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Statistics By Jim

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Z Test: Uses, Formula & Examples

By Jim Frost Leave a Comment

What is a Z Test?

Use a Z test when you need to compare group means. Use the 1-sample analysis to determine whether a population mean is different from a hypothesized value. Or use the 2-sample version to determine whether two population means differ.

A Z test is a form of inferential statistics . It uses samples to draw conclusions about populations.

For example, use Z tests to assess the following:

  • One sample : Do students in an honors program have an average IQ score different than a hypothesized value of 100?
  • Two sample : Do two IQ boosting programs have different mean scores?

In this post, learn about when to use a Z test vs T test. Then we’ll review the Z test’s hypotheses, assumptions, interpretation, and formula. Finally, we’ll use the formula in a worked example.

Related post : Difference between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Z test vs T test

Z tests and t tests are similar. They both assess the means of one or two groups, have similar assumptions, and allow you to draw the same conclusions about population means.

However, there is one critical difference.

Z tests require you to know the population standard deviation, while t tests use a sample estimate of the standard deviation. Learn more about Population Parameters vs. Sample Statistics .

In practice, analysts rarely use Z tests because it’s rare that they’ll know the population standard deviation. It’s even rarer that they’ll know it and yet need to assess an unknown population mean!

A Z test is often the first hypothesis test students learn because its results are easier to calculate by hand and it builds on the standard normal distribution that they probably already understand. Additionally, students don’t need to know about the degrees of freedom .

Z and T test results converge as the sample size approaches infinity. Indeed, for sample sizes greater than 30, the differences between the two analyses become small.

William Sealy Gosset developed the t test specifically to account for the additional uncertainty associated with smaller samples. Conversely, Z tests are too sensitive to mean differences in smaller samples and can produce statistically significant results incorrectly (i.e., false positives).

When to use a T Test vs Z Test

Let’s put a button on it.

When you know the population standard deviation, use a Z test.

When you have a sample estimate of the standard deviation, which will be the vast majority of the time, the best statistical practice is to use a t test regardless of the sample size.

However, the difference between the two analyses becomes trivial when the sample size exceeds 30.

Learn more about a T-Test Overview: How to Use & Examples and How T-Tests Work .

Z Test Hypotheses

This analysis uses sample data to evaluate hypotheses that refer to population means (µ). The hypotheses depend on whether you’re assessing one or two samples.

One-Sample Z Test Hypotheses

  • Null hypothesis (H 0 ): The population mean equals a hypothesized value (µ = µ 0 ).
  • Alternative hypothesis (H A ): The population mean DOES NOT equal a hypothesized value (µ ≠ µ 0 ).

When the p-value is less or equal to your significance level (e.g., 0.05), reject the null hypothesis. The difference between your sample mean and the hypothesized value is statistically significant. Your sample data support the notion that the population mean does not equal the hypothesized value.

Related posts : Null Hypothesis: Definition, Rejecting & Examples and Understanding Significance Levels

Two-Sample Z Test Hypotheses

  • Null hypothesis (H 0 ): Two population means are equal (µ 1 = µ 2 ).
  • Alternative hypothesis (H A ): Two population means are not equal (µ 1 ≠ µ 2 ).

Again, when the p-value is less than or equal to your significance level, reject the null hypothesis. The difference between the two means is statistically significant. Your sample data support the idea that the two population means are different.

These hypotheses are for two-sided analyses. You can use one-sided, directional hypotheses instead. Learn more in my post, One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Hypothesis Tests Explained .

Related posts : How to Interpret P Values and Statistical Significance

Z Test Assumptions

For reliable results, your data should satisfy the following assumptions:

You have a random sample

Drawing a random sample from your target population helps ensure that the sample represents the population. Representative samples are crucial for accurately inferring population properties. The Z test results won’t be valid if your data do not reflect the population.

Related posts : Random Sampling and Representative Samples

Continuous data

Z tests require continuous data . Continuous variables can assume any numeric value, and the scale can be divided meaningfully into smaller increments, such as fractional and decimal values. For example, weight, height, and temperature are continuous.

Other analyses can assess additional data types. For more information, read Comparing Hypothesis Tests for Continuous, Binary, and Count Data .

Your sample data follow a normal distribution, or you have a large sample size

All Z tests assume your data follow a normal distribution . However, due to the central limit theorem, you can ignore this assumption when your sample is large enough.

The following sample size guidelines indicate when normality becomes less of a concern:

  • One-Sample : 20 or more observations.
  • Two-Sample : At least 15 in each group.

Related posts : Central Limit Theorem and Skewed Distributions

Independent samples

For the two-sample analysis, the groups must contain different sets of items. This analysis compares two distinct samples.

Related post : Independent and Dependent Samples

Population standard deviation is known

As I mention in the Z test vs T test section, use a Z test when you know the population standard deviation. However, when n > 30, the difference between the analyses becomes trivial.

Related post : Standard Deviations

Z Test Formula

These Z test formulas allow you to calculate the test statistic. Use the Z statistic to determine statistical significance by comparing it to the appropriate critical values and use it to find p-values.

The correct formula depends on whether you’re performing a one- or two-sample analysis. Both formulas require sample means (x̅) and sample sizes (n) from your sample. Additionally, you specify the population standard deviation (σ) or variance (σ 2 ), which does not come from your sample.

I present a worked example using the Z test formula at the end of this post.

Learn more about Z-Scores and Test Statistics .

One Sample Z Test Formula

One sample Z test formula.

The one sample Z test formula is a ratio.

The numerator is the difference between your sample mean and a hypothesized value for the population mean (µ 0 ). This value is often a strawman argument that you hope to disprove.

The denominator is the standard error of the mean. It represents the uncertainty in how well the sample mean estimates the population mean.

Learn more about the Standard Error of the Mean .

Two Sample Z Test Formula

Two sample Z test formula.

The two sample Z test formula is also a ratio.

The numerator is the difference between your two sample means.

The denominator calculates the pooled standard error of the mean by combining both samples. In this Z test formula, enter the population variances (σ 2 ) for each sample.

Z Test Critical Values

As I mentioned in the Z vs T test section, a Z test does not use degrees of freedom. It evaluates Z-scores in the context of the standard normal distribution. Unlike the t-distribution , the standard normal distribution doesn’t change shape as the sample size changes. Consequently, the critical values don’t change with the sample size.

To find the critical value for a Z test, you need to know the significance level and whether it is one- or two-tailed.

0.01 Two-Tailed ±2.576
0.01 Left Tail –2.326
0.01 Right Tail +2.326
0.05 Two-Tailed ±1.960
0.05 Left Tail +1.650
0.05 Right Tail –1.650

Learn more about Critical Values: Definition, Finding & Calculator .

Z Test Worked Example

Let’s close this post by calculating the results for a Z test by hand!

Suppose we randomly sampled subjects from an honors program. We want to determine whether their mean IQ score differs from the general population. The general population’s IQ scores are defined as having a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.

We’ll determine whether the difference between our sample mean and the hypothesized population mean of 100 is statistically significant.

Specifically, we’ll use a two-tailed analysis with a significance level of 0.05. Looking at the table above, you’ll see that this Z test has critical values of ± 1.960. Our results are statistically significant if our Z statistic is below –1.960 or above +1.960.

The hypotheses are the following:

  • Null (H 0 ): µ = 100
  • Alternative (H A ): µ ≠ 100

Entering Our Results into the Formula

Here are the values from our study that we need to enter into the Z test formula:

  • IQ score sample mean (x̅): 107
  • Sample size (n): 25
  • Hypothesized population mean (µ 0 ): 100
  • Population standard deviation (σ): 15

Using the formula to calculate the results.

The Z-score is 2.333. This value is greater than the critical value of 1.960, making the results statistically significant. Below is a graphical representation of our Z test results showing how the Z statistic falls within the critical region.

Graph displaying the Z statistic falling in the critical region.

We can reject the null and conclude that the mean IQ score for the population of honors students does not equal 100. Based on the sample mean of 107, we know their mean IQ score is higher.

Now let’s find the p-value. We could use technology to do that, such as an online calculator. However, let’s go old school and use a Z table.

To find the p-value that corresponds to a Z-score from a two-tailed analysis, we need to find the negative value of our Z-score (even when it’s positive) and double it.

In the truncated Z-table below, I highlight the cell corresponding to a Z-score of -2.33.

Using a Z-table to find the p-value.

The cell value of 0.00990 represents the area or probability to the left of the Z-score -2.33. We need to double it to include the area > +2.33 to obtain the p-value for a two-tailed analysis.

P-value = 0.00990 * 2 = 0.0198

That p-value is an approximation because it uses a Z-score of 2.33 rather than 2.333. Using an online calculator, the p-value for our Z test is a more precise 0.0196. This p-value is less than our significance level of 0.05, which reconfirms the statistically significant results.

See my full Z-table , which explains how to use it to solve other types of problems.

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Z-test Calculator

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This Z-test calculator is a tool that helps you perform a one-sample Z-test on the population's mean . Two forms of this test - a two-tailed Z-test and a one-tailed Z-tests - exist, and can be used depending on your needs. You can also choose whether the calculator should determine the p-value from Z-test or you'd rather use the critical value approach!

Read on to learn more about Z-test in statistics, and, in particular, when to use Z-tests, what is the Z-test formula, and whether to use Z-test vs. t-test. As a bonus, we give some step-by-step examples of how to perform Z-tests!

Or you may also check our t-statistic calculator , where you can learn the concept of another essential statistic. If you are also interested in F-test, check our F-statistic calculator .

What is a Z-test?

A one sample Z-test is one of the most popular location tests. The null hypothesis is that the population mean value is equal to a given number, μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ :

We perform a two-tailed Z-test if we want to test whether the population mean is not μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ :

and a one-tailed Z-test if we want to test whether the population mean is less/greater than μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ :

Let us now discuss the assumptions of a one-sample Z-test.

When do I use Z-tests?

You may use a Z-test if your sample consists of independent data points and:

the data is normally distributed , and you know the population variance ;

the sample is large , and data follows a distribution which has a finite mean and variance. You don't need to know the population variance.

The reason these two possibilities exist is that we want the test statistics that follow the standard normal distribution N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathrm N(0, 1) N ( 0 , 1 ) . In the former case, it is an exact standard normal distribution, while in the latter, it is approximately so, thanks to the central limit theorem.

The question remains, "When is my sample considered large?" Well, there's no universal criterion. In general, the more data points you have, the better the approximation works. Statistics textbooks recommend having no fewer than 50 data points, while 30 is considered the bare minimum.

Z-test formula

Let x 1 , . . . , x n x_1, ..., x_n x 1 ​ , ... , x n ​ be an independent sample following the normal distribution N ( μ , σ 2 ) \mathrm N(\mu, \sigma^2) N ( μ , σ 2 ) , i.e., with a mean equal to μ \mu μ , and variance equal to σ 2 \sigma ^2 σ 2 .

We pose the null hypothesis, H 0  ⁣  ⁣ :  ⁣  ⁣   μ = μ 0 \mathrm H_0 \!\!:\!\! \mu = \mu_0 H 0 ​ :   μ = μ 0 ​ .

We define the test statistic, Z , as:

x ˉ \bar x x ˉ is the sample mean, i.e., x ˉ = ( x 1 + . . . + x n ) / n \bar x = (x_1 + ... + x_n) / n x ˉ = ( x 1 ​ + ... + x n ​ ) / n ;

μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ is the mean postulated in H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ ;

n n n is sample size; and

σ \sigma σ is the population standard deviation.

In what follows, the uppercase Z Z Z stands for the test statistic (treated as a random variable), while the lowercase z z z will denote an actual value of Z Z Z , computed for a given sample drawn from N(μ,σ²).

If H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ holds, then the sum S n = x 1 + . . . + x n S_n = x_1 + ... + x_n S n ​ = x 1 ​ + ... + x n ​ follows the normal distribution, with mean n μ 0 n \mu_0 n μ 0 ​ and variance n 2 σ n^2 \sigma n 2 σ . As Z Z Z is the standardization (z-score) of S n / n S_n/n S n ​ / n , we can conclude that the test statistic Z Z Z follows the standard normal distribution N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathrm N(0, 1) N ( 0 , 1 ) , provided that H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ is true. By the way, we have the z-score calculator if you want to focus on this value alone.

If our data does not follow a normal distribution, or if the population standard deviation is unknown (and thus in the formula for Z Z Z we substitute the population standard deviation σ \sigma σ with sample standard deviation), then the test statistics Z Z Z is not necessarily normal. However, if the sample is sufficiently large, then the central limit theorem guarantees that Z Z Z is approximately N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathrm N(0, 1) N ( 0 , 1 ) .

In the sections below, we will explain to you how to use the value of the test statistic, z z z , to make a decision , whether or not you should reject the null hypothesis . Two approaches can be used in order to arrive at that decision: the p-value approach, and critical value approach - and we cover both of them! Which one should you use? In the past, the critical value approach was more popular because it was difficult to calculate p-value from Z-test. However, with help of modern computers, we can do it fairly easily, and with decent precision. In general, you are strongly advised to report the p-value of your tests!

p-value from Z-test

Formally, the p-value is the smallest level of significance at which the null hypothesis could be rejected. More intuitively, p-value answers the questions: provided that I live in a world where the null hypothesis holds, how probable is it that the value of the test statistic will be at least as extreme as the z z z - value I've got for my sample? Hence, a small p-value means that your result is very improbable under the null hypothesis, and so there is strong evidence against the null hypothesis - the smaller the p-value, the stronger the evidence.

To find the p-value, you have to calculate the probability that the test statistic, Z Z Z , is at least as extreme as the value we've actually observed, z z z , provided that the null hypothesis is true. (The probability of an event calculated under the assumption that H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ is true will be denoted as P r ( event ∣ H 0 ) \small \mathrm{Pr}(\text{event} | \mathrm{H_0}) Pr ( event ∣ H 0 ​ ) .) It is the alternative hypothesis which determines what more extreme means :

  • Two-tailed Z-test: extreme values are those whose absolute value exceeds ∣ z ∣ |z| ∣ z ∣ , so those smaller than − ∣ z ∣ -|z| − ∣ z ∣ or greater than ∣ z ∣ |z| ∣ z ∣ . Therefore, we have:

The symmetry of the normal distribution gives:

  • Left-tailed Z-test: extreme values are those smaller than z z z , so
  • Right-tailed Z-test: extreme values are those greater than z z z , so

To compute these probabilities, we can use the cumulative distribution function, (cdf) of N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathrm N(0, 1) N ( 0 , 1 ) , which for a real number, x x x , is defined as:

Also, p-values can be nicely depicted as the area under the probability density function (pdf) of N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathrm N(0, 1) N ( 0 , 1 ) , due to:

Two-tailed Z-test and one-tailed Z-test

With all the knowledge you've got from the previous section, you're ready to learn about Z-tests.

  • Two-tailed Z-test:

From the fact that Φ ( − z ) = 1 − Φ ( z ) \Phi(-z) = 1 - \Phi(z) Φ ( − z ) = 1 − Φ ( z ) , we deduce that

The p-value is the area under the probability distribution function (pdf) both to the left of − ∣ z ∣ -|z| − ∣ z ∣ , and to the right of ∣ z ∣ |z| ∣ z ∣ :

two-tailed p value

  • Left-tailed Z-test:

The p-value is the area under the pdf to the left of our z z z :

left-tailed p value

  • Right-tailed Z-test:

The p-value is the area under the pdf to the right of z z z :

right-tailed p value

The decision as to whether or not you should reject the null hypothesis can be now made at any significance level, α \alpha α , you desire!

if the p-value is less than, or equal to, α \alpha α , the null hypothesis is rejected at this significance level; and

if the p-value is greater than α \alpha α , then there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis at this significance level.

Z-test critical values & critical regions

The critical value approach involves comparing the value of the test statistic obtained for our sample, z z z , to the so-called critical values . These values constitute the boundaries of regions where the test statistic is highly improbable to lie . Those regions are often referred to as the critical regions , or rejection regions . The decision of whether or not you should reject the null hypothesis is then based on whether or not our z z z belongs to the critical region.

The critical regions depend on a significance level, α \alpha α , of the test, and on the alternative hypothesis. The choice of α \alpha α is arbitrary; in practice, the values of 0.1, 0.05, or 0.01 are most commonly used as α \alpha α .

Once we agree on the value of α \alpha α , we can easily determine the critical regions of the Z-test:

To decide the fate of H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ , check whether or not your z z z falls in the critical region:

If yes, then reject H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ and accept H 1 \mathrm H_1 H 1 ​ ; and

If no, then there is not enough evidence to reject H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ .

As you see, the formulae for the critical values of Z-tests involve the inverse, Φ − 1 \Phi^{-1} Φ − 1 , of the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathrm N(0, 1) N ( 0 , 1 ) .

How to use the one-sample Z-test calculator?

Our calculator reduces all the complicated steps:

Choose the alternative hypothesis: two-tailed or left/right-tailed.

In our Z-test calculator, you can decide whether to use the p-value or critical regions approach. In the latter case, set the significance level, α \alpha α .

Enter the value of the test statistic, z z z . If you don't know it, then you can enter some data that will allow us to calculate your z z z for you:

  • sample mean x ˉ \bar x x ˉ (If you have raw data, go to the average calculator to determine the mean);
  • tested mean μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ ;
  • sample size n n n ; and
  • population standard deviation σ \sigma σ (or sample standard deviation if your sample is large).

Results appear immediately below the calculator.

If you want to find z z z based on p-value , please remember that in the case of two-tailed tests there are two possible values of z z z : one positive and one negative, and they are opposite numbers. This Z-test calculator returns the positive value in such a case. In order to find the other possible value of z z z for a given p-value, just take the number opposite to the value of z z z displayed by the calculator.

Z-test examples

To make sure that you've fully understood the essence of Z-test, let's go through some examples:

  • A bottle filling machine follows a normal distribution. Its standard deviation, as declared by the manufacturer, is equal to 30 ml. A juice seller claims that the volume poured in each bottle is, on average, one liter, i.e., 1000 ml, but we suspect that in fact the average volume is smaller than that...

Formally, the hypotheses that we set are the following:

H 0  ⁣ :   μ = 1000  ml \mathrm H_0 \! : \mu = 1000 \text{ ml} H 0 ​ :   μ = 1000  ml

H 1  ⁣ :   μ < 1000  ml \mathrm H_1 \! : \mu \lt 1000 \text{ ml} H 1 ​ :   μ < 1000  ml

We went to a shop and bought a sample of 9 bottles. After carefully measuring the volume of juice in each bottle, we've obtained the following sample (in milliliters):

1020 , 970 , 1000 , 980 , 1010 , 930 , 950 , 980 , 980 \small 1020, 970, 1000, 980, 1010, 930, 950, 980, 980 1020 , 970 , 1000 , 980 , 1010 , 930 , 950 , 980 , 980 .

Sample size: n = 9 n = 9 n = 9 ;

Sample mean: x ˉ = 980   m l \bar x = 980 \ \mathrm{ml} x ˉ = 980   ml ;

Population standard deviation: σ = 30   m l \sigma = 30 \ \mathrm{ml} σ = 30   ml ;

And, therefore, p-value = Φ ( − 2 ) ≈ 0.0228 \text{p-value} = \Phi(-2) \approx 0.0228 p-value = Φ ( − 2 ) ≈ 0.0228 .

As 0.0228 < 0.05 0.0228 \lt 0.05 0.0228 < 0.05 , we conclude that our suspicions aren't groundless; at the most common significance level, 0.05, we would reject the producer's claim, H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ , and accept the alternative hypothesis, H 1 \mathrm H_1 H 1 ​ .

We tossed a coin 50 times. We got 20 tails and 30 heads. Is there sufficient evidence to claim that the coin is biased?

Clearly, our data follows Bernoulli distribution, with some success probability p p p and variance σ 2 = p ( 1 − p ) \sigma^2 = p (1-p) σ 2 = p ( 1 − p ) . However, the sample is large, so we can safely perform a Z-test. We adopt the convention that getting tails is a success.

Let us state the null and alternative hypotheses:

H 0  ⁣ :   p = 0.5 \mathrm H_0 \! : p = 0.5 H 0 ​ :   p = 0.5 (the coin is fair - the probability of tails is 0.5 0.5 0.5 )

H 1  ⁣ :   p ≠ 0.5 \mathrm H_1 \! : p \ne 0.5 H 1 ​ :   p  = 0.5 (the coin is biased - the probability of tails differs from 0.5 0.5 0.5 )

In our sample we have 20 successes (denoted by ones) and 30 failures (denoted by zeros), so:

Sample size n = 50 n = 50 n = 50 ;

Sample mean x ˉ = 20 / 50 = 0.4 \bar x = 20/50 = 0.4 x ˉ = 20/50 = 0.4 ;

Population standard deviation is given by σ = 0.5 × 0.5 \sigma = \sqrt{0.5 \times 0.5} σ = 0.5 × 0.5 ​ (because 0.5 0.5 0.5 is the proportion p p p hypothesized in H 0 \mathrm H_0 H 0 ​ ). Hence, σ = 0.5 \sigma = 0.5 σ = 0.5 ;

  • And, therefore

Since 0.1573 > 0.1 0.1573 \gt 0.1 0.1573 > 0.1 we don't have enough evidence to reject the claim that the coin is fair , even at such a large significance level as 0.1 0.1 0.1 . In that case, you may safely toss it to your Witcher or use the coin flip probability calculator to find your chances of getting, e.g., 10 heads in a row (which are extremely low!).

What is the difference between Z-test vs t-test?

We use a t-test for testing the population mean of a normally distributed dataset which had an unknown population standard deviation . We get this by replacing the population standard deviation in the Z-test statistic formula by the sample standard deviation, which means that this new test statistic follows (provided that H₀ holds) the t-Student distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom instead of N(0,1) .

When should I use t-test over the Z-test?

For large samples, the t-Student distribution with n degrees of freedom approaches the N(0,1). Hence, as long as there are a sufficient number of data points (at least 30), it does not really matter whether you use the Z-test or the t-test, since the results will be almost identical. However, for small samples with unknown variance, remember to use the t-test instead of Z-test .

How do I calculate the Z test statistic?

To calculate the Z test statistic:

  • Compute the arithmetic mean of your sample .
  • From this mean subtract the mean postulated in null hypothesis .
  • Multiply by the square root of size sample .
  • Divide by the population standard deviation .
  • That's it, you've just computed the Z test statistic!

Here, we perform a Z-test for population mean μ. Null hypothesis H₀: μ = μ₀.

Alternative hypothesis H₁

Significance level α

The probability that we reject the true hypothesis H₀ (type I error).

Z-Test for Statistical Hypothesis Testing Explained

The Z-test is a statistical hypothesis test that determines where the distribution of the statistic we are measuring, like the mean, is part of the normal distribution.

Egor Howell

The Z-test is a statistical hypothesis test used to determine where the distribution of the test statistic we are measuring, like the mean , is part of the normal distribution .

There are multiple types of Z-tests, however, we’ll focus on the easiest and most well known one, the one sample mean test. This is used to determine if the difference between the mean of a sample and the mean of a population is statistically significant.

What Is a Z-Test?

A Z-test is a type of statistical hypothesis test where the test-statistic follows a normal distribution.  

The name Z-test comes from the Z-score of the normal distribution. This is a measure of how many standard deviations away a raw score or sample statistics is from the populations’ mean.

Z-tests are the most common statistical tests conducted in fields such as healthcare and data science . Therefore, it’s an essential concept to understand.

Requirements for a Z-Test

In order to conduct a Z-test, your statistics need to meet a few requirements, including:

  • A Sample size that’s greater than 30. This is because we want to ensure our sample mean comes from a distribution that is normal. As stated by the c entral limit theorem , any distribution can be approximated as normally distributed if it contains more than 30 data points.
  • The standard deviation and mean of the population is known .
  • The sample data is collected/acquired randomly .

More on Data Science:   What Is Bootstrapping Statistics?

Z-Test Steps

There are four steps to complete a Z-test. Let’s examine each one.

4 Steps to a Z-Test

  • State the null hypothesis.
  • State the alternate hypothesis.
  • Choose your critical value.
  • Calculate your Z-test statistics. 

1. State the Null Hypothesis

The first step in a Z-test is to state the null hypothesis, H_0 . This what you believe to be true from the population, which could be the mean of the population, μ_0 :

2. State the Alternate Hypothesis

Next, state the alternate hypothesis, H_1 . This is what you observe from your sample. If the sample mean is different from the population’s mean, then we say the mean is not equal to μ_0:

3. Choose Your Critical Value

Then, choose your critical value, α , which determines whether you accept or reject the null hypothesis. Typically for a Z-test we would use a statistical significance of 5 percent which is z = +/- 1.96 standard deviations from the population’s mean in the normal distribution:

This critical value is based on confidence intervals.

4. Calculate Your Z-Test Statistic

Compute the Z-test Statistic using the sample mean, μ_1 , the population mean, μ_0 , the number of data points in the sample, n and the population’s standard deviation, σ :

If the test statistic is greater (or lower depending on the test we are conducting) than the critical value, then the alternate hypothesis is true because the sample’s mean is statistically significant enough from the population mean.

Another way to think about this is if the sample mean is so far away from the population mean, the alternate hypothesis has to be true or the sample is a complete anomaly.

More on Data Science: Basic Probability Theory and Statistics Terms to Know

Z-Test Example

Let’s go through an example to fully understand the one-sample mean Z-test.

A school says that its pupils are, on average, smarter than other schools. It takes a sample of 50 students whose average IQ measures to be 110. The population, or the rest of the schools, has an average IQ of 100 and standard deviation of 20. Is the school’s claim correct?

The null and alternate hypotheses are:

Where we are saying that our sample, the school, has a higher mean IQ than the population mean.

Now, this is what’s called a right-sided, one-tailed test as our sample mean is greater than the population’s mean. So, choosing a critical value of 5 percent, which equals a Z-score of 1.96 , we can only reject the null hypothesis if our Z-test statistic is greater than 1.96.

If the school claimed its students’ IQs were an average of 90, then we would use a left-tailed test, as shown in the figure above. We would then only reject the null hypothesis if our Z-test statistic is less than -1.96.

Computing our Z-test statistic, we see:

Therefore, we have sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, and the school’s claim is right.

Hope you enjoyed this article on Z-tests. In this post, we only addressed the most simple case, the one-sample mean test. However, there are other types of tests, but they all follow the same process just with some small nuances.  

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BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

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Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

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A z-score is a statistical measure that describes the position of a raw score in terms of its distance from the mean, measured in standard deviation units. A positive z-score indicates that the value lies above the mean, while a negative z-score indicates that the value lies below the mean.

It is also known as a standard score because it allows scores on different variables to be compared by standardizing the distribution. A standard normal distribution (SND) is a normally shaped distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation (SD) of 1 (see Fig. 1).

Gauss distribution. Standard normal distribution. Gaussian bell graph curve. Business and marketing concept. Math probability theory.

Why Are Z-Scores Important?

It is useful to standardize the values (raw scores) of a  normal distribution  by converting them into z-scores because:
  • Probability estimation : Z-scores can be used to estimate the probability of a particular data point occurring within a normal distribution. By converting z-scores to percentiles or using a standard normal distribution table, you can determine the likelihood of a value being above or below a certain threshold.
  • Hypothesis testing : Z-scores are used in hypothesis testing to determine the significance of results. By comparing the z-score of a sample statistic to critical values, you can decide whether to reject or fail to reject a null hypothesis.
  • Comparing datasets : Z-scores allow you to compare data points from different datasets by standardizing the values. This is useful when the datasets have different scales or units.
  • Identifying outliers : Z-scores help identify outliers, which are data points significantly different from the rest of the dataset. Typically, data points with z-scores greater than 3 or less than -3 are considered potential outliers and may warrant further investigation.

How To Calculate

The formula for calculating a z-score is z = (x-μ)/σ, where x is the raw score, μ is the population mean, and σ is the population standard deviation.

As the formula shows, the z-score is simply the raw score minus the population mean, divided by the population standard deviation.

Z score formula

When the population mean and the population standard deviation are unknown, the standard score may be calculated using the sample mean (x̄) and sample standard deviation (s) as estimates of the population values.

To calculate a z-score, follow these steps:

  • Identify the individual score ( x ) you want to convert to a z-score.
  • Determine the mean ( μ or mu ) of the dataset. The mean is the average of all the scores.
  • Calculate the standard deviation ( σ or sigma ) of the dataset. The standard deviation measures how spread out the scores are from the mean.
  • Subtract the mean ( μ ) from the individual score ( x ). This will give you the difference between the score and the mean.
  • Divide the difference you calculated in step 4 by the standard deviation ( σ ). The result is the z-score.


The value of the z-score tells you how many standard deviations you are away from the mean. A larger absolute value indicates a greater distance from the mean.
  • Positive z-score : If a z-score is positive, it indicates that the data point is above the mean. For example, a z-score of 1.5 means the data point is 1.5 standard deviations above the mean.
  • Negative z-score : If a z-score is negative, it indicates that the data point is below the mean. For example, a z-score of -2 means the data point is 2 standard deviations below the mean.
  • Zero z-score : A z-score of zero indicates that the data point is equal to the mean.

Another way to interpret z-scores is by creating a standard normal distribution, also known as the z-score distribution, or probability distribution (see Fig. 3).

Probability Estimation

When working with z-scores, the data is assumed to follow a standard normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. This allows for the use of standard normal distribution tables or calculators to determine probabilities.

The z-score tells us how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean. Once we know the z-score, we can estimate the probability of a data point falling within a specific range or being above or below a certain value.

In a standard normal distribution, there’s a handy rule called the empirical rule, or the 68-95-99.7 rule. This rule states that:

  • Approximately 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean (z-scores between -1 and 1).
  • Around 95% of the data falls within two standard deviations of the mean (z-scores between -2 and 2).
  • Nearly 99.7% of the data falls within three standard deviations of the mean (z-scores between -3 and 3).

Figure 3 shows the proportion of a standard normal distribution in percentages. As you can see, there’s a 95% probability of randomly selecting a score between -1.96 and +1.96 standard deviations from the mean.

Proportion of a Standard Normal Distribution (SND) in %

Using the standard normal distribution, researchers can calculate the probability of randomly obtaining a score from the sample. For example, there’s a 68% chance of randomly selecting a score between -1 and +1 standard deviations from the mean.

Hypothesis Testing

Using a z-score table lets you quickly determine the probability associated with a specific value in a dataset, helping you make decisions and draw conclusions based on your data.

  • If you have a one-tailed test, you will look for the area to the left (for a left-tailed test) or right (for a right-tailed test) of your z-score.
  • If you have a two-tailed test, you will look for the area in both tails combined.

The significance level (α) is the probability threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis. Common significance levels are 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10. The critical values are the z-scores that correspond to the chosen significance level. These values can be found using a standard normal distribution table or calculator.

A Z-score table shows the percentage of values (usually a decimal figure) to the left of a given Z-score on a standard normal distribution.

Z table

1. Identify the parts of the z-score :

  • The z-score consists of a whole number and decimal parts
  • For example, if your z-score is 1.24, the whole number part is 1, and the decimal part is 0.24

2. Find the corresponding probability in the z-score table :

  • Z-score tables are usually organized with the whole number part of the z-score in the leftmost column and the decimal part across the top row
  • Locate the whole number part of your z-score in the leftmost column
  • Move across the row until you find the column that matches the decimal part of your z-score
  • The value at the intersection of the row and column is the probability (area under the curve) associated with your z-score

3. Interpret the probability :

  • For a left-tailed test, the probability you found in the table is your p-value
  • For a right-tailed test, subtract the probability you found from 1 to get your p-value
  • For a two-tailed test, if your z-score is positive, double the probability you found to get your p-value; if your z-score is negative, subtract the probability from 1 and then double the result to get your p-value
  • Compare the probability to your chosen alpha level (0.05 or 0.01). If the probability is less than the alpha level, the result is considered statistically significant

In statistical analysis, if there is less than a 5% chance of randomly selecting a particular raw score, it is considered a statistically significant result. This means the result is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone and is more likely to be a real effect or difference.

p-value from z-score calculator


Practice Problems for Z-Scores

Calculate the z-scores for the following:

Sample Questions

  • Scores on a psychological well-being scale range from 1 to 10, with an average score of 6 and a standard deviation of 2. What is the z-score for a person who scored 4?
  • On a measure of anxiety, a group of participants show a mean score of 35 with a standard deviation of 5. What is the z-score corresponding to a score of 30?
  • A depression inventory has an average score of 50 with a standard deviation of 10. What is the z-score corresponding to a score of 70?
  • In a study on sleep, participants report an average of 7 hours of sleep per night, with a standard deviation of 1 hour. What is the z-score for a person reporting 5 hours of sleep?
  • On a memory test, the average score is 100, with a standard deviation of 15. What is the z-score corresponding to a score of 85?
  • A happiness scale has an average score of 75 with a standard deviation of 10. What is the z-score corresponding to a score of 95?
  • An intelligence test has a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15. What is the z-score that corresponds to a score of 130?

Answers for Sample Questions

Double-check your answers with these solutions. Remember, for each problem, you subtract the average from your value, then divide by how much values typically vary (the standard deviation).

  • Z-score = (4 – 6)/2 = -1
  • Z-score = (30 – 35)/5 = -1
  • Z-score = (70 – 50)/10 = 2
  • Z-score = (5 – 7)/1 = -2
  • Z-score = (85 – 100)/15 = -1
  • Z-score = (95 – 75)/10 = 2
  • Z-score = (130 – 100)/15 = 2

Calculating a Raw Score

Sometimes, we know a z-score and want to find the corresponding raw score. The formula for calculating a z-score in a sample into a raw score is given below:

X = (z)(SD) + mean

As the formula shows, the z-score and standard deviation are multiplied together, and this figure is added to the mean.

Check your answer makes sense: If we have a negative z-score, the corresponding raw score should be less than the mean, and a positive z-score must correspond to a raw score higher than the mean.

Calculating a Z-Score using Excel

To calculate the z-score of a specific value, x, first, you must calculate the mean of the sample by using the AVERAGE formula.

For example, if the range of scores in your sample begins at cell A1 and ends at cell A20, the formula =AVERAGE(A1:A20) returns the average of those numbers.

Next, you must calculate the standard deviation of the sample by using the STDEV.S formula. For example, if the range of scores in your sample begins at cell A1 and ends at cell A20, the formula = STDEV.S (A1:A20) returns the standard deviation of those numbers.

Now to calculate the z-score, type the following formula in an empty cell: = (x – mean) / [standard deviation].

To make things easier, instead of writing the mean and SD values in the formula, you could use the cell values corresponding to these values. For example, = (A12 – B1) / [C1].

Then, to calculate the probability for a SMALLER z-score, which is the probability of observing a value less than x (the area under the curve to the LEFT of x), type the following into a blank cell: = NORMSDIST( and input the z-score you calculated).

To find the probability of LARGER z-score, which is the probability of observing a value greater than x (the area under the curve to the RIGHT of x), type: =1 – NORMSDIST (and input the z-score you calculated).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can z-scores be used with any type of data, regardless of distribution.

Z-scores are commonly used to standardize and compare data across different distributions. They are most appropriate for data that follows a roughly symmetric and bell-shaped distribution.

However, they can still provide useful insights for other types of data, as long as certain assumptions are met. Yet, for highly skewed or non-normal distributions, alternative methods may be more appropriate.

It’s important to consider the characteristics of the data and the goals of the analysis when determining whether z-scores are suitable or if other approaches should be considered.

How can understanding z-scores contribute to better research and statistical analysis in psychology?

Understanding z-scores enhances research and statistical analysis in psychology. Z-scores standardize data for meaningful comparisons, identify outliers, and assess likelihood.

They aid in interpreting practical significance, applying statistical tests, and making accurate conclusions. Z-scores provide a common metric, facilitating communication of findings.

By using z-scores, researchers improve rigor, objectivity, and clarity in their work, leading to better understanding and knowledge in psychology.

Can a z-score be used to determine the likelihood of an event occurring?

No, a z-score itself cannot directly determine the likelihood of an event occurring. However, it provides information about the relative position of a data point within a distribution.

By converting data to z-scores, researchers can assess how unusual or extreme a value is compared to the rest of the distribution. This can help estimate the probability or likelihood of obtaining a particular score or more extreme values.

So, while z-scores provide insights into the relative rarity of an event, they do not directly determine the likelihood of the event occurring on their own.

Further Information

  • How to Use a Z-Table (Standard Normal Table) to Calculate the Percentage of Scores Above or Below the Z-Score
  • Z-Score Table (for positive or negative scores)
  • Statistics for Psychology Book Download

z score

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What Is a Z-Test?

Understanding z-tests, the bottom line.

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Z-Test: Definition, Uses in Statistics, and Example

James Chen, CMT is an expert trader, investment adviser, and global market strategist.

z score for hypothesis test

Investopedia / Julie Bang

A z-test is a statistical test used to determine whether two population means are different when the variances are known and the sample size is large. It can also be used to compare one mean to a hypothesized value.

The data must approximately fit a normal distribution , otherwise the test doesn't work. Parameters such as variance and standard deviation should be calculated for a z-test to be performed.

Key Takeaways

  • A z-test is a statistical test to determine whether two population means are different or to compare one mean to a hypothesized value when the variances are known and the sample size is large.
  • A z-test is a hypothesis test for data that follows a normal distribution. 
  • A z-statistic, or z-score, is a number representing the result from the z-test.
  • Z-tests are closely related to t-tests, but t-tests are best performed when an experiment has a small sample size.
  • Z-tests assume the standard deviation is known, while t-tests assume it is unknown.

The z-test is also a hypothesis test in which the z-statistic follows a normal distribution. The z-test is best used for greater-than-30 samples because, under the central limit theorem , as the number of samples gets larger, the samples are considered to be approximately normally distributed.

When conducting a z-test, the null and alternative hypotheses, and alpha level should be stated. The z-score , also called a test statistic, should be calculated, and the results and conclusion stated. A z-statistic, or z-score, is a number representing how many standard deviations above or below the mean population a score derived from a z-test is.

Examples of tests that can be conducted as z-tests include a one-sample location test, a two-sample location test, a paired difference test, and a maximum likelihood estimate. Z-tests are closely related to t-tests, but t-tests are best performed when an experiment has a small sample size. Also, t-tests assume the standard deviation is unknown, while z-tests assume it is known. If the standard deviation of the population is unknown, the assumption of the sample variance equaling the population variance is made.

Formula for Z-Score

The Z-score is calculated with the formula:

z = ( x - μ ) / σ
  • z = Z-score
  • x = the value being evaluated
  • μ = the mean
  • σ = the standard deviation

One-Sample Z-Test Example

Assume an investor wishes to test whether the average daily return of a stock is greater than 3%. A simple random sample of 50 returns is calculated and has an average of 2%. Assume the standard deviation of the returns is 2.5%. Therefore, the null hypothesis is when the average, or mean, is equal to 3%.

Conversely, the alternative hypothesis is whether the mean return is greater or less than 3%. Assume an alpha of 0.05% is selected with a two-tailed test . Consequently, there is 0.025% of the samples in each tail, and the alpha has a critical value of 1.96 or -1.96. If the value of z is greater than 1.96 or less than -1.96, the null hypothesis is rejected.

The value for z is calculated by subtracting the value of the average daily return selected for the test, or 3% in this case, from the observed average of the samples. Next, divide the resulting value by the standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of observed values.

Therefore, the test statistic is:

(0.02 - 0.03) ÷ (0.025 ÷ √ 50) = -2.83

The investor rejects the null hypothesis since z is less than -1.96 and concludes that the average daily return is less than 3%.

What's the Difference Between a T-Test and Z-Test?

Z-tests are closely related to t-tests, but t-tests are best performed when the data consists of a small sample size, i.e., less than 30. Also, t-tests assume the standard deviation is unknown, while z-tests assume it is known.

When Should You Use a Z-Test?

If the standard deviation of the population is known and the sample size is greater than or equal to 30, the z-test can be used. Regardless of the sample size, if the population standard deviation is unknown, a t-test should be used instead.

What Is a Z-Score?

A z-score, or z-statistic, is a number representing how many standard deviations above or below the mean population the score derived from a z-test is. Essentially, it is a numerical measurement that describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values. If a z-score is 0, it indicates that the data point's score is identical to the mean score. A z-score of 1.0 would indicate a value that is one standard deviation from the mean. Z-scores may be positive or negative, with a positive value indicating the score is above the mean and a negative score indicating it is below the mean.

What Is Central Limit Theorem (CLT)?

In the study of probability theory, the central limit theorem (CLT) states that the distribution of sample approximates a normal distribution (also known as a “bell curve”) as the sample size becomes larger, assuming that all samples are identical in size, and regardless of the population distribution shape. Sample sizes equal to or greater than 30 are considered sufficient for the CLT to predict the characteristics of a population accurately. The z-test's fidelity relies on the CLT holding.

What Are the Assumptions of the Z-Test?

For a z-test to be effective, the population must be normally distributed, and the samples must have the same variance. In addition, all data points should be independent of one another.

A z-test is used in hypothesis testing to evaluate whether a finding or association is statistically significant or not. In particular, it tests whether two means are the same (the null hypothesis). A z-test can only be used if the population standard deviation is known and the sample size is 30 data points or larger. Otherwise, a t-test should be employed.

Newcastle University. " Z-Test ."

z score for hypothesis test

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Statistics Handbook

Z Test: Definition & Two Proportion Z-Test

What is a z test.

z test

For example, if someone said they had found a new drug that cures cancer, you would want to be sure it was probably true. A hypothesis test will tell you if it’s probably true, or probably not true. A Z test, is used when your data is approximately normally distributed (i.e. the data has the shape of a bell curve when you graph it).

When you can run a Z Test.

Several different types of tests are used in statistics (i.e. f test , chi square test , t test ). You would use a Z test if:

  • Your sample size is greater than 30 . Otherwise, use a t test .
  • Data points should be independent from each other. In other words, one data point isn’t related or doesn’t affect another data point.
  • Your data should be normally distributed . However, for large sample sizes (over 30) this doesn’t always matter.
  • Your data should be randomly selected from a population, where each item has an equal chance of being selected.
  • Sample sizes should be equal if at all possible.

How do I run a Z Test?

Running a Z test on your data requires five steps:

  • State the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis .
  • Choose an alpha level .
  • Find the critical value of z in a z table .
  • Calculate the z test statistic (see below).
  • Compare the test statistic to the critical z value and decide if you should support or reject the null hypothesis .

You could perform all these steps by hand. For example, you could find a critical value by hand , or calculate a z value by hand . For a step by step example, watch the following video: Watch the video for an example:

z score for hypothesis test

Can’t see the video? Click here to watch it on YouTube. You could also use technology, for example:

  • Two sample z test in Excel .
  • Find a critical z value on the TI 83 .
  • Find a critical value on the TI 89 (left-tail) .

Two Proportion Z-Test

Watch the video to see a two proportion z-test:

z score for hypothesis test

Can’t see the video? Click here to watch it on YouTube.

A Two Proportion Z-Test (or Z-interval) allows you to calculate the true difference in proportions of two independent groups to a given confidence interval .

There are a few familiar conditions that need to be met for the Two Proportion Z-Interval to be valid.

  • The groups must be independent. Subjects can be in one group or the other, but not both – like teens and adults.
  • The data must be selected randomly and independently from a homogenous population. A survey is a common example.
  • The population should be at least ten times bigger than the sample size. If the population is teenagers for example, there should be at least ten times as many total teenagers as the number of teenagers being surveyed.
  • The null hypothesis (H 0 ) for the test is that the proportions are the same.
  • The alternate hypothesis (H 1 ) is that the proportions are not the same.

Example question: let’s say you’re testing two flu drugs A and B. Drug A works on 41 people out of a sample of 195. Drug B works on 351 people in a sample of 605. Are the two drugs comparable? Use a 5% alpha level .

Step 1: Find the two proportions:

  • P 1 = 41/195 = 0.21 (that’s 21%)
  • P 2 = 351/605 = 0.58 (that’s 58%).

Set these numbers aside for a moment.

Step 2: Find the overall sample proportion . The numerator will be the total number of “positive” results for the two samples and the denominator is the total number of people in the two samples.

  • p = (41 + 351) / (195 + 605) = 0.49.

Set this number aside for a moment.


Solving the formula, we get: Z = 8.99

We need to find out if the z-score falls into the “ rejection region .”

z alpha

Step 5: Compare the calculated z-score from Step 3 with the table z-score from Step 4. If the calculated z-score is larger, you can reject the null hypothesis.

8.99 > 1.96, so we can reject the null hypothesis .

Example 2:  Suppose that in a survey of 700 women and 700 men, 35% of women and 30% of men indicated that they support a particular presidential candidate. Let’s say we wanted to find the true difference in proportions of these two groups to a 95% confidence interval .

At first glance the survey indicates that women support the candidate more than men by about 5% . However, for this statistical inference to be valid we need to construct a range of values to a given confidence interval.

To do this, we use the formula for Two Proportion Z-Interval:

z score for hypothesis test

Plugging in values we find the true difference in proportions to be

z score for hypothesis test

Based on the results of the survey, we are 95% confident that the difference in proportions of women and men that support the presidential candidate is between about 0 % and 10% .

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Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Chapter 6 hypothesis testing: the z-test.

We’ve all had the experience of standing at a crosswalk waiting staring at a pedestrian traffic light showing the little red man. You’re waiting for the little green man so you can cross. After a little while you’re still waiting and there aren’t any cars around. You might think ‘this light is really taking a long time’, but you continue waiting. Minutes pass and there’s still no little green man. At some point you come to the conclusion that the light is broken and you’ll never see that little green man. You cross on the little red man when it’s clear.

You may not have known this but you just conducted a hypothesis test. When you arrived at the crosswalk, you assumed that the light was functioning properly, although you will always entertain the possibility that it’s broken. In terms of hypothesis testing, your ‘null hypothesis’ is that the light is working and your ‘alternative hypothesis’ is that it’s broken. As time passes, it seems less and less likely that light is working properly. Eventually, the probability of the light working given how long you’ve been waiting becomes so low that you reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis.

This sort of reasoning is the backbone of hypothesis testing and inferential statistics. It’s also the point in the course where we turn the corner from descriptive statistics to inferential statistics. Rather than describing our data in terms of means and plots, we will now start using our data to make inferences, or generalizations, about the population that our samples are drawn from. In this course we’ll focus on standard hypothesis testing where we set up a null hypothesis and determine the probability of our observed data under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true (the much maligned p-value). If this probability is small enough, then we conclude that our data suggests that the null hypothesis is false, so we reject it.

In this chapter, we’ll introduce hypothesis testing with examples from a ‘z-test’, when we’re comparing a single mean to what we’d expect from a population with known mean and standard deviation. In this case, we can convert our observed mean into a z-score for the standard normal distribution. Hence the name z-test.

It’s time to introduce the hypothesis test flow chart . It’s pretty self explanatory, even if you’re not familiar with all of these hypothesis tests. The z-test is (1) based on means, (2) with only one mean, and (3) where we know \(\sigma\) , the standard deviation of the population. Here’s how to find the z-test in the flow chart:

z score for hypothesis test

6.1 Women’s height example

Let’s work with the example from the end of the last chapter where we started with the fact that the heights of US women has a mean of 63 and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. We calculated that the average height of the 122 women in Psych 315 is 64.7 inches. We then used the central limit theorem and calculated the probability of a random sample 122 heights from this population having a mean of 64.7 or greater is 2.4868996^{-14}. This is a very, very small number.

Here’s how we do it using R:

Let’s think of our sample as a random sample of UW psychology students, which is a reasonable assumption since all psychology students have to take a statistics class. What does this sample say about the psychology students that are women at UW compared to the US population? It could be that these psychology students at UW have the same mean and standard deviation as the US population, but our sample just happens to have an unusual number of tall women, but we calculated that the probability of this happening is really low. Instead, it makes more sense that the population that we’re drawing from has a mean that’s greater than the US population mean. Notice that we’re making a conclusion about the whole population of women psychology students based on our one sample.

Using the terminology of hypothesis testing, we first assumed the null hypothesis that UW women psych students have the same mean (and standard deviation) as the US population. The null hypothesis is written as:

\[ H_{0}: \mu = 63 \] In this example, our alternative hypothesis is that the mean of our population is larger than the mean of null hypothesis population. We write this as:

\[ H_{A}: \mu > 63 \]

Next, after obtaining a random sample and calculate the mean, we calculate the probability of drawing a mean this large (or larger) from the null hypothesis distribution.

If this probability is low enough, we reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. When our probability allows us to reject the null hypothesis, we say that our observed results are ‘statistically significant’.

In statistics terms, we never say we ‘accept that alternative hypothesis’ as true. All we can say is that we don’t think the null hypothesis is true. I know it’s subtle, but in science can never prove that a hypothesis is true or not. There’s always the possibility that we just happened to grab an unusual sample from the null hypothesis distribution.

6.2 The hated p<.05

The probability that we obtain our observed mean or greater given that the null hypothesis is true is called the p-value. How improbable is improbable enough to reject the null hypothesis? The p-value for our example above on women’s heights is astronomically low, so it’s clear that we should reject \(H_{0}\) .

The p-value that’s on the border of rejection is called the alpha ( \(\alpha\) ) value. We reject \(H_{0}\) when our p-value is less than \(\alpha\) .

You probably know that the most common value of alpha is \(\alpha = .05\) .

The first publication of this value dates back to Sir Ronald Fisher, in his seminal 1925 book Statistical Methods for Research Workers where he states:

“It is convenient to take this point as a limit in judging whether a deviation is considered significant or not. Deviations exceeding twice the standard deviation are thus formally regarded as significant.” (p. 47)

If you read the chapter on the normal distribution, then you should know that 95% of the area under the normal distribution lies within \(\pm\) two standard deviations of the mean. So the probability of obtaining a sample that exceeds two standard deviations from the mean (in either direction) is .05.

6.3 IQ example

Let’s do an example using IQ scores. IQ scores are normalized to have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 points. Because they’re normalized, they are a rare example of a population which has a known mean and standard deviation. In the next chapter we’ll discuss the t-test, which is used in the more common situation when we don’t know the population standard deviation.

Suppose you have the suspicion that graduate students have higher IQ’s than the general population. You have enough time to go and measure the IQ’s of 25 randomly sampled grad students and obtain a mean of 105. Is this difference between our this observed mean and 100 statistically significant using an alpha value of \(\alpha = 0.05\) ?

Here the null hypothesis is:

\[ H_{0}: \mu = 100\]

And the alternative hypothesis is:

\[ H_{A}: \mu > 100 \]

We know that the parameters for the null hypothesis are:

\[ \mu = 100 \] and \[ \sigma = 15 \]

From this, we can calculate the probability of observing our mean of 105 or higher using the central limit theorem and what we know about the normal distribution:

\[ \sigma_{\bar{x}} = \frac{\sigma_{x}}{\sqrt{n}} = \frac{15}{\sqrt{25}} = 3 \] From this, we can calculate the probability of our observed mean using R’s ‘pnorm’ function. Here’s how to do the whole thing in R.

Since our p-value of 0.0478 is (just barely) less than our chosen value of \(\alpha = 0.05\) as our criterion, we reject \(H_{0}\) for this (contrived) example and conclude that our observed mean of 105 is significantly greater than 100, so our study suggests that the average graduate student has a higher IQ than the overall population.

You should feel uncomfortable making such a hard, binary decision for such a borderline case. After all, if we had chosen our second favorite value of alpha, \(\alpha = .01\) , we would have failed to reject \(H_{0}\) . This discomfort is a primary reason why statisticians are moving away from this discrete decision making process. Later on we’ll discuss where things are going, including reporting effect sizes, and using confidence intervals.

6.4 Alpha values vs. critical values

Using R’s qnorm function, we can find the z-score for which only 5% of the area lies above:

So the probability of a randomly sampled z-score exceeding 1.644854 is less than 5%. It follows that if we convert our observed mean into z-score values, we will reject \(H_{0}\) if and only if our z-score is greater than 1.644854. This value is called the ‘critical value’ because it lies on the boundary between rejecting and failing to reject \(H_{0}\) .

In our last example, the z-score for our observed mean is:

\[ z = \frac{X-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}} = \frac{105 - 100}{3} = 1.67 \] Our z-score is just barely greater than the critical value of 1.644854, which makes sense because our p-value is just barely less than 0.05.

Sometimes you’ll see textbooks will compare critical values to observed scores for the decision making process in hypothesis testing. This dates back to days were computers were less available and we had to rely on tables instead. There wasn’t enough space in a book to hold complete tables which prohibited the ability to look up a p-value for any observed value. Instead only critical values for specific values of alpha were included. If you look at really old papers, you’ll see statistics reported as \(p<.05\) or \(p<.01\) instead of actual p-values for this reason.

It may help to visualize the relationship between p-values, alpha values and critical values like this:

z score for hypothesis test

The red shaded region is the upper 5% of the standard normal distribution which starts at the critical value of z=1.644854. This is sometimes called the ‘rejection region’. The blue vertical line is drawn at our observed value of z=1.67. You can see that the red line falls just inside the rejection region, so we Reject \(H_{0}\) !

6.5 One vs. two-tailed tests

Recall that our alternative hypothesis was to reject if our mean IQ was significantly greater than the null hypothesis mean: \(H_{A}: \mu > 100\) . This implies that the situation where \(\mu < 100\) is never even in consideration, which is weird. In science, we’re trying to understand the true state of the world. Although we have a hunch that grad student IQ’s are higher than average, there is always the possibility that they are lower than average. If our sample came up with an IQ well below 100, we’d simply fail to reject \(H_{0}\) and move on. This feels like throwing out important information.

The test we just ran is called a ‘one-tailed’ test because we only reject \(H_{0}\) if our results fall in one of the two tails of the population distribution.

Instead, it might make more sense to reject \(H_{0}\) if we get either an unusually large or small score. This means we need two critical values - one above and one below zero. At first thought you might think we just duplicate our critical value from a one-tailed test to the other side. But will double the area of the rejection region. That’s not a good thing because if \(H_{0}\) is true, there’s actually a \(2\alpha\) probability that we’ll draw a score in the rejection region.

Instead, we divide the area into two tails, each containing an area of \(\frac{\alpha}{2}\) . For \(\alpha\) = 0.05, we can find the critical value of z with qnorm:

So with a two-tailed test at \(\alpha = 0.05\) we reject \(H_{0}\) if our observed z-score is either above z = 1.96 or less than -1.96. This is that value around 2 that Sir Ronald Fischer was talking about!

Here’s what the critical regions and observed value of z looks like for our example with a two-tailed test:

z score for hypothesis test

You can see that splitting the area of \(\alpha = 0.05\) into two halves increased the critical value in the positive direction from 1.64 to 1.96, making it harder to reject \(H_{0}\) . For our example, this changes our decision: our observed value of z = 1.67 no longer falls into the rejection region, so now we fail to reject \(H_{0}\) .

If we now fail to reject \(H_{0}\) , what about the p-value? Remember, for a one-tailed test, p = \(\alpha\) if our observed z-score lands right on the critical value of z. The same is true for a two-tailed test. But the z-score moved so that the area above that score is \(\frac{\alpha}{2}\) . So for a two-tailed test, in order to have a p-value of \(\alpha\) when our z-score lands right on the critical value, we need to double p-value hat we’d get for a one-tailed test.

For our example, the p-value for the one tailed test was \(p=0.0478\) . So if we use a two-tailed test, our p-value is \((2)(0.0478) = 0.0956\) . This value is greater than \(\alpha\) = 0.05, which makes sense because we just showed above that we fail to reject \(H_{0}\) with a two tailed test.

Which is the right test, one-tailed or two-tailed? Ideally, as scientists, we should be agnostic about the results of our experiment. But in reality, we all know that the results are more interesting if they are statistically significant. So you can imagine that for this example, given a choice between one and two-tailed, we’d choose a one-tailed test so that we can reject \(H_{0}\) .

There are two problems with this. First, we should never adjust our choice of hypothesis test after we observe the data. That would be an example of ‘p-hacking’, a topic we’ll discuss later. Second, most statisticians these days strongly recommend against one-tailed tests. The only reason for a one-tailed test is if there is no logical or physical possibility for a population mean to fall below the null hypothesis mean.


  1. Two Sample Z Hypothesis Test

    z score for hypothesis test

  2. Hypothesis Testing using Z-test Statistics

    z score for hypothesis test

  3. Hypothesis Testing: Z-Scores. A guide to understanding what…

    z score for hypothesis test

  4. Hypothesis test calculator to find z score

    z score for hypothesis test

  5. Z Test Statistics Formula

    z score for hypothesis test

  6. One Sample Z Hypothesis Test

    z score for hypothesis test


  1. Z Test and Hypothesis Testing Stats with Python

  2. Z-test

  3. Hypothesis Z-Tests in RStudio: A Step-by-Step Guide (One Sample Mean)-1 & 2 tailed tests

  4. Hypothesis Testing, Part 2: Z-Scores in Sampling Distributions & Evidence Against Null (Lecture 4b)

  5. Hypothesis Testing: 2 Sample Z Test

  6. Z-Score: Definition, Formula, Calculation & Interpretation


  1. Z Test: Uses, Formula & Examples - Statistics By Jim

    In this post, learn about when to use a Z test vs T test. Then we’ll review the Z tests hypotheses, assumptions, interpretation, and formula. Finally, we’ll use the formula in a worked example.

  2. Z-test Calculator

    To calculate the Z test statistic: Compute the arithmetic mean of your sample. From this mean subtract the mean postulated in null hypothesis. Multiply by the square root of size sample. Divide by the population standard deviation. That's it, you've just computed the Z test statistic!

  3. Z-Test for Statistical Hypothesis Testing Explained | Built In

    A Z-test is a type of statistical hypothesis test where the test-statistic follows a normal distribution. The name Z-test comes from the Z-score of the normal distribution. This is a measure of how many standard deviations away a raw score or sample statistics is from the populations’ mean.

  4. The Z-test - University of Washington

    The z-test is a hypothesis test to determine if a single observed mean is signi cantly di erent (or greater or less than) the mean under the null hypothesis, hypwhen you know the standard deviation of the population.

  5. Hypothesis Testing: Z-Scores. A guide to understanding what ...

    To perform a hypothesis test, we need to determine 2 hypotheses: the null hypothesis (or H0) and the alternative hypothesis (or H1). The null hypothesis refers to the formalization of the assertion of a statistical property of the population to be verified.

  6. Z-test - Wikipedia

    A Z-test is any statistical test for which the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis can be approximated by a normal distribution. Z-test tests the mean of a distribution.

  7. Z-Score: Definition, Formula, Calculation & Interpretation

    Hypothesis testing: Z-scores are used in hypothesis testing to determine the significance of results. By comparing the z-score of a sample statistic to critical values, you can decide whether to reject or fail to reject a null hypothesis.

  8. Z-Test: Definition, Uses in Statistics, and Example

    A z-test is a hypothesis test for data that follows a normal distribution. A z-statistic, or z-score, is a number representing the result from the z-test. Z-tests are closely...

  9. Z Test: Definition & Two Proportion Z-Test - Statistics How To

    Running a Z test on your data requires five steps: State the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis. Choose an alpha level. Find the critical value of z in a z table. Calculate the z test statistic (see below). Compare the test statistic to the critical z value and decide if you should support or reject the null hypothesis.

  10. Chapter 6 Hypothesis Testing: the z-test | Introduction to ...

    In this chapter, we’ll introduce hypothesis testing with examples from a ‘z-test’, when we’re comparing a single mean to what we’d expect from a population with known mean and standard deviation. In this case, we can convert our observed mean into a z-score for the standard normal distribution. Hence the name z-test.