audience allows founders to receive real-time feedback, aiding in the refinement of products and business strategies.

Funding Prospects: Demo days serve as a platform to secure funding from investors actively seeking opportunities in promising startups.

For Investors:

Deal Exploration: Investors gain exposure to a variety of startup ideas and innovations in one consolidated event, facilitating the identification of potential investment opportunities.

Due Diligence: Demo days offer the chance for investors to meet founders in person, ask pertinent questions, and assess the viability of startups under consideration.

Early Investment Potential: Investors may discover startups with groundbreaking ideas, presenting the opportunity for early investment and the potential for significant returns.

For The Community:Showcasing Innovation: Demo days allow the community to witness the latest innovations and technological advancements introduced by startups.

Community Support: Attendees can provide moral support and encouragement to founders, nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship within the community.

Economic Impact: Successful startups emerging from demo days can contribute to economic growth by creating job opportunities and driving innovation in the local economy.

How to slay your Demo day Presentation ?

Use fewer words in your slides.

Create slides with minimal text. This ensures that the audience remains focused on your spoken words rather than what’s written. The purpose of the slides is to complement your spoken content and maintain a clear focus on the current topic.

Avoid using bullet points throughout the presentation.

Each slide should contain at most one sentence, with an accent color highlighting key words for audience emphasis.

Steer clear of transitions or overly flashy designs, as simplicity is key when addressing a large audience.

Remember, the slides are a guide, not the centerpiece of your presentation.

Screen Placement

Ensure there’s a screen in front of you when you’re on stage. Avoid the mistake of looking back at the screen, as it gives the impression of being unprepared, especially during demonstrations.

It may suggest a lack of coordination with your co-presenter, typically your co-founder, who controls the slides. While you shouldn’t constantly look down at the screen, having it in front of you serves as a backup in case of unexpected issues. A quick glance can help you stay on the right slide or recover smoothly if something goes wrong. This allows you to maintain control without appearing confused. It’s a subtle yet valuable tool, so make sure it’s part of your setup.

Embrace boldness— in a setting where you’re among 10+ other companies, boldness is essential. Investors and press lose interest quickly in lengthy pitches. By being bold, you inject a refreshing energy into the crowd, capturing their attention. Standing out could even lead to post-event interviews with the press. Remember, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”

Craft your speech in tweetable soundbites.

Audiences at demo days love to tweet, and having concise, impactful statements ensures that your message reaches a broader audience. Plan in advance for these soundbites.

For instance – “Numbers speak louder than words: 200% growth in just six months. This is just the beginning.”

The three act strategy

The “Three Acts” approach is the optimal strategy for a demo day presentation, akin to a theatrical performance. In entrepreneurship and presentation delivery, treating it as a spectacle that captivates the audience is more effective than a traditional slide deck pitch.

Act I – The Setup: Begin by establishing the enemy throughout the presentation—introduce the elevator pitch and the overarching vision for the business. Keep this segment concise, aiming for under 90 seconds. The objective is to provide context, engage the audience, and seamlessly transition to a compelling demo.

Act II – The Demo: The heart of your presentation lies here. Instead of treating demo day solely as an investor-focused event, delve into a detailed showcase of what your product has accomplished.

Avoid static screenshots, opting for pre-recorded videos if necessary due to potential connectivity issues. Present a logical progression of your product’s capabilities, as a stellar demo has the power to motivate investors to commit.

Act III – The Execution:Conclude by discussing your achievements and future plans. Highlight press coverage, current investors, business development deals, and the exceptional team you’ve attracted. This demonstrates your team’s ability to execute.

Additionally, address key questions such as launch dates, funding plans, and the overarching philosophy driving your company’s mission.

Articulate why your company exists and how it aims to make a substantial impact on the world.

Include a clear “ask” in your demo day presentation

Whether it’s a specific fundraising goal or an announcement of your explorations in fundraising, make sure your intentions are transparent. Many entrepreneurs struggle because they fail to ask for what they need. If you already have commitments, openly share the details of investors and amounts, showcasing your current fundraising status.

Highlight social proof to bolster your presentation.

Strike a balance between confidence and humility. Display the individuals and achievements supporting your venture. Tangible traction, endorsements from industry peers, and a track record of successful execution are powerful elements that excite investors. Use social proof to substantiate your claims and build credibility during your presentation.

For startups seeking visibility, investors looking for promising ventures, and event organizers aiming for a dynamic and interactive experience, exploring Startup Demo Day is not just an option—it’s a necessity. It emerges as a revolutionary force in the world of pitch events. The efficient event setup, unlimited survey responses, easy feedback sharing, and real-time feedback and results collectively redefine the Demo Day experience through the platform.

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Demo Presentation Template

Captivate your audience by delivering a professional product demonstration. Show customers or investors how your product or service will benefit them.

About the Demo Presentation Template  

This Demo Presentation Template helps you get your flow of ideas across easily and professionally. With this template, you can show potential and existing customers what your product or service can do.

When you have a visual presentation showing how your product works, customers can better understand how it solves their pain points. Use a demo presentation to enhance your sales presentation and stimulate interest in your product.

What’s a demo presentation?

A demo presentation is a meeting between your business and a client (or potential client) in which you showcase and present a product or service. It typically includes a full run-down of the product’s key selling points, uses, target audience , and other relevant features. 

The aim of a product demo is to demonstrate your product’s selling power and hopefully win over the client in question with a deal. It’s all about showing your product in the best possible light and answering any questions the client may have. 

An amazing demo presentation should inform, enlighten, and excite your client. 

While it’s important to be vocal about your product’s highlights and potential, a big part of any product demonstration should include a fair degree of listening. The essence of a demo presentation is to bring life to your business’ product or service and inspire clients to take action. 

What should a demo presentation include?

Miro is the perfect online presentation creator . When putting together a demo presentation, the following several boxes need to be ticked: 

Excellent product/services knowledge

If you don’t know your product inside and out, clients will be able to tell, and they’ll be put off as a result. Make sure to conduct a thorough analysis of your product well before the presentation starts. You need to be able to clearly communicate the product’s attributes and confidently answer any questions.

Real-life examples and scenarios

Clients will gain a much stronger impression of your product if they feel they can apply it to their own lives or businesses. Providing real-life examples of how they can benefit from your product is a crucial aspect of any demo or prototype presentation.

Effective visual aids

Make it even easier for clients to fall in love with your product by providing effective, well-designed visual aids. From infographics and images to demo videos, visual aids can make your presentation more impactful and increase the client’s likelihood of conversion. 

When to use a demo presentation

A demo presentation is helpful for connecting with clients. Just about every product and service can benefit from a strong presentation, such as: 

A sprint demo presentation. Within the Scrum framework , a demo presentation comes at the end of a sprint. Sprint demos are needed to showcase progress and project status to stakeholders who are invested in the outcome.

An app demo presentation. This type of presentation is especially useful if you’re trying to find investors for the development of an app. It sheds light on the potential app’s revenue and social impact.

A prototype presentation. A prototype presentation is also useful for gaining support from investors for a still-developing product. By presenting a prototype, you can summarize the problems your product is trying to solve and improve investors’ overall understanding of your product.

How to use the Demo Presentation Template  

If you’ve never created a demo presentation before, using a template can be tremendously helpful. Follow these simple instructions to make the most out of Miro’s Demo Presentation Template: 

Step 1: Fill in your template

You’ll need to fill in your template with information for each slide. You might include the following information in your slide deck:

the product’s identity

the target market

the revenue potential

key selling points 

potential risks along the way 

Step 2: Edit and customize 

Whether you’re creating an app demo or prototype presentation, this customizable template can suit your needs. Edit, refine, and polish the order, layout, visuals, and structure of your Demo Presentation Template to suit your business and what it offers. 

Step 3: Brainstorm ideas and collaborate

With Miro’s presentation mode , you can preview your entire presentation as a team. With an easy-to-navigate structure and flexible framework, your demo presentation plan can evolve and be improved with ease. When you’re ready for your final presentation, simply select this mode and use the forward and back arrows to move smoothly through your presentation.

Tips for a great demo presentation

Whether you’re delivering a sprint demo presentation, an app demo presentation, or a prototype presentation, here are a few helpful tips to bear in mind: 

Know your product well. Uncertainty and lack of knowledge aren’t going to win over clients. You want to demonstrate confidence, diligence, and professionalism. Make sure to do your research well and have answers prepped for questions you might be asked.

Have a clear intro, middle, and conclusion. Using a storyteller structure in your presentation can make it more digestible to clients. Use visuals and clear communication to break down your product’s features into distinctive, cohesive sections.

Listen well. Even though this presentation is about your product, it’s important to leave some room for others to speak. This will make the presentation more conversational and allow clients to flesh out your product from their perspectives.

Don’t be distracted. When delivering a professional demo presentation, you want to emulate reliability, uniformity, and expertise. Maintain strong eye contact and stay focused on the presentation’s goals. Make sure your connection is strong, especially if the presentation is virtual .

How do you start a demo presentation?

Your demo presentation should start with a brief description of its agenda. Then, dive into your intro, work your way into the main points, and end with a conclusion or call to action. An open Q&A session can be held at the end.

How do you prepare for a demo?

Prepare for your demo with lots of research on your product/service and the clients you will be presenting it to. The more you know about these things, the more influential your presentation will be.

What makes a good demo presentation?

An effective demo presentation should include relevant and accurate information about your product. The presenter should have great communication skills and use strong visual aids. Your demo presentation should have a clear structure and logical flow — which you can get using this Demo Presentation Template.

Get started with this template right now.

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Storyboard Presentation Template

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demo day presentation

How to create a 3-minute demo day pitch deck

In the world of accelerators, demo day pitch decks play a critical role in helping startups make the jump from angel & pre-seed funding to real institutional investment (generally in the form of seed or Series A funding).

What is a Demo Day pitch?

Techstars describes a demo day as “an opportunity for startups to sell their story to investors and potential partners, with the aim of raising money or gaining traction through partnerships and relationships.”

Startup companies participating in an accelerator program have the opportunity to give their culminating pitch at the end of their program. Hosted at the end of an accelerator program, Demo Day is the formal reveal of an accelerator’s talent. The purpose of the event is to connect accredited and active investors with promising founders & startups.

Given that most demo days feature a roster of startups, the pitches almost always have a time limit (generally between 2 – 4 minutes) to ensure the event runs on-schedule. This is the reason why many refer to the demo day presentation as the “3-minute pitch deck.”

How to create a Demo Day pitch deck

The purpose of any startup pitch is to raise funding from investors by highlighting your company’s business, market, and traction. A 3-minute pitch deck should achieve this within a brief 180 second timespan. Covering all the important details may seem tricky, but the formula for the perfect 3-minute demo day pitch can be simplified to three simple components:

1. Why — The Problem Story

First, present the personal story about how you arrived at this idea. This could be something that happened to you personally, a friend or family, or a global shift (ie. remote work, the pandemic). Alternatively, you can cite some compelling statistic — but still present it is a narrative. This slide is a great place to establish your ethos & authority in this space (answering the question of “why you?”).

2. What — Your Solution & Product

Once you have your audience’s attention, you’ll want to talk about how you plan to solve the problem or challenge you found. Use simple language and stay high-level (don’t dive into how it works or technicalities). Instead, focus on value proposition and who you help.

3. How — Traction & Roadmap

After this, you’ll want to show off what you’ve accomplished (ie. traction metrics, notable press & partnerships). Finally, end big: tell them the inspiring “blue ocean” vision that you plan to shoot for, painting a picture of the massive market you plan to target.

Tips for how to create a 3-minute pitch deck:

  • Present your pitch as a story :   demo day pitches differ from the typical “Problem, Solution…” formula (popularized by Sequoia ). Instead, you should present your startup as the “protagonist” in narrative form.
  • Given the short length of these pitches, following Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule is a good rule of thumb when designing demo day presentations.
  • It’s important to note that demo day pitches are almost always ‘ presenter decks ‘ (as opposed to reader decks ), so you don’t have to write down every single detail — much of the minutiae can be covered in speech, so your slides are visually-engaging and concise.
  • The central goal of a 3-minute pitch should be to leave the audience wanting to know more. This ensures you’ll receive interest for follow-up meetings — where you can potentially secure funding.

Tips for what NOT to do in your 3-minute pitch deck: 

  • You should never simply read off your slides for a 3-minute pitch deck — your speech should add thoughtful insight to your slides
  • To keep readers engaged, your slides should not be filled with paragraphs: aim for as little text as possible
  • Do not get lost in the minutiae of your technical feature set: investors care most about value proposition & market size

The best place to start is to watch as many demo day pitches as you can — especially from leading accelerators like Techstars & YC. You can also read our guide here about accelerator pitch decks and browse notable examples of successful demo day pitches like Airbnb & Doordash .

How to create a 3-minute pitch deck:

A demo day pitch deck is the linchpin to any startup’s success in raising seed capital after exiting an accelerator program. You might be interested in the popular Demo Day Pitch Deck Template (.PPT) designed by our pitch deck experts. Our team has created pitch collateral that has closed billions from leading investors, trusted by several YC & Techstars alums. Create a professional-grade demo day pitch in just a few minutes with this template — check it out here . Alternatively, check out our collection of pitch deck templates for startups or read our guide for accelerator pitch decks here.

Demo Day Pitch Deck - 3-Minute Investor Presentation Template for PowerPoint | VIP Graphics

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What is a Demo Day?

Definition of a demo day.

A demo day is essentially a showcase day in which start-up companies are invited to pitch their product to investors and to provide a demo. 

Demo days are particularly common at accelerator programs like Y Combinator, because it gives participants the chance to show off what they’ve achieved and to seek additional funding. In fact, the demo day is usually seen as the culmination of these accelerators and is the start-up world’s equivalent of senior prom. 

Depending upon who’s hosting the demo day, they can vary from being private events that are only open to people with invitations to public events that are open to anyone who wants to come. Others offer a mixture of both, giving investors and partners preferential treatment or one-on-one access to founders and entrepreneurs. 

The format of demo days can also change depending upon the host and the goals that they have for the event. Still, they typically include a short amount of presentation time, followed by time for a short Q&A session where potential investors can get clarification on the companies’ business plans. 

Time is always of the essence at demo days because there are usually a large number of companies to work through. This means that if entrepreneurs want to make the most of a demo day, they need to be able to get across a lot of information in a short period of time. It’s often the start-ups with the best pitch — as opposed to those with the most potential — that end up taking on investment and receiving the lion’s share of press coverage. 

Crafting an effective demo day presentation is as much of an art as a science, and it often leads to sleepless nights for busy founders who are struggling to find enough time in the day to get everything done. With that said, as well as giving them the best possible shot at taking on new investment, there are other benefits for entrepreneurs who take part. Perhaps the biggest of these advantages is that the demo day presentation is often the first time that the founders sit down together and formalize things like their mission statement and their growth projections. 

It can also be a challenge to host a successful demo day, because the company or organization behind it needs to be able to get the right people into the room. This usually includes a mixture of investors, mentors, journalists and corporate sponsors, as well as the entrepreneurs themselves.

Demo days can be held either in-person or online, with the latter rising in popularity in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasing focus on working from home. However, in-person events are still more popular due to the serendipity that can come from having a large number of like-minded people in the same room. 

One of the biggest mistakes that start-up founders make when they think about demo days is that they try to convince investors to make them an offer right there on the spot. The problem is that demo days aren’t Dragon’s Den. 

The clue is right there in the name: demo days. If they were investment days, they’d be called investment days. The purpose of demo days is for start-ups to show off where they’re at and they often act as a sort of early hunting ground for investors, but investors are typically just trying to get an idea of what’s out there on the market.

Because of this, your goal as an entrepreneur is often to catch people’s attention and to leave them feeling intrigued about your product. It’s a little bit like going to a speed dating event. You don’t want to try to seal the deal with the first person who shows any interest in you. You want to leave them with their curiosity piqued so they ask you out on a second date. 

Remember that because investors see so many different presentations in a typical demo day, they usually start out with the assumption that they’re not going to like each start-up. Your goal is to get them onside and to show them why they should break that standpoint and go out of the way to learn more about you.

When was the first demo day?

It’s hard to say exactly when the first ever demo day took place, but we do know that Y Combinator held their first demo day in 2005. Y Combinator is one of the biggest and most popular accelerator programs and so it was this demo day that most people remember and which helped to establish demo days as a common part of life in the start-up world.

Here are the 50 Best Startup Accelerators in the World (Sorted by Country) .

What makes a good demo day presentation?

Time is always limited at a demo day, and so you’ll need to keep things short and to the point and to cut out any unnecessary material. Remember that on a typical demo day, investors watch presentation after presentation and so it’s easy for their attention to flag, especially towards the end of the day. 

It’s a no-brainer, but it’s also super important for you to practice. You should practice your demo day presentation so many times that you can do it in your sleep – or at least so that you can deliver the talk perfectly without any slides or preparation. That will ensure that it comes out as smoothly as possible when you get your time in the spotlight.

Related: 6 Ways Talking to a Growth Mentor Can Help You Prepare for Your Startup Pitch

What should my demo day presentation include?

One easy way to build out your demo day presentation is to think about Kipling’s questions, which come to us from author Rudyard Kipling. Ask yourself: 

  • Who: Who does your start-up aim to reach?
  • What: What is it that your start-up does?
  • When: When do people turn to your start-up’s products and services?
  • Where: Where do they turn to find your start-up?
  • Why: What is your start-up’s reason for being?
  • How: How do you plan to get from where you are now to where you’re going to be?

Suggested mentors to help you make sense of Demo Day

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Jason Barbato

Growth, Inbound, Product Marketer. Advisor and Mentor. Former Best-In-Class Enterprise Growth Hacker at IBM.

Currently a SaaS and startup growth consultant and Senior Director of Growth at HYPR. Former VP of Growth at Orange Pegs, an award-winning growth agency. From 2016-2019 I developed, launched, and scaled a $40M+ growth hacking program at IBM, running 200+ experiments across the Cloud marketplace.

Also an expert in:

  • Growth Hacking
  • Customer Success
  • Growth Marketing

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Vincent Guittet

Product & Growth consultant | No-code Evangelist 🔥

Helped top tech companies, early-stage startups, influencers and artists to grow. Worked in various environments: from 8 figures budgets to limited budgets using creativity, no-code tools, and knowledge from top companies to help you reduce cost, automate teams and optimize your business.

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Growth Marketer | Entrepreneur | Angel Investor | Ex-Techstars

Hey! I’m a Growth Marketer based in Hong Kong. Previously, I worked for Techstars, managed a venture fund, co-founded and led 3 startups. Outside of work, I’m a big fan of #NoCode, early-stage startups, community, and UI/UX design. Happy to exchange ideas over a digital coffee!

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  • Startup Funding

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Vidya Dinamani

CPO @ lash.live | Product Coach @ ProductRebels | Partner at Ad Astra Ventures

I’ve coached product teams all over the world, from startup to Fortune50. I have had executive roles leading product, customer experience and design in leading companies such as Intuit. I love helping founders and product leaders rapidly getting to product-market fit.

  • Product Management
  • Product Market Fit
  • Design / UX
  • North Star Metric
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Bootstrapping

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What is "Demo day"?


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demo day presentation

What is Demo Day?

Demo Day is an event where startups introduce their products or services to investors and announce the direction of their business to gain investment, M&A, and promotional opportunities, as well as to receive feedback. Demo Day originated from a startup accelerator program in Silicon Valley, USA. Domestic and international accelerator companies hold Demo Day events to acquire a certain amount of brokerage revenue. Since Demo Day serves as a gateway for startups that have not yet entered the market or lack promotional opportunities, many startups attend to sow the seeds of business success. Investors attend Demo Day to discover startups with potential and growth possibilities and provide their support.

Presentations made by startups at Demo Day are not for public relations (PR) to promote products or services to the public but for investor relations (IR) to persuade investors of the company's value. In other words, many startups pitch their IR at Demo Day. The term "pitching" is used instead of "speech" because, like a pitcher throwing a baseball in a game, the presenter must deliver their business idea clearly and convincingly to the audience.

Key features of a Demo Day include:

demo day presentation

Pitch Presentations: Founders present their startup ideas, business models, and the progress they've made to an audience. This often includes a pitch deck highlighting key metrics, market opportunities, and financial projections.

Product Demonstrations: Startups often showcase their products or services through live demonstrations or video presentations. This provides attendees with a firsthand look at what the company offers.

Networking: Demo Days offer opportunities for founders to network with potential investors, mentors, and industry professionals. Attendees can ask questions, provide feedback, and express interest in investment or collaboration.

Feedback and Q&A: After each presentation, there is usually a Q&A session where attendees can ask questions and provide feedback. This interactive element allows founders to address concerns and refine their pitches.

Investment Opportunities: Demo Days are a familiar venue for startups to secure funding. Investors attending the event may express interest in providing financial support to promising companies.

Exposure: Demo Days often attract media attention, providing startups with exposure and potentially generating press coverage that can boost their visibility.

What defines an excellent Demo Day presentation?

Clear Problem-Solution Presentation: Articulate the problem your product solves and present your solution clearly and compellingly. Ensure that the audience understands the value your product offers.

Engaging Storytelling: Craft a narrative that captivates the audience, making them emotionally invested in your startup's journey. Share anecdotes, challenges, and successes to create a connection.

Concise and Focused Content: Keep the presentation concise and avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information. Use simple language and visuals to enhance understanding.

Live Product Demonstration: Whenever possible, demonstrate your product live. Showcase its key features and how users can benefit from them. Be prepared for technical issues with a backup plan.

Market Opportunity and Traction: Present data on the market opportunity and highlight any traction your startup has achieved. This could include user acquisition, revenue, partnerships, or pilot programs.

Team Introduction: Introduce your team members and their roles. Showcase their expertise and commitment to the project. Highlight relevant experience or achievements.

Vision, Roadmap, and Call to Action: Share your vision for the company's future and outline upcoming milestones. Discuss your product roadmap and how you plan to evolve. Conclude with a clear call to action, specifying what you want the audience to do next (e.g., investment, partnerships, collaboration).

Points to consider during Demo Day and startup pitching:

What should be considered when pitching at Demo Day? The term "pitching" implies that a good pitch makes it easy for the catcher to catch the ball in baseball. In other words, the core of startup pitching is to be able to explain your business idea easily and attract the attention of investors in a short amount of time.

Presentations in large companies or consulting typically have a beginning-middle-end structure, where detailed evidence is gradually built up. However, startups are given about 5 minutes at Demo Day, so they must be able to make investors understand and appeal to them in a very short time.

Your unique business storyline, interesting yet concise. Instead of filling the short presentation time with meaningless clichés or exaggerated data, it is essential to clearly show the unique storyline of your business. The flow is to "define the problem to be solved," then "explain the technology or service solutions your business can offer," and finally present a "concrete action plan to implement the solution." The problem to be solved should be a distinct inefficiency in the market that can elicit sympathy from investors. You should be able to confidently say that you can solve a relatable problem in an "innovative" way and that you have a well-thought-out plan for doing so.

Demo Day can be seen as the essence of countless entrepreneurs' blood, sweat, and tears. That is why it is called the "flower" of startups.

In summary, Demo Day is a pivotal event in the startup world where entrepreneurs present their business ideas and products to potential investors and stakeholders. It provides a platform for showcasing solutions to real-world problems, telling engaging stories, and gaining exposure in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. A successful presentation involves clear communication, concise content, live product demonstrations, market insights, team introductions, a vision for the future, and a compelling call to action.

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What is the main purpose of a Demo Day for startups?

The primary purpose of a Demo Day for startups is to introduce their products or services to potential investors and stakeholders, gain investment, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) opportunities, and receive valuable feedback. It serves as a platform for startups to pitch their business ideas, showcase their solutions, and network with potential supporters.

What is the key difference between a Demo Day presentation and a traditional product launch or promotional event?

The key difference lies in the audience and objectives. A Demo Day presentation is primarily aimed at investors and stakeholders, focusing on investor relations (IR) rather than public relations (PR). The goal is to persuade investors of the company's value and potential for growth, while a traditional product launch or promotional event is directed at the general public to generate interest and sales.

How can startups best prepare for a successful Demo Day presentation?

To prepare for a successful Demo Day presentation, startups should ensure their pitch includes the following elements: A clear problem-solution presentation. Engaging storytelling that creates an emotional connection. Concise and focused content to avoid overwhelming the audience. Live product demonstrations when possible. Data on the market opportunity and any traction achieved. Introduction of the team members and their roles. A vision for the company's future and a compelling call to action. Additionally, practice is crucial to deliver a polished and persuasive pitch within the typically short time frame provided.

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23 Pitch Deck Examples

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Imagine standing in front of a room full of potential investors, knowing that the future of your startup hinges on the next few minutes. Your pitch deck is your most powerful tool to captivate their attention, tell your story, and secure the funding you need to grow. But what makes a pitch deck truly stand out? In this article, we delve into some of the most successful pitch decks from renowned companies like LinkedIn, Airbnb, and Uber, uncovering the secrets behind their success. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, these examples will provide invaluable insights and inspire you to create a compelling pitch deck of your own.

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Related resource: Our Guide to Building a Seed Round Pitch Deck: Tips & Templates

What Should You Include in a Pitch Deck?

Creating an effective pitch deck is essential for securing investor funding and guiding your startup’s growth journey. To make your pitch deck compelling and comprehensive, ensure it includes these key elements:

  • Company Purpose : Define your mission and vision clearly.
  • Problem : Highlight the market problem your startup addresses.
  • Solution : Showcase your product or service as the ideal solution.
  • Market Size and Opportunity : Outline the market potential and growth opportunities.
  • Competition : Identify your key competitors and highlight your unique advantages.
  • Product : Provide a detailed look at your product, including its features and benefits.
  • Business Model : Explain your revenue generation strategy and customer acquisition plan.
  • Team : Showcase the experience and expertise of your team members.
  • Financials and Key Metrics : Share crucial financial data and growth metrics.

Related resource: How to Create Impactful Problem/Solution Slides for Your Pitch Deck

Each of these components should be presented concisely and clearly to capture investors’ attention and convey your startup’s potential. By addressing these elements, you’ll be well-prepared to tell your story, articulate your vision, and highlight the opportunities your startup presents. In the following sections, we'll break down these components further and provide examples of successful pitch decks to guide you in crafting your own.

Related resource: Tips for Creating an Investor Pitch Deck

Company Purpose

As a startup founder or leader, you’re living and breathing the Company’s Purpose each and every day. Articulating that purpose may be a bit easier said than done. A company’s purpose is so much bigger than what your product does, the problem you solve, or the technicalities of how your solution solves that problem. A company’s purpose is all about who you are as a company and the “why”, why you exist. A company’s purpose should drive a company’s leaderships decisions and actions, serving as a north star for the direction of the company.

If possible, sum up your company’s purpose into a single sentence. This sentence is the anchor point of your pitch deck and serves the jumping-off point for the story you will tell. If the company’s purpose cannot be clearly articulated or understood, there is a bigger problem at hand. Company purpose should be clear and concise before pitching to venture capitalists, much less putting down ideas in Powerpoint or Keynote. Start with the company’s purpose and expand from there.

The problem refers to the challenge or issue in a particular market, the market that your startup fits into and serves. The problem should be painted as clearly as possible, setting up the volume of that problem and prevalence of that problem. If your startup serves an industry that is niche or something your potential investor has maybe never invested in before, make sure to articulate the scope of that problem within the realm of that space, or even compare it to something more well known like the problems marketers face that ABM solves or remote work connectivity issues that both Zoom and Slack address.

After clearly articulating the problem that your company solves, now it’s time to talk through how your startup is the perfect solution for that problem. Treat this section like the big reveal in a sales demo, you’ve teased out the possibility and related to the pains, now walk through how specifically your startup is the solution. What does your product do from a high-level perspective, and then how does it actually work? This is a great time to walk through the product at a high level, talk about the features, methodology, and functionality your startup product or service has that address said the problem in a unique way. The goal of sharing your solution is to sell the fact that your startup’s solution for the problem you shared is the best solution that exists for that problem today.

Market Size and Opportunity

Now that you’ve articulated that your startup’s solution is the best to solve the problem that exists today and your company’s purpose is a clear and concise vision driving that solution’s success, it’s critical to paint the picture and show the scale of the problem that exists today. Outlining the market size and opportunity for your startup solution to penetrate shows investors just how much profit is possible.

Large markets are always a good thing, but if your total addressable market, or TAM, is on the smaller side, showcasing how untapped that TAM is in the space your startup exists or how large the spend opportunity is within that tight TAM showcase the financial potential for the investor as well. Showcase exactly how many businesses or people today could benefit from the solution you provide, how many people or businesses are experiencing the problem you articulated today. From there, lay out how much of that market is already solving that problem either with your business or competitors. The untouched or even competitor occupied part of your TAM showcases the opportunity for growth, expansion, and ultimately profitability to the investor.


Competition is a part of most industries today. The investors and venture capitalists you are pitching to will want to understand who the competitors in your space are and how they are different than your business and how you will approach or are approaching your market because of these competitors. Be sure to outline all of the current competition as it exists today, outlining what these companies do, how they do it differently than you, and how much of the market share they currently occupy. It can also be helpful to share a plan of attack into how you will differentiate and approach the competition of your space.

Don’t shy away from talking through the competitive landscape of your business, competitors are actually validating because it shows that the market is hot and there is demand for a solution for problems in that space. If there aren’t any competitors today or very few, talk through that as well. Talk through how you will approach breaking into a new space and building a category. Every category needs a trailblazer so if you have articulated the problem and solution in a clear way alongside a compelling market and opportunity landscape, a lack of competition should be understood as well.

Although you’ve already touched on the product in your solution, how your product is different at a high level, and even the high-level functionality, be sure to include a detailed product section of your investor pitch deck. This product session is key for diving a layer deeper into how your product works, possibly even sharing some proprietary information (with an NDA signed of course) that differentiates you from the competitors even more. A light demo or live look at the product is a great option in this section of your presentation as well.

Business Model

After seeing the market potential and the amazing problem your startup solves, your potential investors are going to want to see your business model aka how you are currently making money or planning to make money in the future. Your business model should include your Go-to-market plan, how you will acquire customers, and how you will sell and price your product.

Your business model should also include how you plan to retain customers and maintain recurring revenue. It’s important to highlight if you are a product-led growth company, letting potential users convert from a free trial for example. Or, if you will build out a traditional sales and marketing funnel to drive leads to convert to business. Whatever the type of customer acquisition, make sure to detail that in your business model. Additionally, make sure to highlight what type of revenue model you have in place. Maybe you have a SaaS business, then make sure to include if you operate on annual, quarterly, or monthly fees revenue from customers. If your startup product is a one-time purchase, highlight how that becomes a repeatable purchase. Talk through your success team and plans for retaining customers.

Related Resource: How To Build a Pitch Deck, Step by Step

Don’t forget to highlight your experience as a founder and the rest of your team’s experience and success. Presenting the team is a great way to foster relationships with your investors, to ensure they know they are investing not only in a great idea and product but a great team of smart individuals that they can count on to drive that business forward.

Financials and Key Metrics

Whether your company is in stealth mode or has been operating for years, full transparency with your financials and key metrics for success is critical to include in your pitch deck. It’s critical to share two major financial metrics. First, share how much money your company is currently making in profit each year. Next, be sure to share the amount of money you have previously raised, if any. This helps your potential investors understand how much of the company they would potentially be acquiring with an investment.

Cash runway is critical to share as well, how much money is left in the bank and how long could the company continue on at their current earning pace. In addition to financials, be sure to share key metrics such as customer retention rate, the conversion rate from your sales team, and month over month and year over year growth to date. All of these metrics provide a clear picture of your company so they can make an informed investment decision and structure a fair investment offer.

After working through the aspects that you should include in a pitch deck, it’s helpful to reference some best-in-class examples as you pull together your Keynote or PowerPoint deck. Read on for 18 of the best pitch deck examples and a breakdown of why they work.

Related Resource: Important Startup Financials to Win Investors

23 Best Pitch Deck Examples To Take You From Seed to Series C

Examining successful pitch decks can provide invaluable insights and inspiration as you create your own. Below are 23 exemplary pitch decks that helped companies secure funding and scale their businesses. Each example highlights key elements that made the deck effective, along with suggestions on how different types of businesses can leverage these insights.

Related resource: Investor Outreach Strategy: 9 Step Guide

1. Front – Series A

Front used their Series A pitch deck to raise $10 million, successfully attracting investors such as Social Capital and Stewart Butterfield. This pitch deck is a stellar example of how to effectively communicate a startup’s value proposition, market opportunity, and product differentiation.

Key Elements of Front’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Problem Statement : Front begins by clearly articulating the problem of inefficient customer communication that many businesses face.
  • Compelling Solution : The deck presents Front’s collaborative inbox as the optimal solution, emphasizing its unique features that improve team productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Market Opportunity : It includes detailed market analysis and growth potential, showing investors the substantial opportunity in the customer communication space.
  • Traction and Validation : The deck highlights impressive metrics and customer testimonials, providing evidence of market validation and early traction.
  • Vision and Roadmap : Front outlines a clear vision for the future and a roadmap for achieving their goals, instilling confidence in their strategic direction.

Why It’s Successful : Front’s pitch deck is successful because it tells a compelling story supported by data and real-world validation. The clarity in defining the problem and the effectiveness of the solution is underscored by tangible metrics and customer feedback, making it easy for investors to see the potential for growth and profitability.

Ideal for :

  • SaaS Companies : Particularly those focused on improving business processes or team productivity.
  • Customer Service Startups : Companies aiming to revolutionize customer communication and support.

B2B Tech Startups : Businesses that need to demonstrate clear market need and product-market fit through data-driven presentations.

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2. LinkedIn – Series B

LinkedIn’s Series B pitch deck from 2004 played a crucial role in securing investment from Greylock Partners. This deck is a classic example of how to effectively present a professional networking platform’s value proposition, market potential, and business model.

Key Elements of LinkedIn’s Pitch Deck :

  • Market Landscape : LinkedIn provides a comprehensive analysis of the consumer internet landscape, emphasizing the growing trend of professional networking online.
  • User Growth Metrics : The deck highlights impressive user growth statistics, showcasing LinkedIn’s rapid adoption and engagement.
  • Revenue Model : It outlines a clear revenue model, detailing multiple streams of income including job postings, premium subscriptions, and advertising.
  • Competitive Analysis : The deck includes a thorough competitive analysis, explaining how LinkedIn differentiates itself from other social networking platforms.
  • Future Vision : LinkedIn articulates a clear vision for the future, including plans for scaling the platform and expanding its user base and services.

Why It’s Successful : LinkedIn ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines solid data with a compelling narrative. The market analysis and user growth metrics demonstrate the platform’s potential, while the clear revenue model and competitive analysis provide a roadmap for profitability. The deck effectively communicates the scalability of LinkedIn’s business model and its potential to become a dominant player in the professional networking space.

  • Professional Networking Platforms : Companies aiming to connect professionals and facilitate business networking.
  • Social Media Startups : Businesses looking to carve out a niche in the crowded social media landscape.
  • Marketplaces : Platforms that benefit from network effects and user growth, such as job boards or freelance marketplaces.

Related Reading: How to Pitch a Perfect Series B Round

demo day presentation

3. Facebook’s Original Pitch Deck

Facebook’s original pitch deck is one of the most iconic in the tech industry, playing a pivotal role in securing early-stage investment. This deck showcases the critical elements of a successful social networking startup, highlighting user engagement, growth potential, and monetization strategies.

Key Elements of Facebook’s Pitch Deck :

  • Compelling Vision : The deck opens with a strong vision statement, setting the tone for Facebook’s mission to connect people globally.
  • User Engagement Metrics : Facebook emphasizes key user engagement metrics, such as daily active users and user retention rates, demonstrating the platform’s stickiness and popularity.
  • Market Potential : The deck highlights the vast market potential of online social networking, tapping into the growing trend of digital communication.
  • Revenue Strategy : It outlines a clear monetization strategy, focusing on advertising revenue and future expansion into other revenue streams.
  • Product Features : Facebook details its core product features, showcasing how these features meet user needs and differentiate the platform from competitors.
  • Growth Strategy : The deck includes a comprehensive growth strategy, detailing plans for scaling the user base and expanding geographically.

Why It’s Successful : Facebook ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a compelling vision with solid data and a clear growth strategy. The focus on user engagement metrics and market potential reassures investors of the platform’s scalability and profitability. Additionally, the deck’s straightforward presentation and focus on core product features make it easy to understand and compelling.

  • Social Networking Platforms : Startups aiming to build communities and connect users online.
  • Tech Startups : Companies focused on digital communication and online engagement.
  • Consumer Apps : Businesses looking to demonstrate high user engagement and growth potential.

demo day presentation

4. Airbnb Original Pitch Deck

Airbnb’s original pitch deck is a masterclass in storytelling and simplicity. This deck played a crucial role in securing the early investments that propelled Airbnb from a startup to a global hospitality giant.

Key Elements of Airbnb’s Pitch Deck :

  • Engaging Storytelling : The deck begins with a compelling story that captures the problem of expensive and limited accommodation options and introduces Airbnb as the perfect solution.
  • Problem and Solution : It clearly defines the problem and presents Airbnb’s unique value proposition—affordable, local accommodations offered by ordinary people.
  • Market Opportunity : The deck highlights the substantial market opportunity, emphasizing the size of the travel and hospitality market and the growing trend of peer-to-peer sharing.
  • Business Model : Airbnb outlines a straightforward business model, explaining how they generate revenue through service fees on bookings.
  • Traction : Early traction and growth metrics are showcased, providing evidence of market validation and demand for the service.
  • Vision and Expansion Plans : The deck includes a vision for the future and plans for expanding the platform, which helps investors see the long-term potential.

Why It’s Successful : Airbnb ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines clear problem definition, a compelling solution, and strong market validation. The storytelling approach makes the pitch relatable and engaging, while the clear presentation of market opportunity and business model reassures investors of the startup’s scalability and profitability. The inclusion of early traction data provides tangible evidence of demand and growth potential.

  • Marketplace Startups : Companies facilitating peer-to-peer transactions or sharing economy services.
  • Travel and Hospitality Startups : Businesses looking to disrupt traditional travel and accommodation industries.

Consumer Services : Platforms offering unique, user-driven services that capitalize on community and trust.

demo day presentation

5. Uber’s Original Pitch Deck

Uber’s original pitch deck , known as the “UberCab” deck, is a prime example of how a concise, data-driven presentation can effectively communicate a startup's potential. This deck was instrumental in securing Uber’s early funding, which helped it grow into a global transportation powerhouse.

Key Elements of Uber’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Problem Statement : Uber identifies the problem of unreliable and inconvenient taxi services, setting the stage for their solution.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents UberCab as an innovative solution that provides a convenient, reliable, and cashless ride-hailing service.
  • Market Opportunity : Uber outlines the market potential, emphasizing the vast size of the taxi and limousine market in major cities.
  • Business Model : It clearly explains the revenue model, including how Uber takes a commission from each ride.
  • Traction and Growth Metrics : The deck showcases early traction with user growth and ride volume, demonstrating market validation.
  • Scalability and Expansion Plans : Uber emphasizes the scalability of their model and plans for expansion into additional cities.

Why It’s Successful : Uber ’s pitch deck is successful because it delivers a clear, concise narrative supported by data and strong market validation. The deck effectively communicates the problem, presents a compelling solution, and highlights significant market opportunities. The inclusion of early traction and a scalable business model helps convince investors of Uber’s potential for rapid growth and profitability.

  • Transportation Startups : Companies looking to disrupt traditional transportation services with innovative solutions.
  • Marketplaces and Platforms : Businesses that facilitate transactions between service providers and consumers.
  • Tech Startups : Companies offering app-based solutions that provide convenience and efficiency.

demo day presentation

6. Buffer Seed Round

Buffer’s seed round pitch deck, which helped the company raise $500,000, is celebrated for its transparency and simplicity. This deck effectively communicates Buffer’s value proposition, market potential, and business model, making it a great example for early-stage startups.

Key Elements of Buffer’s Pitch Deck :

  • Problem and Solution : Buffer begins by clearly articulating the problem of inefficient social media management and presents its tool as the ideal solution.
  • Product Demonstration : The deck includes a detailed look at Buffer’s product, showcasing its features and how it simplifies social media scheduling for users.
  • Market Opportunity : Buffer highlights the growing demand for social media management tools and outlines the market size and potential.
  • Revenue Model : The deck explains Buffer’s freemium business model, detailing how the company plans to convert free users into paying customers.
  • Traction and Metrics : Buffer shares key metrics such as user growth, engagement, and revenue, demonstrating early traction and market validation.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and their relevant experience, building investor confidence in their ability to execute the business plan.

Why It’s Successful : Buffer ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines transparency with a strong narrative. The clear problem and solution presentation, along with detailed product demonstrations, help investors understand Buffer’s value proposition. The emphasis on user growth and traction provides evidence of demand and potential for scalability. Additionally, the straightforward revenue model and experienced team add credibility to the pitch.

  • SaaS Companies : Especially those offering tools for business productivity and management.
  • Social Media Startups : Businesses looking to simplify or enhance social media marketing and management.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies seeking to establish credibility and demonstrate early traction to attract seed funding.

demo day presentation

7. Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

The Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template is a highly respected and widely used resource for startups looking to create compelling and effective pitch decks. This template, developed by one of the most prestigious venture capital firms, provides a clear structure and essential components that investors look for in a pitch.

Key Elements of Sequoia Capital’s Pitch Deck Template :

  • Company Purpose : Start with a concise and compelling statement of your company's mission and vision.
  • Problem : Clearly define the market problem your startup addresses, supported by data and real-world examples.
  • Solution : Present your product or service as the ideal solution, highlighting unique features and benefits.
  • Why Now : Explain why the timing is right for your solution, addressing market trends and emerging opportunities.
  • Market Size : Provide an analysis of the total addressable market (TAM), serviceable available market (SAM), and your initial target market.
  • Product : Offer a detailed look at your product, including its functionality, design, and user experience.
  • Business Model : Outline your revenue streams, pricing strategy, and customer acquisition plans.
  • Competition : Analyze your competitive landscape, highlighting your differentiators and advantages.
  • Go-to-Market Strategy : Describe your plan for launching and scaling your product, including marketing and sales strategies.
  • Financials : Share key financial metrics and projections, such as revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  • Team : Introduce your founding team and key personnel, emphasizing relevant experience and expertise.
  • Traction : Provide evidence of market validation, such as user growth, sales, partnerships, and other key milestones.

Why It’s Successful : The Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template is successful because it provides a comprehensive framework that covers all critical aspects of a startup’s business. It guides founders through the process of creating a structured and persuasive pitch, ensuring that no important details are overlooked. The template’s focus on clarity, data, and storytelling helps startups present a cohesive and compelling case to investors.

  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies preparing to pitch to investors for the first time.
  • Tech Startups : Businesses in the technology sector looking to articulate complex solutions and market opportunities.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups offering software-as-a-service products that need to demonstrate scalability and recurring revenue potential.
  • Marketplaces and Platforms : Businesses that facilitate transactions or interactions between users and need to show network effects and growth potential.

demo day presentation

8. Divvy Series A

Divvy’s Series A pitch deck helped the company raise substantial funding by clearly articulating its business model and market opportunity. Divvy, a platform that helps businesses manage payments and subscriptions, leveraged a well-structured and visually engaging deck to attract investors.

Key Elements of Divvy’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Value Proposition : The deck begins with a concise explanation of what Divvy does and the value it provides to businesses.
  • Problem Statement : It identifies the inefficiencies and pain points in traditional business expense management.
  • Solution Overview : Divvy’s platform is presented as the ideal solution, with specific features that address the identified problems.
  • Market Opportunity : The deck includes a detailed market analysis, highlighting the size and growth potential of the business expense management market.
  • Business Model : Divvy outlines its revenue streams, emphasizing how the platform generates income through subscription fees and transaction-based revenue.
  • Traction : Early customer adoption and growth metrics are showcased to provide evidence of market validation.
  • Competitive Landscape : The deck includes a competitive analysis, explaining how Divvy differentiates itself from existing solutions.
  • Financial Projections : Detailed financial projections and key performance indicators are presented to demonstrate the company’s growth potential.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and key executives, highlighting their relevant experience and expertise.

Why It’s Successful : Divvy’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear and compelling narrative with strong visuals and data. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, backed by market analysis and traction metrics. The inclusion of financial projections and a solid business model reassures investors of Divvy’s potential for profitability and growth. The well-structured presentation makes it easy for investors to follow and understand the company’s value proposition.

  • Fintech Startups : Companies offering financial technology solutions, particularly those focused on expense management, payments, or subscriptions.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups providing software-as-a-service products that streamline business operations.
  • B2B Platforms : Businesses that target other businesses as their primary customers and need to demonstrate market demand and scalability.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies seeking to establish credibility and attract Series A funding by presenting clear value propositions and market opportunities.

demo day presentation

9. Buzzfeed First Pitch Deck

Buzzfeed’s first pitch deck is an excellent example of how to effectively present a digital media startup. This deck played a key role in securing early funding by clearly articulating Buzzfeed’s unique approach to content creation and distribution.

Key Elements of Buzzfeed’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Mission Statement : The deck starts with a strong mission statement, emphasizing Buzzfeed’s goal to become a leading digital media company.
  • Problem Identification : Buzzfeed identifies the shift in media consumption from traditional to digital platforms and the need for engaging, shareable content.
  • Unique Solution : The deck explains how Buzzfeed’s technology and editorial approach create viral content that resonates with a digital audience.
  • Market Opportunity : Detailed market analysis highlights the growing digital media landscape and the increasing demand for online content.
  • Business Model : Buzzfeed outlines its revenue streams, focusing on advertising and branded content partnerships.
  • Traction : Early success metrics, including traffic growth and engagement rates, provide evidence of market validation and user interest.
  • Content Strategy : The deck explains Buzzfeed’s data-driven approach to content creation, ensuring that content is both engaging and shareable.
  • Team : The presentation introduces key team members and their expertise, building confidence in their ability to execute the business plan.
  • Vision for Growth : Buzzfeed’s plans for scaling content production and expanding its audience are clearly articulated.

Why It’s Successful : Buzzfeed ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear vision with compelling data and a strong understanding of market trends. The deck effectively communicates the shift in media consumption and how Buzzfeed’s innovative approach meets the needs of digital audiences. By showcasing early traction and a robust content strategy, the deck builds a convincing case for future growth and profitability. The inclusion of a talented team further reassures investors of the company’s potential for success.

  • Digital Media Startups : Companies focused on creating and distributing online content.
  • Content Platforms : Startups that rely on user engagement and viral content to drive traffic and revenue.
  • Ad-Tech Companies : Businesses that generate revenue through digital advertising and branded content partnerships.
  • Data-Driven Enterprises : Startups leveraging data analytics to inform content creation and distribution strategies.

demo day presentation

10. Mixpanel $65M Round

Mixpanel’s pitch deck , which helped secure $65 million in funding, is a prime example of how to effectively communicate a data-driven business’s value proposition, market opportunity, and competitive advantage. Mixpanel , an analytics platform, used this deck to highlight its innovative approach to measuring user behavior and driving business decisions.

Key Elements of Mixpanel’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Value Proposition : The deck opens with a concise statement of Mixpanel’s mission to help companies measure what matters and make better decisions through data analytics.
  • Problem Identification : Mixpanel identifies the challenge businesses face in understanding user behavior and the limitations of traditional analytics tools.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents Mixpanel’s advanced analytics platform, emphasizing its unique features like real-time data tracking and detailed user insights.
  • Market Opportunity : A thorough market analysis highlights the growing demand for data-driven decision-making and the size of the analytics market.
  • Business Model : Mixpanel outlines its subscription-based revenue model, focusing on how the platform generates recurring revenue from a diverse client base.
  • Traction and Metrics : The deck showcases impressive growth metrics, including user adoption rates, revenue growth, and customer retention, providing strong evidence of market validation.
  • Competitive Landscape : Mixpanel includes a competitive analysis, detailing how its features and capabilities surpass those of traditional analytics tools and other competitors.
  • Product Demonstration : Detailed visuals and explanations of the platform’s functionality help investors understand how Mixpanel works and why it’s superior.
  • Team : The presentation introduces the founding team and key executives, emphasizing their expertise in technology and data analytics.
  • Vision for Growth : Mixpanel’s plans for scaling its platform and expanding its market reach are clearly articulated, showcasing the company’s long-term potential.

Why It’s Successful : Mixpanel’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, data-driven narrative with strong visuals and compelling evidence of market demand. The deck effectively communicates the value of Mixpanel’s analytics platform, supported by impressive growth metrics and a solid understanding of the competitive landscape. The focus on real-world application and customer success stories helps build a convincing case for the platform’s scalability and profitability.

  • Analytics and Data Platforms : Companies offering tools to measure, analyze, and interpret user behavior and business performance.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups providing software-as-a-service products with a subscription-based revenue model.
  • Tech Startups : Businesses leveraging technology to solve complex problems and drive decision-making.
  • B2B Platforms : Companies targeting other businesses as their primary customers, particularly those focused on improving efficiency and performance through data.

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11. Guy Kawasaki Pitch Deck

Guy Kawasaki’s pitch deck template is renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness. His “10/20/30 Rule” — 10 slides, 20 minutes, and 30-point font — offers a concise framework that helps startups deliver a clear, impactful presentation. This approach is widely appreciated for its ability to convey essential information without overwhelming the audience.

Key Elements of Guy Kawasaki’s Pitch Deck :

  • Title Slide : Includes the company name, presenter’s name, title, and contact information.
  • Problem/Opportunity : Clearly defines the problem the startup aims to solve or the opportunity it seeks to exploit.
  • Value Proposition : Explains what the startup does and why it’s unique, focusing on the benefits to customers.
  • Underlying Magic : Highlights the technology, secret sauce, or unique aspect that sets the product apart.
  • Business Model : Outlines how the startup plans to make money, including revenue streams and pricing strategy.
  • Go-to-Market Plan : Describes the strategy for reaching and acquiring customers, including marketing and sales plans.
  • Competitive Analysis : Provides an overview of the competitive landscape and how the startup differentiates itself.
  • Management Team : Introduces the founding team and key personnel, emphasizing relevant experience and expertise.
  • Financial Projections and Key Metrics : Presents revenue projections, profit and loss estimates, and key performance indicators.
  • Current Status, Accomplishments to Date, Timeline, and Use of Funds : Summarizes the startup’s progress, key milestones, future roadmap, and how the investment will be used.

Why It’s Successful : Guy Kawasaki’s pitch deck is successful because it enforces discipline and clarity. By limiting the presentation to 10 slides, it ensures that entrepreneurs focus on the most critical aspects of their business. The 20-minute presentation time keeps the pitch concise and engaging, while the 30-point font rule ensures readability and prevents information overload. This approach helps maintain the audience’s attention and makes the key messages more memorable.

  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies that need to clearly articulate their value proposition and business model in a limited time.
  • Tech Startups : Businesses with complex products that need to be explained in a straightforward manner.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups offering software-as-a-service solutions that need to highlight their unique technology and business model.
  • Entrepreneurs Seeking Clarity : Any startup looking to simplify their pitch and ensure they cover all essential points without overwhelming their audience.

demo day presentation

12. Canva Seed Deck

Canva’s seed deck played a pivotal role in securing early-stage funding that helped the company grow into a leading online design platform. This pitch deck is an exemplary model for startups looking to communicate their value proposition, market potential, and product innovation effectively.

Key Elements of Canva’s Pitch Deck :

  • Vision and Mission : Canva begins with a clear statement of its vision to democratize design and empower everyone to create professional-quality graphics.
  • Problem Identification : The deck outlines the challenges non-designers face when trying to create visually appealing graphics using complex software.
  • Solution Overview : Canva presents its user-friendly, drag-and-drop design platform as the perfect solution, emphasizing ease of use and accessibility.
  • Market Opportunity : Detailed analysis of the market size and growth potential of the design and graphics industry is provided.
  • Product Demonstration : The deck includes screenshots and descriptions of Canva’s features, showcasing the platform’s functionality and user experience.
  • Business Model : Canva outlines its freemium business model, explaining how the company plans to convert free users into paying customers through premium features and content.
  • Traction and Metrics : Early user growth and engagement metrics are highlighted, demonstrating strong market validation and demand.
  • Competitive Analysis : Canva provides an overview of the competitive landscape, highlighting its unique advantages and differentiators.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and their relevant expertise, building confidence in their ability to execute the business plan.
  • Financial Projections : Key financial projections and milestones are presented to give investors a clear understanding of Canva’s growth trajectory and revenue potential.

Why It’s Successful : Canva ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear problem-solution narrative with compelling visuals and data. The deck effectively communicates Canva’s mission to make design accessible to everyone, supported by market analysis and early traction. The detailed product demonstration helps investors understand the platform’s usability and appeal, while the competitive analysis and financial projections provide a comprehensive view of the company’s potential for growth and profitability.

  • Tech Startups : Especially those focused on creating user-friendly software solutions for non-experts.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups offering software-as-a-service products with a freemium model.
  • Design and Creative Tools : Businesses in the design, graphics, or creative tools industry looking to simplify complex processes for users.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies seeking to demonstrate strong market validation and growth potential to attract seed funding.

demo day presentation

13. Mint Pre-Launch Pitch Deck

Mint’s pre-launch pitch deck is a classic example of how to effectively present a startup’s value proposition, market potential, and monetization strategy before product launch. This deck was instrumental in helping Mint secure funding that contributed to its growth into a leading personal finance management tool.

Key Elements of Mint’s Pitch Deck :

  • Compelling Problem Statement : Mint starts with a clear and relatable problem statement, highlighting the difficulties individuals face in managing personal finances.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents Mint as an intuitive, user-friendly solution that simplifies personal finance management by aggregating financial accounts into a single platform.
  • Market Opportunity : Mint provides a detailed analysis of the market size and potential, emphasizing the growing need for personal finance tools in the digital age.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Mint’s revenue model, focusing on how the company plans to generate income through financial product referrals and premium services.
  • Product Demonstration : Screenshots and descriptions of Mint’s features showcase the platform’s functionality and ease of use.
  • Go-to-Market Strategy : Mint details its strategy for acquiring users, including partnerships, online marketing, and leveraging viral growth through user referrals.
  • Traction : Although in the pre-launch phase, Mint includes projections and potential early traction metrics to demonstrate the expected demand and adoption.
  • Competitive Landscape : The deck provides a competitive analysis, explaining how Mint differentiates itself from existing personal finance tools and services.
  • Team : Introduces the founding team and their relevant expertise, building confidence in their ability to execute the business plan.
  • Financial Projections : Presents key financial projections, including user growth, revenue estimates, and expected profitability.

Why It’s Successful : Mint ’s pitch deck is successful because it clearly communicates the value proposition and market need, supported by a strong narrative and visuals. The deck effectively conveys the simplicity and utility of Mint’s platform, making it easy for investors to understand the product’s appeal. The comprehensive market analysis, business model, and go-to-market strategy provide a clear roadmap for growth, while the team’s expertise adds credibility. Despite being pre-launch, the deck’s projections and competitive analysis help build a convincing case for investment.

  • Fintech Startups : Especially those focused on personal finance, budgeting, or financial management tools.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups offering software-as-a-service solutions with potential for high user engagement and subscription revenue.
  • Pre-Launch Startups : Companies seeking to secure funding before launching their product, needing to demonstrate market potential and a clear business model.
  • Consumer Apps : Businesses developing applications aimed at simplifying and enhancing everyday tasks for users.

demo day presentation

14. Slidebean Demo Day Pitch Deck

Slidebean’s Demo Day pitch deck is a standout example of how to effectively present a startup’s value proposition, product features, and market opportunity. This deck played a crucial role in showcasing Slidebean’s capabilities and securing investor interest during Demo Day presentations.

Key Elements of Slidebean’s Pitch Deck :

  • Engaging Introduction : The deck starts with a compelling introduction that captures the audience’s attention and sets the stage for the presentation.
  • Clear Problem Statement : Slidebean identifies the problem of creating visually appealing presentations quickly and efficiently, which many startups and businesses face.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents Slidebean’s AI-powered platform that automates the design process, allowing users to create professional presentations with ease.
  • Product Demonstration : Detailed visuals and screenshots illustrate how Slidebean’s platform works, showcasing its user-friendly interface and powerful features.
  • Market Opportunity : Slidebean provides a thorough analysis of the market size and potential, highlighting the growing demand for presentation tools in various industries.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Slidebean’s subscription-based revenue model, explaining how the company generates recurring revenue from its users.
  • Traction and Metrics : Early user growth, revenue figures, and other key metrics are highlighted to demonstrate market validation and traction.
  • Competitive Landscape : The deck includes a competitive analysis, emphasizing Slidebean’s unique advantages over traditional presentation tools and other competitors.
  • Team : Introduces the founding team and key personnel, emphasizing their expertise and experience in technology and design.
  • Vision for Growth : Slidebean’s plans for future product enhancements, market expansion, and scaling the user base are clearly articulated.

Why It’s Successful : Slidebean ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, engaging narrative with strong visuals and compelling data. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by a detailed product demonstration that showcases the platform’s capabilities. The comprehensive market analysis and traction metrics provide evidence of demand and potential for growth. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for the future helps build investor confidence in the company’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Tech Startups : Especially those focused on developing tools that simplify complex processes.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups offering software-as-a-service solutions with a subscription-based revenue model.
  • Presentation and Design Tools : Businesses creating products aimed at enhancing the efficiency and quality of presentations and designs.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies looking to showcase their product’s capabilities and market potential to attract initial funding.

demo day presentation

15. TikTok Pitch Deck

TikTok’s pitch deck is a remarkable example of how a social media platform can effectively communicate its value proposition, innovative features, and market potential. This deck played a significant role in demonstrating TikTok ’s vision for integrating e-commerce into its platform and attracting investor interest.

Key Elements of TikTok’s Pitch Deck :

  • Engaging Opening : The deck begins with a powerful introduction that captures attention and sets the tone for the presentation.
  • Clear Problem Statement : TikTok identifies the gap between social media engagement and e-commerce, highlighting the potential to bridge this gap.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents TikTok’s strategy to integrate e-commerce features directly into its platform, enabling seamless shopping experiences for users.
  • User Engagement Metrics : Detailed metrics showcase TikTok’s impressive user engagement, growth rates, and demographic reach, emphasizing the platform’s popularity and potential for driving sales.
  • Market Opportunity : TikTok provides a thorough analysis of the market potential for social commerce, highlighting the growing trend of online shopping and influencer-driven purchases.
  • Product Demonstration : Visuals and screenshots illustrate how TikTok’s e-commerce features work, showcasing their user-friendly interface and functionality.
  • Revenue Model : The deck outlines TikTok’s monetization strategy, including advertising and e-commerce transaction fees, explaining how these will drive revenue growth.
  • Competitive Landscape : TikTok includes a competitive analysis, highlighting its unique advantages over other social media and e-commerce platforms.
  • Vision for Growth : The deck articulates TikTok’s plans for expanding its e-commerce capabilities, scaling user engagement, and increasing market penetration.
  • Team : Introduces key team members and their expertise, building confidence in their ability to execute TikTok’s vision.

Why It’s Successful : TikTok’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, engaging narrative with strong data and compelling visuals. The deck effectively communicates the problem and innovative solution, supported by impressive user engagement metrics and a comprehensive market analysis. The detailed product demonstration helps investors understand the platform’s capabilities and potential for driving e-commerce revenue. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear growth strategy further builds investor confidence in TikTok’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Social Media Platforms : Companies looking to integrate additional features such as e-commerce into their platforms.
  • E-Commerce Startups : Businesses aiming to leverage social media to drive sales and enhance the shopping experience.
  • Tech Startups : Especially those focused on creating innovative solutions that combine different digital experiences.
  • Consumer Apps : Startups targeting high user engagement and aiming to monetize through advertising and transactions.

demo day presentation

16. Intercom First Pitch Deck

Intercom's first pitch deck is an excellent example of how to effectively present a startup's value proposition, product features, and market potential. This deck was instrumental in helping Intercom secure early-stage funding, which contributed to its growth into a leading customer messaging platform.

Key Elements of Intercom’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Vision Statement : The deck starts with a concise statement of Intercom's mission to make customer communication more personal and effective.
  • Problem Identification : Intercom identifies the challenge businesses face in managing customer communication across multiple channels and touchpoints.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents Intercom's platform as an integrated solution that brings customer messaging into a single, streamlined interface.
  • Market Opportunity : Intercom provides a detailed analysis of the market size and growth potential for customer communication tools.
  • Product Demonstration : Visuals and descriptions of Intercom's features showcase the platform's functionality and user experience.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Intercom's subscription-based revenue model, explaining how the company plans to generate recurring revenue.
  • Traction and Metrics : Early user growth and engagement metrics are highlighted to demonstrate market validation and demand for Intercom's solution.
  • Competitive Landscape : Intercom provides an overview of the competitive landscape, highlighting its unique advantages and differentiators.
  • Team : Introduces the founding team and key personnel, emphasizing their relevant experience and expertise.
  • Vision for Growth : The deck articulates Intercom's plans for future product enhancements, market expansion, and scaling the user base.

Why It’s Successful : Intercom ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, engaging narrative with strong visuals and compelling data. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by a detailed product demonstration that showcases the platform’s capabilities. The comprehensive market analysis and traction metrics provide evidence of demand and potential for growth. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for the future helps build investor confidence in the company’s ability to execute its plans.

  • SaaS Companies : Especially those focused on developing tools that improve business processes and customer engagement.
  • Customer Service Platforms : Startups offering solutions for managing customer communication and support.
  • Tech Startups : Companies with innovative software products that need to demonstrate market potential and product functionality.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Businesses looking to showcase their value proposition and secure initial funding.

demo day presentation

17. Oomf Seed Deck

Oomf’s seed deck , which helped raise $2 million, is an exemplary case of how to effectively present a startup's value proposition, product features, and market potential. This pitch deck played a critical role in securing the funding needed to grow Oomf into a successful platform.

Key Elements of Oomf’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Problem Statement : The deck starts by identifying a clear problem in the creative industry: the difficulty freelancers and clients face in finding and managing projects.
  • Innovative Solution : Oomf presents its platform as a comprehensive solution that connects freelancers with clients, simplifies project management, and ensures quality and reliability.
  • Market Opportunity : Detailed market analysis highlights the significant size and growth potential of the freelance and gig economy.
  • Product Demonstration : Visuals and screenshots illustrate Oomf’s user-friendly interface and features, showcasing how the platform works and its benefits to users.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Oomf’s revenue model, explaining how the company generates income through transaction fees and premium services.
  • Traction and Metrics : Early traction is demonstrated with user growth statistics, engagement metrics, and initial revenue figures, providing evidence of market validation.
  • Competitive Landscape : Oomf provides an overview of the competitive landscape, highlighting its unique advantages and differentiators.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and key personnel, emphasizing their expertise and experience in the creative and tech industries.
  • Vision for Growth : Oomf articulates its plans for scaling the platform, expanding its user base, and enhancing its features.

Why It’s Successful : Oomf’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, compelling narrative with strong visuals and data. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by a detailed product demonstration that showcases the platform’s capabilities. The comprehensive market analysis and early traction metrics provide evidence of demand and growth potential. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for future development helps build investor confidence in the company’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Marketplace Startups : Companies connecting freelancers or service providers with clients.
  • Freelance Platforms : Startups offering solutions to streamline the hiring and project management process for freelancers and clients.
  • Tech Startups : Businesses developing platforms that facilitate transactions and interactions between users.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies seeking to demonstrate strong market potential and secure seed funding.

demo day presentation

High Alpha Pitch Deck Model 18. High Alpha Pitch Deck Model

High Alpha's pitch deck model provides a comprehensive and structured framework for creating an effective pitch deck. This model, developed by a leading venture studio, is designed to help startups articulate their value proposition, market opportunity, and business model clearly and concisely.

Key Elements of High Alpha’s Pitch Deck Model :

  • Title Slide : Includes the company name, tagline, and contact information.
  • Problem : Clearly defines the market problem the startup aims to solve, supported by data and real-world examples.
  • Solution : Presents the product or service as the ideal solution, highlighting unique features and benefits.
  • Market Opportunity : Provides a detailed analysis of the market size, growth potential, and trends.
  • Product : Offers a comprehensive look at the product, including its functionality, design, and user experience.
  • Business Model : Outlines the revenue streams, pricing strategy, and customer acquisition plans.
  • Traction : Demonstrates market validation with key metrics such as user growth, revenue, and engagement.
  • Competitive Landscape : Analyzes the competitive landscape, highlighting the startup's unique advantages and differentiators.
  • Financials : Presents key financial metrics and projections, including revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  • Vision : Articulates the startup's long-term vision and plans for growth, including future product development and market expansion.

Why It’s Successful : High Alpha ’s pitch deck model is successful because it provides a clear, structured approach to creating a compelling pitch. The model emphasizes the importance of storytelling, data-driven insights, and visual appeal. By following this framework, startups can ensure they cover all critical aspects of their business, making it easier for investors to understand the value proposition and growth potential. The focus on clear problem definition, detailed market analysis, and robust financial projections helps build a strong case for investment.

  • Tech Startups : Companies developing innovative technology solutions and looking to clearly articulate their value proposition and market potential.
  • SaaS Companies : Startups offering software-as-a-service products with a focus on recurring revenue and customer acquisition.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Businesses in the initial stages of development seeking to create a comprehensive and persuasive pitch deck.
  • Venture-Backed Startups : Companies preparing to present to venture capitalists and seeking a structured approach to their pitch.

19. Foursquare Pitch Deck

Foursquare’s pitch deck is a notable example of how to effectively present a location-based social networking service. This deck played a crucial role in securing early-stage funding, helping Foursquare grow into a well-known platform for discovering places and experiences.

Key Elements of Foursquare’s Pitch Deck :

  • Engaging Introduction : The deck starts with an engaging introduction that captures attention and sets the context for Foursquare’s innovative solution.
  • Problem Statement : Foursquare identifies the problem of users wanting to discover new places and share their experiences in real time.
  • Solution : The deck presents Foursquare as a solution that allows users to check in at locations, discover new places, and connect with friends.
  • Product Features : Detailed descriptions and visuals of Foursquare’s features, such as check-ins, badges, and recommendations, showcase the platform’s unique functionality.
  • Market Opportunity : The deck provides a thorough analysis of the market size and potential for location-based services and social networking.
  • User Engagement Metrics : Early metrics on user growth, check-ins, and engagement rates highlight the platform’s popularity and potential for scalability.
  • Business Model : Foursquare outlines its monetization strategy, including partnerships with local businesses and potential advertising revenue.
  • Competitive Landscape : The deck includes a competitive analysis, highlighting Foursquare’s unique value proposition and advantages over other social networking platforms.
  • Team : Introduces the founding team and key personnel, emphasizing their expertise and experience in technology and social networking.
  • Vision for Growth : Foursquare articulates its plans for expanding the platform, increasing user engagement, and enhancing features.

Why It’s Successful : Foursquare ’s pitch deck is successful because it effectively combines a clear problem-solution narrative with strong visuals and compelling data. The deck clearly communicates the unique value proposition of Foursquare’s location-based social networking service. The detailed product features and user engagement metrics provide evidence of the platform’s appeal and potential for growth. The inclusion of a solid business model and a talented team further builds investor confidence in Foursquare’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Social Networking Platforms : Companies looking to create or expand social networks with unique features and user engagement strategies.
  • Location-Based Services : Startups focused on providing location-based solutions and experiences to users.
  • Tech Startups : Businesses developing innovative technology solutions that connect users and enhance their daily experiences.
  • Early-Stage Startups : Companies seeking to demonstrate strong market potential and secure initial funding.

20. Mattermark Pitch Deck

Mattermark’s pitch deck is a prime example of how to effectively present a data-driven business intelligence platform. This deck was pivotal in securing Series A funding, demonstrating Mattermark’s value proposition, market potential, and unique data analytics capabilities.

Key Elements of Mattermark’s Pitch Deck :

  • Clear Introduction : The deck begins with a concise introduction to Mattermark and its mission to provide actionable data for investors and sales teams.
  • Problem Statement : Mattermark identifies the challenge of finding and analyzing relevant business data quickly and efficiently.
  • Solution : The deck presents Mattermark’s platform as the ideal solution, offering a comprehensive database of business information and analytics tools.
  • Product Demonstration : Visuals and screenshots of Mattermark’s interface illustrate how users can leverage the platform to gather and analyze data.
  • Market Opportunity : Mattermark provides a thorough analysis of the market size and potential for business intelligence and data analytics tools.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Mattermark’s subscription-based revenue model, explaining how the company generates recurring revenue from its users.
  • Traction and Metrics : Key metrics such as user growth, customer acquisition, and revenue figures are highlighted to demonstrate market validation and traction.
  • Competitive Landscape : Mattermark includes a competitive analysis, emphasizing its unique advantages and differentiators in the business intelligence space.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and key personnel, highlighting their expertise in technology and data analytics.
  • Vision for Growth : Mattermark articulates its plans for expanding its platform, increasing its user base, and enhancing its data offerings.

Why It’s Successful : Mattermark ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, data-driven narrative with strong visuals and compelling metrics. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by detailed product demonstrations that showcase the platform’s capabilities. The comprehensive market analysis and traction metrics provide evidence of demand and growth potential. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for future development helps build investor confidence in the company’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Data Analytics Platforms : Companies offering tools to gather, analyze, and interpret business data.
  • Business Intelligence Startups : Startups focused on providing actionable insights for investors, sales teams, and other business professionals.
  • SaaS Companies : Businesses offering software-as-a-service solutions with a subscription-based revenue model.
  • Tech Startups : Companies developing innovative technology solutions that leverage data for decision-making.

21. Moz Pitch Deck

Moz’s pitch deck , used to secure investment for their SEO software platform, is an exemplary model of how to present a clear value proposition, market potential, and business strategy. This deck helped Moz communicate its mission and growth potential effectively, leading to successful funding rounds.

Key Elements of Moz’s Pitch Deck :

  • Engaging Introduction : The deck begins with an engaging introduction that outlines Moz's mission to simplify and enhance search engine optimization (SEO) for businesses.
  • Problem Statement : Moz identifies the complexities and challenges businesses face in managing SEO effectively and staying competitive in search rankings.
  • Solution : The deck presents Moz’s suite of SEO tools as the ideal solution, providing businesses with actionable insights and tools to improve their search visibility.
  • Product Demonstration : Screenshots and descriptions of Moz’s features illustrate how the platform works and the benefits it offers to users.
  • Market Opportunity : Moz provides a thorough analysis of the market size and potential for SEO and digital marketing tools, highlighting the increasing importance of search engine visibility.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Moz’s subscription-based revenue model, explaining how the company generates recurring revenue from its software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings.
  • Traction and Metrics : Key metrics such as user growth, revenue figures, and customer acquisition costs are highlighted to demonstrate market validation and traction.
  • Competitive Landscape : Moz includes a competitive analysis, emphasizing its unique advantages and differentiators in the SEO and digital marketing space.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and key personnel, highlighting their expertise and experience in SEO and digital marketing.
  • Vision for Growth : Moz articulates its plans for expanding its product offerings, increasing its user base, and enhancing its platform’s capabilities.

Why It’s Successful : Moz ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, compelling narrative with strong data and visuals. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by detailed product demonstrations that showcase the platform’s capabilities. The comprehensive market analysis and traction metrics provide evidence of demand and growth potential. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for future development helps build investor confidence in the company’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Digital Marketing Startups : Companies offering tools and services to enhance online visibility and marketing efforts.
  • SEO Platforms : Startups focused on providing search engine optimization tools and insights.
  • SaaS Companies : Businesses offering software-as-a-service solutions with a focus on recurring revenue and customer retention.
  • Tech Startups : Companies developing innovative technology solutions that simplify complex processes for businesses.

22. Tinder Pitch Deck

Tinder’s pitch deck , used to secure early investment, is an excellent example of how to present a clear value proposition, innovative product features, and significant market potential. This deck helped Tinder communicate its vision and growth strategy effectively, leading to successful funding rounds and rapid growth.

Key Elements of Tinder’s Pitch Deck :

  • Engaging Introduction : The deck begins with a captivating introduction that outlines Tinder’s mission to simplify and revolutionize the dating experience.
  • Problem Statement : Tinder identifies the challenges and inefficiencies in traditional online dating, emphasizing the need for a more streamlined and user-friendly approach.
  • Solution : The deck presents Tinder’s swipe-based interface as an innovative solution that simplifies the dating process, making it more engaging and efficient.
  • Product Demonstration : Visuals and screenshots of Tinder’s app interface showcase its unique features and user experience.
  • Market Opportunity : Tinder provides a detailed analysis of the market size and potential for online dating, highlighting the growing trend of mobile app usage for dating.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines Tinder’s revenue model, focusing on premium subscriptions and in-app purchases that generate recurring revenue.
  • Traction and Metrics : Early user growth metrics, engagement rates, and other key performance indicators are highlighted to demonstrate market validation and traction.
  • Competitive Landscape : Tinder includes a competitive analysis, emphasizing its unique advantages and differentiators in the online dating market.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and key personnel, highlighting their expertise and experience in technology and social networking.
  • Vision for Growth : Tinder articulates its plans for expanding its user base, enhancing its app features, and scaling its operations globally.

Why It’s Successful : Tinder ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, compelling narrative with strong visuals and data. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by detailed product demonstrations that showcase the app’s innovative features. The comprehensive market analysis and traction metrics provide evidence of demand and growth potential. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for future development helps build investor confidence in Tinder’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Social Networking Startups : Companies looking to create or expand social networks with unique features and user engagement strategies.
  • Dating Apps : Startups focused on developing innovative dating solutions that simplify and enhance the user experience.
  • Mobile App Startups : Businesses developing mobile applications that leverage unique user interfaces and engagement strategies.

23. WeWork Pitch Deck

WeWork’s pitch deck is a notable example of how to present a compelling vision, detailed market analysis, and a scalable business model. This deck was instrumental in securing significant investment, which helped WeWork expand its co-working spaces globally.

Key Elements of WeWork’s Pitch Deck :

  • Visionary Introduction : The deck starts with a bold vision statement about transforming the way people work and live, setting an ambitious and inspiring tone.
  • Problem Statement : WeWork identifies the inefficiencies and challenges in traditional office spaces, such as high costs and lack of community.
  • Innovative Solution : The deck presents WeWork’s co-working spaces as a flexible, community-oriented solution that meets the needs of modern workers and businesses.
  • Market Opportunity : WeWork provides a thorough analysis of the market size and potential for flexible office spaces, emphasizing the shift towards remote work and freelancing.
  • Product Demonstration : Visuals and descriptions of WeWork’s spaces showcase the design, amenities, and community aspects that differentiate it from traditional office spaces.
  • Business Model : The deck outlines WeWork’s revenue model, focusing on membership fees and additional services, explaining how the company generates recurring income.
  • Traction and Metrics : Key metrics such as occupancy rates, membership growth, and revenue figures are highlighted to demonstrate market validation and traction.
  • Competitive Landscape : WeWork includes a competitive analysis, emphasizing its unique value proposition and advantages over other office space providers.
  • Team : The deck introduces the founding team and key personnel, highlighting their expertise in real estate, community building, and business development.
  • Vision for Growth : WeWork articulates its plans for scaling operations, expanding into new markets, and enhancing its service offerings.

Why It’s Successful : WeWork ’s pitch deck is successful because it combines a clear, visionary narrative with strong data and visuals. The deck effectively communicates the problem and solution, supported by detailed product demonstrations that showcase the benefits of WeWork’s spaces. The comprehensive market analysis and traction metrics provide evidence of demand and growth potential. The inclusion of a talented team and a clear vision for future development helps build investor confidence in WeWork’s ability to execute its plans.

  • Real Estate Startups : Companies looking to innovate within the real estate market, particularly those focusing on flexible and shared spaces.
  • Co-Working Spaces : Startups offering shared office environments that emphasize community and flexibility.
  • Service-Based Businesses : Companies providing additional services and amenities as part of their business model.
  • Tech-Enabled Real Estate : Startups leveraging technology to enhance the user experience in real estate and workspace management.

Best Practices to Build a Better Pitch Deck

Creating a compelling pitch deck is essential for capturing investor interest and securing funding. Here are some best practices to help you build a successful pitch deck:

Start with a Strong Introduction :

  • Hook Your Audience : Begin with a compelling introduction that grabs attention and sets the stage for your presentation. Clearly state your mission and vision.
  • Tell a Story : Use storytelling to make your pitch relatable and engaging. Start with a problem your audience can relate to and transition smoothly into your solution.

Clearly Define the Problem :

  • Specific and Relatable : Clearly articulate the problem your startup addresses. Use data and real-world examples to emphasize its significance.
  • Pain Points : Highlight the pain points your target audience faces and explain why existing solutions are inadequate.

Present a Compelling Solution :

  • Unique Value Proposition : Explain how your product or service uniquely solves the problem. Focus on the benefits and features that set you apart from competitors.
  • Product Demonstration : Include visuals and screenshots to showcase your product’s functionality and user experience.

Highlight Market Opportunity :

  • Market Size and Growth Potential : Provide a thorough analysis of the market size and growth potential. Use credible sources and data to support your claims.
  • Trends and Timing : Explain why now is the right time for your solution, highlighting market trends and emerging opportunities.

Detail Your Business Model :

  • Revenue Streams : Clearly outline how you plan to make money. Include all potential revenue streams and pricing strategies.
  • Scalability : Demonstrate how your business model is scalable and can grow with increasing demand.

Showcase Traction and Metrics :

  • Market Validation : Highlight key metrics such as user growth, revenue, engagement rates, and customer feedback to show market validation.
  • Milestones and Achievements : Include significant milestones and achievements that demonstrate progress and potential.

Analyze the Competitive Landscape :

  • Competitor Overview : Provide an analysis of your competitors, including their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Differentiation : Emphasize what makes your solution unique and how you plan to compete effectively in the market.

Introduce Your Team :

  • Expertise and Experience : Introduce your founding team and key personnel, highlighting their relevant expertise and experience.
  • Complementary Skills : Show how the team’s skills complement each other and contribute to the startup’s success.

Provide Financial Projections :

  • Realistic Estimates : Present realistic financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and profitability. Use conservative estimates to build credibility.
  • Key Metrics : Highlight key financial metrics and milestones, such as customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), and breakeven point.

Articulate Your Vision for Growth :

  • Future Roadmap : Outline your plans for future growth, including product development, market expansion, and strategic partnerships.
  • Long-Term Goals : Share your long-term vision and how you plan to achieve sustainable growth and market leadership.

Keep It Concise and Visual :

  • Limit Slides : Keep your pitch deck to around 10-15 slides. Focus on delivering key messages concisely.
  • Use Visuals : Use visuals, charts, and graphs to make your points more impactful and easier to understand.

Practice and Refine :

  • Rehearse : Practice your pitch multiple times to ensure smooth delivery and confidence.
  • Seek Feedback : Get feedback from mentors, peers, and potential investors to refine your pitch and address any weaknesses.

demo day presentation

Related Resource: Check out our free guide and downloadable template, Our Favorite Seed Round Pitch Deck Template (and Why It Works)

Jumpstart Pitch Deck Creation With Our Template

Creating a compelling pitch deck from scratch can be daunting, but with Visible's pitch deck template, you can streamline the process and ensure your presentation is investor-ready. Our template is designed to help you communicate your startup’s value proposition, market opportunity, and growth strategy effectively.

Download our free pitch deck template here .

1. Leverage a Proven Structure :

  • Comprehensive Framework : Our template provides a structured framework that covers all essential components of a successful pitch deck, including company purpose, problem, solution, market size, business model, traction, competition, team, and financials.
  • Consistent Design : Use the professionally designed slides to maintain a consistent and polished look throughout your presentation, helping you make a strong impression.

2. Tailor Each Section to Your Startup :

  • Customize Content : While the template offers a robust foundation, it’s crucial to tailor each section to your specific startup. Ensure that your problem statement, solution, and market analysis are directly relevant to your business and industry.
  • Highlight Unique Value : Use the template to clearly articulate what makes your startup unique. Customize the solution and product slides to showcase your innovative features and benefits.

3. Utilize Visuals and Data :

  • Incorporate Visuals : Our template includes placeholders for images, charts, and graphs. Use these to visually represent key points, making your pitch more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Showcase Metrics : Investors love data. Use the financials and traction slides to highlight key metrics, such as user growth, revenue, and customer acquisition costs. Present your data in a clear, visually appealing manner.

Use Visible for Your Next Raise

Advice from these 18 startups and venture capital firms is a great jumping off point as you start building your pitch deck in Powerpoint or Keynote. Looking to continue diving into the world of pitch decks? Check out our startup pitch deck templates as a starting point for building your own. Each template can be downloaded in a variety of formats to fit your desired tech stack or presentation tool.

Related resource: Business Plan vs Pitch Deck: The Differences and When You Need Them

demo day presentation

Demo Day: What is it, why is it important?

Antler Sydney Venture Partner Christian Wanner explores what is Demo Day and why it is important for founders, investors and the wider community.

demo day presentation

Demo Day. It's a common phrase for those in the startup or venture capital industry, but for others it could sound like some sort of daytime TV infomercial played out in real life. To set the record straight for anyone who's still unsure of what a Demo Day actually is, it's an event organised by an incubator, accelerator, or in our case, a VC firm, whereby the founders of startups formed with the help of that particular organisation pitch their business to a room full of investors, in the hope to secure investment. At Antler, this usually represents the company's seed round and first external validation to our initial investment.

The day is a celebration of everything that startups represent: the "a-ha" moment, the team formation, the company generation, first milestones such as an MVP, first customers or revenue. It's about the pure grit, drive and determination that founders go through to create something new and innovative, and, hopefully, something with the right product-market fit that will go on to form the next wave of tech. What is unique about Antler's Demo Day is the fact that featured companies have been formed in less than six months before presenting to investors.

Audience sit and listen as one audience member speaks at Antler demo day

We hope that by showcasing what our amazing entrepreneurs have achieved in a few short months, will encourage other exceptional individuals to take the plunge and launch their own business too, creating a stronger, more vibrant tech industry and startup community.


While some Demo Day's are a private, exclusive event Antler is opening its inaugural Sydney event to the entire Australian tech startup ecosystem and beyond. Why? We want to remove the barriers to entrepreneurship and make it accessible to a wider pool of talent.

After all, leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. We hope that by showcasing what our amazing entrepreneurs have achieved in a few short months, will encourage other exceptional individuals to take the plunge and launch their own business too, creating a stronger, more vibrant tech industry and startup community.

And it doesn't stop there. We didn't feel like it was enough to just open the doors to the community. We needed to engage them, have them actively participate and find value. For this reason, we're offering mentoring sessions with our expert Antler advisors with years of entrepreneurial experience. Through these sessions, members of the community and potential Antler candidates can test and validate their ideas, get insight on their industry, or get help to solve the business problem they can't seem to move pass.

Additionally, there will be an interactive expo hall where the community can meet and greet the founders, hear about their experience in the Antler program, and how the startup generator helped them launch a business in just six months. They can see firsthand the newest entrants to the Sydney startup space, speak with some of the brightest minds in the country and learn about their platform, product or process.

While this event is all about the founders, to add to the excitement, the appeal and the overall entertainment value for our attendees, we have invited an incredible keynote speaker. To find out who that is you will have to wait until we announce it.

Now, it wouldn't be a Demo Day without investors. We need to give our founders the opportunity to get in front of the right people, gauge their interest and hopefully secure them as an investor. This means we will have a small, intimate, invitation-only portion of the event at the end of the evening, but this just a small part of what is going to be a show-stopping event.

Why Demo Days are important for founders, investors and the community

There are tons of Demo Days out there, and some hold the belief that founders should use the time spent preparing for such a presentation to focus on building their business, but this is not just any other Demo Day.

Throughout a startup's lifespan it is unlikely they will ever again get an opportunity to pitch in front of such a large and engaged audience, let alone one filled with local and international investors ready to fund the next big thing. Along with that, the sheer amount of marketing Demo Day provides for a company is unparalleled. It can act as a launching pad, the big reveal, an official opening.

With this in mind, why should it be something the tech startup ecosystem has to miss out on? We hope our Demo Day encourages other ambitious entrepreneurs bursting with ideas to launch and grow global businesses that will go on to create more jobs, boost the economy, strengthen global connections, and put Sydney on the map as a city of booming innovation and startup success.

The most driven founders are joining Antler - the world's day zero investor - to solve important problems. Apply to join Antler in Australia, or sign up here to access insights and resources to help you on your founder journey.

This article was written by Antler Venture Partner Christian Wanner. This article was first published on LinkedIn. Read the original here.

demo day presentation

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  • 35+ Best Startup Pitch Deck Examples + Free PDF downloads

Pitch Deck Examples from 35+ Killer Startups

Caya, Slidebean CEO

There’s no single recipe for creating a successful investor pitch deck. Many authors, venture capitalists, startup founders, and evangelists have created different versions of the required content structure for successfully pitching investors. The reality is that different industries, company stages, and round sizes require slightly different approaches to business storytelling.

Various companies Pitch Deck templates slides

We’ve compiled a list of the 35 best pitch deck examples from successful startups, accelerator programs, and industry experts (updated to 2024), in the hope that it helps you craft your next investor presentation.

Quick access to our best templates:

  • Airbnb Pitch Deck ‍
  • The Startup Pitch Deck Template ‍
  • Investor Deck Template by 500 Startups ‍
  • Investment Proposal ‍
  • Uber Pitch Deck ‍
  • Business Plan Template ‍ ‍
  • Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck ‍
  • Doordash Pitch Deck ‍
  • Facebook Pitch Deck
  • ‍ Ycombinator Pitch Deck Template ‍
  • Guy Kawasaki Pitch Deck Template ‍
  • Youtube Pitch Deck ‍
  • Slidebean Pitch Deck
  • ‍ Peloton Pitch Deck
  • Go To Market Strategy Template
  • Elevator Pitch Deck Template
  • Tinder Pitch Deck Template ‍
  • WeWork Pitch Deck Template
  • Snapchat Pitch Deck Template
  • Linkedin Pitch Deck Template
  • Lunchbox Pitch Deck Template
  • Buffer Pitch Deck
  • Cannabis Pitch Deck Template
  • Aircall Pitch Deck
  • Intercom Pitch Deck Template
  • Cryptocurrency Pitch Deck Template
  • Copy AI Pitch Deck Template
  • Splitwise Pitch Deck Template
  • 3 Minute Pitch Deck for Demo Day Template
  • Sparkcharge Pitch Deck
  • Dwolla Pitch Deck Template
  • Evervault Pitch Deck Template
  • Vettery Pitch Deck Template
  • Dutchie Pitch Deck Template
  • Sololearn Pitch Deck Template

These are our best 35+ startup pitch decks:

1. airbnb pitch deck template.

The Airbnb Pitch Deck is one of the most searched references on the internet, probably because it’s a company so familiar to us all. This is a classic 10-slide Investor Deck template that many startups find useful to fit their startup into. We’ve reimagined the original deck and created our fill-in-the-blank template.

  • Industry: Travel, Hospitality, Technology
  • Business Model: Online marketplace for lodging and travel experiences
  • Amount Raised: $500K Angel Round
  • Location: San Francisco, California, USA
  • Website: airbnb.com

2. The Startup Pitch Deck Template

What you should include in your pitch deck is a question that entrepreneurs have been asking themselves for years. The template we created, distilled from benchmarking dozens of venture-backed startups, takes this into account so all users will have more clarity on where their strengths are!

3. Investor Deck Template by 500 Startups

500 Startups is a leading global venture capital seed fund and startup accelerator headquartered in Silicon Valley with over $350M AUM.

This investor deck template is ideal for initial VCs and Angel Investors. If they ask to see your pitch deck , this is what you want to send.

The outline of the investor deck mainly focuses on your startup's growth metrics and traction.

  • Industry: Capital market company
  • Website: 500.co

4. Investment Proposal Template by Nextview Ventures

An investment proposal is the driving tool during a meeting with potential investors. This investor deck contains all the information they require. It was created based on the NextView Ventures template.

  • Industry: Venture Capital company
  • Location: New York, New York, USA
  • Website: nextview.vc

5. Uber Pitch Deck Template

For the ninth anniversary of the founding of Uber, it's co-founder Garret Camp shared the first slides they created in late 2008. At the beginning, Uber was originally called UberCab, and it has evolved from a simple idea into a major platform that has improved the car service industry.

  • Industry: Transportation, Technology
  • Business Model: Ride-sharing and food delivery platform
  • Amount Raised: $1.3 million
  • Website: uber.com

Here you have Uber's 25 slide deck! There's a lot to be learned from their first ever pitch:

6. Business Plan Template

The Business Plan is a crucial step in starting your own business because it represents the goals you want to achieve and outlines how they will be accomplished.

7. Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck

Since Sequoia Capital has quite a reputation for investments, taking a page out of their book makes sense. The slides included in the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template each have a specific purpose that leads them down the path of discovery into your pitch

  • Website: sequoiacap.com

Related read : What is a pitch deck presentation

8. Doordash Pitch Deck Template

DoorDash is one of the most well-known food delivery companies in the United States right now. The Doordash investor deck is an excellent example of a pitch using traction to back up your business.  

  • Industry: Food Delivery, Technology
  • Business Model: On-demand food delivery platform
  • Amount Raised: $2.4 million
  • Website: doordash.com

9. Facebook Pitch Deck Template

Facebook’s original pitch deck was a media kit containing the company’s value proposition, key metrics, and Online Marketing Services .

At that time, the company wasn’t making any money from The Facebook, so they bet on solid numbers such as user engagement, customer base, and growth metrics.

  • Industry: Social Media, Technology
  • Business Model: Social networking and advertising platform
  • Location: Menlo Park, California, USA
  • Website: facebook.com ‍

10. Ycombinator Pitch Deck Template

YCombinator came out with a pitch deck template that's not aesthetically pleasing. We get it. They wanted to give you the “blank canvas” so your company branding could shine, but maybe they went too far. In any case, we've taken matters into our own hands and made some style changes for better aesthetics and more functionality. We hope this helps.

  • Industry: Startup accelerator company
  • Location: Mountain View, California, USA
  • Website: ycombinator.com

11. Guy Kawasaki Pitch Deck Template

Guy Kawasaki is a well-known Silicon Valley startup guru. He is the author of several books and was one of the original Apple employees. His 10 pitch deck slides have inspired many, and his 20-minute presentation format will help you get your point across efficiently.

12. Youtube Pitch Deck Template

Youtube’s pitch deck was used in 2005 when it had less than 10,000 users. It was actually quite straightforward. They used an elementary version of a 10 slide pitch deck to go up in front of Sequoia Capital for fundraising. Still, the company was able to raise $3.5M in that Series A round November of that year. This cost around 30% of the stakes in the company.

  • Industry: Video Streaming, Music, Internet
  • Business Model: Ad revenue and user subscriptions.
  • Amount Raised: $3.5 million Series A
  • Location: San Bruno, California, USA
  • Website: youtube.com

‍ 13. Slidebean Pitch Deck

Our slide deck at the 500 Startups demo day was the culmination of 2 startup accelerator processes, hours of rehearsal, and dozens of adjustments thanks to feedback from our mentors. Pitching at a Demo Day event differs from pitching to an investor in a one-on-one meeting.

  • Industry: Software, Design, Productivity
  • Business Model: Presentation software with design support
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Website: slidebean.com

14. Peloton Pitch Deck Template

Peloton broke the fitness industry with its stationary bike system, which connects users and trainers via the internet. Do you have a business idea for this industry in mind? We recreated the pitch deck Peloton used to raise their Series F.

  • Industry: Fitness, Technology
  • Business Model: Subscription-based connected fitness platform
  • Amount raised: $500 million Series F
  • Website: onepeloton.com  

15. Go To Market Strategy Template

The go-to-market strategy is a presentation that details how an organization will place its products in the market to reach maximum penetration and profitability. What is your go-to-market strategy? This template will help you summarize it engagingly!

16. Elevator Pitch Deck Template

This is an elevator pitch deck template designed for initial approaches to investors. Share this template when they ask for your elevator pitch deck. With this template, you can effectively communicate your value proposition, market opportunity, key achievements, and financial projections, aiming to get the investors' curiosity and interest for further discussions.

17. Tinder Pitch Deck Template

10 billion matches later, Tinder has changed how people meet around the world. It’s so much more than a dating app. Tinder is a powerful tool for meeting people. Here’s the deck Tinder used in the IAC Hatch Labs Incubator in 2012.

  • Industry: Social Media, Dating App
  • Business Model: Subscription service, ad revenue
  • Amount Raised: Approximately $50 million in total funding
  • Location: West Hollywood, California, USA

18. WeWork Pitch Deck Template

WeWork fuels entrepreneurial spirit and corporate success with powerful real estate solutions. Founded in 2010, it has since blossomed into a buzzing global community transforming the way companies do business by providing physical spaces that nurture productivity, well-being, efficiency and growth - all backed up by an impressive $1 billion funding valuation of $10 billion!

  • Industry: Real Estate, Coworking, Proptech
  • Business Model: Office space rental
  • Amount Raised: $42.8 million Series E
  • Website: wework.com

19. Snapchat Pitch Deck Template

The Snapchat Pitch Deck Template helps you create a persuasive presentation inspired by Snapchat's successful pitch to investors. It offers visually engaging slides and a structured format for showcasing your business idea, growth plans, and revenue strategy.

  • Industry: Social Media, Messaging, Technology
  • Business Model: Photo-based social media
  • Amount Raised: Approximately $4.9 billion in total funding
  • Location: Venice, California, USA

20. Linkedin Pitch Deck

LinkedIn has skyrocketed to success, becoming the world's largest professional social networking site with a vast population of users growing daily. Reid Hoffman later publicly released his Series B pitch deck, which included advice on how it should be constructed so that other aspiring entrepreneurs would also have insight.

  • Industry: Social Media, Networking, Technology
  • Business Model: Professional networking site
  • Amount Raised: $10 million Series B
  • Location: Sunnyvale, California, USA
  • Website: linkedin.com

21. Lunchbox Pitch Deck Template

With a mission to empower restaurants to compete in an increasingly tech-driven market, Try our Pitch Deck Template inspired by the one they used to raise $2 million in its seed round.

  • Industry: Restaurants, Management Software
  • Business Model: B2B Restaurant platform
  • Amount Raised: $2 million Seed Round
  • Website: lunchbox.io

22. Buffer Pitch Deck Template

This is the presentation deck Buffer used to raise $500,000 for their startup, as redesigned by Slidebean. The highlight of this deck is the traction slide, which the founders describe as the critical one for their success.

  • Business Model: Social media management platform
  • Amount Raised: $500K
  • Website: buffer.com

23. Cannabis Investor Pitch Deck Template

Leverage our Cannabis Investor Pitch, influenced by the CannaBusinessPlans deck, to effectively showcase the distinctive attributes and growth potential of your cannabis business. Utilize this tailored presentation as a powerful tool to attract essential funding from potential investors

24. Aircall Pitch Deck

A well-designed pitch deck can help an entrepreneur communicate their story in a clear and concise way and can be a key tool in securing funding. However, designing a pitch deck can be a challenge, as it requires distilling complex information into bite-sized chunks and conveying it in an engaging way. That's why we decided to redesign Aircall's pitch deck as an example. We wanted to show how a pitch deck can be both informative and visually appealing.

  • Industry: Telecommunications, Technology
  • Business Model: Cloud-based phone system and call center software
  • Amount Raised: $65 million
  • Location: Paris, France, and New York City, USA
  • Website: aircall.io

Here's the result from our design challenge:

25. Intercom Pitch Deck Template

The Intercom Pitch Deck Template is your key to crafting a compelling pitch presentation, modeled after Intercom's own successful pitch.

It's your tool to create a persuasive presentation that mirrors Intercom's winning pitch style. This template empowers you to clearly communicate your business vision, product strategy, and growth prospects to potential investors.

  • Industry: CRM, Marketing, Automation
  • Business Model: B2B SaaS
  • Amount Raised: $600K
  • Website: intercom.com

26. Cryptocurrency Pitch Deck Template

A cryptocurrency pitch deck is a dynamic presentation outlining the unique attributes of a digital currency project. It showcases use cases, team expertise, and financial projections to attract funding and build investor confidence.

27. Copy AI Pitch Deck Template

Copy.ai offers the convenience of composing emails, website content, and heartfelt love letters. Here's the pitch deck that convinced investors like Wing, Sequoia, and Tiger Global to contribute $11 million in funding.

  • Industry: SAI, Copywriting, Automation
  • Business Model: SaaS
  • Amount Raised: $11 Series A
  • Location: Memphis, Tennesee, USA
  • Website: copy.ai

28. Splitwise Pitch Deck Template

Splitwise makes it super easy to divvy up bills and expenses among friends or groups with their simple app. Check out our Pitch Deck Template, inspired by Splitwise's $20 million Series A round, to show investors what you're all about and kickstart your journey to success.

  • Industry: FinTech, Billing, Personal Finance
  • Business Model: Ad revenue, subscription service
  • Amount Raised: $20 million Series A
  • Location: Providence, Rhode Island, USA
  • Website: splitwise.com

29. 3 Minute Pitch Deck for Demo Day Template

Demo days pack together dozens of pitch decks from wildly different companies. Communicating your value prop effectively and concisely is key. This template provides the structure to accomplish pitching your startup in under 3 minutes.

30. Sparkcharge Pitch Deck

Sparcharge is a startup that raised $7 million in seed funding, and Slidebean was responsible for writing and designing their pitch deck. The deck was very successful in conveying the company's value proposition and vision, and it helped them to secure funding from top venture capitalists. The design of the deck was clean and professional, and it made use of strong visuals to help tell the company's story. The slides were also easy to navigate, which made it easy for investors to understand the information presented. Overall, the pitch deck was an important part of Sparcharge's success in raising funding , and it served as a great example of the power of a well-designed presentation.

  • Industry: Automotive, Energy, Technology
  • Business Model: Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  • Amount Raised: $7 million Series A
  • Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Website: sparkcharge.io

Sparkcharge Pitch Deck template slide

31. Dwolla Pitch Deck Template

Dwolla is advertised as "the best way to move money." 28-year-old Ben Milne has found a way to transfer money from the consumer or merchant to make a payment. This is Dwolla's Pitch Deck.

  • Industry: Fintech
  • Business Model: SaaS, transaction fees, partnerships
  • Amount Raised: $16.5 million, Series C
  • Location: Des Moines, Iowa, United States
  • Website: dwolla.com

32. Evervault Pitch Deck Template

According to their website, Evervault's mission "is to make data privacy simple and accessible for all" by allowing developers to integrate data privacy in their apps. How did they gain their attention (and money)? Here's the pitch deck that made that happen, as redesigned by Slidebean.

  • Industry: Encryption Software
  • Business Model: usage-based
  • Amount Raised: $3.2 million, Seed Round
  • Location: Dublin, Ireland
  • Website: evervault.com

33. Vettery Pitch Deck Template

Here’s the Vettery pitch deck used to raise $9 million Series A on August 16, 2016, by co-founders Brett Adcock and Adam Goldstein.

  • Industry: Hiring marketplace
  • Business Model: SaaS, transaction fees
  • Amount Raised: $9 million, Series A
  • Location: New York, United States
  • Website: hired.com

34. Dutchie Pitch Deck Template

Dutchie is one of the fastest-growing cannabis companies in the world. They provide e-commerce and point-of-sale solutions for dispensaries across North America.

  • Industry: Cannabis
  • Business Model: 
  • Amount Raised: $35 million Series B 
  • Location: Oregon, United States
  • Website: business.dutchie.com

35. Sololearn Pitch Deck Template

Sololearn, the Armenia-based instructional coding app, revolutionizes how people learn to code, with interactive lessons and peer-to-peer guidance.

  • Industry: Ed-tech startup
  • Business Model: Freemium, SaaS, Partnerships
  • Amount Raised: $24 million Series B
  • Location: San Francisco, California, United States ‍
  • Website: sololearn.com

What is a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is usually a simple 10-20 slide presentation designed to help founders raise venture capital.

It should give a brief and compelling presentation of a new business idea that entrepreneurs give to potential investors, customers, or partners. It's a chance for them to showcase their vision, explain their unique value proposition, and demonstrate their growth potential.

To create an effective pitch deck, it's crucial to cover a few key points, such as the problem the startup is addressing, the market opportunity it has identified, the team's expertise, and the execution plan. Moreover, highlighting the competitive advantage and potential return on investment can attract investors' attention and interest.

A successful pitch can lead to funding, partnerships, and growth opportunities. However, crafting one requires in-depth knowledge of the market, audience, and business model, as well as excellent communication and storytelling skills.

What should be in an investor deck presentation?

When creating a pitch deck presentation, it's important to remember that you only have a limited amount of time to capture your audience's attention and persuade them to invest in your company. Your deck should be concise and easy to understand, while still providing enough information to show that your business is worth investing in.

Some key things to include in your pitch deck are an overview of your business, information about your target market and competitors, your product or service, how you plan to make money, and a summary of your team. You should also have a section highlighting the risks and challenges associated with your business, as well as what sets you apart from the competition.

Most authors agree on the following investor pitch deck outline requirements :

  • Market Size
  • Business Model
  • Underlying Magic
  • Competition
  • Better/Different
  • Marketing Plan
  • Traction / Milestones

If you're looking for more specific advice on creating a pitch the Slidebean team can guide you through the whole process.

Remember, investors have limited time, so be sure to prioritize key elements like the problem you're solving, your target market, the competitive landscape, your unique value proposition, and your financial projections.

More FAQs about pitch decks:

How to create a great pitch deck.

Your pitch deck is one of the most important tools in your arsenal. If you're pitching your startup idea or product, it's an opportunity to make a lasting impression on potential investors. And while there are many different types of decks out there, the best ones focus on three key points:

1. What problem do you solve?

2. How do you solve that problem?

3. Why should someone invest in you?

The presentation itself shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes, and it should be easy to follow along.

How to design pitch decks for investors?

A pitch deck is an important tool when pitching investors. It helps you present your business idea clearly and concisely, so they understand exactly why their investment will be profitable.

The first step is to create a list of all the things that need to be included in your pitch deck. For example, you may want to include:

- A clear description of your product/service

- An overview of your company's mission statement

- Your target market

- The benefits your product offers

- How much money you expect to raise

- Why your startup is unique

- What are your plans for growth

Once you have created this list, you can begin designing your pitch deck. You'll need to choose a template that best suits your needs. We offer over 100+ different pitch deck templates that can be used as inspiration.

How to write a successful pitch deck?

Mastering the art of creating an irresistible pitch deck can seem like a daunting task, but it shouldn’t. We're here to guide you through the process. First and foremost, you need a compelling narrative that showcases your business idea, market opportunity, and growth potential. Keep your pitch deck concise and visually appealing, with clear, simple language that gets straight to the point.

Now, if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or simply want to supercharge your pitch deck, Slidebean's Agency Team is here to save the day. Our seasoned experts have a proven track record of helping companies raise more than $300 million in funds, and they're eager to help you reach the same heights. From crafting a compelling narrative to designing stunning visuals that captivate investors, our Agency Team will work with you every step of the way to create a pitch deck that not only looks great but also delivers results. With Slidebean by your side, you can focus on what you do best - building your business - while we take care of the rest.

Pitch Deck Presentation Service

Slidebean provides a premium service for startups, entrepreneurs, investors, and creatives who want to make better presentations. Our team of experts designs amazing slide decks every week. We want your audience to understand what you do and why you do it. If you want to start a new project, you can do it here: Slidebean Presentation Design Service

Before and After Pitch Deck templates slides, redesigned

Besides the pitch deck examples we shared here, we have created, curated and redesigned several investor deck and set them as templates on our platform. Our presentation templates provide a fill-in-the-blank outline that can kick start your presentation workflow. Create a pitch deck that gets you funded. Browse templates from the most successful startups on the planet. Check them all here.

What is the goal of a company pitch deck?

The main goal of a company pitch decks is to:

- Attract investment from potential investors. - Clearly explain what the company does and why it's valuable. - Build trust in the team and business strategy. - Show the market opportunity and growth potential. - Highlight achievements and progress. - Present financial projections. - Request a specific amount of funding. - Spark interest for further discussions.

How much does it cost to make a pitch deck?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the cost of making a pitch deck will vary depending on the level of detail and complexity involved. However, on average, you can expect to pay around $1,200-$6,000 for a high-quality investor deck. You can check Slidebean's prices here.

What is a Demo day?

A demo day refers to an event where entrepreneurs and startups showcase their products or services to potential investors, industry experts, and the general public. It is typically organized by incubators, accelerators, or venture capital firms to provide a platform for startups to present their business ideas, prototypes, or early-stage products.

During a demo day, each participating startup is given a specific amount of time, usually ranging from a few minutes to around 10 minutes, to deliver a presentation or pitch. The objective is to captivate the audience, generate interest in their venture, and attract potential investors or partners.

The text you provided highlights some key considerations when preparing for a demo day presentation versus a pitch deck presentation. For a demo day, the emphasis is on delivering a visually appealing presentation with minimal text. Since the audience may be seated at a distance, it is important to focus on visual elements that can be easily seen and understood. The presenter plays a crucial role in conveying the information and engaging the audience.

In contrast, a pitch presentation that is intended to be emailed should be self-explanatory, as it may be viewed on a laptop monitor where smaller fonts can be read comfortably. It is beneficial to track the recipient's activity on the presentation, such as whether they have read all the slides, as this information can inform the frequency of follow-up emails and help gauge their level of interest.

These considerations and tools for tracking viewer engagement are particularly valuable when seeking investment opportunities. Startups can utilize pitch deck platforms that offer features to monitor investor activity, which can play a critical role in securing funding.

Create beautiful and simple pitch decks with Slidebean

Unlock your full pitching potential with Slidebean! Say goodbye to design headaches and hello to a seamless experience focused on your pitch content. With customizable templates, stunning visuals, and automated formatting, Slidebean ensures your pitch deck stands out from the competition. Don't waste another minute wrestling with design software. Try Slidebean now and take your pitches to the next level!

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Pitch Decks | Startups | Storytelling

40 startup pitch deck examples that got funded.

demo day presentation

Written by Kai Xin Koh

startup pitch deck examples cover slide

So you’ve built an excellent startup product, validated your market and you feel you’re ready to go for a funding round. Awesome. Yet, now you realize that putting together a persuasive investor deck design  is no walk in the park. Not only do you need to worry about the visual aspects of developing your presentation design, but you’ll also need to worry about developing a strong narrative to support your need for investment.

We put together an exhaustive list of 40 startup pitch deck examples for you to get inspired while building your million-dollar pitch deck.

1. Intercom | 2. Baloonr | 3. Pendo | 4. Buffer | 5. Homigo | 6. Itay Adams | 7. Cubeit | 8. Contently | 9. Mattermark | 10. Frontapp | 11. Crew | 12. Airbnb | 13. Wework | 14.Uber | 15. Mandaê | 16. Gaia Design | 17. Mapme | 18. Farmeron 19. The Daily Hundred | 20. Pinmypet | 21. Dwolla | 22. ID wall | 23. Buzzfeed | 24. App.io | 25. Mixpanel | 26. Moz 27. Kompyte | 28. DocSend | 29. LinkedIn | 30. Foursquare | 31. Magic Leap | 32. Ad pushup | 33. WealthSimple 34. Launchrock | 35. Manpacks | 36. Linio | 37. Snapchat | 38. Thrive Global | 39. Podozi | 40. Castle

1. Intercom

A household name in the chat-bot space. Intercom started from humble beginnings with this seed pitch deck that set them up for success.

Company background: Intercom shows users who are using their products or website and makes it easier to personally communicate with them through targeted content, behavior-driven email, in-app, and web messages. Amount: $600,000 https://www.slideshare.net/eoghanmccabe/intercoms-first-pitch-deck

The Baloonr 500 Startups Demo Day presentation is an interesting approach to pitch decks. With full-bleed imagery and impressive storytelling, they set the standard for this Demo Day presentation.

Company Background: Baloonr help companies remove bias during collaboration and decision-making so that they gain access to unreachable insights. Amount: $150,000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtgjCoinDTo

Ever seen an investor pitch deck that raised 20Million? These guys have done just that. Looking at their pitch deck gives you insight into how a well-funded startup pitches for Series B funding. The beginning starts with them painting an inevitable future, followed by how well they’ve been doing until that point. A real eye-opener.

Company Background: Pendo provides product managers and teams with an integrated platform to better understand and improve product experiences. Through the platform, organizations are able to capture users’ behavior, gather feedback and provide contextual help inside their application. Amount:  $20,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/ToddOlson/pendo-series-b-investor-deck-external-70016133

Noted this is one of the less visually-impressive investor pitch decks that have raised funding, but you got to give it to these guys – they have the numbers to back them up. Have a look at how they started raising their seed investor round.

Company Background: Buffer is a simpler and easier way to schedule posts, track the performance of your content, and manage all your accounts in one place Amount: $500,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/buffer-pitch-deck

Company Background: Homigo proactively handles all aspects of home maintenance and repairs so that users need not worry about it. Amount: Undisclosed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKKnRjL1q8w

6. BetaPopcorn by Itay Adams

Are you a fan of Seinfeld? Well, in one of the iconic sitcom’s episodes, the character George Costanza pitched an idea about a show about ‘nothing’. Itay Adams might have executed the perfect routine that roped him investor funding as a result.

Company Background:  Adams went up to investors and pitched basically ‘nothing’ and raised $2,000,000 in proceeds to build a ‘dream team’ with that money. Amount: $2,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/BetaPopcorn/its-a-slideshow-about-nothing

This startup from India developed a simple and clear story for their Series A presentation deck that roped them a nice sum. Have a look at how they built the crux of their problem.

Company Background: Cubeit is a mobile application that allows users to aggregate content from anywhere Amount:  Seed – $3,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/cubeit-pitch-deck

8. Contently

Contently needs no introduction and for good reason. The way these guys put together their pitch deck showcased a vision for the future where they were building an ecosystem as well as a proof-of-concept with clients they’ve already acquired.

Company Background: Contently is a New York City-based technology company. It creates software that helps brands create and manage content and connect with freelance writers, photographers, videographers, infographic designers, and editors. Amount:  $9,000,000 | 2014 https://www.slideshare.net/ryangum/contently-pitch-deck

9. Mattermark

Mattermark’s investor pitch deck proves that there’s nothing inherently wrong with being a ‘me-too’ startup. They highlighted the growth in demand in their space and how they could capitalize on that to drive their business with funding.

Company Background: Mattermark is a data platform for venture capital companies to quantify signals of growing and potentially lucrative start-ups. Amount:  $6,500,000 | 2014 https://www.slideshare.net/DanielleMorrill/mattermark-2nd-final-series-a-deck

10. Frontapp

A beautiful investor pitch deck that focused on the nitty-gritty numbers that mattered to investors at that stage of fund-raising. Building the b2b email client of the future is no easy feat, but these guys come pretty close with their pitch decks of the current.

Company Background: Frontapp manages users’ communication channels such as email addresses, SMS, social media, live chat, and voice. These messages channeled will then be assigned to the respective teammates, generating faster replies without messy CC’s, Reply-Aall’s or forwards. Amount:  $10,000,000 | 2016 https://www.slideshare.net/MathildeCollin/front-series-a-deck-64596550

A simple, brief and powerful deck that’s tell-tale of the presentation style of the founder. This is what we’d call a no-fluff approach to building pitch decks. Read and learn.

Company Background: Crew is a technology company from Montreal, Quebec. The company develops, markets, and operates the Crew app, which connects individuals with freelance graphic designers, illustrators and software developers. Crew’s freelancers have completed projects for companies such as Dropbox, Medium, Tinder, Eventbrite, and IDEO. Amount:  $10,000,000 | 2015 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/crew-pitch-deck-seriesa

We know Airbnb now to be one of the world’s most well-known startups. When they first began, all they had was an idea. Curious how they turned that into what they are today? Have a look at the pitch deck.

Company Background: Airbnb is a community marketplace for people to list, discover and book unique spaces around the world through mobile phones or the internet. Whether it’s an apartment for a night, a castle for a week, or a villa for a month, it connects people to unique travel experiences at any price point, with over 2M listings in 34K cities and 192 countries. Amount:  $600,000 | 2009 https://www.slideshare.net/ryangum/airbnb-pitch-deck-from-2008

WeWork is huge. From workspaces to every other horizontal, these guys are seeking to dominate more spaces. This Series D deck covered a variety of best practices. From building an ecosystem vision, showing the right numbers to signify extreme growth and basically hitting everything else right out of the park.

Company Background: WeWork is an American company which provides shared workspaces, community, and services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large enterprises. Founded in 2010, it is headquartered in New York City. Amount: Series D – $335,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/wework-pitch-deck-55170129

Where would we be without ride-sharing and transport services from Uber? Have a look at how this behemoth began and surmise how they still continue to raise funding.

Company Background: Uber Technologies Inc. is a global transportation technology company headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States, operating in 633 cities worldwide. Amount:  14 rounds – $11.5 billion https://www.slideshare.net/kambosu/uber-pitch-deck

This pitch deck covers almost all the things you’d expect a great pitch deck to have, a strong team, great numbers and a vision for expansion in the near future. It’s no surprise that it raised $200,000.

Company Background: Mandaê is an app which simplifies the way Brazilians ship their stuff. Other than collaboration with local postal service, Mandaê collaborated with other exclusive transporters that are not available to most individuals. Amount:  $4,230,000 till date – deck used to raise $200,000

16. Gaia Design

You might not immediately get this because of the language, but observe how they’ve segmented their pitch into different sections and broken down messages into bit-sized pieces.

Company Background: Gaia Design is a Mexican online store that sells design furniture and accessories at affordable prices.This investment backed Harvard start-up based in Mexico City aimsto make quality products and design accessible to all Mexican households. Amount:  $2,850,000 https://www.slideshare.net/valentinelanger/presentation-gaia-design-furniture

‘Lead with your strongest point’ was what Mapme did exactly. Since they’ve already garnered a community following and press coverage, they leveraged that initially to build credibility before asking for money.

Company Background: Mapme is the first platform that empowers any organization or leader to leverage crowdsourcing to visualize all the interconnected layers of a community. The outcome is a unique user experience that drives engagement and promotes the community. Amount: $1,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/benmaxime/mapme-deck

18. Farmeron

Another 500 Startups alumni making waves in a space that you’d never expect – farming.

Company Background: Farmeron helps farmers across the world to manage their farming data online and to do farm performance analysis using exciting statistics. Amount:   $1,609,000 | 2012 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/farmeron

19. The Daily Hundred

The Daily Hundred produced this detailed pitch presentation that is obviously meant to be read. It covers every gap from user growth to how the app works on a micro-level.

Company Background: The Daily Hundred is a web app allowing businesses to reward customers by encouraging micro-level brand advocacy and product endorsements. Amount: $1,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/nahaase/daily-hundred-pitch-deck-2014-34178633

20. Pinmypet

A really sleek and simple Demo Day presentation from this 500 Startups alumni, PinMyPet.

Company Background: Founded in September 1, 2013 by Marcos Buson, Bruno Kenj, and Bruno Suza, Pinmypet allows users to track the location and physical activities of their pets. It ensures your pet’s safety by providing real time locations as well. Amount: $1,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/pinmypet

A contender with some of the biggest payment giants, Dwolla manages to hold its own. It’s not the most succinct, but manages to paint the payments industry as an attractive market for investors.

Company Background: Founded in Iowa in 2008 by Shane Neuerburn and Ben Milne, Dwolla is a free web-based software platform allowing users to send, receive, and request funds from another user. Dwolla is a United States-only e-commerce company that provides an online payment system and mobile payments network. Amount: $30,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/webjoe/dwolla?ref=http://startupfundraising.com/38-startup-pitch-decks-from-companies-that-changed-the-world/

22. ID wall

Tackling credential frauds with major players is no easy feet. ID Wall’s Demo Day pitch deck is simply designed with a monochromatic colour scheme leading with their strongest point on the size of the market before delving into details for the rest.

Company Background: ID wall is focused on providing businesses with document validation, background checks, and identity verification solutions and services. It offers its services through an API. ID wall also offers a real-time alert system that enables its users to verify customers’ data in signups and purchases. Amount: $800,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/500-demo-day-batch-19-idwall

23. Buzzfeed

Buzzfeed is one of the pre-eminent startups on the web. Take a look at this media giant’s deck for inspiration.

Company Background: BuzzFeed is a social news and entertainment company headquarted in New York, N.Y. It provides highlyshareable breaking news, original reporting, entertainment, and video across the social web to its global audience of more than 200M. Amount:  $3,500,000 | 2008 https://www.slideshare.net/TechInAsiaID/buzzfeed-pitch-deck

24. App.io also known as Kickfolio

A short, simple presentation that even included a demo for Demo Day no less.

Company Background: App.io streams your mobile apps from the cloud to any device without the need to download. It provides a easier way to give people access to your apps. Amount:  $1,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/2013-500-demo-day-pitch-pdf-version

25. Mixpanel

Mixpanel’s pitch deck focused on their outstanding numbers and ended with a positioning matrix to show the difference between them and other competitors like KissMetrics.

Company Background: Mixpanel is one of the most advanced analytics platforms for mobile & web. It helps businesses grow by helping them understand how their users behave and use their products by tracking actions people take rather than page views. Amount:  $65,000,000 | 2014 https://www.slideshare.net/metrics1/mixpanel-our-pitch-deck-that-we-used-to-raise-65m

Moz’s presentation deck is an interesting case where they focus on stressing that they merely want to dominate a small niche within the bigger market.

Company Background: Moz provides analytics software to track all of a website’s inbound marketing efforts—search marketing, link building, social media, and brand mentions—on one platform. Moz Analytics tracks each effort with beautiful data visualizations, insights into competitors’ data, and actionable recommendations to improve each effort’s performance. Amount:  $18,000,000 | 2012 https://www.slideshare.net/randfish/seomoz-pitch-deck-july-2011

27. Kompyte

Another 500 Startups Demo Day presentation that set the standard. Using high-resolution stock imagery, the company’s explanation of the product concept was smooth and simple.

Company Background: Kompyte is a competitive intelligence tool designed to respond in real-time to online strategies utilized by its users’ competitors. It is designed to learn about competitors’ online strategies in real-time, and respond to them in an easy and affordable way. Amount: $500,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/500-demo-day-batch-19-kompyte

28. DocSend

Screen Shot 2017 11 09 at 1.16.27 PM

29. LinkedIn

If you haven’t heard of Linkedin, you’ve probably been living under a rock. Prior to their acquisition by Microsoft, Linkedin raised a few successful rounds of funding.

Company Background: LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows its members to create business connections, search for jobs, and find potential clients. The site also enables its users to build and engage with their professional networks, access shared knowledge and insights, and find business opportunities. LinkedIn was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Mountain View, California. Amount:  $10,000,000 | 2004 https://www.slideshare.net/webjoe/linkedin-deck-27367069

30. Foursquare

Foursquare’s concept is one that is not easy to explain. Hence, they focused 80% of their early pitch deck to contain details about how the apps work and showing the different screens.

Company Background: Foursquare is a local search-and-discovery service mobile app which provides search results for its users. The app provides personalized recommendations of nearby places to visit based on a user’s current location through referencing their previous browsing history, purchases, or check-in history Amount: Raised – $1,350,000 | 2009 https://www.slideshare.net/alkarmi/foursquare-1stpitch2009

31. Magic Leap

Another great example of painting a vision of an inevitable progression towards the growth of the industry they are targetting. Couple with strong numbers, it’s no wonder investors decided to fund them.

Company Background: Magic Leap combines our inherent visual ability with mobile computing to provide a visual output similar to reality, but powered by mobile technology. Their Dynamic Digitized Lightfield Signal™, is able to generate images indistinguishable from real objects and then being able to place those images seamlessly into the real world. This entirely new T user experience they have created is known as Cinematic Reality™. Amount: Series B – $542,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/nicholasngjf/magic-leap-pitch

32. Ad pushup

A no-frills pitch deck led by their very impressive traction numbers. Goes to show you don’t need an excessively aesthetic pitch deck if your numbers are great.

Company Background: Ad pushup specializes in optimizing its users website’s ad layout for high viewability and number of clicks without harming its visitors’ users experience. Amount: Angel Round – $635,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/adpushup-seed-pitch-deck

33. WealthSimple

WealthSimple was one of the pioneers of a digital financial advisor application. They’ve made the concept surprisingly easy to understand and grasp for a layperson.

Company Background: Wealthsimple is a new kind of financial advisor — one that’s intuitive, affordable, and human. It takes the guesswork out of investing and to get users on the right track. It builds a diversified portfolio of ETFs for its users and guides them towards achieving their financial goals. Amount: Seed – $1,900,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/wealthsimple-pitch-deck

34. Launchrock

This 500 Startups alumni already had some impressive clients before getting into the investor pitch room. Have a look at how they used a simple deck to boost their fundraising activities.

Company Background: LaunchRock is an online platform that enables its users to create viral “Launching Soon” pages with built-in sharing tools and analytics. LaunchRock pages help its clients incentivize and reward users for telling others about its clients’ projects through email and their social networks. LaunchRock was launched in 2011 out of Philadelphia’s Startup Weekend and its operations are based in Walnut, California. Amount: $800,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/launchrock

35. Manpacks

A simple subscription model product that used humor to surprisingly get some traction. You can get away with something similar if you want to be the next Dollar Shave Club, but we’d recommend against it generally.

Company Background: Manpacks.com is a web-based service for the delivery of men’s essentials, including underwear, razors, grooming and other products from top-name brands such as Calvin Klein, Champion, Gillette, Saxx, Grooming Lounge, and PACT. Amount: $500,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/manpacks

It’s one of those companies you’ve never heard of that have raised an obscene amount of money. Have a look at their pitch deck.

Company Background: Linio is an e-commerce company that offers a wide variety of products online in many categories, ranging from home electronics to personal care products. It brings online consumer retail services to some of the fastest growing Latin American markets.Founded in 2012, Linio has operations in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. Amount: Venture – $79,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/sygrp/linio-ir-deck-may-2014

37. Snapchat

A millennial-focused business that has well proved their ability to understand the dominate the attention of that market.

Company Background: You may have heard about Snapchat, the mobile app that allows users to capture videos and pictures that self-destruct after a few seconds. When a user sends a message, they get to decide whether it will live for between 1 and 10 seconds. Amount: Series C – $50,000,000 https://www.scribd.com/doc/235629204/Snapchat-business-deck

38. Thrive Global

This startup leverages Arianna Huffington’s reputation and credibility to push this pitch deck. The execution could have worked out much better, but who really complains when you have Arianna Huffington on board?

Company Background: Thrive Global brings the latest strategies and tools to health and well-being to organizations, coupled with a media and e-commerce platform. Amount: Series A – $7,000,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/thrive-global-pitch-deck

The Podozi deck sported plenty of images of their target audience – women of colour, which was great when getting the audience to quickly and clearly understand their intentions.

Company Background: Podozi is a beauty tech startup solving the problem of finding “right fit” beauty products for people of colour. Customers discover authentic brands from all around the world and enjoy a personalized shopping experience. Amount: $120,000 https://www.slideshare.net/500startups/500s-demo-day-batch-16-podozi

Juxtaposing existing solutions in the market with their eventual solution was a clever way for Castle to grab attention from the start. The headlines in this presentation are pretty effective such that they all suggest a clear message for each slide.

Company Background:  Castle manages rental homes for landlords using automation and on-demand labor. They find tenants, collect rent, and coordinate maintenance, allowing owners to kick back, relax, and never worry about their rental properties again. Amount:  Angel Round – $270,000 https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/castle-pitch-deck-75070238

That’s it! 40 of the top pitch deck examples for almost all common stages of startup fund-raising. Remember to bookmark this page for reference later on when you decide to raise funds for your startup!

Did we miss any? Leave us a comment below.

Article Written By: Kai Xin Koh

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AWP Home Inspections

  • Master Your Demo Day Presentation: Pro Tips for Success

Sep 13, 2024 | DIY Tips and Tricks , Home Inspections

demo day presentation

Demo Day is a highly anticipated event for startups and entrepreneurs, presenting a unique opportunity to showcase your ideas, products, and progress to potential investors, partners, and the general public. With so much at stake, it’s essential to maximize this event and ensure your presentation leaves a lasting impression.

In this blog post, we’ll share some pro tips to help you navigate your Demo Day experience with ease and effectiveness.

Start Early and Plan Strategically

Preparation is key to a successful Demo Day. Begin your planning early to give yourself ample time to craft your presentation. Identify your key objectives, target audience, and the message you want to convey. Develop a compelling narrative that engages your audience and clearly communicates the value of your product or service.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Nothing beats rehearsal when it comes to delivering a polished and confident presentation. Practice your pitch repeatedly, both alone and in front of others. Seek feedback from trusted advisors or mentors to refine your delivery. Pay close attention to your body language, tone of voice, and timing. The more you practice, the more natural and comfortable you will appear on stage.

Create a Captivating Visual Presentation

Humans are visual creatures, and a well-designed slide deck can significantly enhance your presentation. Keep your slides clean, uncluttered, and visually appealing. Use high-quality images, infographics, and charts to support your key points. Remember, your slides should complement your message, not overshadow it. Use bullet points sparingly and focus on conveying your story effectively.

Tell a Compelling Story

Your Demo Day presentation is an opportunity to connect emotionally with your audience. Craft a narrative that engages their imagination and helps them understand the problem you’re solving. Share real-life examples, customer testimonials, or personal anecdotes to illustrate the impact of your product or service. By telling a story, you make your presentation more relatable and memorable.

Be Concise and Focused

Time is limited during Demo Day, and attention spans can be short. Keep your presentation concise and focused on the most critical aspects of your business. Clearly articulate the problem, your solution, and the market opportunity. Avoid unnecessary technical details that might overwhelm your audience. Leave them wanting to learn more, which can lead to further discussions and potential investment.

Demonstrate Traction and Results

Investors are looking for evidence of progress and growth. Showcase your achievements, milestones, and key metrics that demonstrate your startup’s traction. This could include user adoption numbers, revenue growth, partnerships, or customer testimonials. By highlighting your results, you build credibility and instill confidence in potential investors.

Engage with the Audience

Make your presentation interactive and engaging by involving the audience. Encourage questions, provide opportunities for feedback, or invite them to try out your product if applicable. Engaging with your audience makes the experience more memorable and allows you to address any doubts or concerns they may have.

Demo Day is a critical moment for startups, and with proper preparation and execution, you can make it a resounding success. By following these pro tips, you’ll be well on your way to delivering an impactful presentation that captures the attention of investors, partners, and the audience.

Remember, confidence, preparation, and a compelling narrative are crucial to making Demo Day easier and more effective.

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Demo Marketing: How To Craft Product Demos That Sell

demo day presentation

You may have the best go-to-market efforts in the world, but your product will ultimately make or break your business. 

Specifically, a well-crafted product demonstration is often the difference between closing a deal and losing out to competitors.

But what exactly makes for a persuasive product demo?

To give you the answer and a distinct edge in the marketplace, we curated this article, which explores six proven strategies for creating product demos that sell.

6 Tips to Create Product Demos that Drive Sales 

1. start with the action shot.

Gone are the days of long-winded introductions and context-setting. Modern prospects want to see the value of your product immediately. 

“Begin your demo with what we call the "action shot" - a focused demonstration of your core product loop that users will engage with on a daily basis”, says T.K Kader, a business strategist.

This approach instantly shows prospects how your product will fit into their larger workflow to resolve challenges, and drive value. It's about creating that "aha" moment as quickly as possible. 

Here's how to nail the action shot:

  • Identify your product's most impactful feature or workflow
  • Showcase this feature solving a common pain point
  • Keep it brief - aim for 2-3 minutes 
  • Use real-world data or scenarios to make it relatable

This is where first impressions matter. Your action shot should be the trailer that leaves prospects eager to see more.

2. Make Your Demos Interactive

“Why should a buyer fill out a form, talk to a sales rep or get on multiple calls to see your product?” says Madhav Bhandari, our Head of Marketing. 

When buyers have so many platforms, tools, and avenues at their disposal, more than 70% of their journey is complete even before they pick up the phone and talk to a salesperson.

So it naturally makes sense for your buyers to want to experience your product next, not just hop on a call or a meeting for it.  

This is where Interactive demos shine. 

They allow prospects to engage with your product immediately and at their own pace, exploring the most relevant features.

And here’s how this approach makes your product demos much more effective:  

  • Allow prospects to click through different features
  • Provide guided tours that prospects can control
  • Use hotspots and tooltips to highlight key features
  • Incorporate quizzes or challenges to keep prospects engaged
  • Enable data input for a personalized experience
  • Help tie your product directly to your prospect's goals and challenges

Try it out here:

<demo embed>

With Storylane, you can easily create a similar, no-code demo in under 10 minutes. You can create one for free or book a demo to know more.

Interactive demos can.

Suggested read: 2024’s Top Interactive Demo Software, compared

3. Implement the "No Hands" Mode

After the interactive portion, it’s time to show how your product can work autonomously - what we call the "no hands" mode. 

This is where you demonstrate the power of your product's automations, integrations, and personalization features.

The "no hands" mode helps prospects envision how your product can save them time and effort, working seamlessly in the background while they focus on other tasks. Here's what to highlight:

  • Automated workflows and processes
  • Integration capabilities with popular tools and platforms
  • AI-driven insights or recommendations
  • Customizable dashboards and reports

When you show how your product can adapt to different user roles or departments within an organization, this can be a strong selling point for larger enterprises. 

4. Highlight the Decision Maker’s View

Today, there’s an average of 7 decision makers involved in the B2B buying process.

This makes highlighting their view all the more crucial since decision-makers often need a different perspective than end-users. 

To do this, include a section in your demo that speaks directly to the concerns of managers and executives. This could look like conversations around:

  • ROI projections and cost-saving estimates
  • Team productivity metrics and efficiency gains
  • Compliance and security features
  • Integration with existing systems
  • Scalability and growth potential

Ultimately, addressing the needs of all organizational levels increases the chances of getting buy-in from key stakeholders. 

You can also create separate demo flows for different roles or decision-makers to ensure you hit all the right notes for each audience.

5. Emphasize Business ROI

Prospects are typically more attentive and ready to engage with detailed information during a demo.

You can use this opportunity to articulate the return on investment your product offers. This could include:

  • Cost savings over time
  • Increased productivity metrics
  • Revenue growth projections
  • Risk reduction statistics
  • Time-to-value estimates

You can also use concrete numbers or case studies to show how similar businesses have benefited from your product. 

6. Highlight the FOMO 

Sometimes, the most powerful motivator is the fear of missing out or falling behind. 

When a prospect interacts with a demo they see the product's benefits. But at the same time, there’s also a chance to discuss the risks and opportunity costs of not adopting your solution. This might include:

  • Industry trends that competitors are leveraging
  • Potential revenue loss from inefficient processes
  • Security risks of outdated systems
  • Regulatory compliance issues
  • Missed opportunities for growth or innovation

By illustrating what they stand to lose by not acting, you create urgency and motivation to move forward with your product. 

It’s important to set the right tone, however. Position your product as a solution to these potential risks, which can help them pivot toward a decision.  

Bonus Tip: Sales Leave Behinds

Your demo's impact shouldn't end when the presentation does. 

Create "leave-behind" versions of your demo that prospects can explore at their leisure. It's like giving them a take-home sample of your secret sauce!

These leave-behinds can be powerful tools for:

  • Reinforcing key points from your live demo 
  • Allowing prospects to share your product with other decision-makers 
  • Providing a reference point for follow-up conversations 

Ensure these leave-behinds are easily accessible, perhaps using a personalized landing page or a secure link in your follow-up email. 

Make it so easy to access that they have no excuse not to keep exploring your product!

Pro tip: With Storylane’s interactive demos you can easily share demos as leave behinds via email campaigns, as public links, or personalized ones based on your CRM information. 

Best Practices for Killer Product Demos: From our Demo Experts

​​To ensure your demos are as effective as a triple espresso on a Monday morning, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Keep it Concise: Try to keep your demos short. Especially if you’re using interactive demos, we recommend around 8-12 steps or consider splitting it into multiple flows or demos. Remember, you're creating a demo, not a documentary.
  • Tell a Story: Don't just showcase features; weave them into a compelling narrative. Be the Pixar of product demos!
  • Start Strong: Use an eye-catching beginning to grab attention immediately. First impressions matter, even with demos.
  • Capture Leads: Include a way to collect prospect information for follow-up. But be smooth about it – nobody likes a clingy demo.
  • Clear CTA: Always end with a strong call to action. Guide your prospects to the next step like a friendly GPS.
  • Brand Consistency: Ensure your demo aligns with your overall brand aesthetics. Think of it as your product's outfit – it should be stylish and on-brand.
  • Track and Optimize: Use analytics to continuously improve your demos. Treat your demo like a science experiment—hypothesize, test, analyze, repeat!

Wrapping up: Creating Product Demos that Convert

To truly sell your SaaS product, you need to create demos that showcase your product and focus on immediate value.

That way, your product demos don’t just inform- they convert.

As you implement these strategies, continually gather feedback and refine your approach. 

The most successful demos evolve with your product and your market, always staying one step ahead of your prospects' needs and expectations.

Now go forth and implement these strategies today, and turn your demos into your most powerful sales tool.

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