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Describe your favourite shop, describe your favourite shop..

  • where it is
  • what types of products/items it sells
  • what sort of people go there and shop

Model Answer 2: Thank you very much for this great topic. Madrid has many different brand shops but when it comes to footwear, I prefer Coimbra. This is a special shop which is also my favourite. The brand outlet, which happens to be my favourite shop, is located in the centre of the city and has a huge collection. Since the outlet is situated at a convenient location, it is accessible from any part of the city. It remains open from 9:00 in the morning till midnight and it is perhaps the largest shoe-selling store in the whole city. I am not sure when it was launched, but for as long as I remember, it was always there. I went there for the first time with my father, which would be at least 20 years ago. The shop is renowned for selling various types of footwear including boots, heels, loafers, sandals, roller skates, slippers, sneakers, tennis shoes, track shoes, work boots, party shoes and many other formal and casual footwear. In fact, it has a rich collection of numerous types of shoes for children, male and female. They come in different styles and shapes. Moreover, the shop sells quality products and the price is reasonable. The shop has become specialised in footwear in the surrounding areas. Well, everybody loves this shop because it has something to offer to everyone. If someone is looking for really expensive party shoes, hiking shoes or a cheap pair of casual sandals, this place is for them. This is why people from all walks of life and all ages rush there when it comes to buying a nice pair of shoes. It is most popular among athletes, students, executives and fashionable women. I like this shop very much because it sells the types of shoes I like - be it a pair of sandals or a pair of boots. They have an uncanny ability to blend fashion and comfort in every pair of shoes they make or import. Their collection is rich, without a doubt, and their salespersons are very cordial. Furthermore, they have a standard return policy, ambient environment, and good customer care system which I like very much.

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Describe a Shop [IELTS Speaking]

Posted by David S. Wills | Jul 13, 2020 | IELTS Tips , Speaking | 0

Describe a Shop [IELTS Speaking]

Today, we are going to explore an IELTS speaking topic and examine some useful vocabulary and ideas. This should help you to give a better answer for this sort of question. We will start by exploring different possible cue cards about describing shops, then look at appropriate vocabulary, before I then provide you with some sample answers to cue cards that ask you to describe a shop.

describe a shop

IELTS Topic: Shops

Because shops are so common around the world, it is possible that you could be asked about it for your next IELTS test. This could be a question like, “Do you like shopping?” but today we are not going to focus on shopping as an activity . Instead, we will mostly look at shops as places where you can buy things.

[If you want to read about the IELTS topic of shopping then click here .]

Obviously, there are many ways that you could be asked about this sort of topic. I see it quite frequently in the IELTS writing test… but today we are just going to look at speaking questions.

In part one of the question test, you might hear the examiner ask something like, “Are there many shops near your home?” or “Where do you buy your groceries?” In a question like this, you would then have to talk about the shops around your home.

However, this article is primarily about IELTS speaking part 2 and so we will look at some cue cards that you ask you to describe a shop.

describe a shop for IELTS speaking

Cue Card: Describe a Shop

There are essentially two main versions of this question, but of course it could also be asked in other ways. The most common ones are “describe your favourite shop” and “describe a shop you often go to.” The cue cards would look like this:

Describe your favourite shop. You should say:

  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what it sells

and explain why you think it is a good shop.

Describe a shop or a store you often go to.

You should say:

  • what type of people go there
  • what types of goods are sold there

and explain why you go there and like/dislike most about it.

**Note: IELTS is a British test and so it uses British English in the questions. In American English, this would be “Describe your favorite shop.” The meaning is the same, however.

Another version is similar to the second one, but note the specification of “near where you live” and the change from “often” to “sometimes”:

Describe a shop near where you live that you sometimes use. You should say:

  • what sorts of products or services it sells
  • what the shop looks like
  • where it is located

and explain why you use this shop.

Vocabulary for Describing Shops

When it comes to shops, there are some pretty specific vocabulary points that you may not learn in a general English course. I’ll try to cover those in this vocabulary PPT.

(Note: If you prefer, this is also available as a free, downloadable PDF . This is especially useful for teachers who want IELTS vocabulary to use in their classrooms.)

Shop Vocabulary Quiz

Once you have look at the vocabulary PPT, you can try to do this quiz. If you can get all the questions right, then you have a good chance of describing a shop quite well. 😃

Join these sentence halves in the most logical way:

In the UK, a convenience store is often called adepartment store
If you are feeling peckish and want a pastry, you should go to theflorist
When I’m doing my weekly shopping, I completely fill theaisle
I can’t find my size. Could you please check thedisplay(s).
People who can’t find what they’re looking for might walk up and down anstock room?
You can buy all sorts of things in the different sections of acorner shop
I admit I was probably attracted by their impressivetill/counter
On Mother’s Day, many people look for a present at their localbakery
You need to pay for that up at theshopping cart/trolley

You can find the answers at the bottom of this page.

Shop Vocabulary: British vs American English

We also need to consider the fact that there are some differences between British English and American English when it comes to shops. You hopefully noticed that I included both in my PPT and PDF vocabulary files.

british vs american words for shops

Sample Answers

Let’s now look at some sample answers to these questions. I will provide you with one for the “favourite shop” question and another for the “near where you live” version of it.

Sample Answer #1 – Describe your favourite shop

describe your favourite shop

My favourite shop is called Sakura, and as you can probably tell from the name it is Japanese. Actually, I live in Cambodia, but across Southeast Asia you can find these shops. People in Japan give away old things that they don’t need anymore and they are shipped to this part of the world, where they are sold quite cheaply. I go to this shop about once a week and mostly I just look around, but maybe once each month I will buy something. It’s really interesting to me because there are so many kinds of things and they all come from a fascinating culture. Even items like plates and cutlery are so unusual when they come from a faraway country, and of course Japan has really amazing workmanship, so many of the things they sell are intricate and high quality. The shop itself is laid out in a very haphazard way, with lots of strange things lying around. I like this kind of place because it seems quite mysterious and you never know what you will stumble upon. The people who work there are quiet but friendly, and they will not disturb you while you browse.

I mostly talked about the goods that the shop sells, and to be honest that will be a large factor in your answer, too, because every shop is different. It is a great idea to pick a bizarre shop like this because it can be quite easy to talk at length about the strange things they sell. In comparison, a very common shop like 7-Eleven might be hard to describe because nothing really stands out as unique.

In terms of vocabulary, ten, I had quite a wide variety but nothing specifically related to shops except some terms like “sold quite cheaply” and “browse.” I did, however, mention the layout of the shop and also the staff, which both were relevant to the question.

Sample Answer #2 – Describe a Shop you Often go to

There is a small shop where I live that is located on the front porch of my neighbour’s house. She has a few tables outside with some common items on them like snacks, drinks, and toiletries. It is a very small place and you would not go there to buy much, but it is useful for everyday items. I mostly go there to buy water because she sells large, re-useable water bottles that I can exchange whenever I need. This helps to cut-down my plastic use and save the environment. Most of the people in my neighbourhood go there at some point. Usually, they go to buy drinks or snacks. These people are primarily elderly Cambodians and they live in the traditional-style houses that are common in this area. I quite like this shop because it is so simple yet convenient. The woman who owns it is quite friendly although we do not share a common language. Whenever I go there, I say hello to her and her young daughter, who will usually take my money and give me my change. Although I go into town to buy most of my groceries at the market, this small shop is very handy and so I go there more often than anywhere else.

Here, you can see that I have once again offered a simple description of a shop. This was harder because the things the cue card suggests are quite basic, so you could talk about them in less than 20 seconds. However, I have expanded this a little to mention some other aspects. Still, everything I talked about was quite closely related to the task. I almost went off-topic when I spoke about the environment, but it was just one short sentence and it was directly related to the products in the shop. At the end, I mentioned “groceries,” which is a word that refers to commonly purchased items. This is more common in British than American English.

Video Sample Answer

It sometimes seems a little daunting to be asked to describe a shop. I’m sure that there are many aspects of it that seem hard to talk about, but there are also many that should be easy for you. This is a wide subject and I would strongly suggest that you pick a type of shop that you know well so that you can talk easily. For example, if you love music then maybe you could talk about a music shop so that you can bring in some of that vocabulary. Don’t stray too far from the main topic… but you can definitely throw in some good vocabulary relating to the items found in that place.

Here are the answers to the vocabulary quiz above.

In the UK, a convenience store is often called acorner shop
If you are feeling peckish and want a pastry, you should go to thebakery
When I’m doing my weekly shopping, I completely fill theshopping cart/trolley
I can’t find my size. Could you please check thestock room?
People who can’t find what they’re looking for might walk up and down anaisle
You can buy all sorts of things in the different sections of adepartment store
I admit I was probably attracted by their impressivedisplay(s)
On Mother’s Day, many people look for a present at their localflorist
You need to pay for that up at thetill/counter

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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You should say:

  • Where this place is
  • Who you know about this place
  • Whom you go with when you go to this place

And explain why you love to shop at this place. 

Sample Answer: Band 8

Shopping is one of my least favorite activities, but sadly, life doesn’t care whether I enjoy it or not. So, I’ll have to go shopping regardless. But, to make my “shopping job” a little easier, I’ve chosen one particular store, a superstore, to be precise, about which I’d like to speak.

As I previously stated, it is a “super shop” because it is only a few minutes drive from where I reside. However, because it is not in a popular section of town, it has remained obscure to many city people for the most part. Nonetheless, this superstore attracts a sizable number of shoppers from all walks of life who visit it on a regular basis. In fact, it isn’t an exaggeration to tell you that the majority of clients of this specific shop regard it as their “family super shop” because they have formed a special bond with its employees. It is worth mentioning that it is not a particularly large business, possibly no more than 1000 square feet, and so even a modest amount of customers in it at any given time would make this super shop appear rather congested.

In any case, visitors to this shop can range from regular manufacturing workers to top executives of large corporations who come to meet their daily shopping needs, whether it’s a loaf of bread or some fruits and vegetables. Other products and merchandise available at the superstore include cosmetics, fragrances, dairy products, toiletries, small kitchen equipment, meat products, fish, and other types of snacks.

Anyway, I enjoy going to this business because it is so close to my house. Great customer service, lower prices on many of its products, and the availability of certain fresh veggies and fruits are just a few of the reasons I like to visit this supermarket. Finally, I enjoy this business since it is usually clean and tidy

Follow-up Questions: Part 3

How do you think shopping has evolved in the last few decades? 

In my opinion, the way we shop has changed drastically. Twenty years ago, we had to go to the mall or to stores to buy the things we needed. Nowadays, we can purchase almost anything online, and I think it is more convenient, especially with the current situation. As much as possible, I only go out whenever I have to, and if I can shop online, it’s better.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping? 

I think that like everything else, online shopping has its pros and cons. First of all, we are not guaranteed that the items that we are buying are authentic or not. What sellers post on their websites might not be the actual products that they have. I’ve actually had a fair share of such experience. It’s both disappointing and frustrating. On the other hand, if we are buying from legit and authorized sellers, we are saving a lot of money and effort.


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Describe your favourite shop for IELTS. Speaking test practice part two

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2 Sample Answer: DESCRIBE YOUR FAVOURITE SHOP

How can you talk about your favourite shop for an ielts speaking test.

Hello, I’m Jane at DailyStep English. You can use this week’s Free Audio IELTS Speaking Test answer if you need to describe your favourite shop for IELTS or other English exams, or just to improve conversation skills.

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IELTS Speaking Test PART 2 Sample Question and Answer

by Jane Lawson at

Question:   Describe your favourite shop.  You should say:

  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what it sells
  • and explain why you think it is a good shop.

Answer:    My favourite shop is one called Trinity Wholefoods in Hastings, a town on the south coast of England. It is in Hastings town centre, just near the seafront, and opposite the library.

I always make a point of going there every time I am in Hastings, which is quite frequently. I suppose I go there around twice a month on average , although the frequency of my visits depends on many factors . I would prefer to go there much more often than I actually do.

Trinity Wholefoods sells a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, dried goods such as grains, herbs and spices and many other things. Most of the food they sell is organic, meaning that it is  grown without pesticides.  Other things it sells are home-made bread and cakes and so on. They are all made locally and are really delicious.

There are several reasons why I think this is a good shop . One of them is the wide range of its products , even though it’s in a small building. Another thing I like about this shop is that it is a cooperative, meaning that all the people who work there have a stake in the shop and a share in its profits. A further reason why I like this shop is that it supports local farmers and when food is imported, it is fair trade food meaning that the producers of the food are paid a fair price for it. 

I also like the fact that I can buy fruit and vegetables there without them being wrapped in plastic , so it’s more environmentally-friendly to shop there . A final reason is that the prices are quite low . Often this kind of shop tends to be expensive , but Trinity Wholefoods keeps the prices down , which probably explains why the shop is always so busy . If I could, I would do all my shopping there . 

This sample answer took around 2 minutes, which is the maximum time you need to speak for in the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2.  Now, try it yourself!

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Shopping

In IELTS Speaking Part 2 , you may be asked to talk about your shopping experiences, such as a memorable shopping trip, your favorite store, or a product you researched before buying.

Here, we have provided sample questions and answers related to the shopping topic to help you prepare for your IELTS Speaking exam. So, let’s dive in!

Shopping: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions & Sample Answers

Describe a shopping experience that you enjoyed..

You should say:

  • where you went shopping
  • what you bought
  • what made who you were with

and explain why you enjoyed this shopping experience.

Sample Answer:

I recently had a great shopping experience at a local boutique with my best friend. We went to a boutique called “Le Chic” in downtown. I was looking for a dress to wear for an upcoming wedding, and my friend was looking for a new handbag. I ended up finding a dress that was perfect for the wedding. While I was trying on dresses, my friend found a beautiful leather handbag that she loved. The sales associate was really helpful and friendly, which made the experience even better. I enjoyed this shopping experience because the boutique had a great selection of clothes and accessories, the atmosphere was cosy and welcoming, and I got to spend quality time with my best friend.

Describe a shopping mall that you have visited.

  • where the mall is located
  • what stores are in the mall
  • what you like about the mall

and explain why you would or wouldn’t recommend this mall to others.

I recently visited the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. It’s a massive mall with over 500 stores spread across four floors. They have everything from high-end designer brands to more affordable stores like H&M. What I like most about this mall is the variety of stores and the fact that there’s something for everyone. They also have a ton of restaurants and entertainment options, like an aquarium and an indoor amusement park. I would definitely recommend this mall to others, especially if you’re looking for a fun day out with friends or family. However, it can get quite crowded, so be prepared for a lot of people if you decide to go.

Describe a product that you researched before buying.

  • what the product was
  • why you needed it
  • how you researched it

and explain whether or not you were satisfied with your purchase.

I recently researched and bought a new pair of running shoes. As an avid runner, I needed a high-quality pair of shoes that could provide both comfort and support. To research the best options, I started by reading reviews online from other runners. I also visited several sports stores to try on different brands and styles of shoes. I asked the sales associates for their recommendations and compared the features and prices of each option. Ultimately, I decided on a pair of Nike running shoes. They were a bit more expensive than other brands I considered, but the quality and comfort of the shoes were worth the investment. Overall, I am very satisfied with my purchase and would recommend them to other runners.

See also: Most Common IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics & Cue Cards with Answers .

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Describe your favorite shop

This is funny writing

IELTS essay Describe your favorite shop

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
  • ? Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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Your favourite place for shopping

Describe your favourite place for shopping..

You should say:

  • where it is
  • what types of products are available there
  • how frequently you visit there
  • and explain why this is your favourite place for shopping.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Sample Answer 1:

I don’t really like to go shopping unless I have a good reason to do so, because it usually takes longer than usual for me to do the shopping most of the time. However, here I would like to talk about a shopping place which rather encourages me to visit it once in a while.

The name of this shopping place is “Buy All You Can” which is located in the outskirt of my hometown.  It is more like a “supercenter” which opens at 6:00 am every morning and closes at 11:00 pm. I would say that it is easily one of the busiest shopping places in my town because I have seldom found a dull and quiet moment there, no matter what time I visit it.

Covering an area of about 7000 square feet, with a large parking space in front of it, this shopping place draws all types of customers, not only from within the city but also from outside of the city, most of the times. Of course, these customers have a handful of reasons to visit this busy supercenter, but the main reason is that it sells a complete line of grocery products, including fruits, vegetables, dry foods, snacks, loaves of bread and cakes, fish, meat, dairy products, frozen food, kitchen and household appliances, and cleaning products, among many other items for our daily needs. This supercenter also has separate sections for “seasonal clothing items” and “beauty products”. One of the distinct features of this shopping place is that it sells both the “high-end” products as well as the products for “regular” customers. There are other reasons for visiting this great shopping place, but I visit it twice a month mostly to buy some fresh fish and vegetables.  

Anyway, this is my favorite shopping place because I can find and buy the products, I want, rather easily and quickly without asking the store crews there. Besides, I also like to visit this big store because it promotes the products of “serious small businesses” as opposed to just selling the merchandise of only big and profit-making companies.

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Describe a shop you often go to – IELTS Cue Card

Janice Thompson

Updated On Sep 18, 2023


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Describe a shop you often go to

You should say: 

  • Where it is?
  • What its name is?
  • What goods are sold there?
  • And explain why you go there and like/ dislike most about it most.

Shopping is a common phenomenon in this day and age. People often face the need for certain commodities on a regular basis. When it comes to shopping, we all have an outlet that we prefer over others. Such preference can occur due to superior quality products or reliable customer service. One shop that I visit frequently is a departmental store in my locality. This store is located quite close to my residence and is one of the most popular stores in my vicinity.

The name of this departmental store is More, and it is part of a chain of departmental stores across the country. This departmental store chain is owned by Aditya Birla Retail Limited and is quite famous for the range of products offered at these stores.

More offers an array of products to their customers ranging from grocery items and food products to personal care products, cleaning supplies and much more. The products sold in these departmental stores include some of the top fast-moving consumer goods brands such as Hindustan Unilever, Nestle, Britannia and others. More also offers a range of products under its own brand name, especially for grocery and food items.

The most appealing feature that attracts consumers like me to this particular departmental store chain is the availability of different kinds of products for every household need. Presently, convenience is valued over anything else when it comes to shopping, and since More is able to provide that to its customers, they are among the top retail store chains in the market. Apart from that, the quality of products at these stores is top-notch, and the customer service is also satisfactory.

Well, everyone loves shopping, and I enjoy it as much as anyone. I frequently visit the grocery store, departmental store, electronics store, garment & textile shop, book store, etc. Out of all the stores, I frequently visit the departmental store because everything from packed food, groceries to stationery, cosmetics, medicines, biscuits, and snacks can be purchased under one roof. The name of this departmental store is Blooming dale, which is located in the central area of Virginia. The store offers a wide range of fresh goods and quality products in various categories, including Appliances and Electronics, Cosmetics, Accessories, Kitchenware, Groceries, Cutlery, and many more. Additional services like gift wrapping, alterations, delivery, and personal shopping are also offered. I like this store because they frequently offer sales, discounts, festival offers, and special seasonal coupons every month, drawing customer attention. The store aims to satisfy the rich and a higher middle-class group. Therefore, more attention is given to quality, choice, convenience and service rendered to the customer.

1. Frequently 

  • Meaning : regularly or habitually; often.  Eg: She frequently goes on a pilgrimage to the sacred places. 

2. Draw one’s attention 

  • Meaning : to make someone notice something  Eg: The beautiful necklace drew my mother’s attention. 

3. Convenience 

  • Meaning : the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.  Eg : The exam will be conducted virtually depending on the student’s convenience and safety. 

4. Rendered 

  • Meaning : provide or give (a service, help, etc.).  Eg : The older man rendered half of his wealth to needy people. 

5. Satisfy 

  • Meaning : meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone).  Eg : Candidates who satisfy the eligibility requirements can apply for the scholarship. 

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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IELTS Speaking Parts 2 & 3 (Favourite Shop) – Model Answers

essay on your favorite store

Describe your favourite shop. You should say:

  • where it is
  • what things it sells
  • what sort of people are its customers

And explain why you like the shop so much.

My favourite shop is Big Bazaar, and it is located near my house in a suburb of Mumbai known as Bandra. It is close to the railway station, which is one reason it attracts many customers as people can just walk to it as soon as they exit the station and easily catch a train back home once they are done shopping.

This shop sells a multitude of items ranging from groceries and toiletries to clothing and appliances. Big Bazaar caters to the needs of every member of the household. Also, you can find essentials for men, women, and children and have great discounts on their products. I recently went there to stock up on food items before the lockdown started in my city and saved a lot of money because of the offers given in the shop. It also has a fresh food counter where people can buy food and eat it as they shop, thus giving the shoppers a unique experience and enabling them to linger in the shop longer by eliminating the need to go out for refreshments.

You can see people of all age groups at Big Bazaar. It has a section selling toys for kids and a section for comic books as well. Families frequent the shop to buy groceries and sometimes even clothing items, whereas some people go to the shop to look around and find some decent offers if they can.

I enjoy going to this shop because it is a one-stop destination for all my household needs. I enjoy shopping here because it is air-conditioned, so I do not get tired, and the prices are competitive. Moreover, the checkout process is quite simple, and they accept several forms of payment, so I can even utilize promotional coupons at this shop.

  • What specific things can visitors to your country buy:  Visitors to my country can buy a plethora of unique clothing items to India. From  Pashmina  shawls in Kashmir to  Kancheepuram  sarees in Tamil Nadu, there is a wide variety of clothing for them to choose from. My country is also famous for its monuments and tourists can buy souvenirs to gift their loved ones back home or keep these items as reminders of their visit to India.
  • What things do young people like to buy in your country?  Young people mostly spend on consumer durables and eating out in my country. They spend a lot of money on mobile phones, and those with high paying jobs like to buy expensive cars. Some financially wise youngsters also allocate a part of their income to spend on investment products such as gold and property.
  • Is it a good idea to save money?  It is a good idea to save money because it enables people to invest wisely and grow their portfolio. Moreover, people need savings to rely on in difficult times such as a nationwide pandemic, losing their job, or a medical emergency in their family. For these reasons, I believe that it is essential to save money.
  • Do you think that people are happier if they have money?  Though there is a cliché that says money cannot buy happiness, people misinterpret it and believe that they should not focus on accumulating money. I think that having money and being happy are two different things. For example, some rich people are so glad, and some poor people are not satisfied. So I believe that though money may not lead to happiness directly, it certainly provides people with peace of mind that facilitates happiness.
  • What can shops do to make shopping more pleasant for their customers?  I can talk about the shops where I live and say that they can have more parking space for their customers! They can also have more helpful salespeople to guide customers if they are looking for something.
  • Do you think that in the future people will do most of their shopping using the Internet?  I do believe that this is true. Many people even nowadays do most of their shopping online, and this trend is only going to increase. Earlier, people mostly used to buy books and mobile phones online, but now they have even started buying groceries on platforms such as Big Basket. So, in my opinion, though brick and mortar shops will never go out of business, the popularity of online shopping will increase.

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Bạn cần tìm kiếm thông tìn gì?

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 cho câu hỏi Describe your favourite shop

You should say: 

  • what the shop is and what is specializes in
  • how often you go to this shop
  • what kinds of people go shopping there
  • and explain why you like this shop.

Well, my favorite shop is called Viettien, which is a well-known Vietnamese brand name. It is currently one of the most popular garment shops in Vietnam. It specializes mainly in men’s garments, including shirts, trousers, and suits; they even have a section for accessories like wallets, ties, belts, or cufflinks.

Normally, whenever I am in the mood to go window shopping, Viettien is my priority. When it comes to other shoppers, I guess it is welcomed by people from all walks of life , such as students, white-collar workers, teachers, or businessmen.

I like Viettien for a couple of reasons. Firstly, their costume design and quality are highly selective and tasteful simply because most of the clothes are designed by well-trained designers, and they provide cutting-edge fashion and elegant designs in the first place. Personally, I really appreciate the originality and freshness of the design. Besides, I also think that Viettien is a relaxing place to hang around. The whole decor and lighting are pretty sensational . The layout of the shop is customer-oriented; you can easily find what you are looking for. The shopping atmosphere is pretty soothing. Even the background music boosts my shopping appetite. More importantly, the services are superb . The shop assistants at Viettien shops are always hospitable . Your purchases are gift-wrapped. Also, vouchers can be bought instead. Then, I find it pleasant and convenient whenever I want to offer a gift to somebody as they can have it as their own preference.

In short, those are the reasons why I prefer Viettien outlets.

Từ vựng hay:

  • in the mood for something/to do something (idiom) : tâm trạng tốt làm gì ENG: to feel like doing or having something
  • all walks of life (idiom) : mọi tầng lớp, địa vị trong xã hội ENG: When people talk about walk(s) of life, they are referring to different types of jobs and different levels of society
  • cutting-edge (a) : hiện đại ENG: the most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity
  • elegant (a) : thanh lịch, tao nhã, đoan trang ENG: graceful and attractive in appearance or behaviour
  • sensational (a) : gây xúc động, giật gân ENG: very good, exciting, or unusual
  • superb (a) : xuất sắc, siêu đẳng ENG: of excellent quality; very great
  • hospitable (a) : hiếu khách ENG: friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors

Cửa hàng yêu thích của tôi tên là Việt Tiến, một thương hiệu nổi tiếng của Việt Nam. Nó hiện là một trong những cửa hàng may mặc phổ biến nhất tại Việt Nam. Việt Tiến chủ yếu chuyên về quần áo nam, bao gồm áo sơ mi, quần tây và veston; họ thậm chí còn có một số phụ kiện như ví, cà vạt, thắt lưng hoặc khuy măng sét.

Thông thường, bất cứ khi nào tôi có tâm trạng đi mua sắm qua cửa sổ, Việt Tiến là ưu tiên hàng đầu của tôi. Khi nói đến những người mua sắm khác, tôi đoán nó được chào đón bởi những người thuộc mọi tầng lớp xã hội, chẳng hạn như sinh viên, nhân viên văn phòng, giáo viên hoặc doanh nhân.

Tôi thích Việt Tiến vì những lý do sau. Đầu tiên, thiết kế và chất lượng trang phục của Việt Tiến có tính chọn lọc cao và trang nhã đơn giản vì hầu hết quần áo được thiết kế bởi các nhà thiết kế được đào tạo bài bản, và họ cung cấp các thiết kế thời trang và thanh lịch ngay từ đầu. Cá nhân tôi thực sự đánh giá cao sự độc đáo và mới mẻ của các mẫu thiết kế. Bên cạnh đó, tôi cũng nghĩ rằng Việt Tiến là một địa điểm thoải mái để dạo chơi. Toàn bộ trang trí và ánh sáng là khá ấn tượng. Bố cục của cửa hàng hướng đến khách hàng; bạn có thể dễ dàng tìm thấy những gì bạn đang tìm kiếm. Không khí mua sắm khá nhẹ nhàng. Ngay cả nhạc nền cũng làm tăng cảm giác thèm mua sắm của tôi. Quan trọng hơn, các dịch vụ là tuyệt vời. Nhân viên bán hàng tại cửa hàng Việt Tiến luôn niềm nở. Thậm chí, gói hàng của bạn còn được gói thành quà. Ngoài ra, voucher cũng có thể được mua ở đây. Tôi thấy thật vui và tiện lợi mỗi khi tôi muốn tặng quà cho ai đó vì họ có thể có món quà đó theo sở thích của mình.

Nói tóm lại, đó là những lý do tại sao tôi thích cửa hàng Việt Tiến hơn.

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essay on your favorite store

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The learning network | what’s your favorite store why.

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What’s Your Favorite Store? Why?

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Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

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“For Eddie Feibusch, a Life in Zippers” tells the story of 86-year-old man who has owned a New York City store called ZipperStop since 1941. (“Nobody makes them better,” he says.) What’s your favorite store? Is it small and quirky and unique, like this one, or is it a store that’s in every mall? Tell us what you like about it with as much colorful detail as you can.

Here’s how Ralph Blumenthal begins his article about Eddie Feibusch, “a prewar refugee from Vienna who overcame not just the Nazis but also Velcro”:

What, you need a zipper? O.K., Eddie Feibusch is going to sell you a zipper. Brass? Nylon? Swarovski rhinestone crystals? What color? Mystery orchid? Big or little zipper? For a purse? Or a hot-air balloon cover? How many? One? A thousand? Doesn’t matter. Mr. Feibusch is sure that he has the zipper for you. It’s somewhere in his store, ZipperStop, at 27 Allen Street between Hester and Canal Streets, among three floors of shelves with boxes of zippers in 502 colors. How many zippers does he have? “One million, millions, I don’t know — more than a million,” said Mr. Feibusch, 86, a zipper man going on 70 years. His Web site plays Sinatra singing “New York, New York” and says, “Unzipping America since 1941.” Of course he has a Web site. This is 2010. Anyway, he can find you a zipper. “Tell me what size and what length and I’ll give it to you within 30 seconds,” he vowed.

Students: Tell us about your favorite store. Maybe it’s a place you remember from your childhood that vanished long ago, or a place you were in only once on a vacation — or maybe it’s a store you visit weekly. Whether it’s large or small, unique or ubiquitous, describe what you like about it in detail.

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

Teachers: Here are ten ways to teach with this feature.

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I love consignment shops and thrift stores. Not the Goodwill, where everything is overpriced or holey and stained. I’m talking about locally owned stores where wasteful Americans donate all of their brand-new, “not-cool-enough” clothing. I find all sorts of brand-names and funky vintage clothing from the 50’s and 60’s. Plus it’s really cheap, because the owners just want to get rid of this season’s clothing and move on to the rest in their drop boxes. I love shopping there, because it’s unpredictable. Sometimes it can be a bit depressing; like when you absolutely need a pair of jeans to replace your ripped, muddy ones and can’t find anything, but that happens at regular stores too. I also think it’s great that I’m supporting local people with my purchase, not sweat-shop workers in China or Taiwan.

I love TJMaxx and Marshals. I love a bargain and they give me desinger for less.

my favorite store was halwa kismayo is was the biggest store in my city they use to sale sweet stuff and kids love it is was amazing store.

Well my favorite store is FATBOYS! It’s an oldschool videogame store that has EVERYTHING. THE OLD AND THE NEW

I love Casa Linda’s, their Mexican food. CHESSE QUESSIDIA TIME YUM YUM YUM.:)

My favorite store is Applebee’s. I think that it is America’s greatest restaurant because the food there is amazing. From their mouth watering ribeye steaks to their belly filling garlic herb salmon, there is nothing here that you won’t enjoy. Their service is amazing. Its like you ask and you shall receive. When people say the customer is always right, they take the meaning personally. Their employees try their best to make sure the customer comes happy, and leaves happier. This isn’t just the best place to eat but it is also a good place to bring friends and/or families together. The is nice and lighted perfectly so that you have a comfortable eating experience. I would recommend this store all people from seafood lovers to steak lovers to even vegetarians.

Throughout my life I have played several sports, maybe too many to even count. But I have realized something about these sports. The equipment and gear I get for them almost always comes from the same store. Modells. Ever since I was a small kid getting ready for my first baseball game ever, Modells is where I went. Everything from batting gloves, all types of mitts to bats and balls, they have it. They always have the highest quality of equipment. For example I have had basketballs that have lasted me years and years. Not until I lose it is when I’d need to get a new one.

Every time I went to that store I felt like I was a professional athlete. The massive amount of equipment that I could pick from was overwhelming. I always felt like playing every sport when I would look at the different things they had. They have the coolest soccer balls, the best basketballs and every time I got something new I couldn’t wait to use it. I felt like I had a connection with the stuff. Like the bats and balls and mitts I got were mine and mine only and I had to protect it. There were nights where I would just dream about living in that store, and being able to use anything I wanted whenever I wanted.

Modells has everything an athlete needs and more, loads of footwear for all sports and these things are usually at a reasonable price. Modells has changed my life and made me the athlete I am today.

My favorite store is Best Buy. When I am in Best Buy I feel like a little kid again. Video games and electronics relieve my stress every time and I forget what my problems are when I walk into Best Buy. For example I brought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 with my friend and I was really happy because I could have gone home and played with him. I forgot about the homework I had to do when I got home. Best Buy service is good. I give them a five star rating because they always come to you before you ask them for help. They sometimes know where everything is at and if not they try to help you find it and walk with you. My experience in Best Buy is really good. I brought some of my family gifts and treated my self there to. I will recommend Best Buy to everybody.

My favorite store to go to was my local barber shop called “Hairitage” NOT because it was full of professional barbers it was because I felt like I was welcomed. I was a more then a regular customer I felt that I was apart of the shop. The barber shop was the place to be when you wanted the best hair cuts. I had my own barber he new what kind of hair cut I wanted without me even telling him. He use the right tools he takes his time never rushes like most young barbers. Always cleans his tools before use.

They had TV’s that was not just a regular TV it was a flat screen. We used to watch all kinds of movies from Rambo to transformer; they even had cable and also a ps3, we listened to the latest music. But the best think about the shop is that when I leave I feel like a new man.

Journeys is a fresh air of all new Designs and different types of sneakers. Walking into Journeys is like going to Candy Land but full of sneakers with different colors, designs, shapes and sizes. Journeys is almost like a nutrient mother giving you everything you need to be in style. I remember my recent purchase at Journeys. Because I usually go to Journeys to see what new sneakers are out and which ones I’m planning to buy soon. So I’ve seen these Dino Flintstone inspire sneakers and they were $ 80. Every time when I walk pass the store I stare and the sneakers as if it was a piece of steak. So when I actually had the money to buy it I got it and I was so excited. I started to jump up and down I felt like a little kid again. Journeys sneakers are one of a kind. You won’t see them at Footlocker, Foot Action etc. so you know that you’ll be different from many people. Also their prices are great. At most sneaker places the prices are crazy high about $100 and over. I mean I love sneakers but gosh I’m not rich. So Journeys is a great place to get great deals at. And their customer service is awesome as well. The people are young people so you can relate to them on a personal level and style point of view. The people are so nice and funny as well. That store is just great is amazing, is super, and is everything and more. That place is just a world that I wish I can live there forever.

Out of all my favorite stores my favorite one is Hollister, I give Hollister a rating of 5 stars because they cover every detail with the maximum treatment .Their way of attending to customer is great.

When I enter Hollister I start realizing that the store makes your mind calm and fresh. This is because the style of the store is kind of quite is a little dark and it has palms with that splendorous smell of their perfumes and colons. Also their shirts are amazing theirs like a different style that fits everybody, the employees are really kind and friendly; they always take care even of the minimum need.

The last time I visit Hollister was on my Birthday, which as celebrated April 17, it was a wonderful experience I bought a lot of things such as pants, shirts, shorts, sandals, and plaids. I was really happy because I was able to get everything I saw on the internet for the same price and same colors.

When I was in (I think) kindergarten, we went to Jahn’s Diner for the first time. I got to order anything I wanted. I remember ordering chicken fingers and French fries. The chicken fingers were cooked perfectly, and the French fries were sublime. Ever since that day, I went back almost every day after school for lunch. Jahn’s is an old fashioned ice cream parlor that also serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I remember, one day after school, I went there with my uncle. I was in 3rd grade. I used to go to St. Joan of Arc catholic school in Jackson Heights. We walked down to 34th avenue and 81st street. The Jahn’s was right next to the corner store. We walked in and went to a booth near the front. He ordered Chili and a baked potato. I had a bacon cheese burger. When I bit into that burger, I heard an angelic choir. The burger was cooked perfectly. The bacon was crispy, and the cheese was all melted and just perfect. My dream was to order this sundae called The Kitchen Sink. It was 3 scoops of every ice cream they had, almonds, chocolate syrup, and caramel syrup. It was all topped with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry. Sadly, Jahn’s closed down a few years ago, so I’ve never gotten the opportunity to have that sundae. I have yet to find another diner that hits the spot the way Jahn’s did. No other diner burger was as perfectly made as Jahn’s.

My Favorite Store B.J’s

My Favorite store is B.J’s, the wholesale store. I like this store because it makes me feel like a little kid surrounded by giant things in the store. In that store you can get a lot of wholesale food for a small prices B.J’s has coupons on important items that’s needed at home.

In this store the shopping carts are so giant I think teenagers can fit inside of them. To me I feel that it is a family bonding experience because when me and my mom is there we bond more and she let me get like snacks that I want from there . Soon as you get into this store all problems you have with one another leaves the store.

Last week I went there we got so much food and all the snacks that I wanted. The food had came up to $197 dollars ,but we had so much food. My mom had brought us a Strawberry colada smoothie which was good on that sweltering day having to push the heavy cart around.

B.J’s also offer takeout foods like pizza, pretzels and smoothies like it’s a mall with different stores in it. In addition too name-brand clothes ,books and house appliances. I think everything you would need to will be in B.J’s and that’s why I love that store.

My favorite store is Target is not talking about malls or anything like that. I think Target is really cool and neat with all the red color and organization. I like target a lot if just saying a favorite store. My second is Walmart. Both of them are my favorite as top one but I guess I’ll throw Target first this time.

Whats your favorite item in the store?

Dallas BBQ’s is a place where there is enjoyment and family gathering. Let me talk about the food. For starters, the burgers are very juicy and tender. The buns are moist and chewy. The meat is 100 percent beef and also its cook to perfection. It’s like you’re in heaven.

Having a sense of your style can be overwhelming. The Armani Exchange store makes it easiest for you to dissect your feeling throughout a full range of couture. Their diversity of product is tremendous. They have a complete outstanding collection of sweaters, shirt, knit tops, tee shirt, pants, jackets blazers and much more.

Their main focus is the consumer satisfaction. They give you the accessibility to overlook at the store online by going on their specially designed, fashionable and hot websites. Going to the store can be a remarkable experience. As soon as you enter the place, your eyes and tastes will be incredibly attracted by the admirable fabric of their new arrivals. You will be agreeably satisfied by the hospitality and freshness of the place.

My last purchase was a White Rubber Sport Watch. It was a clean white rubber strap with stainless steel detailing. Three hand chronograph movements, water resistant up to five ATM (165 feet) and two year limited Warranty. The design and conception of the watch style is what attracted me the most.

Oh, how much I love to eat! When my stomach is growling I just have one thing in mind. A nice dessert would fill my appetite; Serendipity’s would fit just right! When I walk into Serendipity’s I get this happy feeling. The feeling that everything seems so perfect, being around positive people with all these happy faces, just so much joy and laughter into their life. The food is fine, but as for the desserts it is GREAT! My favorite, The Forbidden Broadway Sundae is so delicious! There is nothing like a Chocolate blackout cake, ice cream, hot fudge topping with whipped cream on a hot day. All this amazing stuff in one huge cup! As I take my first bite, I got this face as if I entered a surprise party. I didn’t want to stop. Nice and creamy filling melting in my mouth; I can eat this stuff for hours until I’m frozen. This dessert brings so much joy into your nice sunny day. Serendipity’s is such a great place for desserts than any other, I can’t help the fact that I fell in love with it!

One of the best stores that I know of is H&M. H&M stores are located all over the world. They have clothes for any occasion. Whether you’re going to a party, church, business trip, or just dressing up for school. H&M started out as a women store in 1947 in Sweden. It has expanded throughout the years to many different nations. This is also known as off shoring. H&M is a very successful store. I highly recommend that store to everyone. The services are great. You would go in the store and wonder “What should I get” to “Which one should I get”. That’s why H&M is my all time favorite store.

When I walk inside of store in Macy’s and JC Penny on 34th street in Herald Square, I feel good because you see everything that you like. Macy’s and JC Penny are full of everything and adventurous, even for the people who are from other country or from other state they feel welcome. Macy makes you feel like you’re the queen or the king when you walk inside. JC Penny make you feel happy, when I see the clothes and shoes I say oh my god! when I try them on, I feel fabulous, in my little imagination it feel like I’m going out to a club, dinner, or a party. Since I’m a shopaholic I love to shop in both stores because both stores have the brands that I want. What I love about Macy’s they have many restaurants that you might love or might be your favorite. On the 8th floor you will see a mini McDonald restaurant, yummy! The people who work in Macy and JC Penny are super fabulous, they help what ever you need and they give tips about clothes, shoes and makeup. The best thing about JC Penny is that every Saturday they give you free coupons in the store that cut off the original price and when you finishing buying, on the bottom of the receipt there is a code to go on online to get a free coupon. Both stores are amazing, I recommend to everyone to see the life style of Macy and JC Penny, they have good service and good quality. Oh yeah one more thing their fashion, styles and color are hottttttttt!

What’s your favorite store and why? My favorite store has to be Prestige Paintball. The reason why it is my favorite store is that I spend a lot of time and money into playing paint ball and this sport is not cheap at all. Trying to find a place to buy new equipment and different types of gear I can use is one challenge, trying to find one at a cheap price is even harder. I have searched high and low all over Bergen County to try and find the cheapest place to go and I found Prestige. I am able to buy all the things I need for my gun and it usually costs only 200 dollars. Now if I went and bought it at Sports Authority I would have to pay twice as much and it probably wouldn’t even be as good as what the owner of prestige gives me. I have been going to him for a little over a year knows and probably the total of my costs of last year was a little under 500 dollars. Now I know what your thinking that it is a lot of money for a few things but these things that I bought would have coasted twice as much if I went to any other store so in the long run it was a very good deal to go with Prestige. Finally my favorite store is Prestige Paint Ball for the low prices and the friendly customer service.

Being a girl, you’re expected to love shopping and know every name brand by heart; but not me. I dread the thought of shopping and going to buy new clothes. The process just takes too long and I never feel satisfied when I leave a store. When my mom takes me shopping we often spend hours upon hours at malls and come out with one thing, even if were lucky. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always had hammy downs and that’s been the easy way. As I’ve grown up, they slowly stopped comoing though and I had to rely on stores for clothes. I feel like you’re forced to find a style and have to stick with it because of all the fashions now. I just wish we could all stick to the t-shirt, shorts, jeans, and sweatshirt days forever.

Favorite Store?

This topic is a hard one to answer. Being a girl every store is my favorite. I love to buy clothes and I love to buy things for other people and pretty much too just spend money in a place that will let me…AKA everywhere. But over all I would have to say that my favorite store is Ikea. I love to just go in and want every silly little gadget that they have. They have everything from decorative napkins, to outdoor fun, to school notebooks and such. It really is the overall store of choice for me. It has everything. When I go there I usually go with my mom. We have a system where we start at the beginning and go down each and ever aisle. Everything in the store too is affordable which I love. We could buy so many items and pay almost nothing. Some stuff we just buy to just have but other stuff we actually need. They have decorations for indoor and outdoor things; they have napkins for our kitchen, even inexpensive dinner ware like plates, Napkins, and glasses. When I redid my room not too long ago I bought a shelf, a book shelf, and so much more. It really is just a great store. One thing that I always have to get when I go there is their Swedish meatballs, never has my mouth ever tasted something more delish than their meatballs. The people who made Ikea were just so smart in how they put it all together; everything they sell is about making something easier for you. Even in the food cart they have wagons with slots to put up to 4 trays on to wheel your food to your table. I just absolutely love every single thing about this store!

i love forever 21 and a bunch of retro stores like H&M. Umm.. I also like to go to the grocery store because they have yummy food. I also love to buy some of my favorite books at Barnes & Nobles.

My favorite storeS (note the STORES, people) are JC Penney’s, and KOHLS! Kohls, (I dont think it’s spelled right, but what do I care?) has EVERYTHING. Their clothes are AH-DORABLE, and AFFORDABLE! And, Penney’s has fab sales. Buy one get one for 88 cents? Amazing! They have the COOLEST skinny jeans ever, and Kohls has the most FABULOUS tops and bottoms for summer! FIVE STARS TO BOTH! I HIGHLY RECCOMEND SHOPPING THERE!

Oops, and I forgot to mention swim! I’m a competive swimmer year round, and need to find cheap suits, and fastskins for districts and states. BEST PRICES EVAAAA!

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Describe your favourite place for shopping - cue card # 686, ielts speaking part 2: ielts cue card/ candidate task card., describe your favourite place for shopping..

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Essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall


My favourite shopping mall is the Grand Mall. It’s a wonderful place where I enjoy spending time with family and friends.

The Grand Mall is huge and has many stores. From clothes to electronics, you can find everything. There’s also a food court with various cuisines.


The mall also has a cinema and a gaming zone. It’s fun to watch movies and play games there.

In short, the Grand Mall is my favourite because it offers shopping, food, and entertainment all under one roof.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall

An architectural marvel.

The Grand Central Mall is an architectural marvel, combining contemporary design with functionality. Its aesthetic appeal is not just about the grandeur, but also about the thoughtfully designed spaces that enhance shopping experiences. The mall’s layout, which is easy to navigate, and its spacious, well-lit interiors provide a comfortable environment for shoppers.

Unparalleled Shopping Experience

The mall offers an unparalleled shopping experience with an extensive array of brands. From high-end fashion labels to local artisan boutiques, the variety caters to every shopper’s taste and budget. The mall’s commitment to providing a diverse range of options is what sets it apart from others.

More Than Just Shopping

What makes the Grand Central Mall my favourite is its ability to offer more than just shopping. It houses a multiplex cinema, a food court offering global cuisines, and various entertainment zones, making it a hub for leisure and recreation. The mall’s events, like musical performances and art exhibitions, add a cultural dimension to the shopping experience.

The Grand Central Mall, with its architectural beauty, diverse shopping options, and recreational facilities, is not just a shopping destination but a social hotspot. It’s a place where shopping is intertwined with entertainment and culture, making it my favourite shopping mall.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall

Shopping malls have evolved from simple retail centres to multifaceted hubs of entertainment, gastronomy, and lifestyle. Among the numerous malls I’ve visited, one stands out as my favourite: the illustrious Mall of America, located in Bloomington, Minnesota. This essay will explore the unique features of this mall that make it my preferred shopping destination.

Architectural Grandeur

Expansive retail selection.

The Mall of America’s expansive retail selection is another reason it’s my favourite. Housing over 500 stores, it offers a diverse range of products, from high-end fashion to electronics, books, and home goods. This wide assortment caters to every shopper’s needs and preferences, making the mall a one-stop destination for all shopping needs.

Entertainment and Leisure

Beyond shopping, the Mall of America offers a plethora of entertainment options. The Nickelodeon Universe, an indoor theme park, provides thrilling rides and games, while the SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium offers an immersive marine experience. The mall’s cinema, comedy club, and regular events ensure that there’s always something exciting happening.

Gastronomic Delights

Sustainable practices.

As a student concerned about the environment, I appreciate the mall’s commitment to sustainability. The Mall of America implements several green initiatives, such as recycling programs and energy-efficient lighting. These practices demonstrate that the mall is not just a commercial entity but a responsible member of the global community.

In conclusion, the Mall of America is my favourite shopping mall due to its architectural grandeur, expansive retail selection, entertainment options, and commitment to sustainability. It transcends the traditional concept of a shopping mall by integrating diverse experiences into a single location. The Mall of America is more than just a shopping destination; it’s a lifestyle hub that caters to the modern consumer’s multifaceted needs.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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"Walmart - My Favorite Store." StudyMoose, Mar 01, 2016. Accessed August 24, 2024.

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Walmart - My Favorite Store essay

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Write a paragraph about a store/business that you love to shop. Online text

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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Some people believe that in order to reduce crimes, prisoners should be given longer prison sentences while some people think there are other alternative ways. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people say history is one of the most important school subjects. other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. discuss both these views and give your own opinion., in some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in what are the reason for this how can people research this, in today's world many people own a smartphone. do you think the advantages of owning a smartphone outweigh the disadvantages , the increasing prevalence of convenience food will lead to traditional method of cooking disappearing. to what extent do you agree or disagree.

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My Favorite Cleaning Products You Can Disguise in Plain Sight

Obscured cleaning products

I'm always yapping about how you need to organize everything in containers and keep it in a designated place out of sight. That's all fine and well, but sometimes we live in small spaces and it's just not possible to have that much storage. Cleaning supplies can be tricky to store —you need them to be accessible, but they can be big and annoying, and often need to be sequestered into their own designated space, away from things they might damage. But what if you stored them right out in the open? In some cases, you can. Here are some options.

Making cleaning supplies prettier to look at

First, consider decanting your cleaning supplies into more appealing containers. Decanting has a lot of benefits , like making your stuff more uniform so you can stack or store it all together. Plus, custom containers look nicer than the branded bottles and cans most store-bought supplies come in. Would you rather have a bright blue Windex bottle sitting on your shelf or something like this?

Plant Mister, 6.5" Tall Decorative Glass Water Spray Bottle

Search for spray bottles that match the color or theme of your decor. They can sit on a shelf, looking totally unobtrusive but within easy reach. By transferring glass cleaner, all-purpose spray, mopping solution, and all your other cleaning products into bottles like this, you don't have to worry about them looking unsightly. You may want to label the bottoms of the bottles in case the products look similar, or opt for different bottle for different products so you don't lose track.

I'm also a big proponent of wet wipe covers. Wipes come in unsightly packages, usually bright yellow or featuring a stock images of a grinning baby. That's just not the vibe. Plain white covers (typically around $9) can disguise wet wipes, baby wipes, and disinfecting wipes easily, so you can have them right out on the counter where you most need them. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns to match any room.

If you're sick of looking at a paper towel roll on the counter, consider swapping your roll out altogether and getting dispensable paper towels instead. They fit into a smart-looking holder and pop out like facial tissues.

Countertop Multifold Hand Paper Towel Dispenser

Ready-made obscured cleaning options

There are a few options out there for cleaning products that come pre-hidden. Squatty Potty, for instance, produces a toilet brush that is completely hidden by the toilet itself ($16.74), securing behind the unit. Contrary to the whole point of this post, that's not even "in plain sight," but in some ways, it's better! Otherwise, consider a cute toilet brush hider, like this one that also includes a plunger—but looks like a set of cacti. It's a little cheeky, sure, but if you don't mind a little kitsch here and there, it's a fun option.

Cactus Toilet Plunger and Brush Set

The humble cactus is actually pretty popular in the cleaning-product-hiding space. This faux potted cactus, for instance, actually contains four different brushes for cleaning bottles and other small kitchen items.

Boon Cacti Bottle Cleaning Brush Set

Finally, I'm very into Biom all-purpose wipes. You get an understated dispenser and can refill it with the wipes, which come in hand sanitizing and surrounding sanitizing versions in scents like grapefruit and lavender. It's a more sustainable option than continuing to buy packs of wipes, since the wipes are compostable and refills come in eco-friendly packaging.

Biodegradable All-Purpose Wipes Starter Kit

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What Has ‘Modern Love’ Taught You About Love?

To celebrate the column’s 20th anniversary, we’re asking readers to share their favorite lines of wisdom from Modern Love essays and Tiny Love Stories.

An illustrated scene of stuffed animals who are alive, with one bunny is painting at an easel, and a little girl also sitting at an easel painting.

By Miya Lee and Daniel Jones

As the editors of Modern Love, we are routinely asked, by friends and strangers alike, “What have you learned about love?”

We plan to provide some answers in October when Modern Love reaches its 20th anniversary. But we also want to ask you, our readers, what you have learned about love from reading the column.

Are there any lines from Modern Love essays or Tiny Love Stories that you hold close or turn to because they seem wise or true? Have you implemented any of the lessons embedded in these true stories in your own life?

Please tell us in the questionnaire below by Sunday, Sept. 8, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time. Feel free to share this callout with others who might want to respond. If we’re interested in your entry, an editor will get in touch with you.

What Has Modern Love Taught You About Love?

Miya Lee is the editor of Modern Love projects. More about Miya Lee

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I Tried 6 Popular Frozen Waffles and Found a New Family-Favorite

The best frozen waffle is a private grocery store brand!

essay on your favorite store

Simply Recipes / Retailers below

My family eats a lot of frozen waffles—like a lot . I enjoy making homemade waffles now and again, but on a busy weekday morning, I’m more than happy to pop a few frozen ones in the toaster and eat them plain on the run.

To be honest, I never paid too much attention to what brand we were buying; I tended to throw whatever was on sale in the shopping cart. That was until I bought a brand (that will remain nameless and is not on the list below) that my children would not touch. The box sat in the back of the freezer, sad and untouched for months, taking up prime real estate.

So, we decided to conduct some due diligence on the best frozen waffle brand. I went to the grocery store and bought six popular brands for my family to taste test.

Simply Recipes / Molly Adams

The 6 Popular Brand of Frozen Waffles My Family Taste Tested

My family of four (two adults and two young children) toasted and tasted the following six brands of frozen waffles:

  • Wegman's Multigrain Waffles ($3.49)
  • 365 Whole Foods Market Organic Homestyle Waffles ($3.39)
  • Kashi Original Fluffy Crispy Waffles ($5.79)
  • Good Food Made Simple Buttermilk Waffles ($6.99)
  • Eggo Homestyle Waffles ($3)
  • Kodiak Protein-Packed Power Waffles ($5.99)

I never thought I’d become an expert on frozen waffles, but I am not complaining. It's tasty work if you can get it! One thing worth noting is that although all you need to do is pop the frozen waffles into the toaster, the toast setting matters. I advise starting on one of the low settings (number two on my toaster) and running the waffle through twice for the best possible flavor.

I listed our review in order of worst to best below.

1. Kashi Original Fluffy Crispy Waffles

These waffles had a nice flavor and texture upon first taste but left a bit of an aftertaste. My six-year-old Charlie liked this waffle, but my husband felt it was a little “cardboardy.” I think these are a solid bet for a gluten-free option. 

2. Good Food Made Simple Buttermilk Waffles

I wanted to like this due to the great packaging and marketing, but the flavor fell flat. They are made with great ingredients like oats, rye, flax, millet, buttermilk, and bourbon vanilla, but to everyone in my house, they tasted dry, salty, and a little crumbly. Charlie noted they tasted “like Play-Doh,” but let’s not ask too many questions on why he knows the flavor of Play-Doh.

3. 365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Homestyle Waffles

I would categorize these as an excellent "topping" waffle. They have a solid flavor, are substantial enough to fill you up, and are thick enough to stand up to toppings like nut butter and berries. Consider them a beautiful breakfast blank canvas.

4. Eggo Homestyle Waffles

If I could describe these with one word, it would be nostalgia. These taste like my childhood, in a good way. I was not crazy about this ingredient list, but as a shock to no one, these were my children's favorite.

5. Kodiak Protein-Packed Power Waffles Buttermilk and Vanilla

These were second place in my book. I love that two waffles have 12 grams of protein. They also have a vanilla birthday cake vibe to them in terms of flavor, which I can get behind for breakfast. There was a slight aftertaste, but I can live with that if I get protein in a frozen waffle! I also like the texture and look of these waffles. They are a pretty golden brown when toasted.

6. Wegman's Multigrain Waffles

These came in at number one for my husband and me, and my kids ate them with no complaints, so bravo to Wegman’s! Also, you can’t beat the price—six waffles for $3.49. These have a substantial texture and lovely flavor thanks to rye flour, wheat bran, and barley flour. These are flavorful enough to eat plain but would also work piled high with toppings.

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3-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary

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  • 5-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary

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Table of contents

Day 1: most popular attractions, day 2: north side of town, day 3: off the beaten path.

essay on your favorite store

Dendrologicheskiy Park-Vystavka

Yel'tsin center, observation deck, church on blood in honour of all saints resplendent in the russian land, park usad'by kharitonovykh-rastorguyevykh, where to eat, mamina mama, restaurant panorama a.s.p., mcdonald's, yekaterinburgskiy gosudarstvennyy akademicheskiy teatr opery i baleta, yekaterinburg museum of fine arts, monument to a keyboard, botanical garden of ural branch of ras, tts yevropa, ganina yama, pel'meni klab, pitstseriya papa rimskiy, chernyy tyul'pan, galereya art-ptitsa, museum of v.s. vysotsky, pokrovsky passage, museum of stone-cutting and jewelry art history, dom n. i. sevast'yanova, ulitsa vaynera, kamnereznyy dom antonova, the gyros bistro, old fashioned bar.


essay on your favorite store

Popular road trips from Yekaterinburg

All road trips from yekaterinburg.

  • Yekaterinburg to Moscow drive
  • Yekaterinburg to St. Petersburg drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Helsinki drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Kazan drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Tallinn drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Riga drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Vilnius drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Tyumen drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Perm drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Kyiv drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Nizhny Novgorod drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Sochi drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Tbilisi drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Ufa drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Yaroslavl drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Samara drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Minsk drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Novosibirsk drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Volgograd drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Kostroma drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Astana drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Vladimir drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Omsk drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Almaty drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Tula drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Veliky Novgorod drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Esto-Sadok drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Sevastopol drive
  • Yekaterinburg to Krasnoyarsk drive

Explore nearby places

  • Yekaterinburg
  • Beryozovsky
  • Verhnyaya Pyshma
  • Bolshoi Istok
  • Sredneuralsk
  • Krasnogvardeyskiy
  • Mramorskoye
  • Malobrusyanskoye
  • Pervouralsk
  • Verkh-Neyvinsky

All related maps of Yekaterinburg

  • Map of Yekaterinburg
  • Map of Shuvakish
  • Map of Istok
  • Map of Palkino
  • Map of Rudnyy
  • Map of Beryozovsky
  • Map of Lesnoi
  • Map of Verhnyaya Pyshma
  • Map of Mednyy
  • Map of Bolshoi Istok
  • Map of Baltym
  • Map of Sredneuralsk
  • Map of Iset
  • Map of Krasnogvardeyskiy
  • Map of Aramil
  • Map of Kosulino
  • Map of Kurganovo
  • Map of Monetny
  • Map of Mramorskoye
  • Map of Malobrusyanskoye
  • Map of Kashino
  • Map of Sysert
  • Map of Revda
  • Map of Zarechnyy
  • Map of Taraskovo
  • Map of Bilimbay
  • Map of Pervouralsk
  • Map of Polevskoy
  • Map of Verkh-Neyvinsky
  • Map of Malysheva
  • Map of Novouralsk

Yekaterinburg throughout the year

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  • Yekaterinburg in February
  • Yekaterinburg in March
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  • Yekaterinburg in August
  • Yekaterinburg in September
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  • Yekaterinburg in November
  • Yekaterinburg in December

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essay on your favorite store

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  1. SOLUTION: My Favourite Store Essay

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  1. Describe your favourite shop

    Describe your favourite shop. You should say: where it is. what types of products/items it sells. what sort of people go there and shop. and explain why you like the shop so much. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

  2. Describe a shop or store you often go to

    Your preparation for the cue card topic - "Describe a shop or store you often go to" would help you talk about the following topics as well: 1. Describe a shop or store near your home. 2. Describe a small shop that you frequently go to. 3. Describe your favourite shop. 4. Describe a shop or market that has a large number of customers. 5.

  3. Describe a Shop [IELTS Speaking]

    Describe a shop or a store you often go to. You should say: where it is. what type of people go there. what types of goods are sold there. and explain why you go there and like/dislike most about it. **Note: IELTS is a British test and so it uses British English in the questions. In American English, this would be "Describe your favorite shop ...

  4. Describe your favourite shop

    Sample Answer 2. Shopping is not my cup of tea. I need a guide, normally, my mother or my best friend, whenever I go shopping. The only thing I go out to buy alone is books. So, being a bookworm, my favorite shop is Starmark, Kolkata's largest bookstore located in the South City Mall.

  5. Describe a place where you like to go shopping

    Describe a place where you like to go shopping. You should say: And explain why you love to shop at this place. Sample Answer: Band 8. Shopping is one of my least favorite activities, but sadly, life doesn't care whether I enjoy it or not. So, I'll have to go shopping regardless. But, to make my "shopping job" a little easier, I've ...

  6. IELTS Speaking Test Part 2 Sample Answer: DESCRIBE YOUR FAVOURITE SHOP

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  7. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Shopping

    IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Shopping. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you may be asked to talk about your shopping experiences, such as a memorable shopping trip, your favorite store, or a product you researched before buying. Here, we have provided sample questions and answers related to the shopping topic to help you prepare for your IELTS ...

  8. IELTS essay Describe your favorite shop

    Describe your favorite shop. So I have never thought about that, but it is interesting question. Nowadays there are many kinds of shops, with wide variety of products. It's difficult to choose one of them, because it depends on things you need to buy. Our city is rich in markets and malls which include lots of shops with clothes and any kinds ...

  9. Your Favourite Place For Shopping

    May 1, 2020. Describe your favourite place for shopping. You should say: where it is. what types of products are available there. how frequently you visit there. and explain why this is your favourite place for shopping. You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

  10. Describe a shop you often go to

    Sample Answer 2. Well, everyone loves shopping, and I enjoy it as much as anyone. I frequently visit the grocery store, departmental store, electronics store, garment & textile shop, book store, etc. Out of all the stores, I frequently visit the departmental store because everything from packed food, groceries to stationery, cosmetics, medicines, biscuits, and snacks can be purchased under one ...

  11. IELTS Speaking Parts 2 & 3 (Favourite Shop)

    Describe your favourite shop. You should say: where it is. what things it sells. what sort of people are its customers. And explain why you like the shop so much. Answer: My favourite shop is Big Bazaar, and it is located near my house in a suburb of Mumbai known as Bandra. It is close to the railway station, which is one reason it attracts ...

  12. IELTS Cue Card Sample 63

    4. This is situated in a convenient location and you can easily reach there for shopping. 5. You often meet your friends and there is a floor dedicated to food courts and social gathering. 6. The movie theatre of the shopping complex offers new and good movies and as a movie lover, you often go there. 7.

  13. Describe Your Favourite Shop

    Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 cho câu hỏi Describe your favourite shop. You should say: and explain why you like this shop. Bài mẫu: Well, my favorite shop is called Viettien, which is a well-known Vietnamese brand name. It is currently one of the most popular garment shops in Vietnam.

  14. What's Your Favorite Store? Why?

    Modells has changed my life and made me the athlete I am today. William R April 20, 2010 · 12:52 pm. My favorite store is Best Buy. When I am in Best Buy I feel like a little kid again. Video games and electronics relieve my stress every time and I forget what my problems are when I walk into Best Buy.

  15. Describe your favourite place for shopping

    Model Answer 2: Introduction: One of my favourite places for shopping is the Mall of America, located in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA. It's the largest shopping mall in the United States and offers a wide range of products and entertainment options under one roof. For this topic, I will talk about this shopping mall.

  16. Essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall

    500 Words Essay on My Favourite Shopping Mall Introduction. Shopping malls have evolved from simple retail centres to multifaceted hubs of entertainment, gastronomy, and lifestyle. Among the numerous malls I've visited, one stands out as my favourite: the illustrious Mall of America, located in Bloomington, Minnesota. This essay will explore ...

  17. Walmart

    Download. Essay, Pages 3 (637 words) Views. 347. Walmart is America's biggest retailer. Not only are their prices reasonable, they have EVERYTHING! Everyone shops at Walmart. By everyone, I mean approximately 2.35 million people shop there a day. That many people is almost as much as Canada's population.

  18. Write a paragraph about a store/business that you love to ...

    7. band. Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today's world, subjects like science and technology are more important than History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  19. Flag of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

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  20. Kamala Harris' grocery 'price gouging' plan is riddled with problems

    Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a federal proposal to ban price gouging as a key component of her economic platform. Getty Images. The campaign claims that many large grocery chains have ...

  21. 2-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary

    Day 2: West side of town. For day 2, we recommend exploring the west side side of town. Start the day off with Mega, then wind down and take it easy by the time you get to Church on Blood in Honour of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land. All together, your day would be filled with about 6 hours of non-stop fun.

  22. My Favorite Cleaning Products You Can Disguise in Plain Sight

    Cleaning supplies can be tricky to store, but what if you kept them right out in the open? In some cases, you can. ... My Favorite Apps for Getting Free Stuff. August 22, 2024 Work. You Can (and ...


    Story Hostel, Yekaterinburg, Russia - Sverdlovsk Oblast: See 12 traveler reviews, 9 candid photos, and great deals for Story Hostel, ranked #22 of 172 specialty lodging in Yekaterinburg, Russia - Sverdlovsk Oblast and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  24. What Has 'Modern Love' Taught You About Love?

    To celebrate the column's 20th anniversary, we're asking readers to share their favorite lines of wisdom from Modern Love essays and Tiny Love Stories. By Miya Lee and Daniel Jones As the ...

  25. I Tried 6 Popular Frozen Waffles and Found a New Family-Favorite

    2. Good Food Made Simple Buttermilk Waffles . I wanted to like this due to the great packaging and marketing, but the flavor fell flat. They are made with great ingredients like oats, rye, flax, millet, buttermilk, and bourbon vanilla, but to everyone in my house, they tasted dry, salty, and a little crumbly.

  26. 3-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary

    1-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary. 2-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary. 4-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary. 5-Day Yekaterinburg Itinerary. Make the most out of your 3 days in Yekaterinburg by exploring these top visited places: Grinvich, Vertical, Mega, Ben Hall, Tspkio Im. V. V. Mayakovskogo, and Stroganov-Gril'.