Home Blog Design How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: Quick Guide with Examples & Templates

How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: Quick Guide with Examples & Templates

Cover for how to design a poster presentation

How are research posters like High School science fair projects? Quite similar, in fact.

Both are visual representations of a research project shared with peers, colleagues and academic faculty. But there’s a big difference: it’s all in professionalism and attention to detail. You can be sure that the students that thrived in science fairs are now creating fantastic research posters, but what is that extra element most people miss when designing a poster presentation?

This guide will teach tips and tricks for creating poster presentations for conferences, symposia, and more. Learn in-depth poster structure and design techniques to help create academic posters that have a lasting impact.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Research Poster?

Why are Poster Presentations important?

Overall dimensions and orientation, separation into columns and sections, scientific, academic, or something else, a handout with supplemental and contact information, cohesiveness, design and readability, storytelling.

  • Font Characteristics
  • Color Pairing
  • Data Visualization Dimensions
  • Alignment, Margins, and White Space

Scientific/Academic Conference Poster Presentation

Digital research poster presentations, slidemodel poster presentation templates, how to make a research poster presentation step-by-step, considerations for printing poster presentations, how to present a research poster presentation, final words, what is a research poster .

Research posters are visual overviews of the most relevant information extracted from a research paper or analysis.   They are essential communication formats for sharing findings with peers and interested people in the field. Research posters can also effectively present material for other areas besides the sciences and STEM—for example, business and law.

You’ll be creating research posters regularly as an academic researcher, scientist, or grad student. You’ll have to present them at numerous functions and events. For example:

  • Conference presentations
  • Informational events
  • Community centers

The research poster presentation is a comprehensive way to share data, information, and research results. Before the pandemic, the majority of research events were in person. During lockdown and beyond, virtual conferences and summits became the norm. Many researchers now create poster presentations that work in printed and digital formats.

Examples of research posters using SlideModel's templates

Let’s look at why it’s crucial to spend time creating poster presentations for your research projects, research, analysis, and study papers.

Summary of why are poster presentations important

Research posters represent you and your sponsor’s research 

Research papers and accompanying poster presentations are potent tools for representation and communication in your field of study. Well-performing poster presentations help scientists, researchers, and analysts grow their careers through grants and sponsorships.

When presenting a poster presentation for a sponsored research project, you’re representing the company that sponsored you. Your professionalism, demeanor, and capacity for creating impactful poster presentations call attention to other interested sponsors, spreading your impact in the field.

Research posters demonstrate expertise and growth

Presenting research posters at conferences, summits, and graduate grading events shows your expertise and knowledge in your field of study. The way your poster presentation looks and delivers, plus your performance while presenting the work, is judged by your viewers regardless of whether it’s an officially judged panel.

Recurring visitors to research conferences and symposia will see you and your poster presentations evolve. Improve your impact by creating a great poster presentation every time by paying attention to detail in the poster design and in your oral presentation. Practice your public speaking skills alongside the design techniques for even more impact.

Poster presentations create and maintain collaborations

Every time you participate in a research poster conference, you create meaningful connections with people in your field, industry or community. Not only do research posters showcase information about current data in different areas, but they also bring people together with similar interests. Countless collaboration projects between different research teams started after discussing poster details during coffee breaks.

An effective research poster template deepens your peer’s understanding of a topic by highlighting research, data, and conclusions. This information can help other researchers and analysts with their work. As a research poster presenter, you’re given the opportunity for both teaching and learning while sharing ideas with peers and colleagues.

Anatomy of a Winning Poster Presentation

Do you want your research poster to perform well?  Following the standard layout and adding a few personal touches will help attendees know how to read your poster and get the most out of your information. 

The anatomy of a winning poster

The overall size of your research poster ultimately depends on the dimensions of the provided space at the conference or research poster gallery. The poster orientation can be horizontal or vertical, with horizontal being the most common.  In general, research posters measure 48 x 36 inches or are an A0 paper size.

A virtual poster can be the same proportions as the printed research poster, but you have more leeway regarding the dimensions. Virtual research posters should fit on a screen with no need to scroll, with 1080p resolution as a standard these days. A horizontal presentation size is ideal for that.

A research poster presentation has a standard layout of 2–5 columns with 2–3 sections each. Typical structures say to separate the content into four sections; 1. A horizontal header 2. Introduction column, 3. Research/Work/Data column, and 4. Conclusion column. Each unit includes topics that relate to your poster’s objective.  Here’s a generalized outline for a poster presentation:

  • Condensed Abstract 
  • Objectives/Purpose
  • Methodology
  • Recommendations
  • Implications
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contact Information 

The overview content you include in the units depends on your poster presentations’ theme, topic, industry, or field of research. A scientific or academic poster will include sections like hypothesis, methodology, and materials. A marketing analysis poster will include performance metrics and competitor analysis results.

There’s no way a poster can hold all the information included in your research paper or analysis report. The poster is an overview that invites the audience to want to find out more. That’s where supplement material comes in. Create a printed PDF handout or card with a QR code (created using a QR code generator ). Send the audience to the best online location for reading or downloading the complete paper.

What Makes a Poster Presentation Good and Effective? 

For your poster presentation to be effective and well-received, it needs to cover all the bases and be inviting to find out more. Stick to the standard layout suggestions and give it a unique look and feel. We’ve put together some of the most critical research poster-creation tips in the list below. Your poster presentation will perform as long as you check all the boxes.

The information you choose to include in the sections of your poster presentation needs to be cohesive. Train your editing eye and do a few revisions before presenting. The best way to look at it is to think of The Big Picture. Don’t get stuck on the details; your attendees won’t always know the background behind your research topic or why it’s important.

Be cohesive in how you word the titles, the length of the sections, the highlighting of the most important data, and how your oral presentation complements the printed—or virtual—poster.

The most important characteristic of your poster presentation is its readability and clarity. You need a poster presentation with a balanced design that’s easy to read at a distance of 1.5 meters or 4 feet. The font size and spacing must be clear and neat. All the content must suggest a visual flow for the viewer to follow.

That said, you don’t need to be a designer to add something special to your poster presentation. Once you have the standard—and recognized—columns and sections, add your special touch. These can be anything from colorful boxes for the section titles to an interesting but subtle background, images that catch the eye, and charts that inspire a more extended look. 

Storytelling is a presenting technique involving writing techniques to make information flow. Firstly, storytelling helps give your poster presentation a great introduction and an impactful conclusion. 

Think of storytelling as the invitation to listen or read more, as the glue that connects sections, making them flow from one to another. Storytelling is using stories in the oral presentation, for example, what your lab partner said when you discovered something interesting. If it makes your audience smile and nod, you’ve hit the mark. Storytelling is like giving a research presentation a dose of your personality, and it can help turning your data into opening stories .

Design Tips For Creating an Effective Research Poster Presentation

The section above briefly mentioned how important design is to your poster presentation’s effectiveness. We’ll look deeper into what you need to know when designing a poster presentation.

1. Font Characteristics

The typeface and size you choose are of great importance. Not only does the text need to be readable from two meters away, but it also needs to look and sit well on the poster. Stay away from calligraphic script typefaces, novelty typefaces, or typefaces with uniquely shaped letters.

Stick to the classics like a sans serif Helvetica, Lato, Open Sans, or Verdana. Avoid serif typefaces as they can be difficult to read from far away. Here are some standard text sizes to have on hand.

  • Title: 85 pt
  • Authors: 65 pt
  • Headings: 36 pt
  • Body Text: 24 pt
  • Captions: 18 pt

Resume of font characteristics a winning poster presentation must follow

If you feel too prone to use serif typefaces, work with a font pairing tool that helps you find a suitable solution – and intend those serif fonts for heading sections only. As a rule, never use more than 3 different typefaces in your design. To make it more dynamic, you can work with the same font using light, bold, and italic weights to put emphasis on the required areas.

2. Color Pairing

Using colors in your poster presentation design is a great way to grab the viewer’s attention. A color’s purpose is to help the viewer follow the data flow in your presentation, not distract. Don’t let the color take more importance than the information on your poster.

Effective color pairing tactics for poster presentations

Choose one main color for the title and headlines and a similar color for the data visualizations. If you want to use more than one color, don’t create too much contrast between them. Try different tonalities of the same color and keep things balanced visually. Your color palette should have at most one main color and two accent colors.

Black text over a white background is standard practice for printed poster presentations, but for virtual presentations, try a very light gray instead of white and a very dark gray instead of black. Additionally, use variations of light color backgrounds and dark color text. Make sure it’s easy to read from two meters away or on a screen, depending on the context. We recommend ditching full white or full black tone usage as it hurts eyesight in the long term due to its intense contrast difference with the light ambiance.

3. Data Visualization Dimensions

Just like the text, your charts, graphs, and data visualizations must be easy to read and understand. Generally, if a person is interested in your research and has already read some of the text from two meters away, they’ll come closer to look at the charts and graphs. 

Tips for properly arranging data visualization dimensions in poster presentations

Fit data visualizations inside columns or let them span over two columns. Remove any unnecessary borders, lines, or labels to make them easier to read at a glance. Use a flat design without shadows or 3D characteristics. The text in legends and captions should stay within the chart size and not overflow into the margins. Use a unified text size of 18px for all your data visualizations.

4. Alignment, Margins, and White Space

Finally, the last design tip for creating an impressive and memorable poster presentation is to be mindful of the layout’s alignment, margins, and white space. Create text boxes to help keep everything aligned. They allow you to resize, adapt, and align the content along a margin or grid.

Take advantage of the white space created by borders and margins between sections. Don’t crowd them with a busy background or unattractive color.

Tips on alignment, margins, and white space in poster presentation design

Calculate margins considering a print format. It is a good practice in case the poster presentation ends up becoming in physical format, as you won’t need to downscale your entire design (affecting text readability in the process) to preserve information.

There are different tools that you can use to make a poster presentation. Presenters who are familiar with Microsoft Office prefer to use PowerPoint. You can learn how to make a poster in PowerPoint here.

Poster Presentation Examples

Before you start creating a poster presentation, look at some examples of real research posters. Get inspired and get creative.

Research poster presentations printed and mounted on a board look like the one in the image below. The presenter stands to the side, ready to share the information with visitors as they walk up to the panels.

Example of the structure of a scientific/academic conference poster presentation

With more and more conferences staying virtual or hybrid, the digital poster presentation is here to stay. Take a look at examples from a poster session at the OHSU School of Medicine .

Use SlideModel templates to help you create a winning poster presentation with PowerPoint and Google Slides. These poster PPT templates will get you off on the right foot. Mix and match tables and data visualizations from other poster slide templates to create your ideal layout according to the standard guidelines.

If you need a quick method to create a presentation deck to talk about your research poster at conferences, check out our Slides AI presentation maker. A tool in which you add the topic, curate the outline, select a design, and let AI do the work for you.

1. One-pager Scientific Poster Template for PowerPoint

research poster presentation example

A PowerPoint template tailored to make your poster presentations an easy-to-craft process. Meet our One-Pager Scientific Poster Slide Template, entirely editable to your preferences and with ample room to accommodate graphs, data charts, and much more.

Use This Template

2. Eisenhower Matrix Slides Template for PowerPoint

research poster presentation example

An Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful tool to represent priorities, classifying work according to urgency and importance. Presenters can use this 2×2 matrix in poster presentations to expose the effort required for the research process, as it also helps to communicate strategy planning.

3. OSMG Framework PowerPoint Template

research poster presentation example

Finally, we recommend presenters check our OSMG Framework PowerPoint template, as it is an ideal tool for representing a business plan: its goals, strategies, and measures for success. Expose complex processes in a simplified manner by adding this template to your poster presentation.

Remember these three words when making your research poster presentation: develop, design, and present. These are the three main actions toward a successful poster presentation. 

Summary of how to make a research poster presentation

The section below will take you on a step-by-step journey to create your next poster presentation.

Step 1: Define the purpose and audience of your poster presentation

Before making a poster presentation design, you’ll need to plan first. Here are some questions to answer at this point:

  • Are they in your field? 
  • Do they know about your research topic? 
  • What can they get from your research?
  • Will you print it?
  • Is it for a virtual conference?

Step 2: Make an outline

With a clear purpose and strategy, it’s time to collect the most important information from your research paper, analysis, or documentation. Make a content dump and then select the most interesting information. Use the content to draft an outline.

Outlines help formulate the overall structure better than going straight into designing the poster. Mimic the standard poster structure in your outline using section headlines as separators. Go further and separate the content into the columns they’ll be placed in.

Step 3: Write the content

Write or rewrite the content for the sections in your poster presentation. Use the text in your research paper as a base, but summarize it to be more succinct in what you share. 

Don’t forget to write a catchy title that presents the problem and your findings in a clear way. Likewise, craft the headlines for the sections in a similar tone as the title, creating consistency in the message. Include subtle transitions between sections to help follow the flow of information in order.

Avoid copying/pasting entire sections of the research paper on which the poster is based. Opt for the storytelling approach, so the delivered message results are interesting for your audience. 

Step 4: Put it all together visually

This entire guide on how to design a research poster presentation is the perfect resource to help you with this step. Follow all the tips and guidelines and have an unforgettable poster presentation.

Moving on, here’s how to design a research poster presentation with PowerPoint Templates . Open a new project and size it to the standard 48 x 36 inches. Using the outline, map out the sections on the empty canvas. Add a text box for each title, headline, and body text. Piece by piece, add the content into their corresponding text box.

Basic structure layout of an academic poster presentation

Transform the text information visually, make bullet points, and place the content in tables and timelines. Make your text visual to avoid chunky text blocks that no one will have time to read. Make sure all text sizes are coherent for all headings, body texts, image captions, etc. Double-check for spacing and text box formatting.

Next, add or create data visualizations, images, or diagrams. Align everything into columns and sections, making sure there’s no overflow. Add captions and legends to the visualizations, and check the color contrast with colleagues and friends. Ask for feedback and progress to the last step.

Step 5: Last touches

Time to check the final touches on your poster presentation design. Here’s a checklist to help finalize your research poster before sending it to printers or the virtual summit rep.

  • Check the resolution of all visual elements in your poster design. Zoom to 100 or 200% to see if the images pixelate. Avoid this problem by using vector design elements and high-resolution images.
  • Ensure that charts and graphs are easy to read and don’t look crowded.
  • Analyze the visual hierarchy. Is there a visual flow through the title, introduction, data, and conclusion?
  • Take a step back and check if it’s legible from a distance. Is there enough white space for the content to breathe?
  • Does the design look inviting and interesting?

An often neglected topic arises when we need to print our designs for any exhibition purpose. Since A0 is a hard-to-manage format for most printers, these poster presentations result in heftier charges for the user. Instead, you can opt to work your design in two A1 sheets, which also becomes more manageable for transportation. Create seamless borders for the section on which the poster sheets should meet, or work with a white background.

Paper weight options should be over 200 gsm to avoid unwanted damage during the printing process due to heavy ink usage. If possible, laminate your print or stick it to photographic paper – this shall protect your work from spills.

Finally, always run a test print. Gray tints may not be printed as clearly as you see them on screen (this is due to the RGB to CMYK conversion process). Other differences can be appreciated when working with ink jet plotters vs. laser printers. Give yourself enough room to maneuver last-minute design changes.

Presenting a research poster is a big step in the poster presentation cycle. Your poster presentation might or might not be judged by faculty or peers. But knowing what judges look for will help you prepare for the design and oral presentation, regardless of whether you receive a grade for your work or if it’s business related. Likewise, the same principles apply when presenting at an in-person or virtual summit.

The opening statement

Part of presenting a research poster is welcoming the viewer to your small personal area in the sea of poster presentations. You’ll need an opening statement to pitch your research poster and get the viewers’ attention.

Draft a 2 to 3-sentence pitch that covers the most important points:

  • What the research is
  • Why was it conducted
  • What the results say

From that opening statement, you’re ready to continue with the oral presentation for the benefit of your attendees.

The oral presentation

During the oral presentation, share the information on the poster while conversing with the interested public. Practice many times before the event. Structure the oral presentation as conversation points, and use the poster’s visual flow as support. Make eye contact with your audience as you speak, but don’t make them uncomfortable.

Pro Tip: In a conference or summit, if people show up to your poster area after you’ve started presenting it to another group, finish and then address the new visitors.

QA Sessions 

When you’ve finished the oral presentation, offer the audience a chance to ask questions. You can tell them before starting the presentation that you’ll be holding a QA session at the end. Doing so will prevent interruptions as you’re speaking.

If presenting to one or two people, be flexible and answer questions as you review all the sections on your poster.

Supplemental Material

If your audience is interested in learning more, you can offer another content type, further imprinting the information in their minds. Some ideas include; printed copies of your research paper, links to a website, a digital experience of your poster, a thesis PDF, or data spreadsheets.

Your audience will want to contact you for further conversations; include contact details in your supplemental material. If you don’t offer anything else, at least have business cards.

Even though conferences have changed, the research poster’s importance hasn’t diminished. Now, instead of simply creating a printed poster presentation, you can also make it for digital platforms. The final output will depend on the conference and its requirements.

This guide covered all the essential information you need to know for creating impactful poster presentations, from design, structure and layout tips to oral presentation techniques to engage your audience better . 

Before your next poster session, bookmark and review this guide to help you design a winning poster presentation every time. 

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research poster presentation example

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Research Posters

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  • 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium This link opens in a new window
  • Colin Purrington - Designing conference posters
  • The poster sessions pool - Flickr
  • F1000Research Open access repository for posters and slide presentations in biology and medicine.
  • Better Posters - A Blog Academic conference posters are often ugly, with tiny text, confusing layouts, and dubious colour schemes. Better Posters is about making posters informative and beautiful.
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  • Last Updated: May 13, 2024 2:05 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.illinois.edu/poster

How to Create a Research Poster

  • Poster Basics
  • Design Tips
  • Logos & Images

What is a Research Poster?

Posters are widely used in the academic community, and most conferences include poster presentations in their program.  Research posters summarize information or research concisely and attractively to help publicize it and generate discussion. 

The poster is usually a mixture of a brief text mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. At a conference, the researcher stands by the poster display while other participants can come and view the presentation and interact with the author.

What Makes a Good Poster?

  • Important information should be readable from about 10 feet away
  • Title is short and draws interest
  • Word count of about 300 to 800 words
  • Text is clear and to the point
  • Use of bullets, numbering, and headlines make it easy to read
  • Effective use of graphics, color and fonts
  • Consistent and clean layout
  • Includes acknowledgments, your name and institutional affiliation

A Sample of a Well Designed Poster

View this poster example in a web browser .  

Three column blue and white poster with graphs, data, and other information displayed.

Image credit: Poster Session Tips by [email protected], via Penn State

Where do I begin?

Answer these three questions:.

  • What is the most important/interesting/astounding finding from my research project?
  • How can I visually share my research with conference attendees? Should I use charts, graphs, photos, images?
  • What kind of information can I convey during my talk that will complement my poster?

What software can I use to make a poster?

A popular, easy-to-use option. It is part of Microsoft Office package and is available on the library computers in rooms LC337 and LC336. ( Advice for creating a poster with PowerPoint ).

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign

Feature-rich professional software that is good for posters including lots of high-resolution images, but they are more complex and expensive.  NYU Faculty, Staff, and Students can access and download the Adobe Creative Suite .

Open Source Alternatives 

  • OpenOffice is the free alternative to MS Office (Impress is its PowerPoint alternative).
  • Inkscape and Gimp are alternatives to Adobe products.
  • For charts and diagrams try Gliffy or Lovely Charts .
  • A complete list of free graphics software .

A Sample of a Poorly Designed Poster

View this bad poster example in a browser.

Poster marked up pointing out errors, of which there are many.

Image Credit: Critique by Better Posters

  • Next: Design Tips >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 9, 2024 5:34 PM
  • URL: https://guides.nyu.edu/posters

EdrawMax App

3-step diagramming

Free Editable Poster Presentation Examples

Poster presentations are a popular presentation format for research and clinical findings. These presentations effectively communicate the research data and concepts to the audience using a balanced combination of visuals and text. We will also look into a few poster presentation examples to see how they help communicate with the audience perceptively and concisely.

1. What is a Poster Presentation?

A poster presentation is a short, concise yet clear way of communicating your research, study findings, concepts, and ideas. There are two most critical elements in any poster presentation example: a poster and a brief explanation.

Creating a poster presentation starts with analyzing and evaluating information or synthesizing ideas to present all necessary data and facts. The properties of an effective poster presentation are:

  • The flow of information is well-organized and easy to follow.
  • The text is easy to read, as a large font is used, and the information is not cluttered.
  • Allows to convert to a mind map or a timeline diagram from the Gantt chart
  • The balanced use of visuals, text, colors, and graphics makes the poster presentation attractive without losing its functionality.

What is Poster Presentation

2. The Poster Presentation Examples

Poster presentations include a part of the information from the research paper or the main text. So, it is crucial to pick the right amount and type of information, which is part of the analysis phase. Let us review some poster presentation examples to understand the salient features of well-made poster presentations.

Example 1: Nursing Poster Presentation Example

This nursing poster presentation example shows a nursing research paper's findings in a well-organized manner. It uses columns and rows to break down the information into different segments to make the text more readable. It also uses graphics, including graphs, bars, and charts, to show the relevant data and figures.

You can see that the flow of the information is very smooth and very understandable. The audience can quickly go to the section they want to read without skimming through the information for the required text.

Nursing Poster Presentation Example

Example 2: Medical Poster Presentation Example

The medical poster presentation example presented here is the perfect sample to product the summary of a medical research paper in organized and readable layout. It is a clinical case study with learning objective and case presentation. The case presentation also includes an image placeholder to explain the problem more clearly. The other important section in this poster presentation example are nutritional intervention, topic discussion and references.

Medical Poster Presentation Example

Example 3: Research Poster Example

This editable research poster example is an excellent tool for any project team to produce their findings and information. The format is straightforward because it breaks down information into many sections. You can quickly put in the relevant information in every section without formatting issues. The title contains the logo, poster title, and author information. The later areas include project introduction, goals, and description. The central section presents the evaluation strategy, findings, and reference literature. We have the conclusion and implication, acknowledgment, and contact information in the concluding paragraph.

Research Poster Example

Example 4: App Poster Presentation Example

This app poster presentation example also deals with health behavior theory analysis. You can take inspiration from this template and show your research findings using this research poster example. It combines text and visuals to present the data and information attractively and effectively. It makes efficient use of tables to deliver the data, while some graphics and charts are also used to give information in an easy-to-understand manner.

App Poster Presentation Example

Example 5: Scientific Poster Presentation Example

This scientific poster presentation example is a template focused on presenting the summary of research in an easily readable format. The template starts with a logo and introduction to the study, and a list of authors. The later parts include abstract, introduction, results, discussion, and other relevant sections. Another distinguishing feature of this poster presentation example is the detailed guidelines presented in each area. So, even a beginner can create an effective poster presentation using this template and guidelines.

Scientific Poster Presentation Example

Example 6: Psychology Poster Presentation Example

This document's psychology poster presentation example shows a scientific poster that produces the relevant information in a very effective and well-organized layout. The layout is immaculate yet collects a good amount of data without clutter. You can see a pie chart and a lot of bullet text. The central part of this research paper example is exciting. It has two parts, each with a circle in the center and four sections. It gives inspiration for presenting a large amount of text interestingly.

Psychology Poster Presentation Example

Source: EdrawMax Online

Example 7: Science Poster Presentation Example

This science poster presentation example uses columns to divide the content into manageable parts. The content division makes it easy to read, easy to edit, and makes going to specific information straightforward. Colorful headings and background color make this template attractive without distracting the flow of information and losing focus on the text.

Science Poster Presentation Example

Example 8: Good Poster Presentation Example

A good poster presentation example must be editable, well laid out, well organized, and guidelines for the poster presentations. The main sections are an introduction, method, results, conclusions, and bibliography. This example can also see placeholders for charts, graphs, and figures. The use of the right size of the font, proper text format, and proper use of graphics makes any poster presentation an excellent tool for communication.

Good Poster Presentation Example

Example 9: Mathematics Poster Presentation Example

Mathematics poster presentation examples are based on graphs, charts, and maps to show the statistics, mathematical functions, and data. Mathematicians need less amount of text and rely more on data presentations. This example shows how to include numerous charts and graphs in one poster presentation without losing any value in information and readability. It uses classic blue and a good size font for the contained text.

Mathematics Poster Presentation Example

3. Online Scientific Poster Maker

A poster presentation example must present the information and data in an engaging, readable, and attractive layout. It is essential to communicate your important information effectively without losing anything to the structure. An online scientific poster maker is a tool that allows you to create scientific posters in less time and with all essential elements. EdrawMax Online is a great candidate for your best scientific poster maker because it has an easy-to-use editor, great font and layout toolkit, and an excellent collection of templates. You can use the professionally made scientific poster templates for inspiration and a quick start. These templates are fully customizable, so you can add your text and graphics to create an attractive scientific poster. Also, you can import your data easily with a few clicks and export your poster in many file formats.

4. Key Takeaways

Scientific posters and poster presentation examples are more complex than other posters because their information needs to be accurate and complete. Also, the text, data, and graphics must be visible even from a distance. Therefore, an excellent scientific poster maker like EdrawMax allows you to create a perfect poster presentation easily and quickly. A good choice of charts, graphs, and data representation also contributes towards a more effective poster presentation. You cam find more science diagrams or poster presentations in the Templates Community .

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Blog Data Visualization 12 Scientific Poster Examples [And How To Create One]

12 Scientific Poster Examples [And How To Create One]

Written by: Ivonna Cabrera Jul 02, 2023

Scientific Poster Examples

Truth be told, scientific posters are effective at piquing interest. It’s incredible how graphics and presentation style can attract audiences.

Want to make a scientific poster but don’t know how? Well, you no longer need to be a design guru if you use Venngage’s Poster Maker .

You can speed up the process even more by using our scientific poster templates.

Before I dive right into scientific poster examples, let’s discuss what scientific posters are in the first place.

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What is a scientific poster?

Best examples of scientific posters, how to create a scientific poster, what makes a good scientific poster.

  • What you need to make a scientific poster
  • What’s the purpose of a scientific or research poster?

A scientific poster is a visual presentation of research findings or scientific information shared with audiences at conferences, symposiums, and academic events. Scientific posters generally provide information on topics their authors are currently discussing.

Many scientists, researchers and medical experts use scientific posters to explain their findings in a simple and easy-to-understand format.

Of course, text isn’t the best way to show how scientific posters work.

So, I’ll let these examples do the talking.

Academic scientific poster examples

An academic scientific poster presents complicated information in a visually appealing manner.

Choosing the right poster layout is important here. Generally, sections such as an introduction, use, process, and takeaways allow students to understand a process or concept in a step-by-step method.

Here’s a great example of a scientific poster that discusses distillation:

Simple Distillation Scientific Poster Template

Just so you know, some of our scientific poster templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

Often, it’s also important to separate information into categories and develop data in a clear and concise manner.

Vintage Osmosis Scientific Poster Template

Is your scientific poster focused on environmental issues? Explore our gallery of environmental poster templates for inspiration and designs tailored to your topic.

Chemistry poster examples

Chemistry posters play a vital role in the scientific community by highlighting the importance of chemistry as a subject.

They also promote a deeper understanding of its principles and applications.

Here’s a great example:

Dark Yellow Neon Science Study Poster

A chemistry poster is usually organized in a logical and structured manner to effectively convey information.

Here are some common elements you can find in chemistry posters:

  • Introduction

Here’s another example of a chemistry poster that displays only the abstract to hook the reader.

Blue and Yellow Chemistry Project Template

Lab poster examples

Lab posters are effective at sharing scientific knowledge, promoting discussion and collaboration, and disseminating research findings.

They provide a visual platform to showcase research efforts and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in various fields of study.

Green Science Project Poster

In the lab poster below, the impact of overeating and binge drinking on the health of college students is presented in a format that anyone can understand the takeaway in a single glance.

research poster presentation example

Now that you know everything about scientific posters, it’s time to create your own.

Step 1 – Sign up for a free Venngage account

Start the process by  signing up  for Venngage with your email, Gmail or Facebook account.

venngage sign up

Step 2 – Select a template from our library

Besides the examples above, you’ll find a sizeable collection of poster templates and specifically scientific posters to choose from.

There’s a template for every need, from a scientific poster for a case study review to templates focused on presenting complex data.

venngage scientific poster templates

Step 3 – Edit your scientific poster with our editor

All our scientific poster templates can be edited using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Feel free to change the colors, text, icons, or illustrations to make the design your own or simply input your data to have an optimized scientific poster in minutes.

venngage scientific poster template edit

Step 4 – Bring your scientific poster to life with icons, illustrations and branding elements

Venngage offers 40,000 icons and illustrations to help you visualize and bring a scientific poster to life.

If you upgrade to a  Business  account, you can also enjoy  My Brand Kit  — the one-click branding kit that lets you upload your logo and apply brand colors and fonts to any design.

Step 5 – Share a link to your scientific poster or upgrade to download

Once you upgrade to a  Business  account, you can download your scientific poster as a PNG, PDF, or interactive PDF.

But you can always share your scientific poster online for free.

Searching for a tech poster template? Explore these tech poster designs for useful and innovative templates.

A good scientific poster is often an attractive and easy-to-read presentation of scientific research .

They may include images, diagrams, graphs and tables, and they often focus on one or two main points.

Combining data and design together makes it easy for readers to dissect information easily, thanks to an attention-grabbing layout, simplified language and easy-to-follow jargon explanations where necessary.

scientific poster examples

A lot of layouts allow you to prioritize information and separate it into circles or boxes, like in the template above.

This type of poster design allows the reader to consume less time when reading the full context of a situation.

What do you need to make a useful scientific poster?

This is the section you’ve been waiting for — the best way to make a scientific poster from scratch.

Read on to learn about the steps below, and they come with easy-to-follow examples, too.

Study good scientific or academic poster examples

Venngage has great scientific poster templates for your first scientific poster. You can customize these templates using Venngage’s drag-and-drop editor.

Let’s take a look at each of them below.

scientific poster examples

The sparse but surgically precise use of text here contrasts the lush use of plants to explain photosynthesis.

Short explanations can be accompanied by explainer text in corner resource boxes that discuss the other details of photosynthesis.

Good science poster examples are readable from 10 feet away

There are many reasons why posters should be readable from 10 feet away.

The main reason is to allow readers to fully understand the concept from where they stand or walk.

For example, in a school or office hall, bulletin boards are usually 5 to 10 feet away from potential viewers. A poster that can be viewed within this range entices the audience to come closer and read the details.

School posters effectively engage students by presenting visual content that reinforces learning objectives or communicates important information. Browse our collection of school poster templates for inspiration and ideas.

The second reason is to allow readers to quickly comprehend the poster.

People usually don’t have time to stop and read a poster. In a school or office, everyone’s walking to do something urgently.

Thus, you don’t want to take up too much of your time reading jargon and difficult concepts that even academic peers can take hours to read and interpret.

Dark Red Climate Change Scientific Poster

Being readable from 10 feet away makes it easy for readers to understand your research.

You can use varying font sizes to create great posters. For digital campaigns, make sure that your posters are suitable for modern browsers.

Venngage’s  My Brand Kit  feature allows you to create posters that help your audience understand valuable info.

This is a special tool for Business accounts that allows you to upload logos, choose fonts, and set color palettes to your scientific posters .

Use our real-time collaboration feature to invite team members and work together. You can also leave comments and get feedback instantly.

Alternatively, share your design online, on social media, or via email completely for free.

Make an attention-grabbing, short headline

Attention-grabbing headlines are easy for science articles and posters.

It’s always thrilling to find out about a new plant species or discoveries that debunk old theories.

It’s a good idea to use best practices in making attention-grabbing headlines, even if it is just casual scientific content for social media.

Titles that draw attention and engagement include:

  • Trending topics Create headlines according to what is trending. For example, if your study discusses climate change , align your headline to this topic to engage readers.
  • Controversial developments An old textbook fact being false is a controversial and surprising topic which you can easily sum up in a headline.
  • Issues that address curiosity Humans are naturally curious, so tickling the audience’s curiosity is a great way to create a compelling and attention-grabbing headline.

Use bullets and numbering to make a list easier to read

Bullets, lists and clear language are all tools that improve readability.

Even without fancy graphics and poster backgrounds , a short-sentence, simple-worded post with bullets and lists makes it easy to understand any topic.

Bulleted lists make each subtopic of your scientific poster easy to read. Plus, it allows readers to jump from one subtopic to another without feeling like they missed information along the way.

Designers of scientific posters find it easier to design bulleted and list content because they can place every bullet in different sections, making the poster easy to read.

Simple Dark Distillation Scientific Poster Template

If you used bullets instead of boxes to explain each subtopic in this poster, you could still read it easily — just not from 10 feet away.

Ensure layout consistency

Layout consistency is the uniform appearance of elements within a design.

It is achieved by employing the same layout, color and typography throughout an entire design.

For example, if a web page uses a consistent layout, each page will be uniform in appearance but not necessarily in content.

Layout consistency is achieved by employing the same pattern, color and typography throughout an entire design. This uniform appearance helps readers navigate for better organization. 

Creating layout consistency is of crucial importance in scientific poster design because coherence creates a familiar mood and attachment for readers.

Dark Osmosis Scientific Poster Template

This template uses the same fonts and complementary colors that give the scientific poster its own coherent, attention-grabbing and informative personality

Related:  Stay ahead of graphic design trends that can help you with your scientific poster design!

Include acknowledgments, names and affiliations

Lastly, all scientific posters include their acknowledgments, researcher names and affiliations underneath the poster.

You can use a footnote to include these details or a resource box. Plus, if you used any links as references in your research, add them to this section.

Simple Climate Change Scientific Poster

If you were the researcher involved in this scientific poster , you could include all the information I’ve mentioned underneath the last paragraph using a line to indicate that they are acknowledgments and author information.

Searching for a research poster? Browse through our collection of research poster templates in to get started!

What is the purpose of a scientific poster?

Academics are the only ones who can read and understand a technical scientific paper.

To a normal reader, a research paper’s language and syntax are challenging. Scientific papers don’t prioritize reading flow in their outlines or exposition of data, methods and results.

But with a well-made and creative poster , reading a technical paper becomes easier.

For example, effective scientific posters include images that explain complicated terms.

At the same time, the poster layout makes data and text easy to read. Lastly, scientific posters use simple language that allows even young children to understand concepts.

FAQ about scientific posters

I know you’re all set to make your own designs, but you might want to have these questions answered too.

What should a scientific poster include?

A scientific poster should include an easy-to-follow layout, graphics and color schemes that don’t take away from the reading experience. Successful scientific posters also use short sentences, simple language and bullet points.

How do you write a good scientific poster?

Researchers must focus on the evidence behind the research. Afterward, they can concentrate on using simple language and short sentences to explain their point. Short text and simple words make it easier for graphic designers to create posters with an intuitive layout.

How do you write a scientific title for a poster?

Focus on aligning your title with human emotions and curiosity. Outside human emotions, you can align your titles toward controversial or trending issues. This article dedicates an entire section to writing a great scientific title for a poster, so you should head there to learn more!

Our  Poster Maker guarantees that you’ll make the most intuitive and well-designed scientific posters in a single session.

Make the best scientific posters within minutes today!

Now, you’re ready to make your own scientific posters for print or website use!

If you’re short on ideas, you can use Venngage’s scientific poster templates for inspiration. Besides access to scores of templates, you also get a free drag-and-drop web-based editor by signing up for a FREE Venngage account today. Register now!

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Research Poster Templates

18 creative research poster templates (word, powerpoint).

Learning how to create a research poster template is important as these are widely used in conferences, presentations, and more, especially in the academic community. A research or scientific poster template summarizes the research or information in a concise and attractive way to publicize this information and start discussions.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Research Poster Templates
  • 2 What makes a good research poster?
  • 3 Research Poster Examples
  • 4 Components of a research poster
  • 5 Research Poster Presentations
  • 6 The layout of your research poster
  • 7 Design tips and guidelines for your research poster

Free Creative Research Poster Template

What makes a good research poster?

A typical research poster template contains a combination of pictures, tables, graphs , and other elements used in presentations. This type of template is also known as a scientific poster template, an academic poster template or a science poster template. At conferences, researchers stand by their poster so they can talk about the topic more effectively.

If you want to create an effective research poster, make sure that it should:

  • Be completely readable from up to 10 feet away.
  • It has a short title which catches the interest of the audience.
  • It has a word count of 300-800.
  • The text is both concise and clear.
  • Make it easier to read by using headlines, numbering, and bullets.
  • Use colors, fonts, and graphics effectively.
  • It has a clean and consistent layout.
  • It includes your name, the name of your institution, and acknowledgments .

Research Poster Examples

Free Animal Research Poster

Components of a research poster

Most people who create research or academic poster templates organize the information into sections. Each section contains paragraphs, charts, photos, and other elements. Each section that you plan to include must have its own purpose. Also, make sure that the viewers would have familiarity with these sections.

To make it easier for you, it’s best to organize all of the information on your template into these main components or sections:

  • Introduction The elements in this section set the stage for the rest of your poster. Here, the readers learn more about your research giving them a better idea of what to expect. Condensed Abstract Background Hypothesis Purpose or Objectives
  • Research This section contains all of the data you’ve collected through your research and the methods you used all throughout. It contains most of the “meat” of your template so make sure to think about this section carefully. Materials Methodology Analysis Models Results
  • Conclusion Finally, this section is where you include the summary and analysis of your results. Recommendations Implications Discussion Acknowledgments Contact Information

You may choose to add more sections or elements depending on your needs. But these basic components are what the readers expect, therefore, you must pay special attention to them. Also, before creating your template, you must first answer these questions:

  • What is your poster all about?
  • Why do you need to create the poster? What do you hope to add to the discussion?
  • What methods did you use during your research?
  • What conclusions did you come to?
  • What are your recommendations based on your research?

Most academic and science poster templates have columns which contain a few sections in each column. Readers go through these columns from top to bottom so you must organize the information this way. This gives your readers a clearer picture of the poster’s contents.

You can create your own research poster template or you can download starter templates and customize these according to your needs. Downloading a template makes it easier since you already have a structure to start with. But if you can’t find one which suits your preferences, you can make your own.

Research Poster Presentations

Free Ecology Research Poster

The layout of your research poster

Most types of research poster templates have similar components. There’s no standard when it comes to these types of posters. But when thinking of the layout, make sure that it’s both organized and logical. To help you out, here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Size and orientation If you’re looking for a “standard size,” most people use 48-inches x 36-inches in landscape orientation. But if this is too small or too big for you, feel free to modify the size. Also, there’s no problem with using a portrait orientation if that works with your content.
  • Background It’s important that your poster’s background doesn’t distract the viewers. This is why most people use white or other light colors for their backgrounds. You may also use subtle gradients as long as these don’t take any attention from the rest of the elements on your poster. What you should avoid are distracting colors, busy patterns or even photo backgrounds. If you want to use a dark color, you may want to use white color for your text to make it more readable.
  • Styles of the title and headings The best posters allow the viewers to see the titles and headings clearly at a glance. These make it easier for the viewers to know what your poster is all about. Use boxes, strategic colors, bold text, and a lot of whitespaces to make sure that these elements standout.
  • Fonts The main rule when it comes to fonts is to make sure that they’re readable. Beyond this, it’s already up to your own preferences. One good principle of design is to use a single font for the title and all the headings and a different font for the rest of the text. Also, make sure that all of the most important text on your poster can be clearly read from a normal distance. This way, even the viewers who aren’t right in front of your poster can read what’s written on it. Also, set a good spacing for the fonts as this adds to their readability.
  • Colors The color scheme is an important element of your research poster template. Use colors which capture the attention of the viewers and emphasize the most important information too. It’s best to use the same colors as your own brand but this isn’t a requirement. If you want to choose different colors, you may want to opt for neutral colors and just one bold color which you may use sparingly.
  • Alignment and whitespace If you want your poster to look professional, you must align all the elements well. This doesn’t mean that you should align all the elements on the left, the right or the center. You can use different alignments as long as you make sure that everything looks organized and there’s nothing out of place. Finally, you must also make sure that there’s enough whitespace between each of the elements in your poster design. There shouldn’t be any elements or text which are too close to each other as viewers who are far away can’t see these clearly. The more whitespace your poster has, the more you can emphasize the most important elements.

Design tips and guidelines for your research poster

At the very core, a research or scientific poster template serves as a visual representation of information which you’ve consolidated and organized into a format that’s easier to read. Ideally, viewers must understand the content of your poster in a matter of minutes. After all, they would probably move on if your template takes forever to read!

If you want to get the best results, make sure that your poster is well-designed, logical, and consistent. To help you out, here are some rules to keep in mind:

  • Less is more When it comes to the design of your poster, you may want to go for a simpler layout instead of a loud, distracting one. Remember, this is an academic poster template. You don’t have to add cute graphics and other irrelevant elements to it. The simpler it is, the easier your viewers will understand it.
  • Avoid clutter Cluttered posters aren’t appealing in the least. Using too many elements makes it difficult for viewers to find the most important information. Also, a cluttered poster makes it challenging to distinguish the sections from one another.
  • Perform a final check before having the poster printed Before you have your poster printed, perform a final check on it. Make sure that everything looks great, you haven’t made any spelling or grammatical errors, and everything is easy to read and understand. As part of your final check, you may want to answer these questions: Is there a logical flow to all of the sections in the poster? Remember that all the sections must flow smoothly from start to finish. Is all the text easy to read? Make sure all of the text stands out, especially the title and all of the headings. Are all the images of a high-resolution? Zoom in to the images you’ve used to ensure their clarity and crispness. This is especially important if you plan to have a large-sized poster printed. Low-res files tend to get blurred or pixelated when printed in larger sizes. Will your viewers understand all of your data? Make sure that all non-text elements are easy to understand. If needed, include captions under them. Have you highlighted all of the most important information? This is important as well so that your viewers can look at all of the highlighted information to get a quick overview of the content of your poster.

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Penn State University Libraries

Poster creation and presentation.

  • Getting Started
  • Elements of Poster Design
  • Images and Graphics
  • Design Guides and Rubrics
  • Preparing and Presenting
  • Sample Posters
  • University Libraries Undergraduate Research Awards
  • Additional Resources

Poster Creation Tips

When creating your poster, it can be helpful to have a friend or advisor take a look at your poster and provide feedback. As you look at these sample posters, keep the following feedback in mind:

  • What is working well about the poster?
  • What elements help the poster elements stand out?
  • Who is the audience for this poster?
  • What is the main message of this poster?
  • How does the font, color, and size of the text
  • contribute to the message?
  • How do the visuals (images, graphics) contribute
  • to this message?
  • Are the citations adequate and appropriate?

Research Posters from Penn State Students

A poster describing the electoral conflict in Kawe

Partisan Bias in Electoral Conflict by Seamus Wagner

This work examines what factors influence varied perceptions of electoral conflict using a case study in Tanzania. The 2015 general elections in Tanzania, some constituencies experienced electoral conflict. Using an original survey developed in conjunction with graduate students at the University of Dar es Salaam, this paper tests perceptions of violence in Kawe, a constituency in the heart of Dar es Salaam that experienced conflict during the 2015 general elections.

This poster was awarded the University Libraries' Undergraduate Research Award: Excellence in Information Literacy in spring 2018.

Showcasing internships student research poster

Showcasing Internships: The Art of Scientific Presentations by Sarah Mohammed & Matt Adams

For the past two years, Penn State Altoona has conducted a pilot program of students presenting their internships at undergraduate research fairs. This is novel territory with virtually no research to guide presenters. Our research team will determine 1) what visual qualities of a research poster translate into award-winning presentations and 2) if these winning qualities of traditional research presentations translate into successful internship presentations.

Student research poster around media multitasking

A Behavioral Economic Analysis of Media Multitasking: Delay Discounting as an Underlying Process of Texting in the Classroom by Glenn Blessington

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the decision making process underlying texting in the classroom from a behavioral economic perspective. A sample of 136 undergraduate students completed a novel delay-discounting task that involved a hypothetical scenario in which, after receiving a text message in the classroom, they rated their likelihood of replying to a text message immediately versus waiting until the class is over to reply. The scenario presented several delays (ranged from 1 min to 75 min) under two cell-phone-policy conditions (with and without a policy that banned in-class cell phone use). Participants also completed a behavioral assessment of impulsivity with a delay-discounting task involving hypothetical monetary rewards and a self-reported assessment of the dispositional trait of impulsivity. The results show that the decrease in the likelihood of waiting to reply as a function of the delay was well described by a hyperboloid delay discounting function. The rates of discounting were greater for students who self-reported higher frequencies of texting in the classroom as well as under the condition without the cell phone policy. Finally, students who self-reported higher frequencies of texting in the classroom were more impulsive in both behavioral and self-reported measures of impulsivity. These results support the conclusion that the decision making underlying texting in the classroom can be well characterized using the delay-discounting paradigm and that texting in the classroom is fundamentally an impulsive choice. A behavioral economic approach may be a useful research tool for investigating the decision-making process underlying texting in the classroom, and possibly other forms of media multitasking.

Student research poster of The Great War and a Pennslyvanian Town

A Look into the History Of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, During The Great War by Robert Reynolds

The summer of 1914 was shaping up to be one of society’s most grand on record, yet the political grievances and secret ententes between European nations were escalating at a frantic pace. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo and the long anticipated war among nations was given the necessary spark to begin. The United States President, Woodrow Wilson, made strenuous efforts to remain out of the Great War, yet was ultimately enveloped into the struggle in April of 1917. The impact was felt immediately as small towns across America gave up their sons and daughters to the service of their country. A typical example of this small town support is Ephrata, Pennsylvania, where twenty five World War I service members offered the ultimate sacrifice. Their names are now listed on the American Legion Cloister Post #429 Monument. Ephrata, Pennsylvania, known for the colonial era pacifist religious experiment of the Historic Ephrata Cloister, has served its country every time it has called. From supporting a casualty hospital during the battle of Brandywine, to providing one of the military’s greatest heroes of World War II, Major Dick Winters, Ephrata’s citizens have provided for the country it serves each time it was needed. This study is an attempt to bring forth the story of those Great War veterans through research of military and town records on the centennial of their deaths. The rediscovery of their lives and sacrifices provide a testament to the will and commitment of communities throughout our nation.

Student research poster on education and obesity level

Effects of Education and Income Level on Obesity by Marin Marina

Using the publicly available National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database provided by the Center for Disease Control, I investigated correlations between socioeconomic status (SES) and obesity in the United States using a sample size of 10175 (5003 Males, 5172 Females) Americans varying in age from 20 to 80+. Income and education level will be used as measures of SES. Total body weight and abdominal circumference were used as indicators of obesity. Waist circumference identifies a vital area of storage for adipose tissue and a consistently higher waist circumference is often a stronger indicator of obesity and its risk as compared to BMI (Van Pelt et al, 2001) They were compared across household income and education level in an attempt to investigate possible correlations between SES and obesity in the United States.

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  • Next: University Libraries Undergraduate Research Awards >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 1, 2024 11:48 AM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/posters

20 Free Research Poster Templates & Examples

Your presentations to a group are enhanced with the use of a research poster. It gives them a visual representation of the information you present and helps them to more fully understand the points you are making. This is an indispensable tool to get the attention of your audience and help them more fully focus on the words you speak, with a better comprehension of the facts you present.

What is a Research Poster?

A research poster is a visual representation that includes all the elements of the data you present in a general overview. It helps prepare the audience for the information delivered in a speech or other type of presentation. A research poster accompanies an oral presentation on a topic, but it may also stand alone to impart information to viewers.

What is a Research Poster Template?

A research poster template is a fillable form that provides the basic outline of a research poster. It may be customized and formatted to suit the needs of the creator. A research poster template simplifies the process of creating a research poster with cues for what information to include and the proper placement of each item.

Research Poster Templates & Examples

Research Poster Template #01

Essential Elements of a Research Poster

A research poster should contain information that introduces your idea, presents an overview of the research, and ends with a conclusion. Here are the essential elements with a description of each.


Introduce the topic with an overview of what will follow. The introduction should contain a condensed abstract of the topic, background or history, the hypothesis, and the objectives or purpose of the presentation.

The research section should contain an overview of the data collected by your research. Also include all methods you used, the materials, methodology, analysis, models, and the result.

The conclusion is a summary and analysis of the results. Depending on the topic, you may also include recommendations, implications and a discussion, any acknowledgments due, and supply contact information for your audience.

The Formatting of a Research Poster

A research poster contains a great deal of information, but it’s essential to compose the poster in a format that delivers the facts in a representation that is easy to digest. There are a few hard and fast rules to follow in creating an effective research poster layout and design.

Simple Design

The simple design format includes white background or at least a plain subtle gradient or pattern that does not make the background busy. A simple background helps avoid distraction from the text. Use clean graphics with charts that are simple and easy to quickly understand with only elements needed.

Important Information Must Stand Out

Place important information in a position that stands out and catches the attention of the viewer. Make section headings the most obvious. Highlight important research information that emphasizes the main points of the presentation.

Visually Attractive Alignment

All elements in the poster should line up in a balanced and easy-to-read format. Each section should fit into a grid. Each section should be in alignment with one another. Create an aesthetically pleasing and logical flow through even distribution and equal size for each poster section.

Avoid overcrowding

Research posters are intended to hold the gaze of the audience briefly. They should be well organized and make sense. Create distinct sections easy to identify without much effort or time. Supply the right balance of white space to rest the eyes and separate the various sections. Make them easy to see at a glance.

What Makes a Good Research Poster?

A good research poster is easy to read at first glance. It provides the viewer with a quick overview of the information presented in one to two minutes. Each section should briefly summarize the facts with absolutely no fillers. Stick to the point and be concise, choosing the best words to get the main point across with brief wording to make your points. The best research poster will contain sections that are easy to identify, evenly distributed, and uniform in size. All elements will align with one another to avoid the sense of chaos or business.

Final Check for Research Poster Use the tips provided for the elements needed in your research poster. There are three main headings. Include an Introduction, Research, and Conclusion. You may have more points under each, depending on the type of presentation you make. Key points to remember when doing a final check of your research poster include

1. Logical Flow

Each section should be organized, aligned, and structured logically for flow with an introduction, data, and conclusion.

2. Readability

All text should be easy to read. Use simple fonts that stand out against the plain background. It should be large enough to read from 10 feet away or more. The print should be free of spelling and syntax errors.

3. Good graphics quality

Use high-quality graphics and charts. Lay them out in a simple format that is clear and crisp, in sharp focus.

4. Simple data representations

Visuals representing data should be easy to understand the first read-through. Avoid complex visuals and stick to easy-to-digest charts, tables, and graphs.

5. Pull out essential information

The most important points should stand out from the rest. They should catch the eye first and have a visible placement on the poster. Bolded or colored section headers can help achieve this objective.

What is the size of the research poster?

The most common size for a research poster is 48″ x 36″ with a horizontal orientation. This is the ideal size for seeing the poster from a distance of 10 feet or more. It allows for ample font size and room for all required sections.

What is a research poster presentation?

A research poster presentation is a presentation of research that is made by a group or an individual. It may be made for a professional conference or an academic class. A research poster is placed in a visible location as the main focal point to help guide the outline of the main points of the presentation.

What are other names of research posters?

A research poster may also be called a scientific poster, an academic research poster, or it may have a different title, depending on the content.

A research poster template is an outline of the research presentation you will make to a class or professional group. It contains an outline of the basic elements of the presentation that you fill in and customize as needed. When building your research poster template, use the tips to ensure that the poster is divided into equal sections with plenty of white space, even alignment of all sections, and make the most important points stand out. Keep the text legible, concise, and easy to read and understand quickly. It should be laid out in a format that offers a logical flow that starts with your introduction, covers the necessary data, and ends with a conclusion and any other sections you deem appropriate in closing. It is a visual guide to provide your audience with a summary of your oral presentation. If you deliver more than one presentation, a research poster template can save you a lot of time and effort. It can also help keep you on track to create the most effective visual aid for your presentation.

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Poster Presentations

  • Size, Layout, and Text

Elements of a Poster

Change size in powerpoint, using the ruler, grid, and guides in powerpoint, more powerpoint training, template resources, font choice, text alignment.

  • Colors and Images

Your poster should include these elements:

  • Author(s), with affiliations and emails

If your poster is a representation of a research study, you will want to include the following sections:

  • Introduction or objective
  • Conclusions and/or discussion
  • Acknowledgements

If your poster is a representation of an event or other kind of project, you may want to forego formal abstract sections in favor of the 5 Ws:

  • Who (introduce the author, organization, or community)
  • What (what did you do? how did you do it?)
  • Where (where did you do it?)
  • When (when did it take place?)
  • Why (what are the outcomes, implications, or future possibilities?)

To change the size in Powerpoint:

  • Go to the Design tab and choose "Slide Size" (it's on the right size of the ribbon)
  • Choose "Custom Slide Size"
  • Change "Slides sized for:" to "Custom"
  • Fill in your desired width and height. 

Click the View tab to see checkboxes that will allow you to turn on the Ruler, Grid, and Guides (click the image below to see a screenshot).

Powerpoint ribbon location

Ruler : Allows you to see the dimensions of your slide. You'll see a vertical and horizontal ruler.

Grid : By default, the gridlines are 1 inch apart. Right click in white space of your poster to get more options for spacing. This enables precise alignment.

Guides : By default, you'll get one horizontal and one vertical guide placed in the center of your poster. Right click on a guide to add more guidelines, or to delete one. You can use Guides to invisibly define columns of your poster, margins, and more. This gives you manual control, alternatively, you can use Smart Guides (see below).

Smart Guides : Powerpoint has a built-in system for showing you alignment as you move objects around. The video below demonstrates what Smart Guides look like.

Once you've got your slide layout set, you'll want to start creating Shapes and Text Boxes. Here are some tips and tricks for working with objects:

  • Use Ctrl+D to duplicate any object.
  • Then you can format them all at once, identically!
  • You can also group them, for easier movement and alignment (right click to see the Group option).

Most posters are landscape (horizontal) orientation. The title/author(s) will be across the top, with 3–4 columns below that contain the rest of the poster elements. Make sure you leave plenty of white space in your design—a poster crammed full of text and images is very difficult to read.

Here is an example of a 2 column poster layout using the 5 Ws for headings (who, what, where, when, and why):

research poster presentation example

Use the links below to download this template and other similar templates in two sizes: 24x36 and 36x48. These templates include a variety of placeholder elements for photos and figures.

  • 2 column Powerpoint template, size 24x36
  • 3 column Powerpoint template, size 24x36
  • 3 column Powerpoint template, size 36x48
  • 4 column Powerpoint template, size 36x48

Below are some additional web resources where you can search for templates. Keep in mind that you may need adjust the size of a template for your own poster. Alternatively, you can use the resources on this page to design your own layout in Powerpoint.

  • David Geffen School of Medicine poster templates Although this is labeled for the sciences, the information can be used in many disciplines.
  • Penn State poster template
  • PhD Posters
  • MakeSigns.com poster templates
  • The body of your poster should have a minimum 24 point font . Viewers should be able to read your smallest text from a few feet away.
  • The title of your poster should have a 50+ font size, depending on the size of your poster and the length of the title.
  • Do not use all uppercase letters for the title or body of the poster.
  • Avoid using more than 2 or 3 different fonts in one poster.
  • Stick with basic fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia for serif, or Arial or Helvetica for sans-serif. Avoid elaborate, difficult-to-read, or cartoon-like fonts.

research poster presentation example

  • In general, left-align your text boxes (with the possible exception of your title and any image captions). Avoid centering the text on your whole poster.
  • << Previous: Home
  • Next: Colors and Images >>
  • Last Updated: Nov 9, 2023 2:31 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.ucla.edu/posters

Scientific Poster PowerPoint Templates

Scientific Research Poster Printing

Looking for Billboard Poster Templates?

Billboard Posters, also called better posters or Posters 2.0 , are a new style of scientific poster that intends to simplify posters and make sharing information easier in a shorter amount of time. We have templates and tutorials to get you started.

Billboard Poster Templates

Here are some PowerPoint templates to get you started. Feel free to change the colors and layout as needed. These templates are within the PowerPoint page size limit of 56" and comes in several different aspect ratios, each of which can be printed in a number of sizes (as listed).

Scientific Poster Persuading Sapphire

Persuading Sapphire

  • 48 x 36 56x42 | 64x48
  • 48 x 24 72x36 | 84x42 | 96x48
  • 36 x 24 54x36 | 63x42 | 72x48
  • 36 x 36 (square) 42x42 | 48x48
  • 36 x 48 (vertical) 42x56 | 48x64

Scientific Poster Pondering Peacock

Pondering Peacock

Scientific Poster Assessing Slate

Assessing Slate

Scientific Poster Hypothetical Ocean

Hypothetical Ocean

Scientific Poster Philosophical Seafoam

Philosophical Seafoam

Scientific Poster Conceptualizing Cobalt

Conceptualizing Cobalt

Scientific Poster Perceptual Pewter

Perceptual Pewter

Scientific Poster Deliberating Watermelon

Deliberating Watermelon

Scientific Poster Concentrative Chartreuse

Concentrative Chartreuse

Scientific Poster Intuitive Cerulean

Intuitive Cerulean

Scientific Poster Intellectual Sage

Intellectual Sage

Scientific Poster Inquisital Anchor

Inquisital Anchor

Scientific Poster Ruminative Mauve

Ruminative Mauve

Scientific Poster Debating Denim

Debating Denim

Scientific Poster Comprehensive Crimson

Comprehensive Crimson

Scientific Poster Rational Rouge

Rational Rouge

Scientific Poster Introspective Porpoise

Introspective Porpoise

Scientific Poster Melancholy Medallion

Melancholy Medallion

Scientific Poster Concluding Cider

Concluding Cider

Scientific Poster Pragmatic Graphite

Pragmatic Graphite

Scientific Poster Imaginative Arctic

Imaginative Arctic

Scientific Poster Speculative Stone

Speculative Stone

Scientific Poster Contemplative Cloud

Contemplative Cloud

Scientific Poster Theorizing Vermillion

Theorizing Vermillion

Scientific Research Poster Printing

Choose PosterNerd For Your Poster Printing

  • Orders placed before noon (CT) are shipped the same day
  • We print on either heavyweight paper or wrinkle-resistant fabric
  • Helpful phone, email, and chat support when you need it
  • We offer competitive pricing on high quality posters.
  • We provide tips, tutorials, and templates to help you every step of the way.

Print My Poster

Looking for School & Organization Templates?

Visit our partner templates section for templates themed for individual schools and organizations.


Designing a Research Poster

  • Getting Started
  • Sections of a Poster
  • Design Tips
  • Using Images
  • Formatting A Poster

Poster Examples

research poster presentation example

  • << Previous: Formatting A Poster
  • Last Updated: Jun 4, 2024 11:15 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.butler.edu/researchposter

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Poster presentation examples, from past urcad events.

Select image to view the poster.

Mobolanle Adebesin's Poster

Mobolanle Adebesin Psychology

Eric Adjakwah's Poster

Eric Adjakwah Health Administration and Policy

Theophilus Aluko's Poster

Theophilus Aluko Mechanical Engineering

Hannah Aris's Poster

Hannah Aris Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Robin Arnold's Poster

Robin Arnold Psychology

Riley Auer's Poster

Riley Auer Ancient Studies Zoe Wang Visual Arts

Farhan Augustine

Farhan Augustine Chemistry and Biochemistry

Cara Borja

Cara Borja Psychology

Syrena Bracey

Syrena Bracey Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ann Cirincione

Ann Cirincione Biological Sciences

Thomas Coard

Thomas Coard Biological Sciences

Nora Corasaniti

Nora Corasaniti Political Science

Joelle Cusic

Joelle Cusic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Hanna Dasoo

Hanna Dasoo Political Science

Vineed Dayal

Vineed Dayal Mechanical Engineering

Caitlin Dea

Caitlin Dea Education

Logan Dean

Logan Dean Political Science

Lynne Deckel

Lynne Deckel Education

Yash Desai

Yash Desai Biological Sciences

Nidhi Dheman

Nidhi Dheman Psychology

Elise Donkor

Elise Donkor Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Katlyn Easter

Katlyn Easter Psychology

Chiamaka Ekwunazu

Chiamaka Ekwunazu Psychology

Samantha Eng

Samantha Eng Biological Sciences

Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher

Rivka Fleischman

Rivka Fleischman Psychology

Amelia Hallworth

Amelia Hallworth Biological Sciences

Oluwagbotemi Igbaroola

Oluwagbotemi Igbaroola Biological Sciences

Robyn Jasper

Robyn Jasper Biological Sciences

Alicia Khan

Alicia Khan Psychology

Su Hyoung Kim

Su Hyoung Kim Visual Arts

Matthew Kovarek

Matthew Kovarek Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Sekar Kulandaivel

Sekar Kulandaivel Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Julian Loiacono

Julian Loiacono Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Joshua Massey

Joshua Massey Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Natalie McDonald

Natalie McDonald Chemistry and Biochemistry

Sean Najmi

Sean Najmi Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Colin OHern

Colin O’Hern Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Nneka Opara

Nneka Opara Psychology

Julian Paige

Julian Paige Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Sarah Pollock

Sarah Pollock Chemistry and Biochemistry

Asma Qaiyumi

Asma Qaiyumi Psychology

Rebekah Rashford

Rebekah Rashford Biological Sciences

Sierra Reeb

Sierra Reeb Education

Allison Reichard

Allison Reichard Psychology

Hayley Richardson

Hayley Richardson Biological Sciences

Brent Runge

Brent Runge Chemistry and Biochemistry

Rima Sakhawala

Rima Sakhawala Biological Sciences

Gabrielle Salib

Gabrielle Salib Information Systems

Carly Sciandra

Carly Sciandra Chemistry and Biochemistry

Erika Schumacher

Erika Schumacher Visual Arts

Matthew Shirley

Matthew Shirley Chemistry and Biochemistry

Nicole Simke

Nicole Simke Visual Arts

Sidrah Shayiq

Sidrah Shayiq Education

Tracee Simms

Tracee Simms Psychology

Amelia Smith

Amelia Smith Biological Sciences

Savannah Steinly

Savannah Steinly Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Zane Stump

Nevin Varghese Chemistry and Biochemistry

Andrea Wozniak

Andrea Wozniak Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Fan Zhang

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How to: Poster Presentations: Template and Examples

  • What is a research poster?
  • Parts of a Research Poster
  • Template and Examples
  • Talking About Your Poster

Poster Template

research poster presentation example

This is a GSU branded 48" x 36" poster template that is freely available to download and edit for your presentation. 

Click on the image or file link to download the file to your computer. Once it is downloaded, you can then open the file in PowerPoint or Google Slides.

(If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your device, you can download Microsoft Office Suite through your GSU email account.)

Once the poster is open, you can click on any of the graphics or text to edit, remove and insert your own information. Use the section headings and elements that make sense for your presentation and discard those that you do not need.

  • Research Poster Template

Poster Examples

research poster presentation example

  • << Previous: Design
  • Next: Software >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024 9:57 AM
  • URL: https://research.library.gsu.edu/posterpresentations


Research poster template sample designs

We have designed our templates for professional results and with the average PowerPoint user in mind. What you see here is a typical 36x48 research poster layout that includes the most common elements of a research poster layout. Other size layouts will look similar. If you have not made a research poster before use this layout as a general guide. The different backgrounds show what the same layout looks on the templates we provide. Follow the template instructions if you want to customize the columns and to change the template colors. Happy designing!

A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 1, 2015 at 9:25am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 1, 2015 at 9:26am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 1, 2015 at 9:27am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 6, 2015 at 11:01am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 6, 2015 at 6:14pm PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 7, 2015 at 11:36am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 7, 2015 at 11:09am PDT


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Public Health Research Guide: Sample Poster Presentations

  • COVID-19 Myths, misinformation
  • Primary & Secondary Data Definitions
  • Primary Data Sources
  • Secondary Data Sources
  • Database Search Strategy
  • Searching Database PUBMED
  • Creating Infographics
  • Sample Poster Presentations
  • Writing for Peer-Reviewed Journals
  • SPSS Tutorial
  • Books and eBooks
  • CORE Journals (Medical Library Association)

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Conference poster presentations

Resources for conference posters.

  • ​ Designing Conference Posters
  • Pragmatic, useful advice written in an entertaining style from a former biology professor at Swarthmore College. Don't let the easy prose style fool you, there are many great suggestions here.
  • PowerPoint Templates for Research Posters This site offers a selection of free research poster templates in various sizes and configurations.
  • PowerPoint Templates for Research Posters - from PosterPresentations.com Here is another selection of useful and free PowerPoint templates for creating research posters in various sizes. ( https://guides.library.ucsc.edu/c.php?g=119684&p=3605728 )
  • 2006 Ho Power Consideration for the Affymetrix 100K and Illumina 300K 2006 Ho Power Consideration for the Affymetrix 100K and Illumina 300K
  • 2009 Ho Using Public Control Genotype Data 2009 Ho Using Public Control Genotype Data
  • 2015 Sipsma Effect of Breastfeeding on PostPartum Depression 2015 Sipsma Effect of Breastfeeding on PostPartum Depression
  • << Previous: Creating Infographics
  • Next: Writing for Peer-Reviewed Journals >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 9, 2024 2:02 PM
  • URL: https://researchguides.ben.edu/public-health

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Free PowerPoint ® research poster templates in various sizes & styles.

If you don't see the specific dimensions you want, use a template that is the same proportion and we will correctly scale it at the time of printing. because powerpoint does not allow dimensions greater than 56", we use scaled templates for the larger poster sizes. our 42x90 templates are actually sized at 21x45 which we then print at 200%. tip: before selecting a template, bear in mind that most poster session boards have a one-inch metal frame. reducing the poster by a few inches allows it to mount flat on the board without the edges curling. if you are allowed a 48" x 48" space, we recommend using a 44" x 44" template. similarly, for a 48" x 96" board, we recommend no larger than a 42" x 90" template.    click here to see a comparison of how they fit on a board..

Free Poster Carry Tube

PC - PowerPoint 2019
PC - PowerPoint 2016
PC - PowerPoint 2013
PC - PowerPoint 2010
PC - PowerPoint 2007

Mac - PowerPoint 2019
Mac - PowerPoint 2016
Mac - PowerPoint 2011
Mac - PowerPoint 2008

research poster presentation example

Click on the desired print size from the table.
In Internet Explorer select "Save As", in Firefox select "Save File", and in Safari, Google Chrome, and Edge the file will save to your /downloads folder.


research poster presentation example

Abstract Sidebar Design


research poster presentation example

Title-Left Design


research poster presentation example

Graphical Design


research poster presentation example

Visual Abstract Design

research poster presentation example

Our Tri-Fold posters are self-standing displays on 3/16" FoamCore board. The center section is 24" wide and the two 12" sides fold in for easy shipping. Choose from our economical Direct Print style, or add gloss or matte lamination for a rugged, reusable display that will last for years.

Trifold poster template

Templates in this section are designed for the following versions:
PC-PowerPoint 2003 and earlier
Mac-PowerPoint 2004 and earlier
Click on one of the images below.
In Internet Explorer select "Save As", in Firefox select "Save File", and in Safari, Google Chrome, and Edge the file will save to your /downloads folder.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 1:1 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 30x30, 36x36, 40x40.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 2:3 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 30x45, 36x54, 48x72.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 1:2 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 30x60, 36x72, 42x84, 44x88, 48x96.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 3:4 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 30x40, 42x56.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 3:5 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 30x50, 42x70.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 7:15 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 28x60, 35x75.

This template can be used to create any poster with a 1:1 ratio of height to width.
Alternate print sizes include: 30x30, 36x36, 40x40.

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Poster Samples

Looking at samples of real student posters can help you generate ideas and define your goals. As you get started, it may be helpful to look at examples of finished posters.

Below are a number of sample posters created by UT undergraduates. There is a brief discussion of each poster highlighting its greatest strengths and areas where there is room for improvement.

Poster Sample 1

  • More than one type of visual aid
  • Logical order for sections
  • Acknowledgments

Room for improvement

  • Background may be distracting, or detract from content
  • Sections and images are not aligned
  • Too many visual components clutter poster

Poster Sample 2

  • White space
  • Legible text and graphics
  • Reports preliminary results
  • All participants listed as authors, with affiliations provided
  • Lacks Citations and Acknowledgements
  • Labeling of images/graphics
  • Inconsistent text alignment
  • Color-saturated background

Poster Sample 3

  • Clearly defined research questions
  • Effective use of visual aids
  • Clear organizational structure
  • Bullets break up text
  • Technical language/undefined acronyms (accessible to limited audience)
  • Narrow margins within text boxes
  • Too many thick borders around boxes
  • Uses UT seal instead of college or university wordmark

Poster Sample 3

  • Clear introductory material
  • Use of bullet points
  • Logical flow
  • Color-coding in graphics
  • Lacks references section
  • May not be accessible to all audiences (some technical language)
  • No need for borders around sections (the blue headers are sufficient)

Poster Sample 4

  • Compelling visual aids
  • Strategic use of color
  • Clear sections
  • Inconsistent fonts in body text
  • Abstract section mislabeled
  • Bullet points are great, but only if they’re used judiciously

Poster Sample 5

  • Parameters of study well defined
  • Clearly defined research question
  • Simple color scheme
  • Use of white space
  • Discussion of Results
  • Minor formatting misalignments
  • Unauthorized use of UT seal (use wordmark instead)

Poster Sample 6

  • Venn diagram in discussion
  • Consistent graphics
  • Multiple types of visual aids
  • Light text on dark background
  • Color backgrounds should be avoided, especially dark ones
  • Unlabeled, non-credited photos

Poster Sample 7

  • Easy to read
  • Use of shapes, figures, and bullets to break up text
  • Compelling title (and title font size)
  • Clean overall visual impression
  • Many sections without a clear flow between them
  • Lacks acknowledgements

Poster Sample 8

  • Use of images/graphics
  • Clear title
  • Accessible but professional tone
  • Length/density of text blocks
  • Tiny photo citations
  • Connections between images and descriptive text
  • Vertical boxes unnecessary

Poster Sample 9

  • Compelling title
  • Font sizes throughout (hierarchy of text)
  • Simple graphics
  • Lacks clear Background section
  • Relationship of Findings and Conclusion to Research questions

Poster Sample 10

  • Use of visual aids
  • Uneven column width
  • Center-justfied body text
  • Lacks “Methods” section

Poster Sample 11

  • Use of bullets
  • Too many different font styles (serif and sans serif, bold and normal)
  • Concise interpretation of graphics

Poster Sample 12

  • Accessible visual structure
  • Clear, simple graphics
  • Fonts and font sizes
  • Analysis of graphic data
  • Discussion of significance
  • Lacks author’s affiliation and contact information

Poster Sample 13

  • Balance among visuals, text and white space
  • Data presented in visual format (SmartArt)
  • Accesible to many audiences (simple enough for general audience, but enough methodological detail for experts)
  • Some more editing needed
  • When targeting an expert audience (as in the methodology section), should also report statistics ( r, p, t, F, etc.)

Poster Sample 14

  • Large, clear title
  • Creative adaptation of sections
  • Use of lists (rather than paragraphs)
  • Accessible to diverse audience
  • Connection between visuals (sheet music) and content

Poster Sample 14

  • Strategic use of color for section headers
  • Labeling and citation of images
  • Accessible to a broad audience
  • Wide margins around poster edges
  • Slightly text-heavy
  • Data referenced (“Methodology”) but not discussed

What is my next step?

Begin working on the content for your poster at Create Your Message .


  1. 40 Eye-Catching Research Poster Templates (+Scientific Posters) ᐅ

    research poster presentation example

  2. 40 Eye-Catching Research Poster Templates (+Scientific Posters) ᐅ

    research poster presentation example

  3. Free Powerpoint Poster Templates For Research Poster Presentation

    research poster presentation example

  4. Research Poster Template With Abstract Sidebar (48*36)

    research poster presentation example

  5. Research Poster Presentation: Spirit of Inquiry: BSN Portfolio: Chester

    research poster presentation example

  6. Free Research Poster Templates and Tutorials

    research poster presentation example


  1. IMRC poster presentation 2024

  2. Overview-How to design a poster presentation

  3. Poster Presenting Tips : Cal NERDS' Student Research Poster Presenting Tips

  4. How To Create Academic Poster in PowerPoint || Research Poster in PowerPoint || Tutorial

  5. How To Prepare an Oral Research Presentation

  6. How to create a better research poster in less time (#betterposter Generation 1)


  1. How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation (Examples & Templates)

    Building a quality poster presentation is the winning card for researchers and professionals to share their work. Learn how to do it here!

  2. Examples

    Poster sessions at conferences and professional meetings are a way to visually convey the details of your research or conclusions. This guide will offer you the basics in design, content and printing resources.

  3. Powerpoint poster templates for research poster presentations

    About our free research poster templates This is a collection of free PowerPoint (.ppt and .pptx native formats) research poster templates made available to PosterPresentations.com clients. By using our research poster templates and poster printing services, your poster presentation will look sharp and professional. Download the appropriate PowerPoint poster template, add your text, images and ...

  4. How to Create a Research Poster

    Research posters summarize information or research concisely and attractively to help publicize it and generate discussion. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief text mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. At a conference, the researcher stands by the poster display while other participants can come and view ...

  5. Free Editable Poster Presentation Examples

    A poster presentation is a short, concise yet clear way of communicating your research, study findings, concepts, and ideas. A poster presentation example needs information and synthesis of ideas to present all necessary data and facts.

  6. 12 Scientific Poster Examples [And How To Create One]

    What is a scientific poster? A scientific poster is a visual presentation of research findings or scientific information shared with audiences at conferences, symposiums, and academic events. Scientific posters generally provide information on topics their authors are currently discussing.

  7. 18 Creative Research Poster Templates (Word, PowerPoint)

    18 Creative Research Poster Templates (Word, PowerPoint) Learning how to create a research poster template is important as these are widely used in conferences, presentations, and more, especially in the academic community.

  8. How to prepare a scientific poster

    Poster presentations at scientific conferences can provide early-career researchers with valuable opportunities to practice their communication skills, receive feedback on their research, and expand their network.

  9. Examples & rubric

    Note: If you are creating a poster for a class, use any rubrics provided by your professor first. This is the criteria by which you can grade your poster: Expert: Use appropriate evidence, presentation modes and/or argument strategies to skillfully communicate meaning to a specified audience; communicate with clarity and fluency and in a ...

  10. How to create an effective poster presentation (plus 3 free templates)

    How to create an effective poster presentation (plus 3 free templates) Posters are often used within the academic community to share knowledge on a particular area of research. The very best academic poster presentations summarize information concisely and attractively.

  11. Sample Posters

    This is novel territory with virtually no research to guide presenters. Our research team will determine 1) what visual qualities of a research poster translate into award-winning presentations and 2) if these winning qualities of traditional research presentations translate into successful internship presentations.

  12. 20 Research Poster Templates & Examples (Free Download)

    A research poster template is an outline of the research presentation you will make to a class or professional group. It contains an outline of the basic elements of the presentation that you fill in and customize as needed.

  13. Research Guides: Poster Presentations: Size, Layout, and Text

    This guide provides information on creating posters for conference presentations.

  14. Scientific Poster PowerPoint Templates

    Billboard Posters, also called better posters or Posters 2.0, are a new style of scientific poster that intends to simplify posters and make sharing information easier in a shorter amount of time. We have templates and tutorials to get you started. Here are some PowerPoint templates to get you started. Feel free to change the colors and layout ...

  15. Poster Examples

    Butler University Research Guides (LibGuides) Subject LibGuides Designing a Research Poster Poster Examples Search

  16. Poster Presentation Examples

    From past URCAD events Select image to view the poster. Mobolanle Adebesin Psychology Eric Adjakwah Health Administration and Policy Theophilus Aluko Mechanical Engineering Hannah Aris Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering Robin Arnold Psychology Riley Auer Ancient Studies Zoe Wang Visual Arts Farhan Augustine Chemistry and Biochemistry Cara Borja Psychology Syrena Bracey ...

  17. Research Poster Templates (Powerpoint)

    Research Poster Templates (Powerpoint) Poster Template 1 Poster Template 2 Poster Template 3 Poster Template 4

  18. How to: Poster Presentations: Template and Examples

    Poster Template This is a GSU branded 48" x 36" poster template that is freely available to download and edit for your presentation. Click on the image or file link to download the file to your computer. Once it is downloaded, you can then open the file in PowerPoint or Google Slides.

  19. Research poster design samples

    Research poster template sample designs. We have designed our templates for professional results and with the average PowerPoint user in mind. What you see here is a typical 36x48 research poster layout that includes the most common elements of a research poster layout. Other size layouts will look similar.

  20. Public Health Research Guide: Sample Poster Presentations

    PowerPoint Templates for Research Posters This site offers a selection of free research poster templates in various sizes and configurations. PowerPoint Templates for Research Posters - from PosterPresentations.com Here is another selection of useful and free PowerPoint templates for creating research posters in various sizes.

  21. Free PowerPoint Research Poster Templates

    Genigraphics offers affordable, quality research posters printed and delivered as quickly as overnight. Our free PowerPoint poster templates will give you fast, easy, professional results.

  22. Poster Samples

    Poster Samples Looking at samples of real student posters can help you generate ideas and define your goals. As you get started, it may be helpful to look at examples of finished posters. Below are a number of sample posters created by UT undergraduates.

  23. Help with Stationery and Templates

    Research Poster Templates Download Rutgers-branded poster templates for use in research presentations, academic workshops, and other scientific conferences. Poster Template 1. Poster Template 3. Poster Template 2. Poster Template 4. Virtual Backgrounds