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Reported Speech: Video, Story, Examples, and Exercises

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In English, there are two different ways to say what someone else said: direct speech and reported speech . 

Direct speech means to say exactly what someone else said by using quotation marks around their words. 

  • “ We will be arriving at 2:00,” the pilot said.
  • The teacher said, “You may begin your quiz now.” 


Reported speech (also called indirect speech ) is when we tell someone what a person, newspaper, book, or something else said without using their exact words. 

  • Direct Speech: “The meeting is tomorrow,” he said.
  • Reported Speech: He said that the meeting is tomorrow.
  • Direct Speech: “The weather was beautiful,” she stated.
  • Reported Speech: She told me that the weather was beautiful.
  • Direct Speech: She said, “I worked there on Mondays.”
  • Reported speech: She said she had worked there on Mondays.
  • Direct Speech: “I am sorry,” he cried.
  • Reported Speech: He said he was sorry. 


In reported speech , we often change the tense of the verbs. This is called backshifting.

Learn more about Direct and Reported Speech in English with this workbook: Direct Speech and Reported Speech . 

Reported speech

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Backshifting Verbs in Reported Speech

When you quote someone in direct speech, you do not need to change any words. You simply put the exact statement between quotation marks. 

But when you report a statement in reported speech , you usually need to make some changes to the verbs. When reporting what someone said in the past, the tenses of the verbs in the reported statement often go one step backwards. This is called a backshift . 


  • Direct Speech: “The dog is tired,” she stated.
  • Reported Speech: She told me that the dog was tired.

In the example above, the verb tense backshifts from simple present (is tired) to the simple past (was tired). 

  • Direct Speech: She said, “I baked the cake.”
  • Reported Speech: She said that she had baked the cake.

a woman baking

In this example, the verb tense backshifts from simple past (baked) to the past perfect (had baked). 

Some grammar books will tell you that you should always backshift verbs in reported speech , but native speakers do not always do that. 

For example : She said that she baked the cake.

Backshift Tips

Here are a few tips to help you decide if you should or should not backshift. 

  • Direct Speech: “We purchased a new car,” he stated.
  • Reported Speech: He stated that they purchased a new car.

You can change the past tense to past perfect to emphasize that it happened in the past, but native speakers do not always do this.

  • He stated that they had purchased a new car. 


In this example, had is optional. Many native speakers would not use it.

  • Direct Speech: “That restaurant serves healthy food,” Sara said.
  • Reported Speech: She said that the restaurant serves healthy food.


If the restaurant still serves healthy food, then you do not need to backshift because the statement is still true. It is acceptable to backshift, but not necessary.

However, if the situation has changed, and the statement is no longer true, then you should backshift. 

For example, if the restaurant is no longer in business or does not serve healthy food options anymore, then you should backshift to the past tense because the statement is now false.

  • She said that the restaurant served healthy food.

healthy food

  • Direct Speech: “You should watch the movie,” Tim said.
  • Reported Speech: Tim said I should watch the movie.
  • Direct Speech: “I would have called you if you had asked,” she replied.
  • Reported Speech: She told me that she would have called me if I had asked.

talking on the phone

Reported Questions

A reported question is when we tell someone what another person asked. The most common reporting verb for questions is asked .

  • Direct Speech: “Do you need help?” he asked.
  • Reported Speech: He asked me if I needed help.
  • Direct Speech: “Did you say goodbye?” she wondered.
  • Reported Speech: She asked me if I had said goodbye. (Also acceptable: She asked me if I said goodbye.)
  • Direct Speech: “What time should you arrive,” my mother questioned.
  • Reported Speech: My mother asked what time we should arrive.

a woman visiting

Notice when reporting questions, you do not need a question mark. The sentence is a statement, not a question. 

Using “That” in Reported Speech

In reported speech , the word that is optional. 

  • She said that she walked the dog this morning. 
  • She said she walked the dog this morning.
  • They told me that they would arrive by midnight. 
  • They told me they would arrive by midnight. 
  • My father said that I should help.
  • My father said I should help.

father and son fishing

Part A: Complete the reported speech for each pair of sentences. There may be more than one correct answer.

“It was a good movie,” Steven told me.

Steven told me [ that] it was a good movie.

  • The doctor said, “You should exercise more.” The doctor said ______________________________________________
  • “I will text you tomorrow,” she promised. She promised ______________________________________________
  • “I can help you,” my brother said. My brother said ______________________________________________
  • “You are going to be late!” he warned. He warned me ______________________________________________
  • The teacher said, “I will not accept late work.” The teacher said ______________________________________________
  • “We went out last night,” Larry declared. Larry said ______________________________________________
  • Mom said, “You should brush your teeth.” Mom told me ______________________________________________
  • “The baby was sleeping when Nick arrived,” she stated. She told me ______________________________________________
  • “He hadn’t been there before,” they said. They said ______________________________________________
  • The girl cried, “I do not like onions!” The girl told me  ______________________________________________

Part B: Change each direct question into a reported question.

“Is your brother at home?” he asked me.

He asked me if my brother was at home .

  • “Are you from London?” she asked. She asked me if ______________________________________________
  • He wondered, “Is the bus stop next to the train station?” He asked me if ______________________________________________
  • “Is this bread fresh?” Tom asked. Tom asked me if ______________________________________________
  • Lilly questioned, “Do you drink tea?” Lilly asked me if ______________________________________________
  • “Do you like your job?” Tina wondered. Tina asked me if ______________________________________________
  • Stacy asked, “Will you walk to school with me?” Stacy asked if ______________________________________________
  • “What are you doing?” the teacher wondered. The teacher asked me ______________________________________________
  • “How often do you visit your mother?” she asked. She asked me ______________________________________________
  • “Where is Elm Street?” he wanted to know. He asked me ______________________________________________
  • She questioned, “Do you like milk in your coffee?” She asked me if ______________________________________________

Part C: Retell John’s story in reported speech by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.


John said, “Last weekend, I visited San Francisco, California. Have you been there? I have actually never been there before. I had planned to visit my sister there, but she was out of town for work. So, I toured the city alone. I saw many sights. I drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. It is almost 2 miles long! Then, I took a ferry to Alcatraz Island. I toured the prison. It was spooky! I may have seen a ghost… I also saw the Golden Gate Park. It is so beautiful! I will definitely visit again in the future. On my last day, I spent time in Chinatown. I was eating a traditional Chinese dinner, when I realized there is one more destination I must visit. So I took a tour of the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. My fortune cookie said, ‘A true traveler’s journey is never complete.’ That is true because I am already planning my next journey! Would you like to come with me?”


John told me that he _________________ San Francisco, California, last weekend.  He _________________ me if I had _________________ there. He said that he had never actually _________________ there before. John mentioned that he had _________________ to _________________ his sister there, but she _________________  out of town for work, so he _________________ the city alone. He told me that he _____ many sights. He described how he had _________________ over the Golden Gate Bridge. He mentioned that it _________________ almost 2 miles long! Then, John recalled that he _________________ a ferry to Alcatraz Island and _________________ the prison. John explained that it _________________ spooky, and that he _________________ a ghost there! John continued by telling me that he _________________ the Golden Gate Park. John emphasized that it _________________ beautiful, and that he _________________ definitely _________________ again. On his last day, John said that he _________________ time in Chinatown. He remembered that he had _________________ a traditional Chinese dinner, when he _________________ that there was one more destination to visit. He explained that he _________________ the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. He commented that his fortune cookie had said that his journey _________________ never _________________ complete. John said that it _________________ true because he _________________ already _________________ his next journey. He asked me if I _________________ like to _________________ with him!

San Francisco bridge

Part A: There may be more than one correct answer. (Remember, that is optional.)

  • The doctor said you should exercise more.  The doctor said that you should exercise more.
  • She promised she would text me tomorrow. She promised that she would text me tomorrow.
  • My brother said he could help me. My brother said that he could help me.
  • He warned me I was going to be late. He warned me that I was going to be late.
  • The teacher said she would not accept late work. The teacher said that she would not accept late work.
  • Larry said they went out last night. Larry said that they went out last night. Larry said that they had gone out last night.
  • Mom told me to brush my teeth. Mom told me I should brush my teeth. Mom told me that I should brush my teeth.
  • She told me the baby had been sleeping when Nick arrived. She told me that the baby had been sleeping when Nick arrived.
  • They said he hadn’t been there before. They said that he hadn’t been there before.
  • The girl told me she did not like onions. The girls told me that she did not like onions.
  • She asked me if I was from London.
  • He asked me if the bus stop was next to the train station.
  • Tom asked me if the bread was fresh.
  • Lily asked me if I drank tea .
  • Tina asked me if I liked my job .
  • Stacy asked if I would walk to school with her . 
  • The teacher asked me what I was doing . 
  • She asked me how often I visited my mother .
  • He asked me where Elm Street was .
  • She asked me if I liked milk in my coffee .

John told me that he visited San Francisco, California, last weekend.  He asked me if I had been there. He said that he had never actually been there before. John mentioned that he had planned to visit his sister there, but she was out of town for work, so he toured the city alone. He told me that he saw many sights. He described how he had driven over the Golden Gate Bridge. He mentioned that it is almost 2 miles long! Then, John recalled that he took a ferry to Alcatraz Island and toured the prison. John explained that it was spooky, and that he might have seen a ghost there! John continued by telling me that he saw the Golden Gate Park. John emphasized that it was beautiful, and that he would definitely visit again. On his last day, John said that he spent time in Chinatown. He remembered that he had been eating a traditional Chinese dinner, when he realized that there was one more destination to visit. He explained that he toured the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. He commented that his fortune cookie had said that his journey would never be complete. John said that it was true because he was already planning his next journey. He asked me if I would like to go with him!

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Reported Speech – Free Exercise

Write the following sentences in indirect speech. Pay attention to backshift and the changes to pronouns, time, and place.

  • Two weeks ago, he said, “I visited this museum last week.” → Two weeks ago, he said that   . I → he simple past → past perfect this → that last …→ the … before
  • She claimed, “I am the best for this job.” → She claimed that   . I → she simple present→ simple past this→ that
  • Last year, the minister said, “The crisis will be overcome next year.” → Last year, the minister said that   . will → would next …→ the following …
  • My riding teacher said, “Nobody has ever fallen off a horse here.” → My riding teacher said that   . present perfect → past perfect here→ there
  • Last month, the boss explained, “None of my co-workers has to work overtime now.” → Last month, the boss explained that   . my → his/her simple present→ simple past now→ then

Rewrite the question sentences in indirect speech.

  • She asked, “What did he say?” → She asked   . The subject comes directly after the question word. simple past → past perfect
  • He asked her, “Do you want to dance?” → He asked her   . The subject comes directly after whether/if you → she simple present → simple past
  • I asked him, “How old are you?” → I asked him   . The subject comes directly after the question word + the corresponding adjective (how old) you→ he simple present → simple past
  • The tourists asked me, “Can you show us the way?” → The tourists asked me   . The subject comes directly after whether/if you→ I us→ them
  • The shop assistant asked the woman, “Which jacket have you already tried on?” → The shop assistant asked the woman   . The subject comes directly after the question word you→ she present perfect → past perfect

Rewrite the demands/requests in indirect speech.

  • The passenger requested the taxi driver, “Stop the car.” → The passenger requested the taxi driver   . to + same wording as in direct speech
  • The mother told her son, “Don’t be so loud.” → The mother told her son   . not to + same wording as in direct speech, but remove don’t
  • The policeman told us, “Please keep moving.” → The policeman told us   . to + same wording as in direct speech ( please can be left off)
  • She told me, “Don’t worry.” → She told me   . not to + same wording as in direct speech, but remove don’t
  • The zookeeper told the children, “Don’t feed the animals.” → The zookeeper told the children   . not to + same wording as in direct speech, but remove don’t

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Reported speech

Ukraine war latest: Zelenskyy reveals aim of Kursk invasion; Starmer maintains 'unwavering' support; Ukraine blows hole in another Russian bridge

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the military incursion into Russia's Kursk region aims to create a buffer zone - the first time he has clearly stated the aim of the operation.

Monday 19 August 2024 03:37, UK

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  • Ukraine blows hole in second Russian bridge
  • Kursk offensive puts new pressures on entire Russian frontline, analysts say
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  • Russia launches third ballistic missile attack on Ukrainian capital this month
  • 'We could lose': Russian state TV commentators gloomy over Kursk
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  • Michael Clarke : Pokrovsk in real trouble as Russian troops advance
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Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer maintains "unwavering" support for Ukraine, and that position has not changed since incursion into Russia, a government spokesperson has said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused the UK's support for their war effort as having "slowed down" as he called for a removal of restrictions on donated weapons being used inside Russian territory.

Ukrainan forces have been engaged in a military incursion into Russia's Kursk region since 6 August, the aim of which Mr Zelenskyy revealed is to create a buffer zone to prevent further attacks by Moscow across the border.

Writing on X on Sunday, Mr Zelenskyy said: "We are doing everything possible to provide our warriors with the necessary weapons and reinforcements.

"It is crucial that our partners remove barriers that hinder us from weakening Russian positions in the way this war demands."

He added: "Throughout this war, we've seen the UK demonstrate true leadership - in arms, politics, and support for Ukrainian society. This has saved thousands of lives, reflecting the strength of the UK.

"Unfortunately, the situation has slowed down recently. We will discuss how to fix this because long-range capabilities are vital for us. The whole world sees how effective Ukrainians are - how our entire nation defends its independence."

A UK government spokesperson said Mr Starmer "has been clear that UK's support for Ukraine is unwavering".

They said: "That is why he committed to £3bn a year of support to Ukraine, for as long as it takes, within his first week in office.

"Further lethal aid was also accelerated to Kyiv within hours of this government being elected, bolstering the £12bn of UK support already pledged, and ensuring the vital military equipment reaches Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline."

The new package of lethal aid for Ukraine includes a quarter of a million of 50-calibre ammunition, 90 anti-armour Brimstone missiles, 50 small military boats, 40 de-mining vehicles, and 10 AS-90 artillery guns.

Ukrainian forces have also received 61 bulldozers and support for previously gifted AS-90s, from the UK.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said the operation in Kursk aims to create a buffer zone.

It's the first time the Ukrainian president has clearly stated the aim of the incursion into Russian territory, which was launched on 6 August. 

He has previously said the operation is to protect communities in the bordering Sumy region from constant shelling. 

"It is now our primary task in defensive operations overall - to destroy as much Russian war potential as possible and conduct maximum counteroffensive actions," he has just said in his nightly address. 

"This includes creating a buffer zone on the aggressor's territory - our operation in the Kursk region."

During the address he also repeated calls to Kyiv's allies to speed up deliveries of military aid - singling out the UK, as well as the US and France.

Ukraine is "still inflicting losses" on Russia, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said in his nightly address.

He claimed Ukraine's operation in Russia's Kursk region is damaging "the Russian army, state, their defence industy and their economy".

Mr Zelenskyy posted a video showing a growing cloud from a bridge explosion, with one of its sections destroyed.

He also thanked his soldiers stationed over the Russian border and asked his Ukraine's allies to speed up the delivery of promised military aid.

"Regarding deliveries from our partners - need acceleration, we ask very much. War has no holidays," he warned.

Yesterday, the German government was forced to deny rumours it is planning to halve its military aid to Ukraine in 2025.

A crater was left in the Kyiv region in the aftermath of a Russian missile attack.

Images show locals looking on at the destruction left by the strike, in a seemingly rural area.

Parts of the missile remained scattered across the ground.

This comes after Russia launched its third ballistic missile attack on Kyiv this morning (see 07:35 post).

Preliminary data showed all missiles were destroyed on their approach to the city, the military administration of the Ukrainian capital said. 

Two people have been killed in a Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk, according to the Russian-installed mayor.

A man and a woman were said to have been killed on Sunday, local mayor Alexei Kulemzin said.

Sky News has not been able to independently verify his claim.

It would continue Kyiv's push into Russian territory and their newfound aggression in the face of Russia's invasion.

This comes after, earlier in the day, Russian forces were said to have taken control of the village of Svyrydonivka, in the same region, according to TASS state news agency.

Chechnya President Ramzan Kadyrov has invited Elon Musk to Russia after being filmed behind the wheel of one of Tesla's Cybertrucks mounted with a machine gun.

Kadyrov, sanctioned by the US after being linked to numerous human rights violations, said he "literally fell in love" with the car and would donate it to Russian forces fighting in the invasion of Ukraine.

The president, who rules over Chechnya, a republic within the Russian Federation, claimed he received the truck from Musk, although this was not independently confirmed.

Messages left with Tesla by AP seeking comment were not immediately returned.

"It's not for nothing that they call this a cyberbeast. I'm sure that this beast will bring plenty of benefits to our troops."

Inviting Musk to Chechnya, Kadyrov said: "I don't think the Russian foreign ministry would mind such a trip.

"And, of course, we're waiting for your new developments that will help us finish our special military operation." 

Russian officials often refer to its invasion as a "special military operation".

More than 3,000 people were evacuated in 24 hours between Friday and Saturday from areas in Russia's Kursk region, according to local authorities.

Russia says the Ukrainian incursion has led to the evacuation of more than 120,000 civilians in total.

More than 10,000 Kursk residents were staying at temporary accommodation centres across the country, the Russian Emergency Ministry said.

Kyiv's offensive came as a shock to Yan Furtsev, an activist and member of the local opposition party Yabloko.

"No one expected that this kind of conflict was even possible in the Kursk region. 

"That is why there is such confusion and panic, because citizens are arriving [from frontline areas] and they're scared, very scared."

Russia has denied any talks were taking place with Kyiv about halting strikes on energy targets before Ukraine's Kursk offensive.

The Washington Post reported yesterday the incursion derailed indirect talks on civilian infrastructure facilities, with delegations set to be sent to Qatar.

The agreement would have amounted to a partial ceasefire, the Post said.

But Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova refuted the report: "No one broke anything off because there was nothing to break off.

"There have been no direct or indirect negotiations between Russia and the Kyiv regime on the safety of civilian critical infrastructure facilities." 

Ukraine's government did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. 

Ukraine has dismissed Belarusian border tension claims as false.

President Aleksandr Lukashenko was just trying to "appease" Russia when he said he was sending a third of the Belarusian army to the Ukrainian border, said Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"We have not seen an increase in the equipment or manpower of Belarusian units near our border," he said.

"The situation on the border with the Republic of Belarus remains unchanged. 

"As you can see, Lukashenko's rhetoric is consistent, exacerbating the situation at regular intervals to appease the terrorist country."

We can now bring you video of the Ukrainian strike on the second bridge in Kursk this week.

A plume of smoke can be seen erupting from the construction in footage  published by the Ukrainian air force.

The attacks on bridges crossing the river Seym, one in Zvannoe and the other in Glushkovo, are thought to be attempts to hamper Russian attempts to resupply its troops in the region.

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    The Washington Post reported yesterday the incursion derailed indirect talks on civilian infrastructure facilities, with delegations set to be sent to Qatar. ... We can now bring you video of the ...

  24. Reported Speech

    Practise your English with this fun video activity. Use reported speech, also called indirect speech, to describe what each person said.