How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024?

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Finally, an organization posted your dream job. You crafted a flawless resume and now you’re ready to apply. You land on the cover letter section of the application and see that it is optional. Is it truly optional?

Will not submitting make me less likely to land the job? Where do I even start and how long should the cover letter be?

These are some things that might run through your head. But don’t panic, we are here to help. No matter what your career level is, your cover letter can set you apart from the other applicants. But how much do you have to write?

This can be a complicated question. Too much text? The hiring manager might glance over it. Too short? The recruiter may think that you didn’t put much thought or effort into writing the cover letter . 

Cover letters should range from a half-page to one full page. Your cover letter should never exceed one page in length.

  • Page Count: 0.5 to 1
  • Word count: 250 to 400
  • Paragraph count: 3 to 6

how long should a cover letter be

How to Keep Your Cover Letter to One Page

Tip #1: keep it concise.

While the cover letter is a great way to showcase your personality, it is also very important to be concise. Hiring managers are sifting through dozens, and maybe even hundreds, of applications.

They do not have time to read a full two-page article about your daily tasks. Instead, highlight any relevant experiences that show your qualifications for the specific job.

Demonstrate your passion for the industry and end the letter. The decision-maker will appreciate your brevity and may even reward you with an interview . 

Tip #2: Highlight Only Relevant Experiences

Unless the employer requests a specific word count, keep it short. Take only the amount of space required to show that you are an ideal candidate for the job.

Highlight your qualifications and any relevant stories. It’s important to be specific, and not regurgitate the content on your resume. 

It is very important here to showcase how your past achievements can help the company solve their current challenges and how you will use your skills if chosen for the position.

Doing so will show the recruiter or hiring manager the value you can bring to their organization. 

matching resume and cover letter

Tip #3: Break Your Cover Letter into Sections

An effective cover letter contains three to four paragraphs. It’s important to keep the sentences short so the reader can quickly navigate your cover letter.  

Paragraph #1: The Intro

The first paragraph should grab the decision-maker’s attention. This is an opportunity to show your interest in the position and knowledge of the company. Make sure you address your cover letter to the correct person or department. Always be sure to research the company and customize each cover letter to the position you are applying for. 

Example: “I am excited to submit my application for the position of [insert position name] with [insert company name]. I have watched your growth for years and really appreciate the devotion to serving your customer’s needs.” 

Paragraph #2: Your Qualifications

The second paragraph should highlight relevant stories or stats that impress your qualifications. For example, “In the previous company, I grew sales by 150% in my first year and 200% in my second year.” It is helpful if you can be specific in how you achieved success or benefited the company in some way. This highlights what you bring to the table and how you can make an impact on the hiring manager’s business. 

Paragraph #3: Your Interest in the Company

The third paragraph, if you choose to include it, can speak to what drew you to apply to the specific company. This can sway the hiring manager's decision by showing passion and loyalty to the company. 

Paragraph #4: The Closing

The final paragraph should reiterate your interest in the position. It is a great time to thank the reader for their consideration and request an in-person meeting. It’s important to have a call-to-action so the reader knows what to do next. Always include detailed contact information. 

Tip #4: Experience Level

Cover letters can vary based on your experience level. If you are applying for jobs right out of college, don’t include metrics measured in school, such as GPA, unless requested. Instead, focus on your experiences, projects and achievements that make you a strong candidate. 

If you are in the middle of your career, pick out relevant accomplishments and state your experience level. For example, “With 12 years of teaching experience, I am writing to express my interest in the open position in your Mathematics Department.” 

If you have more experience, you likely have more relevant qualifications and stories. This may entice you to make your cover letter longer. Do not fall into the trap.

Longer does not mean better . Select a few key successes and leave others for the interview process. 

cover letter one page length

Tip #5: Formatting

The format is just as important as the length of your cover letter. Pay attention to the amount of white space on the page. More white space keeps the content easier to read for the recruiter or hiring manager.

You want to make sure that you use a font that is legible (as the ones handpicked by our team together with recruiters). Keep standard margins and align your text to the left. 

Writing a cover letter can be intimidating. If you remember to keep your writing concise and highlight only your relevant experiences, you will be on your way to snagging an interview in no time.

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024
  • Resume Formats Guide: How to Pick the Best in 2024
  • Cover Letter Examples

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  • Career Blog

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? The Optimal Length

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A cover letter is an important tool when applying for a job. It’s a document that you submit alongside your resume, and it’s your chance to communicate directly with the hiring manager. A well-crafted cover letter can make a great first impression and set you apart from other job applicants.

The purpose of this article is to provide guidance on how long a cover letter should be. The optimal length of a cover letter is a common question among job seekers, and there are conflicting opinions on the topic. Some say that a cover letter should be no more than one page, while others argue that it’s okay to go over two pages.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different factors that affect the length of a cover letter, such as the job you’re applying for, your level of experience, and the company you’re applying to. We’ll also examine the pros and cons of shorter versus longer cover letters.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of what the optimal length of a cover letter is in different situations so that you can create a cover letter that is concise, yet effective. Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional, this article will provide you with valuable insights on how to write a cover letter that will impress hiring managers and land you the job you want.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume or CV when you are applying for a job. It is usually in the form of a one-page letter that introduces yourself to the hiring manager and explains why you are the best candidate for the job. The cover letter is an essential part of the job application process, and it can make or break your chances of getting an interview.

Definition and Explanation of a Cover Letter

The purpose of a cover letter is to complement your resume, not repeat it. While your resume is a summary of your education, experience and skills, your cover letter is your chance to showcase your personality, explain why you are passionate about the job and highlight your achievements.

cover letter length usa

A well-written cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. It should be brief, informative, and engaging. A good cover letter should highlight your key skills, experiences and achievements that relate to the job. It should also demonstrate your understanding of the company culture and explain why you are a good fit for the role.

Importance of Sending One with Your Resume

Sending a cover letter with your resume is crucial. A cover letter can give the hiring manager more context about your professional experience and qualifications, and help you stand out from other applicants. It shows that you have put effort into your job application and that you are committed to the job.

Furthermore, a cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your writing skills. Many employers use a cover letter to assess your written communication skills, so it’s important to make sure it is well-written, clear and concise.

A well-written cover letter is essential when you are applying for a job. It is an opportunity to showcase your personality, explain why you are passionate about the job, and highlight your key skills and achievements. Sending a cover letter with your resume can make you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate that you are committed to the job.

The Role of a Cover Letter in Your Job Search

A cover letter is an essential component of your job application, and it can significantly impact your chances of getting hired. It serves as an introduction to your resume and highlights your qualifications, skills, and experience that match the job requirements.

How a Cover Letter Affects Your Chances of Getting Hired

According to research, more than 50% of hiring managers consider a cover letter to be crucial when evaluating job candidates. It provides them with more information about you compared to just a resume, making it easier for them to determine if you’re the right fit for the job.

A well-written cover letter can show your personality, professionalism, and communication skills. It can also demonstrate why you’re the best candidate for the position and how you can contribute to the company’s success.

On the other hand, a poorly written cover letter can hurt your chances of getting hired. It can make you appear unprofessional, uninterested, or unqualified for the job, even if your resume suggests otherwise.

Explaining Why Some Hiring Managers Still Require a Cover Letter

Despite the debates about whether a cover letter is necessary, many hiring managers still require it as part of the job application process. There are several reasons for this:

1. To evaluate your communication skills

A cover letter is a written document, and it allows the hiring manager to assess your writing skills and communication abilities. Employers are always seeking employees who can express themselves concisely and effectively.

2. To gauge your interest and motivation

cover letter length usa

A cover letter shows that you’re serious about the job and you’ve taken the time to learn about the company and the position. It captures your motivation for applying and why you think you’re a great fit. It’s an opportunity to express your enthusiasm and demonstrate your knowledge of the company’s mission and culture.

3. To highlight your personality and personal brand

A well-written cover letter can showcase your personality and personal brand. It allows the hiring manager to get a glimpse of who you are and how you conduct yourself professionally. This can help you stand out from other applicants, especially if you’re applying for a highly competitive position.

A cover letter plays an essential role in your job search. It can significantly affect your chances of getting hired and open doors to new opportunities. Even if some hiring managers don’t require it, it’s always good to include a well-crafted cover letter as part of your job application.

Factors that Affect Cover Letter Length

It’s essential to note that the length of a cover letter is influenced by several factors. These include the industry, company type, job level, and requirements. Understanding how these factors affect the optimal length of your cover letter can help you tailor it accordingly and increase your chances of landing the job.

How the Industry and Company Type Impact the Optimal Length

The industry and company type you are applying to can impact the optimal length of your cover letter. Some industries, such as creative or marketing fields, may appreciate a more extended form of communication that highlights your creativity and writing skills. On the other hand, industries such as finance and law may prefer a more concise and straightforward approach.

Moreover, larger companies may receive a high volume of applications and may have an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that scans cover letters for keywords. Therefore, a shorter and more concise cover letter may be ideal for these types of organizations.

How the Job Level and Requirements Affect the Length

The job level and requirements also have a significant impact on the optimal length of your cover letter. For entry-level positions, a one-page cover letter that highlights your relevant skills and experience may be sufficient. In contrast, higher-level positions or managerial roles may require a longer cover letter that demonstrates your leadership abilities and accomplishments.

Additionally, specific job requirements listed in the job posting should also guide the length of your cover letter. For example, if the job posting requests a portfolio or other supporting documentation, you may be able to keep your cover letter more concise. Conversely, if the job requires you to demonstrate proficiency in a specific skill, such as project management, your cover letter may need to be more detailed to showcase your experience in this area.

Understanding the factors that impact the optimal length of your cover letter is critical to crafting a winning application. By tailoring your cover letter to the industry, company type, job level, and requirements, you increase your chances of impressing the hiring manager and securing an interview.

Optimal Cover Letter Length for Entry-Level Job Seekers

As a new graduate or job seeker with less experience, you may be wondering how long your cover letter should be.

Here are some guidelines and tips to help you craft the perfect cover letter:

Guideline for new graduates and job seekers with less experience

Your cover letter should be long enough to convey your qualifications and interest in the position, but short enough to hold the reader’s attention. As an entry-level job seeker, you may not have as much experience to showcase, so focusing on your unique strengths and eagerness to learn can help make you stand out.

Examples and tips for writing a concise cover letter

  • Start with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention and showcases your enthusiasm for the position.
  • Keep your paragraphs short and focused, highlighting your relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Be specific about your skills and how they can benefit the company. Use examples to illustrate your points.
  • Use a professional tone and avoid being too casual or informal.
  • Close with a strong statement that reiterates your interest in the position and invites further discussion.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing an interview, so take the time to make it concise, focused, and impactful.

Optimal Cover Letter Length for Mid-Career Professionals

For mid-career professionals, crafting a cover letter can be a challenging task. On one hand, you want to showcase your expertise and experience to potential employers. On the other hand, you don’t want to bore them with a lengthy document. So what’s the optimal length for a cover letter for mid-career professionals?

Guidelines for Individuals with a Few Years of Experience

If you have a few years of experience, it’s best to keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Ideally, your cover letter shouldn’t exceed one page. You should aim to highlight your most relevant experience and qualifications, without getting too detailed.

Tips for Crafting an Effective Cover Letter

Here are some tips to help you craft an effective cover letter:

  • Start strong: Use the first paragraph to introduce yourself and grab the reader’s attention. You can mention your relevant experience, or an interesting anecdote that sets you apart.
  • Highlight your most relevant experience: In the body of the cover letter, focus on your most relevant experience and qualifications. Make sure to mention the skills and achievements that make you a good fit for the job.
  • Avoid repeating your resume: Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. Don’t simply list your job titles and responsibilities – focus on the impact you’ve made in your previous roles.
  • Show your enthusiasm: Show your enthusiasm for the job and the company by explaining why you’re interested in the role. Do your research and mention something specific that you like about the company or the industry.
  • Close with a strong call to action: In the final paragraph, make sure to thank the reader for their time and express your interest in the role. Don’t be afraid to ask for an interview, or to follow up on your application.

By following these guidelines and tips, you’ll be able to craft an effective cover letter that showcases your experience and expertise, while keeping it concise and to the point.

Optimal Cover Letter Length for Senior-Level Executives

As a seasoned professional or high-level executive, crafting an effective cover letter can be a daunting task. The challenge lies in balancing brevity with comprehensive information about your qualifications and achievements. Therefore, it is vital to adhere to specific guidelines to ensure that your cover letter does not come off as too lengthy or too brief.

Within this word count, be sure to highlight your most crucial skills, accomplishments, and experience relevant to the position in question. It is critical to give the hiring manager a clear picture of what you can offer to the company without overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

Here are a few tips to help you write a comprehensive cover letter:

Begin with a strong opening line that indicates your interest in the job and highlights your unique selling point.

Tailor your message to the company culture and requirements, demonstrating your knowledge of the organization and how you can contribute to its success.

Use bullet points to present your achievements and qualifications in an easy-to-read format.

Highlight your experience with figures and other measurable criteria that showcase your ability to drive results.

Remember that a cover letter should complement—not duplicate—your resume. Therefore, avoid merely listing qualifications and job titles already mentioned in your resume. Instead, use the opportunity to elaborate on specific experiences that demonstrate your fit for the position.

Keep your cover letter short and to the point while still providing enough information to show why you are the best candidate for the job. Utilize the tips above to write a compelling and comprehensive cover letter that leaves a memorable impression.

How to Make Your Cover Letter Concise and Relevant

Tips for editing and narrowing down the content:.

  • Start with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention and introduces your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use bullet points to list your achievements and qualifications, rather than lengthy paragraphs that may be overwhelming for the reader.
  • Avoid repeating information that is already included in your resume or application.
  • Be selective in highlighting your most relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements.

Strategies for making every word count:

  • Use action verbs to describe your achievements and contributions.
  • Focus on the impact you made in your previous roles, such as increased revenue or improved processes.
  • Showcase your unique qualifications and accomplishments, rather than generic or common skills.
  • Eliminate unnecessary adjectives or redundant phrases that do not add value to your application.

By following these tips and strategies, you can make sure that your cover letter is concise and relevant, while still showcasing your qualifications and experience. Remember that the optimal length of a cover letter is around 250-400 words, so aim to make every word count within this limit.

How to make your Cover Letter Comprehensive and Meaningful

Your cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression and provide a deeper understanding of your skills and experience to the hiring manager. Here are some strategies for making your cover letter comprehensive and meaningful:

Strategies for adding depth and relevance to your cover letter:

  • Customize your cover letter for each job application to showcase how your skills and experience align with the job requirements.
  • Use specific examples to demonstrate your achievements and how they can benefit the company.
  • Research the company’s mission and values to show your alignment with the company culture.
  • Use industry-specific language to show your knowledge and expertise.

Tips for showcasing your skills and experience:

  • Use storytelling techniques to engage the reader and create a connection with the hiring manager.
  • Start by highlighting your most impressive achievements and then explain how they have prepared you for the job.
  • Keep the cover letter concise and focused on your most relevant experiences.
  • Use bullet points to break up longer paragraphs and make the cover letter easier to read.

A comprehensive and meaningful cover letter should showcase your skills and experience while being concise, focused, and customized to the job you are applying for. Use storytelling techniques and specific examples to engage the reader and show how you can contribute to the company’s success.

Appendices (if applicable)

Here are some example cover letter sections that you can use as a reference when crafting your own:

Introduction  – This section should include the purpose of the letter, the position you are applying for, and how you found out about the job opportunity.

Body  – This is where you should highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you a strong candidate for the position. You should also mention why you are interested in the company and how you can contribute to their success.

Closing  – In this section, you should express your gratitude for considering your application and request for an interview to further discuss your qualifications.

And here are some sample cover letters that you can use as a guide when determining the optimal length:

Sample 1 (280 words)

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Coordinator at XYZ Company. As a recent graduate with a degree in marketing and a demonstrated ability to develop and execute successful marketing campaigns, I am confident that I am the right fit for this role.

In my previous internship and freelance work, I have gained experience in social media management, email marketing, and content creation. Additionally, my attention to detail and ability to work collaboratively have contributed to successful campaigns and satisfied clients.

I am passionate about the work that XYZ Company does and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

[Your Name]

Sample 2 (450 words)

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at your company. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [Industry or Field], I am confident that I am the ideal candidate for the job.

In my current position at [Current Company], I have successfully [Key Achievement or Responsibility]. Additionally, I have [Skill or Qualification] that I believe will enable me to excel in this role. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise and passion for [Industry or Field] to this position at [Company].

In addition to my relevant experience and qualifications, I am highly organized and a strong communicator. I am able to manage multiple competing priorities while maintaining high-quality work and delivering projects on time.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and learn more about this exciting opportunity at your company.

As you can see, both samples are concise yet effective in showcasing the applicant’s qualifications and interest in the position. The optimal length of a cover letter should be around 250-400 words, depending on the job and industry. It’s important to remember that the cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. Focus on highlighting your unique qualifications and demonstrating your enthusiasm for the position and company.

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How to Format a Cover Letter That’ll Get You an Interview

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Do you ever feel like your resume couldn’t possibly tell the whole story of who you are and why a company should hire you? That’s because it doesn’t. But a strong, well-written, and correctly formatted cover letter helps fill in some of the gaps.

“Cover letters are worth the time ,” says Muse coach Jennifer Smith. “They provide an opportunity to expand on key points from your resume, show off your personality, and solidify your interest.” Perhaps most importantly, “They show an employer you put the time and energy into applying.” And—luckily—they don’t need to be difficult to write.

Most cover letters have a similar format that make them much easier to write than you might think. And we’ve laid it out exactly—so you can get that application in already.

Read More: Cover Letters Are Hard to Write—But These Templates Make It a Breeze

How to format and organize your cover letter content

Here’s the format most hiring professionals that read your cover letter will be looking for:

Your heading goes at the top of the page and contains your contact info as well as some other basics that a hiring manager or recruiter might use to learn more about you once they’ve read your cover letter.

So this means:

  • Phone number
  • LinkedIn profile link (if you have one)
  • Pronouns (if you’re comfortable including them)
  • Personal website or portfolio link (optional)
  • Relevant and professional social media profiles (optional)

Nowadays it’s very uncommon, but if you’re asked to mail a paper cover letter, you would also include in your heading the company’s information:

  • Hiring manager’s name (or whomever the letter is addressed to)
  • Company name
  • Company street address
  • Company city, state, zip code

But you’d be more likely to send your cover letter in the body of an email than by snail mail if you’re not applying through an online system. In this case, your heading info would go after your name at the end.

Start your salutation with “Hello,” “Dear,” or “Hi” for more casual companies.

Then, you’ll usually address your cover letter to the hiring manager. Alternatively, Muse coach Leto Papadopoulos recommends job seekers “open the letter with ‘Dear Hiring Team’ because even if you can uncover the name of the hiring manager, they are usually not the first to read the cover letter,” she says, and “I like to acknowledge the recruiting team!”

You can also address your cover letter to the team you’d be joining or “[Position] Hiring Manager.” But you should never start your cover letter with “ To Whom It May Concern .”

Read More: The 3 Rules of Addressing Your Cover Letter

Your introduction should be one paragraph long, include the name of the position you’re applying to, and express why you’re applying and what excites you about the opportunity. But most importantly, you want to grab your reader. You can even “kick off with a brief but attention-grabbing anecdote,” Smith says. “Show off your personality.”

Read More: 30 Genius Cover Letter Openers Recruiters Will LOVE

Body paragraphs

Write two to three body paragraphs that sell you as a candidate. “Show, don’t tell,” Smith says. “Craft a narrative about how your experience led you to apply for the job you want.” Instead of regurgitating your resume, look at the job description and pull out a few skills you specialize in that the company is looking for. Then, elaborate on them by bringing up examples of how you’ve used these skills to help your past employers (and by extension will give the reader a preview of how you’ll help them).

Wrap everything up with your conclusion paragraph. Reiterate your interest in the company and your most important qualifications. Then, “Close with a statement about contributing your skills and experiences to the success of the company in the position you’re applying for,” Smith says.

Use a professional sign-off like “Sincerely,” “Respectfully,” or “Thank you for your consideration,” then add your first and last name.

If you’re sending your cover letter in the body of an email, add any info you would’ve included in your heading below your name.

Example cover letter

Check out this cover letter example, which follows the above cover letter format:

Curtis Chen [email protected] | 999-999-9999 | he/him | Baltimore, MD

Hello Arianna,

When I saw the posting for the UX designer position at CloudCo, I was immediately drawn to it because of your unique approach to online storage. CloudCo is the only player in the space right now that has promised to keep their personal storage tiers under $10—and instead pass on the cost to the larger clients. I’d love to bring my dual experience as a front-end engineer and a UX researcher to make your interface more intuitive and keep individual customers renewing their contracts.

For the last two years, I’ve worked as a UX researcher for OnlineOffice Inc, where I was part of the team that launched the updated office suite. During the development process, I interviewed more than 50 users of both OOI’s and competitors’ products. I was able to translate their desires into actionable suggestions for the design and product teams, contributing to a product launch that has already grown OOI’s user base by 120% in the first year. Through these experiences, I learned to use both qualitative and quantitative data to advocate for users and make decisions about the most important product features. As your UX designer, I’d apply this knowledge to help boost the user experience for your personal-tier products.

I also spent three years as a front-end developer on a product team at TeckyCompany. In this role, I learned what it’s like for those actually building products, including what kinds of features take the most time and work. As your UX designer, I’d use this experience to weigh design decisions and collaborate with the product team. I’m used to working at startups where, as much as you’d like to, you can’t get everything done at once, so I’ll be able to prioritize features that will help users most while still making reasonable asks of the product team.

Cloud Co’s business model has shown me that not every tech startup prioritizes its larger clients over the individual user. I’d love to bring my development and UX experience to your team to help provide the very best experience for your subscribers.

Sincerely, Curtis Chen

Read More: 4 Cover Letter Examples That’ll Make Writing Yours Way Easier

Tips for formatting your document like a pro

When you’re formatting your cover letter, you want to prioritize readability and professionalism. But you should also keep in mind that many cover letters submitted online will be uploaded to an applicant tracking system or ATS , which is software that employers use to organize and search candidate application materials. ATSs are very advanced but there’s some formatting they have trouble with.

Follow these guidelines to format your cover letter correctly for both human and computer readers:

  • Font : Stick to the default fonts that come with your word processor—classics like Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Cambria, Calibri, and Georgia.
  • Font size: The ideal size will vary based on which font you choose, but keep it between 10 and 12 pt. Any smaller and you’ll have recruiters squinting at their screens. Any larger and they’ll be wondering if you’re trying to compensate for not having a lot to write about.
  • Margins : You can’t go wrong with the usual one-inch margins all around, but you can make some slight adjustments if needed. Papadopoulos suggests decreasing the header space first.
  • Alignment: All your text should be left aligned and there’s no need to indent every paragraph.
  • Line spacing: Single space your cover letter (1.15 spacing works if it looks too cramped). Include an extra line between each section and paragraph.
  • Length : “A cover letter should comfortably fit on one page,” Papadopoulos says. Your cover letter should be at least three paragraphs long, but generally no more than five—unless the job description says otherwise. If it’s too long, check out this guide for cutting your cover letter down .
  • File format : You can submit your cover letter within the body of an email or as a separate file. But if it’s a separate file you’re uploading to an online system, stick to docx or pdf only. ATs cannot reliably “read” other file types.
  • File name : Always include your name and the phrase “cover letter,” and you can also include the name of the position. Just make sure it’s easy to read and follow any instructions in the job posting.

Formatted cover letter example

Here’s how the above example looks in a properly formatted cover letter document.

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How Long Should Should A Cover Letter Be? (With Examples)

  • Cover Letter Format
  • Salutation and Greeting
  • Who To Address When Unknown
  • How To Start A Cover Letter
  • How To End A Cover Letter
  • Best Cover Letter Font And Size
  • Cover Letter Spacing
  • Cover Letter Length
  • Key Elements Of A Cover Letter
  • How To Write An Address
  • Official Letter Format
  • Cover Letter Opening

Find a Job You Really Want In

Along with your resume , crafting a standout cover letter is one of the most important things you can do to get an interview for your dream job. In almost all cases, you should send a cover letter when applying for a job, unless the job posting explicitly says not to. Now comes the tricky part: how long should a cover letter be? If you write too little, an employer may think you haven’t put much effort into your application and that you, therefore, aren’t serious about getting the job. But if you write too much, an employer may not bother reading it at all. We’re here to show you what cover letter length employers find just right, so hiring managers will give your cover letter the attention it deserves. Key Takeaways: Your cover letter should be one page with three to six paragraphs and roughly 200-400 words long. Use the STAR method (situation, task, action, and result) to write your cover letter. Tailor your cover letter to each job which can help keep it short. In This Article    Skip to section Check Length Requirements How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? What to Include In Your Cover Letter How to Keep Your Cover Letter Concise Cover Letter Examples Tips for Cover Letter Length Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More Check Length Requirements

Before we get into a bunch of advice on getting your cover letter to the proper length for most jobs, it should be clearly stated that your primary goal when applying for jobs is to show that you can follow instructions.

In this context, that means reading the job posting carefully for any details a company provides with regards to your cover letter . If they give you a prompt or questions to answer, then respond to them. If they provide instructions about word count or page length, do what they say and forget everything else you read here vis-a-vis length.

You only get one chance to make a first impression , and ignoring the instructions listed in a job posting is a surefire way to make a bad one.

How to write a cover letter

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

So you’ve checked the job posting and they’ve requested a cover letter, but haven’t given any guidelines for how long it should be. Or maybe they’ve stated that a cover letter is optional. Should you still send one? Emphatically, yes, you should. As for how long you should make it, follow our guidelines below.

Page count. In all circumstances, your cover letter should never exceed one page . Ideally, you should shoot for between half a page and a page, always aiming for the lower end of that spectrum. About 70% of employers want a half-page cover letter or feel that the shorter the better.

Word count. Considering that preferred page count leaves us with about 200-400 words with 10 or 12-point font, single-spaced, with spaces between paragraphs.

The shorter the better approach continues here; if you can say everything you need to in a 200-word cover letter, great! Stop right there and don’t worry that you’re being lazy or not including enough information.

Paragraph count. The standard advice is to aim for between 3-6 paragraphs. Three is the absolute minimum to do the following: introduce yourself, state your qualifications, and express interest in the specific company. However, it may be a good idea to give yourself four paragraphs, so you have more time to tout your credentials.

We don’t recommend going over 4 paragraphs in most scenarios, because otherwise, each paragraph is going to look super short if you’re working with ~300 words. Additionally, it shouldn’t take multiple paragraphs to introduce yourself , express interest in the company, or thank the reader for their consideration.

What to Include In Your Cover Letter

No matter what job you’re applying for, cover letters follow a standard format . A pysical cover letter should include the following, in order:

Employer’s Address

Your address

Body paragraphs

Closing lines

For an email cover letter, you can omit the date and addresses. You also don’t need to actually sign it. However, if you can sign it and then scan it, it’s a nice touch.

Make sure to follow the employer’s directions for how you save your cover letter file. PDFs keep their formatting across devices and operating systems, making them a safe choice. However, if the employer specifically prohibits PDFs or requires a particular file type, like DOCX, follow those instructions.

How to Keep Your Cover Letter Concise

Great, you’re thinking, but how do I fit how awesome I am into such a tight length limit? Fear not; once you’ve broken down a cover letter into sections , it’s easy to say what needs saying efficiently.

First paragraph. This may be the only paragraph a hiring manager will read in full; sad, but true. Make your opener count and get straight to the point: what job are you applying for, what do you know about the company, and how much experience do you have?

Second paragraph. The meat of your cover letter , and your chance to show off. This is probably the part where people have the most trouble keeping things concise.

The trick is to narrow down your greatness; what is the company looking for in a candidate for this position? Read the job posting , underline all verbs and industry-specific nouns.

Then, try to use those same words when talking about your qualifications. Think: what about your work history, your skills, or accomplishments are most fitting for the specific job for which you’re applying.

Whenever possible, include numbers to back up your claims. For instance, saying you provide great customer service is one thing, but showing evidence of that fact by stating you increased customer satisfaction by 17% is quite another.

Third paragraph . This is your chance to express interest in the company. Why do you want to work for them ? Research the company so you know what sort of projects they’ve developed and what their future goals are.

Don’t stop at simply mentioning that you know what the company is up to, though. Tell the hiring manager what you could do to further the company’s goals. It’s also appropriate to call back to your qualifications here: “I know I can be an asset in developing XYZ project successfully, because of my outstanding results with ABC project at [former employer].”

Fourth paragraph. Your closing paragraph should have three things: a reiteration of your interest in the position, a thank-you , and a call-to-action.

Remind the reader why you’re perfect for the position and what you can offer the company, not what the company can offer you (e.g., don’t say you look forward to learning more skills — you should already have those skills!)

Express gratitude for being considered for the position. People like polite people.

More optional paragraphs. Your introduction and conclusion should always be just one paragraph. If you feel you need more than four paragraphs, do so by breaking your second and/or third paragraphs into two paragraphs. However, we strongly recommend keeping your cover letter to four paragraphs.

Cover Letter Examples

We’ve been discussing cover letter length in abstract terms so far. Let’s look at a couple of cover letter examples to see all this advice in practice:

Cover Letter Example 1:

Dear Ms. Macnamara, When I saw the NextMark was hiring a Marketing Manager , I knew I had to apply. With over 8 years of experience in the marketing industry, I have a wide breadth of knowledge and am eager to apply my skills to open up new and exciting business opportunities for NextMark. I currently work as a Marketing Manager at MyComp, where I developed a digital marketing campaign that saw revenue increase by 34% YoY. I accomplished this through various SEO efforts built on a backlinking campaign worth $2M and a content marketing strategy that saw organic traffic increase threefold in just under six months. Additionally, I’ve worked side-by-side with the sales and product teams to ensure customer satisfaction never fell below 98%. For the past 3 years, I’ve managed a budget of $5-7M, including brand management, product launches, and promotional materials. I’ve also designed new social media elements targeted at environmentally-conscious consumers that saw our new Green Line reach record profits. My proudest achievement has been turning our social marketing strategy into a few hundred subscribers to over a million, with engagement through the roof. My background of business acumen and marketing know-how is just what NextMark needs to take its new product launch to the next level. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing the next steps. Sincerely, Margaret Tanner

Cover Letter Example 2:

Dear Mr. Brown, As a person who loves selling technology solutions that make consumers’ lives easier, I was excited to see an opening for the Sales Representative position open up at Green Mosely. With over 4 years of experience selling software and customer support solutions, I have all the skills and qualifications you’re looking for. In my current role as Junior Sales Associate with TT Organization, I’ve achieved a number of impressive results: Leveraged negotiation skills to increase up-selling and cross-selling of sister products, resulting in a 44% boost in customer lifetime value Exceeded sales quotas by a minimum of 20% each quarter since 2017 Named “Top Salesperson” in March 2019 for making over $500,000 in sales, setting a new company-wide record for junior sales staff I’m confident that I can accomplish the same results and then some for Green Mosely. Additionally, your mission to provide software solutions for underserved communities in the third world really resonates with me. I volunteer time each weekend to help negotiate better deals for inner-city schools to make sure their technology is competitive. I appreciate you taking the time to read over my application. I look forward to speaking with you more about how we can make sure that Green Mosely is the top name that comes to mind when people think of software solutions at scale. Sincerely, John Tressel

Tips for Cover Letter Length

Don’t be afraid of white space. You may think your cover letter looks sort of bare with four short paragraphs taking up just half a page. Don’t sweat it; keep to our formatting tips and your cover letter will be readable and nice to look at.

Don’t be super wordy. People often fall into the trap of thinking that a formal document (like a cover letter) has to be chock full of big words and complicated sentences. The opposite is actually true. Focus on keeping your sentences short and sweet — readers prefer it.

Cut your stories down. It’s great to give examples of when you did something particularly excellent at your previous job. But the hiring manager doesn’t need to know every little detail.

Just like you would in an interview, use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) for your cover letter. Set the scene, describe what your job was, what you did, and what the result was. Any other information is superfluous.

Don’t tell too many stories. You may be delighted that you used the STAR method to get your anecdote in at just 60 words and think you have room for another now. Resist the temptation.

Get a second pair of eyes. It’s always good to get a second opinion . You might think you’ve written the most beautifully crafted sentence in the world, but if your friend can’t understand it, then there’s a chance the hiring manager won’t be able to either.

Tailor your cover letter. It’s okay to have a master cover letter, but make sure to customize it to each job. Make sure to include the company or organizations name in the letter, and why you would want to work there.

Employers are able to tell when you use a cover letter for each application, so make sure to customize it so you stand out.

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Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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Career Sidekick

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? (Examples)

By Biron Clark

Published: November 10, 2023

Cover Letters

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

If you’re wondering how long a cover letter should be, this article has everything you need to know (including exactly how many words to make your cover letter).

I’m going to share why most job seekers are making their cover letters far too long, and why you will likely get more job interviews by writing less in your cover letter.

Let’s get started…

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

Cover letters should be one page long and total 75 to 250 words. This recommendation applies to both printed and email cover letters. It’s okay if your cover letter doesn’t take up an entire page, but it should never exceed one full page.

Job seekers needing to explain gaps in employment , a recent change in career path, etc., may want to utilize more words in their cover letter than someone with a more standard background.

A job seeker who is staying within their current industry and career path (e.g. moving from Software Engineer to Senior Software Engineer) and not needing to explain a lengthy work gap should aim to be on the lower end of the recommended cover letter word count mentioned above — somewhere between 70 and 150 words.

As an example, my favorite cover letter template from Harvard Business Review has only 76 words:

How long should a cover letter be - example of ideal word count

As you customize this cover letter, the word count will likely rise a bit, but it’ll remain much shorter than what most job seekers send. And that’s a good thing!

This type of letter is going to be very different than what most job seekers are sending and what you’ve seen recommended online, and that’s often a plus.

Coming up soon, I’ll explain why a shorter cover letter may improve your odds of hearing back on a job application.

How Many Paragraphs Should a Cover Letter Include?

The typical cover letter should contain three to six paragraphs. Each paragraph should be relatively short, containing two to four sentences. This is especially important in the first paragraph of your cover letter, where you want to entice the reader and encourage them to keep reading by providing a short, punchy opening.

In general, when writing to grab someone’s attention, focus heavily on making the first paragraph compelling, because this is your first impression or “elevator pitch,” for why they should keep reading.

Now that you know how long a cover letter should be, let’s look at some specific benefits of using this length, which is shorter than some people recommend.

Reasons to Consider a Shorter Cover Letter

Now that you know how many words a cover letter should be, let’s talk about why I recommend this as the ideal length, even though some career experts recommend your cover letter be longer.

There are four things that happen when you keep your cover letter relatively short…

1. You Stand Out by Being Different

Here’s an example of a typical full-page cover letter that many job seekers are sending:

cover letter length usa

If you’ve sent something like that in the past, it’s NOT your fault…

Almost every website with cover letter templates recommends this format, and it’s what you’re constantly told to send.

But that’s the beauty of limiting your cover letter to my ideal cover letter length of 75 to 250 words. It’s different than what everyone else is doing!

From the first glance, you’re showing the hiring manager that your cover letter is unique and worth reading closely . You show that you’re not going to bore them half to sleep with yet another generic letter containing info from a template or info that’s already on your resume.

Whereas, if you send a full-page cover letter like the image/example above, the hiring manager is thinking, “Okay, here’s another huge page of info to read through that’s probably based on a template.”

This happens to them over and over, all day.

That brings me to my next benefit…

2. You Get Your Cover Letter Read (Not Skimmed!)

Most job seekers send cover letters that so long-winded that nobody wants to read them. The hiring manager may read to the second or third paragraph, but they’re unlikely to through to the end.

Beyond that, job hunters send cover letters that repeat information from their resume, which doesn’t provide any value to the hiring manager or recruiter .

But because your cover letter is short, and ideally has small paragraphs, it’s inviting to read. Hiring managers open your email or letter and think, “Great, I can read this no problem.”

So they read your cover letter from start to finish without skipping a word!

This is why you should always send the hiring manager a short cover letter where each line has a purpose and message and does something to sell them on why you deserve the interview.

You don’t have to take my word for it, though. Test it! Send half of your cover letters in the standard, full-page style seen above, but with the other half, test what I’m suggesting here. Greatly reduce the word count, get right to the point, only offer info that’s not on your resume.

We’ve now looked at two reasons why the full-page cover letter is not the ideal length/approach. But I’ve got two more reasons for you…

3. You Draw Attention to Your Strongest Points/Skills

If you’re naming 20 different skills and qualifications in your cover letter, it’s hard for a recruiter or hiring manager to pick out the most important pieces.

Whereas, if you just name your three or four strongest arguments for why you’d be a great fit for their job description, those points will stand out (and get read, as mentioned above).

Sometimes less is more, and with cover letters, it’s often the case!

So this is another factor to consider when deciding how long your cover letter should be.

4. You Get Your “Call to Action” Read So You Win More Interviews

Finally, you should end each cover letter with a “Call to Action,” which I’ll explain in the next section.

This is where you ask for the interview, which is something many job seekers don’t do properly (or don’t do at all) in their cover letter.

And by keeping your letter brief, this closing paragraph comes relatively quickly… sometimes as the third or fourth paragraph… so it’s much more likely to get the reader’s full attention which means you’ll get more interviews.

Recommended Cover Letter Font Size

The best font size for your cover letter is 12 points, whether you’re sending a printed or an email cover letter. Avoid fancy fonts and choose a simple, easy-to-read font like Calibri or Arial. Include plenty of white space and small, punchy paragraphs. It’s better to have multiple, concise paragraphs in your cover letter than one or two very long paragraphs. This helps with readability.

How to End Your Cover Letter: Ask for the Interview

This is one other mistake a lot of job seekers make with their cover letters, along with repeating info on the resume and just being far too long-winded. They don’t ask for the interview in their closing paragraph!

The whole point of the cover letter is to win you job interviews . So after you’ve got the specific word count you want, make sure to finish up by actually asking the hiring manager to call you and set up a time to discuss in more detail!

Here’s an example of how you could conclude an email cover letter:

I’d love to discuss the position over the phone and provide a bit more context for how I can help you in this role. Are you available for a phone call later this week or early next week? My phone number is 555-218-4987.

Or, simply use the cover letter conclusion from the first example in this article, from Harvard Business Review:

I have attached my resume for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime.

However, I prefer a slightly stronger conclusion to a cover letter that really prompts the hiring manager to reply to a direct question. That should get you more responses from your cover letter, no matter your cover letter length!

Conclusion: How Many Words Should a Cover Letter Be?

To reiterate how long a cover letter should be, I recommend sticking to 250 words or less and never exceeding one page.

It’s beneficial to keep your letter short and concise for both a printed cover letter and a cover letter sent by email.

The shorter format allows you to focus on your strongest points and grab the hiring manager’s attention without overwhelming them with too much text or info. This will help you get more interviews and separate you from other job seekers who send long, generic, cut-and-paste cover letters with their applications.

However, as mentioned earlier, the length of your cover letter will vary depending on the industry (in a very formal, traditional industry, you may want to go for a slightly longer word count).

If you have an unusual scenario to explain, then your ideal cover letter length may be longer, too.

So don’t take the advice above as a hard-and-fast rule, but just a general guideline on how long a typical cover letter should be to win more job interviews.

As a final step, make sure to proofread everything! Sending a cover letter with a typo or mistake can cost you the job interview even if you have great qualifications and writing style.

More cover letter resources:

  • Do you need to send a cover letter?
  • How to write a cover letter with no experience
  • 3 steps to writing a cover letter that stands out

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024? (+Examples)

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Do you want to know what the perfect length of a cover letter is? What is the ideal number of words that a cover letter should have? And how many paragraphs should you include?  If you are looking for answers to these and more cover letter questions, you are in the right place.

The quick answer is that a cover letter should never be longer than a page, 400 words, or six paragraphs.

However, if you want to dive deeper into the cover letter nuances and become a real expert, you are in the right place. So, if you want to learn in detail how to write the perfect cover letter of a perfect length, just keep reading.

For more general information about cover letters , go and have a look at the first article from our series Cover Letter Guide: What is the Cover Letter. There, you will find a definition of what a cover letter is, what makes it different from a letter of motivation, and a short guide on how to write a great cover letter.

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What is the ideal cover letter length for 2024?

When it comes to cover letters,  the longer, the better  does not apply.  Even if you have years of expertise and you worked extremely hard on gathering professional skills and experiences  — and now you want to show it off all in detail on four pages — don’t.

Sometimes, less is more. This is the case for a good cover letter. It is crucial to highlight the experiences that are truly relevant to the advertised position. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time to talk about your skills and achievements in more detail once you get the interview.

Rather, think of a cover letter as a tasteful, comprehensive, short advertisement. You want to catch the attention of a hiring manager and make it clear that you are a highly experienced professional fit for the role. Yet, at the same time, you don’t want to bore and overwhelm the person who is making the selection in the first round of the hiring process.

It is important to realize that in large companies, the hiring manager and the HR department have a very short time to go through your application.  On average, per one vacancy, there  are  up to 250 applicants. This means you must make your cover letter stand out from the crowd – but also be easy to read.

What follows are the tips on how to do it!

Read the instructions

Always make sure you read the employers’ instructions properly.  In many vacancy announcements, there is a clear list of what is required from an applicant. Often, these also indicate the expected length and form of a cover letter.

If specific regulations are not included, don’t worry. In this case, you can go for the standardized version of a cover letter.

Junior vs Senior

If you are at the start of your career  and are applying for a junior position   where it is expected to have a lack of practical experience, writing around 200 words is perfectly acceptable. A cover letter for an internship can be equally long. If you don’t have prior experience, you can focus on your inner motivation, education, and extra-curricular activities.

For an experienced candidate , the word count can be doubled. However, it really shouldn’t exceed 400 words in any scenario – unless specifically requested. At the same time,  a cover letter should never exceed 1 page.  If you do so, you completely disobey all the rules of this genre, and it won't work to your advantage.

While this length may sound too short, and you may feel tempted to write more about many of your professional accomplishments, it may eliminate you from the selection process. Being selective and cutting straight to the point makes you a better candidate as opposed to one who writes their whole life story.

How long should a cover letter be by Kickresume

Career vs Academic cover letter

The rules listed in the previous paragraph are almost universally true when we speak of a career cover letter.

However, an academic cover letter is conventionally longer. If you are wondering how long an academic cover letter should be, know that  the standard length is one page and a half . On the other hand, it is never longer than two pages.

Cover letter heading length

The same cover letter rules apply here, too. A short, simple, and catchy heading will get you far.

Do not exceed two sentences; one is advisable. Either use your full name or a catchphrase, such as: “ Why am I the best for the role of XY ”. However, do this only when you are sure that the company and the position that you are interested in aren't too formal.

How long should the first paragraph be

This paragraph is to capture the attention of the reader.  It does not have to be longer than two or three sentences.  State who you are, where and how you found the opportunity, and why you are interested in it. Do this in a catchy way, though! If you heard about the position from a person in common, do not hesitate to mention their name.

Remember, the first paragraph is short – do not waste words. Make yourself an attractive candidate right from the beginning, and mention your biggest assets right here – such as the length of experience or quality of your education.

How long should the second paragraph be

Arguably the most important part of your cover letter. Therefore,  you should make the second paragraph the most extensive and longest part of your cover letter.  Write about your accomplishments and past work experiences in detail. Explain why you are the best candidate for the role and what your skills are that no one else has.

On the other hand, remember —  you still must write at least one more paragraph in the body of the cover letter, as well as the closing paragraph. Therefore, don’t go overboard with the length.

The best thing to do is to initially write freely and more. Then, you can cut the number of words down later during later stages of editing. This way, you won’t limit your creativity from the start by being too focused on the correct word count.

How many words/paragraphs should a cover letter be

  • As we've already stressed, your cover letter shouldn’t be too long. Keep it under one page. However, sometimes only half a page may not be long enough. Find the right balance.
  • When it comes to the number of words, never exceed 400 words. 250-300 words are the ideal length of an average cover letter.
  • The perfect number of paragraphs in a cover letter ranges from three to four.  The maximum number of paragraphs that are acceptable is six.

Cover letter examples by length

If you want to see the instructions applied in real life, have a look at the cover letter examples of various lengths examples below. All three of these people managed to land the job by using the kickresume cover letter template ! 

Cover letter example 1: Short version: Half a page

Cover Letter Example short by Kickresume

Cover letter example 2: Medium version: Between half a page and a page

Cover Letter Example medium by Kickresume

Cover letter example 3: Long version: A page

Cover leter example long by Kickresume

If you liked these  cover letter samples  and you want your cover letter to look the same, use  one of our  cover letter templates!  You can go for the free or the premium version. It is super easy to use, so you’re just a click away from the cover letter of your dreams!

Cover letter formatting

Not only length but also the way you format the cover letter matters. Your goal is to  make it very easy to read.  You will achieve this by keeping your cover letter structured, nicely designed, and well-formatted. Here are the tips on how to achieve this:

  • When it comes to the font of a cover letter,  try to imagine being a busy hiring manager. You want to make their job as easy as possible – so go for a font that is easy to read. At the same time, you want to create a professional impression. In other words, the best font for your cover letter would be the classic  Times New Roman, Arial , or  Calibri . However, if you are confident enough to experiment and you want to make your cover letter stand out from the crowd with a more eye-catching design, go for it. But forget to ensure that the text should be easy to navigate and read – that is the priority. 
  • The letter size  matters, too. Anything between 10.5 and 12 is good. You don’t want to make the letters too small, so they would be hard to read, or too large, so you don’t exceed one page.
  • The margins  of a cover letter are conventionally 1.5 or 1.
  • A cover letter should never be   double-spaced. You want to fit all the information on one page — with double spacing, you wouldn’t be able to.

How long should an email cover letter be? 

Today, unless specifically instructed to do otherwise, the cover letter is conventionally sent as an email attachment.

Just like with the cover letter itself, sending a short and precise email is better than a long and overly complicated one.

In your email you must include:

  • a relevant subject:  if the subject title is not included in the vacancy instructions, use the name of the position for which you are applying;
  • a polite greeting:  address the person by their full name/if not available, Dear Sir/Madam will do
  • refer to your attached cover letter and resume;
  • express hopes for the future , consider attaching a phone number where they can reach you;
  • close with best regards/best wishes and your full name and surname;

Email cover letter length examples

Email cover letter example 1.

cover letter length usa

Email cover letter example 2

Email cover letter example 2

Email cover letter example 3

Email cover letter example 3

And that’s about it. There is no need to make it too elaborate – all the important information is in the attachment.

Now hit that send sign and wait for the response. After listening to all the advice, we have no doubts you will receive positive news. The Kickresume team wishes you the best of luck!

Now, when you have that cover letter in your pocket, we are sure you also want an amazing-looking resume. The good news is that you are just a click away from our Kickresume CV templates!  You can even easily  turn your LinkedIn profile into a great resume .

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be FAQ

What is the ideal word length of a cover letter.

Your cover letter should be between 250 to 400 words long.

A cover letter isn't required – should I still send it?

Yes, this is your chance to stand out from the crowd of applicants and make it clear that you’re willing to put in the effort.

Is a 1000-word cover letter too long?

Yes, it is. It's never advised to exceed 400, max. 500 words.

Is it ok to have a cover letter that is two pages long?

No, you should always limit your cover letter to only one page. Recruiters don't have time to read long essays. They also like familiarity and known formats.

Can bullet points be used to shorten a cover letter?

Yes, using bullet points can help make your cover letter concise and highlight key achievements without reducing its effectiveness. Bullet points should be used to emphasize specific accomplishments, break up large blocks of text, and quickly convey important information.

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

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In This Guide:

How long should a cover letter be, example of one-page cover letter, how to achieve the ideal cover letter length, how to make the most of your cover letter word length and arrangement.

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At last, you found the job of your dreams!

The hours of scrolling through websites before bed has finally paid off.

It’s right there on the screen of your phone, just one cover letter away.

You immediately start thinking about all the things you can list in your letter.

Past job experiences, internships, soft and hard skills…

At one point, you notice the short cover letter has turned into a 3-page novel.

Is it too much?

How long is a cover letter?

And how long is too long when you’re writing about yourself and your achievements?

Can a cover letter be too short, resulting in everyone collectively laughing at your lack of imagination and experience?

Stop. Take a moment to breathe.

If you’re researching how long should a cover letter be, you’re already on the right path.

We will answer all your questions and more so that you can create a memorable cover letter that will impress the recruiters and land you the job of your dreams.

And if you need some inspiration, take a look at some cover letter examples .

Be a first-hand witness to how people just like you have found the balance between length and structure to build a cover letter that becomes the center of attention.

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The average length of a cover letter is half a page. The content should contain no more than 4 paragraphs . The first one being an introduction about yourself and how you found the position; the second (or second and third) – more about your experience, why you’re a suitable candidate; and the last one an ending with a summary of the info and a call to action.

Here is an example of a successful one-page cover letter with 4 paragraphs.

Enhancv Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

Now that you know what your end goal should be regarding the length of your cover letter let’s dive into the logistics of reaching that goal.

This includes the structure, the recommended information that should be in it, and some writing and editing tips.

By the end of this article, you will know how to construct a successful cover letter that will increase your chances of getting to your dream position.

And if you’re still wondering why you need one, check out our article on  the purpose of a cover letter in an application.

Enhancv Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

Focus on your relevant skills and achievements

We know you are probably a very skilled individual with a long list of accomplishments.

However, most companies only care about the ones relevant to the job.

Job recruiters go through so many applications a day that the moment they see pieces of information that are not related to what they are searching for, your resume and cover letter are headed to the bin.

If you’re applying for a chef in a restaurant, there is no need to explain how you won a science fair in high school with a DIY solar system.

Listing unnecessary information shows that you did not care enough to do the proper research about the type of employee this business needs.

Include four or fewer paragraphs in your cover letter body

We already mentioned briefly what those paragraphs should contain, so let’s go a bit more detailed.

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Undoubtedly the most important part – the one you will use to win the recruiters over and invite them to learn more about you.

Start by introducing yourself and how you found out about the position, followed by what motivated you to apply for it. Use this part to showcase your knowledge about the company.

You know exactly what they are looking for and, big surprise, you’re the one that can give it all. If there are any specific things you really like about this business, now is the time to list them.

Paragraph 2 and 3 – Body

Now, this is your time to truly shine. Use this part to list all your achievements, skills, and qualifications that are directly related to the job position.

Use specific examples. “I have many years of experience working with wild cats.” is good, but it can be even more precise. “I have worked as a wild cats rehabilitator in the Oregon Zoo in Portland for 6 years.”

If you’re applying for an HR specialist, pay special attention to your organizational abilities and soft skills. If it’s a more technical and precise position, give examples.

“By transforming business goals into measurable indicators with conversion rate optimization in mind, I can help clients gather and analyze user interactions in a visually appealing way that they can access anytime, anywhere.“

Show the recruiters everything they will gain by hiring you. Cover letters are usually all about how the business will benefit from you, not the other way around.

In case you don’t have enough experience in the field you’re aiming for, highlight your motivations, extra courses you’ve taken, and how you want to develop in the future.

Paragraph 4 – Ending

And now it’s time for the big finale. Thank the hiring managers for their time and undivided attention, provide them with extra contact information and finish up with a call to action.

Let them know when you’re available for a callback, what is the best way to reach you, and that if they have any further questions, you will be at their disposal every day.

You can include one last sentence about how excited you are applying for this position, without sounding too needy, of course.

Write short and direct sentences

The way you express yourself is important. Prolonged and heavy sentences will put anyone off from what they’re reading.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should write the whole cover letter in simple sentences, as they can sound quite robotic.

But there needs to be a pleasant flow to your writing. The reader should not struggle with understanding your cover letter.

So here are a few tips that will help you write short, concise sentences that are straight to the point and don’t sound like they’ve been written by a bot.

  • No “fluff words” – These include words such as “really”, “actually”, “totally”, etc. The main rule is – If you can remove it and the sentence doesn’t lose its meaning, then remove it.
  • Use active voice – The usage of passive voice prolongs the sentence with unnecessary clunky words that bear no meaning.
  • Get rid of redundant words – “In order to” can be just “to”, “in close proximity” can be “close”. No need to overcomplicate your sentences just to appear smarter.

Here is an example of transforming a long sentence into a short one.

“I truly believe that all of my skills will be of great use to your company should you decide to hire me.”

“If I am hired, my skills will prove to be useful for your company.“

Leave some information to be revealed later at the interview

Outline the most important info but don’t go into too much detail. You want to intrigue the recruiters enough that they invite you for an interview.

You don’t want to leave the impression that they’ve learned everything about you in the span of two short paragraphs, right?

Use a professional cover letter format

The content of your cover letter is the second thing HR managers will see. The first ones are the layout and design.

Our years of experience have shown that candidates that use a professional format for their cover letters have a better success rate when applying for interviews.

Use a readable and plain font, for example, Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, or Calibri. The size should be no more than 13 point and no less than 11 point. Make it too small, and it’s illegible, make it too big and it looks like you’re trying to fill up space.

Except for the three paragraphs we already talked about, every cover letter should contain the following elements – a heading, a greeting , and a signature at the end.

Leave space between the paragraphs to make the text easy to read and scan, and align the text to the left.

Make sure it doesn’t look cluttered and messy.

Before you start writing, check if there are any specific requirements posted by the recruiters regarding your cover letter. Some companies will tell you exactly what they want for length and content.

Don’t tell too many stories. Giving examples is great but don’t go overboard.

Can my cover letter be 2 pages?

If you’re wondering about a 2-page resume, ask yourself, why do you need it to be so long?  Most of the information should be on your resume, the cover letter is just an add-on.

You’re not telling your life story, you’re simply listing all the relevant experience and skills you have so you can get invited to an interview. You will have more chances to market yourself once you get there.

Unless it’s for a pretty high-end position, such as a heart surgeon, professor ina university, or a science researcher, you should be able to fit everything in half a page.

How many words should a cover letter be?

Since we already established that the average length for a cover letter is two-thirds of a page, maximum, how many words is that?

Well, if you don’t have any specific instructions from the employer, keep it between 250 and 400, ideally 300. If you’re using a 12 point font and you’ve written your 3 paragraphs, that’s the usual word count at the end.

In any case, the average word count should be a guideline, not your main focus.

What about academic cover letter length?

The cover letter for an academic position is one of those rare cases where you can exceed the one-page maximum. In

It usually needs to include all sorts of important information such as teaching, research, departmental service, published papers, relevant accolades, and anything else that might be required for the position.

How long should my intern cover letter be?

A cover letter for an internship  should follow the same guidelines as the typical cover letter. Between 200 and 400 words is ideal.

It could be shorter, as well. If you’re applying for an internship, chances are you don’t have a lot of experience resulting in fewer things you can include in your cover letter.

  • Focus less on how long does a cover letter need to be and more on what is required from the company you’re applying to;
  • Always research for specific instructions from the hiring managers regarding cover letter length and other requirements;
  • Unless you’re applying for an academic position or another one that demands a longer letter, don’t go over one page;
  • The format of the cover letter should be professional and clean. The goal is to make your text easy to scan and understand. You can use Enhancv’s Content Analyzer  to check everything.
  • Write simply and use short sentences;
  • Tailor your letter to the position you’re applying for. Make it personal and show that you care.

What are your experiences with writing cover letters? Have you ever written a cover letter longer than one page?

Tell us in the comments below and if you found this article useful, make sure to share it with anyone who might need it.

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How long should my cover letter be?

If you are a job seeker, you must have come across this question in your mind. But, what does length have to do with a cover letter?

Well, majorly everything. A very pressing question in the recruitment circles is: how long should a cover letter be for a job?

Quite literally, it asks, how far you should go in order to impress your employer?

So how long should cover letters be? The immediate answer is 1/2 of an A4 page.

Read on to find how and why this rule is applicable. Always customize it according to your target recruiter. In this blog, we will answer some of your questions:

How long should your cover letter be?

  • How to correctly make your cover letter length right?
  • How to structure a cover letter for optimum length?
  • What should be the cover letter font size?

How many words should a cover letter be of?

How long should a cover letter be.

Let's look at the length of the following example:

Senior Financial Analyst Cover Letter example

The length of the cover letter varies with what your cover letter needs to do.

Now a quick review of what your cover letter should do:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Reassure your knowledge about the company and the position
  • Demonstrate 2 - 3 examples of how your skills and experience match the recruiters' requirements
  • Share your enthusiasm for working for the company/institution
  • Imply an insight into your personality

And you need to do all of it in less than half a page!

Also Read: How to write a cover letter?

You shall be surprised to find that most cover letters are 2 pages in length. Professionally speaking, this is wrong. Most hiring managers do not read long cover letters.

The longer your cover letter, the lesser are your chances of getting shortlisted. Let's look at some examples of how should a cover letter look:

Customer Service Professional Cover Letter Example

How long are Cover Letters?

The 2019 edition of cover letter length saw a rapid elaboration and justification of one's skills and interests. This was followed by explanatory interviews and resulted in wasting a longer time before hiring the most relevant candidate.

The 2022 edition of cover letter length has been made concise and to the point. This allows recruiters to find the exact candidate they need for shortlisting more relevant candidates.

Trends suggest that the 2022 edition of cover letter length will not necessarily compromise on space but shall highly prioritize the simplicity of language and directness of impact.

This shall enable recruiters to:

  • spend lesser time before contacting the right applicant
  • apply quicker filters to find the necessary candidate
  • spend lesser time writing fluff and adding information
  • highlight key points you want the recruiters to see

How long does a cover letter have to be?

Your cover letter should be less than one page .

Only highlight:

  • your most relevant skills for the job
  • what you have to offer the employer
  • Awards/recognition across your career
  • certifications that prove your merit

In fact, a recent survey found out that, almost 70% of employers want a cover letter of less than 1 page, and about 25% responded that a shorter cover letter is better.

The usual preferences around the question - how long should a cover letters be:

Ensuring Readability - Cover Letter Length

Here are the few things to consider for the ideal cover letter length:

Cover Letter Formatting

The second most important thing after the length of cover letter is the format.

You must choose a legible font. Resume experts at Hiration suggests Calibri or Open Sans.

Ensure a readable font size of about 12 points.

Your margins should be about 1 inch all around, with the text left aligned or justified.

To ensure maximum readability, add spaces between:

  • salutation and text
  • text and signature
Also Read: Key Tips for writing a cover letter

Do not Waste Key Blank Space

This brings us the very next rule: do not waste the space you are supposed to cover with useless information.

  • over-explaining your contributions
  • apologizing for skills you don’t have
Examples of wasteful sentences are: “Despite my limited experience with marketing…”, etc.

How long does a cover letter need to be?

There is no specific word count you should aim for when writing a cover letter (unless the employer gives you a specific word count).

Instead of focusing on the number of words, focus on making your cover letter one page or less, with a readable font and font size, and enough white space between paragraphs and in the margins.

In order to get a second opinion on your cover letter before posting it or sending it somewhere, give a print out of it to your family member or friend and ask if it looks too cluttered.

Highlight the Right Experiences

Not sure what skills and experiences you should be featuring? Drop the text of the job description into a word cloud tool like Wordle, and see what stands out. The words with higher frequencies are what the recruiter is looking for.

Email Subject Line

When emailing your cover letter, it is even more important to be concise.

Most readers pay attention to the first paragraph when reading an email. Most will ignore the rest of the message. 2 paragraphs of which the first one consisting an introduction and second describing why you are eligible for the job is enough with a closing paragraph at the end.

You can also make your email cover letter stand out with a clear, concise email subject line.

Typically, you want to include the title of the position that you are applying for and your name. For example, Editorial Assistant - John Smith.

If possible, try to keep the meat of your subject line (specifically, the job title and your name) under 30 characters . This is about as much as people can see on their mobile devices, which is often how people check their email.

How to make cover letter length right

To understand how long can a cover letter be, imagine you need to buy a car.

Do you ever read the long literature or spend hours listening to a salesman describe the functionalities of a particular car?

You only listen to the necessary specifications matching your needs.

The same goes for a cover letter. Check out the following length of a cover letter example:

Collection Manager Credit Analyst Expert Cover Letter Example

This example shows how long a cover letter first paragraph should be, and why.

Here's another:

Product Life Cycle management Leader Cover Letter Example

Structuring your Cover Letter

First, enter your name as the largest text. Then enter your contact information:

  • Phone number
  • Email Address

After the header, start your actual cover letter.

Let us break the above example into the following steps to understand exactly how to optimize the paragraphs to make it most effective.

Also Read: How to start a cover letter?

Cover Letter Length: Salutation

The following example portrays how to write the salutation in your cover letter.

Dan Wilkins HR Manager Bro Code Limited

Cover Letter Length: 1st paragraph

Let's look at the corresponding example:

CCP & TTL1 Certified Collection Manager & Credit Analyst with a prolific 16-year track record of overseeing collection management and credit control for Fortune 500 companies. Adept at conceptualizing and implementing initiatives to drive continuous process improvement within the control and compliance framework to achieve operational excellence, I am extremely interested in the profile of Collection Manager & Credit Analysis Expert at Bro Code.

How long is a cover letter first paragraph?

It has all the elements of the first paragraph of an ideally long cover letter:

  • It starts with the certificate name
  • It displays your profile title(s)
  • It shows your years of experience
  • It substantiates your most pressing contributions
  • It then exemplifies why you are such a great fit for your target position

It's 2 sentences long with 64 words.

There is no generic element in it. It displays your genuine interest and proposes why you think you are the best candidate for the job.

And it is based on your experience. That's how you write a job-winning cover letter.

Cover Letter Length: 2nd paragraph

In my present tenure as the Assistant Manager at Accenture, I have been independently managing 11 accounts while incubating and managing a team of 15 to supervise collections from Expedia on behalf of Marriott. As the Lead at IBM UK across London, Manchester & Liverpool, I spearheaded the Cash & Collections Application team to steer process development and deliver stellar levels of customer service. In my previous role as the Process Developer at Miss Effective, I effectively executed the Green Belt project (US/London) while steering process migration for USA Business Credit Services.

How long is a cover letter second paragraph?

The second paragraph of the cover letter is slightly longer, about 93 words long.

It does not pound its chest and claims "I'm the best". Instead, it simply showcases the right numbers. Again, not a generic cover letter.

But, how do you do it?

First, read the job description very carefully. Secondly, go down memory lane and brainstorm about the times you delivered what the target job is exactly looking for.

Cover Letter Length: 3rd paragraph

I was declared a recipient of the Top Collector Award & Maintenance Award while demonstrating the capability to achieve 99% accuracy and productively managing a portfolio of USD 1.5 M per month.

How long is a cover letter third paragraph?

The hiring manager should have not stopped skimming and started reading your cover letter.

Here's why it worked:

  • It did not just say, "I like the company."
  • It proved the same, based on numbers
  • It showed your exact skills

Read their mission statement and "about us" page. Read news articles about them. Find out their philosophy on training and staff development.

In short, state the reasons why that particular organization is the dream company for you.

Cover Letter Length: 4th/5th paragraph

Let's look at the following example:

It is difficult to come away un-awed by the passion for excellence that Bro Code has displayed in its meteoric rise to become a stalwart in this domain. Despite a presence in 9 countries, it values its employees & ensures a continuous learning environment. Hence, I consider Bro Code to be my most preferred employer. Enclosed for your consideration is my resume. I’d appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my suitability and qualifications with you on call or in person.

How long is a cover letter fourth paragraph?

The fourth paragraph always entertains the nature of the organization and your reason for wanting to attend to the same. You should:

  • Read about the company before writing the concluding paragraph
  • Show eagerness for the company and the recruiter

Cover Letter Length: Signature

Always end on a sincere note as does the following example.

Sincerely, Sussane Stephens Enclosure: Resume

Ensure a sustainable gap between the text and the signature.

Still not clear about how long should a cover letter be? You may read our guide on the same.

The following is a concise guide for the same thing.

Cover Letter Infographic

Academic Cover Letter Length

An academic cover letter could run up to 2 pages.

The question - how long should a cover letter be for an academic position - enables us to rethink the scope of an academic cover letter length.

Basically, it incorporates evidence, enthusiasm, and rationale.

On a larger scale, the academic cover letter covers highlights the following:

  • Current Position
  • Research Interests/Affiliations
  • Scholarly Publications
  • Selected Awards & Honors
  • Conference Presentations/Papers
  • Invited Talks
  • Additional Publications
  • Teaching Experiences

Further, if asked, it may also encompass a "Statement Of Purpose". The SOP relates to the readers the motivation/inspiration of the candidate behind opting for the particular position he/she is seeking.

This may easily run from 750 - 1000 words.

Also Read: How to write a cover letter enclosure?

Cover Letter FAQs

How long does a cover letter need to be? Here are the common questions.

Should a cover letter be of 2 pages?

No, a cover letter should not be of 2 pages.

A cover letter that is of 2 pages violates both the definition and the parameters - a short summary of why you're the best bet for the job.

In fact, a resume can extend to 2 pages only if you possess 10+ years of experience.

Should a cover letter be of 1 page?

The best cover letter length is less than 1 page. Smart and short cover letters allow a detailed eye-time with the manager.

In fact, a long cover letter often sends the message that you are unsure about your capabilities.

Is my cover letter too lengthy?

If your cover letter is of 1 full page or longer, then it will be considered lengthy.

A 2 - 3 page length of cover letter is a waste of paper.

A cover letter consists of 3 paragraphs explaining why you're the perfect candidate for the profile you're applying for.

What should be the font size for my cover letter?

The font you use for your cover letter should be of the same font size as that of your resume.

This said, the ideal font size for both is 12 pts.

Cover letter should be 250 - 300 words long.

This is because that's the number of words that take up a little more space than half a page with 12-pt. size.

How long should a digital cover letter be?

The length of a digital cover letter should be the same as that of a paper cover letter. Mainly

  • <1 full page
  • 250-300 words
  • 3 paragraphs

The difference in an electronic cover letter would be in the address section in the starting and the subject line.

Should there be double spacing in a cover letter?

There should not be double space in a cover letter.

The line spacing of your cover letter should effectively be between 1 - 1.5.

Also, after ending each paragraph, give space of one blank line to clearly distinguish between the paragraphs.

How long should a cover letter be for an internship?

Your resume for cover should not be more than 1 page, and ideally withing 400-500 words.

The basic principle of a cover letter for an internship and a cover letter for a job is the same. The only differene is that, in internship cover letter, you need to focus more on your academics and extracarricular activities.

What length should an academic cover letter be?

Usually, an academic cover letter is called an SOP or a "Statement Of Purpose".

This can be 2 pages long - which is enough to demonstrate your:

  • research work
  • accomplishments
  • relevant accolades
  • departmental service

In general, an academic cover letter length is usually 1.5 - 2 pages long. This is about 5 - 8 paragraphs.

Does the length of a cover letter matter?

The right length of a cover letter signifies that you are able to justify your profile and highlight the most relevant experiences.

The number of interviews that you'll get very much depends on the length of your cover letter. So the question now is, how to make the cover letter of the right length?

How long does it take to write a Cover Letter?

Well, you should ideally spend 30 minutes writing a cover letter and 10 minutes proofreading it.

The examples on the page shall help you answer how long should a cover letter be.

Follow the ideal cover letter length for the most number of responses from your hiring manager.

You may also get it reviewed by industry-specific professionals at Hiration.

Key Takeaways

Here are the most important points to practice while reducing your cover letter length:

  • Limit your cover letter to half a page
  • Structure your cover letter in 3 paragraphs
  • Research about the company to ensure that the cover letter is tailored to the job listing
  • Sell Yourself Subtly
  • Be Concise to ensure that the recruiter is presented with a quick snapshot of your achievements
  • Customize the cover letter as per the profile you're targeting
  • Proofread to make sure there are no errors and mistakes
  • Limit your contact information to Phone number, Email Address & location

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

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  • How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

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Why Include a Cover Letter

Email cover letter length, cover letter word count, use a concise subject line, how to format a cover letter.

Cover letters are an important part of the  job application process . You should  almost always send a cover letter  with a job application unless the hiring manager specifically asks you not to.

However, one thing that is less clear is how long your cover letter should be. If it is too short, employers might think you do not care much about the job. If it is too long, employers might not take the time to read your letter and may not consider you for an interview.

Read below for more advice on how long your cover letter should be, as well as additional advice on writing a strong cover letter.

Should you include a cover letter with your resume? Some employers  require cover letters , and you can find out if they do by reading the job posting. If a cover letter is required, the job advertisement will mention it.

Jobvite's Recruiter Nation Survey reports that only 27% of recruiters said that cover letters are important in their hiring decisions, up from 8% in 2017. A CareerBuilder survey reports that 40% of human resources managers responded that a cover letter would help an applicant get noticed.

Cover letter requirements vary between employers, industries, and the jobs the organization is filling. They also vary depending on whether you're sending an email cover letter, sending a printed letter attachment, or uploading your document.

Even when a cover letter isn't required, it can boost your chances of getting hired if you include one when you apply for a job.

Therefore, only leave out a cover letter when the employer specifically asks you not to send one.

How Long Should Your Cover Letter Be?

Should you keep your cover letter short, or should it be a full page or even longer? Your cover letter should be no longer than one page. If you're sending an email letter, it can be even shorter.

In fact, as far as how long your cover letter should be, shorter is better. The exception would be when an employer requests a letter that's a specific length or number of words.

  • Your cover letter should be a maximum of one page, and shorter than that for an email cover letter.
  • Some employers want even less. A Saddleback College survey reported that almost 70% of employers wanted a cover letter of a half page or shorter, 20% had no preference, and 12% expected a full page letter.

Your letter should concisely highlight your most relevant qualifications for the job and what you have to offer the employer.

When sending an  email cover letter , it's even more important to be concise. The first paragraph is what readers pay attention to when reading an email. The rest of the message is typically skimmed. Two paragraphs—one that serves as an introduction, and one that explains your qualification for the job—and then a closing is sufficient.

There is no specific word count you should aim for when writing a cover letter (unless the employer gives you a specific word count). Instead of focusing on the number of words, focus on making your cover letter one page or less, with a readable font and font size, and enough white space between paragraphs and in the margins.

Your goal is to  highlight your most relevant qualifications for the job , not to repeat everything that's on your resume.

However, if you use a 12-point font, a full page letter, not including the heading or signature, would be approximately 250 to 400 words.

You might want to hand a printed out version of your cover letter to a friend or family member and ask them if the letter seems too wordy, or too difficult to read.

You can also make your email cover letter stand out with a clear, concise email  subject line . Typically, you want to include the title of the position that you are applying for and your name. For example: Editorial Assistant-John Smith (try to keep it less than 30 characters).

This is about as much as people can see on their mobile devices, which is often how people check their email.

Just as important as the length of your cover letter is the  format . You will want to choose a  font  that is simple and legible (such as Arial, Calibri, Verdana, or Times New Roman) in a readable font size (typically 12 point).

Your  letter should include the following:

  • Heading (hard copy letter)
  • Introductory Paragraph
  • Your Qualifications (one to three paragraphs or a list of bullet points)
  • Signature (include your contact information in your signature when sending an email letter)

Your  margins  should be 1-inch all around, with the text aligned to the left.

You also want to leave space between paragraphs in your cover letter , as well as between your salutation and the text (and between your text and the signature), so that your letter is easy to read.

A good rule of thumb is that you always want a  good amount of white space on the paper . This will prevent your letter from looking too cluttered and difficult to read.

Jobvite. " Recruiter Nation Survey ," page 19. Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.

CareerBuilder. " How to Create a Cover Letter That Gets Attention ." Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.

CareerOneStop. " Write Effective Cover Letters ." Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.

Saddleback College. " Your Resume is Your 1st Interview ." Accessed Jan. 3, 2022.

The Future World of Work

How Long Should A Cover Letter Be? Can It Be Two Pages?

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

Last updated: April 25, 2024

Attaching a cover letter to your resume is the quickest way to draw the hiring manager’s attention. However, there has been a dispute over how long it should be. Some suggest keeping it short and simple, with only 3-4 sentences. Others pack their letters with as much detail as possible, which can stretch for pages.

How Long Should A Cover Letter Be

Where should yours fit into that spectrum? Let me share some of my tips regarding the ideal cover letter length, drawn from my own experiences as both a job seeker and a hiring manager.

In this article:

How long does a cover letter have to be .

Your cover letter should be concise and to the point, aiming for a length between half a page and a full page (translated roughly to 250-400 words ).

Less than half a page (250 words) might not provide enough information for the prospective employer to understand your qualifications and compatibility for the role. Worse, you might come across as uninspired or lacking genuine interest in the position .

A rambling letter (more than 400 words) is not a good idea, either. 

Example of a Cover Letter

We all know hiring managers and recruiters are busy people; your long letter might be skimmed or not read entirely, and the most important information will get buried in unnecessary details. The team not only misses out on all your key qualifications but also has a bad impression with the clear lack of focus in your writing style. 

Good news: there are still some exceptions. In some technical fields, your experience or qualifications might be complex and require more explanation. 

Hence, a slightly longer letter (up to 1.5 pages) could be justified if it provides crucial details relevant to the position. Ensure the extra content adds significant value, and be careful not to go longer than 2 pages; that would be excessive. 

How To Keep Your Effective Cover Letter In One Page

1. be concise with your cover letter introduction.

You should aim for 2 to 4 sentences with your opening. Start with a short yet powerful statement demonstrating your interest in the position; you can mention how you came across the opportunity or what excites you about the company.

Next, briefly mention a specific aspect of the job posting or the company that resonates with your relevant skills and experience level. If relevant, consider including a quantifiable achievement from your previous role that can back up this value proposition.

And that’s it. Now, conclude your opening and transition smoothly into the body of your letter. Do not let the introduction overstay its welcome. 

2. Cut Out What Your Resume Has Already Covered

A perfect cover letter and an amazing-looking resume are two parts of a powerful package, but they serve different purposes. The resume is a detailed list of your skills and experience level. Your cover letter, however, should focus on how those skills and experience benefit the potential employer .

Hence, do not just restate all your skills from your resume . The cover letter should connect the dots between your relevant experience (mentioned in your resume) and the specific job requirements you’re applying for. If there’s a stellar achievement mentioned in the resume that could be elaborated further with more details, do so in your cover letter. 

3. Cut Out The Fluff

A well-organized, concise cover letter should showcase your communication skills. Fluff only dilutes the impact of your message with unnecessary words or phrases and barely adds any value to your proposition.

Here are three simple yet powerful tips I have used for my own cover letters in earlier days: 

  • Never use unsubstantiated claims like “I’m a highly motivated individual with excellent skills.”
  • Replace phrases like “in order to” or “due to the fact that” with simpler alternatives like “to” or “because.”
  • Stay away from generic descriptive sentences of your skills. Instead, use specific examples to showcase them in action.

Let’s take a look at some cover letter examples:

Fluff: “I am a highly motivated individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills during everyday tasks.”

Clearer: “My proven communication skills enabled me to…” (Demonstrates skill with an example)

Fluff: “In my previous role, I was responsible for managing social media campaigns and successfully increased brand awareness.”

Clearer: “ I spearheaded social media campaigns that increased brand awareness by 20%.” (Focuses on achievement with a quantifiable result)

3. No More Than One Adjective Or Adverb For Each Sentence

Adjectives and adverbs might add some nuance to your letter writing, but overuse makes your entire cover letter feel bloated and difficult to read. My advice is to rely less on them and gravitate more towards verbs and nouns: 

  • Use action verbs that showcase your skills and achievements in action. These verbs can convey meaning effectively on their own without additional adverbs.
  • Choose specific nouns that paint the whole picture and eliminate the need for descriptive adjectives.
  • Write in an active voice for clear and concise sentences. (e.g., “I increased sales by 15%” is stronger than “Sales were increased by 15%” ).

Some stellar cover letter templates:

Original: “I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong work ethic.” (2 adverbs, 2 adjectives)

Revised: “I consistently achieve results through my dedication and strong work ethic.” (1 adverb, 1 adjective)

Original: “I successfully managed a team of ten very talented and creative designers in a fast-paced environment.” (3 adverbs, 2 adjectives)

Revised: “I led a ten-person design team and delivered creative projects on time despite the time pressure.” (1 adverb, 1 adjective)

4. Be Selective; No More Than Two Examples

Hiring managers prefer in-depth details about 1-2 impactful achievements than a long list of generic examples that lack depth.

You should carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and experiences they are looking for. Then, from your list of accomplishments on the resume, choose the ones that best demonstrate the skills highlighted in that description. 

Two golden strategies to keep in mind:

  • Choose examples from more recent positions that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for, as they showcase your current skills and knowledge.
  • Consider examples that demonstrate the scope and complexity of your work. The manager would be impressed with how you handled challenging tasks and contributed to the company’s vision.

Extra Tips For A Well-Written Cover Letter

Write A Cover Letter

Aligning your tone builds a bridge between you and the company culture and makes you seem like a great fit.

From my experience, a company website is your goldmine. The “About Us” section typically outlines the company’s mission, values, and what it stands for. It would help if you also looked for employee testimonials or “Company Culture” pages to get a closer look at the team dynamics . 

Social media is another option, especially popular platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn.

Most importantly, observe the writing style of the posts: 

  • Suppose the company culture leans formal; mirror that in your own writing. Use complete sentences with proper grammar and avoid slang or informal language.
  • For a more casual company culture, you can inject a bit more personality into your letter without losing professionalism. However, overly casual language is still out of the question.

Do You Need A Cover Letter If The Job Description Says It’s Not Required? 

In most cases, submitting a cover letter is still a good idea, even if the job description says it’s not required. 

A compelling cover letter can set you apart from the rest of the candidate pool (especially if many choose not to submit one), allowing you to showcase your communication skills and genuine interest in the job. 

Plus, as I said earlier, the paper cover letter acts like a bridge that connects the dots between your basic qualifications (mentioned in the resume) and the company’s needs.

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Keep your professional cover letter to one page, maybe stretching to one and a half at most (the letter word count: 250 to over 400). Going over two pages might hurt your chances rather than increase them! Write to me if you need more advice on the contents of the cover letter.

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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Releases 07 Aug 2024

WADA statement on Reuters story exposing USADA scheme in contravention of World Anti-Doping Code

An athlete is running on the running track.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) responds to a Reuters story of 7 August 2024 exposing a scheme whereby the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) allowed athletes who had doped, to compete for years, in at least one case without ever publishing or sanctioning their anti-doping rule violations, in direct contravention of the World Anti-Doping Code and USADA’s own rules. 

This USADA scheme threatened the integrity of sporting competition, which the Code seeks to protect. By operating it, USADA was in clear breach of the rules. Contrary to the claims made by USADA, WADA did not sign off on this practice of permitting drug cheats to compete for years on the promise that they would try to obtain incriminating evidence against others. 

Within the Code there is a provision whereby an athlete who provides substantial assistance can subsequently apply to have a proportion of their period of ineligibility suspended. However, there is a clear process for that, which does not involve allowing those who have cheated to continue to compete while they may or may not gather incriminating evidence against others and while they could retain a performance-enhancement effect from the substances they took. When WADA eventually found out about this non-compliant practice in 2021, many years after it had started, it immediately instructed USADA to desist. 

WADA is now aware of at least three cases where athletes who had committed serious anti-doping rule violations were allowed to continue to compete for years while they acted as undercover agents for USADA, without it notifying WADA and without there being any provision allowing such a practice under the Code or USADA’s own rules. 

In one case, an elite level athlete, who competed at Olympic qualifier and international events in the United States, admitted to taking steroids and EPO yet was permitted to continue competing all the way up to retirement. Their case was never published, results never disqualified, prize money never returned, and no suspension ever served. The athlete was allowed to line up against their unknowing competitors as if they had never cheated. In that case, when USADA eventually admitted to WADA what had been going on, it advised that any publication of consequences or disqualification of results would put the athlete’s security at risk and asked WADA to agree to non-publication. Being put in this impossible position, WADA had no choice but to agree (after verifying with its Intelligence and Investigations Department that the security threat was credible). The athlete’s doping was therefore never made public. 

In another case of a high-level athlete, USADA never notified WADA of its decision to lift an athlete’s provisional suspension, which is an appealable decision, despite being required to do so under the Code. Had WADA been notified, it would never have allowed this. 

How must other athletes feel knowing they were competing in good faith against those who were known by USADA to have cheated? It is ironic and hypocritical that USADA cries foul when it suspects other Anti-Doping Organizations are not following the rules to the letter while it did not announce doping cases for years and allowed cheats to carry on competing, on the off chance they might help them catch other possible violators. WADA wonders if the USADA Board of Directors, which governs USADA, or U.S. Congress, which funds it, knew about this non-compliant practice that not only undermined the integrity of sporting competition but also put the co-operating athletes’ security at risk.  

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  • Celebrity Weddings

Jana Duggar Marries Stephen Wissmann in 'Elegant' Arkansas Wedding: 'I Prayed for This for Years' (Exclusive)

The eldest Duggar daughter, 34, tied the knot with Wissmann during a "simple, classic" ceremony in front of 500 guests in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, on Aug. 15

Jana Duggar finally had her "dream come true" wedding!

The Counting On alum, 34, who is the eldest Duggar daughter , married Stephen Wissmann, 31, in Prairie Grove, Ark., on Thursday, Aug. 15, in a "classic, elegant" ceremony.

The pair, who got engaged on June 15, exchanged traditional vows at The Grand at Willow Springs in front of 500 guests. Jessa Duggar Seewald served as the bride's maid of honor, while her sister-in-law, Abbie Duggar , and sisters Joy-Anna Forsyth , Johannah Duggar, Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Jordyn Duggar were bridesmaids.

"I think it is one of those things that all girls envision someday," Jana told PEOPLE of her wedding two days before the celebration. "For me, it felt like, 'Okay, it's never coming.' But now it's starting to sink in. Reality is starting to set in. And I'm like, 'Wow, this truly is something that I've dreamed of.' And just to see it coming about is incredible and kind of hard to believe. It's a dream come true."

Darian Kaia Photography

Jana walked down the aisle to "Holy, Holy, Holy" in an off-the-shoulder ivory satin ball gown with her dad Jim Bob Duggar . "The dress felt classy and a bit like a princess," Jana says.

As for decor at their affair, the couple wanted to keep it simple.

"The venue is already so gorgeous and picturesque that I didn't want to take too much from that," Jana says. "The guys will be in black suits, the girls in champagne-colored dresses, and then just white flowers and greenery."

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When planning their mega nuptials, the pair's biggest priority was incorporating their loved ones.

"Coming from two bigger families (Wissmann is one of 13 siblings), we love to be able to get together and celebrate moments like these," says Jana. "And so to have all of them there, it just means a lot."

Following the couple's traditional vows and lighting of the unity candle, they joined their 500 guests at the reception for a dinner prepared by the groom's family of chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls and coleslaw. "Because we're doing an evening wedding, I envisioned this more formal, sit-down dinner," says Jana. "The Wissmann's are incredible cooks. They're going to do a full spread and they've been working on it. I'm like, 'Just do it. I trust y'all. Y'all making amazing food.' "

For dessert, the bride and groom cut into a three-tier cake with lemon raspberry filling, which was served alongside cupcakes. One of Jana's brother-in-laws served as emcee during the post-wedding festivities and hosted interactive games and activities for guests. After heartfelt toasts, the newlyweds shared their first dance before Jana tossed her bouquet into the crowd.

Wissmann, who lives in Nebraska with his parents and siblings, first connected with Jana years ago through their families.

"[The Wissmann's] would travel and sing. I remember them coming to our home, probably 13 or so years ago and they ended up getting snowed-in here, which hardly ever happens in Arkansas," recalls Jana.

"I remember just playing games late into the night, doing puzzles together until the snow melted off, and they were able to travel back home. I don't really remember Stephen that well because I'm older than him and so he was not at all on my radar."

A few years ago they crossed paths again and dated briefly before going their separate ways. Despite breaking things off, they remained in touch and "talked to each other on and off over the years." Around the same time, Jana's brother Jeremiah Duggar married Wissmann's sister Hannah.

It wasn't until earlier this year, when Jana and Wissmann reconnected again for a final time. "It was like, 'What are we doing? We still enjoy each other. We still really appreciate each other,' " she recalls.

Jana admits she had her guard up when it came to falling in love, but Wissmann proved he was the one.

"I had been a slower mover on it, but just over time, his character, his coming back, still loving me no matter what," she says. "I know we have a big crazy family and still kind of putting up with a lot of things. I'm like, my goodness, there are not too many people that do that. He must really, genuinely care about me."

She continues: "It takes me a bit to open up, but I think just his continuing to be there, no matter what, through ups and downs. He's been a good friend over the years and has not pressured me in a lot of ways."

Still, she admits watching her younger siblings get married before her hasn't always been easy. Eleven of her total 18 brothers and sisters are already married.

"I'm just like, 'What is it? Is it me? Do I have a problem?' I know I've prayed for this for years and years and definitely been like, 'What's the matter? Why can't I just...' all of my siblings, most of them have been married in their early 20s," she says. "By far, I am the oldest. So it has been disheartening at times."

The Duggar Family/Instagram

Jana adds: "I've tried to look at the positive, yet you long for that person, that someone that you can spend life with. It has been hard, but it has been good and God's taught me a lot through it all."

Now newlyweds, the pair is excited to embark on their next chapter together and finally be in the same state. Jana plans to move to Nebraska after the wedding where she'll live with Wissmann, who works in the irrigation system install business along with sandblasting and painting. "It's great. We've been working, he has a little house we bought that we've been fixing up and getting pulled together, and so that's been fun," says Jana.

As she reflects on her path to finding true love, Jana says her faith has always gotten her through.

"I haven't always understood what the bigger picture is, but I know that God knows what is best for all of us. And so for me, it's getting married later," she says. "Each of our stories will be written differently. If we were all the exact same, it would be a boring life. So I think it's neat how God orchestrates."

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Kamala Harris Isn’t Giving Interviews. Any Questions?

Critics say the vice president has been too cautious with the press. Her supporters think it’s the right strategy at the right time.

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Kamala Harris entering a room, with a crowd of photographers and reporters waiting for her.

By Michael M. Grynbaum

Michael Grynbaum has covered the interactions between presidential candidates and the news media since 2016.

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The press has questions for Vice President Kamala Harris. She isn’t giving a whole lot of answers.

In the nearly three weeks since President Biden withdrew his candidacy, catapulting Ms. Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket, the vice president has shown little eagerness to meet journalists in unscripted settings. She has not granted an interview or held a news conference. On Thursday, after a rally in Michigan, she held her first “gaggle” — an impromptu Q.-and-A. session — with reporters covering her campaign.

It lasted 70 seconds.

Ms. Harris replaced a Democratic nominee who has hosted fewer White House news conferences than any president since Ronald Reagan. Now she is taking a similarly cautious approach, relying on televised rallies and prepared statements amid a tightly controlled rollout of her candidacy.

Asked on Thursday if she might sit for an interview anytime soon, Ms. Harris suggested that she would get through the convention first. “I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month,” she said, as aides signaled to the scrum of journalists that question time was over.

Ms. Harris’s lack of engagement with the media has become a constant rallying cry on the political right, with Republican critics and Fox News stars accusing the vice president of ducking scrutiny. The Harris campaign says it is being thoughtful about how best to deploy its message, and to introduce a new candidate to crucial voters in battleground states.

David Axelrod, the architect of former President Barack Obama’s winning campaigns, believes that Ms. Harris — who on Thursday said she had agreed to a prime-time debate on Sept. 10 with her opponent, former President Donald J. Trump — was trying to strike a balance.

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