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Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

  • Last Updated On July 29, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation đź’»

nuclear power essay ielts

The IELTS exam tests how well-versed you are in the English language. It consists of four papers: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Essay writing can be daunting if you’re not conversant in its framework and concept. This blog will assist you in writing Nuclear Power Essay IELTS and guide you on how to crack IELTS writing task 2.

Table of Content

We’ll focus more on the nuclear power essay during this blog and walk you through the process. For guidance and reference on other topics and any other help regarding the IELTS exam, you can look through our website’s collection of blogs and obtain the assistance you need, including writing task 2 topics with answers .


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nuclear power essay ielts

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS Sample Answer

Nuclear power is a very debated topic in every convention and has always been questioned for the bad it does rather than its good. In my opinion, nuclear power needs to be used, and the user should also be controlled and hedged with renewable energy sources as they are the only viable solution. Nuclear plants currently provide 11% of the world’s electricity. With an ever-increasing demand for electricity being seen everywhere and the fossil fuels reducing each day, it is now more important than ever that major decisions should be made. In the upcoming decades, energy consumption will only increase and meet the rising demand; nuclear power plants will be required as they are the best source of traditional energy-producing sources. Although nuclear power plants are required, it is also necessary to gradually push renewable energy sources and promote them to create a sustainable future for future generations. Nuclear power plants’ waste disposal and radioactivity are the concerning factors that have been the hot topic of most debates at conventions and meetings. In addition to that, a single misuse of this tremendous power can result in the disruption of life for all mankind. Striking a balance between the two will be crucial in the coming time as global warming and the energy crisis are on a constant rise. If nothing is done in the near time, countries could get submerged underwater within the coming decades, and the entire world will have to fight for survival.

Writing Task 2

The writing section of the IELTS exam consists of two sections. Writing task 2 is an essay writing task that requires deep thinking and coherence. This task will be our focus for this blog, as the rules and guidelines of the IELTS exam can be confusing for students appearing for the first time. Writing task 2 has the subsequent guidelines:

  • The essay should have a minimum of 250 words. An essay written in less than 250 words will be penalised and negatively marked. There is no penalty for writing a longer essay, but it will cause you to stray off-topic and waste time.
  • 40 minutes is a good enough time to complete this task and will leave you with time to recheck your answer.
  • The essay’s contents should be written with perfect grammar and solely focused on the topic.
  • You can be penalised if you stray off-topic while writing your essay. All the sentences must be related and formed to provide a clear view and information.
  • The content must be well structured to fetch the best results and have proper cohesion between the sentences.
  • The tone of your answer must be academic or semi-formal and should discuss the given topic at length and focus on proper and sophisticated language.
  • Using bullet points and notes is not allowed in the IELTS exam . The real answer must be written together and broken into paragraphs to better examine your writing style and structure.

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

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Structure of Essay in Writing Task 2

The structure of the essay in writing task 2 is the base of your essay, and a clear idea of the structure will make it much easier for you to finish the essay on time. The structure of the essay can be broken down in the following way:

  • First Paragraph
  • Second Paragraph
  • Third Paragraph
  • Fourth Paragraph

The first paragraph of your essay should provide a small introduction to the topic and provide an opinion of yours about what side you are on about the topic. The first paragraph should be minimal and to the point. A clear and concise introduction leaves a good impression on the examiner. The second paragraph should begin with your stance on the topic. The first sentence should provide clarity on your stance. The second sentence should build on that idea and delve deeper into the specifics. The next sentences are suitable for providing an example and developing it in detail. You can make up research studies and quote them in your essay to support your point. At the end of the paragraph, end with a statement that sums up the overall idea of the paragraph and supports the idea you started with. The third paragraph is very similar in structure to the second paragraph. The main objective of this paragraph is to provide either the opposite view of the topic or discuss new ideas that touch on a different perspective of the topic but ultimately support your opinion. The structuring is the same as in the second paragraph, with minute changes. The fourth paragraph is the conclusion of your essay and, just like the introduction, should be minimal. Summing up your essay with a statement supporting your opinion and overall idea is best advised.

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS

Score well on IELTS Nuclear Essay by understanding the Writing task 2 structure above. Add Brownie points for writing answers with facts, examples and evidence. For more related content, head on to LeapScholar blogs. Avail of one-on-one guidance from India’s top IELTS educators from the Leap Scholar Premium course.

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Frequently asked questions, 1. what are the pros and cons of nuclear power.

Ans: Nuclear energy is a widely used method of production of electricity. The benefits of nuclear technology and the main advantages of nuclear power are: a. No production of harmful gases that cause air pollution b. Clean source of energy c. Low cost of fuel d. Long-life once constructed e. A massive amount of energy produced f. Unlike most energy production methods, nuclear energy does not contribute to the increase in global warming

Disadvantages: a. Very high cost of construction of the facility. b. Waste produced is very toxic and requires proper and safe disposal, which is costly. c. If any accident happens, it can have a major impact on everyone and can be devastating. d. Mining of uranium 235, which is nuclear fuel, is very expensive.

2. Does Japan have a plan for dealing with its own nuclear waste problem?

Ans: As per the latest news and research, Japan does not have a proper nuclear waste dumping structure even after the Fukushima disaster in 2011. The Fukushima disaster was caused by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 and caused meltdowns and hydrogen explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor. It was the worst recorded nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Japan is said to have enough nuclear waste to create nuclear arsenals. In April 2021, Japan declared they would be dumping 1.2 million tonnes of nuclear waste into the sea. This is the same Japan that called the 1993 ocean dumping by Russia “extremely regrettable.” The discharges are bound to begin by 2023, and various legal proceedings and protests have been going on inside Japan against this inhuman decision that would destroy marine life.

3. How many countries have nuclear power plants?

Ans : Currently, 32 countries in the world possess nuclear power plants within their boundaries.

4. Why do people oppose nuclear power?

Ans: Opposition to nuclear power has been a long-standing issue. It is backed by a variety of reasons which are as follows:Nuclear waste is hard to dispose of, and improper disposal affects the radioactivity levels and can disrupt the normal life of people as well as animals. Nuclear technology is another concern of people as the usage of nuclear power plants leads to deeper research into the nuclear field. In today’s world, anything can be weaponised, and the threat of nuclear weapons is one of the drawbacks of nuclear power. This brings the threat of nuclear war and disruption of world peace. Any attack on nuclear power plants by terrorist organisations can result in a massive explosion that can disrupt and destroy human life and increase radioactivity to alarming levels around the site of the explosion.

5. What is the best way to dispose of nuclear waste?

Ans: Nuclear waste needs to be disposed of properly to prevent radioactive issues in the environment. The best methods to dispose of nuclear waste are as follows: a. Incineration : Radioactive waste can be incinerated in large scale incinerators with low production of waste. b. Deep burial: Nuclear waste can be buried deep into the ground as the radioactivity of nuclear waste wears off over time. This method is used for waste that is highly radioactive and will take a longer time to lose its radioactivity. c. Storage: Nuclear waste with low radioactivity is stored by some countries in storage. This is because their radioactive decay takes lesser time and can be disposed of safely once the radiation wears off.

6. Is it possible to produce electricity without using fossil fuels?

Ans: At the moment, 11% of the world’s electricity is produced by nuclear power plants alone. Replacing fossil fuel-based energy with renewable needs to be done gradually and properly. Renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, and wind will have to be promoted and pushed to create a sustainable future. Renewable energy sources provide cheap energy, do not use up natural resources and fossil fuels and are much cheaper to construct than a nuclear power station.

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Essay on Nuclear Energy in 500+ words for School Students 

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  • Dec 30, 2023

Essay on Nuclear Energy

Essay on Nuclear Energy: Nuclear energy has been fascinating and controversial since the beginning. Using atomic power to generate electricity holds the promise of huge energy supplies but we cannot overlook the concerns about safety, environmental impact, and the increase in potential weapon increase. 

The blog will help you to explore various aspects of energy seeking its history, advantages, disadvantages, and role in addressing the global energy challenge. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 History Overview
  • 2 Nuclear Technology 
  • 3 Advantages of Nuclear Energy
  • 4 Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
  • 5 Safety Measures and Regulations of Nuclear Energy
  • 6 Concerns of Nuclear Proliferation
  • 7 Future Prospects and Innovations of Nuclear Energy
  • 8 FAQs 

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History Overview

The roots of nuclear energy have their roots back to the early 20th century when innovative discoveries in physics laid the foundation for understanding atomic structure. In the year 1938, Otto Hahn, a German chemist and Fritz Stassman, a German physical chemist discovered nuclear fission, the splitting of atomic nuclei. This discovery opened the way for utilising the immense energy released during the process of fission. 

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Nuclear Technology 

Nuclear power plants use controlled fission to produce heat. The heat generated is further used to produce steam, by turning the turbines connected to generators that produce electricity. This process takes place in two types of reactors: Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). PWRs use pressurised water to transfer heat. Whereas, BWRs allow water to boil, which produces steam directly. 

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Advantages of Nuclear Energy

Let us learn about the positive aspects of nuclear energy in the following:

1. High Energy Density

Nuclear energy possesses an unparalleled energy density which means that a small amount of nuclear fuel can produce a substantial amount of electricity. This high energy density efficiency makes nuclear power reliable and powerful.

2. Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Unlike other traditional fossil fuels, nuclear power generation produces minimum greenhouse gas emissions during electricity generation. The low greenhouse gas emissions feature positions nuclear energy as a potential solution to weakening climate change.

3. Base Load Power

Nuclear power plants provide consistent, baseload power, continuously operating at a stable output level. This makes nuclear energy reliable for meeting the constant demand for electricity, complementing intermittent renewable sources of energy like wind and solar. 

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Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

After learning the pros of nuclear energy, now let’s switch to the cons of nuclear energy.

1. Radioactive Waste

One of the most important challenges that is associated with nuclear energy is the management and disposal of radioactive waste. Nuclear power gives rise to spent fuel and other radioactive byproducts that require secure, long-term storage solutions.

2. Nuclear Accidents

The two catastrophic accidents at Chornobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011 underlined the potential risks of nuclear power. These nuclear accidents can lead to severe environmental contamination, human casualties, and long-lasting negative perceptions of the technology. 

3. High Initial Costs

The construction of nuclear power plants includes substantial upfront costs. Moreover, stringent safety measures contribute to the overall expenses, which makes nuclear energy economically challenging compared to some renewable alternatives. 

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Safety Measures and Regulations of Nuclear Energy

After recognizing the potential risks associated with nuclear energy, strict safety measures and regulations have been implemented worldwide. These safety measures include reactor design improvements, emergency preparedness, and ongoing monitoring of the plant operations. Regulatory bodies, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the United States, play an important role in overseeing and enforcing safety standards. 

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Concerns of Nuclear Proliferation

The dual-use nature of nuclear technology raises concerns about the spread of nuclear weapons. The same nuclear technology used for the peaceful generation of electricity can be diverted for military purposes. International efforts, including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), aim to help the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy. 

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Future Prospects and Innovations of Nuclear Energy

The ongoing research and development into advanced reactor technologies are part of nuclear energy. Concepts like small modular reactors (SMRs) and Generation IV reactors aim to address safety, efficiency, and waste management concerns. Moreover, the exploration of nuclear fusion as a clean and virtually limitless energy source represents an innovation for future energy solutions. 

Nuclear energy stands at the crossroads of possibility and peril, offering the possibility of addressing the world´s growing energy needs while posing important challenges. Striking a balance between utilising the benefits of nuclear power and alleviating its risks requires ongoing technological innovation, powerful safety measures, and international cooperation. 

As we drive the complexities of perspective challenges of nuclear energy, the role of nuclear energy in the global energy mix remains a subject of ongoing debate and exploration. 

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Ans. Nuclear energy is the energy released during nuclear reactions. Its importance lies in generating electricity, medical applications, and powering spacecraft.

Ans. Nuclear energy is exploited from the nucleus of atoms through processes like fission or fusion. It is a powerful and controversial energy source with applications in power generation and various technologies. 

Ans. The five benefits of nuclear energy include: 1. Less greenhouse gas emissions 2. High energy density 3. Continuos power generation  4. Relatively low fuel consumption 5. Potential for reducing dependence on fossil fuels

Ans. Three important facts about nuclear energy: a. Nuclear fission releases a significant amount of energy. b. Nuclear power plants use controlled fission reactions to generate electricity. c. Nuclear fusion, combining atomic nuclei, is a potential future energy source.

Ans. Nuclear energy is considered best due to its low carbon footprint, high energy output, and potential to address energy needs. However, concerns about safety, radioactive waste, and proliferation risk are challenges that need careful consideration.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with educational and informative content expertise. She has hands-on experience in Education, Study Abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and analysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particularly in the education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs related to her field to expand her expertise further. In her personal life, she loves creative writing and aspires to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Nuclear Power and Society: Topic ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

Nuclear Power and Society: Topic ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

July 13, 2023 By Ben W

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In this tutorial, we discuss   nuclear power and society IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding nuclear power, topic specific vocabulary collocations and phrases, model sentences using the nuclear power phrases and conjunctions, model essay about nuclear power, speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

Nuclear power, a controversial yet pivotal topic, has significant implications for society. This article will explore the pros and cons of nuclear power, provide vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic, and offer model answers for IELTS-style questions.

Conjunctions are words that connect clauses or sentences. They include coordinating conjunctions such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’, ‘yet’, and ‘for’; and subordinating conjunctions like ‘although’, ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘unless’, and ‘while’.

  • Nuclear power is a reliable source of energy.
  • It has a lower carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels.
  • Nuclear power plants require less land than renewable energy sources.
  • It provides a significant contribution to the energy mix of many countries.
  • Nuclear power can meet large energy demands.
  • It has the potential for technological advancements and innovations.
  • Nuclear power can help countries achieve energy independence.
  • It can contribute to economic growth and job creation.
  • Nuclear power can be used for purposes other than electricity generation, such as medical treatments.
  • It can play a role in combating climate change.
  • Nuclear power plants can pose significant safety risks, including nuclear accidents.
  • The disposal of nuclear waste is a major environmental concern.
  • Nuclear power plants have high upfront costs for building and decommissioning.
  • There are concerns about nuclear weapons proliferation.
  • Nuclear power plants are not renewable and rely on finite resources.
  • construction times.
  • There are potential health risks for plant workers and local residents.
  • Public perception of nuclear power is generally negative.
  • Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to security threats.
  • Nuclear fission
  • Radiation exposure
  • Nuclear reactor
  • Uranium enrichment
  • Radioactive decay
  • Nuclear waste disposal
  • Thermal power
  • Control rods
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • Energy independence
  • Although nuclear fission provides a significant amount of energy, it also produces harmful radioactive waste.
  • While radiation exposure can be harmful, safety measures in nuclear power plants aim to minimise this risk.
  • Nuclear reactors are complex systems, and they require careful management and maintenance.
  • Uranium enrichment is a crucial process in the production of nuclear energy, but it also raises concerns about nuclear proliferation.
  • Radioactive decay is a natural process, yet it is harnessed in nuclear power plants to produce energy.
  • Because nuclear waste disposal is a significant challenge, research into safer and more efficient methods is ongoing.
  • Thermal power plants, including nuclear ones, contribute significantly to the global energy mix.
  • Control rods in a nuclear reactor regulate the fission process, and they are crucial for safety.
  • Although nuclear proliferation is a concern, international treaties and inspections aim to prevent it.
  • Energy independence can be achieved with nuclear power, but it requires significant investment and infrastructure.

Question: What are the implications of nuclear power for society, and how should it be managed?

Introduction: Nuclear power, a significant source of energy, has profound implications for society. It offers potential benefits such as energy independence and low greenhouse gas emissions, yet it also presents challenges like radioactive waste disposal and the risk of nuclear accidents.

Body Paragraph 1: On the positive side, nuclear power can contribute to energy independence. By harnessing the power of nuclear fission, countries can produce a large amount of energy from a small amount of uranium. This can reduce reliance on foreign energy sources and contribute to national security. Furthermore, nuclear power produces very low amounts of greenhouse gases, making it a cleaner energy source compared to fossil fuels. This can contribute to efforts to combat climate change.

Body Paragraph 2: However, nuclear power also presents significant challenges. The disposal of radioactive waste is a major environmental and health concern, and the risk of nuclear accidents, although low, can have devastating and long-lasting impacts. Furthermore, the construction and decommissioning of nuclear power plants require high initial investments, and the supply of uranium, which is used as fuel in nuclear reactors, is limited and non-renewable.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while nuclear power offers potential benefits, it also presents significant challenges. It is crucial that nuclear power is managed responsibly, with stringent safety measures, effective waste disposal methods, and careful consideration of the economic and environmental implications.

Question 1: Why is nuclear power a controversial issue? Answer: Nuclear power is a controversial issue mainly because of the risks associated with it. While it provides a significant amount of energy, the disposal of radioactive waste and the potential for nuclear accidents are major concerns. Furthermore, there are also concerns about nuclear weapons proliferation.

Question 2: Should countries invest more in nuclear power? Answer: This is a complex issue and depends on a variety of factors. On one hand, nuclear power can provide a stable source of energy and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, the challenges and risks associated with nuclear power, such as waste disposal and the potential for accidents, cannot be ignored.

Question 3: What are the alternatives to nuclear power? Answer: There are several alternatives to nuclear power, including renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. These sources are sustainable and have a much lower environmental impact compared to nuclear power. However, they also have their own challenges, such as variability and storage issues.

Question 4: How has the use of nuclear power changed over time? Answer: The use of nuclear power has changed significantly over time. In the early days of nuclear power, there was a lot of optimism about its potential, and many countries invested heavily in it. However, after several high-profile accidents, public opinion shifted, and many countries began to move away from nuclear power. Today, the debate continues, with some advocating for a nuclear renaissance, while others argue for a transition to renewable energy sources.

Question 5: Is nuclear power common in your country? Answer: In my country, nuclear power is not very common. While there are a few nuclear power plants, the majority of our energy comes from fossil fuels and renewable sources. However, there is ongoing debate about whether to invest more in nuclear power.

  • BBC: Climate change: Should we be scared of nuclear power?
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • World Nuclear Association
  • Wikipedia: Nuclear Power
  • U.S. Department of Energy: Office of Nuclear Energy

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nuclear energy essay question

Nuclear Energy is a Better Choice for Meeting Increasing Demand: IELTS Topic

If you’re on the route of an IELTS preparation journey, you must give some importance to the IELTS writing task 2 essay section too. This section can easily get you a band score of 7, 8 or 9 if you know how to write a perfect essay of all the types.

In this article, you will learn how to write an agree or disagree essay in IELTS Writing Task 2 .

Below is an agree or disagree essay topic “Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand”.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Nuclear Energy is a Better Choice for Meeting Increasing Demand

Sample one: nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand.

The word ‘global warming’ has had a huge effect on people’s minds with respect to the energy resources they use. Most nations are heavily dependent on fossil fuels for power production, even though they are very dangerous to our climate. As a result of climate change, many nations consider nuclear energy to be an effective solution to this issue and a good way to satisfy ever-increasing energy needs. To some point, I agree with this feeling.

Break the Paragraph: Agree or Disagree IELTS Writing Task 2 Question

On the one side, nuclear technology has many benefits over conventional energy sources. First of all, it’s a green energy source, so we don’t need to think about scarcity and reserve considerations. For example, once fossil fuels are non-renewable, the more easily we use them to die.

Secondly, nuclear energy is environmentally sustainable and releases no carbon dioxide material into the environment. It is more clean energy than conventional energy sources.

Lastly, atomic energy’s mass to energy generation is very high, which implies with a limited volume of atomic material we can generate enough electricity to lighten the whole region.

Also Read: How to Write Agree and Disagree Essays in IELTS? Tips to Write the Perfect Essay

Break the Paragraph: Agree or Disagree Question

To the opposite hand of the coin. It still has drawbacks, though. The substance of nuclear energy is a significant danger to any form of life on earth. Radioactive waves or radiation triggers dangerous illnesses, such as cancer, if not contained. Japan, for instance, was met with a tragedy after the waves hit one of the nuclear power plants in Fukushima.

As a consequence, there was a leakage in the facility, the region deemed to be a radioactive zone, culminating in a mass evacuation of natives from the region. But the region is still maintained as a quarantine area, meaning that no living things survive there. In comparison, the safety of nuclear power stations is very dangerous. Today, these kinds of installations are attacked by militants as nuclear weapons.

Break the Paragraph: Agree or Disagree IELTS Question

In summary, nuclear fusion is the only alternative to the energy deficiency that the earth is currently facing. It is also the ideal solution to the environmental issues that we are facing right now. While there are still certain drawbacks, proper service and creation of these types of facilities should be assured.

Sample Two: Nuclear Energy is a Better Choice for Meeting Increasing Demand

In today’s world, people are searching for an effective way to raise electricity consumption. Some people think that nuclear energy is a better option than fossil fuel. In my view, I am in favour of this claim.

Nuclear electricity has some advantages that other sources of energy do not have. Firstly, it is a renewable energy source, which ensures that it can be used to generate electricity without consuming scarce natural resources such as coal, oil or gas. As we all know, fossil fuels are being used at an unprecedented pace.

Second, it is safer than fossil fuel, in other terms, it will help us minimise the carbon content that induces global warming. Ultimately, the development of nuclear power will create more job possibilities and even make those technologies more effective for the industry.

Also Read: IELTS Essay in Writing Task 2: Here’s How to Organize it Well


Break the Paragraph: IELTS Writing Task 2 Agree or Disagree Question

There are, on the other hand, certain aspects against these claims. The sustainability of nuclear power is a big concern. It will be a tragedy once a dangerous crash occurs. Millions of people are going to be harmed or injured. In comparison, a nuclear power plant will occupy a large area, get rid of its own square, and nobody wants to live near it. Furthermore, the expense of constructing a nuclear power plant is high, and expensive investment would put a heavy economic strain on the country.

In addition, I agree with the assertion that nuclear technology can be used somewhat in some nations, such as some developing countries. Nevertheless, the country’s growth has been driven by technical and scientific developments, and the officials are required to boost the country’s global influence and increase the quality of living of people.

To write a perfect essay you must keep some points in mind. In agreeing or disagreeing essays, you must pick a side that is easy for you. You must support your answers with suitable examples which will impress the examiner while checking your essay. Do not bring your personal opinion or examples in your essay, as it is not appreciated at all.

For more topics of IELTS Writing Task 2, checkout the blog section of IELTS Ninja, one of the best online IELTS preparation portals.

Also Read: Importance of Art in Society: IELTS Essay Sample for IELTS Writing Task 2 Explained for Band 8


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nuclear energy essay question

This is such an important topic while one is preparing for the IELTS exam. And luckily, it is helping to me to know about it as I’m preparing for my exams. Such an amazing article. Loved the information! So helpful!

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Other stories, phd abroad with scholarship for indian students: top colleges, scholarships types & more, nuclear energy advantages and disadvantages: an important ielts writing task 2 topic.


Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

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Nuclear power and fuel cost, global warming and nuclear power, article annotation, works cited.

Nuclear power is the energy generated by use of Uranium. The energy is produced via complex chemical processes in the nuclear power stations. Major chemical reactions that involve the splitting of atom’s nucleus take place in the reactors. This process is known as fission (Klug and Davies 31-32). The first nuclear power station was established in 1956 in Cumbira, England. Nuclear energy provides about sixteen percent of the total earth’s energy requirements (Cohen ch. 2).

Nuclear plants take years to be built.The cost of buying, and building the reactors is way too high (Klug and Davies 31-32). The kinds of security installations done around the power plant are of high technology which is extremely costly. Managers of nuclear power plants would prefer claiming their returns at the commencement of the plants activities which describes the high cost of fuel. The claim is thought to include cost of installations and time taken to construct the nuclear plants.

Other reasons that could lead to high cost of fuel namely, Security measures, installation factors and safety measures (Klug and Davies 36). The safety measure gadgets are very expensive and are made by great technological experts. Another form of safety measure is availability of machine spare parts. This ensures frequent renewal and upgrading of the plant’s mechanical equipment and this is again very costly.

The main reason for such security is due to the danger that could be caused by exposure to the products of radioactivity. The main equipment that needs close check up is the reactor. Its installation is quite costly hence appropriate renewal of worn out parts is an option that should not to be overlooked.

In addition to these costs, the costs of containing the waste matter is also quite high (Cohen ch.11). Although many people think that investing in nuclear power is a costly event, I do not feel so because it is a worthy venture and one of the cleanest sources of energy.

Though it is not renewable, its establishment and good management could provide a perfect source of energy to the world at large . Nuclear energy production requires low fuel and once the plant is built the cost variables are minor. The Cost of doubling fuel or uranium cost in nuclear plants will only increase fuel cost by 9%. For other sources like coal and gas, doubling fuel prices will increase the fuel prices by 31% and 66% respectively (Cohen ch.9).

Global warming is caused by the effect of green house gases. These gases are carbon dioxide, methane, vapor and ozone. They are produced by burning fossil fuel. When the gases accumulate in the atmosphere they serve as a mirror in reflecting heat energy back to earth. The accumulation of these gases leads to increased temperature on earth’s atmosphere resulting into global warming (Klug and Davies 31-37).

Nuclear power should not at any instance be regarded as one of the causative effects of global warming. This is because it consumes carbon dioxide which is of the green house gases during energy production. Carbon dioxide is a major gas among the green house gases. Hence nuclear energy has provided a solution point for its disposal.

Nuclear energy should therefore be referred to as a cleaner rather than destroyer. It has also boosted the economy by creating a market for sale of carbon dioxide gas. Industries producing this gas can as well trade with nuclear power plants. When serious action is taken in trading this gas from various outlets to various nuclear plants, then a solution would be made on how to regulate global warming using nuclear power generation.

In addition to nuclear power generation, use of renewable energy would also help in countering global warming. Due to the increased need for electricity, more nuclear power plants should be built. These will provide enough market for carbon dioxide waste from other manufacturing industries.

Nuclear energy should be adopted in place of fossil fuel. This is because fossil fuels position’s the earth at a higher risk of global warming. The only task that would justify the use of nuclear energy is when the purpose of Uranium metal is not shifted to bomb production or nuclear weapon production. New adoptions and policies on how to prevent global warming should be implemented.

Barkan, Steven. Nuclear Power and Protest Movements. Social problems journal Vol. 27.1(1979):11-36.Print.

Steve Barkan, a retired article writer basically points out people’s views that have been influenced by environmental degradation. The people have turned more attention to nuclear energy technology as a means of addressing the problem. Barkan’s article examines people’s opinion on nuclear energy. Those against the notion of nuclear energy as a source of energy believe that carbon dioxide emissions mostly emanate from nuclear power and not renewable energy.

These people’s arguments are based on the argument that high grade ores will get depleted hence low grade ores which produce carbon dioxide will be used with no installation of advanced reactor equipment.

In addition the opponents say that nuclear waste makes the environment susceptible to harm in the future, but they fail to point out that long lived constituents or radioactive elements give off small portion of radioactivity. The opponents also fail to mention any person that could have been harmed as a result of using fuel from power plants.

Another argument is that high cost of nuclear plant management has resulted to increased cost of fuel. In this case, they fail to note that the cost of electricity from nuclear energy is cheaper than most sources. Barkan also brings out the contrasting issue of terrorist attack whom the anti nuclear group argues that could cause melt down of ore. He responds by saying that high level of technological security would not allow access of such suicidal sabotage.

Nuclear energy is more affordable to produce than coal energy. It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide. Instead, the carbon dioxide is used in the process to remove heat from the system. In this case carbon dioxide does not act as a byproduct rather it serves a positive purpose by being utilized. In addition its usage, nuclear energy produces less waste. It does contribute to neither environmental hazards nor green house effect like coal.

Nuclear energy is reliable and produces large amount of energy from less fuel. The negative effect lies on the risks that are associated with nuclear plants especially accidents and suicidal terrorists. These could cause extremely deadly effects and scars that can never be erased. Only good management and high technological security can assist in nullifying such fateful occurrences.

Nuclear power reactors should not be built in politically unstable regions. Political instability results in war and negative effects on the economy. For instance war prone areas are susceptible to attacks by terrorists which could result in detrimental effects. There is need for effective safety policy to be implemented that will address the following factors namely, climate change, security of power plants, safety, energy security and proliferation of nuclear technologies. This is because such proliferations would result in nuclear bomb.

Cohen, Benard. The Nuclear Energy Option . Plenum Press.1990.

Klug, Aaron & Davies, David. Nuclear Energy; The Future Climate. Norway: The Royal Society (1999):11-65.Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 17). Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages. https://ivypanda.com/essays/nuclear-power/

"Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages." IvyPanda , 17 Oct. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/nuclear-power/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages'. 17 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages." October 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/nuclear-power/.

1. IvyPanda . "Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages." October 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/nuclear-power/.


IvyPanda . "Nuclear Power Advantages and Disadvantages." October 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/nuclear-power/.

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Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

Looking for samples of Nuclear Power Essay IELTS Click here for tips on how you can write an essay in writing task 2 find out examples for reference!

8/25/2023 3 min read

nuclear energy essay question

Nuclear power has been a subject of both fascination and controversy since its inception. As the global energy landscape evolves, the role of nuclear power in providing clean and sustainable energy solutions has come into focus. In this essay, we will explore the latest samples and perspectives on nuclear power in the context of IELTS Writing Task 2. From its benefits to its potential drawbacks, we'll delve into various aspects to provide a comprehensive overview.


Nuclear power, often hailed as a promising solution to the world's energy needs, involves harnessing the energy released during nuclear reactions to generate electricity. As the demand for clean energy sources rises, the examination of nuclear power's advantages, challenges, and its potential role in shaping our energy future becomes crucial.

Understanding Nuclear Power

What is nuclear power.

Nuclear power is a form of energy obtained by altering the structure of atomic nuclei through nuclear reactions. The most common nuclear reaction involves splitting the nucleus of an atom, a process known as nuclear fission.

The Science Behind Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear reactions release an immense amount of energy in the form of heat. This heat is used to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators, ultimately producing electricity.

Advantages of Nuclear Power

Low greenhouse gas emissions.

Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power generation produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions. This characteristic makes it a potentially valuable tool in mitigating climate change.

High Energy Output

Nuclear reactions release a vast amount of energy from a small amount of fuel, resulting in high energy output compared to other energy sources.

Continuous Power Generation

Nuclear power plants can operate continuously for long periods without interruption, providing a stable source of electricity to the grid.

Challenges of Nuclear Power

Radioactive waste management.

One of the most significant challenges is the proper disposal of radioactive waste generated during nuclear reactions. Long-term storage solutions are essential to prevent environmental contamination.

Safety Concerns

Safety is a primary concern with nuclear power. Accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima have raised questions about the reliability of safety measures in nuclear facilities.

High Initial Costs

Building and commissioning nuclear power plants require substantial upfront investment, which can deter many countries from adopting this technology.

Nuclear Power and the Environment

Comparison with fossil fuels.

Nuclear power's low emissions make it a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels like coal and oil, which are major contributors to air pollution and global warming.

Mitigating Climate Change

The consistent power output of nuclear plants can contribute significantly to reducing the use of fossil fuels, thus helping in the fight against climate change.

Global Perspective on Nuclear Power

Leading nuclear energy producers.

Countries like the United States, China, and Russia are leading producers of nuclear energy, contributing to a substantial portion of their electricity generation.

International Regulations and Agreements

International bodies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) play a critical role in setting standards and guidelines for the safe use of nuclear power globally.

Nuclear Safety Measures

Design of nuclear reactors.

Modern reactor designs incorporate passive safety features that can help prevent or mitigate accidents without human intervention.

Emergency Protocols

Nuclear power plants have strict emergency protocols in place to ensure rapid responses to any unforeseen situations, minimizing the potential for widespread disasters.

The Future of Nuclear Power

Advanced reactor technologies.

Research into advanced reactor designs aims to enhance safety, reduce waste, and make nuclear energy more accessible.

Fusion as a Clean Energy Source

Fusion, the process that powers the sun, holds immense promise as a clean and virtually limitless energy source, although practical implementation remains a challenge.

Public Opinion and Nuclear Power

Addressing misconceptions.

Public perception often includes misconceptions about nuclear power's safety and environmental impact. Education and accurate information dissemination are crucial in addressing these concerns.

Building Public Trust

Transparency in operations, rigorous safety standards, and community engagement are vital in building public trust and acceptance of nuclear power projects.

Nuclear Power and Developing Countries

Energy security and economic growth.

For developing countries, nuclear power can provide a reliable energy source, reducing dependence on imports and fostering economic development.

Capacity Building Challenges

However, establishing nuclear infrastructure requires substantial resources, technical expertise, and stringent regulatory frameworks.

Nuclear power stands at a crossroads in the global pursuit of sustainable energy. Its potential to generate large amounts of clean energy comes with significant challenges that need to be addressed collectively. As technology advances and safety measures improve, nuclear power could play a pivotal role in shaping a greener future.

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Nuclear Power Essays

by Edgars (Basel, CH)

nuclear energy essay question

Hi Edgard,

I have reviewed your essay, and I have some comments about the organization. First, you wrote many examples in the introduction which made it very long intro. Second, do not include your opinion in the body paragraph as you did at third paragraph.

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Apr 29, 2016

Very well mannered
Jul 16, 2018

How can I have my writing check here?

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Nuclear Technology

by Long (hong kong )

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? the innovation of unclear technology has brought human being into a new world. some people believe its advantages over the disadvantages. however, i have different view on it. doubtlessly, the advances of nuclear technology benefit people in many ways. the invention of nuclear generator provides thousand times electricity than the traditional one does. also, instead of burning fossil fuel, it emits no carbon dioxide to the surroundings, which is recognised as the only solution to solve global warming and continuously supplies adequate power. besides, nuclear weapons are powerful defences to against terrorist activities. although the nuclear energy generation can eases the energy crisis all over the world, it is highly hazardous not only to nearby citizens but also nations. last year, the tsunami destroyed nuclear plant in Japan and caused massive reactant leakage. this accident contaminated nearby water region, even countries over the pacific ocean are affected. countless kinds of species are mutated, which the harmful consequences are still unknown. the incident poses serious threat to all organisms. furthermore, countries are competing to hold as much nuclear weapons as possible. they claim that such weapons are simply for security purpose. however, the total amount of nuclear weapons is more than enough to destroy the entire world several times. in my opinion, it is questionable that maintaining national peace by such scary weapons. on a whole, nuclear technology is beneficial to mankind especially on energy issue. meanwhile, it also poses life-threatening hazards to all species. i doubt about the worthiness of risking people's lives to obtain temporary merits. Please comment on my benefits of nuclear power essay

I proofread IELTS essay. For those interested kindly comment here :)
May 11, 2018

When starting a paragraph start with a capital letter and not small, for instance you started "the innovation" instead of "The innovation" "doubtless" instead of "Doubtless".

Jul 04, 2019

Are the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages! I think that is a seriouse question.So ,We need to think carefully and invistage both the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power in oder to give an accurate helpful answer here.

First of all .Nuclear teachnology could be a great result of the dedicated scienticfic efforts in that domain .Specially when it is used in peaceful ways .If we use it in gnerating electricity .Or ,for example to run factories and lighten organisation .

However ,It can be a double edged weapon .Clearly ,the results of Heroshima and Nagasaki Catastroph are still evident until our days .It affected the shape of all people that lived in those areas in a specific way .In addition to, the distortions of the human genes .

Even If ,some people said that it decreases the carbon dioxide print .I would rather look at the mass desctruction such nuclear wars can bring to our world .No wonder it may destroy our planet in no time .
I'm not against the nuclear technology at all .On the contorary ,I'm for its peaceful uses that can bring peace ,welfare and prosperity for humanity .It may oneday be able to cure wicked dideases like cancer or diabetes .who knows !neveretheless ,I think that disadvantages of nuclear would far outweigh its benefits as long as we dont have guarantees about its use .In conclusion Peace and safety of humnaity and the planet earth comes first .

Benefits of Nuclear Technology Essay

by Raj (kolkata)

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace and nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? As being the prominent and one of the most powerful technique, Administrative bodies of across the globe utilizes nuclear technology for its own benefits. Although, nuclear weapons are one of the most integral parts of maintaining world’s peace, however policy makers debate whether the advantages of nuclear technology surpass the disadvantages. Mainly, because of its benefits such as public protection and cheap energy sources, clears the air why advantages of using nuclear technology way outweigh the disadvantages. Nuclear technology presents a vital role for public protection since it has the direct correlation with the safety with citizens all over the world. To clarify this, many strong and powerful countries like USA, Russia, India and China have nuclear weapons made from nuclear technology and utilize this whenever a very dangerous and harmful war happens between countries to save its own people. For example, in 1965, in China-India war, India utilized nuclear atom against China to shield its people. It can be also used for producing various energies, which plays beneficial role for human’s life. It helps to generate cheap and clean energy. For example, in the year of 1998, Russia manufactured cold water refinement energy, which helps to clean and cold water to its citizens with very low-cost money. Although disadvantage such as explosion with the misuse of nuclear technology, however its use as public protection and useful source for energy surpassing all of its disadvantages. In future, Governments from all across the world should need to utilize more nuclear technology in a correct way to explore more benefits for human beings with keeping in mind, that any misuse must be avoided.

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Nuclear Power Essay

by Supreet (Canada)

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is believed that nuclear armaments make the world a safe place and the nuclear energy is inexpensive and environment friendly source of energy. I strongly believe that merits of nuclear technology are much more than its demerits. In this essay, firstly we will discuss about how nuclear energy sources are more useful and environmentalist and secondly, we will discuss how production of nuclear energy emits hazardous waste. To begin with, one of the main advantages is that nuclear energy is a clean energy as it does not release any harmful gases into the atmosphere. To discuss this point, nuclear energy reduces the emission of green house gases rather than fossil fuels which will further decrease risk of the global warming and thus, creates a pollution free environment. For example, In India, many new nuclear projects have been launched in last month. Secondly, nuclear technology plays a vital role for public protection. To elucidate it further, some countries like USA, Russia have nuclear arsenals made from nuclear technology which will help them to protect their own countries citizens whenever there is a war. For instance, in 1965, in China-India war, India utilized nuclear atom against China to shield its people. As a result, nuclear energy can bring a lot of benefits to people globally. On the other hand, generating nuclear power does not emit harmful greenhouse gases in the air however, it does create hazardous waste. To elaborate it further, the waste produced by nuclear energy stays for thousands of years and hence, accumulation of hazardous nuclear waste can lead many problems to the environment. An example here would be, in India the government is taking measures to remove all the dangerous waste generated by nuclear energy. To conclude, nuclear technology is more beneficial to mankind. Although, its manufacturing can lead to many environmental problems. Thus, we should always consider its advantages and disadvantages before taking any step.

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