
Can we live on worms alone? Probably not, find scientists

Feedback digs into a study on whether earthworms might provide the nutritional answer in the case of a global famine, and discovers a can of worms

By Marc Abrahams

31 July 2024

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

Diet of worms?

The phrase “diet of worms” intrigues people (if it intrigues them at all) in various ways. For historians, it can trigger arguments about a political convocation that happened in the city of Worms, in Germany in the year 1521. For nutritionists, the phrase can describe the work of scientists who are considering whether all of today’s 8 billion or so humans could, if need be, subsist on a diet of mainly earthworms.

Henry Miller, James Mulhall, Lou Aino Pfau, Rachel Palm and David Denkenberger, whom Feedback regards as the all-star team of the nutritional-diet-of-worms community, recently feasted on a mass of data. Postprandially, intellectually speaking, they produced a study called “ Can foraging for earthworms significantly reduce global famine in a catastrophe? ” It appears in the journal Biomass .

The five analysed four techniques for efficiently fishing, so to speak, for earthworms: “digging and sorting, vermifuge application, worm grunting, and electroshocking”.

They asked the “can” (of worms) question: Can the worms gathered by these methods feed all of us humans, given the constraints of “scalability, climate-related barriers to foraging, and pre-consumption processing requirements”? Their answer, in a word: no.

Their answer in 48 words: “The authors are not aware of any studies of the human health impacts of consuming a diet rich in foraged earthworms. However, in the authors’ opinion, there is reasonable evidence that such a diet could be harmful and so should not be recommended unless starvation is the alternative.”

Diets of worms

Miller, Mulhall, Pfau, Palm and Denkenberger are but the most recent front-runners in a long parade of scientists drawn to investigate diets of worms.

Many others have focused on the diets of the worms themselves.

Charles Darwin attained some measure of his fame for the 1881 book The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms . Nearly a century later, Kristian Fauchald and Peter Jumars’s “ The diet of worms: A study of polychaete feeding guilds ” occupied 92 pages of the Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review .

Fauchald and Jumars included a conversation-stopper of a sentence that is worth memorising and spouting if you want to worm your way into the spotlight at a party: “Alciopids are holoplanktonic animals with muscular, eversible pharynges.”

Other scientists studied what can happen when one eats worms, especially if one isn’t a human.

In 2002, Mary Silcox and Mark Teaford examined the teeth of some habitual worm-eaters. They wrote up their observations, for the Journal of Mammalogy , under the title “ The diet of worms: An analysis of mole dental microwear “.

“We compared microwear from shearing facets of lower molars from Parascalops breweri (the hairy-tailed mole) and Scapanus orarius (the coast mole) with that from other small mammal species including a tenrec, a hedgehog, 3 primates, and 2 bats.”

Some of the mole tooth wear patterns, they write, can be “plausibly explained by the interaction between teeth and soil from the inside and outside of earthworms”.

Silcox and Teaford’s mole teeth research would take on new significance if and when – despite the warning given by Miller et al. – the peoples of Earth opt for a mostly earthworms dietary regimen.

The tall and short of it

News about height requirements for certain courses at Vietnam National University’s school of management and business (HSB) has Feedback wondering.

Deutsche Welle reported on 2 July that “female students must be at least 1.58 meters tall and male students at least 1.65 meters to be considered for admission this year”. The reasoning here: “the school aims to train future leaders and excellent managers” and “height is a decisive factor, especially when it comes to leadership and self-confidence”.

That news report says that after public outcry, “HSB adjusted its admission criteria” so that “the rule now applies only to one course, Management and Security”.

What schools or other institutions in the science, medical or tech world have managed to secure strict height prohibitions for students or employees? If you know of one, please send documentation to Feedback with the subject line “Big/Small Careers”. Some job requirements sensibly specify that applicants be physically able to use some particular job-related equipment. Don’t send those. Feedback craves examples in which numbers, not needs, rule the day.

Toilet humour

Inspired by Feedback’s collection of abandoned organisational slogans, Ken Taylor takes note of a slogan about things that were abandoned.

“I live in a very rural part of [the] UK – Cumbria. There are lots of isolated properties that are not linked to the sewerage network, so rely on septic tanks. These have to be emptied from time to time. I saw one such tanker going about its business. The slogan on the side said ‘Yesterday’s meals on wheels’. Nothing more to add…”

Marc Abrahams created the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony and co-founded the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. Earlier, he worked on unusual ways to use computers. His website is .

Got a story for Feedback?

You can send stories to Feedback by email at [email protected] . Please include your home address. This week’s and past Feedbacks can be seen on our website .

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What caused the great CrowdStrike-Windows meltdown of 2024? History has the answer


[Updated 24-July with details from CrowdStrike's preliminary post-incident review]

Microsoft Windows powers more than a billion PCs and millions of servers worldwide, many of them playing key roles in facilities that serve customers directly. So, what happens when a trusted software provider delivers an update that causes those PCs to immediately stop working?

As of July 19, 2024, we know the answer to that question: Chaos ensues.

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In this case, the trusted software developer is a firm called CrowdStrike Holdings, whose previous claim to fame was being the security firm that analyzed the 2016 hack of servers owned by the Democratic National Committee. That's just a quaint memory now, as the firm will forever be known as The Company That Caused The Largest IT Outage In History . It grounded airplanes, cut off access to some banking systems, disrupted major healthcare networks, and threw at least one news network off the air.

Microsoft estimates that the CrowdStrike update affected 8.5 million Windows devices. That's a tiny percentage of the worldwide installed base, but as David Weston, Microsoft's Vice President for Enterprise and OS Security, notes, "the broad economic and societal impacts reflect the use of CrowdStrike by enterprises that run many critical services." According to a Reuters report , "Over half of Fortune 500 companies and many government bodies such as the top US cybersecurity agency itself, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, use the company's software."

What happened?

CrowdStrike, which sells security software designed to keep systems safe from external attacks, pushed a faulty "sensor configuration update" to the millions of PCs worldwide running its Falcon Sensor software. That update was, according to CrowdStrike, a "Channel File" whose function was to identify newly observed, malicious activity by cyberattackers.

Although the update file had a .sys extension, it was not itself a kernel driver. It communicates with other components in the Falcon sensor that run in the same space as the Windows kernel, the most privileged level on a Windows PC, where they interact directly with memory and hardware. CrowdStrike says a "logic error" in that code caused Windows PCs and servers to crash within seconds after they booted up, displaying a STOP error, more colloquially known as the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

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In a Preliminary Post Incident Review posted on its website July 24, CrowdStrike confirmed some details about the incident that had previously been reported and added a few more. The code that failed was part of the Falcon sensor, which runs in the Windows kernel space. Version 7.11 of the sensor was released on February 28, 2024. According to CrowdStrike, this release introduced "a new [InterProcess Communication (IPC)] Template Type to detect novel attack techniques that abuse Named Pipes. This release followed all Sensor Content testing procedures..."

Three additional instances of the IPC Template Type were deployed between April 8 and April 24, without incident. On July 19, the company says, "two additional IPC Template Instances were deployed. Due to a bug in the Content Validator, one of the two Template Instances passed validation despite containing problematic content data." Those instances were deployed into production. "When received by the sensor and loaded into the Content Interpreter," the report continues, "problematic content in Channel File 291 resulted in an out-of-bounds memory read triggering an exception. This unexpected exception could not be gracefully handled, resulting in a Windows operating system crash (BSOD)."

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Repairing the damage from a flaw like this is a painfully tedious process that requires manually rebooting every affected PC into the Windows Recovery Environment and then deleting the defective file from the PC using the old-school command line interface. If the PC in question has its system drive protected by Microsoft's BitLocker encryption software, as virtually all business PCs do, the fix requires one extra step: entering a unique 48-character BitLocker recovery key to gain access to the drive and allow the removal of the faulty CrowdStrike driver.

If you know anyone whose job involves administering Windows PCs in a corporate network that uses the CrowdStrike code, you can be confident they are very busy right now, and will be for days to come.

We've seen this movie before

When I first heard about this catastrophe (and I am not misusing that word, I assure you), I thought it sounded familiar. On Reddit's Sysadmin Subreddit, user u/externedguy reminded me why . Maybe you remember this story from 14 years ago:

"Defective McAfee update causes worldwide meltdown of XP PCs." Oops, they did it again. At 6AM today, McAfee released an update to its antivirus definitions for corporate customers that had a slight problem. And by "slight problem," I mean the kind that renders a PC useless until tech support shows up to repair the damage manually. As I commented on Twitter earlier today, I'm not sure any virus writer has ever developed a piece of malware that shut down as many machines as quickly as McAfee did today.

In that case, McAfee had delivered a faulty virus definition (DAT) file to PCs running Windows XP. That file falsely detected a crucial Windows system file, Svchost.exe, as a virus and deleted it. The result, according to a contemporary report , is that "affected systems will enter a reboot loop and [lose] all network access."

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The parallels between that 2010 incident and this year's CrowdStrike outage are uncanny. At its core was a defective update, pushed to millions of PCs running a powerful software agent, causing the affected devices to stop working. Recovery required manual intervention on every single device. Plus, the flawed code was pushed out by a public security company desperately trying to grow in a brutally competitive marketplace.

The timing was particularly unfortunate for McAfee. Intel had announced its intention to acquire McAfee for $7.68 billion on April 19, 2010. The defective DAT file was released two days later, on April 21.

That 2010 McAfee screw-up was a big deal, kneecapping Fortune 500 companies (including Intel!) as well as universities and government/military deployments worldwide. It knocked 10% of the cash registers at Australia's largest grocery chain offline, forcing the closure of 14 to 18 stores.

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In the You Can't Make This Up Department… CrowdStrike's founder and CEO, George Kurtz, was McAfee's Chief Technology Officer during that 2010 incident.

What makes the 2024 sequel so much worse is that it also affected Windows-based servers running in the cloud, on Microsoft Azure and on AWS. Just as with the many laptops and desktop PCs that were bricked by this faulty update, the cloud-based servers require time-consuming manual interventions to recover.

CrowdStrike's QA failed

Surprisingly, this isn't CrowdStrike's first faulty Falcon sensor update this year.

Less than a month earlier, according to a report from The Stack , CrowdStrike released a detection logic update for the Falcon sensor that exposed a bug in the sensor's Memory Scanning feature. "The result of the bug," CrowdStrike wrote in a customer advisory, "is a logic error in the CsFalconService that can cause the Falcon sensor for Windows to consume 100% of a single CPU core." The company rolled back the update, and customers were able to resume normal operations by rebooting.

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At the time, computer security expert Will Thomas noted on X/Twitter , "[T]his just goes to show how important it is to download new updates to one machine to test it first before rolling out to the whole fleet!"

In that 2010 incident, the root cause turned out to be a complete breakdown of the QA process . It seems self-evident that a similar failure in QA is at work here. Were these two CrowdStrike updates not tested before they were pushed out to millions of devices?

Part of the problem might be a company culture that's long on tough talk. In the most recent CrowdStrike earnings call, CEO George Kurtz boasted about the company's ability to "ship game-changing products at a rapid pace," taking special aim at Microsoft:

And more recently, following yet another major Microsoft breach in CIS' Cyber Safety Review Board's findings, we received an outpouring of requests from the market for help. We decided enough is enough, there's a widespread crisis of confidence among security and IT teams within the Microsoft security customer base. […] Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. CISAs now have the ability to reduce monoculture risk from only using Microsoft products and cloud services. Our innovation continues at breakneck pace multiplying the reasons for the market to consolidate on Falcon. Thousands of organizations are consolidating on the Falcon platform.

Given recent events, some of those customers might be wondering whether that "breakneck pace" is part of the problem.

As part of its initial response, CrowdStrike says it plans to take additional measures to improve "software resiliency and testing." More importantly, it plans to implement a "staggered deployment strategy ... in which updates are gradually deployed to larger portions of the sensor base, starting with a canary deployment." The company also committed to provide customers with "greater control over the delivery of Rapid Response Content updates by allowing granular selection of when and where these updates are deployed."

Meanwhile, the United States House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee plans to call CrowdStrike's CEO up for hearings on what went wrong, and CrowdStrike's Chief Security Officer, Shawn Henry, posted an apology on LinkedIn , admitting "On Friday, we failed you. ... The confidence we built in drips over the years was lost in buckets within hours, and it was a gut punch."

How much fault should Microsoft shoulder?

It's impossible to let Microsoft completely off the hook. After all, the Falcon sensor problems were unique to Windows PCs, as admins of Linux and Mac-focused shops were quick to remind us.

Partly, that's an architectural issue. Developers of system-level apps for Windows, including security software, historically implement their features using kernel extensions and drivers. As this example illustrates, faulty code running in the kernel space can cause unrecoverable crashes, whereas code running in user space can't.

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That used to be the case with MacOS as well, but in 2020, with MacOS 11, Apple changed the architecture of its flagship OS to strongly discourage the use of kernel extensions . Instead, developers are urged to write system extensions that run in user space rather than at the kernel level. On MacOS, CrowdStrike uses Apple's Endpoint Security Framework and says using that design, "Falcon achieves the same levels of visibility, detection, and protection exclusively via a user space sensor."

Could Microsoft make the same sort of change for Windows? Perhaps, but doing so would certainly bring down the wrath of antitrust regulators, especially in Europe. The problem is especially acute because Microsoft has a lucrative enterprise security business, and any architectural change that makes life more difficult for competitors like CrowdStrike would be rightly seen as anticompetitive.

Indeed, a Microsoft spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal that it can't follow Apple's lead because of antitrust concerns. According to the WSJ report , "In 2009, Microsoft agreed it would give makers of security software the same level of access to Windows that Microsoft gets." That concern might be open for debate, but given Microsoft's history with EU regulators, it's understandable why the company hasn't wanted to get tangled up in that argument. 

Microsoft currently offers APIs for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint , but competitors aren't likely to use them. They'd much rather argue that their software is superior, and using the "inferior" offering from Microsoft would be hard to explain to customers.

Nonetheless, this incident, which caused many billions of dollars' worth of damage, should be a wake-up call for the entire IT community. At a minimum, CrowdStrike needs to step up its testing game, and customers need to be more cautious about allowing this sort of code to deploy on their networks without testing it themselves.

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Top 20 Cloudmed Interview Questions & Answers

Get ready for your interview at Cloudmed with a list of common questions you may encounter and how to prepare for them effectively.

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Cloudmed stands at the forefront of healthcare revenue intelligence, offering innovative solutions that empower healthcare providers to maximize their revenue cycle performance. Known for its blend of technology and expert services, Cloudmed leverages data analytics and machine learning to help clients identify and capture revenue opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.

In this article, we will delve into the types of interview questions you might encounter when seeking a position at Cloudmed. Whether you’re aiming for a role in tech, finance, or customer support, understanding the kinds of questions that reflect Cloudmed’s unique culture and mission is crucial for any prospective candidate.

Cloudmed Hiring Process

The hiring process at Cloudmed typically begins with a phone screening, followed by a series of case studies. Candidates then undergo a cognitive assessment, and interviews with a manager and a director. The process is reported to be lengthy, often taking at least a month. Some candidates have reported a lack of communication following the interviews, with no feedback or updates provided. However, others have had positive experiences, describing the interviewers as personable and professional. The final decision is believed to be made by a committee, taking into account feedback from all parties involved. Some candidates have also mentioned a practical assessment or skills test as part of the process.

Common Cloudmed Interview Questions

1. can you describe a complex project you managed and how you ensured it aligned with the company’s strategic objectives.

Understanding how individual project goals align with a company’s overarching strategy is crucial, particularly in a data-driven healthcare environment. This question probes a candidate’s grasp of the nuances of project management, ensuring their leadership skills are capable of driving progress that resonates with the company’s direction.

When responding to this question, outline the project’s scope and complexities first. Then, detail the steps taken to ensure its alignment with strategic objectives, such as regular stakeholder engagement, utilization of key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to company goals, and adaptive project methodologies that allow for swift recalibration in response to strategic shifts. Emphasize your communication skills with both the project team and higher management, showcasing how your approach maintained a clear vision of the company’s targets throughout the project lifecycle.

Example: “ In managing a complex project that involved the integration of a new cloud-based analytics platform, the scope included navigating multiple stakeholder requirements, ensuring data security compliance, and facilitating a seamless transition from legacy systems. To align with the company’s strategic objective of digital transformation to improve data-driven decision-making, I engaged in regular consultations with key stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations. This ensured that the project deliverables were not only technically sound but also provided tangible business value.

I established and monitored KPIs directly linked to strategic goals, such as improved system uptime, faster report generation, and increased user adoption rates. By using an agile project management approach, the team could iterate quickly and incorporate feedback, keeping the project in sync with evolving strategic objectives. Communication was streamlined through a transparent reporting system, which kept management informed of progress and any potential roadblocks. This approach allowed for proactive adjustments, ensuring the project’s outcomes were in lockstep with the overarching company strategy.”

2. How do you approach identifying and solving inefficiencies within an organization’s processes or systems?

The ability to solve problems within an organization’s processes or systems is a dynamic skill that hinges on an analytical mindset. This question tests a candidate’s critical thinking and their approach to diagnosing and resolving issues, highlighting their potential to enhance operational excellence.

When crafting a response, focus on outlining a clear, structured approach: start by explaining how you gather and analyze data to pinpoint issues. Then, describe the steps you take to develop possible solutions, perhaps mentioning how you prioritize which inefficiencies to tackle based on potential impact. Don’t forget to emphasize the importance of collaboration, involving stakeholders to both understand the nuances of the inefficiencies and to ensure buy-in for proposed changes. Lastly, convey your commitment to continuous improvement by highlighting how you measure the success of implemented solutions and adjust as necessary.

Example: “ To identify and solve inefficiencies, I first conduct a thorough data analysis to understand the current state of processes or systems. This involves gathering quantitative data, such as performance metrics, and qualitative insights from stakeholder interviews to pinpoint bottlenecks or areas for improvement. By leveraging tools like process mapping and root cause analysis, I can isolate specific inefficiencies within the larger operational framework.

Once inefficiencies are identified, I prioritize them based on their potential impact on the organization’s goals and the feasibility of implementing solutions. Collaborating closely with relevant stakeholders is crucial in this phase to ensure that the solutions are practical and aligned with the organization’s capabilities. I then design and propose interventions, which could range from process re-engineering to the adoption of new technologies. After implementation, I establish key performance indicators to measure the success of these changes and create a feedback loop that allows for continuous monitoring and iterative improvement. This data-driven and collaborative approach ensures that solutions are both effective in the short term and sustainable in the long term.”

3. Discuss a time when you had to analyze a large dataset; what tools did you use and what insights did you derive?

Handling large datasets is a critical skill in a data-centric organization. This question evaluates a candidate’s technical proficiency with data analysis tools, their analytical thinking, and their capacity to extract actionable insights from complex information.

When responding, start by briefly setting the scene for the situation that required the data analysis. Detail the specific tools you used, such as SQL databases, Excel, R, Python, Tableau, or other data analysis software. Explain why you chose those tools, how they assisted in managing and analyzing the data, and the processes you followed. Then, focus on the insights or results you derived from the analysis. Discuss how these insights informed business decisions, improved processes, or contributed to the success of a project. Be sure to articulate the impact of your work, demonstrating your ability to not just analyze data, but to also understand and communicate its implications for the business.

Example: “ In a recent project, I was tasked with analyzing a large dataset to identify trends in customer behavior and sales performance. I utilized Python, specifically pandas and NumPy libraries, for data manipulation and cleaning, due to their efficiency in handling large volumes of data. For the statistical analysis and visualization, I leveraged R for its robust packages like ggplot2 and dplyr, which allowed for advanced data exploration and the creation of insightful graphics.

The analysis revealed a significant correlation between the time of day and peak sales, which was not immediately apparent from raw sales data. Additionally, customer segmentation analysis identified a highly profitable niche market that had been under-targeted. These insights led to the optimization of marketing strategies, focusing on the most active hours and tailoring campaigns to the identified niche segment, resulting in a marked increase in conversion rates and overall sales revenue. This project underscored the importance of not only having the technical skills to analyze data but also the ability to translate findings into actionable business strategies.”

4. Explain how you’ve previously balanced stakeholder expectations with project deliverables and timelines.

The art of balancing stakeholder expectations with project deliverables requires a nuanced understanding of project management. This question explores a candidate’s ability to manage resources, communicate effectively, and maintain project value amidst competing demands.

When responding, candidates should outline their approach to stakeholder management, including how they set and manage expectations, communicate progress and setbacks, and handle the inevitable trade-offs between scope, time, and quality. They should provide specific examples from past experiences, detailing the situation, actions taken, and the outcome. This response should demonstrate the candidate’s ability to think strategically, act diplomatically, and maintain a focus on delivering successful project outcomes, even when under duress.

Example: “ In a recent project, the scope began to creep due to evolving stakeholder expectations, which threatened to impact the timeline and quality of deliverables. To address this, I initiated a series of strategic alignment meetings, bringing together all stakeholders to recalibrate our understanding of the project’s goals and limitations. By presenting a clear visualization of the project’s trajectory, including a detailed roadmap with milestones and potential risks, I facilitated a dialogue that led to a consensus on prioritized features and a phased delivery approach.

This process not only realigned stakeholder expectations with the project’s capabilities but also fostered a sense of shared ownership over the revised plan. Throughout the project, I maintained open channels of communication, providing regular updates and being transparent about challenges. When trade-offs were necessary, I guided stakeholders through a decision-making framework that balanced immediate needs with long-term project benefits. The outcome was a successful delivery that met the core objectives and maintained stakeholder satisfaction, despite initial setbacks.”

5. Tell me about your experience with change management and how you facilitated a smooth transition during a significant organizational shift.

Change management is a true test of leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking. This question aims to gauge whether a candidate can not only navigate but also lead through significant organizational shifts, ensuring team alignment and productivity.

When responding, focus on a specific instance of organizational change you’ve managed. Detail the steps you took to prepare, such as identifying stakeholders, communicating effectively, and providing training or resources. Emphasize the outcomes, including how you measured success and what you learned from the experience. Illustrate your ability to listen to concerns, provide clear direction, and foster an environment of resilience and innovation. Your answer should demonstrate that you are a proactive change agent, not merely reactive to circumstances.

Example: “ In orchestrating change management for a significant organizational shift, I began by conducting a thorough stakeholder analysis to understand the impact on various groups and tailor communication strategies accordingly. Recognizing the importance of transparency, I developed a comprehensive communication plan that outlined the change rationale, benefits, and detailed the support available to employees. This plan was executed through multiple channels to ensure consistent messaging and to provide a platform for feedback.

To facilitate a smooth transition, I established a change champion network that served as the first line of support and a conduit for information flow between management and staff. Training programs were designed and implemented to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge for the new processes. Success was measured through key performance indicators linked to the change objectives, including employee engagement scores and operational efficiency metrics. The outcome was a resilient workforce that adapted well to the new direction, evidenced by a seamless transition with minimal disruption to service delivery. This experience reinforced the value of proactive planning, open communication, and the need to invest in employee support systems during times of change.”

6. Describe your method for evaluating the potential risks of a new business initiative and how you mitigate them.

Identifying potential risks in new business initiatives involves understanding market dynamics and strategic fit. This question is critical for gauging a candidate’s foresight in risk assessment, which is essential for prioritizing projects and safeguarding the company’s long-term competitiveness.

When responding to this question, outline a systematic approach that starts with thorough research and analysis to identify potential risks. Describe how you would use tools such as SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, or risk matrices to categorize and assess the severity and likelihood of each risk. Discuss the importance of engaging with stakeholders for their insights and perspectives. Then, explain how you develop contingency plans and monitor key risk indicators to mitigate identified risks effectively. Emphasize your ability to remain agile and adapt strategies as new information emerges and situations evolve.

Example: “ In evaluating the potential risks of a new business initiative, I begin with a comprehensive SWOT analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. This foundational step helps in understanding the strategic landscape. Concurrently, I employ a PESTLE analysis to gain insight into the macro-environmental factors that could impact the initiative, such as political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental issues.

Once risks are identified, I categorize them using a risk matrix, assessing the severity and likelihood of each risk. This quantification allows for prioritization, focusing on risks that could have the most significant impact. I engage with stakeholders throughout this process to incorporate diverse perspectives and expertise, ensuring a more robust risk assessment. Mitigation strategies are then developed for high-priority risks, including contingency plans that outline specific actions to be taken if risks materialize. I establish key risk indicators to monitor the initiative’s progress and maintain agility to adapt mitigation strategies in response to evolving risks and new information, ensuring that the initiative remains resilient to potential disruptions.”

7. Provide an example of a time you influenced a team decision without having formal authority. What was the outcome?

Leadership often hinges on influence rather than formal authority. This question assesses a candidate’s soft power, their understanding of team dynamics, and their ability to foster a cooperative environment that leverages collective wisdom.

When responding to this question, you should recount a specific situation where your ideas or initiatives led to a positive change or decision. Start by setting the scene, explaining the context and the challenge faced by the team. Then, walk through your thought process, the strategies you employed to persuade others, and how you garnered support for your perspective. Conclude by sharing the result of the decision and the impact it had on the team or project. Emphasize your collaborative approach, the value of diverse opinions, and your commitment to the team’s success over individual recognition.

Example: “ In a project where our team was tasked with optimizing the workflow for a healthcare data processing system, there was a significant divide in opinion on whether to prioritize front-end user experience enhancements or back-end processing efficiency. Recognizing the potential for an impasse, I initiated an informal discussion to explore the long-term implications of each approach. By presenting data on user feedback and system performance metrics, I illustrated how improving back-end efficiency could indirectly enhance the user experience by speeding up processing times, which was a major pain point for users.

This evidence-based approach, coupled with a series of rapid prototyping sessions, allowed the team to visualize the benefits of focusing on the back-end first. As a result, we collectively decided to reallocate our resources accordingly. The outcome was a 20% improvement in system throughput and a noticeable reduction in user complaints related to processing delays. This experience underscored the importance of data-driven decision-making and the value of fostering open dialogue to build consensus.”

8. How would you go about conducting a needs assessment for a client that is unsure of their requirements?

When a client is uncertain about their needs, the challenge is to guide them to clarity. This question tests a candidate’s strategic approach, combining active listening and critical thinking to ensure proposed solutions are effective and satisfactory.

To respond effectively, describe a systematic approach that starts with establishing rapport and trust with the client. Mention how you would employ open-ended questions to facilitate discussion, and how you would use active listening to validate their concerns and ensure you fully understand their situation. Discuss the importance of involving key stakeholders in the conversation to gather a comprehensive view of the client’s business landscape. Illustrate your answer with a brief example from past experience where you successfully conducted a needs assessment, highlighting how your methods led to identifying the client’s requirements and ultimately to a successful solution implementation.

Example: “ In conducting a needs assessment for a client with ambiguous requirements, I would initiate the process by building a rapport and establishing a trustful relationship, which is crucial for open communication. I would engage the client with targeted open-ended questions that prompt them to think broadly about their challenges, objectives, and the impact of potential solutions. Active listening is key here to ensure that I am capturing not just the explicit needs but also the implicit concerns and aspirations that could inform a more tailored solution.

With the foundational understanding in place, I would bring together key stakeholders for a facilitated session to map out their business processes and pain points. This collaborative approach not only uncovers a multi-dimensional view of the organization’s needs but also fosters buy-in for the eventual recommendations. For instance, in a previous assessment, this method revealed that a client’s request for a new software platform was actually a symptom of a larger issue with data silos within the organization. By addressing the root cause, we were able to propose a solution that not only included a new platform but also a strategy for data integration, which significantly improved their operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making.”

9. When have you developed a compelling business case for a project, and how did you present it to ensure buy-in from senior leadership?

Crafting a persuasive business case demonstrates a candidate’s analytical acumen and strategic thinking. This question seeks to identify those who can communicate opportunities that resonate with stakeholders and align with the company’s objectives.

When responding to this question, highlight a specific situation where you recognized a gap or opportunity that could benefit the company. Describe the research and analysis conducted, including financial implications, risk assessment, and alignment with company goals. Then, focus on how you structured the presentation of your findings, ensuring that it was clear, concise, and targeted toward the interests and concerns of senior leadership. Emphasize your use of data visualization, storytelling techniques, or any other methods that helped you to effectively communicate the business case and ultimately secure the necessary support and resources.

Example: “ In developing a business case for a project aimed at optimizing our cloud infrastructure, I first conducted a thorough analysis of our current system’s inefficiencies and potential areas for cost savings. By leveraging data analytics, I quantified the financial impact of proposed upgrades and mapped out a timeline for return on investment. I also considered potential risks and developed mitigation strategies to address them, ensuring the project was aligned with our overarching strategic goals.

When presenting to senior leadership, I focused on the core financial benefits and strategic alignment. I employed data visualization to succinctly convey complex information, such as cost-benefit analyses and risk assessments. To ensure the presentation resonated with their priorities, I framed the narrative around long-term value creation and competitive advantage, which was backed by a clear and actionable implementation plan. This approach facilitated a productive discussion that led to a consensus on the project’s value and secured the necessary buy-in for its initiation.”

10. Share an instance where you utilized both qualitative and quantitative data to inform a critical business decision.

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in the healthcare technology sector. This question examines a candidate’s ability to integrate qualitative and quantitative data to inform well-rounded business decisions.

When responding, candidates should outline a scenario where they faced a challenging decision. They should detail how qualitative data, such as customer feedback or employee input, provided context and meaning, while quantitative data offered a solid statistical foundation to the decision-making process. It’s essential to articulate the steps taken to analyze and synthesize these data types and the impact their decision had on the business. This response should highlight the candidate’s analytical skills, their capacity for critical thinking, and their ability to translate complex data into actionable business strategies.

Example: “ In a recent project, we were faced with the decision of whether to expand a product line that had shown promising growth. Quantitative data from sales reports and market analysis indicated a rising trend in demand, with a 20% increase in sales over the past quarter and a growing market share within our target demographic. However, to fully understand the potential and direction of the expansion, we integrated qualitative data gathered from customer feedback sessions and social media sentiment analysis.

The qualitative insights revealed that while the product was indeed popular, customers were particularly drawn to specific features that differentiated it from competitors, such as ease of use and innovative design. These insights were crucial in shaping our expansion strategy. Instead of a broad product line increase, we focused on enhancing the features that customers valued most. This tailored approach led to a more efficient allocation of resources and ultimately a 35% increase in sales post-expansion. The integration of both data types allowed for a nuanced decision that not only capitalized on the quantitative growth potential but also aligned closely with customer desires, ensuring long-term success.”

11. What strategies have you employed to maintain clear communication across cross-functional teams, especially under tight deadlines?

Clear communication within cross-functional teams is vital for project success. This question assesses a candidate’s ability to articulate strategies that promote interdisciplinary collaboration and align with company performance goals.

When responding, outline specific methods you’ve used to facilitate open dialogue and alignment, such as regular cross-departmental meetings, shared project management tools, or communication protocols for urgent issues. Highlight any successes these strategies have led to, such as meeting project deadlines, overcoming obstacles, or improving team cohesion. It’s important to show that you not only have strategies in place but also that you can adapt and refine these methods to suit the dynamic needs of cross-functional projects.

Example: “ To maintain clear communication across cross-functional teams, especially under tight deadlines, I’ve leveraged a combination of shared project management tools and structured communication protocols. For instance, using a platform like Asana or Jira, I’ve ensured that all team members have real-time access to project updates, task assignments, and deadlines, which fosters transparency and accountability. This approach allows every team member to understand their role within the larger project context and how their work intersects with others.

In addition to these tools, I’ve established regular stand-up meetings to facilitate quick check-ins and address any immediate concerns. These brief, focused gatherings serve as a forum for cross-departmental team members to synchronize efforts and prioritize tasks. For urgent issues, I’ve implemented a communication protocol that clearly defines escalation paths and expected response times, ensuring that critical information is conveyed swiftly and to the right stakeholders. This combination of technology and process has consistently resulted in successful project outcomes, with teams remaining aligned and informed, even when working under the pressure of tight deadlines.”

12. Detail a scenario where you were responsible for managing client relationships and how you navigated conflicting interests.

Managing client relationships requires aligning diverse stakeholder interests. This question evaluates a candidate’s experience with complex interactions, ensuring client satisfaction and business success.

When responding, it’s important to outline a specific instance where you faced conflicting interests between clients or between a client and your company. Describe the steps you took to understand each party’s perspective, the strategies you employed to ensure open communication, and how you ultimately guided all involved towards a resolution that respected the interests of each party while still adhering to your company’s goals and values. Highlighting your problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence in handling tension, and your commitment to fostering strong, long-term client relationships will demonstrate your competency in this area.

Example: “ In a scenario where I managed a project with overlapping deliverables for two high-profile clients, I encountered a situation where resources had to be allocated in a way that risked delaying one client’s timeline to prioritize the other’s urgent needs. Recognizing the potential for conflict, I immediately engaged in transparent communication with both clients. I organized a joint meeting to discuss the resource constraints and the impact on their respective projects.

During this meeting, I facilitated a candid discussion that allowed each client to express their concerns and priorities. I proposed a revised strategy that involved reallocating some internal resources and bringing in additional temporary expertise to ensure that both projects could progress with minimal disruption. By negotiating revised timelines that were acceptable to both clients and ensuring that our company’s commitments remained intact, I was able to maintain trust and demonstrate our dedication to their success. This approach not only resolved the immediate conflict but also strengthened our long-term relationships with each client.”

13. How do you prioritize tasks and projects when faced with limited resources and competing deadlines?

Efficient workload and resource management under pressure are essential. This question reveals a candidate’s organizational skills, judgment, and decision-making in a fast-paced business environment.

When responding, a candidate should outline a clear and adaptable method for task prioritization, such as the Eisenhower Matrix for urgency and importance, or a similar system. They should give examples from past experiences demonstrating their ability to evaluate tasks based on factors like impact, effort, stakeholder needs, and deadlines. It’s also beneficial to mention how they communicate these priorities to team members and stakeholders to ensure alignment and manage expectations effectively.

Example: “ In prioritizing tasks and projects with limited resources and competing deadlines, I employ a strategic approach that hinges on the Eisenhower Matrix to distinguish between urgent and important tasks. This method allows me to allocate resources effectively, ensuring that critical and time-sensitive projects are addressed first. For instance, when faced with multiple high-priority initiatives, I evaluate each task’s potential impact and the effort required, giving precedence to those with the greatest strategic value or those that serve as catalysts for other projects.

Communication plays a pivotal role in this process; I maintain transparency with stakeholders by regularly updating them on project statuses and any necessary adjustments to priorities. This involves explaining the rationale behind prioritization decisions, which helps in managing expectations and fostering trust. By doing so, I ensure that all team members are aligned with the revised focus, which is crucial for maintaining productivity and momentum in a resource-constrained environment.”

14. Walk me through your process for preparing and delivering a presentation that conveys complex information to a non-technical audience.

Conveying complex information in an accessible manner is key, especially in bridging technical expertise with general audiences. This question assesses a candidate’s ability to simplify sophisticated concepts and facilitate informed decision-making.

When responding to this question, start by outlining your approach to understanding the audience’s needs and existing knowledge base. Describe how you break down complex information into key components and craft a narrative that connects with the audience. Discuss your methods for creating visual aids or analogies that support comprehension. It’s also important to highlight how you anticipate questions or areas of confusion and how you prepare to address them. Finally, explain how you gather and incorporate feedback to refine your presentation, ensuring the message is not only delivered but also received and understood.

Example: “ When preparing a presentation that conveys complex information to a non-technical audience, I begin by thoroughly understanding the core concepts that need to be communicated. I then distill these into fundamental elements, prioritizing clarity and relevance to the audience’s interests. Crafting a narrative is crucial; I construct a storyline that weaves these elements together, ensuring that each point logically flows into the next, which helps in maintaining audience engagement.

To aid comprehension, I design visual aids that encapsulate the information in an intuitive manner, often using metaphors or analogies relatable to the audience’s experiences. This approach demystifies technical jargon and brings abstract concepts into a more familiar context. Additionally, I anticipate potential questions or areas of confusion by placing myself in the audience’s shoes, which guides me in fine-tuning the content for better accessibility.

Engaging with the audience during the presentation is key to gauging understanding and adjusting the delivery as needed. I actively solicit feedback, both verbal and non-verbal, to identify parts that may require further clarification. Post-presentation, I seek out more detailed feedback, which I incorporate into future presentations, ensuring that the process is iterative and continually improving in effectiveness.”

15. Can you discuss a time when you had to adapt quickly to a regulatory change or industry shift? How did it impact your work?

Navigating regulatory shifts in healthcare technology requires agility and a comprehensive understanding of compliance implications. This question determines a candidate’s adaptability and foresight in maintaining effective work amidst a dynamic regulatory environment.

When responding, it’s crucial to recount a specific instance that illustrates your capacity to stay informed and pivot quickly. Outline the situation succinctly, explaining the regulatory change or industry shift, then delve into the actions you took to adapt. Highlight your thought process, the resources you consulted, and how you communicated the necessary changes to your team or stakeholders. Conclude with the outcomes of your adaptability, focusing on the successful continuation of work without compromising compliance or operational efficiency.

Example: “ Certainly. When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented, it represented a significant shift in how data privacy was handled within the industry. Recognizing the implications for data management and customer interactions, I immediately immersed myself in understanding the nuances of the new regulation. I analyzed the GDPR requirements in relation to our current practices and identified key areas that required immediate action to ensure compliance.

I collaborated with the legal and IT departments to revise our data protection policies, implement new data handling procedures, and develop a comprehensive training program for the staff. This proactive approach not only ensured our adherence to the new standards but also positioned us as a leader in data privacy within our industry. The transition was seamless, and we maintained our operations without any disruption, reinforcing trust with our clients and stakeholders.”

16. Describe an innovative solution you designed to solve a challenging problem at work. What was its impact?

Innovative problem-solving is valued in the dynamic field of healthcare data. This question looks at a candidate’s creativity and their ability to implement solutions that drive tangible benefits and align with the company’s mission.

When responding to this question, it’s essential to outline the context of the problem, emphasizing the complexities or unique challenges it presented. Describe the innovative approach you took in devising the solution, ensuring to highlight your thought process and the steps you took to ensure its success. Detail the implementation and, crucially, the outcome of your solution, providing quantifiable results if possible. This showcases not only your technical and analytical abilities but also your commitment to driving impactful change within an organization.

Example: “ In addressing a significant data processing bottleneck, I designed a distributed microservices architecture to replace a monolithic system that was no longer scalable. The challenge was to maintain data integrity and minimize downtime during the transition. By segmenting the data processing tasks into smaller, independent services, I was able to introduce parallel processing and a more robust queuing mechanism, which significantly reduced the processing time.

The impact was immediate and substantial. The new system improved data throughput by 300%, and due to the nature of microservices, allowed for easier updates and maintenance without disrupting the entire ecosystem. This led to a 50% reduction in downtime during upgrades and a notable increase in customer satisfaction due to faster turnaround times. The solution not only addressed the immediate issue but also positioned the company to better handle future scaling needs.”

17. Talk about your experience collaborating on a multi-disciplinary team. How did you contribute to the team’s success?

Collaboration on multi-disciplinary teams is crucial for innovation and problem-solving. This question ensures a candidate can contribute to a cohesive team atmosphere and meet collective project goals.

When responding to this question, highlight specific instances from your past roles where you worked with professionals from different backgrounds. Explain the nature of the project and the various disciplines involved. Detail your role in facilitating communication, integrating different viewpoints, and the unique contributions you made toward the team’s objectives. Emphasize your ability to listen, learn from others, and adapt your approach to support the team’s needs. Sharing quantifiable outcomes of the project will help solidify your narrative of contributing to the team’s success.

Example: “ In a recent project, I collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team consisting of data scientists, healthcare professionals, and software engineers to develop a predictive analytics tool for patient care. My contribution centered around bridging the gap between the technical language of the data scientists and the clinical expertise of the healthcare professionals. By translating complex data models into actionable insights, I enabled the healthcare team to understand and implement the predictions effectively in their workflow.

To ensure our objectives were met with precision, I spearheaded the initiative to establish a continuous feedback loop, where insights from the healthcare professionals were used to refine the algorithms. This collaborative approach not only improved the accuracy of our tool by 20% but also increased user adoption by 35%. My ability to integrate diverse perspectives and foster a culture of open communication was pivotal in the success of the project, demonstrating the value of interdisciplinary collaboration in achieving innovative healthcare solutions.”

18. Give an example of how you’ve handled receiving constructive criticism on your work. What steps did you take to address it?

Receiving and integrating feedback is fundamental for professional development. This question discerns a candidate’s openness to learning and their growth mindset, which is vital in the adaptable field of healthcare technology.

When responding, it’s crucial to provide a specific instance where you received constructive feedback. Explain the situation briefly, focusing on the feedback given and your emotional and professional response to it. Detail the steps you took to address the feedback, including any reflection, learning, or changes in approach. Emphasize how the experience contributed to your personal and professional development, demonstrating your resilience and commitment to excellence.

Example: “ In a recent project, I received constructive criticism regarding the scalability of a cloud solution I had designed. The feedback pointed out that while the solution was robust for current needs, it did not adequately account for the projected user growth, which could lead to performance bottlenecks.

Acknowledging the validity of this feedback, I initiated a thorough review of the architecture, focusing on scalability and performance optimization. I researched best practices for cloud scalability and engaged with a senior architect to explore more efficient design patterns. Subsequently, I revised the architecture to incorporate auto-scaling groups and load balancers, and I implemented a more effective caching strategy to handle increased load. This experience not only improved the project outcome but also enhanced my skills in designing scalable cloud solutions, reinforcing the importance of considering long-term implications in my work.”

19. Can you explain a technique you’ve used for effective knowledge transfer within a team or organization?

Knowledge transfer is critical in fast-paced tech organizations. This question delves into a candidate’s ability to share information effectively, leveraging the collective expertise of the team.

When responding, focus on a specific example that illustrates your approach to knowledge transfer. Discuss the context, the method you chose (such as mentoring, documentation, workshops, or software tools), and the reason behind selecting that particular technique. Highlight how it was tailored to the needs of your audience, the impact it had on the team’s performance or efficiency, and any feedback or measurable outcomes that demonstrated its effectiveness. It’s important to convey that you value continuous learning and have a strategic approach to keeping your team informed and skilled.

Example: “ In a recent project, I implemented a combination of pair programming and internal wiki documentation to facilitate effective knowledge transfer. The project involved a complex software development task that required deep understanding of both our tech stack and the business logic unique to our organization. Recognizing the diverse learning preferences among team members, I paired experienced developers with those less familiar with the specific areas of our codebase. This not only allowed for real-time knowledge sharing but also promoted collaborative problem-solving.

Concurrently, I spearheaded the creation of a comprehensive internal wiki. This served as a centralized repository for documenting our systems, processes, and best practices. I encouraged the team to contribute and regularly update the wiki, ensuring that it became a living document that grew with our collective knowledge. This approach proved successful, evidenced by a noticeable increase in team productivity and a reduction in the ramp-up time for new team members. Feedback from the team highlighted the value of having a readily accessible knowledge base, which not only served as an immediate resource but also helped in preserving institutional knowledge against future turnover.”

20. Describe how you stay informed about trends and advancements related to our industry, and how does this influence your work?

Staying current with technological advancements is imperative in health-tech. This question evaluates a candidate’s dedication to continuous learning and their capacity to integrate new knowledge, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of innovation.

When responding to this question, it’s essential to outline specific methods you use to keep informed, such as following key thought leaders on social media, subscribing to industry journals, attending webinars and conferences, or participating in professional forums. Then, demonstrate how this knowledge translates into actionable insights or has previously influenced your work by giving concrete examples, such as a process you improved or an innovative project you spearheaded as a result of insights gained from your continuous learning efforts. This shows not only that you stay informed but that you have the ability to turn information into results.

Example: “ To stay abreast of trends and advancements in our industry, I actively engage with a curated network of professionals and thought leaders on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. I also subscribe to key industry journals and newsletters such as ‘Healthcare IT News’ and ‘Modern Healthcare’, ensuring that I’m exposed to the latest research and discussions. Additionally, I prioritize attending relevant webinars and annual conferences like HIMSS, which serve as a confluence for innovation and new ideas.

This continuous learning approach directly influences my work by allowing me to anticipate shifts in the healthcare technology landscape and adapt strategies accordingly. For instance, by understanding the implications of emerging interoperability standards from my research and discussions at a recent virtual summit, I was able to proactively propose adjustments to our data integration protocols, significantly enhancing system compatibility and user satisfaction. This not only improved our service delivery but also positioned us as a forward-thinking player in the healthcare tech space.”

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Chaos and Confusion: Tech Outage Causes Disruptions Worldwide

Airlines, hospitals and people’s computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

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A view from above of a crowded airport with long lines of people.

By Adam Satariano Paul Mozur Kate Conger and Sheera Frenkel

  • July 19, 2024

Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code.

A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around the world on Friday. The company, CrowdStrike , based in Austin, Texas, makes software used by multinational corporations, government agencies and scores of other organizations to protect against hackers and online intruders.

But when CrowdStrike sent its update on Thursday to its customers that run Microsoft Windows software, computers began to crash.

The fallout, which was immediate and inescapable, highlighted the brittleness of global technology infrastructure. The world has become reliant on Microsoft and a handful of cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike. So when a single flawed piece of software is released over the internet, it can almost instantly damage countless companies and organizations that depend on the technology as part of everyday business.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center and a professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University.

A cyberattack did not cause the widespread outage, but the effects on Friday showed how devastating the damage can be when a main artery of the global technology system is disrupted. It raised broader questions about CrowdStrike’s testing processes and what repercussions such software firms should face when flaws in their code cause major disruptions.

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How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the World

Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.

How the airline cancellations rippled around the world (and across time zones)

Share of canceled flights at 25 airports on Friday

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50% of flights

Ai r po r t

Bengalu r u K empeg o wda

Dhaka Shahjalal

Minneapolis-Saint P aul

Stuttga r t

Melbou r ne

Be r lin B r anden b urg

London City

Amsterdam Schiphol

Chicago O'Hare


B r adl e y

Cha r lotte

Reagan National


1:20 a.m. ET

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CrowdStrike’s stock price so far this year

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Intel Brief: Staying One Step Ahead of Inflation

Inflation is making headlines lately, and it’s rising amidst the healthcare industry’s recovery from two of the most chaotic years in recent history. Healthcare workers are burnt out and short in number, and supply chain issues plague normal operations. Inflation only exacerbates these issues.

Case Studies

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A case study with the headline Underpayment Recovery captures over ninety-nine percent of underpaid revenue.

Case Study: Underpayment Recovery

Underpayment Recovery Captures 99.7% of Underpaid Revenue

Worksheet S-10 Identifies Missing Uncompensated Care by $4 Million

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Worksheet S-10 Identifies Missing Uncompensated Care by $4 Million

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Disproportionate Share Hospital Recovers $13.6 Million in Medicare Reimbursement

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Medicare Bad Debt Solution Uncovers $7 Million in Reimbursement

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Cloudmed’s Charge Capture Recovers $9M in Revenue

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  2. Case Study: Disproportionate Share Hospital

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  3. Case Study: Charge Capture

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  4. Case Study: Underpayment Recovery

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    Find 17 questions and answers about working at CloudMed. Learn about the interview process, employee benefits, company culture and more on Indeed.

  23. Case Studies Archives

    Case Studies Case Study: Disproportionate Share Hospital. Disproportionate Share Hospital Recovers $13.6 Million in Medicare Reimbursement. Read More . ... Identify and capture more revenue opportunities with award-winning Revenue Intelligence™ Solutions from Cloudmed.

  24. Has anyone read a good case study about how the cloud is being ...

    We're currently working on a cloud data platform (warehousing and data lake) as well as deploying some of our internally developed applications in the public cloud. Check out snowflake data cloud. Here's a use case between Sirius Healthcare and the health system MemorialCare. It was published by BMG.

  25. Cloudmed Consultant Interview Questions

    Interview. After the phone screen, there were two rounds of interviews. The first-round interview was with a manager, and the final-round interview consisted of two 45-minute interviews with a senior and a director and one case study. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Walk me through your resume.

  26. CrowdMed uses 'the wisdom of crowds' to help solve some of ...

    Where crucial bits of information that could help solve the case are left out (like the Boards), but then the information given is also mostly layman's terms or information that isnt helpful. I think the concept would be interesting if a physician presented the case and the panel of users trying to answer were all physicians.