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French degrees, LMD system and equivalences

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  • How to enrol in a Doctorate
  • How to finance your Doctorat (PhD)
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  • FAQ – Doing my Doctorate in France

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système LMD harmonisation diplômes

French higher education has adopted the LMD system. Most degrees that it awards also give ECTS credits that are recognised by many countries in the European Union and around the world.

Degrees standardised with the LMD reform and credits

The three-level organisation of post-secondary education is shared by most countries in the European Union; in France, meaning licence-master-doctorat (Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate) , or the LMD system. This system standardises the levels and organises recognition of the degrees in the different countries. It makes educational mobility easier in Europe and elsewhere.

French degree system LMD

LMD degrees are obtained by successfully completing a certain number of semesters from the time of entry in the higher education programme. Each semester awards up to 30 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) credits that are valid in, and can be transferred to other countries.

A Bachelor's requires successful completion of six semesters, resulting in 180 ECTS credits. An additional four semesters are required to obtain a Master's, with an additional 120 ECTS credits. A Doctorate is awarded after successful completion of sixteen semesters and awards a total of 480 ECTS credits in a minimum of eight years of studies starting from the first year of the Bachelor's programme.

Degrees recognised and guaranteed by the French government

The value of a French higher education diploma is guaranteed by the State when it's a French diploma, a degree certified by the French Ministry of Education ("diplôme visé") or titles registered on the RNCP (French Directory of Professional Certifications).  

For various "Grandes Ecoles" and business/engineering schools, the quality of training and diplomas may also be certified by independent organisations issuing accreditations or labels.

Equivalences between French and foreign degrees

Each establishment defines its own admission criteria, according to the student's background and the programme requirements. Only the host establishment is authorised to accept or refuse an applicant. Mutual agreements to recognise degrees may nonetheless make requests for equivalence easier.

The ENIC-NARIC centre may provide an attestation certifying to the French value of a degree obtained from a foreign educational system. This attestation does not constitute an equivalence in and of itself, but some institutes of higher education require it. The procedure costs 70 Euros per request.

The ENIC-NARIC European network also lets you certify the value for your country of the years you spent studying in France.

tour eiffel

Certifying professional experience

There are several structures that certify professional experience with the aim of enrolling in training or certifying a degree, diploma or level of qualification.

There are two distinct procedures : VAP 85 and VAE. The first enables direct access to training following certification of past experience. The second awards all or part of a degree by certifying the applicant's skills and knowledge.

The applicant must submit a dossier to a jury. In practice, these structures are frequently used by French higher education institutes to determine the level of an applicant with respect to the requirements of the programmes they provide.

Related contents

étudiant université copie professeur amphithéâtre

  • Know more about equivalencies of diplomas

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The French higher education system

université batiment Paris 6

In France there are more than 3,500 public and private institutes of higher education. Universities, Grandes Ecoles and schools of art or architecture: there is a wide choice for foreign students who want to study in France.

The universities: higher education for all

Universities receive 75% of the foreign students who choose France for their post-secondary education. These public institutes of higher education are financed by the French State. Located all around France, the universities confer national degrees (Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate) that all have the same academic value.

Everyone who has a high school diploma or equivalent can enrol in first year. Science, literature, languages, arts, humanities, medicine and sport: university programmes cover all of the areas of learning and research.

The Grandes Ecoles: the French culture of excellence

20% of foreign students are enrolled in a programme in the Grandes Ecoles. Écoles Normales Supérieures (ENS - Institutes of Advanced Education), Instituts d’Etudes Politiques (IEP - Political Science Institutes), engineering schools, business and management schools , veterinary schools and a few others, these Grandes Ecoles are public and private institutes of higher education recognised by the French State . They confer degrees for 5 years of undergraduate studies, and some award the title of Master. Much of the training is provided in English (browse the Programs taught in English ).

Admission to the Grandes Ecoles is very selective. It is based on a competitive entry exam after two years of preparatory classes, with an appropriate degree or directly after high school for schools that have an integrated preparatory programme. Tuition and fees are higher than for university.

Specialised schools and institutes: specific programmes

Nearly 3,000 public and private institutes of higher education offer courses in specific sectors such as healthcare, audio-visual, communication, journalism, fashion and design, agronomy, political science, etc.

These institutes confer degrees and certificates that may or may not be recognised by the State. Admission to these specialised schools and institutes is based on a competitive entry exam or the applicant's file. Studies there generally last two to five years.

Schools of art, applied arts and national schools of architecture

To discover the training programmes offered in schools of art and aplied arts as well as those offered by the national schools of architecture (ENSA), please consult the following page: Arts studies

French degrees, LMD system and equivalences

French higher education has adopted the LMD system. Most degrees that it awards also give ECTS credits that are recognised by many countries in the European Union and around the world.

Degrees standardised with the LMD reform and credits

The three-level organisation of post-secondary education is shared by most countries in the European Union; in France, it is called the licence-master-doctorat system (Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate) , or the LMD system. This system standardises the levels and organises recognition of the degrees in the different countries. It makes educational mobility easier in Europe and elsewhere.

LMD degrees are obtained by successfully completing a certain number of semesters from the time of entry in the higher education system. Each semester awards up to 30 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) credits that are valid in, and can be transferred to other countries.

Schéma de l'enseignement supérieur français (système LMD)

A Bachelor's ( Licence ) requires successful completion of six semesters, resulting in 180 ECTS credits. An additional four semesters are required to obtain a Master's, with an additional 120 ECTS credits. A Doctorate is awarded after successful completion of sixteen semesters and awards a total of 480 ECTS credits in a minimum of eight years of studies starting from the first year of the Bachelor's programme.

Degrees recognised and guaranteed by the French government

The value of a French higher education diploma is guaranteed by the State when it's a French diploma, a degree certified by the French Ministry of Education (" diplôme visé ") or titles registered on the RNCP (French Directory of Professional Certifications).

For some "Grandes Ecoles" and business/engineering schools, the quality of training and diplomas may also be certified by independent organisations issuing accreditations or labels.  

Equivalences between French and foreign degrees

Each establishment defines its own admission criteria, according to the student's background and the programme requirements. Only the host establishment is authorised to accept or refuse an applicant. Mutual agreements to recognise degrees may nonetheless make requests for equivalence easier.

The ENIC-NARIC centre may provide an attestation certifying to the French, the value of a degree obtained from a foreign educational system. This attestation does not constitute an equivalence in and of itself, but some institutes of higher education require it. The procedure costs 70 Euros per request.

The ENIC-NARIC European network also lets you certify the value for your country of the years you spent studying in France.

Certifying professional experience

There are several structures that certify professional experience with the aim of enrolling in training or certifying a degree, diploma or level of qualification.

There are two distinct procedures : VAP 85 and VAE. The first enables direct access to training following certification of past experience. The second awards all or part of a degree by certifying the applicant's skills and knowledge.

The applicant must submit a dossier to a jury. In practice, these structures are frequently used by French higher education institutes to determine the level of an applicant with respect to the requirements of the programmes they provide.

Articles recommandés

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French Education Bursaries

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Bursary Application for Post-secondary Education in French

Demande de bourse pour études postsecondaires en français.

* Indicates a required field / Indique un champ obligatoire

  • All SFU students (including students in the Teacher Education Program) must apply directly to the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA) / Les étudiants de SFU (incluant ceux inscrits dans un programme d'éducation) doivent présenter leur demande directement au Bureau des Affaires francophones et francophiles (BAFF)
  • UBC Teacher Education Office
  • UBC-Okanagan Campus
  • UVIC Curriculum and Instruction

The French Education Branch corresponds with candidates in French by default. Please check the box below if you would like us to correspond with you in English. Le Bureau de l'éducation en français correspond avec les candidats en français par défaut. Cochez la boîte ci-dessous si vous préférez que nous communiquions avec vous en anglais.

English / anglais

Please complete the remainder of this form in the language that you have selected above. Veuillez compléter les informations suivantes dans la langue que vous avez choisi ci-dessous.

I confirm that I will have been living in British Columbia for at least 12 consecutive months as of the day before my first day of the course in question (not including time spent outside of the province to pursue post-secondary education).*

J’atteste que j’aurai résidé en Colombie-Britannique pendant une période d’au moins 12 mois consécutifs se terminant la veille du premier jour prévu des études (sans compter le temps passé en dehors de la province pour poursuivre des études postsecondaires).*

I understand that the total value of this bursary must not exceed the total costs incurred to undertake the course or training program.*

Je comprends que la valeur totale de cette bourse ne peut pas excéder le total des coûts encourus pour suivre le cours ou la formation.*

I authorize the French Education Branch of the Ministry of Education and Child Care to confirm my registration or completion of the above-mentioned course(s)/program, and/or the amount of tuition fees paid with the post-secondary institution that offered the course.*

J'autorise le Bureau de l’éducation en français du ministère de l'Éducation et des Services à la petite enfance à confirmer mon inscription ou ma participation au cours/programme mentionné ci-dessus, ainsi que les frais de scolarité payés auprés de l'institution postsecondaire qui a offert le cours.*

I declare that the information given above is complete and true, to the best of my knowledge.*

Je déclare que, à ma connaissance, les renseignements fournis ci-dessus sont complets et véridiques.*

Collection and Use of Information Personal information provided on this application form is collected pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , RSBC 1996, c. 165, as amended. The information collected will be used solely for the purpose of program administration. Should you have any questions about the collection, retention or destruction of this information please contact the Coordinator, French Education, Ministry of Education, phone: 250-896-4310

By clicking on 'submit', you are agreeing to the above " Collection and Use of Information ".

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  • Maurice Nzoyamara
  • Lee Trowbridge
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  • Dominic Demers
  • Yulia Kudryakova
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  • Ma langue, c'est ma fierté !
  • Carte des services en français
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post secondary education en francais

Following an inventory conducted in 2019 and an initial study conducted in 2021, the Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL) has been coordinating a project since January 2023 that aims to provide Newfoundland and Labrador with a genuine post-secondary education and continuing education capacity in French in the 3 areas of lifelong learning: formal, non-formal and informal learning.

Since january 2023, this project has brought together 11 key organisations with an interest in post-secondary education and continuing education in french in newfoundland and labrador, including the two public post-secondary institutions, memorial university of newfoundland and the college of north atlantic..

post secondary education en francais

The roundtable on post-secondary education and continuing education in French in Newfoundland and Labrador is made up of the following organisations:

Association communautaire francophone de Saint-Jean (ACFSJ) Association francophone du Labrador (AFL ) Association régionale de la Côte Ouest (ARCO) Canadian Parents for French NL (CPF NL) Centre Petite Enfance et Famille Les P'tits cerfs-Volants (CPEF) College of the North Atlantic (CNA) Conseil scolaire francophone provincial (CSFP) Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL) Franco-Jeunes Horizon TNL Memorial University of Newfoundland The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, through representatives of the Department of Education and the Office of French Language Services, sits as an associate member.

Framework Agreement

This partnership agreement establishes the terms and conditions between the member associations and organizations of the Table de concertation de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador (T.-N.-L.) for the provision of post-secondary education and continuing education services in French in Newfoundland and Labrador. This collaboration will take effect upon signature of this document and will be valid until June 30, 2024.

Download the framework agreement

post secondary education en francais

Member associations and organizations

post secondary education en francais

Founded in 1997, CNA's mission is to provide high-quality, career-focused post-secondary education and training to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador and beyond. CNA offers a wide range of certificate, diploma and degree programs in fields such as business, engineering technology, health sciences, natural resources and social sciences.

post secondary education en francais

Founded in 1925, MUN's mission is to provide high quality education and research that contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of Newfoundland and Labrador. MUN offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as the arts, business, education, engineering, medicine, music, science and social work.

post secondary education en francais

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, represented by the Honourable Sarah Stoodley (center left), Minister of Digital Government and Service NL and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs, and the Honourable Krysta Lynn Howell (center right), Minister of Education, hosted the Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL) on February 29, 2024, to discuss the issues and challenges facing post-secondary and continuing education in French in NL.

On this occasion, the FFTNL presented the 2024-2029 business plan on which nine of the province's francophone organizations have been working for the past year, in close collaboration with Memorial University of Newfoundland  and the College of the North Atlantic , Newfoundland and Labrador's two public post-secondary institutions.

Press review

Réseau des cégeps et des collèges francophones du canada - actualités  (march 3rd, 2024), le franco tnl - n°78 (decembre 1st, 2023), le gaboteur (novembre 20, 2023), bilan du 30e congrès annuel du rccfc - rccfc (novembre 14, 2023), francité - ensemble en français (novembre 1st, 2023), acufc (decembre 3rd, 2020).

post secondary education en francais

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▾ Dictionnaire anglais-français

Exemples :, post-secondary education n —, post-secondary degree n —, post-secondary school n —, post-secondary level n —, voir également :, post gb n —, post n —, post gb v —, secondary adj —, post prép —, post sth. v —, ▾ sources externes (non révisées).

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[...] schools to nati ation. [...] établissements d'ense pays a donc [...]
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[...] is to pro tiary level) [...] [...] [...] enseignem ement tertiaire) [...]
[...] have university-level qualifications, although they have o ifications or equivalent experience. [...] d'un certain âge n'on fications de niveau universitaire bien qu'ils aient effectivement alifications [...] [...]
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[...] #79: Funding th careers [...] [...] [...] destiné au tsecondaire [...] [...]
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[...] secondary school education and those who graduated ol were least likely to smoke on a daily or occasional basis. [...] diplôme d'é lles ayant obtenu un diplôme postsecondaire sont moins susceptibles de fumer de façon quotidienne [...]
[...] education' means programmes of study, training or training for research at l provided by universities or other educational establishments that are [...] [...] [...] [...] recherche assu eau postsecondaire par des établissements universitaires ou d'autres établissement éés comme établissement érieur [...] [...]
[...] reach the stag entation, filtering [...] [...] la f ration [...]
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s such as waste oil or waste tyres.
  • Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus.
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  • Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange.
  • La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité.

Traduction post-secondary | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

post secondary education en francais


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-secondary education -secondaire
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post-modern , post- , post-holder , postcode


The station planned to offer educational programming at a post-secondary level. La station prévoyait d'offrir une programmation éducative au niveau postsecondaire.
Shelina is a published writer and has taught at the post-secondary level. Shelina est une écrivaine publiée et a enseigné au niveau postsecondaire.
Students enrolled in a recognized secondary or post-secondary educational institution. Tout étudiant inscrit dans un établissement d'enseignement secondaire ou post-secondaire reconnu.
The Caisse also pays out scholarships to secondary and post-secondary students. La Caisse accorde également des bourses aux niveaux secondaire et post-secondaire.
Intimate knowledge of French immersion at the post-secondary level. Connaissances approfondies de l'immersion française au niveau post secondaire.
A quarter of respondents to the survey are from the post-secondary sector. Un quart des répondants de l'enquête proviennent du secteur postsecondaire.

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post-secondary translation | English-French dictionary

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-secondary education -secondaire
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post-modern , post- , post-holder , postcode


The station planned to offer educational programming at a post-secondary level. La station prévoyait d'offrir une programmation éducative au niveau postsecondaire.
Shelina is a published writer and has taught at the post-secondary level. Shelina est une écrivaine publiée et a enseigné au niveau postsecondaire.
Students enrolled in a recognized secondary or post-secondary educational institution. Tout étudiant inscrit dans un établissement d'enseignement secondaire ou post-secondaire reconnu.
The Caisse also pays out scholarships to secondary and post-secondary students. La Caisse accorde également des bourses aux niveaux secondaire et post-secondaire.
Intimate knowledge of French immersion at the post-secondary level. Connaissances approfondies de l'immersion française au niveau post secondaire.
A quarter of respondents to the survey are from the post-secondary sector. Un quart des répondants de l'enquête proviennent du secteur postsecondaire.

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Traduction de "post-secondary" en français

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Résultats: 6402 . Exacts: 6402 . Temps écoulé: 111 ms.

post secondary education en francais


  1. Post-Secondary Education: Q&A Session

    post secondary education en francais

  2. French school system infografic

    post secondary education en francais

  3. National Strategies For E-Learning In Post-Secondary Education And

    post secondary education en francais

  4. This graphic will help you to better understand the educational system

    post secondary education en francais

  5. What is Post-Secondary Education? Post-Secondary Education

    post secondary education en francais

  6. What Is Post Secondary Education

    post secondary education en francais


  1. post-secondary education

    de l'Etat et/ou en vertu de systèmes reconnus d'homologation. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "post-secondary education" - Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.

  2. The French education system

    The French education system is characterised by a strong State presence in the organisation and funding of education. On a national level, it is governed by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in a general framework set by the legislator, which, according to the Constitution, "lays ...

  3. Education in France

    Education in France is organized in a highly centralized manner, with many subdivisions. [ 1] It is divided into the three stages of primary education ( enseignement primaire ), secondary education ( enseignement secondaire ), and higher education ( enseignement supérieur ). Two year olds do not start primary school, they start preschool.

  4. French degrees, LMD system and equivalences

    The three-level organisation of post-secondary education is shared by most countries in the European Union; in France, meaning licence-master-doctorat (Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate), or the LMD system. This system standardises the levels and organises recognition of the degrees in the different countries.

  5. Établissements d'enseignement supérieur en France

    The three-level organisation of post-secondary education is shared by most countries in the European Union; in France, it is called the licence-master-doctorat system (Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate), or the LMD system. This system standardises the levels and organises recognition of the degrees in the different countries.

  6. Traduction post secondary education en Français

    traduction post secondary education dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'post, command post, fence post, frontier post', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques ... FR. English Français Deutsch Español Italiano Português. À propos de Reverso Reverso pour les entreprises Newsletter Contactez-nous.

  7. Traduction post-secondary education en Français

    The socialist answer to post-secondary education is that it should be free. Les socialistes répliquent que l'enseignement postsecondaire devrait être gratuit. The second element of the proposed plan concerns post-secondary education. Le deuxième élément du plan que nous proposons touche l'enseignement postsecondaire.


    English French Exemples contextuels de "post-secondary education" en Français . Ces phrases proviennent de sources externes et peuvent ne pas être tout à fait correctes. décline toute responsabilité vis-à-vis de leurs contenus.

  9. Bursary Application for Post-secondary Education in French

    Veuillez compléter les informations suivantes dans la langue que vous avez choisi ci-dessous. B. PROGRAM INFORMATION. Please submit a separate application for each academic year Post-secondary Institution /. Institution postsecondaire. Dates of attendance. for bursary year /. From (yyyy-mm-dd) /. de (aaaa-mm-jj) *. Dates de fréquentation pour.

  10. post secondary

    Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: post secondary, post-secondary adj (education: tertiary) (Éducation) du supérieur loc adj (Can)postsecondaire adj: Note: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun: The scheme is intended to address the specific needs of post-secondary students.

  11. Post-Secondary Education and Continuing Education in French

    Following an inventory conducted in 2019 and an initial study conducted in 2021, the Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL) has been coordinating a project since January 2023 that aims to provide Newfoundland and Labrador with a genuine post-secondary education and continuing education capacity in French in the 3 areas of lifelong learning: formal, non-formal and ...

  12. post-secondary education

    EN FR. Translate text Translate files Improve your writing Dictionary English-French. post-secondary education noun — études ... engaging enough young people in post-secondary education.1 Post-secondary education plays an increasingly important role in helping individuals attain social and economic success. ...

  13. post-secondary

    De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "post-secondary" - Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.

  14. Secondary education in France

    The collège is the first level of secondary education in the French educational system.A pupil attending collège is called collégien (boy) or collégienne (girl). Men and women teachers at the collège- and lycée-level are called professeur (no official feminine professional form exists in France although the feminine form "professeure" has appeared and seems to be gaining some ground in ...

  15. post-secondary school diploma

    fathers have a high school leav ing certificate. Half of these also ha ve a post secondary diploma or d egree. La moitié des mères et des. [...] pères poss èdent un diplôme d'études secondaires et la moitié d'entre eux détie nnent un diplôme d'études su périeures.

  16. Traduction de "post-secondary education" en français

    I suggest that a ministry of post-secondary education be created. Je propose la création d'un ministère de l'enseignement postsecondaire. In this regard, I have a question regarding post-secondary education. À ce sujet, j'ai une question concernant l'éducation postsecondaire.

  17. post-secondary education in French

    Translation of "post-secondary education" into French . enseignement postsecondaire, éducation postsecondaire, études postsecondaires are the top translations of "post-secondary education" into French. Sample translated sentence: The smallest difference (2 percentage points) is for those with post secondary education. ↔ L'écart le plus faible - de 2 points de pourcentage - est celui ...

  18. post-secondary

    Translation of "post-secondary" in French. The station planned to offer educational programming at a post-secondary level. La station prévoyait d'offrir une programmation éducative au niveau postsecondaire. Shelina is a published writer and has taught at the post-secondary level. Shelina est une écrivaine publiée et a enseigné au niveau ...

  19. Traduction de "post secondary" en français

    Traduction de "post secondary" en français. Vocational courses are also held at secondary and post secondary compulsory level of education. Les cours professionnels sont également donnés au niveau d'éducation secondaire et postsecondaire obligatoire. University is the only post secondary institution that offers a bright future.

  20. Traduction post-secondary en Français

    Dictionnaire Collaboratif Anglais-Français. post-secondary education. n. enseignement post-secondaire. "post-secondary" : exemples et traductions en contexte. The station planned to offer educational programming at a post-secondary level. La station prévoyait d'offrir une programmation éducative au niveau postsecondaire.

  21. post-secondary translation in French

    post-secondary. n. The station planned to offer educational programming at a post-secondary level. La station prévoyait d'offrir une programmation éducative au niveau postsecondaire. Shelina is a published writer and has taught at the post-secondary level. Shelina est une écrivaine publiée et a enseigné au niveau postsecondaire.

  22. Traduction de "post-secondary" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "post-secondary" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : post-secondary education, post-secondary institutions, post-secondary students, post secondary, post-secondary level

  23. Governments of Canada and New Brunswick support post-secondary

    She will be accompanied by the Honourable Greg Turner, New Brunswick's Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. They will announce significant funding to support French-language post-secondary education and the vitality of New Brunswick's Acadian community. Please note that all details are subject to change. All times are local.