Hogan HBRI Test – A Complete Overview and Free Practice [2024]

With its broad range of problem types and a highly competitive environment (~6% of candidates get 24/24), you must be at your best to ace the hbri test..

The Hogan Business Reasoning Test assesses your problem-solving skills through an exceptionally broad variety of unique problems .

With other distinct features like a forward-counting clock and two separate scoring scales, this short, 24-questions test is a true challenge. On top of that, it is used mostly for management and leadership positions, so anyone taking this test is at the top of their game.

The following guide will give you everything you need to know about the HBRI test, including a complete test overview, a free sample test, tips for success, and preparation recommendations .

Have a question on the HBRI or any Hogan Assessment? Contact Us!

Basic Details

hogan critical thinking test

  • Test Overview
  • Test Interface
  • Free Practice
  • Preparation

Shlomik Silbiger

Test geek and founder of Personality-Test-Prep.com

What Is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Test?

The HBRI is a pre-employment cognitive assessment administered by Hogan. It is designed to assess candidates’ problem-solving and reasoning abilities and is used primarily in the selection process of management and leadership roles.

The test contains 24 questions , and while it is untimed , candidates are expected to work as fast as possible , with an estimated time of 25-30 minutes to complete.

As the name suggests, most questions are given in a business-related context.

Test Structure and Question Format

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory test contains 24 questions to be solved as fast as you can.

The questions on the test are very versatile but can be divided into 9 types in two main categories – qualitative and quantitative reasoning .

In the Scoring section we explain more on qualitative and quantitative reasoning. In the Free Practice section we provide sample questions for each type on the HBRI test.

HBRI Qualitative Reasoning Question Types

  • Data visualization
  • Reading comprehension
  • TFC (True/False/Cannot Say)
  • Mechanical reasoning

HBRI Quantitative Reasoning Question Types

  • Tables and graphs
  • Word problems
  • Spatial reasoning

JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation provides you with the best prep solution available on the market today.

What Do You Get?

  • 5 Full Hogan HBRI simulations
  • Over 40 additional practice tests: numerical, verbal & abstract reasoning
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HBRI JTP Prep Example

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What Does the HBRI Test Measure?

As the test name suggests, the HBRI assesses business reasoning – the ability to define and solve complex problems . Business reasoning is divided into two main types of reasoning, measured separately by the HBRI:

  • Qualitative reasoning (formerly “strategic thinking”) – solving problems logically using visual and verbal information.
  • Quantitative reasoning (formerly “tactical thinking”) – solving problems using numerical and spatial data.

Your combined score on both these reasoning types will determine which type of thinker you are. See more in the Scoring section.

HBRI Test Interface

Here is an illustration of what your HBRI test screen is going to look like:

Hogan HBRI Test Interface

  • There are 3-4 answer options for each question.
  • You must answer all questions on the test.
  • You cannot revisit answered questions .
  • Unlike most cognitive tests, the clock counts forward . Therefore, even though the test is officially untimed, your time is measured.
  • Calculators are not allowed, scratch paper is.

By using accurate prep materials that simulate the test interface, you highly increase your chances of success in the HBRI test. Read more in the Preparation section.

HBRI Test Free Practice

The following free sample HBRI test covers all 8 main question types on the test .

See if you do better on the qualitative or quantitative questions, so you know where to put your preparation effort!

The HBRI test is officially untimed, but you are expected to solve these 8 questions in around 8 minutes .

Question #1 – Tables and Graphs

Hogan HBRI Sample Question

Answer and Explanation

The correct answer is B .

This question is a graph analogy question, one of the many types of graphs and tables questions on the HBRI.

In this example, the pie chart and the bar graph need to show the same ratios between the four components.

In the given pair (on the left), the ratios are approximately 35% (A), 35% (B), 20% (C), and 10% (D).

In the pie chart to the right, the ratios are approximately 30% (A), 20% (B), 20% (C), and 30% (D).

The only bar graph showing the same ratios is graph B.

Tables and graphs questions on the HBRI test are usually not super challenging but are VERY versatile. They may come in numerous formats, and it is important to become familiar with as many of these formats as possible.

Question #2 – Word Problems

Three teams work in the sales department at your company. The average sales goal for this year is $20,000 per employee. Team A has three employees and overall yearly sales of $54,000. Team B has five employees and overall yearly sales of $100,000.

If team C has three employees, what should its yearly sales be so that the department achieves its goal?

The correct answer is B – $66,000.

Here’s a simple and quick solving method using only the averages.

  • Team A has average sales of $18,000 per employee (54/3 = 18).
  • Team B has average sales of $20,000 per employee (100/5 = 20). We can therefore take this team out of the calculation.
  • Team C has the exact same number of employees as team A, so for the average sales per employee of both teams adds up to $20,000, the average sales per employee of team C must be $22,000.

Therefore, the overall sales of team C must be $22,000 x 3 = $66,000.

We can also calculate this in full, using an equation:

(54,000 + 100,000 + C) / 11 = 20,000

(54 + 100 + C) / 11 = 20

While the HBRI test is officially untimed, the clock counts forward. This means that the faster your solving time is, the better your eventual score will be.

Question #3 – Spatial Reasoning

If multiple trains travel between stations in both directions, time travel between every two stations is the same, and changing trains takes no time, which route is the fastest between A and B?

HBRI Sample Spatial Reasoning Question

  • Lines 2, 3, 4
  • Only line 2
  • Lines 2, 3, 2

The correct answer is A – lines 2, 3, 4.

That route includes 5 stations, as follows:

  • Travel one station north on line 2 and change to line 3. Travel two stations east and change to line 4. Travel one station north to reach station B.

Let’s take a look at the other answers:

  • B – Travelling only on line 2 will require going through 6 stations.
  • C – Since line 3 does not reach station B, this answer is incorrect.
  • D – Travelling on lines 2, 3, 2 will require going through 6 stations (travel one station north on line 2 and change to line 3. Travel three stations east and change to line 2. Travel two stations north to reach station B).

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HBRI Qualitative Practice Questions

Question #4 – data visualization.

Daily Cleaning Chores for Volunteers

#,& @ Off
Off #,& @
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# – Kitchen

& – Toilet

@ – Yard

Given the pattern of cleaning chores, and assuming that all volunteers do the same number of chores every week, what will Jill clean on Saturday?

  • Either the toilet or the yard
  • The kitchen
  • None of the above

The correct answer is A – the toilet.

The chores pattern follows two rules:

  • Every day (except for Sunday), all three chores must be completed.
  • A volunteer cannot perform the same chore day after day.

Given these constraints, on Saturday each of the three volunteers must do one chore (each did 5 chores during Monday-Friday). As such, since Jill had already cleaned both the kitchen and the yard on Friday, on Saturday she can only clean the toilet.

Data visualization is indeed somewhat synonymous with “graphs and tables”. However, in the HBRI test, these questions focus more on pattern recognition than on actual numbers.

Question #5 – Verbal Reasoning (Reading Comprehension)

Last year we have finally seen substantial growth in some of the company’s emerging departments. Results are especially encouraging in the digital marketing department, in which revenue has more than doubled over the last year, and in the planning & design department, whose revenue is up nearly 300% since last year.

These figures serve more than just a self-pat on the back. Important insight for future endeavors can be gained. Primarily, that a well-executed idea will eventually take off, even if some patience is required.

What can be deduced from the passage?

  • All of the company’s emerging departments were a success.
  • The company should invest more resources in the digital marketing and planning & design departments.
  • The digital marketing and planning & design departments did not succeed initially.
  • The company has been dealing with digital marketing for many years.

The correct answer is C.

That can be deduced from combining several pieces in the text:

  • Last year we have finally seen substantial growth in…. emerging departments.
  • …a well-executed idea will eventually take off, even if some patience is required.

Answer A is incorrect:

  • …substantial growth in some of the company’s emerging departments.

Answer B is incorrect:

  • No recommendation is given in the text to come to such a conclusion.

Answer D is incorrect:

  • The described departments are emerging departments – i.e., new departments revolving around a new business idea or activity. Therefore, their activity could not have been years-long.

Reading comprehension questions on the HBRI are complex and often require understanding the context and meaning of whole texts rather than specific points.

Question #6 – Verbal Reasoning (Analogies)

Losses are to risk as profits are to ______.

  • Opportunity

The correct answer is D – Opportunity.

You are at risk of having losses as you have an opportunity to make profits.

Question #7 – Verbal Reasoning (Syllogisms)

All employees must show up for work tomorrow unless they have worked the night shift. If none of the night shift workers are analysts, which of the following must be true?

  • No analysts must show up for work tomorrow.
  • Any analyst that works for the company must show up for work tomorrow.
  • All those who must show up for work tomorrow are not analysts.
  • All employees who did not work the night shift are analysts.

The correct answer is B.

Combining the two given statements, we know that no analyst is exempt from showing up for work (since no analyst has worked the night shift).

That statement is equal to “Any analyst that works for the company must show up for work tomorrow.”

Answers A and C are incorrect since they directly contradict answer B.

Answer D is incorrect since:

all those who did work the night shift were not analysts IS NOT EQUAL TO all those who did not work the night shift were analysts.

Syllogisms questions on the HBRI test may come in the form of a “following statement” (as the example above), or in the form of a TFC (True/False/Cannot Say) question. Familiarity with some basic rules of formal logic can tremendously help.

Question #8 – Mechanical Reasoning

Which wheel will have a higher rpm (revolutions per minute)?

HBRI Mechanical Sample Question

  • Both will have the same rpm.

When two wheels are connected by a belt, the wheel with the smaller radius (B) will have a higher rotational velocity (and therefore, a higher rpm). That is because both wheels have the same linear velocities in the contact points of the belt.

Get serious about your career! Start preparing for your HBRI Test!

HBRI Test Scoring

How is the hogan business reasoning inventory test scored.

The HBRI test scores your qualitative and quantitative reasoning and calculates an overall business reasoning score. That score is given as a percentile score.

Based on your combined performance in both subscales, the test will determine “which type of thinker you are”:

HBRI 4 Thinker Types Scoring

The Four Thinker Types Assessed by the Hogan HBRI

  • Expedient Thinker – low on both subscales. An intuitive thinker who mostly makes the easier, faster choice.
  • Contextual Thinker – high on qualitative, low on quantitative. Can see the big-picture-problem, but not the details of how to solve it.
  • Analytic Thinker – high on quantitative, low on qualitative. Can see the measures to tackle a specific problem but cannot put them in a broader context.
  • Critical Thinker – high on both subscales. Can both put problems in context and solve them effectively in short-term steps.

You can learn more on HBRI scoring in this sample HBRI score report .

What Is a Good Score on the HBRI Test?

As mentioned above, the HBRI assessment aims to find only critical thinkers. While Hogan estimates that around 25% of test-takers are critical thinkers, naturally those with the highest scores will be selected.

Answering all 24 questions on the test correctly will put you on the top 6% – which is entirely attainable.

HBRI Test Tips

Considering all the unique features of the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Test, here are 4 tips for acing it:

Tip #1 – Practice Versatilely

The questions on the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory mostly do not require complex calculations or thought processes.

However, they require you to quickly identify and understand problems. One of the distinct features of this test is the multiple and unique ways in which problems are presented – especially visually .

Sharpen your ability to recognize ideas depicted in test questions by exposing yourself to as many question types as possible.

A good HBRI Test Preparation Course contains a variety of drills and question types. Read more in the Preparation section.

Tip #2 – Solving Speed Matters

As we’ve previously mentioned, the HBRI test is mostly used for screening candidates for high-level jobs (especially management). Therefore, you will be competing against top performers.

According to Hogan , around 6% of HBRI test-takers get all 24 questions correct. Compared with other cognitive assessments, this is quite high.

As such, a high solving speed will give you an advantage over other candidates and get on top of the competition.

A good HBRI Test Preparation Course simulates the actual test’s time constraints. Read more in the Preparation section.

Tip #3 – Keep the Following Tests in Mind

The HBRI test is usually followed by other assessments throughout the hiring process.

Most commonly these tests will include Hogan’s personality assessment, the HPI (Hogan Personality Inventory) or the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices test.

If and when you purchase a preparation pack for the HBRI, it is recommended to get yourself covered for these tests as well.

A good HBRI Test Preparation Course also allows you to prepare for additional tests, such as the HPI or Raven. Read more in the Preparation section.

Tip #4 – Keep Reasoning Types in Mind

The Hogan HBRI test assesses two types of reasoning – qualitative and quantitative. These types represent two separate “modes” of thinking.

Each of these reasoning types is measured by different questions on the HBRI test (see more about HBRI question types in the Test Overview section) and will be scored separately.

It is therefore recommended to keep track of your scores on both qualitative quantitative reasoning and focus your efforts on where you need to improve more.

HBRI Test Preparation

There is currently only one viable prep option for the HBRI Test – JobTestPrep’s tailored HBRI Prep Course .

Below we will give you all the reasons why this is the ONLY prep course you should choose . All screenshots are taken from the preparation course.

Tailored Question Types

JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation is the only available prep course that accurately replicates all the various, unique question types you will encounter on the HBRI test. That includes tables and graphs, data visualization, and more.

Authentic Mock Tests

The practice tests are tailored to the actual HBRI test in terms of level of difficulty, format, timing, and structure. That allows you a first-hand testing experience before the actual assessment.

Personalized Score Reports

Track your progress and solving speed with personalized score reports, including detailed answers to all questions.

HBRI JTP Score Report Sample

Includes Preparation to Follow-Up Tests

The HBRI will usually be taken as a collection of tests, most commonly the HPI and the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices. JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Prep allows you to prepare for all these tests together.

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HBRI (Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory) Test Guide

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) is a highly regarded assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills within a business context. This test measures the cognitive abilities that are essential for making sound business decisions and effectively navigating complex work environments. The HBRI is widely used by organizations to identify and develop high-potential employees, ensuring that they possess the reasoning capabilities necessary for leadership and strategic roles.

Free HBRI Practice Test Online

Key takeaways.

  • HBRI evaluates critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a business context.
  • The test helps identify high-potential employees for leadership and strategic roles.
  • It provides insights into an individual’s decision-making processes and cognitive abilities.

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory is based on extensive research and is designed to measure two main types of reasoning:

  • Logical Reasoning: The ability to analyze information, recognize patterns, and make logical connections. This skill is crucial for problem-solving and strategic decision-making.
  • Numerical Reasoning: The ability to work with numerical data, interpret statistical information, and perform quantitative analyses. This is essential for making data-driven decisions in business.

Test Structure

The HBRI consists of multiple-choice questions that assess both logical and numerical reasoning abilities. Test-takers are presented with various scenarios and data sets, and they must use their reasoning skills to answer questions accurately.

Benefits of the HBRI

  • Predictive Validity: The HBRI has been shown to predict job performance, particularly in roles that require strong analytical and decision-making skills.
  • Developmental Insights: The results provide valuable feedback that can be used for personal and professional development.
  • Objective Measurement: The test offers an objective measure of cognitive abilities, reducing bias in the selection and development processes.

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory HBRI

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) is an essential tool for organizations looking to enhance their talent management strategies. By assessing the cognitive abilities that underpin effective business reasoning, the HBRI helps organizations make informed decisions about hiring, promotion, and development.

Application in Talent Management

  • Selection: The HBRI can be used in the recruitment process to identify candidates with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for success in complex roles.
  • Promotion: The test helps identify employees with the potential to succeed in higher-level positions that require advanced reasoning abilities.
  • Development: The insights gained from the HBRI can inform personalized development plans, helping employees enhance their cognitive skills and improve their job performance.

Implementing the HBRI

To implement the HBRI effectively, organizations should integrate the test into their broader talent management strategies. This involves:

  • Defining Competencies: Clearly defining the cognitive competencies required for various roles within the organization.
  • Testing Procedures: Establishing standardized testing procedures to ensure consistency and fairness.
  • Feedback and Development: Providing test-takers with detailed feedback and development resources to help them improve their reasoning abilities.

critical thinking skills

Unlock Your Potential with Hogan Assessment

The Hogan Assessment , including the HBRI, is a powerful tool for unlocking individual potential and driving organizational success. By understanding their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, individuals can take proactive steps to enhance their skills and achieve their career goals.

Self-Awareness and Growth

  • Understanding Strengths: The HBRI helps individuals identify their cognitive strengths, enabling them to leverage these abilities in their professional roles.
  • Recognizing Weaknesses: The test also highlights areas for improvement, providing a roadmap for personal and professional development.
  • Targeted Development: With a clear understanding of their cognitive profile, individuals can pursue targeted development opportunities to enhance their reasoning skills.

Career Advancement

  • Enhanced Performance: By developing their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, individuals can improve their job performance and increase their chances of career advancement.
  • Leadership Potential : Strong reasoning skills are essential for effective leadership. The HBRI helps identify individuals with the potential to succeed in leadership roles.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: The ability to make sound, data-driven decisions is crucial for career success. The HBRI equips individuals with the skills needed to excel in strategic roles.

Hogan Assessment: Unlock Your Career Potential

The Hogan Assessment, particularly the HBRI, is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to unlock their career potential. By providing a detailed understanding of cognitive abilities, the HBRI helps individuals make informed decisions about their career paths and development needs.

Career Planning

  • Skills Assessment: The HBRI provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s cognitive skills, helping them identify career paths that align with their strengths.
  • Development Goals: Based on the HBRI results, individuals can set specific development goals to enhance their cognitive abilities and advance their careers.
  • Career Transitions: The test can also be useful for individuals considering career transitions, providing insights into the cognitive skills required for new roles.

Professional Development

  • Training Programs: The HBRI results can inform the selection of training programs and resources to help individuals develop their reasoning skills.
  • Mentoring and Coaching: Individuals can use the insights gained from the HBRI to seek mentoring and coaching opportunities that address their specific development needs.
  • Continuous Improvement: By regularly assessing their cognitive skills with the HBRI, individuals can track their progress and continuously improve their abilities.

Boost Your Career: Expert Development Tips & Tricks

Leveraging the insights gained from the HBRI, individuals can take proactive steps to boost their careers. Here are some expert development tips and tricks to help enhance cognitive skills and achieve career success.

Tips for Enhancing Logical Reasoning

  • Practice Puzzles and Games: Engage in puzzles and logic games that challenge your reasoning abilities.
  • Analyze Complex Problems: Regularly analyze complex problems and practice breaking them down into manageable parts.
  • Reflect on Decisions: Reflect on your decision-making processes and identify areas for improvement.

business decision-making

Tips for Enhancing Numerical Reasoning

  • Work with Data: Gain experience working with numerical data and performing quantitative analyses.
  • Study Statistics: Study basic statistics to improve your ability to interpret and analyze data.
  • Practice Calculations: Regularly practice calculations and data interpretation exercises.

General Development Tips

  • Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to identify areas for improvement.
  • Stay Informed: Stay informed about industry trends and best practices to enhance your business reasoning skills.
  • Lifelong Learning: Commit to lifelong learning and continuous improvement to maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities.

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) is an essential tool for both organizations and individuals. For organizations, it provides valuable insights into the cognitive abilities of employees, aiding in talent management and development. For individuals, it offers a clear understanding of their reasoning skills, helping them unlock their potential and achieve career success. By leveraging the HBRI, organizations can build strong, capable teams, and individuals can enhance their professional capabilities, leading to improved performance and career advancement.

What is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)?

The HBRI is an assessment tool designed to evaluate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a business context.

How is the HBRI used in talent management?

The HBRI is used for selecting, promoting, and developing employees by providing insights into their cognitive abilities.

What skills does the HBRI assess?

The HBRI assesses logical reasoning and numerical reasoning skills.

How can individuals benefit from the HBRI?

Individuals can benefit from the HBRI by gaining insights into their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, which can inform their professional development and career planning.

Where can I take the HBRI?

The HBRI is typically administered by organizations, but individuals can also take it through authorized assessment providers.

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Hogan Lovells Assessments

  • 248 questions

Hogan Lovells is a global law firm with offices in over 40 countries, providing a wide range of legal services to clients across various industries, including corporate, finance, litigation, and intellectual property.

Careers at Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells is a global law firm with a rich history dating back to the early 19th century. The firm was formed through a merger between Hogan & Hartson and Lovells in 2010 and has since grown to become one of the largest law firms in the world.

Headquartered in London, Hogan Lovells has offices in over 45 locations worldwide and employs more than 2,800 lawyers.

The firm is known for its exceptional client service and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Hogan Lovells has received numerous awards and accolades, including being named Law Firm of the Year at the Chambers Diversity & Inclusion Awards in 2020.

Employees are attracted to the firm for its collaborative culture, global reach, and commitment to professional development. Hogan Lovells offers a range of benefits and services to its employees, including health and wellness programs, retirement savings plans, and flexible work arrangements.

The firm also offers a variety of job roles across its legal and business support functions, including positions in litigation, corporate law, regulatory compliance, and technology. With a focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, Hogan Lovells provides a dynamic and challenging work environment for employees looking to grow their careers in the legal industry.

Hogan Lovells Application Process

Online application, critical thinking test, video interview, assessment day, hogan lovells online application.

When applying to Hogan Lovells online, candidates can expect a straightforward application process. The online application typically consists of several sections, including personal information, education and qualifications, work experience, and some additional questions specific to the role. Candidates will also be asked to upload their CV, cover letter, and any relevant documents, such as academic transcripts.

It is important to take the time to carefully review your application, as it can provide valuable insight into your skills and abilities. Once the application is complete, candidates will receive confirmation that their application has been received and will be reviewed by the Hogan Lovells recruitment team.

Hogan Lovells Critical Thinking Test

In addition to your online application, you will receive a Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test (W-GCTA) via email to complete.

The test may consist of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, or a combination of both. Candidates are typically given a limited amount of time to complete the test, and the questions may relate to various areas of law, including commercial, finance, and litigation.

The W-GCTA contains five sections designed to find out how good an individual is at analytical and logical reasoning.

The five sections measure the following abilities:

  • Drawing inferences - This section of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test measures a candidate’s ability to draw conclusions based on information that is not explicitly stated.
  • Recognizing assumptions - assesses a candidate’s ability to identify and evaluate the assumptions that underlie arguments or statements.
  • Deduction - measures a candidate’s ability to apply logical reasoning to reach a conclusion based on a set of given premises.
  • Interpreting - assesses a candidate’s ability to understand and interpret written or verbal information, and to determine its meaning.
  • Evaluating arguments - measures a candidate’s ability to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an argument, and to determine its validity and soundness.

To prepare for the Hogan Lovells Critical Thinking Test, candidates should familiarize themselves with the areas of law that may be covered, and practice their critical thinking and logical reasoning skills. This can be done through practice tests and exercises, as well as by reading legal texts and cases. It is also important to manage time effectively during the test and to read each question carefully before answering.

Hogan Lovells Video Interview

The Hogan Lovells video interview is typically used as a preliminary screening tool to assess a candidate’s communication skills, motivation, and fit with the firm’s culture and values.

Candidates will be asked to record themselves answering a series of pre-recorded questions, and then submit their responses through an online platform.

The questions in the Hogan Lovells video interview will typically focus on a candidate’s background, experience, and interest in the legal industry.

Candidates may also be asked to provide specific examples of their skills or experience that relate to the requirements of the role they are applying for.

It is important to prepare thoroughly for the video interview, researching the firm, and practicing answering questions in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, candidates should ensure that they are in a quiet, well-lit location with a stable internet connection and appropriate camera equipment.

Following the video interview, candidates may be invited to participate in further stages of the recruitment process, such as a face-to-face interview or assessment center.

Prepare yourself for leading employers


Hogan Lovells Assessment Day

The Hogan Lovells assessment day is an intensive, full-day evaluation process that aims to assess a candidate’s suitability for the role they are applying for. The assessment day typically involves a series of exercises, including group activities, case studies, and individual presentations, which are designed to evaluate a range of competencies and skills.

During the Hogan Lovells assessment day , candidates will have the opportunity to meet with current employees and other candidates and gain insight into the culture and working environment of the firm.

The exercises are designed to simulate real-world scenarios, and candidates will be assessed on their ability to work well in a team, think strategically, communicate effectively, and manage their time and resources efficiently.

It is important to prepare thoroughly for the Hogan Lovells assessment day, researching the firm and the requirements of the role, and practicing exercises that may be included in the assessment.

Hogan Lovells Situational Interview

A situational interview with Hogan Lovells is a type of job interview where candidates are asked hypothetical questions that are designed to test their ability to handle real-life situations that may arise in the workplace (similar to a situational judgement test).

The questions are often related to the specific role that the candidate is applying for and are designed to assess the candidate’s problem-solving skills, judgment, and ability to work under pressure.

During a situational interview with Hogan Lovells, candidates may be asked to describe how they would handle a specific scenario or challenge, such as dealing with a difficult client, managing a tight deadline, or resolving a conflict with a colleague. Candidates may also be asked to describe their approach to problem-solving, their communication skills, and their ability to work in a team.

To prepare for a situational interview with Hogan Lovells, candidates should familiarize themselves with the types of scenarios that may arise in the workplace. Candidates should also think carefully about their past experiences and be prepared to provide specific examples of how they have handled similar situations in the past.

Some situational interview questions you might be asked:

  • Tell me about a time when you had to work under a tight deadline. How did you handle the pressure, and what steps did you take to ensure that the work was completed on time?
  • Imagine that you are working on a complex project with a team of colleagues. One team member consistently fails to meet deadlines and complete their portion of the work. How would you handle this situation?
  • Describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict with a coworker or client. What steps did you take to address the issue, and what was the outcome?
  • Hogan Lovells places a strong emphasis on collaboration and teamwork. Can you tell me about a project you worked on with a team, and how you contributed to its success?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to handle a difficult or challenging client. How did you address their concerns, and what steps did you take to ensure their satisfaction?

Some other interview questions you might be asked:

  • Why would you want to pursue commercial law?
  • What is your experience in e-filing?
  • Why are you interested in this role?
  • How do you go about determining what sources can and cannot be trusted?
  • How do you react when a member of the group is not contributing to the project?

Hogan Lovells Group exercise

The Hogan Lovells group exercise is a collaborative group exercise that aims to evaluate a candidate’s ability to work effectively in a team environment.

Candidates will be presented with a scenario or problem and asked to work together with a group of other candidates to develop a solution or strategy. The group exercise is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively, listen actively, and contribute constructively to a team.

During the Hogan Lovells group exercise, candidates will be observed and evaluated by a team of assessors, who will be looking for evidence of key competencies, such as leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills.

It is important to remain engaged and actively contribute to the discussion while being respectful of others and maintaining a professional demeanor.

Hogan Lovells Legal drafting exercise

The Hogan Lovells legal drafting exercise is a written exercise that aims to evaluate a candidate’s ability to analyze complex legal issues, apply legal principles, and communicate effectively in writing.

Candidates will be presented with a legal problem or scenario and asked to draft a document or letter that outlines a legal analysis or recommendation. The legal drafting exercise is designed to assess a candidate’s attention to detail, legal writing skills, and ability to work under pressure.

During the Hogan Lovells legal drafting exercise, candidates will be given a set amount of time to complete the task, and will be evaluated based on the quality of their analysis, the accuracy of their legal reasoning, and the clarity and coherence of their writing.

It is important to prepare thoroughly for the legal drafting exercise, by practicing legal drafting exercises that may be included in the assessment. It is also important to pay close attention to the instructions and the requirements of the task and to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the legal issues involved.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Hogan Lovells. We provide preparation services for Hogan Lovells psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit https://www.hoganlovells.com/en/global-careers to find out more.

Sample Hogan Lovells Tests question Test your knowledge!

Having analyzed recent legal battles over data privacy, a pattern was identified where lawsuits against smaller firms resulted in faster settlements. What strategy should a legal adviser propose when taking on a new client with potential liability?

  • Aggressively pursue litigation to set a precedent.
  • Advocate for more robust data protection measures to prevent legal issues.
  • Recommend immediate settlement to avoid legal costs.
  • Wait for a class action lawsuit to dictate the next steps.

A client has a patent filing that showed an initial cost of $10,000. Due to new required regulatory procedures, the cost increased by 15%. The client also opted for an expedited process that incurs an additional fee, which is 20% of the initial cost. What is the total cost of the patent filing?

A data breach at a major corporation released customer data that was supposed to be protected by encryption. Based on legal precedents, what is the most probable outcome from a litigation standpoint?

  • The corporation will face minimal penalties since the data was encrypted.
  • There will be significant financial penalties due to negligence in protecting customer data.
  • The customers will be required to prove damages to claim any compensation.
  • The corporation's encryption practices will shield it from any form of litigation.

What best explains the phrase 'mitigate risks' in a legal advisory regarding an international trade agreement?

  • To transfer risks to another party
  • To eliminate any possible risks
  • To lessen the severity of possible negative outcomes
  • To ensure risks are centrally managed

After reviewing a series of judgements related to intellectual property disputes, it was found that typically, disputes are resolved with a median settlement amount of $250,000. If five recent cases settled for $200,000, $300,000, $150,000, $400,000, and $500,000 respectively, is this consistent with the typical resolution amount identified?

  • Yes, because the average settlement amount of these cases is $310,000 which is above the median.
  • No, because the median settlement amount of these cases is $300,000 which is higher than the typical median.
  • Yes, because the settlements in two of the cases are exactly the median amount.
  • No, because the median settlement amount of these cases is $300,000 which is higher than the typical resolution.

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Hogan Lovells Tests Tips

1 understand the company culture.

Grasping the essence and values of Hogan Lovells is crucial. Familiarize yourself with their innovative approach towards matters like space exploration, cybersecurity, and renewable energy. This knowledge will not only prep you for potential assessment content but also help you to answer with the company’s ethos in mind. Remember, your fit with the company culture can be just as important as your technical skills.

2 Stay Informed on Global Issues

Hogan Lovells thrives at the intersection of law, technology, and global affairs. Broaden your perspectives by staying up-to-date with current events, especially in sectors like renewable energy and tech innovation. This will help you to think more critically and contextually during the assessment, reflecting the type of worldview Hogan Lovells values.

3 Fine-Tune Your Critical Thinking

At Hogan Lovells, forward-thinking is key. Their work requires innovative problem-solving skills. Hone your ability to analyze and evaluate information effectively. When practicing with Practice Aptitude Tests, focus on strengthening your logical reasoning and decision-making capabilities. These skills are likely to be tested and can be pivotal in demonstrating your potential.

4 Practice Legal Reasoning

Get comfortable with tests that may examine your ability to work through legal scenarios. While studying up at Practice Aptitude Tests, pay particular attention to tests that challenge your understanding of legal principles and your ability to apply them in various contexts—much like what you might encounter at Hogan Lovells.

5 Sharpen Your Communication Skills

As a firm handling complex global issues, sharp, clear communication is vital at Hogan Lovells. Whether verbal or written, make sure you can convey your thoughts succinctly and effectively. During practice, simulate explaining your reasoning process or crafting persuasive arguments, as these are skills you’ll likely need to showcase.

Prepare for your Hogan Lovells Assessments

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Hogan Lovells Tests FAQs

What are hogan lovell's core values.

Hogan Lovells’ core values include teamwork, diversity and inclusion, client service, integrity, and excellence.

Which assessments do Hogan Lovells use?

Hogan Lovells uses the Watson Glaser Critical Reasoning test to assess their candidates.

Where can I practice Hogan Lovell's assessments?

Hogan Lovell’s assessments can be practiced using our free practice questions .

What should I wear to the assessment?

It is recommended to dress professionally for the Hogan Lovells assessment, such as business formal attire.

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Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory: Samples & Practice Tests (2024)

hogan critical thinking test

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)  is used to select candidates for business and management-related roles . The HBRI is known for being very difficult, as it requires analyzing large amounts of data in different formats in a short time span.  Therefore,  preparation is vital . 

Our Hogan HBRI Test PrepPack is the most accurate and professional in the market and designed to help you ace the test and showcase your critical thinking skills to potential employers. It includes:

  • Full-length HBRI Test simulations   that will teach you how to efficiently handle tough questions under a tight time limit, improving your time management capabilities. The test reports and complete answers in these simulations will help you understand where there is room for improvement while also deepening your grasp of the theory behind the various questions in the Test. 
  • Additional verbal, numerical, mechanical, and abstract reasoning practice tests  will give you all the practice you need to answer the various questions accurately and quickly, sharpen your skills, and gain confidence in areas you feel need extra work. 
  • Video tutorials & study guides  full of in-depth practical explanations and tips that will give you a broader understanding of the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory, and how to master it - giving you the edge over the competition. 

Keep reading for more details about the test, free practice questions, and study guides!

Full Test Simulations: - 5 full HBRI practice tests

Additional Practice Tests by Subjects: - 16 verbal practice tests - 25 numerical practice tests - 1 additional mechanical reasoning drill - 1 additional Abstract reasoning drill

Study Guides: - 6 numerical study guides & tutorials - 4 verbal study guides & tutorials - 1 mechanical study guide & tutorial

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hogan critical thinking test

Amit , Hogan Test Expert at JobTestPrep Have a question? Contact me at:

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What Is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)?

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) is a  psychometric assessment designed by Hogan Assessments  to measure an individual's problem-solving skills in the qualitative, qualitative and spatial information fields. 

The HBRI test mainly assesses candidates for management and business positions. 

Is the HBRI timed?

Yes. The test is limited to 30 minutes  and comprises 24 questions , divided into 3 types : verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning. You won't be allowed to use a calculator or any other support/help. You can learn more about the HBRI with our dedicated video:

hogan critical thinking test

What Does the HBRI Measure?

The HBRI aims to measure your critical thinking abilities, in a way that will predict performance in a wide variety of management and business settings. To do so, your basic scores on the test will be converted and analyzed into 3 main factors that your employer will see in your personal HBRI report:

Overall Business Reasoning

  • This factor presents the ability to balance short and long-term goals, link innovation to implementation, recognize assumptions, understand agendas, evaluate arguments, etc.
  • Provides a normative score – comparing how well did you score on the HBRI compared to a sample of working adults from across the globe.

Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning

  • Qualitative Reasoning – This factor presents the ability to work with data visualization, logic, and verbal information to solve problems.
  • Quantitative Reasoning – This factor presents the ability to work with mathematical and spatial information to solve problems.
  • These Factors also provide a normative score – comparing how well did you score on the HBRI compared to a sample of working adults from across the globe.

Cognitive Style: The Interaction of Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning

  • This factor combines the two critical reasoning components to describe how you think and solve problems in the workplace.
  • There are 4 Cognitive Style Profiles in the HBRI's model:  Expedient Thinker, Analytical Thinker, Contextual Thinker, and Critical Thinker

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Sample Questions

As mentioned before, proper practice and familiarity with the test questions significantly reduce stress and anxiety on test day and raise your chance for success. That's precisely why our experts at JobTestPrep have made a dedicated short free sample test for you.

The sample questions below don't include all the different types you may face in the test, but only most of them. If you want to practice more types of questions, you can check out our HBRI PrepPack. 

Numerical Reasoning Sample Question

Civil Service Numerical Test 2

How much did a family, visiting the Louvre, spend (in £) if it consisted of 3 adults, 2 students and 1 senior an 2 of the adults and 1 of the students bought their tickets online?

The correct answer is (1) - £59.13 A  student ticket  to the Louvre costs: €14. There were  2   students  in the family,  one  of them bought his ticket online (saving 20%). That means that  one student paid full price : €14  while the  other student paid 80% of the original price : €14*(80/100)= €14*0.8: €14 + €14*0.8 =  €25.2  An  adult ticket  to the Louvre costs: €16. There were  3 adults  in the family,  two  of them bought their tickets online (saving 20%). That means that  one adult paid full price : €16  while the  other two adults paid 80% of the original price : 2*€16*(80/100) = €32*0.8 €16 + €16*0.8 + €16*0.8 =  €41.6 A  senior ticket  to the Louvre costs:  €11 . There was  one  senior in the family. Therefore, the total family's-costs to the Louvre:  €25.2 + €41.6 + €11 = €77.8 Notice that the question asks you to calculate the total cost  in  GBP . Therefore, use the appropriate exchange rate, according to the second table: €77.8*0.76= £59.13

Verbal Reasoning Sample Question

ROADBLOCK is to CAR as FETTER is to…

A roadblock prevents a car from moving just as a fetter prevents the convict from moving.

Abstract Reasoning Sample Question

Can you identify the missing shape?

hogan critical thinking test


hogan critical thinking test

The correct answer is alternative E

Columns: In eachcolumn, the symbols in one of the cells are a combination of the symbols from the other cells so that:

A. The “combination cell” consists of all (and only) the symbols from the other cells in the column.

B. The symbols from the lower cell (out of the cells containing two symbols) appear first from left in the “combination cell”, followed by the two symbols from the upper cell.

The only option that matches these patterns is E.  Note:  you can also look at the rows, however, it is not sufficient for choosing one answer.  In each row, two of the cells consist of two symbols and the third cell consists of four symbols. None of the symbols appear more than once in the same row.

Feel Like You're Not Ready Yet? Check out our HBRI PrepPack!

Our HBRI PrepPack is the most accurate and professional in the market. It includes 5 full test simulations , dozens of practice questions, and study guides, and covers all the topics and question styles you'll face in the exam.

Other Hogan Tests

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
  • Hogan Personality Test Prep
  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) - You Are Here
  • JobTestPrep's Free Online Hogan Test simulation

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Hogan Lovells Critical Reasoning Test

Hogan Lovells look for employees with a high analytical ability. Applicants have to pass a critical thinking test before being offered a position.

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Hogan Lovells use the following tests in their selection process:

About hogan lovells critical thinking exercises, hogan lovells application process stages, hogan lovells critical thinking exercise questions, critical thinking tests and who uses them, what you should know before taking your critical thinking test, different types of critical thinking tests, answered questions.

Critical Thinking Exercises are a fair and objective way for Hogan Lovells to assess a wide range of applicants, each having different experiences and different qualifications. By analysing the results of a standardised critical thinking exercise, Hogan Lovells are able to quickly see which candidates are suitable for the role and which are not. This sort of information about candidates’ skills is difficult to glean from interviews and qualifications alone, so they use professional psychometric tests.

hogan lovells logo

Often, Hogan Lovells will ask applicants to take a critical thinking exercise online, which you can take from home. When the critical thinking exercise is used early on in the application process like this you will have to achieve a minimum score before you progress to the next round (typically a score in the top 50% of applicants is required however this does vary role to role). Further along in the selection process you might be asked to attend an assessment centre or interview where you will be asked to sit a critical thinking exercise again. This is so Hogan Lovells can verify the person scoring highly in the test is indeed the person applying for the job.

Assessment sectionRecommended Practice Pack
Suitable for preparing for Hogan Lovells
Suitable for preparing for Hogan Lovells

Here is the typical process for your application to Hogan Lovells.


The whole application process will vary depending on the Hogan Lovells region you are applying to. Some of the stages may not apply, and some may appear in a different sequence. However, all will require that you apply online.

Online Aptitude Test
Critical Thinking Exercise

Once your application has been reviewed and successfully passed screening, an online assessment will be employed. Once again, each region will operate under their own system, but you can expect to take part in a 30-minute .

Video interview

Upon passing the Critical Thinking exercise, you will then be asked to take part in a telephone interview. Typically, in a telephone interview you will be asked a set of questions regarding your motivations, professional judgements and abilities. Ensure that your answers are relevant to the questions asked.

Assessment Centre

For the final stage of the process you will be invited to an assessment centre and asked to take part in 3 exercises:

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Like most critical thinking tests, the one used by Hogan Lovells look at your "ability to consider a range of information derived from many different sources, to process this information in a creative and logical manner, challenging it, analysing it and arriving at considered conclusions which can be defended and justified." The critical thinking test will be assessing your speed and accuracy. The answers are multiple choice and you should try to work quickly within the time limit, but also accurately. Negative marking is unlikely to be used but do not guess answers, as this will show up in your accuracy score. Sometimes you will find that you can make a best guess estimate by deducing that some of the answer options are incorrect. This approach to critical thinking tests will come with practice, and you will become familiar with the type of critical thinking tests used by companies, such as Hogan Lovells.

Companies are using critical thinking tests more and more in their application process that candidates must go through. Critical thinking tests are favoured when the role being recruited for requires critical analysis of arguments on a regular basis. A person's score in a critical thinking test is a good indicator of their ability to structure a sound, solid arguments, analyse and synthesise available information, and to recognise assumptions and inferences. This is particularly important in legal positions.

Hogan Lovells use critical reasoning exercises as part of their recruitment process to help them select the best candidates for a particular role.

So as a graduate or senior candidate applying for a job at Hogan Lovells you might feel like the critical thinking exercise is an unnecessary hoop to jump through. But, you should bear in mind that Hogan Lovells are asking you to complete the critical thinking exercise exercise as much for your own benefit as theirs; if you are not suitable for the role, a psychometric test will usually identify this. Research has shown that psychometric tests, such as those used by Hogan Lovells, are a better predictor of job performance than traditional selection metrics such as level of degree achieved.

The most commonly employed critical thinking test is known as the Watson-Glaser Critial Thinking Assessment. The Watson-Glaser is split into 5 different section. Each section asks questions in a particular style and will expect you to reason slightly differently to reach the correct answer. The 5 sections are listed and explained below:

  • Assumptions: In these questions a statement will be presented and the candidate will have to decide if an assumption has been made in making the statement. For example in the statement “only people earning a high salary can afford a fast car” it is assumed that fast cars cost more than not fast cars (this is just one of many assumptions implicit in the statement). An assumption is something someone effectively takes for granted. Statements are given for the individual to read and they are then followed by several proposed assumptions. The candidate has to select whether an assumption has or has not been made.
  • Analysing arguments: Candidates will be provided with a given scenario i.e. “Should the government pay student’s tuition fees?” They are subsequently provided with a list of arguments for or against the scenario presented. The candidate will need to assess if each argument is strong or weak, based on how relevant it is and how well it addresses the question. The argument is considered to be strong if it directly relates to the question or statement, and weak if it is not directly related to the question or statement.
  • Deductions: Candidates will be provided with a passage of information and candidates will need to evaluate a list of deductions made based on that passage. If one cannot deduce a particular statement from the passage, then that deduction does not follow, and the candidate must select which deductions follow and which do not follow. The answer must be entirely based on the statements made and not on conclusions made from one’s own knowledge.
  • Inferences: In this section candidates will be provided with a passage of information on a scenario. A subsequent list of possible inferences will follow, and candidates will be asked to rate if they are true, false, possibly true, possibly false or whether it is not possible to say based on the information in the passage.
  • Interpreting Information: A paragraph of information will be provided to the candidate, with a list of possible conclusions. Candidates will need to interpret the information in the paragraph and decide if each conclusion follows based on the presented information. Once again the decisions must solely be based on the information given.

Most questions in most critical thinking tests follow a standard format displaying written information, the question and answer options on screen. These can be arranged differently, but each test will stick to the same layout throughout. The written information will usually be a single sentence, or a longer passage of text consisting of a few sentences. The question text may contain extra information which adds to the written information that's given. This might also be necessary to answer the question correctly. Lastly, the answer options are almost always multiple choice. Multiple choice answers can vary, however. You may have 2, 4, or 5 options to pick from. The more answer options to pick from, the slimmer the chances are that you can obtain the correct answer by guessing and the more that you have to eliminate as being the correct answer.

Some publishers will have less subtle variations in their test from what's described here. Cappfinity for example, will ask you more than one question at a time. Test Partnership's tests will use logical syllogisms. Test types by different publishers are explained here in more detail.

Are these tests suitable for Hogan Lovells?

Yes. Hogan Lovells use critical reasoning exercises to assess applicants in the recruitment process. The practice tests we provide have been designed to mimic the Watson-Glaser critical thinking test style to create an environment similar to the real assessment. This provides you with confidence that the questions you practice with us now are an accurate reflection of the real assessment.

How difficult are your tests?

The same difficulty as real tests. Generally real employer selection tests don't differ that much in terms of difficulty which is why they compare your score against norm groups. Our practice tests are pitched roughly at graduate level, but this means they are actually suitable for preparing for all levels of job: entry; apprentice; graduate; senior; director.

Are they compatible with my Mac / Tablet / Phone?

Yes, and PC, and Linux and smartphone and Android and...everything. Our practice tests will run on all systems and they are responsive so they will work well on tablets and smartphones too!

How many times can I take the tests?

Unlimited. You can take our practice tests as many times as you like; there is no limit. But to be honest, after taking the same test a few times you start to remember the answers, so that’s why we have lots of tests.


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Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Test Preparation

Hogan HBRI Test

If you’re applying for a position in sales, management, or marketing, you might be asked to take the HBRI, or the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory. Hogan, which is based in Tulsa, Arizona is a well-known psychometric test provider whose examinations are used by businesses and organizations around the world for online pre-employment screening.

This Hogan test, as opposed to the Hogan Personality Inventory or the Hogan Development Survey, is designed specifically for business professionals. It focuses mainly on reasoning and requires a good amount of analysis.

What Is the HBRI?

The HBRI is designed to test your ability to evaluate data and extract important information from graphs and reports. The aptitude test only takes between 25-30 minutes to complete, and the results will be ready for your employer immediately.

This psychometric assessment was created to evaluate problem-solving skills and predict how well job seekers will be able to make business-related decisions.

On the HBRI, you’ll encounter three types of questions:

Verbal Reasoning & Logic: Verbal questions might involve word analogies or logic riddles.

Numerical Reasoning: Numerical reasoning questions will ask you to calculate distance, area, and percentage using data from tables, charts, and graphs.

Abstract Thinking: Abstract logic questions will ask you to manipulate 2-D and 3-D figures

What Does the HBRI Measure?

The HBRI measures two specific skills: tactical and strategic reasoning.

Tactical Reasoning: You need to use tactical reasoning to make educated decisions and draw logical conclusions once you’ve learned the relevant information. Those who score high in tactical reasoning are generally very self-disciplined, reliable, and conscientious.

Strategic Reasoning: Strategic reasoning skills allow you to identify errors in data. Highly detail-oriented and precise, high scorers will have a keen eye and a sharp acumen. Whether they’re reading a graph, table, or diagram, they’ll be able to pull out and fix infelicities and inconsistencies.

Why You Should Use HBRI Sample Questions:

Very simply, the more you practice, the better you’ll become. The questions and answers you’ll find on the HBRI are unique to this test, and test-taking tips will only get you so far. You’ll need some Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory sample questions or even an HBRI practice test to study.

Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a senior-level executive, preparation is the key to success. Before you head to the assessment center, you’ll want to make sure that you’re familiar with the types of questions you’ll encounter.

Last Thoughts:

Hogan’s HBRI assessment is a well-known, highly respected psychometric exam. This aptitude test helps companies more quickly identify promising employees and filter out unqualified candidates. While your career probably isn’t hinging on your Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory test, a good exam grade will help you stand out from the pack and grab the attention of the hiring managers.

  • Hogan Assessment
  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory
  • Hogan MVPI Test
  • Matrigma-test (Swedish)
  • Hogan Judgement Assessment

Personality Tests

  • Free Personality Test Guide
  • Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment
  • Caliper Assessment
  • PAPI 3 Personality Test
  • SHL OPQ Personality Test
  • California Psychological Inventory (CPI) Test
  • Gallup’s CliftonStrengths Assessment
  • Management Personality Tests
  • Bell Leadership Assessment
  • Birkman Personality Test
  • Prevue Personality Test
  • McQuaig Mental Agility Test
  • OACP GMAA Test
  • Mercer Mettl Test
  • Winslow Personality Test
  • SOSIE Personality Test
  • HEXACO Personality Inventory
  • Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI)
  • Sigma Personality Assessment
  • TTI Success Insights Personality Test
  • Newcastle Personality Assessor
  • 16 Personality Factor (16PF)

Hogan Assessments

  • Hogan Assessments

Are you applying for a new position and you have been asked to take the Hogan test? You are not quite sure what to expect. Don't worry, we are here to help. We will break down for you what to expect on the different Hogan assessments and how to prepare. Get a leg up against the competition and make sure you ace the interview process. Take a look at our free Hogan test prep.

Take a Practice Hogan Assessment Test .

What Are the Hogan Assessments?

Hogan is an assessment company which provides employers with pre-employment assessments. These assessments help the employers find the best candidates for the job. Hogan has two main types of evaluations: those that test your cognitive abilities and those that measure your personality traits. They put out the following tests:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
  • Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)
  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)
  • Judgement (which is a combined assessment)

What Is the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)?

The Hogan Personality Inventory also called the Hogan Personality Test is the most common assessment that you might face from employers. The point of the exam is to make sure your personality traits fit those needed for the role and match the company's corporate culture. The test consists of 220 questions and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. Each question has a four point Likert scale and you need to choose the answer that best fits you. The HPI measures the "bright-side" or normal personality traits. It shows an employer if under normal work-related circumstances that you will show the "bright side" of your personality.

How Are You Scored on the HPI Test?

The test measures you on seven scales: adjustment, ambition, sociability, interpersonal sensitivity, prudence, inquisitive, and learning approach. Let's take a deeper look at what each of these scales measures.

  • Adjustment - how you adjust and work under pressure. What is your self-confidence and self-esteem like?
  • Ambition - What is your ambition level? Do you have a desire to lead and take initiative? How competitive are you?
  • Sociability - Are you an extrovert? Do you require social interaction?
  • Interpersonal Sensitivity - What is your likability? Do you focus on relationships and maintain them?
  • Prudence - Are you responsible and thorough? Do you have self-discipline?
  • Inquisitive - Are you curious and willing to look into things on your own? Are you creative?
  • Learning Approach - What is your learning approach? Do you enjoy and seek out learning opportunities? Do you keep up with the latest knowledge and research?

Your employer will receive an in depth breakdown of your personality. Here is a sample score report:

Hogan Assessments HPI Sample Test Report

What Is a Good Score on the Hogan Assessments?

The important thing to understand is that each profession has different personality traits it requires. That means there is no universal "good" score. The Hogan Assessments predicts your work performance according to the following six occupational scales: service orientation, stress tolerance, reliability, clerical potential, sales potential, and managerial potential. That's why it is important to know which traits are considered important for your target position.

Free Hogan Assessments Sample Questions

Hpi sample question 1.

The prospect of learning something new intrigues me

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Strongly Agree

HPI Sample Question 2

If I see a problem I come up with new creative solutions

HPI Sample Question 3

After being alone for awhile I feel like I need to see other people

How Can I Prepare for the Hogan Assessments?

It is important to not only take a Hogan Personality Inventory practice test , but to also study which traits are expected for your target position. Take a look at the following Hogan test prep. What's great about this test prep is that it includes a study guide PDF with detailed information about the scales and what is expected from target jobs. Once you take the first practice test you can also take practice questions focusing on one single trait and improve your weak areas.

Hogan Personality Inventory Practice Test

What Is the Hogan Development Survey (HDS)?

The Hogan Development Survey is used by employers to measure the "dark side" of your personality, or how you would react under stressful situations. The evaluation gives your employer a picture of character traits that might have a negative effect on how you work. The test is made up of 170 questions to be completed in 15-20 minutes. 

How Is the Hogan Development Survey Scored?

The HDS measures you on these eleven scales: 

  • Excitable: Are you easily frustrated? Do you have enthusiasm for working? Are you inclined to give up on a project?
  • Skeptical: Can you detect deceptive behavior in others and act on it?
  • Cautious: Do you avoid risks? Do you avoid criticism? Do you have a fear of failure?
  • Reserved: Are you on the more reserved side? Do you appear to be aloof? Are you concerned with the feelings of others?
  • Leisurely: Are you self-serving and uncooperative?
  • Bold: Are you confident and self- assured? Do you have trouble admitting your mistakes and learning from experiences?
  • Mischievous: Do you seek adventure and test the limits?
  • Colorful: Are you fun? Do you seek the spotlight?
  • Imaginative: Are you creative and innovative?
  • Diligent: Are you a hard worker? Do you have high standards for yourself and those you work with?
  • Dutiful: Are you a loyal and dependable employee?

Your employer will get a score report with normative results and percentile ranking. Your score will be compared to all the other applicants who have taken the exam and then you will be given a percentile ranking compared to those applicants. Here is an example score report.

Hogan HDS Percentile Scores Sample

How Can I Prepare for the Hogan Development Survey?

The point of the Hogan Development Survey is to give employers an idea of characteristic traits that can derail your ability to succeed at the job. As the point of the test is to focus on the negative, you want to go in knowing what to expect. Make sure you excel in the HDS and take a practice test in advance.

Hogan Development Survey Practice Test

What Is the Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)?

This Hogan MVPI test gives an employer a glimpse of your inner personality, goals, interests, values and what motivates you to succeed. The test consists of 200 questions to be completed in 15-20 minutes. It is designed to pick up on unconscious biases you may have about projects, people, and plans. The Hogan MVPI also focuses on five themes: lifestyle, beliefs, occupational preferences and aversions, and preferred associates.

How Is the Hogan MVPI scored?

The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) scores you on these ten scales:

  • Recognition: Do you desire attention and approval of your successes?
  • Power: Do you desire status, and control?
  • Hedonism: Do you lean towards fun, pleasure, and enjoyment?
  • Altruism: Do you want to help others and contribute to society?
  • Affiliation: Do you have a need for social interaction?
  • Tradition: Do you respect rules and company traditions?
  • Security: Do you have a need for stability?
  • Commerce: Do you have an interest in earning money and finding business opportunities?
  • Aesthetics: Do you care about the quality and appearance of work products?
  • Science: Do you have an interest in research and innovation?

What Is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)?

The Hogan HBRI is an exam used by employers to test a candidate's verbal reasoning, logic, abstract thinking, and numerical reasoning. There are 24 questions to be completed within NO time limit. There are two main skills which are tested on the exam; tactical reasoning and strategic reasoning. Tactical reasoning refers to your problem-solving capabilities. Strategic reasoning refers to your ability to detect logical errors or flaws. 

How Is the Hogan Business Inventory Reasoning Scored?

Your employer will get a detailed score report on how you think. The thinking styles are broken down into four different types of thinkers:

  • Expedient thinker - If you fall into this category you have a tendency to choose the quick and easy answer. You make intuitive rather than thought through choices.
  • Contextual thinker - If you fall into this category you have a tendency to recognize the big picture but don't focus on the details needed to solve the problem.
  • Analytic thinker - If you fall into this category you have a tendency to concentrate on a problem and the barriers to solving the problem. You have trouble putting the problem in a larger context and prioritizing the steps for an immediate solution.
  • Critical Thinker - If you fall into this category you have a tendency to solve a problem and successfully prioritize the short- and long-term benefits of the solution.

How Can I Prepare for the Hogan Cognitive Ability Test?

The HBRI is one of the few tests which does not have a time limit. Even though there is no time limit, the amount of time you take to answer the questions will be compared to other candidates. You want to make sure you strengthen your critical thinking skills by taking a Hogan Cognitive Ability practice test.

Practice Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Test

What Is the Hogan Judgement Test?

The Hogan SJT is a combined assessment which will test both your cognitive skills and your personality. The cognitive portion includes both verbal and numerical reasoning questions. The personality portion measures both the bright and dark side of your personality. The test gives an employer a glimpse at how a candidate makes decisions and responds to feedback. 

How Is the Hogan Judgement Assessment Scored?

The employer will receive a score report compartmentalized into three categories:

  • Learning - This category shows the employer how you prefer to learn. Are you a visual learner, more numerical, or do you prefer words? It shows how quickly you learn new information and how it influences your decision making.
  • Deciding - This category shows your employer how you make decisions. Your personality influences how you go about the decision making process.
  • Adapting - This category shows your employer how you react to your decision. Whether it be a good or bad decision the way you react tells a lot about you. Will you take responsibility for a bad decision, or blame someone else?

How Do You Pass Your Hogan Assessment?

Make sure you know which test you are expected to take. This will help you feel confident and secure on the testing day. Take a look at this Hogan Assessment preparation pack . We like this resource because it not only includes study guides and practice tests, it has a tailored feedback for various job positions.

Practice for your Hogan Assessment now

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Practice for the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Assessment [2024]

hogan critical thinking test

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)  assessment is a challenging test that measures problem-solving abilities with 24 questions of different types:

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Logic & Verbal Reasoning
  • Abstract Reasoning

Passing the Hogan HBRI test requires using the right technique to quickly solve questions within the 30-minute time limit, which can get stressful when so much is on the line.

To ensure the best possible result, accurate practice is crucial.

Our online HBRI preparation pack provides timed  Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory practice tests  with detailed answers, that will sharpen your skills and get you ready to solve any question. To get a glimpse of it, skip to  HBRI sample questions and answers.

  • 5 Full Hogan HBRI simulations
  • Over 40 practice tests: numerical, verbal & abstract reasoning
  • Math & verbal guides and tutorials
  • Supplementary guides & practice drills 

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hogan critical thinking test

What Is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)?

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) is one of the Hogan Assessments that assess your cognitive skills . The HBRI assessment includes 24 questions that involve concluding from complex sets of data. This allows employers to evaluate your reasoning style- your ability to analyze data, come up with solutions, and make effective decisions.

  • Is the HBRI test timed? Yes, the HBRI test requires solving 24 questions within 30 minutes. There had also been an earlier unlimited version of the exam.

hogan critical thinking test

What Kind of Questions Can You Expect on the HBRI Test?

The HBRI test has 24 multiple-choice questions of three types: 

Numerical Reasoning Questions

Numerical questions include word problems and various math questions. These require being able to calculate percentages, dimensions, etc. based on data presented in tables, charts, graphs, and diagrams.

For example, try solving the following question:

Observe the following table:


Which regional municipal authority is not paid the correct property tax, compared to the others?

The correct answer is (D) West.

To determine which regional municipal authority is paid property tax different than the others, relative to the house value, calculate the percentage of the property tax from that house's value, using the formula: (Property tax / house's value) X 100:

North: (78,785/525,234) X 100 ~ 0.15 X 100 = 15% East: (48,653/324,356) X 100 ~ 0.15 X 100 = 15% South: (23,623/157,487) X 100 ~ 0.15 X 100 = 15% West: (45,361/412,369) X 100 ~ 0.11 X 100 = 11%

The West regional municipal authority is the only one in which the property tax payment is 11% of the house's value, while in the other regional municipal authorities the property tax payment is 15%.

Abstract Reasoning Questions

Abstract reasoning questions require analyzing and manipulating 2-D and 3-D figures.

Which of these sitting arrangement charts is identical to the original, but rotated clockwise?


The correct answer is (A).

In questions that require mentally rotating an object, it can be helpful to focus on a salient feature of the object and examine what happens to it as the object rotates. For instance, in this question, you can focus on the single desk – in the original chart, it is located at the bottom-right corner with the chair facing the upper side of the chart. Now, carefully examine what happens when the chart rotates:

  • If you turn the chart 90° clockwise, the desk moves to the bottom-left corner, and the chair faces right.
  • If you turn the chart another 90° clockwise, the desk moves to the top-left corner, and the chair faces down.
  • If you turn the chart yet another 90° clockwise, the desk moves to the top-right corner, and the chair faces left.

Note : The question asks you to rotate the original chart  clockwise , but does not specify by how many degrees the chart should be rotated. This means it is not relevant, you can choose to rotate it either clockwise or counterclockwise.

Verbal Reasoning & Logic Questions

Verbal reasoning and logic questions require solving word analogies and logic riddles. 

  • All high-level managers speak more than one language.
  • Some people who speak more than one language have a higher than average IQ. 

Which of the following must true?

The correct answer is (D). There are three groups presented in this question: 1.High level managers 2.People who speak more than one language 3.People with higher than average IQ

Logic Question Explanation Diagram

Since the question is “which of the following  must  be true”, sentences (A) and (B) cannot be the answer – there is a possibility they are true, but there is also a possibility they are false (as groups 1 and 3 can overlap fully, partially, or not at all). It is important to notice that a sentence that begins with " all ", like “all high-level managers speak more than one language”,  does not translate to the opposite , that all people who speak more than one language are high-level managers. This means that sentence (C) can also be true, but it’s not necessarily true. After all three answers were eliminated, since none is true without a doubt, you can be sure the correct answer is (D) - none of the above.

You can solve more sample questions from HBRI or other Hogan tests, by taking our sample Hogan test .

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Sample Questions

Take a look at some other forms of Hogan HBRI sample questions and answers, taken from our full Hogan HBRI practice course:

Business Reasoning #1

hbri sample question 1

*Source - JobTestPrep Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory practice test.

The correct answer is (C).

The question asks you to find the most efficient way to get from Building 1 (Humanities) to Building 2 (Economics). The only factor discussed in the question according to which the efficiency level of the answer options can be compared is the time it takes to walk, versus cycle, between buildings. Thus, you can assume that by asking for the most efficient way to get from Building 1 to 2, the question actually asks for the fastest way to do that.

You are told that cycling between two adjacent buildings takes half the time it does to walk from any building to the library (the circle in the middle). Note that walking between any two buildings (i.e. from one building to the library, and then from the library to the other building) takes twice the time it does to walk from one building to the library. Thus, if you mark the time it takes to cycle between two adjacent buildings as C, then the time it takes to walk between two building equals C x 2 x 2 = 4C. (If you find it confusing to use variables, replace them with real values. You can decide, for instance, that it takes 1 minute to cycle between two adjacent buildings. In that case, walking between two buildings would take 4 minutes.)

Now, you can go over the answer options and find how much time each takes: (A)– Walk between two buildings = 4C (B)– Walk between two buildings + cycle between adjacent buildings = 4C + C = 5C (C)– Cycle between adjacent buildings + cycle between adjacent buildings + cycle between adjacent buildings = C + C + C = 3C (D)– Cycle between adjacent buildings + walk between two buildings = C + 4C = 5C Thus, the most efficient way is (C).

Tip: You can save time by eliminating answer options using common sense. Answer options (B) and (D) both include cycling between adjacent buildings in addition to walking between buildings, whereas answer option (A) includes only walking. Thus, you can eliminate (B) and (D) as they are less efficient than (A).

Business Reasoning #2

hbri sample question 2

*Source - JobTestPrep Hogan HBRI practice test.

The correct answer is (B).

There are a few factors which make product 2 the best one. One of them, the only one presented as a possible answer, is that it has low costs (manufacturing as well as licensing costs) compared to the other products, which means the correct answer is (B).

Answer (A) is incorrect. While product 1 does have high innovation, so does product 2, so they are equal in that matter and neither is better than the other. Answer (C) is incorrect for a similar reason, since both product 2 and product 3 have high quality.

Answer (D) is incorrect since product 2 is indeed the best choice – it has low costs and high quality, demand, and innovation, and is overall better than the other two products presented.

Looking for more HBRI practice questions & answers? Access our full online HBRI practice and get timed Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory practice tests, solving tips, guides, and tutorials.

What Does the HBRI Measure?

Hogan is a cognitive ability test, like the Criteria CCAT . The HBRI score report provided by Hogan to the employer goes into great detail regarding your cognitive style, based on two components of critical reasoning:

  • Qualitative Reasoning – your ability to solve problems based on visual data, logic and verbal information.
  • Quantitative Reasoning - your ability to solve problems based on mathematical and spatial information.

The combination of these two reasoning styles is used to explain your general cognitive style. For example, if you score high on qualitative reasoning and low on quantitative reasoning, you would likely identify important problems, but minimize the implications of practical steps needed to solve them.

View all 4 cognitive style categories:

  • Expedient Thinker – typically analyzes problems opportunistically, chooses answers that are quick and easy, and makes intuitive rather than reflective choices, leading to poor-quality solutions.
  • Contextual Thinker – typically identifies important problems but ignores the obstacles to their solution and minimizes the importance of the detailed steps needed to solve them.
  • Analytic Thinker - typically focuses on a problem and the obstacles to its solution, without putting the problem in a larger context and evaluating the need for its immediate resolution.
  • Critical Thinker - This is the most effective type of reasoning style, that combines high qualitative and quantitative reasoning. It means you’ll effectively identify problems, evaluate the short- and long-term benefits of their solution, and implement the most effective ones.

Hogan HBRI Sample Report

The Hogan business reasoning inventory assessment results are given to employers as three types of scores: qualitative reasoning score, quantitative reasoning score, and an overall business reasoning score.

The overall business reasoning score indicates your ability to solve complex problems, relative to other candidates. This is how it would look like:

hbri results

The higher the HBRI assessment score on your Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory,  the higher your chances are to stand out as a successful problem-solver and outshine your competition. 

How to Prepare for the HBRI Assessment?

Getting familiar with all the HBRI assessment questions, taking timed HBRI practice tests, and getting full answers and feedback can greatly improve your solving speed and accuracy in this complex test.

Our team of experts has created a unique online preparation for the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory, that hundreds of our customers found extremely helpful. Most importantly, it allowed them to complete this exam confidently, as they were familiar with and skilled in solving the type of questions they encountered on the actual Hogan HBRI test.

  Note : If you’ve been asked to take both Hogan’s HBRI and HPI assessments, we recommend our bundle HBRI+HPI practice pack .

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Cognitive Assessments

Hogan offers two cognitive tests to help you measure cognitive ability from more than one angle.

The Hogan Judgment test goes beyond “right” and “wrong” decisions. This cognitive test looks at how people make decisions and assesses their biases to help with decision-making self-awareness. It also tells us about how people tend to react to feedback regarding their decisions. This is important because a large part of leadership is responding appropriately to bad news or finding out a decision was wrong and then using that feedback to improve and make future adjustments.

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) examines business reasoning ability, which includes problem-solving and decision-making. All the HBRI problems are business related and measure the test taker’s ability to use business information to make accurate decisions based on data.

Personality data + cognitive data = the perfect assessment

Evaluate both qualitative and quantitative reasoning.

See how participants handle different types of information

Helps predict workplace outcomes

Determine if a candidate is suited to solve job-related problems

Use for multiple applications

From entry-level hiring to leadership development

Assess verbal and numerical reasoning

Understand each candidate's range of cognitive skills

See how participants will react to feedback

Find out if participants can learn from their mistakes

Look past simple IQ

Gain insight into judgment, problem-solving, and decision-making

What Are the Hogan Assessments? How to Interpret the Results

Hogan assessment

Working and performing well together and employee satisfaction and wellbeing are crucial to a successful business (Chamorro-Premuzic & Winsborough, 2015).

“The dynamics of interpersonal relationships depend on individuals’ personalities, not on hard skills or expertise” (Chamorro-Premuzic & Winsborough, 2015, para. 5). As a result, many organizations are turning to personality profiling to build well-balanced and high-performing teams.

While several personality assessments are available, we look at one of the most popular and well validated – the Hogan Assessments – and how their output can provide deep insights into employee personalities.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Strengths Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help your clients realize their unique potential and create a life that feels energizing and authentic.

This Article Contains:

What are the hogan assessments, 5 types of hogan assessment tests, are the tests scientifically valid, how to use the hogan assessment tools, 7 examples of interview questions, how to interpret the results: 5 tips, 3 common criticisms of the tools, relevant resources from positivepsychology.com, a take-home message.

“The only way to create a team that’s worth more than the sum of its individual contributors is to select members on the basis of personality, soft skills, and values” (Chamorro-Premuzic & Winsborough, 2015, para. 5). This requires careful and planned assessment. While many personality assessments are available, not all of them have strong foundations in personality psychology or supporting evidence.

On the other hand, the Hogan Assessments appear consistent, well validated, and reliable (Furnham et al., 2013).

Since 1987, when Drs. Joyce Hogan and Robert Hogan challenged existing personality assessments, Hogan Assessment Systems has grown into a substantial business with offices in 54 countries (Hogan, 2020). They now address unique business challenges, “providing cutting-edge assessment and consulting solutions to some of the world’s largest companies, including over half the Fortune 500” (Hogan EU, n.d.a, para. 1).

According to their website , Hogan Assessments can help companies by:

  • Reducing turnover – identifying performance risk before candidates are hired
  • Hiring the best – uncovering who fits a need and eliminating those who are unqualified
  • Maximizing value – freeing up time previously spent on administration to focus on employee development
  • Playing the long game – using individual development to sustain ongoing growth
  • Reaching beyond resumes – looking deeper into candidates to explore their strengths, values, and performance risks
  • Connecting the dots – identifying and understanding how candidates approach problems and think tactically
  • Increasing efficiency – providing focused, clear, and easy-to-use, self-guided reports
  • Unifying objectives – aligning corporate and employee development plans

While these sound too good to be true, they are trusted by many market leaders (Hogan, n.d.).

Their success comes from showing the impact of employees’ personalities on workplace performance and, ultimately, organizational success. Assessment results are particularly helpful in leadership development through (Hogan EU, n.d.a):

  • Predicting job performance
  • Identifying and mitigating performance risks
  • Developing next-generation talent
  • Executive development and coaching
  • Pairing with 360-degree assessment and development initiatives

One of the strengths of the Hogan Assessments (along with the tendency of personality to remain stable over time) is that it adds value throughout an employee’s lifecycle. Once assessed, the online report architecture can use a single set of employee data to create various developmental reports using consistent language and behavioral descriptors that can become everyday language, informing corporate culture (Hogan EU, n.d.a).

Hogan Assessments

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

This inventory takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete and provides instant results.

The HPI is based on the five-factor model (Big 5) of personality and assesses what the website describes as “bright or normal” personalities; it is an invaluable tool for hiring the right candidates and developing stronger leaders.

The HPI comprises seven primary scales (and 42 subscales) and six occupational scales, and includes typical tendencies for low and high scorers (modified from Hogan EU, n.d.f).

Name of scale Typically, low scorers are … Typically, high scorers are …
Adjustment Open to feedback, candid, , moody, and self-critical Steady under pressure yet resistant to feedback
Ambition Great team players, happy for others to take the lead, and complacent Energetic, restless, forceful, and competitive
Sociability Able to work alone, quiet, and socially reactive Outgoing, talkative, and attention seeking
Interpersonal Sensitivity Direct, willing to confront, cold, and tough Friendly, warm, and averse to conflict
Prudence Open-minded, flexible, and impulsive Organized, dependable, and inflexible
Inquisitive Practical, not easily bored, uninventive Imaginative, quick witted, yet poor at implementation
Learning Approach Hands-on learners, self-interested, averse to technology Interested in learning, insightful, intolerant of the less informed

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

This survey takes 15 to 20 minutes and has been validated by more than 400 research studies.

Unlike the HPI, the HDS focuses on the “dark side” of personality, not covered by the five-factor model of personality, mitigating performance issues before they occur. It does this by detecting those qualities that can be disruptive, increase strain, and reduce the likelihood of success.

The HDS consists of 11 primary scales (and 33 subscales) that help leaders build successful teams by recognizing shortcomings and maximizing strengths (modified from Hogan EU, n.d.g).

Name of scale Typically, low scorers … Typically, high scorers …
Excitable Are calm and may appear to lack passion Exhibit emotional highs and lows
Skeptical Can appear trusting yet naïve Are negative and cynical, expecting to be betrayed
Cautious Are risk takers, often without appropriate assessment Are unwilling to take risks even after assessing them
Reserved Are too concerned about others’ feelings Are indifferent to others’ feelings
Leisurely May seem to lack agenda or direction Are passive-aggressive and agenda driven
Bold Appear to lack resolve and self-confidence Appear assertive, over-confident, and self-promoting
Mischievous Are conservative, compliant, and unadventurous Are impulsive and sometimes devious
Colorful Are modest, unassuming, quiet, and self-restrained Are socially prominent, dramatic, and attention seeking
Imaginative Prefer routine, are practical, but may lack new ideas Can seem impractical and unpredictable but may offer unusual ideas
Diligent Have poor attention to detail and often over-delegate Are picky, overly conscientious, and typically micromanage
Dutiful Are highly independent and may resent authority Are excessively keen to please superiors

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

This inventory takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete and has been validated by more than 400 research studies.

The MVPI “describes personality from the inside,” predicting job satisfaction by measuring values, core goals, and the desire and strive to attain (Hogan EU, n.d.b).

The MVPI consists of 10 primary scales (and five subscales or themes) that help recruiters and managers understand what motivates candidates to succeed (modified from Hogan EU, n.d.b).

Name of scale Typically, low scorers … Typically, high scorers …
Recognition Prefer to share credit and avoid too much attention Value public acknowledgment and high-visibility projects
Power Prefer to let others lead and avoid confrontation and competition Value leadership positions and are keen to get ahead
Value business-like professional settings and formal working environments Value entertaining, fun, and open-minded environments
Altruistic Place value on their own work over morale Value helping other people and customer-focused environments
Affiliation Prefer working alone and independence Prefer working with others and social interaction
Tradition Prefer flexibility and autonomy and challenging established procedures Prefer the status quo and avoid people who do not share beliefs
Security Value risk taking and experimentation Prefer consistency and predictability over risks
Commerce Value relationships over profitability Prefer environments that focus on the bottom line
Aesthetics Value practicality over appearance Value innovation and , individual style, and appearance
Science Prefer people over technology and value and experience Value analysis, problem-solving, and working with data and objective facts

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)

This inventory takes 25 to 30 minutes to complete and is designed to predict occupational success and tactical versus strategic abilities.

The HBRI describes candidates’ reasoning style to understand their problem-solving approaches, along with their ability to avoid repeating mistakes and areas for development.

The inventory is a valuable tool for use throughout the employee lifecycle, evaluating two types of problem-solving (modified from Hogan EU, n.d.d):

Tactical reasoning – the ability of the employee to solve problems and draw logical conclusions from the available facts. High scorers are typically precise, disciplined, and steady workers.

Strategic reasoning – the ability of the individual to identify gaps, errors, and logical flaws in complex artifacts, such as graphs, diagrams, charts, and numerical data. High scorers are typically curious and keen to receive feedback.

Judgment (JUD)

This survey involves two brief measures related to verbal and numerical reasoning and intuitive decision-making. It also suggests the ability to acknowledge poor decisions and mistakes and use learnings to improve future decision-making and judgments.

The JUD model “includes a critical component most models miss: how a leader reacts to feedback about his or her failed decisions” (Hogan EU, n.d.c, para. 3). The assumption is that learning from experience and receiving negative (but constructive) performance feedback can improve one’s judgment.

The three independent scales assess non-cognitive abilities that identify how someone approaches decision-making, post-decision reactions, and response to negative feedback. The aim is not to categorize individuals as poor decision-makers but to equip them with a greater understanding of their strengths and weaknesses (Hogan EU, n.d.c).

hogan critical thinking test

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The widespread use of Hogan Assessments in high-performing companies provides anecdotal evidence of their benefits to business. New clients are provided with documentation detailing how the assessments came to be developed and the accompanying validation processes (Hogan EU, n.d.a).

According to the Hogan website , hundreds of research studies have validated the tests (Hogan EU, n.d.a).

According to one such study that tested 1,458 individuals’ personalities against their work motivation, the assessments as modern, psychometrically valid measures that have “been validated in over 100 organizations with working adults and completed by 200,000 people in the last 10 years” (Furnham et al., 2013, p. 485).

Additionally, the Hogan Assessments are based on both Holland’s theory of vocational choice (which has received considerable attention within personality and vocational psychology) and the widely accepted five-factor model of personality (Furnham et al., 2013).

Hogan development survey

  • Employee selection processes
  • Employee development initiatives
  • Talent identification programs

There are reports and guides specific to multiple processes and career stages.

It typically takes less than 20 minutes for an employee to complete an assessment. And yet, a single set of data produced from an assessment can be used over a prolonged period (due to the stable nature of personality traits ) and offers language that can be used in multiple settings, from coaching to interviewing (Hogan EU, n.d.a).

The Hogan suite of tools helps companies improve organizational functioning by understanding their personnel’s data and supporting enhanced development and leadership building (Stott, n.d.).

hogan critical thinking test

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The style and content of questions vary across the Hogan Assessment suite, but the following examples provide an idea of what a candidate or an employee might expect (modified from iPrep, n.d.; Jobtestprep, n.d.):

  • Hogan Personality Inventory – exploring the bright side of personality

I enjoy the company of others. I find myself curious about how things operate. I like working in a team.

The candidate answers s trongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory – personality from the inside

It is more important to be satisfied with your job than to have job security. My team’s performance reflects on my performance. I do not like it when work interferes with my time at home.

The candidate answers a gree, disagree, or u ndecided.

  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory – assessing reasoning ability

Your company recently hired new employees. All the new employees are tech-savvy. All the IT personnel in your company are tech-savvy. Are all the new employees IT personnel?

The candidate answers yes, no, or unable to tell based on the information provided.

Hogan leadership assessment

The following tips can help with the interpretation of data:

  • Subscale scores can contribute to a deeper understanding of main scale scores and should be explored.
  • When assessing a score, pay particular attention to its definition and what a high or low score typically means. For example, in the HPI assessment , the subscale “Empathy” signifies a lack of irritability. A low score means the tendency to be “ irritated by others’ faults ,” while a high score means “ empathic.”
  • Consider getting Hogan Certification or Advanced Certification to gain deeper interpretive insights and a greater awareness of maximizing assessment output.
  • Remember that there is no such thing as a “good score.” Assessments reveal strengths, potential risks, and areas for development opportunities.
  • Be clear upfront about what you are planning to use the information for, as this may change your decision regarding which assessment you choose and how you choose to interpret and use the results.

There are many resources, guides, and FAQs on the Hogan website that are incredibly helpful, along with training and certifications.

Criticisms are more typically related to the appropriateness of using personality assessments in making workplace employee decisions, rather than specifics regarding well-validated tools such as the Hogan Assessments.

Criticism surrounding the use of personality tests includes the following (Hogan, 2021):

  • They are not appropriate for hiring and advancement.
  • They do not predict employee or company performance.
  • They are unproven and unreliable.

However, unlike some other popular tests , the Hogan Assessment process has been well proven as a valid, consistent, and reliable measure. Crucially, research has shown that such assessments are predictive of performance in the workplace (Hogan, 2021; Furnham et al., 2013).

hogan critical thinking test

17 Exercises To Discover & Unlock Strengths

Use these 17 Strength-Finding Exercises [PDF] to help others discover and leverage their unique strengths in life, promoting enhanced performance and flourishing.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

We have many resources available for therapists and counselors providing support to employees.

Our free resources include:

  • Employee Counseling Assessment Form This form can be helpful for understanding and discussing an issue or event that has arisen at work that has led to a referral for counseling.
  • Effectiveness at Work Use this worksheet to check on how you manage your professional life and identify any learnings or changes to put in place.
  • Job Crafting It is possible to craft your current role , making marginal changes to what and how it is performed, into one that benefits others and enables you to experience joy in what you do.

More extensive versions of the following tools are available with a subscription to the Positive Psychology Toolkit© , but they are described briefly below:

  • Step one – Identify the holes in your work-life barrier.
  • Step two – Fill the holes to strengthen the barrier between your work and private life.
  • Step three – Think of the small things you can do to take action.
  • Step four – Reflect on how you feel after the exercise.
  • Best Possible Team The Best Possible Team exercise invites team members to envision an ideal version of the team individually before sharing their visions to find common aspirations and differences in views. Finally, the team works together to create the best possible team scenario based on the information gathered.

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others develop their strengths, check out this collection of 17 strength-finding tools for practitioners. Use them to help others better understand and harness their strengths in life-enhancing ways.

The Hogan Assessments are widely recognized as accurate and reliable candidate and employee measurement tools that support onboarding and development in the workplace (Stott, n.d.).

Their strengths, particularly compared to other popular (free) tools, are their strong foundation in theory and repeated validation through hundreds of work studies. The associated cost of using the tools and receiving the suggested training and certification may be offset by reduced staff turnover and hiring the best fit for the job, improving individual, team, and company performance.

It is possible to test once and then use the data output at multiple points across individuals’ careers. Therefore, assessments performed during onboarding can guide early decisions regarding whether to invite staff to join leadership development programs.

When used to identify strengths and manage potential weaknesses, Hogan Assessments have the potential to reduce waste and focus resources on stimulating development and growth at all levels of the business, ultimately improving the company’s performance and success.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Strengths Exercises for free .

  • Chamorro-Premuzic, T., & Winsborough, D. (2015, March 19). Personality tests can help balance a team . Harvard Business Review. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hbr.org/2015/03/personality-tests-can-help-balance-a-team
  • Furnham, A., Hyde, G., & Trickey, G. (2013). The values of work success. Personality and Individual Differences , 55 (5), 485–489.
  • Hogan. (n.d.).  Hogan Assessments. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://www.hoganassessments.com
  • Hogan. (2021, December 13). Why do hiring personality tests fail ? Retrieved April 6, 2022, from https://www.hoganassessments.com/blog/why-do-personality-tests-fail-at-selection/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.a). Hogan Assessments: Setting the standard . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.b). Motivates, Values, Preferences Inventory: The inside of personality . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/assessment/motives-values-preferences-inventory/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.c). Judgement: Making good decisions . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/assessment/judgement-assessment/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.d). Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory: How you think . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/assessment/hogan-business-reasoning-inventory/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.e). Products: Understand your people . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/products/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.f). Hogan Personality Inventory: The bright side of personality . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/assessment/hogan-personality-inventory/
  • Hogan EU. (n.d.g). Hogan Development Survey: The dark side of personality . Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://hoganassessments.eu/assessment/hogan-development-survey/
  • Hogan, R. (2020). How to build Hogan Assessment systems. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research , 72 (1), 50–57.
  • iPrep. (n.d.) Hogan Assessment Test . Retrieved April 6, 2022, from https://www.iprep.online/courses/hogan-assessment-test/
  • Jobtestprep. (n.d.). Hogan Assessment tests: Sample questions & test prep . Retrieved April 6, 2022, from https://www.jobtestprep.co.uk/hogan##sample-questions
  • Stott, R. (n.d.). Why use Hogan tools for leadership assessment, development and selection ? Winsborough. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from https://www.winsborough.co.nz/blog/why-use-hogan-tools-for-leadership-assessment-development-and-selection

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Article feedback

What our readers think.


I am actually surprised to see Hogan Assessments on positivepsychology.com given how (in my opinion) the assessments are anti-positivepsychology. Hogan Assessments are more interested in reputation than personality. They assess how others see you and not how you see yourself, which means that they may not adequately take into account your own experience of the factors that cause flourishing in your life – character strengths and positive emotions. Hogan’s worldview is quite possibly based on self-monitoring theory and encourages people to manage their reputation to fit in, rather than focusing on indulging those strengths and values that cause us to feel positive emotion and flourish. For this reason, I also consider Hogan Assessments anti-diversity as they encourage fitting in to the norm instead of being embraced for your individuality.

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How to Pass the Hogan Assessment Test

Last Updated: August 10, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Katherine Demby . Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 154,226 times.

For medium to large companies, personality assessments and other psychometric tests are standard steps in the job application process. If you’re taking a test designed by Hogan Assessments, a leading test developer, ask your potential employer about the test’s role in the hiring process. Stay calm, and remember that a psychometric test is only part of an application. Ask for feedback and, if you don’t get the job, try to find opportunities for self-improvement.

Preparing for the Assessment

Step 1 Review the desired qualities listed in the job description.

  • Interviews bear more weight than the personality assessment. Study the job description and think of examples that show how you’ve put the desired personality traits into practice. [1] X Research source
  • Suppose a company is looking for salesperson who’s confident, self-motivated, and outgoing. In your interview, speak with confidence, mention a project you completed independently, and describe how you honed interpersonal skills at past jobs.

Step 2 Ask the employer about the test’s role in the decision process.

  • Pose 1 to 2 questions politely and professionally so you don’t seem paranoid or anxious about taking the test.
  • If the interviewer doesn’t say, ask if they use the test to make hiring decisions. Some companies only administer personality tests to keep on file. For others, it plays a key role in the early stages of the hiring process.

Step 3 Avoid asking obvious questions about the job's desired qualities.

  • For example, instead of asking “What personality traits are you looking for,” you could ask, “When did you first include the assessment in the hiring process? Has it improved your ability to build a workforce that embodies the company’s values?”

Step 4 Take online practice tests.

  • Example questions might be, “I’d rather do things quickly than perfectly,” or “I like everyone I meet.” Your available answers will either be yes or no, or on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree or least accurate) to 5 (strongly agree or most accurate).
  • Search online for “Hogan Personality Inventory practice test.”

Step 5 Prioritize studying for aptitude tests, if you’re taking any.

  • Examples of aptitude tests include critical thinking, situational judgment, typing, mathematics, and verbal reasoning assessments. You can find practice tests in each category online.
  • Practice GRE, SAT, and ACT tests are also good ways to prepare for critical, numerical, and verbal reasoning tests.
  • Additionally, brush up on industry-specific skills, such as programs or coding languages.

Succeeding on Test Day

Step 1 Get a good...

  • A good night’s sleep is also important if you have to take any challenging aptitude tests.

Katherine Demby

  • It’s best to show up 10 to 15 minutes early to an interview or other appointment related to a job application. Arriving late is unprofessional, and showing up too early can be inconvenient for the company.

Step 3 Relax and try not to overthink your responses.

  • If the company finds that you might not be a match for their culture, it’s better to know sooner rather than later. You wouldn’t want to spend months in a job environment you hate.

Step 4 Answer test questions honestly, within reason.

  • For example, answering “I would do anything to get ahead” with “Very Accurate,” “Strongly Agree,” or “5 out of 5” could indicate you’re willing to do something unethical or unlawful. [10] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Business Review Online and print journal covering topics related to business management practices Go to source

Step 5 Respond to “always” or “never” questions realistically.

  • For example, questions could include “I have never told a lie,” or “I am always on time.” Claiming that you’ve never lied or are always punctual could show that you don’t like acknowledging weaknesses or have an unrealistic perspective.

Getting Feedback from the Employer

Step 1 Review your results with your interviewer.

  • If you got the job, ask which aspects of your assessment report helped them choose you for the job. You’ll get a clear understanding of how they perceive you and what they expect from you.
  • If you didn’t get the job, use the opportunity to assess how your personality type fits with your career.

Step 2 Ask about other openings if you didn’t get the job.

  • Suppose your scores related to energy and interpersonal skills were lower than the company wants in a salesperson. However, your reliability and creativity were high. These traits could make you a great fit for the design team.
  • Even if the design job pays less, you’ll learn about the company’s products. You might also have opportunities to demonstrate the qualities that the company seeks in a salesperson. You could end up being at the top of their sales team in the future.

Step 3 Find opportunities for self-improvement if you didn’t get the job.

  • While the company could be looking for specific traits for its culture, you might need to work on qualities that most companies want to see. Reviewing your results will help you figure out which traits are particular to that company and which are industry-wide.
  • Perhaps companies in your industry want salespeople who are competitive and extroverted. However, you appeared introverted and anxious in your personality assessment and interviews. You could work on being more confident and outgoing by taking a public speaking class or joining a club.

Expert Q&A

Katherine Demby

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  • ↑ https://www.assessmentcentrehq.com/hogan-test/
  • ↑ https://hbr.org/2015/07/ace-the-assessment
  • ↑ https://www.business.uq.edu.au/news/ten-ways-succeed-psychometric-tests
  • ↑ Katherine Demby. Test Prep Specialist. Expert Interview. 17 December 2020.
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cui-bono/201109/frequently-asked-questions-about-personality-testing

About This Article

Katherine Demby

Although there are no right or wrong answers to the Hogan assessment test, there are simple ways to improve your chances of impressing an employer. To do this, familiarize yourself with the desired personality traits in the job description before you take the test, so you know what they’re looking for. You can also do practice tests online so you know what kind of questions you’re likely to get. When you sit down to take the test, try not to overthink the questions. Be honest about yourself, since employers want to know what you’re really like. For example, if you get a question about how often you lie, don’t answer that you’ve never told a lie, as this is unrealistic. For more tips, including how to review your Hogan assessment test feedback with your employer, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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A Guide to the Watson Glaser Test for Hogan Lovells

Secure your chances of obtaining a training contract at the prestigious law firm Hogan Lovells by following this guide.

Watson Glaser for Hogan Lovells

  • Learn why you should apply to Hogan Lovells
  • Find out about the Watson Glaser Test
  • See what to expect in the Watson Glaser Test
  • Discover tips to improve your score

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The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is designed to assess your skills as a lawyer and plays a significant role in determining your eligibility for further stages of the application process for a training contract at Hogan Lovells. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Watson Glaser test for Hogan Lovells, explore how you can prepare for it, discuss what to expect, and shed light on the desired score.

About Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells  is a global legal firm that was established in 2010 following the merger of two leading law firms, Hogan & Hartson and Lovells. With over 2,500 lawyers spread across more than 45 locations all over the world, they are one of the most prominent international law firms.

The firm has a wide range of expertise and offers services in areas such as corporate and finance, litigation and dispute resolution, intellectual property, employment and benefits, competition and antitrust, tax and real estate. They have extensive experience advising clients in major industries like energy & infrastructure, technology & communications, life sciences & healthcare, automotive & transport amongst others.

Hogan Lovells is committed to making a positive impact in their communities and have launched various initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion within the firm. They have also implemented mentoring programs for staff members at all levels of seniority to help them develop professionally.

Hogan Lovells Training Contract

Hogan Lovells offers a comprehensive training contract program for aspiring solicitors, providing an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience in different practice areas. The program consists of four six-month seats, in which trainees will be given real work on client matters and the chance to attend networking events and client meetings.

By the end of the program, trainees will have been exposed to a range of legal practice areas and gained valuable insight into their chosen field.

The training contract also involves taking the Watson Glaser Test. This assessment evaluates key skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making abilities – all essential for success in many roles within Hogan Lovells.

The test helps determine if a candidate is suitable for the role they are applying for and it provides employers with insight into how an applicant may handle pressure during their career at Hogan Lovells.

Application Process

The application process for training contracts at Hogan Lovells is relatively straightforward. Prospective trainees need to submit an online application which includes a personal statement, CV and academic transcript.

The application deadline for the 2024 and 2025 intakes is 31 January 2023, and for the 2025 intake is 31 July 2023. Successful applicants will then be invited to attend a virtual assessment day. Once accepted, trainees will be required to study the Postgraduate Diploma in Law at BPP University Law School prior to starting their contract.

What Is The Watson Glaser Test?

The Watson Glaser test  has been used since the 1920s as an effective measure of critical thinking skills. The Watson Glaser test is a widely used critical thinking assessment that evaluates an individual’s ability to analyse, interpret, and draw conclusions from complex information.

It consists of various sections that assess skills such as drawing inferences, recognising assumptions, making deductions, interpreting information, and evaluating arguments.

The test aims to measure your ability to think critically, solve problems, and make sound judgments – all essential qualities for a successful legal career.

Watson Glaser Test for Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells incorporates the Watson Glaser test as an integral part of their application process. Upon submitting your online application, you will receive an invitation to take the test within 48 hours.

You will have approximately five days to complete the test, providing ample time for preparation.

Watson Glaser Test Guide

Get expert insight to help you master the Watson Glaser test.

Watson Glaser Test Structure

The Watson Glaser test for Hogan Lovells consists of 40 questions divided into five sections, each focusing on a specific critical thinking skill. These sections will require you to draw inferences, recognize assumptions, make deductions, interpret information, and evaluate arguments. It is essential to carefully read and understand the instructions for each question type to answer them accurately.

These questions involve analysing a passage of text and determining if a given deduction logically follows or not.

  • Interpretation

In interpretation questions, you will evaluate a paragraph of information and decide if a series of conclusions can be reasonably drawn from it.

  • Recognising Assumptions

Here, you need to identify the assumptions presented in a statement and determine if they are explicitly stated or not.

  • Drawing Inferences

Drawing on your critical thinking skills, you will assess the validity of inferences made in a given scenario, categorising them on a sliding scale of truthfulness.

  • Evaluating Arguments

This question type presents a contentious scenario followed by a series of arguments, which you must evaluate based on their strength rather than their correctness

The test is timed, with a duration of 30 minutes. It is recommended that you manage your time effectively, keeping track of the remaining time and avoiding getting stuck on individual questions. Remember, the test assesses critical thinking abilities, so rushing through the questions may result in overlooking crucial details.

Watson Glaser Test Prep

Preparing for the Watson Glaser Test is crucial for candidate aspiring to secure a training contract with Hogan Lovells. To increase your chances of success, it is indispensable to familiarise yourself with the format and thinking required in the Watson Glaser test. 

Fortunately, there are numerous online resources available to help you effectively prepare for the test:

  • Explore a range of online resources to enhance your preparation. While some resources may require payment, there are also free options available. These resources can provide valuable insights into critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the specific skills required for success in the Watson Glaser Test.
  • One such online resource is TalentLens , the publisher of the Watson Glaser Test. Their website offers a comprehensive overview of the test, including sample questions and explanations of the different question types. Familiarising yourself with these question types and understanding the underlying concepts is essential for performing well in the test.
  • Another useful resource is The Lawyer Portal, an online platform that specialises in psychometric test preparation. They offer a dedicated Watson Glaser practice test pack that includes sample questions, detailed answer explanations, and additional practice materials. This can be a valuable resource for honing your critical thinking skills and improving your performance in the test. 
  • Using  Job Test Prep  is also a great way to get practising, since they offer a diagnostic Watson Glaser test, 20+ additional practice tests and five interactive study guides. For the best results, it’s important to practice frequently, assess your performance and learn from any mistakes to keep improving.
  • Additionally, various books and guides are available that specifically focus on critical thinking and logical reasoning. Examples include “Critical Thinking Skills for Dummies” by Martin Cohen and “ The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal ” by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser. These resources provide comprehensive coverage of the skills and techniques required to excel in critical thinking assessments like the Watson Glaser Test.

By using these resources and practising regularly, you can familiarise yourself with the test format, improve your critical thinking abilities, and increase your chances of success in the Watson Glaser Test for Hogan Lovells.

Remember, preparation is key, and investing time and effort into practice will significantly enhance your performance and give you a competitive edge in the application process.

What Score Do I Need?

The required score for the Watson Glaser test at Hogan Lovells is not publicly disclosed. While this depends on each role available, generally a good score would exceed 70%.

Fortunately there are practice tests available online so applicants can become accustomed with how the test works before taking it officially. This gives applicants an opportunity to gain insight into what questions will be asked during the assessment so that when they take it officially they’re prepared for success!

However, it is advisable to aim for a high score to increase your chances of progressing to the later stages of the application process. Strive to perform at your best and showcase your critical thinking skills, as a strong performance in the test will undoubtedly enhance your application.

The Watson Glaser test is a vital component of the application process for training contracts at Hogan Lovells. By adequately preparing for this critical thinking assessment, you can demonstrate your analytical abilities and enhance your chances of securing a coveted position at this prestigious law firm.

Remember to practise, stay focused, and strive for excellence in your test performance. Good luck on your journey towards a rewarding legal career!

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The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

What Is the Watson Glaser Test?

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Updated May 10, 2024

Amy Dawson

Modern employers have changed the way that they recruit new candidates. They are no longer looking for people who have the technical skills on paper that match the job description.

Instead, they are looking for candidates who can demonstrably prove that they have a wider range of transferrable skills.

One of those key skills is the ability to think critically .

Firms (particularly those in sectors such as law, finance, HR and marketing ) need to know that their employees can look beyond the surface of the information presented to them.

They want confidence that their staff members can understand, analyze and evaluate situations or work-related tasks. There is more on the importance of critical thinking later in this article.

This is where the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test comes into play.

The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a participant’s ability to think critically.

The test lasts 30 minutes and applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas :



The questions are multiple-choice and may be phrased as true/false statements in a bid to see how well the participant has understood and interpreted the information provided.

Employers around the world use it during recruitment campaigns to help hiring managers effectively filter their prospective candidates .

The Watson Glaser test has been used for more than 85 years; employers trust the insights that the test can provide.

In today’s competitive jobs market where every candidate has brought the best of themselves, it can be increasingly difficult for employers to decide between applicants.

On paper, two candidates may appear identical, with a similar level of education, work experience, and even interests and skills.

But that does not necessarily mean both or either of them is right for the job.

There is much information available on creating an effective cover letter and resume, not to mention advice on making a good impression during an interview.

As a result, employers are increasingly turning to psychometric testing to look beyond the information that they have.

They want to find the right fit: someone who has the skills that they need now and in the future. And with recruitment costs rising each year, making the wrong hiring decision can be catastrophic.

This is where the Watson Glaser test can help.

It can provide hiring managers with the additional support and guidance they need to help them make an informed decision.

The Watson Glaser test is popular among firms working in professional services (such as law, banking and insurance) . It is used for recruitment for junior and senior positions and some of the world’s most recognized establishments are known for their use of the test.

The Bank of England, Deloitte, Hiscox, Linklaters and Hogan Lovells are just a few employers who enhance their recruitment processes through Watson Glaser testing.

Critical thinking is all about logic and rational thought. Finding out someone’s critical thinking skill level is about knowing whether they can assess whether they are being told the truth and how they can use inferences and assumptions to aid their decision-making.

If you are working in a high-pressure environment, having an instinctive ability to look beyond the information provided to the underlying patterns of cause-and-effect can be crucial to do your job well.

Although it is often thought of concerning law firms and finance teams, it is easy to see how critical thinking skills could be applied to a wide range of professions.

For example, HR professionals dealing with internal disputes may need to think critically. Or social workers and other health professionals may need to use critical thinking to assess whether someone is vulnerable and in need of help and support when that person does not or cannot say openly.

Practice Watson Glaser Test with TestHQ

Critical thinking is about questioning what you already know . It is about understanding how to find the facts and the truth about a situation or argument without being influenced by other people’s opinions .

It is also about looking at the bigger picture and seeing how decisions made now may have short-term benefits but long-term consequences.

For those working in senior managerial roles, this ability to think objectively can make a big difference to business success.

As part of the critical thinking assessment, the Watson Glaser Test focuses on the acronym, 'RED':

  • R ecognize assumptions
  • E valuate arguments
  • D raw conclusions

Put simply, the RED model ensures you can understand how to move beyond subconscious bias in your thinking. It ensures that you can identify the truth and understand the differences between fact and opinion.

To recognize assumptions , you must understand yourself and others: what your thought patterns and past experiences have led you to conclude about the world.

Evaluating arguments requires you to genuinely consider the merits of all options in a situation, and not just choose the one you feel that you ‘ought’ to.

Finally, to draw an accurate and beneficial conclusion you must trust your decision-making and understanding of the situation.

Watson Glaser Practice Test Questions & Answers

As mentioned earlier, the Watson Glaser Test assesses five core elements. Here, they will be examined in more depth:

This part of the test is about your ability to draw conclusions based on facts . These facts may be directly provided or may be assumptions that you have previously made.

Within the assessment, you can expect to be provided with a selection of text. Along with the text will be a statement.

You may need to decide whether that statement is true, probably true, insufficient data (neither true nor false), probably false or false.

The test looks to see if your answer was based on a conclusion that could be inferred from the text provided or if it is based on an assumption you previously made.

Take a Watson Glaser Practice Test

Example Statement:

500 students recently attended a voluntary conference in New York. During the conference, two of the main topics discussed were issues relating to diversity and climate change. This is because these are the two issues that the students selected that are important to them.

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Many people make decisions based on assumptions. But you need to be able to identify when assumptions are being made.

Within the Watson Glaser test , you will be provided with a written statement as well as an assumption.

You will be asked to declare whether that assumption was made in the text provided or not .

This is an important part of the test; it allows employers to understand if you have any expectations about whether things are true or not . For roles in law or finance, this is a vital skill.

We need to save money, so we’ll visit the local shops in the nearest town rather than the local supermarket

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

As a core part of critical thinking, 'deduction' is the ability to use logic and reasoning to come to an informed decision .

You will be presented with several facts, along with a variety of conclusions. You will be tasked with confirming whether those conclusions can be made from the information provided in that statement.

The answers are commonly in a ‘Yes, it follows/No, it does not follow’ form.

It is sometimes sunny on Wednesdays. All sunny days are fun. Therefore…

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

If you need to prepare for a number of different employment tests and want to outsmart the competition, choose a Premium Membership from TestHQ . You will get access to three PrepPacks of your choice, from a database that covers all the major test providers and employers and tailored profession packs.

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Critical thinking is also about interpreting the information correctly. It is about using the information provided to come to a valuable, informed decision .

Like the deduction questions, you will be provided with a written statement, which you must assume to be true.

You will also be provided with a suggested interpretation of that written statement. You must decide if that interpretation is correct based on the information provided, using a yes/no format.

A study of toddlers shows that their speech can change significantly between the ages of 10 months and three years old. At 1 year old, a child may learn their first word whereas at three years old they may know 200 words

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Evaluation of Arguments

This final part requires you to identify whether an argument is strong or weak . You will be presented with a written statement and several arguments that can be used for or against it. You need to identify which is the strongest argument and which is the weakest based on the information provided.

Should all 18-year-olds go to college to study for a degree after they have graduated from high school?

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

There are no confirmed pass/fail scores for Watson Glaser tests; different sectors have different interpretations of what is a good score .

Law firms, for example, will require a pass mark of at least 75–80% because the ability to think critically is an essential aspect of working as a lawyer.

As a comparative test, you need to consider what the comparative ‘norm’ is for your chosen profession. Your score will be compared to other candidates taking the test and you need to score better than them.

It is important to try and score as highly as you possibly can. Your Watson Glaser test score can set you apart from other candidates; you need to impress the recruiters as much as possible.

Your best chance of achieving a high score is to practice as much as possible in advance.

Everyone will have their own preferred study methods, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

However, there are some basic techniques everyone can use, which will enhance your study preparation ahead of the test:

Step 1 . Pay Attention to Online Practice Tests

There are numerous free online training aids available; these can be beneficial as a starting point to your preparation.

However, it should be noted that they are often not as detailed as the actual exam questions.

When researching for online test questions, make sure that any questions are specific to the Watson Glaser Test , not just critical thinking.

General critical thinking questions can help you improve your skills but will not familiarize you with this test. Therefore, make sure you practice any questions which follow the ‘rules’ and structure of a Watson Glaser Test .

Step 2 . Paid-for Preparation Packs Can Be Effective

If you are looking for something that mimics the complexity of a Watson Glaser test , you may wish to look at investing in a preparation pack.

There are plenty of options available from sites such as TestHQ . These are often far more comprehensive than free practice tests.

They may also include specific drills (which take you through each of the five stages of the test) as well as study guides, practice tests and suggestions of how to improve your score.

Psychologically, if you have purchased a preparation pack, you may be more inclined to increase your pre-test practice/study when compared to using free tools, due to having invested money.

Step 3 . Apply Critical Thinking to All Aspects of Your Daily Routine

The best way to improve your critical thinking score is to practice it every day.

It is not just about using your skills to pass an exam question; it is about being able to think critically in everyday scenarios.

Therefore, when you are reading the news or online articles, try to think whether you are being given facts or you are making deductions and assumptions from the information provided.

The more you practice your critical thinking in these scenarios, the more it will become second nature to you.

You could revert to the RED model: recognize the assumptions being made, by you and the author; evaluate the arguments and decide which, if any, are strong; and draw conclusions from the information provided and perhaps see if they differ from conclusions drawn using your external knowledge.

Prepare for Watson Glaser Test with TestHQ

Nine Top Tips for Ensuring Success in Your Watson Glaser Test

If you are getting ready to participate in a Watson Glaser test, you must be clear about what you are being asked to do.

Here are a few tips that can help you to improve your Watson Glaser test score.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Critical thinking is a skill that should become second nature to you. You should practice as much as possible, not just so that you can pass the test, but also to feel confident in using your skills in reality.

2. The Best Success Is Based on the Long-Term Study

To succeed in your Watson Glaser test , you need to spend time preparing.

Those who begin studying in the weeks and months beforehand will be far more successful than those who leave their study to the last minute.

3. Acquaint Yourself With the Test Format

The Watson Glaser test has a different type of question to other critical thinking tests.

Make sure that you are aware of what to expect from the test questions. The last thing you want is to be surprised on test day.

4. Read the Instructions Carefully

This is one of the simplest but most effective tips. Your critical thinking skills start with understanding what you are being asked to do. Take your time over the question.

Although you may only have 30 minutes to complete the test, it is still important that you do not rush through and submit the wrong answers. You do not get a higher score if you finish early, so use your time wisely.

5. Only Use the Information Provided in the Question

Remember, the purpose of the test is to see if you can come to a decision based on the provided written statement.

This means that you must ignore anything that you think you already know and focus only on the information given in the question.

6. Widen Your Non-Fictional Reading

Reading a variety of journals, newspapers and reports, and watching examples of debates and arguments will help you to improve your skills.

You will start to understand how the same basic facts can be presented in different ways and cause people to draw different conclusions.

From there, you can start to enhance your critical thinking skills to go beyond the perspective provided in any given situation.

7. Be Self-Aware

We all have our own biases and prejudices whether we know them or not. It is important to think about how your own opinions and life experiences may impact how you perceive and understand situations.

For example, someone who has grown up with a lot of money may have a different interpretation of what it is like to go without, compared to someone who has grown up in extreme poverty.

It is important to have this self-awareness as it is important for understanding other people; this is useful if you are working in sectors such as law.

8. Read the Explanations During Your Preparation

To make the most of practice tests, make sure you read the analysis explaining the answers, regardless of if you got the question right or wrong.

This is the crux of your study; it will explain the reasoning why a certain answer is correct, and this will help you understand how to choose the correct answers.

9. Practice Your Timings

You know that you will have five sections to complete in the test. You also know that you have 30 minutes to complete the test.

Therefore, make sure that your timings are in sync within your practice, so you can work your way through the test in its entirety.

Time yourself on how long each section takes you and put in extra work on your slowest.

What score do you need to pass the Watson Glaser test?

There is no standard benchmark score to pass the Watson Glaser test . Each business sector has its own perception of what constitutes a good score and every employer will set its own requirements.

It is wise to aim for a Watson Glaser test score of at least 75%. To score 75% or higher, you will need to correctly answer at least 30 of the 40 questions.

The employing organization will use your test results to compare your performance with other candidates within the selection pool. The higher you score in the Watson Glaser test , the better your chances of being hired.

Can you fail a Watson Glaser test?

It is not possible to fail a Watson Glaser test . However, your score may not be high enough to meet the benchmark set by the employing organization.

By aiming for a score of at least 75%, you stand a good chance of progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Are Watson Glaser tests hard?

Many candidates find the Watson Glaser test hard. The test is designed to assess five different aspects of logical reasoning skills. Candidates must work under pressure, which adds another dimension of difficulty.

By practicing your critical thinking skills, you can improve your chances of achieving a high score on the Watson Glaser test .

How do I prepare for Watson Glaser?

To prepare for Watson Glaser , you will need to practice your critical thinking abilities. This can be achieved through a range of activities; for example, reading a variety of newspapers, journals and other literature.

Try applying the RED model to your reading – recognize the assumptions being made (both by you and the writer), evaluate the arguments and decide which of these (if any) are strong.

You should also practice drawing conclusions from the information available to you.

Online Watson Glaser practice assessments are a useful way to prepare for Watson Glaser. These practice tests will give you an idea of what to expect on the day, although the questions are not usually as detailed as those in the actual test.

You might also consider using a paid-for Watson Glaser preparation pack, such as the one available from TestHQ . Preparation packs provide a comprehensive test guide, including practice tests and recommendations on how to improve your test score.

How long does the Watson Glaser test take?

Candidates are allowed 30 minutes to complete the Watson Glaser test . The multiple-choice test questions are grouped into five distinct areas – assumptions, deduction, evaluation, inference and interpretation.

Which firms use the Watson Glaser test?

Companies all over the world use the Watson Glaser test as part of their recruitment campaigns.

It is a popular choice for professional service firms, including banking, law, and insurance. Firms using the Watson Glaser test include the Bank of England, Hiscox, Deloitte and Clifford Chance.

How many times can you take the Watson Glaser test?

Most employers will only allow you to take the Watson Glaser test once per application. However, you may take the Watson Glaser test more than once throughout your career.

What is the next step after passing the Watson Glaser test?

The next step after passing the Watson Glaser test will vary between employers. Some firms will ask you to attend a face-to-face interview after passing the Watson Glaser test, others will ask you to attend an assessment center. Speak to the hiring manager to find out the process for the firm you are applying for.

Start preparing in advance for the Watson Glaser test

The Watson Glaser test differs from other critical thinking tests. It has its own rules and formations, and the exam is incredibly competitive. If you are asked to participate in a Watson Glaser test it is because your prospective employer is looking for the ‘best of the best’. Your aim is not to simply pass the test; it is to achieve a higher score than anyone else taking that test .

Therefore, taking the time to prepare for the Watson Glaser test is vital for your chances of success. You need to be confident that you know what you are being asked to do, and that you can use your critical thinking skills to make informed decisions.

Your study is about more than helping you to pass a test; it is about providing you with the skills and capability to think critically about information in the ‘real world’ .

You might also be interested in these other Psychometric Success articles:

Critical Thinking Tests (2024 Guide)

Or explore the Aptitude Tests / Test Types sections.

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Commercial Awareness Programmes

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Commercial Awareness Programmes

Our Commercial Awareness Programmes are full of valuable resources, including presentations and workshops, so you can develop all the skills you need for your career.

When we’re advising clients, it’s crucial that we’re able to see the bigger picture and identify exactly what’s needed.

That’s why commercial awareness is a huge part of being a successful lawyer. With our Launch Pad and Lift Off programmes, you’ll grow your commercial awareness by gaining a greater insight into what we do, how we operate as a business and how we constantly innovate to go beyond the expectations of our clients. What’s more, you’ll explore our world as a global elite law firm and learn about how we respond to unpredictable global events that impact business.

Key Dates & Deadlines

Applications open : 16 September 2024 Application close: 31 October 2024

Launch Pad days: 28th January & 18th February 2025 Lift Off days: 20th January & 20th February 2025

Who is it for?

We have Commercial Awareness Programmes available to students at every stage. From first-year students, to vacation scheme and training contract candidates, through to those holding training contract offers with the firm. The programmes' structures vary: we'll include relevant topics for students at different stages in the application process.

For the Launch Pad and Lift Off programmes, applications will open on Monday 16 th  September 2024. You'll be invited to take the online critical thinking test, and we'll aim to let you know if you've been successful two weeks after the deadline. 

Who is it for?

HL Launch Pad

For first-year students looking to gain an insight into a career in commercial law.

  • Gain insights into the firm’s strategy and our response to current market trends
  • Experience skills-based workshops and receive guidance from our trainee solicitors
  • Gain an understanding of client work at trainee level
  • Start to build your commercial awareness through our bespoke workshops
  • Secure an automatic place on our first-year insight programme

HL Launch Pad

HL Lift Off

For those in their penultimate year and onwards looking to secure either a vacation scheme or training contract.

  • Gain in-depth knowledge about our key practice groups
  • Gather insights into how we develop relationships with our clients and how we win work
  • Build an understanding of a law firm’s economics 
  • Gain insight into how we innovate for our clients through legal case studies
  • Secure an automatic place on a vacation scheme or training contract assessment day

HL Lift Off

All Systems Go

As a Future Joiner you'll join our All Systems Go programme, which will see you:

  • Learn about our development programmes from trainee through to partner
  • Understand the seat planning and secondment process
  • Gain an insight into Hogan Lovells Dialogue: our development-focused programme 
  • Develop an understanding of the City Consortium SQE
  • Connect with other future joiners and continue to build your network within Hogan Lovells

All Systems Go

Have a question?

Who can apply for hl launch pad.

HL Launch Pad is for first-year students looking to gain an insight into a career in commercial law. 

What are the benefits of applying for HL Launch Pad?

HL Launch Pad consists of three insight days from January through to April in our London office. You’ll gain insights into the firm’s strategy and our response to current market trends,  experience legal case studies, skills-based workshops and receive guidance from our trainees. 

You’ll also secure an automatic place on our first-year insight programme for April or August.

Who can apply for HL Lift Off?

HL Lift Off is for students in their penultimate year and onwards and looking to secure either a vacation scheme or training contract with Hogan Lovells. 

You can apply for Lift Off and the Summer Vacation Scheme at the same time. If you are successful for Lift Off you will be fast-tracked to a Summer Vacation Scheme Assessment Day

What are the benefits of applying for HL Lift Off?

HL Lift Off consists of three insight days from January through to April in our London office. You’ll build your commercial awareness by gaining an understanding of a law firm’s economics. Each day will help you  gain in-depth knowledge about our key practice groups, gather insights into how we develop relationships with our clients and how we pitch and win work. 

Through HL Lift Off you’ll secure an automatic place on a vacation scheme or training contract assessment day.

Can I find out more about the online Watson-Glaser critical thinking test?

  • We use the Watson-Glaser critical thinking test.
  • The online critical thinking tests assess how well you can absorb and analyse information.
  • They measure your ability to evaluate arguments, deductions, inferences, and conclusions.
  • They're good predictors of success in roles where you need to see things clearly from many angles and separate facts from assumptions.
  • To get a feel for the intellectual demands you'll experience from day one, you can take our practice test .
  • Be sure to read the feedback you receive as it will help you with the formal assessments.

Hogan Tests

Prepare for your next Hogan assessment with practice tests and questions.

  • What are Hogan Assessments?

Hogan Assessments were developed to assess personality and thinking ability, and there are several different pre-employment assessments produced.

Hogan Assessments was founded in 1987 by Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan, and its assessments were the first to scientifically measure personality for businesses.

Hogan Assessments are predictive - which means they look at the potential performance of a candidate, based on their working style, attitudes, problem-solving skills, values, strengths and weaknesses.

Today, the company has grown so that there have been more than 10 million assessments taken in 180 countries around the world.

Hogan Assessments are designed to test candidates on their personality traits, the way they think and behave, and what drives and motivates them. 75% of the companies listed in the Fortune 500 use Hogan Assessments, including:

There are five different Hogan Assessments used as part of the recruitment process, and they are usually used to look for leadership potential or for higher-level roles. The tests are:

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

Hogan development survey (hds), hogan motives, values, preferences inventory (mvpi), hogan business reasoning inventory (hbri).

  • Hogan Judgement Assessment (JUD)
  • The Structure Of Hogan Assessments

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) is designed to measure normal personality, or what is known as bright-side personality. This is the way you behave and respond to normal, everyday scenarios, and it is based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality.

The HPI consists of 220 questions, and the answers must be given on a four-point Likert scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree . This test is not timed, and usually takes just 15-20 minutes to complete.

In this test, there are two different scales being used in forming the questions - personality and occupational.

The personality scales are:

  • Sociability
  • Interpersonal sensitivity
  • Inquisitive
  • Learning approach

The occupational scales are:

  • Service orientation
  • Stress tolerance
  • Reliability
  • Clerical potential
  • Sales potential
  • Managerial potential

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) assesses what is known as a dark side personality - what happens to your work behaviour when things go wrong and you are under stress. This is useful for a recruiter so they can see what the potential barriers to performance could be.

The HDS consists of 170 questions, and again these are answered on a four-point Likert scale. There is no time limit, but most people complete it in 15-20 minutes.

The HDS assesses candidates using eleven personality scales:

  • Mischievous
  • Imaginative

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) assesses your ability to make reasoned decisions based on different types of data, and is similar to other aptitude tests - although, like other Hogan Assessments, this is more about the way you analyse the data to make good decisions.

In the HBRI there are 24 questions with multiple choice answers, and you have a 30-minute time limit - and your speed in answering the questions will affect your overall score.

The HBRI assesses the following thinking abilities:

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Logical reasoning
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Abstract thinking

The assessment categorises your answers and presents the recruiter with a report based on the type of thinker that you are. The categories are:

  • Expedient thinker
  • Contextual thinker
  • Analytical thinker
  • Critical thinker

The Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) is an assessment designed to look at what drives you, what motivates you, and what core values you have. It is designed to demonstrate to employers what type of job and at what level you are suitable for, and the type of work environment that you will thrive in.

It consists of 200 questions, with answers on a four-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree .

The MVPI assesses on the following scales:

  • Recognition
  • Affiliation

It also assesses candidates based on themes which are relevant for culture fit, including:

  • Occupational preferences
  • Preferred associates

Hogan Judgement Assessment

The Hogan Judgement Assessment (JUD) is the newest assessment type in the battery, and it is unique as it measures judgement and leadership potential by looking at everything covered in the other Hogan Assessments. This means that the questions are assessing thinking ability, both bright-side and dark-side personality, and your core values.

This is an untimed test and it takes questions from the HPI, HDS, HBRI and MVPI.

The test is separated into three sections:

Information processing

This is the section where you will answer questions on verbal and numerical reasoning. Much like in the HBRI, the way you answer the questions will put you into certain categories, which are:

  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative

Decision-making approaches

These questions are answered on the four-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree , and the scales that are used are:

  • Tactical thinking vs strategic thinking
  • Threat avoidance vs reward seeking
  • Data-driven decisions vs intuitive decisions

Reactions to feedback

How you react to feedback, particularly negative feedback, is an important facet of both leadership and judgement. This part of the test assesses candidates on the following scales:

  • Defensive vs cool-headed
  • Superficial vs genuine
  • Denial vs acceptance
  • Tips To Pass The Hogan Assessments

1. Know what qualities the employer is looking for

If you can find out what type of person the role needs, and what qualities the recruitment team are actively seeking, you will know what the questions are trying to find out about you.

It is well-known that personality tests are hard to ‘game’, and you can’t exactly fake your way through - but if the role specifies someone that is outgoing and confident, that's the part of your personality that you want to highlight.

You can often find out this information from the job description, but looking at the core values of the business will help too.

2. Know yourself better

Pre-employment assessments are just as much for you as they are for the recruitment team to see how you will fit - and if you are not a match, that is ok.

If you know the position you have applied for needs someone who has great analytical skills, but you know that you are more intuitive, you might not be a great fit for the role - and the Hogan Assessment is likely to highlight that disparity.

3. Take practice tests

While you won’t necessarily need to revise for the Hogan Assessments - they are not about right or wrong answers - being under test conditions can be stressful and nerve-wracking.

Add to that the unfamiliar structure and layout, and the way the answers need to be recorded and you might be under too much stress to answer to the best of your abilities.

Practice tests are a good way for you to get familiar with the layout and the structure and be more sure of how to answer the questions so you feel more comfortable and confident in the real thing.

4. Be honest

You've found out what the employer wants from you in terms of personality, work behaviour, and values - and you know more about yourself as you have thought about how your traits match.

In the test, you need to answer honestly, rather than with what you think the recruiter wants to see. It is easy to see why people would want to portray themselves as the perfect candidate, but in truth, there is no such thing, and employers will be comparing your answer against other data to see whether you would be a good fit.

If you are not a good fit, you may not thrive in the workplace environment and your behaviour and personality might make the job not as fun or fulfilling for you - so it can be a good thing.

5. Answer thoroughly

For most of the Hogan Assessments, there are no time limits - so you have the opportunity to think carefully about the answers that you are giving to make sure that they reflect your personality, values, work behaviour, motivators and everything else that is relevant in the right way.

Even in the 30-minute HBRI, you should make sure that you are answering the questions to the best of your ability - but it is worth noting again that your speed in answering will feed into your total score for the assessment.

Jump to a section on this page:

  • Hogan Tests Sample Questions

Hogan Tests Tips

Hogan tests faqs, more publisher tests.

  • Thomas International
  • Criteria Corp

Sample Hogan Tests question Test your knowledge!

If a trend is described as 'transient,' which of these is an appropriate synonym?

  • Long-lasting

In a report on workplace efficiency, an analyst writes, 'A significant correlation exists between the amount of natural light in an office and the productivity of its staff.' What can be inferred from this statement?

  • Employees work faster when there are more windows in the office.
  • Productivity might improve if more natural light is introduced.
  • Artificial light is proven to decrease workplace efficiency.
  • The office layout has no impact on staff productivity.

If the sum of four consecutive even numbers is 292, what is the highest of these numbers?

All oranges are fruits, and all fruits grow on trees. Which of the following conclusions follows logically from these statements?

  • All trees grow oranges.
  • All oranges grow on trees.
  • No oranges are fruits.
  • Some trees are oranges.

Which of the following is most similar to the relationship between 'unpredictable' and 'certain'?

  • 'Turbulent' and 'calm'
  • 'Remarkable' and 'ordinary'
  • 'Massive' and 'huge'
  • 'Specific' and 'vague'

Build your confidence today

Try one of our Hogan tests for FREE.

With Psychometric Tests, I was able to prepare for the interview process efficiently, clearly and at my own pace.

Pav used Psychometric Tests to ace the interview process at the Civil Service


When it comes to prepping for Hogan Assessments, repetition is key. Familiarize yourself with different question formats and the thought processes needed to tackle them. The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel when it's game time. Psychometric Tests offers a wealth of practice exams to help you get into the groove.

Hogan Assessments are unique in their approach to gauging personality and cognitive abilities. Before you dive into practicing, take a moment to understand the structure and types of questions you might encounter. At Psychometric Tests, we've designed our practice tests to reflect the style of Hogan, so you won't be caught off guard.

Time management can make a big difference in your assessment performance. Practice under timed conditions to get a feel for the pace you need to maintain. Don't worry, though; our practice environments at Psychometric Tests mimic the actual test conditions, so you can sharpen those time management skills.

After each practice test, take time to reflect on your answers, especially the ones you got wrong. Understanding your mistakes is crucial for improvement. Psychometric Tests provides detailed explanations for answers, so you can learn the concepts, not just the questions.

Test anxiety can throw a wrench in even the most prepared applicant's efforts. Develop a strategy to stay calm, whether that's deep breathing, positive visualization, or a pre-test pep talk. Remember, practice breeds confidence, and confidence helps you stay cool under pressure. Use Psychometric Tests to build up that confidence.

Choose the package that works for you.

  • 8 Aptitude packages
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  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources
  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Tips and resources

Employers use Hogan Assessments because they are excellent tools for assessing candidates for different roles across different industries. Understanding the personality traits, work behaviours, and thinking ability of candidates helps employers to choose new employees who have the skills to be successful in the future, and the science-backed assessments are trusted by 75% of Fortune 500 companies.

Scoring in a Hogan Assessment is not about getting the answers right, but it is about being honest and truthful in describing your personality and work behaviour in the different situations that are presented.

Hogan Assessments were the first to use science to measure personality for business - and they have remained the leaders in the ‘Science of Personality’. The accuracy in the reports generated comes from the data science team who put together the assessments, but Hogan Assessments is also dedicated to continuous improvements - undertaking 100 validation studies every single year.

Cappfinity tests and Hogan Assessments can both be difficult - but in different ways. Cappfinity pre-employment assessments are aptitude tests, looking at cognitive ability, while Hogan Assessments are more about decision-making, judgement and personality traits - so it is hard to draw an accurate comparison between them.

What our customers say about our Hogan Tests

Morten Jakobsen

February 03, 2023


The test requires that you think logically and must stay focused on what is directly written without making assumptions.

Ellen Robertson

United Kingdom

March 30, 2023

I liked the test itself, but found some of the screens made it tricky as I had to scroll up and down to see the statement at the top, the text in the middle and answer at the bottom.

maansi gupta

May 02, 2023

Discovered what my personality type is

I liked the interesting questions.

Anita Boateng

Interesting exercise

Didn't know what to expect and I was distracted (which isn't the right way to do it) but it was very interesting!

Rosina Fernandes

November 03, 2023

This was good

The assessment was good, it allows one to read and grasp the content and ensure that, questions around the content are effectively answered, unless individuals genuinely read the content. Thanks.


  1. Hogan Assessment [Complete Guide]

    hogan critical thinking test

  2. How to Pass the Hogan Assessment Test: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    hogan critical thinking test

  3. Hogan Lovells Critical Thinking Test

    hogan critical thinking test

  4. Free Hogan Assessment Practice Test & 2024 Prep Guide

    hogan critical thinking test

  5. Hogan Assessment [Complete Guide]

    hogan critical thinking test

  6. How to Pass the Hogan Assessment Test: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    hogan critical thinking test


  1. The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Test (2024 Guide)

    How to Prepare for the HBRI Test in 2024. Success on your Hogan Business Reasoning Invetory test can help you land that dream job or bag that sought-after promotion, so it's important to approach it methodically. Here are some step-by-step tips on how best to prepare: Step 1. Make Practice a Priority.

  2. Free Hogan Assessment Test Practice

    MVPI (Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory)- a behavioral questionnaire with 200 questions. HBRI (Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory)- a cognitive test with about 24 questions. On this page are free sample questions covering all Hogan tests above, with detailed answers and tips that will help you get ready for your Hogan assessment.

  3. Hogan Assessment Tests Practice Guide [2024]

    Prepare for your Hogan Assessment with a comprehensive guide and sample questions for any Hogan personality test - including HPI, HDS, MVPI, and HBRI. Browse Tests. ... These are assessed via the combination of ranking on two dimensions of critical thinking: Qualitative Reasoning - the ability to solve problems based on visual data, ...

  4. How You Think: Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory

    One of Hogan's three cognitive tests, the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) describes reasoning style - the ability to evaluate sets of data, make decisions, solve problems, and avoid repeating past mistakes.By assessing reasoning style, you can identify candidates' problem-solving style, understand their capacity, and identify areas for development.

  5. Hogan HBRI Test

    The HBRI is a pre-employment cognitive assessment administered by Hogan. It is designed to assess candidates' problem-solving and reasoning abilities and is used primarily in the selection process of. , with an estimated time of 25-30 minutes to complete. As the name suggests, most questions are given in a business-related context.

  6. Hogan Assessments : Tips & Strategies to Pass the 5 Hogan Tests in 2024

    All you need to know about the 5 Hogan assessments: typical hogan test questions, tips and the best resources for preparation in 2024. ... Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI): The HBRI evaluates an individual's critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making abilities.

  7. Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory

    Hogan Assessments 1.800.756.0632. Reduce turnover & increase productivity by hiring the right people, developing talent and evaluating leadership potential. ... Test Reasoning Styles. ... Because our emotions influence our critical thinking, decision-making, teamwork, and leadership abilities, emotionally intelligent people tend to excel at ...

  8. HBRI (Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory) Test Guide

    The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) is a highly regarded assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual's critical thinking and problem-solving skills within a business context. This test measures the cognitive abilities that are essential for making sound business decisions and effectively navigating complex work environments.

  9. Hogan Lovells Watson Glaser Tests: Practice Questions (2024)

    Hogan Lovells Critical Thinking Test. In addition to your online application, you will receive a Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test (W-GCTA) via email to complete. The test may consist of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, or a combination of both. Candidates are typically given a limited amount of time to complete the test ...

  10. Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory: Samples & Practice Tests

    Our Hogan HBRI Test PrepPack is the most accurate and professional in the market and designed to help you ace the test and showcase your critical thinking skills to potential employers. It includes: Full-length HBRI Test simulations that will teach you how to efficiently handle tough questions under a tight time limit, improving your time ...

  11. Hogan Lovells Critical Reasoning Test

    A person's score in a critical thinking test is a good indicator of their ability to structure a sound, solid arguments, analyse and synthesise available information, and to recognise assumptions and inferences. This is particularly important in legal positions. Hogan Lovells use critical reasoning exercises as part of their recruitment process ...

  12. Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI): Full Test Guide

    The Hogan business reasoning inventory (HBRI) is regarded as one of the most accurate predictors of future performance in the workplace because it was created expressly for use in a business context. It helps to identify areas for development and those with advanced corporate decision-making abilities. Because of HBRI test, the Hogan business ...

  13. Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Test Preparation

    The HBRI is designed to test your ability to evaluate data and extract important information from graphs and reports. The aptitude test only takes between 25-30 minutes to complete, and the results will be ready for your employer immediately. This psychometric assessment was created to evaluate problem-solving skills and predict how well job ...

  14. Hogan Lovells Critical Thinking Test

    This document provides a sample of questions from Hogan Lovells' critical thinking test to familiarize test-takers. The test measures critical thinking skills through inferences, assumptions, deductions, interpretations, and evaluating arguments. It uses facts, statements, and scenarios to which test-takers must apply logic to determine valid conclusions and assumptions. The sample questions ...

  15. Hogan Assessments: HPI, HDS, MVPI, HBRI

    The Hogan Personality Inventory also called the Hogan Personality Test is the most common assessment that you might face from employers. The point of the exam is to make sure your personality traits fit those needed for the role and match the company's corporate culture. The test consists of 220 questions and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.

  16. Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Test Practice

    The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) assessment is a challenging test that measures problem-solving abilities with 24 questions of different types: Numerical Reasoning; Logic & Verbal Reasoning; Abstract Reasoning; Passing the Hogan HBRI test requires using the right technique to quickly solve questions within the 30-minute time limit, which can get stressful when so much is on the line.

  17. Cognitive Assessments

    Cognitive Assessments. Hogan offers two cognitive tests to help you measure cognitive ability from more than one angle. The Hogan Judgment test goes beyond "right" and "wrong" decisions. This cognitive test looks at how people make decisions and assesses their biases to help with decision-making self-awareness. It also tells us about ...

  18. What Are the Hogan Assessments? How to Interpret the Results

    How to Interpret the Results: 5 Tips. The Hogan Assessments create a wealth of data and the potential for deep insight into whether a candidate is a good fit for an organization and the readiness for existing employees to take on more responsibility (Hogan, n.d.; Hogan EU, n.d.a).

  19. How to Pass the Hogan Assessment Test: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    1. Review your results with your interviewer. After the assessment, ask if the hiring team or recruiter can offer any feedback. If possible, discuss your results regardless of your application's success. [12] If you got the job, ask which aspects of your assessment report helped them choose you for the job.

  20. A Guide to the Watson Glaser Test for Hogan Lovells

    The Watson Glaser test for Hogan Lovells consists of 40 questions divided into five sections, each focusing on a specific critical thinking skill. These sections will require you to draw inferences, recognize assumptions, make deductions, interpret information, and evaluate arguments. It is essential to carefully read and understand the ...

  21. The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test: 2024 Guide

    The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a participant's ability to think critically. The test lasts 30 minutes and applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas: Inference. Assumptions. Deduction.

  22. Free Hogan Assessment Practice Test & 2024 Prep Guide

    Free Hogan Assessment Practice Test & 2024 Prep Guide by iPREP. Check out our free Hogan sample questions and ace your test. ... but can be moody and self-critical: You are calm and steady under pressure, but might be resistant to feedback: Ambition: ... Creative thinking: Diligent: Standards: Perfectionistic: Organized: Dutiful: Indecisive ...

  23. Commercial Awareness Programmes

    The online critical thinking tests assess how well you can absorb and analyse information. They measure your ability to evaluate arguments, deductions, inferences, and conclusions. ... "Hogan Lovells" or the "firm" refers to the international legal practice that comprises Hogan Lovells International LLP. Hogan Lovells US LLP and their ...

  24. Hogan Assessments: Free Practice Questions [2024]

    Hogan Assessments were developed to assess personality and thinking ability, and there are several different pre-employment assessments produced. Hogan Assessments was founded in 1987 by Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan, and its assessments were the first to scientifically measure personality for businesses. Hogan Assessments are predictive - which ...